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Avatars 3rd ESO Bil. 23-24.pdf
My avatar is called John. He is 14 years old.Usually he wears a blue jacket and
brown pants. He has got a 12 year-old sister called Susan. He likes playing
football or tennis a lot and his favourite subject is chemistry. His favourite
food is fish and chips,an English typical food.
By Alejandro
Her name is Celia, her surnames are F. A. and she´s 14 years old.
She´s brunette, her eyes are dark brown and her hair too. She´s
medium height and thin. Her hobbies are playing handball, listening
to music, reading books and skiing in winter. Her favourite things are
spending time with her family, hanging out wiht her friends, playing
handball matches, watching football and handball matches,
searching for information about singers and their nexts songs,
playing with her pets, seeing documentals about animals and a TV
series called “It Happened in the Emergency Room”. She´s a little bit
latecomer, intelligent, brave, kind and very foolish. She loves her
family because they have very good relation between them. She likes
Christmas, her birthday and Halloween so much. In summer she and
her family always go to a hotel in Galicia at the same time as their
friends from Madrid, because Claudia (the daughter) and Celia only
see each other two or three times a year and they are really good
By Celia
Hello! My name is Daniel G. and I´m going to write about my doppelme character:
His name is Francisco, he is using a wheelchair because last week he broke his leg playing
Francisco´s parents are called Lucía and Luis. He has got a younger sister called Alba, she
loves playing with her friends.
Francisco loves to play football, he thinks that football is the best sport in the world,
because it is fun and healthy. His favourite football team is Real Madrid, he would LOVE to
play there one day.
Francisco also likes playing videogames like Fortnite, GTA, and many more.
Fran doesn´t like horror movies, but he likes war movies... Actually he doesn´t really like
going to the cinema, he prefers spending time with his family.
Francisco has got many friends, but his best friend is Alberto. They´re best friends because
they like doing the same things.
Fran measures 1.70 meters, and he weighs 52 kilograms. He is a very healthy person. He has
got brown hair and green eyes. He is very strong and fast. He is 14 years old.
Francisco is very kind and friendly despite getting angry easily. He loves to play outside with
his friends.
Fran is in love with a girl of his class, her name is Sofía. Sofía is very kind, but, sadly, she
doesn´t like Francisco, because she thinks he is too popular.
Fran is a very good student, he is the best at everything.
He was born in Mijas, Málaga, Spain. Mijas is a very pretty town. He loves his hometown.
So basically this is Francisco’s life. Bye!!
This is Pancracio. He is 40 years old and lives in French Guiana. He is
short, exactly 1 meter and 60 centimeters and he is strong. Pancracio is
very friendly, but can get angry easily. He likes to play golf with his friends
at the weekend, play football with his friends on Mondays and play other
sports because Pancracio likes all sports. He also plays the bass in a salsa
band. Pancracio is married and has four children aged 5, 8, 14 and 15.
Their names are Jose luis, Miguel, Esteban and Gérard.
By Daniel O.
The avatar’s name is Tomás , his birthday is on the third of August , he is
16 years old . He has blue eyes , brown hair , he is tall , he is dressed in a
black jacket , red trousers and black shoes . He lives in Chicago , with his
mother and father , he has two sisters . His hobbies are drawing and
reading . He loves boxing and he is very good at it . He has won three
competitions in the United States. He also likes cars.
By Daniela
His name is Bryan, he is 14 years old and he lives in Vega de Valencia.
Physically, he is not very athletic but he likes sports so much, he is
short and thin, one of his hobbies is playing soccer with his friends
and going to the beach. In the future he plans to be a pilot but he
knows that it is very hard to pass all the tasks required.
He has one sister and one brother, so he has to do many tasks at
home because they are 5 and they need to help their parents, he
thinks that he is kind because he almost always helps his parents and
his friends with some tasks or just helping them.
This saturday he had a soccer competition with all his friends and
they won the soccer tournament, they had a very nice day, they
celebrated with all their families and they had a very good time
together. Bryan is going to use that to have more motivation when
studying or doing anything else that looks hard to him.
By David D.
His name is Ahmed Barrios García,
he´s 14.
He has dark complexion with
brown eyes and voluminous hair.
He likes to dress in comfortable but
not usually cheap clothes.
He loves hanging out with his
friends and playing video games
and football. In fact, he is quite
good at football, he has been
called from good teams, such as
Real Sporting de Gijón, Manchester
City or Arsenal.
When he grows up, it is clear to him that he is going to get into the , but he doesn´t know if he
is going to go with the Spanish or the Ghana team because his mother and his sister are from
Ghana, but his father is Spanish so he can choose.
The only condition that his parents set for him to be able to go to a big team and National
Team is that he needs to improve his marks in class because he has repeated 3 grades (He is
still in primary education.
By David L.
He´s name is Lucas. He is twenty eight years old. He
has dark complexion with black, short and straight
hair and grey eyes. He also has a long black
moustache. He isn´t very tall, he is one meter and
sixty five centimeters tall. He is so strong because
he does a lot of sport especially running and going
to the gym. He loves reading too, mainly books of
wars and science fiction. His favourite color is blue
and his favourite food is pasta or rice. He is careful
with food but from time to time he eats pizza or
other fast food that he loves. Lucas doesn´t like
films because he always falls asleep in the middle of
them. He is a serious and loving person. His father is
from Brazil and his mother from Peru but he was
born in UK. He is a nice person.
By Diego
Her name is Laura and she is 15 years old. She has no
siblings, but she has a cousin who is younger than her.
In her free time, she does sports, plays tennis and does
rhythmic gymnastics, but when she's not doing sports she
really likes going out with her friends.
She has brown hair, brown eyes and short hair, she is not
very tall, she is wearing a purple sweater and white jeans.
She is polite, her favourite colour is green,her favourite
food is meat, she only drinks water because it is the only
drink she likes. She loves going out with her friends, skiing
and when she grows up, she wants to be a teacher.
By Emma
He is Sir Arthur, he’s sixty two years old, he has
long white hair, blue eyes and he’s tall.
He likes wearing elegant clothes, he’s friendly,
intelligent, sage and gentle.
He likes to play chess and cards with his friends
and drinking coffee in his favourite café.
He is married to a lady called Elisabeth, he’s got
one sister called Emma, two sons called Mathew
and Cristiano and he’s got two grandchildren
called Jude and Jobe.
By Fausto
He is Gael, he is 13 years old.
He doesn’t like doing sport, because it’s boring for
him, he likes to play videogames and watch the F1,
because it is his favourite sport.
He has an older sister and also lives with his
parents, his aunt and his grandfather.
By Gael
His name is Hugo.He is 11 years old. He is tall
and quite strong for his age.He has got short
straight fair hair and beautiful green eyes.He
isn´t shy at all, he is an outgoing and fun
child who loves making friends and having a
nice time.
In his spare time, he plays football in a team.
He trains twice a week and plays a football
match every Saturday.He also loves playing in
the park and he plays the saxophone once a
He lives in a beautiful modern house with our
parents and me. Besides, he enjoys spending
time with his pets, so he usually walks his dog
around the house.
He has always wanted to visit Disneyland in
Paris and he thinks that our parents will give
us a surprise very soon.
By Graciela
He is Bob.
He is 36 years old, he has 2 daugthers and 2 sons. His wife is Caroline, she is 34 years old.
His hair is pink, it is an unisual stroke on people, his eyes are brown and he is not very tall.
He is very sincere, is very intelligent and good fun.
Bob likes reading books, football, playing the drums, cooking and playing with his children and
wife Caroline.
Now, he is going to his work, he works in a very big business, he earns a lot of money, so, he
lives in the centre of New York, but he lived in Huston, Madrid, London, Tokio…
He studied at the university in Washintong DC, there, he met Rachel, his ex wife, in 2014, he
met Caroline, and he left Rachel, now he is very happy with his life.
By Llara
His name is Mark. He is 16 years old, he was
born on the first of October, and he lives in San
Francisco; he has short and brown hair; he has
brown eyes, and he has an average height. He
is adventurous, friendly, and very funny. In his
free me, he likes to play the guitar, play
basketball, and hang out with his friends. He
has one sister call Vanya, who is 6 years old,
and a brother called Timothy, who is 14 years
old, his mother’s name is Elizabeth, and he is
40 years old, and his father Joe is 39 years old.
This school year, he thinks that it will be be er
than other years, because he prac sed a lot of
Spanish (which he was too bad at), because he
went to Spain.
Made by Lucas C. 3ºA
Her name is Cloe, she´s 14 years old, she has blond hair, blue eyes, and
she has dark skin complexion, she isn´t very tall. She is fun, she always
makes happy the people she has around, she talks a lot, and she is so
extrovert. She likes playing tennis, she usually goes to the sports center
near her house, she loves travelling.
Now, in the picture, we can see that she is on a beach, she is in Mallorca,
on her vacations, she goes with her parents and her two sisters, she is the
youngest one. When she grows up, she wants to be like her sisters,
because they have good marks and get their objectives.
She loves the color orange, and she has two cats, but her favourite animal
are lions. Her big dreams is travelling with her best friend Ana, around the
By Maialen
She is a young girl, not very tall, she has her hair tied up in a
ponytail with a pink rubber band, her hair is brown. On his
face there is an expression of a small smile, he has thin
eyebrows, large green eyes and full lips. He has a vest with
purple buttons, pants that match the white suit, and purple
Manuela. 3ºD
Description of an avatar.
Her name is Rose and she’s15 years old.
She lives in an apartment in a quiet
town near Pola de Siero.
She’s tall and thin.
She’s wearing a pink t-shirt,
turquoise pants with pink hearths,
and navy blue beach sneakers.
She is happy and friendly and
very empathetic.
In her free time, she likes to read,
write adventure and fantasy stories,
listen to music and be with her
Her favourite song is Halo
by Beyonce and her favourite subject
is French.
When she grows up she
wants to be a primary school teacher
because she loves children.
By María
I want to introduce you to Pablo. Pablo is from
Spain and he is 14 years old. He is a fun,
extroverted and very nice person. He is very tall
and athletic and really likes to go running with his
father. He has a brother and 7 cousins. He is one
of my best friends. I'm sure you'll like him a lot.
By Mario
Hi! I´m going to describe my friend Mateo. His is 14 years old and he studies in 3rd grade at the
high school. Phisically, he is thin and a tall, he has brown hair and his skin colour is the same
his eyes. He is a kind person, is also very empathic but he is also a lazy person. In his free me
he usually plays football, hangs out with his friends and fishes with is father. There are 5
members in his family: his father, his mother, an older brother, a cat and him.
By Mateo B.
His name is Manolo, he is seventy years old, he was born
on 14th
January, 1953, in England.
He has short and white hair, and blue eyes.
He is cool, modern, and friendly. In his free me, he likes
to make videos for his YouTube channel. He also enjoys
watching football matches, his favourite team is
Barcelona FC and he always watches its matches.
He has a sister who is sixty-three years old. He doesn´t
have parents, because they died long me ago. He also
has one niece called María, who is thirty-five years old.
In his streams he plays sports videogames and talks
about news related to sports. He is the most watched
streamer in the world, and he is the oldest too.
Made by Mateo C. 3 A
Gary Oak is a 35 year-old man, He lives in Switzerland, in
a city called Lausana. He has brown hair, he measures one
meter seventy-eight , wheigs sixty five kilos and he has
blue eyes. He´s a kind person and very tidy. He´s a vet and
he loves animals epecially turtles, he has a pet turtle.
His family is made up of by his big brother,his little
brother and his parents. His hobbies are playing tennis
and staying with his friends. His favourite food is pasta
and his favourite drink is coffee. He likes films and TV
By Miguel
This is Poppy, and she's 16 years old. She has long curly hair, and
brown eyes. She is very friendly, kind and empathic. She loves to
surf and paint. She also likes spending time with her friends and
family. She lives with her two brothers in Australia. She wants to
be a professional surfer, as her mom was. She has a dog called
Rocky, and he's a border collie. Before Rocky, she had a pitbull
called Spot, but he died three years ago, when he was 18 years
By Nora O.
•Her name is Panocha, she is 31 years old and
she lives in Manhattan (New York), with her
parents and her brtother. Panocha has got long
red curly hair, and blue eyes, her skin is light and
her lips are thin. She has also got small toes and
•She works in a library because she loves
reading, in particular romantic and adventure
books, of course she likes watching TV but she
prefers reading. She also works at a DVD shop at
weekends, not just to save a little bit more money,
it’s because she loves listening to music, her
favourite music group is Queen (a music group
from the 70’s) so she sometimes buys a DVD
•She loves sports and that’s why she goes
running to a park near her home on Sundays
afternoons. She would also like to play tennis
although she hasn’t got enough time to do it.
• Panocha‘s hobbies are painting while she is
listening to music and going scuba diving in
summer, when she goes to the beach with her
•She travels to a new country every summer on
holiday and she would like to visit Spain.
Created by: Nora V. 3°D
The avatar is called Thomas and he is 16 years
old. He is from Munich and he studies in the
Munich high school. He has one sister and
one brother. They are called Johann, who is
12 years old, and Angela, who is 8 years old.
His father is called Albert and his mother is
called Kathrin. In the photograph he is with
headphones in the street. He is wearing a red
and white T-shirt, blue shorts and brown
boots. He has brown eyes and brown hair. He
is fun, extrovert, tall and thin.
By Olai D.
His name is Jose , he is 24 years old , he measures 1.90 meters , he is a very friendly and tidy person,
he likes to play futbol and on weekends he goes out with friends , he lives with his 2 brothers
because their parents died when he was 18 years old and he takes care of his brothers.
By Omar
He is Agustin is a USA soldier in Afghanistan.
He lives in Spain and is 37 years old. Agustin has two sons Mario and
He lives in his house with his sons and her mother
Agustin`s favourite sport is football, his favourite food is Spanish
omelette, he loves to go fishing with her sons and go to the beach with
By Pablo
Her name is Marta, she is 14 years old. She has a little
brother and sister older than her.
Her hobbies are painting and dancing. Her favourite
colours are orange and blue.
She has dark hair and green eyes. She is wearing a white
t-shirt and black pants. She is not tall. Her best friend is
Laura and she is 14 years old. Her favourite food is pasta
and her favourite drink is water,she doesn't like beans or
soft drinks. She loves going to the beach in summer with
her friends and surfing.
By Paula F.
My avatar is called Olivia, she is 15 years old.
She is tall, she has long straight blond hair and green eyes, she is tall and slim, she is a happy and
kind person she loves to help people.
In her free me, she likes to listen to music, go swimming and go for a walk, she also loves
watching sunsets, spending me with her friends and reading. She loves books. She also loves
going shopping.
She lives in Madrid, Spain with her mother, her grandparents live in London, and she spends the
summer with them. She has an orange cat called Whiskers.
She also has a best friend called Alicia, she has known her since they were 5 and they love to do
all sorts of things together.
In the future, Alicia hopes to be a police officer, just like her mum.
Her favourite subject is Maths and English and her least favourite subject is Art. Her favourite
season of the year is winter, and her favourite holiday is Christmas, her favourite colour is purple.
By Paula R.
Avatar descripton
His name is Ricardo, he is 14 years old. He´s tall, he has short brown
hair and blue eyes. He is very fun, kind, friendly and a little silly. He
likes videogames volleyball and discussing with friends about themes
they like. He lives with his only sister, his mum, dad and
grandmother, he’d rather stay in home instead of going outside, but
if his friends asked him to, he would do it.
By Pedro
Her name is Alexandra, she is 14 years old and she lives in Vancouver, the capital of British Columbia,
which is located on the outskirts of the city.
She is medium height and very thin. She has long, straight and blond hair. Her face is round, with big
green eyes. She has a small nose, with a spot in it. She has a big mouth, with a beautiful smile. She
has to wear glasses, but she prefers wearing contact lenses because she doesn't like the way her
glasses look on her.
Her way of dressing is simple. She usually wears T-shirts, in any colour, leather jackets and trousers,
shorts or skirts. She usually wears boots, but sometimes, she prefers wearing sports shoes. Now, she
is wearing a white T-shirt, a blue jacket, a black skirt and light blue boots.
She is very intelligent and hard-working. She is very sociable, she really likes to talk and meet new
people. She has lots of friends, and whenever she can, she likes hanging out with them for a walk.
The worst thing Alexandra has, it that she gets angry easily, as when we make her a prank that she
doesn´t like.
She loves reading books related to love and drama. She also plays curling, a famous sport in Canada.
And the thing that she really loves, is listening to music. She listens to all kinds of music, such us rap,
classical music, electronic music, reggaeton, etc. She always carries the headphones that her mother
gave her for her birthday, 4 years ago.
By Ruth
His name is Rodrigo. He is a 17 year-old boy. He has got red
hair,brown eyes and a black beard. He is 1.85m. tall. He is wearing a
white T-shirt, blue shots and grey shoes. He plays videogames. His
hobbies are: videogames, football, drawing and studying. He is a
football player. He plays with the Sporting de Gijón.He has got a
mother, father, a sister anda brother.
He studies in ‘IES Escultor Juan de Villanueva’. He is in 2nd
baccalaureate and he is studying economy. He lives in Pola Siero. He
has a group of friends and he goes out on Fridays.
By Samuel
This woman in the picture is called Julia. She is 34 years old and she loves any
type of animals. In fact, she is now a vet. She has both light brown hair and
eyes. Her skin is very light and in my opinion, she is very beatiful. She wears
glasses because she can´t see from afar. She is wearing a Pink T-shirt, a nice
white skirt and a pair os dark grey shoes. She is generous and she tries to help
everyone. She is very clever, since she has never failed. When she was at high
school, she studied almost four hours every day! Since she was a child, she has
loved animals, and his dream was to become a vet. After a lot of effort and
dedication, she has achieved it. Thanks to all of this information, we can say
she is a hardworking person and she never gives up. Her parents are very
proud of her. His father is called David and his mother is Emma. They are both
63 years old and they love animals, too. Julia married his husband Hugo 4 years
ago, and last year, they had a baby whose name is Rodrigo. All the family is
very athletic and once a month they go on trekking. Julia thinks she has a very
good life, so she lives happy all the time.
By Sara
AVATAR: By Silvia P. 3rd
Hello, her name is Emily and she is 28 years old. She has
long brown hair, blue eyes, a small nose and she is 1.75 m
tall. She is generous, polite, friendly and reliable. Her
birthday is on 24th of June. She lives in a flat in New York,
United States and she works in New York Presbyterian
Hospital. She is a nurse. Her hobbies are going to Starbucks
to have a coffee, reading books and watching horror films.
Her favourite color is green and her favourite food are fish
and chips. She loves sports and she plays tennis with her
best friend Charlotte. She has two dogs called Toby and
Storm. She doesn´t have any brothers or sisters but she has
one cousin. His name is Paul and he is 20 years old. He lives
in California and he studies at Stanford University. Emily
also has two grandmothers and one grandfather whose
names are Alice, Sophia and Harry. In her free time, she
loves travelling to other countries and meeting new people
and cultures.
Hi! This is Diana, she is 15 years old. She lives in the UK. She has hazel eyes and wavy brown hair,
Diana is not really tall but she is strong because she does a lot of sport.
She is very kind and always tries to help others, she is the funniest in the class and she laughs about
everything, she is really intelligent and usually she gets good marks. She loves animals and buying
Diana plays a lot of sports, she plays soccer,volleyball, and does athletics. But she also likes painting
and taking pictures of the sunset.
She has 1 sister that is older, she lives with her mother and father, her aunties and uncles live in
Ireland and some summers she goes there and visits them. Her grandparents love her and they see
her every weekend in a family dinner.
By Tizziana
Dopple Me by Xurde (3ºA)
This is Phil.
He is 27 years old, he has born on the 12th of May, he
has a bigger brother call Jimmy and a small sister
called Summer, he lives in Cambridge in the United
Kingdom. He lives on a small house with his wife, his
son and his dog. He works as a math teacher at the
Cambridge university like his wife, but the difference is
that his wife teaches to secondary school maths.
He likes to do sports for example tennis or water polo,
he likes to read books of adventure and comics,he loves
the children and he loves hang out with his friends ( for
example) to go to the mountains for going to walk,
he´s favourite food is the lasagna, he doesn´t like the
soda and the fish, he is allergic to the dust and to the
When he was young he wanted to be a doctor or a
medicinal instructor, but when he entered to the
secondary school he saw the maths at a different point
of vew and from that year he started to think about
teaching maths and he did it.
He studied at the Oxford university for five years and
then he graduate fot teaching.
Now he wants to travel around the world for knowing
other countries and cultures.
Avatars 3rd ESO Bil. 23-24.pdf

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Avatars 3rd ESO Bil. 23-24.pdf

  • 2. MY AVATAR´S DESCRIPTION My avatar is called John. He is 14 years old.Usually he wears a blue jacket and brown pants. He has got a 12 year-old sister called Susan. He likes playing football or tennis a lot and his favourite subject is chemistry. His favourite food is fish and chips,an English typical food. By Alejandro
  • 3. Her name is Celia, her surnames are F. A. and she´s 14 years old. She´s brunette, her eyes are dark brown and her hair too. She´s medium height and thin. Her hobbies are playing handball, listening to music, reading books and skiing in winter. Her favourite things are spending time with her family, hanging out wiht her friends, playing handball matches, watching football and handball matches, searching for information about singers and their nexts songs, playing with her pets, seeing documentals about animals and a TV series called “It Happened in the Emergency Room”. She´s a little bit latecomer, intelligent, brave, kind and very foolish. She loves her family because they have very good relation between them. She likes Christmas, her birthday and Halloween so much. In summer she and her family always go to a hotel in Galicia at the same time as their friends from Madrid, because Claudia (the daughter) and Celia only see each other two or three times a year and they are really good friends. By Celia
  • 4. MY DOPPELME CHARACTER: Hello! My name is Daniel G. and I´m going to write about my doppelme character: His name is Francisco, he is using a wheelchair because last week he broke his leg playing football. Francisco´s parents are called Lucía and Luis. He has got a younger sister called Alba, she loves playing with her friends. Francisco loves to play football, he thinks that football is the best sport in the world, because it is fun and healthy. His favourite football team is Real Madrid, he would LOVE to play there one day. Francisco also likes playing videogames like Fortnite, GTA, and many more. Fran doesn´t like horror movies, but he likes war movies... Actually he doesn´t really like going to the cinema, he prefers spending time with his family. Francisco has got many friends, but his best friend is Alberto. They´re best friends because they like doing the same things. Fran measures 1.70 meters, and he weighs 52 kilograms. He is a very healthy person. He has got brown hair and green eyes. He is very strong and fast. He is 14 years old. Francisco is very kind and friendly despite getting angry easily. He loves to play outside with his friends. Fran is in love with a girl of his class, her name is Sofía. Sofía is very kind, but, sadly, she doesn´t like Francisco, because she thinks he is too popular. Fran is a very good student, he is the best at everything. He was born in Mijas, Málaga, Spain. Mijas is a very pretty town. He loves his hometown. So basically this is Francisco’s life. Bye!!
  • 5. This is Pancracio. He is 40 years old and lives in French Guiana. He is short, exactly 1 meter and 60 centimeters and he is strong. Pancracio is very friendly, but can get angry easily. He likes to play golf with his friends at the weekend, play football with his friends on Mondays and play other sports because Pancracio likes all sports. He also plays the bass in a salsa band. Pancracio is married and has four children aged 5, 8, 14 and 15. Their names are Jose luis, Miguel, Esteban and Gérard. By Daniel O.
  • 6. MY AVATAR The avatar’s name is Tomás , his birthday is on the third of August , he is 16 years old . He has blue eyes , brown hair , he is tall , he is dressed in a black jacket , red trousers and black shoes . He lives in Chicago , with his mother and father , he has two sisters . His hobbies are drawing and reading . He loves boxing and he is very good at it . He has won three competitions in the United States. He also likes cars. By Daniela
  • 7. His name is Bryan, he is 14 years old and he lives in Vega de Valencia. Physically, he is not very athletic but he likes sports so much, he is short and thin, one of his hobbies is playing soccer with his friends and going to the beach. In the future he plans to be a pilot but he knows that it is very hard to pass all the tasks required. He has one sister and one brother, so he has to do many tasks at home because they are 5 and they need to help their parents, he thinks that he is kind because he almost always helps his parents and his friends with some tasks or just helping them. This saturday he had a soccer competition with all his friends and they won the soccer tournament, they had a very nice day, they celebrated with all their families and they had a very good time together. Bryan is going to use that to have more motivation when studying or doing anything else that looks hard to him. By David D.
  • 8. His name is Ahmed Barrios García, he´s 14. He has dark complexion with brown eyes and voluminous hair. He likes to dress in comfortable but not usually cheap clothes. He loves hanging out with his friends and playing video games and football. In fact, he is quite good at football, he has been called from good teams, such as Real Sporting de Gijón, Manchester City or Arsenal. When he grows up, it is clear to him that he is going to get into the , but he doesn´t know if he is going to go with the Spanish or the Ghana team because his mother and his sister are from Ghana, but his father is Spanish so he can choose. The only condition that his parents set for him to be able to go to a big team and National Team is that he needs to improve his marks in class because he has repeated 3 grades (He is still in primary education. By David L.
  • 9. AVATAR He´s name is Lucas. He is twenty eight years old. He has dark complexion with black, short and straight hair and grey eyes. He also has a long black moustache. He isn´t very tall, he is one meter and sixty five centimeters tall. He is so strong because he does a lot of sport especially running and going to the gym. He loves reading too, mainly books of wars and science fiction. His favourite color is blue and his favourite food is pasta or rice. He is careful with food but from time to time he eats pizza or other fast food that he loves. Lucas doesn´t like films because he always falls asleep in the middle of them. He is a serious and loving person. His father is from Brazil and his mother from Peru but he was born in UK. He is a nice person. By Diego
  • 10. Her name is Laura and she is 15 years old. She has no siblings, but she has a cousin who is younger than her. In her free time, she does sports, plays tennis and does rhythmic gymnastics, but when she's not doing sports she really likes going out with her friends. She has brown hair, brown eyes and short hair, she is not very tall, she is wearing a purple sweater and white jeans. She is polite, her favourite colour is green,her favourite food is meat, she only drinks water because it is the only drink she likes. She loves going out with her friends, skiing and when she grows up, she wants to be a teacher. By Emma
  • 11. AVATAR He is Sir Arthur, he’s sixty two years old, he has long white hair, blue eyes and he’s tall. He likes wearing elegant clothes, he’s friendly, intelligent, sage and gentle. He likes to play chess and cards with his friends and drinking coffee in his favourite café. He is married to a lady called Elisabeth, he’s got one sister called Emma, two sons called Mathew and Cristiano and he’s got two grandchildren called Jude and Jobe. By Fausto
  • 12. He is Gael, he is 13 years old. He doesn’t like doing sport, because it’s boring for him, he likes to play videogames and watch the F1, because it is his favourite sport. He has an older sister and also lives with his parents, his aunt and his grandfather. By Gael
  • 13. MY BROTHER´S AVATAR His name is Hugo.He is 11 years old. He is tall and quite strong for his age.He has got short straight fair hair and beautiful green eyes.He isn´t shy at all, he is an outgoing and fun child who loves making friends and having a nice time. In his spare time, he plays football in a team. He trains twice a week and plays a football match every Saturday.He also loves playing in the park and he plays the saxophone once a week. He lives in a beautiful modern house with our parents and me. Besides, he enjoys spending time with his pets, so he usually walks his dog around the house. He has always wanted to visit Disneyland in Paris and he thinks that our parents will give us a surprise very soon.
  • 15. He is Bob. He is 36 years old, he has 2 daugthers and 2 sons. His wife is Caroline, she is 34 years old. His hair is pink, it is an unisual stroke on people, his eyes are brown and he is not very tall. He is very sincere, is very intelligent and good fun. Bob likes reading books, football, playing the drums, cooking and playing with his children and wife Caroline. Now, he is going to his work, he works in a very big business, he earns a lot of money, so, he lives in the centre of New York, but he lived in Huston, Madrid, London, Tokio… He studied at the university in Washintong DC, there, he met Rachel, his ex wife, in 2014, he met Caroline, and he left Rachel, now he is very happy with his life. By Llara
  • 16. Mark His name is Mark. He is 16 years old, he was born on the first of October, and he lives in San Francisco; he has short and brown hair; he has brown eyes, and he has an average height. He is adventurous, friendly, and very funny. In his free me, he likes to play the guitar, play basketball, and hang out with his friends. He has one sister call Vanya, who is 6 years old, and a brother called Timothy, who is 14 years old, his mother’s name is Elizabeth, and he is 40 years old, and his father Joe is 39 years old. This school year, he thinks that it will be be er than other years, because he prac sed a lot of Spanish (which he was too bad at), because he went to Spain. Made by Lucas C. 3ºA
  • 17. AVATAR Her name is Cloe, she´s 14 years old, she has blond hair, blue eyes, and she has dark skin complexion, she isn´t very tall. She is fun, she always makes happy the people she has around, she talks a lot, and she is so extrovert. She likes playing tennis, she usually goes to the sports center near her house, she loves travelling. Now, in the picture, we can see that she is on a beach, she is in Mallorca, on her vacations, she goes with her parents and her two sisters, she is the youngest one. When she grows up, she wants to be like her sisters, because they have good marks and get their objectives. She loves the color orange, and she has two cats, but her favourite animal are lions. Her big dreams is travelling with her best friend Ana, around the world. By Maialen
  • 18. DESCRIPTION OF THE AVATAR She is a young girl, not very tall, she has her hair tied up in a ponytail with a pink rubber band, her hair is brown. On his face there is an expression of a small smile, he has thin eyebrows, large green eyes and full lips. He has a vest with purple buttons, pants that match the white suit, and purple shoes. Manuela. 3ºD
  • 19. Description of an avatar. Her name is Rose and she’s15 years old. She lives in an apartment in a quiet town near Pola de Siero. She’s tall and thin. She’s wearing a pink t-shirt, turquoise pants with pink hearths, and navy blue beach sneakers. She is happy and friendly and very empathetic. In her free time, she likes to read, write adventure and fantasy stories, listen to music and be with her friends. Her favourite song is Halo by Beyonce and her favourite subject is French. When she grows up she wants to be a primary school teacher because she loves children. By María
  • 20. MY AVATAR I want to introduce you to Pablo. Pablo is from Spain and he is 14 years old. He is a fun, extroverted and very nice person. He is very tall and athletic and really likes to go running with his father. He has a brother and 7 cousins. He is one of my best friends. I'm sure you'll like him a lot. By Mario
  • 21. Hi! I´m going to describe my friend Mateo. His is 14 years old and he studies in 3rd grade at the high school. Phisically, he is thin and a tall, he has brown hair and his skin colour is the same his eyes. He is a kind person, is also very empathic but he is also a lazy person. In his free me he usually plays football, hangs out with his friends and fishes with is father. There are 5 members in his family: his father, his mother, an older brother, a cat and him. By Mateo B.
  • 22. MANOLO His name is Manolo, he is seventy years old, he was born on 14th January, 1953, in England. He has short and white hair, and blue eyes. He is cool, modern, and friendly. In his free me, he likes to make videos for his YouTube channel. He also enjoys watching football matches, his favourite team is Barcelona FC and he always watches its matches. He has a sister who is sixty-three years old. He doesn´t have parents, because they died long me ago. He also has one niece called María, who is thirty-five years old. In his streams he plays sports videogames and talks about news related to sports. He is the most watched streamer in the world, and he is the oldest too. Made by Mateo C. 3 A
  • 23. VOKI Gary Oak is a 35 year-old man, He lives in Switzerland, in a city called Lausana. He has brown hair, he measures one meter seventy-eight , wheigs sixty five kilos and he has blue eyes. He´s a kind person and very tidy. He´s a vet and he loves animals epecially turtles, he has a pet turtle. His family is made up of by his big brother,his little brother and his parents. His hobbies are playing tennis and staying with his friends. His favourite food is pasta and his favourite drink is coffee. He likes films and TV programs. By Miguel
  • 24. MY DOPPEL ME AVATAR This is Poppy, and she's 16 years old. She has long curly hair, and brown eyes. She is very friendly, kind and empathic. She loves to surf and paint. She also likes spending time with her friends and family. She lives with her two brothers in Australia. She wants to be a professional surfer, as her mom was. She has a dog called Rocky, and he's a border collie. Before Rocky, she had a pitbull called Spot, but he died three years ago, when he was 18 years old. By Nora O.
  • 25. •Her name is Panocha, she is 31 years old and she lives in Manhattan (New York), with her parents and her brtother. Panocha has got long red curly hair, and blue eyes, her skin is light and her lips are thin. She has also got small toes and hands. •She works in a library because she loves reading, in particular romantic and adventure books, of course she likes watching TV but she prefers reading. She also works at a DVD shop at weekends, not just to save a little bit more money, it’s because she loves listening to music, her favourite music group is Queen (a music group from the 70’s) so she sometimes buys a DVD there.
  • 26. •She loves sports and that’s why she goes running to a park near her home on Sundays afternoons. She would also like to play tennis although she hasn’t got enough time to do it. • Panocha‘s hobbies are painting while she is listening to music and going scuba diving in summer, when she goes to the beach with her friends. •She travels to a new country every summer on holiday and she would like to visit Spain. Created by: Nora V. 3°D
  • 27. The avatar is called Thomas and he is 16 years old. He is from Munich and he studies in the Munich high school. He has one sister and one brother. They are called Johann, who is 12 years old, and Angela, who is 8 years old. His father is called Albert and his mother is called Kathrin. In the photograph he is with headphones in the street. He is wearing a red and white T-shirt, blue shorts and brown boots. He has brown eyes and brown hair. He is fun, extrovert, tall and thin. By Olai D.
  • 28. His name is Jose , he is 24 years old , he measures 1.90 meters , he is a very friendly and tidy person, he likes to play futbol and on weekends he goes out with friends , he lives with his 2 brothers because their parents died when he was 18 years old and he takes care of his brothers. By Omar
  • 29. He is Agustin is a USA soldier in Afghanistan. He lives in Spain and is 37 years old. Agustin has two sons Mario and Andres. He lives in his house with his sons and her mother Agustin`s favourite sport is football, his favourite food is Spanish omelette, he loves to go fishing with her sons and go to the beach with them. By Pablo
  • 30. Her name is Marta, she is 14 years old. She has a little brother and sister older than her. Her hobbies are painting and dancing. Her favourite colours are orange and blue. She has dark hair and green eyes. She is wearing a white t-shirt and black pants. She is not tall. Her best friend is Laura and she is 14 years old. Her favourite food is pasta and her favourite drink is water,she doesn't like beans or soft drinks. She loves going to the beach in summer with her friends and surfing. By Paula F.
  • 31. My avatar is called Olivia, she is 15 years old. She is tall, she has long straight blond hair and green eyes, she is tall and slim, she is a happy and kind person she loves to help people. In her free me, she likes to listen to music, go swimming and go for a walk, she also loves watching sunsets, spending me with her friends and reading. She loves books. She also loves going shopping. She lives in Madrid, Spain with her mother, her grandparents live in London, and she spends the summer with them. She has an orange cat called Whiskers. She also has a best friend called Alicia, she has known her since they were 5 and they love to do all sorts of things together. In the future, Alicia hopes to be a police officer, just like her mum. Her favourite subject is Maths and English and her least favourite subject is Art. Her favourite season of the year is winter, and her favourite holiday is Christmas, her favourite colour is purple. By Paula R.
  • 32. Avatar descripton His name is Ricardo, he is 14 years old. He´s tall, he has short brown hair and blue eyes. He is very fun, kind, friendly and a little silly. He likes videogames volleyball and discussing with friends about themes they like. He lives with his only sister, his mum, dad and grandmother, he’d rather stay in home instead of going outside, but if his friends asked him to, he would do it. By Pedro
  • 33. DESCRIPTION Her name is Alexandra, she is 14 years old and she lives in Vancouver, the capital of British Columbia, which is located on the outskirts of the city. She is medium height and very thin. She has long, straight and blond hair. Her face is round, with big green eyes. She has a small nose, with a spot in it. She has a big mouth, with a beautiful smile. She has to wear glasses, but she prefers wearing contact lenses because she doesn't like the way her glasses look on her. Her way of dressing is simple. She usually wears T-shirts, in any colour, leather jackets and trousers, shorts or skirts. She usually wears boots, but sometimes, she prefers wearing sports shoes. Now, she is wearing a white T-shirt, a blue jacket, a black skirt and light blue boots. She is very intelligent and hard-working. She is very sociable, she really likes to talk and meet new people. She has lots of friends, and whenever she can, she likes hanging out with them for a walk. The worst thing Alexandra has, it that she gets angry easily, as when we make her a prank that she doesn´t like. She loves reading books related to love and drama. She also plays curling, a famous sport in Canada. And the thing that she really loves, is listening to music. She listens to all kinds of music, such us rap, classical music, electronic music, reggaeton, etc. She always carries the headphones that her mother gave her for her birthday, 4 years ago. By Ruth
  • 34. Avatar His name is Rodrigo. He is a 17 year-old boy. He has got red hair,brown eyes and a black beard. He is 1.85m. tall. He is wearing a white T-shirt, blue shots and grey shoes. He plays videogames. His hobbies are: videogames, football, drawing and studying. He is a football player. He plays with the Sporting de Gijón.He has got a mother, father, a sister anda brother. He studies in ‘IES Escultor Juan de Villanueva’. He is in 2nd baccalaureate and he is studying economy. He lives in Pola Siero. He has a group of friends and he goes out on Fridays. By Samuel
  • 35. This woman in the picture is called Julia. She is 34 years old and she loves any type of animals. In fact, she is now a vet. She has both light brown hair and eyes. Her skin is very light and in my opinion, she is very beatiful. She wears glasses because she can´t see from afar. She is wearing a Pink T-shirt, a nice white skirt and a pair os dark grey shoes. She is generous and she tries to help everyone. She is very clever, since she has never failed. When she was at high school, she studied almost four hours every day! Since she was a child, she has loved animals, and his dream was to become a vet. After a lot of effort and dedication, she has achieved it. Thanks to all of this information, we can say she is a hardworking person and she never gives up. Her parents are very proud of her. His father is called David and his mother is Emma. They are both 63 years old and they love animals, too. Julia married his husband Hugo 4 years ago, and last year, they had a baby whose name is Rodrigo. All the family is very athletic and once a month they go on trekking. Julia thinks she has a very good life, so she lives happy all the time. By Sara
  • 36. AVATAR: By Silvia P. 3rd A Hello, her name is Emily and she is 28 years old. She has long brown hair, blue eyes, a small nose and she is 1.75 m tall. She is generous, polite, friendly and reliable. Her birthday is on 24th of June. She lives in a flat in New York, United States and she works in New York Presbyterian Hospital. She is a nurse. Her hobbies are going to Starbucks to have a coffee, reading books and watching horror films. Her favourite color is green and her favourite food are fish and chips. She loves sports and she plays tennis with her best friend Charlotte. She has two dogs called Toby and Storm. She doesn´t have any brothers or sisters but she has one cousin. His name is Paul and he is 20 years old. He lives in California and he studies at Stanford University. Emily also has two grandmothers and one grandfather whose names are Alice, Sophia and Harry. In her free time, she loves travelling to other countries and meeting new people and cultures.
  • 37. Hi! This is Diana, she is 15 years old. She lives in the UK. She has hazel eyes and wavy brown hair, Diana is not really tall but she is strong because she does a lot of sport. She is very kind and always tries to help others, she is the funniest in the class and she laughs about everything, she is really intelligent and usually she gets good marks. She loves animals and buying clothes. Diana plays a lot of sports, she plays soccer,volleyball, and does athletics. But she also likes painting and taking pictures of the sunset. She has 1 sister that is older, she lives with her mother and father, her aunties and uncles live in Ireland and some summers she goes there and visits them. Her grandparents love her and they see her every weekend in a family dinner. Byee!! By Tizziana
  • 38. Dopple Me by Xurde (3ºA) This is Phil. He is 27 years old, he has born on the 12th of May, he has a bigger brother call Jimmy and a small sister called Summer, he lives in Cambridge in the United Kingdom. He lives on a small house with his wife, his son and his dog. He works as a math teacher at the Cambridge university like his wife, but the difference is that his wife teaches to secondary school maths. He likes to do sports for example tennis or water polo, he likes to read books of adventure and comics,he loves the children and he loves hang out with his friends ( for example) to go to the mountains for going to walk, he´s favourite food is the lasagna, he doesn´t like the soda and the fish, he is allergic to the dust and to the nuts. When he was young he wanted to be a doctor or a medicinal instructor, but when he entered to the secondary school he saw the maths at a different point
  • 39. of vew and from that year he started to think about teaching maths and he did it. He studied at the Oxford university for five years and then he graduate fot teaching. Now he wants to travel around the world for knowing other countries and cultures.