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All Wales Academy for Local 


A wide reaching Sector Skills 
All Wales Academy


Welsh Context 
All Wales Academy


What is the All Wales Academy for 
Local Government? 
• A partnership of local authorities, Welsh Local Government 
Association (WLGA) and the Wales Trade Union Congress 
(Wales TUC) and associated trade unions led by Skills for 
•Funded by WEFO and supported by cash and in kind funding 
from Local Authorities and Welsh Local Government 
•Project runs October 2014 – August 2015 with sustainability 
pledges in place for post project 
All Wales Academy


What will it deliver? 
• Develop & pilot a single pan Wales e-learning platform available to all 22 
Welsh local authorities 
•Map and analyse gaps in existing e-learning provision & develop new 
collaborative regional and national e-learning content . 
•Develop accreditation for the e-learning content on All Wales Academy. 
Map existing and new online learning to Credit Qualification Framework for 
Wales and other appropriate qualification units and develop new if needed. 
•Ensure infrastructure in place to add future training content for other 
‘public services’ post project 
•Increase employee access to bi-lingual accredited and non accredited e-learning 
All Wales Academy 


Governance – Programme Board (Strategic) 
Rachel Searle 
(SFJ) - Chair 
Welsh Local 
All Wales Academy 
Manager - 
Lead (SFJ) 
Authority rep 
x 3 (1 per 
Wales TUC 
Phillip Lenz 
(Cardiff CC ) 
Director - in 
kind funding


Governance – Delivery Board (Operational) 
Phillip Lenz – Chair 
(Cardiff CC ) 
Programme Director 
- in kind funding 
Developer (SFJ) 
All Wales Academy 
Programme Lead 
(SFJ - to be 
TUC Engagement 
& Learning Co-ordinators 
Content Development 
(seconded from a 
Local Authority) 
Local Authority subject 
matter experts from 
HR networks 
WLGA, Contracted 
supplier & External 
subject matter 
(as needed)


Key Timescales 
• October procure online platform supplier, external evaluator and appoint 
• October onwards – Programme & Delivery Boards meet ¼ly 
• Oct-January – complete mapping of existing online training in local 
authorities and Wales TUC learning. Gap analysis and mapping and 
levelling of training against QCF 
• October onwards – develop collaborative agreements with local 
authority, Wales TUC and Welsh Local Government Association 
• January – July – develop new online learning content, in consultation 
with development board 
• January- July – develop unit accreditation for on line learning 
• March-May - Testing of online tool containing existing and new e 
learning content 
• July/August 2015 Complete return on investment research and external 
• August 2015 – Disseminate project findings 
All Wales Academy


Potential new regional/national content 
Employability Skills? 
Essential Skills in the Workplace 
Team Working & Working with Others 
Information Technology 
Improving Own Learning & Performance 
Local Government Specific Skills (contextualised to local government) 
Customer Services 
Equality and Diversity 
People Management Skills 
Health & Safety 
Quality & Service Improvement 
Change Management 
Project Management 
Information Management 
School Governor training 
All Wales Academy


Any Questions? 
For further information contact: 
Rachel Searle 
Business Development Manager for Nations 
Skills for Justice 
07741 249437 
All Wales Academy

More Related Content

Skills for Justice | All Wales Academy for Local Government

  • 1. All Wales Academy for Local Government
  • 2. A wide reaching Sector Skills Council All Wales Academy
  • 3. Welsh Context All Wales Academy
  • 4. What is the All Wales Academy for Local Government? • A partnership of local authorities, Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) and the Wales Trade Union Congress (Wales TUC) and associated trade unions led by Skills for Justice. •Funded by WEFO and supported by cash and in kind funding from Local Authorities and Welsh Local Government Association •Project runs October 2014 – August 2015 with sustainability pledges in place for post project All Wales Academy
  • 5. What will it deliver? • Develop & pilot a single pan Wales e-learning platform available to all 22 Welsh local authorities •Map and analyse gaps in existing e-learning provision & develop new collaborative regional and national e-learning content . •Develop accreditation for the e-learning content on All Wales Academy. Map existing and new online learning to Credit Qualification Framework for Wales and other appropriate qualification units and develop new if needed. •Ensure infrastructure in place to add future training content for other ‘public services’ post project •Increase employee access to bi-lingual accredited and non accredited e-learning All Wales Academy provision
  • 6. Governance – Programme Board (Strategic) Rachel Searle (SFJ) - Chair Welsh Local Government Association All Wales Academy Account Manager - Contracted supplier Programme Lead (SFJ) Local Authority rep x 3 (1 per region) Wales TUC reps Phillip Lenz (Cardiff CC ) Programme Director - in kind funding
  • 7. Governance – Delivery Board (Operational) Phillip Lenz – Chair (Cardiff CC ) Programme Director - in kind funding Qualification Developer (SFJ) All Wales Academy Programme Lead (SFJ - to be appointed) TUC Engagement & Learning Co-ordinators Content Development Co-ordinator (seconded from a Local Authority) Local Authority subject matter experts from HR networks WLGA, Contracted supplier & External subject matter experts (as needed)
  • 8. Key Timescales • October procure online platform supplier, external evaluator and appoint staff • October onwards – Programme & Delivery Boards meet ¼ly • Oct-January – complete mapping of existing online training in local authorities and Wales TUC learning. Gap analysis and mapping and levelling of training against QCF • October onwards – develop collaborative agreements with local authority, Wales TUC and Welsh Local Government Association stakeholders • January – July – develop new online learning content, in consultation with development board • January- July – develop unit accreditation for on line learning • March-May - Testing of online tool containing existing and new e learning content • July/August 2015 Complete return on investment research and external evaluation • August 2015 – Disseminate project findings All Wales Academy
  • 9. Potential new regional/national content Employability Skills? Essential Skills in the Workplace Communication Team Working & Working with Others Information Technology Improving Own Learning & Performance Local Government Specific Skills (contextualised to local government) Customer Services Equality and Diversity People Management Skills Health & Safety Quality & Service Improvement Change Management Safeguarding Project Management Information Management School Governor training All Wales Academy
  • 10. Any Questions? For further information contact: Rachel Searle Business Development Manager for Nations Skills for Justice Rachel.searle@sfjuk.com 07741 249437 All Wales Academy

Editor's Notes

  1. Good afternoon and many thanks to Learning Pool for inviting me to attend today and share the latest news on an exciting project we have developed. Introductions
  2. 1. Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) are independent UK wide organisations. They are employer-led (we have a broad membership base of employers) SSCs primary purpose is to deal with the skills and productivity needs of their sector throughout the UK. Each SSC agrees sector priorities and targets with its employers and partners to address five key goals: reducing skills gaps and shortages improving productivity, business and public service performance increasing opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector's workforce, including action on equal opportunities improving learning supply, including apprenticeships (we develop apprenticeship frameworks) higher education and national occupational standards (we develop national occupational standards- the building blocks for many accredited qualifications 2. Introduce the 2 SSCs (charities) and the brands 3. Introduce Enterprises and Awards Wales context. In Wales – we have a Wales Country Group for members – Regular attendees of WCG include WLGA, Welsh Police Services, Welsh Fire & Rescue Service reps, Third sector orgnaisations supporting Victims and working with substance misuse, Probation service reps, Welsh Government Sector Qualifications Priority section from Dept for Education & Skills. We also have UK wide occupational groups that meet quarterly and various Welsh organisations attend these too. I am a Business Development Manager for the Nations and work across all the sectors at a strategic level.
  3. Wales like UK Austerity Public increasing expectations and ageing population resulting in changes in service demands/ needs Unlike UK - Commission on Public Service Governance & Delivery in Wales – Jan 2014 chaired by Sir Paul Williams ‘The Williams review’ Drew distinction between: Public Sector – body of staff directly employed by publically funded body & Public Service – service delivered for benefit of public – incl 3rd sector, contracted out services and social enterprises. Review concluded with recommendation that through series of mergers the 22 local authorities in Wales be reduced to 10-12 by 2017/18 Local authorities are facing unprecedented reductions to their budgets which are expected to lead to reductions in the workforce and need to respond to options outlined by the Williams Commission to rationalise the number of councils in Wales. Displacement, re-deployment and unemployment are all realistic outcomes for employees and those that remain will face changing responsibilities and increased pressures without having the necessary skills needed to meet these challenges. Therefore, SFJ worked with WLGA, Local Authorities (led by Phillip Lenz Cardiff CC) & Wales TUC to develop a business case for funding the All Wales Academy. SFJ submitted this to WEFO for European funding and have just heard we were successful.  
  4. Our vision is to support Welsh local authorities and their employees in a time of transition and challenge by introducing a new way of working. The online platform will up-skill employees to successfully adapt to the new landscape in Welsh local government and at the same time realise savings for training budgets and make more efficient use of employee time. 15 of the 22 local authorities have pledged cash or in kind match, along with Welsh Local Government Association and Wales TUC Caerphilly; Cardiff; Ceredigion; Conwy; Denbighshire, Gwynedd, Merthyr Tydfil; Newport; Neath Port Talbot; Pembrokeshire; Powys; RCT; Swansea; Torfaen; VOG 3.Grant offer and funding in place and SFJ just dotting i’s and crossing t’s contractually at the moment with WEFO. 4. We are conscious of the need to develop a sustainable platform that will leave a robust legacy once the project has concluded. A costed business plan for the continuation of the academy will be developed at the start of the project and this will be a live document as the project progresses and the local government sector evolves post-Williams Commission. This will be informed by a Social Return on Investment evaluation that will investigate and identify the benefits of the platform and the collaborative foundation that will be introduced to local authorities and stakeholders. Our intention to expand the AWA to wider ‘public services’ post project – Police, FRS, Housing Associations, third and private sector providers delivering contracted out services etc
  5. 1. Platform to be procured shortly through G Cloud Essential that any platform developed interacts with Local Authorities existing local platforms. We envisage a seamless transition for employees through their own local e learning platforms through to AWA for additional regional and national content which will be agreed and developed through the project. Ownership of the e learning content. We seek to mirror the exisiting practice Las ahve with e learning. E.g. If develop their own and keep it locally, they own it. If however, decide to publish something to regional or national AWA community that will be owned by the wider AWA community . Just as you do now with your Learning Pool sites and if you choose to publish to wider network, that becomes the property of the wider Learning Pool Community rather than an individual’s own. 2. Then discuss bullet points from 2nd one on
  6. 1. Stakeholder ownership vital for project success and sustainability   The Programme Board will provide a strategic overview for the project and be the main arena for project business and decision making.   The role of the Programme Board will be to: Ensure the project is aligned to the needs of the sector Assist with resolving strategic level issues and risks Monitor the progress of the project Advise of any changes required to meet stakeholder needs as the project progresses Provide input into the project sustainability strategy   2. Discuss Programme Board members and their roles
  7. 1. As with Programme Board Stakeholder ownership also vital at operational level for project success and sustainability The role of the Delivery Board will be to: Oversee and agree the content and structure of the pan-Wales learning that is developed by the project teams. Ensure that learning content reflects local, regional and national input Ensure that content is suitable for day to day operations in local government Test and provide feedback on the online learning platform Test and provide feedback on the learning content  2. Discuss roles – Flag up content developer secondment – looking to advertise amongst local authorities in Oct for quick recruitment. Also looking to advertise Programme Lead externally and quick recruitment – spread the word
  8. These are some high level topics that have been identified in early discussions but final content to be held on AWA to be agreed following: Gap analysis of existing training, emerging training needs analysis to form recommendations for stakeholder consultation through governance boards. Would be interested to know in Q&A your thoughts on the topics