The document discusses strategies for B2B content marketing to generate leads. It outlines a four-step process: 1) build content tailored to the audience and buyer journey, 2) gate content to collect leads while balancing needs and wants, 3) promote content through social media, paid media, and mobile, and 4) measure success through metrics and integrating CRM with marketing automation. Examples are provided of companies like Citrix, IBM and American Express that effectively use content marketing.
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B2B Lead Generation—Using Content to Acquire New Customers
1. Lauren T. Fisher Writer/Analyst N O V E M B E R 3 0, 2 0 1 1 B2B Lead Generation—Using Content to Acquire New Customers Sponsored by:
2. Today’s Agenda A brief B2B content marketing overview Put simply, why content marketing? Four-step content marketing strategy Build it, Gate it, Promote it, Measure it Practical applications Examples of B2B companies practicing good content marketing Twitter – #eMwebinar
8. A proper content marketing strategy contains these four steps: Building content: Who is it for, what solution does it offer and how should it be packaged? Gating content: How does content translate into leads? Promoting content: Where will the audience look for content? Measuring content: How well did a piece of content translate into leads? Twitter – #eMwebinar
14. Formats such as blog posts, webinars and white papers are ideal for sharing top-funnel content
15. Webinars, white papers, case studies and enewsletters guide buyers down the path toward conversion
16. Brian Kardon, CMO, Eloqua “ People want to say, ‘Hey, a webinar is better than a video or a blog post.’ It’s less about the medium and more about the subject matter and how you execute. It’s what’s inside the vessel, not the vessel itself.” Twitter – #eMwebinar
20. Additional sources of content topics and inspiration include: Customer service and sales feedback Issues and topics competitors are—or aren’t—addressing “ Pain points” discussed in industry forums Topical industry updates or news Repurposing content from other formats Twitter – #eMwebinar
40. The majority of B2B companies worldwide track lead activity with a customer relationship management tool…
41. … But a minority are integrating their CRM system with a marketing automation tool
42. Lisa Horner, director of campaigns, Citrix Online “ When you think about lead nurturing programs, you have to be able to continue the story and the conversation as your prospects and your customers evolve their knowledge .”
43. Without tools to measure the value of each content marketing asset , marketers can’t expect to prioritize their efforts or grow their programs
57. How you package content matters, but what’s inside matters more. Take time to identify the topics that resonate most with prospects’ pain points or educational and informational needs. Content marketing was made to be a community task. Leverage internal expertise and manpower. Look to clients, fans and followers for topic inspiration and additional content creation. Know where to fish. Promoting content takes time and effort. Pick a few networks and communities you know prospects frequent. Be respectful when asking for information, and listen! Multistep registration allows prospects to ease into a relationship with a brand. As they share more information, make sure to have the tools necessary to tailor content to their individual needs. Measurement is a must. Conclusions: B2B Content Marketing
58. 2 Minute Case Study: Marketo Jason Miller Content Marketing and Social Media
59. Marketing automation, sales effectiveness and revenue analytics have come a must-have solution >1300 customers; 315% YOY growth Customer Impact: Fast 40%+ improvement across sales & marketing Award Winning Products & Modern Technology Furious pace of innovation: 8-week release cycle World-class management team Salesforce - Best Marketing Automation Best Marketing Solution Best Marketing and Sales 2.0 Solution Who’s Who in BtoB Marketo is the leading Revenue Performance Management Solution
62. Repurposing Content Example Use all types for nurturing and scoring Use all types to drive traffic to your website and in social media promotions Website iTunes Website Youtube Website Slide Share Website Blog Guest Blog Website Slideshare Sribd Webinar ARTICLE WHITEPAPER SLIDES VIDEO CLIP PODCAST
63. Demographics: 30 points based on manual Prospect review 0-8 points based on title -20 to 0 based on inferred country Source and Offer: Website lead source: + 5 Thought leadership offer: -5 Latent Buying Behavior: Attend webinar: +5 Download thought leadership: +3 Visit any webpage : +1 Visit careers pages: -10 Active Buying Behavior: Install AppExchange app: +15 Download Marketo reviews: +12 Visit website 2X in one week: +8 Download buyers guides: +8 Watch demos: +5 each Search for “Marketo”: +5 Visit pricing pages: +5 No activity in one month: Score > 30: -15 points Score 0 to 30: -5 points Sample Scoring Rules
64. B2B Lead Generation —Using Content to Acquire New Customers Questions & Answers Registrants will receive an email tomorrow that includes a link to view the deck and webinar recording. For more discussion, please join us after the webinar on Twitter. To learn about eMarketer Total Access please visit or contact us: (800) 405-0844 or [email_address] Twitter Hashtag: #eMwebinar Sponsored by: Presented by: Lauren Fisher Writer/Analyst, eMarketer, Inc.