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Chapter 11
Ethics and Computer Security
Define the term,
computer security risks,
and briefly describe the
types of cybercrime

Describe various types
of Internet and network
attacks and identify
ways to safeguard
against these attacks

Identify safeguards
against hardware and
software theft

Discuss techniques to
prevent unauthorized
computer access and

Recognize issues related
to information accuracy,
intellectual property
rights, codes of conduct,
and green computing
Computer Security Risks
• A computer security risk is any event or action
that could cause a loss of or damage to computer
hardware, software, data, information, or
processing capability.
• Some breaches to computer security are
accidental, many are intentional.
• Some intruders do no damage; other intruders
indicate some evidence of their presence either
by leaving a message or by deliberately altering
or damaging data
Computer Security Risks
• An intentional breach of computer security often
involves a deliberate act that is against the law.
• Any illegal act involving a computer generally is
referred to as computer crime.
• Cybercrime refers to online or Internet-based
illegal acts
• Software used by cybercriminals is called
Computer Security Risks
• Perpetrators of cybercrime and other intrusions
fall into seven basic categories:



Script Kiddie


Corporate spy

Computer Security Risks

• Originally complimentary word for a computer enthusiast
• Now a derogatory meaning refers to someone who accesses a
computer or network illegally
• Some claim the intent of their security breaches is to improve


• Someone who accesses computer or network illegally but has the
intent of destroying data, stealing information, or other malicious
• Both hackers and crackers have advanced computer and network

Script Kiddie

• Same intent as a cracker but does not have the
technical skills and knowledge
• Often use prewritten hacking and cracking
programs to break into computers
• Have excellent computer and networking skills and are hired to
break into a specific computer or steal its proprietary data and
information, or to help identify security risks in their own
• Unscrupulous companies hire them, a practice known as
corporate espionage, to gain a competitive advantage
Computer Security Risks


Break into their employers’ computers for variety of reasons
Simply want to exploit security weakness
Seek financial gains from selling confidential information
Disgruntled employees may want revenge


• Use e-mail as a vehicle for extortion
• Send an organization a threatening e-mail indicating they will
expose confidential information, exploit security flaw, or launch
an attack to compromise organization’s network – if not paid a
sum of money


• Use Internet or network to destroy or damage computers for
political reasons
• Might target the nation’s air traffic control system, electricitygenerating companies, or telecommunications infrastructure
• Cyberwarfare – an attack whose goal ranges from disabling a
government’s computer network to crippling a country
Computer Security Risks
• Computers and computer users are exposed to
several types of security risks:

Internet and

access and


Software theft


System failure
Internet & Network Attacks
• Information transmitted over networks has a higher
degree of security risk than information kept on an
organization’s premises
• To determine if your computer is vulnerable to an
Internet or network attack, use an online security
• An online security service is a Web site that
evaluates your computer to check for Internet and email vulnerabilities and provides recommendations
of how to address the vulnerabilities
Internet & Network Attacks
• Some popular online security services:
Name of Online Service

Web address

McAfee FreeScan


Symantec Security Check https://security.symantec.com/
Trend Micro House Call


Kaspersky Virus Scan

Internet & Network Attacks
• Internet and network attacks that jeopardize





Denial of


Internet & Network Attacks
- Computer viruses & other malware
• Computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses and rootkits
are classified as malware (malicious software), which
are programs that act without a user’s knowledge and
deliberately alter the computer’s operations
• A computer virus is a potentially damaging computer
program that affects, or infects, a computer negatively
by altering the way the computer works without the
user’s knowledge or permission
Internet & Network Attacks
- Computer viruses & other malware
• A worm is a program that copies itself
repeatedly, for example in memory or on a
network, using up resources and possibly
shutting down the computer or network
• A Trojan horse is a program that hides
within or looks like a legitimate program.
Unlike a virus or worm, a Trojan horse does
not replicate itself to other computers
• A rootkit is a program that hides in a
computer and allows someone from a
remote location to take full control of the
computer. Once installed, the rootkit
author can execute programs, change
settings, monitor activity, and access files
on the remote computer
Internet & Network Attacks
- Computer viruses & other malware
• Unscrupulous programmers write malware and then test it to
ensure it can deliver its payload
• The payload is the destructive event or prank the program is
intended to deliver
• Malware delivers its payload on a computer in various ways:
1. When a user opens an infected file
2. When a user runs an infected program
3. When a user boots the computer with infected
removable media inserted in a drive or plugged in a port
4. When a user connects an unprotected computer to a
5. When a certain condition or even occurs, such as
computer’s clock changing to specific data
Internet & Network Attacks
- Computer viruses & other malware
• A computer infected by a virus, worm, Trojan horse, or
rootkit has one or more of the following symptoms:

Operating system runs much slower than usual
Available memory is less than expected
Files become corrupted
Screen displays unusual message or image
Music or unusual sound plays randomly
Existing programs and files disappear
Programs or files do not work properly
Unknown programs or files mysteriously appear
System properties change
Operating system does not start up
Operating system shuts down unexpectedly
Safeguards against Computer viruses
& other malware
Tips for preventing viruses and other malware:

Never start a computer with removable media inserted in the drives or plugged in the ports, unless
the media are uninfected


Never open an e-mail attachment unless you are expecting it and it is from a trusted source.


Set the macro security in programs so that you can enable or disable macros. Enable macros only if
the document is from a trusted source and you are expecting it.


Install an antivirus program on all of your computers. Update the software and the virus signature
files regularly.


Scan all downloaded programs for viruses and other malware.


If the antivirus program flags an e-mail attachment as infected, delete or quarantine the
attachment immediately.


Before using any removable media, scan the media for malware. Follow this procedure even for
shrink-wrapped software from major developers. Some commercial software has been infected
and distributed to unsuspecting users.


Install a personal firewall program.


Stay informed about new virus alerts and virus hoaxes.
Safeguards against Computer viruses
& other malware
• A trusted source is an organization
or person you believe will not
Popular Antivirus Programs
send a virus infected file
AVG Anti-virus
Avast! Antivirus
F-Secure Anti-virus
• An antivirus program protects a
Kaspersky Anti-virus
computer against viruses by
McAfee VirusScan
identifying and removing any
Norton Antivirus
computer viruses found in
memory, on storage media, or on Trend Micro Antivirus
Vexira Antivirus
incoming files.
CA Antivirus
Safeguards against Computer viruses
& other malware
• Techniques that antivirus programs use to identify virus is to
look for virus signatures and to inoculate existing program
• A virus signature, also called a virus definition, is a known
specific pattern of virus code.
• Computer users should update their antivirus program’s
signature files regularly.
• To inoculate a program file, the antivirus program records
information such as the file size and file creation date in a
separate inoculation file.
• The antivirus program then uses this information to detect
if a virus tampers with the data describing the inoculated
program file.
Safeguards against Computer viruses
& other malware
• If an antivirus program identifies an
infected file, it attempts to remove the
• If the antivirus cannot remove the
infection, it often quarantines the
infected file.
• A quarantine is a separate area of the
hard disk that holds the infected file until
the infection can be removed.
Safeguards against Computer viruses
& other malware
• A virus hoax is an e-mail message
that warns users of a nonexistent
virus or other malware.
• These hoaxes are in the form of a
chain letter that requests the user
to send a copy of the e-mail
message to as many people as
• Do not forward the message. Visit
a web site that publishes a list of
virus alerts and virus hoaxes.
Internet & Network Attacks
- Botnets, DoS Attacks, Back Doors & Spoofing
• A botnet is a group of compromised computers connected to a
network such as the Internet that are used as part of a network
that attacks other networks, usually for nefarious purposes.
• A compromised computer, known as a zombie, is one whose
owner is unaware the computer is being controlled remotely by
an outsider.
• A bot is a program that performs a repetitive task on a network.
• The perpetrator uses botnet to send spam e-mail, spread
viruses/malware, or commit a distributed denial of service attack.
Internet & Network Attacks
- Botnets, DoS Attacks, Back Doors & Spoofing
• A denial of service attack or DoS attack, is an assault whose
purpose is to disrupt computer access to an Internet service such as
the Web or e-mail.
• Perpetrators use an unsuspecting computer to send influx of
confusing data messages or useless traffic to a computer network.
• The victim computer network slows down considerably and
eventually becomes unresponsive or unavailable, blocking
legitimate visitors from accessing the network.
• DDoS (distributed DoS) attack uses a zombie army to attack
computers or networks.
Internet & Network Attacks
- Botnets, DoS Attacks, Back Doors & Spoofing
• A back door is a program or set of instructions in a program
that allow users to bypass security controls when accessing a
program, computer, or network.
• Spoofing is a technique intruders use to make their network
or Internet transmission appear legitimate to a victim
computer or network.
• E-mail spoofing occurs when the e-mail header are altered
so that it appears the e-mail originated from a different
• E-mail spoofing is used for virus hoaxes, spam, and phishing
• IP spoofing occurs when an intruder computer fools a
network into believing its IP address is associated with a
trusted source.
Safeguards against Botnets, DoS
Attacks, Back Doors, & Spoofing
• A firewall is hardware and/or software
that protects a network’s resources
from intrusion by users on another
network such as the Internet.
• Organizations use firewalls to protect
network resources from outsiders and
to restrict employees’ access to
sensitive data.
• A personal firewall is a utility program
that detects and protects a personal
computer and its data from
unauthorized intrusions.

Stand-Alone Personal
Firewall Software
BitDefender Internet Security
CA Personal Firewall
McAfee Internet Security

Norton Personal Firewall
Webroot Desktop Firewall

ZoneAlarm Pro
Safeguards against Botnets, DoS
Attacks, Back Doors, & Spoofing
• Intrusion detection software automatically
analyzes all network traffic, assesses system
vulnerabilities, identifies any unauthorized
intrusions, and notifies network administrators
of suspicious behavior patterns or system
• A honeypot is a vulnerable computer that is set
up to entice an intruder to break into it.
• These computers, which appear real to the
intruder, actually are separated safely from the
organization’s network.
Unauthorized Access & Use
• Unauthorized access is the use of a computer or
network without permission.
• Unauthorized use is the use of a computer or its
data for unapproved or possibly illegal activities.
• Eg. an employee using an organization’s
computer to send personal e-mail messages,
using word processing software to track his or
her child’s soccer league scores, etc.
Safeguards against Unauthorized
Access & Use
• Have a written acceptable use policy (AUP) that
outlines the computer activities for which the
computer and network may or may not be used.
• An access control is a security measure that defines
who can access a computer, when they can access it,
and what actions they can take while accessing the
• Identification verifies that an individual is a valid
• Authentication verifies that the individual is the
person he or she claims to be.
Safeguards against Unauthorized
Access & Use
• Three methods of identification and authentication
– Usernames and passwords
• A username or user ID – unique combination of characters, such as
letters of the alphabet or numbers, that identifies one specific user
• A password is a private combination of characters associated with the
username that allows access to certain computer resources

– Possessed objects
• E.g. badges, cards, smart cards, keys
• Used in combination with personal identification number (PIN)

– Biometric devices
• Authenticates a person’s identify by translating a personal
characteristic, such as fingerprint, into digital code that is compared
with a digital code stored in the computer verifying a physical or
behavioral characteristic
Hardware Theft & Vandalism
• Hardware theft is the act of stealing
computer equipment.
• Hardware vandalism is the act of
defacing or destroying computer
Safeguards against Hardware Theft
& Vandalism
• Physical access controls
(e.g. locked doors, alarm)
• Physical security devices
(e.g. cables lock
• Real time location system
(RTLS) – RFID tags
• Password-protect portable
storage devices
Software Theft
• Software theft occurs when someone
1. Steals software media

Physically stealing the media that contain the software or the
hardware that contains the media

2. Intentionally erases programs

Dishonest programmers intentionally remove or disable the
programs they have written for the company after termination

3. Illegally copies a program

Software stolen from software manufacturers
Software piracy is the unauthorized and illegal duplication of
copyrighted software

4. Illegally registers and/or activates a program

Users illegally obtain registration numbers and/or activation
codes using key generator (keygen) program
Safeguards against Software Theft
• Keep original software
boxes and media in
secure location
• Escort terminated
employee off the
premise immediately
• Software manufacturers
issue users license
agreement – the right
to use the software
Information Theft
• Information theft occurs when someone
steals personal or confidential
• Both business and home users can fall
victim to information theft.
• E.g. an individual first gain unauthorized
access to a computer then steal credit
card numbers stored in a firm’s
accounting department
Safeguards against Information Theft
• Encryption – process of converting data into
unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized
• To read the data, the recipient must decrypt or
decipher it into readable form.
• Digital signature – encrypted code that a person,
Web site, or organization attaches to an
electronic message to verify the identity of the
message sender.
• Digital certificate – a notice that guarantees a
user or Web site is legitimate.
System Failure
• A system failure is the prolonged malfunction of
a computer that can cause loss of hardware,
software, data, or information.
• An undervoltage occurs when electrical supply
• A blackout is a complete power failure.
• An overvoltage or power surge, occurs when
the incoming electrical power increases more
than five percent above the normal volts.
Safeguards against System Failure
• Surge protector (surge suppressor)
uses special electrical components
to smooth out minor noise, provide
stable current flow, and keep an
overvoltage from reaching the
computer and other electronic
• Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
is a device that contains surge
protection circuits and one or more
batteries that can provide power
during a temporary or permanent
loss of power.
Computer Ethics
• Ethics is the standards that determine whether
an action is good or bad.
• Computer ethics are the moral guidelines that
govern the use of computers and information
• Seven frequently discussed areas of computer
Unauthorized use
of computers and

Software theft

Codes of conduct



property rights

Green computing
Information Accuracy
• Information accuracy today is a concern
because many users access information
maintained by other people or
companies, such as on the Internet.
• Do not assume that because the
information is on the Web that it is
• Some individuals and organizations raise
questions about the ethics of using
computers to alter graphical output such
as a retouched photo.
Intellectual Property Rights
• Intellectual property (IP) refers to
unique and original works such as ideas,
inventions, art, writings, processes,
company and product names, and logos.
• Intellectual property rights are the
rights to which creators are entitled for
their work.
• A copyright gives authors and artists
exclusive rights to duplicate, publish,
and sell their materials.
Codes of Conduct
• An IT code of conduct is a written guideline
that helps determine whether a specific
computer action is ethical or unethical.
IT Code of Conduct

Computers may not be used to harm other people.


Employees may not interfere with others’ computer work.


Employees may not copy or use software illegally.


Employees may not use others’ computer resources without authorization.


Employees may not use others’ intellectual property as their own.


Computers may not be used to steal.
Green Computing
• Green computing involves reducing the electricity and
environmental waste while using a computer.
• Personal computers, display devices, and printers should comply
with guidelines of the ENERGY STAR program – help reduce the
amount of electricity used
• Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a ratio that measures how
much power enters the computer facility, or data center, against
the amount of power required to run the computers.
Green Computing Suggestions
1. Use computers and devices that comply with the ENERGY STAR program.
2. Do not leave the computer running overnight.

3. Turn off the monitor, printer, and other devices when not in use.
4. Use LCD monitors instead of CRT monitors.
5. Use paperless methods to communicate.
6. Recycle paper and buy recycled paper.
Information Privacy
• Information privacy refers to the right of
individuals and companies to deny or restrict the
collection and use of information about them.
How to safeguard personal information

Fill in only necessary information on rebate, warranty, and registration forms.


Do not write your telephone number on charge or credit receipts.


If merchants ask personal questions, find out why they want to know before releasing the


Limit the amount of information you provide to Web sites. Fill in only required information.


Install a cookie manager to filter cookies.


Clear your history file when you are finishing browsing.


Set up a free e-mail account. Use this e-mail address for merchant forms.


Turn off file and printer sharing on your Internet connection.


Install a personal firewall.


Do not reply to spam for any reason.

Script Kiddie
Corporate Spy
Unethical employee

Security Risks

Computer Ethics

• Internet & Network
• Unauthorized
access and use
• Hardware theft
• Software theft
• Information theft
• System failure

• Unauthorized use
of computers &
• Software piracy
• Information
• Intellectual
property rights
• Codes of conduct
• Information privacy
• Green computing

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BAIT1003 Chapter 11

  • 2. Objectives Define the term, computer security risks, and briefly describe the types of cybercrime perpetrators Describe various types of Internet and network attacks and identify ways to safeguard against these attacks Identify safeguards against hardware and software theft Discuss techniques to prevent unauthorized computer access and use Recognize issues related to information accuracy, intellectual property rights, codes of conduct, and green computing
  • 3. Computer Security Risks • A computer security risk is any event or action that could cause a loss of or damage to computer hardware, software, data, information, or processing capability. • Some breaches to computer security are accidental, many are intentional. • Some intruders do no damage; other intruders indicate some evidence of their presence either by leaving a message or by deliberately altering or damaging data
  • 4. Computer Security Risks • An intentional breach of computer security often involves a deliberate act that is against the law. • Any illegal act involving a computer generally is referred to as computer crime. • Cybercrime refers to online or Internet-based illegal acts • Software used by cybercriminals is called crimeware
  • 5. Computer Security Risks • Perpetrators of cybercrime and other intrusions fall into seven basic categories: Hacker Cracker Unethical employee Script Kiddie Cyberextortionist Corporate spy Cyberterrorist
  • 6. Computer Security Risks Hacker • Originally complimentary word for a computer enthusiast • Now a derogatory meaning refers to someone who accesses a computer or network illegally • Some claim the intent of their security breaches is to improve security Cracker • Someone who accesses computer or network illegally but has the intent of destroying data, stealing information, or other malicious action • Both hackers and crackers have advanced computer and network skills Script Kiddie Corporate spy • Same intent as a cracker but does not have the technical skills and knowledge • Often use prewritten hacking and cracking programs to break into computers • Have excellent computer and networking skills and are hired to break into a specific computer or steal its proprietary data and information, or to help identify security risks in their own organization • Unscrupulous companies hire them, a practice known as corporate espionage, to gain a competitive advantage
  • 7. Computer Security Risks Unethical employees • • • • Break into their employers’ computers for variety of reasons Simply want to exploit security weakness Seek financial gains from selling confidential information Disgruntled employees may want revenge Cyberextortionist • Use e-mail as a vehicle for extortion • Send an organization a threatening e-mail indicating they will expose confidential information, exploit security flaw, or launch an attack to compromise organization’s network – if not paid a sum of money Cyberterrorist • Use Internet or network to destroy or damage computers for political reasons • Might target the nation’s air traffic control system, electricitygenerating companies, or telecommunications infrastructure • Cyberwarfare – an attack whose goal ranges from disabling a government’s computer network to crippling a country
  • 8. Computer Security Risks • Computers and computer users are exposed to several types of security risks: Internet and network attacks Unauthorized access and use Hardware theft Software theft Information theft System failure
  • 9. Internet & Network Attacks • Information transmitted over networks has a higher degree of security risk than information kept on an organization’s premises • To determine if your computer is vulnerable to an Internet or network attack, use an online security service • An online security service is a Web site that evaluates your computer to check for Internet and email vulnerabilities and provides recommendations of how to address the vulnerabilities
  • 10. Internet & Network Attacks • Some popular online security services: Name of Online Service Web address McAfee FreeScan http://home.mcafee.com/downloads/freevirus-scan Symantec Security Check https://security.symantec.com/ Trend Micro House Call http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ Kaspersky Virus Scan http://www.kaspersky.com/virus-scanner
  • 11. Internet & Network Attacks • Internet and network attacks that jeopardize security: Computer viruses Botnets Worms Trojan horses Rootkits Denial of service Back doors Spoofing
  • 12. Internet & Network Attacks - Computer viruses & other malware • Computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses and rootkits are classified as malware (malicious software), which are programs that act without a user’s knowledge and deliberately alter the computer’s operations • A computer virus is a potentially damaging computer program that affects, or infects, a computer negatively by altering the way the computer works without the user’s knowledge or permission
  • 13. Internet & Network Attacks - Computer viruses & other malware • A worm is a program that copies itself repeatedly, for example in memory or on a network, using up resources and possibly shutting down the computer or network • A Trojan horse is a program that hides within or looks like a legitimate program. Unlike a virus or worm, a Trojan horse does not replicate itself to other computers • A rootkit is a program that hides in a computer and allows someone from a remote location to take full control of the computer. Once installed, the rootkit author can execute programs, change settings, monitor activity, and access files on the remote computer
  • 14. Internet & Network Attacks - Computer viruses & other malware • Unscrupulous programmers write malware and then test it to ensure it can deliver its payload • The payload is the destructive event or prank the program is intended to deliver • Malware delivers its payload on a computer in various ways: 1. When a user opens an infected file 2. When a user runs an infected program 3. When a user boots the computer with infected removable media inserted in a drive or plugged in a port 4. When a user connects an unprotected computer to a network 5. When a certain condition or even occurs, such as computer’s clock changing to specific data
  • 15. Internet & Network Attacks - Computer viruses & other malware • A computer infected by a virus, worm, Trojan horse, or rootkit has one or more of the following symptoms: – – – – – – – – – – – Operating system runs much slower than usual Available memory is less than expected Files become corrupted Screen displays unusual message or image Music or unusual sound plays randomly Existing programs and files disappear Programs or files do not work properly Unknown programs or files mysteriously appear System properties change Operating system does not start up Operating system shuts down unexpectedly
  • 16. Safeguards against Computer viruses & other malware Tips for preventing viruses and other malware: 1. Never start a computer with removable media inserted in the drives or plugged in the ports, unless the media are uninfected 2. Never open an e-mail attachment unless you are expecting it and it is from a trusted source. 3. Set the macro security in programs so that you can enable or disable macros. Enable macros only if the document is from a trusted source and you are expecting it. 4. Install an antivirus program on all of your computers. Update the software and the virus signature files regularly. 5. Scan all downloaded programs for viruses and other malware. 6. If the antivirus program flags an e-mail attachment as infected, delete or quarantine the attachment immediately. 7. Before using any removable media, scan the media for malware. Follow this procedure even for shrink-wrapped software from major developers. Some commercial software has been infected and distributed to unsuspecting users. 8. Install a personal firewall program. 9. Stay informed about new virus alerts and virus hoaxes.
  • 17. Safeguards against Computer viruses & other malware • A trusted source is an organization or person you believe will not Popular Antivirus Programs send a virus infected file AVG Anti-virus knowingly. Avast! Antivirus F-Secure Anti-virus • An antivirus program protects a Kaspersky Anti-virus computer against viruses by McAfee VirusScan identifying and removing any Norton Antivirus computer viruses found in memory, on storage media, or on Trend Micro Antivirus Vexira Antivirus incoming files. CA Antivirus
  • 18. Safeguards against Computer viruses & other malware • Techniques that antivirus programs use to identify virus is to look for virus signatures and to inoculate existing program files. • A virus signature, also called a virus definition, is a known specific pattern of virus code. • Computer users should update their antivirus program’s signature files regularly. • To inoculate a program file, the antivirus program records information such as the file size and file creation date in a separate inoculation file. • The antivirus program then uses this information to detect if a virus tampers with the data describing the inoculated program file.
  • 19. Safeguards against Computer viruses & other malware • If an antivirus program identifies an infected file, it attempts to remove the malware. • If the antivirus cannot remove the infection, it often quarantines the infected file. • A quarantine is a separate area of the hard disk that holds the infected file until the infection can be removed.
  • 20. Safeguards against Computer viruses & other malware • A virus hoax is an e-mail message that warns users of a nonexistent virus or other malware. • These hoaxes are in the form of a chain letter that requests the user to send a copy of the e-mail message to as many people as possible. • Do not forward the message. Visit a web site that publishes a list of virus alerts and virus hoaxes.
  • 21. Internet & Network Attacks - Botnets, DoS Attacks, Back Doors & Spoofing • A botnet is a group of compromised computers connected to a network such as the Internet that are used as part of a network that attacks other networks, usually for nefarious purposes. • A compromised computer, known as a zombie, is one whose owner is unaware the computer is being controlled remotely by an outsider. • A bot is a program that performs a repetitive task on a network. • The perpetrator uses botnet to send spam e-mail, spread viruses/malware, or commit a distributed denial of service attack.
  • 22. Internet & Network Attacks - Botnets, DoS Attacks, Back Doors & Spoofing • A denial of service attack or DoS attack, is an assault whose purpose is to disrupt computer access to an Internet service such as the Web or e-mail. • Perpetrators use an unsuspecting computer to send influx of confusing data messages or useless traffic to a computer network. • The victim computer network slows down considerably and eventually becomes unresponsive or unavailable, blocking legitimate visitors from accessing the network. • DDoS (distributed DoS) attack uses a zombie army to attack computers or networks.
  • 23. Internet & Network Attacks - Botnets, DoS Attacks, Back Doors & Spoofing • A back door is a program or set of instructions in a program that allow users to bypass security controls when accessing a program, computer, or network. • Spoofing is a technique intruders use to make their network or Internet transmission appear legitimate to a victim computer or network. • E-mail spoofing occurs when the e-mail header are altered so that it appears the e-mail originated from a different sender. • E-mail spoofing is used for virus hoaxes, spam, and phishing spams. • IP spoofing occurs when an intruder computer fools a network into believing its IP address is associated with a trusted source.
  • 24. Safeguards against Botnets, DoS Attacks, Back Doors, & Spoofing • A firewall is hardware and/or software that protects a network’s resources from intrusion by users on another network such as the Internet. • Organizations use firewalls to protect network resources from outsiders and to restrict employees’ access to sensitive data. • A personal firewall is a utility program that detects and protects a personal computer and its data from unauthorized intrusions. Stand-Alone Personal Firewall Software BitDefender Internet Security CA Personal Firewall McAfee Internet Security Norton Personal Firewall Webroot Desktop Firewall ZoneAlarm Pro
  • 25. Safeguards against Botnets, DoS Attacks, Back Doors, & Spoofing • Intrusion detection software automatically analyzes all network traffic, assesses system vulnerabilities, identifies any unauthorized intrusions, and notifies network administrators of suspicious behavior patterns or system breaches. • A honeypot is a vulnerable computer that is set up to entice an intruder to break into it. • These computers, which appear real to the intruder, actually are separated safely from the organization’s network.
  • 26. Unauthorized Access & Use • Unauthorized access is the use of a computer or network without permission. • Unauthorized use is the use of a computer or its data for unapproved or possibly illegal activities. • Eg. an employee using an organization’s computer to send personal e-mail messages, using word processing software to track his or her child’s soccer league scores, etc.
  • 27. Safeguards against Unauthorized Access & Use • Have a written acceptable use policy (AUP) that outlines the computer activities for which the computer and network may or may not be used. • An access control is a security measure that defines who can access a computer, when they can access it, and what actions they can take while accessing the computer. • Identification verifies that an individual is a valid user. • Authentication verifies that the individual is the person he or she claims to be.
  • 28. Safeguards against Unauthorized Access & Use • Three methods of identification and authentication – Usernames and passwords • A username or user ID – unique combination of characters, such as letters of the alphabet or numbers, that identifies one specific user • A password is a private combination of characters associated with the username that allows access to certain computer resources – Possessed objects • E.g. badges, cards, smart cards, keys • Used in combination with personal identification number (PIN) – Biometric devices • Authenticates a person’s identify by translating a personal characteristic, such as fingerprint, into digital code that is compared with a digital code stored in the computer verifying a physical or behavioral characteristic
  • 29. Hardware Theft & Vandalism • Hardware theft is the act of stealing computer equipment. • Hardware vandalism is the act of defacing or destroying computer equipment
  • 30. Safeguards against Hardware Theft & Vandalism • Physical access controls (e.g. locked doors, alarm) • Physical security devices (e.g. cables lock equipment) • Real time location system (RTLS) – RFID tags • Password-protect portable storage devices
  • 31. Software Theft • Software theft occurs when someone 1. Steals software media • Physically stealing the media that contain the software or the hardware that contains the media 2. Intentionally erases programs • Dishonest programmers intentionally remove or disable the programs they have written for the company after termination 3. Illegally copies a program • • Software stolen from software manufacturers Software piracy is the unauthorized and illegal duplication of copyrighted software 4. Illegally registers and/or activates a program • Users illegally obtain registration numbers and/or activation codes using key generator (keygen) program
  • 32. Safeguards against Software Theft • Keep original software boxes and media in secure location • Escort terminated employee off the premise immediately • Software manufacturers issue users license agreement – the right to use the software
  • 33. Information Theft • Information theft occurs when someone steals personal or confidential information. • Both business and home users can fall victim to information theft. • E.g. an individual first gain unauthorized access to a computer then steal credit card numbers stored in a firm’s accounting department
  • 34. Safeguards against Information Theft • Encryption – process of converting data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized access. • To read the data, the recipient must decrypt or decipher it into readable form. • Digital signature – encrypted code that a person, Web site, or organization attaches to an electronic message to verify the identity of the message sender. • Digital certificate – a notice that guarantees a user or Web site is legitimate.
  • 35. System Failure • A system failure is the prolonged malfunction of a computer that can cause loss of hardware, software, data, or information. • An undervoltage occurs when electrical supply drops. • A blackout is a complete power failure. • An overvoltage or power surge, occurs when the incoming electrical power increases more than five percent above the normal volts.
  • 36. Safeguards against System Failure • Surge protector (surge suppressor) uses special electrical components to smooth out minor noise, provide stable current flow, and keep an overvoltage from reaching the computer and other electronic equipment. • Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a device that contains surge protection circuits and one or more batteries that can provide power during a temporary or permanent loss of power.
  • 37. Computer Ethics • Ethics is the standards that determine whether an action is good or bad. • Computer ethics are the moral guidelines that govern the use of computers and information systems. • Seven frequently discussed areas of computer ethics: Unauthorized use of computers and networks Software theft (piracy) Codes of conduct Information accuracy Information privacy Intellectual property rights Green computing
  • 38. Information Accuracy • Information accuracy today is a concern because many users access information maintained by other people or companies, such as on the Internet. • Do not assume that because the information is on the Web that it is correct. • Some individuals and organizations raise questions about the ethics of using computers to alter graphical output such as a retouched photo.
  • 39. Intellectual Property Rights • Intellectual property (IP) refers to unique and original works such as ideas, inventions, art, writings, processes, company and product names, and logos. • Intellectual property rights are the rights to which creators are entitled for their work. • A copyright gives authors and artists exclusive rights to duplicate, publish, and sell their materials.
  • 40. Codes of Conduct • An IT code of conduct is a written guideline that helps determine whether a specific computer action is ethical or unethical. IT Code of Conduct 1. Computers may not be used to harm other people. 2. Employees may not interfere with others’ computer work. 3. Employees may not copy or use software illegally. 4. Employees may not use others’ computer resources without authorization. 5. Employees may not use others’ intellectual property as their own. 6. Computers may not be used to steal.
  • 41. Green Computing • Green computing involves reducing the electricity and environmental waste while using a computer. • Personal computers, display devices, and printers should comply with guidelines of the ENERGY STAR program – help reduce the amount of electricity used • Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a ratio that measures how much power enters the computer facility, or data center, against the amount of power required to run the computers. Green Computing Suggestions 1. Use computers and devices that comply with the ENERGY STAR program. 2. Do not leave the computer running overnight. 3. Turn off the monitor, printer, and other devices when not in use. 4. Use LCD monitors instead of CRT monitors. 5. Use paperless methods to communicate. 6. Recycle paper and buy recycled paper.
  • 42. Information Privacy • Information privacy refers to the right of individuals and companies to deny or restrict the collection and use of information about them. How to safeguard personal information 1. Fill in only necessary information on rebate, warranty, and registration forms. 2. Do not write your telephone number on charge or credit receipts. 3. If merchants ask personal questions, find out why they want to know before releasing the information. 4. Limit the amount of information you provide to Web sites. Fill in only required information. 5. Install a cookie manager to filter cookies. 6. Clear your history file when you are finishing browsing. 7. Set up a free e-mail account. Use this e-mail address for merchant forms. 8. Turn off file and printer sharing on your Internet connection. 9. Install a personal firewall. 10. Do not reply to spam for any reason.
  • 43. Summary Perpetrators • • • • • • • Hacker Cracker Script Kiddie Corporate Spy Unethical employee Cyberextortionist Cyberterrorist Security Risks Computer Ethics • Internet & Network Attacks • Unauthorized access and use • Hardware theft • Software theft • Information theft • System failure • Unauthorized use of computers & network • Software piracy • Information accuracy • Intellectual property rights • Codes of conduct • Information privacy • Green computing