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Project Management &

        John Baniszewski


          Tel. - 301-286-9208

Project Managers and Procurement

•   “A Guide to the Project Management Body of
    Knowledge” (PMBOK), developed by the Project
    Management Institute (PMI), Newtown Square, PA,
    identifies nine management skills that all Project
    Managers require:
      •    Project Integration
      •    Scope Management
      •    Schedule Management
      •    Cost Management
      •    Quality Management
      •    Human Resource Management
      •    Communication Management
      •    Risk Management
      • Acquisition Management (Procurement)
Why Should You Know Something About
80 to 85% of NASA’s budget is spent on contracts and other acquisition
instruments (grants, small purchases, etc.)
     Procurement processes are governed by a maze of complex,
     voluminous, and constantly changing body of laws and regulations
     not controllable by Project Managers, and not comprehensible to
     most people.
         Contracts are awarded and administered by organizations
         outside of the line management authority of Project managers
             Mistakes in procurement strategy can tie the hands of
             Project Managers throughout the life of the contract
                  The Procurement strategy that worked the last time
                  may not work the next time
                     Procurement policy keeps changing, often making
                     the job of project management more difficult (“one
                     size fits all” approach)
Private versus Government:
                    What’s the Difference?
                                  Private                         Government
What you can buy             Whatever is not illegal        Only what is authorized by law
Contract changes           Changes must be bilateral          Changes can be unilateral
Termination for
                          Termination must be bilateral        Termination is unilateral
Rights of inspection      Limited – What you negotiate             Virtually unlimited
Selection of sources          Whomever you want              Competition required by law
Contract terms &
                               Whatever you write           Mandatory, pre-written clauses
Contract law                                                   The Government writes it
                              You are subject to it
Authority to enter into     All that is implied by your     Only what is explicitly stated in
contracts                              position                         writing
Public information        It is generally totally private   It is generally publicly available
Form                            Written or verbal                   Must be written
Socio-Economic factors                None                               Many
Contracting Officers and Project Managers
• Procurement is governed by a huge volume of complex and
  constantly changing regulations & policies. Projects need people
  trained and experienced in this specialty
• To prevent conflict of interest situations, contracting officers are
  not part of the line organization of flight projects
• Project managers must rely on outside organizations to provide
  contracting officer support
• Project managers have no supervisory control over contracting
• Projects do not have direct control of procurement staffing levels or
  procurement workload prioritization
• Procurement staff is often not co-located with projects
• Bottom Line - Successful project procurement must be achieved
  through the development of an effective working relationship,
  rather than by direction. If you have some basic knowledge, you
  can be more effective in dealing with your CO

Your Goal

Most Common Types of Contracts
    The Federal Acquisition Regulation includes a range of contract types for
              allocating risk between Government and Contractor
•   Firm Fixed Price (FFP) – Contractor gets paid the negotiated price, which does not get
    adjusted for any reason (except changes)
•   Firm Fixed Price/Award Fee (FFP/AF) – Same as FFP, except there is a separate fee
    pool in addition to the FFP. The Government makes subjective determinations concerning
    how much of this pool is earned.
•   Firm Fixed Price With Economic Price Adjustment (FFP/EPA) – Some clearly
    defined element of the contract price may get adjusted, due to uncontrollable market
•   Fixed Price Incentive (FPI) – Operates like a CPIF contract until the target profit is gone,
    then it becomes FFP. Can be Firm Target (FT) or Successive Target (ST)
•   Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF) – Contractor gets paid actual cost. There is a separate
    fee pool. This pool is reduced if there is an overrun, using an objective formula.
•   Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) – Contractor gets paid actual cost. There is a separate fee
    pool. This pool is evaluated on a regular basis, using subjective assessments of contractor
    performance (technical, schedule, cost)
•   Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) – Contractor gets paid
    actual cost. There is a separate fee pool. The
    contractor gets paid the entire fee, regardless of the
    quality of performance.

Available Contract Types
                   Your Ability to Manage Your Contractor Is Heavily
                              Influenced by Contract Type
Contractor Financial Risk

                            FFP      FFP/AF   FFP/EPA     FPI/FT     FPI/ST     CPIF     CPAF     CPFF

                                  Least           Government Insight & Control             Most

       Contractor                         Financial responsibility for risk mitigation          Government
Solving Contract Problems

“A bad plan is better than no plan” – Charles de Gaulle
“Any contract is better than no contract” – Baniszewski
“No plan survives contact with the enemy” – Von Moltke
“No contract survives the reality of flight projects”
 – Baniszewski

                    “ ”

Solving Contract Problems – “You
   Know, It Don’t Come Easy”

 • Flight project hardware & services
   procurements are the most complex type
   of procurement done in the Government
    – The very nature of NASA as a Science and
      R&D agency means that we spent most of
      our money on highly complex, never-been-
      built-before purchases
    – The visibility, size, difficulty, and duration
      of our major system procurements makes
      them vulnerable to uncontrollable or political

Solving Contract Problems
The Bad News
 – No matter how well you plan a NASA flight project
   procurement, the resulting contract will change
   substantially before it is completed
The Good News
 – Government contracts contain some extremely well-
  conceived “boiler-plate clauses” that can
  help Project Managers deal with most of the
  problems they will encounter

Boiler Plate Clauses - FAQ
• What are they?
   – “Boiler Plate” consists of contract clauses are contained in the procurement
      regulations. The text is standardized and cannot be changed
• How many are there?
   – Hundreds
• Are they in my contract?
   – A lot of them are.
• How did they get there?
   – Some are required by regulation, others were selected by your CO based on
      what you are buying and how you are buying it
• I read the contract. How come I can’t find them?
   – They are included in the contract “by reference”. You have to look up the
      text in the procurement regulations, but they are full-fledged clauses as far
      as your contract is concerned.
• Are they important?
   – Most have no real significance to you as a Project manager. Some,
      however, are very important.
• Why are these important?
   – They can help you solve the unpredictable but inevitable problems you
      encounter as a Project manager.
Contract Problem – Getting the Information You

• During integration and test of the payload with
  the spacecraft, unusually high temperature
  readings are found in a certain subsystem, and the
  source of the heating cannot be determined.
  Analysis indicates that the source may be an
  electronic subassembly that was purchased from a
  subcontractor under a FP contract. The NASA
  Project requests to look at the fabrication
  drawings for the subassembly, and is told by the
  prime contractor that they are not available, as
  they were not a deliverable under the subcontract.
  What can the Government do?
Inspection (FAR 52.246-8)

• The Gist of It: The Contractor has to have an
  inspection system acceptable to the Government.
  The Contractor has to keep records and let the
  Government look at them. The Government can
  require any reasonable test or inspection it needs,
  even at subcontractors’ plants, but should not
  disrupt work. If we find a defect within six
  months of accepting something, the Contractor has
  to fix it for no additional fee. If the Contractor
  won’t fix it, and it’s a fixed price contract, we can
  get somebody else to do the work and charge the
  Contractor what it costs to fix it.
Contract Problem – Calling Time Out

• Contractor X is building five radiometers.
  They are being built in sequence, with
  deliveries six months apart. Pre-shipment
  testing of each unit requires two weeks.
  During testing of unit two, seven defects are
  found, traceable to workmanship errors.
  During the test program, the Contractor is
  having problems with employees failing to
  follow testing procedures. The Contractor is
  averaging four incidents of non-compliance
  per day. What can the Government do?
52.242-15 Stop-Work Order

• The Gist of It: Any time we want to, for
  whatever reason, we can order the
  Contractor to stop some or all work for 90
  days. If there are unavoidable expenditures,
  they must be kept to the bare minimum.
  After 90 days, we have to let them go back
  to work or terminate the contract. If we
  don’t terminate for default, we have to pay
  whatever additional costs they incur, plus

Contract Problem – Waste, Fraud, & Abuse

• You are the COTR for a large instrument contract. You visit the
  Contractor’s plant frequently and get to know the Contractor’s
  people. One engineer named Fred has been battling cancer. The
  last time you visited, three months ago, you heard he was in the
  hospital. You are looking at who has charged your contract.
  You see Fred charged 40 hours for the past week, plus 16 hours
  overtime. You remark to one of the Contractor’s people, “It
  looks like Fred must be feeling better”. That person replies to
  you, “Oh, didn’t you know? Fred died last month”. What can
  you do?
• You are the COTR for a contract that provides operation &
  maintenance of a remote tracking facility. You receive an
  anonymous note from someone who works at the facility. The
  note says that the civil servant who oversees the facility has been
  having a support contractor doing home improvements on his
  house, including building a deck, and charging the costs to the
  contract. The person who sent the note says that if someone does
  not take action, he will call the OIG. What can you do?
52.215-2 Audit and Records—Negotiation

  • The Gist of It: If this is a cost plus
    contract, or a sole-source fixed price
    contract, the Contractor has to let us
    look at any of his books or financial
    records, even if we made final
    payment three years ago. He has to
    flow this requirement down to
    subcontracts that are cost plus or sole
    source. If this was a competitive fixed
    price contract, we have no such rights
    for the initial contract, but we do for
    contract changes.
Contract Problem – Do I Have to Pay For That?
• You are the Finance Manager for a flight project. You are
  worried about your budget – you have not completed PDR, and
  your financial reserves are down to 18%. One of your
  Resource Analysts has been doing cost variance analysis on one
  of your major contracts. Because of a significant variance last
  month, she has obtained and examined detailed cost vouchers.
  There are a number of specific items she questioned. The first
  one is a direct charge by the owner of the company for three
  hours of technical labor, billed at a direct labor rate of
  $198/hour. Another charge is $12,000 for an ocean-front
  luxury hotel used by the Contractor to conduct an off-site
  retreat. There is a charge for a $12,000 leather sofa for the
  Contractor’s Project Manager’s office. There is a charge of
  $10,000 to buy insurance for the shipment of any extremely
  fragile optical assembly (which is part of the spacecraft) that
  took two years to fabricate (at a cost of $600,000). Lastly, there
  is $4,000 for a trip to Boston, in connection with recruiting
  fresh-out mechanical engineers from MIT. Should you pay for
  all this?                                                     19
52.266-7 - Allowable Cost and Payment
• The Gist of It: We have to pay the
  Contractor’s actual costs every month.
  But the costs have to be allowable under
  the procurement regulations, they have to
  be associated with our contract, and they
  have to be reasonable. There is a big
  section in the procurement regulation that
  covers what we will or will not pay for.
  We pay their overhead and G&A based
  on an estimated rate, but eventually we
  have to pay at whatever actual rate
  DCAA approves.

Contract Problem – A Team of Rivals
• Your contractor is building three spacecraft, delivered
  one year apart. Two days after the first one is
  launched, it suffers a sudden and catastrophic on-orbit
  failure. A team is assembled to identify the cause of the
  failure. The team includes three engineers who are
  world-class experts in their specialty. They are
  employed by a company that is a chief competitor of
  the spacecraft contractor. The failure review team has
  asked for many design drawings, parts lists, test
  procedures, test results, and process instructions. Your
  contractor balks at this request, because the majority of
  his spacecraft business is commercial, and if this
  information fell into the hands of a competitor, it could
  give that competitor an edge in an upcoming DoD
  procurement. What can you do?
52.227-14 Rights in Data

• The Gist of It: If we paid for the data, we own it, and
  we can do whatever we want with it. If we didn’t pay
  for it, the Contractor owns it, and we normally don’t
  even want to see it. Sometimes, however, we need it.
  In that case, we can require the Contractor to provide
  it but we have to protect it and we can only use it for
  specific purposes. An alternative is to ask for a
  sanitized version of the data that answers our most
  compelling questions without giving away the
  Contractor’s sensitive stuff.

Contract Problem – There’s No Money

• With three months to go in the FY, HQ suddenly and
  unexpectedly takes away the rest of your FY funding. They
  reassure you that you will get the funding promised next
  year, but the rumor mill says otherwise. Your Contractor
  runs out of money next week. He knows that if he stops
  work, he will lose the team of experts that enabled him to
  win the contract, and who are essential to complete it. On
  his own, he chooses to keep those people on the job after the
  money runs out. He asks if you have a problem with this,
  but you say nothing. Two months later, your CFO receives
  a report telling her that your Contractor is showing costs in
  excess of obligation, and wants to know why. What do you

52.232-22 - Limitation of Funds
• The Gist of It: The Contractor will try to do the contract
  for the negotiated value (give BEST EFFORTS). The
  Government will specify how much money is available to
  pay for performing the contract, and the Contractor will tell
  us when that money will run out. From time to time, the
  government anticipates adding more money. When the
  Contractor is almost out of money, he has to warn us.
  When the money is all spent, he can stop work. If he
  continues working, we aren’t required to pay him. If he
  does keep working after the money runs out, and we do get
  more money, we can pay him for the work he did. The
  Contractor, however, can’t spend more money than the
  negotiated contract value. If it wants to, the Government
  can raise the negotiated contract value. If we issue a
  change order, we have to add money to pay for it, and
  increase the contract value, or the Contractor doesn’t have
  to do it.                                               24
Contract Problem – Disaster Happens
• A Contractor is building four spacecraft under a FP
  contract. They are delivered at one year intervals.
  Spacecraft one suffers a catastrophic on-orbit failure two
  weeks after launch. Data indicates that the cause may have
  been due to problems with certain components of the
  electrical system, but this cannot be conclusively proven.
  Investigation of components for the second spacecraft
  identifies significant workmanship defects which could
  definitely cause failures. According to the contract, the
  Contractor must provide a replacement spacecraft in the
  event of a Contractor-caused failure. The Government
  demands that the Contractor initiate work on a replacement
  spacecraft. It also demands that the suspect components not
  be used in the next three spacecraft. The Contractor’s
  response is that the investigation is inconclusive, and that
  there are several other potential causes of the on-orbit
  failure. He refuses to start wok on a replacement spacecraft,
  and refuses to switch out the suspect components. What
  happens?                                                    25
52.233-1 Disputes

• The Gist of It: If the Contractor
  and Government reach an
  impasse over some contract
  issue, there is a long, formal,
  agonizing, time-consuming,
  labor-intensive procedure that
  both parties must follow, which
  may end up in court. The
  Contractor has to keep working
  while this is going on.
Contract Problem – Lemons and Lemonade
• Your project was a partnership with DoD, in which NASA
  would fund the payload, and DoD furnish the spacecraft
  bus and launch service. The week after CDR, DoD
  withdrew from the partnership. There is a new project
  that is funded from a different UPN, but which does
  similar science. You would like to fly your payload on that
  spacecraft. The new project just awarded its spacecraft
  contract a week ago. It was a very close competition, with
  four bidders. The winning Contractor was selected based
  primarily on lowest probable cost and greatest likelihood
  to deliver on schedule. To fly your payload, there would
  be huge changes to the spacecraft design. You estimate
  that the cost of the new spacecraft contract would double,
  and delivery would slip more than a year. Can you fly
  your payload on that spacecraft?
52.243-1 & 2 - Changes

• The Gist of It: If the Government wrote the
  specifications or the SOW, it can unilaterally change
  them any time and without warning. We can even do
  this after delivery, as long as we haven’t made final
  payment. The Contractor has to accept the change.
  The Government has to pay for everything impacted
  by the change, or extend the delivery schedule, if the
  Contractor requests it. If the Contractor runs out of
  money, he does not have to do the changed work. We
  can’t buy more stuff. But we can enhance the
  capability of the stuff we already have under contract.

Contract Problem – Those Dang
• Company X built four instruments under a
  CPAF contract. The contract had 300% cost
  growth. The vast majority of the growth was
  due to a dozen different subcontracts for
  various subsystems. You have been directed to
  award a sole-source follow-on to Company X
  to build four more instruments, using the same
  design. What action can or should you take, if

52.244-2 Subcontracts

• The Gist of It: The Contractor should have a
  good purchasing system in place, with
  documented processes that can withstand an audit
  by a DoD auditor. If he passes the audit, we don’t
  need to get involved in subcontracting decisions
  unless we specifically want to (perhaps for a
  really critical, large subcontract). If the
  contractor fails the audit, the project will have to
  spend huge amounts of labor examining and
  approving every large fixed price contract, and all
  “cost plus” ones.
Contract Problem – They Have It, We Own It

52.245-5 Government Property
• The Gist of It: There are two types of Government Property
  (GP). There is Government-Furnished Property (GFP), which
  is property that the government obtained somehow, and then
  delivers to a Contractor. Then there is Contractor-Acquired
  Property (CAP) – this is property that the Contractor bought
  for use on our contract, with our money. The Government
  owns all GFP and CAP.
• When we furnish GFP, we have to deliver it on schedule, and
  it has to work. If we deliver GFP late, we have to pay the
  Contractor any costs associated with the delay, plus a fee, and
  may have to give him delivery schedule relief. If the GFP
  doesn’t work right, we can have the Contractor fix it, but we
  have to pay the Contractor any costs associated with the fix,
  plus a fee, and may have to give him delivery schedule relief.
  We can unilaterally change the type and/or quantity whenever
  we like, but once again, we have to pay. The Contractor can’t
  use GP for anything other than our contract.                32
52.245-5 Government Property cont.

• If we paid for it, it is GP, and we own it.
• If it is some kind of commercial equipment, we
  may or may not pay for it directly under the
  contract. It depends on what it is used for.
• The Contractor has to take care of our property.
  However, if he damages it, we still pay the cost
  to fix it. The contractor shouldn’t buy
  insurance for the property.
• If he no longer needs the property, the
  contractor still has to take care of it. He can’t
  get rid of it without our permission, and he can
  only get rid of it the way we allow him to.

Contract Problem – You Need a Stick!
• You are training for the world championship in two-man canoe
  racing. Your regular partner became ill two days before the
  qualifying race. There are five canoes in the race. Only the
  winner will advance. You find a new partner who is a stranger
  to you, but who has good references. You sign a contract with
  him, agreeing to pay him $5,000 to be your partner. Half way
  through the race, he stops rowing and starts drinking a beer.
  You yell at him to resume rowing. He gives you a one-fingered
  salute. You pull a hand grenade from your pocket and yell
  “start rowing, or I’m pulling the pin!”. Should he be scared?
• Same as above, but you partner looks down into the bottom of
  the boat. He sees an empty plastic shopping bag that says
  “Toys-R-Us”, and a cardboard box that says “GI Joe Plastic
  WW II Hand Grenade”. Should he be scared?

52.249 Termination
• The Gist of It: If this is a “Fixed Price” contract and the
  Contractor fails to deliver on time or fails to make progress to
  such an extent that contract performance is endangered, we can
  terminate for default. We don’t owe the Contractor any
  money. He has to pay back whatever we paid him to date. We
  can get another contractor to do the work, and any increase in
  the price of what we buy has to be paid by the terminated
  Contractor. If this is a “Cost Plus” contract and the Contractor
  fails to make progress to such an extent that contract
  performance is endangered, we can terminate for default. The
  Contractor must stop work immediately, and only spend
  money that is essential to efficiently closing out the contract.
  We own everything purchased with our money. We pay his
  actual costs, plus some fair portion of his fee.

Contract Problem – Fixing the Small Stuff
• The Contractor is building a ground system which
  will be used by a large number of scientists for
  analysis of data received from The Great
  Observatory Spacecraft, which will be launched in
  five years. The COTR is reviewing the design and
  parts list for the science consoles to be built by the
  Contractor. The COTR notices that the
  Contractor intends to use displays capable of
  generating 64 different colors, with pixel
  resolution of 0.07. The COTR used to be an
  astronomer, and knows that for astronomical
  observation, the more colors and better pixel
  resolution the better. The contract specification
  does not go to this level of detail. What can the
  COTR do?
1852.242-70 Technical Direction

• The Gist of It: The COTR can steer
  the Contractor in a particular direction,
  but not if it changes any requirements
  of the contract or causes the contract
  value to change. If the Contractor
  thinks it is a change, he should notify
  the CO, who has to give official

Contract Problem – Keeping Things Under
• You are a Contractor. You are building a ground
  system which will be used by a large number of
  scientists for analysis of data received from The
  Great Observatory Spacecraft, which will be
  launched in five years. There is a big review in
  which the scientists who will use the system are
  briefed on your design. Many of them are highly
  displeased with your implementation approach,
  because it lacks many of the features and capabilities
  they would like to have. Your COTR has collected
  their input, and directs you to make three dozen
  changes to your technical approach. A few will
  actually reduce the cost. A third are cost-neutral.
  The rest would drive up the price. What do you do?
52.243-7 Notification of Changes
 • The Gist of It: If someone
   other than the Contracting
   Officer tells the Contractor to
   do something that the
   Contractor considers a change,
   the Contractor should not do it.
   The Contractor should notify
   the Contracting Officer
   immediately and ask for


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Baniszewski john

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  • 2. Project Managers and Procurement • “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge” (PMBOK), developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI), Newtown Square, PA, identifies nine management skills that all Project Managers require: • Project Integration • Scope Management • Schedule Management • Cost Management • Quality Management • Human Resource Management • Communication Management • Risk Management • Acquisition Management (Procurement) 2
  • 3. Why Should You Know Something About Procurement? 80 to 85% of NASA’s budget is spent on contracts and other acquisition instruments (grants, small purchases, etc.) Procurement processes are governed by a maze of complex, voluminous, and constantly changing body of laws and regulations not controllable by Project Managers, and not comprehensible to most people. Contracts are awarded and administered by organizations outside of the line management authority of Project managers Mistakes in procurement strategy can tie the hands of Project Managers throughout the life of the contract The Procurement strategy that worked the last time may not work the next time Procurement policy keeps changing, often making the job of project management more difficult (“one size fits all” approach) 3
  • 4. Private versus Government: What’s the Difference? Private Government What you can buy Whatever is not illegal Only what is authorized by law Contract changes Changes must be bilateral Changes can be unilateral Termination for Termination must be bilateral Termination is unilateral Convenience Rights of inspection Limited – What you negotiate Virtually unlimited Selection of sources Whomever you want Competition required by law Contract terms & Whatever you write Mandatory, pre-written clauses conditions Contract law The Government writes it You are subject to it (sovereignty) Authority to enter into All that is implied by your Only what is explicitly stated in contracts position writing Public information It is generally totally private It is generally publicly available Form Written or verbal Must be written Socio-Economic factors None Many 4
  • 5. Contracting Officers and Project Managers • Procurement is governed by a huge volume of complex and constantly changing regulations & policies. Projects need people trained and experienced in this specialty • To prevent conflict of interest situations, contracting officers are not part of the line organization of flight projects • Project managers must rely on outside organizations to provide contracting officer support • Project managers have no supervisory control over contracting officers • Projects do not have direct control of procurement staffing levels or procurement workload prioritization • Procurement staff is often not co-located with projects • Bottom Line - Successful project procurement must be achieved through the development of an effective working relationship, rather than by direction. If you have some basic knowledge, you can be more effective in dealing with your CO 5
  • 7. Most Common Types of Contracts The Federal Acquisition Regulation includes a range of contract types for allocating risk between Government and Contractor • Firm Fixed Price (FFP) – Contractor gets paid the negotiated price, which does not get adjusted for any reason (except changes) • Firm Fixed Price/Award Fee (FFP/AF) – Same as FFP, except there is a separate fee pool in addition to the FFP. The Government makes subjective determinations concerning how much of this pool is earned. • Firm Fixed Price With Economic Price Adjustment (FFP/EPA) – Some clearly defined element of the contract price may get adjusted, due to uncontrollable market forces • Fixed Price Incentive (FPI) – Operates like a CPIF contract until the target profit is gone, then it becomes FFP. Can be Firm Target (FT) or Successive Target (ST) • Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF) – Contractor gets paid actual cost. There is a separate fee pool. This pool is reduced if there is an overrun, using an objective formula. • Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) – Contractor gets paid actual cost. There is a separate fee pool. This pool is evaluated on a regular basis, using subjective assessments of contractor performance (technical, schedule, cost) • Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) – Contractor gets paid actual cost. There is a separate fee pool. The contractor gets paid the entire fee, regardless of the quality of performance. 7
  • 8. Available Contract Types Your Ability to Manage Your Contractor Is Heavily Influenced by Contract Type High Contractor Financial Risk FFP FFP/AF FFP/EPA FPI/FT FPI/ST CPIF CPAF CPFF Low Least Government Insight & Control Most Contractor Financial responsibility for risk mitigation Government 8
  • 9. Solving Contract Problems 1 Quotes “A bad plan is better than no plan” – Charles de Gaulle “Any contract is better than no contract” – Baniszewski “No plan survives contact with the enemy” – Von Moltke “No contract survives the reality of flight projects” – Baniszewski “ ” 9
  • 10. Solving Contract Problems – “You Know, It Don’t Come Easy” • Flight project hardware & services procurements are the most complex type of procurement done in the Government – The very nature of NASA as a Science and R&D agency means that we spent most of our money on highly complex, never-been- built-before purchases – The visibility, size, difficulty, and duration of our major system procurements makes them vulnerable to uncontrollable or political forces 10
  • 11. Solving Contract Problems The Bad News – No matter how well you plan a NASA flight project procurement, the resulting contract will change substantially before it is completed The Good News – Government contracts contain some extremely well- conceived “boiler-plate clauses” that can help Project Managers deal with most of the problems they will encounter 11
  • 12. Boiler Plate Clauses - FAQ • What are they? – “Boiler Plate” consists of contract clauses are contained in the procurement regulations. The text is standardized and cannot be changed • How many are there? – Hundreds • Are they in my contract? – A lot of them are. • How did they get there? – Some are required by regulation, others were selected by your CO based on what you are buying and how you are buying it • I read the contract. How come I can’t find them? – They are included in the contract “by reference”. You have to look up the text in the procurement regulations, but they are full-fledged clauses as far as your contract is concerned. • Are they important? – Most have no real significance to you as a Project manager. Some, however, are very important. • Why are these important? – They can help you solve the unpredictable but inevitable problems you 12 encounter as a Project manager.
  • 13. Contract Problem – Getting the Information You Need • During integration and test of the payload with the spacecraft, unusually high temperature readings are found in a certain subsystem, and the source of the heating cannot be determined. Analysis indicates that the source may be an electronic subassembly that was purchased from a subcontractor under a FP contract. The NASA Project requests to look at the fabrication drawings for the subassembly, and is told by the prime contractor that they are not available, as they were not a deliverable under the subcontract. What can the Government do? 13
  • 14. Inspection (FAR 52.246-8) • The Gist of It: The Contractor has to have an inspection system acceptable to the Government. The Contractor has to keep records and let the Government look at them. The Government can require any reasonable test or inspection it needs, even at subcontractors’ plants, but should not disrupt work. If we find a defect within six months of accepting something, the Contractor has to fix it for no additional fee. If the Contractor won’t fix it, and it’s a fixed price contract, we can get somebody else to do the work and charge the Contractor what it costs to fix it. 14
  • 15. Contract Problem – Calling Time Out • Contractor X is building five radiometers. They are being built in sequence, with deliveries six months apart. Pre-shipment testing of each unit requires two weeks. During testing of unit two, seven defects are found, traceable to workmanship errors. During the test program, the Contractor is having problems with employees failing to follow testing procedures. The Contractor is averaging four incidents of non-compliance per day. What can the Government do? 15
  • 16. 52.242-15 Stop-Work Order • The Gist of It: Any time we want to, for whatever reason, we can order the Contractor to stop some or all work for 90 days. If there are unavoidable expenditures, they must be kept to the bare minimum. After 90 days, we have to let them go back to work or terminate the contract. If we don’t terminate for default, we have to pay whatever additional costs they incur, plus fee. 16
  • 17. Contract Problem – Waste, Fraud, & Abuse • You are the COTR for a large instrument contract. You visit the Contractor’s plant frequently and get to know the Contractor’s people. One engineer named Fred has been battling cancer. The last time you visited, three months ago, you heard he was in the hospital. You are looking at who has charged your contract. You see Fred charged 40 hours for the past week, plus 16 hours overtime. You remark to one of the Contractor’s people, “It looks like Fred must be feeling better”. That person replies to you, “Oh, didn’t you know? Fred died last month”. What can you do? • You are the COTR for a contract that provides operation & maintenance of a remote tracking facility. You receive an anonymous note from someone who works at the facility. The note says that the civil servant who oversees the facility has been having a support contractor doing home improvements on his house, including building a deck, and charging the costs to the contract. The person who sent the note says that if someone does not take action, he will call the OIG. What can you do? 17
  • 18. 52.215-2 Audit and Records—Negotiation • The Gist of It: If this is a cost plus contract, or a sole-source fixed price contract, the Contractor has to let us look at any of his books or financial records, even if we made final payment three years ago. He has to flow this requirement down to subcontracts that are cost plus or sole source. If this was a competitive fixed price contract, we have no such rights for the initial contract, but we do for contract changes. 18
  • 19. Contract Problem – Do I Have to Pay For That? • You are the Finance Manager for a flight project. You are worried about your budget – you have not completed PDR, and your financial reserves are down to 18%. One of your Resource Analysts has been doing cost variance analysis on one of your major contracts. Because of a significant variance last month, she has obtained and examined detailed cost vouchers. There are a number of specific items she questioned. The first one is a direct charge by the owner of the company for three hours of technical labor, billed at a direct labor rate of $198/hour. Another charge is $12,000 for an ocean-front luxury hotel used by the Contractor to conduct an off-site retreat. There is a charge for a $12,000 leather sofa for the Contractor’s Project Manager’s office. There is a charge of $10,000 to buy insurance for the shipment of any extremely fragile optical assembly (which is part of the spacecraft) that took two years to fabricate (at a cost of $600,000). Lastly, there is $4,000 for a trip to Boston, in connection with recruiting fresh-out mechanical engineers from MIT. Should you pay for all this? 19
  • 20. 52.266-7 - Allowable Cost and Payment • The Gist of It: We have to pay the Contractor’s actual costs every month. But the costs have to be allowable under the procurement regulations, they have to be associated with our contract, and they have to be reasonable. There is a big section in the procurement regulation that covers what we will or will not pay for. We pay their overhead and G&A based on an estimated rate, but eventually we have to pay at whatever actual rate DCAA approves. 20
  • 21. Contract Problem – A Team of Rivals • Your contractor is building three spacecraft, delivered one year apart. Two days after the first one is launched, it suffers a sudden and catastrophic on-orbit failure. A team is assembled to identify the cause of the failure. The team includes three engineers who are world-class experts in their specialty. They are employed by a company that is a chief competitor of the spacecraft contractor. The failure review team has asked for many design drawings, parts lists, test procedures, test results, and process instructions. Your contractor balks at this request, because the majority of his spacecraft business is commercial, and if this information fell into the hands of a competitor, it could give that competitor an edge in an upcoming DoD procurement. What can you do? 21
  • 22. 52.227-14 Rights in Data • The Gist of It: If we paid for the data, we own it, and we can do whatever we want with it. If we didn’t pay for it, the Contractor owns it, and we normally don’t even want to see it. Sometimes, however, we need it. In that case, we can require the Contractor to provide it but we have to protect it and we can only use it for specific purposes. An alternative is to ask for a sanitized version of the data that answers our most compelling questions without giving away the Contractor’s sensitive stuff. 22
  • 23. Contract Problem – There’s No Money • With three months to go in the FY, HQ suddenly and unexpectedly takes away the rest of your FY funding. They reassure you that you will get the funding promised next year, but the rumor mill says otherwise. Your Contractor runs out of money next week. He knows that if he stops work, he will lose the team of experts that enabled him to win the contract, and who are essential to complete it. On his own, he chooses to keep those people on the job after the money runs out. He asks if you have a problem with this, but you say nothing. Two months later, your CFO receives a report telling her that your Contractor is showing costs in excess of obligation, and wants to know why. What do you do? 23
  • 24. 52.232-22 - Limitation of Funds • The Gist of It: The Contractor will try to do the contract for the negotiated value (give BEST EFFORTS). The Government will specify how much money is available to pay for performing the contract, and the Contractor will tell us when that money will run out. From time to time, the government anticipates adding more money. When the Contractor is almost out of money, he has to warn us. When the money is all spent, he can stop work. If he continues working, we aren’t required to pay him. If he does keep working after the money runs out, and we do get more money, we can pay him for the work he did. The Contractor, however, can’t spend more money than the negotiated contract value. If it wants to, the Government can raise the negotiated contract value. If we issue a change order, we have to add money to pay for it, and increase the contract value, or the Contractor doesn’t have to do it. 24
  • 25. Contract Problem – Disaster Happens • A Contractor is building four spacecraft under a FP contract. They are delivered at one year intervals. Spacecraft one suffers a catastrophic on-orbit failure two weeks after launch. Data indicates that the cause may have been due to problems with certain components of the electrical system, but this cannot be conclusively proven. Investigation of components for the second spacecraft identifies significant workmanship defects which could definitely cause failures. According to the contract, the Contractor must provide a replacement spacecraft in the event of a Contractor-caused failure. The Government demands that the Contractor initiate work on a replacement spacecraft. It also demands that the suspect components not be used in the next three spacecraft. The Contractor’s response is that the investigation is inconclusive, and that there are several other potential causes of the on-orbit failure. He refuses to start wok on a replacement spacecraft, and refuses to switch out the suspect components. What happens? 25
  • 26. 52.233-1 Disputes • The Gist of It: If the Contractor and Government reach an impasse over some contract issue, there is a long, formal, agonizing, time-consuming, labor-intensive procedure that both parties must follow, which may end up in court. The Contractor has to keep working while this is going on. 26
  • 27. Contract Problem – Lemons and Lemonade • Your project was a partnership with DoD, in which NASA would fund the payload, and DoD furnish the spacecraft bus and launch service. The week after CDR, DoD withdrew from the partnership. There is a new project that is funded from a different UPN, but which does similar science. You would like to fly your payload on that spacecraft. The new project just awarded its spacecraft contract a week ago. It was a very close competition, with four bidders. The winning Contractor was selected based primarily on lowest probable cost and greatest likelihood to deliver on schedule. To fly your payload, there would be huge changes to the spacecraft design. You estimate that the cost of the new spacecraft contract would double, and delivery would slip more than a year. Can you fly your payload on that spacecraft? 27
  • 28. 52.243-1 & 2 - Changes • The Gist of It: If the Government wrote the specifications or the SOW, it can unilaterally change them any time and without warning. We can even do this after delivery, as long as we haven’t made final payment. The Contractor has to accept the change. The Government has to pay for everything impacted by the change, or extend the delivery schedule, if the Contractor requests it. If the Contractor runs out of money, he does not have to do the changed work. We can’t buy more stuff. But we can enhance the capability of the stuff we already have under contract. 28
  • 29. Contract Problem – Those Dang Subcontractors • Company X built four instruments under a CPAF contract. The contract had 300% cost growth. The vast majority of the growth was due to a dozen different subcontracts for various subsystems. You have been directed to award a sole-source follow-on to Company X to build four more instruments, using the same design. What action can or should you take, if any? 29
  • 30. 52.244-2 Subcontracts • The Gist of It: The Contractor should have a good purchasing system in place, with documented processes that can withstand an audit by a DoD auditor. If he passes the audit, we don’t need to get involved in subcontracting decisions unless we specifically want to (perhaps for a really critical, large subcontract). If the contractor fails the audit, the project will have to spend huge amounts of labor examining and approving every large fixed price contract, and all “cost plus” ones. 30
  • 31. Contract Problem – They Have It, We Own It 31
  • 32. 52.245-5 Government Property • The Gist of It: There are two types of Government Property (GP). There is Government-Furnished Property (GFP), which is property that the government obtained somehow, and then delivers to a Contractor. Then there is Contractor-Acquired Property (CAP) – this is property that the Contractor bought for use on our contract, with our money. The Government owns all GFP and CAP. • When we furnish GFP, we have to deliver it on schedule, and it has to work. If we deliver GFP late, we have to pay the Contractor any costs associated with the delay, plus a fee, and may have to give him delivery schedule relief. If the GFP doesn’t work right, we can have the Contractor fix it, but we have to pay the Contractor any costs associated with the fix, plus a fee, and may have to give him delivery schedule relief. We can unilaterally change the type and/or quantity whenever we like, but once again, we have to pay. The Contractor can’t use GP for anything other than our contract. 32
  • 33. 52.245-5 Government Property cont. • If we paid for it, it is GP, and we own it. • If it is some kind of commercial equipment, we may or may not pay for it directly under the contract. It depends on what it is used for. • The Contractor has to take care of our property. However, if he damages it, we still pay the cost to fix it. The contractor shouldn’t buy insurance for the property. • If he no longer needs the property, the contractor still has to take care of it. He can’t get rid of it without our permission, and he can only get rid of it the way we allow him to. 33
  • 34. Contract Problem – You Need a Stick! • You are training for the world championship in two-man canoe racing. Your regular partner became ill two days before the qualifying race. There are five canoes in the race. Only the winner will advance. You find a new partner who is a stranger to you, but who has good references. You sign a contract with him, agreeing to pay him $5,000 to be your partner. Half way through the race, he stops rowing and starts drinking a beer. You yell at him to resume rowing. He gives you a one-fingered salute. You pull a hand grenade from your pocket and yell “start rowing, or I’m pulling the pin!”. Should he be scared? • Same as above, but you partner looks down into the bottom of the boat. He sees an empty plastic shopping bag that says “Toys-R-Us”, and a cardboard box that says “GI Joe Plastic WW II Hand Grenade”. Should he be scared? 34
  • 35. 52.249 Termination • The Gist of It: If this is a “Fixed Price” contract and the Contractor fails to deliver on time or fails to make progress to such an extent that contract performance is endangered, we can terminate for default. We don’t owe the Contractor any money. He has to pay back whatever we paid him to date. We can get another contractor to do the work, and any increase in the price of what we buy has to be paid by the terminated Contractor. If this is a “Cost Plus” contract and the Contractor fails to make progress to such an extent that contract performance is endangered, we can terminate for default. The Contractor must stop work immediately, and only spend money that is essential to efficiently closing out the contract. We own everything purchased with our money. We pay his actual costs, plus some fair portion of his fee. 35
  • 36. Contract Problem – Fixing the Small Stuff • The Contractor is building a ground system which will be used by a large number of scientists for analysis of data received from The Great Observatory Spacecraft, which will be launched in five years. The COTR is reviewing the design and parts list for the science consoles to be built by the Contractor. The COTR notices that the Contractor intends to use displays capable of generating 64 different colors, with pixel resolution of 0.07. The COTR used to be an astronomer, and knows that for astronomical observation, the more colors and better pixel resolution the better. The contract specification does not go to this level of detail. What can the COTR do? 36
  • 37. 1852.242-70 Technical Direction • The Gist of It: The COTR can steer the Contractor in a particular direction, but not if it changes any requirements of the contract or causes the contract value to change. If the Contractor thinks it is a change, he should notify the CO, who has to give official direction. 37
  • 38. Contract Problem – Keeping Things Under Control • You are a Contractor. You are building a ground system which will be used by a large number of scientists for analysis of data received from The Great Observatory Spacecraft, which will be launched in five years. There is a big review in which the scientists who will use the system are briefed on your design. Many of them are highly displeased with your implementation approach, because it lacks many of the features and capabilities they would like to have. Your COTR has collected their input, and directs you to make three dozen changes to your technical approach. A few will actually reduce the cost. A third are cost-neutral. The rest would drive up the price. What do you do? 38
  • 39. 52.243-7 Notification of Changes • The Gist of It: If someone other than the Contracting Officer tells the Contractor to do something that the Contractor considers a change, the Contractor should not do it. The Contractor should notify the Contracting Officer immediately and ask for direction. 39