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MARKETING OF BANKING PRODUCTSPradeep (26)Salil          (27)Rajnish    (28)Rishabh   (29)Rishika     (30)Sachin     (32)


What is  banking?


Basic Definition: A system of trading money which:provides a safe place to save excess cash, known as deposits.supplies liquidity to the economy by loaning this money out to help businesses grow and to allow consumers to purchase consumer products, homes, cars etc.


             What are banksInstitutions which deals in money and credit.   An intermediary, which handles other people’s money both for their advantage and to its own profits.A financial institution that links the flow of funds from savers to the users.Plays an important role in the economy of any country as they hold the saving of the public.


Types of banks in IndiaCentral Bank: The Reserve Bank of India is the central Bank that is fully owned by the Government


 Public Sector Banks: State Bank      Group, Regional rural banks


Private Sector Banks: Foreign Banks, Scheduled and Non- Scheduled Banks


Co-operative Sector: State Co-operative Banks, Central Co-operative Banks, Primary Agriculture Credit Societies


 Development Banks/Financial Institutions: IDBI, ICICI, NABARD Commercial Role of BankingIssue of banknotes (promissory notes issued by a banker and payable to bearer on demand) Processing of payments by way of telegraphic transfer, EFTPOS, internet banking or other means Issuing bank drafts and bank cheques Accepting money on term deposit Lending money by way of overdraft, installment loan or otherwise


Commercial Role of BankingProviding documentary and standby letters of credit (trade finance), guarantees, performance bonds, securities underwriting commitments and other forms of off-balance sheet exposures Safekeeping of documents and other items in safe deposit boxesCurrency exchange Acting as a 'financial supermarket' for the sale, distribution or brokerage, with or without advice, of insurance, unit trusts and similar financial products


Economic Role of BankingIssue of money, in the form of banknotes and current accounts subject to cheque or payment at the customer's order. Netting and settlement of payments.Credit intermediationCredit quality improvementMaturity transformation


What is bank marketing?“Bank marketing is the aggregate of functions, directed at providing services to satisfy customers financial (and other related) needs and wants, more effectively and efficiently than the competitors keeping in view the organizational objectives of the bank.”


Why bank marketing necessary?The existence of the bank has little value without the existence of the customer.Aim is not only to create and win more and more customer but also to retain them through effective customer service. Appropriate promise to a customer through a range of services (products) and also to ensure effective delivery through satisfaction is important.


Concept of bank marketingIdentifying the most profitable markets now and in future; Assessing the present and future needs of customers; Setting business development goals and making plans to meet themManaging  the  various  services  and  promoting  them  to achieve the plansAdapting to a changing environment in the market place.


Marketing strategiesDesigned after taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.bank with clientele from various segments could think of “market penetration” by offering the existing range of services to existing customers. Bank which are not facing acute competition could think of “Market Development” by offering the existing services to new customers.design new product range for their customers of various segments


Segmentation How the seller’s determines which     buyer’s characteristics produce the best partitioning of the particular market?


The seller does not want to treat all customers alike nor does he want to treat them all differentlySegmentationBanks deal with individuals, group of persons and corporatesMore or less homogenous groups in terms of their needs and expectations.Market segments, targeting one or more segments, developing products and marketing programs tailor-made for these segments.


Criterion for Market Segmentation in IndiaAgricultural Sector Marginal 2 to 5 acres 5 to 10 acres 10 acres and aboveIndustrial SectorTiny Co-operativeSmall-sizedLarge- sized


Criterion for Market Segmentation in IndiaServices SectorHousehold SectorMarginalLow IncomeMiddle IncomeHigh Income


Market Targeting in which each segment’s attractiveness is measured and a target segment is chosen based on its attractiveness.Positioning which is the act of establishing a viable competitive position of the firm and its offer in the target segment chosen.


Types of Marketing


Traditional external marketingconsists of usual four ‘Ps’ of Product, Price, Place and Promotion of marketing mixProduct: The products offered are  the services which includes various types of bank accounts, different types of loans, investment services, Credit cards, Demat accounts, online banking, mobile banking and many more.




Buyers look for satisfaction which differs from person to person.Keeping in view the level of satisfaction of a particular segment, the banks have to frame the pricing strategies.The interest charged and the interest paid should have a co-relation between them.


General steps for pricing


PlaceIt refers to the establishment and functioning of a network of branches and other offices through which banking services are delivered. Objective is to get the right product ,at right places at right time at the least cost.Extensive branch network- access to large section of people Proximity may play a determinant role in selecting the bank.


Banks are coming up with extension counters, specialized branches, mobile branches, banks acquisition and amalgamation so as to have sufficient point of contacts with the customer.With the advent of technology other point of contacts have come up. Such as:ATMTelephone bankingOnline bankingMobile bankingVideo banking etc.


            Promotion  Advertising Publicity Sales Promotion Personal Selling Push and Pull Strategies


Internal marketingIt involves the people(5th P) of the bank i.e. the employees.Employees should also be treated as internal customers, and sort of marketing mix should be followed.Quality Human resource can be a point of differentiation


Interactive marketingThe quality of service provided during the buyer-employee interaction.Efforts for previous strategies will turn futile if the interaction does not takes place satisfactorily.    It involves :Process (6th P)Physical evidence (7th P)


ProcessRefers to the systems used to assist the organization in delivering the service.Aids to the promotion of customer satisfactionIt involves:       speeding delivery of services       reducing the paper work      standardization of procedures      customization as per individual demand      simplicity etc.


            Physical evidence It includes signage, reports, punch lines, other tangibles, employee’s dress code etc. The company’s financial reports are issued to the customers to emphasis or credibility. Signage: Each and every bank has its logo by which a person can identify the company. It creates visualization and corporate identity for the banks.Tangibles: banks give pens, writing pads to the customers.Punch lines: Depicts the philosophy and attitude of the bank. Banks have influential punch lines to attract the customers.


Current Marketing StrategiesReferral services Direct mailingCold callingOffering items having your brand identityUsing the mediaGetting celebrities to endorse the product or service.Sponsoring events Using permission-based Marketing


Customer satisfactionRecommendation of  Talwar’s committee,1975:Establishment of customer service committee/staff committee in the every ranch.Customer meets to be held at the branches at least once in a half year.15th of every month (next day if 15th is a holiday) to be observed as customer’s day at branches and administrative offices. Provision of complaint-cum-suggestion box in every branch.


Provision of ‘May I help you’ counter in branches. Immediate credit of cheques up to Rs.2,500 which has since been increased to Rs.15,000.Payment of penal interest in case of delay of collection of cheques.In the year 1995  ‘Banking Ombudsman’ was established by RBI with objective of resolving customer grievances in a quick and inexpensive manner.


Rural bank marketingFollows 80-20 Parato principalBankers need to understand the rural psychologyEmploying local literate youth for confidence buildingBanker must be aware of agriculture aspects, cultural and communal aspects, institutional facilities etc.Process of change should be known to himStatus of various development plans should be known


“RURAL” StrategyR:Retail Business for Rural Community As                           (Consumer & Producer)                          U: Urban facilities, Investment, InfrastructureR: Animal Husbandry & Allied Activities A: Agri Production(Field Crops, Plantation)L: Linkages & Synergy


New Avenues for Rural Business: Special Focus Horticulture, Plantation, Vegetable growing, Floriculture, aromatic and medicinal plants, Bio-diesel plants etc. for high investment OpportunitiesPost Harvest and Food Processing Seed Multiplication & ProcessingDairy Farming, Sericulture, Aqua-Culture & Others.Irrigation Projects & Wasteland Developments.Rural Tourism & Other emerging areas.


ICICI Bank – A Case study


Industrial Credit and Investment corporation of India bank - largest private sector bank in market capitalization Second largest overall in terms of assets. largest issuer of credit cards in India


MARKETING OF SERVICES BY      ICICI BANK:Product :   Saving account: offers a power packed Savings Account with a host of convenient features and banking channels to transact through.   Senior citizen services: convenience with benefits   Fixed Deposits : Safety, Flexibility, Liquidity and Returns


Recurring Deposits: Affordability and higher earnings.Roaming Current:  access your accounts at over 500 networked branches across the country.Loans: Home Loans. Personal Loans. Car Loans, two Wheeler Loans, Commercial Vehicle Loans. Loans against Securities, educational loans etcInvestments: ICICI Bank Tax Saving ,Foreign Exchange Services, Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004.Cards: Credit  card, ATM card, travelers cardDemat servicesOnline money transferMobile banking


7 Ps of ICICI BankPricing Pricing Decisions related to interest, fee or commission.RBI and IBARaising Number of Customers4.2 Fold Strategies


7 Ps of ICICI BankPlaceServices are sold through branchesMaking Promised Services available to the ultimate users.3.  Branches OF ICICI:     1900 in India and 33 in Mumbai.


7 Ps of ICICI BankPromotionAdvertising - Television, radio, movies, theatresPrint Media- Hoardings, newspaper, magazines Publicity- Road shows, campus visits, sandwich man, SponsorshipSales Promotion- Gifts, discount and commission, incentives, etc.Personal Selling- Cross-sale (selling at competitors place), personalized service Telemarketing-  ICICI one source Call center (mind space)


7 Ps of ICICI BankProcessStandardization- ICICI bank has got standardized procedures got typical transactions Customization- Specialty counters at each branch to deal with customers of a particular scheme Simplicity-  Separate counters exist with clear indication 4.    Customer Involvement- Money matters and signature


7 Ps of ICICI BankPhysical EvidenceSignageFinancial Reports- The Company’s financial reports are issued to the customers to emphasis or credibility Tangibles- Pens, Writing Pads to the internal customers. Passbook and Cheque books to the customers.Punch lines- “Hum HaiNaa”5.     Employee’s Dress Code- ICICI bank follows a dress code for their internal customers


7 Ps of ICICI BankPeopleAll people directly or indirectly involved in the consumption of banking services.Workers, Employees, Management and other ConsumersEmployees of a Bank represents the organization to its customers.4.   Internal Marketing

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Banking Ppt

  • 1. MARKETING OF BANKING PRODUCTSPradeep (26)Salil (27)Rajnish (28)Rishabh (29)Rishika (30)Sachin (32)
  • 2. What is banking?
  • 3. Basic Definition: A system of trading money which:provides a safe place to save excess cash, known as deposits.supplies liquidity to the economy by loaning this money out to help businesses grow and to allow consumers to purchase consumer products, homes, cars etc.
  • 4. What are banksInstitutions which deals in money and credit. An intermediary, which handles other people’s money both for their advantage and to its own profits.A financial institution that links the flow of funds from savers to the users.Plays an important role in the economy of any country as they hold the saving of the public.
  • 5. Types of banks in IndiaCentral Bank: The Reserve Bank of India is the central Bank that is fully owned by the Government
  • 6. Public Sector Banks: State Bank Group, Regional rural banks
  • 7. Private Sector Banks: Foreign Banks, Scheduled and Non- Scheduled Banks
  • 8. Co-operative Sector: State Co-operative Banks, Central Co-operative Banks, Primary Agriculture Credit Societies
  • 9. Development Banks/Financial Institutions: IDBI, ICICI, NABARD Commercial Role of BankingIssue of banknotes (promissory notes issued by a banker and payable to bearer on demand) Processing of payments by way of telegraphic transfer, EFTPOS, internet banking or other means Issuing bank drafts and bank cheques Accepting money on term deposit Lending money by way of overdraft, installment loan or otherwise
  • 10. Commercial Role of BankingProviding documentary and standby letters of credit (trade finance), guarantees, performance bonds, securities underwriting commitments and other forms of off-balance sheet exposures Safekeeping of documents and other items in safe deposit boxesCurrency exchange Acting as a 'financial supermarket' for the sale, distribution or brokerage, with or without advice, of insurance, unit trusts and similar financial products
  • 11. Economic Role of BankingIssue of money, in the form of banknotes and current accounts subject to cheque or payment at the customer's order. Netting and settlement of payments.Credit intermediationCredit quality improvementMaturity transformation
  • 12. What is bank marketing?“Bank marketing is the aggregate of functions, directed at providing services to satisfy customers financial (and other related) needs and wants, more effectively and efficiently than the competitors keeping in view the organizational objectives of the bank.”
  • 13. Why bank marketing necessary?The existence of the bank has little value without the existence of the customer.Aim is not only to create and win more and more customer but also to retain them through effective customer service. Appropriate promise to a customer through a range of services (products) and also to ensure effective delivery through satisfaction is important.
  • 14. Concept of bank marketingIdentifying the most profitable markets now and in future; Assessing the present and future needs of customers; Setting business development goals and making plans to meet themManaging the various services and promoting them to achieve the plansAdapting to a changing environment in the market place.
  • 15. Marketing strategiesDesigned after taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.bank with clientele from various segments could think of “market penetration” by offering the existing range of services to existing customers. Bank which are not facing acute competition could think of “Market Development” by offering the existing services to new customers.design new product range for their customers of various segments
  • 16. Segmentation How the seller’s determines which buyer’s characteristics produce the best partitioning of the particular market?
  • 17. The seller does not want to treat all customers alike nor does he want to treat them all differentlySegmentationBanks deal with individuals, group of persons and corporatesMore or less homogenous groups in terms of their needs and expectations.Market segments, targeting one or more segments, developing products and marketing programs tailor-made for these segments.
  • 18. Criterion for Market Segmentation in IndiaAgricultural Sector Marginal 2 to 5 acres 5 to 10 acres 10 acres and aboveIndustrial SectorTiny Co-operativeSmall-sizedLarge- sized
  • 19. Criterion for Market Segmentation in IndiaServices SectorHousehold SectorMarginalLow IncomeMiddle IncomeHigh Income
  • 20. Market Targeting in which each segment’s attractiveness is measured and a target segment is chosen based on its attractiveness.Positioning which is the act of establishing a viable competitive position of the firm and its offer in the target segment chosen.
  • 22. Traditional external marketingconsists of usual four ‘Ps’ of Product, Price, Place and Promotion of marketing mixProduct: The products offered are the services which includes various types of bank accounts, different types of loans, investment services, Credit cards, Demat accounts, online banking, mobile banking and many more.
  • 23. Pricing
  • 24. Buyers look for satisfaction which differs from person to person.Keeping in view the level of satisfaction of a particular segment, the banks have to frame the pricing strategies.The interest charged and the interest paid should have a co-relation between them.
  • 25. General steps for pricing
  • 26. PlaceIt refers to the establishment and functioning of a network of branches and other offices through which banking services are delivered. Objective is to get the right product ,at right places at right time at the least cost.Extensive branch network- access to large section of people Proximity may play a determinant role in selecting the bank.
  • 27. Banks are coming up with extension counters, specialized branches, mobile branches, banks acquisition and amalgamation so as to have sufficient point of contacts with the customer.With the advent of technology other point of contacts have come up. Such as:ATMTelephone bankingOnline bankingMobile bankingVideo banking etc.
  • 28. Promotion Advertising Publicity Sales Promotion Personal Selling Push and Pull Strategies
  • 29. Internal marketingIt involves the people(5th P) of the bank i.e. the employees.Employees should also be treated as internal customers, and sort of marketing mix should be followed.Quality Human resource can be a point of differentiation
  • 30. Interactive marketingThe quality of service provided during the buyer-employee interaction.Efforts for previous strategies will turn futile if the interaction does not takes place satisfactorily. It involves :Process (6th P)Physical evidence (7th P)
  • 31. ProcessRefers to the systems used to assist the organization in delivering the service.Aids to the promotion of customer satisfactionIt involves: speeding delivery of services reducing the paper work standardization of procedures customization as per individual demand simplicity etc.
  • 32. Physical evidence It includes signage, reports, punch lines, other tangibles, employee’s dress code etc. The company’s financial reports are issued to the customers to emphasis or credibility. Signage: Each and every bank has its logo by which a person can identify the company. It creates visualization and corporate identity for the banks.Tangibles: banks give pens, writing pads to the customers.Punch lines: Depicts the philosophy and attitude of the bank. Banks have influential punch lines to attract the customers.
  • 33. Current Marketing StrategiesReferral services Direct mailingCold callingOffering items having your brand identityUsing the mediaGetting celebrities to endorse the product or service.Sponsoring events Using permission-based Marketing
  • 34. Customer satisfactionRecommendation of Talwar’s committee,1975:Establishment of customer service committee/staff committee in the every ranch.Customer meets to be held at the branches at least once in a half year.15th of every month (next day if 15th is a holiday) to be observed as customer’s day at branches and administrative offices. Provision of complaint-cum-suggestion box in every branch.
  • 35. Provision of ‘May I help you’ counter in branches. Immediate credit of cheques up to Rs.2,500 which has since been increased to Rs.15,000.Payment of penal interest in case of delay of collection of cheques.In the year 1995 ‘Banking Ombudsman’ was established by RBI with objective of resolving customer grievances in a quick and inexpensive manner.
  • 36. Rural bank marketingFollows 80-20 Parato principalBankers need to understand the rural psychologyEmploying local literate youth for confidence buildingBanker must be aware of agriculture aspects, cultural and communal aspects, institutional facilities etc.Process of change should be known to himStatus of various development plans should be known
  • 37. “RURAL” StrategyR:Retail Business for Rural Community As (Consumer & Producer) U: Urban facilities, Investment, InfrastructureR: Animal Husbandry & Allied Activities A: Agri Production(Field Crops, Plantation)L: Linkages & Synergy
  • 38. New Avenues for Rural Business: Special Focus Horticulture, Plantation, Vegetable growing, Floriculture, aromatic and medicinal plants, Bio-diesel plants etc. for high investment OpportunitiesPost Harvest and Food Processing Seed Multiplication & ProcessingDairy Farming, Sericulture, Aqua-Culture & Others.Irrigation Projects & Wasteland Developments.Rural Tourism & Other emerging areas.
  • 39. ICICI Bank – A Case study
  • 40. Industrial Credit and Investment corporation of India bank - largest private sector bank in market capitalization Second largest overall in terms of assets. largest issuer of credit cards in India
  • 41. MARKETING OF SERVICES BY ICICI BANK:Product : Saving account: offers a power packed Savings Account with a host of convenient features and banking channels to transact through. Senior citizen services: convenience with benefits Fixed Deposits : Safety, Flexibility, Liquidity and Returns
  • 42. Recurring Deposits: Affordability and higher earnings.Roaming Current: access your accounts at over 500 networked branches across the country.Loans: Home Loans. Personal Loans. Car Loans, two Wheeler Loans, Commercial Vehicle Loans. Loans against Securities, educational loans etcInvestments: ICICI Bank Tax Saving ,Foreign Exchange Services, Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004.Cards: Credit card, ATM card, travelers cardDemat servicesOnline money transferMobile banking
  • 43. 7 Ps of ICICI BankPricing Pricing Decisions related to interest, fee or commission.RBI and IBARaising Number of Customers4.2 Fold Strategies
  • 44. 7 Ps of ICICI BankPlaceServices are sold through branchesMaking Promised Services available to the ultimate users.3. Branches OF ICICI: 1900 in India and 33 in Mumbai.
  • 45. 7 Ps of ICICI BankPromotionAdvertising - Television, radio, movies, theatresPrint Media- Hoardings, newspaper, magazines Publicity- Road shows, campus visits, sandwich man, SponsorshipSales Promotion- Gifts, discount and commission, incentives, etc.Personal Selling- Cross-sale (selling at competitors place), personalized service Telemarketing- ICICI one source Call center (mind space)
  • 46. 7 Ps of ICICI BankProcessStandardization- ICICI bank has got standardized procedures got typical transactions Customization- Specialty counters at each branch to deal with customers of a particular scheme Simplicity- Separate counters exist with clear indication 4. Customer Involvement- Money matters and signature
  • 47. 7 Ps of ICICI BankPhysical EvidenceSignageFinancial Reports- The Company’s financial reports are issued to the customers to emphasis or credibility Tangibles- Pens, Writing Pads to the internal customers. Passbook and Cheque books to the customers.Punch lines- “Hum HaiNaa”5. Employee’s Dress Code- ICICI bank follows a dress code for their internal customers
  • 48. 7 Ps of ICICI BankPeopleAll people directly or indirectly involved in the consumption of banking services.Workers, Employees, Management and other ConsumersEmployees of a Bank represents the organization to its customers.4. Internal Marketing
  • 49. THANK YOU
  • 50. 1 – 8 rajnish9 – 17 salil18- 25 pradeep26 – 32 rishabh33 -35 sachin36 – 46 rishika.