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                      Presented By:
                      Braj Mohan Chaturvedi
                             +91 9958166889
Online Marketing Service               Mantra                    Fundamental belief
• SEO,                     • Relevant Traffic & Leads that   • Online presence is about
• SMM and                    convert to meet Business          marketing. Technology is only
• PPC Services               Objectives                        an enabler
                                    Acquisition and loyalty of profitable customers

                               Customer Centric Digital Marketing Program
       SEO & SEM                                 Direct Marketing                              Rich Media

Search Engine   Social Media                  EDMS, SMS         Viral          Blogging    Virtual
                                   ORM                                                                  Chat
  Marketing      Marketing                     Campaign       Marketing        Services   Seminars
“Develop capability for people to contact you
                                                                          online.” - Actual sale may not be online.
Increasing Maturity of Online Marketing

                                                                          “Build Trust & Credibility with potential
                                                                          customer” - Online Reputation Management
                                                Brand Promotion
                                                                          “Generate awareness of your products or
                                                                          services” - Make yourself omnipresent online.
                                                    Awareness             Through Videos, presentations, blogs, photos,
                                                                          articles, etc.

                                                                          “Provide information to engage people
                                                  Interactivity,          ongoingly”
                                                                          “You are there only if they can find you”
                                                                          Generate visibility with the relevant
                                          Visibility (Online promotion)   community. Anyone looking for similar services
                                                                          should be able to find it
                          Promotion in        Reach TG where        Develop Targeted
    Optimizaion                                                                                   Paid Ads
                          blogs/forums           they are             communities
• Reach out to         • Interact with      • Review sites        • Build communities       • Accomplish short-
  people via SEO and     audience on        • Local city sites      on Facebook,              term lead
  SMO                    relevant blogs,    • Engage, interact,     Orkut and other           generation
• Spreading content      forums, and          and promote with      community                 objectives via paid
  where it reaches       communities          help of Awards,       platforms.                ads.
  the TG for them to   • SELL THE CONCEPT     Polls, Contests     • Inside peeks,
  engage with it.                                                   stories, gossips, etc
1    Engaged Customer
                    1                                       ORM
                         Paid Ads at Content Sites, Forum

3 Personal Networks               Banner                          Social Networking
                                   Ads                                   Sites

                2     Paid Ads at SNS                       SEO

                                                                              2   Engaged Prospect


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
   Visibility, Awareness & Lead Generation

    Understanding SEO                     Relevant Traffic              Understanding Market        Measurability

 • All our SEO resources            • Its not about rankings,          • Conduct “Marketing    • Build End-to-end
   are seasoned SEO                   its about relevant                 driven SEO              measurability for
   professionals.                     traffic and conversions.           promotions” rather      successful
                                                                         than “optimization      implementation and
                                                                         driven SEO              ROI based decision
                                                                         promotions”.            making.

We ensure our customers are able to best leverage the search engines
Pay-Per-Click Advertisements (PPC)
   Lead Generation
      Google Adwords               Landing page experts              PPC Optimization                  Measurability

 • All our PPC resources         • Our experts ensure            • Use Google adwords            • Build End-to-end
   are Google Adwords              your ad-copy as well as         and multiple other PPC          measurability for
   certified.                      landing pages are best          alternatives (MSN,              successful
                                   suited for causing              Yahoo, Baidu, niche             implementation and
                                   conversions                     search portals, Ad-             ROI based decision
                                                                   Networks) for best ROI.         making.

We ensure our customers get the best traffic at the lowest per-click costs to meet their growth objectives
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
   Interactivity, Engagement & Brand Promotion
                                Define message                 Blogging is must      Build brands          Measure SMM
  • Define the “right         • Develop virality          • Develop               • Build & leverage     • Build End-to-end
    customer                    in the message              corporate blog,         a corporate            measurability for
    communication”              and Promote                 build                   brand, as well as      successful
                                message in the              communities and         brand for key          implementation
                                social media                leverage existing       individuals in the     and ROI based
                                world                       forums, blogs           company                decision making.

We help our customers reach their targets and build branding
Bad Customer         Unsolved                Bad
                                                                     Lost Revenue
        Experience           Issues              Reputation                                              Solution?

                                                          Connect           Discover       Collaborate       Publish

Engagement & Brand building
Engage with potential                                                              Ensure you only use        Ensure people don’t
                         Your opportunity to        Integrate ORM as part
    and existing                                                                   experts for content       talk negative in other
                         set record straight -        of customer service
     customers                                                                          seeding                     forums.
• Be as authentic as    •Accept the negative       •If you like us, tell         •Community backfire        • Promote providing
 possible                feedback and consider      others. If you don’t,         can be very strong         negative feedback to
                         it as opportunity to       tell us                                                  you only
                         improve your product
                         or service
    Community        Online Presence -
                                                          Online Reputation
platform - Ongoing    Reach & Brand      Brand Building                       Lead Generation   Sales
   engagement           Promotion
                        Content Proliferation
     Community                                   Presence & participation
                         across the internet-
development for brand                              at top forums, blogs          Moderation &         Viral Campaigns for
                        News, Photos, Videos,
 promotion and sales                                  where relevant        reputation management   reach and engagement
                        PPTs, Polls, Contests,
      generation                                     customers visit.
Visibility across    Customer     Up selling new   Direct feedback   competitive    Ultimately,
   channels         Acquisition     services.      from customers      research    more revenue

  PHASE 0 [NOW TO PRELAUNCH]                  PHASE I [PRELAUNCH]                  PHASE II [POSTLAUNCH]

• Sell the concept                     • Continue campaigns from previous   • Focus on generating engagement
• Build presence across the internet     phase                              • Talk about the success of the client
• Capture audiences at related         • Extensive banner campaign          • Capture and promote content
  forums                               • Insider stories and progress

              SEO                                    SMM                                       PPC
• SEO implementation progress          • Social Media Reports based on          • PPC implementation progress
• Organic rankings on major              channels selected                      • Conversion Metrics
  search engines                       • Accomplishments of the month           • Total Clicks and Spending
• Website traffic and Conversion       • Next month plan                        • CPC (Cost Per Click) and CTR
  report                               • Other specifics measurability            (Click Through Rate)
• Accomplishments of the month           parameters identified during           • Total No of Conversions
• Next month plan                        measurability implementation.          • Conversion percentage - Cost
• Next month plan                      • Website traffic and Conversion           Per Conversion
• Other specifics measurability          report                                 • Accomplishments of the month
  parameters identified during                                                  • Other specifics measurability
  measurability implementation.                                                   parameters identified during
                                                                                  measurability implementation.

     Lead Generation and Sales+ Brand Promotion + Engagement + Brand Recall + Increased probability of Sales

                       Client                                                          We

• Business knowledge transfer                                 • Overall online marketing roadmap
• Content & creative creation (Raw content including          • Support conceptualization of new campaigns and
  Videos)                                                       applications
• Support conceptualization for new campaigns                 • Social media marketing execution
• Define messaging and product positioning                    • Online reputation management
• Community participation support / Domain                    • Lead Community Participation
  expertise (Engage with community)                           • Search Engine Optimization
• Promotion (leveraging other channels including              • Paid Ads
  offline)                                                    • Online PRs & social bookmarking
• Feedback & reviews                                          • Measurability, analysis & recommendations

        [Results | Rankings | Traffic | Members | Engagements | Feedbacks | Tonality | Queries | Customers]

    Ready to realize the full potential of Online Marketing?
              We would like to be your partner!
                                                     Braj Mohan Chaturvedi
                      Thank You!                     braj@digitivate.com
                                                     +91 9958166889

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online marketing proposal

  • 1. ONLINE MARKETING PROPOSAL Presented By: Braj Mohan Chaturvedi braj@digitivate.com +91 9958166889
  • 2. WHO WE ARE? Online Marketing Service Mantra Fundamental belief • SEO, • Relevant Traffic & Leads that • Online presence is about • SMM and convert to meet Business marketing. Technology is only • PPC Services Objectives an enabler
  • 3. OUR VISION Vision Acquisition and loyalty of profitable customers Customer Centric Digital Marketing Program SEO & SEM Direct Marketing Rich Media Search Engine Social Media EDMS, SMS Viral Blogging Virtual ORM Chat Marketing Marketing Campaign Marketing Services Seminars
  • 5. “Develop capability for people to contact you online.” - Actual sale may not be online. Sales, Increasing Maturity of Online Marketing Leads “Build Trust & Credibility with potential customer” - Online Reputation Management Brand Promotion “Generate awareness of your products or services” - Make yourself omnipresent online. Awareness Through Videos, presentations, blogs, photos, articles, etc. “Provide information to engage people Interactivity, ongoingly” Engagement “You are there only if they can find you” Generate visibility with the relevant Visibility (Online promotion) community. Anyone looking for similar services should be able to find it
  • 7. WHAT DOES ONLINE MEAN Promotion in Reach TG where Develop Targeted Optimizaion Paid Ads blogs/forums they are communities • Reach out to • Interact with • Review sites • Build communities • Accomplish short- people via SEO and audience on • Local city sites on Facebook, term lead SMO relevant blogs, • Engage, interact, Orkut and other generation • Spreading content forums, and and promote with community objectives via paid where it reaches communities help of Awards, platforms. ads. the TG for them to • SELL THE CONCEPT Polls, Contests • Inside peeks, engage with it. stories, gossips, etc
  • 8. 1 Engaged Customer 1 ORM Paid Ads at Content Sites, Forum 3 Personal Networks Banner Social Networking Ads Sites 2 Paid Ads at SNS SEO 2 Engaged Prospect Application, Community DIGITAL STRATEGY
  • 9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Visibility, Awareness & Lead Generation Understanding SEO Relevant Traffic Understanding Market Measurability • All our SEO resources • Its not about rankings, • Conduct “Marketing • Build End-to-end are seasoned SEO its about relevant driven SEO measurability for professionals. traffic and conversions. promotions” rather successful than “optimization implementation and driven SEO ROI based decision promotions”. making. We ensure our customers are able to best leverage the search engines
  • 10. Pay-Per-Click Advertisements (PPC) Lead Generation Google Adwords Landing page experts PPC Optimization Measurability • All our PPC resources • Our experts ensure • Use Google adwords • Build End-to-end are Google Adwords your ad-copy as well as and multiple other PPC measurability for certified. landing pages are best alternatives (MSN, successful suited for causing Yahoo, Baidu, niche implementation and conversions search portals, Ad- ROI based decision Networks) for best ROI. making. We ensure our customers get the best traffic at the lowest per-click costs to meet their growth objectives
  • 11. Social Media Marketing (SMM) Interactivity, Engagement & Brand Promotion Customer Define message Blogging is must Build brands Measure SMM Communication • Define the “right • Develop virality • Develop • Build & leverage • Build End-to-end customer in the message corporate blog, a corporate measurability for communication” and Promote build brand, as well as successful message in the communities and brand for key implementation social media leverage existing individuals in the and ROI based world forums, blogs company decision making. We help our customers reach their targets and build branding
  • 12. Bad Customer Unsolved Bad Lost Revenue Experience Issues Reputation Solution? Connect Discover Collaborate Publish ONLINE REPUTATION Engagement & Brand building Engage with potential Ensure you only use Ensure people don’t Your opportunity to Integrate ORM as part and existing experts for content talk negative in other set record straight - of customer service customers seeding forums. • Be as authentic as •Accept the negative •If you like us, tell •Community backfire • Promote providing possible feedback and consider others. If you don’t, can be very strong negative feedback to it as opportunity to tell us you only improve your product or service
  • 13. WHAT CAN YOU ACHIEVE Community Online Presence - Online Reputation platform - Ongoing Reach & Brand Brand Building Lead Generation Sales Management engagement Promotion
  • 14. HOW CAN YOU EXECUTE Content Proliferation Community Presence & participation across the internet- development for brand at top forums, blogs Moderation & Viral Campaigns for News, Photos, Videos, promotion and sales where relevant reputation management reach and engagement PPTs, Polls, Contests, generation customers visit. Feedback
  • 15. WHAT CAN BE EXPECTED Visibility across Customer Up selling new Direct feedback competitive Ultimately, channels Acquisition services. from customers research more revenue
  • 16. IMPLEMENTATION PHASES PHASE 0 [NOW TO PRELAUNCH] PHASE I [PRELAUNCH] PHASE II [POSTLAUNCH] • Sell the concept • Continue campaigns from previous • Focus on generating engagement • Build presence across the internet phase • Talk about the success of the client • Capture audiences at related • Extensive banner campaign • Capture and promote content forums • Insider stories and progress
  • 17. MEASUREMENT AND REPORTING SEO SMM PPC • SEO implementation progress • Social Media Reports based on • PPC implementation progress • Organic rankings on major channels selected • Conversion Metrics search engines • Accomplishments of the month • Total Clicks and Spending • Website traffic and Conversion • Next month plan • CPC (Cost Per Click) and CTR report • Other specifics measurability (Click Through Rate) • Accomplishments of the month parameters identified during • Total No of Conversions • Next month plan measurability implementation. • Conversion percentage - Cost • Next month plan • Website traffic and Conversion Per Conversion • Other specifics measurability report • Accomplishments of the month parameters identified during • Other specifics measurability measurability implementation. parameters identified during measurability implementation. Measure Lead Generation and Sales+ Brand Promotion + Engagement + Brand Recall + Increased probability of Sales
  • 18. RESPONSIBILITIES Client We • Business knowledge transfer • Overall online marketing roadmap • Content & creative creation (Raw content including • Support conceptualization of new campaigns and Videos) applications • Support conceptualization for new campaigns • Social media marketing execution • Define messaging and product positioning • Online reputation management • Community participation support / Domain • Lead Community Participation expertise (Engage with community) • Search Engine Optimization • Promotion (leveraging other channels including • Paid Ads offline) • Online PRs & social bookmarking • Feedback & reviews • Measurability, analysis & recommendations Measure [Results | Rankings | Traffic | Members | Engagements | Feedbacks | Tonality | Queries | Customers]
  • 19. KEY IS NOT TO JUST REACH OUT TO PEOPLE, BUT TO KEEP THEM ENGAGED. Ready to realize the full potential of Online Marketing? We would like to be your partner! Braj Mohan Chaturvedi Thank You! braj@digitivate.com +91 9958166889