This document defines aquaculture as the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic plants. It involves interventions like regular stocking, feeding, and protection from predators to enhance production. India has a long coastline and extensive water resources that are well suited for aquaculture. The purpose of aquaculture includes increasing food production and income, as well as generating employment. There are various types of aquaculture defined by factors like the water system used, type of water, stocking combinations, and integration with other farming systems.
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Basics of aquaculture – definition
and scopeand scope
Aquaculture is the farming of aquaticAquaculture is the farming of aquatic
organisms including fish, mollusks,organisms including fish, mollusks,
crustaceans and aquatic plants.crustaceans and aquatic plants.
Farming implies some form ofFarming implies some form of
intervention in the rearing process tointervention in the rearing process to
enhance production, such as regularenhance production, such as regular
stocking, feeding, protection fromstocking, feeding, protection from
predators, etc.. Farming also impliespredators, etc.. Farming also implies
individual or corporate ownership of theindividual or corporate ownership of the
stock being cultivated. ( As per FAO)stock being cultivated. ( As per FAO)
2. Thus aquaculture is underwaterThus aquaculture is underwater
agriculture or aquafarming. Moreagriculture or aquafarming. More
simply Aquafarming is propagationsimply Aquafarming is propagation
of aquatic organisms in controlled,of aquatic organisms in controlled,
semi controlled or simulatedsemi controlled or simulated
3. Indian FisheriesIndian Fisheries
Global positionGlobal position 33rdrd
in Fisheriesin Fisheries
in Aquaculturein Aquaculture
Contribution of fisheries to GDPContribution of fisheries to GDP
(Rs. 34,758 crore)(Rs. 34,758 crore)
Contribution to agricultural GDPContribution to agricultural GDP
Per capita fish availability (kg)Per capita fish availability (kg) 9.09.0
Annual export earningsAnnual export earnings
(Rs. in crore)(Rs. in crore)
Employment in sector (million)Employment in sector (million) 14.014.0
4. Aquatic ResourcesAquatic Resources
CoastlineCoastline 8118 kms8118 kms
Exclusive economic zoneExclusive economic zone 2.02 million sq. km2.02 million sq. km
Rivers and canalsRivers and canals 1,97,024 km1,97,024 km
ReservoirsReservoirs 3.15 million ha3.15 million ha
Ponds and tanksPonds and tanks 2.35 million ha2.35 million ha
Oxbow lakes and derelictOxbow lakes and derelict
1.3 million ha1.3 million ha
Brackish waterBrackish water 1.24 million ha1.24 million ha
EstuariesEstuaries 0.29 million ha0.29 million ha
5. Fish factsFish facts
Present fish productionPresent fish production 6.57 mt6.57 mt
Marine: 2.82Marine: 2.82
Inland: 3.75Inland: 3.75
Production potentialProduction potential 8.4 mt8.4 mt
Marine: 3.90Marine: 3.90
Inland: 4.5Inland: 4.5
Fish seed productionFish seed production 22615 million fry22615 million fry
HatcheriesHatcheries 1,0701,070
6. Purpose of AquaculturePurpose of Aquaculture
Utilization of available natural water resourcesUtilization of available natural water resources
To increase production for per capita consumptionTo increase production for per capita consumption
and incomeand income
Ornamental purposeOrnamental purpose
Sports and game purpose.Sports and game purpose.
Upliftment of socioeconomic status of peopleUpliftment of socioeconomic status of people
Create employment opportunities.Create employment opportunities.
Utilization of byproducts like fish, liver oil, fishUtilization of byproducts like fish, liver oil, fish
protein concentrate, etc.protein concentrate, etc.
7. Advantages of fin fish cultureAdvantages of fin fish culture
Poikilothermic or cold blooded animal,Poikilothermic or cold blooded animal,
so need not spend energy forso need not spend energy for
temperature regulation of body.temperature regulation of body.
Specific gravity of fish is about 1.02-Specific gravity of fish is about 1.02-
1.06 which is nearly same with that of1.06 which is nearly same with that of
water, so need not spend energy forwater, so need not spend energy for
maintaining its position in water.maintaining its position in water.
Fish do not consume water.Fish do not consume water.
8. Higher fecundity.Higher fecundity.
Edible tissues of fish (80.9%) isEdible tissues of fish (80.9%) is
greater than chicken broiler (64.7)greater than chicken broiler (64.7)
Convert food to body tissues moreConvert food to body tissues more
efficiently than any other farmefficiently than any other farm
9. Different types of AquacultureDifferent types of Aquaculture
1. According water system1. According water system
-Static culture system-Static culture system
-Flowing culture system-Flowing culture system
-Semi - closed recirculating system.-Semi - closed recirculating system.
2. According to type of water2. According to type of water
-coldwater fish culture-coldwater fish culture
-Warm water fish culture-Warm water fish culture
-Freshwater fish culture-Freshwater fish culture
-brackish water culture-brackish water culture
10. 3. According to stocking combination3. According to stocking combination
-Polyculture (Composite)-Polyculture (Composite)
4. According to intensity of efforts4. According to intensity of efforts
-subsistence fish culture-subsistence fish culture
-extensive fish culture-extensive fish culture
-semi intensive fish culture-semi intensive fish culture
-intensive fish culture-intensive fish culture
-super intensive fish culture-super intensive fish culture
11. 5. According to cultured group5. According to cultured group
-fin fish culture-fin fish culture
-shell fish culture-shell fish culture
-frog culture-frog culture
-seaweed culture-seaweed culture
-fresh water plant culture.-fresh water plant culture.
12. 6. According to integration with other6. According to integration with other
farming systemsfarming systems
Integrated aquafaming is a diversified andIntegrated aquafaming is a diversified and
coordinated way of farming of producing ofcoordinated way of farming of producing of
agricultural items in fish farms with asagricultural items in fish farms with as
main product. The items produced aremain product. The items produced are
either used as source of feed andeither used as source of feed and
fertilizers, source of additional income orfertilizers, source of additional income or
AAA system (Agriculture- Aquaculture-AAA system (Agriculture- Aquaculture-
Animal Husbandry)Animal Husbandry)
13. 7. Special culture system7. Special culture system
• Cage cultureCage culture
• Pen culturePen culture
• Sewage fed fish cultureSewage fed fish culture
• String culture.String culture.