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Conceptual Framework of Digital
Concept of Digital Marketing
• The term digital marketing refers to the use of
digital channels to market goods and services
to consumers.
• This type of marketing involves the use of
websites, mobile devices, social media, search
engines, and other similar channels.
• Digital marketing became popular with the
advent of the internet in the 1990s.
• Digital marketing involves some of the same
principles as traditional marketing and is often
considered an additional way for companies to
approach consumers and understand their
• Companies often combine traditional and digital
marketing techniques in their strategies.
• This form of marketing is different from internet
marketing, which is exclusively done on websites.
• Digital marketing relates to attracting customers
via email, content marketing, search platforms,
social media, and more.
Need of Digital Marketing
• Digital marketing levels the online playing field.
When it comes to a business’s visibility on the web, just like opening a store,
location is everything. Being easily noticeable on the web, getting a business’s
name out there, and updating information frequently will bring customers to
its door.
• Digital marketing helps businesses stay a step ahead of their
Digital marketing is the best way for a brand to get a leg up on its
competition. Businesses want to reach as many people as possible, and this is
significantly easier to achieve on the web than it is in person.
• Digital marketing is less expensive than traditional marketing.
Traditional advertising can cost large sums of money, whether it be via
television, radio, newspaper, magazine, or direct mail. Now business owners
can find a cheap equivalent online.
• Digital marketing delivers analytics.
The good news about digital marketing is that an ad’s creators can find out
how it is pulling through using analytics that can’t be executed with
traditional methods of advertising. Analytic reports can quickly be pulled up
to test ad campaigns and find out what is getting read, looked at, or bought.
• Digital marketing reaches mobile users.
Digital marketing can be formatted to mobile devices in order to reach
customers no matter where they may be. Once a business’s local search and
digital presence have been optimized, it can rest assured that it will be found.
Having a digital presence and local search optimization is vital as people
increasingly rely on their phones’ web browsing capabilities.
• Digital marketing builds brand recognition.
Since there are so many channels on the web with marketing potential,
getting the message out about new brands is easier than ever before.
Shotgun marketing approaches will confuse potential customers. It is much
better to invest in a succinct campaign and build onto it from there,
maintaining a distinct voice and brand style.
• Digital marketing allows businesses to monitor their brand.
The great thing about digital marketing is that those who use it can easily check their
reputation and engage with unsatisfied customers, making it possible for them to
address negative press before it circulates too far and too wide. Just because a
business doesn’t take advantage of the web and social media doesn’t mean that its
customers don’t. It is far better to know what is going on as it happens than to find out
the hard way along with everyone else.
• Digital marketing can help brands develop trust with their audience.
If a business is following its customers on social media and reaching out, commenting,
and showing them that they care, it will gain trust, camaraderie, and friendships, in
addition to more customers. There is nothing greater than engaging with a customer
online and seeing them come into the store later to say how much it meant to them
that the business took the time to connect. It is the small things a business can do that
often make the most difference.
• Digital marketing provides businesses with additional sales channels.
Think of digital marketing as branches off of a brick and mortar business. One branch
of the business contains social media posts with tips, advice, local news, and events
involving the brand. Another branch hosts the business’s blog, which serves to
educate, inspire, and entertain its audience.
• Digital marketing can educate customers.
One of the best features of digital marketing is its ability to help brands
educate their customers and share information that makes their lives
better. One of the greatest reasons to use digital marketing is the
potential that it has to improve others’ lives. By sharing expertise,
business models, and positive lifestyles, businesses truly can make the
world a better place for the next generation and beyond.
• Digital marketing brings a brand’s story to more people.
Lastly, digital marketing is about telling a unique story to the world.
Digital marketing is a business’s best chance to stand up and be heard,
bringing its brand to the doorsteps of people that need the product or
service, and those that might like to learn more about it.
Scope of Digital Marketing
• Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) enables digital marketers to better analyze user
data so they can further customize the customer journey. AI helps companies
understand a great deal about customers and how to best target audiences.
AI also provides users with a more personalized experience, giving them
customized assistance at each stage of the buying process. Businesses can
achieve this customer experience by automating ads to targeted audiences
using programmatic advertising.
• Augmented and Virtual Reality
Companies will continue to use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)
in their marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness and satisfy
customer demand. Companies like Starbucks, Nivea, and Volkswagen have
launched successful AR and VR campaigns to offer customers an experience
that better connects them to their brands and products.
• Omni-channel Marketing
While today’s consumer expects every business to at least
have an online presence, using a variety of media to
engage your target market in a seamless manner is ideal.
Often referred to as “omni-channel” marketing, this
approach does away with any barriers or “silos” that
different media may impose.
• Content to Become More Interactive
content is nothing new, but it’s beginning to be embraced
as an effective marketing tool more than ever. Not only
do they increase the amount of time a prospective
customer engages with your brand, but they allow you to
capture more data and, in turn, fine-tune the digital
marketing strategy.
Advantages of Digital Marketing
1. Brand Development
The main advantage of digital marketing is to build the brand through
direct campaigns and personalized content with the perspective of
bringing the customers much closer and make them experience the
unique proposition and value of the brand.
2. Personalization
Digital marketing campaigns impart the leverage of personalization.
The indispensable advantage of digital marketing is its ability to find
the target audience, interact with the prospects and to know exactly
what they are looking for. Knowing the audience and interacting with
them is very essential to create brand loyalty and reputation.
3. Wider Reach
Digital marketing helps expand the presence of the brand and creates a platform to
reach a vast number of customers. The brand becomes global as digital marketing
provides the platform to the brand for global display, therefore allowing even the
newcomers and start-up brands to have an equal footing with big and established
enterprises dominating the traditional market.
4. Greater Engagement
The use of digital marketing is advantageous as it allows the brand to get hold of the
customer’s attention till the time the brand has been successful in creating the brand
loyalty and developed a credible reputation. Survival of the brand becomes easy when
the brand is recognized by more people and this can be achieved through digital
marketing with a regular blog post, relevant and real time social media contents, use
of customer engaging posts like polls, event promotions and promotional offers.
5. Lower Cost
The cost-efficient nature of digital marketing is immensely advantageous for the
businesses. Spending on digital marketing in comparison to traditional marketing
campaigns is very less. The digital marketing methodology is easier than the difficult
approach of traditional marketing, especially for small businesses as they come with a
limited budget for advertisement.
Marketing methods using digital platforms provide the opportunity for both
sellers and buyers to get easy access with the flexibility of time and location.
The potential customers get an experience of a virtual shop with information
about services and availability of product range. The customers can leave
reviews and recommendations that guide the organizations to plan their
marketing strategies accordingly to respond to customer requirements more
7.Trackable results
The digital analytical tools and other online metrics help to track how
effective the marketing campaign has been in terms of customer reach and
response. It provides necessary information about the extent of customer
engagement and response to your website and advertising.
8.Improved conversion rates
The digital marketing process creates a seamless and immediate connection
with potential customers with the convenience of making a purchase just
with a few clicks on your website. This leads to better chances of making a
purchase in response to marketing campaigns.
Disadvantages of Digital Marketing
1.Skills Requirement
There is a need of gathering the right knowledge and expertise on the digital
platform to carry out the marketing activities successfully. With regular
advancements in technology, it is essential to remain updated on tools,
platforms, and methods to quickly respond to any changes.
We need to plan and implement various tasks related to optimization of
online advertising and creating suitable content for promotions that can take
up a lot of time. It’s also important to regularly track the results and modify
strategies accordingly to ensure a return on investment.
3.High competition
A wider reach to the global audience with digital marketing also requires
building capabilities to face global competition. It can be a challenge to
establish the brand against more competitors and to grab attention among
the many digital channels campaigning in real-time.
4.Complaints and feedback
The digital platforms allow for feedback or criticism by anyone about your product or
services that can be visible to your audience through social media networks and
review channels. Any negative review can create an adverse impact on some part of
your customers unless you have a strong foothold through brand loyalty and efficient
customer service. There is a challenge to maintain the brand reputation by responding
to negative feedback effectively.
5.Dependability on Technology
Digital marketing is purely based on digital technology and internet access. There can
be instances of failure when the links may not work, the website may not respond,
and user access gets hampered. This may create dissatisfaction among the prospective
customers that forces them to switch to other brands. A regular checkup or
maintenance of the website is necessary to cope up with the constantly changing
technological environment.
6.Security and Privacy Issues
The more use of online platforms demands better security and website protection. For
a digital marketer, securing and safeguarding the network connections by using
firewalls and good antivirus is always desirable. The legal formalities for protecting and
using customer data in digital marketing strategies need to be completed to avoid any
complaints on data breaches.
What is Traditional Marketing?
• Traditional marketing is a marketing strategy that
promotes products and services using traditional
advertising channels such as newspapers, magazines,
billboards, posters, text messaging, television, radio,
and so on to reach and engage target customers.
As a result, traditional marketing focuses heavily on
mass media to reach out to potential customers and
persuade them to make a purchase. Traditional
marketing is a less productive and more costly
marketing method. Another significant d ..
Digital marketing Traditional marketing
Digital marketing consists of online or
digital channels such as websites, blogs,
social media platforms, email, podcasts,
Traditional marketing channels include
newspaper, television, radio, direct mail,
billboards, etc.
It allows the businesses to reach local,
national, or even global audiences.
It is generally effective in reaching a local
or national audience.
Digital marketing also allows you to market
your business free of cost, e.g., Facebook
or LinkedIn business pages.
There is rarely any traditional marketing
channel that allows you to advertise your
brand free of cost.
Digital marketing is effective for a local
audience only if they have enough
presence of digital channels.
Traditional marketing comes in very handy
if you want to reach your local audience.
Most of the digital marketing channels are
pretty cost-effective.
Traditional marketing is generally an
expensive way of marketing your business,
depending on how big your target
audience is.
It is easier to measure the effectiveness of
your marketing campaigns. For instance,
you can analyze how many people
purchased your product through a specific
Google ad,
In traditional marketing, it is simply next-
to-impossible to evaluate how good your
TV or newspaper ad campaign was.
• Electronic commerce (e-commerce) refers to companies
and individuals that buy and sell goods and services over
the internet.
• E-commerce operates in different types of market
segments and can be conducted over computers, tablets,
smartphones, and other smart devices.
• Almost anything can be purchased through e-commerce
today, which makes e-commerce highly competitive.
• It can be a substitute for brick-and-mortar stores, though
some businesses choose to maintain both.
• E-commerce operates in several market segments including
business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-
consumer, and consumer-to-business.
Digital Marketing Channel
• Digital marketing channels are platforms that
can be used to reach out to the target
audiences online. They might include social
media, search engines or websites.
• Digital marketing channels give the
opportunity to sell products, build brand
awareness and position yourself within a given
Website Marketing
• Website marketing is the strategic promotion of a website to drive
relevant traffic to the site. The goal is typically to attract people
who may be interested in a company’s products or services. More
traffic coming to a site means more opportunities to put value
proposition in front of potential customers.
• Website marketing may utilize SEO (search engine optimization),
which is customizing a page to make it rate high on search engine
queries. Garnering the top one or two positions can result in 50% of
the clicks from the search result.
• Other methods of website advertising may include creating blog
posts on fellow blogger's sites, or leaving your signature when you
post in forums. The more traffic a website consistently can
measure, the more the site is thought to be worth.
Search Engine Marketing
• SEM involves paid advertising on search engines, commonly known as Pay-
Per-Click (PPC) advertising.
• This form of marketing offers several advantages for website promotion:
• a) Immediate Results: With SEM, your ads can appear at the top of search
engine results pages almost instantly. This allows you to generate website
traffic and conversions immediately, without waiting for organic search
rankings to improve.
• b) Targeted Advertising: SEM enables you to target specific keywords,
demographics, and geographical locations. This precision targeting
ensures that your ads reach the most relevant audience, increasing the
likelihood of attracting quality traffic to your website.
• c) Measurable ROI: SEM platforms provide comprehensive analytics,
allowing you to track the performance of your ads and measure their
return on investment (ROI). This data helps optimize your campaigns and
make informed marketing decisions.
E-mail Marketing
• Email marketing involves sending targeted messages to a group of people
who have willingly provided their email addresses. It is an excellent tool
for building customer relationships, increasing brand awareness, and
driving website traffic.
• Here are some benefits of email marketing in website promotion:
• a) Direct Communication: With email marketing, you can directly
communicate with your audience and personalize your messages based on
their interests and preferences. This targeted approach increases the
likelihood of converting recipients into website visitors.
• b) Increased Website Traffic: By including compelling calls-to-action and
links in your emails, you can direct recipients to your website. This drives
traffic and provides opportunities for engagement, lead generation, and
• c) Customer Retention: Email marketing allows you to nurture and retain
existing customers. By sending valuable content, promotions, and updates,
you can encourage repeat visits to your website, fostering long-term
customer loyalty
Blog Marketing
• Blogging has become an integral part of digital marketing strategies.
Publishing high-quality blog content relevant to your target
audience offers several benefits for website promotion:
• a) Increased Website Visibility: Well-optimized blog posts with
relevant keywords can improve your website's organic search
rankings. By consistently publishing valuable content, you can
attract more visitors to your website through search engine
• b) Thought Leadership: Blogging allows you to showcase your
expertise in your industry. By sharing insightful and informative
content, you establish yourself as a thought leader, enhancing your
brand's credibility and attracting a loyal following.
• c) Social Media Engagement: Blogs provide shareable content that
can be promoted.
Mobile Marketing
• Mobile marketing is any advertising activity that promotes
products and services via mobile devices, such as tablets
and smartphones. It makes use of features of modern
mobile technology, including location services, to tailor
marketing campaigns based on an individual's location.
• Mobile marketing is a way in which technology can be used
to create personalized promotion of goods or services to a
user who is constantly connected to a network. Mobile
marketing audiences are grouped by behaviors and not by
demographics. Mobile marketing is a subset of mobile
advertising. Marketing faces privacy issues related to data
collection. Mobile marketing is much more affordable than
traditional marketing on television and radio.
• Mobile marketing may include promotions sent
through SMS text messaging, MMS multimedia
messaging, through downloaded apps using push
notifications, through in-app or in-game marketing,
through mobile websites, or by using a mobile device
to scan QR codes.
• Mobile marketing is an indispensable tool for
companies large and small as mobile devices have
become ubiquitous. The key players in the space are
the brands (and companies that they represent
through advertising), and service providers that enable
mobile advertising.
Audio-Video Marketing
• In today's highly competitive digital landscape,
marketers are continually seeking innovative
ways to promote their products and capture the
attention of a global audience. Audio-video
marketing has emerged as a powerful tool that
enables marketers to effectively convey their
message, engage consumers, and drive sales. This
article explores how audio-video marketing
assists marketers in promoting their products
worldwide, highlighting its benefits, impact, and
strategies for successful implementation
Benefits of Audio-Video Marketing
• Enhanced Engagement and Attention: Audio-video marketing offers
a dynamic and interactive medium that captivates audiences. By
combining visuals, sounds, and storytelling, marketers can create
engaging content that resonates with consumers on a deeper level.
Human beings are naturally drawn to audio and visual stimuli,
making audio-video marketing an effective way to capture attention
and maintain engagement.
• Emotional Connection: Audio-video content allows marketers to
evoke emotions and forge a strong connection with the audience.
Through visual storytelling, relatable characters, and compelling
narratives, marketers can evoke laughter, joy, excitement, or even
empathy. This emotional connection helps build trust, brand loyalty,
and positive associations with the promoted product.
• Increased Reach and Accessibility: With the advent of social media
platforms, video sharing websites, and mobile devices, audio-video
content has become more accessible than ever before. Marketers
can leverage these platforms to reach a global audience and expand
their brand's presence across borders. Videos can be easily shared,
liked, and commented on, enabling organic promotion and virility.
• Improved Information Retention: Studies have shown that people
retain information better when it is presented in an audiovisual
format. By combining visuals with audio cues, marketers can
effectively convey their product's features, benefits, and unique
selling points. This results in improved information retention among
viewers, making it more likely for them to remember the product
and take action.

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BBA III Introduction to Digital Marketing (Module-I) (1).pptx

  • 1. Conceptual Framework of Digital Marketing Module-I
  • 2. Concept of Digital Marketing • The term digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels to market goods and services to consumers. • This type of marketing involves the use of websites, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other similar channels. • Digital marketing became popular with the advent of the internet in the 1990s.
  • 3. • Digital marketing involves some of the same principles as traditional marketing and is often considered an additional way for companies to approach consumers and understand their behavior. • Companies often combine traditional and digital marketing techniques in their strategies. • This form of marketing is different from internet marketing, which is exclusively done on websites. • Digital marketing relates to attracting customers via email, content marketing, search platforms, social media, and more.
  • 4. Need of Digital Marketing • Digital marketing levels the online playing field. When it comes to a business’s visibility on the web, just like opening a store, location is everything. Being easily noticeable on the web, getting a business’s name out there, and updating information frequently will bring customers to its door. • Digital marketing helps businesses stay a step ahead of their competition. Digital marketing is the best way for a brand to get a leg up on its competition. Businesses want to reach as many people as possible, and this is significantly easier to achieve on the web than it is in person. • Digital marketing is less expensive than traditional marketing. Traditional advertising can cost large sums of money, whether it be via television, radio, newspaper, magazine, or direct mail. Now business owners can find a cheap equivalent online.
  • 5. • Digital marketing delivers analytics. The good news about digital marketing is that an ad’s creators can find out how it is pulling through using analytics that can’t be executed with traditional methods of advertising. Analytic reports can quickly be pulled up to test ad campaigns and find out what is getting read, looked at, or bought. • Digital marketing reaches mobile users. Digital marketing can be formatted to mobile devices in order to reach customers no matter where they may be. Once a business’s local search and digital presence have been optimized, it can rest assured that it will be found. Having a digital presence and local search optimization is vital as people increasingly rely on their phones’ web browsing capabilities. • Digital marketing builds brand recognition. Since there are so many channels on the web with marketing potential, getting the message out about new brands is easier than ever before. Shotgun marketing approaches will confuse potential customers. It is much better to invest in a succinct campaign and build onto it from there, maintaining a distinct voice and brand style.
  • 6. • Digital marketing allows businesses to monitor their brand. The great thing about digital marketing is that those who use it can easily check their reputation and engage with unsatisfied customers, making it possible for them to address negative press before it circulates too far and too wide. Just because a business doesn’t take advantage of the web and social media doesn’t mean that its customers don’t. It is far better to know what is going on as it happens than to find out the hard way along with everyone else. • Digital marketing can help brands develop trust with their audience. If a business is following its customers on social media and reaching out, commenting, and showing them that they care, it will gain trust, camaraderie, and friendships, in addition to more customers. There is nothing greater than engaging with a customer online and seeing them come into the store later to say how much it meant to them that the business took the time to connect. It is the small things a business can do that often make the most difference. • Digital marketing provides businesses with additional sales channels. Think of digital marketing as branches off of a brick and mortar business. One branch of the business contains social media posts with tips, advice, local news, and events involving the brand. Another branch hosts the business’s blog, which serves to educate, inspire, and entertain its audience.
  • 7. • Digital marketing can educate customers. One of the best features of digital marketing is its ability to help brands educate their customers and share information that makes their lives better. One of the greatest reasons to use digital marketing is the potential that it has to improve others’ lives. By sharing expertise, business models, and positive lifestyles, businesses truly can make the world a better place for the next generation and beyond. • Digital marketing brings a brand’s story to more people. Lastly, digital marketing is about telling a unique story to the world. Digital marketing is a business’s best chance to stand up and be heard, bringing its brand to the doorsteps of people that need the product or service, and those that might like to learn more about it.
  • 8. Scope of Digital Marketing • Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) enables digital marketers to better analyze user data so they can further customize the customer journey. AI helps companies understand a great deal about customers and how to best target audiences. AI also provides users with a more personalized experience, giving them customized assistance at each stage of the buying process. Businesses can achieve this customer experience by automating ads to targeted audiences using programmatic advertising. • Augmented and Virtual Reality Companies will continue to use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in their marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness and satisfy customer demand. Companies like Starbucks, Nivea, and Volkswagen have launched successful AR and VR campaigns to offer customers an experience that better connects them to their brands and products.
  • 9. • Omni-channel Marketing While today’s consumer expects every business to at least have an online presence, using a variety of media to engage your target market in a seamless manner is ideal. Often referred to as “omni-channel” marketing, this approach does away with any barriers or “silos” that different media may impose. • Content to Become More Interactive content is nothing new, but it’s beginning to be embraced as an effective marketing tool more than ever. Not only do they increase the amount of time a prospective customer engages with your brand, but they allow you to capture more data and, in turn, fine-tune the digital marketing strategy.
  • 10. Advantages of Digital Marketing 1. Brand Development The main advantage of digital marketing is to build the brand through direct campaigns and personalized content with the perspective of bringing the customers much closer and make them experience the unique proposition and value of the brand. 2. Personalization Digital marketing campaigns impart the leverage of personalization. The indispensable advantage of digital marketing is its ability to find the target audience, interact with the prospects and to know exactly what they are looking for. Knowing the audience and interacting with them is very essential to create brand loyalty and reputation.
  • 11. 3. Wider Reach Digital marketing helps expand the presence of the brand and creates a platform to reach a vast number of customers. The brand becomes global as digital marketing provides the platform to the brand for global display, therefore allowing even the newcomers and start-up brands to have an equal footing with big and established enterprises dominating the traditional market. 4. Greater Engagement The use of digital marketing is advantageous as it allows the brand to get hold of the customer’s attention till the time the brand has been successful in creating the brand loyalty and developed a credible reputation. Survival of the brand becomes easy when the brand is recognized by more people and this can be achieved through digital marketing with a regular blog post, relevant and real time social media contents, use of customer engaging posts like polls, event promotions and promotional offers. 5. Lower Cost The cost-efficient nature of digital marketing is immensely advantageous for the businesses. Spending on digital marketing in comparison to traditional marketing campaigns is very less. The digital marketing methodology is easier than the difficult approach of traditional marketing, especially for small businesses as they come with a limited budget for advertisement.
  • 12. 6.Accessibility Marketing methods using digital platforms provide the opportunity for both sellers and buyers to get easy access with the flexibility of time and location. The potential customers get an experience of a virtual shop with information about services and availability of product range. The customers can leave reviews and recommendations that guide the organizations to plan their marketing strategies accordingly to respond to customer requirements more effectively. 7.Trackable results The digital analytical tools and other online metrics help to track how effective the marketing campaign has been in terms of customer reach and response. It provides necessary information about the extent of customer engagement and response to your website and advertising. 8.Improved conversion rates The digital marketing process creates a seamless and immediate connection with potential customers with the convenience of making a purchase just with a few clicks on your website. This leads to better chances of making a purchase in response to marketing campaigns.
  • 13. Disadvantages of Digital Marketing 1.Skills Requirement There is a need of gathering the right knowledge and expertise on the digital platform to carry out the marketing activities successfully. With regular advancements in technology, it is essential to remain updated on tools, platforms, and methods to quickly respond to any changes. 2.Time-consuming We need to plan and implement various tasks related to optimization of online advertising and creating suitable content for promotions that can take up a lot of time. It’s also important to regularly track the results and modify strategies accordingly to ensure a return on investment. 3.High competition A wider reach to the global audience with digital marketing also requires building capabilities to face global competition. It can be a challenge to establish the brand against more competitors and to grab attention among the many digital channels campaigning in real-time.
  • 14. 4.Complaints and feedback The digital platforms allow for feedback or criticism by anyone about your product or services that can be visible to your audience through social media networks and review channels. Any negative review can create an adverse impact on some part of your customers unless you have a strong foothold through brand loyalty and efficient customer service. There is a challenge to maintain the brand reputation by responding to negative feedback effectively. 5.Dependability on Technology Digital marketing is purely based on digital technology and internet access. There can be instances of failure when the links may not work, the website may not respond, and user access gets hampered. This may create dissatisfaction among the prospective customers that forces them to switch to other brands. A regular checkup or maintenance of the website is necessary to cope up with the constantly changing technological environment. 6.Security and Privacy Issues The more use of online platforms demands better security and website protection. For a digital marketer, securing and safeguarding the network connections by using firewalls and good antivirus is always desirable. The legal formalities for protecting and using customer data in digital marketing strategies need to be completed to avoid any complaints on data breaches.
  • 15. What is Traditional Marketing? • Traditional marketing is a marketing strategy that promotes products and services using traditional advertising channels such as newspapers, magazines, billboards, posters, text messaging, television, radio, and so on to reach and engage target customers. As a result, traditional marketing focuses heavily on mass media to reach out to potential customers and persuade them to make a purchase. Traditional marketing is a less productive and more costly marketing method. Another significant d ..
  • 16. Digital marketing Traditional marketing Digital marketing consists of online or digital channels such as websites, blogs, social media platforms, email, podcasts, etc. Traditional marketing channels include newspaper, television, radio, direct mail, billboards, etc. It allows the businesses to reach local, national, or even global audiences. It is generally effective in reaching a local or national audience. Digital marketing also allows you to market your business free of cost, e.g., Facebook or LinkedIn business pages. There is rarely any traditional marketing channel that allows you to advertise your brand free of cost. Digital marketing is effective for a local audience only if they have enough presence of digital channels. Traditional marketing comes in very handy if you want to reach your local audience. Most of the digital marketing channels are pretty cost-effective. Traditional marketing is generally an expensive way of marketing your business, depending on how big your target audience is. It is easier to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. For instance, you can analyze how many people purchased your product through a specific Google ad, In traditional marketing, it is simply next- to-impossible to evaluate how good your TV or newspaper ad campaign was.
  • 17. E-Commerce • Electronic commerce (e-commerce) refers to companies and individuals that buy and sell goods and services over the internet. • E-commerce operates in different types of market segments and can be conducted over computers, tablets, smartphones, and other smart devices. • Almost anything can be purchased through e-commerce today, which makes e-commerce highly competitive. • It can be a substitute for brick-and-mortar stores, though some businesses choose to maintain both. • E-commerce operates in several market segments including business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to- consumer, and consumer-to-business.
  • 18. Digital Marketing Channel • Digital marketing channels are platforms that can be used to reach out to the target audiences online. They might include social media, search engines or websites. • Digital marketing channels give the opportunity to sell products, build brand awareness and position yourself within a given industry.
  • 19. Website Marketing • Website marketing is the strategic promotion of a website to drive relevant traffic to the site. The goal is typically to attract people who may be interested in a company’s products or services. More traffic coming to a site means more opportunities to put value proposition in front of potential customers. • Website marketing may utilize SEO (search engine optimization), which is customizing a page to make it rate high on search engine queries. Garnering the top one or two positions can result in 50% of the clicks from the search result. • Other methods of website advertising may include creating blog posts on fellow blogger's sites, or leaving your signature when you post in forums. The more traffic a website consistently can measure, the more the site is thought to be worth.
  • 20. Search Engine Marketing • SEM involves paid advertising on search engines, commonly known as Pay- Per-Click (PPC) advertising. • This form of marketing offers several advantages for website promotion: • a) Immediate Results: With SEM, your ads can appear at the top of search engine results pages almost instantly. This allows you to generate website traffic and conversions immediately, without waiting for organic search rankings to improve. • b) Targeted Advertising: SEM enables you to target specific keywords, demographics, and geographical locations. This precision targeting ensures that your ads reach the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of attracting quality traffic to your website. • c) Measurable ROI: SEM platforms provide comprehensive analytics, allowing you to track the performance of your ads and measure their return on investment (ROI). This data helps optimize your campaigns and make informed marketing decisions.
  • 21. E-mail Marketing • Email marketing involves sending targeted messages to a group of people who have willingly provided their email addresses. It is an excellent tool for building customer relationships, increasing brand awareness, and driving website traffic. • Here are some benefits of email marketing in website promotion: • a) Direct Communication: With email marketing, you can directly communicate with your audience and personalize your messages based on their interests and preferences. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of converting recipients into website visitors. • b) Increased Website Traffic: By including compelling calls-to-action and links in your emails, you can direct recipients to your website. This drives traffic and provides opportunities for engagement, lead generation, and conversions. • c) Customer Retention: Email marketing allows you to nurture and retain existing customers. By sending valuable content, promotions, and updates, you can encourage repeat visits to your website, fostering long-term customer loyalty
  • 22. Blog Marketing • Blogging has become an integral part of digital marketing strategies. Publishing high-quality blog content relevant to your target audience offers several benefits for website promotion: • a) Increased Website Visibility: Well-optimized blog posts with relevant keywords can improve your website's organic search rankings. By consistently publishing valuable content, you can attract more visitors to your website through search engine referrals. • b) Thought Leadership: Blogging allows you to showcase your expertise in your industry. By sharing insightful and informative content, you establish yourself as a thought leader, enhancing your brand's credibility and attracting a loyal following. • c) Social Media Engagement: Blogs provide shareable content that can be promoted.
  • 23. Mobile Marketing • Mobile marketing is any advertising activity that promotes products and services via mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. It makes use of features of modern mobile technology, including location services, to tailor marketing campaigns based on an individual's location. • Mobile marketing is a way in which technology can be used to create personalized promotion of goods or services to a user who is constantly connected to a network. Mobile marketing audiences are grouped by behaviors and not by demographics. Mobile marketing is a subset of mobile advertising. Marketing faces privacy issues related to data collection. Mobile marketing is much more affordable than traditional marketing on television and radio.
  • 24. • Mobile marketing may include promotions sent through SMS text messaging, MMS multimedia messaging, through downloaded apps using push notifications, through in-app or in-game marketing, through mobile websites, or by using a mobile device to scan QR codes. • Mobile marketing is an indispensable tool for companies large and small as mobile devices have become ubiquitous. The key players in the space are the brands (and companies that they represent through advertising), and service providers that enable mobile advertising.
  • 25. Audio-Video Marketing • In today's highly competitive digital landscape, marketers are continually seeking innovative ways to promote their products and capture the attention of a global audience. Audio-video marketing has emerged as a powerful tool that enables marketers to effectively convey their message, engage consumers, and drive sales. This article explores how audio-video marketing assists marketers in promoting their products worldwide, highlighting its benefits, impact, and strategies for successful implementation
  • 26. Benefits of Audio-Video Marketing • Enhanced Engagement and Attention: Audio-video marketing offers a dynamic and interactive medium that captivates audiences. By combining visuals, sounds, and storytelling, marketers can create engaging content that resonates with consumers on a deeper level. Human beings are naturally drawn to audio and visual stimuli, making audio-video marketing an effective way to capture attention and maintain engagement. • Emotional Connection: Audio-video content allows marketers to evoke emotions and forge a strong connection with the audience. Through visual storytelling, relatable characters, and compelling narratives, marketers can evoke laughter, joy, excitement, or even empathy. This emotional connection helps build trust, brand loyalty, and positive associations with the promoted product.
  • 27. • Increased Reach and Accessibility: With the advent of social media platforms, video sharing websites, and mobile devices, audio-video content has become more accessible than ever before. Marketers can leverage these platforms to reach a global audience and expand their brand's presence across borders. Videos can be easily shared, liked, and commented on, enabling organic promotion and virility. • Improved Information Retention: Studies have shown that people retain information better when it is presented in an audiovisual format. By combining visuals with audio cues, marketers can effectively convey their product's features, benefits, and unique selling points. This results in improved information retention among viewers, making it more likely for them to remember the product and take action.