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Be Careful What You Wish For EssayBe Careful What You Wish For Essay
Child Physical Abuse And Juvenile Delinquency
Child Physical Abuse and Juvenile Delinquency
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, child abuse and maltreatment roughly
doubles the probability that an individual engages in many types of crime (Picker, 2014). More
specifically, it is noted that those who experience physical abuse as a child are 30% more likely
than their counterparts to commit violent crimes as a juvenile (Wisdom and Maxfield, 2001).
Physical abuse of a child may include but is not limited to injuries that result from kicking,
punching, biting, beating, or hitting a child that are non accidental, As defined by St. Luke s
Cornwall Hospital. It is believed that because of such treatment the child is inclined to portray the
same aggressive behavior in their juvenile years, which creates a cycle of violence (Wisdom and
Maxfield, 2001). This leads to my research question: Are juveniles who experience physical abuse
in their childhood more likely to commit violent crimes?
The term juvenile in this case can be described as an individual who is at least 18 years of age or
younger. I hypothesize that juveniles who have experienced physical abuse as a child are more
likely to commit violent crimes. My null hypothesis is that being physically abused and the type of
crime one commits have no relation. This is a perfect example of Travis Hirschi s Social Control
Theory, which states when an individual has experienced a lack of social connections or a lack of
social network that
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My Statement of Purpose for a Masters Course in Management...
Statement of Purpose
The remarkable success of Kalpana Chawla is an inspiration to all Indian women, with special
meaning to those involved in the study of math and science. Kalpana s untimely passing as part of
the Challenger crew is a paradox for the world to understand, yet for her, a woman of remarkable
intellect and clarity of vision, she passed doing what she loved: exploring, pushing the boundaries
of space and furthering scientific discoveries. She is an inspiration and force in my life, and serves
to show that with enough intensity and focused effort, remarkable accomplishments can be attained
quickly throughout ones life.
Growth In Engineering Years
My passion for engineering and electronics began prior to beginning my undergraduate major in
Electronics and Telecommunication. During those years prior to beginning my undergraduate
major, I was fascinated with how mechanical, electro mechanical and electronic devices worked.
Those years were invaluable from a learning standpoint, as I was able to develop analytical and
engineering skills I would use throughout my academic career.
During this time period I initiated many projects, the majority of which included mechanical
inventions, electromechanical devices and explorations of electronics.
During this time I also began to develop an interest in computer networking and the study of the
TCP/IP command set. Specifically I became fascinated with how the Blackberry could
simultaneously send and
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Racial Perception Of Where Is The Voice Coming From ...
Racial perception in society has always been a topic of controversy throughout the entire nation.
The United States of America didn t always support equal rights of colored individuals even after
it was printed into the US constitution that all men are created equal. White supremacy was at
its peak as segregation and racism has consumed many parts of the country. Known as a very
important civil right leader, John Lewis gives an indepth look of the most pivotal moments in
America through book two of the series known as March . Eudora Welty s Where is the voice
coming from conveys the perception of many Americans who felt as if colored people were a
threat and could not have the luxurious lifestyle. Both pieces impact the minds of people today as
it sheds light on the issue of equality for all individuals, nonetheless the short story Where is the
voice coming from and article Emmits ring by Valerie Smith both give one the realization that
many individuals in the past and even now in the present allow psychological consent in order to
justify violent actions which have ended many innocent lives. With malicious intent it saddens me
that a deaths of innocent people is what it takes for colored folks to have a right to fight for
justice. Where is the voice coming from is a one of the many short stories in Eudora Welty s novel.
This short story in particular caught my attention as one can soon became aware of the mindset that
many white Americans during the 1960s. This
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Stoney Creek Stream Analysis
Stoney creek is a salmon spawning stream located on Burnaby Mountain, British Columbia, Canada
(The City of Burnaby, 2016). However, the site is constantly being threatened by nearby urban
constructions and development (Stoney Creek Environment Committee, n.d.). Thus, organizations
were created to protect, maintain and monitor this important salmon rearing stream(Stoney Creek
Environment Committee, n.d.). A few methods that the organizations utilize to analyse Stoney
Creek, is to survey its habitat conditions and test the water quality and quantity (Taccogna et al.,
1995). This will require the assessment of vegetation availability, flow velocity, volume, discharge,
water chemistry and conditions (Taccogna et al., 1995). Compiling and documenting... Show more
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These characteristics involve streambed material, embeddedness, pool habtat percentage, off
channel habitat, bank stability, bank vegetation percentage, overhead canopy and riparian zone.
Certain points to note is that there is an abundant variety and amount of vegetation (such as
conifers and shrubs) surrounding the creek which provides shade, protection and their roots
provide bank stability (Taccogna et al., 1995). Another point to consider is that undisturbed
streams will have little to no embeddedness (Taccogna et al., 1995). Unfortunately, our results
from the 25 streambed samples suggests 41% embeddedness of gravel and rock, meaning there
was some stream disturbance. Coniferous trees are also present which may increase the streams
acidity (Taccogna et al., 1995). Again, plentiful vegetation also increases bank stability and
decrease risks of erosion which could disturb many sensitive aquatic creatures (Taccogna et al.,
1995). For that reason, destruction on its environmental surroundings should be avoided at all
costs. Overall, with a score of 90, the habitat quality of Stoney Creek is in the acceptable
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Differences Between Star Wars And Star Wars
In this article I ll be talking about the difference in the famous films: Star Wars and Star Trek have
a lot of movies and series.
These two films: Star Wars and Star Trek are films which have to do from the first to the last to
understand. These two films are classified as the two most fanatical movies starting with children
and ending with the elderly. These two series of films I put them to the title: Fantasias Wars
Star Wars information:
Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, centered on a film series created by George
Lucas. It depicts the adventures of various characters a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away .
The first film in the series, Star Wars (later subtitled Episode IV: A New Hope), was... Show more
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By contrast, in Star Trek we are told the story of a future in which the inhabitants of the Earth take
to the exploration of the universe in search of new planets and new life forms. The original series
in the XXIII century, but this time varies according to the number we re looking at.
Gains movies
While Star Wars has raised its six films about $ 5,670 million, Star Trek with its dozen films he
has reached $ 1,760. And yet here we do not have the latest animated film, which also must be
much . The film pocketed more money from the Star Wars saga was the original 1977 about $
1,610 million while Star Trek are barely reached $ 235 million with its Star Trek IV 1986
I choose Star Wars vs. Star Trek because I like science fiction and fantasy movies. I liked Star
Wars more because it has more special effects and the characters demonstrate more action; however
the part of the movie as the main character. Star Trek didn t Convince me. I think it was boring.
Comparing to Star Wars if doesn t have that much
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Optimization Technique For Feature Selection And...
Optimization Technique for Feature Selection and Classification Using Support Vector Machine
Abstract Classification problems often have a large number of features in the data sets, but only
some of them are useful for classification. Data Mining Performance gets reduced by Irrelevant and
redundant features. Feature selection aims to choose a small number of relevant features to achieve
similar or even better classification performance than using all features. It has two main objectives
are maximizing the classification performance and minimizing the number of features. Moreover,
the existing feature selection algorithms treat the task as a single objective problem. Selecting
attribute is done by the combination of attribute evaluator and search method using WEKA
Machine Learning Tool. We compare SVM classification algorithm to automatically classify the
data using selected features with different standard dataset.
Index Terms Data Mining, Kernel methods, Support Vector Machine
, WEKA, Classification.
upport Vector Machine (SVM) was first described in 1992, introduced by Boser, Guyon, and
Vapnik. Support vector machines (SVMs) are a set of related supervised learning methods used
for classification and regression [1]. They belong to a family of linear classifiers. In other words,
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a tool of classification and
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Armstrong State University Men s Basketball Team Essay
I chose to do my Field Study report on the Armstrong State University Men s Basketball team, and
I chose to particularly focus on Game Planning/Preparation . Armstrong State University is a
member of the Peach Belt Conference on the Division Two level of the National Collegiate Athletic
Association, and is located in Savannah, Georgia. I am currently and have been a member of the
Armstrong State Men s Basketballteam since 2012, and every year there are different methods that
are used in game planning and preparation. I know this from personal experience and talking with
my coaches. There are many individuals that don t understand what actually goes into a college
basketball game; it s more than just having talented young athletes being put on a court to showcase
their abilities. There is practice, film, scouting, motivational techniques, mental sharpening
methods, and even extra individual attention to detail. Over the four and a half years that I have
been a member of this basketball program, I have witnessed each one of these methods implored in
different... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Coach Davis and I basically went onto having a conversation about how he has different methods
to trigger different individuals. He basically went on to tell me that he can t talk to another
teammate the way that he talks to me because we have different relationships, and we are different
individuals. He also went on to say that he uses those same general motivational techniques when
game preparation and training is in place, what motivates one team member might not motivate
another. Each induvial has different needs in regards to game planning and preparation. A good
example of this would be that I have been here for four and a half years, therefore I don t need the
same attention and focus to detail that my other teammates need because they are new to the
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La Historia Me Absolvera also known as History Will...
The time of the Cuban Revolution involved a great deal of turmoil for Cuba as well as other
countries around the world. In 1945, shortly after the end of World War II, the Cold War was
taking off between the United States and the Soviet Union.1 Cuba was in the middle of its own
war, the revolution, when they caught up in the international politics of the Cold War. The
interaction between international and domestic politics played a major role in the outcome of the
revolution. The result of the revolution left Fidel Castroin charge of Cuba. The Platt Amendment
states that the United States has the ability to interfere at various points in Cuba s history. This
gave America the ability to better serve its own interests in the region,... Show more content on
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The Fifth Revolutionary Law states that any gains received illegally under other regimes will
be confiscated by special courts set up to review records and find any of these gains obtained
illegally. These confiscated gains will go to pay retirements for workers and to set up hospitals
and charitable organizations.12 In addition, people believe that Castro s speech on revolution
was a communist conspiracy as well as a socialist ideologies. However, Fidel deceived the Cuban
society and led them to believe that his goals and help him represent democracy. In Castro s
speech, History Will Absolve Me, he discusses different kinds of policies that he would like to
enforce on Cuba and make the Cuban society believers of his ideologies. In the end, Fidel did not
achieve what he initially wanted for the people of Cuba. Even though, the actual Revolution
was successful he failed to abide by his promises to the people regarding a successful economic
reform in Cuba. The actions taken by Castro in his trial and his History Will Absolve Me speech
really showed his view on the anti Batista movement. It helped the people of Cuba to understand
his passion to reform the country and increase the living situations in Cuba. I believe that Castro s
trial speech History Will Absolve Me, is a socialist document. This speech is a theory of social
organization of ownership and control of how Fidel wanted Cuba to be. Castro
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The Mission Of The Queens Library s Adult Learning Center
An estimated 36% of Adult New Yorker s are at level one literacy skills about one and a half are
functionally illiterate. That means that they cannot read a prescription label, newspaper or fill out
a job application. An additional 25% of Queens s New York residents do not speak English.
(Queens Library s, 2016) The Adult Learning Center (ALC) in Flushing offers many services to the
flushing community. Many of the services are focused around the large Asian population in
flushing. The services include, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) conversation
groups, Basic Adult Education (ABE) classes, and ongoing mental health and life coaching services.
As a field student in The Adult Learning Center, my primary focus is to provide mental health
services to the population. Due to the large Asian community, I often find it difficult to understand
their needs. Many of my clients need numerous sessions to open up on their areas of concerns.
Mission of the agency
The mission of the Queens Library s Adult Learning Center is to provide services, resources, and
life long learning opportunities to the changing communities of Queens. In addition to the core
initiatives, The Adult Learning Center offers Adult Learning Resources for students and
educators of all ages, including the ESOL Referral List; Learn to Read programs and activities for
beginning to mid level adult readers; Pre HSE Classes for adults who speak English and want to
improve their reading and
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What Were the Two Greatest Sucesses and Failures of the...
What were the two greatest successes and two greatest failures of the Wilson government 1964 70?
This period of Labour rule is often marked down as a poor performance on behalf of the labour
party, critically looked upon by many historians. There were many failings under the rule of this
government however the circumstances they were placed in caused severe restraints in their options.
Wilson had been voted into government with the promise of central planning and the white heat of
new technology , catching the mood of the moment, and making the public believe he was not just
another old bumbling politician, but one who showed some promise in getting the country moving,
and reinvigorating the lumbering economy. However when Wilson was... Show more content on
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Although disillusioned to the cause of the strike action Wilson still attempted to pull together an act
that would limit the pull of the trade unions, and through Barbara Castle s optimistically titled in
place of strife it appeared that they may prevail against the vigilante controlling of the government;
through relatively mild controls on their ability to resort to strike action. The act had popular
support in the country as many people did not want to see their country being run by the trade
unions. However inside the labour party the bill met much opposition and even with a majority of
100 it was clear that the bill would not get passed; the majority reason for which being that many
labour party members believed, that with the economy in the state it was in, and the failure of the
party to meet the measures promised in the manifesto, the working class were the last people they
wanted to alienate, if they wished to run for re election. In being too week at the time that the
government needed to enforce stern measures they were humiliated by their leader having to slump
back to the trade unions to sign a solemn and
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Critical Analysis of Alex de Tocqueville s Democracy in...
Irena Cosby
Analysis of Alexis de Tocqueville s Democracy in America Alexis de Tocqueville s visit to the
United States in 1831 prompted his work Democracy in America. This was supposed to be a
chance for him to take a look at the American prison system. However, it was obvious from his
writing that he looked at every aspect of American culture. In Democracy in America, he takes a
look at how democracy works and the pitfalls that could bring about the downfall of democracy.
Throughout his travels he noticed that private interest and personal gain motivated the actions of
most Americans. He believed this cultivated a new concept, the concept of individualism. He
believed this individualism was one of the greatest threats to ... Show more content on
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He also looked at the industrialization of America and how it fit into this new concept. He
noticed that employees of factories learned how to do one thing. While they may perfect that
one skill, they began to lose creativity and imagination. They also lost the desire to move up in
society. They became comfortable and content with their task, and every day became just like
the one before it. Owners of factories, on the other hand, held all the power. They could get
richer or even lose their wealth. However, it didn t matter how many different people were in
management positions, they all had two things in common...power and wealth. De Tocqueville
believed this would create a large population of people who relied on the few creative thinkers
left to take care of them. While there was an equality of the masses, there was still a much smaller
group of people that held all the power. Given that despots have every interest in keeping people
isolated, the individualism resulting from equality makes despotism a great threat to equality.
Exercising freedom through participation in public affairs is therefore extremely vital because it
gives people a personal interest in thinking about others in society. Local self governments are
important because they draw people together, and it is, therefore, more likely that they will exercise
their liberty. De Tocqueville believed that when
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Downtown Atlanta Research Paper
A Business Traveler s Guide to Downtown Atlanta
If you re planning a business trip to Atlanta, you probably hope to stay as productive as possible
while you re in town. Fortunately, this popular southern city has a bustling economy, so you ll have
plenty of options worth considering. In fact, some of the most successful companies in the world
have their headquarters in Atlanta, including Coca Cola and Home Depot. Atlanta has also been
ranked as one of the top high tech centers in the country.
You will certainly find downtown Atlanta accommodations with amenities that meet the needs of
business travelers. You might choose from a broad assortment of restaurants that are perfect for
business and pleasure. If you have some free time, you may explore a wide range of local
attractions. Your business trip to Atlanta can be both enjoyable and productive, as you ll discover
once you arrive in this exciting city in the Peach State.
Transportation Options
On any business trip, getting around is important so you will probably want to become familiar
with the transportation options in Atlanta. If you re entering the city via Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta
International Airport, you may want to rent a car from one of the national companies found there.
You can also take a taxi (some of the local companies charge a flat rate from... Show more content
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Choosing a hotel with the right amenities can help you to stay as productive as you want to be.
Before you make a reservation for a room in an Atlanta hotel, you might confirm that the hotel
offers everything you need to conduct business. This list may include free Wi Fi in the rooms and
a fully equipped business center (with computer access and charging stations for your electronic
devices). If you wish to schedule a meeting with clients or associates, you may want to be sure that
your hotel has a suitable room or area where you can
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Immersion Heat Lab Report
In activity 17.3.2 we weighed out 150g of chilled water and 150g of pat dried ice and we put it
into a styrofoam cup along with an immersion heater, and a temperature sensor. We recorded the
data on LoggerPro and as the experiment is running, we continuously stirred the mixture; We ran
this experiment for roughly 16 minutes; We saw that the icewas melting and once it was completely
melted, the water started to get warmer and boil, we also observed steam from the water.
Analyzing our data, we compared the initial mass 300g to the final mass 257.5g, there was some
loss due to evaporating during the boiling process. This experiment supports the concept because
we can see that when the immersion heater was melting the ice, there was a horizontal line near
0В°C; When the ice was changing phase to liquid, we observed no temperature changes. ... Show
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In activity 17.8.1, we related volume and temperature, we had a empty beaker with air and a
temperature probe in it, sealed with a rubber stopper that was connected to a syringe. We placed
the beaker in cold water with a immersion heater and recorded the data on LoggerPro. As the water
heated up, we observed that the pressure of the air remained constant because the temperature is
also changing. We fit our data with a linear curve and concluded that the change in volume is
directly proportional to the change in temperature.
In activity 17.8.2, we related pressure and temperature, the setup for this experiment is similar to
that of 17.8.1, however the syringe is replaced with a pressure sensor and the temperature sensor is
in the water surrounding the flask. We recorded the data whenever the ice melted and the pressure
and temperature stabilizes. We fit our data with a linear curve and concluded that the change in
pressure is directly proportional to the change in
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Physical Geography Power Of Place
Physical geography has a significant impact on the development of countries; hence the title, The
Power of Place. Countries on the coast tend to do better than landlocked countries because they
have more trade opportunities. Landlocked countries usually trade with their neighbors, but if their
neighbors are also struggling economically, then both countries suffer from seclusion. However,
sometimes the landlocked countries have well off neighbors which makes them more likely to do
well. For example, Switzerland s neighbors, France and Italy, happen to be near water, so
Switzerland isn t as negatively affected from being landlocked. Diversity is more commonly found
in larger countries. Small countries usually have fewer cultures and a common... Show more content
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Each of these groups impacts the world in their own way. Globals are wealthy people who are
generally found in the core countries. Although globals are only a small percentage of the
population, they tend to be the most successful and often spread their ideas throughout the
world. Globals flatten the world and control the fates of the locals and mobals (de Blij 7). In the
1950s, de Blij witnessed how the global Europeans interfered in South Africa, resulting in many
locals becoming mobals or globals. Locals live in the same place their whole life and carry on
traditions from hundreds of years ago. An example of a local community are the farmers in
China who still produce rice like their ancestors did a long time ago. Locals are typically found
in the global periphery, and they usually have a rougher life than the globals do. Somewhere in
between the two distinct groups are the mobals. Mobals tend to be locals that migrate to the core
countries in hopes of a better life. For example, the US has a very high immigration rate because of
its many freedoms and education and job
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Case Study Of Aramit Cement Limited
Study Supervisor: Professor Dr. Muhammad Saleh Jahur Afroza Sultana ID No: 1304001 Major:
Finance Department of Business Administration University of Chittagong Email:
rozanabd@yahoo.com ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sincere thanks to Professor Dr. Muhammad
Saleh Jahur , University of Chittagong for giving me the opportunity to work on such an interesting
topic on top of everything for his guidance, unconditional help and supervision. Chapter One
Introduction 1.1Prelude Aramit Cement Limited (ACL) is one of the well known cement
manufacturing companies in Bangladesh among 125 companies, incorporated in 1995 focusing its
business on Chittagong region. The company... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
technological progress in the specific industry, technical efficiency, changes in output growth rate or
changes in input use. Profitability can be influenced by various factors such as change in market
dynamics, changes in input use or out production, and the degree of competition in the industry, or
Market contestability which refers to the easiness on the part of a new firm s entry in the market.
Other factors that can have effect on profitability are the strength of demand or the state of the
economy, Advertising, Substitutes, Relative costs, Economies of scale, Dynamically efficient,
Price discrimination, Management, Objectives of firms etc. Productivity and profitability analysis
is immensely important for smooth operation of a firm as they allow quality products at lower
prices, greater return to its shareholders and stakeholders. The current study is an attempt to
critically evaluate the productivity and profitability position of Aramit Cement Company Limited.
Its aim is to present the productivity and profitability of the company through different financial
tools and techniques and also suggest if there is any scope for improvement in the specific area.
1.2Objective of the
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Parent Child Relationships In King Lear
At the core heart of King Lear, we get to see the relationship between father and child. The
double plot of King Lear consists of parallel stories of two hapless old fathers and of their
children. Regan and Goneril speaks eloquently about the vastness of the love that they hold for
their father, though they are speaking falsely, each attempting to appear the most loving and as a
result they gain more territory. On the other hand Cordelia refuses to stoop to such pandering
stating instead she shows her love through her deeds and which does not possess the oily, flattering
ways of her sisters. The major characters involved in parent/child relationships in King Learare King
Lear and his three daughters, Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia (the true and the faithful one), and the
other Gloucester and his two sons, Edgar (the legitimate son) and Edmund(the illegitimate son). The
octogenarian Lear proposes... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Though his kingdom should be divided equally, but Lear loves Cordelia more and wants to give
her the largest section of his wealth. In return, Lear expected excessive flattery and gushing
confessions of love but Cordelia s reply was tempered, honest, and reasonable. As soon as
Cordelia fails to meet Lear s expectations, he disinherits her. At Cordelia s loss, Goneril and
Regan were very quick to take advantage. They would have genuinely loved their father at one
time, but now they seem tired of having been passed over in favour of their younger sister. When
Lear states his obvious preference for Cordelia, her sisters feels free to seek their revenge, turning
the family s natural order on its ear. At the same time, Lear fails to see the strength and justice in
natural law, hence disinherits his youngest child, setting in motion the disaster that follows. Then
Lear places a competition between sisters that will carry them to their
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Jane s Psychological Problems in Charlotte Gilman’s The...
Jane s Psychological Problems in Charlotte Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper
In Charlotte Gilman s short story The Yellow Wallpaper, Jane, the main character, is a good
example of Sigmund Freud s Studies In Hysteria. Jane suffers from symptoms such as story making
and daydreaming. Jane has a nervous weakness throughout the story.
Jane is a victim of a nervous disorder of the brain called hysteria. She is aware that she suffers from
a series of mental and physical disturbances. She says that she has a temporary nervous depression:
a slight hysterical tendency what is one to do? (2).
According to Freud hysteria is a nervous disorder that causes violent fits of laughter, crying, and
imagination. It is a lack of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jane is often irritated from the wallpaper in her room. The wallpaper above her bed is stripped
off and this bothers her immensely. She claims, I never saw a worse paper in my life (4). In fact,
she hates it with great passion by saying no wonder the children hated it! I should hate it myself if
I had to live in this room long (4). She refers back to the children from her imagination, the children
that were living in the so called nursery before her. Towards the end of the story, Jane learns to hate
the room as a result of spending so much of her time in there. She is really disturbed from the
patterns of the wallpaper. Jane comments on the patterns, as a constant irritant to a normal mind
(12) because she thinks that she has a normal mind. The color is repellent, that is, almost revolting.
She says that it is dull enough to confuse the eye in following, pronounced enough to constantly
irritate and provoke study, and when you follow the lame uncertain curves for a little distance they
suddenly commit suicide (4).
According to Freud, Jane is clearly hallucinating when she says that the lines on the wallpaper
suddenly commit suicide (6). She is greatly annoyed and bothered by the way it looks. Jane sees a
vision of death in the paper. There is a recurrent spot where the pattern lolls like a broken neck and
two bulbous eyes stare at you upside down (6). Her imagination of the wallpaper leads her to see a
dead person. As
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Key Problems Associated With Titanium Machining And The...
Ezugwu and Wang (1997) presented a review on the main problems associated with titanium
machining, including tool wear and the mechanism responsible for tool failure. They suggest that
uncoated carbides (WC/Co) cutting tools are better than most coated cutting tools for machining a
titanium alloy. The high chemical reactivity of titanium causes welding of work piece material on
the cuttingtool during machining, leading to chipping and premature tool failure. The prominent
failure modes in titanium machining were: notching, flank wear, crater wear, chipping, and
catastrophic failure. Different tool materials have different response to different wear mechanism.
Crater wear is closely related to the chemical composition of the cutting tool. The conclusions
presented by this researcher, they suggest that dissolution diffusion wear dominates on the rake and
flank face for uncoated cemented carbides used for the turning of titanium alloys. At very high
cutting speeds and temperatures, the conclusion is that plastic deformation and development of
cracks due to thermal shock will be the dominating wear mechanisms. Change of feed rate, depth of
cut or cutting speed give changes in the wear rates. They also suggest that cutting fluids have to be
used during titanium machining to minimize high stresses and temperatures. The cutting fluidhas to
work both as coolant and lubricating agent to lower the cutting forces and avoid chip welding,
which is a phenomenon often experienced during
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Sugar Act 1765
In this lesson, it explained the different act that cause people to pay taxes. In High School, we
learned about the Sugar act, Stamp act and Boston Tea Party. The Sugar act was appoint by
Georgie the third. The act required people to pay taxes on sugar and other item. I find it hard to
believe people had to pay taxes on sugar, I guess sugar was very valuable in that time period. The
Sugar act was created to pay for the Quartering Act of 1765. People who fail to pay their taxes
had to go to sugar court. In 1765, the British government passed another law that increase the taxes
on the colonies. The American people were furious about this. So, the people form a group cause
The Son of Liberty. The Son of Liberty boycott against items from England.
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Kino s Change In The Pearl By John Steinbeck
If money had caused you so much pain and loss, would you still search for more? In Jordan
Steinbeck s book, The Pearl, the main character, Kino, loses nearly everything, including his son.
All of this misfortune happens because of one pearl. Kino is poor and hasn t had much of an
education. Many of the people outside of his neighborhood don t like him because of his race, and
he thinks that the pearlcan help him change this. When Kino finds the pearl of the world, he
thinks he ll be able to get lots of great things and live a more comfortable life. Unfortunately, the
pearl makes his life worse. He changes as a person, and the people around him change as well;
they all become filled with greed. This shows readers that money doesn t buy happiness.... Show
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When Juana tries to tell him that the pearl is evil, he doesn t believe her. He says, No one shall
take our good fortune from us. Kino is determined to sell the pearl and become rich; no one
seems to be able to tell him otherwise. He also says, This pearl has become my soul. If I give it
up, I shall lose my soul. He has become so invested in this pearl that he feels like it is now a part
of him. Kino says this right after he killed someone and his house burned down, which all happens
because of the pearl. Despite all of the bad things that have happened, Kino is still unwilling to give
up the pearl. He is so focused on getting money that his greed prevents him from seeing the
destruction that money has
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Definition Of Success In The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls
In The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, Jeannette to most people is considered successful, while
her parents are not. The odd thing is that it is all perspective and the parents find themselves
successful. This is a difference in how people constitute success. There is no set definition to
success but many people s definitions are somewhat the same but others can be very different.
Successcan vary in many different fields as well, like family, money, fame, religion, sports and
anything else your mind can think of. The Glass Castlecan be seen as a success story even though
she went through a lot of adversity to achieve it; this is why I ask, what constitutes as success?
Successful dictionary definition is having achieved popularity, profit,... Show more content on
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This shows a bias and I do not want to do this in my paper. Success is spending the majority of
my time focused on work or tasks that are fulfilling, leveraging my Zone of Genius, maximizing
my potential and helping other people in a meaningful way while providing the freedom,
lifestyle and experiences that I desire. said Laura Garnett in her paper about success as well.
She also interviewed many CEO s in her research and questioned them about their definition of
successes. Ron Cordes the CEO of the Cordes foundation states his definition of success is, To
find and fully live your purpose in life, and to leave an enduring legacy of having made a
difference in the world. Also E.N. Garnett Jr. who is just your average southern farmer says his
definition is, I define success as having a job that you enjoy and enables you financially, a
spouse and family that loves and cares for you, children that make you proud by who they are and
what they do, having the freedom to worship a loving God, and being able to contribute to the
betterment of your fellow man. I am so blessed! (How Do You Define
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Free Indirect Style In Atonement And Pat Barker s...
Through the use of free indirect style, the authors are able to offer shifting perspectives which
allows the reader a deeper understanding into the insights and motivations behind the characters
actions. Ian McEwan s Atonement and Pat Barker s Regeneration are examples of novels that use
free indirect styleto allow the reader access to the characters thoughts within a third person narrative
. The function of this free indirect style is to allow the inner thoughts of the character to be known
to the reader so they are able to have a more varied understanding of the narrative being told.
McEwan and Barker offer multiple perspectives through different characters by the way of allowing
free indirect style to allows connections to the characters... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The personal connection that Rivers feels towards Sassoon is stated through free indirect style
when both Rivers and Sassoon meet in the men s club. Rivers inner monologue in the club,
discloses to the reader that he has had parallel experiences with his patients in the way that both
young and old men have paralleled experiences (115). He is able to connect with them on a more
personal level as he shares his own hallucinations with Sassoon to reassure him (97). This free
indirect style shows a progression of connection between patient and doctor where Rivers
conclusion in the novel leaves him feeling unsure of the power he poses within the patients lives
and if he s ultimate goal should be sending them off to war. River s analysis his own dreams in
free indirect style, of his past violent experiments and compares it to how he treats his patients
now. The free indirect style charts his progression of doubting the war, especially when he sees the
electro shock therapy towards the end of the novel that reveals his guilt towards his treatment of
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Major Themes In Brave s Life
Robotics prodigy Hiro lives in the city of San Fransokyo. Next to his older brother, Tadashi, Hiro
s closest companion is Baymax, a robot whose sole purpose is to take care of people. When a
devastating turn of events throws Hiro into the middle of a dangerous plot, he transforms Baymax
and his other friends, Go Go Tamago, Wasabi, Honey Lemon and Fred into a band of high tech
heroes. All of them fight to beat the masked man from taking over the entire world.
Some majors themes in the movie are friendship, anger, and creativity. Early on the movie, it is
known that Hiro is a lonely child, his only friends are his brother and his toy robot. After the loss of
Tadashi, his other brother, Tadashi s friends become Hiro s friends and they become... Show more
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He gets mad at Callaghan for what happened to his brother and feels the need to seek revenge on
him. His friends encourage him not to kill Callaghan because of what happened to his brother.
Listening to his friends, Hiro does not kill Callaghan and it turns out to be a great decision that
he made. This theme in this movie is relevant today because many people often feel the need to
seek revenge if something bad was inflicted upon them. For example, when my brother punched
me in the stomach randomly just to inflict harm on me, I felt the natural want to punch him back
for what he has done. In hindsight, it is not good to seek revenge because it just made the
situation worse, both sides wounded after the brawl. While many may believe that seeking
revenge is the way to settle disputes, in many cases, people tend to end up getting hurt like I did
myself. Another moral in the story is friends and family help each other. After the event that
happened to his brother, his family and friends helped comfort him. Baymax, his personal
healthcare robot, diagnoses Hiro and finds out that his emotional health is low, so it prescribes
Hiro with support from his family and friends. On top of that, his friends even fight with him to
defeat the
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Northup Vs Douglass
Before president Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery during his presidency, many African
Americans suffered under the commands of their slaveholders. In Twelve Years A Slave,
Solomon Northup discusses the reality of being captured and having his freedom taken away.
Frederick Douglass was not as fortunate as Solomon Northup, for he was born a slave. In his
narrative, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass had a multitude of
masters. With each one, he is more determined to escape and journey into the north. In both books,
the men are able to escape the wrath of slavery. However, even while under the power of their
masters, both Frederick Douglass and Solomon Northup were able to show their resistance of
slavery through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Northup had an education before he became a slave and he used that to his advantage. When
Bass, a new carpenter arrives on the plantation, Northup finds that he is unlike the rest of the
white men; Bass thinks slavery is wrong. While working alone with Bass, Northup decides to
bring up the topic of where Bass is from. Learning that Bass is from Canada, Northup replies
saying he has been there himself. Bass was skeptical about Northup s knowledge of the north
because most slaves have never been there. To reinforce the fact that he knows of Canada,
Northup reveals, I have been there. I have been in Montreal and Kingston, and Queenston, and a
great many places in Canada, and I have been in York State too . . . (Northup 101). Living in the
north intrigued Bass because it meant Northup was educated, a rarity for a slave. Bass began to
question whether he really was a slave. Douglass on the other hand did not have any kind of
education. Learning how to read was a challenge, stating, I had no regular teacher. My mistress
who had kindly commenced to instruct me, had, in compliance with the advice and direction of her
husband, not only ceased to instruct, but had set her face against my being instructed by any one
else (Douglass 22). After Master Hugh stopped his wife from teaching Douglass, he decided to
learn himself. Even with the mistress always watching him he
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Data Collection Techniques And Methods
Data Collection Techniques
Staci Shockley
Applied Research LS 698 01
Kaplan University
September 21, 2015
Data collection techniques Data collection is a very essential aspect in all research studies.
Normally, inaccurate data collection methods tend to have a very big impact to the results of the
study and this eventually leads to invalid results. The data collection techniques in many cases vary
along a continuum, for instance at one end of the continuum are the quantitative methods and
techniques while of the other side are the qualitative techniques for data collection (Kuada, 2012).
In both qualitative and quantitative techniques, there are there are various methods used for data
collection. In qualitative research for instance, the various data collection techniques used include
interviews, observations, and focus group discussions among other techniques. In this case,
however, the most appropriate techniques especially in the qualitative research are focus group
discussions and interviews on the other hand.
Focusing on interviews as a qualitative method, it comprises of structured, semi structured as well
as unstructured interviews. The structured interviews are largely verbally administered
questionnaires. Usually predetermined questions are asked, the questions have no variation, and
they have no scope especially for follow up questions
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Cultural Competence Of Medical Care
Encountering a fast growing aging nation, the U.S. government strives to create the cultural
competence of medical care providers for this to lower health inequalities. The overall rising
number of the older adult population exemplifies a cultural icon within itself. The proportion of
older adults from ethnic and racial minority groups is projected to increase exponentially by
2050, with the largest growth rates being among Hispanics, followed by Asian Pacific Islanders,
American Indians, and African Americans. During the year of 2006, the U.S. Census Bureau
stated that 19 percent of the U.S. population that is aged 65 years and older would be considered
as a minority. In 2050, 39 percent of the countries older adults will be denoted by minority groups.
For these predictions, organizations should incorporate community outreach. This will help in
studying the population and learning who are the most efficient resource individuals within the
ethnic groups. Also, they can predict the need and demand for alliances or affiliations so that
when families get there, the health care organizations can be more organized and be prepared to
give pertinent services and resources. Organizations can reach out to religious groups to help
engage workers, trainers, or religious leaders who has a better understanding of the individual s
cultural back and they can also help in educating employees in the distinctions of working with
them to display respect (Lehman, D., Fenza, P.,
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Brief Summary Of Guitar
Hagar finally gives up trying to kill Milkman. When Guitar got back from Virginia he finds
Hagar waiting for him at his house. He told her to go sit while he looked for a car so that he can
drive her home.while he is looking for the car he starts getting mad because of the fact that Hagar
is deeply in lovewith Milkman. Guitar tells Hagar that everything he has loved left him. And it is
hard for him to love anything because he is used to it going away and he told Hagar that he only
loved one womanbut Hagar isn t even listening to him. Guitar drove Hagar back to Pilate, and
Reba and Pilate started treating Hagar with sympathy, doing everything she needed. Hagar thinks
that Milkman doesn t like her anymore because she is ugly and she asked Pilate
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Comparing Sexuality In Stephanie Meyer And Twilight By...
If there is one thing that has not changed in the past one hundred years it is the populations love for
a thrilling, eerie story; including those about vampires. However, what has changed in the last one
hundred years is cultural appropriation and the idea of vampirism itself. So despite being written in
two entirely different centuries with two entirely different vampireetiquettes, the novels Twilight by
young adult author Stephanie Meyer and Draculaby 19th century gothic author Bram Stoker, both
use of the matter of sexuality through characters actions and to help develop the good vs. evil based
plot throughout the stories. Although there are no actual physical acts of sex done by the
characters in either of the two novels, the lust and idea of sexuality is extremely present in the
characters behaviors throughout both. In Twilight... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example one of the first things Bella notices when she first sees the Cullens is their
appearance, I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly
beautiful. (Meyer 19) To most vampires this attention the Cullens receive would be ideal, however
because they choose not to feed on humans this makes it all the more difficult for them to resist. It
is the physical attraction as well as reaction Bella has towards Edward that initially brings them
together, and what keeps Bella around. She knows the risk she is taking by being with Edward and
consequently being with him is what got her involved with the evil vampire, James, which created
the main conflict in the book. There is no exception to the physical beauty of the vampires in
Dracula either. It is stated several times throughout the book that creates a longing feeling towards
the monsters even though they know it
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Lady With The Dog
n The Lady with the Dog, Chekhov uses setting to enhance the mood of the story. The story
begins on the coastal town of Yalta during the hot summer. The strange light on the sea, the soft
warm lilac hue of the water and the golden streak from the moon upon it sets the tone for a
budding summer romance. The fact that the two main characters first meeting takes place in a
garden setting signifies a love about to bloom. Chekhov also uses the season/weather in his story.
The summer in Yalta is the start of a hopefully steamy affair for Gurov and the lady with the white
Pomeranian. They spend a lot of time walking, talking and dining together and taking in the smell
of the sea. They watch the steamers go by. Time stands still in... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
As June travels on a train to Guangzhou with her father, she notices the tears of happiness in his
eyes as he looks out the window and sees a sectioned field of yellow, green and brown under the
hot October sky. Like Chekhov, Tan uses the season of autumn to establish the change the reader
will see in Jane s character. In autumn, there is a beautiful array of color changes. For Jane, this
particular autumn, spent briefly in China, and the colors outside the train window represent a
transformation. She is returning to her roots. She is going home to discover that her mother
was right all along. The colors in the field represent the change that is about to happen in Jane.
Yellow, the color of the sun, brings hope and happiness to the new day. The field of green
represents new growth. Jane is on a journey that will help her grow as a person. The brown field
is just as important as the others. It is the last one she notices looking out the train window as she
arrives closer to Guangzhou and her roots. Setting also shapes the conflict within Jane. Is Chinese
really in her blood or is she an All American girl? I think about what my mother said, about
activating my genes and becoming Chinese. And I wonder what she meant. As people are pushing
and shoving to get off the train and wait in line for customs,
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digital marketing impact on consumer buying behavior
Marko Merisavo
The Effects of Digital Marketing
Communication on Customer Loyalty:
An Integrative Model and
Research Propositions
W 400
Marko Merisavo
The Effects of Digital Marketing
Communication on Customer Loyalty:
An Integrative Model and
Research Propositions
W 400
PL 1210
Marko Merisavo and
Helsinki School of Economics
ISSN 1235 5674
(Electronic working paper)
ISBN 10: 952 488 006 7
ISBN 13: 978 952 488 009 1
Helsinki School of Economics HSE Print 2006
The Effects ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The dominant logic of marketing is shifting from the exchange of goods toward service,
interactivity, connectivity and ongoing relationships (Vargo and Lusch 2004).
Technological innovations, new channels, and changing media environments facilitate this shift
(Bhattacharya and Bolton 2000), and the question of how firms should interact with their customers
is gaining in importance, especially as firms consider the cost differences between traditional
communications media, such as television and sales forces, and electronic media, such as the Web
and email (Reinartz et al. 2005). The cost efficiency and interactivity of digital channels facilitate
ongoing dialogue between the enterprise and the customer (see e.g.
Deighton and Barwise 2000; Peppers and Rogers 2004). Marketers can now be in touch with their
customers on a more frequent basis and increase the level of personalization and interactivity with
low or non excessive cost. Our main claim is that being frequently in touch with customers should
help achieve positive effects on customer loyalty.
For instance, customers can be offered additional information and brand communication when
buying products or
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Atos Before Hos By Michael Kimmel
Rhetorical Analysis Of Michael Kimmel Bros Before Hos In Michael Kimmel s article, Bros
Before Hos Kimmel is convincing his audience to realize how idiotic society s definition of
masculinity. Michael is opening up the eyes of young men to realize that they should not be
influenced by society s belief of masculinity. Kimmel has to prove to his audience that he is
trustworthy to listen and learn all the information he is going to inform them with. In Kimmel s
article the audience is a specific set of genderand ages. The audience is introduced early in the
article, paragraph 1 Kimmel states his audience is men. Though the audience is men, Kimmel is
trying to influence about not making foolish acts to prove manliness to, young men. The way
Kimmel talks about his interviews in the article, it is proven the audience is young. One of the
ways the audience can be determined is by an exemplification of the first rule of Brannon s rules
of masculinity. Rule one says, No Sissy Stuff!, Being a manmeans not being a sissy (Kimmel 478).
In Brannon s first rule, the vocabulary word sissy is not a formal word, thus meaning Kimmel s
audience is not well educated or mature enough for a larger vocabulary. Another Example of the
audience is towards the end of the article, Kimmel uses a statistic about a certain age group.
Kimmel says on page 482, Men ages 19 29 are three times less likely to wear seat belts than
women the same age. Through that example, the reader will know the audience is definitely
younger men. In Kimmel s article, the purpose is to inform young men that the Guy Code is not
the way to prove masculinity, and can be dangerous in doing so (Kimmel 483). Kimmel presents
to his readers that society s understanding of man hood is foolish through various interviews with
different guys (Kimmel 479). One interview Kimmel did was with Mike, a 20 year old at Wake
Forest (Kimmel 479). Mike says, My older brothers were always on my case, calling me a pussy
if I didn t want to play football or wrestle (par 10). Through listening and understanding Mike s
interview one could find it offensive the way his brothers were calling him a pussy just because he
did not want to play football or wrestle, which
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Cultural Competence In Religion
As the world becomes more globalized, cultural competence becomes increasingly important. It is
essential that individuals are willing to understand various viewpoints, cultures, and religions, even
if it is one that is not prevalent in their current surroundings. While under 3 percent of United States
citizens identify as Muslim, they account for over 20% of the world population. Islamis a
monotheistic religionthat worships the deity Allah and follows similar principles and morals as
Christianityand Judaism. In December of the year 2014, I interviewed one of its followers.
Interviewing Hiba Alva increased my knowledge of a religion that effects people worldwide,
strengthened my understanding of fellow humans, and highlighted complications that followers of
minority religions may face.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Quran suggests that women cover their hair and praises overall modesty. Hiba personally
would like to begin wearing the hijabi, a scarf that covers the hair, fairly soon, but outside
factors contribute to her decision. Her aunt wears the abaya dress that fully covers her body.
Whenever I go anywhere with her , Hiba explains, people stare . Her parents also suggest that
she wait before she decides to fully commit to the hijab lifestyle. Hiba also explains a time in
middle school when abiding by her personal dress code was difficult. In her gym class, the
required uniform involved shorts. In retrospect, she explains that she probably could have asked
for an exception from rule if she explained it was due to her personal beliefs. At the time it
seemed easier for her to avoid questions and deal with feeling uncomfortable. I deeply respect the
Muslim emphasis on conservative dress. I strongly support the idea of females being able to wear
what makes them feel comfortable and proud with facing
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Controversy In Professional Sports
It was a baseball game day in the heat of July. I can remember warming up on the field for about
five minutes and I was already sweating like a dog, I was drenched from head to toe full of
sweat. During warm ups all I could think about was drink cold water and just jumping into the
lake to cool off after the game. Little did I know that this scorching summer day was going to
spark my baseballcareer for the rest of the season and for the rest of my life. Before every baseball
game my dad would either text my mom or call me and would always ask me to hit a homerun for
him, and everytime I would tell him I will try my best.
Now, this game wasn t any ordinary game, none of the actual coaches were there to coach us so
instead we had a couple of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So what are you thinking of that you want for dinner, remember that it s gonna be a total surprise
for my father.
So I decided to choose Little Caesar s pizza because it just felt like the perfect food to end the end a
perfect day of baseball. I told my mom to make sure that she didn t tell my dad that I actually hit
a homerun because I wanted to tell him myself and show him the ball myself. So when we got
home with the pizza my dad asked why we got pizza and I told him because I hit a homerun and he
said No f***ing way!!
I told him that I indeed did and gave him the ball and he just hugged me and almost started
crying because he wasn t there to experience his son hit a homerun. Then he got mad because the
time I hit a homerun was the time he couldn t make it to my game in time, so I told him not to
worry because I had a feeling that I would be hitting more home runs in my future and all he said
to me is that I better hit one so he can see it happen with his own eyes and after that he wouldn t
care if I hit another one or not he just wanted to see one for
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Benefits Of A Good Credit Score
Having a good credit score is one of the best matters one can involve themselves in. Good credit
can ensure that one are able to pay for just about anything. From a new car to somebody s first
house, it can make or ruin anyone. Due to the importance of good credit, students frequently take
advantage of their college years as a valuable chance to glimpse into adulthood by beginning their
steps toward increasing that score. Considering the rising costs of tuition and the steep price of
textbooks, it is not uncommon to be incapable of paying for everything immediately. That is where
credit comes it.
Credit score is a simple concept. It s a number that represents how often a person pays off debts
they owe from using a credit card. A credit card (different an a debit card), does not take money
from its owner. Instead, the owner is borrowing money it. At the end of the month, people receive
bills from everywhere they owe money. If people can pay them all off, their credit score will rise
as a result. On the other hand, if they fail to pay, that number drops. Once a payment is missed, a
person s credit score will receive a blow that will often be very troublesome to overcome. The
higher the credit score is, the more trustworthy people come across are to salespeople. 800 is a
perfect credit score, and what people strive towards. The college years are a perfect time to
establish credit, as it is the first time in their life where students realize that they will eventually need
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Actavis Pharmaceutical Company Essay
I Introduction
A. The companies that were chosen and why
Actavis was the organization I decided to conduct my research on due to the company being a
pharmaceutical company, with the pharmaceutical company on the raise in the economy and many
insurance and doctors leaning towards generic brand medicine Actavis was a great pick for me to
start my career and do my research on them as well to give me an idea of how the pharmaceutical
industry works. Business management is currently my major and I fore see myself working as
business administrator or a human resource coordinator, with the position of contracts
Administrator opened I figured this is a great opportunity for me to kick start my career in the
pharmaceutical industry. With the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even after the acquisition by Watson there was no name change to the company, previous sites
were still named Watson and Actavis was still in existence until January of 2013 when Watson
adopted Actavis Inc., as the name to be used and a new symbol ACT as its new trading symbol.
III Interviews
Organizational requirements
The job description; Documentation Specialist 11283BR
Summary: Employee will manage contracts that relates to purchases and sale of products including
and not limited to, bids and awards, as well as customer service initiative. Assures compliance and
good customer relations regarding contract terms;
Essential Job Functions; Performs contract administration and manages national account assigned,
follow up with all contract portfolios including rebate programs and bid proposals; follow federal,
state and local procedures when performing all contract bids; carry out all company policies,
procedures and responsibilities on a daily basis to develop strong customer relation with clients.
Required Knowledge and skills: Current good manufacturing practices (cGMP), Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), and regulatory requirements. Data collection and analysis procedures and
computational methods. Company policies and procedures, including safety rules and regulations,
current company pricing policies and contract process including chargeback polices and process.
Skills: Implementing goals, objectives and
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Internet And The Internet Essay
Since the late 1960s and early 1970s, computer scientists have improved the accessibility of the
internet to all people. Technology has continuously improved through the introduction of computer
programming and coding and the use of cellular devices. Today, anyone can have access to internet
through the various forms of technology such as cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets, smart
watches, etc. Over the past 15 years, the internethas begun to incorporate itself into educationby
allowing students to perform research more efficiently and have more interactive learning through
the use of educational websites, Smart Boards, etc. Accordingly, not only has the internet greatly
impacted education making it more interesting, but it has also impacted domestic lives. Parents
now have an easier way for their children to learn online at earlier ages through educational websites
and online learning programs, such as Starfall and ABCMouse. Children, from ages as young as
three years old to teenagers, have learned to operate the internet. Although children have developed
this knowledge, consequently, many have failed to learn the repercussions of their actions when
inappropriately using the internet. One of the most common repercussions one can often face is
bullyingthrough the internet, entitled as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as verbally
harming an individual or group by anonymously or non anonymously posting harmful information
through the internet. The percentage
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Temperance Reform Movement
Temperance and Abolitionism The Age of Reform was a time period in the mid 1800 s where
ideals of equality, liberty and the pursuit of happiness defined democracy and spread across
America through a series of reform movements. These reform movements were based on the want
to make America a civilized utopian society. Temperance and Abolitionism were two major reform
movements that happened in this time period, I will be describing and comparing these two reform
movements. The Temperance reform movement was used to end alcohol abuseand the problems
created by it. Fathers would go home drunk and use up the money they earned for his family. It
encouraged people to abstain from consuming alcoholin order to preserve family order. Even though
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This reform movement s purpose was to end racial stereotypes segregation, discrimination, and
to abolish slavery. Furthermore, many believed that slavery or owning another person, went
against one of the basic fundamentals that our country was founded on, that all men are created
equal. There was a great divide that eventually led to the civil war that changed our nation. It
divided families, politicians, and our nation. In the result of this divide some wrote newspapers,
for example, one of the most famous was the Liberator written by William Lloyd Garrison.
Delegates from both races and genders met in Philadelphia to found the American Anti Slavery
society, they believed slavery was a sin. There were many displays of hostility from the North
and South. There were violent mobs, burning of mailbags containing abolitionist literature, and
the gag rule itself. The gag rule was the blocked discussion of antislavery petitions. In conclusion,
all of these things later lead to the great civil war. These two movements were both created to
make America a more civilized and a free place to live. Where all men are created equal. But,
one dealing with a commodity, or a product, and people making their own choices. While the
other dealt with people who didn t have a choice, they didn t choose to be slaves. All in all, each
movement was significant in its own way to make America a more civilized society. But the one I
believe improved, changed, and affected the lives of Americans most was the Abolitionist reform
movement because it freed a whole race of people, no one should be able to own
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Multitasking Benefits
In some cultures, multitasking is for intelligent people; similarly, in Saudi Arabia, women practice
multitasking to show how they are smart and hardworking. It is one of the stereotyping that seems
fascinating for most of Saudi people. Although multitasking has positive effects, it has negative
consequences. To be more specific, multitaskingconsists of productive and powerless situations that
has relationship between multitasking and health. One of the significant benefit from multitasking
is the enjoyment. People who seek different activities to express relaxation find multitasking is the
energetic solution to get satisfaction. For example, a large number of students prefer to study at
coffee shops while they are drinking, eating,
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Discontinuous Species Criticisms
Nature is very much discontinuous, but natural selection acts in a continuous manner, so the hard
part is finding out how nature is filled with these discrete and discontinuous groups called species.
The common criticism is that the inability to observe the formation of the new species means
natural selection is causing it, and the speciesnever actually form, but as Coyne says, ...it s like
saying that because we haven t seen a single star go through its complete life cycle, stars don t
evolve, or because we haven t see a new language arise, languages don t evolve (183). Just
because we aren t seeing the new species form right away, it doesn t mean it isn t happening. As
stated before, it can take a lot time for a new species to form. The three step process for speciation
to occur includes: the initial step of geographical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some pre zygotic isolating mechanisms include: temporal, ecological, behavioral, and mechanical.
Temporal isolating mechanisms include the time at which species mate during the year can affect
the possibility of two species mating together. Ecological isolating mechanisms include the habitat
in which the species is living in. Behavioral isolating mechanisms include the mating behaviors of
species and how they are able to find mate. An example includes male birds having specific songs
they sing to find females. Mechanical isolating mechanisms include the way in which a species
will mate, including the genitalia. Post zygotic isolating mechanisms include: hybrid inviability,
hybrid infertility, and hybrid breakdown. Hybrid inviability happens when the hybrid is produced
but cannot develop and eventually dies. Hybrid infertility occurs when the hybrid develops, but is
unable to reproduce because it is sterile. Hybrid breakdown occurs when the hybrids in the first
generation are able to reproduce but the hybrids in the second generation are unable to develop and
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war and terrorism
P3: Outline the terrorism methods used by key terrorist organisations
Terrorism is an act that threatens or carries out violence with the intention to disrupt, kill or coerce
against a body or nation in order to impose will. This means that a lot of groups use this method to
get what they want. The groups use a variety of methods, groups such as:
Al Qaeda, who mainly use suicide bombing methods, this is good, because it means there are lots
of deaths. This leads to scare and forcing the Government to negotiate.
Another group, the IRA, the Irish Republican Army use assassinations and guerilla warfare tactics
to cause terrorism.
The ETA, Euskadi Ta Askatasuna use bombing tactics. Destroying key economic targets in Spain,
such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, if there is a chemical spillage, the Fire Service will tackle the incident, and then be
able to de brief and work on a strategy for any similar future incident.
However, with war and terrorism it is more likely the personnel of Armed Forces have more
chance of losing their lives. This is because they are on the front line and have a higher chance of
obtaining an injury. This is going to affect the personnel s families as they may have to do deal
with the tragedy.
Another positive that comes from war, conflict and terrorism, is the media coverage. Media means
that there is a lot more publicity and so the services will get more support and money, allowing
them to get more equipment and training. On the other hand, if an incident is dealt with poorly,
then the media will report this, meaning the public will see, this is not good.
This may change the public s perception on the Armed Forces may change because if the public see
a bad story that goes against them then the public will not have as much trust in the Armed Forces.
Terrorism can create tension between countries. With this, wars can be started, and this affects the
UK Armed Forces. This is because the army will then have to defend and fight the enemy who
started the
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The Importance Of Binge Viewing
What comes to mind when I think of binge watching? I guess, in a very technical sense, its
watching more than a couple episodes of something. I see the term, less connected with watching
movies. I suppose you could binge watch movies, but I think that the term has more connotations
with television programs rather than movies. To me, I think binge watching implies that you are
watching multiple episodes of some kind of series.
I don t know, I don t think there is any, and maybe there is, in a scholastic scenes, but I don t think
that there is any hard and fast definition of watching this amount or these amount of episodes for
this long, equals binge watching. I think, it s more of a, I have some time to devote to this, I don t
necessarily ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So, I will rate shows that I enjoy watching frequently or that I like. That also builds a little list of
things you ve liked or things you have watched already to watch again. So, that is nice sometimes
when you kind of just want to re watch something that you have already enjoyed before.
Michael:But that is sort of the only interactivity that I have, I suppose.
Interviewer:Cool, so, you have said that you have been watching TV for quite some time now in
your life and that obviously advertising when you were growing up were these traditional
commercial interactions, have you noticed, if at all, how advertising has changed throughout that
period or what comes to mind?
Michael:You know, that is a tough question. I don t think that I have really noticed, necessarily a
change in advertising, but it may just be that my level of engagement with it has never been high
to begin with. So, it s possible that it has gotten sort of more sophisticated then when I was much
younger, but again, my level of engagement was never that high to begin with, so I don t think that
I ever really thought about it or how it has changed, but I am sure it has, in some ways.
Interviewer:When you are binge watching for instance, do you, you know, through ads, can you do
that? Can you ever binge watch with
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Sustainable Aviation
Sustainable Aviation
Critically evaluate the research that maintains efforts to achieve a more sustainable aviation
industry represent nothing more than simple tokenism .
This essay will evaluate the different approaches by airlines which show they are carrying out
various procedures to show that airlines approach to sustainability is not a simple tokenism ,
sustainable aviation is a reality; this essay will look into these factors and demonstrate the different
strategies which the aviation industry are putting in place to be a more sustainable industry.
The Brundtland Report (1987) identifies sustainability as 5 different things; Holistic planning, one
should have a right to be involved in any planning; Ecological processes ... Show more content on
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Furthermore, the Airbus A380, when it was initially allowed to be landed at Gatwick, Patel, S.
(2010) stated the CEO of Gatwick commented that the Airbus A380 was an up to date aircraft
which used less fuel per passenger than recent aircrafts. Due to Airbuses positive environmental
initiations with their aircrafts, in 2010, according to Heathrow Skyport (2010) Hawaiian Airlines
increased its Airbus orders for the A330 and the A350; the A330 as it specially boasts of
producing low emissions and noise. There are various visible developments being made by various
companies such as Airbus and Boeing which are working towards creating more environmentally
friendly aircrafts.
In addition, according to Heathrow Skyport (2011), in July 2011 Finnair operated the first
longest commercial biofuel flight in the world, from Amsterdam to Helsinki. Finnair used fuel
which was made from recycled vegetable oil which was a mixture of 50% biofuel and 50%
ordinary aviation fuel; this cuts down emissions by 50%. Also, BA (2003:333) indicates that a lot
has been done on their behalf to reduce emissions, one of their changes being the
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The Profession Of Nurse And Nurse Migration
World Health Organisation [WHO] (2009) indicates the profession of nurse is a key component
and major contributor to the global healthcare workforce. However, nursing worldwide has
significant disparities, notably apparent between developed and developing countries. Although
there are signs of improvement, much needs to be done to globalise the standards of nursing.
There is a substantial difference in the profession of nurse in Australia compared to India and the
issues encountered (Charles et al., 2014). In modern society the social stigmata and issue of
equality in regard to the profession of nurse in India remains visibly evident (Nair, 2012). Exposure
to poor workplace conditions impact job satisfaction and fuel the problem of skilled nurse shortages
and nurse migration (Timmons, 2014). The importance of high quality education is challenging
when faced with below average resources and unqualified teaching faculty (Evans, Razia, Cook,
2013). With The growth of nursing in India is significantly hindered due to factors of social status,
equality and education. The nursing profession in India, one of the fastest growing professions,
continues to demonstrate negative stigmatic labelling (Nair, 2011). Although attitudes are
changing, the social status of nursing in India remains plagued with archaic perceptions coupled
with cultural beliefs that modern nursing is still trying to challenge and overcome. Nursing in India
is perceived as an inferior occupation,
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Amadeus Conflict Essay
I believe the central conflict in Amadeus is Salieri s jealousy towards Mozart. Salieri really
admires Mozart and his outstanding music even though Mozart is a few years younger than him.
Salieri begins to feel envy and jealousy towards Mozart when Mozart enters the emperor s palace
and calls one of Salieri s old songs a funny little tune. Mozart then proceeds to point out the flaws
in the piece and explains how Salieri could improve his piece making Salieri question why God
had blessed someone like Mozart with such talent.
In the following scene, we learn that Prince Elizabeth, the emperor s niece, needs a tutor. The
emperor immediately thinks of Mozart but Salieri being the envious individual that he is turns
the idea down quickly and suggests that he should have people apply for the position instead.
Mozart refuses to apply for the position so his wife Constanze decides to take matters into her
own hands and goes and speaks to Salieri; Salieri is part of the committee who reviews
applications for Prince Elizabeth s tutor. He is willing to help Mozart get the position only if
Constanze sleeps with him later in the evening; she arrives and gets undressed right before anything
happens he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although Salieri states that he admires the hard work and effort Mozart put into his opera he still
envy s him and makes sure that his opera is only played five times in Vienna. Salieri uses Mozart
s father s death to his advantage and request a requiem from Mozart dressed up in the costume
that Mozart s father had once worn. Shocked and feeling uneasy Mozart still accepts the request
due to the lack of money he and his wife had. Salieri plans to kill Mozart after he was to complete
the piece and claim it as his own. He believed that if he played it at Mozart s funeral he would get
attention and recognition from
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Argumentative Statement Against Gay Adoption
Gaia Alberti
Ms Mathers
HN English III
13 November 2017 Gay Adoption
We believe that every child has the right to a loving, nurturing and permanent family, and that
people from a variety of life experiences offer strengths for these children (The Board of Directors
of the National Adoption Center). Gay adoption by legal couples has become a rising controversy
in the past decade, affecting the lives of many children and families. Around the world there are
so many children that need to be adopted and thousand and thousand parents that want to
undertake this experience, but they are not allowed because of the law in some countries. These
parents have the right to adopt and have done nothing wrong and they have the same ability to
grow children as straight couple; yet, they are not allowed to take care of a child that has been
abandoned. Still, many people are against gay adoption because they think kids need a mother
and a father to have proper male male and female role models. They also believe kids raised by a
gay couple are more likely to become gay. This unconstitutional act exists because of prejudices and
discrimination. Many organizations wants equal rights for all parents and children and they believe
discrimination based on sexual orientation should be stopped. Gays and lesbians should be
allowed to adopt because they can be just as good at parenting as straight couple. Many kids are
still in orphanages waiting for homes, and children will have the opportunity
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Go Bananas Research Paper
Hawaii s natural environment is ideal for watersports. Whether you are looking to ride the
waves of the Pacific ocean, trek through tree lined rivers, camp along the coastline or fish the
reefs, there is a place for you! And nothing compares to the joys of exploring nature with a kayak or
stand up paddle board. Go Bananas Watersports in Honolulu, HI is your source for kayak and stand
up paddle board sales, rentals and accessories. Having explored Hawaiis aquatic landscape for over
20 years, the Go Bananas Staff has a deep knowledge of the sport, and can advise of the best
equipment, kayaking techniques and safety measures.
Go Bananas offers kayaks for sale and rent. New models from popular brands such as Ocean Kayak
USA and Malibu Kayaks
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Chiropractor Report
Chiropractor has been widely practiced throughout the world. The United States has the most
number of chiropractors, of seventy five thousand. Canada in second place with seven thousand two
hundred and fifty chiropractors. Australia in third place with four thousand two hundred and fifty
chiropractors. United Kingdom in fourth place with three thousand chiropractors. The United
States, Canada, Australia, and United Kingdom were the first countries to establish chiropractic
schools (World Federation of Chiropractic, 2012). Now chiropractic schools are established in
other countries as well. The cost of Chiropractor ranges from thirty dollars to two hundred dollars
per session (Einstein Medical, 2015). Most sessions are usually covered by... Show more content on
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Wendy went to see a chiropractor for three months due a major car accident and her sessions
were covered by her health insurance. During the first month Wendy had to go see her
chiropractor three times a week. In the second month Wendy had to go two times a week and
the third month, she went once a week. The Chiropractor said that on the first month Wendy had
to go more often because her back injuries was still new therefore it needed more attention and as
the months goes by, she can reduce her time coming in. When Wendy first went to her session,
there was someone who would escort her to a room where they put stickers on her back that
vibrates her back muscles. Next the same person would escort Wendy to a different room where
there was a machine to massage her. Then Wendy was escorted back to the first room she was in
and the actual chiropractor would come and massage her for five minutes. The whole process
took about thirty minutes each session. During an interview with Wendy she said that by going to
see a chiropractor to treat her back pain was helpful temporarily. She also said that it was eight
out of ten being helpful with maintaining her back injuries. She would recommend a family
member or a friend to go see one. After seeing a chiropractor, Wendy felt less pain, more flexible
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The Pros And Cons Of Immigrants In Canada
Imagine Canada without immigrants? Without having they wonderful multiculturalism that
immigrants bring into Canada we wouldn t be the diversite country we are now. In my essay I am
going to talk about how Canada benefits from immigration. I m going to be talking about the
positive and negative of these three classes: Economic class, Family class and the refugeeclass. This
is how the fantastic country of Canadabenefits from the three classes of immigrants. These three
classes of immigrationhave all this wonderful advantages that help create the safe and secure
country of Canada but they do have some disadvantages that make our country not so safe. First
of all the economic class of immigrants are taking all the jobs from the aboriginal people in
Canada. This issue resulted in Resolution 49 that was passed in 2005. This... Show more content on
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This doesn t seem like a big number but if you think about it all of these people have something
tragic happening in there country like: war, torture and cruel punishment. One of the most
important part is they have a act called the Immigration And Refugee Protection Act. This act
has three key points to it: to save lives, to meet the legal obligations that Canada has agreed too
and lastly to offer a place of refuge. This act was made because of the Singh Decision. In 1985
Canada supreme court ruled that the 1976 immigration act was a violation of section 7 of The
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms witch is the right to life, liberty and security of the
person. After this discussion they came up with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act that
doesn t violate immigrants rights. Refugees are also very great workers they come to Canada
ready to work hard and start a new life. In 2016 the amount of immigrants that came to Canada
was 46,700, that is the highest it has been since 1980. Helping refugees is an amazing way to
spend life and Canada has done it
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Training, Construction Skills Certificate Scheme ( Cscs )...
Task 2(P5): You need to determine training needs from given risk assessments, including on site
induction training and relevant sector certification 1) You must be able to explain importance of
training and competency e.g. induction training, Construction Skills Certificate Scheme (CSCS)
from given risk assessment Induction training: Link: Link: https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=i rct=j
q= esrc=s source=images cd= cad=rja uact=8 ved=0CAYQjB0
url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fworkplace safety induction
ei=u7unVPqiNcy7afaigJgI bvm=bv.82001339,d.d2s
psig=AFQjCNEHnNCx_9CVpt0KDV22SQBYBQWMUA ust=1420364929793727 The CSCS
institute providing occupational health and safety information, instruction and training to all staff
to enable them to work in a safe and healthy manner. The purpose of this guideline is to outline the
responsibilities at CSCS University for the: Identification of occupational health and safety training
needs; Development and delivery of occupational health and safety training; Evaluation of the
effectiveness of this training; Maintenance of records of the training; and Health and Safety
induction of staff. Health and safety training is an integral part of CSCS occupational health and
safety management system. Through training, managers and staff are provided with information on
their roles and responsibilities and CSCS health and safety policies and procedures. Induction: It is
the responsibility of all managers to ensure that all new staff
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  • 9. La Historia Me Absolvera also known as History Will... The time of the Cuban Revolution involved a great deal of turmoil for Cuba as well as other countries around the world. In 1945, shortly after the end of World War II, the Cold War was taking off between the United States and the Soviet Union.1 Cuba was in the middle of its own war, the revolution, when they caught up in the international politics of the Cold War. The interaction between international and domestic politics played a major role in the outcome of the revolution. The result of the revolution left Fidel Castroin charge of Cuba. The Platt Amendment states that the United States has the ability to interfere at various points in Cuba s history. This gave America the ability to better serve its own interests in the region,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Fifth Revolutionary Law states that any gains received illegally under other regimes will be confiscated by special courts set up to review records and find any of these gains obtained illegally. These confiscated gains will go to pay retirements for workers and to set up hospitals and charitable organizations.12 In addition, people believe that Castro s speech on revolution was a communist conspiracy as well as a socialist ideologies. However, Fidel deceived the Cuban society and led them to believe that his goals and help him represent democracy. In Castro s speech, History Will Absolve Me, he discusses different kinds of policies that he would like to enforce on Cuba and make the Cuban society believers of his ideologies. In the end, Fidel did not achieve what he initially wanted for the people of Cuba. Even though, the actual Revolution was successful he failed to abide by his promises to the people regarding a successful economic reform in Cuba. The actions taken by Castro in his trial and his History Will Absolve Me speech really showed his view on the anti Batista movement. It helped the people of Cuba to understand his passion to reform the country and increase the living situations in Cuba. I believe that Castro s trial speech History Will Absolve Me, is a socialist document. This speech is a theory of social organization of ownership and control of how Fidel wanted Cuba to be. Castro ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Mission Of The Queens Library s Adult Learning Center Abstract An estimated 36% of Adult New Yorker s are at level one literacy skills about one and a half are functionally illiterate. That means that they cannot read a prescription label, newspaper or fill out a job application. An additional 25% of Queens s New York residents do not speak English. (Queens Library s, 2016) The Adult Learning Center (ALC) in Flushing offers many services to the flushing community. Many of the services are focused around the large Asian population in flushing. The services include, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) conversation groups, Basic Adult Education (ABE) classes, and ongoing mental health and life coaching services. As a field student in The Adult Learning Center, my primary focus is to provide mental health services to the population. Due to the large Asian community, I often find it difficult to understand their needs. Many of my clients need numerous sessions to open up on their areas of concerns. Mission of the agency The mission of the Queens Library s Adult Learning Center is to provide services, resources, and life long learning opportunities to the changing communities of Queens. In addition to the core initiatives, The Adult Learning Center offers Adult Learning Resources for students and educators of all ages, including the ESOL Referral List; Learn to Read programs and activities for beginning to mid level adult readers; Pre HSE Classes for adults who speak English and want to improve their reading and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. What Were the Two Greatest Sucesses and Failures of the... What were the two greatest successes and two greatest failures of the Wilson government 1964 70? This period of Labour rule is often marked down as a poor performance on behalf of the labour party, critically looked upon by many historians. There were many failings under the rule of this government however the circumstances they were placed in caused severe restraints in their options. Wilson had been voted into government with the promise of central planning and the white heat of new technology , catching the mood of the moment, and making the public believe he was not just another old bumbling politician, but one who showed some promise in getting the country moving, and reinvigorating the lumbering economy. However when Wilson was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although disillusioned to the cause of the strike action Wilson still attempted to pull together an act that would limit the pull of the trade unions, and through Barbara Castle s optimistically titled in place of strife it appeared that they may prevail against the vigilante controlling of the government; through relatively mild controls on their ability to resort to strike action. The act had popular support in the country as many people did not want to see their country being run by the trade unions. However inside the labour party the bill met much opposition and even with a majority of 100 it was clear that the bill would not get passed; the majority reason for which being that many labour party members believed, that with the economy in the state it was in, and the failure of the party to meet the measures promised in the manifesto, the working class were the last people they wanted to alienate, if they wished to run for re election. In being too week at the time that the government needed to enforce stern measures they were humiliated by their leader having to slump back to the trade unions to sign a solemn and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Critical Analysis of Alex de Tocqueville s Democracy in... Irena Cosby Analysis of Alexis de Tocqueville s Democracy in America Alexis de Tocqueville s visit to the United States in 1831 prompted his work Democracy in America. This was supposed to be a chance for him to take a look at the American prison system. However, it was obvious from his writing that he looked at every aspect of American culture. In Democracy in America, he takes a look at how democracy works and the pitfalls that could bring about the downfall of democracy. Throughout his travels he noticed that private interest and personal gain motivated the actions of most Americans. He believed this cultivated a new concept, the concept of individualism. He believed this individualism was one of the greatest threats to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He also looked at the industrialization of America and how it fit into this new concept. He noticed that employees of factories learned how to do one thing. While they may perfect that one skill, they began to lose creativity and imagination. They also lost the desire to move up in society. They became comfortable and content with their task, and every day became just like the one before it. Owners of factories, on the other hand, held all the power. They could get richer or even lose their wealth. However, it didn t matter how many different people were in management positions, they all had two things in common...power and wealth. De Tocqueville believed this would create a large population of people who relied on the few creative thinkers left to take care of them. While there was an equality of the masses, there was still a much smaller group of people that held all the power. Given that despots have every interest in keeping people isolated, the individualism resulting from equality makes despotism a great threat to equality. Exercising freedom through participation in public affairs is therefore extremely vital because it gives people a personal interest in thinking about others in society. Local self governments are important because they draw people together, and it is, therefore, more likely that they will exercise their liberty. De Tocqueville believed that when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Downtown Atlanta Research Paper A Business Traveler s Guide to Downtown Atlanta If you re planning a business trip to Atlanta, you probably hope to stay as productive as possible while you re in town. Fortunately, this popular southern city has a bustling economy, so you ll have plenty of options worth considering. In fact, some of the most successful companies in the world have their headquarters in Atlanta, including Coca Cola and Home Depot. Atlanta has also been ranked as one of the top high tech centers in the country. You will certainly find downtown Atlanta accommodations with amenities that meet the needs of business travelers. You might choose from a broad assortment of restaurants that are perfect for business and pleasure. If you have some free time, you may explore a wide range of local attractions. Your business trip to Atlanta can be both enjoyable and productive, as you ll discover once you arrive in this exciting city in the Peach State. Transportation Options On any business trip, getting around is important so you will probably want to become familiar with the transportation options in Atlanta. If you re entering the city via Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport, you may want to rent a car from one of the national companies found there. You can also take a taxi (some of the local companies charge a flat rate from... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Choosing a hotel with the right amenities can help you to stay as productive as you want to be. Before you make a reservation for a room in an Atlanta hotel, you might confirm that the hotel offers everything you need to conduct business. This list may include free Wi Fi in the rooms and a fully equipped business center (with computer access and charging stations for your electronic devices). If you wish to schedule a meeting with clients or associates, you may want to be sure that your hotel has a suitable room or area where you can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Immersion Heat Lab Report In activity 17.3.2 we weighed out 150g of chilled water and 150g of pat dried ice and we put it into a styrofoam cup along with an immersion heater, and a temperature sensor. We recorded the data on LoggerPro and as the experiment is running, we continuously stirred the mixture; We ran this experiment for roughly 16 minutes; We saw that the icewas melting and once it was completely melted, the water started to get warmer and boil, we also observed steam from the water. Analyzing our data, we compared the initial mass 300g to the final mass 257.5g, there was some loss due to evaporating during the boiling process. This experiment supports the concept because we can see that when the immersion heater was melting the ice, there was a horizontal line near 0В°C; When the ice was changing phase to liquid, we observed no temperature changes. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Experiment/Result/Analysis: In activity 17.8.1, we related volume and temperature, we had a empty beaker with air and a temperature probe in it, sealed with a rubber stopper that was connected to a syringe. We placed the beaker in cold water with a immersion heater and recorded the data on LoggerPro. As the water heated up, we observed that the pressure of the air remained constant because the temperature is also changing. We fit our data with a linear curve and concluded that the change in volume is directly proportional to the change in temperature. In activity 17.8.2, we related pressure and temperature, the setup for this experiment is similar to that of 17.8.1, however the syringe is replaced with a pressure sensor and the temperature sensor is in the water surrounding the flask. We recorded the data whenever the ice melted and the pressure and temperature stabilizes. We fit our data with a linear curve and concluded that the change in pressure is directly proportional to the change in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Physical Geography Power Of Place Physical geography has a significant impact on the development of countries; hence the title, The Power of Place. Countries on the coast tend to do better than landlocked countries because they have more trade opportunities. Landlocked countries usually trade with their neighbors, but if their neighbors are also struggling economically, then both countries suffer from seclusion. However, sometimes the landlocked countries have well off neighbors which makes them more likely to do well. For example, Switzerland s neighbors, France and Italy, happen to be near water, so Switzerland isn t as negatively affected from being landlocked. Diversity is more commonly found in larger countries. Small countries usually have fewer cultures and a common... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each of these groups impacts the world in their own way. Globals are wealthy people who are generally found in the core countries. Although globals are only a small percentage of the population, they tend to be the most successful and often spread their ideas throughout the world. Globals flatten the world and control the fates of the locals and mobals (de Blij 7). In the 1950s, de Blij witnessed how the global Europeans interfered in South Africa, resulting in many locals becoming mobals or globals. Locals live in the same place their whole life and carry on traditions from hundreds of years ago. An example of a local community are the farmers in China who still produce rice like their ancestors did a long time ago. Locals are typically found in the global periphery, and they usually have a rougher life than the globals do. Somewhere in between the two distinct groups are the mobals. Mobals tend to be locals that migrate to the core countries in hopes of a better life. For example, the US has a very high immigration rate because of its many freedoms and education and job ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Case Study Of Aramit Cement Limited PRODUCTIVITY AND PROFITABILITY OF ARAMIT CEMENT COMPANT LIMITED A Case Study Supervisor: Professor Dr. Muhammad Saleh Jahur Afroza Sultana ID No: 1304001 Major: Finance Department of Business Administration University of Chittagong Email: rozanabd@yahoo.com ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sincere thanks to Professor Dr. Muhammad Saleh Jahur , University of Chittagong for giving me the opportunity to work on such an interesting topic on top of everything for his guidance, unconditional help and supervision. Chapter One Introduction 1.1Prelude Aramit Cement Limited (ACL) is one of the well known cement manufacturing companies in Bangladesh among 125 companies, incorporated in 1995 focusing its business on Chittagong region. The company... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... technological progress in the specific industry, technical efficiency, changes in output growth rate or changes in input use. Profitability can be influenced by various factors such as change in market dynamics, changes in input use or out production, and the degree of competition in the industry, or Market contestability which refers to the easiness on the part of a new firm s entry in the market. Other factors that can have effect on profitability are the strength of demand or the state of the economy, Advertising, Substitutes, Relative costs, Economies of scale, Dynamically efficient, Price discrimination, Management, Objectives of firms etc. Productivity and profitability analysis is immensely important for smooth operation of a firm as they allow quality products at lower prices, greater return to its shareholders and stakeholders. The current study is an attempt to critically evaluate the productivity and profitability position of Aramit Cement Company Limited. Its aim is to present the productivity and profitability of the company through different financial tools and techniques and also suggest if there is any scope for improvement in the specific area. 1.2Objective of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Parent Child Relationships In King Lear At the core heart of King Lear, we get to see the relationship between father and child. The double plot of King Lear consists of parallel stories of two hapless old fathers and of their children. Regan and Goneril speaks eloquently about the vastness of the love that they hold for their father, though they are speaking falsely, each attempting to appear the most loving and as a result they gain more territory. On the other hand Cordelia refuses to stoop to such pandering stating instead she shows her love through her deeds and which does not possess the oily, flattering ways of her sisters. The major characters involved in parent/child relationships in King Learare King Lear and his three daughters, Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia (the true and the faithful one), and the other Gloucester and his two sons, Edgar (the legitimate son) and Edmund(the illegitimate son). The octogenarian Lear proposes... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though his kingdom should be divided equally, but Lear loves Cordelia more and wants to give her the largest section of his wealth. In return, Lear expected excessive flattery and gushing confessions of love but Cordelia s reply was tempered, honest, and reasonable. As soon as Cordelia fails to meet Lear s expectations, he disinherits her. At Cordelia s loss, Goneril and Regan were very quick to take advantage. They would have genuinely loved their father at one time, but now they seem tired of having been passed over in favour of their younger sister. When Lear states his obvious preference for Cordelia, her sisters feels free to seek their revenge, turning the family s natural order on its ear. At the same time, Lear fails to see the strength and justice in natural law, hence disinherits his youngest child, setting in motion the disaster that follows. Then Lear places a competition between sisters that will carry them to their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Jane s Psychological Problems in Charlotte Gilman’s The... Jane s Psychological Problems in Charlotte Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper In Charlotte Gilman s short story The Yellow Wallpaper, Jane, the main character, is a good example of Sigmund Freud s Studies In Hysteria. Jane suffers from symptoms such as story making and daydreaming. Jane has a nervous weakness throughout the story. Jane is a victim of a nervous disorder of the brain called hysteria. She is aware that she suffers from a series of mental and physical disturbances. She says that she has a temporary nervous depression: a slight hysterical tendency what is one to do? (2). According to Freud hysteria is a nervous disorder that causes violent fits of laughter, crying, and imagination. It is a lack of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jane is often irritated from the wallpaper in her room. The wallpaper above her bed is stripped off and this bothers her immensely. She claims, I never saw a worse paper in my life (4). In fact, she hates it with great passion by saying no wonder the children hated it! I should hate it myself if I had to live in this room long (4). She refers back to the children from her imagination, the children that were living in the so called nursery before her. Towards the end of the story, Jane learns to hate the room as a result of spending so much of her time in there. She is really disturbed from the patterns of the wallpaper. Jane comments on the patterns, as a constant irritant to a normal mind (12) because she thinks that she has a normal mind. The color is repellent, that is, almost revolting. She says that it is dull enough to confuse the eye in following, pronounced enough to constantly irritate and provoke study, and when you follow the lame uncertain curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide (4). According to Freud, Jane is clearly hallucinating when she says that the lines on the wallpaper suddenly commit suicide (6). She is greatly annoyed and bothered by the way it looks. Jane sees a vision of death in the paper. There is a recurrent spot where the pattern lolls like a broken neck and two bulbous eyes stare at you upside down (6). Her imagination of the wallpaper leads her to see a dead person. As ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Key Problems Associated With Titanium Machining And The... Ezugwu and Wang (1997) presented a review on the main problems associated with titanium machining, including tool wear and the mechanism responsible for tool failure. They suggest that uncoated carbides (WC/Co) cutting tools are better than most coated cutting tools for machining a titanium alloy. The high chemical reactivity of titanium causes welding of work piece material on the cuttingtool during machining, leading to chipping and premature tool failure. The prominent failure modes in titanium machining were: notching, flank wear, crater wear, chipping, and catastrophic failure. Different tool materials have different response to different wear mechanism. Crater wear is closely related to the chemical composition of the cutting tool. The conclusions presented by this researcher, they suggest that dissolution diffusion wear dominates on the rake and flank face for uncoated cemented carbides used for the turning of titanium alloys. At very high cutting speeds and temperatures, the conclusion is that plastic deformation and development of cracks due to thermal shock will be the dominating wear mechanisms. Change of feed rate, depth of cut or cutting speed give changes in the wear rates. They also suggest that cutting fluids have to be used during titanium machining to minimize high stresses and temperatures. The cutting fluidhas to work both as coolant and lubricating agent to lower the cutting forces and avoid chip welding, which is a phenomenon often experienced during ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Sugar Act 1765 In this lesson, it explained the different act that cause people to pay taxes. In High School, we learned about the Sugar act, Stamp act and Boston Tea Party. The Sugar act was appoint by Georgie the third. The act required people to pay taxes on sugar and other item. I find it hard to believe people had to pay taxes on sugar, I guess sugar was very valuable in that time period. The Sugar act was created to pay for the Quartering Act of 1765. People who fail to pay their taxes had to go to sugar court. In 1765, the British government passed another law that increase the taxes on the colonies. The American people were furious about this. So, the people form a group cause The Son of Liberty. The Son of Liberty boycott against items from England. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Kino s Change In The Pearl By John Steinbeck If money had caused you so much pain and loss, would you still search for more? In Jordan Steinbeck s book, The Pearl, the main character, Kino, loses nearly everything, including his son. All of this misfortune happens because of one pearl. Kino is poor and hasn t had much of an education. Many of the people outside of his neighborhood don t like him because of his race, and he thinks that the pearlcan help him change this. When Kino finds the pearl of the world, he thinks he ll be able to get lots of great things and live a more comfortable life. Unfortunately, the pearl makes his life worse. He changes as a person, and the people around him change as well; they all become filled with greed. This shows readers that money doesn t buy happiness.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Juana tries to tell him that the pearl is evil, he doesn t believe her. He says, No one shall take our good fortune from us. Kino is determined to sell the pearl and become rich; no one seems to be able to tell him otherwise. He also says, This pearl has become my soul. If I give it up, I shall lose my soul. He has become so invested in this pearl that he feels like it is now a part of him. Kino says this right after he killed someone and his house burned down, which all happens because of the pearl. Despite all of the bad things that have happened, Kino is still unwilling to give up the pearl. He is so focused on getting money that his greed prevents him from seeing the destruction that money has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Definition Of Success In The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls In The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, Jeannette to most people is considered successful, while her parents are not. The odd thing is that it is all perspective and the parents find themselves successful. This is a difference in how people constitute success. There is no set definition to success but many people s definitions are somewhat the same but others can be very different. Successcan vary in many different fields as well, like family, money, fame, religion, sports and anything else your mind can think of. The Glass Castlecan be seen as a success story even though she went through a lot of adversity to achieve it; this is why I ask, what constitutes as success? Successful dictionary definition is having achieved popularity, profit,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This shows a bias and I do not want to do this in my paper. Success is spending the majority of my time focused on work or tasks that are fulfilling, leveraging my Zone of Genius, maximizing my potential and helping other people in a meaningful way while providing the freedom, lifestyle and experiences that I desire. said Laura Garnett in her paper about success as well. She also interviewed many CEO s in her research and questioned them about their definition of successes. Ron Cordes the CEO of the Cordes foundation states his definition of success is, To find and fully live your purpose in life, and to leave an enduring legacy of having made a difference in the world. Also E.N. Garnett Jr. who is just your average southern farmer says his definition is, I define success as having a job that you enjoy and enables you financially, a spouse and family that loves and cares for you, children that make you proud by who they are and what they do, having the freedom to worship a loving God, and being able to contribute to the betterment of your fellow man. I am so blessed! (How Do You Define ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Free Indirect Style In Atonement And Pat Barker s... Through the use of free indirect style, the authors are able to offer shifting perspectives which allows the reader a deeper understanding into the insights and motivations behind the characters actions. Ian McEwan s Atonement and Pat Barker s Regeneration are examples of novels that use free indirect styleto allow the reader access to the characters thoughts within a third person narrative . The function of this free indirect style is to allow the inner thoughts of the character to be known to the reader so they are able to have a more varied understanding of the narrative being told. McEwan and Barker offer multiple perspectives through different characters by the way of allowing free indirect style to allows connections to the characters... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The personal connection that Rivers feels towards Sassoon is stated through free indirect style when both Rivers and Sassoon meet in the men s club. Rivers inner monologue in the club, discloses to the reader that he has had parallel experiences with his patients in the way that both young and old men have paralleled experiences (115). He is able to connect with them on a more personal level as he shares his own hallucinations with Sassoon to reassure him (97). This free indirect style shows a progression of connection between patient and doctor where Rivers conclusion in the novel leaves him feeling unsure of the power he poses within the patients lives and if he s ultimate goal should be sending them off to war. River s analysis his own dreams in free indirect style, of his past violent experiments and compares it to how he treats his patients now. The free indirect style charts his progression of doubting the war, especially when he sees the electro shock therapy towards the end of the novel that reveals his guilt towards his treatment of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Major Themes In Brave s Life Robotics prodigy Hiro lives in the city of San Fransokyo. Next to his older brother, Tadashi, Hiro s closest companion is Baymax, a robot whose sole purpose is to take care of people. When a devastating turn of events throws Hiro into the middle of a dangerous plot, he transforms Baymax and his other friends, Go Go Tamago, Wasabi, Honey Lemon and Fred into a band of high tech heroes. All of them fight to beat the masked man from taking over the entire world. Some majors themes in the movie are friendship, anger, and creativity. Early on the movie, it is known that Hiro is a lonely child, his only friends are his brother and his toy robot. After the loss of Tadashi, his other brother, Tadashi s friends become Hiro s friends and they become... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He gets mad at Callaghan for what happened to his brother and feels the need to seek revenge on him. His friends encourage him not to kill Callaghan because of what happened to his brother. Listening to his friends, Hiro does not kill Callaghan and it turns out to be a great decision that he made. This theme in this movie is relevant today because many people often feel the need to seek revenge if something bad was inflicted upon them. For example, when my brother punched me in the stomach randomly just to inflict harm on me, I felt the natural want to punch him back for what he has done. In hindsight, it is not good to seek revenge because it just made the situation worse, both sides wounded after the brawl. While many may believe that seeking revenge is the way to settle disputes, in many cases, people tend to end up getting hurt like I did myself. Another moral in the story is friends and family help each other. After the event that happened to his brother, his family and friends helped comfort him. Baymax, his personal healthcare robot, diagnoses Hiro and finds out that his emotional health is low, so it prescribes Hiro with support from his family and friends. On top of that, his friends even fight with him to defeat the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Northup Vs Douglass Before president Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery during his presidency, many African Americans suffered under the commands of their slaveholders. In Twelve Years A Slave, Solomon Northup discusses the reality of being captured and having his freedom taken away. Frederick Douglass was not as fortunate as Solomon Northup, for he was born a slave. In his narrative, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass had a multitude of masters. With each one, he is more determined to escape and journey into the north. In both books, the men are able to escape the wrath of slavery. However, even while under the power of their masters, both Frederick Douglass and Solomon Northup were able to show their resistance of slavery through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Northup had an education before he became a slave and he used that to his advantage. When Bass, a new carpenter arrives on the plantation, Northup finds that he is unlike the rest of the white men; Bass thinks slavery is wrong. While working alone with Bass, Northup decides to bring up the topic of where Bass is from. Learning that Bass is from Canada, Northup replies saying he has been there himself. Bass was skeptical about Northup s knowledge of the north because most slaves have never been there. To reinforce the fact that he knows of Canada, Northup reveals, I have been there. I have been in Montreal and Kingston, and Queenston, and a great many places in Canada, and I have been in York State too . . . (Northup 101). Living in the north intrigued Bass because it meant Northup was educated, a rarity for a slave. Bass began to question whether he really was a slave. Douglass on the other hand did not have any kind of education. Learning how to read was a challenge, stating, I had no regular teacher. My mistress who had kindly commenced to instruct me, had, in compliance with the advice and direction of her husband, not only ceased to instruct, but had set her face against my being instructed by any one else (Douglass 22). After Master Hugh stopped his wife from teaching Douglass, he decided to learn himself. Even with the mistress always watching him he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Data Collection Techniques And Methods Data Collection Techniques Staci Shockley Applied Research LS 698 01 Kaplan University September 21, 2015 Running head: DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES 1 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES 4 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES Data collection techniques Data collection is a very essential aspect in all research studies. Normally, inaccurate data collection methods tend to have a very big impact to the results of the study and this eventually leads to invalid results. The data collection techniques in many cases vary along a continuum, for instance at one end of the continuum are the quantitative methods and techniques while of the other side are the qualitative techniques for data collection (Kuada, 2012). In both qualitative and quantitative techniques, there are there are various methods used for data collection. In qualitative research for instance, the various data collection techniques used include interviews, observations, and focus group discussions among other techniques. In this case, however, the most appropriate techniques especially in the qualitative research are focus group discussions and interviews on the other hand. Interviews Focusing on interviews as a qualitative method, it comprises of structured, semi structured as well as unstructured interviews. The structured interviews are largely verbally administered questionnaires. Usually predetermined questions are asked, the questions have no variation, and they have no scope especially for follow up questions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Cultural Competence Of Medical Care Encountering a fast growing aging nation, the U.S. government strives to create the cultural competence of medical care providers for this to lower health inequalities. The overall rising number of the older adult population exemplifies a cultural icon within itself. The proportion of older adults from ethnic and racial minority groups is projected to increase exponentially by 2050, with the largest growth rates being among Hispanics, followed by Asian Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and African Americans. During the year of 2006, the U.S. Census Bureau stated that 19 percent of the U.S. population that is aged 65 years and older would be considered as a minority. In 2050, 39 percent of the countries older adults will be denoted by minority groups. For these predictions, organizations should incorporate community outreach. This will help in studying the population and learning who are the most efficient resource individuals within the ethnic groups. Also, they can predict the need and demand for alliances or affiliations so that when families get there, the health care organizations can be more organized and be prepared to give pertinent services and resources. Organizations can reach out to religious groups to help engage workers, trainers, or religious leaders who has a better understanding of the individual s cultural back and they can also help in educating employees in the distinctions of working with them to display respect (Lehman, D., Fenza, P., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Brief Summary Of Guitar Hagar finally gives up trying to kill Milkman. When Guitar got back from Virginia he finds Hagar waiting for him at his house. He told her to go sit while he looked for a car so that he can drive her home.while he is looking for the car he starts getting mad because of the fact that Hagar is deeply in lovewith Milkman. Guitar tells Hagar that everything he has loved left him. And it is hard for him to love anything because he is used to it going away and he told Hagar that he only loved one womanbut Hagar isn t even listening to him. Guitar drove Hagar back to Pilate, and Reba and Pilate started treating Hagar with sympathy, doing everything she needed. Hagar thinks that Milkman doesn t like her anymore because she is ugly and she asked Pilate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Comparing Sexuality In Stephanie Meyer And Twilight By... If there is one thing that has not changed in the past one hundred years it is the populations love for a thrilling, eerie story; including those about vampires. However, what has changed in the last one hundred years is cultural appropriation and the idea of vampirism itself. So despite being written in two entirely different centuries with two entirely different vampireetiquettes, the novels Twilight by young adult author Stephanie Meyer and Draculaby 19th century gothic author Bram Stoker, both use of the matter of sexuality through characters actions and to help develop the good vs. evil based plot throughout the stories. Although there are no actual physical acts of sex done by the characters in either of the two novels, the lust and idea of sexuality is extremely present in the characters behaviors throughout both. In Twilight... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example one of the first things Bella notices when she first sees the Cullens is their appearance, I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful. (Meyer 19) To most vampires this attention the Cullens receive would be ideal, however because they choose not to feed on humans this makes it all the more difficult for them to resist. It is the physical attraction as well as reaction Bella has towards Edward that initially brings them together, and what keeps Bella around. She knows the risk she is taking by being with Edward and consequently being with him is what got her involved with the evil vampire, James, which created the main conflict in the book. There is no exception to the physical beauty of the vampires in Dracula either. It is stated several times throughout the book that creates a longing feeling towards the monsters even though they know it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Lady With The Dog n The Lady with the Dog, Chekhov uses setting to enhance the mood of the story. The story begins on the coastal town of Yalta during the hot summer. The strange light on the sea, the soft warm lilac hue of the water and the golden streak from the moon upon it sets the tone for a budding summer romance. The fact that the two main characters first meeting takes place in a garden setting signifies a love about to bloom. Chekhov also uses the season/weather in his story. The summer in Yalta is the start of a hopefully steamy affair for Gurov and the lady with the white Pomeranian. They spend a lot of time walking, talking and dining together and taking in the smell of the sea. They watch the steamers go by. Time stands still in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As June travels on a train to Guangzhou with her father, she notices the tears of happiness in his eyes as he looks out the window and sees a sectioned field of yellow, green and brown under the hot October sky. Like Chekhov, Tan uses the season of autumn to establish the change the reader will see in Jane s character. In autumn, there is a beautiful array of color changes. For Jane, this particular autumn, spent briefly in China, and the colors outside the train window represent a transformation. She is returning to her roots. She is going home to discover that her mother was right all along. The colors in the field represent the change that is about to happen in Jane. Yellow, the color of the sun, brings hope and happiness to the new day. The field of green represents new growth. Jane is on a journey that will help her grow as a person. The brown field is just as important as the others. It is the last one she notices looking out the train window as she arrives closer to Guangzhou and her roots. Setting also shapes the conflict within Jane. Is Chinese really in her blood or is she an All American girl? I think about what my mother said, about activating my genes and becoming Chinese. And I wonder what she meant. As people are pushing and shoving to get off the train and wait in line for customs, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. digital marketing impact on consumer buying behavior Marko Merisavo The Effects of Digital Marketing Communication on Customer Loyalty: An Integrative Model and Research Propositions HELSINKI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS WORKING PAPERS W 400 Marko Merisavo The Effects of Digital Marketing Communication on Customer Loyalty: An Integrative Model and Research Propositions Marketing February 2006 HELSINGIN KAUPPAKORKEAKOULU HELSINKI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS WORKING PAPERS W 400 HELSINGIN KAUPPAKORKEAKOULU HELSINKI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS PL 1210 FI 00101 HELSINKI FINLAND Marko Merisavo and Helsinki School of Economics ISSN 1235 5674 (Electronic working paper) ISBN 10: 952 488 006 7 ISBN 13: 978 952 488 009 1 Helsinki School of Economics HSE Print 2006 The Effects ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The dominant logic of marketing is shifting from the exchange of goods toward service,
  • 32. interactivity, connectivity and ongoing relationships (Vargo and Lusch 2004). Technological innovations, new channels, and changing media environments facilitate this shift (Bhattacharya and Bolton 2000), and the question of how firms should interact with their customers is gaining in importance, especially as firms consider the cost differences between traditional communications media, such as television and sales forces, and electronic media, such as the Web and email (Reinartz et al. 2005). The cost efficiency and interactivity of digital channels facilitate ongoing dialogue between the enterprise and the customer (see e.g. Deighton and Barwise 2000; Peppers and Rogers 2004). Marketers can now be in touch with their customers on a more frequent basis and increase the level of personalization and interactivity with low or non excessive cost. Our main claim is that being frequently in touch with customers should help achieve positive effects on customer loyalty. For instance, customers can be offered additional information and brand communication when buying products or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Rhetorical Analysis Of Atos Before Hos By Michael Kimmel Rhetorical Analysis Of Michael Kimmel Bros Before Hos In Michael Kimmel s article, Bros Before Hos Kimmel is convincing his audience to realize how idiotic society s definition of masculinity. Michael is opening up the eyes of young men to realize that they should not be influenced by society s belief of masculinity. Kimmel has to prove to his audience that he is trustworthy to listen and learn all the information he is going to inform them with. In Kimmel s article the audience is a specific set of genderand ages. The audience is introduced early in the article, paragraph 1 Kimmel states his audience is men. Though the audience is men, Kimmel is trying to influence about not making foolish acts to prove manliness to, young men. The way Kimmel talks about his interviews in the article, it is proven the audience is young. One of the ways the audience can be determined is by an exemplification of the first rule of Brannon s rules of masculinity. Rule one says, No Sissy Stuff!, Being a manmeans not being a sissy (Kimmel 478). In Brannon s first rule, the vocabulary word sissy is not a formal word, thus meaning Kimmel s audience is not well educated or mature enough for a larger vocabulary. Another Example of the audience is towards the end of the article, Kimmel uses a statistic about a certain age group. Kimmel says on page 482, Men ages 19 29 are three times less likely to wear seat belts than women the same age. Through that example, the reader will know the audience is definitely younger men. In Kimmel s article, the purpose is to inform young men that the Guy Code is not the way to prove masculinity, and can be dangerous in doing so (Kimmel 483). Kimmel presents to his readers that society s understanding of man hood is foolish through various interviews with different guys (Kimmel 479). One interview Kimmel did was with Mike, a 20 year old at Wake Forest (Kimmel 479). Mike says, My older brothers were always on my case, calling me a pussy if I didn t want to play football or wrestle (par 10). Through listening and understanding Mike s interview one could find it offensive the way his brothers were calling him a pussy just because he did not want to play football or wrestle, which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Cultural Competence In Religion As the world becomes more globalized, cultural competence becomes increasingly important. It is essential that individuals are willing to understand various viewpoints, cultures, and religions, even if it is one that is not prevalent in their current surroundings. While under 3 percent of United States citizens identify as Muslim, they account for over 20% of the world population. Islamis a monotheistic religionthat worships the deity Allah and follows similar principles and morals as Christianityand Judaism. In December of the year 2014, I interviewed one of its followers. Interviewing Hiba Alva increased my knowledge of a religion that effects people worldwide, strengthened my understanding of fellow humans, and highlighted complications that followers of minority religions may face.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Quran suggests that women cover their hair and praises overall modesty. Hiba personally would like to begin wearing the hijabi, a scarf that covers the hair, fairly soon, but outside factors contribute to her decision. Her aunt wears the abaya dress that fully covers her body. Whenever I go anywhere with her , Hiba explains, people stare . Her parents also suggest that she wait before she decides to fully commit to the hijab lifestyle. Hiba also explains a time in middle school when abiding by her personal dress code was difficult. In her gym class, the required uniform involved shorts. In retrospect, she explains that she probably could have asked for an exception from rule if she explained it was due to her personal beliefs. At the time it seemed easier for her to avoid questions and deal with feeling uncomfortable. I deeply respect the Muslim emphasis on conservative dress. I strongly support the idea of females being able to wear what makes them feel comfortable and proud with facing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Controversy In Professional Sports It was a baseball game day in the heat of July. I can remember warming up on the field for about five minutes and I was already sweating like a dog, I was drenched from head to toe full of sweat. During warm ups all I could think about was drink cold water and just jumping into the lake to cool off after the game. Little did I know that this scorching summer day was going to spark my baseballcareer for the rest of the season and for the rest of my life. Before every baseball game my dad would either text my mom or call me and would always ask me to hit a homerun for him, and everytime I would tell him I will try my best. Now, this game wasn t any ordinary game, none of the actual coaches were there to coach us so instead we had a couple of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So what are you thinking of that you want for dinner, remember that it s gonna be a total surprise for my father. So I decided to choose Little Caesar s pizza because it just felt like the perfect food to end the end a perfect day of baseball. I told my mom to make sure that she didn t tell my dad that I actually hit a homerun because I wanted to tell him myself and show him the ball myself. So when we got home with the pizza my dad asked why we got pizza and I told him because I hit a homerun and he said No f***ing way!! I told him that I indeed did and gave him the ball and he just hugged me and almost started crying because he wasn t there to experience his son hit a homerun. Then he got mad because the time I hit a homerun was the time he couldn t make it to my game in time, so I told him not to worry because I had a feeling that I would be hitting more home runs in my future and all he said to me is that I better hit one so he can see it happen with his own eyes and after that he wouldn t care if I hit another one or not he just wanted to see one for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Benefits Of A Good Credit Score Having a good credit score is one of the best matters one can involve themselves in. Good credit can ensure that one are able to pay for just about anything. From a new car to somebody s first house, it can make or ruin anyone. Due to the importance of good credit, students frequently take advantage of their college years as a valuable chance to glimpse into adulthood by beginning their steps toward increasing that score. Considering the rising costs of tuition and the steep price of textbooks, it is not uncommon to be incapable of paying for everything immediately. That is where credit comes it. Credit score is a simple concept. It s a number that represents how often a person pays off debts they owe from using a credit card. A credit card (different an a debit card), does not take money from its owner. Instead, the owner is borrowing money it. At the end of the month, people receive bills from everywhere they owe money. If people can pay them all off, their credit score will rise as a result. On the other hand, if they fail to pay, that number drops. Once a payment is missed, a person s credit score will receive a blow that will often be very troublesome to overcome. The higher the credit score is, the more trustworthy people come across are to salespeople. 800 is a perfect credit score, and what people strive towards. The college years are a perfect time to establish credit, as it is the first time in their life where students realize that they will eventually need ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Actavis Pharmaceutical Company Essay I Introduction A. The companies that were chosen and why Actavis was the organization I decided to conduct my research on due to the company being a pharmaceutical company, with the pharmaceutical company on the raise in the economy and many insurance and doctors leaning towards generic brand medicine Actavis was a great pick for me to start my career and do my research on them as well to give me an idea of how the pharmaceutical industry works. Business management is currently my major and I fore see myself working as business administrator or a human resource coordinator, with the position of contracts Administrator opened I figured this is a great opportunity for me to kick start my career in the pharmaceutical industry. With the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even after the acquisition by Watson there was no name change to the company, previous sites were still named Watson and Actavis was still in existence until January of 2013 when Watson adopted Actavis Inc., as the name to be used and a new symbol ACT as its new trading symbol. III Interviews Organizational requirements The job description; Documentation Specialist 11283BR Summary: Employee will manage contracts that relates to purchases and sale of products including and not limited to, bids and awards, as well as customer service initiative. Assures compliance and good customer relations regarding contract terms; Essential Job Functions; Performs contract administration and manages national account assigned, follow up with all contract portfolios including rebate programs and bid proposals; follow federal, state and local procedures when performing all contract bids; carry out all company policies, procedures and responsibilities on a daily basis to develop strong customer relation with clients. Required Knowledge and skills: Current good manufacturing practices (cGMP), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and regulatory requirements. Data collection and analysis procedures and computational methods. Company policies and procedures, including safety rules and regulations, current company pricing policies and contract process including chargeback polices and process. Skills: Implementing goals, objectives and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Internet And The Internet Essay Since the late 1960s and early 1970s, computer scientists have improved the accessibility of the internet to all people. Technology has continuously improved through the introduction of computer programming and coding and the use of cellular devices. Today, anyone can have access to internet through the various forms of technology such as cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets, smart watches, etc. Over the past 15 years, the internethas begun to incorporate itself into educationby allowing students to perform research more efficiently and have more interactive learning through the use of educational websites, Smart Boards, etc. Accordingly, not only has the internet greatly impacted education making it more interesting, but it has also impacted domestic lives. Parents now have an easier way for their children to learn online at earlier ages through educational websites and online learning programs, such as Starfall and ABCMouse. Children, from ages as young as three years old to teenagers, have learned to operate the internet. Although children have developed this knowledge, consequently, many have failed to learn the repercussions of their actions when inappropriately using the internet. One of the most common repercussions one can often face is bullyingthrough the internet, entitled as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as verbally harming an individual or group by anonymously or non anonymously posting harmful information through the internet. The percentage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Temperance Reform Movement Temperance and Abolitionism The Age of Reform was a time period in the mid 1800 s where ideals of equality, liberty and the pursuit of happiness defined democracy and spread across America through a series of reform movements. These reform movements were based on the want to make America a civilized utopian society. Temperance and Abolitionism were two major reform movements that happened in this time period, I will be describing and comparing these two reform movements. The Temperance reform movement was used to end alcohol abuseand the problems created by it. Fathers would go home drunk and use up the money they earned for his family. It encouraged people to abstain from consuming alcoholin order to preserve family order. Even though ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This reform movement s purpose was to end racial stereotypes segregation, discrimination, and to abolish slavery. Furthermore, many believed that slavery or owning another person, went against one of the basic fundamentals that our country was founded on, that all men are created equal. There was a great divide that eventually led to the civil war that changed our nation. It divided families, politicians, and our nation. In the result of this divide some wrote newspapers, for example, one of the most famous was the Liberator written by William Lloyd Garrison. Delegates from both races and genders met in Philadelphia to found the American Anti Slavery society, they believed slavery was a sin. There were many displays of hostility from the North and South. There were violent mobs, burning of mailbags containing abolitionist literature, and the gag rule itself. The gag rule was the blocked discussion of antislavery petitions. In conclusion, all of these things later lead to the great civil war. These two movements were both created to make America a more civilized and a free place to live. Where all men are created equal. But, one dealing with a commodity, or a product, and people making their own choices. While the other dealt with people who didn t have a choice, they didn t choose to be slaves. All in all, each movement was significant in its own way to make America a more civilized society. But the one I believe improved, changed, and affected the lives of Americans most was the Abolitionist reform movement because it freed a whole race of people, no one should be able to own ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Multitasking Benefits In some cultures, multitasking is for intelligent people; similarly, in Saudi Arabia, women practice multitasking to show how they are smart and hardworking. It is one of the stereotyping that seems fascinating for most of Saudi people. Although multitasking has positive effects, it has negative consequences. To be more specific, multitaskingconsists of productive and powerless situations that has relationship between multitasking and health. One of the significant benefit from multitasking is the enjoyment. People who seek different activities to express relaxation find multitasking is the energetic solution to get satisfaction. For example, a large number of students prefer to study at coffee shops while they are drinking, eating, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Discontinuous Species Criticisms Nature is very much discontinuous, but natural selection acts in a continuous manner, so the hard part is finding out how nature is filled with these discrete and discontinuous groups called species. The common criticism is that the inability to observe the formation of the new species means natural selection is causing it, and the speciesnever actually form, but as Coyne says, ...it s like saying that because we haven t seen a single star go through its complete life cycle, stars don t evolve, or because we haven t see a new language arise, languages don t evolve (183). Just because we aren t seeing the new species form right away, it doesn t mean it isn t happening. As stated before, it can take a lot time for a new species to form. The three step process for speciation to occur includes: the initial step of geographical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some pre zygotic isolating mechanisms include: temporal, ecological, behavioral, and mechanical. Temporal isolating mechanisms include the time at which species mate during the year can affect the possibility of two species mating together. Ecological isolating mechanisms include the habitat in which the species is living in. Behavioral isolating mechanisms include the mating behaviors of species and how they are able to find mate. An example includes male birds having specific songs they sing to find females. Mechanical isolating mechanisms include the way in which a species will mate, including the genitalia. Post zygotic isolating mechanisms include: hybrid inviability, hybrid infertility, and hybrid breakdown. Hybrid inviability happens when the hybrid is produced but cannot develop and eventually dies. Hybrid infertility occurs when the hybrid develops, but is unable to reproduce because it is sterile. Hybrid breakdown occurs when the hybrids in the first generation are able to reproduce but the hybrids in the second generation are unable to develop and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. war and terrorism P3: Outline the terrorism methods used by key terrorist organisations Terrorism is an act that threatens or carries out violence with the intention to disrupt, kill or coerce against a body or nation in order to impose will. This means that a lot of groups use this method to get what they want. The groups use a variety of methods, groups such as: Al Qaeda, who mainly use suicide bombing methods, this is good, because it means there are lots of deaths. This leads to scare and forcing the Government to negotiate. Another group, the IRA, the Irish Republican Army use assassinations and guerilla warfare tactics to cause terrorism. The ETA, Euskadi Ta Askatasuna use bombing tactics. Destroying key economic targets in Spain, such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, if there is a chemical spillage, the Fire Service will tackle the incident, and then be able to de brief and work on a strategy for any similar future incident. However, with war and terrorism it is more likely the personnel of Armed Forces have more chance of losing their lives. This is because they are on the front line and have a higher chance of obtaining an injury. This is going to affect the personnel s families as they may have to do deal with the tragedy. Another positive that comes from war, conflict and terrorism, is the media coverage. Media means that there is a lot more publicity and so the services will get more support and money, allowing them to get more equipment and training. On the other hand, if an incident is dealt with poorly, then the media will report this, meaning the public will see, this is not good. This may change the public s perception on the Armed Forces may change because if the public see a bad story that goes against them then the public will not have as much trust in the Armed Forces. Terrorism can create tension between countries. With this, wars can be started, and this affects the UK Armed Forces. This is because the army will then have to defend and fight the enemy who started the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Importance Of Binge Viewing What comes to mind when I think of binge watching? I guess, in a very technical sense, its watching more than a couple episodes of something. I see the term, less connected with watching movies. I suppose you could binge watch movies, but I think that the term has more connotations with television programs rather than movies. To me, I think binge watching implies that you are watching multiple episodes of some kind of series. I don t know, I don t think there is any, and maybe there is, in a scholastic scenes, but I don t think that there is any hard and fast definition of watching this amount or these amount of episodes for this long, equals binge watching. I think, it s more of a, I have some time to devote to this, I don t necessarily ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So, I will rate shows that I enjoy watching frequently or that I like. That also builds a little list of things you ve liked or things you have watched already to watch again. So, that is nice sometimes when you kind of just want to re watch something that you have already enjoyed before. Interviewer:Yeah. Michael:But that is sort of the only interactivity that I have, I suppose. Interviewer:Cool, so, you have said that you have been watching TV for quite some time now in your life and that obviously advertising when you were growing up were these traditional commercial interactions, have you noticed, if at all, how advertising has changed throughout that period or what comes to mind? Michael:You know, that is a tough question. I don t think that I have really noticed, necessarily a change in advertising, but it may just be that my level of engagement with it has never been high to begin with. So, it s possible that it has gotten sort of more sophisticated then when I was much younger, but again, my level of engagement was never that high to begin with, so I don t think that I ever really thought about it or how it has changed, but I am sure it has, in some ways. Interviewer:When you are binge watching for instance, do you, you know, through ads, can you do that? Can you ever binge watch with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Sustainable Aviation Sustainable Aviation Critically evaluate the research that maintains efforts to achieve a more sustainable aviation industry represent nothing more than simple tokenism . This essay will evaluate the different approaches by airlines which show they are carrying out various procedures to show that airlines approach to sustainability is not a simple tokenism , sustainable aviation is a reality; this essay will look into these factors and demonstrate the different strategies which the aviation industry are putting in place to be a more sustainable industry. The Brundtland Report (1987) identifies sustainability as 5 different things; Holistic planning, one should have a right to be involved in any planning; Ecological processes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, the Airbus A380, when it was initially allowed to be landed at Gatwick, Patel, S. (2010) stated the CEO of Gatwick commented that the Airbus A380 was an up to date aircraft which used less fuel per passenger than recent aircrafts. Due to Airbuses positive environmental initiations with their aircrafts, in 2010, according to Heathrow Skyport (2010) Hawaiian Airlines increased its Airbus orders for the A330 and the A350; the A330 as it specially boasts of producing low emissions and noise. There are various visible developments being made by various companies such as Airbus and Boeing which are working towards creating more environmentally friendly aircrafts. In addition, according to Heathrow Skyport (2011), in July 2011 Finnair operated the first longest commercial biofuel flight in the world, from Amsterdam to Helsinki. Finnair used fuel which was made from recycled vegetable oil which was a mixture of 50% biofuel and 50% ordinary aviation fuel; this cuts down emissions by 50%. Also, BA (2003:333) indicates that a lot has been done on their behalf to reduce emissions, one of their changes being the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Profession Of Nurse And Nurse Migration World Health Organisation [WHO] (2009) indicates the profession of nurse is a key component and major contributor to the global healthcare workforce. However, nursing worldwide has significant disparities, notably apparent between developed and developing countries. Although there are signs of improvement, much needs to be done to globalise the standards of nursing. There is a substantial difference in the profession of nurse in Australia compared to India and the issues encountered (Charles et al., 2014). In modern society the social stigmata and issue of equality in regard to the profession of nurse in India remains visibly evident (Nair, 2012). Exposure to poor workplace conditions impact job satisfaction and fuel the problem of skilled nurse shortages and nurse migration (Timmons, 2014). The importance of high quality education is challenging when faced with below average resources and unqualified teaching faculty (Evans, Razia, Cook, 2013). With The growth of nursing in India is significantly hindered due to factors of social status, equality and education. The nursing profession in India, one of the fastest growing professions, continues to demonstrate negative stigmatic labelling (Nair, 2011). Although attitudes are changing, the social status of nursing in India remains plagued with archaic perceptions coupled with cultural beliefs that modern nursing is still trying to challenge and overcome. Nursing in India is perceived as an inferior occupation, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Amadeus Conflict Essay I believe the central conflict in Amadeus is Salieri s jealousy towards Mozart. Salieri really admires Mozart and his outstanding music even though Mozart is a few years younger than him. Salieri begins to feel envy and jealousy towards Mozart when Mozart enters the emperor s palace and calls one of Salieri s old songs a funny little tune. Mozart then proceeds to point out the flaws in the piece and explains how Salieri could improve his piece making Salieri question why God had blessed someone like Mozart with such talent. In the following scene, we learn that Prince Elizabeth, the emperor s niece, needs a tutor. The emperor immediately thinks of Mozart but Salieri being the envious individual that he is turns the idea down quickly and suggests that he should have people apply for the position instead. Mozart refuses to apply for the position so his wife Constanze decides to take matters into her own hands and goes and speaks to Salieri; Salieri is part of the committee who reviews applications for Prince Elizabeth s tutor. He is willing to help Mozart get the position only if Constanze sleeps with him later in the evening; she arrives and gets undressed right before anything happens he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although Salieri states that he admires the hard work and effort Mozart put into his opera he still envy s him and makes sure that his opera is only played five times in Vienna. Salieri uses Mozart s father s death to his advantage and request a requiem from Mozart dressed up in the costume that Mozart s father had once worn. Shocked and feeling uneasy Mozart still accepts the request due to the lack of money he and his wife had. Salieri plans to kill Mozart after he was to complete the piece and claim it as his own. He believed that if he played it at Mozart s funeral he would get attention and recognition from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Argumentative Statement Against Gay Adoption Gaia Alberti Ms Mathers HN English III 13 November 2017 Gay Adoption We believe that every child has the right to a loving, nurturing and permanent family, and that people from a variety of life experiences offer strengths for these children (The Board of Directors of the National Adoption Center). Gay adoption by legal couples has become a rising controversy in the past decade, affecting the lives of many children and families. Around the world there are so many children that need to be adopted and thousand and thousand parents that want to undertake this experience, but they are not allowed because of the law in some countries. These parents have the right to adopt and have done nothing wrong and they have the same ability to grow children as straight couple; yet, they are not allowed to take care of a child that has been abandoned. Still, many people are against gay adoption because they think kids need a mother and a father to have proper male male and female role models. They also believe kids raised by a gay couple are more likely to become gay. This unconstitutional act exists because of prejudices and discrimination. Many organizations wants equal rights for all parents and children and they believe discrimination based on sexual orientation should be stopped. Gays and lesbians should be allowed to adopt because they can be just as good at parenting as straight couple. Many kids are still in orphanages waiting for homes, and children will have the opportunity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Go Bananas Research Paper Hawaii s natural environment is ideal for watersports. Whether you are looking to ride the waves of the Pacific ocean, trek through tree lined rivers, camp along the coastline or fish the reefs, there is a place for you! And nothing compares to the joys of exploring nature with a kayak or stand up paddle board. Go Bananas Watersports in Honolulu, HI is your source for kayak and stand up paddle board sales, rentals and accessories. Having explored Hawaiis aquatic landscape for over 20 years, the Go Bananas Staff has a deep knowledge of the sport, and can advise of the best equipment, kayaking techniques and safety measures. Go Bananas offers kayaks for sale and rent. New models from popular brands such as Ocean Kayak USA and Malibu Kayaks ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Chiropractor Report Chiropractor has been widely practiced throughout the world. The United States has the most number of chiropractors, of seventy five thousand. Canada in second place with seven thousand two hundred and fifty chiropractors. Australia in third place with four thousand two hundred and fifty chiropractors. United Kingdom in fourth place with three thousand chiropractors. The United States, Canada, Australia, and United Kingdom were the first countries to establish chiropractic schools (World Federation of Chiropractic, 2012). Now chiropractic schools are established in other countries as well. The cost of Chiropractor ranges from thirty dollars to two hundred dollars per session (Einstein Medical, 2015). Most sessions are usually covered by... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Wendy went to see a chiropractor for three months due a major car accident and her sessions were covered by her health insurance. During the first month Wendy had to go see her chiropractor three times a week. In the second month Wendy had to go two times a week and the third month, she went once a week. The Chiropractor said that on the first month Wendy had to go more often because her back injuries was still new therefore it needed more attention and as the months goes by, she can reduce her time coming in. When Wendy first went to her session, there was someone who would escort her to a room where they put stickers on her back that vibrates her back muscles. Next the same person would escort Wendy to a different room where there was a machine to massage her. Then Wendy was escorted back to the first room she was in and the actual chiropractor would come and massage her for five minutes. The whole process took about thirty minutes each session. During an interview with Wendy she said that by going to see a chiropractor to treat her back pain was helpful temporarily. She also said that it was eight out of ten being helpful with maintaining her back injuries. She would recommend a family member or a friend to go see one. After seeing a chiropractor, Wendy felt less pain, more flexible and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Pros And Cons Of Immigrants In Canada Imagine Canada without immigrants? Without having they wonderful multiculturalism that immigrants bring into Canada we wouldn t be the diversite country we are now. In my essay I am going to talk about how Canada benefits from immigration. I m going to be talking about the positive and negative of these three classes: Economic class, Family class and the refugeeclass. This is how the fantastic country of Canadabenefits from the three classes of immigrants. These three classes of immigrationhave all this wonderful advantages that help create the safe and secure country of Canada but they do have some disadvantages that make our country not so safe. First of all the economic class of immigrants are taking all the jobs from the aboriginal people in Canada. This issue resulted in Resolution 49 that was passed in 2005. This... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This doesn t seem like a big number but if you think about it all of these people have something tragic happening in there country like: war, torture and cruel punishment. One of the most important part is they have a act called the Immigration And Refugee Protection Act. This act has three key points to it: to save lives, to meet the legal obligations that Canada has agreed too and lastly to offer a place of refuge. This act was made because of the Singh Decision. In 1985 Canada supreme court ruled that the 1976 immigration act was a violation of section 7 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms witch is the right to life, liberty and security of the person. After this discussion they came up with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act that doesn t violate immigrants rights. Refugees are also very great workers they come to Canada ready to work hard and start a new life. In 2016 the amount of immigrants that came to Canada was 46,700, that is the highest it has been since 1980. Helping refugees is an amazing way to spend life and Canada has done it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Training, Construction Skills Certificate Scheme ( Cscs )... Task 2(P5): You need to determine training needs from given risk assessments, including on site induction training and relevant sector certification 1) You must be able to explain importance of training and competency e.g. induction training, Construction Skills Certificate Scheme (CSCS) from given risk assessment Induction training: Link: Link: https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=i rct=j q= esrc=s source=images cd= cad=rja uact=8 ved=0CAYQjB0 url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fworkplace safety induction ei=u7unVPqiNcy7afaigJgI bvm=bv.82001339,d.d2s psig=AFQjCNEHnNCx_9CVpt0KDV22SQBYBQWMUA ust=1420364929793727 The CSCS institute providing occupational health and safety information, instruction and training to all staff to enable them to work in a safe and healthy manner. The purpose of this guideline is to outline the responsibilities at CSCS University for the: Identification of occupational health and safety training needs; Development and delivery of occupational health and safety training; Evaluation of the effectiveness of this training; Maintenance of records of the training; and Health and Safety induction of staff. Health and safety training is an integral part of CSCS occupational health and safety management system. Through training, managers and staff are provided with information on their roles and responsibilities and CSCS health and safety policies and procedures. Induction: It is the responsibility of all managers to ensure that all new staff ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...