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ICT in Elementary Schools

        Senior Education Program Specialist,
          Bureau of Elementary Education
21st Century Learning Competency

 Knowledge about what technology is, how it
 works, what purposes it can serve, and how it
 can be used efficiently and effectively to
 achieve specific goals.

-NCREL: enGauge 21st Century Skills
               Teaching the Net Generation:
               Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning
21st Century Learning Competency

 The ability to interpret, use, appreciate, and create
  images and video using both conventional and 21st
  century media in ways that advance thinking,
  decision making, communication, and learning.
-NCREL: enGauge 21st Century Skills

                  Teaching the Net Generation:
                  Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning
21st Century Learning Competency

  The ability to evaluate information across a range
   of media; recognize when information is needed;
   locate, synthesize, and use information effectively;
   and accomplish these functions using technology
   applications, communication networks, and
   electronic resources
-NCREL: enGauge 21st Century Skills

                 Teaching the Net Generation:
                 Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning
What Researches Show:
Teachers make more effective use of technology as an
instructional tool when:
•technology use is systemically included in lesson plans
showing how technology supports the instructional
•students have acquired basic proficiency with the
technology prior to using it in a content-based lesson;
•the technology is used to extend or reinforce core
•School plans describe in detail how technology is used to
support curriculum, instruction, and administration.

   Copyright 2007, ISTE ® (International Society for Technology in Education), Digial-Age Literacy for Teachers: Applying
   Technology Standards to Everyday Practice, Susan Brooks-Young.
   1.800.336.5191 or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), iste@iste.org, www.iste.org. All rights reserved. Distribution and copying of
   this excerpt is allowed for educational purposes and use with full attribution to ISTE.
What Researches Show:
There’s a positive impact on academic performance when
•technology use is supported by teachers, administrators,
and parents;
•technology use is integrated throughout the school day;
•the application used has a direct correlation to the
curriculum objectives being assessed;
•the application adjusts the level of difficulty and provides
feedback based on individual students’ needs;
•students have opportunities to work collaboratively while
using the technology; and
•students have opportunities to design and implement
content-related projects.
   Copyright 2007, ISTE ® (International Society for Technology in Education), Digial-Age Literacy for Teachers: Applying
   Technology Standards to Everyday Practice, Susan Brooks-Young.
   1.800.336.5191 or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), iste@iste.org, www.iste.org. All rights reserved. Distribution and copying of
   this excerpt is allowed for educational purposes and use with full attribution to ISTE.
The Challenge is for the Teachers to:

 Shift from traditional direct teaching to facilitative
 Match the teaching style to the learning style of the
 Know which software and hardware are available and
  appropriate to the lesson
 Maximize the variety of available technology
 Acquire appropriate skills to teach with ICT
 Gauge students’ progress and plan for continued change
ICT-Based Teaching Model
                                        (J. Macasio, 2008)
          GOAL                    INPUT                    PROCESS                OUTPUT
     Learning Outcome    Software and Internet      Instructional Method      Learning Product
to read and write        Word Processor             TEACHER-LED            Reports
to count and calculate   Desktop Publishing         Lecture                Assessment Results
                         Calculation Spreadsheet    Direct Instruction     Project Artifacts
                         Slide Presenter            Demonstration          Worksheets
                         Multimedia Authoring       Practice Drill         Video Production
                         Video and Audio Editor     LEARNER-CENTERED       Multimedia Presentation
                         Image and Drawing Editor   Cooperative Learning   Published Documents
                         Web Page Maker             Discussion Forum
                         Worksheet Maker            Case Studies
                         Test Maker                 Discovery Learning
                         Math Study Helper          Journal and Diary
                         Science Study Helper       Brainstorming
                         English Study Helper       Debates
                         Weblog, and Wiki
                         File Sharing
                         Knowledge Base
                         Virtual Laboratory
                         Internet Digital Library

--                                              VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION
                                                     Performance Rubrics
Identification of the specific learning outcomes that are
   expected based on the existing curriculum.

The learner is expected to:
• Define….
• Describe…
• Differentiate

The learner given the ICT learning condition is able to:
• Calculate
• Compose
• Illustrate
Where will learning take place?

How will the room be organized with the computers?
(Make a visual representation or diagram of the facility or
  classroom layout.)

How will the students be grouped:
• class group
• individuals
• pairs
• small groups, etc
  • Self Directed Learning
  • Practice and Drill
  • Computerized Test
  • Creative Writing
  • Creative Arts
  • Computerized Tutorial
  • On-line Seminar
• Collaborative Project
• Group Discussion
• Group Coaching

•Lecture Presentation
•Activity Demonstration
•Video Broadcast

1. Non-Digital Materials for this Lesson
    1. Printed Text Book
    2. Manual Manipulative
    3. Chalk Board
    4. Illustration Board
    5. Printed Workbook

2. Technology Components for this Lesson
    1. Computer
    2. Software
    3. Network
    4. Printer
    5. Scanner
    6. Multimedia Device

 Computer Software for this Lesson
  1.Windows Operating System
  2.Edubuntu Operating System
  3.Math Educational Software
  4.Science Educational Software
  5.Creativity and Productivity Software
  6.Software Title

Do the students have adequate knowledge to complete the
  lesson successfully?

What pre-requisite knowledge or skills from previous lessons
 the students must have in order to complete the current

What initial ICT knowledge and skills the students must have
 to learn the lesson?
1. Motivation:
How does the lesson relate to previous lesson or real-life
  situation? Identify how the ICT based materials enhance
  motivation to learn the lesson.

2. Presentation:
What knowledge or concepts need to be understood? What is the
 manner of presentation to the students through the use of ICT
  Learning Objective
1. Allow the storage
                     This level involves the passive hearing or viewing of stored
    or display
                     information, individually or as a group.
2. Foster
                        At this level the learner is engaged in the conscious pursuit of
   exploration of
                        information that will lead to a better understanding of an existent
   materials and
                        issue, question or concept.
3. Enable the
                        At this level, ICTs can provide a powerful tool for applying a concept
   application of
                        or understanding to a new situation.
4. Organize materials   Here ICT tools allow individuals to analyze materials or ideas by
   or ideas to foster   organizing them and manipulating them as a means of understanding
   analysis             their relationship.
5. Support              This level represents the use of ICTs to support the process of
   evaluation and       evaluation. This involves compiling information and resources into a
   problem-solving      digital repository, developing simulations that will immerse students
                        that will help them evaluate and solve the problems that are posed in
                        a collaborative Web-based environments, for example.
6. Facilitate         At the highest level ICTs are used to foster the design or construction
   constructing or of integrating projects, whereby students must explore wide range of
   designing projects ideas and resources, analyze and evaluate them, and synthesize
                      them in a project. ICTs can fully utilize the multimedia environment to
                      support this process.
3. Activities:
Identify the activities to be executed in this lesson. Describe the
   methodology and ICT tools to be used in developing the

4. Closure:
Identify how the lesson shall be summarized and how to introduce
   future lesson.
 Objective     Text   Audio     Video      Computer   Internet

 Storage or
                x       x         x           x          x

Exploration     x       x         x           x          x

Application     x                             x          x

  Analysis                                    x          x

 Evaluation     x                             x          x

or design of    x       x         x           x          x
  Objective        Text       Audio           Video      Computer    Internet

 Presentation       x           x               x            x          x

Demonstration       x           x               x            x          x

                          (e.g., language
Drill & practice    x                                        x          x

Animation and
                                                             x          x

  Research          x           x               x            x          x

                                                         networked      x

  of student        x                                        x          x

1. Additional activities to expand the lesson
2. Remediation activities for the student needing more
   instruction and practices
3. Assignments
How will you measure the student’s success? Formally or informally?
   Formal evaluation of student work requires that a grade is taken
   while informal might be monitoring of work, or class discussion.
1. Describe the assessment process:
    -Written Test –Quiz, Unit Test, Periodical Examination
    -Activity Output Evaluation –Activity Worksheet
    -Computer based Testing
    -On-line Test
2. Define the criteria for achievement, and performance levels:
    -Basic questions that all students must be able to answer
    -Difficult question that some student may be able to answer
    -Performance Rubrics and Rating Reference
3. Describe the plan on how to provide feedback to the student:
    -Individual consultation
    -Printed Report
What artifact(s) or products will result from the lesson?

1. Report
2. Worksheet
3. Newsletter
4. Diary
5. Diagram
6. Slideshow
7. Video and Sound Production
8. Drawing
9. Created Object
10.Test Results
11.Discussion Forum
A. Instructional Procedures

   1)Motivation/ Presentation
   3)Student Products


A. Evaluation
Good Day   ! ! ! !   !

Lets Explore, Experience,
 Expand, Connect, Share

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ICT in Elementary Education

  • 1. ICT in Elementary Schools THEA JOY G. MANALO Senior Education Program Specialist, Bureau of Elementary Education
  • 2. 21st Century Learning Competency TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY: Knowledge about what technology is, how it works, what purposes it can serve, and how it can be used efficiently and effectively to achieve specific goals. -NCREL: enGauge 21st Century Skills Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning
  • 3. 21st Century Learning Competency VISUAL LITERACY The ability to interpret, use, appreciate, and create images and video using both conventional and 21st century media in ways that advance thinking, decision making, communication, and learning. -NCREL: enGauge 21st Century Skills Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning
  • 4. 21st Century Learning Competency INFORMATION LITERACY The ability to evaluate information across a range of media; recognize when information is needed; locate, synthesize, and use information effectively; and accomplish these functions using technology applications, communication networks, and electronic resources -NCREL: enGauge 21st Century Skills Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning
  • 5. What Researches Show: Teachers make more effective use of technology as an instructional tool when: •technology use is systemically included in lesson plans showing how technology supports the instructional objectives; •students have acquired basic proficiency with the technology prior to using it in a content-based lesson; •the technology is used to extend or reinforce core curricula; •School plans describe in detail how technology is used to support curriculum, instruction, and administration. Copyright 2007, ISTE ® (International Society for Technology in Education), Digial-Age Literacy for Teachers: Applying Technology Standards to Everyday Practice, Susan Brooks-Young. 1.800.336.5191 or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), iste@iste.org, www.iste.org. All rights reserved. Distribution and copying of this excerpt is allowed for educational purposes and use with full attribution to ISTE.
  • 6. What Researches Show: There’s a positive impact on academic performance when •technology use is supported by teachers, administrators, and parents; •technology use is integrated throughout the school day; •the application used has a direct correlation to the curriculum objectives being assessed; •the application adjusts the level of difficulty and provides feedback based on individual students’ needs; •students have opportunities to work collaboratively while using the technology; and •students have opportunities to design and implement content-related projects. Copyright 2007, ISTE ® (International Society for Technology in Education), Digial-Age Literacy for Teachers: Applying Technology Standards to Everyday Practice, Susan Brooks-Young. 1.800.336.5191 or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), iste@iste.org, www.iste.org. All rights reserved. Distribution and copying of this excerpt is allowed for educational purposes and use with full attribution to ISTE.
  • 7. The Challenge is for the Teachers to:  Shift from traditional direct teaching to facilitative teaching  Match the teaching style to the learning style of the students  Know which software and hardware are available and appropriate to the lesson  Maximize the variety of available technology  Acquire appropriate skills to teach with ICT  Gauge students’ progress and plan for continued change
  • 8. ICT-Based Teaching Model (J. Macasio, 2008) GOAL INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Learning Outcome Software and Internet Instructional Method Learning Product Resources to read and write Word Processor TEACHER-LED Reports to count and calculate Desktop Publishing Lecture Assessment Results Calculation Spreadsheet Direct Instruction Project Artifacts Slide Presenter Demonstration Worksheets Multimedia Authoring Practice Drill Video Production Video and Audio Editor LEARNER-CENTERED Multimedia Presentation Image and Drawing Editor Cooperative Learning Published Documents Web Page Maker Discussion Forum Worksheet Maker Case Studies Test Maker Discovery Learning Math Study Helper Journal and Diary Science Study Helper Brainstorming English Study Helper Debates e-Mail Weblog, and Wiki File Sharing Knowledge Base Virtual Laboratory Internet Digital Library -- VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION Performance Rubrics
  • 9. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identification of the specific learning outcomes that are expected based on the existing curriculum. The learner is expected to: • Define…. • Describe… • Differentiate The learner given the ICT learning condition is able to: • Calculate • Compose • Illustrate
  • 10. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN CLASSROOM LAYOUT AND GROUPING OF STUDENTS: Where will learning take place? How will the room be organized with the computers? (Make a visual representation or diagram of the facility or classroom layout.) How will the students be grouped: • class group • individuals • pairs • small groups, etc
  • 11. ICT CONFIGURATION FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING • Self Directed Learning • Practice and Drill • Computerized Test • Creative Writing • Creative Arts • Computerized Tutorial • On-line Seminar
  • 12. ICT CONFIGURATION FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING • Collaborative Project • Group Discussion • Group Coaching
  • 13. ICT CONFIGURATION FOR BLENDED TEACHING AND LEARNING •Lecture Presentation •Activity Demonstration •Video Broadcast
  • 14. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN MATERIALS, RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGY: 1. Non-Digital Materials for this Lesson 1. Printed Text Book 2. Manual Manipulative 3. Chalk Board 4. Illustration Board 5. Printed Workbook 2. Technology Components for this Lesson 1. Computer 2. Software 3. Network 4. Printer 5. Scanner 6. Multimedia Device
  • 15. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN MATERIALS, RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGY: Computer Software for this Lesson 1.Windows Operating System 2.Edubuntu Operating System 3.Math Educational Software 4.Science Educational Software 5.Creativity and Productivity Software 6.Software Title
  • 16. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN STUDENT’S PRESENT LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE AND KNOWLEDGE: Do the students have adequate knowledge to complete the lesson successfully? What pre-requisite knowledge or skills from previous lessons the students must have in order to complete the current lesson? What initial ICT knowledge and skills the students must have to learn the lesson?
  • 17. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: 1. Motivation: How does the lesson relate to previous lesson or real-life situation? Identify how the ICT based materials enhance motivation to learn the lesson. 2. Presentation: What knowledge or concepts need to be understood? What is the manner of presentation to the students through the use of ICT tools?
  • 18. ICT-Fostered Description Learning Objective 1. Allow the storage This level involves the passive hearing or viewing of stored or display information, individually or as a group. Information 2. Foster At this level the learner is engaged in the conscious pursuit of exploration of information that will lead to a better understanding of an existent materials and issue, question or concept. ideas 3. Enable the At this level, ICTs can provide a powerful tool for applying a concept application of or understanding to a new situation. understanding 4. Organize materials Here ICT tools allow individuals to analyze materials or ideas by or ideas to foster organizing them and manipulating them as a means of understanding analysis their relationship. 5. Support This level represents the use of ICTs to support the process of evaluation and evaluation. This involves compiling information and resources into a problem-solving digital repository, developing simulations that will immerse students that will help them evaluate and solve the problems that are posed in a collaborative Web-based environments, for example. 6. Facilitate At the highest level ICTs are used to foster the design or construction constructing or of integrating projects, whereby students must explore wide range of designing projects ideas and resources, analyze and evaluate them, and synthesize them in a project. ICTs can fully utilize the multimedia environment to support this process.
  • 19. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: 3. Activities: Identify the activities to be executed in this lesson. Describe the methodology and ICT tools to be used in developing the activities. 4. Closure: Identify how the lesson shall be summarized and how to introduce future lesson.
  • 20. Technology Learning Objective Text Audio Video Computer Internet Storage or x x x x x display Exploration x x x x x Application x x x Analysis x x Evaluation x x x Constructing or design of x x x x x project
  • 21. Technology Teaching Objective Text Audio Video Computer Internet Presentation x x x x x Demonstration x x x x x (e.g., language Drill & practice x x x lab) Animation and x x simulation Research x x x x x Collaboration/ networked x communication Management of student x x x learning
  • 22. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN SUPPLEMENTAL ACTIVITIES: 1. Additional activities to expand the lesson 2. Remediation activities for the student needing more instruction and practices 3. Assignments
  • 23. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: How will you measure the student’s success? Formally or informally? Formal evaluation of student work requires that a grade is taken while informal might be monitoring of work, or class discussion. 1. Describe the assessment process: -Written Test –Quiz, Unit Test, Periodical Examination -Activity Output Evaluation –Activity Worksheet -Computer based Testing -On-line Test 2. Define the criteria for achievement, and performance levels: -Basic questions that all students must be able to answer -Difficult question that some student may be able to answer -Performance Rubrics and Rating Reference 3. Describe the plan on how to provide feedback to the student: -Individual consultation -Printed Report -e-mail
  • 24. ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN STUDENT PRODUCTS: What artifact(s) or products will result from the lesson? 1. Report 2. Worksheet 3. Newsletter 4. Diary 5. Diagram 6. Slideshow 7. Video and Sound Production 8. Drawing 9. Created Object 10.Test Results 11.Discussion Forum 12.Website
  • 25. Workshop A. Instructional Procedures 1)Motivation/ Presentation 2)Activities 3)Student Products Generalization A. Evaluation
  • 26. Good Day ! ! ! ! ! Lets Explore, Experience, Expand, Connect, Share