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BES plan and budget  fy 2014
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
Ms. Judelyn G. Taraya
                                                            Ms. Lampel Cuarenta
                                               KINDER       Ms. Edlen De Ocampo
                                                            Mrs. Beril M. Desabille

                                                          Mrs. Elizabeth N. Macaraeg
                                                             Mrs. Ellaine C. Raon
                                                            Mrs. Maribel Z. Labios
                                               GRADE 1       Mrs. Maricel P. Llano
                                                           Mrs. Melane B. Celeste
                                                            Ms. Roxan B. Zamora

                                                               Mrs. Gina M. Cao
                                                             Mrs. Melba T. Bustos
                                               GRADE 2       Mrs. Beril M. Desabille
                                                             Mrs. Jasmin G. Chua
                                                             Ms. Maricel D. Recto

                                                           Mrs. Evelyn R. Jacosalem
                                                              Mrs. Loreta C. Bation
                                               GRADE 3   Mrs. Marie Christine T. Manuel
 Dr. Delia C.       Ms. Mylene B. Garcia,                   Mrs.Marissa G. Caubat
Martin, Principal   Asstant-to-the-Principal                 Mrs. Grace D. espena

                                                            Mrs. Sheryl M. Corsiga
                                                            Mrs. Rowena T. Bation
                                               GRADE 4     Mrs. Soledad D. Teodoro
                                                            Mrs. Adalla C. Turlao
                                                            Ms. Nelly P. Punsalan

                                                             Mrs. Ruth M. Festejo
                                                            Mrs. Janette D. Obana
                                                            Mrs. Aurea M. Untalan
                                               GRADE 5      Mrs. Nena M. Bauson
                                                            Mrs. Imelda M. Fajardo
                                                           Mrs. Elizabeth P. Dagdag

                                                           Mrs. Teresita C. Caisido
                                                           Mrs. Irene J. Evangelista
                                                           Mrs. Remigia C. Gajudo
                                               GRADE 6     Mrs. Marianita M. Gajudo
                                                           Mrs. Mildred S. Lasdoce
                                                             Mrs. Estrella E. Ares
VISION                                 MISSION
BES: an advocate of the               Instill among the pupils
 culture of excellence.              the right values to live-by
                                      & strong desire for self-
     CORE                              improvement through
 ORGANIZATIONAL                          quality education.
    VALUES                                      GOALS
           B- Balance                   To make every child
   (Maintaining healthy body,
         life and work.)                 functionally literate
          E- Efficiency               through different school
 (Being efficient and effective in     programs, projects and
       everything we do.)
                                          activities that will
     S- Service Excellence              strengthen the multi-
 (Giving the best and world class
service to clientele and achieving   intelligence of the pupils.
         positive results.)
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
 AREA              (Source: Online)                    OPPORTUNITIES                 THREATS
           Barangay Baesa was created in          The leading economic        More than 60% of the
           1910 and was derived from a woman        activities are factories,   labor population are
           who was the first inhabitant of the      general merchandise,        below-average income
           place. This was once a forest with big
           trees and bamboos. According to
                                                    and tracking.               earner.
           history, in this forested place, there  More than 70% of the
           lives a woman who lived alone, which     population are
           mean “Babaeng Nag-iisa” in Tagalog,      employed.
           which later on became “Baesa”.

           As others relayed; there was once a
           Spaniard who can not speak Tagalog
           well. That instead of saying “Babaeng
           Nag-iisa”, he pronounced it “BA-ISA.”
ECONOMIC   Until the present time, the place was
           called Baesa from its original word of
           "Ba-isa", except of its spelling which is

           Baesa was once a part of Caloocan,
           but when Quezon City was created,
           some of its parts were sliced to form
           part of Quezon City, including which is
           now Barangay Baesa. Until it was
           developed, and became the center of
           business entities. All the farms that
           were once tilled by the farmers were
           converted into subdivisions.
AREA             (Source: Online)               OPPORTUNITIES                  THREATS

         Baesa was divided in 3 different  More that 70% of the         Around sixty percent
         barangays: Barangay Baesa-           population are              (60%) of its population
         reparo or Brgy. 161 wherein the      employed and have           are considered poor
         Baesa Elementary School situated     resources to send their     wherein thirty percent
         has a total population of 7,411, the children to school.         (30%) are indigents.
         Barangay 160 or Baesa-Libis has
         15,019 total population, while the  There are many
         big part is Barangay Baesa located   industries that can be
         in Quezon City, has a total          tapped as potential
         population of 55,792.                partners.

SOCIAL   There are several schools,           The development in the
         hospital and private schools           barangay’s economy
         within the Barangay Baesa.             will result to increase
                                                support/allocation for
         The barangay offers different
         social services to its constituent
         such as Supplementary Feeding,
         Day caree Centers, Elderly and
         GAD Advocay Program
  AREA             (Source: Online)             OPPORTUNITIES               THREATS

            Baesa Elementary School was       The Barangay 161       The barangay officials
            located in Barangay 161 headed by   initiates projects for belong to opposing
            Captain Teotimo DG. Gajudo.         the schools e.g Clean political parties
                                                and Green, fogging,
            Different committees were          and trimming of trees.
            created to cater the needs of its
            constituents and maintain peace
            and order.

  AREA               (Source: Online)                   OPPORTUNITIES                     THREATS
              Barangay Baesa was a highly            The barangay ensures         The constituents
               urbanized area contains all types of    regular collection of         including the BES
               air pollutants due to different         garbage .                     Pupils are prone to
               industries/factories, and motor                                       disease or illness due to
               vehicles that passed by the areas.     Provision of trash bins       air and water pollution.
              The barangay’s shares rivers and        that promote segregation
               streams with other localities are       of garbage                   Rampant water
               physically apparent of contamination                                  pollution is observable
              The soil that covers 90% of the total  Project Recom promotes        in the riverside.
               land area of the barangay are light     school cleanliness, gulayan
               reddish brown to bright reddish         sa paaralan , and the
               brown in color. The surface and         establishment of a
ECOLOGICAL     subsoil are friable and granular in     Materials Recovery
               structure.                              Facility (MRF) in schools
              The Solid Waste Management in the
               baranagay is presently under the
               supervision of the Environmental
               Sanitation Services (ESS). The major
               services are door to door collection,
               station to station collection and
               regular street cleaning. Along with
               these services, ESS also implements
               different cleaning and environmental
    AREA                (Source: Online)                OPPORTUNITIES                    THREATS
                  The road network system serving     The barangay hall and
                   Barangay 161, wherein Baesa          its schools are accessible.  More pupils were
                   Elementary School is located are                                   hooked in computer
                   Baesa Road and Reparo Service       Efficiency in the delivery    games.
                   Road.                                of services, monitoring,
                                                        and evaluation               There is no provision
                  Tricycles and jeepneys are the                                     for technical assistance
                   mode of transportation in the       Efficiency in the transfer    and maintenance
                   barangay.                            and retrieval of
               MERALCO is the source of
                electricity, hence MAYNILAD is
                the water services system in the

                  PLDT has the most franchised
                   telecommunication in the area.

                  Government and private offices
                   have access to the internet.

                  Most schools have technological
                   equipment like computers and IWB
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
               2010-2011           2011-2012           2012-2013

Basic Inputs               Ratio               Ratio               Ratio
 Teachers         36       1:44       36       1:47       34       1:48
Classrooms        17       1:46       18       1:47       22       1:37
   Seats        1,175       1:1      848        1:2      848        1:2
  Facility        7        1:225     30        1:56       24       1:68
   AREA        2010-
                               2011-2012           2012-2013
Textbooks              Ratio               Ratio               Ratio
Grade 1        1113    1:1      1113       1:1      1113       1:1
Grade 2        1021    1:1      1021       1:1      1021       1:1
Grade 3        1555    1:1      1555       1:1      1555       1:1
Grade 4        1744    1:1      1744       1:1      1744       1:1
Grade 5        1564    1:1      1564       1:1      1564       1:1
Grade 6
               1692    1:1      1692       1:1      1692       1:1
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
INDICATORS              2011                                                  Annual % Inc. to 2016 PDP
                                    2012     2013     2014     2015     2016
                        (Actual)                                                meet the target Target

 Cohort Survival Rate
      Regional          86.26%     88.61%   89.96%   90.00%   95.00%   98.00%      2.35%       86.76%
      Division          90.82%     92.25%   93.68%   95.11%   96.54%   98.00%      1.43%
       School           89.93%     92.25%   93.68%   95.11%   96.54%   98.00%      0.64%
  Completion Rate
      Regional          83.06%     85.45%   87.84%   90.22%   92.00%   95.00%      2.39%
      Division          87.26%     88.81%   90.36%   91.91%   93.46%   95.00%      1.55%
       School           82.73%     88.81%   90.36%   91.91%   93.46%   95.00%      0.81%
   Drop-out Rate
      Regional          2.93%      2.35%    1.76%    1.17%    0.59%    0.00%       -0.59%
       Division         2.14%      1.72%    1.30%    0.88%    0.46%    0.00%       -0.42%
       School           0.45%      0.34%    0.23%    0.12%    0.01%    0.00%       -0.11%
    NAT Result
      Regional          45.17%     51.14%   57.10%   63.07%   69.03%   75.00%      5.97%       75.00%
      Division          45.02%     51.14%   57.10%   63.07%   70.02%   75.02%      6.0%
       School           48.08%     53.46%   58.84%   64.22%   70.02%   75.02%      5.38%
      Regional          57.08%     60.66%   64.25%   67.83%   71.42%   75.00%      3.58%       75.00%
       Division         56.87%     60.66%   64.27%   67.97%   71.67%   75.37%      3.7%
       School           77.78%     78.34%   78.90%   79.46%   80.02%   80.58%      0.56%
GRADE 3            2011                                             Inc. per     PDP
 SUBJECT AREA       (Actual)   2012    2013    2014    2015    2016      year     TARGET
     Regional        42.80     49.24   55.68   62.12   68.56   75.00     6.44      75.00
     Division        41.75     49.24   55.68   62.12   68.56   75.25     6.44
      School         38.77     49.24   55.68   62.12   68.56   75.25     7.25
     Regional        50.68     55.54   60.41   65.27   70.14   75.00     4.86      75.00
     Division        50.02     55.54   60.41   65.27   70.14   75.02     5.52
      School         49.98     55.54   60.41   65.27   70.14   75.02       5
     Regional        42.07     48.65   55.24   61.83   68.41   75.00     6.59      75.00
     Division        41.66     48.65   55.24   61.83   68.46   75.16      6.7
      School         50.54     55.43   60.32   65.21   70.10   75.16     4.89

       Regional      48.25     53.60   58.95   64.30   69.65   75.00     5.35      75.00
       Division      48.58     53.98   59.38   64.78   70.18   75.58      5.4
        School       54.14     58.31   62.48   66.65   70.82   75.58     4.17
       Regional      42.44     48.95   55.47   61.98   68.49   75.00     6.51      75.00
       Division      42.88     49.38   55.88   62.38   68.88   75.38      6.5
        School       54.07     58.26   62.45   66.64   70.83   75.38     4.19
       Regional      43.75     50.00   56.25   62.50   68.75   75.00     6.25      75.00
       Division      44.72     50.82   56.92   63.02   69.12   75.22      6.1
        School       46.26     52.01   57.76   63.51   69.26   75.22     5.75
       Regional      45.17     51.14   57.10   63.07   69.03   75.00     5.97      75.00
       Division      45.02     51.14   57.10   63.07   70.02   75.02       6
        School       48.08     53.46   58.84   64.22   70.02   75.02     5.38
2011                                             Inc.per PDP
GRADE 6      (Actual)   2012    2013    2014    2015    2016     Year Target
   Region     51.99     56.59   61.19   65.80   70.40   75.00    4.60   75.00
  Division    52.28     56.78   61.28   65.78   70.78   75.28    4.5
   School     79.99     80.99   81.99   82.99   83.99   84.99    1.0
   Region     56.80     60.44   64.08   67.72   71.36   75.00    3.64   75.00
  Division    55.45     60.44   64.08   67.72   71.45   75.45      4
   School     81.61     82.93   84.25   85.57   86.89   88.21    1.32
   Region     56.63     60.30   63.98   67.65   71.33   75.00    3.67   75.00
  Division    56.08     60.30   63.98   67.78   71.68   75.58    3.9
   School     82.07     83.48   84.89   86.30   87.71   89.12    1.41
   Region     64.61     66.69   68.77   70.84   72.92   75.00    2.08   75.00
  Division    63.90     66.69   68.77   70.84   73.00   75.20    2.2
   School     72.09     72.68   73.27   73.86   74.45   75.20    0.59
   Region     55.38     59.30   63.23   67.15   71.08   75.00    3.92   75.00
  Division    56.62     60.42   64.22   68.02   71.82   75.62    3.8
   School     73.15     73.52   73.89   74.26   74.63   75.62    0.37
   Region     57.23     60.78   64.34   67.89   71.45   75.00    3.55   75.00
  Division    56.87     60.78   64.34   67.97   71.67   75.37    3.7
   School     77.78     78.34   78.90   79.46   80.02   80.58    0.56
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
Strengths                            Weaknesses
•The School ranked 4 in the             •There was no Kinder teacher
Division during 2012 NAT                item allotted in the school.
 Grade 6.
•The number of teacher to student       •Insufficient learning materials in
ratio is within the standard of 1:45-   the school library.
• There are enough number of            •Lack of teachers due to
seats in every classroom.               retirement.
• The LGU allots a budget in
construction of school covered-
• More than 75% of the pupils who
are enrolled are within the target
age bracket.
•The textbook to pupil ratio is 1:1.
•There is available internet access
in the school.
•New classrooms were built and
ready- to-used.
     ISSUES       TARGETS                                    PAPs
    (Access)                       STRATEGIES

                                                       Projection of
                                                        enrolment per
                  Classroom ratio Early Registration   grade level
                 is 1:45-50 pupils Program
•   Congestion                                         Prioritize students
                                                        from the catchment
CRITICAL ISSUES                                       STRATEGY/
                                TARGETS                                               PAPs
    (Quality)                                        STRATEGIES

                                                   Kalinga sa Bata     Feeding the indigent pupils
                            Raised by 2% of        Program            With healthy and nutritious foods
                             pupil performance in
                             all learning areas    Enrichment Program  Enrichment activity to fast
LOW PERFORMANCE             100% of pupils
LEVEL IN THE FIVE            improved their study  Lingap Mag-aaral    Remedial program conducted
LEARNING ARES                habits                 Program              by master teachers

   Non-readers             Partnership with     Tutok-Turo             Engaging time on task
   Poor comprehension       school and home
   Absenteeism                                   Perfect Attendance     Giving ribbons and certificates
   Poor study habits                              awards                  to pupils with perfect
   Less support from                                                      attendance
    parents or guardians                          Kaagapay Ka,
                                                   Magulang`Program       Conference with parents
                                                                           regarding pupils attitudes and
    CRITICAL ISSUES                            STRATEGY/
                                   TARGETS                                             PAPs
       (Efficiency)                           STRATEGIES
                                                                               Monitor daily
                                                       Zero Drop-out           attendance of pupils
                                                       Child Friendly School  Giving ribbons and
                               Zero (0) number of drop Program                  recognition on pupils
    HIGH DROP-OUT RATE         outs by 2016            Gender and              who have perfect
                                                        Development             attendance
                                                        Advocacy               Strengthen School
                                                       Education for All       feeding program
    CRITICAL ISSUES                                        STRATEGY/
                                    TARGETS                                             PAPs
      (Governance)                                        STRATEGIES

                                                    •Provide continuous           Conduct seminars
                              100% effective and
•    Effective and Efficient                        capability building of        and workshops on
     implementation of School                       Schools Heads and key         SBM
                              implementation of SBM
     Based Management                               school personnel on SBM

                                                      -Update entries in the e    - Conduct ICT
•    Effective and Efficient   -Accurate and up to    BEIS                        training and seminar
     eBEIS                     date e BEIS            - continuous capability     for eBEIS
                                                      training of eBEIS in charge
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
S-O (How can strengths be            W-O (How can weaknesses be
employed to take                     overcome to take advantage of or
advantage of the                     exploit the opportunities?)

Strategic Options                    Strategic Options

-Strengthen partnership with         - Involve the external stakeholders in school
external stakeholders                   Programs & Projects

 - Strengthen school rules and       - Strengthen Adopt-a-school program
policies to cater the needs of the
                                     - Strengthen school rules and policies to raise
-create more Programs & Projects     learners’ academic performance
that will sharpen the multi-
intelligence of the pupils
S-T (How can strengths be         W-T (How can weaknesses be
used to counteract threats        overcome to counteract threats and
in order to take                  take advantage/exploit the
advantage/exploit the             opportunities?)
                                  Strategic Options
Strategic Options
                                  -Strengthen partnership with external
 -Strengthen partnership with
 external stakeholders            -Strengthen NAT Review

 -Strengthen school policy        -Strengthen K to12 Program
 formulation and implementation
 to address needs                 -Strengthen Education for All (EFA) policy

                                  -Adopt Child Friendly School Program

                                  -Improve school rules and policy
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
CY 2014 PROPOSED BUDGET (in thousand Pesos)
                      INCREASE                                       INCREASE
                                                  INCREASE                    INCREASE
        CY 2012      IN AMOUNT      CY 2013                  CY 2014    IN
                                                     %                           %

 PS     15,363.00    1,522,787.00 16,887,787.00     9.02     844,389.00 17,732,176.00   0.05

MOOE    533,529.00    28,690.00    573,800.00       7.02     28,690.00    602,490.00    0.05

 CO         -             -             -             -          -            -          -

Total   54,889.92     15,514.77   17,461,587.00     16.04    873,079.35   18,334.67     0.10
BES plan and budget  fy 2014
BES plan and budget  fy 2014

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BES plan and budget fy 2014

  • 4. Ms. Judelyn G. Taraya Ms. Lampel Cuarenta KINDER Ms. Edlen De Ocampo Mrs. Beril M. Desabille Mrs. Elizabeth N. Macaraeg Mrs. Ellaine C. Raon Mrs. Maribel Z. Labios GRADE 1 Mrs. Maricel P. Llano Mrs. Melane B. Celeste Ms. Roxan B. Zamora Mrs. Gina M. Cao Mrs. Melba T. Bustos GRADE 2 Mrs. Beril M. Desabille Mrs. Jasmin G. Chua Ms. Maricel D. Recto Mrs. Evelyn R. Jacosalem Mrs. Loreta C. Bation GRADE 3 Mrs. Marie Christine T. Manuel Dr. Delia C. Ms. Mylene B. Garcia, Mrs.Marissa G. Caubat Martin, Principal Asstant-to-the-Principal Mrs. Grace D. espena Mrs. Sheryl M. Corsiga Mrs. Rowena T. Bation GRADE 4 Mrs. Soledad D. Teodoro Mrs. Adalla C. Turlao Ms. Nelly P. Punsalan Mrs. Ruth M. Festejo Mrs. Janette D. Obana Mrs. Aurea M. Untalan GRADE 5 Mrs. Nena M. Bauson Mrs. Imelda M. Fajardo Mrs. Elizabeth P. Dagdag Mrs. Teresita C. Caisido Mrs. Irene J. Evangelista Mrs. Remigia C. Gajudo GRADE 6 Mrs. Marianita M. Gajudo Mrs. Mildred S. Lasdoce Mrs. Estrella E. Ares
  • 5. VISION MISSION BES: an advocate of the Instill among the pupils culture of excellence. the right values to live-by & strong desire for self- CORE improvement through ORGANIZATIONAL quality education. VALUES GOALS B- Balance To make every child (Maintaining healthy body, life and work.) functionally literate E- Efficiency through different school (Being efficient and effective in programs, projects and everything we do.) activities that will S- Service Excellence strengthen the multi- (Giving the best and world class service to clientele and achieving intelligence of the pupils. positive results.)
  • 7. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS MATRIX DATA AREA (Source: Online) OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Barangay Baesa was created in  The leading economic More than 60% of the 1910 and was derived from a woman activities are factories, labor population are who was the first inhabitant of the general merchandise, below-average income place. This was once a forest with big trees and bamboos. According to and tracking. earner. history, in this forested place, there  More than 70% of the lives a woman who lived alone, which population are mean “Babaeng Nag-iisa” in Tagalog, employed. which later on became “Baesa”. As others relayed; there was once a Spaniard who can not speak Tagalog well. That instead of saying “Babaeng Nag-iisa”, he pronounced it “BA-ISA.” ECONOMIC Until the present time, the place was called Baesa from its original word of "Ba-isa", except of its spelling which is “Baesa.” Baesa was once a part of Caloocan, but when Quezon City was created, some of its parts were sliced to form part of Quezon City, including which is now Barangay Baesa. Until it was developed, and became the center of business entities. All the farms that were once tilled by the farmers were converted into subdivisions.
  • 8. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS MATRIX DATA AREA (Source: Online) OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Baesa was divided in 3 different  More that 70% of the Around sixty percent barangays: Barangay Baesa- population are (60%) of its population reparo or Brgy. 161 wherein the employed and have are considered poor Baesa Elementary School situated resources to send their wherein thirty percent has a total population of 7,411, the children to school. (30%) are indigents. Barangay 160 or Baesa-Libis has 15,019 total population, while the  There are many big part is Barangay Baesa located industries that can be in Quezon City, has a total tapped as potential population of 55,792. partners. SOCIAL There are several schools,  The development in the hospital and private schools barangay’s economy within the Barangay Baesa. will result to increase support/allocation for education The barangay offers different social services to its constituent such as Supplementary Feeding, Day caree Centers, Elderly and GAD Advocay Program
  • 9. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS MATRIX DATA AREA (Source: Online) OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Baesa Elementary School was  The Barangay 161 The barangay officials located in Barangay 161 headed by initiates projects for belong to opposing Captain Teotimo DG. Gajudo. the schools e.g Clean political parties and Green, fogging, Different committees were and trimming of trees. created to cater the needs of its constituents and maintain peace and order. POLITICAL
  • 10. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS MATRIX DATA AREA (Source: Online) OPPORTUNITIES THREATS  Barangay Baesa was a highly  The barangay ensures  The constituents urbanized area contains all types of regular collection of including the BES air pollutants due to different garbage . Pupils are prone to industries/factories, and motor disease or illness due to vehicles that passed by the areas.  Provision of trash bins air and water pollution.  The barangay’s shares rivers and that promote segregation streams with other localities are of garbage  Rampant water physically apparent of contamination pollution is observable  The soil that covers 90% of the total  Project Recom promotes in the riverside. land area of the barangay are light school cleanliness, gulayan reddish brown to bright reddish sa paaralan , and the brown in color. The surface and establishment of a ECOLOGICAL subsoil are friable and granular in Materials Recovery structure. Facility (MRF) in schools  The Solid Waste Management in the baranagay is presently under the supervision of the Environmental Sanitation Services (ESS). The major services are door to door collection, station to station collection and regular street cleaning. Along with these services, ESS also implements different cleaning and environmental projects
  • 11. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS MATRIX DATA AREA (Source: Online) OPPORTUNITIES THREATS  The road network system serving  The barangay hall and Barangay 161, wherein Baesa its schools are accessible.  More pupils were Elementary School is located are hooked in computer Baesa Road and Reparo Service  Efficiency in the delivery games. Road. of services, monitoring, and evaluation  There is no provision  Tricycles and jeepneys are the for technical assistance mode of transportation in the  Efficiency in the transfer and maintenance barangay. and retrieval of information.  MERALCO is the source of electricity, hence MAYNILAD is TECHNOLOGICAL the water services system in the barangay.  PLDT has the most franchised telecommunication in the area.  Government and private offices have access to the internet.  Most schools have technological equipment like computers and IWB
  • 13. INTERNAL ANALYSIS MATRIX DATA AREA 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Basic Inputs Ratio Ratio Ratio Teachers 36 1:44 36 1:47 34 1:48 Classrooms 17 1:46 18 1:47 22 1:37 Seats 1,175 1:1 848 1:2 848 1:2 WatSan Facility 7 1:225 30 1:56 24 1:68
  • 14. DATA AREA 2010- 2011-2012 2012-2013 2011 Textbooks Ratio Ratio Ratio Kindergarten Grade 1 1113 1:1 1113 1:1 1113 1:1 Grade 2 1021 1:1 1021 1:1 1021 1:1 Grade 3 1555 1:1 1555 1:1 1555 1:1 Grade 4 1744 1:1 1744 1:1 1744 1:1 Grade 5 1564 1:1 1564 1:1 1564 1:1 Grade 6 1692 1:1 1692 1:1 1692 1:1
  • 16. INDICATORS 2011 Annual % Inc. to 2016 PDP 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 (Actual) meet the target Target Cohort Survival Rate Regional 86.26% 88.61% 89.96% 90.00% 95.00% 98.00% 2.35% 86.76% Division 90.82% 92.25% 93.68% 95.11% 96.54% 98.00% 1.43% School 89.93% 92.25% 93.68% 95.11% 96.54% 98.00% 0.64% Completion Rate Regional 83.06% 85.45% 87.84% 90.22% 92.00% 95.00% 2.39% Division 87.26% 88.81% 90.36% 91.91% 93.46% 95.00% 1.55% School 82.73% 88.81% 90.36% 91.91% 93.46% 95.00% 0.81% Drop-out Rate Regional 2.93% 2.35% 1.76% 1.17% 0.59% 0.00% -0.59% Division 2.14% 1.72% 1.30% 0.88% 0.46% 0.00% -0.42% School 0.45% 0.34% 0.23% 0.12% 0.01% 0.00% -0.11% NAT Result GRADE 3 Regional 45.17% 51.14% 57.10% 63.07% 69.03% 75.00% 5.97% 75.00% Division 45.02% 51.14% 57.10% 63.07% 70.02% 75.02% 6.0% School 48.08% 53.46% 58.84% 64.22% 70.02% 75.02% 5.38% GRADE 6 Regional 57.08% 60.66% 64.25% 67.83% 71.42% 75.00% 3.58% 75.00% Division 56.87% 60.66% 64.27% 67.97% 71.67% 75.37% 3.7% School 77.78% 78.34% 78.90% 79.46% 80.02% 80.58% 0.56%
  • 17. GRADE 3 2011 Inc. per PDP SUBJECT AREA (Actual) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 year TARGET READING ENGLISH Regional 42.80 49.24 55.68 62.12 68.56 75.00 6.44 75.00 Division 41.75 49.24 55.68 62.12 68.56 75.25 6.44 School 38.77 49.24 55.68 62.12 68.56 75.25 7.25 READING FILIPINO Regional 50.68 55.54 60.41 65.27 70.14 75.00 4.86 75.00 Division 50.02 55.54 60.41 65.27 70.14 75.02 5.52 School 49.98 55.54 60.41 65.27 70.14 75.02 5 ENGLISH GRAMMAR Regional 42.07 48.65 55.24 61.83 68.41 75.00 6.59 75.00 Division 41.66 48.65 55.24 61.83 68.46 75.16 6.7 School 50.54 55.43 60.32 65.21 70.10 75.16 4.89 FILIPINO GRAMMAR Regional 48.25 53.60 58.95 64.30 69.65 75.00 5.35 75.00 Division 48.58 53.98 59.38 64.78 70.18 75.58 5.4 School 54.14 58.31 62.48 66.65 70.82 75.58 4.17 SCIENCE Regional 42.44 48.95 55.47 61.98 68.49 75.00 6.51 75.00 Division 42.88 49.38 55.88 62.38 68.88 75.38 6.5 School 54.07 58.26 62.45 66.64 70.83 75.38 4.19 MATH Regional 43.75 50.00 56.25 62.50 68.75 75.00 6.25 75.00 Division 44.72 50.82 56.92 63.02 69.12 75.22 6.1 School 46.26 52.01 57.76 63.51 69.26 75.22 5.75 TOTAL TEST Regional 45.17 51.14 57.10 63.07 69.03 75.00 5.97 75.00 Division 45.02 51.14 57.10 63.07 70.02 75.02 6 School 48.08 53.46 58.84 64.22 70.02 75.02 5.38
  • 18. 2011 Inc.per PDP GRADE 6 (Actual) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year Target MATH Region 51.99 56.59 61.19 65.80 70.40 75.00 4.60 75.00 Division 52.28 56.78 61.28 65.78 70.78 75.28 4.5 School 79.99 80.99 81.99 82.99 83.99 84.99 1.0 ENGLISH Region 56.80 60.44 64.08 67.72 71.36 75.00 3.64 75.00 Division 55.45 60.44 64.08 67.72 71.45 75.45 4 School 81.61 82.93 84.25 85.57 86.89 88.21 1.32 SCIENCE Region 56.63 60.30 63.98 67.65 71.33 75.00 3.67 75.00 Division 56.08 60.30 63.98 67.78 71.68 75.58 3.9 School 82.07 83.48 84.89 86.30 87.71 89.12 1.41 FILIPINO Region 64.61 66.69 68.77 70.84 72.92 75.00 2.08 75.00 Division 63.90 66.69 68.77 70.84 73.00 75.20 2.2 School 72.09 72.68 73.27 73.86 74.45 75.20 0.59 HEKASI Region 55.38 59.30 63.23 67.15 71.08 75.00 3.92 75.00 Division 56.62 60.42 64.22 68.02 71.82 75.62 3.8 School 73.15 73.52 73.89 74.26 74.63 75.62 0.37 TOTAL TEST Region 57.23 60.78 64.34 67.89 71.45 75.00 3.55 75.00 Division 56.87 60.78 64.34 67.97 71.67 75.37 3.7 School 77.78 78.34 78.90 79.46 80.02 80.58 0.56
  • 22. Strengths Weaknesses •The School ranked 4 in the •There was no Kinder teacher Division during 2012 NAT item allotted in the school. Grade 6. •The number of teacher to student •Insufficient learning materials in ratio is within the standard of 1:45- the school library. 50. • There are enough number of •Lack of teachers due to seats in every classroom. retirement. • The LGU allots a budget in construction of school covered- court. • More than 75% of the pupils who are enrolled are within the target age bracket. •The textbook to pupil ratio is 1:1. •There is available internet access in the school. •New classrooms were built and ready- to-used.
  • 23. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS CRITICAL STRATEGY/ ISSUES TARGETS PAPs (Access) STRATEGIES  Projection of enrolment per Classroom ratio Early Registration grade level is 1:45-50 pupils Program • Congestion  Prioritize students from the catchment areas.
  • 24. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS CRITICAL ISSUES STRATEGY/ TARGETS PAPs (Quality) STRATEGIES  Kalinga sa Bata  Feeding the indigent pupils  Raised by 2% of Program With healthy and nutritious foods pupil performance in all learning areas  Enrichment Program  Enrichment activity to fast learner LOW PERFORMANCE  100% of pupils LEVEL IN THE FIVE improved their study  Lingap Mag-aaral  Remedial program conducted LEARNING ARES habits Program by master teachers  Non-readers  Partnership with  Tutok-Turo  Engaging time on task  Poor comprehension school and home  Absenteeism  Perfect Attendance  Giving ribbons and certificates  Poor study habits awards to pupils with perfect  Less support from attendance parents or guardians  Kaagapay Ka, Magulang`Program  Conference with parents regarding pupils attitudes and behaviors.
  • 25. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS CRITICAL ISSUES STRATEGY/ TARGETS PAPs (Efficiency) STRATEGIES  Monitor daily  Zero Drop-out attendance of pupils  Child Friendly School  Giving ribbons and Zero (0) number of drop Program recognition on pupils HIGH DROP-OUT RATE outs by 2016  Gender and who have perfect Development attendance Advocacy  Strengthen School  Education for All feeding program Policy CRITICAL ISSUES STRATEGY/ TARGETS PAPs (Governance) STRATEGIES •Provide continuous Conduct seminars 100% effective and • Effective and Efficient capability building of and workshops on efficient implementation of School Schools Heads and key SBM implementation of SBM Based Management school personnel on SBM -Update entries in the e - Conduct ICT • Effective and Efficient -Accurate and up to BEIS training and seminar eBEIS date e BEIS - continuous capability for eBEIS training of eBEIS in charge
  • 27. S-O (How can strengths be W-O (How can weaknesses be employed to take overcome to take advantage of or advantage of the exploit the opportunities?) opportunities?) Strategic Options Strategic Options -Strengthen partnership with - Involve the external stakeholders in school external stakeholders Programs & Projects - Strengthen school rules and - Strengthen Adopt-a-school program policies to cater the needs of the learners - Strengthen school rules and policies to raise -create more Programs & Projects learners’ academic performance that will sharpen the multi- intelligence of the pupils
  • 28. S-T (How can strengths be W-T (How can weaknesses be used to counteract threats overcome to counteract threats and in order to take take advantage/exploit the advantage/exploit the opportunities?) opportunities?) Strategic Options Strategic Options -Strengthen partnership with external stakeholders -Strengthen partnership with external stakeholders -Strengthen NAT Review -Strengthen school policy -Strengthen K to12 Program formulation and implementation to address needs -Strengthen Education for All (EFA) policy -Adopt Child Friendly School Program -Improve school rules and policy
  • 30. CY 2014 PROPOSED BUDGET (in thousand Pesos) INCREASE INCREASE INCREASE INCREASE CY 2012 IN AMOUNT CY 2013 CY 2014 IN % % AMOUNT PS 15,363.00 1,522,787.00 16,887,787.00 9.02 844,389.00 17,732,176.00 0.05 MOOE 533,529.00 28,690.00 573,800.00 7.02 28,690.00 602,490.00 0.05 CO - - - - - - - Total 54,889.92 15,514.77 17,461,587.00 16.04 873,079.35 18,334.67 0.10