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Beyond the Press Release: Bringing PR to Life with Social Media Eye on Travel 2011 Pittsfield, MA
Explosive Growth Social media is growing exponentially, and accelerating marketing change. LinkedIn  has over 100 million professionals in 150 industries in over 200 countries and is more of a pure-play business networking site.  (Source: LinkedIn.com) Facebook : Over 500 million active users  (Source: Facebook.com) Twitter : 175 registered users that produce 95 million tweets per day.  (Source: twitter.com) Social media is your brand, live and in motion.
A New Communication Mindset Mindset:  a new conversation.  Part of the shift from  “marketing to” versus engaging, listening, watching,  and understanding. Organic, live focus groups A cultural pulse—the best and worst of who we are Brand/reputation building & protection Customer loyalty Customer care Exposure to rapidly changing culture
The Old vs. New  Marketing Funnel No longer linear More influencers growing by the minute Customers are now bloggers and web-savvy people who can create commentary about your product or service at any time. Whatever experience that you create (or don’t create) for your customers can immediately be shared online. Both failures and home runs can be discussed, digested and easily shared.
Beyond the press release to… … a curator of conversations about travel or whatever your area of expertise is.
Then  vs. Now Craft message Put our press release out on PR newswire Email press release to Constant Contact email list Develop pitch angle to media What happens when you do this now?
Then vs.  Now  Listen first, look for opportunity to engage Craft conversation Decide which channels are best:  Facebook, Twitter, Your Blog – where’s the chatter, what are the demographics? Make sure the tweet or post is right for the channel.  It should be in your brand voice and conversational. Track your metrics so you can benchmark your success.
How to Listen Google Alerts for topics, your name and your competitors Twilerts for topics, your name, your competitors Ask questions in Twitter, Facebook and on your blog Use survey tools like SurveyMonkey
How to Engage Share useful tips and info about your area or service Encourage people to post their videos and photos to your site/blog Give people a sense of the experience People are ultimately looking for an experience that they’ll remember
How to Craft your Social Media Strategy What are your goals? Brand/reputation building & protecting Customer loyalty/customer relationship building/customer care Customer insight Sales Reduced sales cycle Lead generation Conversion Registrations Referrals/links Who is your audience? Where are they online? What is the content they are seeking? Facebook versus Twitter? Asking your satisfied customers to Yelp, Tweet, or Post about their experience.
Before you can track PR progress, you need to: Observe & report Build your presence across multiple platforms Join the conversation Find the voice and strike the right chords Build true community that is valued by your customers and prospects Track progress and establish baselines that are business indicators
How to Reach out to Bloggers Go to Technorati.com and look for top bloggers that cover your industry Read the blogs before approaching them Develop a conversational email that talks about your inn, your service, etc. Timely tie-ins are always good – a quirky holiday that is funny or humorous…in Vermont that’s mud season! Ask yourself what’s unique about your POV?
Teusner Wines, Boutique Wine Biz in Australia Eight Tips That You Can Do Too Followed @Starbucks, so he could see what the big guys were doing. Searched for wine-related terms in Twitter and began following people talking about the business. Use  www.twilert.com  to receive alerts about your company, your competitors or anything you want to watch. Began conversing with people he’s following. Reached out to people talking about his wines. Focused on building trust versus pushing sales. Posted third-party reviews of his wine. Shared information about tastings and dinners featuring his wines. Results so far:  more people coming to his winery for tours, and getting customer feedback on specific wines has been very valuable to how he thinks about his business. Additional benefit:  no cost marketing while building relationships and seeing what customers respond to. Source: Twitter 101 http://business.twitter.com/twitter101
A Twitter Tale: Roger Smith Hotel in NYC A popular blogger, Chris Brogan, tweets that he’s coming to NYC and is looking for a place to stay. A friend tweets back to tell him to check out the Roger Smith Hotel because they have some sort of blogger special. A few moments later, he gets an email from Roger Smith Hotel telling him they’d love to have him and their blogger’s rate is $125/night – amazing rate in Manhattan. Then, they host a Tweetup for all the Twitter folks who want to come by their bar and meet Chris Brogan and another Twitter superstar who’s in town.  Result:  lots of buzz on Twitter and a big crowd at the bar that night.
AAA Joins the Conversation PR Issue:  AAA noticed that an increasing number of their members were talking about them using social media. Solution:  They began actively monitoring social media using Radian6 and discovered there were 8,500 mentions of them per month.  They responded to complaints and worked to solve issues and route them to the right people within AAA. They see this as an important part of their PR and brand reputation strategy because they are responding to issues before they can flare up and become larger. “ Don’t you think AAA service technicians should wear Superhero costumes?” – A Tweet after their campaign was in gear.
ChrisBrogan.com Have more than one Twitterer at the company. People can quit. People take vacations. It’s nice to have a variety. When promoting a blog post, ask a question or explain what’s coming next, instead of just dumping a link. Ask questions. Twitter is GREAT for getting opinions. Follow interesting people. If you find someone who tweets interesting things, see who she follows, and follow her. Tweet about other people’s stuff. Again, doesn’t directly impact your business, but makes us feel like you’re not “that guy.” Promote your employees “outside of work” stories. Share links to cool stuff in your community and industry. Great blog posts on 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business http://www.chrisbrogan.com/50-ideas-on-using-twitter-for-business/ Twitter Tips from Brogan
Top 10 Metrics to Track Social media leads . Track web traffic breakdowns from all social media sources, and chart the top few sources over time. Engagement duration . For some companies, engagement duration is more important than page views. For example, if you have a Facebook application, how much time are social network members spending using it?  Bounce rate.  Are visitors coming to your web site from SM sites but quickly leaving? Maybe your landing page needs better, more relevant copy. Maybe the information they’re seeking isn’t easily found. Membership increase and active network size . This is the portion of your company’s social networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) that actively engages with your social media content (e.g., Twitter, Facebook Pages, etc.) Is your collective members, followers, fans network growing, and is there interaction with your content? Activity ratio.  How active is your company’s collective social network? Compare the ratio of active members vs. total members, and chart this over time. There’ll always be some social network members who are inactive, but if you initiate a campaign to increase interaction, you should also measure the resulting data. Activity can be measured in a variety of ways, including usage of social applications. Source:  http://www.socialtimes.com/2010/02/social-media-metrics/
Top Metrics to Track Conversions . You want social network members to convert: into subscriptions, sales (direct or through affiliates).  Measure all types of conversions and chart them over time. Brand mentions in social media . So, you have a highly active social network and members are talking about your company or the company’s brands. Measure and track both positive and negative mentions, and their quantities.  Use Google Alerts and Twilert. Loyalty . Are social members interacting in the network repeatedly, sharing content and links, mentioning your brands, evangelizing? How many members reshare? How often do they reshare? Virality.  Social members might be sharing Twitter tweets and Facebook updates relevant to your company, but is this info being reshared by their networks? How soon afterwards are they resharing? How many FoaFs (Friends of Friends) are resharing your links and content? Blog interaction.  Make sure you allow comments and interact with readers by responding. Encourage responses either directly in the comments section of blog posts, or via Twitter. If your blog’s content is suitable for social voting (Digg, Propeller, Mixx, etc.) or social bookmarking (Delicious, Stumbleupon) sites, install a blog plugin that displays the necessary sharing “buttons”, then track referrals back from those sites. Source:  http://www.socialtimes.com/2010/02/social-media-metrics/
Social Media Trends to Watch More “exclusivity” versus “inclusivity.”   People will think more carefully about what networks they want to belong too and who they want to accept or friend. Filters.  The next Google could be whoever figures out how to filter all this information. Customer service and loyalty.  Companies begin to use social media for customer service and customer loyalty, i.e. Best Buy’s Twelpforce. Geo-location  comes more into play. Social media policies  become common. Mobile web grows.  With smart phones on the rise and the Ipad, mobile web grows and becomes more pervasive and critical part of social culture.  Sharing via email becomes old school. More measurement tools New, hipper sites for the young ‘uns Generational divides re: security and privacy.  ID theft is the new mugger. Increased importance re:  relevance of content  and focus on quality versus quantity The term social media goes away -- kind of like World Wide Web.
Other Sites and Sources Technorati.com Mashable.com Hubspot.com Marketingprofs.com mediapost.com thesocialmediabible.com socialtimes.com thefuturebuzz.com web-strategist.com/blog Twittergrader.com Websitegrader.com social -media-optimization.com http://www.facebook.com/marketing
Thank you for having me! www.twitter.com/earlegurl www.linkedin.com/in/greenapple http://www.facebook.com/carey.earle [email_address] www.greenapplemarketing.com

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Beyond the Press Release: Bringing PR to Life with Social Media

  • 1. Beyond the Press Release: Bringing PR to Life with Social Media Eye on Travel 2011 Pittsfield, MA
  • 2. Explosive Growth Social media is growing exponentially, and accelerating marketing change. LinkedIn has over 100 million professionals in 150 industries in over 200 countries and is more of a pure-play business networking site. (Source: LinkedIn.com) Facebook : Over 500 million active users (Source: Facebook.com) Twitter : 175 registered users that produce 95 million tweets per day. (Source: twitter.com) Social media is your brand, live and in motion.
  • 3. A New Communication Mindset Mindset: a new conversation. Part of the shift from “marketing to” versus engaging, listening, watching, and understanding. Organic, live focus groups A cultural pulse—the best and worst of who we are Brand/reputation building & protection Customer loyalty Customer care Exposure to rapidly changing culture
  • 4. The Old vs. New Marketing Funnel No longer linear More influencers growing by the minute Customers are now bloggers and web-savvy people who can create commentary about your product or service at any time. Whatever experience that you create (or don’t create) for your customers can immediately be shared online. Both failures and home runs can be discussed, digested and easily shared.
  • 5. Beyond the press release to… … a curator of conversations about travel or whatever your area of expertise is.
  • 6. Then vs. Now Craft message Put our press release out on PR newswire Email press release to Constant Contact email list Develop pitch angle to media What happens when you do this now?
  • 7. Then vs. Now Listen first, look for opportunity to engage Craft conversation Decide which channels are best: Facebook, Twitter, Your Blog – where’s the chatter, what are the demographics? Make sure the tweet or post is right for the channel. It should be in your brand voice and conversational. Track your metrics so you can benchmark your success.
  • 8. How to Listen Google Alerts for topics, your name and your competitors Twilerts for topics, your name, your competitors Ask questions in Twitter, Facebook and on your blog Use survey tools like SurveyMonkey
  • 9. How to Engage Share useful tips and info about your area or service Encourage people to post their videos and photos to your site/blog Give people a sense of the experience People are ultimately looking for an experience that they’ll remember
  • 10. How to Craft your Social Media Strategy What are your goals? Brand/reputation building & protecting Customer loyalty/customer relationship building/customer care Customer insight Sales Reduced sales cycle Lead generation Conversion Registrations Referrals/links Who is your audience? Where are they online? What is the content they are seeking? Facebook versus Twitter? Asking your satisfied customers to Yelp, Tweet, or Post about their experience.
  • 11. Before you can track PR progress, you need to: Observe & report Build your presence across multiple platforms Join the conversation Find the voice and strike the right chords Build true community that is valued by your customers and prospects Track progress and establish baselines that are business indicators
  • 12. How to Reach out to Bloggers Go to Technorati.com and look for top bloggers that cover your industry Read the blogs before approaching them Develop a conversational email that talks about your inn, your service, etc. Timely tie-ins are always good – a quirky holiday that is funny or humorous…in Vermont that’s mud season! Ask yourself what’s unique about your POV?
  • 13. Teusner Wines, Boutique Wine Biz in Australia Eight Tips That You Can Do Too Followed @Starbucks, so he could see what the big guys were doing. Searched for wine-related terms in Twitter and began following people talking about the business. Use www.twilert.com to receive alerts about your company, your competitors or anything you want to watch. Began conversing with people he’s following. Reached out to people talking about his wines. Focused on building trust versus pushing sales. Posted third-party reviews of his wine. Shared information about tastings and dinners featuring his wines. Results so far: more people coming to his winery for tours, and getting customer feedback on specific wines has been very valuable to how he thinks about his business. Additional benefit: no cost marketing while building relationships and seeing what customers respond to. Source: Twitter 101 http://business.twitter.com/twitter101
  • 14. A Twitter Tale: Roger Smith Hotel in NYC A popular blogger, Chris Brogan, tweets that he’s coming to NYC and is looking for a place to stay. A friend tweets back to tell him to check out the Roger Smith Hotel because they have some sort of blogger special. A few moments later, he gets an email from Roger Smith Hotel telling him they’d love to have him and their blogger’s rate is $125/night – amazing rate in Manhattan. Then, they host a Tweetup for all the Twitter folks who want to come by their bar and meet Chris Brogan and another Twitter superstar who’s in town. Result: lots of buzz on Twitter and a big crowd at the bar that night.
  • 15. AAA Joins the Conversation PR Issue: AAA noticed that an increasing number of their members were talking about them using social media. Solution: They began actively monitoring social media using Radian6 and discovered there were 8,500 mentions of them per month. They responded to complaints and worked to solve issues and route them to the right people within AAA. They see this as an important part of their PR and brand reputation strategy because they are responding to issues before they can flare up and become larger. “ Don’t you think AAA service technicians should wear Superhero costumes?” – A Tweet after their campaign was in gear.
  • 16. ChrisBrogan.com Have more than one Twitterer at the company. People can quit. People take vacations. It’s nice to have a variety. When promoting a blog post, ask a question or explain what’s coming next, instead of just dumping a link. Ask questions. Twitter is GREAT for getting opinions. Follow interesting people. If you find someone who tweets interesting things, see who she follows, and follow her. Tweet about other people’s stuff. Again, doesn’t directly impact your business, but makes us feel like you’re not “that guy.” Promote your employees “outside of work” stories. Share links to cool stuff in your community and industry. Great blog posts on 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business http://www.chrisbrogan.com/50-ideas-on-using-twitter-for-business/ Twitter Tips from Brogan
  • 17. Top 10 Metrics to Track Social media leads . Track web traffic breakdowns from all social media sources, and chart the top few sources over time. Engagement duration . For some companies, engagement duration is more important than page views. For example, if you have a Facebook application, how much time are social network members spending using it? Bounce rate. Are visitors coming to your web site from SM sites but quickly leaving? Maybe your landing page needs better, more relevant copy. Maybe the information they’re seeking isn’t easily found. Membership increase and active network size . This is the portion of your company’s social networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) that actively engages with your social media content (e.g., Twitter, Facebook Pages, etc.) Is your collective members, followers, fans network growing, and is there interaction with your content? Activity ratio. How active is your company’s collective social network? Compare the ratio of active members vs. total members, and chart this over time. There’ll always be some social network members who are inactive, but if you initiate a campaign to increase interaction, you should also measure the resulting data. Activity can be measured in a variety of ways, including usage of social applications. Source: http://www.socialtimes.com/2010/02/social-media-metrics/
  • 18. Top Metrics to Track Conversions . You want social network members to convert: into subscriptions, sales (direct or through affiliates). Measure all types of conversions and chart them over time. Brand mentions in social media . So, you have a highly active social network and members are talking about your company or the company’s brands. Measure and track both positive and negative mentions, and their quantities. Use Google Alerts and Twilert. Loyalty . Are social members interacting in the network repeatedly, sharing content and links, mentioning your brands, evangelizing? How many members reshare? How often do they reshare? Virality. Social members might be sharing Twitter tweets and Facebook updates relevant to your company, but is this info being reshared by their networks? How soon afterwards are they resharing? How many FoaFs (Friends of Friends) are resharing your links and content? Blog interaction. Make sure you allow comments and interact with readers by responding. Encourage responses either directly in the comments section of blog posts, or via Twitter. If your blog’s content is suitable for social voting (Digg, Propeller, Mixx, etc.) or social bookmarking (Delicious, Stumbleupon) sites, install a blog plugin that displays the necessary sharing “buttons”, then track referrals back from those sites. Source: http://www.socialtimes.com/2010/02/social-media-metrics/
  • 19. Social Media Trends to Watch More “exclusivity” versus “inclusivity.” People will think more carefully about what networks they want to belong too and who they want to accept or friend. Filters. The next Google could be whoever figures out how to filter all this information. Customer service and loyalty. Companies begin to use social media for customer service and customer loyalty, i.e. Best Buy’s Twelpforce. Geo-location comes more into play. Social media policies become common. Mobile web grows. With smart phones on the rise and the Ipad, mobile web grows and becomes more pervasive and critical part of social culture. Sharing via email becomes old school. More measurement tools New, hipper sites for the young ‘uns Generational divides re: security and privacy. ID theft is the new mugger. Increased importance re: relevance of content and focus on quality versus quantity The term social media goes away -- kind of like World Wide Web.
  • 20. Other Sites and Sources Technorati.com Mashable.com Hubspot.com Marketingprofs.com mediapost.com thesocialmediabible.com socialtimes.com thefuturebuzz.com web-strategist.com/blog Twittergrader.com Websitegrader.com social -media-optimization.com http://www.facebook.com/marketing
  • 21. Thank you for having me! www.twitter.com/earlegurl www.linkedin.com/in/greenapple http://www.facebook.com/carey.earle [email_address] www.greenapplemarketing.com

Editor's Notes