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What does DNA stand for?____________________________________<br />In 1928, British scientist_________________________, was trying to figure out how bacteria made people sick.<br />How did this scientist kill the bacteria?__________________<br />What caused the mice to die in his experiments?________________<br />___________________is the process in which one strand of bacteria seemed to transfer into another strain.  <br />Avery and other scientists discovered that the __________  _______,  _______, stores and transmits the genetic information from one generation of an organism to the next.<br />American scientists, _____________ and _______________, studied a virus that infects bacteria called a _______________________.  These virus consist of a ____ or ____ core and a __________ coat. <br />These two American scientists concluded that the genetic material of a bacteriophage was _____, and not protein.<br />Three things a gene needs to do is:<br />______________________________<br />______________________________<br />______________________________<br />DNA is made up of units called _________________,  which are composed of three things:<br />_____________________________<br />_____________________________<br />_____________________________<br />There are four types of __________________  _______________:<br />Purines:<br />___________<br />___________<br />Pyrimidines:<br />___________<br />___________<br />The DNA back bone is made of the __________ and ___________ groups.<br />The four _____________ of DNA were like the letters of the alphabet.<br />Chargaffs’s rule states the relationship between nucleotides.  A purine pairs up with a pyrimidine.  Adenine will always pair with__________.  The purine Guanine always pairs with the pyrimidine ____________.  <br />In the 19850’s, the British scientist _________________________ used X-ray diffreaction to figure out some important clues about DNA structure, such as the fact that it was made of two strands and was in a twisted form.<br />Watson and Crick used clue’s from the above scientist to make a model of DNA we call the ______________  ______________, which consists of two strands twisted around each other.   <br />The type of bond that holds nitrogenous bases together is called a __________  ____________.<br />This principle of nitrogenous bases pairing up with certain nitrogenous bases is called _____________________.<br />The process in which DNA copies itself before a cell divides is called_____________, in which DNA separates its 2 strands, producing complementary strands following the rules of base-pairing.  Each strand of the double helix serves as a template for new strands.<br />The enzyme that “unzips” the DNA strand is called _____ _____________.<br />RNA stands for _____________________________________.<br />In RNA the nitrogenous bases are the same as in DNA EXCEPT the pyrimidine thymine is replaced with_______________, which is only found in RNA. <br />There area 3 types of RNA:<br />______________: carry instructions to make amino acids<br />______________: proteins combined with this RNA ribosomes<br />______________: transfers amino acids to ribosomes to make protein<br />_______ are coded DNA instructions that control the production of proteins within the cell.<br />            transcription                   translation<br />            DNA                                                 mRNAprotein<br />The process in which DNA makes messenger RNA (mRNA) is called ______________.<br />The process in which mRNA makes protein is called ___________________.<br /> In a DNA molecule match complete the base-pairing that would occur:<br />Adenine=A                            GATTACA          <br />Guanine=G<br />Cytosine=C         __       __         __        __         __        __         __<br />Thymine=T<br />In a RNA molecule match complete the base-pairing that would occur:<br />Adenine=A                            UUGAACC          <br />Guanine=G<br />Cytosine=C           __         __        __         __         __         __        __<br />Uracil=U<br />A __________ can be used to determine whether a trait is inherited, how a trait is passed down one generation to the next and to determine whether an allele is dominant or recessive.  <br />The most general and largest category in Linneaus’ naming system is called a ____________.<br />Most sex-linked genes are found on the _______ chromosome.<br />A ________ has XX chromosomes.<br />A ________ has XY chromsomes.<br />____________________ is the outer protein coat of a virus.<br />When a host cell that has been infected with a virus bursts, this is called ______ ______________.<br />Other things to studyChloroplast structurePhotosynthesisMeisosis vs MitosisMendels PrinciplesProbabilityGene LinkageMendel’s ExperimentsGenesPunnett SquaresPhenotype/genotype ratiosDiploid/haploidCrossing overCell Division cycleChromosome structureCellular RespirationEffect of temperature on photosythesisLactic acid fermentationAlcohol fermentationKreb cycleCalvin cycleCell, tissue, organ, system organizationPath of protein through a cellAnimal vs. plant cellsFood chainsAutotrophs/Heterotrophs/producers/consuEcology Pyramids (3 types)Cell theoryCell organelles and functionPopulation ecologyNitrogen cycle/Water cycle/carbon cyleHabitat, niche and biotic/abiotic factorsLevels of ecologyBiomes (characteristics)Community interactions (pred/symb/comp)Acids/basesChemical reactionsCatalystsScientific methods (5 steps)Atoms (particles they are made of)Types of bonds (ionic vs covalent)Mutations (DNA vs Chromosomal)ALL scientistsDNA replicationProtein Synthesis<br />FACTS TO KNOW<br />The alleles for blood type are Ia, Ib, and i.<br />Phenotype (blood type)                 Possible genotype<br />AIaIa or Iai<br />BIbIb or Ibi<br />ABIaIb<br />Oii<br />Punnett Square for human offspring<br />
Biology final exam study guide

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Biology final exam study guide

  • 1. What does DNA stand for?____________________________________<br />In 1928, British scientist_________________________, was trying to figure out how bacteria made people sick.<br />How did this scientist kill the bacteria?__________________<br />What caused the mice to die in his experiments?________________<br />___________________is the process in which one strand of bacteria seemed to transfer into another strain. <br />Avery and other scientists discovered that the __________ _______, _______, stores and transmits the genetic information from one generation of an organism to the next.<br />American scientists, _____________ and _______________, studied a virus that infects bacteria called a _______________________. These virus consist of a ____ or ____ core and a __________ coat. <br />These two American scientists concluded that the genetic material of a bacteriophage was _____, and not protein.<br />Three things a gene needs to do is:<br />______________________________<br />______________________________<br />______________________________<br />DNA is made up of units called _________________, which are composed of three things:<br />_____________________________<br />_____________________________<br />_____________________________<br />There are four types of __________________ _______________:<br />Purines:<br />___________<br />___________<br />Pyrimidines:<br />___________<br />___________<br />The DNA back bone is made of the __________ and ___________ groups.<br />The four _____________ of DNA were like the letters of the alphabet.<br />Chargaffs’s rule states the relationship between nucleotides. A purine pairs up with a pyrimidine. Adenine will always pair with__________. The purine Guanine always pairs with the pyrimidine ____________. <br />In the 19850’s, the British scientist _________________________ used X-ray diffreaction to figure out some important clues about DNA structure, such as the fact that it was made of two strands and was in a twisted form.<br />Watson and Crick used clue’s from the above scientist to make a model of DNA we call the ______________ ______________, which consists of two strands twisted around each other. <br />The type of bond that holds nitrogenous bases together is called a __________ ____________.<br />This principle of nitrogenous bases pairing up with certain nitrogenous bases is called _____________________.<br />The process in which DNA copies itself before a cell divides is called_____________, in which DNA separates its 2 strands, producing complementary strands following the rules of base-pairing. Each strand of the double helix serves as a template for new strands.<br />The enzyme that “unzips” the DNA strand is called _____ _____________.<br />RNA stands for _____________________________________.<br />In RNA the nitrogenous bases are the same as in DNA EXCEPT the pyrimidine thymine is replaced with_______________, which is only found in RNA. <br />There area 3 types of RNA:<br />______________: carry instructions to make amino acids<br />______________: proteins combined with this RNA ribosomes<br />______________: transfers amino acids to ribosomes to make protein<br />_______ are coded DNA instructions that control the production of proteins within the cell.<br /> transcription translation<br /> DNA mRNAprotein<br />The process in which DNA makes messenger RNA (mRNA) is called ______________.<br />The process in which mRNA makes protein is called ___________________.<br /> In a DNA molecule match complete the base-pairing that would occur:<br />Adenine=A GATTACA <br />Guanine=G<br />Cytosine=C __ __ __ __ __ __ __<br />Thymine=T<br />In a RNA molecule match complete the base-pairing that would occur:<br />Adenine=A UUGAACC <br />Guanine=G<br />Cytosine=C __ __ __ __ __ __ __<br />Uracil=U<br />A __________ can be used to determine whether a trait is inherited, how a trait is passed down one generation to the next and to determine whether an allele is dominant or recessive. <br />The most general and largest category in Linneaus’ naming system is called a ____________.<br />Most sex-linked genes are found on the _______ chromosome.<br />A ________ has XX chromosomes.<br />A ________ has XY chromsomes.<br />____________________ is the outer protein coat of a virus.<br />When a host cell that has been infected with a virus bursts, this is called ______ ______________.<br />Other things to studyChloroplast structurePhotosynthesisMeisosis vs MitosisMendels PrinciplesProbabilityGene LinkageMendel’s ExperimentsGenesPunnett SquaresPhenotype/genotype ratiosDiploid/haploidCrossing overCell Division cycleChromosome structureCellular RespirationEffect of temperature on photosythesisLactic acid fermentationAlcohol fermentationKreb cycleCalvin cycleCell, tissue, organ, system organizationPath of protein through a cellAnimal vs. plant cellsFood chainsAutotrophs/Heterotrophs/producers/consuEcology Pyramids (3 types)Cell theoryCell organelles and functionPopulation ecologyNitrogen cycle/Water cycle/carbon cyleHabitat, niche and biotic/abiotic factorsLevels of ecologyBiomes (characteristics)Community interactions (pred/symb/comp)Acids/basesChemical reactionsCatalystsScientific methods (5 steps)Atoms (particles they are made of)Types of bonds (ionic vs covalent)Mutations (DNA vs Chromosomal)ALL scientistsDNA replicationProtein Synthesis<br />FACTS TO KNOW<br />The alleles for blood type are Ia, Ib, and i.<br />Phenotype (blood type) Possible genotype<br />AIaIa or Iai<br />BIbIb or Ibi<br />ABIaIb<br />Oii<br />Punnett Square for human offspring<br />