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• The transport medium of the circulatory
• Connective tissue


Composition of blood
Total circulating blood volume = 8% of body weight
Total circulating plasma volume = 5% of body weight


Composition of plasma
• Water – 90%
• Plasma proteins – 8%
albumin (most abundant)
globulin (α, β, γ)
• Inorganic ions – Na+, K+, HCO3
• Other substances- organic substances, waste
products ,hormones ,gases


Origin of plasma proteins
• Except γ globulin fraction of plasma protein
most of other plasma proteins are synthesized
• γ globulin is synthesized by plasma cells


Functions of plasma proteins
• Maintain the oncotic pressure that pulls water
in to the blood
• Responsible for buffering capacity of blood
• Some have specific functions – antibodies,
clotting factors
• Act as transporters – hormones like thyroid
• Albumin also act as carrier for metal, ions,
fatty acids, amino acids, bilirubin, enzymes
and drugs


What is serum
• Plasma without
blood clotting proteins, fibrinogen
• If blood is allowed to clot and clot is removed
the remaining fluid is called SERUM
• Serum has higher serotonin content due to
break down of platelets during clotting


formation of blood cells
• Erythropoiesis- formation of red blood cells
• Myelopoiesis – formation of granulocytes and
• Thrombopoiesis – formation of platelets
• Lymphopoiesis – formation of lymphocytes


• During fetal life blood cells are formed in liver
and spleen
• After that bone marrow take over the blood
cell formation-medullary haemopoiesis
• In children, blood cells produce in marrow
cavities of all bones
• But after 20 years of age marrow cavities of
long bones except for humerus and femur
become inactive


• Extramedullary haemopoiesis
when the bone marrow becomes
destroyed or fibrosed ,liver and spleen can
resume their fetal haemopoietic role again
• Red marrow – active cellular marrow
• Yellow marrow – inactive marrow which is
infiltrated with fat


Committed stem cells
Haemopoietic stem cell (capable of producing any type of cells)
Red cells
erythropoietin megakaryocytes


Haemopoietic stem cell (capable of producing any type of cells)
Lymphoid progenitor cells
T lymphocytes B lymphocytes
Most of lymphocytes formed in Lymph node ,thymus and spleen from progenitor
cells that originally came from the bone marrow


• During the process of haemopoiesis action of
various growth factors play a key role
stem cell factor
colony stimulating factor
• Erythropoietin – for erythropoiesis
• Thrombopoietin – for thrombopoiesis


Red blood cells
• Biconcave disc -------- increase surface area:
• No nucleus
• Life span -120 days
• 4.5-5.6 ×10 12/L in males
3.9-4.9 × 10 12/ L in females
• Contains haemoglobin


Functions of RBC
• Transport of O2 and CO2
• Buffering action
• Contain carbonic anhydrase enzyme
• Binding of oxygen to Hb – oxyhaemoglobin
• Binding of CO to Hb - carboxyhaemoglobin


Hypoxia , Haemorrhages , low Hb , poor blood flow , lung diseases
Reduce oxygen for tissues
Kidney ( 85%) Liver
Bone marrow


Requirements for normal
• Erythropoietin
• Iron – for haemoglobin synthesis
• Vitamin B12 and folic acid for DNA synthesis
• Other vitamins – B6, A, C and riboflavin
• Trace metals – zinc, copper and cobalt
• Hormones – androgens and thyroxine


• O2 carrying pigment
• Has 4 sub units
• Haem moiety + polypeptide chain
• Two types of polypeptide chains – α, β
2 α + 2β ----------- HbA
2 α + 2 γ ----------- HbF
2 α + 2 δ -----------HbA2


Red cell destruction


• When total plasma bilirubin level is greater
than 2mg/dl
Reduction in concentration of haemoglobin
below the accepted normal range
(sex, age, ethnic group, altitude )


Causes for anaemia
• Increase loss due to haemorrhage
• Increase destruction – haemolytic anaemia
• Decrease production – nutritional deficiency
reduce bone marrow
erythroid cells ,renal disease


White blood cells


• WBC – 4000 – 11 000/ micro liter
• Neutrophils – 50-70%
• Eosinophils – 1-4%
• Basophils – 0.4%
• Lymphocytes – 20-40 %
• Monocytes – 2-8%
Acting together these cells provide powerful
defenses against tumor cells, viral, bacterial and
parasite infections


Cell type features Important points
neutrophil Lobulated nucleus (2-5)
Very fine granules in the cytoplasm
Increase in Bacterial
Eosinophil Bi-lobed nucleus
Pinkish granules in the cytoplasm
Increase in Allergic reaction
And Parasite infection
Basophil Large basophilic purplish colour
Nuclear lobulation is not clear
because of the granules
Contain heparine and
So important in
hypersensitivity reactions
monocytes Largest WBC type
Kidney shape nucleus
Become macrophages and
activated macrophages
engulf and kill bacteria by
process similar those
occurring in neutrophil
lymphocytes Nucleus is round in shape
Thin rim of cytoplasm
Increase in viral infection




• Ability to resist almost all type of organisms or
toxins that tend to damage tissues and organs
Innate immunity
Acquired immunity
Humoral (B cell ) immunity
Cell mediated (T cell )


Innate immunity includes
• Phagocytosis by WBCs and cells of the tissue
macrophage system
• Destruction of swallowed organisms by acids
and digestive enzymes in GIT
• Resistance of skin
• Certain chemical compounds in blood-
complement complexes ,natural killer
lymphocytes etc.
• Sneezing and coughing reflexes


• Small granulated bodies
• No nuclei
• Life span is 7-10 days
• 60-75% are in the circulation , remainder is in
the spleen
• 150-400 × 10 9/L


• Thrombocytopenia – decrease in the platelet
• Thrombocytosis – increase in the platelets
• Thrombasthenia – abnormal platelet function


Average half life of blood cells
• RBC – 120 days
• Neutrophils – 6hr
• Monocytes – circulate in blood for 72 hours
and then enter in to tissues and become
• Platelets – 7-10 days


• When there is damage to a blood vessel wall blood
clotting (coagulation )occurs to prevent bleeding
• Coagulation involves a series of events which results in
the formation of a fibrin mesh (blood clot)which traps
RBC and platelets
• In healthy people there is a balance between
coagulation and fibrinolysis (dissolution of clot)
• When the balance is disturbed either by poor clot
formation or by excessive fibrinolysis ,haemorrhage is
likely to occur


• Balance between procoagulant and anticoagulants
Injury to blood vessel
Formation of clot
Stop bleeding
Break down of the clot once the
damage is repaired
Prevent intravascular coagulation
or thrombus formation


Vessel injury
(vascular response )
Exposure of collagen Tissue thromboplastin
Platelets response
Formation of
temporary platelet
Clotting response
Formation of definitive
Clotting response is an enzymatic process involving several clotting factors in plasma


Clotting response
• Formation of activated factor X by intrinsic or
extrinsic pathway .This is the rate limiting step
• Conversion of prothrombin (II) to thrombin
• Conversion of fibrinogen(l) to fibrin
(fundamental reaction in the clotting of




What are Blood groups ?
• Nobel Laureate Karl Landsteiner discovered
the blood groups in 1901
• Though there are > 500 billion known blood
group phenotypes the ABO and Rh blood
group systems are the most important


• Blood groups are determined by the presence
or absence of antigens and antibodies
(agglutinin )
• The antigens are found on the surface of the
RBC where as the antibodies are in plasma
• There are 4 blood groups in the ABO system
depending on the presence or absence of the
A and B antigen
• Two antibodies are Anti A and Anti B
• Early in the life person develop antibodies for
the antigen that are not present in a person’s




Rh blood group
• Rh system has 3 main antigens – C,D,E
• D antigen is the most antigenic component
• If D antigen is present --------person is Rh +
• If D antigen is absent ---------person is Rh –
• Unlike the ABO system, Anti D antibodies do
not form unless a Rh negative person is
exposed to D antigen


Inheritance of blood group antigens
the A and B antigens are inherited in a
Mendelian co-dominant manner
A person inherits one blood group antigen
from each parents
• A person could be either homozygous or
heterozygous for ABO genotype
ex: homozygous – AA
heterozygous – A0


Functions of blood
• Transport of soluble organic compounds
• Transport of soluble excretory materials to organs of
• Transport of hormones from the glands to target
• Transport of gases
• Clotting mechanism – prevent excessive blood loss
• Maintain optimal pH value
• Defense against tumors, viruses, bacteria and parasites


Normal values for peripheral blood
male female
Hb ( g/dl ) 13.5-16.5 11.8-14.8
PCV% 40-47 36-44
Red cell count (1012/L) 4.5-5.6 3.9-4.9
Reticulocytes % 0.2-2 0.2-2


Thank you

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  • 2. BLOOD • The transport medium of the circulatory system • Connective tissue
  • 3. Composition of blood Total circulating blood volume = 8% of body weight Total circulating plasma volume = 5% of body weight
  • 4. Composition of plasma • Water – 90% • Plasma proteins – 8% albumin (most abundant) globulin (α, β, γ) fibrinogen • Inorganic ions – Na+, K+, HCO3 -,Cl-,Ca2+,Mg2+ • Other substances- organic substances, waste products ,hormones ,gases
  • 5. Origin of plasma proteins • Except γ globulin fraction of plasma protein most of other plasma proteins are synthesized in LIVER • γ globulin is synthesized by plasma cells
  • 6. Functions of plasma proteins • Maintain the oncotic pressure that pulls water in to the blood • Responsible for buffering capacity of blood • Some have specific functions – antibodies, clotting factors • Act as transporters – hormones like thyroid • Albumin also act as carrier for metal, ions, fatty acids, amino acids, bilirubin, enzymes and drugs
  • 7. What is serum • Plasma without blood clotting proteins, fibrinogen • If blood is allowed to clot and clot is removed the remaining fluid is called SERUM • Serum has higher serotonin content due to break down of platelets during clotting
  • 8. Haemopoiesis formation of blood cells • Erythropoiesis- formation of red blood cells • Myelopoiesis – formation of granulocytes and monocytes • Thrombopoiesis – formation of platelets • Lymphopoiesis – formation of lymphocytes
  • 9. • During fetal life blood cells are formed in liver and spleen • After that bone marrow take over the blood cell formation-medullary haemopoiesis • In children, blood cells produce in marrow cavities of all bones • But after 20 years of age marrow cavities of long bones except for humerus and femur become inactive
  • 10. • Extramedullary haemopoiesis when the bone marrow becomes destroyed or fibrosed ,liver and spleen can resume their fetal haemopoietic role again • Red marrow – active cellular marrow • Yellow marrow – inactive marrow which is infiltrated with fat
  • 11. Committed stem cells Haemopoietic stem cell (capable of producing any type of cells) Erythroid progenitors Red cells erythropoietin megakaryocytes platelets thrombopoietin basophils eosinophils Neutrophils monocytes
  • 12. Lymphopoiesis Haemopoietic stem cell (capable of producing any type of cells) Lymphoid progenitor cells T lymphocytes B lymphocytes Most of lymphocytes formed in Lymph node ,thymus and spleen from progenitor cells that originally came from the bone marrow
  • 13. • During the process of haemopoiesis action of various growth factors play a key role stem cell factor colony stimulating factor • Erythropoietin – for erythropoiesis • Thrombopoietin – for thrombopoiesis
  • 14. Red blood cells • Biconcave disc -------- increase surface area: volume • No nucleus • Life span -120 days • 4.5-5.6 ×10 12/L in males 3.9-4.9 × 10 12/ L in females • Contains haemoglobin
  • 15. Functions of RBC • Transport of O2 and CO2 • Buffering action • Contain carbonic anhydrase enzyme • Binding of oxygen to Hb – oxyhaemoglobin • Binding of CO to Hb - carboxyhaemoglobin
  • 16. Erythropoietin Hypoxia , Haemorrhages , low Hb , poor blood flow , lung diseases Reduce oxygen for tissues Kidney ( 85%) Liver erythropoietin Bone marrow erythrocytes
  • 17. Requirements for normal erythropoiesis • Erythropoietin • Iron – for haemoglobin synthesis • Vitamin B12 and folic acid for DNA synthesis • Other vitamins – B6, A, C and riboflavin • Trace metals – zinc, copper and cobalt • Hormones – androgens and thyroxine
  • 18. Haemoglobin • O2 carrying pigment • Has 4 sub units • Haem moiety + polypeptide chain • Two types of polypeptide chains – α, β 2 α + 2β ----------- HbA 2 α + 2 γ ----------- HbF 2 α + 2 δ -----------HbA2
  • 20. Jaundice • When total plasma bilirubin level is greater than 2mg/dl ANAEMIA Reduction in concentration of haemoglobin below the accepted normal range (sex, age, ethnic group, altitude )
  • 21. Causes for anaemia • Increase loss due to haemorrhage • Increase destruction – haemolytic anaemia • Decrease production – nutritional deficiency reduce bone marrow erythroid cells ,renal disease
  • 23. • WBC – 4000 – 11 000/ micro liter • Neutrophils – 50-70% • Eosinophils – 1-4% • Basophils – 0.4% • Lymphocytes – 20-40 % • Monocytes – 2-8% Acting together these cells provide powerful defenses against tumor cells, viral, bacterial and parasite infections
  • 24. Cell type features Important points neutrophil Lobulated nucleus (2-5) Very fine granules in the cytoplasm Increase in Bacterial infection Eosinophil Bi-lobed nucleus Pinkish granules in the cytoplasm Increase in Allergic reaction And Parasite infection Basophil Large basophilic purplish colour granules Nuclear lobulation is not clear because of the granules Contain heparine and histamine So important in hypersensitivity reactions monocytes Largest WBC type Kidney shape nucleus Become macrophages and activated macrophages engulf and kill bacteria by process similar those occurring in neutrophil lymphocytes Nucleus is round in shape Thin rim of cytoplasm Immunity Increase in viral infection
  • 26. Immunity • Ability to resist almost all type of organisms or toxins that tend to damage tissues and organs immunity Innate immunity Acquired immunity Humoral (B cell ) immunity Cell mediated (T cell ) immunity
  • 27. Innate immunity includes • Phagocytosis by WBCs and cells of the tissue macrophage system • Destruction of swallowed organisms by acids and digestive enzymes in GIT • Resistance of skin • Certain chemical compounds in blood- complement complexes ,natural killer lymphocytes etc. • Sneezing and coughing reflexes
  • 28. Platelets • Small granulated bodies • No nuclei • Life span is 7-10 days • 60-75% are in the circulation , remainder is in the spleen • 150-400 × 10 9/L
  • 29. • Thrombocytopenia – decrease in the platelet count • Thrombocytosis – increase in the platelets count • Thrombasthenia – abnormal platelet function
  • 30. Average half life of blood cells • RBC – 120 days • Neutrophils – 6hr • Monocytes – circulate in blood for 72 hours and then enter in to tissues and become macrophages • Platelets – 7-10 days
  • 31. Haemostasis • When there is damage to a blood vessel wall blood clotting (coagulation )occurs to prevent bleeding • Coagulation involves a series of events which results in the formation of a fibrin mesh (blood clot)which traps RBC and platelets • In healthy people there is a balance between coagulation and fibrinolysis (dissolution of clot) • When the balance is disturbed either by poor clot formation or by excessive fibrinolysis ,haemorrhage is likely to occur
  • 32. Haemostasis • Balance between procoagulant and anticoagulants Injury to blood vessel Bleeding Formation of clot Stop bleeding procoagulants Anticoagulants Break down of the clot once the damage is repaired Prevent intravascular coagulation or thrombus formation
  • 33. Vessel injury Vasoconstriction (vascular response ) Exposure of collagen Tissue thromboplastin Platelets response Formation of temporary platelet plug Clotting response Formation of definitive clot Clotting response is an enzymatic process involving several clotting factors in plasma
  • 34. Clotting response • Formation of activated factor X by intrinsic or extrinsic pathway .This is the rate limiting step • Conversion of prothrombin (II) to thrombin • Conversion of fibrinogen(l) to fibrin (fundamental reaction in the clotting of blood)
  • 36. What are Blood groups ? • Nobel Laureate Karl Landsteiner discovered the blood groups in 1901 • Though there are > 500 billion known blood group phenotypes the ABO and Rh blood group systems are the most important
  • 37. • Blood groups are determined by the presence or absence of antigens and antibodies (agglutinin ) • The antigens are found on the surface of the RBC where as the antibodies are in plasma • There are 4 blood groups in the ABO system depending on the presence or absence of the A and B antigen • Two antibodies are Anti A and Anti B • Early in the life person develop antibodies for the antigen that are not present in a person’s RBC
  • 39. Rh blood group • Rh system has 3 main antigens – C,D,E • D antigen is the most antigenic component • If D antigen is present --------person is Rh + • If D antigen is absent ---------person is Rh – • Unlike the ABO system, Anti D antibodies do not form unless a Rh negative person is exposed to D antigen
  • 40. Inheritance of blood group antigens • ABO SYSTEM the A and B antigens are inherited in a Mendelian co-dominant manner A person inherits one blood group antigen from each parents • A person could be either homozygous or heterozygous for ABO genotype ex: homozygous – AA heterozygous – A0
  • 41. Functions of blood • Transport of soluble organic compounds • Transport of soluble excretory materials to organs of excretion • Transport of hormones from the glands to target organs • Transport of gases • Clotting mechanism – prevent excessive blood loss • Maintain optimal pH value • Defense against tumors, viruses, bacteria and parasites
  • 42. Normal values for peripheral blood male female Hb ( g/dl ) 13.5-16.5 11.8-14.8 PCV% 40-47 36-44 Red cell count (1012/L) 4.5-5.6 3.9-4.9 Reticulocytes % 0.2-2 0.2-2