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Blood Essay
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Blood Essay Blood Essay
The Importance of Vital Signs in Contemporary Nursing...
This essay aims to provide a discussion of vital signs and how they are relevant to contemporary
nursing practice. This is done by; Discussing what vital signs are and when are they used in
practice. Why are vital signs relevant to contemporary nursing practice? How the skills are
performed with the consideration of the NMC (2008) code of conduct. Discussing potential risk
issues associated with using automated blood pressure/pulse machine in relation to contemporary
practice. Summary of the main points discussed and stating my an interpretation on its relevancy to
contemporary professional nursing practice Vital signs are the observation of the body s vital
functions and show an evidence of the person s health... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This then helps to emphasise the importance of vital signs in contemporary nursing practice as
better monitoring of patients implies better care for this reason it is the nurses responsibility to
ensure accuracy of the data, interpret the vital signs findings and to report any abnormalities (Lynn,
2008 ; Kyriacos et al, 2011 p.3225). This also builds the nurses core skill set and offers the earliest
information of a patient at risk of deterioration, which helps to prevent deaths or further health
complications (Boulanger, 2009). Before performing the vital signs procedures it is important that
the nurse identifies the patient, by doing this it ensure the correct person obtains the intervention
which will help to prevent mistakes (Lynn, 2008). Communication also forms an important role
during these procedures and good verbal and non verbal communication skills such as touch,
listening, paraphrasing, questioning and body language help to make a trusting relationship, also
known as rapport with the patient (Baillie, 2005; McCabe and Timmins,2006, p. 58). This forms the
groundwork for positive nurse to patient relationship, especially when meeting a patient for the first
time to perform their observations. It is important for the nurse to introduce herself, smiling, facing
the patient with eye contact and forming an
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Automotive Master Mechanic Customs
Introduction Do you love fast cars and trucks? Do you wonder how they work? Have you ever
seen a car that blew your mind wanted to have one of your own. Well, Automotive Mechanic is
something you should look into. You ll learn about Cars,Trucks, and Diesels. Automotive customs
are forms of art. Allowing you to design and create a car to your liking. These features can include:
drop axles, tinted windows, rims, etc. There are even customers who have customized their cars
enough to add a chandelier. Most if not all features, and modifications are enhancements for the
vehicles durability, and performance.
In order to be successful and knowledgeable in Automotive Master Mechanic Customs, one must
have a full understanding of what an automotive master mechanic custom employee is, what their
job entails and, what it takes to become one. The main topic, or focus for an automotive master
mechanic custom employee is what the next trend in automotive body styles could be?
Research Question 1: What is a Automotive Master Mechanic? What do they do ? Automotive
Master Mechanics work to fix truck, cars, boats and other vehicles. They help clients to understand
the problem with their vehicle, and in return, fix these problems. In addition, these specialized
mechanics are able to customize and add modifications like; hydraulic lifts, drop axles(Lowriders),
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They work in brightly lit work spaces. They are at a 5% growth rate, averaging as most careers.
Most automotive mechanics are full time, and are inclined to work evening, weekends, and lots of
overtime. In 2014, 739,900 jobs were mechanic positions were in demand . They re rated one of
the highest career in injuries and illness. Working with heavy metals like auto parts and tools
means that it is more common for small cuts, sprains, and bruises. Although they work with
computers, they also work with parts and tools that are greasy, maybe even in disagreeable
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Bleachers Structure
My structures that I created were half of the bleachers, 2 hockey nets. The most work I did on a
structure was the bleachers because we had to learn how to make them stable and we had to
find a strong base witch we eventually we did. My bleachers work because in the end we used
construction foam for is base and to hold then up we used a beam going from the bleachers to
the ground for more stability and I know that it will work because we used baba and jimmy . For
the net I made a design the picture show the way I made it stabile by putting support at the back
of net so it would no fall over and put a line in the middle (picture)and I added a metal fence and
with that fence I tied string in knots to secure it not falling off. The boards we used plastic for
the more realistic feel to the structure so the way we supported it was by digging the Popsicle
sticks in to the form and glued it to the walls for support to make the walls stay up and for the
score board they took string and tied it to the beams on the sides... Show more content on
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For the net it has to with stand a impactful presser coming every fast at is without breaking for
are I threw a hokey ball at the ones you play on the street with and it successfully worked
(picture) for the boards we threw another ball at it to see if it worked and it did seem to with stand
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Abortion Should Be Legalized In The United States
Abortion has been one of the biggest controversial topics of all time. There are two strong sides of
abortion; pro choice and pro life; those who advocate legalized abortion and those who oppose
abortion. There are many circumstances where, when, and why a woman would want to obtain an
abortion, for example, unintentionally becoming pregnant, becoming pregnant at a young age, and
rape. In 1973, abortionwas legalized in the United States via the famous court case of Roe vs
Wade. Abortion should remain legal so women have the right to choice whether or not to have an
Abortion is not an argument for the government, abortion is a personal issue and a choice for the
women. The government should not have control over women s access to ... Show more content on
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Pro life supporters fight for the illegalization of abortion. In many cases, pro life supporters do
not take into account the fact that if abortions were illegal they would still be performed, but at
unsafe clinics by uneducated staff members. The estimated number of illegal abortions in the
United States during the 1950s and 1960s ranges from 200,000 to 1.2 million per year. Prior to Roe
v. Wade, as many as 5,000 American women died annually as a direct result of unsafe abortions.
Safe and legal abortions are necessary to protect the health of women, the outlawing of abortions
would have detrimental
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Bury The Dead Sparknotes
In 1936, the playwright Irwin Shaw synthesized the groans of a restless generation on the brink of
a subsequent, devastating war into an ominous work of art. Bury the Dead, his expressionistic anti
war agitprop, successfully sympathizes with the lost youth of that war generation, while also
pointing a dark finger at those who perpetrated the conflict. In addition, the play stands at the
pinnacle of early sardonic propaganda. In Shaw s time, the grim reality of a second world war
provided his inspiration. In today s time, another grim reality rises up to inspire a new string of
creative art. James Davison Hunter, a political sociologist, declared in his 1991 book, Culture
War: The Struggle to Define America, that America was embroiled in a war of opinion and social
differences that had irreversibly polarized the country (Hunter). This war could be as deadly to
American unity as the Second World War was to the indomitable spirit of the American doughboy
(Shaw). In light of this comparison, Bury the Dead holds a new, yet equally poignant meaning as a
collection of political pundits, burgeoning party control, and narrowly biased media draws deep
battle lines between this country s people. A transposition of Bury the Dead s pre war setting to a
modern, eerily comfortable juxtaposition of war and American culture would respect the original
themes while presenting a meaningful study on the current division in America. This approach
would also maintain the expressionistic value of
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Balance Sheet and Cost
E12 1 (Classification Issues Intangibles) Presented below is a list of items that could be included in
the intangible assets section of the balance sheet.
(a) Indicate which items on the list would generally be reported as intangible assets in the balance
sheet. (b) Indicate how, if at all, the items not reportable as intangible assets would be reported in
the financial statements. 1. Investment in a subsidiary company.
2. Timberland.
3. Cost of engineering activity required to advance the design of a product to the manufacturing
4. Lease prepayment (6 months rent paid in advance).
5. Cost of equipment obtained.
6. Cost of searching for applications of new research findings.
7. Costs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The amortization expense is 75,000/12=$6,250
Dec 31 ,2012
Amortization expense 6,250
Patents 6,250
E12 12 (Accounting for Goodwill)
The entry in Graff s books is
Cash 100,000
Land 120,000
Buildings 200,000
Equipment 170,000
Copyrights 30,000
Liabilities 350,000
Fair value of net assets 270,000
Cash 380,000
Goodwill=380,000 270,000=$110,000
E12 16 (Accounting for R D Costs) Margaret Avery Company from time to time embarks on a
research program when a special project seems to offer possibilities. In 2011, the company
expends $325,000 on a research project, but by the end of 2011 it is impossible to determine
whether any benefit will be derived from it.Instructions
(a)What account should be charged for the $325,000, and how should it be shown in the financial
The amount of $325,000
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Managing An Accounting System For A Business
As a financial consultant, one must be able to assist a company by evaluating drawbacks and
advising solutions. Consultants deliver an analysis of current practices of a business and offer
suggestions that will help a business progress to the next level. A consultant s duty for a business
usually begins with an understanding of what clients wish to improve. This includes examining
financial statements, business opponents, and the company s practices. So making
recommendations on an accounting system for a new business is a consultant s forte. In a case
where a business owner knows nothing about accounting, a consultant will create a business model
and formulate a plan tailored to the client s needs.
Before a consultant makes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It allows business owner to correctly record transactions within the business, obtain financial
statements, and diminish financial complications, in general. Prior to learning about an
accounting system, it is essential that the background knowledge of the system also be known.
An accounting system is comprised of things such as assets, liabilities, and stockholder s
equities. These things are the foundation of an accounting system. A lack of knowledge of these
will cease the creation of an ideal accounting system. Assets are resources owned by a business .
(Kieso, Kimmel, and Weygandt, n.p). It does not matter if an asset is physical or even
intangible, assets are owned in order to generate worth for a business. The purpose of assets is
to produce economic benefits for a business. Some examples of assets are cash, supplies, and
inventory. A liability is the contrast of an asset. An asset should always have a positive effect on
a business, while a liability does not. A liability is Amounts owed to creditors in the form of
debts and other obligations. (Kieso, Kimmel, and Weygandt, n.p). It is important for a business
owner to know that liabilities may be inevitable to happen. If a business owner has liabilities it
does not mean they are not successful. Liabilities are just apart of a business and as long as these
liabilities are dealt with, they should not stunt a business growth. Some examples of
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Analysis Of Jack London s To Build A Fire
In Jack London s short story, To Build a Fire, there is an unnamed man who is trying to make it
back to his camp in the freezing weather of the Yukon. The man travels only with a sled dog and
himself in the 50 degree below zero weather. Throughout the short story, the man struggles to
survive as he soon realizes the temperatureis actually severely dangerous at 75 degrees below
zero. In the end, the man ultimately dies before successfully reaching his camp due to not being
able to build a fire on time to stay warm. While laying on the cold ground finally accepting his
death, the man thinks back to before he went out an old man warned him of the dangers of
traveling alone out in this kind of weather. He accepts he was wrong to not head the... Show more
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Throughout his entire journey back to his camp, the man would show ignorance when he didn t
understand how cold the weather really was. He would continually think to himself how it s just a
little bit of cold. It ll only cause some pain and discomfort. Nothing too dangerous or life
threatening. Due to his inexperience in this freezing weather, mixed in with his ignorance, the man
s death was certain. Once in a while the thought repeated itself that it was very cold and the he
had never experienced such cold. As he walked along he rubbed his face and nose with the back
of his mittened hand. He did this without thinking, frequently changing hands. But, with all his
rubbing, the instant he stopped, his face and nose became numb. His face would surely be
frozen. He knew that and he was sorry that he had not worn the sort of nose guard Bud wore
when it was cold. Such a guard passed across the nose and covered the entire face. But it did not
matter much, he decided. What was a little frost? A bit painful, that was all. It was never serious.
(London 68) Comparing the man with his own dog, the reader is able to see a massive difference
between the the master and pet. The man isn t worried in the slightest about the weather causing
any sort of damage to his own health. On the other hand, the dog s instincts are at full capacity
alarming the dog that it is extremely dangerous to be in this type of weather, and
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Sociological Concepts In The Film Roger Me
The film Roger Me shows the rise and fall of an industrial city, Flint, MI. Knowing that
Sociology was born during the industrial revolution makes this movie a fascinating choice,
considering it displays the fall of an industrial city. It gives a wonderful opportunity to evaluate
many different sociological perspectives. Personally, before watching this video, I thought that
Flint was just a dead town filled with a bunch of lazy, violent people. A couple of concepts that I
would like to focus on in this paper is GM s bureaucracy, that lead to downward social mobility,
causing people to stereotype the ex GM workers.
Watching this video the first thing I noticed was the fact that GM was a bureaucracy. A formal
organization with a hierarchy of authority and a clear division of labor; emphasis on impersonality
of positions and written rules, communications, and records (Henslin, 2015, p. 136). One of GMs
hierarchies, Roger Smith, used his power to lay off tens of thousands of people in the city of Flint.
This is also a clear display of a bureaucracy, in showing how very impersonal and disconnected he
was from his workers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Henslin (2015), downward social mobility is movement down the social class ladder
(p.237).A good of example of this in the movie was when Michael Moore mentioned in the
beginning of the movie that everyone in Flint worked for GM. Many parents or grandparents that
retired from GM were middle class citizens, but the current generation that was laid off had
become lower class citizens. Michaels High School classmate said, he wanted something of his
own but it doesn t look like that would happen for him, in Flint. He was saying that as he was
being evicted from his
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California Fire Department
In 1970, the Chaparral Region of Southern California suffered immense devastation from wildfires
that burned for several days, burning more than half a million acres of land, destroying over 700
structures and killing 16 people. During the subsequent debriefing and critiques done by the two
primary agencies, Los Angeles County and Los Angeles City FireDepartments, four major obstacles
were identified. The two departments agreed that while there was cooperation between the
departments, the identified obstacles definitely impeded the efforts put forth to extinguish the fire.
Terminology between the departments was an initial obstacle that needed to be addressed. The
critique found that because each agency had a variety of terms for the same equipment, there was
confusion when requesting or identifying it. Due to the lack of distinct planning for the wild land
fires, the commanders did not have the ability to deploy the proper units when or where needed.
Units were incorrectly sent to areas, or mistakenly instructed to stand down or stay in quarters when
not needed. The inconsistency in response plans of the different agencies was also an obstacle
worth discussing. Again, each agency had there own... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During a review of the history of FIBRESCOPE, conducted by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) reveals that one amor innovation was the development of the Incident Command
System or ICS. FEMA describes ICS s effectiveness and significance as being implemented by most
Southern California dire departments as early as 1981. From this, ICS has spread through the fire
service throughout the country. It has been found to be utilized for many responses other
firefighting, being used to manage incidents from natural disasters to hazardous materials spills, to
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Josua Case Study Psychology
JosuГ© was observed on October 31st, 2016. JosuГ©, his mother, as well as the B.A.T clinical
team were present to conduct a descriptive functional assessment, which consisted of direct
observation of behavior and an Antecedent Behavior Consequence (ABC) narrative recording in
the family home. When the clinical team arrived, Josue was playing with his trains on the living
room floor. The clinical engaged Josue with his trains. The clinical team probed appropriate
play, Josue was able the roll his trains, however, he did not play appropriately with his other toys
(i.e. electronics and figurines). He was also observed to get upset whenever his trains would roll
more than two feet away.The clinical team then probed, the one step instruction, Go get it and
he did not comply. Instead, he would stand up, cry, and hit mom and the clinical team with an
open hand. Mom and the clinical team would block the hitting. Mom would hug, hold,and sang
to Josue. Mom added it was hard watching Josua cry. Josua was observed to look at mom as he
engaged in behaviors. When mom ignored (not look at him as he engaged in behaviors) he then
got onto of the dinner table kicked the table and cried. He tried to pull down the bird cage and
open the cage. Mom blocked him and said No and hugged him. Josue did not comply to the one
step instruction, Stop during this time, when presented by the clinical team. The clinical team
probed listener responding. For example, when his name was called, he looked two out four
times at the communicative partner. Greetings were also probed with Josue, he did not respond to
Hi , however, he responded to Bye , he said Bye and waved. Body parts and labeling items in his
environment was probed, Josue did not respond. Matching 3D... Show more content on
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The duration of this observation was for approximately one hour and 25
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Early African Civilization Dbq
The early civilizations of Africa were different in many of their cultural traits. One common trait
they did have in common was the importance of trade in their society. Although trade was good
for the African civilizations, there was consequences that followed trading. I will be using
documents B, F, and D to support how early African civilizations had consequences from trading.
In document B it states that, The door of the pavilion is guarded by dogs on an excellent breed...
who wear collars of gold and silver, this quote helps support the idea that Ghana had lots of gold
and wealth. One of the consequences of trading was wealth and power. Wealth and power was a
positive consequence that would help a early African civilization prosper. Wealth and power of
Ghana included having golden swords, trappings, and braiding. This is why document B helps
support the idea that early African civilizations had consequences from trading. Document F is a
map that shows the West African trade network. A consequence of trade from document F is
exploitation. Some examples are: in the civilization of Elmina, they were near salt, gold, slaves,
and ivory. These are the things that Elmina traded with others and how they prospered. In Benin,
salt was traded with others. Finally, in the civilization of Gao, copper, gold,... Show more content on
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In the empire Ghana, they worked with iron, and traded it for gold and salt. Because of trading
iron for salt and gold, the empire prospered. The empire of Mali prospered from trade and that was
one of their key accomplishments. In Songhai, a key accomplishment was that it was the largest
empire of West Africa. You can infer that because Songhai was the largest empire, trade was very
important to Songhai. A consequence for document D was show of wealth. Document D supports
the idea that early African civilizations had consequences from
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Krystian Zimerman Research Paper
A. Basic Biographic Information Krystian Zimerman is a Classical Polish pianists born on
December 4,1956 in Zabrze, Poland. He came from a family where music making was a tradition.
Zimerman was greatly influenced by his own father who was also a pianist himself. Zimerman s
career Internationally launched after winning first prize at the International Fryderyk Chopin Piano
Competition in Warsaw, in 1975. Krystian has an exclusive contract with Deutsch Grammophon, a
label where he records albums. With this label he has won numerous awards. B. Geographic
Background Even though Krystian was born in Zabrze, Poland he traveled to many places to
perform. He had great success playing in different capitals such as Munich, London, Paris, and...
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Interesting Facts About Early Musical Training At age of 5 Zimerman started studying the
piano with his father. After two years of being taught by his father he began taking lessons with
Andrzej JasiЕ„ski. He then attended and studied at Conservatory in Katowice, Poland until he
was done with his training. By the age of 18 E. Unique Contribution to the Field of Music
Zimerman s contribution to the music field was his ability to interpret Romantic music. F. Notes
about Piano Techniques When Zimerman plays the piano you are able to see the arch he
maintains while her plays. The arch is located between his thumb and second finger. While
Krystian plays the piano he angles his body away from the piano. I feel that this affects his
sound when he plays the piano. Another thing I noticed while watching Krystian playing Chopin
Ballade was that he swayed his body repeatedly. As he played he lifted his hand a great distance
from the keys. He has his own techniques that he uses. These techniques seem to be the keys,
which give off that soft sound that Zimerman seems to produce as he plays. I m not trying to
criticize Zimerman at all but half the time he seems to focus on displaying a despicable amount of
facial expressions. And seems a bit disconnected with the piece he is
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Positive Benefits Of Bilingual Education
There have been many informative studies information regarding the advantages of learning two
languages. Bilingualism is a continually growing issue in the United States. Being bilingual as a
child enhances knowledge so steps taken to promote bilingual education are very important.
Children are not exposed to bilingualism even though the benefits have been well established.
Dual Language education is increasing throughout the United States giving students at a young age
an advantage over their monolingual peers. Different research studies resulted in a major success
by proving that bilingual children outperform monolinguals in a wide array of cognitive and
language based tasks (Wallstrum 16). Dual language immersionis defined as fifty percent of the
non English is used for the instructional part of the day, and the other fifty percent is spoken in
English. The purpose of these immersion schools is to promote fluency in the foreign language
while also performing at their grade level in that language.
Parents are the main reason why kids in these modern times are only primarily speaking English.
Many people have a strong opinion against the teaching of bilingualism in America, especially
starting at a young age. The reason for this is their own ignorance. They fail to seek further
information on the topic and see the positive benefits that result. The benefits of bilingual
education surprisingly are not tolerated by everyone, and that is a big reason as to why it is not
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Real Estate Properties Of Public Records
Property appraisers have many responsibilities including verifying legal descriptions of real
estate properties in public records, inspecting new and existing properties and recording their
unique characteristics. They take pictures of the interior and exterior of properties as well as
analyze similar properties. They then prepare written reports and maintain current data on the
property. Appraisers work in places they are familiar with so they are aware of issues that may
affect the property s value. Appraisers usually value one property at a time and they can often
specialize in certain types of real estate. (Appraisal Careers) Commercial appraisers specialize in
working with income producing property like stores, hotels and office buildings. Residential
appraisers focus on appraising personal property like single family homes and condominiums,
appraising properties of one to four units. When evaluating a property s value, appraisers note the
details of the property and surrounding area, such as a view or noise factor. They also consider the
overall condition of the property, including the foundation and roof. They must determine whether
any renovations have been done. Appraisers photograph the outside of the home and some of the
interior features. This gives them the ability to determine the condition. They compare the property
to other comparable ones by analyzing lease records and previous appraisals. Appraisers record
their findings and observations before
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Great White Shark
[The three species that im going to be researching]
Fish: Great White Shark
Bird: Penguin [Emperor]
Mammal: Dolphin [Maui]
Animals need gas exchange for one main reason and that is to survive , all organisms need this
gas exchange process to burn glucose for fuel which is a simple but important energy source that
is a component of many carbohydrates. The respiratory system is where there is a series of
organs taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide ,Animal cells exchange oxygen and
carbon dioxide with their surroundings by diffusion across the outer coverings or membranes of
cells this process is called respiration.
Fish [Great White Shark]
(1) Where they Live [availability of O2]
(2) The condition where they live
(3) What ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They also eat turtles and seabirds but they usually prefer a fat rich prey. They have different
hunting strategies depending on the target and size of the specie they are hunting. The most usual
approach is that, once they detect by electroreception their possible food, they locate below and
then stealthily swim vertically. Once closer, they inflict a deadly bite and wait for the animal to
bleed and die and then eat it. If the prey survives that, they try to hold it with their lower teeth while
the upper tear the tissues. The most common forms to die of their preys are decapitation, mutilation,
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Freud s Theory Of Instincts And The Individual Psyche
In Sigmund Freud s Civilization and its Discontents , we are introduced to a new outlook in the
way we view our lives due to his analysis of civilization and how it has affected our happiness.
Freud uses his theory of instincts in order to explain what encourages us as well as how our
behavior is all linked together and is motivated by our instincts. He explains why humans seek
happiness and how it is one of the toughest things to achieve. Towards the end of his book he also
gives an insight on how the individual psyche which consist of the id, ego, and super egoleads us to
feel guilt and its impact on civilization. Through his theory of instincts and the individual psyche,
Freud is able to demonstrate how civilization has set limits to... Show more content on
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The pleasure principles goal is to avoid pain, which Freud later states it is not always a good thing
because the longer things follow the pleasure principle the happiness received begins to decrease
and no longer has the same affect. Overall, this makes it harder for individuals to stay happy. Along
with the pleasure principle, Freud states there are three main things that also make us unhappy
which are our body, the external world, and our relations with others. And out of all these three, the
worst comes from our relations with others, we hurt one another more than anything else on earth.
Freud states, happiness ... is a problem of the economics of the individual s libido libido meaning
sexual desires, he demonstrates how an individual s sexual desires and being able to fulfill them
leads them to their happiness. At the same time, Freud s use of libido can also represent a
person s desires and pleasures as a whole and not limiting itself to sexual pleasure. Libido
connects to Freud s theory of instincts. Freud believes that our instincts influence our behavior,
and our behavior is caused by our desires. Satisfaction of instinct spells happiness for us , this
implies that if our desires are satisfied, our behavior is better and we will be happy. However,
there seems to be a problem when it comes to Freud s theory of instincts and civilization. Freud
states that civilization
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The United States Political System
Mankind has always undergone trends in a cyclical manor. However, as society presses forward,
the relative minima and maxima tend to break the threshold at an increasing rate meaning that
what would be considered normal is shortly lived. Today we live in a society where factions
divide the nation in their plight to achieve an organized force of ideas. The Political parties of
the modern era have become far more organized and are no longer looking to support ideas but
are ever hungry to maintain and gain political power rather than represent a people s voice. Our
democratic republic relies on the organized and informed voter to maintain a balance of control
between the people and the government. This is argued in Thomas Edison s 10th federalist
paper in which he states, If a faction consists of less than a majority, relief is supplied by the
republican principle, which enables the majority to defeat its sinister views by regular vote... it
will be unable to execute and mask its violence under the forms of the Constitution. When a
majority is included in a faction, the form of popular government, on the other hand, enables it to
sacrifice to its ruling passion or interest both the public good and the rights of other citizens. To
secure the public good and private rights against the danger of such a faction, and at the same time
to preserve the spirit and the form of popular government, is then the great object to which our
inquiries are directed... Here we see the need for
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Differences Between Sierra Leone And Ghana
Christina Freeman
Professor Darren Osburn
COL 299
10 July 2017
Comparing Cultures There are elements present in every culture, the roots of which make each
country unique. To compare and show how similar Sierra Leonean and Ghanaian cultures are, I will
focus on the emergence of each nation, as well as each culture s national identity. The historical
backgrounds found within the countries of Sierra Leone and Ghana have shaped each of their
national identities. Exploring how Sierra Leone and Ghana emerged as individual nations is crucial
in understanding their national identities as well as necessary to show the similarities between
Sierra Leonean and Ghanaian cultures. As for both Sierra Leone and Ghana, we see major
European influence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A year after the English outlawed slavery, Sierra Leone became a British crown colony.
New courts were established, new codes and new laws were introduced, chiefs were confirmed or
deposed and new ones appointed, direct and indirect taxation was introduced, and forced labour was
demanded for the construction of roads and railways. All these measures naturally generated
various reaction (Cohen and Boahen 68).
In 1899, while still under colonialization, the Temne and Mende people of Sierra Leone led a
rebellion, the Hut Tax Rebellion, in protest to taxes imposed by the British because, Sierra
Leoneans did not passively accept such manipulations. ( World Culture ) Before the Portuguese
arrived in Ghana in the fifteenth century, kingdoms in that region had already developed among
various Akan speaking and neighboring groups and were in the process of expanding their wealth,
size, and power ( World Culture ). With their arrival, the Portuguese initially opened a sea route to
trade gold, the competition for which brought more Europeans to Ghana, but soon after, the slave
trade business was in full swing. During which in Ghana, the Ashanti kingdom emerged as a
political leader, taking part in the capturing and selling of other indigenous Africans to Europeans.
In the nineteenth century, England defeated
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Compare And Contrast Mexico And Russia
In the early twentieth century, Mexico and Russia both had nationwide issues that led to
revolutions that would forever change their countries. While both countries hoped that these
revolutions would end in a government that supported and benefitted the working class, the method
of revolution and final government outcomes differed. These two countries also faced different
ideologies in the early 1900 s. In Russia, the main focus was to end communism which is when the
government controls all resources and properties. Meanwhile in Mexico, the main focus was
socialism in which the government only controls a part of the resources. The Mexican Revolution
arose in 1910 from social, political, and economic conflicts. The revolution began when
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Persuasive Dreamers
Introduction There has been lots of controversy lately on what Dreamers can do now, with the
end of DACA coming soon. The name Dreamers have been given to the people protected by the
program DACA, which have been protecting eligible immigrant youth who came to United
States when they were kids, from being deported back. Recently Donald Trump has made the
decision to go the Supreme Court to demand the end of the program. This has sparked the
question on whether Dreamers should have a pathway to U.S. citizenship. There are couple sides
to take on this situation but the main two points are there should not be a pathway as it is
unconstitutional and only leads to more problems and Dreamers should be able to go through a
long process to achieve citizenship as it is the most reasonable thing to do . However, this report is
more analyzing each side s perspective, than rather picking on.
Dream Act is Unconstitutional
According to Head of Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR), Dan Stein has described
DACA as, an overly broad and unconstitutional exercise of executive power by President Obama...
(Stein, 2017). Dan Stein has put a negative saying for DACA, but with further research on FAIR
their main goal is reduce overall immigration levels while respecting the basic human rights...
(About FAIR, 2017). This highlights the fact that the organization FAIR, believes their immigration
policies should implemented instead of the current one in the Dream Act for United
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Analysis Of Mackintosh s Approach Of Treating Cognitive...
Since radical behaviourists first described learning theory, it has undergone a significant change of
approach. In the paper Has the Wheel Turned Full Circle? Fifty Years of Learning Theory, 1946
1996 , Mackintosh (1997) summarises what has been done in the field of learning theory since
1946. His main argument relates to the importance of the associative learningtheory. He claims that
with appropriate modifications, it is the most powerful approach that science has.
In the presented review, I aim to critically discuss this paper. I start with criticising Mackintosh s
approach of treating cognitive and associative processes as two distinct. Then, I examine
Mackintosh s point of view on animal learning. I conclude that Machintosh s (1997) main claim
about the importance of the associative learning is supported by subsequent research. Nevertheless,
it is important not to neglect either associative, or cognitive approach, because they are not
fundamentally different, and, at least in humans, both of them play a significant role.
Cognitive versus associative approaches to learning
Mackintosh (1997) starts his paper with a critique of radical behaviourism. In the 1960s, Pavlovian
and Instrumental conditionings were main theories to explain animal and human behaviour.
However, with cognitivism coming into the picture, learning theory has dramatically improved.
Animal theorists started paying more attention to animal cognition, and nothing but well came from
it, as researchers
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Before the Melting Pot by Israel Zangwill
A lot of what we read today about out history, is told to us through wartime victories and
tragedies, slavery, and political power. The book, Before the Melting Pot gives a great account of
how much ethnicity factored into these ideas and how New York City was made into the melting
pot of culture we see today. The book starts out in New Amsterdam, detailing the importance of The
Dutch West India Company and its importance in trade; including the African slave trade. The
citizens of New Amsterdam had little to no say in governmental decisions. At times, there were
citizen advisory boards created, and a director general that made decisions, but for the most part
even these issues were at the mercy of the Dutch West India Company s control. More specifically,
the commander and ruler named Peter Stuyvesant was the director general that made all the Dutch
West India Company s decisions in New Netherland, until the English took over power. The book
goes into detail about the people over the courses of their lives, more specifically, three different
generations of men starting with those present at the English acquisition of New Netherland in
1664, the sons of these men who stayed in New York City, and then their grandchildren. She also
discusses the French, the Jews; Dutchmen already present there, Africans, and Englishmen. The
Dutch had little to no trouble getting along because the culture was already established there, and
community was bound by religion, and the Dutch
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Greek Media Influence
Media Influence in Ancient and Modern Times Media has near complete control over social
attitudes, and constructs how people perceive each other as well as themselves. Things have not
changed since the original Doryphoros of Polykelitos and the Knidian Aphrodite of Praxiteles were
created. Both were constructed during times in which statues that were commissioned and
displayed to the public were awe inspiring as well as subtly influencing how the viewers see the
world. These iconic statues have been analyzed by scholars for centuries, slowly picking apart
every detail in an attempt to understand how the ancient Greeks constructed and controlled the
behavior of citizens. In their appearance and context, the Doryphoros and Knidian Aphrodite both...
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In Revealing Aphrodite, Nigel Spivey describes the nude Knidian Aphrodite of Praxiteles and its
cultural legacy in the understanding of societal expectations of ancient Greek women.
Respected women were depicted fully clothes, adorned with jewelry and sometimes presenting
an offering to the gods. Only sex workers, typically slaves or the educated hetairai/courtesans,
and at times certain goddesses, appeared nude in art, but these representations did not convey
the same power as the Doryphoros does for men. The common theme amongst all the depictions
of women in art, is the passivity of their nature. For instance, the Knidian Aphrodite catches the
goddess in a moment of vulnerability. Her shoulders are hunched, hand covering her genetalia in
an attempt at modesty and her passive posture does not inspire as much as the Doryphoros. The
Knidian Aphrodite s body language does not yield as much power or control to onlookers as the
Doryphoros, but is meant to entice and distract as women are said to do. Spivey suggests this is
due to the stigma against women embodying Aphrodite, goddess of love and desire, and taking on
the roles patroned by Demeter, goddess of the harvest and motherhood (Spivey, 177). The
juxtaposition of these goddesses speaks to how it is up to women to, in a sense, bring themselves
up by straying away
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Importance Of Community Service In Education
This semester I engaged in many different community service and civic engagement activities.
The activity that I did the most frequently would be volunteering in a special needs class room at
Vandever Elementary in Broken Arrow. I went to Broken Arrow Public School and actually know
that teacher that I volunteering with from when I used to peer tutor when I was younger. I peer
tutored from 3rd grade through 10th grade, switching between three main classrooms. It was so
nice to see one of the teachers that I looked up so much to when I was younger and who instilled in
me the joys of teaching. Volunteering in her classroom was very fun and nostalgic, but I do think
that she could have been more proactive with her time managementskills. While volunteering in
the classroom, I became very familiar with the classroom s daily schedule and their routines. I
found that there was quite a bit of time wasted in the afternoon. I was not entirely sure if maybe
this had to do with her students and their limits because most of them are only a half day or if it
was poor time management. Although, I think the schedule could easily be accommodated to
include more instructional time if the students in the classroom were able to adjust to that. In the
afternoon they spend a majority of their instructional time watching Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig, or
Bookflix. I feel like if they divided their time as well they did in the morning they could get in a lot
more instructional time. In the mornings
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The Importance Of The United States Patriot Act
Two months after the September eleventh attacks on the Twin Towers, President Bush signed a
document called the United States Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was signed to help prevent another
terrorist attack on the United States through many types of surveillance. Growing concerns have
come out about the Patriot Act and how much power it gives to the federal government. But, the
government does need to monitor the citizens to try and stop another September eleventh attack by
collecting information on suspected terrorists and stopping money laundering. The September
eleventh attacks killed many people in the Twin Towers. President Bush passed the United States
Patriot Act to help defend the nation from another horrific attack. The Patriot Act gives the National
Security Agency (NSA) and other organizations freedom to spy on suspected terrorists to stop
terrorism. Many people do not agree with giving the government the power to spy on anybody. The
opposers believe that the, ... checks and balances of the U.S. law... abuses... power by the
government (Library of Congress). They also believe that it goes against the fourth amendment that
states, the right of the people to be secure... against unreasonable searches and seizures... upon
probable cause (Fourth Amendment). With the fourth amendment stating that people have the right
to privacy, the opposers believe that it is unconstitutional for the President to sign the Patriot Act.
The government can foil terrorist plans by using
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Something s Got Ta Give
Something s Gotta Give Research Essay Something s Gotta Give is an award winning movie
written by Nancy Meyers. This romantic drama is greatly known for its middle aged comedic
relief because it highlights the sexual encounters between an old bachelor and a cougar of a
woman. The reviews written by Roger Ebert, A.O. Scott and Christopher Orr are about the movie
Something s Gotta Give which will include an opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of how
each review is written.
Roger Ebert s 2003 movie review of Something Gotta Give was more informational than it was a
review. Ebert used a tone in his writing that would lead readers to believe more details are needed
about the characters and set to understand and form an opinion. Ebert made sure readers were
aware of the award winning cast featuring Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves, Amanda
Pete and Frances McDormand. Ebert observed while watching this film that he himself was moved
by the characters. Toward the end of his informational bit Ebert makes an observation that there is a
sexual mystery surrounding the situation between Erica played by Diane Keaton, Dr. Mercer
played by Keanu Reeves and the notorious Harry played by Jack Nicholson. With plenty of nudity
to go around Ebert suggests Nicholson might have contributed to the screenplay.
A review written for the New York Times by A.O. Scott in 2003 about the movie Something s
Gotta Give was described as a weep, and the world laughs hysterically movie.
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Examples Of Bias In To Kill A Mockingbird
Bias is defined as prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with
another, usually in a way considered to be unfair . Each and everyone of us have a bias
perspective towards one thing or another whether we are brave enough to admit or not. A person
becomes bias through personal experiences or things they have read or heard. My brother and I
used to play mario kart together and he would refuse to play unless he had the character Wario
because he thought Wario was the only good character. This was an example of him being biased
against the other characters in the game. I find myself being extremely biastowards movies I watch.
I love Nicholas Sparks movies and I often find myself refusing to open my mind to other
romance movies not written by him. These examples of bias are harmless but when there is bias
in a court of law, the world of science or in any way hurtful to others, is when bias becomes a real
problem and damages people.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The little town in Alabama faces many problems with being open to new ideas such as the
acceptance of African Americans and the evolvement of women equality. I guess it ain t your fault
if Uncle Atticus is a nigger lover besides, but I m here to tell you it certainly does mortify the rest
of the family The people of Maycomb are unaccepting, judgemental and bigotry. Well most folks
seem to think they re right and you re wrong... They re certainly entitled to think that and they re
entitled to full respect of their opinions, said Atticus Although Atticus is not being given respect
and people s open minds, he will still respect them, their decisions and their feelings towards
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Atp Lab Report
Morgan Calafati
Even in middle school biology I learned that the body produced ATP and used it for energy, and I
never thought about what the abbreviation meant. When I learned that ATP was adenosine
triphosphate, which is composed of a modified form of adenine and phosphates, it made me wonder
why there is not chemical energy using the other bases.
Why is ATP the most common form of chemical energy rather than CTP, TTP, or GTP?
Because adenine is a purine and utilizes 2 hydrogen bonds when it is in DNA, it fits better with the
ribose and phosphates.
The body produces an excess of adenine so it is the best choice for a nitrogenous base.
When mRNA is travelling to the ribosome to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
dATP has no purpose other than in DNA replication.
ATP is the most popular source because adenosine has many uses.
ATP is used in kinases, as a source of energy, and can combine with niacin to form NAD.
Guanosine is similar to adenosine, but is rarely used to give up phosphates. The only exception is
in tubulin, which helps with construction of cytoskeletons.
Guanosine is mainly used in G proteins, which help relay hormonal and chemical signals.
Other guanosine molecules mainly help control intercellular traffic and relay signals.
Uridine is mainly used in glycogen synthesis. UTP will bind to a glucose and form a UDP glucose
and a free phosphate, making the glucose more reactive.
UDP is used to help break down the other monosaccharides as well.
CTP is similar to UTP except that instead of helping break down sugar CTP helps to break down
CDP diacylglycerol and CDP choline are all found in plasma membranes.
ATP is ideal because it is a purine and purine rings give them a wider range of uses.
Source 3:
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Automotive Mechanics Research Paper
Automotive mechanics fix cars or trucks that have problems either mechanically or
technologically . They must be able to locate the source of the problem quickly and accurately.
They must know automobiles well because the type of work they do has changed immensely over
the years. It was once only simple mechanical repair. Now it is a highly technological job. Cars
today are run by computers and electronic systems. The computers tell the automotive mechanics
how well the car or truckis performing. To do their job, mechanics must know a lot about how the
complex parts of the car and truck work together. They must be able to work with diagnostic
electronic equipment; such as trouble code readers, voltmeters, ohmmeters, and multimeters. They
must... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This leads to that individual obtaining an associate degree. Students in these programs usually
spend six to twelve weeks going to class full time. Then they spend the same number of weeks
working for an automotive dealer. While they are there, the mechanics work with another mechanic
with years more experience. It may take several more years before a new technician can fix
automobiles without any supervision.
Employers look for people with strong communication and analytical skills for trainee jobs.
Technicians also need good reading, math, and computer skills. They must study technical manuals
and may even visit an automobile maker to learn how to repair new autos, so they can keep up
with the latest in the field. Trainees also must have mechanical skills and know how cars
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of A Personal Report
Having a good understanding of your professional strengths and weaknesses is imperative to having
a successful career. It is also important to know what types of positions and projects would allow
you to utilize those strengths to benefit your career. Taking the GLEAM.org Network Assessment
and Motivational Style Assessment were very helpful in identifying some of those strengths and
weakness in my professional environment. The Networkassessment was especially interesting
because it was such a unique type of assessment. Both the size and density of my network was
defined as medium, which was a little bit surprising to me. Since over half of my network
contacts listed are coworkers, I was expecting the density and size to be small. While the size
and density of my network were average, my report indicates that I have weaker ties than the
average respondent. My Personal Network report identifies a benefit of this being that I could
potentially have access to a much broader range of information. The report also identifies the
disadvantage of this being that those weaker relationships would be unable to provide a higher
level of support if needed. The insight that this report provided me will be very helpful when
thinking about completion of the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program and my career over the
next five years. Identifying and fostering a healthy network (of both MAcc students and accounting
professionals) is crucial during a program as rigorous as the MAcc program.
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Pizza Delivery Quick
The Pizza Delivery Quick (PDQ) Industry service in America is considered to be a very successful
market in the quick service restaurant industry. Although the industry success is very appealing,
managing the day to day operations needs significant planning and a clear tactics to create,
implement, execute and have successful results. However, the PDQ last report sales are on the
level of 30%, which places the company in a serious difficult position to continue operating
The PDQ project will take a detail process that will help launch the appropriate software technology
along with existing processes in order to implement new cutting edge innovations. Although
technology is not the only leverage for improving project management, modern technology is an
important element (Kendall Austin, 2013). Today, businesses depend on technology to produce
more in less time and with minimal resources making modern technology a critical component to a
successful business. In today s high tech world, it is important to develop and execute effective
project management strategies that will place the company at a competitive level. Companies must
continue to work on projects that will drive their business to innovate and change for the better
(Shenhar Dvir, 2997).
Generate the RBS for the Inventory Management sub system project and choose the model you
will use. Rank order the specific models from best fit to worse fit, and state your rationale for that
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The Ordinary Men of the Holocaust
The average person s understanding of the Holocaust is the persecution and mass murder of Jews
by the Nazi s, most are unaware that the people behind the atrocities of the Holocaust came from
all over Europe and a wide variety of backgrounds. Art Spiegelman s Maus: a Survivor s Tale,
Christopher Browning s Ordinary Men: Reserve Battalion 101 and the Final Solution, and Jan Gross
s Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedbwabne, Poland, all provides a
different perspective on how ordinary people felt about their experiences in the Holocaustboth
perpetrators and victims.
Art Spiegelman s Maus: a Survivor s Tale is particularly unique in that it is a graphic novel, not
typically a genre used for writing about the horrors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Jews were the enemy, and many men justified this by dehumanizing the Jews and distancing
themselves psychologically which enabled the continued killing.
Each of these novels takes on a different perspective of the Holocaust. The common theme among
each is that it was ordinary human beings who did extraordinary things during the Holocaust. The
average perception is that the perpetrators of the Holocaust were inherently evil, monstrous and
immoral people, they must have been to commit such heinous acts? This is not the case. It was
ordinary Europeans who for varying reasons including, wartime brutalization and lack of a
collective identity carried out much of the Nazi s Final Solution.
Art Spiegelman. Maus: a Survivor sTale. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986.
Christopher R. Browning. Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in
Poland. New York: Harper Collins, 1992.
Jan T. Gross. Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland. New
Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2001.
[ 1 ]. Art Spiegelman, Maus: a Survivor sTale, (New York: Pantheon Books, 1986) 66.
[ 2 ]. Approximatly 1500 Jedwabne Jews were rounded up and killed on July 10.1941. They were
rounded up and into a barn which was set on fire. Only 12 Jews survived. Jan T. Gross, Neighbors:
The Destruction of the Jewish
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Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, And Enterococcus...
Heidi Torres
Ampicillin VS Inhibition Zone Growth of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and
Enterococcus faecalis
The variety of bacteria that lives in our world today is endless. With variety of bacteria comes a
numerous amount of adaptations and enhancements that the bacteria develops, including antibiotic
resistance. Escherichia coli, better known as E.coli, is a gram negative bacteria with several
different types of clones with a variety of effects. E.coli often enters the intestinal tract as soon as
an infant is born and some forms of it are not pathogenic but rather beneficial to the body(Kaper et
al, 2004). When infected with pathogenic E.coli, the body often responds, depending of the type of
pathogenic E.coli, with diarrhea, vomiting, upset stomach. etc. The rate at which E.coli is adapting,
is creating a much more difficult job to find antibiotics that can eliminate the growth of this bacteria
(Tadasse et al., 2002). Enterococcus faecalis is an infectious bacteria that often thrives in extreme
environments (McBride et al, 2007). Enterococcus faecalis is an opportunistic gram positive
bacteria that is usually found in the vaginal tract, intestinal tract or the oral cavity. This bacteria has
a high resistance to many bile salt detergents, heavy metals, ethanol, azide, and desiccation, worries
hospitals due to their variable tolerance (Zhang W et al, 2013). Staphylococcus Aureus is also an
infectious gram positive bacteria that may cause a
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Teen Pregnancy And Teenage Pregnancy
Teen pregnancy is something that affects over one million young teens in the United States. For
some, these pregnancies are planned but 85% of these teens the pregnancy is unplanned. This can
cause a lot of endless problems in the life of the teen and the newborn child. There are a lot of
things that can cause an unplanned teen pregnancy, such as teens experimenting with sexual
encounters at a young age. Another major cause is the lack of guidance due to guardians that are
blind or do not want to believe in such activities. These causes can have devastating effects on the
teen and the newborn in the household. Some effects of early pregnancy will include an
unexpected rise of responsibility for the teen and can cause many health concerns for both teen and
newborn child.
Teens experimenting are the leading cause in the unplanned pregnancies. As a teenager in high
school ages there are a lot of peer pressures. Such as experimenting with alcohol and unprotected
sexual intercourse. Drinking and the use of narcotics also largely have an impact on the judgment
of the teen before the pre pregnancy comes about. Experimenting can cause many effects on the
teen and the relationships at hand, including the relationships with the baby s mom or dad and also
the parents of the teens. Another way of experimenting is the pregnancy caused in the sequel of
either a long time dating of the boyfriend or the other case of those random one night stands or
hook ups. Experimenting can be well
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Why Go Back To School Is Important
First I wold let them know that I chose to go back to school not them and that I want to make a
better living for me and my kids. Then I would let them know that I have to set aside the going
out and traveling for a while at least till I get the hang of everything, I have three kids I tell them
everyday that schoolis important because without reading,writing,and arithmetic. You will need
these three things in order to complete schooling. I also state to my kids that If you do not
graduate from any schooling that it may or may not be easy to find a job. Most people that don t
complete school only get the basic essentials when they return then they go on to college. I just want
what s best for me and my kids.
Its good to have a good support system behind you because if not you will lack the responsibility
of what you need assistance with. Some friends do not understand that you have to put some things
on hold t times in order to complete your assignments. Once you are completed you then can have
fun and do what you need to do. Like i tell my kids education first then fun. They will thank me in
the long run. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is not enough time in the world where kids knew all the importance of schooling. My
oldest son is an Honor Roll student and He s on the principal list. I m very proud of him I tell
him that everyday how happy I am for him he tells his aunt everyday what he does, She tells him
that she s proud of him. And that he can do or be anything he wants to
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The Feasible Activites Of A Musician
Activites of a Musician The feasible activitie of a musician can be jazz, marching or concert
band depending on there liking. A musician can have a impetus or a moving force when playing
which can bring them peace, joy, or maybe sleepy depending on the music. If a musician does
marching band in the stands they play adroits or samples on the stands for there team. In
marching band it is not all football games it can also be competitions that can nostalgia or in a
way feeling homesick. The competitions can be a hour away or in a totally different state. In the
competitions you can t be cursory or to fast it can lead to messing up the form or timming. The
theme of a show for competitions or halftimes can be belligerent or jovial. A musician
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Parthenon Vs Pantheon Research Paper
The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the Parthenon in Athens and the Pantheon in
Rome. There were two questions asked which were for us to consider how the style and function
(use) of each building serves as a typical example of its culture. And also How are the similarities
and differences between ancient Greeceand Rome seen in these two buildings? . The buildings
were built a few hundred years apart and while they do have differences they also have similarities.
One of the main similarities is that they are both ancient temples, one being built in Greece and the
other in Rome.
First I will discuss the a lot of the differences between these two structures. The Pantheon is
located in Rome Italy and was completed around 126AD. The purpose of this building was to
serve as a temple for the Gods in ancient Rome. It is currently in use as a Roman Catholic church,
so in essence it is still a house of worship. The architecture system is developed and based on
arches. It was built by Publius Aelius Hadranus. The building is a circular building and is
supported by Corinthian columns. The structure has a very large dome on top of it. The original
construction was by Marcus Agrippa in 27BC and was destroyed,, then the emperor Publis Aelius
Hadranus rebuilt it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The purpose of this building was to be a temple to the goddess Athena. It is currently used a s a
museum. The design system that it uses is the Post and Lintel System and was construed by
Kalikrates and Iktinos. There was a fire in the 3rd century AD that destroyed the roof of the
temple and was also partially destroyed in na battle. It has also been looted and had many
sculptures stolen and even rubble was looted from the building and reused as building
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Argumentative Essay On Timeouts
Do you need a time out? Have you ever asked this question at home or in the classroom? I know I
did many times and the truth is that I am torn when it comes to timeouts sometimes
In my experience, time out is totally ineffective and sometimes it allows children to get away and
relax this helps them to calm down which has a huge impact on a child s behavior. So I am left to
think and wonder our time outs good or bad? Is there really a right or wrong way to give a time
out? Will this be the next big debate?
A little girl just ran through her house covered in mud and broke her mother s favorite lamp. What
is a mother to do? Well when children are growing up and being raised reinforcers and punishments
become a tool ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So have you ever wondered timeouts a good thing or a bad thing? Why is it a good thing to give
a child a time out? Well according to researchers Tera L. Wolf T. F. McLaughlin and Randy Lee
Williams of Gonzaga University (2006, Vol 21 No.3), state that the use of time outs are very
acceptable when dealing with children s behaviors because it is just that a behavioral technique
that is used to decrease the frequency of a certain behavior, and it was found to be the most
effective for behaviors that are maintained either by attention or tangible reinforcers, which we are
know are well known factors in a classroom setting.
There are even ways for parents and teachers to work to make sure timeouts run effectively.
According to the
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Performance Management Reflects Organizational Goals
Performance management is a process, which supports employee engagement and where an
employee s work reflects organisational goals. It is about achieving results through individuals and
teams to improve the performance of the organisation (Armstrong, 2009). The outcome of
performance management is visible through financial performance, productivity, quality of the
product and service, customer satisfaction, employee engagement and talent retention. Performance
management offers competitive advantage and brings positive benefits including increased profits,
higher cash flow, and stronger stock value. Productivity is lower if performance management is not
present (Maley, 2012). To measure effectiveness of performance management it is important to
define the goals of the organization as well as indicators of success. The measures method should
provide balanced information based of financial and non financial performance (Dti.gov.uk,
accessed on 01/03/2014). There are several methods used to measure performance management.
Armstrong, 2009 lists good ways to measure performance management effectiveness to be KPI s,
business results, engagement level or customer satisfaction. Another way to assess performance
management is to use score card, which can also help to align individual performance with strategy.
MSG Managementstudyguide.com, accessed on 01/03/14 provides further ways to assess
performance management effectiveness from improved performance, higher
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Ptolemy s Argument Essay
The motion of Earth is a complicated idea to grasp. Its motion can t be seen with the naked eye or
felt in the way we feel motion from day to day. This, in conjunction with Aristotle s philosophical
world view built on shaky logic and a lack of technology meant that the debate over the motion of
the Earthlasted well into the 19th century. Galileo was able to chip away at some of the
arguments using empirical data. However, the philosophical worldview was able to be adjusted
to account for his discoveries. One of the most basic arguments for a stationary Earth was
developed by Aristotle. Humans can perceive motion through the wind on our faces, the scenery
passing by, and other factors. However, since the motion of the Earth is not observable in the
same way other motion is, Aristotle determined that the Earth was stationary. This among many
of his other ideas were used to build a world view that was in place for thousands of years.
Ptolemy built on Aristotle s ideas with his conclusions regarding the dynamics of an object
thrown in the air or dropped from a tower. Ptolemy notes that when an object is dropped from a
height, it falls perpendicular to the ground (DeWitt P. 92). By Ptolemy s logic, if the Earth was
moving, the object would fall behind the initial position; since... Show more content on
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This describes the theory that if the Earth is rotating about its axis or orbiting the Sun, the stars
should appear to move relative to the Earth s position in its orbit. Ptolemy acknowledges that
stellar parallax should be observed if the Earth is moving, but since it is not observed he
concludes that the Earth is not moving (DeWitt P. 94). This was a damning conclusion, because
stellar parallax was not observed until 1838 (DeWitt P. 96). The crux in Ptolemy s conclusion is
that he believes the stars are much closer than they are which should have allowed him to observe
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Essay on The Three Essential to Materials
A Great Paper.
Knowing Science
To Understand the
Quality of Life
Cody Seaton SCI101 IP 1 Kristina Jantz August 26, 2013
The three essential properties of every material are these:
1. What kind of atom makes up that material? 2. How are the atoms in the material arranged? 3.
How are the atoms in the material bonded together? (Trefil, p. 239)
Atoms make up everything we can see, therefore every material, and atoms have very different
properties within themselves, as well as having different ways of being arranged or of bonding
together, all of which affect the physical and chemical properties ... Show more content on
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Depending on the material used in the doping, a positive semiconductor (p type) or a negative
semiconductor (n type) can be made. These types are charged positively or negatively, and this
property can be used in computers. A semiconductor made up of a sandwiched n type layer
between two p type layers forms two p to n interfaces, called p n junctions, and these junctions
allow semiconductors known as transistors to act like electrical switches. This property is just what
computers needed, and has been the reason behind the amazing leap in technical capabilities we
have seen in the past few decades in computers (Trefil, p. 243 50). These transistors are then made
into extremely complex groupings and systems that number into the hundreds of thousands, within
what is called an integrated circuit. This means that all those various connections making up various
electrical circuits with multitudes of functions are integrated together. The integrated circuit is then
put into a component that can be used in a computer, called a microchip, which houses the
integrated circuit. With the minute size of these devices that has been achieved today, the density
of microchips has shot up, making computers more and more complex, as well as faster by utilizing
some parallel computing with the integrated circuits operating simultaneously. These computing
devices are found inside your car, making problem
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Marketing Strategies For The Advertising
The Persuaders looked different advertising strategies on how to effectively reach consumers. In a
time when the price of an advertisement is going up, but the effectiveness of reaching the
consumers is going down advertisers are left trying to figure out a way to reach consumers. This
film looked at different strategies that were used in the past, and strategies that are currently being
used to break through the clutter. Clutter refers to the amount of advertisinga consumer is exposed
to on a daily basis. The key to success as this film points out, is to break through that clutter and
brand advertisements better than the competitor, while appealing to the consumer. Overall, this
film looked at different areas of how advertising use to be about choice words, such as better
brighter tougher . Then some companies decided to target an emotional appeal to the consumer.
For example, the film uses the airline Song to specifically look at targeting the needs of women.
The commercial that was constructed showed used an emotional appeal before showing different
services that Song uses. Finally, the video talked about how the consumer wants to have a feeling
of entitlement and being in charge. If an advertiser wants to be successful in this sense they need
to make the consumer feel like the advertisement is specifically targeted to them. Overall, if a
company wants to make good use of their advertising budget, they need to keep up with the new
demands and changes in the behavior
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La Sagrada Mexico Riot
That February also marks the first violent action against the Catholic Church. On the 23rd, just
down from the U.S. Embassy, Mexico City government agents took control of La Sagrada Familia
Church, claiming that it had not complied with regulations. A riot ensued when government agents
tried to take survey of the church s inventory. When the rioting escalated, seven of the protestors
were killed. In response, the government issued orders to enforce the constitution at all cost and
Calles announced that the government would be inflexible. He reiterated that they would use every
capability the law provided in dealing with problems that arise from the populace. This assault on
the Church was considered the beginning of the Cristero Rebellion.... Show more content on
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The law enforced the anticlerical codes that had been previously established over fifty years ago
and newly enacted by the 1917 Constitution. Lesser punishments included fines from 50 to 500
pesos and jailtime of fifteen days. With harsher castigations with steeper fines, removal from
office and even years of imprisonment. The law was debated for two weeks before it was finally
passed by Congress on July 2, 1926 and would begin being enforced on August 1st. When news
of the law s creation made it to Rome, that waited to see the intentions of Congress and Calles. The
Vatican and the bishops were hopeful they would be able to make some type of compromise with
the Mexican government. After the law was ratified Calles suffered from scrutiny from the
supporters of the Catholic faith claiming that he was persecuting Catholicism. He defended this
saying that all Mexican citizens were required to follow the laws and the Constitution. However,
some stipulations, such as the ban on priest celibacy and monastic life, directly related to the
Catholic as Protestants did not follow these religious
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Carlos Museum Experience
After Visiting the Carlos Museum, it became evident to me that the ethics of displaying human
remains is more nuanced than I had originally realized. Some cultures, such as the ancient
Egyptians, are thought to have striven to be eternalized through mummification, and therefore
would have wanted to be put on display. On the other hand, some cultures, like Native Americans,
can explicitly tells us that they do not want their remains to be put on display. Furthermore, I
learned from this experience that a corpse s treatment right after its deathis often an indicator for
how a person was viewed in life.
The curators and conservers at the Carlos Museum take into account the culture from which
remains come, whether a body is in a state that is dignified, and if it is necessary in the first place
to display the body. For example, one Old Kingdom mummy (the only one in the Western
Hemisphere) was collected by William ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Those who buried the corpse of Richard III, however, probably did not hold him to the same
level of respect as their other kings and queens. Richard s corpse was found buried under what
was the floor of a small friary in Leicestershire, England; he was not given a royal burial. The
corpse, lost for centuries, was never meant to be found. His treatment in death reveals how he was
viewed by his enemies at least, but may give an idea of how his kingdom viewed him as well.
The experience at the Carlos Museum brought to my attention the great detail that goes into not
only the preparation, restoration, and conservation of corpses, but also what thought goes into the
decision to display a corpse or not. Also, the connections between the treatment of human remains
and the discovered corpse of Richard III reveal how the treatment of a corpse often indicates how it
was viewed in
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Theory Of Constraint Technique Is The Elimination Of Idle...
Another Theory of Constraint technique is the elimination of idle time. For whatever reason, idle
time is also present in bottleneck resources. For instance, all employees may have a break at the
same time leading to no performance during the bottleneck process. Short breaks may have a high
opportunity costs since the bottleneck have a constraint effect on the entire plant output. Thus,
elimination of such idle time may improve a factory s output. As a TOC technique, scheduling and
sequencing involve the sequences can improve factory s output (Khan, n.d.). Quality inspection at
this point is vital after the products have processed from a bottleneck resource, but stopping the
production of a product due to poor quality implies the time... Show more content on
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Goldratt indicated that there is always a constraint and that the fourth step is the centre for
continuous improvement. Goldratt, indicated that an allusion of no constraints would be an
indication of infinite performance which is not possible in real life. Under normal circumstance
project managers get more resources after realising that there is a resource constraint in the system
(Srinivasan, 2012). But the TOC indicates that a project manager should strive to achieve the
highest performance from the available resources before getting additional constraint resources. It
is evident that the moment that a constraint is elevated adequately, it stops to be a constraint and
the bottleneck changes within the system (Lau Kong, n.d.). TOC also uses a thinking process, this
is an administration tool used for understanding where the organisation is positioned, what is seeks
to be and how it plans to get there. TP is the tool within the TOC framework that elevates it from a
production principle into a management technique (Nieminen, 2014). The thinking process has
three main steps that are designed to help an organisation achieve their goal, the first step is meant
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Essay about Joan Of Arc By Jules Basten Lepage
Joan of Arc, was painted by the French realist artist Jules Bastien Lepage in 1879. After the
province of Lorraine was lost to Germany following the Franco Prussian War in 1821, The
Frenchmen saw in Joan of Arc a new and powerful symbol. In 1875, Bastien Lepage, a native of
Lorraine began to make studies for a picture of her. In the present painting, exhibited in the Salon of
1880, Joan is shown receiving her revelation in her parents garden. Behind her are Saints Michael,
Margaret, and Catherine. (Caption next to painting in The Metropolitan)
Jules Bastien Lepage creates a realistic atmosphere, including a supernatural, religious like presence
within his painting. Oil on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This makes her a more easily visible aspect in the painting, and catches the onlookers eye. Joan is
dressed in a long brown skirt and blue gray shirt with white underneath which is the typical clothing
style of the 19th century. The clothing is painted to show its wear and tear. Her features and her
figure are quite realistic. She seems to have a calm, but troubled expression on her face, as though
she is deep in thought. Overall she is painted in a very detailed manner.
A less visible, yet still present and important aspect of the painting are the three figures positioned
behind Joan, and in front of the house. The figures are somewhat transparent, and ghostly. Their
presence adds a spiritual and or religious feeling to the scene. These three figures presence blends
into the scenery. Al three have halos above their heads, and serene looks on their faces.
The saint on the right is dressed in what looks to be armor. He looks brave, and as if he is
standing guard or going into battle. The middle saint is a praying angel. She is in a dress with a
gauzy, white presence around her. This whiteness gives her an ethereal quality which Bastien
Lepage has painted quite effectively, and adds to the spiritual feeling of the scene. Her presence
in the painting seems to represent chastity and virtue. The last figure looks like a young girl or
child, who is kneeling with her face hidden in her hands almost as if she is
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Atlantis Research Paper
Over the years, there have been plenty of islands that have disappeared. However, one island has
has been given a ton of attention. This island is called Atlantis and was referenced in the greek
philosopher Plato s work. The people that inhabited the Atlantis were supposed to be very advanced
compared to other civilizations. History.com says, Plato(through the character Critias in his
dialogues) describes Atlantis as an island larger than Libya and Asia Minor put together, located in
the Atlantic just beyond the Pillars of Hercules generally assumed to mean the Strait of Gibraltar.
The island eventually sank into the sea due to earthquakes and flooding. Many people thought Plato
s book was just a myth until in a scholar claimed it might... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
One theory is that Atlantis was a mid atlantic island that sunk into the ocean. This is very plausible
because of the fact that this part of ocean is only a few hundred feet deep. This means that an
earthquake could have very well weakened the foundation of the island. Then, if it did flood to like
Plato said then it could have easily sunk into the sea floor. This is what Palto explains in his book
but there also could have been many other ways that the island was destroyed,from tsunamis to
volcanos. Next, another theory is that Atlantis was swallowed by the bermuda triangle. This myth
could also very well be true because there are what looks like man made walls and streets off the
coast of Bimini, although scientist evaluate the structures and found them to be natural rock
formation. Finally, the last theory is that Atlantis was Antarctica. History.com explains According to
Hapgood, around 12,000 years ago the Earth s crust shifted, displacing the continent that became
Antarctica from a location much further north than it is today. This more temperate continent was
home to an advanced civilization, but the sudden shift to its current frigid location doomed the
civilization s inhabitants the Atlanteans and their magnificent city was buried under layers of ice.
Hapgood s theory surfaced before the scientific world gained a full understanding of plate tectonics,
which largely relegated his shifting crust idea to the fringes of Atlantean beliefs. This explains that
explorers that are looking for atlantis may truly be in the wrong place, instead of looking through
the sea they should be digging through ice. There are many plausible theories out there but all of
them are either missing evidence or need more investigation. Therefore there are plenty of theros
that explain Atlantis
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Cloudy Project
The problem the study is addressing is whether people are more likely to smile back to a stranger
on sunny days or cloudy days.
2.What are the questions investigated or hypotheses tested?
The hypotheses that was tested was that people are more likely to reciprocate a smile to a
passerby on a sunny day rather than a cloudy day.
3.What previous work or theories informed the study?
There have been several studies done that show human social relationships and behavior are
positively affected by good weather. On sunny days, people are more willing to answer interview
questions. On sunny days, people are more likely to leave a better tip for servers. On cloudy days,
it has been found that college applications are more heavily weighted on ... Show more content on
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Are the results statistically significant? If there are mixed results, identify which are significant and
which are not.
When they were first analyzing the data, they realized there was not a significant difference in
cloudy or sunny days when there was a smile in return. To account for effects that the variables
may have had, a 2x2x2 log linear analysis was applied. After more evaluation they were able to
pinpoint some differences and identify what was important.
11. What is the pattern of results for each broad question that was addressed?
Overall, passersby reciprocated a smile more readily on sunnier days than on cloudier days. It
seemed that both men and women were more likely to smile back if the confederate was a woman.
They saw that men were less likely to smile back to another man.
Evaluating Discussion
12. Which conclusions appear to be well supported by the pattern of results; and which conclusions
do not appear to be well
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  • 10. Analysis Of Jack London s To Build A Fire In Jack London s short story, To Build a Fire, there is an unnamed man who is trying to make it back to his camp in the freezing weather of the Yukon. The man travels only with a sled dog and himself in the 50 degree below zero weather. Throughout the short story, the man struggles to survive as he soon realizes the temperatureis actually severely dangerous at 75 degrees below zero. In the end, the man ultimately dies before successfully reaching his camp due to not being able to build a fire on time to stay warm. While laying on the cold ground finally accepting his death, the man thinks back to before he went out an old man warned him of the dangers of traveling alone out in this kind of weather. He accepts he was wrong to not head the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout his entire journey back to his camp, the man would show ignorance when he didn t understand how cold the weather really was. He would continually think to himself how it s just a little bit of cold. It ll only cause some pain and discomfort. Nothing too dangerous or life threatening. Due to his inexperience in this freezing weather, mixed in with his ignorance, the man s death was certain. Once in a while the thought repeated itself that it was very cold and the he had never experienced such cold. As he walked along he rubbed his face and nose with the back of his mittened hand. He did this without thinking, frequently changing hands. But, with all his rubbing, the instant he stopped, his face and nose became numb. His face would surely be frozen. He knew that and he was sorry that he had not worn the sort of nose guard Bud wore when it was cold. Such a guard passed across the nose and covered the entire face. But it did not matter much, he decided. What was a little frost? A bit painful, that was all. It was never serious. (London 68) Comparing the man with his own dog, the reader is able to see a massive difference between the the master and pet. The man isn t worried in the slightest about the weather causing any sort of damage to his own health. On the other hand, the dog s instincts are at full capacity alarming the dog that it is extremely dangerous to be in this type of weather, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Sociological Concepts In The Film Roger Me The film Roger Me shows the rise and fall of an industrial city, Flint, MI. Knowing that Sociology was born during the industrial revolution makes this movie a fascinating choice, considering it displays the fall of an industrial city. It gives a wonderful opportunity to evaluate many different sociological perspectives. Personally, before watching this video, I thought that Flint was just a dead town filled with a bunch of lazy, violent people. A couple of concepts that I would like to focus on in this paper is GM s bureaucracy, that lead to downward social mobility, causing people to stereotype the ex GM workers. Watching this video the first thing I noticed was the fact that GM was a bureaucracy. A formal organization with a hierarchy of authority and a clear division of labor; emphasis on impersonality of positions and written rules, communications, and records (Henslin, 2015, p. 136). One of GMs hierarchies, Roger Smith, used his power to lay off tens of thousands of people in the city of Flint. This is also a clear display of a bureaucracy, in showing how very impersonal and disconnected he was from his workers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Henslin (2015), downward social mobility is movement down the social class ladder (p.237).A good of example of this in the movie was when Michael Moore mentioned in the beginning of the movie that everyone in Flint worked for GM. Many parents or grandparents that retired from GM were middle class citizens, but the current generation that was laid off had become lower class citizens. Michaels High School classmate said, he wanted something of his own but it doesn t look like that would happen for him, in Flint. He was saying that as he was being evicted from his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. California Fire Department In 1970, the Chaparral Region of Southern California suffered immense devastation from wildfires that burned for several days, burning more than half a million acres of land, destroying over 700 structures and killing 16 people. During the subsequent debriefing and critiques done by the two primary agencies, Los Angeles County and Los Angeles City FireDepartments, four major obstacles were identified. The two departments agreed that while there was cooperation between the departments, the identified obstacles definitely impeded the efforts put forth to extinguish the fire. Terminology between the departments was an initial obstacle that needed to be addressed. The critique found that because each agency had a variety of terms for the same equipment, there was confusion when requesting or identifying it. Due to the lack of distinct planning for the wild land fires, the commanders did not have the ability to deploy the proper units when or where needed. Units were incorrectly sent to areas, or mistakenly instructed to stand down or stay in quarters when not needed. The inconsistency in response plans of the different agencies was also an obstacle worth discussing. Again, each agency had there own... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During a review of the history of FIBRESCOPE, conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reveals that one amor innovation was the development of the Incident Command System or ICS. FEMA describes ICS s effectiveness and significance as being implemented by most Southern California dire departments as early as 1981. From this, ICS has spread through the fire service throughout the country. It has been found to be utilized for many responses other firefighting, being used to manage incidents from natural disasters to hazardous materials spills, to major ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Josua Case Study Psychology JosuГ© was observed on October 31st, 2016. JosuГ©, his mother, as well as the B.A.T clinical team were present to conduct a descriptive functional assessment, which consisted of direct observation of behavior and an Antecedent Behavior Consequence (ABC) narrative recording in the family home. When the clinical team arrived, Josue was playing with his trains on the living room floor. The clinical engaged Josue with his trains. The clinical team probed appropriate play, Josue was able the roll his trains, however, he did not play appropriately with his other toys (i.e. electronics and figurines). He was also observed to get upset whenever his trains would roll more than two feet away.The clinical team then probed, the one step instruction, Go get it and he did not comply. Instead, he would stand up, cry, and hit mom and the clinical team with an open hand. Mom and the clinical team would block the hitting. Mom would hug, hold,and sang to Josue. Mom added it was hard watching Josua cry. Josua was observed to look at mom as he engaged in behaviors. When mom ignored (not look at him as he engaged in behaviors) he then got onto of the dinner table kicked the table and cried. He tried to pull down the bird cage and open the cage. Mom blocked him and said No and hugged him. Josue did not comply to the one step instruction, Stop during this time, when presented by the clinical team. The clinical team probed listener responding. For example, when his name was called, he looked two out four times at the communicative partner. Greetings were also probed with Josue, he did not respond to Hi , however, he responded to Bye , he said Bye and waved. Body parts and labeling items in his environment was probed, Josue did not respond. Matching 3D... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The duration of this observation was for approximately one hour and 25 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Early African Civilization Dbq The early civilizations of Africa were different in many of their cultural traits. One common trait they did have in common was the importance of trade in their society. Although trade was good for the African civilizations, there was consequences that followed trading. I will be using documents B, F, and D to support how early African civilizations had consequences from trading. In document B it states that, The door of the pavilion is guarded by dogs on an excellent breed... who wear collars of gold and silver, this quote helps support the idea that Ghana had lots of gold and wealth. One of the consequences of trading was wealth and power. Wealth and power was a positive consequence that would help a early African civilization prosper. Wealth and power of Ghana included having golden swords, trappings, and braiding. This is why document B helps support the idea that early African civilizations had consequences from trading. Document F is a map that shows the West African trade network. A consequence of trade from document F is exploitation. Some examples are: in the civilization of Elmina, they were near salt, gold, slaves, and ivory. These are the things that Elmina traded with others and how they prospered. In Benin, salt was traded with others. Finally, in the civilization of Gao, copper, gold,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the empire Ghana, they worked with iron, and traded it for gold and salt. Because of trading iron for salt and gold, the empire prospered. The empire of Mali prospered from trade and that was one of their key accomplishments. In Songhai, a key accomplishment was that it was the largest empire of West Africa. You can infer that because Songhai was the largest empire, trade was very important to Songhai. A consequence for document D was show of wealth. Document D supports the idea that early African civilizations had consequences from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Krystian Zimerman Research Paper A. Basic Biographic Information Krystian Zimerman is a Classical Polish pianists born on December 4,1956 in Zabrze, Poland. He came from a family where music making was a tradition. Zimerman was greatly influenced by his own father who was also a pianist himself. Zimerman s career Internationally launched after winning first prize at the International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw, in 1975. Krystian has an exclusive contract with Deutsch Grammophon, a label where he records albums. With this label he has won numerous awards. B. Geographic Background Even though Krystian was born in Zabrze, Poland he traveled to many places to perform. He had great success playing in different capitals such as Munich, London, Paris, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Interesting Facts About Early Musical Training At age of 5 Zimerman started studying the piano with his father. After two years of being taught by his father he began taking lessons with Andrzej JasiЕ„ski. He then attended and studied at Conservatory in Katowice, Poland until he was done with his training. By the age of 18 E. Unique Contribution to the Field of Music Zimerman s contribution to the music field was his ability to interpret Romantic music. F. Notes about Piano Techniques When Zimerman plays the piano you are able to see the arch he maintains while her plays. The arch is located between his thumb and second finger. While Krystian plays the piano he angles his body away from the piano. I feel that this affects his sound when he plays the piano. Another thing I noticed while watching Krystian playing Chopin Ballade was that he swayed his body repeatedly. As he played he lifted his hand a great distance from the keys. He has his own techniques that he uses. These techniques seem to be the keys, which give off that soft sound that Zimerman seems to produce as he plays. I m not trying to criticize Zimerman at all but half the time he seems to focus on displaying a despicable amount of facial expressions. And seems a bit disconnected with the piece he is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Positive Benefits Of Bilingual Education There have been many informative studies information regarding the advantages of learning two languages. Bilingualism is a continually growing issue in the United States. Being bilingual as a child enhances knowledge so steps taken to promote bilingual education are very important. Children are not exposed to bilingualism even though the benefits have been well established. Dual Language education is increasing throughout the United States giving students at a young age an advantage over their monolingual peers. Different research studies resulted in a major success by proving that bilingual children outperform monolinguals in a wide array of cognitive and language based tasks (Wallstrum 16). Dual language immersionis defined as fifty percent of the non English is used for the instructional part of the day, and the other fifty percent is spoken in English. The purpose of these immersion schools is to promote fluency in the foreign language while also performing at their grade level in that language. Parents are the main reason why kids in these modern times are only primarily speaking English. Many people have a strong opinion against the teaching of bilingualism in America, especially starting at a young age. The reason for this is their own ignorance. They fail to seek further information on the topic and see the positive benefits that result. The benefits of bilingual education surprisingly are not tolerated by everyone, and that is a big reason as to why it is not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Real Estate Properties Of Public Records Property appraisers have many responsibilities including verifying legal descriptions of real estate properties in public records, inspecting new and existing properties and recording their unique characteristics. They take pictures of the interior and exterior of properties as well as analyze similar properties. They then prepare written reports and maintain current data on the property. Appraisers work in places they are familiar with so they are aware of issues that may affect the property s value. Appraisers usually value one property at a time and they can often specialize in certain types of real estate. (Appraisal Careers) Commercial appraisers specialize in working with income producing property like stores, hotels and office buildings. Residential appraisers focus on appraising personal property like single family homes and condominiums, appraising properties of one to four units. When evaluating a property s value, appraisers note the details of the property and surrounding area, such as a view or noise factor. They also consider the overall condition of the property, including the foundation and roof. They must determine whether any renovations have been done. Appraisers photograph the outside of the home and some of the interior features. This gives them the ability to determine the condition. They compare the property to other comparable ones by analyzing lease records and previous appraisals. Appraisers record their findings and observations before ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Great White Shark [The three species that im going to be researching] Fish: Great White Shark Bird: Penguin [Emperor] Mammal: Dolphin [Maui] Animals need gas exchange for one main reason and that is to survive , all organisms need this gas exchange process to burn glucose for fuel which is a simple but important energy source that is a component of many carbohydrates. The respiratory system is where there is a series of organs taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide ,Animal cells exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with their surroundings by diffusion across the outer coverings or membranes of cells this process is called respiration. Fish [Great White Shark] (1) Where they Live [availability of O2] (2) The condition where they live (3) What ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They also eat turtles and seabirds but they usually prefer a fat rich prey. They have different hunting strategies depending on the target and size of the specie they are hunting. The most usual approach is that, once they detect by electroreception their possible food, they locate below and then stealthily swim vertically. Once closer, they inflict a deadly bite and wait for the animal to bleed and die and then eat it. If the prey survives that, they try to hold it with their lower teeth while the upper tear the tissues. The most common forms to die of their preys are decapitation, mutilation, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Freud s Theory Of Instincts And The Individual Psyche In Sigmund Freud s Civilization and its Discontents , we are introduced to a new outlook in the way we view our lives due to his analysis of civilization and how it has affected our happiness. Freud uses his theory of instincts in order to explain what encourages us as well as how our behavior is all linked together and is motivated by our instincts. He explains why humans seek happiness and how it is one of the toughest things to achieve. Towards the end of his book he also gives an insight on how the individual psyche which consist of the id, ego, and super egoleads us to feel guilt and its impact on civilization. Through his theory of instincts and the individual psyche, Freud is able to demonstrate how civilization has set limits to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The pleasure principles goal is to avoid pain, which Freud later states it is not always a good thing because the longer things follow the pleasure principle the happiness received begins to decrease and no longer has the same affect. Overall, this makes it harder for individuals to stay happy. Along with the pleasure principle, Freud states there are three main things that also make us unhappy which are our body, the external world, and our relations with others. And out of all these three, the worst comes from our relations with others, we hurt one another more than anything else on earth. Freud states, happiness ... is a problem of the economics of the individual s libido libido meaning sexual desires, he demonstrates how an individual s sexual desires and being able to fulfill them leads them to their happiness. At the same time, Freud s use of libido can also represent a person s desires and pleasures as a whole and not limiting itself to sexual pleasure. Libido connects to Freud s theory of instincts. Freud believes that our instincts influence our behavior, and our behavior is caused by our desires. Satisfaction of instinct spells happiness for us , this implies that if our desires are satisfied, our behavior is better and we will be happy. However, there seems to be a problem when it comes to Freud s theory of instincts and civilization. Freud states that civilization ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The United States Political System Mankind has always undergone trends in a cyclical manor. However, as society presses forward, the relative minima and maxima tend to break the threshold at an increasing rate meaning that what would be considered normal is shortly lived. Today we live in a society where factions divide the nation in their plight to achieve an organized force of ideas. The Political parties of the modern era have become far more organized and are no longer looking to support ideas but are ever hungry to maintain and gain political power rather than represent a people s voice. Our democratic republic relies on the organized and informed voter to maintain a balance of control between the people and the government. This is argued in Thomas Edison s 10th federalist paper in which he states, If a faction consists of less than a majority, relief is supplied by the republican principle, which enables the majority to defeat its sinister views by regular vote... it will be unable to execute and mask its violence under the forms of the Constitution. When a majority is included in a faction, the form of popular government, on the other hand, enables it to sacrifice to its ruling passion or interest both the public good and the rights of other citizens. To secure the public good and private rights against the danger of such a faction, and at the same time to preserve the spirit and the form of popular government, is then the great object to which our inquiries are directed... Here we see the need for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Differences Between Sierra Leone And Ghana Christina Freeman Professor Darren Osburn COL 299 10 July 2017 Comparing Cultures There are elements present in every culture, the roots of which make each country unique. To compare and show how similar Sierra Leonean and Ghanaian cultures are, I will focus on the emergence of each nation, as well as each culture s national identity. The historical backgrounds found within the countries of Sierra Leone and Ghana have shaped each of their national identities. Exploring how Sierra Leone and Ghana emerged as individual nations is crucial in understanding their national identities as well as necessary to show the similarities between Sierra Leonean and Ghanaian cultures. As for both Sierra Leone and Ghana, we see major European influence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A year after the English outlawed slavery, Sierra Leone became a British crown colony. New courts were established, new codes and new laws were introduced, chiefs were confirmed or deposed and new ones appointed, direct and indirect taxation was introduced, and forced labour was demanded for the construction of roads and railways. All these measures naturally generated various reaction (Cohen and Boahen 68). In 1899, while still under colonialization, the Temne and Mende people of Sierra Leone led a rebellion, the Hut Tax Rebellion, in protest to taxes imposed by the British because, Sierra Leoneans did not passively accept such manipulations. ( World Culture ) Before the Portuguese arrived in Ghana in the fifteenth century, kingdoms in that region had already developed among various Akan speaking and neighboring groups and were in the process of expanding their wealth, size, and power ( World Culture ). With their arrival, the Portuguese initially opened a sea route to trade gold, the competition for which brought more Europeans to Ghana, but soon after, the slave trade business was in full swing. During which in Ghana, the Ashanti kingdom emerged as a political leader, taking part in the capturing and selling of other indigenous Africans to Europeans. In the nineteenth century, England defeated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Compare And Contrast Mexico And Russia In the early twentieth century, Mexico and Russia both had nationwide issues that led to revolutions that would forever change their countries. While both countries hoped that these revolutions would end in a government that supported and benefitted the working class, the method of revolution and final government outcomes differed. These two countries also faced different ideologies in the early 1900 s. In Russia, the main focus was to end communism which is when the government controls all resources and properties. Meanwhile in Mexico, the main focus was socialism in which the government only controls a part of the resources. The Mexican Revolution arose in 1910 from social, political, and economic conflicts. The revolution began when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Persuasive Dreamers Introduction There has been lots of controversy lately on what Dreamers can do now, with the end of DACA coming soon. The name Dreamers have been given to the people protected by the program DACA, which have been protecting eligible immigrant youth who came to United States when they were kids, from being deported back. Recently Donald Trump has made the decision to go the Supreme Court to demand the end of the program. This has sparked the question on whether Dreamers should have a pathway to U.S. citizenship. There are couple sides to take on this situation but the main two points are there should not be a pathway as it is unconstitutional and only leads to more problems and Dreamers should be able to go through a long process to achieve citizenship as it is the most reasonable thing to do . However, this report is more analyzing each side s perspective, than rather picking on. Dream Act is Unconstitutional According to Head of Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR), Dan Stein has described DACA as, an overly broad and unconstitutional exercise of executive power by President Obama... (Stein, 2017). Dan Stein has put a negative saying for DACA, but with further research on FAIR their main goal is reduce overall immigration levels while respecting the basic human rights... (About FAIR, 2017). This highlights the fact that the organization FAIR, believes their immigration policies should implemented instead of the current one in the Dream Act for United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Analysis Of Mackintosh s Approach Of Treating Cognitive... Since radical behaviourists first described learning theory, it has undergone a significant change of approach. In the paper Has the Wheel Turned Full Circle? Fifty Years of Learning Theory, 1946 1996 , Mackintosh (1997) summarises what has been done in the field of learning theory since 1946. His main argument relates to the importance of the associative learningtheory. He claims that with appropriate modifications, it is the most powerful approach that science has. In the presented review, I aim to critically discuss this paper. I start with criticising Mackintosh s approach of treating cognitive and associative processes as two distinct. Then, I examine Mackintosh s point of view on animal learning. I conclude that Machintosh s (1997) main claim about the importance of the associative learning is supported by subsequent research. Nevertheless, it is important not to neglect either associative, or cognitive approach, because they are not fundamentally different, and, at least in humans, both of them play a significant role. Cognitive versus associative approaches to learning Mackintosh (1997) starts his paper with a critique of radical behaviourism. In the 1960s, Pavlovian and Instrumental conditionings were main theories to explain animal and human behaviour. However, with cognitivism coming into the picture, learning theory has dramatically improved. Animal theorists started paying more attention to animal cognition, and nothing but well came from it, as researchers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Before the Melting Pot by Israel Zangwill A lot of what we read today about out history, is told to us through wartime victories and tragedies, slavery, and political power. The book, Before the Melting Pot gives a great account of how much ethnicity factored into these ideas and how New York City was made into the melting pot of culture we see today. The book starts out in New Amsterdam, detailing the importance of The Dutch West India Company and its importance in trade; including the African slave trade. The citizens of New Amsterdam had little to no say in governmental decisions. At times, there were citizen advisory boards created, and a director general that made decisions, but for the most part even these issues were at the mercy of the Dutch West India Company s control. More specifically, the commander and ruler named Peter Stuyvesant was the director general that made all the Dutch West India Company s decisions in New Netherland, until the English took over power. The book goes into detail about the people over the courses of their lives, more specifically, three different generations of men starting with those present at the English acquisition of New Netherland in 1664, the sons of these men who stayed in New York City, and then their grandchildren. She also discusses the French, the Jews; Dutchmen already present there, Africans, and Englishmen. The Dutch had little to no trouble getting along because the culture was already established there, and community was bound by religion, and the Dutch ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Greek Media Influence Media Influence in Ancient and Modern Times Media has near complete control over social attitudes, and constructs how people perceive each other as well as themselves. Things have not changed since the original Doryphoros of Polykelitos and the Knidian Aphrodite of Praxiteles were created. Both were constructed during times in which statues that were commissioned and displayed to the public were awe inspiring as well as subtly influencing how the viewers see the world. These iconic statues have been analyzed by scholars for centuries, slowly picking apart every detail in an attempt to understand how the ancient Greeks constructed and controlled the behavior of citizens. In their appearance and context, the Doryphoros and Knidian Aphrodite both... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Revealing Aphrodite, Nigel Spivey describes the nude Knidian Aphrodite of Praxiteles and its cultural legacy in the understanding of societal expectations of ancient Greek women. Respected women were depicted fully clothes, adorned with jewelry and sometimes presenting an offering to the gods. Only sex workers, typically slaves or the educated hetairai/courtesans, and at times certain goddesses, appeared nude in art, but these representations did not convey the same power as the Doryphoros does for men. The common theme amongst all the depictions of women in art, is the passivity of their nature. For instance, the Knidian Aphrodite catches the goddess in a moment of vulnerability. Her shoulders are hunched, hand covering her genetalia in an attempt at modesty and her passive posture does not inspire as much as the Doryphoros. The Knidian Aphrodite s body language does not yield as much power or control to onlookers as the Doryphoros, but is meant to entice and distract as women are said to do. Spivey suggests this is due to the stigma against women embodying Aphrodite, goddess of love and desire, and taking on the roles patroned by Demeter, goddess of the harvest and motherhood (Spivey, 177). The juxtaposition of these goddesses speaks to how it is up to women to, in a sense, bring themselves up by straying away ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Importance Of Community Service In Education This semester I engaged in many different community service and civic engagement activities. The activity that I did the most frequently would be volunteering in a special needs class room at Vandever Elementary in Broken Arrow. I went to Broken Arrow Public School and actually know that teacher that I volunteering with from when I used to peer tutor when I was younger. I peer tutored from 3rd grade through 10th grade, switching between three main classrooms. It was so nice to see one of the teachers that I looked up so much to when I was younger and who instilled in me the joys of teaching. Volunteering in her classroom was very fun and nostalgic, but I do think that she could have been more proactive with her time managementskills. While volunteering in the classroom, I became very familiar with the classroom s daily schedule and their routines. I found that there was quite a bit of time wasted in the afternoon. I was not entirely sure if maybe this had to do with her students and their limits because most of them are only a half day or if it was poor time management. Although, I think the schedule could easily be accommodated to include more instructional time if the students in the classroom were able to adjust to that. In the afternoon they spend a majority of their instructional time watching Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig, or Bookflix. I feel like if they divided their time as well they did in the morning they could get in a lot more instructional time. In the mornings ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Importance Of The United States Patriot Act Two months after the September eleventh attacks on the Twin Towers, President Bush signed a document called the United States Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was signed to help prevent another terrorist attack on the United States through many types of surveillance. Growing concerns have come out about the Patriot Act and how much power it gives to the federal government. But, the government does need to monitor the citizens to try and stop another September eleventh attack by collecting information on suspected terrorists and stopping money laundering. The September eleventh attacks killed many people in the Twin Towers. President Bush passed the United States Patriot Act to help defend the nation from another horrific attack. The Patriot Act gives the National Security Agency (NSA) and other organizations freedom to spy on suspected terrorists to stop terrorism. Many people do not agree with giving the government the power to spy on anybody. The opposers believe that the, ... checks and balances of the U.S. law... abuses... power by the government (Library of Congress). They also believe that it goes against the fourth amendment that states, the right of the people to be secure... against unreasonable searches and seizures... upon probable cause (Fourth Amendment). With the fourth amendment stating that people have the right to privacy, the opposers believe that it is unconstitutional for the President to sign the Patriot Act. The government can foil terrorist plans by using ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Something s Got Ta Give Something s Gotta Give Research Essay Something s Gotta Give is an award winning movie written by Nancy Meyers. This romantic drama is greatly known for its middle aged comedic relief because it highlights the sexual encounters between an old bachelor and a cougar of a woman. The reviews written by Roger Ebert, A.O. Scott and Christopher Orr are about the movie Something s Gotta Give which will include an opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of how each review is written. Roger Ebert s 2003 movie review of Something Gotta Give was more informational than it was a review. Ebert used a tone in his writing that would lead readers to believe more details are needed about the characters and set to understand and form an opinion. Ebert made sure readers were aware of the award winning cast featuring Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves, Amanda Pete and Frances McDormand. Ebert observed while watching this film that he himself was moved by the characters. Toward the end of his informational bit Ebert makes an observation that there is a sexual mystery surrounding the situation between Erica played by Diane Keaton, Dr. Mercer played by Keanu Reeves and the notorious Harry played by Jack Nicholson. With plenty of nudity to go around Ebert suggests Nicholson might have contributed to the screenplay. A review written for the New York Times by A.O. Scott in 2003 about the movie Something s Gotta Give was described as a weep, and the world laughs hysterically movie. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Examples Of Bias In To Kill A Mockingbird Bias is defined as prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair . Each and everyone of us have a bias perspective towards one thing or another whether we are brave enough to admit or not. A person becomes bias through personal experiences or things they have read or heard. My brother and I used to play mario kart together and he would refuse to play unless he had the character Wario because he thought Wario was the only good character. This was an example of him being biased against the other characters in the game. I find myself being extremely biastowards movies I watch. I love Nicholas Sparks movies and I often find myself refusing to open my mind to other romance movies not written by him. These examples of bias are harmless but when there is bias in a court of law, the world of science or in any way hurtful to others, is when bias becomes a real problem and damages people.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The little town in Alabama faces many problems with being open to new ideas such as the acceptance of African Americans and the evolvement of women equality. I guess it ain t your fault if Uncle Atticus is a nigger lover besides, but I m here to tell you it certainly does mortify the rest of the family The people of Maycomb are unaccepting, judgemental and bigotry. Well most folks seem to think they re right and you re wrong... They re certainly entitled to think that and they re entitled to full respect of their opinions, said Atticus Although Atticus is not being given respect and people s open minds, he will still respect them, their decisions and their feelings towards ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Atp Lab Report Morgan Calafati #1 MAKE OBSERVATIONS Even in middle school biology I learned that the body produced ATP and used it for energy, and I never thought about what the abbreviation meant. When I learned that ATP was adenosine triphosphate, which is composed of a modified form of adenine and phosphates, it made me wonder why there is not chemical energy using the other bases. #2 ASK QUESTIONS Why is ATP the most common form of chemical energy rather than CTP, TTP, or GTP? #3 HYPOTHESIS Because adenine is a purine and utilizes 2 hydrogen bonds when it is in DNA, it fits better with the ribose and phosphates. The body produces an excess of adenine so it is the best choice for a nitrogenous base. When mRNA is travelling to the ribosome to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... dATP has no purpose other than in DNA replication. ATP is the most popular source because adenosine has many uses. ATP is used in kinases, as a source of energy, and can combine with niacin to form NAD. Guanosine is similar to adenosine, but is rarely used to give up phosphates. The only exception is in tubulin, which helps with construction of cytoskeletons. Guanosine is mainly used in G proteins, which help relay hormonal and chemical signals. Other guanosine molecules mainly help control intercellular traffic and relay signals. Uridine is mainly used in glycogen synthesis. UTP will bind to a glucose and form a UDP glucose and a free phosphate, making the glucose more reactive. UDP is used to help break down the other monosaccharides as well. CTP is similar to UTP except that instead of helping break down sugar CTP helps to break down fats. CDP diacylglycerol and CDP choline are all found in plasma membranes. ATP is ideal because it is a purine and purine rings give them a wider range of uses. Source 3: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Automotive Mechanics Research Paper Automotive mechanics fix cars or trucks that have problems either mechanically or technologically . They must be able to locate the source of the problem quickly and accurately. They must know automobiles well because the type of work they do has changed immensely over the years. It was once only simple mechanical repair. Now it is a highly technological job. Cars today are run by computers and electronic systems. The computers tell the automotive mechanics how well the car or truckis performing. To do their job, mechanics must know a lot about how the complex parts of the car and truck work together. They must be able to work with diagnostic electronic equipment; such as trouble code readers, voltmeters, ohmmeters, and multimeters. They must... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This leads to that individual obtaining an associate degree. Students in these programs usually spend six to twelve weeks going to class full time. Then they spend the same number of weeks working for an automotive dealer. While they are there, the mechanics work with another mechanic with years more experience. It may take several more years before a new technician can fix automobiles without any supervision. Employers look for people with strong communication and analytical skills for trainee jobs. Technicians also need good reading, math, and computer skills. They must study technical manuals and may even visit an automobile maker to learn how to repair new autos, so they can keep up with the latest in the field. Trainees also must have mechanical skills and know how cars ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Strengths And Weaknesses Of A Personal Report Having a good understanding of your professional strengths and weaknesses is imperative to having a successful career. It is also important to know what types of positions and projects would allow you to utilize those strengths to benefit your career. Taking the GLEAM.org Network Assessment and Motivational Style Assessment were very helpful in identifying some of those strengths and weakness in my professional environment. The Networkassessment was especially interesting because it was such a unique type of assessment. Both the size and density of my network was defined as medium, which was a little bit surprising to me. Since over half of my network contacts listed are coworkers, I was expecting the density and size to be small. While the size and density of my network were average, my report indicates that I have weaker ties than the average respondent. My Personal Network report identifies a benefit of this being that I could potentially have access to a much broader range of information. The report also identifies the disadvantage of this being that those weaker relationships would be unable to provide a higher level of support if needed. The insight that this report provided me will be very helpful when thinking about completion of the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program and my career over the next five years. Identifying and fostering a healthy network (of both MAcc students and accounting professionals) is crucial during a program as rigorous as the MAcc program. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Pizza Delivery Quick The Pizza Delivery Quick (PDQ) Industry service in America is considered to be a very successful market in the quick service restaurant industry. Although the industry success is very appealing, managing the day to day operations needs significant planning and a clear tactics to create, implement, execute and have successful results. However, the PDQ last report sales are on the level of 30%, which places the company in a serious difficult position to continue operating competitively. The PDQ project will take a detail process that will help launch the appropriate software technology along with existing processes in order to implement new cutting edge innovations. Although technology is not the only leverage for improving project management, modern technology is an important element (Kendall Austin, 2013). Today, businesses depend on technology to produce more in less time and with minimal resources making modern technology a critical component to a successful business. In today s high tech world, it is important to develop and execute effective project management strategies that will place the company at a competitive level. Companies must continue to work on projects that will drive their business to innovate and change for the better (Shenhar Dvir, 2997). Generate the RBS for the Inventory Management sub system project and choose the model you will use. Rank order the specific models from best fit to worse fit, and state your rationale for that ranking. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Ordinary Men of the Holocaust The average person s understanding of the Holocaust is the persecution and mass murder of Jews by the Nazi s, most are unaware that the people behind the atrocities of the Holocaust came from all over Europe and a wide variety of backgrounds. Art Spiegelman s Maus: a Survivor s Tale, Christopher Browning s Ordinary Men: Reserve Battalion 101 and the Final Solution, and Jan Gross s Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedbwabne, Poland, all provides a different perspective on how ordinary people felt about their experiences in the Holocaustboth perpetrators and victims. Art Spiegelman s Maus: a Survivor s Tale is particularly unique in that it is a graphic novel, not typically a genre used for writing about the horrors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Jews were the enemy, and many men justified this by dehumanizing the Jews and distancing themselves psychologically which enabled the continued killing. Each of these novels takes on a different perspective of the Holocaust. The common theme among each is that it was ordinary human beings who did extraordinary things during the Holocaust. The average perception is that the perpetrators of the Holocaust were inherently evil, monstrous and immoral people, they must have been to commit such heinous acts? This is not the case. It was ordinary Europeans who for varying reasons including, wartime brutalization and lack of a collective identity carried out much of the Nazi s Final Solution. Bibliography Art Spiegelman. Maus: a Survivor sTale. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986. Christopher R. Browning. Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. New York: Harper Collins, 1992. Jan T. Gross. Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2001. [ 1 ]. Art Spiegelman, Maus: a Survivor sTale, (New York: Pantheon Books, 1986) 66. [ 2 ]. Approximatly 1500 Jedwabne Jews were rounded up and killed on July 10.1941. They were rounded up and into a barn which was set on fire. Only 12 Jews survived. Jan T. Gross, Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, And Enterococcus... Heidi Torres Ampicillin VS Inhibition Zone Growth of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus faecalis Introduction The variety of bacteria that lives in our world today is endless. With variety of bacteria comes a numerous amount of adaptations and enhancements that the bacteria develops, including antibiotic resistance. Escherichia coli, better known as E.coli, is a gram negative bacteria with several different types of clones with a variety of effects. E.coli often enters the intestinal tract as soon as an infant is born and some forms of it are not pathogenic but rather beneficial to the body(Kaper et al, 2004). When infected with pathogenic E.coli, the body often responds, depending of the type of pathogenic E.coli, with diarrhea, vomiting, upset stomach. etc. The rate at which E.coli is adapting, is creating a much more difficult job to find antibiotics that can eliminate the growth of this bacteria (Tadasse et al., 2002). Enterococcus faecalis is an infectious bacteria that often thrives in extreme environments (McBride et al, 2007). Enterococcus faecalis is an opportunistic gram positive bacteria that is usually found in the vaginal tract, intestinal tract or the oral cavity. This bacteria has a high resistance to many bile salt detergents, heavy metals, ethanol, azide, and desiccation, worries hospitals due to their variable tolerance (Zhang W et al, 2013). Staphylococcus Aureus is also an infectious gram positive bacteria that may cause a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Teen Pregnancy And Teenage Pregnancy Teen pregnancy is something that affects over one million young teens in the United States. For some, these pregnancies are planned but 85% of these teens the pregnancy is unplanned. This can cause a lot of endless problems in the life of the teen and the newborn child. There are a lot of things that can cause an unplanned teen pregnancy, such as teens experimenting with sexual encounters at a young age. Another major cause is the lack of guidance due to guardians that are blind or do not want to believe in such activities. These causes can have devastating effects on the teen and the newborn in the household. Some effects of early pregnancy will include an unexpected rise of responsibility for the teen and can cause many health concerns for both teen and newborn child. Teens experimenting are the leading cause in the unplanned pregnancies. As a teenager in high school ages there are a lot of peer pressures. Such as experimenting with alcohol and unprotected sexual intercourse. Drinking and the use of narcotics also largely have an impact on the judgment of the teen before the pre pregnancy comes about. Experimenting can cause many effects on the teen and the relationships at hand, including the relationships with the baby s mom or dad and also the parents of the teens. Another way of experimenting is the pregnancy caused in the sequel of either a long time dating of the boyfriend or the other case of those random one night stands or hook ups. Experimenting can be well ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Why Go Back To School Is Important First I wold let them know that I chose to go back to school not them and that I want to make a better living for me and my kids. Then I would let them know that I have to set aside the going out and traveling for a while at least till I get the hang of everything, I have three kids I tell them everyday that schoolis important because without reading,writing,and arithmetic. You will need these three things in order to complete schooling. I also state to my kids that If you do not graduate from any schooling that it may or may not be easy to find a job. Most people that don t complete school only get the basic essentials when they return then they go on to college. I just want what s best for me and my kids. Its good to have a good support system behind you because if not you will lack the responsibility of what you need assistance with. Some friends do not understand that you have to put some things on hold t times in order to complete your assignments. Once you are completed you then can have fun and do what you need to do. Like i tell my kids education first then fun. They will thank me in the long run. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is not enough time in the world where kids knew all the importance of schooling. My oldest son is an Honor Roll student and He s on the principal list. I m very proud of him I tell him that everyday how happy I am for him he tells his aunt everyday what he does, She tells him that she s proud of him. And that he can do or be anything he wants to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Feasible Activites Of A Musician Activites of a Musician The feasible activitie of a musician can be jazz, marching or concert band depending on there liking. A musician can have a impetus or a moving force when playing which can bring them peace, joy, or maybe sleepy depending on the music. If a musician does marching band in the stands they play adroits or samples on the stands for there team. In marching band it is not all football games it can also be competitions that can nostalgia or in a way feeling homesick. The competitions can be a hour away or in a totally different state. In the competitions you can t be cursory or to fast it can lead to messing up the form or timming. The theme of a show for competitions or halftimes can be belligerent or jovial. A musician ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Parthenon Vs Pantheon Research Paper The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the Parthenon in Athens and the Pantheon in Rome. There were two questions asked which were for us to consider how the style and function (use) of each building serves as a typical example of its culture. And also How are the similarities and differences between ancient Greeceand Rome seen in these two buildings? . The buildings were built a few hundred years apart and while they do have differences they also have similarities. One of the main similarities is that they are both ancient temples, one being built in Greece and the other in Rome. First I will discuss the a lot of the differences between these two structures. The Pantheon is located in Rome Italy and was completed around 126AD. The purpose of this building was to serve as a temple for the Gods in ancient Rome. It is currently in use as a Roman Catholic church, so in essence it is still a house of worship. The architecture system is developed and based on arches. It was built by Publius Aelius Hadranus. The building is a circular building and is supported by Corinthian columns. The structure has a very large dome on top of it. The original construction was by Marcus Agrippa in 27BC and was destroyed,, then the emperor Publis Aelius Hadranus rebuilt it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The purpose of this building was to be a temple to the goddess Athena. It is currently used a s a museum. The design system that it uses is the Post and Lintel System and was construed by Kalikrates and Iktinos. There was a fire in the 3rd century AD that destroyed the roof of the temple and was also partially destroyed in na battle. It has also been looted and had many sculptures stolen and even rubble was looted from the building and reused as building ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Argumentative Essay On Timeouts Do you need a time out? Have you ever asked this question at home or in the classroom? I know I did many times and the truth is that I am torn when it comes to timeouts sometimes In my experience, time out is totally ineffective and sometimes it allows children to get away and relax this helps them to calm down which has a huge impact on a child s behavior. So I am left to think and wonder our time outs good or bad? Is there really a right or wrong way to give a time out? Will this be the next big debate? A little girl just ran through her house covered in mud and broke her mother s favorite lamp. What is a mother to do? Well when children are growing up and being raised reinforcers and punishments become a tool ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So have you ever wondered timeouts a good thing or a bad thing? Why is it a good thing to give a child a time out? Well according to researchers Tera L. Wolf T. F. McLaughlin and Randy Lee Williams of Gonzaga University (2006, Vol 21 No.3), state that the use of time outs are very acceptable when dealing with children s behaviors because it is just that a behavioral technique that is used to decrease the frequency of a certain behavior, and it was found to be the most effective for behaviors that are maintained either by attention or tangible reinforcers, which we are know are well known factors in a classroom setting. There are even ways for parents and teachers to work to make sure timeouts run effectively. According to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Performance Management Reflects Organizational Goals Introduction Performance management is a process, which supports employee engagement and where an employee s work reflects organisational goals. It is about achieving results through individuals and teams to improve the performance of the organisation (Armstrong, 2009). The outcome of performance management is visible through financial performance, productivity, quality of the product and service, customer satisfaction, employee engagement and talent retention. Performance management offers competitive advantage and brings positive benefits including increased profits, higher cash flow, and stronger stock value. Productivity is lower if performance management is not present (Maley, 2012). To measure effectiveness of performance management it is important to define the goals of the organization as well as indicators of success. The measures method should provide balanced information based of financial and non financial performance (Dti.gov.uk, accessed on 01/03/2014). There are several methods used to measure performance management. Armstrong, 2009 lists good ways to measure performance management effectiveness to be KPI s, business results, engagement level or customer satisfaction. Another way to assess performance management is to use score card, which can also help to align individual performance with strategy. MSG Managementstudyguide.com, accessed on 01/03/14 provides further ways to assess performance management effectiveness from improved performance, higher ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Ptolemy s Argument Essay The motion of Earth is a complicated idea to grasp. Its motion can t be seen with the naked eye or felt in the way we feel motion from day to day. This, in conjunction with Aristotle s philosophical world view built on shaky logic and a lack of technology meant that the debate over the motion of the Earthlasted well into the 19th century. Galileo was able to chip away at some of the arguments using empirical data. However, the philosophical worldview was able to be adjusted to account for his discoveries. One of the most basic arguments for a stationary Earth was developed by Aristotle. Humans can perceive motion through the wind on our faces, the scenery passing by, and other factors. However, since the motion of the Earth is not observable in the same way other motion is, Aristotle determined that the Earth was stationary. This among many of his other ideas were used to build a world view that was in place for thousands of years. Ptolemy built on Aristotle s ideas with his conclusions regarding the dynamics of an object thrown in the air or dropped from a tower. Ptolemy notes that when an object is dropped from a height, it falls perpendicular to the ground (DeWitt P. 92). By Ptolemy s logic, if the Earth was moving, the object would fall behind the initial position; since... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This describes the theory that if the Earth is rotating about its axis or orbiting the Sun, the stars should appear to move relative to the Earth s position in its orbit. Ptolemy acknowledges that stellar parallax should be observed if the Earth is moving, but since it is not observed he concludes that the Earth is not moving (DeWitt P. 94). This was a damning conclusion, because stellar parallax was not observed until 1838 (DeWitt P. 96). The crux in Ptolemy s conclusion is that he believes the stars are much closer than they are which should have allowed him to observe the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Essay on The Three Essential to Materials A Great Paper. Knowing Science To Understand the Quality of Life Cody Seaton SCI101 IP 1 Kristina Jantz August 26, 2013 The three essential properties of every material are these: 1. What kind of atom makes up that material? 2. How are the atoms in the material arranged? 3. How are the atoms in the material bonded together? (Trefil, p. 239) Atoms make up everything we can see, therefore every material, and atoms have very different properties within themselves, as well as having different ways of being arranged or of bonding together, all of which affect the physical and chemical properties ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Depending on the material used in the doping, a positive semiconductor (p type) or a negative semiconductor (n type) can be made. These types are charged positively or negatively, and this property can be used in computers. A semiconductor made up of a sandwiched n type layer between two p type layers forms two p to n interfaces, called p n junctions, and these junctions allow semiconductors known as transistors to act like electrical switches. This property is just what computers needed, and has been the reason behind the amazing leap in technical capabilities we have seen in the past few decades in computers (Trefil, p. 243 50). These transistors are then made into extremely complex groupings and systems that number into the hundreds of thousands, within what is called an integrated circuit. This means that all those various connections making up various electrical circuits with multitudes of functions are integrated together. The integrated circuit is then put into a component that can be used in a computer, called a microchip, which houses the integrated circuit. With the minute size of these devices that has been achieved today, the density of microchips has shot up, making computers more and more complex, as well as faster by utilizing some parallel computing with the integrated circuits operating simultaneously. These computing devices are found inside your car, making problem ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Marketing Strategies For The Advertising The Persuaders looked different advertising strategies on how to effectively reach consumers. In a time when the price of an advertisement is going up, but the effectiveness of reaching the consumers is going down advertisers are left trying to figure out a way to reach consumers. This film looked at different strategies that were used in the past, and strategies that are currently being used to break through the clutter. Clutter refers to the amount of advertisinga consumer is exposed to on a daily basis. The key to success as this film points out, is to break through that clutter and brand advertisements better than the competitor, while appealing to the consumer. Overall, this film looked at different areas of how advertising use to be about choice words, such as better brighter tougher . Then some companies decided to target an emotional appeal to the consumer. For example, the film uses the airline Song to specifically look at targeting the needs of women. The commercial that was constructed showed used an emotional appeal before showing different services that Song uses. Finally, the video talked about how the consumer wants to have a feeling of entitlement and being in charge. If an advertiser wants to be successful in this sense they need to make the consumer feel like the advertisement is specifically targeted to them. Overall, if a company wants to make good use of their advertising budget, they need to keep up with the new demands and changes in the behavior ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. La Sagrada Mexico Riot That February also marks the first violent action against the Catholic Church. On the 23rd, just down from the U.S. Embassy, Mexico City government agents took control of La Sagrada Familia Church, claiming that it had not complied with regulations. A riot ensued when government agents tried to take survey of the church s inventory. When the rioting escalated, seven of the protestors were killed. In response, the government issued orders to enforce the constitution at all cost and Calles announced that the government would be inflexible. He reiterated that they would use every capability the law provided in dealing with problems that arise from the populace. This assault on the Church was considered the beginning of the Cristero Rebellion.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The law enforced the anticlerical codes that had been previously established over fifty years ago and newly enacted by the 1917 Constitution. Lesser punishments included fines from 50 to 500 pesos and jailtime of fifteen days. With harsher castigations with steeper fines, removal from office and even years of imprisonment. The law was debated for two weeks before it was finally passed by Congress on July 2, 1926 and would begin being enforced on August 1st. When news of the law s creation made it to Rome, that waited to see the intentions of Congress and Calles. The Vatican and the bishops were hopeful they would be able to make some type of compromise with the Mexican government. After the law was ratified Calles suffered from scrutiny from the supporters of the Catholic faith claiming that he was persecuting Catholicism. He defended this saying that all Mexican citizens were required to follow the laws and the Constitution. However, some stipulations, such as the ban on priest celibacy and monastic life, directly related to the Catholic as Protestants did not follow these religious ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Carlos Museum Experience After Visiting the Carlos Museum, it became evident to me that the ethics of displaying human remains is more nuanced than I had originally realized. Some cultures, such as the ancient Egyptians, are thought to have striven to be eternalized through mummification, and therefore would have wanted to be put on display. On the other hand, some cultures, like Native Americans, can explicitly tells us that they do not want their remains to be put on display. Furthermore, I learned from this experience that a corpse s treatment right after its deathis often an indicator for how a person was viewed in life. The curators and conservers at the Carlos Museum take into account the culture from which remains come, whether a body is in a state that is dignified, and if it is necessary in the first place to display the body. For example, one Old Kingdom mummy (the only one in the Western Hemisphere) was collected by William ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Those who buried the corpse of Richard III, however, probably did not hold him to the same level of respect as their other kings and queens. Richard s corpse was found buried under what was the floor of a small friary in Leicestershire, England; he was not given a royal burial. The corpse, lost for centuries, was never meant to be found. His treatment in death reveals how he was viewed by his enemies at least, but may give an idea of how his kingdom viewed him as well. The experience at the Carlos Museum brought to my attention the great detail that goes into not only the preparation, restoration, and conservation of corpses, but also what thought goes into the decision to display a corpse or not. Also, the connections between the treatment of human remains and the discovered corpse of Richard III reveal how the treatment of a corpse often indicates how it was viewed in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Theory Of Constraint Technique Is The Elimination Of Idle... Another Theory of Constraint technique is the elimination of idle time. For whatever reason, idle time is also present in bottleneck resources. For instance, all employees may have a break at the same time leading to no performance during the bottleneck process. Short breaks may have a high opportunity costs since the bottleneck have a constraint effect on the entire plant output. Thus, elimination of such idle time may improve a factory s output. As a TOC technique, scheduling and sequencing involve the sequences can improve factory s output (Khan, n.d.). Quality inspection at this point is vital after the products have processed from a bottleneck resource, but stopping the production of a product due to poor quality implies the time... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Goldratt indicated that there is always a constraint and that the fourth step is the centre for continuous improvement. Goldratt, indicated that an allusion of no constraints would be an indication of infinite performance which is not possible in real life. Under normal circumstance project managers get more resources after realising that there is a resource constraint in the system (Srinivasan, 2012). But the TOC indicates that a project manager should strive to achieve the highest performance from the available resources before getting additional constraint resources. It is evident that the moment that a constraint is elevated adequately, it stops to be a constraint and the bottleneck changes within the system (Lau Kong, n.d.). TOC also uses a thinking process, this is an administration tool used for understanding where the organisation is positioned, what is seeks to be and how it plans to get there. TP is the tool within the TOC framework that elevates it from a production principle into a management technique (Nieminen, 2014). The thinking process has three main steps that are designed to help an organisation achieve their goal, the first step is meant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Essay about Joan Of Arc By Jules Basten Lepage Joan of Arc, was painted by the French realist artist Jules Bastien Lepage in 1879. After the province of Lorraine was lost to Germany following the Franco Prussian War in 1821, The Frenchmen saw in Joan of Arc a new and powerful symbol. In 1875, Bastien Lepage, a native of Lorraine began to make studies for a picture of her. In the present painting, exhibited in the Salon of 1880, Joan is shown receiving her revelation in her parents garden. Behind her are Saints Michael, Margaret, and Catherine. (Caption next to painting in The Metropolitan) Jules Bastien Lepage creates a realistic atmosphere, including a supernatural, religious like presence within his painting. Oil on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This makes her a more easily visible aspect in the painting, and catches the onlookers eye. Joan is dressed in a long brown skirt and blue gray shirt with white underneath which is the typical clothing style of the 19th century. The clothing is painted to show its wear and tear. Her features and her figure are quite realistic. She seems to have a calm, but troubled expression on her face, as though she is deep in thought. Overall she is painted in a very detailed manner. A less visible, yet still present and important aspect of the painting are the three figures positioned behind Joan, and in front of the house. The figures are somewhat transparent, and ghostly. Their presence adds a spiritual and or religious feeling to the scene. These three figures presence blends into the scenery. Al three have halos above their heads, and serene looks on their faces. The saint on the right is dressed in what looks to be armor. He looks brave, and as if he is standing guard or going into battle. The middle saint is a praying angel. She is in a dress with a gauzy, white presence around her. This whiteness gives her an ethereal quality which Bastien Lepage has painted quite effectively, and adds to the spiritual feeling of the scene. Her presence in the painting seems to represent chastity and virtue. The last figure looks like a young girl or child, who is kneeling with her face hidden in her hands almost as if she is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Atlantis Research Paper Over the years, there have been plenty of islands that have disappeared. However, one island has has been given a ton of attention. This island is called Atlantis and was referenced in the greek philosopher Plato s work. The people that inhabited the Atlantis were supposed to be very advanced compared to other civilizations. History.com says, Plato(through the character Critias in his dialogues) describes Atlantis as an island larger than Libya and Asia Minor put together, located in the Atlantic just beyond the Pillars of Hercules generally assumed to mean the Strait of Gibraltar. The island eventually sank into the sea due to earthquakes and flooding. Many people thought Plato s book was just a myth until in a scholar claimed it might... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One theory is that Atlantis was a mid atlantic island that sunk into the ocean. This is very plausible because of the fact that this part of ocean is only a few hundred feet deep. This means that an earthquake could have very well weakened the foundation of the island. Then, if it did flood to like Plato said then it could have easily sunk into the sea floor. This is what Palto explains in his book but there also could have been many other ways that the island was destroyed,from tsunamis to volcanos. Next, another theory is that Atlantis was swallowed by the bermuda triangle. This myth could also very well be true because there are what looks like man made walls and streets off the coast of Bimini, although scientist evaluate the structures and found them to be natural rock formation. Finally, the last theory is that Atlantis was Antarctica. History.com explains According to Hapgood, around 12,000 years ago the Earth s crust shifted, displacing the continent that became Antarctica from a location much further north than it is today. This more temperate continent was home to an advanced civilization, but the sudden shift to its current frigid location doomed the civilization s inhabitants the Atlanteans and their magnificent city was buried under layers of ice. Hapgood s theory surfaced before the scientific world gained a full understanding of plate tectonics, which largely relegated his shifting crust idea to the fringes of Atlantean beliefs. This explains that explorers that are looking for atlantis may truly be in the wrong place, instead of looking through the sea they should be digging through ice. There are many plausible theories out there but all of them are either missing evidence or need more investigation. Therefore there are plenty of theros that explain Atlantis ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Cloudy Project The problem the study is addressing is whether people are more likely to smile back to a stranger on sunny days or cloudy days. 2.What are the questions investigated or hypotheses tested? The hypotheses that was tested was that people are more likely to reciprocate a smile to a passerby on a sunny day rather than a cloudy day. 3.What previous work or theories informed the study? There have been several studies done that show human social relationships and behavior are positively affected by good weather. On sunny days, people are more willing to answer interview questions. On sunny days, people are more likely to leave a better tip for servers. On cloudy days, it has been found that college applications are more heavily weighted on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Are the results statistically significant? If there are mixed results, identify which are significant and which are not. When they were first analyzing the data, they realized there was not a significant difference in cloudy or sunny days when there was a smile in return. To account for effects that the variables may have had, a 2x2x2 log linear analysis was applied. After more evaluation they were able to pinpoint some differences and identify what was important. 11. What is the pattern of results for each broad question that was addressed? Overall, passersby reciprocated a smile more readily on sunnier days than on cloudier days. It seemed that both men and women were more likely to smile back if the confederate was a woman. They saw that men were less likely to smile back to another man. Evaluating Discussion 12. Which conclusions appear to be well supported by the pattern of results; and which conclusions do not appear to be well ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...