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for MICE
GPS-based location services have
revolutionised the way we orient
and interact in real world.
These services do not work indoors
since GPS coverage is not available
Using the car GPS he find his way to the Expo
John is in Cardoen Gent and wants to reach Exhibition center
Dubai International Airport
21,231,530 sq ft
John enters Exhibition center but is not able to find

the exhibitor because the location is large and changes regularly
And GPS does not work indoors!
John is frustrated as he losses time searching
John’s Gate
Location Based Services =
Indoor Positioning
Way finding
Location-Based advertising
Location-Based services
available on 

iOS and Android
+ iBeaconstechnology
Transform visitor experience to the next level
Creating a bridge between physical and digital world.
Make the Exhibition centre easy to navigate
Increase revenue and targeted Advertising
Learn more from visitor habits
Sample operational challenges for the MICE sector:
Exhibition center are big and unknown places for the visitor. 

Booth location keeps on changing in every event and the time to visit is limited.
Advertising methodologies don’t take the complete set of advantages
from the new technologies and hence targeting is very limited.
Analytics can be radically improved using new touch-points
to get brand new metrics to analyze the visitor’s habits.
Dynamic user Engagement
Since the amount of content available for the visitors is massive,
a new, digital and more efficient way is needed to deliver the informations to the users.
Visitor oriented features
Improving user experience with bluepath® Technology
1 to 3 meters precision
Works also OFFLINE
Locate yourself
within the venue

Locate yourself and explore the venue
Using bluepath technology’s high
precision and accuracy, visitors will be
able to locate their self directly on their
mobile map and navigate within the
exhibition center.
Indoor Navigation
Find the way
to your destination

Works in Multi-floor environment
Shortest route calculation
Accessible Route support
Hybrid Outdoor/Indoor directions
Visitors will be able to browse various
point of interest and also, receive smart
notifications and get directions to the
exhibitor stands.
Search Point of Interest on the map.
Find the way
to your destination

Visitors will be able to browse the
events list, receive smart notifications
and get directions to the events’
Works in Multi-floor environment
Shortest route calculation
Accessible Route support
Hybrid Outdoor/Indoor directions
Share your location
with a single tap
bluepath technology provides
a location sharing feature which could
allow the visitors to share their location
Location sharing feature can be used
with friends, family, colleagues or even
event staff.
User A
share location with
User B
User B recieve
directions to
User A
bluepath technology provides
a location sharing feature which could
allow the visitors to share their location
Location sharing feature can be used
with friends, family, colleagues or even
event staff.
Instant proximity
Notifications are more effective with
seamless integration with 3rd party
systems such as recommender system
by merging profile data, social networks
and the user location.
Notifications will be pushed also while
the user app is closed!
Key advantages
Android Wear and Apple Watch compatible
Proximity notifications on your wrist
Devices support

Receive notifications directly
on your wrist with the built-in 

Wearable devices support.
With bluepath® technology,
a visitor can retrieve informations about
the nearby advertising or places just
opening the app.
Find your Friends
on the mobile map
within the venue
Visualize users

on the mobile map
View in realtime the position of your
friend directly on the mobile map and
get directions with just a tap!
Improve networking
with proximity
contact sharing
With the bluepath® Beacon technology
users will be able to share their contact
details with nearby people with just a
single tap.
Contact details are integrated with
social networks such as LinkedIn,
Facebook and Twitter.

parking lots or your
favorite places
Never forget your parking lot by saving
instantly your car position.
With just a tap you will be able to follow
turn by turn directions back to your car
in a Multi-floor environment.

parking lots or your
favorite places
Never forget your parking lot by saving
instantly your car position.
With just a tap you will be able to follow
turn by turn directions back to your car
in a Multi-floor environment.
A better experience
for everyone
bluepath® improves disabled people
experience providing an easy to use and
optimised tool.
Voiceover functionalities are fully
supported on UI.
A better experience
for everyone
bluepath® improves disabled people
experience providing an easy to use and
optimised tool.
Voiceover functionalities are fully
supported on UI. Multiple routes
Business oriented features
Improving efficiency and safety with bluepath® technology
Who or what we can track with
bluepath® Realtime Tracking?
Realtime tracking can be used in various scenarios for
increasing the efficiency and security of the venue.
Asset TrackingTrack employees Track security Track children Track visitors  guests
Bracelet or Smart Tag


✓ Additional mobile features
✓ Integrated with 

✓ No smartphone required

✓ Low cost-per-tag or bracelet
✓ Ideal for Asset Tracking or

high volume user tracking

What we can track with
bluepath® Realtime Tracking system?
Track staff

and visitor position
within the venue
Improve venue safety and security by
tracking visitors, staff and security
personnel in realtime from a mobile or
from the central web based platform.
Track staff

and visitor position
within the venue
Improve venue safety and security by
tracking visitors, staff and security
personnel in realtime from a mobile or
from the central web based platform.
Search and reach
Assets in realtime
Facility staff spend up to 30% of their
time searching for equipment.
With bluepath® facility employees will
find instantly and in realtime the assets
in the venue.
Benefits in workforce management
of extending GPS capabilities indoors
Indoor realtime tracking when used to track workers and assets
will significantly improve
Benefits in workforce management
of extending GPS capabilities indoors
Better response time
Indoor realtime tracking when used to track workers and assets
will significantly improve
More efficiency Better security Better control Better safety
Productivity is how well a system uses its
resources to achieve its goals
Pritchard, 1992
Continuous monitoring of KPIs reached by workers
is the first step to optimise company resources
With bluepath® Indoor Tracking, new great KPIs
can be monitored by analyzing workforce’s feedbacks
a u t o m a t i c
l o c a t i o n b a s e d
f e e d b a c k s
Facility Manager
With bluepath® Indoor Tracking, new great KPIs
can be monitored by analyzing workforce’s feedbacks
a u t o m a t i c
l o c a t i o n b a s e d
f e e d b a c k s
Facility Manager
A feedback-based rewards system will 

motivate employees and simplify tasks completion
with location based advantages.
Day: 23/12/2014
Time: 13:23
Area: Security Check
Coordinates 15.0355:25.054650
Available on modern web interface
Rebuild detailed
user/asset history on
the map
Build the path followed by a staff or user
within a specific time range after an
You will also be able to rebuilt the path
history of staff or visitor at any point of
time for safety and security.
User and Date Timestamp and
Position ID
Venue and area
Integrated with

realtime tracking
on mobile
Instant messaging
between security and
bluepath® platform become the single
touch point for all the communications
between security staff.
Platform is available also on the web
based backend.
Brand new KPIs
for visitors analysis
Analyse user path flows and receive
notifications when the crowd reaches
the warning level in a specified zone.
Average Dwell time
Demographic info
Conversion rate Most visited corridors
Average visit time
Recurring visitors
Booths visits
Lead generation
Learn from 

visitors’ path flows
to upsell locations
Upsell booths’ locations within your
venue at higher prices by providing the
exhibitor statistics based on footfall
Combine collected
data and unleash
the power of Big Data
Integrable with 3rd party data sources
Unlimited data analysis combinations
Brand new metrics for customer analysis
Return of Investment (ROI)
ROI opportunities implementing bluepath® in a Event and Conferences center
Revenue opportunities for Exhibition centres
Exhibition and Event Centres can resell bluepath® Services to Event organisers.
In this way they will improve their services and generate revenues
Event Custom
Location based
Profiled visitors
bluepath® SDK
for 3rd party Apps
In-App advertising in the official application
The Exhibition and conference center will be able to manage and resell
autonomously all the banners inside the app.
Interactive banners can be customisable as target, coverage with
rich media contents associated.
A brand new digital engagement channel can be enabled thus increasing
exhibitor visibility and Exhibition center revenues.
In-App advertising in the official application
The Exhibition and conference center will be able to manage and resell
autonomously all the banners inside the app.
Interactive banners can be customisable as target, coverage with
rich media contents associated.
A brand new digital engagement channel can be enabled thus increasing
exhibitor visibility and Exhibition center revenues.
Location based proximity notifications
Proximity notifications are the next level of advertising.
Being pushed in a specified location, Proximity Notifications can be a great
chance for exhibitors to attract visitors and generate leads.
Proximity notifications packages can be resold from the Exhibition Center
directly from bluepath® Cloud Platform.
Profiled visitors’ data
Exhibition and Conference center can resell profiled informations about
attendees and visitors captured from the Application usage.
Leveraging the power of Big Data, the automatic data collected from the
visitors gain an incredible value.
Eg. Sell a complete contact list of visitors from a specified country,
interests and habits within the venue.
Profiled visitors’ data
Exhibition and Conference center can resell profiled informations about
attendees and visitors captured from the Application usage.
Leveraging the power of Big Data, the automatic data collected from the
visitors gain an incredible value.
Eg. Sell a complete contact list of visitors from a specified country,
interests and habits within the venue.
Custom App for individual Events
A custom, tailor-made app can be developed for each single events
using the existing iBeacon infrastructure.
The app will offer the full stack of indoor location services, event informations and
utilities completely manageable from a dedicated web-based backend.
bluepath® SDK for 3rd party Apps
Exhibition Centre can resell the bluepath® SDK to the event organisers that

already have an application.
Third party software house will be able to add the full stack of indoor/outdoor
location based features in an easy way.
Strengths of bluepath®
Indoor Location Platform
High accuracy precision
from 1 to 3 meters
Use existing Apps and
integrate the SDK
Turnkey solution

with the App if needed.
Smartphones or
Smart Tags tracking
Unobtrusive and green
Beacon infrastructure
Analytics Dashboard
Thank you and
welcome to the world of
bluepath AG
Schlossstrasse 19
82031 Gruenwald

+49 89 21543088

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bluepath solution for Conference, Exhibitions and Events

  • 2. GPS-based location services have revolutionised the way we orient and interact in real world. These services do not work indoors since GPS coverage is not available
  • 3. Using the car GPS he find his way to the Expo John is in Cardoen Gent and wants to reach Exhibition center
  • 4. Dubai International Airport 21,231,530 sq ft John enters Exhibition center but is not able to find
 the exhibitor because the location is large and changes regularly And GPS does not work indoors! John is frustrated as he losses time searching John’s Gate John
  • 5. Location Based Services = Indoor Positioning Way finding Location-Based advertising Location-Based services iBeacon iBeacon iBeacon iBeacon available on 
 iOS and Android + iBeaconstechnology
  • 6. Transform visitor experience to the next level Creating a bridge between physical and digital world.
  • 7. Make the Exhibition centre easy to navigate 1 Increase revenue and targeted Advertising 2 Learn more from visitor habits 3 Sample operational challenges for the MICE sector: Exhibition center are big and unknown places for the visitor. 
 Booth location keeps on changing in every event and the time to visit is limited. Advertising methodologies don’t take the complete set of advantages from the new technologies and hence targeting is very limited. Analytics can be radically improved using new touch-points to get brand new metrics to analyze the visitor’s habits. 4 Dynamic user Engagement Since the amount of content available for the visitors is massive, a new, digital and more efficient way is needed to deliver the informations to the users.
  • 8. Visitor oriented features Improving user experience with bluepath® Technology
  • 9. 1 to 3 meters precision Works also OFFLINE Locate yourself within the venue 
 Locate yourself and explore the venue Using bluepath technology’s high precision and accuracy, visitors will be able to locate their self directly on their mobile map and navigate within the exhibition center. Indoor Navigation
  • 10. Find the way to your destination 
 Works in Multi-floor environment Shortest route calculation Accessible Route support Hybrid Outdoor/Indoor directions Visitors will be able to browse various point of interest and also, receive smart notifications and get directions to the exhibitor stands. Search Point of Interest on the map.
  • 11. Find the way to your destination 
Visitors will be able to browse the events list, receive smart notifications and get directions to the events’ location. Works in Multi-floor environment Shortest route calculation Accessible Route support Hybrid Outdoor/Indoor directions
  • 12. Share your location with a single tap bluepath technology provides a location sharing feature which could allow the visitors to share their location instantly. Location sharing feature can be used with friends, family, colleagues or even event staff.
  • 13. User A share location with User B User B recieve directions to User A bluepath technology provides a location sharing feature which could allow the visitors to share their location instantly. Location sharing feature can be used with friends, family, colleagues or even event staff.
  • 14. Instant proximity notifications Notifications are more effective with seamless integration with 3rd party systems such as recommender system by merging profile data, social networks and the user location. Notifications will be pushed also while the user app is closed!
  • 15. Key advantages Android Wear and Apple Watch compatible Proximity notifications on your wrist Wearable Devices support 
Receive notifications directly on your wrist with the built-in 
 Wearable devices support.
  • 16. Context-aware informations With bluepath® technology, a visitor can retrieve informations about the nearby advertising or places just opening the app.
  • 17. Find your Friends on the mobile map within the venue Visualize users
 on the mobile map View in realtime the position of your friend directly on the mobile map and get directions with just a tap!
  • 18. Improve networking with proximity contact sharing With the bluepath® Beacon technology users will be able to share their contact details with nearby people with just a single tap. Contact details are integrated with social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
  • 19. Bookmark
 parking lots or your favorite places Never forget your parking lot by saving instantly your car position. With just a tap you will be able to follow turn by turn directions back to your car in a Multi-floor environment.
  • 20. Bookmark
 parking lots or your favorite places Never forget your parking lot by saving instantly your car position. With just a tap you will be able to follow turn by turn directions back to your car in a Multi-floor environment.
  • 21. A better experience for everyone bluepath® improves disabled people experience providing an easy to use and optimised tool. Voiceover functionalities are fully supported on UI.
  • 22. A better experience for everyone bluepath® improves disabled people experience providing an easy to use and optimised tool. Voiceover functionalities are fully supported on UI. Multiple routes available
  • 23. Business oriented features Improving efficiency and safety with bluepath® technology
  • 24. Who or what we can track with bluepath® Realtime Tracking? Realtime tracking can be used in various scenarios for increasing the efficiency and security of the venue. Asset TrackingTrack employees Track security Track children Track visitors guests
  • 25. Smartphone tracking Bracelet or Smart Tag
 tracking and/or ✓ BYOD
 ✓ Additional mobile features ✓ Integrated with 
 Bluemessenger ✓ No smartphone required
 ✓ Low cost-per-tag or bracelet ✓ Ideal for Asset Tracking or
 high volume user tracking
 What we can track with bluepath® Realtime Tracking system?
  • 26. Track staff
 and visitor position within the venue Improve venue safety and security by tracking visitors, staff and security personnel in realtime from a mobile or from the central web based platform.
  • 27. Track staff
 and visitor position within the venue Improve venue safety and security by tracking visitors, staff and security personnel in realtime from a mobile or from the central web based platform.
  • 28. Search and reach Assets in realtime Facility staff spend up to 30% of their time searching for equipment. With bluepath® facility employees will find instantly and in realtime the assets in the venue.
  • 29. Benefits in workforce management of extending GPS capabilities indoors Indoor realtime tracking when used to track workers and assets will significantly improve
  • 30. Benefits in workforce management of extending GPS capabilities indoors Better response time Indoor realtime tracking when used to track workers and assets will significantly improve More efficiency Better security Better control Better safety
  • 31. Productivity is how well a system uses its resources to achieve its goals Pritchard, 1992 Continuous monitoring of KPIs reached by workers is the first step to optimise company resources
  • 32. With bluepath® Indoor Tracking, new great KPIs can be monitored by analyzing workforce’s feedbacks a u t o m a t i c l o c a t i o n b a s e d f e e d b a c k s Facility Manager Workers
  • 33. With bluepath® Indoor Tracking, new great KPIs can be monitored by analyzing workforce’s feedbacks a u t o m a t i c l o c a t i o n b a s e d f e e d b a c k s Facility Manager Workers A feedback-based rewards system will 
 motivate employees and simplify tasks completion with location based advantages.
  • 34. Day: 23/12/2014 Time: 13:23 Area: Security Check Coordinates 15.0355:25.054650 Available on modern web interface Rebuild detailed user/asset history on the map Build the path followed by a staff or user within a specific time range after an event. You will also be able to rebuilt the path history of staff or visitor at any point of time for safety and security. User and Date Timestamp and Position ID Venue and area infos
  • 35. Integrated with
 realtime tracking Available on mobile Instant messaging between security and visitors bluepath® platform become the single touch point for all the communications between security staff. Platform is available also on the web based backend.
  • 36. Brand new KPIs for visitors analysis Analyse user path flows and receive notifications when the crowd reaches the warning level in a specified zone. Pathflows Average Dwell time Demographic info Conversion rate Most visited corridors Average visit time Recurring visitors Booths visits Lead generation
  • 37. Learn from 
 visitors’ path flows to upsell locations Upsell booths’ locations within your venue at higher prices by providing the exhibitor statistics based on footfall analysis.
  • 38. Combine collected data and unleash the power of Big Data Integrable with 3rd party data sources Unlimited data analysis combinations Brand new metrics for customer analysis
  • 39. Return of Investment (ROI) ROI opportunities implementing bluepath® in a Event and Conferences center
  • 40. Revenue opportunities for Exhibition centres Exhibition and Event Centres can resell bluepath® Services to Event organisers. In this way they will improve their services and generate revenues Event Custom App In-app Advertising Location based Notifications Profiled visitors data bluepath® SDK for 3rd party Apps
  • 41. In-App advertising in the official application The Exhibition and conference center will be able to manage and resell autonomously all the banners inside the app. Interactive banners can be customisable as target, coverage with rich media contents associated. A brand new digital engagement channel can be enabled thus increasing exhibitor visibility and Exhibition center revenues.
  • 42. In-App advertising in the official application The Exhibition and conference center will be able to manage and resell autonomously all the banners inside the app. Interactive banners can be customisable as target, coverage with rich media contents associated. A brand new digital engagement channel can be enabled thus increasing exhibitor visibility and Exhibition center revenues.
  • 43. Location based proximity notifications Proximity notifications are the next level of advertising. Being pushed in a specified location, Proximity Notifications can be a great chance for exhibitors to attract visitors and generate leads. Proximity notifications packages can be resold from the Exhibition Center directly from bluepath® Cloud Platform.
  • 44. Profiled visitors’ data Exhibition and Conference center can resell profiled informations about attendees and visitors captured from the Application usage. Leveraging the power of Big Data, the automatic data collected from the visitors gain an incredible value. Eg. Sell a complete contact list of visitors from a specified country, interests and habits within the venue.
  • 45. Profiled visitors’ data Exhibition and Conference center can resell profiled informations about attendees and visitors captured from the Application usage. Leveraging the power of Big Data, the automatic data collected from the visitors gain an incredible value. Eg. Sell a complete contact list of visitors from a specified country, interests and habits within the venue.
  • 46. Custom App for individual Events A custom, tailor-made app can be developed for each single events using the existing iBeacon infrastructure. The app will offer the full stack of indoor location services, event informations and utilities completely manageable from a dedicated web-based backend.
  • 47. bluepath® SDK for 3rd party Apps Exhibition Centre can resell the bluepath® SDK to the event organisers that
 already have an application. Third party software house will be able to add the full stack of indoor/outdoor location based features in an easy way.
  • 48. Strengths of bluepath® Indoor Location Platform High accuracy precision from 1 to 3 meters Use existing Apps and integrate the SDK Turnkey solution
 with the App if needed. Smartphones or Smart Tags tracking Unobtrusive and green Beacon infrastructure Integrated Analytics Dashboard
  • 49. Thank you and welcome to the world of bluepath AG Schlossstrasse 19 82031 Gruenwald Germany www.bluepath.me
 +49 89 21543088 info@bluepath.me