This document provides an overview of a board development workshop for non-profit organizations. The workshop covers understanding the board's role, recruiting and retaining board members, strengthening the board, and best practices for communication. It discusses determining board members' fit, retaining them through manuals and strategic plans, and creating a collective vision. For communication, it emphasizes listening, asking open-ended questions, and making meetings effective through clear objectives, participation, and summarization. The goal is to help non-profit boards function productively through leadership, planning, and cooperation.
2. Agenda
Format for Workshop
Board Development: Understanding Your Role
Board Development: Recruiting and Retaining
Board Members
Board Development: Strengthening Your Board
Board Development: Best Practices-Communication
3. Format of Presentation
Be involved and engaged
Think of this as a two hour conversation about your
Ask questions
Give your opinion
6. Leadership-Best Practices
My favorite concepts from the “Change is Good”
Video & how we can apply them to board leadership:
“Forget for Success”-Don’t think about the ways
that things have been done in the past….be
innovative and don’t be afraid to embrace bold
Focus on Strengths-Be proud of the strengths that
you and your fellow board members bring to the
7. Leadership-Best Practices
Simplify your message-FOCUS on your mission
Let your actions speak-BE the voice of your
organization everywhere in the community
Celebrate success-use every opportunity you can to
share the news of your organization’s successes
Measure Results-”what gets measured, gets
8. Understanding your Role
The Board of Directors should provide leadership
for the organization
Roles, responsibilities, and powers are usually
outlined in bylaws
Members should fully understand their roles and
Members have diverse backgrounds but share
common goals
9. Understanding Your Role
Every organization should have a formal Board
Policy Manual
Board Members should be aware of current policies
Volunteer-Be a part of your organization’s events.
Don’t just show up for meetings once a month
Look out for the best interest of the organization
10. Understanding Your Role
The Board of Directors should foster a transparent,
consistent, and accountable culture
Always have your financial records audited by an
outside agency
Focus on results. What is your mission? How can you
measure progress?
Understand the importance of fresh perspectives
Develop a conflict of interest policy
Documentation: Minutes, notes, receipts, handbooks,
11. Leadership Best Practices
Stay “Mission Driven”. What is our mission?
Maintain consistency
Be strategic. Spend your time wisely. Focus on the
things that are important.
Continuously review your Board of Directors’ best
practices; evaluate your board’s performance and
Board members represent the organization within
the community
12. Understanding Your Role
Annually review your organization’s mission
Board orientation-continuing education
Report on programs and services & track progress
Actively solicit input from the community
Represent the organization to government,
business, other agencies, funders, and the
community at large
Support healthy and productive relationships
throughout the organization
13. Understanding Your Role
A strategic plan is guided by your organizational
Well-designed, effective committees
Know your fellow board members-foster a culture
of cohesion and group vitality
How else can we demonstrate exceptional
leadership within our organization?
14. Understanding Your Role
Ways To Increase Your Success As A Board Member
Attend all meetings of the board and committees on which
you serve.
Come prepared to discuss the issues and business to be
addressed at scheduled meetings, having read the agenda and
all background material.
Work with and respect the opinions of peers who serve this
board, and to leave personal prejudices out of all board
Always act for the good of the organization and represent the
interests of all people served by this nonprofit.
15. Understanding Your Role
Represent this organization in a positive and supportive
manner at all times.
Observe the parliamentary procedures and display
courteous conduct in all board, committee and task force
Avoid conflict of interest between my position as a board
member and my personal life. This includes using your
position for the advantage of friends and business
associates. If such a conflict does arise, declare that
conflict before the board and refrain from voting on
matters in which you have conflict.
16. Understanding Your Role
Determine the Organization’s Mission and Purpose
Select the Executive Director
Support the Executive and Review His/Her Performance
Ensure Effective Organizational Planning
Ensure Adequate Resources
Manage Resources Effectively
Determine and Monitor the Organization’s Programs and Services
Enhance the Organizations Public Image
17. Understanding Your Role
Serve as Court of Appeal
Assess its Own Performance
Board and board member responsibilities are fundamentally the same for all organizations
How boards and board member responsibilities actually fulfill their responsibilities will vary
There is no generic model
All organization undergo a metamorphosis
Board members begin to reach their optimal levels of performance when they exercise their
responsibilities by asking good and timely questions rather than by running programs or implementing
their own policies
From the Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards. Washington, DC: National Center for Nonprofit boards.
Ingram, Richard T.
18. Board Development: Recruiting and
Retaining New Members
Question for the group: where
does your organization look
for new board members?
19. Board Development: Recruiting and
Retaining New Board Members
“Luring them In”
Get them to visit the site where the work of your
organization is being done
Invite them to a board meeting
Don’t just “sell” . Make sure they are a fit for your
organization and will be a good ambassador for the
mission of the organization
20. Board Development: Recruiting and Retaining
New Board Members
Determining a good fit
Explicitly ask them if they are prepared to use the
skill you are recruiting them for
Have more than one person meet/interview them
Make sure they understand the job description
Develop a quantifiable rubric to compare candidates
22. Board Development: Recruiting and Retaining
New Board Members
If you are unsure, start them on a committee to see
how they do
Consider a mandatory committee assignment prior
to becoming a full board member
23. Questions to
ask/Application Process
Do you have a protocol for the board member
application process?
What Skills and Expertise do you look for? Is your
application tool a good vehicle for finding these
skills and expertise?
See attached worksheet: “Questions to ask Potential
Board Candidates”
24. Retaining Board Members
Board Manual
Well planned, organized, pockets to hold
brochures, dated materials, current, updateable, easy
to use, reasonable size, done with input &
consultation by Board
Names & Bio of Board Members & Statements of
Responsibility of officers
List of Committees
History or fact sheet of organization
Articles of Incorporation and ByLaws
Mission and Vision Statements
25. Retaining board members
Strategic plan
Annual & audit report from prior year
Current budget and latest financial statement
List of major funders and partners
Organizational Chart & Staff Info
Annual Calendar
Promotional and Website info
26. Strengthening your Board
Create a Collective Vision
Board Members should be invested in the success of
the organization
Work on Communication
Meeting Minutes
Board Retreats
Team Building
27. Strengthening Your Board
Be Proactive
When times are easy, take care of some of those things that
have been neglected. Do bylaws need to be updated? Do
you have a strategic plan?
As a group, prioritize what is most important and follow
through. Be realistic about what you can accomplish.
Think about the future of your board
Who will lead and serve the board over the next five years?
What skills, knowledge, and other qualities will strengthen
the board?
How will we foster and develop board leadership?
28. Strengthening Your Board
Tips for Keeping Strong Board Members Engaged
Tighten up your board meetings:
Keep them to no more than two hours
Keep to agenda
Focus on the strategic, not the minutiae
Provide opportunities for board members to be
engaged in the work of the organization
Conduct board member evaluations
Conduct retreats and outings
Develop a simple annual board building program
30. Best Practices:
What NOT to do?
Lack of patience
Poor behavior or “acting out”
Not “seeing the forest for the trees”
Personal or hidden agendas
Getting stuck in alliances and coalitions regardless of
the issue
Lack of ground rules
Ways of speaking to other board members that are
hurtful or close down communication
31. Best Practices:
(Lecturing, chastising, threatening, bullying, etc.)
Competition, turf, fairness, zero-sum games, winners
and losers
Too much talking, not enough listening
Too little leadership and skills building
Disengagement from community
“Effective Board Building”, by Phillip Boyle
32. Best Practices:
What do these “don’ts” lead to?
Unsatisfying communication
Diminished trust, respect, acceptance, tolerance
Increased stress
Loss of community respect, difficulty getting things
Lose sight of Purpose
33. Best Practices:
LISTEN-don’t just “hear”: A study of persons of
varied occupational backgrounds showed that 70
percent of their waking moments were spent in
34. Best Practices:
Unfortunately, even at the purely informational
level, researchers claim that 75% of oral
communication is ignored, misunderstood, or
quickly forgotten.
35. Best Practices:
Robert Bolton, People Skills author describes three
listening skill clusters for enhancing communications:
Attending Skills: A posture of
involvement, appropriate body motion, eye
contact, and non-distracting environment
Following Skills: Door Openers, Minimal
Encourages, Infrequent Questions, Attentive Silence
Reflecting Skills: Paraphrasing, Reflecting
Feelings, Reflecting Meanings, Summative Reflections
36. Best Practices:
Meetings are central to an organizational board’s
functioning. They can also breed arguments and long
discussions that lead nowhere and fail to produce
37. Best Practices:
Ask Open-Ended Questions: this can help members to identify their own
solutions to problems
Ask for specifics
Use writing as a communication tool
Turn “US” and “THEM” into “WE”
Listen attentively and acknowledge
Establish realistic expectations
Don’t pressure others to see things your way, but rather to be responsible
for their own actions. “Effective Board Building”-Philip Boyle
38. Best Practices:
State objectives at the start of the meeting, follow
your agenda
Make sure everyone knows they will have a chance
to speak
Begin with questions related to the task
Periodically check to see you are on task
39. Best Practices:
Don’t reinforce or explore off-task remarks
Use close-ended questions to address off-task
remarks, then tactfully ask the person who has
made it to relate their comment to the task at hand
Ask how to improve the next meeting, then
incorporate one new idea
Summarize and reflect ideas
MODEL desired behaviors
40. Best Practices:
Engage all board members
Restrict dominating individuals
Encourage honest search for consensus
Philip Boyle: Effective Board Building Creating and
Maintaining a High-Performance and High-Satisfying
Governing Board
41. Closing Thoughts on
Questions to ask ourselves:
Are we clear about our purpose?
How satisfied are we with our communication
Do disagreements become personal?
Do we share responsibility for leading our board?
Are we treating each other fairly?
42. Final Thoughts: Strategies
for Improving Meetings
Set the context for issues and discussions
Distinguish between routine and strategic issues
Distinguish between governance and management
Facilitate the discussion and monitor participation
Don’t delegate to committees until the board has
outlined a process and set the context and
parameters for the work.
Meetinghouse Solutions, 2006
43. Improving meetings-
Meeting minutes are a record of what was done at
the meeting, not what everyone said.
Meeting minutes are legal documents than auditors
and others may review. They should be
accurate, brief, and easy to read
Format: Include the name of the
organization, date, time and location of the meeting.
Note whether it is a special or regular meeting. List
those who are present and who are absent, as well
as guests.
Meetinghouse Solutions, 2006
44. Meeting minutes
Specify the time the meeting was convened at the name
of the presiding officer. Record minutes in accordance
with the order of events. Note the approval and
amendment of the minutes of the previous meeting as
well as the review and acceptance of the financial report.
Summarize the main points of discussion only if it sets
precedent or is critical. Otherwise, simply note that
“discussion ensued”. Identify problems and
suggestions, record all motions and abstentions. Note
the time of adjournment.
Meetinghouse Solutions, 2006