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Boschetto Pozzone
a green area, rich of plants
History of the
The plants
Why should we
revalue this area?
can/can’t you
do in this park?
History of the park
They planted this area called «Boschetto Pozzone» in 2005 but
Legambiente inaugurated it in May 2006.
There was a pic nic area with a wooden table and two wooden benches,
the plants were very tender and the bushes very low, the place was very
In 10 years this green area has become very lush and rich of different
plants. This little park is a bit abandoned because it is far away from Leno
center and few people take care of it. Some parts of the park are
neglected and rubbish is sometime wildly abandoned. The wooden table
is still there but one of the benches has been stolen. Now the place is not
so nice as it used to be, and it is not so much relaxing.
You can drive there, you can walk or ride your bike because there is a
safety road.
We walked there on 30th May 2016 and from the pictures we took we can
say that the whole area needs to be requalified.
Why should we revalue this area?
This place needs to be revalued by the local people because it is very
interesting for its varieties of autochthonous plants like Poplars, Willows,
Hazel trees, Maples, Crab apple trees and Oaks but above all it is a
relaxing place for people who want to walk or do jogging.
The Pozzone needs to be cleaned and a fishing area should be
The plants
v Willow
v Pomegranate
v Fig tree
v Helm
v Hazel tree
v Maple
v Crab apple tree
v Oak
v Walnut tree
v Peach tree
v Birch
v Plane-tree
v Locust-tree
v Poplar
v Mulberry
v Ash
The Italian name for Oak is Quercia and it is a Fagacea plant. It
is a very big plant, usually it is 30 meters tall and it is an
evergreen plant. It comes from Asia And South America.
Sometimes it is from 100 to 500 years old. Oaks can be divided
into two groups: those with deciduous leaves, which are
located in the continental areas, and those with persistent
leaves, located in areas where there is a Mediterranean
climate. This plant is widespread in the European's woods, in
lowland areas as well as on hills or mountains. It has a very big
foliage and the bark is wrinkled and gray. For the Romans the
oak's branch was a symbol of virtue.
Leaves and seeds
The Oak's leaves are lobed or sometimes toothed with different
shapes and they have a dark green colour. The same plant has
both male and female flowers, where the male ones are yellow
and the female ones are green. The seed is oval and it is held
in a kind of cup that protects it, the acorn, the favourite food of
The oak can be used mainly in two fields: its precious wood is
used for expensive furniture and the oak's bark, rich in tannins,
has anti-inflammatory and astringent proprieties. The oak is an
ornamental plant for parks and gardens.
The walnut tree, noce in Italian, comes from Asia, near the
Himalaya mountains, but today it can be found all over the
world, and It is widespread in Italy.
It has a solid, vigorous trunk. Its fruit is the Nut. A Walnut tree
can be 40 meters tall and can produce 70 Kg of nuts.
Nuts and the walnut's bark, properly treated, can be useful
against headache.
From the Middle Ages until World War 1, a walnut signalled
the presence of a house in the Italian countryside, where it
never failed because it provided food, firewood and timber
for furniture.
Even today the walnut's wood is precious and expensive
The peach tree is originally from China.
The peach tree isn’t very big but it can be 4 or 5 meters high.
It has a brown bark, the leaves are lance-shaped and its
flowers, carried on young branches, are small and pink.
It produces peaches: fleshy, juicy and sugary fruits with a
stone in the centre. The flesh is sweet and fragrant and,
depending on the variety it may be yellow or white with red
veins more evident near the stone. Their peel, of a yellow-
reddish colour can be thin and smooth or velvet-like.
The peach was considered the fruit of immortality.
Its name comes from "Beith," a Celtic word, but the meaning is unknown.
Pendula is a word of Latin origin, that refers to the characteristic pendulous secondary
branches of the plant.
It belongs to the Betulaceae family.
The two most common species of birch are: "Betula pendula", commonly called white
birch, characterized by thin secondary branches and pendulous, much used in gardens,
native of Europe and Siberia; and the "Betula pubescens", known by the name of hairy
birch, in fact it has slightly hairy leaves.
It is a tree with deciduous foliage, which can reach fifteen-thirty meters in height, it rarely
exceeds eighty years of life.
The growth of a birch is quite rapid and reaches its maximum height in twenty years.
The branches have thin, small leaves of light green color that turn yellow in autumn; the
bark, smooth and thin, with age becomes white with typical black stripes, because of the
presence of betulina granules.
The flowers are long yellowish-brown inflorescences; the seeds appear in autumn, are
yellow- brown and are surrounded by a membrane.
It is a tree "Pioneer", that usually grows out of the woods, on land not yet colonized by
plants. It prefers a very bright, sunny position.
It is a rustic plant, that does not fear the cold or winds.
The birch is planted as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens, for the elegant foliage
and stem with its white, black spotted bark. In forestry these trees are used to consolidate
landslides or for the reforestation of pastures; It is also cultivated for its medicinal
The birch is the northern olive; Russians call it "the well of the people" because it gives to
men the heat with its wood, the light with its bark wrapped as a torch and health with its
Plane-tree,Platanus in Latin, comes from the Greek "Platys", that is, extended,
wide, flat, with explicit reference to the large leaves.
It belongs to the Platanacee family.
The three most common plane species are: the "Platanus occidentalis" with a
height of about forty meters, native in North America; the "Platanus orientalis" with
a height of thirty meters, native to the Asian areas; and finally the "Platanus
acerifolia", a hybrid of the two previous species, with a height of about thirty-five
meters, native of Great Britain.
The most common species in Italy is the "Platanus acerifolia", particularly in level or
hilly places.
It is a stately tree, with an erect and strong trunk, with a bark in patches.
The plant grows rapidly and its life is very long, it can live up to two hundred and
fifty years. It develops a trunk circumference of about eighty meters.
Its foliage has a roundish form, the branches are numerous and messy, the leaves
are large and webbed of about fifteen-twenty centimeters.
In the spring it produces inflorescences of the roundish form, of red or yellow color,
while during the winter has small round fruits, that when mature, evolve abundant
It prefers sunny locations, but also bear extreme temperature changes.
It is a monumental tree suitable as an ornamental plant to decorate avenues,
parks and gardens, but also for urban furnishing thanks to its high resistance to
smog of the metropolis.
locust-tree( also robinia)
It’s native of North America and naturalized in Europe and in
other continents.
It 's a shrub. Its pollen is sprouting from the collar to the roots.
It has a bark with a rough surface and has long leaves, about
30-35 cm, with 11-21 ovate leaflets long about 6 cm. During
the night the leaves tend to overlap while they remain open
during the day. The flowers are white or cream, about 2 cm
long; gathered in clusters. The fruits are oval shaped pods,
first green and then brown. It has long spines along the
It is used for its wood but also for its beauty and its fragrant
flowers. In addition to common uses, it can find some
application in heavy carpentry , as finishing timber or for
barrels . . This is considered especially valuable as wood
blocks for the floor.
The poplar is a woody plant of the family Salicaceae that
originates in the northern hemisphere.
The leaves are arranged in a spiral and their shape varies
from triangular to circular or, more rarely, they can be lobed,
with long petioles. The colour of its bark ranges from gray-
green to gray-yellow and its branches, even if broken or
damaged by the wind recovers very quickly, as the tree itself ,
which grows very fast.
Seldom used in parks or gardens for its appearance, it is a
useful tree. It’s used for pallets, crates, upholstered furniture
frames, paper (pulpwood), and plywood. It is very easy to
work. Its only downside is its softness.
Poplars often mark the boundaries of fields
It is a flowering plant of the family Moracee, native of Asia
but also widespread in Africa and North America. It includes
medium-size trees or shrubs.There are two types of mulberry
tree , one with the black fruits and one with white fruits . The
leaves are deciduous, alternate, with serrated edge. The
fruits, called Blackberries, are edible.
The leaves are used in sericulture as staple food for the
breeding of silkworms. The trees are used as ornamental
plants or to obtain timber.
The bark can be used as anti-inflammatory for the respiratory
tract and to stimulate the gastrointestinal motility.
NAME: Fraxinus excelsior known by the common name of
greater Ash; Fraxinus ornus known as Omo, or Flowering Ash
Tree of manna; Fraxinus angustifolia known with the name of
Southern Ash.
Origin and diffusion: it is a kind of plant of the family of
Oleaceae, which includes more than 60 species of trees or
deciduous shrubs, native of the temperate regions of the
Northern Hemisphere.
FEATURES: It can go from 8 to 20 meters , occasionally it can
reach 40 meters, with a foliage width up to 15 meters. The ash
is among the trees that grow quickly, and it is recommended
for those who need to fill spaces left empty in their gardens. If
it is left to grow isolated, the tree grows vigorously, but also
with great harmony.The wide variety of Excelsior Ash can be found in northern
regions mostly because it needs plenty of water to survive,
whereas the others live in the south due to their scarce
climatic needs.
-the cortex, the leaves and the seeds have diuretic effects
-its wood is robust and malleable.
NAME: Willow
ORIGIN: Europe, Asia, North America
CHARACTERISTIC: Willows belong to the families of Salix.
There are around 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs,
they grow primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate
 regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
Most species are known as willow, but some narrow-leaved
shrub species are called osier, and some broader-leaved
species are referred to as sallow.
They have a soft, usually pliant, tough wood, slender
branches, and large, fibrous roots. The roots are remarkable
for their toughness, size, and tenacity to life. Roots readily
grow from aerial parts of the plant.
CURIOSITIES: Willows have abundant watery bark sap, which is
heavily charged with salicylic acid, it has anti-inflammatory
and antipyretic properties but can give problems to the
stomach. Still used to treat some skin diseases because it
helps to regenerate the cells of the skin or against corns and
From the salicylic acid derives the acetylsalicylic acid the
active principle of the aspirin
Origin / Spread
The pomegranate ( Punica granatum ) is a native plant of a
geographic region that ranges from Iran to the Himalayas in
the northern Indian area , and in ancient times grew in the
Caucasus , and in the whole Mediterranean region .
the pomegranate grows well in warm climate zones but it
can also be cultivated in cooler weather.
Pomegranates , of the size of an apple , have a leathery
yellow skin. They contain many seeds and a juicy flesh ,
slightly sour .
 The beneficial properties of pomegranate were already
known in ancient times : the cooked root in wine was used as
vermifuge and its peel was used in case of slow intestine. The
film that surrounds the seeds was particularly appreciated for
the preparation of refreshing beverages
The fig-tree is native of Syria.
It has spread in China and India, but especially in the Mediterranean
basin, apparently for the Phoenicians who used it as main food
during their sea voyages. Today it can be found in a wide range that
goes from Persia to the Canaries and, more currently, also in southern
Africa and South America. 
The fig tree is a tree species that belongs to the family of Moracee.
The fig tree is presented as a rather mighty tree, from 6 to 10 meters
generally varying heights; the bark that covers the tortuous trunk is
rough and gray, and the branches end with pointed buds, covered
with greenish scales. The branches are masked by large green
leaves, oblong, rough, with oval contours. The leaves have three
lobes (trilobate ) or 5 (five-lobed), each of which is outlined by a
rather irregular and serrated contour . 
 What most people call the fruit is actually a false fruit: the fig tree, in
fact, is a syconium, some meaty and sweet infructescence, covered
with a delicate skin ranging in color from red to green, and bluish
gray. The true fruits are many small achenes, positioned in the cavity
of the inflorescence: each achene (called seeds), set in the sweet
and delicious pulp.
name: helm (olmo in Italian)
origins: it belongs to Ulmus' family. It is a typical
Italian tree but its spread in Europe and Asia.
characteristics: its bark is smooth and grey in the
young trees but it gets thick and cracked in time.
t's about 20-25 m tall . The flowers blossom before
the leaves and are gathered in small bunches.
curiosity: the leaves are oval and have a serrated
edge. It is used as
ornamental tree.
The flowers are hermaphrodite. The
fruit is a dry fruit. It has got elongated shape.
These plants produce edible nuts in autumn.
This tree produces a syrup sap which is eatable.
This plant produces crab apples which are delicious.
What Can you do and what can’t
you do in this park?You can’t
 Set fires
 Remove trees,
 Destroy river banks
 Damage trees
 Abandon rubish
 Pick up flowers or bulbs
 Spoil the pic nic area
 Pollute the river
You can:
 sleep
 Read
 Have a pic nic
 Relax
 Collect animal manure
 Respect the flowers,
 Respect the trees
 Collect rubbish

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Boschetto pozzone

  • 1. Boschetto Pozzone a green area, rich of plants History of the park The plants Why should we revalue this area? What can/can’t you do in this park?
  • 2. History of the park They planted this area called «Boschetto Pozzone» in 2005 but Legambiente inaugurated it in May 2006. There was a pic nic area with a wooden table and two wooden benches, the plants were very tender and the bushes very low, the place was very relaxing. In 10 years this green area has become very lush and rich of different plants. This little park is a bit abandoned because it is far away from Leno center and few people take care of it. Some parts of the park are neglected and rubbish is sometime wildly abandoned. The wooden table is still there but one of the benches has been stolen. Now the place is not so nice as it used to be, and it is not so much relaxing. You can drive there, you can walk or ride your bike because there is a safety road. We walked there on 30th May 2016 and from the pictures we took we can say that the whole area needs to be requalified.
  • 3. Why should we revalue this area? This place needs to be revalued by the local people because it is very interesting for its varieties of autochthonous plants like Poplars, Willows, Hazel trees, Maples, Crab apple trees and Oaks but above all it is a relaxing place for people who want to walk or do jogging. The Pozzone needs to be cleaned and a fishing area should be created.
  • 4. The plants v Willow v Pomegranate v Fig tree v Helm v Hazel tree v Maple v Crab apple tree v v Oak v Walnut tree v Peach tree v Birch v Plane-tree v Locust-tree v Poplar v Mulberry v Ash v
  • 5. OAK ● The Italian name for Oak is Quercia and it is a Fagacea plant. It is a very big plant, usually it is 30 meters tall and it is an evergreen plant. It comes from Asia And South America. Sometimes it is from 100 to 500 years old. Oaks can be divided into two groups: those with deciduous leaves, which are located in the continental areas, and those with persistent leaves, located in areas where there is a Mediterranean climate. This plant is widespread in the European's woods, in lowland areas as well as on hills or mountains. It has a very big foliage and the bark is wrinkled and gray. For the Romans the oak's branch was a symbol of virtue. Leaves and seeds The Oak's leaves are lobed or sometimes toothed with different shapes and they have a dark green colour. The same plant has both male and female flowers, where the male ones are yellow and the female ones are green. The seed is oval and it is held in a kind of cup that protects it, the acorn, the favourite food of squirrels. Uses The oak can be used mainly in two fields: its precious wood is used for expensive furniture and the oak's bark, rich in tannins, has anti-inflammatory and astringent proprieties. The oak is an ornamental plant for parks and gardens.
  • 6. WALNUT TREE ● The walnut tree, noce in Italian, comes from Asia, near the Himalaya mountains, but today it can be found all over the world, and It is widespread in Italy. It has a solid, vigorous trunk. Its fruit is the Nut. A Walnut tree can be 40 meters tall and can produce 70 Kg of nuts. Nuts and the walnut's bark, properly treated, can be useful against headache. From the Middle Ages until World War 1, a walnut signalled the presence of a house in the Italian countryside, where it never failed because it provided food, firewood and timber for furniture. Even today the walnut's wood is precious and expensive
  • 7. PEACH TREE ● The peach tree is originally from China. The peach tree isn’t very big but it can be 4 or 5 meters high. It has a brown bark, the leaves are lance-shaped and its flowers, carried on young branches, are small and pink. It produces peaches: fleshy, juicy and sugary fruits with a stone in the centre. The flesh is sweet and fragrant and, depending on the variety it may be yellow or white with red veins more evident near the stone. Their peel, of a yellow- reddish colour can be thin and smooth or velvet-like. The peach was considered the fruit of immortality.
  • 8. BIRCH ● Its name comes from "Beith," a Celtic word, but the meaning is unknown. Pendula is a word of Latin origin, that refers to the characteristic pendulous secondary branches of the plant. ORIGIN, SPECIES AND DISTRIBUTION It belongs to the Betulaceae family. The two most common species of birch are: "Betula pendula", commonly called white birch, characterized by thin secondary branches and pendulous, much used in gardens, native of Europe and Siberia; and the "Betula pubescens", known by the name of hairy birch, in fact it has slightly hairy leaves. CHARACTERISTICS It is a tree with deciduous foliage, which can reach fifteen-thirty meters in height, it rarely exceeds eighty years of life. The growth of a birch is quite rapid and reaches its maximum height in twenty years. The branches have thin, small leaves of light green color that turn yellow in autumn; the bark, smooth and thin, with age becomes white with typical black stripes, because of the presence of betulina granules. The flowers are long yellowish-brown inflorescences; the seeds appear in autumn, are yellow- brown and are surrounded by a membrane. It is a tree "Pioneer", that usually grows out of the woods, on land not yet colonized by plants. It prefers a very bright, sunny position. It is a rustic plant, that does not fear the cold or winds. USES The birch is planted as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens, for the elegant foliage and stem with its white, black spotted bark. In forestry these trees are used to consolidate landslides or for the reforestation of pastures; It is also cultivated for its medicinal properties. CURIOSITIES The birch is the northern olive; Russians call it "the well of the people" because it gives to men the heat with its wood, the light with its bark wrapped as a torch and health with its sap.
  • 9. PLANE-TREE ● Plane-tree,Platanus in Latin, comes from the Greek "Platys", that is, extended, wide, flat, with explicit reference to the large leaves. ORIGIN, SPECIES AND DISTRIBUTION It belongs to the Platanacee family. The three most common plane species are: the "Platanus occidentalis" with a height of about forty meters, native in North America; the "Platanus orientalis" with a height of thirty meters, native to the Asian areas; and finally the "Platanus acerifolia", a hybrid of the two previous species, with a height of about thirty-five meters, native of Great Britain. The most common species in Italy is the "Platanus acerifolia", particularly in level or hilly places. CHARACTERISTICS It is a stately tree, with an erect and strong trunk, with a bark in patches. The plant grows rapidly and its life is very long, it can live up to two hundred and fifty years. It develops a trunk circumference of about eighty meters. Its foliage has a roundish form, the branches are numerous and messy, the leaves are large and webbed of about fifteen-twenty centimeters. In the spring it produces inflorescences of the roundish form, of red or yellow color, while during the winter has small round fruits, that when mature, evolve abundant seeds. It prefers sunny locations, but also bear extreme temperature changes. USES It is a monumental tree suitable as an ornamental plant to decorate avenues, parks and gardens, but also for urban furnishing thanks to its high resistance to smog of the metropolis.
  • 10. LOCUST-TREE ● NAME locust-tree( also robinia) ORIGIN It’s native of North America and naturalized in Europe and in other continents. FEATURES It 's a shrub. Its pollen is sprouting from the collar to the roots. It has a bark with a rough surface and has long leaves, about 30-35 cm, with 11-21 ovate leaflets long about 6 cm. During the night the leaves tend to overlap while they remain open during the day. The flowers are white or cream, about 2 cm long; gathered in clusters. The fruits are oval shaped pods, first green and then brown. It has long spines along the branches. CURIOSITIES It is used for its wood but also for its beauty and its fragrant flowers. In addition to common uses, it can find some application in heavy carpentry , as finishing timber or for barrels . . This is considered especially valuable as wood blocks for the floor.
  • 11. POPLAR ● The poplar is a woody plant of the family Salicaceae that originates in the northern hemisphere. The leaves are arranged in a spiral and their shape varies from triangular to circular or, more rarely, they can be lobed, with long petioles. The colour of its bark ranges from gray- green to gray-yellow and its branches, even if broken or damaged by the wind recovers very quickly, as the tree itself , which grows very fast. Seldom used in parks or gardens for its appearance, it is a useful tree. It’s used for pallets, crates, upholstered furniture frames, paper (pulpwood), and plywood. It is very easy to work. Its only downside is its softness. Poplars often mark the boundaries of fields
  • 12. MULBERRY ● It is a flowering plant of the family Moracee, native of Asia but also widespread in Africa and North America. It includes medium-size trees or shrubs.There are two types of mulberry tree , one with the black fruits and one with white fruits . The leaves are deciduous, alternate, with serrated edge. The fruits, called Blackberries, are edible. The leaves are used in sericulture as staple food for the breeding of silkworms. The trees are used as ornamental plants or to obtain timber. The bark can be used as anti-inflammatory for the respiratory tract and to stimulate the gastrointestinal motility.
  • 13. ASH ● NAME: Fraxinus excelsior known by the common name of greater Ash; Fraxinus ornus known as Omo, or Flowering Ash Tree of manna; Fraxinus angustifolia known with the name of Southern Ash. Origin and diffusion: it is a kind of plant of the family of Oleaceae, which includes more than 60 species of trees or deciduous shrubs, native of the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. FEATURES: It can go from 8 to 20 meters , occasionally it can reach 40 meters, with a foliage width up to 15 meters. The ash is among the trees that grow quickly, and it is recommended for those who need to fill spaces left empty in their gardens. If it is left to grow isolated, the tree grows vigorously, but also with great harmony.The wide variety of Excelsior Ash can be found in northern regions mostly because it needs plenty of water to survive, whereas the others live in the south due to their scarce climatic needs. PROPERTIES: -the cortex, the leaves and the seeds have diuretic effects -its wood is robust and malleable.
  • 14. WILLOW ● NAME: Willow ORIGIN: Europe, Asia, North America CHARACTERISTIC: Willows belong to the families of Salix. There are around 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs, they grow primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate  regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Most species are known as willow, but some narrow-leaved shrub species are called osier, and some broader-leaved species are referred to as sallow. They have a soft, usually pliant, tough wood, slender branches, and large, fibrous roots. The roots are remarkable for their toughness, size, and tenacity to life. Roots readily grow from aerial parts of the plant. CURIOSITIES: Willows have abundant watery bark sap, which is heavily charged with salicylic acid, it has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties but can give problems to the stomach. Still used to treat some skin diseases because it helps to regenerate the cells of the skin or against corns and warts. From the salicylic acid derives the acetylsalicylic acid the active principle of the aspirin
  • 15. THE POMEGRANATE ● Origin / Spread   The pomegranate ( Punica granatum ) is a native plant of a geographic region that ranges from Iran to the Himalayas in the northern Indian area , and in ancient times grew in the Caucasus , and in the whole Mediterranean region .   Features the pomegranate grows well in warm climate zones but it can also be cultivated in cooler weather. Pomegranates , of the size of an apple , have a leathery yellow skin. They contain many seeds and a juicy flesh , slightly sour .   Curiosities  The beneficial properties of pomegranate were already known in ancient times : the cooked root in wine was used as vermifuge and its peel was used in case of slow intestine. The film that surrounds the seeds was particularly appreciated for the preparation of refreshing beverages
  • 16. FIG TREE ● The fig-tree is native of Syria. It has spread in China and India, but especially in the Mediterranean basin, apparently for the Phoenicians who used it as main food during their sea voyages. Today it can be found in a wide range that goes from Persia to the Canaries and, more currently, also in southern Africa and South America.  Features The fig tree is a tree species that belongs to the family of Moracee. The fig tree is presented as a rather mighty tree, from 6 to 10 meters generally varying heights; the bark that covers the tortuous trunk is rough and gray, and the branches end with pointed buds, covered with greenish scales. The branches are masked by large green leaves, oblong, rough, with oval contours. The leaves have three lobes (trilobate ) or 5 (five-lobed), each of which is outlined by a rather irregular and serrated contour .  Curiosity  What most people call the fruit is actually a false fruit: the fig tree, in fact, is a syconium, some meaty and sweet infructescence, covered with a delicate skin ranging in color from red to green, and bluish gray. The true fruits are many small achenes, positioned in the cavity of the inflorescence: each achene (called seeds), set in the sweet and delicious pulp.  
  • 17. HELM ● name: helm (olmo in Italian) origins: it belongs to Ulmus' family. It is a typical Italian tree but its spread in Europe and Asia. characteristics: its bark is smooth and grey in the young trees but it gets thick and cracked in time. t's about 20-25 m tall . The flowers blossom before the leaves and are gathered in small bunches. curiosity: the leaves are oval and have a serrated edge. It is used as ornamental tree. The flowers are hermaphrodite. The fruit is a dry fruit. It has got elongated shape.
  • 18. HAZEL TREE These plants produce edible nuts in autumn.
  • 19. MAPLE This tree produces a syrup sap which is eatable.
  • 20. CRAB APPLE TREE This plant produces crab apples which are delicious.
  • 21. What Can you do and what can’t you do in this park?You can’t  Set fires  Remove trees,  Destroy river banks  Damage trees  Abandon rubish  Pick up flowers or bulbs  Spoil the pic nic area  Pollute the river  You can:  sleep  Read  Have a pic nic  Relax  Collect animal manure  Respect the flowers,  Respect the trees  Collect rubbish 