14. Case: Fortune 20 Call Center
Business challenges Solution Benefits
Complex manual Identify and extract Consistent, accurate
processes decisions from customer interactions
Cheat sheets and Decisions earlier in
online policy manuals Automate and processes simplify
manage decisions interactions
Irritating repetition for
customers E.g. Blackberry Empowered level 1
Email, Billing support
Inconsistency of
Issues, International
16. Case: Global Manufacturer
Business challenges Solution Benefits
Supplier onboarding Extract “Validate 50% reduction in
time consuming and Supplier” decision supplier onboarding
manual time
Automate and
Standard process manage using All local variations
across 175 business rules supported
Genuinely global “Intelligent” self-
of local exceptions
process service applications
3,000 supplier
updates a month
24. Case: Beauty Retailer
Business challenges Solution Benefits
Inflexible loyalty POS rules-based Four-fold increase in
program calculation of loyalty promotion agility
Costly and labor- 20% lift in sales in
intensive campaign Automated loyalty one year
implementation offers delivered
Reduced costs
through re-printable
Confusing and time-
card Improved customer
consuming for in-store
staff Business definition
and management of
35. Case: North American Life Insurer
Business challenges Solution Benefits
Re-engineering Manage Clear where in
legacy systems and processes, decisions processes the rules
manual processes and rules are applied
Business users Decompose decision Business and IT
collecting and points to understand collaboration
managing business decisions improved
rules Map decisions to Focused vocabulary
IT disconnect over vocabulary and and rule harvesting
application of rules business rules efforts
Map decisions to KPIs Traceability
40. Case study: Specialty Insurer
Business challenges Solution Benefits
12,000 claims a Business rules and Loss ratio expense
month predictive analytics from 14% to 11%
Reduce staff by 25% Automatically identify 32% higher
in a recession and subrogation subrogation returns
lower expenses opportunities $10M/year additional
Reduce fraud and Increase Fast Track subrogation returns
improve subrogation rate from 2% to 22%
43. Questions?
James Taylor, CEO
Editor's Notes
BPM and Decision Management for Smarter, Simpler and More Agile ProcessesOne of the prime causes of over-complex processes is the inclusion of decision-making in process designs. Organizations that identify the decisions in their processes and manage them as peers – not part of the process but supporting it – find they can simplify process designs, increase agility and bring business users and IT into better alignment.James Taylor will build on real case studies to show you how streamlining decision management can deliver simpler, more manageable processes to enhance efficiency.
Harder to assure qualityCustomers don’t like long processesMore expensiveHard to make changes safelyHard to find places to apply learning
Problem: process changes when decisions are madeSolution: Put the customer or transaction firstDecide first, process secondBuild a process based on a decisionPut the customer/transaction at the center
Simpler processes that are much easier to manage Higher employee productivity and resource utilization International travel wizardBillingTech support and troubleshooting
Problem: process changes when decisions are madeSolution: Put the customer or transaction firstDecide first, process secondBuild a process based on a decisionPut the customer/transaction at the center
Decisions involve choices, selecting from alternatives and are critical to how we run our organizationsBetter decisions means making more effective, more profitable choices from those available – choices that improve what will happen in the future
Why manage decisions independently of process? What’s the advantage? There are several…
much of a typical mainframe system is static, works fine and needs no maintenance. Often only a small portion of the system is responsible for much of the maintenance work. My suggestion would be to find the COBOL that represents business decisions such as a pricing engine (what price is this product for this customer), eligibility logic (is this customer eligible for this offer or service), approval rules (can this claim be auto-approved) and replace those parts of the application with Decision Services.
[twitter]Focus #decisionmgt systems on repeatable, non-trivial, measurable decisions you want to automate[/twitter]RepeatableDefine timesSame informationDefined set of actionsConsistent measures of successNon trivialPolicies and regulationsDomain knowledge and expertiseAnalysis is requiredLots of data,Lots of actionsTrade-offsContinued changesMeasurable business impactCandidate for automation
What parts will the engineer need to repair this problem?What offer should we make when this person uses the ATM?Is this credit card fraudulent?
[twitter]4 principles of #decisionmgt systems-decisions,transparency,predictive,learning[/twitter]
Discover and Model DecisionsDesign and Implement Decision ServicesMonitor and Improve Decisions
So making decisions correctly will be hard unless we can pull all these rules together.Given this is how rules often look to start with, this is clearly going to be hard.But rules also change…Because your business policies doBecause your competitors doBecause the law doesBecause stock levels doBecause your services and products doBecause your customers doBecause your customers’ needs doSo we need something that will let us collect, manage and update the business rules that drive our decisions
[twitter]A business rules management system #brms is a gr8 platform for #decisionmgt systems[/twitter]
[twitter] analytics in #decisionmgt systems predict risk, fraud and opportunity[/twitter]Risk – credit risk, delivery risk, price risk. Some upside if get right, big downside if get wrongFraud – good fraud decisions really have no effect but bad ones are a loss e.g. credit card fraud or claims fraudOpportunity – not much of a downside but a degree of upside e.g. cross-sell or up-sell
The power of predictive analytics is their ability to turn uncertainty about the future into usable probability
Story about powerpoint modelRisks of models that are done separately and the need to put them to workPredictive models don’t DO anything, they just make predictionsRules make them actionableTaking the rules, for instance, that represent a segmentation and deploying them into a decision makes them actionable
Find the decisions that matter to your business and understand themDon’t start with your data, start with the decisions you need to improve