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A Brand is more than a logo
A brand is the sum of the mental connections a person
         has in relation to a product or service

     Brands only exist in the mind of the market
The value of Brands are realised through customer choice

Shareholder value is created through the choice of customers to
transact on the basis of the associations they hold in respect to a
product, good or service.

Without an identifiable brand customers have no clear way of:
   choosing one alternative over another
   discerning the option that best meets their needs
   rewarding businesses that have genuine competitive advantage
Why should a customer choose you?

         Company      Company       Company
            A            B             C
The strongest Brands are built upon competitive advantage

Customers choose brands where the mental associations reflect:

     -  Value propositions that meet the needs of customers

     -  Benefits that differ from alternatives in ways that are relevant to customers

     -  Values that appeal to customers’ own beliefs or aspirations

Brands are built upon both rational and emotional advantage.
Brand Strategy is a business imperative
 Businesses have a brand even when they do not have a brand

 If you don’t invest in defining the meaning of your brand, the
                  market will define it for you.
Brand Strategy is an extension of Business Strategy 

Where does the business compete?         Which customers does the brand serve?  

How does the business create value?      What are the needs the brand fulfils? 

How does the business create a return    What are customers prepared to pay for a 
 for shareholders?                       brand that delivers value? 

How does the business leverage           What makes this brand different from others 
compe==ve advantage? 

How does the business a>ract and         What does the brand stand for beyond 
retain talent?                           making money? 
Brands are built from multiple influences

                                               Word of mouth

 Sponsorship                                            Logo design

Social Media                  Brand                      Experience


       In-                                              Endorsement

  Brand Strategy must address controllable & uncontrollable influences
The alignment of brand strategy with culture and 
                values is cri=cal

                         •  In most businesses, people are a 
                            cri=cal component of brand strategy 

                         •  The can be highly influen=al in 
                            determining customer experience in 
                            dealing with the brand 

                         •  Strong brands are underpinned by a 
                            culture that is in harmony with the 
How does your Brand Strategy stack-up?

Our Brand Strategy is….                                                                Yes   No
Clearly linked to our business strategy - How we manage our brand and the
investments we make in branding can be clearly tied back to our business goals,
objectives and outcomes.

Based upon the rational & emotional need of our target market – Our target market is
clearly defined and we have solid research that backs-up our understanding of what
customers need from businesses like ours.

Effective in differentiating us from the competition – Customers clearly see our brand
as different from competing alternatives in ways that really matter to them

Integrated across all points of influence – Our planned investments in our brand are
consistent across all customer touch points. We are consistent in our controlled
communications through web, PR, sponsorship and advertising and most importantly,
in the experiences customers have when they deal with our business.
Understood by our staff & business partners – If I asked each staff member or business
partner what our business stands for and what makes us different in the eyes of
customers, I would get a consistent response that really reflects our brand strategy.

   If you answered anything other then “Yes” to any of the above, you have
                     work to do on your brand strategy.
So, how do 
you unlock the 
  value of a 
Brand Navigator’s 8-step process
                    Execution – including            Discovery                   Scoping & Customer
                    monitoring of brand                                          Research to identify
                        performance                      1                   rational & emotional needs

       Implementation             8                                                2

  planning across                            Brand               Business                           Internal Workshops
  touch-points &                                                                                 to agree target market &
                                        Implementa=on            Strategy 
                                                                                                     value proposition

                                                       Client                                          Strategy
 Go to Market           7                                                                    3

                                             Brand              Brand 
       Develop Brand                        Adop=on          Development                           Architecture – Linking
    identity & guidelines                                                                            Brand to Business
       for application                                                                               goals & outcomes
             Employee                                                                        Positioning
                              Link to culture            5                    Naming & attribute
                                 & values                                        definition
                                                Identity Development
For advice on unlocking the value of your 
brand contact: 

             Dean Harris – Director

           Cecile Thornley – Director

                  Or visit:

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Brand Strategy

  • 2. A Brand is more than a logo
  • 3. A brand is the sum of the mental connections a person has in relation to a product or service Brands only exist in the mind of the market
  • 5. The value of Brands are realised through customer choice Shareholder value is created through the choice of customers to transact on the basis of the associations they hold in respect to a product, good or service. Without an identifiable brand customers have no clear way of:   choosing one alternative over another   discerning the option that best meets their needs   rewarding businesses that have genuine competitive advantage
  • 6. Why should a customer choose you? Company Company Company A B C
  • 7. The strongest Brands are built upon competitive advantage Customers choose brands where the mental associations reflect: -  Value propositions that meet the needs of customers -  Benefits that differ from alternatives in ways that are relevant to customers -  Values that appeal to customers’ own beliefs or aspirations Brands are built upon both rational and emotional advantage.
  • 8. Brand Strategy is a business imperative Businesses have a brand even when they do not have a brand strategy. If you don’t invest in defining the meaning of your brand, the market will define it for you.
  • 9. Brand Strategy is an extension of Business Strategy  Where does the business compete?  Which customers does the brand serve?   How does the business create value?  What are the needs the brand fulfils?  How does the business create a return  What are customers prepared to pay for a   for shareholders?  brand that delivers value?  How does the business leverage   What makes this brand different from others  compe==ve advantage?  How does the business a>ract and   What does the brand stand for beyond  retain talent?  making money? 
  • 10. Brands are built from multiple influences Advertising Promotion Word of mouth Sponsorship Logo design Product/Service Social Media Brand  Experience Editorial Observation Comment In- Endorsement Store Brand Strategy must address controllable & uncontrollable influences
  • 11. The alignment of brand strategy with culture and  values is cri=cal   •  In most businesses, people are a  cri=cal component of brand strategy  •  The can be highly influen=al in  determining customer experience in  dealing with the brand  •  Strong brands are underpinned by a  culture that is in harmony with the  brand 
  • 12. How does your Brand Strategy stack-up? Don’t Our Brand Strategy is…. Yes No Know Clearly linked to our business strategy - How we manage our brand and the investments we make in branding can be clearly tied back to our business goals, objectives and outcomes. Based upon the rational & emotional need of our target market – Our target market is clearly defined and we have solid research that backs-up our understanding of what customers need from businesses like ours. Effective in differentiating us from the competition – Customers clearly see our brand as different from competing alternatives in ways that really matter to them Integrated across all points of influence – Our planned investments in our brand are consistent across all customer touch points. We are consistent in our controlled communications through web, PR, sponsorship and advertising and most importantly, in the experiences customers have when they deal with our business. Understood by our staff & business partners – If I asked each staff member or business partner what our business stands for and what makes us different in the eyes of customers, I would get a consistent response that really reflects our brand strategy. If you answered anything other then “Yes” to any of the above, you have work to do on your brand strategy.
  • 14. Brand Navigator’s 8-step process Execution – including Discovery Scoping & Customer monitoring of brand Research to identify performance 1 rational & emotional needs Insight Implementation 8 2 Communication planning across Brand  Business  Internal Workshops touch-points & to agree target market & processes Implementa=on  Strategy  value proposition Client  Strategy Go to Market 7 3 Alignment Planning Brand   Brand  Develop Brand Adop=on  Development  Architecture – Linking identity & guidelines Brand to Business for application goals & outcomes 4 6 Employee Positioning Alignment Link to culture 5 Naming & attribute & values definition Identity Development
  • 15. For advice on unlocking the value of your  brand contact:  Dean Harris – Director dean.harris@brandnavigator.com.au Cecile Thornley – Director Cecile.thornley@brandnavigator.com.au Or visit: www.brandnavigator.com.au