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Lecture #4
•Botanical name: Musa sp.
•Family : Musaceae
•Chromosome number: n=11
2n = 22, 33 or 44.
•Origin: South East Asia
• History of banana breeding:
• Banana breeding was started in Trinidad, West Indies in
1922 and in Jamaica in 1924.
• The driving force for this breeding programme was to
develop improved Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxsyorum
F.sp. Cubense) resistant banana for export trade.
• In 1960, both the programmes were combined under
the Jamaica Banana Board.
• United Fruit Company also started a small breeding
programme in Panama in 1920s.
• In India hybridization work was started at Central
Banana Research Station, Adhuthurai, Tamil Nadu in
• Important banana growing states are Maharashtra,
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,
Orissa,Bihar, West Bengal and Assam .
• In South India, other than its edible use, banana is
extensively used in all auspicious occasions such as
wedding, festivals and worshipping God.
• Banana is a good table fruit, besides, the cultivar
Nendran is used for cooking.
• Centre of diversity:
• Edible banana is native to old world especially South
East Asia (Simmonds, 1962).
• Malayan area seems to be the primary center of origin
of cultivated banana
• (M.acuminata). M.acuminata, was probably introduced
into India and Burma where M.balbisiana is a native
• Natural hybridization between these two species might
have resulted in many hybrid progenies (AAB, ABB etc.).
• Genetic resources
• Musa has about 50 species and this genus is divided
into five sections:
• a) Eumusa: Includes about 13-15 species of edible and
wild banana. The chromosome number is 2n=22 in wild
species and most of the cultivated varieties are having
2n=33 (2n=44 rarely) e.g. M.acuminata, M.balbisiana,
M.basjoo etc.
• b) Rhodochlamys: Mostly diploid, spread from India to
Indonesia. Five to seven species are kept in this group.
Parthenocarpy is absent in this group e.g. M.ornata,
• c) Callimusa: This is of ornamental value and x=10 and
2n =20. It is found in Indo-China, Malaya and Borneo.
Parthenocarpy is absent in this type. It includes about
5-6 species e.g. M.coccinea.
• d) Australimusa: Like Callimusa it has x = 10 and
2n=20 chromosome. Species of this group is
common in Queensland and Philippines. Important
species of this group are M. textilis or manilahemp,
M.maclavi etc.
• e) Incertae sedis: It includes M.ingens (x=7, 2n=14)
of New Guinea which grows to a height of over 10
m. This is the largest known herb. Another species
in this group is M.beccarii (x=9, 2n=18) from North
• The most important Musa cultivars are almost
sterile triploids (2n=3x=33) and also tetraploid and
diploid banana cultivars have also local importance
in Asia.
• All banana and plantain land races are farmers
selection from intra and inter specific hybridization
of two different species.
• M.acuminata Colta, donor of the A genome and
M.balbisiana Colta, donor of the B genome.
• Simmonds and Shepherd (1955) reported scoring
technique to indicate the relative contribution of
the two wild species for the constitution of a given
• Fifteen distinguishing characters between Musa
acuminata and Musa balbisiana were identified by
• At the botanical garden, Howrah, seeds of few banana
species were collected from Chittagong and Madras.
• More number of genotypes of banana was also
maintained at Central Banana Research Station,
• After that it was shifted to Horticulture college and
research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
• After the formation of National Research Centre on
Banana (NRCB) in 1995, a wide germplasm collection
including wild types are being maintained at this center
and intensive research programmes are being taken up
on various problems related with banana.
• Presently, TNAU also maintaining 186 collections of
• Taxonomic classification of edible banana
(Simmonds and Shepherd, 1955)
Genome Ploidy level Nomenclature
AA 2x Matti, Anai komban
AAA 3x
Cavendish, Robusta,
Grand Nine
Bodles Altafort
hybrid of West Indies)
AB 2x Ney Poovan, Kunnan
Poovan, Hill banana,
Champa, Rsathali
3x Monthan, Kanchkela,
4x Klue Teparod
• Objectives of breeding
• To develop dwarf statured banana suitable for high
density planting and to prevent damage from high wind
• Production of good quality fruits.
• Resistant to biotic and biotic stresses i.e. nematodes,
panama wilt, bunchy top, sigatoka leaf spot, moko
disease and pseudo stem weevil etc.
• To develop varieties with wider agro-ecological
• Development of male fertile parthenocarpic diploids
with resistance to major diseases and pests.
• Developing longer finger size.
• Suitability for export.
• Good keeping quality.
• Breeding methods and achievements:
• Introduction.
• Hybridization
• Mutation breeding
• Breeding works of different areas
• Introduction
• Introduction of some cultivators of banana was
made with resistance to biotic stresses e.g. Lady
Finger (EC 160160) resistant to bunchy top virus
introduced from Australia and is being evaluated at
IIHR, Bangalore and TNAU, Coimbatore.
• Further, cultivars Naine MS (EC 27237) from France
and Valery from West Indies were introduced for
utilization in improvement programme
• Hybridization
• In India, breeding work was started at Central
Banana Research Station, Aduthurai (Tamil Nadu) in
• Technique of hybridization in banana is different
from other crops.
• Pollination is best carried out in the morning. The
bunches of female parent are bagged at shooting
and each successive hand is pollinated as it is
exposed. At maturity and ripening the bunch is cut
and seeds are extracted. Seeds are sown at once in
the green house.
• Evaluation of hybrid progenies from seedlings to
harvest may not be the correct phase instead,
evaluation of the same under next vegetative phase
i.e., sucker to harvest stage will be ideal as full
expression of yield potential could be observed
only in the second crop of the F1 progeny.
• The first crop (seedling to harvest) takes more than
15-19 months, where most of the energy of the
plants is needed for corm formation.
Kallar Laden(AAB) x M balbisiana cv. Sawai (AB)
AB X Kadali (AA)
CO-1 (AAB)
• At Kerala Agricultural University, two hybrids viz.,
• BRS-1 (Agniswar x Pisang lilin) and
• BRS -2 (Vannan x Pisang lillin) have been
• BRS -1 (AAB) is 100 days earlier than Rasthali with
significant differences in bunch weight. It has been
released for homestead cultivation in Kerala, as it is
resistant to sigatoka leaf spot.
• BRS-2 (AAB) is a medium statured hybrid, tolerant
to leaf spot and panama disease, rhizome, weevil
and nematodes. The average bunch weight is 14 kg
with 8 hands and 118 fruits crop duration of 314
• Breeding work in other Countries:
• PITA-9: A Black Sigatoka Resistant (BSR) hybrid from
the “False Horn” plantain, a tetraploid hybrid
having black Sigatoka resistance has been
developed at International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria.
• ‘BITA-3’ is a tetraploid starchy banana hybrid with
low partial resistance to black Sigatoka disease
developed at IITA High Rainfall Station in Onne
(Southeastern Nigeria), where both (Banana streak
virus) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) have been
• ‘BITA-3’ is a hybrid from the interspecific cross
‘Laknau’ x ‘Taju Lagada’, ‘Laknau’ is a female –fertile
AAB starchy banana that closely resembles
• Mutation breeding:
• Bud mutation in Indian banana is very common
perhaps due to spontaneous rearrangement of
chromosomes in somatic meristem and structural
• High gate (AAA) is a semi-dwarf mutant of Gros
Michel (AAA),
• Motta Poovan (AAB) is a sport of Poovan (AAB),
• Ayiranka Rasthali a sport of Rasthali (or Silk),
• Barhari Malbhog is a sport of Malbhog,
• Krishna Vazhai is a natural mutant of Virupakshi (or
• Sambrani Monthan (ABB), a mutant of Monthan
Breeding in banana
Name of the clone/cultivars Name of the biotic and abiotic stress
Musa balbisiana
Pisang Lilin
SH3142 (Diploid hybrid)
Musa acuminata sp malaccensis
Musa acuminata sp burmannica
Pisang Jari Buaya (PJB)
Tongat and Anaikomban
Black sigatoka
Panama wilt (Race1)
Race 1 of Fusarium
Race 1 and Race 2 of Fusarium
Bacterial wilt race 2, Moko
Burrowing nematode
Breeding in banana
Breeding in banana
Breeding in banana
Breeding in banana
Breeding in banana

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Breeding in banana

  • 2. •Botanical name: Musa sp. •Family : Musaceae •Chromosome number: n=11 2n = 22, 33 or 44. •Origin: South East Asia
  • 3. • History of banana breeding: • Banana breeding was started in Trinidad, West Indies in 1922 and in Jamaica in 1924. • The driving force for this breeding programme was to develop improved Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxsyorum F.sp. Cubense) resistant banana for export trade. • In 1960, both the programmes were combined under the Jamaica Banana Board. • United Fruit Company also started a small breeding programme in Panama in 1920s. • In India hybridization work was started at Central Banana Research Station, Adhuthurai, Tamil Nadu in 1949. • Important banana growing states are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa,Bihar, West Bengal and Assam .
  • 4. • In South India, other than its edible use, banana is extensively used in all auspicious occasions such as wedding, festivals and worshipping God. • Banana is a good table fruit, besides, the cultivar Nendran is used for cooking. • Centre of diversity: • Edible banana is native to old world especially South East Asia (Simmonds, 1962). • Malayan area seems to be the primary center of origin of cultivated banana • (M.acuminata). M.acuminata, was probably introduced into India and Burma where M.balbisiana is a native species. • Natural hybridization between these two species might have resulted in many hybrid progenies (AAB, ABB etc.).
  • 5. • Genetic resources • Musa has about 50 species and this genus is divided into five sections: • a) Eumusa: Includes about 13-15 species of edible and wild banana. The chromosome number is 2n=22 in wild species and most of the cultivated varieties are having 2n=33 (2n=44 rarely) e.g. M.acuminata, M.balbisiana, M.basjoo etc. • b) Rhodochlamys: Mostly diploid, spread from India to Indonesia. Five to seven species are kept in this group. Parthenocarpy is absent in this group e.g. M.ornata, M.velutina. • c) Callimusa: This is of ornamental value and x=10 and 2n =20. It is found in Indo-China, Malaya and Borneo. Parthenocarpy is absent in this type. It includes about 5-6 species e.g. M.coccinea.
  • 6. • d) Australimusa: Like Callimusa it has x = 10 and 2n=20 chromosome. Species of this group is common in Queensland and Philippines. Important species of this group are M. textilis or manilahemp, M.maclavi etc. • e) Incertae sedis: It includes M.ingens (x=7, 2n=14) of New Guinea which grows to a height of over 10 m. This is the largest known herb. Another species in this group is M.beccarii (x=9, 2n=18) from North Borneo.
  • 7. • The most important Musa cultivars are almost sterile triploids (2n=3x=33) and also tetraploid and diploid banana cultivars have also local importance in Asia. • All banana and plantain land races are farmers selection from intra and inter specific hybridization of two different species. • M.acuminata Colta, donor of the A genome and M.balbisiana Colta, donor of the B genome. • Simmonds and Shepherd (1955) reported scoring technique to indicate the relative contribution of the two wild species for the constitution of a given cultivar. • Fifteen distinguishing characters between Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana were identified by them.
  • 8. • At the botanical garden, Howrah, seeds of few banana species were collected from Chittagong and Madras. • More number of genotypes of banana was also maintained at Central Banana Research Station, Aduthurai. • After that it was shifted to Horticulture college and research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. • After the formation of National Research Centre on Banana (NRCB) in 1995, a wide germplasm collection including wild types are being maintained at this center and intensive research programmes are being taken up on various problems related with banana. • Presently, TNAU also maintaining 186 collections of germplasm.
  • 9. • Taxonomic classification of edible banana (Simmonds and Shepherd, 1955) Genome Ploidy level Nomenclature AA 2x Matti, Anai komban AAA 3x Cavendish, Robusta, Grand Nine AAAA 4x Bodles Altafort (Synthetic hybrid of West Indies) AB 2x Ney Poovan, Kunnan AAB 3x Poovan, Hill banana, Champa, Rsathali ABB 3x Monthan, Kanchkela, ABBB 4x Klue Teparod
  • 10. • Objectives of breeding • To develop dwarf statured banana suitable for high density planting and to prevent damage from high wind velocity. • Production of good quality fruits. • Resistant to biotic and biotic stresses i.e. nematodes, panama wilt, bunchy top, sigatoka leaf spot, moko disease and pseudo stem weevil etc. • To develop varieties with wider agro-ecological adaptability. • Development of male fertile parthenocarpic diploids with resistance to major diseases and pests. • Developing longer finger size. • Suitability for export. • Good keeping quality.
  • 11. • Breeding methods and achievements: • Introduction. • Hybridization • Mutation breeding • Breeding works of different areas
  • 12. • Introduction • Introduction of some cultivators of banana was made with resistance to biotic stresses e.g. Lady Finger (EC 160160) resistant to bunchy top virus introduced from Australia and is being evaluated at IIHR, Bangalore and TNAU, Coimbatore. • Further, cultivars Naine MS (EC 27237) from France and Valery from West Indies were introduced for utilization in improvement programme
  • 13. • Hybridization • In India, breeding work was started at Central Banana Research Station, Aduthurai (Tamil Nadu) in 1949. • Technique of hybridization in banana is different from other crops. • Pollination is best carried out in the morning. The bunches of female parent are bagged at shooting and each successive hand is pollinated as it is exposed. At maturity and ripening the bunch is cut and seeds are extracted. Seeds are sown at once in the green house.
  • 14. • Evaluation of hybrid progenies from seedlings to harvest may not be the correct phase instead, evaluation of the same under next vegetative phase i.e., sucker to harvest stage will be ideal as full expression of yield potential could be observed only in the second crop of the F1 progeny. • The first crop (seedling to harvest) takes more than 15-19 months, where most of the energy of the plants is needed for corm formation.
  • 15. • HYBRIDIZATION: Kallar Laden(AAB) x M balbisiana cv. Sawai (AB) AB X Kadali (AA) CO-1 (AAB)
  • 16. • At Kerala Agricultural University, two hybrids viz., • BRS-1 (Agniswar x Pisang lilin) and • BRS -2 (Vannan x Pisang lillin) have been developed. • BRS -1 (AAB) is 100 days earlier than Rasthali with significant differences in bunch weight. It has been released for homestead cultivation in Kerala, as it is resistant to sigatoka leaf spot. • BRS-2 (AAB) is a medium statured hybrid, tolerant to leaf spot and panama disease, rhizome, weevil and nematodes. The average bunch weight is 14 kg with 8 hands and 118 fruits crop duration of 314 days.
  • 17. • Breeding work in other Countries: • PITA-9: A Black Sigatoka Resistant (BSR) hybrid from the “False Horn” plantain, a tetraploid hybrid having black Sigatoka resistance has been developed at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria. • ‘BITA-3’ is a tetraploid starchy banana hybrid with low partial resistance to black Sigatoka disease developed at IITA High Rainfall Station in Onne (Southeastern Nigeria), where both (Banana streak virus) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) have been observed. • ‘BITA-3’ is a hybrid from the interspecific cross ‘Laknau’ x ‘Taju Lagada’, ‘Laknau’ is a female –fertile AAB starchy banana that closely resembles plantains.
  • 18. • Mutation breeding: • Bud mutation in Indian banana is very common perhaps due to spontaneous rearrangement of chromosomes in somatic meristem and structural re-assortment. • High gate (AAA) is a semi-dwarf mutant of Gros Michel (AAA), • Motta Poovan (AAB) is a sport of Poovan (AAB), • Ayiranka Rasthali a sport of Rasthali (or Silk), • Barhari Malbhog is a sport of Malbhog, • Krishna Vazhai is a natural mutant of Virupakshi (or Pome), • Sambrani Monthan (ABB), a mutant of Monthan (ABB).
  • 20. Name of the clone/cultivars Name of the biotic and abiotic stress Musa balbisiana Calcutta-4 Pisang Lilin SH3142 (Diploid hybrid) Musa acuminata sp malaccensis Musa acuminata sp burmannica Pisang Jari Buaya (PJB) Tongat and Anaikomban Drought Black sigatoka Panama wilt (Race1) Race 1 of Fusarium Race 1 and Race 2 of Fusarium Bacterial wilt race 2, Moko Disease Burrowing nematode Nematodes