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Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Client Success is Our Success
BRICK FORCE Consul ng ServicesPvt.Ltd.establishedin2016,headquarteredatBangaloreand todayweaim
to be one of the trusted solu on hub for its client when it comes to people and technology. Keeping its
objec veinthespaceof IT Consul ng, HR Solu ons&ServicesacrossIndustry/Ver calandSectors.
Thecompanyiscommi edindrivingthebusinessvaluesacrossallindustryver cals.
We use our exper se and rela onship to empower our clients by providing them with user‐ friendly solu ons
that enhance their Produc vity, Process Improvements and People Reten on. This also enables our clients' to
maximize the value of this new connected world, which o en translates directly into a higher return on
BRICK FORCE goalistobeaprogressiveandtrustedbusinessleaderin IT Consul ng, HR Services&Solu ons.
We intend to provide our client the best services from beginning to end and improve the way the client
servicesaredeliveredgloballybyse ngbeyondexpecta ons.
We endeavor for a long‐term sustainable prac ces and an cipate the needs of our client for a be er
tomorrowwithuncondi onalsupport.
DedicatedtoInnova on&Excellencein HR& IT Solu ons,webelieveinprovidinginnova ve,professionaland
personalizedservicestotheCorporateWorldthroughbe erSolu ons.
BRICK FORCE welcomes and supports Professionals and Specialists all over the world and who can
contribute to the success of knowledge, skill and competency development locally, na onally and
interna onally.
BRICK FORCE provides Search& Selec on, Out Sourcing, Audits, Training, Leadership Development,
Consul ng, Placements, Advisory for STARTS‐UPs and other Services & Solu ons to the en re gamut of HR &
Young, vibrant, futuris c and innova ve, BRICK FORCE goal is to bring the right people to deliver the
uncondi onal services together at the right me for a solid client rela onship. Driven by a passion to reinvent,
improve and outperform the consul ng, services & solu on industry. House of Brick Force offer clients their
me,exper seandmentorshiptohelpthemachievetheirbusinessobjec ves.
Asolidteaminplacewithoverseventyyearsofexper seinvariousfunc onaldomain&technologies.
Ourcorporateideologytotheclientistobewiththeminall mesandensuringthemtosucceedintheirvision,
whichwillin‐turnreflectoursuccessandlongtermsustainability.Inotherwords,"BeyondExpecta ons".
At BRICK FORCE, we believe that client's success is our success and above everything
else, we value:
 Excellence
 Integrity
 Community development
Core Values
 Accountability
 Respect
 At BRICK FORCE, we strive to build a competent team who are crea ve, dynamic, commi ed,
responsible in their ac ons and con nuously excelling in driving higher performance and highest
 The organiza on represented by the business process owners i.e. Directors, CEOs, CFOs, HR and
Business Heads/Managers and Organiza on Related to Manufacturing, Informa on Technology,
Govt.bodies, PSUs,Consultants,Educa onalIns tu ons&Societyatlarge.
 Develop each individual and client as HR Management
 Provide mely & efficient services to clients
 Build people processes, which are simple, expedient and result oriented.
 Be a Facilitator, Guide and Mentor
BRICK FORCE is commi ed to their personal and professional integrity, ethics, honesty and fair dealing. The
Board of Directors embrace these principles. We have adopted strong prac ces that reflect this commitment
and ensure that our company is managed with integrity and with the objec ve of building value to its clients
We believe our strong governance is illustra ve of the ethical culture that has always existed in the hearts of
all individuals at BRICK FORCE. We are dedicated in ensuring that this ethical culture persists as a driving
forceineachoneofusat BRICK FORCE'sdailybusinessopera ons.
Director& CEO 2
andspecialist,whoareengagedincrea ngthenewdimensionofpeopletoindustryconnect,whichsignifiesa
Talent Acquisition
In today's compe ve world, finding talent is not just difficult, but also very expensive and me consuming.
We at BRICK FORCE aim to provide a solu on to hire a right talent in prompt and professional manner at ease
and understanding with client connect. In view of this we have three different products to offer to clients on
Genera on Z are predicted to be highly connected, living in an age of high‐tech communica on, technology driven lifestyles and prolific use of
social media.
Fulfills hiring at entry level like Diploma Engineer Trainee (Technical Diplomas), Commercial Trainees
(Commerce Graduates), Execu ve Trainees (Graduates), Graduate Engineer Trainee (BE/B.Tech's),
Management Trainee (MBA's),Execu ve Management Trainee (IIT's) brings with them full of energy and
Genera on Y has been shaped by the technological revolu on that occurred throughout their youth. Gen Y grew up with technology, so being
connected and tech savvy is in their DNA. Equipped with latest technology and gadgets, such as iPhones, laptops and lately tablets, Genera on Y is
This segment provides the solidity and focus required for organiza ons to achieve their goals. We follow a
strict mul stage level process of selec on to present you the most appropriate profiles that would fit your
requirements at the Middle Management Level, who has the managerial skills and are resources who can be
groomedformid‐termsuccessionplanningofthenextorhighermanagerialposi ons.
Gen X was shaped by global poli cal events that occurred during this genera on's youth. They have set an example and have lead
thecultural change,transforma onwhichhashelpedthemtoworkcloselywithalllevelsofpeople/Genera ons.GenXismore
opentodiversityandhaslearnttoembracedifferencessuchasreligion,sexualorienta on,class,raceandethnicity.
Here we refer to the Leadership / Business Heads / Execu ve Search Hiring. Where the
level of screening, discussions, profile mee ng the requirement will have a complete 360
degreefeedbackofthecandidate,whoin‐turnbeplacedforclientsmee ng.
HR Consulting & Services
Welcome To Our Services
SpecificallytargetedattheMicro,Small&Mediumenterprises(MSME segment).Webringinourexper seto
design HR systems, policies and processes that help you scale up your business without ge ng bogged down
with HR issues. Client can also view this approach as a 'Cost Plus Model'. We partner in your progress to make
thejourneysmooth.Followingaresomeoftheac vi eslistedwhereweengageare,
Specificallycreatedtoshouldertheen re HR loadofthe MSME segment.Weprovideour HR exper sewhich
would enable our clients focus on their core business. It saves cost, trouble of se ng up and running the HR
department while enjoying the benefits of a professional set up star ng from 'Hiring to Disengagement of an
We design and structure HR systems and policies and run them for you. We do the en re spectrum of
Recruitment,Training,Assessment,StatutoryCompliance,PayrollProcessingAndExitFormali es.
Operational Management
Strategic Partner
 Organiza on Structuring – Defining Unique Roles, Grades/ Levels, Career Path etc.
 Statutory Compliances Requirement
 Compensa on & Best HR prac ces benchmarking
 Compensa on Structuring or Payroll Management
Recruitment System Design
 Employee Policy Manual
 Organiza onal Employee Engagement Surveys
 Employee Exit Management Survey
Hr Statutory Audit
Human Resource issues have become more complex over the years, due to new and ever changing federal
and State Employment Regula ons. How does an organiza on know if it is staying compliant in the area of
humanresources?A'HR ComplianceAudit'andOpera onalReviewwilltellyouexactlywhereyourcompany
isatriskandhowtofixit. BRICK FORCE helpsyouinbeingcompliantineveryver calof HR.
Doyoufeelasifyouneedan HR Professionalfrom meto me,butmaybenotallthe me,keepingthe
overall manpower budget? BRICK FORCE provides you an on‐site HR services based on your need.
Our consultants will be deployed at your work‐place in guiding and engaging themselves in your
overall HR opera ons, HR‐related projects and ac vi es and work towards in driving your
vision/objec vesatworkplaceoftheclient.
Our Consul ng division aims to provide solu on to our client when they want to either out source their HR
ac vi esortheywanttodesign&maintainprofessional HR environmentwithinthecompany.
We offer a wide range of consul ng services to our customers, which help them to build systems and
processes to acquire, engage and develop their human capital. We offer a variety of consul ng services that
includes Organiza on Structuring and Manpower Planning, Vision & Mission Structuring, Competency
Profiling of Roles and Role‐holders, Policy Handbooks, Compensa on Bench marking and Design and
Alljobsrequireprofessional/employeestohavecompetency&behavioralskills,whicha ributesandenables
them to do their work efficiently and more effec vely. Skills that need to be refined inculcated and revisited
from meto metokeeppacewiththemarketorglobaldemand&supply.
BRICK FORCE's Training & Development Programs are conceived with the prime objec ve of enhancing
effec veness&produc vitythroughcon nuousself‐awarenessandlearningasperthemodelbelow,
Skills & Leadership Development
I.T Consulting & Solutions
At a me when the economy is growing at a fast pace and the
demand of end customer are loud &high, your organiza on too
requires experts and right talents to face the growing compe on
byse ngitsgraph"BeyondExpecta ons".
Software TestingServices
We at BRICK FORCE provide you with dedicated professionals /
Test Engineers, who can be engaged in your test applica on
support, decoding & test bug fixing etc., with hard‐core experts designed / tailored to your requirement for
both internal support / external support and can use technology as a means to empower you in your IT
We offer end‐to‐end services on IT Infrastructure Consultancy, Implementa on and Maintenance of
Hardware & Networking Systems, which in turn enables our clients to op mally u lize their available
infrastructuretoachievegreaterproduc vityandefficiency.
Ever since the existence of so ware industry aligning to IT is necessary, hence Infrastructure Management
has gained importance – while we as a reliable partner manage & maintain your infrastructure, allowing you
We are Competent to take up technical assignments and projects in Hardware, Networking, Server
Installa on, Opera ons and Maintenance with SW development, Tes ng and Installa ons in compliance with
GlobalstandardsandparametersincludingManagingDataCenterandVirtualiza on.
We provide on‐site solu ons by outsourcing our Infrastructure Management professionals at L1, L2 and L3
*Definition of Skill Level
Level-1 Basic: Can perform the task only under supervision, needs hand-holding
Level-2 Advance: Can independently perform the task
Level-3 Expert: Can independently drive and fix the problem, trouble shoot and also can develop others
Level-4 Master: Can be guide / mentor in the area of expertise, command and control the overall management
This will engage BRICK FORCE to have complete training out‐sourced from the client, wherein we ensure
the following,
 Training Need Iden fica on
 Training Need Assessment
 Training Design & Delivery
 Training Calender
 Training Effec veness
 ROI on Training
Some of the Behavioral Trainings offered
 Communica on Skills
 Time Management
 Stress Management
 Team Work
 Result Orienta on
 Personality Development
 Emo onal Intelligence
 Total Quality of life
 An Sexual harassment ‐ employee awareness
 How to be an effec ve manager or first me manager
 Collabora ons ‐ Building the bridges
 Leading ahead and Coaching skills
 One Team ‐ One Goal
 People and Cultural Transforma on
At BRICK FORCE we have designed our training & development approach for our client as per the pyramid.
theorganiza on,whereclientcandecidetheTechnical,BehavioralorFunc onalDevelopmentPrograms.This
also defines the scale and the level of competency in each individual as per below, which helps the client to
Few Func onal Development Programs that
we have been engaged are,
 Fire & Safety
 Occupa onal Health
 Lean Manufacturing
 Kaizen
 Six Sigma
 Service Excellence
Head Office & Regd. Office : V. V Enclave # 95, 'Amruthavarshini'
Dr. S K Road, 4th Cross, K G Halli, Bangalore ‐ 560 015, Karnataka, INDIA
Contact No. : +91 97 69 114460 / +91 80 23253073
Email : ceo@brickforcecs.com / Career : makemycareer@brickforcecs.com
Website : www.brickforcecs.com
Smart People For Better Solutions

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  • 1. BBeyondExpectations BRICK FORCE Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. Client Success is Our Success
  • 2. BRICK FORCE Consul ng ServicesPvt.Ltd.establishedin2016,headquarteredatBangaloreand todayweaim to be one of the trusted solu on hub for its client when it comes to people and technology. Keeping its objec veinthespaceof IT Consul ng, HR Solu ons&ServicesacrossIndustry/Ver calandSectors. Thecompanyiscommi edindrivingthebusinessvaluesacrossallindustryver cals. We use our exper se and rela onship to empower our clients by providing them with user‐ friendly solu ons that enhance their Produc vity, Process Improvements and People Reten on. This also enables our clients' to maximize the value of this new connected world, which o en translates directly into a higher return on investment,whilereducingcosts,andimprovingavailability. WHO ARE WE ? Vision Mission BRICK FORCE goalistobeaprogressiveandtrustedbusinessleaderin IT Consul ng, HR Services&Solu ons. We intend to provide our client the best services from beginning to end and improve the way the client servicesaredeliveredgloballybyse ngbeyondexpecta ons. We endeavor for a long‐term sustainable prac ces and an cipate the needs of our client for a be er tomorrowwithuncondi onalsupport. DedicatedtoInnova on&Excellencein HR& IT Solu ons,webelieveinprovidinginnova ve,professionaland personalizedservicestotheCorporateWorldthroughbe erSolu ons. BRICK FORCE welcomes and supports Professionals and Specialists all over the world and who can contribute to the success of knowledge, skill and competency development locally, na onally and interna onally. BRICK FORCE provides Search& Selec on, Out Sourcing, Audits, Training, Leadership Development, Consul ng, Placements, Advisory for STARTS‐UPs and other Services & Solu ons to the en re gamut of HR & IT. Young, vibrant, futuris c and innova ve, BRICK FORCE goal is to bring the right people to deliver the uncondi onal services together at the right me for a solid client rela onship. Driven by a passion to reinvent, improve and outperform the consul ng, services & solu on industry. House of Brick Force offer clients their me,exper seandmentorshiptohelpthemachievetheirbusinessobjec ves. Asolidteaminplacewithoverseventyyearsofexper seinvariousfunc onaldomain&technologies. Ourcorporateideologytotheclientistobewiththeminall mesandensuringthemtosucceedintheirvision, whichwillin‐turnreflectoursuccessandlongtermsustainability.Inotherwords,"BeyondExpecta ons". At BRICK FORCE, we believe that client's success is our success and above everything else, we value:  Excellence  Integrity  Community development Core Values  Accountability  Respect 1
  • 3. WE FIRMLY BELIEVE PEOPLE ARE MOST IMPORTANT ASSETS:  At BRICK FORCE, we strive to build a competent team who are crea ve, dynamic, commi ed, responsible in their ac ons and con nuously excelling in driving higher performance and highest ethicsforEmployersandClients. THE CLIENTS OF BRICK FORCE ARE:  The organiza on represented by the business process owners i.e. Directors, CEOs, CFOs, HR and Business Heads/Managers and Organiza on Related to Manufacturing, Informa on Technology, Govt.bodies, PSUs,Consultants,Educa onalIns tu ons&Societyatlarge. OUR QUALITY OBJECTIVE IS TO:  Develop each individual and client as HR Management  Provide mely & efficient services to clients  Build people processes, which are simple, expedient and result oriented.  Be a Facilitator, Guide and Mentor Governance BRICK FORCE is commi ed to their personal and professional integrity, ethics, honesty and fair dealing. The Board of Directors embrace these principles. We have adopted strong prac ces that reflect this commitment and ensure that our company is managed with integrity and with the objec ve of building value to its clients overthelongterm. We believe our strong governance is illustra ve of the ethical culture that has always existed in the hearts of all individuals at BRICK FORCE. We are dedicated in ensuring that this ethical culture persists as a driving forceineachoneofusat BRICK FORCE'sdailybusinessopera ons. ManjunathBP Director& CEO 2
  • 4. Ourextensiveknowledge&experiencesintheHumanResourceshascoupledwithexpertteamofconsultants andspecialist,whoareengagedincrea ngthenewdimensionofpeopletoindustryconnect,whichsignifiesa greaterimportanceofHumanCapitalInvestmentforclientsinthefollowingareas. Talent Acquisition In today's compe ve world, finding talent is not just difficult, but also very expensive and me consuming. We at BRICK FORCE aim to provide a solu on to hire a right talent in prompt and professional manner at ease and understanding with client connect. In view of this we have three different products to offer to clients on theirstaffingrequirements.  BRICK FORCE (GEN ‐Z) Genera on Z are predicted to be highly connected, living in an age of high‐tech communica on, technology driven lifestyles and prolific use of social media. Fulfills hiring at entry level like Diploma Engineer Trainee (Technical Diplomas), Commercial Trainees (Commerce Graduates), Execu ve Trainees (Graduates), Graduate Engineer Trainee (BE/B.Tech's), Management Trainee (MBA's),Execu ve Management Trainee (IIT's) brings with them full of energy and dynamismthattheyare.  BRICK FORCE (GEN ‐ Y) Genera on Y has been shaped by the technological revolu on that occurred throughout their youth. Gen Y grew up with technology, so being connected and tech savvy is in their DNA. Equipped with latest technology and gadgets, such as iPhones, laptops and lately tablets, Genera on Y is onlineandconnected24/7,365daysayear. This segment provides the solidity and focus required for organiza ons to achieve their goals. We follow a strict mul stage level process of selec on to present you the most appropriate profiles that would fit your requirements at the Middle Management Level, who has the managerial skills and are resources who can be groomedformid‐termsuccessionplanningofthenextorhighermanagerialposi ons.  BRICK FORCE (GEN ‐X) Gen X was shaped by global poli cal events that occurred during this genera on's youth. They have set an example and have lead thecultural change,transforma onwhichhashelpedthemtoworkcloselywithalllevelsofpeople/Genera ons.GenXismore opentodiversityandhaslearnttoembracedifferencessuchasreligion,sexualorienta on,class,raceandethnicity. Here we refer to the Leadership / Business Heads / Execu ve Search Hiring. Where the level of screening, discussions, profile mee ng the requirement will have a complete 360 degreefeedbackofthecandidate,whoin‐turnbeplacedforclientsmee ng. HR Consulting & Services Welcome To Our Services 3
  • 5. SpecificallytargetedattheMicro,Small&Mediumenterprises(MSME segment).Webringinourexper seto design HR systems, policies and processes that help you scale up your business without ge ng bogged down with HR issues. Client can also view this approach as a 'Cost Plus Model'. We partner in your progress to make thejourneysmooth.Followingaresomeoftheac vi eslistedwhereweengageare, Specificallycreatedtoshouldertheen re HR loadofthe MSME segment.Weprovideour HR exper sewhich would enable our clients focus on their core business. It saves cost, trouble of se ng up and running the HR department while enjoying the benefits of a professional set up star ng from 'Hiring to Disengagement of an employee'. We design and structure HR systems and policies and run them for you. We do the en re spectrum of Recruitment,Training,Assessment,StatutoryCompliance,PayrollProcessingAndExitFormali es. Operational Management Strategic Partner  Organiza on Structuring – Defining Unique Roles, Grades/ Levels, Career Path etc.  Statutory Compliances Requirement  Compensa on & Best HR prac ces benchmarking  Compensa on Structuring or Payroll Management Recruitment System Design  Employee Policy Manual  Organiza onal Employee Engagement Surveys  Employee Exit Management Survey Hr Statutory Audit Human Resource issues have become more complex over the years, due to new and ever changing federal and State Employment Regula ons. How does an organiza on know if it is staying compliant in the area of humanresources?A'HR ComplianceAudit'andOpera onalReviewwilltellyouexactlywhereyourcompany isatriskandhowtofixit. BRICK FORCE helpsyouinbeingcompliantineveryver calof HR. On-siteHrServices Doyoufeelasifyouneedan HR Professionalfrom meto me,butmaybenotallthe me,keepingthe overall manpower budget? BRICK FORCE provides you an on‐site HR services based on your need. Our consultants will be deployed at your work‐place in guiding and engaging themselves in your overall HR opera ons, HR‐related projects and ac vi es and work towards in driving your vision/objec vesatworkplaceoftheclient. Our Consul ng division aims to provide solu on to our client when they want to either out source their HR ac vi esortheywanttodesign&maintainprofessional HR environmentwithinthecompany. We offer a wide range of consul ng services to our customers, which help them to build systems and processes to acquire, engage and develop their human capital. We offer a variety of consul ng services that includes Organiza on Structuring and Manpower Planning, Vision & Mission Structuring, Competency Profiling of Roles and Role‐holders, Policy Handbooks, Compensa on Bench marking and Design and EmployeeEngagementStudytonameafew. Consulting 4
  • 6. Alljobsrequireprofessional/employeestohavecompetency&behavioralskills,whicha ributesandenables them to do their work efficiently and more effec vely. Skills that need to be refined inculcated and revisited from meto metokeeppacewiththemarketorglobaldemand&supply. BRICK FORCE's Training & Development Programs are conceived with the prime objec ve of enhancing effec veness&produc vitythroughcon nuousself‐awarenessandlearningasperthemodelbelow, Skills & Leadership Development I.T Consulting & Solutions At a me when the economy is growing at a fast pace and the demand of end customer are loud &high, your organiza on too requires experts and right talents to face the growing compe on byse ngitsgraph"BeyondExpecta ons". Software TestingServices We at BRICK FORCE provide you with dedicated professionals / Test Engineers, who can be engaged in your test applica on support, decoding & test bug fixing etc., with hard‐core experts designed / tailored to your requirement for both internal support / external support and can use technology as a means to empower you in your IT developmentandprovideyouwithastrategicadvantage.Inanutshellyourequirea'rightpartner'ingrowth. InfrastructureManagementServices We offer end‐to‐end services on IT Infrastructure Consultancy, Implementa on and Maintenance of Hardware & Networking Systems, which in turn enables our clients to op mally u lize their available infrastructuretoachievegreaterproduc vityandefficiency. Ever since the existence of so ware industry aligning to IT is necessary, hence Infrastructure Management has gained importance – while we as a reliable partner manage & maintain your infrastructure, allowing you toconcentrateandefficientlyrunyourcorebusiness. We are Competent to take up technical assignments and projects in Hardware, Networking, Server Installa on, Opera ons and Maintenance with SW development, Tes ng and Installa ons in compliance with GlobalstandardsandparametersincludingManagingDataCenterandVirtualiza on. We provide on‐site solu ons by outsourcing our Infrastructure Management professionals at L1, L2 and L3 levels. 5
  • 7. *Definition of Skill Level Level-1 Basic: Can perform the task only under supervision, needs hand-holding Level-2 Advance: Can independently perform the task Level-3 Expert: Can independently drive and fix the problem, trouble shoot and also can develop others Level-4 Master: Can be guide / mentor in the area of expertise, command and control the overall management This will engage BRICK FORCE to have complete training out‐sourced from the client, wherein we ensure the following,  Training Need Iden fica on  Training Need Assessment  Training Design & Delivery  Training Calender  Training Effec veness  ROI on Training Some of the Behavioral Trainings offered by BRICK FORCE are:  Communica on Skills  Time Management  Stress Management  Team Work  Result Orienta on  Personality Development  Emo onal Intelligence  Total Quality of life  An Sexual harassment ‐ employee awareness  How to be an effec ve manager or first me manager  Collabora ons ‐ Building the bridges  Leading ahead and Coaching skills  One Team ‐ One Goal  People and Cultural Transforma on At BRICK FORCE we have designed our training & development approach for our client as per the pyramid. Thisfocusesonthecompleteemployeedevelopmentandtheirlandscapefromthebasetothehighestlevelof theorganiza on,whereclientcandecidetheTechnical,BehavioralorFunc onalDevelopmentPrograms.This also defines the scale and the level of competency in each individual as per below, which helps the client to decideorhavetheirtrainingtailormadetotheirneed. 6 Few Func onal Development Programs that we have been engaged are,  Fire & Safety  Occupa onal Health  Lean Manufacturing  Kaizen  Six Sigma  TQM  Service Excellence
  • 8. CONTACT US Head Office & Regd. Office : V. V Enclave # 95, 'Amruthavarshini' Dr. S K Road, 4th Cross, K G Halli, Bangalore ‐ 560 015, Karnataka, INDIA Contact No. : +91 97 69 114460 / +91 80 23253073 Email : ceo@brickforcecs.com / Career : makemycareer@brickforcecs.com Website : www.brickforcecs.com BBeyondExpectations Smart People For Better Solutions