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Lunch & Learn: Branding Essentials
Presenter: Jen Barth
Date:      June 13th, 2012
Location: Formic Media
About Formic Media
• Launched in 2008 to service small business &
• Specializes in search, social and website
• 100% of Account Team Google AdWords &
  Google Analytics Certified
• 7 employees & 45+ clients
• Strategic partnerships (SEMA, AlphaGraphics,
• Focus on education via monthly Seminar Series
Branding Essentials for Growing Businesses

June 13, 2012
Formic Media
What We’ll Be Exploring Today…
• Knowing your audience, identity
  and brand voice is key to
  succeeding in today's
• Before you begin the marketing
  process, do you know who you
  are — and aren't?

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Go blog yourself 2011
Go blog yourself 2011Go blog yourself 2011
Go blog yourself 2011

Covers blogging and content strategy to help you write blog posts designed to reach your audience, get attention and passed on to others.

Creating Great Content Has Never Been Easier - March 2011
Creating Great Content Has Never Been Easier - March 2011Creating Great Content Has Never Been Easier - March 2011
Creating Great Content Has Never Been Easier - March 2011

You need great content to grow your business. This great content should be created by great writers who know how to get the great results you demand for your investment. But finding expert writers and managing the workflow takes a lot of time and experience. Until now! Join host Byron White, founder of WriterAccess.com, a new service of ideaLaunch that offers direct connection to thousands of U.S.-based writers available for paid assignments created to your specification. Byron will discuss how to select and manage freelance writers, and how to create assignment specifications and instructions for success. Both writers and clients will learn lessons we learned in the development of WriterAccess and from observations on the tens of thousands of content assignments completed at WriterAccess.com. Best of all, Byron will discuss the newly launched “project complexity” pricing option now available on WriterAccess, which offers an elevated “fair price” scale for complex projects demanding higher skills and experience for the high quality content you demand. In this webinar you'll learn: How to price writing assignments How to price yourself as a writer Selecting the best writers Selecting the best clients How and why to reject work from writers Why rejection of your work is a good thing Writer skill levels evaluation and guide Tracking content performance

idealaunchwriteraccessbyron white
How to Create your Buyer Personas
How to Create your Buyer PersonasHow to Create your Buyer Personas
How to Create your Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are NOT customer profiles or customer demographics. Use buyer personas when creating posts, landing pages, ebooks, and social media.

buyer personascreating buyer personas

• Who are you, and what’s
  your business/target
• Top branding
  issue/question on your
  mind today?
• Favorite PDX food
First Things First:
What Is “Branding”, Anyway?
A Bit About Branding….
• 31,500 results on Google: Yikes!
• One I like…
  “Who you are, what you promise, and your ability and
  willingness to deliver on that promise.”
        – Joe Callaway, “Becoming a Category of One”
• Branding is the discipline that guides your thinking,
  your actions, and your behavior.
• It is the personality that identifies your product or
  service, and how you relate to your audiences
Your Brand Is A Filter: Get Clear
Before You Create
                    • Your brand is the
                      lens through which
                      all communications,
                      actions, and resource
                      decisions (time,
                      money, energy)
                      should be filtered

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Personal branding is the process of marketing oneself to others by communicating one's excellence. It involves defining who you are, what you do, and why you are unique. Developing a personal brand involves establishing an online and social media presence, networking, partnering with training organizations, speaking for free to gain experience and exposure, writing an e-book, engaging with media, volunteering or sponsoring charities, and getting recognized with awards to develop a consistent brand identity over time. The goal is to position oneself as a thought leader and have others do marketing through word-of-mouth.

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Differentiated marketing and communication strategies for startups by Sanjay...
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This document outlines Sanjay Mehta's perspectives on differentiated strategies for marketing and communications in changing times. It discusses the challenges of traditional marketing approaches and argues that marketers need to shift from "talking down" to customers to "listening up" through genuine dialogue. The role of the marketer is changing to focus on relationship building throughout the customer lifecycle from consideration to advocacy. Effective communication now requires detailed planning and producing large volumes of consistent, audience-focused content across multiple digital platforms.

sanjay mehtastartup marketing#tieinstitute
Writing for the web, Pub Con 2006
Writing for the web,  Pub Con 2006Writing for the web,  Pub Con 2006
Writing for the web, Pub Con 2006

How do you create content that will engage and connect with readers? Byron's offers 30 tips that will help you find and manage the great writers you need to achieve top listings in the search engines.

6 Questions to Know…Before You Go
1. What Are Your Goals?
2. Who Are Your Targets?
3. Where/How Are You Engaging
   Successfully Now? Where Else
   Are They Listening?
4. Quick Reality Check: How Much
   Time and Interest Do You Have to
   Invest? (Be honest!)
5. What Can You Delegate or
6. How Will You Measure & Evolve
   Your Efforts?
Where To Begin…6 Key Steps!
Tips For Brilliant Branders-To-Be
1. Sweat the Small Stuff
2. Listen & Look Before You Leap
3. Tell a Story
4. Create Connections
5. Make a (Marketing) Plan
6. Measure, Assess, Evolve. Repeat.
1. Sweat The Small Stuff
(or…clean up your room before company comes!)

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Audience analysis is the process of understanding the characteristics and needs of the intended recipients of a communication. It benefits communicators by allowing them to tailor the content, style, format and tone of their message to best meet the needs and expectations of their audience. The document describes different methods for conducting an audience analysis, including using the AUDIENCE framework or creating an audience analysis grid to identify the primary and secondary audiences, their expertise, needs and the context in which they will receive the information. Conducting an audience analysis helps ensure communicators provide the right information to the right audience in the right way.

Social media for startups
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This document provides guidance for startups on using social media to build tribes and movements around their products. It emphasizes that people are drawn to belonging, leaders, and new ideas. To build a tribe, startups should determine their target market, authentically share their passion and beliefs, and create ways for the tribe to communicate both internally and externally. By empowering the tribe to spread ideas on their own, startups can create movements where peer support leads to viral growth. The document outlines specific steps startups should take, such as publishing a manifesto, making it easy for followers to connect, tracking progress publicly, and listening to feedback to iteratively improve.

Made To Stick
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Made To Stick

The document provides guidance on making ideas stick through simple, memorable messaging. It discusses focusing on the core idea and compact delivery. Unexpected elements can grab attention if they surprise without losing the connection to the core. Concrete language uses specifics, names and examples to make abstract concepts tangible. Credibility comes from authority, testimonials and compelling details. Emotional appeals tap into what people care about. Stories engage audiences and help them visualize ideas.

high techentreprenuershipcommunication
Your Brand: The Sum of Many Parts…
 Your name
 Your logo
 The colors you use in your visual system
 Your slogan/tagline
 Your words, tone, mood, and personality (―voice‖)
 The types, & frequency of your communications

               Your tactical touch points: your voicemail, email
                signature, invoices, contracts, agreements, forms…
  AND          How you address customer service issues (or
 DON’T          don’t)
FORGET:        Your partnerships and connections
               Unexpected interactions – every moment of
                every day (because people ―stop by‖
                unexpectedly…are you ready?)
Naming Approaches to Consider
• Acronym
• Descriptive
• Alliterative
• Evocative
• Founder / Heritage
• Geographical
• Personification
• Mythic
• Neologism (make it up!)
A Few Logos That Tell Stories
The Psychology of Color

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An audience-centric approach to marketing communications and campaigns is important. This deck looks at the lessons of Clay Shirky's Here Comes Everybody, The Open Brand and the Cluetrain Manifesto and how understanding your audience is the first part of building a marketing message. A 7-Sentence Framework for marketing planning is introduced.

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This document discusses using Pinterest for business purposes. It begins with an overview of Pinterest demographics, noting that it has over 110 million active users, most of whom are women. It then discusses research on Pinterest users and their behaviors, such as being inspired to try new things and take action based on content. The document outlines several case studies of companies that have successfully used Pinterest for marketing. It concludes by providing a seven-step strategy for businesses to use Pinterest, including developing a content strategy, building engagement, and creating a sales funnel.

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Fantastic journey into the soul (and science) of amazing business communications. 1st of a 3-part PPT for professionals, students, business owners, and leaders across industries and at every stage of the organization's life cycle. Elevates communication to an art form and breaks it down to a science.

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The Role of Color in Branding
The Psychology of Color
                   As with other aspects
                   of branding, we differ
                   in our perceptions of
                   color based on
                   gender, geography,
                   and other factors…
Tips On Color Choices…
• Red: exciting, energizing, draws attention
• Orange: fun, warm – but strong love/hate reactions
• Yellow: optimistic, evokes creativity
• Greens: tranquil, refreshing, natural
• Blue: constant, dependable, often calming
• Indigo: mystical, spiritual, insightful
• Black: authoritative, powerful, sophisticated
• Gray: intellectual, refined, neutral
• White: clean, pure, safe
– sixrevisions.com, ―What Your Web Design Says About You‖
Time to Give Some Thought:
A Few Questions
• If you have a logo or
  identity system in place, do
  the current colors support
  your message?
• Does your identity reflect
  your values and vision?
• Is your identity clear and
  easy to read?
• Collect imagery with the
  look and feel you want to

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This document provides a StrengthsFinder report for an individual named Ryan Roberts. The report details Ryan's top 5 themes: Ideation, Individualization, Input, Connectedness, and Empathy. For each theme, it provides a shared theme description, personalized strengths insights specific to Ryan, and questions for Ryan to consider to increase awareness of his talents and how to apply them. The report is intended to help Ryan understand his unique talents and strengths and provide ideas for how he can use this understanding to add value in his role, team, workgroup, department, division, and organization. It also includes specific action items Ryan can take to apply each of his top 5 themes in the next 30 days.

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Branding Essentials
Branding Essentials
A Few Website Pointers:
It’s An Onion…Not Grape!
   Don’t make users work top
    hard to understand, and
    engage with, your website,
    which is often the first —
    and most universal — brand
   Different audience groups
    have different needs. Do you
    know what they are?
Learn from this (tough, & expensive!)

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The document provides an overview of key marketing strategies for growing a business. It discusses identifying the target customer and their needs, creating an effective message, and ensuring the message is heard through various marketing channels. It emphasizes the importance of having a clear and concise message focused on the primary customer need. It also discusses building a great website that is easy to use and responsive across devices, as well as the importance of an integrated social media strategy to promote content and engage customers. Monitoring and managing online reviews is also highlighted as important for businesses' online reputation.

Session 3 - Understanding the Audience & The Importance of Storytelling
Session 3 - Understanding the Audience & The Importance of StorytellingSession 3 - Understanding the Audience & The Importance of Storytelling
Session 3 - Understanding the Audience & The Importance of Storytelling

This document discusses the importance of understanding audiences and using storytelling in PR media production. It emphasizes developing buyer personas through profiling goals, problems, media habits, and interests. Stories humanize brands by creating emotional connections with customers. The document provides questions to help companies identify their own stories about how they started, overcame challenges, helped customers, and supported charitable causes. Telling authentic stories through text, pictures and videos can build word of mouth by inspiring passionate customers and fans to share their experiences.

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Eos advocacy
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Eos advocacy

This document contains notes from a presentation on influencing skills for special librarians given by Stephen Abram. Some of the key points discussed include defining advocacy, marketing, and public relations. It also discusses how to identify stakeholders and craft messages tailored to different audiences. Additional topics covered are communication strategies like telling stories, seeking attention, and using metrics to demonstrate value. The presentation emphasizes the importance of planning advocacy activities and understanding the viewpoints of those being influenced.

Time to Give Some Thought:
A Few Questions
• What website(s) do you feel
  most connected to and engaged
• Can you identify what aspects of
  the experience help you feel that
• Do you know how your target
  audience looks for and consumes
  information? How could your
  website reflect that experience?
2. Listen & Look
Before You Leap
Do Your Homework…
Secondary Research
= What’s out there already?
• Website analytics
• 3rd party research studies
• Web/Social media sleuthing

Primary Research
= Connect directly with targets
•   Qualitative methods
•   Quantitative methods
Interviews, focus groups, panels, advisory
groups, ―ethnographies,‖ web usability testing
Use It To Understand:
• Reasons behind behaviors, attitudes, beliefs,
  perceptions, motivations, etc.
• How these reactions play out in
  individual behavior
Key Uses:
   Generate ideas & gauge reactions
   Understand behaviors, perceptions, and
    motivations, attitudes, beliefs of individuals
   Understand language, nuances, & trends
   Prepare for quantitative research

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Writing for Digital - Sarah Manners - Quirk Knowledge Week

The document discusses digital copywriting and provides tips for writing effective digital content. It notes that digital copywriting is different than traditional print copywriting and involves tailoring content for different online contexts. It emphasizes researching the target audience through creating detailed personas and writing with an audience of one in mind. The document also discusses using storytelling techniques and establishing a clear tone of voice aligned with the brand. It highlights the importance of digital content being results-driven by focusing on business goals and key performance indicators.

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Building your brand – A practical guide for nonprofit organizations
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Building your brand – A practical guide for nonprofit organizations

This "brand 101″ session is designed to help nonprofit leadership and board members understand the basic concepts around developing and maintaining a strong brand.

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Session 3: Understanding the Importance of Audience & Storytelling
Session 3: Understanding the Importance of Audience & StorytellingSession 3: Understanding the Importance of Audience & Storytelling
Session 3: Understanding the Importance of Audience & Storytelling

This is class material from the 3rd session about understanding the importance of audience and storytelling, for KKI UI.

storytellingunderstanding audiencebuyer personas
Surveys, online survey tools, Omnibus research
(statistical significance is the key!)

Use It To Understand:
• How many people hold the same
  behaviors, attitudes, beliefs,
  perceptions, etc.
• Their common characteristics
Key Uses:
• Determining demographics/user segments
• Pricing Studies/Sales Projections
• Defining/predicting behavior
Many Ways To Cut The Cloth…
Some Research Tools to Consider
• Survey Tools:
     – SurveyMonkey, Zoomerang, SurveyGizmo, PollDaddy
     – LinkedIn & Facebook Surveys
• Panels
     – AYTM.com, ZoomPanel
     – Omnibus Studies
   Key Steps:
     1.   Create ―screener‖
     2.   Recruit participants
     3.   Develop discussion/activity guide
     4.   Conduct study
     5.   Analyze results
     6.   Take action (please!)
Time to Give Some Thought:
A Few Questions
• Who is your ideal client?
   – Key facts/identity (demographics)
   – Values/motivators (psychographics)
• Do you have primary and secondary
  If so how do their needs differ?
• If you were your audience, what would you
  want to hear? (if you don’t know…do some
• Are your communications framed to address
  these specific interests and desires?

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SxSW Downloaded 2011

The first document summarizes tips for concise communication, including telling stories, making every word count, considering your target audience, and keeping things simple. The second discusses measuring social media engagement and ROI by focusing on business objectives and tying social media to other initiatives. The third discusses how to handle detractors who post negative comments and how far to let criticism go before intervening.

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Session 3 - The New Rules of Marketing and PR
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Session 3 - The New Rules of Marketing and PR

This document discusses the importance of understanding audiences and using storytelling in PR media production. It emphasizes developing buyer personas to understand customer needs and profiling personas by considering their goals, problems, media habits, and interests. The document advocates telling authentic stories about a company's origins, customers, employees, and values to humanize the brand and build emotional connections with audiences. It provides examples of how companies like Chase and Blue Bird Group use stories to inspire customers and build word-of-mouth promotion through social media and offline materials.

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Ringling College of Art & Design: Content and Social Media
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Had a wonderful conversation with students from Ringling College of Art & Design. What is, and what isn't, content, tips on strategy and creation, and how social media marketing works (and how it doesn't).

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3. Tell A Story
Why Story… And Why Now?

     “The balance of power has
 shifted. It’s gone from advertisers
 with deep pockets, throwing money
 at one-way media, into the hands of
 the audience members. The age of
  interruptive media is over, and
  that’s where brand storytelling

  — Jon Thomas, “The Power of Brand Storytelling”
Storytelling Tip #1: Share.
85% of people
will take a
chance on you
in business…

if they know
about you
The Power of Story
          Stories help us:
          • Establish our humanity:
            strengths, values,
            friendships, enemies

          • Connect through common

          • Give emotional context
            through a tangible and
            familiar framework

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Winning Grants
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Winning Grants

This presentation provides advice in the art of grant writing. This advice represents an accumulation of knowledge from experienced grant writers, development officers, foundations, reviewers, and program managers along the way. Be it for a nonprofit or an academic setting, this information will prove useful.

grant writingdevelopmentwriting
Better marketing = bigger sales
Better marketing = bigger salesBetter marketing = bigger sales
Better marketing = bigger sales

The document discusses better marketing strategies that can lead to increased sales. It emphasizes understanding your target audiences and their needs and preferences for communication. Marketing should clearly communicate the benefits of products and services from the customer's perspective using a consistent brand identity across all channels. An effective brand tells a story that provides value for potential customers as they do more research online before making purchasing decisions. The presentation encourages businesses to focus on helping customers through relevant content across online and offline platforms to build trust and make customers for life.

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Telling the Workforce Story with Social Media
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Telling the Workforce Story with Social Media

This document discusses using social media to tell stories that engage target audiences in workforce development. It emphasizes listening to audiences, creating content that fulfills their needs and makes them feel positive emotions, and delivering stories through the right platforms. Examples of story frames that could help audiences include "We are a tribe" to build community, "Solve my problem" to provide value, and "Make me a hero" to inspire. The document also provides tips on using tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and video to share visual and engaging stories. It stresses testing different approaches and refining based on metrics.

What Makes a Story?

4 Key Elements
Character     Conflict   Plot   Message
Sound Familiar?
But Wait…There’s More.
  Story Drives Retention
                          stands alone

          Statistics with
        some storytelling
Solely statistics



   — London School of Business
Elements To A Good Story
• Context – do audiences see their • Connectedness – Show
  own story in yours?                empathy and connect.

• Simplicity –make your point &      • Magic –Violate listener’s
  move on!                             expectations with a surprise.

• Interest – A boring story won’t • Relevance – Do listeners feel
  promote understanding or inspire      that this is their story, too?
  action. Will your audience register
  it, remember it, and tell it again? • Immediacy –A story helps
                                        people take the leap of faith
• Trust – is your story true            necessary to be inspired to
  (factually, and to the audience’s     take action‖

• Meaning – Does your story          -from Jon Winsor, “Developing
  support a deeper message or        a Story”
  inspire your audience to rethink

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Stephen Abram gave a presentation to the Los Angeles Public Library about expectations for libraries. He emphasized that libraries should stop defending themselves and focus on innovation using technology as a tool. Abram also stressed the importance of understanding user needs, behaviors, and the difference between search and discovery. He suggested that libraries tell their own stories from the user perspective and focus on measuring their value and impact rather than just statistics.

Personal branding
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Personal branding

Personal branding involves crafting a public image that represents your core values and competencies. It includes defining your identity, developing your image, and communicating consistently. Effective personal branding tells a clear story about who you are and what you offer through visible actions and interactions. Maintaining a personal brand over the long term requires ongoing self-reflection, relationship-building, and communication tailored to your target audiences.

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Non-Profit Marketing Communications Strategy
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A presentation given to Non-Profit marketing managers about marketing strategy. Including developing a marketing communications plan and brand.

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Not Exactly A New Idea…
• ―Life it too short for a long story‖
  — Lady Mary Wortly Montagu

  ―Your tale, sir, could cure deafness‖
  — Sir William Shakespeare

• ―Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a
  truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a
  story and it will live in my heart
  - — Indian proverb
Story Telling Tip #2:
• Never underestimate
  the power of a picture
  and connecting content
  through visual
  • Colors / Bolding
  • Images
  • Infographics
Storytelling Through Imagery
Personal Storytelling: Infographics

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Storytelling over coffee

You’ve no doubt noticed that we’re slowly drowning beneath an ocean of content. Before long, our little world of words and pictures will be so flood bound, it’ll make Tuvalu look like Mt Everest. That creates a huge challenge for communicators. How do you produce the stories that will float to the surface… that will engage and inspire people to belief, action and results? Thankfully, there’s something working in your favour. You see, almost every business, brand, project or team is loaded with stories that could help and inspire others. You’ve just got to know how to tell them…

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This document discusses storytelling and its importance. It notes that storytelling is how humans make sense of their experiences and that people spend much of their time engaged with stories. Storytelling can help distill information and make it more understandable and memorable. Stories involve characters, objectives, obstacles, and resolutions. They follow classic story structures and tap into human cognitive and emotional responses. The document then provides tips on finding and crafting stories, including conducting research, gaining user insights, and developing characters, plots, and narrative arcs.

What Is A Brand…And Why Does It Matter?
What Is A Brand…And Why Does It Matter?What Is A Brand…And Why Does It Matter?
What Is A Brand…And Why Does It Matter?

This "brand 101" session is designed to help nonprofit leadership and board members understand the basic concepts around developing and maintaining a strong brand.

Story Telling Tip #3:
• Don’t travel solo!
• What hero’s journey
  have you taken?
• Who is/are your
  trusty sidekicks?
• Are you even the hero
  in the story, after all?
Consider Your Brand Voice…
Brand Voice: Authenticity Matters

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Communicating Effectively To Your Stakeholders - a workshop

Thank you to all attendees at the World Economic Forum Family Business Owners Event in Gstaad last week who participated in our Communications Workshop on Effective Communications with stakeholders - a big challenge for some family-owned business. Special thanks to @grietaeerts for the invitation to host the session and my colleague and friend @ruthyearley for her strategic planning brilliance. If you'd like to know more on stakeholder communications, get in touch!

@ketchum @grietaeerts @ruthyearley
Communicating Effectively To Your Stakeholders June 2018
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Communicating Effectively To Your Stakeholders June 2018

Thanks to the World Economic Forum and members of its Family Business Community for their great enthusiasm taking part in Ketchum's facilitated workshop in Gstaad in June 2018. Slides are here. If you're interested to understand who your key stakeholders are and how to communicate with the challenging ones, then get in touch with us!

@ketchum @grietaeerts @ruthyearley
Crafting Your Unique Identity in a Competitive World.pptx
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Crafting Your Unique Identity in a Competitive World.pptx

innovation is not about crafting anything new, it is about doing the same thing differently for better results. Dennis Thomas Lukaaya

be yourself
Brand Voice
The right ―voice‖ can
help demystify, create
relevance, and forge
an emotional
connection (with even
the most
un-emotional of
Storytelling Through Imagery
Personal Storytelling: Infographics
Time to Give Some Thought:
A Few Questions
Ask yourself…
• Are you currently speaking in an
  authentic and credible voice?
• Are you making promises you
  can keep?
• Is what you are saying relevant,
  valuable, and motivating to your
• Take the ―Business Obituary‖
  test: Pass or Fail?

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With a few short months left in the year, it’s time to tackle the challenging task of planning and budgeting for your 2014 digital marketing activities. eMarketer estimates that B2C and B2B companies will see a 9.9% and 11.1% growth in digital advertising budgets in 2014, respectively. How is your company planning on establishing online marketing goals and budgets for your business and mapping both strategy and tactics to these objectives and resources? In this seminar, Formic Media will cover digital marketing planning and budgeting best practices, trends for 2014 and how to incorporate your key decision makers and digital agency into the process of creating an effective digital marketing strategy.

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Growing Your Business via Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Growing Your Business via Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Growing Your Business via Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you own or operate a local brick and mortar business, or have a business with multiple locations learn how to grow your business via local search engine optimization (SEO) tactics. This two-hour seminar will help attendees learn how to increase their business’ visibility within the local search results by utilizing specific tactics that directly affect how Google “views” your business. This seminar will provide insights into how to claim/verify your listing, how to optimize your Google+Local page, how to choose the right categories, tactics for obtaining customer reviews & citations. Finally, this presentation will discuss the changes that Google+Local and Smartphone use has brought to the Local SEO landscape.

local searchlocal seolocal seo for small business
4. Create Connections
Growing Your Network
• Deepening Your Existing Connections
  - Who do you know?
  - How can you help them?
    “Stories make our messages easier to
  - rememberthey help you? used
     How can and have been
  - throughout history to explain concepts
     Segmenting/Prioritizing Your Networking
    more effectively.”- Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind
• Making New Connections
  - Networking Events
  - Volunteer/Community Work

• Broaden the Dialogue & Deepen the
  - E-mail Newsletters
  - Social Media
Small Biz Goes Social
US small businesses saw the following
benefits from social media in 2011:
• Staying engaged with current customers 69%
• Create more loyal customers through more direct
  engagements 63%
• Increasing brand awareness 61%
• Identifying/attracting new customers 59%
• Collaborate more effectively with external partners,
  suppliers, and colleagues 44% & internal teams
• Correct problems before they escalate 30%
• Defend against negative publicity 18%

– 2011 State of Small Business Report
Many Channels, Many Options

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Lunch & Learn: Localized Mobile Marketing
Lunch & Learn: Localized Mobile MarketingLunch & Learn: Localized Mobile Marketing
Lunch & Learn: Localized Mobile Marketing

Mobile usage continues to grow at an exponential pace, with innovation coming at breakneck speeds. Smartphones account for 58% of the U.S. cell phone market share, and 50% of searches conducted on those smartphones have local intent. This means that optimizing and engaging local customers proactively through mobile has become a necessity not a luxury. The Formic team outlines how all of this comes together: the growth of the mobile devices, best practices for optimizing your website for mobile, local & mobile advertising tactics, local-social opportunities and what’s on the horizon.

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Introduction to Online Reputation Management (ORM)
Introduction to Online Reputation Management (ORM)Introduction to Online Reputation Management (ORM)
Introduction to Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Online reputation management (ORM) is a necessity for your business and in some cases for yourself. Smartphone use has rapidly grown and consumers everywhere are now seconds away from discovering what everyone thinks about your business. Unfortunately, this means that a low number of reviews or the presence of vocal and disgruntled customers can instantly impact the perception of your business in a negative way, taking away immeasurable sales or leads. Learn about the various measures that can be taken to prevent injury and what a business can do to recover.

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Facebook & Twitter Strategies for Small Business Owners
Facebook & Twitter Strategies for Small Business OwnersFacebook & Twitter Strategies for Small Business Owners
Facebook & Twitter Strategies for Small Business Owners

John McPhee, VP of Formic Media, presents Facebook and Twitter marketing strategies to help obtain more fans, followers, engagement and online visibility. Additionally, McPhee also shares social media and reporting tools.

small business social mediasocial media marketingsocial advertising
But…Some Food For Thought
• 56% of small businesses in
  2011 state that social
  media used up more time
  than they expected
• 40% experienced having
  their business criticized
• 36% feel that social media
  usage has fallen short of
• 5% felt it hurt their brand’s
  image, versus helping it
What’s Your Social “Score?”

   “Stories make our messages easier to
   remember and have been used
   throughout history to explain concepts
   more effectively.”- Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind
5. Make A (Marketing) Plan
Elements of the Marketing Plan

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SEMpdx: SEO 101
SEMpdx: SEO 101SEMpdx: SEO 101
SEMpdx: SEO 101

John McPhee, Vice President of Formic Media, presents SEO best practices at the January 2013 SEMpdx event in Portland, OR. McPhee discusses on-site SEO, as well as off-site SEO, tactics to help increase organic rankings.

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Google Analytics and Other Free SEM Tools
Google Analytics and Other Free SEM ToolsGoogle Analytics and Other Free SEM Tools
Google Analytics and Other Free SEM Tools

Is your company tracking your digital marketing efforts through a web analytics platform like Google Analytics? If not, you may be wasting your time because you have no idea which strategies are driving traffic and converting visitors to leads or sales. If you are utilizing Google Analytics, what metrics are you looking at to determine campaign effectiveness? This presentation provides a Google Analytics overview, as well as digging into the rich reporting features offered by Google’s free analytics platform. Formic also shares our favorite free SEM tools of the trade with you. Learn how to use Google Analytics and other SEM tools to measure your efforts, gain competitive intelligence and better understand what online success looks like.

Social Advertising for Small Businesses
Social Advertising for Small BusinessesSocial Advertising for Small Businesses
Social Advertising for Small Businesses

Social media has grown and evolved tremendously over the past few years. Facebook is reporting over 900 million users, Twitter has said there are 250 million tweets per day, which breaks down to roughly 2,900 per second. With that growth, social advertising on social media sites has gained wide spread popularity and usage, allowing advertisers to tap into the social and interest graphs of consumers when delivering ads. Facebook as an example enables advertisers to reach more than 900 million people with ads that are relevant, engaging and have social context. So, as a business, how are you taking advantage of social advertising tactics to help extend your brand, build engagement and generate ROI? Attend Formic Media’s Free Seminar Series to learn how social advertising on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms can help elevate your small business online.

facebook advertisingformic media seminarstwitter advertising
Think About….
    Who’s your                  Who are                    From here,
    audience?                    you?                       create...
• Who do you serve?      •   How can you meet      •   Brand vision
                             these needs?          •   Brand values
• What needs do they
  have?                  •   Who are you           •   Brand ―voice‖
                             today?                •   Communication
• What unmet needs
  exist?                 •   What do you want
                             to stand for in the       –    Tagline
• Who are their key
                             future?                   –    Elevator pitch
  influencers (social,
  professional, media,   •   What is your              –    Media kits
  community, etc.)           Unique Selling            –    Marketing
                             Proposition (USP)?             content
• Where do they
  work, live, eat,       •   What will your            –    etc.
  shop, play?                brand and/or
                             architecture be?
6. Measure, Assess, Evolve.
Measure, Assess & Evolve
• Create track-able data
• Establish frequent
• Enlist a trusted, honest,
  and unbiased resource to
  help keep you honest in
  evaluation and ongoing
  optimization planning
Back to our Questions…
1. What Are Your Goals?
2. Who Are Your Targets?
3. Where/How Are You Engaging
   Successfully Now? Where Else
   Are They Listening?
4. Quick Reality Check: How Much
   Time and Interest Do You Have to
   Invest? (Be honest!)
5. What Can You Delegate or
6. How Will You Measure & Evolve
   Your Efforts?

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WordPress Set-up and Installation
WordPress Set-up and InstallationWordPress Set-up and Installation
WordPress Set-up and Installation

WordPress is one of the most widely used open-source content management systems for websites and blogs. The reason for this is due to its out of the box simplicity, usability and SEO-friendliness. This presentation covers the ins and outs of WordPress installation and set-up and the value the platform can provide small business owners, online marketers and webmasters.

wordpresswordpress installationwordpress plugins
Advanced Social Media Marketing Tactics & Strategies
Advanced Social Media Marketing Tactics & StrategiesAdvanced Social Media Marketing Tactics & Strategies
Advanced Social Media Marketing Tactics & Strategies

The Advanced Social Media Marketing presentation covers advanced social media tactics and strategies for online marketers and small business owners. Learn how social advertising and platforms like Pinterest, Tumblr and more can help elevate your business online.

social media marketingformic mediasocial media
Understanding the Basics of Social Media
Understanding the Basics of Social MediaUnderstanding the Basics of Social Media
Understanding the Basics of Social Media

Formic Media provides stats and an overview of basic social media sites, and they're individual components. This is an excellent overview for those interested in learning more about social media. This is intended for beginners/novices to social media.

hootsuite - social media dashboardportlandgoogle+
OK Now…Time to Think of 3 Things:

Based on your thoughts and notes,
Make the “Three Things” list:
•   1 thing keep doing
•   1 thing to stop doing
•   1 thing to start doing
    next month, quarter, or year
Questions / Open Discussion

              JEN BARTH

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Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
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Indian Matka Indian satta matka kalyan matka
Indian Matka Indian satta matka kalyan matkaIndian Matka Indian satta matka kalyan matka
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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
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Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Tara Matka boss otg
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Tara Matka boss otgIndian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Tara Matka boss otg
Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.
Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.
Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.
Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan MatkaSatta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
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Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otg
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otgIndian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otg
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otg
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Pricing sophistication - auto insurance telematicsPricing sophistication - auto insurance telematics
Pricing sophistication - auto insurance telematics
Matteo Carbone
Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143
Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143
Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143
Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result

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Branding Essentials

  • 1. Lunch & Learn: Branding Essentials Presenter: Jen Barth Date: June 13th, 2012 Location: Formic Media
  • 2. About Formic Media • Launched in 2008 to service small business & partners • Specializes in search, social and website development • 100% of Account Team Google AdWords & Google Analytics Certified • 7 employees & 45+ clients • Strategic partnerships (SEMA, AlphaGraphics, etc.) • Focus on education via monthly Seminar Series
  • 3. MARKETING THAT MATTERS…. Branding Essentials for Growing Businesses June 13, 2012 Formic Media
  • 4. What We’ll Be Exploring Today… • Knowing your audience, identity and brand voice is key to succeeding in today's marketplace. • Before you begin the marketing process, do you know who you are — and aren't?
  • 5. Introductions • Who are you, and what’s your business/target audience? • Top branding issue/question on your mind today? • Favorite PDX food cart????
  • 6. First Things First: What Is “Branding”, Anyway?
  • 7. A Bit About Branding…. • 31,500 results on Google: Yikes! • One I like… “Who you are, what you promise, and your ability and willingness to deliver on that promise.” – Joe Callaway, “Becoming a Category of One” • Branding is the discipline that guides your thinking, your actions, and your behavior. • It is the personality that identifies your product or service, and how you relate to your audiences
  • 8. Your Brand Is A Filter: Get Clear Before You Create • Your brand is the lens through which all communications, actions, and resource decisions (time, money, energy) should be filtered
  • 9. 6 Questions to Know…Before You Go 1. What Are Your Goals? 2. Who Are Your Targets? 3. Where/How Are You Engaging Successfully Now? Where Else Are They Listening? 4. Quick Reality Check: How Much Time and Interest Do You Have to Invest? (Be honest!) 5. What Can You Delegate or Outsource? 6. How Will You Measure & Evolve Your Efforts?
  • 10. Where To Begin…6 Key Steps!
  • 11. Tips For Brilliant Branders-To-Be 1. Sweat the Small Stuff 2. Listen & Look Before You Leap 3. Tell a Story 4. Create Connections 5. Make a (Marketing) Plan 6. Measure, Assess, Evolve. Repeat.
  • 12. 1. Sweat The Small Stuff (or…clean up your room before company comes!)
  • 13. Your Brand: The Sum of Many Parts…  Your name  Your logo  The colors you use in your visual system  Your slogan/tagline  Your words, tone, mood, and personality (―voice‖)  The types, & frequency of your communications  Your tactical touch points: your voicemail, email signature, invoices, contracts, agreements, forms… AND  How you address customer service issues (or DON’T don’t) FORGET:  Your partnerships and connections  Unexpected interactions – every moment of every day (because people ―stop by‖ unexpectedly…are you ready?)
  • 14. Naming Approaches to Consider • Acronym • Descriptive • Alliterative • Evocative • Founder / Heritage • Geographical • Personification • Mythic • Neologism (make it up!)
  • 15. A Few Logos That Tell Stories
  • 17. The Role of Color in Branding
  • 18. The Psychology of Color As with other aspects of branding, we differ in our perceptions of color based on gender, geography, and other factors…
  • 19. Tips On Color Choices… • Red: exciting, energizing, draws attention • Orange: fun, warm – but strong love/hate reactions • Yellow: optimistic, evokes creativity • Greens: tranquil, refreshing, natural • Blue: constant, dependable, often calming • Indigo: mystical, spiritual, insightful • Black: authoritative, powerful, sophisticated • Gray: intellectual, refined, neutral • White: clean, pure, safe – sixrevisions.com, ―What Your Web Design Says About You‖
  • 20. Time to Give Some Thought: A Few Questions • If you have a logo or identity system in place, do the current colors support your message? • Does your identity reflect your values and vision? • Is your identity clear and easy to read? • Collect imagery with the look and feel you want to create.
  • 23. A Few Website Pointers: It’s An Onion…Not Grape!  Don’t make users work top hard to understand, and engage with, your website, which is often the first — and most universal — brand touchpoint.  Different audience groups have different needs. Do you know what they are?
  • 24. Learn from this (tough, & expensive!) Lesson
  • 25. Time to Give Some Thought: A Few Questions • What website(s) do you feel most connected to and engaged with? • Can you identify what aspects of the experience help you feel that way? • Do you know how your target audience looks for and consumes information? How could your website reflect that experience?
  • 26. 2. Listen & Look Before You Leap
  • 27. Do Your Homework… Secondary Research = What’s out there already? • Website analytics • 3rd party research studies • Web/Social media sleuthing Primary Research = Connect directly with targets • Qualitative methods • Quantitative methods
  • 28. Qualitative Interviews, focus groups, panels, advisory groups, ―ethnographies,‖ web usability testing Use It To Understand: • Reasons behind behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, motivations, etc. • How these reactions play out in individual behavior Key Uses:  Generate ideas & gauge reactions  Understand behaviors, perceptions, and motivations, attitudes, beliefs of individuals  Understand language, nuances, & trends  Prepare for quantitative research
  • 29. Quantitative Surveys, online survey tools, Omnibus research (statistical significance is the key!) Use It To Understand: • How many people hold the same behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, etc. • Their common characteristics Key Uses: • Determining demographics/user segments • Pricing Studies/Sales Projections • Defining/predicting behavior
  • 30. Many Ways To Cut The Cloth…
  • 31. Some Research Tools to Consider • Survey Tools: – SurveyMonkey, Zoomerang, SurveyGizmo, PollDaddy – LinkedIn & Facebook Surveys • Panels – AYTM.com, ZoomPanel – Omnibus Studies  Key Steps: 1. Create ―screener‖ 2. Recruit participants 3. Develop discussion/activity guide 4. Conduct study 5. Analyze results 6. Take action (please!)
  • 32. Time to Give Some Thought: A Few Questions • Who is your ideal client? – Key facts/identity (demographics) – Values/motivators (psychographics) • Do you have primary and secondary audience(s)? If so how do their needs differ? • If you were your audience, what would you want to hear? (if you don’t know…do some research!) • Are your communications framed to address these specific interests and desires?
  • 33. 3. Tell A Story
  • 34. Why Story… And Why Now? “The balance of power has shifted. It’s gone from advertisers with deep pockets, throwing money at one-way media, into the hands of the audience members. The age of interruptive media is over, and that’s where brand storytelling begins.” — Jon Thomas, “The Power of Brand Storytelling”
  • 35. Storytelling Tip #1: Share. 85% of people will take a chance on you in business… if they know something about you personally.
  • 36. The Power of Story Stories help us: • Establish our humanity: strengths, values, friendships, enemies • Connect through common experiences • Give emotional context through a tangible and familiar framework
  • 37. What Makes a Story? 4 Key Elements Character Conflict Plot Message
  • 39. But Wait…There’s More. Story Drives Retention Storytelling stands alone Statistics with some storytelling 65-70% Solely statistics 25-30% 5-10% — London School of Business
  • 40. Elements To A Good Story • Context – do audiences see their • Connectedness – Show own story in yours? empathy and connect. • Simplicity –make your point & • Magic –Violate listener’s move on! expectations with a surprise. • Interest – A boring story won’t • Relevance – Do listeners feel promote understanding or inspire that this is their story, too? action. Will your audience register it, remember it, and tell it again? • Immediacy –A story helps people take the leap of faith • Trust – is your story true necessary to be inspired to (factually, and to the audience’s take action‖ experience?) • Meaning – Does your story -from Jon Winsor, “Developing support a deeper message or a Story” inspire your audience to rethink something?
  • 41. Not Exactly A New Idea… • ―Life it too short for a long story‖ — Lady Mary Wortly Montagu ―Your tale, sir, could cure deafness‖ — Sir William Shakespeare • ―Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.‖ - — Indian proverb
  • 42. Story Telling Tip #2: • Never underestimate the power of a picture and connecting content through visual elements: • Colors / Bolding • Images • Infographics
  • 45. Story Telling Tip #3: • Don’t travel solo! • What hero’s journey have you taken? • Who is/are your trusty sidekicks? • Are you even the hero in the story, after all?
  • 46. Consider Your Brand Voice… Before…
  • 47. After
  • 49. Brand Voice The right ―voice‖ can help demystify, create relevance, and forge an emotional connection (with even the most un-emotional of topics!)
  • 52. Time to Give Some Thought: A Few Questions Ask yourself… • Are you currently speaking in an authentic and credible voice? • Are you making promises you can keep? • Is what you are saying relevant, valuable, and motivating to your audience? • Take the ―Business Obituary‖ test: Pass or Fail?
  • 54. Growing Your Network • Deepening Your Existing Connections - Who do you know? - How can you help them? “Stories make our messages easier to - rememberthey help you? used How can and have been - throughout history to explain concepts Segmenting/Prioritizing Your Networking more effectively.”- Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind • Making New Connections - Networking Events - Volunteer/Community Work • Broaden the Dialogue & Deepen the Engagement - E-mail Newsletters - Social Media
  • 55. Small Biz Goes Social US small businesses saw the following benefits from social media in 2011: • Staying engaged with current customers 69% • Create more loyal customers through more direct engagements 63% • Increasing brand awareness 61% • Identifying/attracting new customers 59% • Collaborate more effectively with external partners, suppliers, and colleagues 44% & internal teams 31% • Correct problems before they escalate 30% • Defend against negative publicity 18% – 2011 State of Small Business Report
  • 57. But…Some Food For Thought • 56% of small businesses in 2011 state that social media used up more time than they expected • 40% experienced having their business criticized • 36% feel that social media usage has fallen short of expectations • 5% felt it hurt their brand’s image, versus helping it
  • 58. What’s Your Social “Score?” “Stories make our messages easier to remember and have been used throughout history to explain concepts more effectively.”- Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind
  • 59. 5. Make A (Marketing) Plan
  • 60. Elements of the Marketing Plan
  • 61. Think About…. Who’s your Who are From here, audience? you? create... • Who do you serve? • How can you meet • Brand vision these needs? • Brand values • What needs do they have? • Who are you • Brand ―voice‖ today? • Communication • What unmet needs tools: exist? • What do you want to stand for in the – Tagline • Who are their key future? – Elevator pitch influencers (social, professional, media, • What is your – Media kits community, etc.) Unique Selling – Marketing Proposition (USP)? content • Where do they work, live, eat, • What will your – etc. shop, play? brand and/or product architecture be?
  • 62. 6. Measure, Assess, Evolve. Repeat.
  • 63. Measure, Assess & Evolve • Create track-able data points • Establish frequent reviews • Enlist a trusted, honest, and unbiased resource to help keep you honest in evaluation and ongoing optimization planning
  • 64. Back to our Questions… 1. What Are Your Goals? 2. Who Are Your Targets? 3. Where/How Are You Engaging Successfully Now? Where Else Are They Listening? 4. Quick Reality Check: How Much Time and Interest Do You Have to Invest? (Be honest!) 5. What Can You Delegate or Outsource? 6. How Will You Measure & Evolve Your Efforts?
  • 65. OK Now…Time to Think of 3 Things: Based on your thoughts and notes, Make the “Three Things” list: • 1 thing keep doing • 1 thing to stop doing • 1 thing to start doing next month, quarter, or year
  • 66. Questions / Open Discussion JEN BARTH 503.732.0203 jen@bigsmallbrands.com @JenUnplugged