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The Major Types and Possible Causes of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a severe, debilitating disabling disease. There are more than two million Americans
who suffer with schizophrenia in any given year. Some of the symptoms of schizophrenia are
hallucinations, delusions, apathy, lack of emotion, disorganized thoughts, difficulty concentrating or
following instructions and memory problems. There are no lab tests to diagnose schizophrenia and
most times the patient is misdiagnosed with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or major depression (
Daily schizophrenia news, 2013). There are several major types of schizophrenia but there are five
that are more common; disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, undifferentiated and residual. Scientists are
leaning toward prenatal difficulties as to the development of schizophrenia with genetics also playing
a big part. Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease with approximately one percent of the
population developing schizophrenia during their lifetime. There are more than two million Americans
suffering from the illness in a given year. Schizophrenia affects men and women equally, although, the
disorder often appears earlier in men, than in women. Men are usually affected in their late teens or
early twenties, and women in their twenties to early thirties. People with schizophrenia often suffer
terrifying symptoms such as hearing internal voices, or believing that other people are reading their
minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to
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Measuring World Development Essay
Measuring World Development
Development is a complex economic, social and political phenomenon. There are a range of simple
and composite indicators used to measure development. There are many definitions of development,
perhaps the most used is;
Development refers to a number of characteristics such as demographic change, economic growth, an
increase in the case of resources, modernisation, higher levels of technology and political freedom.
Indicators of development are put into four sectors: Economic, Social, Political and environmental.
These factors can be broken down into two groups, simple and composite. Such simple indictors
would be birth rate, death rate and GNP. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These types of countries are not necessarily not developed , they just have different customs, cultural
differences or they could be nomadic (farming based) or an indigenous population, as described
Maps of the globe are produced to show levels of world development based on three key features;
wealth, social advantage and deprivation. An imaginary line can be seen around the world which
separates the developed countries and the non developed countries. This line is called the Brandt line.
It is a modern day method of measuring development. It basically separates countries based on how
economically stable a country is, how technologically advanced it is, how democratic and how
modern a country is. The line shows most developed countries to the north and west, whereas the least
developed countries to the south and east. As with every theory, there are exceptions. These being
Australia and New Zealand, which are classed as developed countries.
Other indicators of development that are being used today are the PQLI, which is the physical quality
of life index. Also the IHSI, which is the International Human Suffering Index. The PQLI is a
quantitative measure of development and can be calculated by taking the average of three variables.
These are life expectancy, literacy rates,
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Reflection On Present Day By Solnit
We as a society are Connected to death, to fear, to the unknown, but in being so connected one could
feel empathy, passion, and heroism as well (Solnit, 55) . Solnit is speaking of the tragedy of the 9/11
attacks in 2001. A life altering event for our entire nation struck in a blink of an eye. The same
reaction spread with school shootings such as Columbine and Sandy Hook. We, as a nation, bond over
tragedy and failure in order to boost back morale, strength, and hope. Solnit, in this section of reading,
focuses on the act of togetherness, from 9/11 to the Zapatistas, to present day. Time and time again our
society is shown to thrive amongst our walls in the act of togetherness, producing more hope, reason,
and caring than any other time. This made me think, why do we only become cohesive and accepting
when we fail? Why do we only show love and compassion to others different than us when we need
help? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Growing up, the Golden Rule was: Treat others the way you want to be treated. This rule carried with
me to present day. I constantly ask myself, is this right? Would I be okay with what I am doing if
someone did it right back to me? I believe in this world, we need to be kind and respectful to others.
We need to reach out together, set goals together, and boost our morale s together. Single handedly, we
cannot accomplish much. We rely on others opinions, previous research, and ideas to guide us through
life and create new ideas to further our society. Solnit states the importance of learning from past
history, and not repeating the same mistakes. We can t avoid resurfacing the past if we are divided and
unwilling to compromise. We can t move forward if we refuse to treat other humans as
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The Pros And Cons Of Part Time Mbas
Is a Part Time MBA worth it? MBAs come in all shapes and sizes Full Time (FT), Executive, Dual,
Distance, Short Term and Part Time (PT). Read Types of MBA Programs. But taking the more
common full time MBA courses, for comparison, the way part time differs from it is mainly in the
execution. Part time courses are usually offered as evening, or off office hour courses, covering
essentially the same amount of coursework but over a longer duration. They are offered by the same
schools, accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International. Here s
a list of the top ten part time business schools, in the US, based on US News Rankings, in 2017. Also
read Best Part Time MBAs in the world. School Ranking University ... Show more content on
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Source: 2016 GMAC Alumni Perspectives Survey Report On top of the apparent monetary relief, they
also give an opportunity to mingle with similar working professionals, thereby increasing the pool of
your professional network. But as you might have guessed, not all is golden in the world of part
timers. There are certain aspects you should keep in mind before taking the night train to college town.
What are the possible drawbacks of getting a Part Time
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Essay on Glass Menagerie
Compare amp; Contrast Essay
The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams contained well characterized characters. The quot;Dead
Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; also contained a great set of characters that were similar to those in
The Glass Menagerie. It is fair to say that the characters of The Glass Menagerie and the characters of
quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; are more similar than different.
Both stories had no main characters; therefore it was easy to distinguish similarities and differences
between them. The Glass Menagerie had only four main characters, but they were successfully
characterized differently. quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; also had ... Show more content
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Not only were Knox amp;#8217;s character and the character of Laura similar in both the works, but
Todd from quot;DPS quot; and Tom from The Glass Menagerie are also shown to be similar.
Todd kept a certain mystery about him throughout the work, as well as Tom. Tom would go to the
movies and keep to himself except for some outbursts of speech to either Amanda or Laura. On the
other hand, Todd usually kept to himself as well, except when Captain made him recite the poem and
when he stood up for the captain. These outbursts of speeches characterize both Todd and Tom to be
the same type of character. Not only are Todd and Tom similar in that they are mysterious, but they are
also the same in how they are the ones that seem to be the most down to earth in the works. These
guys are realistical in the sense that they are not dreamers like Amanda and Neil nor confined like
Laura and Knox. Tom and Todd form the stable cornerstones in both quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s
Society quot; and The Glass Menagerie.
Both the quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; and The Glass Menagerie have their confined
characters and their cornerstones as well as their dreamers. The dreamers in the quot;Dead Poet
amp;#8217;s Society quot; and The Glass Menagerie are Neil and Amanda. These two are almost
exactly alike. Neil was dealing with many pressures in his life. He was dealing
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Perfectionism And Procrastination
Procrastination is a common form of self regulatory failure with substantive connections where the
tendency is to put off tasks. (Steel, Farrari, 2013)
Perfectionism is when one sets very high expectations often in an overly critical manner (Frost,
Marten, Lahart, Rosenblate,1990).
There s two types of perfectionism, adaptive and maladaptive where adaptive components are
beneficial to the situational and maladaptive components will be detrimental to the individual. (Piers
Steel, Thomas Brothen, Catherine Wambach 2001) study looks at relationship between
procrastination, personality, performance and mood in 152 undergraduates. The study relied on self
evaluations from the participants. The participants first had to complete a ... Show more content on
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This is a correlational study with 3 predictor variables of procrastination, adaptive perfectionism and
maladaptive perfectionism.
There were 523 participants all undergraduates from psyc121 course at Victoria University of
Wellington. All participants who gave consent and completed the questionnaire received course credit.
This was also approved by the ethics committee and all participation in the study remained
Materials and Apparatus
The questionnaire was posted online for psyc121 students of Victoria University of Wellington. Please
read each statement, and select the option that best describes how much you agree or disagree with
each one was the instruction given to the participants when completing a Pure Procrastination Scale
(PPS) which was developed by Steel (2010). It had 12 items and on a one to five scale where one is
strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. A statement I generally delay before starting on work I have
to do . Higher scores meant higher levels of procrastination. Perfectionism was measured with a
multidimensional perfectionism scale (MPS) developed by Frost et al. (1990) 6 subscales is used to
measure sub components of perfectionism
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Analysis of Chapter 2 Transtition and Change and Chapter 3...
This week s reading starts with a Chapter 2 Transition and Change. After reviewing the chapter for a
second time there were a few nuggets that stood out to the reader, nuggets that would be very
beneficial to be mindful of when assisting family businesses with transitions and changes. As stated
last week the Godrej Group provides four characteristics of a family firm that will help protect the
sources of their past success and at the same time, seek needed innovation. (Schuman, A., Stutz, S.,
Ward, J.L. 2012, p. 38). This concept includes the complex successor dilemmas. This component was
best summarized by a quote from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh which states Change does not
change tradition. It strengthens it. Change is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Because the family business it so new, family paradoxes like making time for family trips and
vacations may arise. For the 2nd generation the family business is more family focused. The
paradoxes that arise are often regarding whether the revenues should be used to give family members
larger salaries or update equipment. The 3rd generation is often more business focus, but it s focus is
extremely different from G1. This third generation is often searching for way to include all the
members of the founding family and their unique skill sets to expand the brand, oversee the
philanthropy activities and handle other areas of the family business besides production. The reading
shows that the family priorities for G1 is roots and wings, for G2 is work and home, and for G3 is
loyalty and freedom. The key impact areas of strategic choice for G1 is action and planning, for G2 is
opportunistic and core, and for G3 is invest and harvest. The key impact areas of management
philosophy for G1 is expedience and patience, for G2 is task and process, for G3 is privacy and
transparency. The key impact areas of decision making for G1 is control and trust, for G2 is individual
and collective and for G3 is formal and informal. The key impact areas of ownership focus for G1 is
proprietorship and stewardship, G2 is merit and equality and for G3 is one family and individual
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Personal Narrative-Lasting Life In High School
It was definitely past the dormitory s lights out, but there I was, walking across the hallway into the
dimly lit room, in the dead of twilight. Harrison and Thomas were busy with their noses buried in
books when I burst in. Hey, guys... I could barely contain my excitement into a whisper. Our first
midterms came out today! Isn t it strange how Exeter puts them on an eleven point scale and Harrison
scowled as both of them peered up at me. Dude, honestly. Who the fuck cares. They re high school
grades...can you let us study? Thomas nodded in agreement and returned back to reading. You don t
want to share each other s grades? Compare them? Harrison put his book down. You know what, let s
do that. If you tell us yours first...
Needless ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But I never stopped touring. I took a harsh bow, but I had to keep trying until I did it right. So another
school year later, I made sure nobody I toured ever thought of having to ask me that question again.
Andrew, do you know why your parents hired a private college counselor? They re worried about you.
Your mom in particular you wouldn t believe the expression she had on her face when she told me
about how much sleep you ve been getting. She s worried for your mental health. And the grades you
ve been getting, too. I stopped trying to block out what people told me, what I told myself. Instead I
internalized it. I stopped trying so hard, I gave up on a few classes and activities, I quit. I drove myself
to the ground until I found myself back home over break sitting in some Dr. Ernie O Leary s office.
Let me break the news for you. I know what my limits are and aren t. You re not getting into an Ivy
League University at this point, my boy, even with my help. Any Tier One school is out of the
question. But unless you want to keep going down, you need to change something. You need to look
out for yourself. Stop with any or that bullshit idealism. Try to be more
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Senior Management Plan
When the project team and resources are set, we should get started with the plan. It is necessary to
introduce the concept of planning into the organization. Senior management/personnel should include
people from all levels of the organization to structure the knowledge so that the project teams can use
this as a framework for planning and performing their work throughout the study. (create a successful
project plan for global trials)
Study planning describes how each activity should be performed and how they should be done by the
project team. Me (Kerry Mathews) would like to make sure each person understands his or her roles,
responsibilities, and contributions to the team s goals. As a leader, I would establish expectations for
working ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The next step is we should Set up and implement the SOP. Prior to submission of the protocol to the
IRB and/or to an external funding agency, the investigator should meet with the clinical research
pharmacist or designee to review the feasibility of the proposed protocol. (prep course#14 advanced
good clinical practice)The study protocol, as well as all requirements for study drug preparation
should be reviewed. Because the consent and assent documents are highly dependent on the content of
the protocol, their development will begin as soon as the protocol procedures and study associated
risks are well described. A quality assurance unit does the systematic and independent examination of
all trial related activities and documents which determines whether the evaluated activities were
appropriately conducted and that the data were generated, recorded, analyzed, and accurately reported
according to protocol, standard operating procedures and good clinical practices. (Advanced good
clinical practice). A safety oversight review is to be conducted to independently assess the safety data
(e.g., adverse events and unanticipated problems) as well as study progress (e.g., recruitment and
enrollment), study conduct (e.g., protocol deviations), and key data elements determined on an
individual study basis. (national institute of dental and craniofacial
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Ordovician Sea Environment
Some 480 million years ago, way before the dinosaurs, the Ordovician period, was the period when
plants were finally able to inhabit land. It lasted for 42 million years. Sea levels were very high during
this time, which allowed the already present sea creatures to grow to even larger proportions.
During the Ordovician Age, the Earth had milder climates than before. The air in the atmosphere was
warm and wet. Sea levels kept rising but leveled off in the middle of the period. At the beginning of
this time, it was very hot, marine waters estimated around 113 degrees fahrenheit. Over time, the
ocean became cooler and the temperature became comparable to today s equatorial waters.
North America and northern Europe were independent continents, but Northern Europe started moving
toward North America. Africa, South America, Australia, India, ... Show more content on
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You could say that almost everything was larger. Cameroceras is one of the largest orthocone
cephalopods ever to exist. It was encased in a hard conical shell for defense. It had squid like limbs for
grasping prey, a large keratinous beak that could crush the armor of even the hard eurypterids, large
complex eyes, and was powered by a jet propulsion system that sucked in water from the sides and
shot it out of a hyponome in the middle. It ate eurypterids like Megalograptus. Megalograptus is a
large eurypterid, or sea scorpion. It had 6 pairs of appendages each specialized for a unique purpose. It
had legs for walking, paddles for swimming, a tail for propulsion with a spike for fighting and
trapping prey, front appendages lined with spikes for trapping the prey, and finally chelicerae to
dismember the prey for eating. It had compound eyes like a fly, providing it with good vision. The tail
was composed of three pincers that could move in and grasp something very tightly. It made a diet out
of trilobites, armored arthropods with their bodies divided in
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Human Corruption depicts the abandoning of societal norms...
Human Corruption depicts the abandoning of societal norms and values for an unfair advantage or for
various other reasons including greed for wealth. Clearly, the person engaging in such activities is
driven by an ulterior motive or a vested interest through which he/she hopes to gain and take
advantage of their power against society with disregard to the rules and regulations governing such
behaviour. This central idea is explored vastly in Prayer before Birth , War Photographer , Mother in A
Refugee Camp and the three other poems through the use of elements such as stylistic features,
language techniques and form and structure. The respective poets employ these techniques in different
ways. In Prayer Before Birth , MacNeice ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The images were described as spools of suffering . Sibilance is employed here to convey the pathos
and agony of the victims in the war situation, which has brought terrifying memories into the mind of
the photographer s memory. Pathos is also used in the poem Aunt Jennifer s Tigers in the line her
terrified hands will lie, still ringed with the ordeals she was mastered by as they convey the Aunt s
acceptance to the authority of the husband. The death of her husband wasn t enough to heal the
wounds from his torture and atrocities, which haunted her and left her scarred for life. The war
photographer remembers vaguely the woman whose permission he sought without words to do what
someone must in order to take a picture of her dead husband so that he can bring the deathly image
back home for work purposes. He is deeply saddened by this because the everyday society in which he
is living show apathy to the other realm where people suffer and die pointlessly in the war fields. He
realizes the pain he inflicts towards himself and the other suffering people due to the fact that he is
making a living out of capturing images of people s misery.
The fact that the main person remains anonymous throughout the poem, suggests that anyone in this
world, even you and I, could be also living a double life. This man is the symbol of truth for the
tragedy of society and
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Effects Of Mass Shootings
Mass Shootings in Inner Cities: Does Gun Control Work? When we hear the words mass shooting,
most of us immediately pause and begin to think the worst. We are filled with sorrow that soon turns
to anger as details of the event emerge. A portion of the population immediately begins to call for
more gun regulation and the battle is staged again. This scenario plays out in the media and in the
legislative halls around the country and seems to occur on a much too frequent basis. Has the
frequency of mass shootings actually increased? Or has technology allowed the media to convey
stories within minutes of their occurrence giving the appearance of increasing crime? Many people
believe the term mass shooting and inner city are almost synonymous ... Show more content on
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on active shooter incidents. Active shooter statistics released by the F.B.I. reveal a total of 219
incidents that occurred between the years 2000 2016 in which forty three could be considered an inner
city by definition ( 2000 ). Research compiled by James Alan Fox shows that the number of mass
shootings has averaged twenty per year for the previous thirty years (Domenech). Fox is a
criminologist at Northeastern University in Boston. This means that less than twenty percent of all
mass shootings occur within inner cities based on the faintest of definitions. Additionally, large cities
experience an overwhelming majority of gang violence and criminal activity (Doak). It is estimated
that more than half of all homicides in major cities are considered gang related (Whittaker). If you
factor out gang activity from mass shootings, the numbers fall even further. Inner cities experience
heightened criminal activity in general due to concentrated areas of higher population, but statistical
evidence shows that mass shootings occur more frequently in rural and suburban areas. One area that
supporters and opponents of gun control agree upon is that mental health issues are contributing to
mass shootings. Legislators representing areas that include inner city districts have become very
passionate about the issue due in part to deinstitutionalization. In 1955, public policy addressing the
severely mentally ill changed and the process of
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The Traditional Education System Is Vital For The Next...
For many, the traditional education system is viewed as vital for the next phase of life. However for a
select population, it is not effective and an alternative means for obtaining an education is necessary.
Adult education provides people a chance to change their previous views about education and, most
importantly, the opportunity to change their path in life. In 1968, Henry McNeil had just turned
sixteen and thought that he was prepared for the workforce, so he quit high school. After he dropped
out, a job was easily achieved even without a high school diploma because of his hardworking
attitude. The ability to adapt to his job gave him employment until he was fifty eight. However, when
the economy took a downward spiral, the companies that had once overlooked the education of the
applicant in place of a good mentality, now were not able to take the risk. Insurance that the potential
employee was educated weighed in more than the experience gained from prior jobs. Henry McNeil
needed a new path for his life and decided to go back to school to achieve it. Every person does not go
through the same intellectual stages of life at the same time. Every person is different, so diverse
options for education are necessary. Therefore, adult education systems in Caldwell County and the
United States of America deserve as much attention as youth education systems.
The concept of adult education originated nearly a century ago. American society realized another
education system
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The Characteristics Of Harvey Milk
Civil Rights activist Harvey Milk was praised by many, and was influential to the LBGT community
while it wasn t accepted by many, Milk has plenty of characteristics that make him an over all an
amazing leader: Courage, integrity, along with served justice. Harvey Milk lived up to being a good
leader until his very last day.
Harvey Milk was a gracious man, he was never quick to judge a person on their appearance, color, nor
sexuality. Knowing everyone should be treated equally, Milk knew he had to put him self out there to
help the gay community. Over hundreds of members of the gay community supported Harvey where
ever he went. Without a doubt they knew Milk would always live up to his word, that s why trusted
him so much. Everyone around ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although Harvey knew how dangerous it was to be open about who he was as an individual, it have
wouldn t interfere with his plans for the future. He was willing to share that side of him with the the
community for the better. The amount of courage that was shown was enough to help America for
years to come.
Harvey Milk had many goals in mind to make a positive change, the biggest goal over all was to get
gay people the rights they deserve. Making a difference for America was the upmost important task
for Harvey. Milk had some struggles accomplishing his goals, before being officially elected in office,
he ran about three times and never got elected. Those three times really benefited his election, because
each time he ran he received plenty of new supporters. During that time Milk had some competition,
his opponents were Anita Bryant and John Briggs. They spoke against homosexuals. Briggs wanted to
ban gay and lesbian teachers in California public schools. The official time of this act was called
Preposition 6 also known as Briggs initiative. But Luckily after Harvey s third time running, he finally
met his first and most important goal and won the position on the Board of Supervisors. All that was
left was to promote equality and gay rights. The good news is that Milk campaign defeated
Preposition 6 and the Anti Gay measure was successfully rejected. Never giving up on his goals shows
a great example of a
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Disadvantages Of Occupational Information
An occupational information data base of occupational information help individuals identifies with
specific skills, tasks, and occupations that are available. Individuals have the opportunity to explore
employment opportunities that are suitable to the skills they possess. In addition, it inform individuals
of the necessary skills they may need to attain, improve for a specific job and notify the level of
education needed to seek employment. Advantages of the data base allows the individual to become
more actively involved in the career guidance process (Zunker, 2012, p.180). Individuals will have the
opportunity to seek more information, receive adequate feedback immediately, and can access the data
base anywhere at any given time. Also, it offer support to individuals when trying to decide on a
career. The data base serve as a tool for innovative learning delivery systems that should help workers
develop skills and increase and broaden general and industry specific knowledge (Zunker, 2012, p.
177). However there are some disadvantages in occupational information sources that can limit an
individual from becoming fully aware of their possible opportunities for future employment. This may
include but are not limited to both ethical or legal concerns about sufficient security measures and
individuals solely relying on the computer assisted career guidance system. The O NET, Monster, and
the Occupational Outlook Handbook are resources available to individuals that are
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Why I Went To The Woods In Walden
His book, Walden, in which he goes through his life after having moved away from society into a
house near Walden Pond in Concord, MA, provides his thought process on many things as he lives
there. He varies from discussing the law of society to the seasons in New England. However, Chapter
2 specifically goes into the details of the places he has lived in and what he desires to get out of life.
The key part of this chapter comes when he goes into detail defining the inspiration of this adventure
coming from wanting to find the true meaning of living life. He says, I went to the woods because I
wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it
had to teach, and not, when I came to die, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, there are moments throughout the novel in which the wind blows as Sethe is thinking
and she is brought back to her days at Sweet Home, seeing the beautiful trees that surrounded the
plantation. However, those were not nice moments to be reminded of as the particular trees she
remembers are the trees that hung her fellow companions on the plantation. The story frames it as,
Boys hanging from the most beautiful sycamores in the world. It shamed her remembering the
wonderful soughing trees rather than the boys (pg. 7). Thus, right off the bat, Sethe has a clear
relationship with nature but it is so two faced that it could be something seen as a beautiful sight or a
shocking reminder. Along with that, overall she has very bad experiences at Sweet Home when it
came to having her milk stolen and just being a slave in general. But she is not able to control when
those thoughts come to her as, her brain was devious, (pg. 6), so any sight of a tree could provide her
with a sudden wave of depression, much different from what it would provide for the others. The
inbetween of the positive and negative association with trees and nature would come in the moment
that Sethe is running away from Sweet Home, going through the woods. Although that moment
brought her freedom and a new life bringing her choice and much more, the process of it all was
insanely brutal. All throughout her escape, she was pregnant with Denver and had extremely swollen
feet, causing her to be tired out quickly. She reached a point in which she wanted to stop and die, but
she is instead tended by a white woman in passing, called Amy Denver, stops to help her, bringing the
positive association with trees for Sethe. As she is being cared for, Amy comments on Sethe s back
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The True Success Behind Ms. Marvel
In less than a year, that has lasted on shelves, after releasing the new series of Ms. Marvel in 2014 it
turned out to be a successful hit. Kamala Khan may be a Muslim but she s still just like any other
ordinary teenage girl who lives in Jersey and faces the same problems: lives with strict parents, has
that one friend who has a secret crush but is never noticed, a small group of friends, and the desire to
be able to fit in with the popular kids at school. This story isn t just about how any other every day
person became to become zero to hero. The true success behind Ms. Marvel is because it s something
different Marvel Comics brings to the readers they don t usually see comparing to previous
superheros. They didn t only bring an urban legend back ..
Even before Kamala came along there were superheros that existed that are Muslim as well. The 99
were a team of superheroes that were all Muslims, which had a crossover once with the Justice
League. Another is member of the X Men, Dust is her name having the ability to transform herself
into a sandstorm. However Kamala is the very first Muslim superhero to have her very own comic,
which makes Ms. Marvel special to the readers.
When they first introduce Kamala in the beginning of the first issue she s at home, sitting in her room
creating Avengers fan fiction on her computer. This shows that she doesn t only lives but also adore
and admires of a world filled with evil and crime and justice always prevails at the
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Humphrey Monologue
The anticipation was gnawing at my stomach, the date was June 5th 1944.I feel i m going to die on
this bed, waiting for the green light to invade Omaha, just as I feel myself calm down we are called
outside. I hop out of my bed and start the stroll outside, while i m outside I run into Pvt. Jason Tyron,
although everyone calls him Humphrey due to the fact he looks like Humphrey Bogart. I slug him in
the shoulder, How s it going Humphrey. With no hesitation he slugs me back twice as hard., Scared as
all hell boot. I got the codename boot because of a previous member who was called boot, and
apparently I looked like him. As I was rubbing my arm from the stinging punch we hear someone
shout out. Hey cut that out. at that moment we both knew without looking it was Srgt. Dillon John aka
Capt. Buzzkill, You guys need to cut that out, or you ll be face down, ass up, kissing the ground. Me
and Humphrey have heard his threats too many times, and that s all they are, threats. ... Show more
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At this moment I looked around realizing how many cadets surrounded us, It was mass chaos like i ve
never seen. I m so glad to see a familiar face Boot. I spin around to see Steven Walter a.k.a Twinkie. I
remember when he walked into boot camp he was over 250, that s how he got the call sign Twinkie,
but luckily he was in better shape
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Climate Change Is An Important Issue That Concerns Humanity
Climate change is an important issue that concerns humanity. Climate change refers to an increase in
average global temperatures. Every day, the enhanced greenhouse effect continues to advance, which
significantly influences Earth s long term climate. In addition, human activity is also contributing to
the increase of global warming and is already leading to harmful consequences. Some people believe
that global warming is not occurring and the heating of the globe, is just a part of the Earth s natural
cycle. Several consequences such as, ice caps melting, show us that global warming is in fact
occurring. Therefore, we should start making changes in order to reduce future damages to the Earth.
The enhanced greenhouse gas effect is one of the many reasons why global warming is occurring.
Heat that is being trapped by the Earth s surface is known as the natural greenhouse effect. However,
throughout the last decades since the Industrial Revolution, the natural greenhouse effect has been
disrupted due to greenhouse gas trapping too much heat in the Earth s atmosphere. The enhanced
greenhouse gas effect is the extra heating of the Earth s atmosphere caused by increased levels of
greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the atmosphere. According to Cheryl
Jakabs, carbon dioxide levels are now 100 parts per million higher than the beginning of the 1800s.
Furthermore, this increase of greenhouse gases may lead to an increase of natural disasters. The
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The Battle Of Vimy Ridge
Panayioti Athanasopoulos
Mr. Whitfield
9 4
April 4th 2016
Battle of Vimy Ridge
The Battle of Vimy Ridge was one of the greatest military battles ever fought. This battle contributed
to Canada s coming of age as a nation. The taking of Vimy Ridge claimed more than 200,000 lives
during the first World War and will forever remain in the history as one of the worlds great military
triumphs. The Canadian Military used extensive planning, new innovative weaponry and relied on the
tremendous courage and sacrifice of its soldiers in order to claim victory.
The Canadian Military s extensive planning of the assault on Vimy Ridge was one of the main reasons
for its successful victory. Prior to the assault, the Canadian troops were intensely prepared in terms of
their training. The soldiers were so well trained that if their leader was killed they would be able to
follow through with the plan with great precision and execution. The battle was so thought out that
there was absolutely nothing left to chance. The Canadians created maps of the entire ridge created
from many previous ridge assaults (Stephens, John. Innovations. ) along with arial photos of the
location. As the Canadians captured German Soldiers they would try to make out as much information
of the terrain as possible (Foot, Richard. Meticulous Preparation. ) The maps would have the location
of the German defences and provided them with the timetable of the checkpoints and trench outlines.
The maps were
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Rise Of The Samurai
The samurai, the knight of feudal Japan and wielder of the world s most iconic weapon, the Katana.
From the rise of the samurai caste and their use of the bow, sumo and katanas, we will explore the
long and highly honoured position of the Japanese warrior. Japan was in danger, and the only heros
were intelligent ,and rather scary, warriors from across the land. These noble warriors would soon earn
the name, Samurai. The samurai caste stood as both a military and political power, rivaling even the
Mikado (emperor). They dominated both the society and government of Japan, and created a code of
honor, Bushido. The samurai, who believed in peace talks before hacking their enemies apart, took an
almost immediate liking to Zen Buddhism, and inserted
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My Ancestors Research Paper
For the past 4 years I ve been tracing my ancestors. My family tree has been filling up with names and
information of people I never heard. I get excited every time I discover a new name, marriage,
children s, and their different jobs. I can trace two generations on my mother s side as my grandmother
didn t know much about her mother, however on her dad s side I went four generations. I discover an
interesting fact about my great grandpa. He has registered in the census of 1910 three families under
three different names. Oh yes, he uses his real name on my grandma s home, his middle name on a
second family, and his nickname in the third family. Now I understand why I have all this grandmas
and uncles when I was visiting with my mother her hometown.
On the other hands on my dad s family, it has been difficult to find his mother s side because he lost
his mother at a very young age. My dad lost communication with his dad. After his mother passed
away in childbirth, my dad who was two went to live with my grandpa s cousins. They loved and treat
my dad like their own child. I discovered a few months ago my dad s mother had a sister. She was in
prison for a while in the 1930 s and have a child during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My family will never be in the history books; however, I ve been discovering fascinating facts. The
discovery of a child, which grandma mom s side didn t know about it or they didn t want us to know.
The discovery of their ages on when they ve begun working and how young they ve begun having
children of their own. They did a little bit of school and starting to work when they still were children.
Finally, I resolved the mystery behind my name, from whom I was named for. All my siblings have
been named after a beloved family member. So, my dad pleasing his dad gave me the name of his
mistress. I got stuck with the forbidden name and that s why my family on dad s side didn t like
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Factors That Newly Relegated Burnley Football Club Faces...
In this report I will discuss the difficulties that newly relegated Burnley football club faces when
implementing budgetary strategies. I aim to illustrate how financial planning and more specifically
Zero Based budgeting can enhance a clubs management of finances and create financial stability.
Equally, I will try and present how variance analysis can be used to measure the success of budgetary
projections within organisations and more specifically within the sports industry.
2. Introduction
The relegation of a football club has the potential to cause financial instability. Clubs such as Leeds
United and Portsmouth, due to inadequate budgeting have found themselves languishing as low as
league 2 having found it difficult to budget effectively and then push for promotion. However, through
sustainable and appropriate budgeting clubs can gain a more accurate picture of their financial health
and bridge what in (Emery and Weed s 2006) opinion is a growing divide in the way football is
financed . Budgeting itself does not only encourage a more safe and responsible way of spending
money, it also can encourage more cohesive and productive relationships between the many different
facets which make up an organisation. However one may argue that a newly relegated football club
would be best served with a zero based budget as it enables a high level of critique when dealing with
budgetary requests from managers.
3. What is a budget?
A budget quantifies planned
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Halloween from Its Beginning to Now
Halloween From Its Beginnings to Now Halloween is celebrated almost all around the world. Though
the name may differ from region to region, the original customs of halloween can be found
everywhere. Day of the Dead , Kawasasqanchis , Dance of the Hooded Egunguns , and Bon Festival
are just a few of the many celebrations that, if one were to look at their traditions and when the
celebrations were made, would see that they derive from the origin of Halloween. The many
celebrations similar to Halloween all share similar themes such as: contact with the spirit world
involving the spirits of the dead, fairies, witches, and the devil and evil spirit creatures. How did
Halloween become what it is today? Starting in 5th century B.C.E., the Celts celebrated a festival at
the end of each October, a time in which they believed ghosts and demons would roam the earth more
than other times of the year. The festival was called Samhain (meaning summer s end ). As the days
became shorter (in a sense of the amount of time the sun is visible), the celtics thought that they had to
reinvigorate the sun. They would do this by putting all fires out, symbolising the dying old year , then
have a sacred bonfire to scare away evil spirits. (The tradition of bonfires during holidays stemming
from holloween are seen today in Britain on Guy Fawkes Night, and Brazil s June Festivals. Starting
in first century C.E., the Romans conquered the Celtics and adopted the spiritistic rituals of
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How Health Services Can Provide Culturally Safe Care
Kildea (2006) says that maternity care based on principles of Western models of health care have not
been able to improve maternal or perinatal outcomes and Molly Wardaguga, an Aboriginal health
worker and respected elder, states that inappropriate maternity care is responsible for the social
dysfunction and loss of culture often seen in Indigenous communities (Kildea, 2006). Until this day
Indigenous women have not had their voices heard or their knowledge recognised (Kildea, 2006). In
order to improve maternal and perinatal health outcomes for Indigenous Australians holistic
components from the Indigenous definition of health must be incorporated into maternity care and
connection to country must be respected (Kildea, 2006). Maternity ... Show more content on
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Durey and Thompson (2012) explain that the act of balancing quality care and organisation efficiency
means that minimal resources are allocated to providing and improving appropriate Indigenous health
care. Unfortunately, this is a factor in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women avoiding culturally
unsafe care and aggravates the vicious cycle that leads to poor maternal and perinatal outcomes
(Kruske, Kildea Barclay, 2006). One of the recommendations made by the Close the Gap campaign
involves increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care workers (Kelly et
al., 2014). It is thought that doing this will encourage more Indigenous Australians to attend health
care services and also promote cultural safety therefore improving health outcomes for the Indigenous
population (Kelly et al., 2014; Kildea, Kruske, Barclay Tracy, 2010). Increasing the number of trained
Indigenous health care professionals will require the support of institutions such as universities, health
services and organisations responsible for the distribution of scholarship funds (Kelly et al., 2014;
Sherwood, 2013; Kildea, Kruske, Barclay Tracy, 2010). Specifically, Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander women must be encouraged and supported by universities to gain midwifery degrees
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Factors That Affect The And Bettering Ceramic Membrane...
In 1899 ionic conductivity was observed in a solution of ZrO2(Y2O3) however the potential for use in
oxygen separation technology has only gained attention in the last 35 years. The best oxygen
separation capabilities are seen in defect free ceramic membranes and result in 100% pure oxygen.
There are a number of different structures that ceramic membranes can take fluorite, perovskite,
pyrochlore, brownmillerite and some others. The main two are the fluorite and perovskite type, which
will be discussed in further detail later in this report. Oxygen flux is the rate the oxygen transfers
though the membrane and a higher oxygen flux means a better membrane. Generally a dense ceramic
membrane with a perovskite structure at temperatures greater ... Show more content on
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How this is achieved depends on the types of oxygen separation membrane. A driving force is required
for there to be any oxygen transfer though the membrane, the two potential driving forces are a
electrical potential gradient or a chemical potential gradient. The pure oxygen conducting membrane
uses a electrical potential gradient, for this electrodes are used to provide a pathway for the electron
transfer as shown in figure Xa and the extent of oxygen transfer can be manipulated by the supply of
an electric current. Where as in mixed ionic electronic conducting membranes a chemical potential
gradient, no electrodes are required for this and instead a pressure differential on either side of the
membrane is necessary and the membrane can be of single phase or duel phase as shown in figure Xb.
Although it is ideal to have membranes free of any defects, defect free materials are very rare if not
impossible to manufacture. There are two categories defects can fall into, either an electronic defect or
a structural defect. The electric defects are associated with the ionization and formation of electrons to
maintain electric neutrality. Structural defects are associated with the crystalline structure of the
membrane and can be classed into three categories; point defects, line defects and plane defects.
Defects can form externally though contact with the environment or within though the consequence of
impurities. Expand if I find
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Southwest Airlines and Microeconomics Essay
Southwest Airlines and Microeconomics
John Divler
Rasmussen College
Author Note
This research is being submitted on June 14, 2010, for Mr. Bergeen s Microeconomics course at
Rasmen College by John Divler.
Southwest Airlines and Microeconomics Southwest Airlines was created in 1967 and is headquartered
in Dallas, TX. Southwest offers flights to their passengers to get them to their destinations when they
want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fare. The advantage that Southwest has in the
marketplace is their commitment to their customers. The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication
to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual
pride, and company spirit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Southwest is reducing flights to try and be more efficient on their fuel consumption. Another issue is
the increase in ticket prices. Southwest Airlines has announced that they will be raising their ticket
prices to offset the high cost of jet fuel. In March of 2012 Southwest raised fares by between $4 and
$10 per round trip, depending on the distance (The Associated Press, 2012). In today s economy, this
may decrease the demand for flying and people may look for more affordable ways to travel or not
travel at all. When looking at the elasticity of demand Southwest is extremely impacted by the
elasticity of demand. Items such as externalities, unemployment, inflation, and monetary, fiscal, and
federal policies affect the elasticity of demand. The elasticity of demand is based solely on current
market conditions, the customer s purpose for travel, and available substitutes. The airline industry is
viewed has being unstable because it is based on current market conditions, and the market is always
changing. If Southwest decided that they needed to increase their revenue they would have to start by
raising the prices of their tickets. The need for increased revenue would need to be passed on to the
consumers . When a ticket price is higher with one airline than the other, the customer
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The Factors Of The Aquaculture In Australia
Aquaculture is a major industry world wide but is becoming fast growing in Australia (Moffatt, B.
2008). Aquaculture is defined as the business of farming aquatic animals and plants, under varying
degrees of controlled conditions, both in marine and freshwater environments (Daf, 2017).
Aquaculture has the potential, through harvesting and farming species, to support the growing demand
for seafood (Daf, 2017). Aquaculture produces fish for food, sport, bait and ornamental, as well as
crustaceans, molluscs, algae, sea vegetables and fish eggs (NOAA, 2017). Seafood demand has
significantly increased over the last three decades, the demand exceeds the supply capable by
domestic production and continues to grow everyday (Agriculture, 2017). Aquaculture occurs
throughout Australia from the tropical north to the temperate south, the industry is largely based in
regional Australia and makes a significant and positive contribution to the regional development
(Agriculture, 2017).
The less prawns taken from the wild and the more from aquaculture will increase number of prawns in
the wild. Aquaculture will allow this to happen as it will bring the necessary levels of prawns in the
wild back to normal and increase which will let the other animals that benefit from the prawns will
live better. Prawns are profitable as they are sold to various countries for food as well as being sold all
around Australia creating a great amount of profit.
Animal Biology
There are many prawn
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Robber Barons Or Captains Of Industry
On February 9th, 1859, editor of the New York Times, Henry Raymond, pronounced something
unusual about Cornelius Vanderbilt. Raymond disliked Vanderbilt, a steamship magnate with such an
extensive convoy that he was commonly known as the Commodore, the highest position in the US
Navy. In the article Your Money of Your Line, Raymond attacked Vanderbilt for stealing a substantial
monthly payment from the Pacific Mail Steamship Company which was in exchange for Vanderbilt s
preceding antagonism on the sea lanes to California. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, and Morgan fit
into the concept of the Gilded Age because they all embody the ideas of robber barons or captains of
industry. These individuals all helped to create the huge corporation
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The Pathophysiology Of Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is a T cell mediated, autoimmune, genetic illness that targets the small intestine in
which the absorption of nutrients, particularly fats, is impaired. The disease has been described as a
permanent intolerance to ingested gluten that damages the small intestine, characteristically inducing
crypt hyperplasia and villous atrophy, and typically resolves with removal of gluten from the diet.
(AJN 34). Celiac disease appears to be more prevalent in women than in men. Genetic and immune
factors are known to play a role in its development. People that have a family member with celiac
disease and people that have autoimmune disorders are at higher risk to develop celiac disease. This
paper outlines the pathophysiology of celiac disease, discusses signs and symptoms, the four disease
types, describes testing, treatment, addresses the differences between gluten free diet and a diet
containing gluten, the use of dietary supplements, and vitamin D status.
Most absorption of nutrients occurs in the small intestine. The mucosa of the small intestine is
arranged in microscopic folds, which in turn contain even smaller finger like projections called villi.
The cells of the villi are covered with microscopic hairs, microvilli, projecting from the cell
membrane. The folds, villi, and microvilli of the intestinal mucosa provide a huge surface area for
nutrient absorption. Cells of the intestines are specialized to absorb different nutrients. Readily
digested nutrients are
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Racial Prejudice By The Film Crash Essay
The term racial prejudice is defined as having a negative belief that is unfairly applied to all
individuals of an ethnic group even if such individuals have different characteristics as in personality,
appearance, and perspective. In society, many individuals believe that racial prejudice only focuses on
one particular social group, whereas others view racial prejudice pertaining to all races. However,
racial prejudice is without a doubt a phenomenon, one that isn t specific to one ethnic or social group,
instead prevalent in all groups of people that affect or are affected by the institution of racism.
Different associations and relationships play a vital role in how we perceive others, at times people
view others through the lens of racial prejudice. Crash, a movie directed by (put director s name),
shows different ethnic groups that face challenges within their lives as they clash into one another by
certain situations. In addition, Crash itself also focuses on many racial prejudices that occur in society.
The film Crash highlights the very notion that racial prejudice is experienced by many groups because
various ethnic groups are constantly violated for having different physical appearances; mocked for
having a different culture, and excluded from opportunities within society s social structure.
Different ethnic groups all go through racial prejudice with one another. As one particular group goes
through being physically or verbally violated, so does other social
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Organizational Structure Of Volkswagen
Business:Investors and analysts, business partners, competitors
Policymakers:Agencies and authorities, unions, associations, NGO/nonprofit organizations
Media:Media organizations
Academia:Scientists and experts
Society:Religious institutions , residents and communities, cultural educational and daycare facilities
Stakeholders of Volkswagen which can be defined as groups that has official interest in Volkswagen
group s corporate decisions and implications has multifarious expectations and demands.Core
stakeholders of the company are defined as customers and employees ;and form the 12 other
stakeholder groups from the business and academic wolds, societies, politics and media around the
core stakeholders.The company considers all the expectations, demands, possible complications that
might arise from conflicts of infesters between different stakeholders and aim to achieve the higher
possible growth in the value of the group and benefit all the stakeholder groups.
To prohibit the ruble s that might arise Volkswagen has a strike balance between acting efficiently and
satisfying the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It includes organization, values and the principle and guidelines for its business policies.The company
sees corporate governance as a key condition to strengthen the relationship between stakeholders and
shareholders which brings lasting corporate success.The company uses The German corporate
governance code which contains recommendations and suggestions for good and responsible
corporate management and supervision.The code was prepared by government commission
established for the purpose of acceptance in both national and international corporate governance
standards.The board of management and the supervisory board of the company base their work on the
German Corporate Governance
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Bipolar Disorder (BP)
Bipolar disorder (BP) is a mood disorder that is considered to affect the emotional regulation of
individuals who have it (Blaney, Krueger, Millon, 2015, p.234). Bipolar disorder is also believed to
compromise the executive functioning, attention, planning, and regulation for the individuals who
have it (Blaney, Krueger, and Millon, 2015, pp.234 235). As a consequence, BP may cause serious
adverse consequences to the individuals who have it. According to Singh and Muhammad (2006),
bipolar disorder is often unrecognized or misdiagnosed when patients are initially seen when seeking
treatment for mood symptoms. Furthermore, unrecognized or misdiagnosis of BP may lead to
ineffective treatment and increased risk of mood episodes (Consequences ... Show more content on
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Cerimele, Chwastiak, Chan, Harrison, Unützer (2013), state Historical examination and other factors
can be helpful in differentiating bipolar disorder from other mood disorders (p.1649). According to
Cerimele et al. (2013), a personal history of hypersomnia episodes, psychotic features, mood lability,
and subsyndromal mania, among other factors occurred more often in patients with BP (p. 1649). In
addition, Acikel, Son, Tutuncu (2015), have another reason for conducting a historical examination.
Acikel, Son, Tutuncu (2015), suggest that BP is up to 70% heritable (p.13). This heritability infers that
if one family member has BP, the possibility of another family member having it increases. Therefore,
a thorough personal examination, in conjunction with a familial history assessment, may increase the
probability of receiving an earlier diagnosis of BP, and conceivably increase the likelihood of earlier
interventions, management, and treatment plans for
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The Efficacy Of Methotrexate ( Mtx ) Versus Placebo
The Efficacy of Methotrexate (MTX) versus Placebo in Early Diffuse Scleroderma(1). Introduction
The aim of this essay is to explore the objectives, the hypotheses, the study design, the research
methods, statistical data analysis, the results and the ensuing discussion in the research paper
mentioned above and try attempt analyze why, contrary to expectations, this study did not find a
significant efficacy of MTX in dcSSc despite having documented efficacy in skin scores. Systemic
sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic, rare, complex, multisystem, autoimmune disease of the connective tissues
with diverse variants. Progressively the skin thickens and scars, with excessive accumulation of fibers,
cells and collagen in the skin and visceral organs, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Further ahead (8) guidelines on metrics in disease activity indices such as STPR as a predictor of
mortality and visceral involvement (9). These RCTs has probable findings on the efficacy of MTX
(10)(11).Interventions which aim at pathogenesis hold a promising future(e.g. Imatinib).Therapeutic
agents targeting the fibrotic and vascular pathways(4) , conversely, improving survival rates (6).
Nonconformity with the CONSORT 2010 checklist Randomization curbs bias. In this study, much
detail remains unclear in the description of the trial design, methods, results and the conclusion. It is
problematic in the non adherence to the CONSORT statement, notwithstanding, the full trial protocol,
availability and accessibility and its entry into the trial registry. Accordingly, registration precludes
post hoc changes in the primary outcome whilst lessening the chances of outcome reporting bias.
Surprisingly, the role of the sponsor or the funder has little attention paid given that it plays a role in
generating a conflict of interest. Unsatisfactorily, a CONSORT flow diagram as a requisite in an RCT
has been overlooked. This study has claims of stratified randomization, nevertheless, questions abide
on the generation of the blocks, who generated the random allocation sequence, were there an
allocation concealment mechanism, who enrolled the
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Paleolithic Civilizations
One of the most incredible achievements of Paleolithic people was their ability to migrate across the
globe. Paleolithic people first originated in Eastern Africa near the present day countries of Tanzania,
Uganda, and Kenya. The need for food and resources led to the initial migration out of Africa. The
discovery of fire and warm animal skin clothing enabled people to live in colder climates which
increased migration. In conclusion, the need for resources and discoveries such as fire and warm
clothing, led to global migration. Agricultural societies first emerged in the Middle East, India, north
Africa, and Europe. They gained popularity after present day countries like Turkey, Iraq, and Israel
developed farming. The surplus of grains ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A political institution that emerged during this time was writing. Cuneiform, which was used in the
Middle East, enabled civilizations to organize more complex political structures by sending and
keeping records. A social institution that emerged was communication. When people became literate,
they were able to communicate with more ease on paper and in person. An economic institution that
emerged was taxes due to the increased literacy rate and advanced record keeping process. A religious
institution that emerged was people s dedication to their religion and in turn to the creation of places
of worship like ziggurats and godlike leaders. In conclusion, many political, religious, economic, and
social institutions
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Madagascar Cockroaches Research Paper
What temperature do Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches prefer? In the wild they live on a warm island.
Hissing cockroaches that are pets may still want to be in a warmer climate. As pets they are sometimes
given a heat lamp. People have tested the cockroaches and have different ideas about Madagascar
Hissing Cockroaches heat preference. What temperature do the roaches really want?
Madagascar cockroaches are small insects. They are wingless insects and do not colonize in homes.
Male hissing cockroaches have horns and females do not. They live 2 5 years in the wild. In captivity
they will eat fruits, vegetables, and dogfood. They live in a colony of roaches. Hissing cockroaches
hiss by exhaling air through their breathing holes. Madagascar Hissing ... Show more content on
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An experiment with hissing cockroaches that has been done is Does temperature affect the growth rate
of young Madagascar hissing cockroaches? They had two sections with ten young roaches in each
one. They were trying to learn if different temperatures slow or speed up the growth rate of the
roaches. They concluded that temperature did affect the growth rate. The roaches in the warmer
section had a higher metabolism. Temperature/ Development Experiment Another interesting
experiment is observing how Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches react to pesticide. They had a box of
sand that had one half sprayed with pesticide. They put four roaches in the box. The Hissing
Cockroaches were walking on the side with pesticide as well as the side without pesticide. Then, they
appeared dead for two days. On the third day of appearing dead the roaches were sprayed with water.
After that, the roaches seemed fine. They were moving around the tank, eating, and drinking. They
concluded that, The Hissing Roaches react by going into a coma like state until the pesticide begins to
wear off. In this coma state the roaches remain inactive and often are on their backs. In several days it
can be determined that they are alive. Pesticide
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The Rate Of Children With Neural Tube Defects
Below is a bar graph representation of the data in the table above. It shows how significant of a
difference the women who did not take the folic acid until after conception had.
Below is a pie chart showing the ratio of children with birth defects to those without birth defects out
of the total population. The blue portion of the chart represents those children born with the neural
tube defects, and the purple portion refers to hose born without any kind of neural tube defect.
According to this chart, more than half of the babies born during this experiment were born with
neural tube defects. This result was skewed because all but three of the babies born to the group that
did not take folic acid until after conception were born with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Turning up positive for a neural tube defect for the purposes of my experiment meant that one s baby
was born with any kind of neural tube defect; whether it had been at the spinal cord or brain end or
whether it had been open or closed did not matter, those all yielded a positive result. The first group of
women had been taking the folic acid since their wedding day, the second group had been taking the
folic acid since they began trying to conceive, and the third and final group did not start taking the
folic acid until after conception had already occurred. The results of the experiment cam out as I had
expected. The group that ended up with the most amount of neural defects in their children were the
women who did not start taking the folic acid until after conception had already occurred. They, by
far, had more defects than any other group. I have drawn the conclusion that since all the groups took
the same amount of folic acid throughout the duration of the experiment, the ones who had the most
neural tube defects had them occur due to not taking the folic acid before they conceived their children
and before embryogenesis began. Another important aspect of the results to note is that the two other
groups, the ones who began taking the folic acid right after they were married and the ones who
started taking the folic acid when they
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Essay About Economic Crisis
The current state of the world came to the point when going through the daily news became
overwhelming. It is no longer shocking to hear of conflicts and economic crises all around the world.
Over the past decade, the world suffered Syrian civil war, Iraqi civil war, Greek government debt
crisis, Ukrainian crisis and many other devastating moments. [Dear Reader: Do the examples provided
in the end seem redundant? Add more of them to better support the point? ] As human beings, we
strive for harmony and balance in life. The chaotic world we live in today significantly impacts us in
the ways we may not fully comprehend. For example, according to a researched conducted in 2017, In
the USA, figures published in April 2016 showed a suicide ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Since harmony and balance in life grant, the ground for mental stability current world s state stress
levels are too high and need to be dealt with. One of the ways to make sure that people keep their
mental health in check is to provide an opportunity to have a therapy session at least once a year. Even
though nowadays people are more open and understanding towards psychologist services, a certain
stigma that prevents many to seek professional help still exists. If such services were required to
attend those who needed help or simple consultation would receive it regularly. On the contrary, some
may argue that health and especially mental health are individual s personal concerns and they should
remain the way. However, from the Golberstein s study, it is clear that not many of the adults
especially older adults seek help on their own which results in tragic consequences such as high levels
of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and comorbid mood and anxiety disorder (2). As it has been
stated in the Bhagavad Gita, [Krishna says] Without discipline, he has no understanding or inner
power, without inner power, he has no peace, and without peace where is joy? (Miller 28) In other
words, one must find a way to take control of their mind in order to find harmony and live a fuller life.
[Dear Reader: What do you think about this paragraph s flow? Does it work with the main idea? Some
of the claims
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Examples Of Sacrifice In The Veldt
People can make sacrifices in many different ways. Sometimes, sacrifices aren t intentional or bring
unwanted consequences. Although each of these sacrifices are different, whether it s a sacrifice of a
relationship, a character s faith, or the more literal sacrifice of a person, in each case the sacrifice gets
more than it gives. The Veldt by Ray Bradbury is a book set in the future, in which your house can
virtually take care of your family by itself. This ultimately made the kids in the story, Peter and
Wendy, replace their parents with the nursery, making it far more important than their real parents.
This caused the kids to despise their parents. When George and Lydia went into the room, they
discovered a african plain with very realistic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reason for this is unspecified in the story, but it seems Old Man Warner has strong opinions as
seen early in the story when he said, Nothing but trouble in that, Old Man Warner said stoutly in reply
Mrs. Adams. The fact that is has been discontinued in other villages shows that it may not be
necessary anymore. The people have a strange reaction to the day of the lottery. No one seems worried
or nervous until someone gets chosen. People get scared or relieved very quickly as seen when Mrs.
Hutchinson , the women chosen and about to be stoned, says, It isn t fair, it isn t right, . (Mrs
Hutchinson.) Although, it wasn t very necessary to sacrifice a relationship with your parents or your
belief to read some book. In a sense, the lottery was an accidental sacrifice as well. Sacrifices can be
made in all different kind of ways. Sometimes people sacrifice tangible things, sometimes its
relationships or beliefs. Regardless of how life is, people will have to make sacrifices or will make
them accidently. Sometimes, people are not sure how to deal with making these sacrifices. These short
stories would be good for people that need to feel related to, or even to help people with real
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Push And Pull Factors Of Human Migration
A STUDY OF MIGRATION IN MAHARASHTRA (2007 2008) If you don t have migration you
wouldn t be able to fill important jobs to keep the economy going (McKinley, n.d.)1 Introduction
Human Migration is defined as the movement of people from one place to another in the quest for a
better life.The movement could be very well across the borders of a country or within a country. It is
not a new concept and has occurred throughout the human history, the first human movement being
from their origins in East Africa to their current location in the world (Xpeditions, 2005)2 Types Of
Migration3 Internal Migration moving to a new place within a state, country or continent External
Migration moving to a new place in a different state, country or ... Show more content on
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There may be various social, economic and political reasons due to which people might decide to
migrate. Example low job opportunities, low wages, war, floods, caste or race discrimination, etc 2.
Pull Factors: The factors that attract people are called pull factors. These might provide an incentive
for people to leave one place and settle somewhere else. Example more jobs, better education, higher
wages, etc Majority of the people migrate with the intention of a better life that was not previously
available to them. That might be in the terms of better work opportunity, healthcare facilities,
education facilities, etc. There are also some migration which are compulsory for an individual to
undertake and they have no other option, i.e., marriage and government transfers. Objective The
reports aims to study the migration pattern of individuals in Maharashtra for the year 2007 2008.The
study has been divided under two heads ,i.e., rural and urban. The main focus area
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The Contrast Between the Daily Mail and the Independent...
The Contrast Between the Daily Mail and the Independent Newspapers need to aim at a specific
corner of the market to be successful. The main reason for this is that if you have a readership
consisting of a specific class or type of people eg. Middle class business men. Then advertisers who
want to appeal to that specific audience will use that paper for their advert and the paper can obtain
large profits from adverts and the advertisers can sell lots of products. Therefore the paper needs to
know the readers status so it can tell the advertisers what kind of people they could reach by
advertising with them. Whereas the Mail doesn t put adverts on the front page (as there is limited
space), the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It also uses the symbol of an eagle which conveys an image of class and elegance as well as wisdom
and authority as the eagle is the top of its food chain. The headlines of these two papers differ vastly
as they are trying to achieve different aims. The Mail s headline of THE BLAIR MUTINY was
designed to give a dramatic look to the page as it is in a huge, bold text. It is also a WOB (white on
black) which is only used when it is a serious and important issue. It uses the word Mutiny which adds
lots of stress to the headline as it is a powerful word that has a dramatic. The use of Blair Mutiny is
clever as it mimics The Cain Mutiny which was when the crew of Cain s ship mutinied, just like now
as Blair s crew , the cabinet are revolting. The Independents headline of Short faces the sack over act
of treachery is much less in your face as it is printed in a much smaller print than the Mail s and also it
isn t in bold. Unlike the Mail the independent haven t used WOB (white on black) which gives it a
lower profile. The use of the word treachery gives it more drama and emphasis. Although it is obvious
to see that this paper is not looking to attract readers by impact and dramatic looks, it is more aiming
at people that will read it for the
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Arthur Ashe Award Persuasive Speech
There is a lot of controversy over Caitlyn Jenner receiving the Arthur Ashe Award for courage. While
some believe she is worthy of the award, others believe that the award should have gone to someone
else. D.L. Hughlye is one person speaking out against Caitlyn winning the prestigious award. He told
TMZ, July 17, 2015, that Arthur Ashe founder of the award, showed real courage. Those who receive
the award should be the same. Arthur battled AIDS and lived in a time where the South and his
profession were segregated. He compared that to Caitlyn putting on a dress to win the award. To D.L.,
the two aren t even in the same ballpark. He thought it was a targeted that the late Lauren Hill, a
college basketball player who battled cancer, lost to a man wearing a dress. D.L. said that Caitlyn
looked like a PE teacher, but his comments went further when he compared Caitlyn to the TV
character Mrs. Doubtfire. He said she is as beautiful as Robin Williams was as Mrs. Doubtfire. playing
the character played by the late Robin Williams. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He had almost 4,000 comments and many of them agree with his comment. Another person speaking
out about Caitlyn is Jessica Steindorff, who was a guest at the Arthur Ashe Award ceremony. She is
the driver of the Prius that Caitlyn hit with her Cadillac Escalade pulling a trailer with an all terrain
vehicle on board. The accident claimed the life of Kimberly Howe. . However, Jessica cannot
understand how anyone can honor a person who took a life and injured others in a car accident. She
credits Caitlyn to being a positive role model, but she slams her for not taking responsibility for the
accident that happened on February
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The History Of Hip Hop
The history of Hip Hop as music and as a culture formed during the 1970s in the Bronx, NY, and it
gain so much positive feedback that local DJs began using the music for block parties among the
African American youth in the Bronx. Mixing music styles of funk, jazz, rhythm blues. Jamaican
immigrants bought this foreign music style to New York and soon after became a phenomenon. Dj
Kool Herc, who is generally considered the father of hip hop, was recognized for being one of the
very first Hip Hop artists and a pioneer. He bought the art of scratching to New York as a way to
extend rhythmic songs because most songs were very short; going for almost a minute or sometimes
less. With Dj Kool Herc s innovations and with the music of Hip Hop almost
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Mass Shootings And Gun Violence In The United States
After the Newtown, Connecticut elementary school mass shooting, on June 10, 2014, President
Barack Obama stated: My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to
take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage.
We re the only developed country on Earth where this happens....And it happens once a week. And it s
a one day story....The country has to do some soul searching on this. Every day there seems to be
another story in the news regarding a shooting, ranging from small to large scale. Has something
within ourselves changed that s caused the increased violence? I fear that the situation is only going to
get worse as time goes on. There has been an increase in mass shootings over the last decade. Perhaps
the increase is partly due to the popularity of media and social media. In order to prevent the mass
shootings and gun violence in general, we need to put stricter policies in place for background checks
and weapons allowed for purchase and ownership. Other countries around the world, with stricter gun
laws, do not have mass shootings like the United States does.
Putting stricter gun laws in place to regulate what types of guns and ammunition citizens can buy is
regulated by the Second Amendment and the National Firearms Act of 1934. The purchasing of semi
automatic weapons and automatic weapons, manufactured prior to 1986, are legal in most states
(http://www.dw.com/en/8 facts about gun control in the us/a 40816418). However, recent events point
to the government needing to regulate what types of weapons are allowed to be lawfully owned in this
country. In the last 10 years, five of the deadliest shootings have occurred in the U.S. Dating back to
1949, of the 30 deadliest shootings, 18 have been within the last 10 years
(http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/13/health/mass shootings in america in charts and graphs
trnd/index.html). The use of AR 15 rifles has become increasingly popular during mass shooting
events however, semi automatic handguns are also used (http://www.politifact.come/truth o
meter/article/2017/nov/08/facts mass shootings united states/). Not allowing citizens to acquire certain
types of weapons
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Romani A Beautiful Country
When people hear of the place Romania, not very many people know about its very existence, much
less where it is located on a map. Romania is not a well known country, but it is somewhat known for
its gypsies, castles, wine, and for Dracula himself. Romania is a beautiful country filled with amazing
landscape such as fascinating forests, majestic mountains, and raging rivers. Romania also is a very
warm culture and the people there are extremely friendly and hospitable. In order for one to know and
understand much more about Romania, one would need to understand the changing culture, the people
that helped change that culture, and the religion that has shaped the nation. To begin one s
understanding of a country, one would have to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Romanians will go to the utmost extreme of providing extravagant food, entertainment, and
ceremonies. Before the wedding, the groom will visit the house of the bride to bring her to the place
where the wedding will be held. All of the many people involved in the wedding then proceed in their
cars to the wedding. Typically, they will drive leisurely and will honk at pedestrians to cheer for the
couple. Once the procession reaches the place of the wedding, which will usually be an Orthodox
church, the priest will lead the people into the main auditorium for the ceremony. The ceremony itself,
which is comprised of the priest blessing the couple, reading from the Bible, and singing, could take
up to three hours. After the ceremony, the couple drinks from the same glass of wine and eat the same
piece of bread to symbolize unity. After the couple is unified, they proceed to visit the numerous
pictures of Jesus and the saints and kiss them. Once the entire ceremony is over, the bride and groom
normally take their guests to a restaurant of some sort to have refreshments and entertainment. Some
weddings go as far as buying fireworks and lighting them after midnight symbolizing the first day of
being married. This time of refreshing and entertainment could last between a weekend and a whole
week. The final tradition that is most prominent in Romanian culture is funerals. When someone
passes away, the family will wait three days before washing and
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The First Amendment Rights
Our world is changing and so are our rights. The First Amendment, freedom of speech, is taking the
world by storm. Whether it be at sporting events or on college campuses, our First Amendment rights
must be upheld. College is meant to provide each student with knowledge; ensuring they experience
viewpoints from thousands of people, and taking away our First Amendment rights is taking away our
opportunity to learn and further our education. 2017 isn t the first time the First Amendment has been
brought up for debate on college campuses. Kent State is one of the most violent and unconstitutional
violations of First Amendment rights on a college campus. The spirited young adults protesting the
war at Kent State were not rebelling, they were only sharing the knowledge they valued deeply.
Students were killed and nine injured when members of the Ohio National Guard opened fire during a
demonstration protesting the Vietnam War. (Rosenberg). The students protesting the Vietnam war
were giving others the opportunity to see something from a different perspective; this is the goal for
liberal education. These student s ideas were suppressed and limited because they were not popular
ideas. The goal of getting a higher education is to expand your thoughts and experience different
beliefs. Not only were lives taken this day, but opportunities to learn and change the world. The Kent
State students were only trying to help others understand their antiwar convictions. Taking away these
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Comparing Roosevelt s Next, And The New Nationalism
I argue that when it comes to developing our capabilities, Roosevelt s argument that the main purpose
for freedom is to benefit the community is the most viable because it helps maintain democratic
processes, while also providing a higher quality of life for all. While Sen and Roosevelt are similar
because they both believe that a society can only develop if the people are given equal opportunity to
develop their capabilities, they differ when it comes to the purpose of fulfilling those capabilities. In
this essay, I will outline Sen s argument as to why development should be viewed in terms of
maximizing our freedoms to achieve our desired lives, in contrast to Roosevelt s argument. Then, I
will advance my own argument as to why Roosevelt s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At first, Sen s argument seems appealing because we are all able to keep the fruits of our labor, and
decide what kind of life we want to live. This fits in line with man s natural tendencies toward
selfishness, and it seems that it would be difficult to develop one s capabilities simply for the case of
the commonwealth, and not for oneself. As naturally self interested beings, we would always want to
develop all of our capabilities so that we may live the lives we have reason to desire. However, only
using our freedom for self interested motives leads to numerous issues. For example, one of the most
important aspects of a democracy is exercising one s right to vote; however, if one is only concerned
with oneself, they will vote in a way that only them, and perhaps other members of one s social class,
will benefit the most. Thus, people could end up voting for a leader who plans to make them, and
others like them, wealthier by keeping wealth within a small percentage of the population. Not only
does this hinder development as Sen sees it, but it also has many negative implications for a society;
for example, it may lead to higher levels of poverty, crime, unrest, dissatisfaction, and eventually lead
to civil tension (all of which are unfreedoms). Similarly, some members of the community may have
no interest in politics, or may think they do not pertain
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  • 8. Analysis of Chapter 2 Transtition and Change and Chapter 3... This week s reading starts with a Chapter 2 Transition and Change. After reviewing the chapter for a second time there were a few nuggets that stood out to the reader, nuggets that would be very beneficial to be mindful of when assisting family businesses with transitions and changes. As stated last week the Godrej Group provides four characteristics of a family firm that will help protect the sources of their past success and at the same time, seek needed innovation. (Schuman, A., Stutz, S., Ward, J.L. 2012, p. 38). This concept includes the complex successor dilemmas. This component was best summarized by a quote from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh which states Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it. Change is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because the family business it so new, family paradoxes like making time for family trips and vacations may arise. For the 2nd generation the family business is more family focused. The paradoxes that arise are often regarding whether the revenues should be used to give family members larger salaries or update equipment. The 3rd generation is often more business focus, but it s focus is extremely different from G1. This third generation is often searching for way to include all the members of the founding family and their unique skill sets to expand the brand, oversee the philanthropy activities and handle other areas of the family business besides production. The reading shows that the family priorities for G1 is roots and wings, for G2 is work and home, and for G3 is loyalty and freedom. The key impact areas of strategic choice for G1 is action and planning, for G2 is opportunistic and core, and for G3 is invest and harvest. The key impact areas of management philosophy for G1 is expedience and patience, for G2 is task and process, for G3 is privacy and transparency. The key impact areas of decision making for G1 is control and trust, for G2 is individual and collective and for G3 is formal and informal. The key impact areas of ownership focus for G1 is proprietorship and stewardship, G2 is merit and equality and for G3 is one family and individual branch. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Personal Narrative-Lasting Life In High School It was definitely past the dormitory s lights out, but there I was, walking across the hallway into the dimly lit room, in the dead of twilight. Harrison and Thomas were busy with their noses buried in books when I burst in. Hey, guys... I could barely contain my excitement into a whisper. Our first midterms came out today! Isn t it strange how Exeter puts them on an eleven point scale and Harrison scowled as both of them peered up at me. Dude, honestly. Who the fuck cares. They re high school grades...can you let us study? Thomas nodded in agreement and returned back to reading. You don t want to share each other s grades? Compare them? Harrison put his book down. You know what, let s do that. If you tell us yours first... Needless ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But I never stopped touring. I took a harsh bow, but I had to keep trying until I did it right. So another school year later, I made sure nobody I toured ever thought of having to ask me that question again. Andrew, do you know why your parents hired a private college counselor? They re worried about you. Your mom in particular you wouldn t believe the expression she had on her face when she told me about how much sleep you ve been getting. She s worried for your mental health. And the grades you ve been getting, too. I stopped trying to block out what people told me, what I told myself. Instead I internalized it. I stopped trying so hard, I gave up on a few classes and activities, I quit. I drove myself to the ground until I found myself back home over break sitting in some Dr. Ernie O Leary s office. Let me break the news for you. I know what my limits are and aren t. You re not getting into an Ivy League University at this point, my boy, even with my help. Any Tier One school is out of the question. But unless you want to keep going down, you need to change something. You need to look out for yourself. Stop with any or that bullshit idealism. Try to be more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Senior Management Plan When the project team and resources are set, we should get started with the plan. It is necessary to introduce the concept of planning into the organization. Senior management/personnel should include people from all levels of the organization to structure the knowledge so that the project teams can use this as a framework for planning and performing their work throughout the study. (create a successful project plan for global trials) Study planning describes how each activity should be performed and how they should be done by the project team. Me (Kerry Mathews) would like to make sure each person understands his or her roles, responsibilities, and contributions to the team s goals. As a leader, I would establish expectations for working ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The next step is we should Set up and implement the SOP. Prior to submission of the protocol to the IRB and/or to an external funding agency, the investigator should meet with the clinical research pharmacist or designee to review the feasibility of the proposed protocol. (prep course#14 advanced good clinical practice)The study protocol, as well as all requirements for study drug preparation should be reviewed. Because the consent and assent documents are highly dependent on the content of the protocol, their development will begin as soon as the protocol procedures and study associated risks are well described. A quality assurance unit does the systematic and independent examination of all trial related activities and documents which determines whether the evaluated activities were appropriately conducted and that the data were generated, recorded, analyzed, and accurately reported according to protocol, standard operating procedures and good clinical practices. (Advanced good clinical practice). A safety oversight review is to be conducted to independently assess the safety data (e.g., adverse events and unanticipated problems) as well as study progress (e.g., recruitment and enrollment), study conduct (e.g., protocol deviations), and key data elements determined on an individual study basis. (national institute of dental and craniofacial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Ordovician Sea Environment Some 480 million years ago, way before the dinosaurs, the Ordovician period, was the period when plants were finally able to inhabit land. It lasted for 42 million years. Sea levels were very high during this time, which allowed the already present sea creatures to grow to even larger proportions. During the Ordovician Age, the Earth had milder climates than before. The air in the atmosphere was warm and wet. Sea levels kept rising but leveled off in the middle of the period. At the beginning of this time, it was very hot, marine waters estimated around 113 degrees fahrenheit. Over time, the ocean became cooler and the temperature became comparable to today s equatorial waters. North America and northern Europe were independent continents, but Northern Europe started moving toward North America. Africa, South America, Australia, India, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You could say that almost everything was larger. Cameroceras is one of the largest orthocone cephalopods ever to exist. It was encased in a hard conical shell for defense. It had squid like limbs for grasping prey, a large keratinous beak that could crush the armor of even the hard eurypterids, large complex eyes, and was powered by a jet propulsion system that sucked in water from the sides and shot it out of a hyponome in the middle. It ate eurypterids like Megalograptus. Megalograptus is a large eurypterid, or sea scorpion. It had 6 pairs of appendages each specialized for a unique purpose. It had legs for walking, paddles for swimming, a tail for propulsion with a spike for fighting and trapping prey, front appendages lined with spikes for trapping the prey, and finally chelicerae to dismember the prey for eating. It had compound eyes like a fly, providing it with good vision. The tail was composed of three pincers that could move in and grasp something very tightly. It made a diet out of trilobites, armored arthropods with their bodies divided in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Human Corruption depicts the abandoning of societal norms... Human Corruption depicts the abandoning of societal norms and values for an unfair advantage or for various other reasons including greed for wealth. Clearly, the person engaging in such activities is driven by an ulterior motive or a vested interest through which he/she hopes to gain and take advantage of their power against society with disregard to the rules and regulations governing such behaviour. This central idea is explored vastly in Prayer before Birth , War Photographer , Mother in A Refugee Camp and the three other poems through the use of elements such as stylistic features, language techniques and form and structure. The respective poets employ these techniques in different ways. In Prayer Before Birth , MacNeice ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The images were described as spools of suffering . Sibilance is employed here to convey the pathos and agony of the victims in the war situation, which has brought terrifying memories into the mind of the photographer s memory. Pathos is also used in the poem Aunt Jennifer s Tigers in the line her terrified hands will lie, still ringed with the ordeals she was mastered by as they convey the Aunt s acceptance to the authority of the husband. The death of her husband wasn t enough to heal the wounds from his torture and atrocities, which haunted her and left her scarred for life. The war photographer remembers vaguely the woman whose permission he sought without words to do what someone must in order to take a picture of her dead husband so that he can bring the deathly image back home for work purposes. He is deeply saddened by this because the everyday society in which he is living show apathy to the other realm where people suffer and die pointlessly in the war fields. He realizes the pain he inflicts towards himself and the other suffering people due to the fact that he is making a living out of capturing images of people s misery. The fact that the main person remains anonymous throughout the poem, suggests that anyone in this world, even you and I, could be also living a double life. This man is the symbol of truth for the tragedy of society and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Effects Of Mass Shootings Mass Shootings in Inner Cities: Does Gun Control Work? When we hear the words mass shooting, most of us immediately pause and begin to think the worst. We are filled with sorrow that soon turns to anger as details of the event emerge. A portion of the population immediately begins to call for more gun regulation and the battle is staged again. This scenario plays out in the media and in the legislative halls around the country and seems to occur on a much too frequent basis. Has the frequency of mass shootings actually increased? Or has technology allowed the media to convey stories within minutes of their occurrence giving the appearance of increasing crime? Many people believe the term mass shooting and inner city are almost synonymous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... on active shooter incidents. Active shooter statistics released by the F.B.I. reveal a total of 219 incidents that occurred between the years 2000 2016 in which forty three could be considered an inner city by definition ( 2000 ). Research compiled by James Alan Fox shows that the number of mass shootings has averaged twenty per year for the previous thirty years (Domenech). Fox is a criminologist at Northeastern University in Boston. This means that less than twenty percent of all mass shootings occur within inner cities based on the faintest of definitions. Additionally, large cities experience an overwhelming majority of gang violence and criminal activity (Doak). It is estimated that more than half of all homicides in major cities are considered gang related (Whittaker). If you factor out gang activity from mass shootings, the numbers fall even further. Inner cities experience heightened criminal activity in general due to concentrated areas of higher population, but statistical evidence shows that mass shootings occur more frequently in rural and suburban areas. One area that supporters and opponents of gun control agree upon is that mental health issues are contributing to mass shootings. Legislators representing areas that include inner city districts have become very passionate about the issue due in part to deinstitutionalization. In 1955, public policy addressing the severely mentally ill changed and the process of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Traditional Education System Is Vital For The Next... For many, the traditional education system is viewed as vital for the next phase of life. However for a select population, it is not effective and an alternative means for obtaining an education is necessary. Adult education provides people a chance to change their previous views about education and, most importantly, the opportunity to change their path in life. In 1968, Henry McNeil had just turned sixteen and thought that he was prepared for the workforce, so he quit high school. After he dropped out, a job was easily achieved even without a high school diploma because of his hardworking attitude. The ability to adapt to his job gave him employment until he was fifty eight. However, when the economy took a downward spiral, the companies that had once overlooked the education of the applicant in place of a good mentality, now were not able to take the risk. Insurance that the potential employee was educated weighed in more than the experience gained from prior jobs. Henry McNeil needed a new path for his life and decided to go back to school to achieve it. Every person does not go through the same intellectual stages of life at the same time. Every person is different, so diverse options for education are necessary. Therefore, adult education systems in Caldwell County and the United States of America deserve as much attention as youth education systems. The concept of adult education originated nearly a century ago. American society realized another education system ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Characteristics Of Harvey Milk Civil Rights activist Harvey Milk was praised by many, and was influential to the LBGT community while it wasn t accepted by many, Milk has plenty of characteristics that make him an over all an amazing leader: Courage, integrity, along with served justice. Harvey Milk lived up to being a good leader until his very last day. Harvey Milk was a gracious man, he was never quick to judge a person on their appearance, color, nor sexuality. Knowing everyone should be treated equally, Milk knew he had to put him self out there to help the gay community. Over hundreds of members of the gay community supported Harvey where ever he went. Without a doubt they knew Milk would always live up to his word, that s why trusted him so much. Everyone around ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although Harvey knew how dangerous it was to be open about who he was as an individual, it have wouldn t interfere with his plans for the future. He was willing to share that side of him with the the community for the better. The amount of courage that was shown was enough to help America for years to come. Harvey Milk had many goals in mind to make a positive change, the biggest goal over all was to get gay people the rights they deserve. Making a difference for America was the upmost important task for Harvey. Milk had some struggles accomplishing his goals, before being officially elected in office, he ran about three times and never got elected. Those three times really benefited his election, because each time he ran he received plenty of new supporters. During that time Milk had some competition, his opponents were Anita Bryant and John Briggs. They spoke against homosexuals. Briggs wanted to ban gay and lesbian teachers in California public schools. The official time of this act was called Preposition 6 also known as Briggs initiative. But Luckily after Harvey s third time running, he finally met his first and most important goal and won the position on the Board of Supervisors. All that was left was to promote equality and gay rights. The good news is that Milk campaign defeated Preposition 6 and the Anti Gay measure was successfully rejected. Never giving up on his goals shows a great example of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Disadvantages Of Occupational Information An occupational information data base of occupational information help individuals identifies with specific skills, tasks, and occupations that are available. Individuals have the opportunity to explore employment opportunities that are suitable to the skills they possess. In addition, it inform individuals of the necessary skills they may need to attain, improve for a specific job and notify the level of education needed to seek employment. Advantages of the data base allows the individual to become more actively involved in the career guidance process (Zunker, 2012, p.180). Individuals will have the opportunity to seek more information, receive adequate feedback immediately, and can access the data base anywhere at any given time. Also, it offer support to individuals when trying to decide on a career. The data base serve as a tool for innovative learning delivery systems that should help workers develop skills and increase and broaden general and industry specific knowledge (Zunker, 2012, p. 177). However there are some disadvantages in occupational information sources that can limit an individual from becoming fully aware of their possible opportunities for future employment. This may include but are not limited to both ethical or legal concerns about sufficient security measures and individuals solely relying on the computer assisted career guidance system. The O NET, Monster, and the Occupational Outlook Handbook are resources available to individuals that are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Why I Went To The Woods In Walden His book, Walden, in which he goes through his life after having moved away from society into a house near Walden Pond in Concord, MA, provides his thought process on many things as he lives there. He varies from discussing the law of society to the seasons in New England. However, Chapter 2 specifically goes into the details of the places he has lived in and what he desires to get out of life. The key part of this chapter comes when he goes into detail defining the inspiration of this adventure coming from wanting to find the true meaning of living life. He says, I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, there are moments throughout the novel in which the wind blows as Sethe is thinking and she is brought back to her days at Sweet Home, seeing the beautiful trees that surrounded the plantation. However, those were not nice moments to be reminded of as the particular trees she remembers are the trees that hung her fellow companions on the plantation. The story frames it as, Boys hanging from the most beautiful sycamores in the world. It shamed her remembering the wonderful soughing trees rather than the boys (pg. 7). Thus, right off the bat, Sethe has a clear relationship with nature but it is so two faced that it could be something seen as a beautiful sight or a shocking reminder. Along with that, overall she has very bad experiences at Sweet Home when it came to having her milk stolen and just being a slave in general. But she is not able to control when those thoughts come to her as, her brain was devious, (pg. 6), so any sight of a tree could provide her with a sudden wave of depression, much different from what it would provide for the others. The inbetween of the positive and negative association with trees and nature would come in the moment that Sethe is running away from Sweet Home, going through the woods. Although that moment brought her freedom and a new life bringing her choice and much more, the process of it all was insanely brutal. All throughout her escape, she was pregnant with Denver and had extremely swollen feet, causing her to be tired out quickly. She reached a point in which she wanted to stop and die, but she is instead tended by a white woman in passing, called Amy Denver, stops to help her, bringing the positive association with trees for Sethe. As she is being cared for, Amy comments on Sethe s back looking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The True Success Behind Ms. Marvel In less than a year, that has lasted on shelves, after releasing the new series of Ms. Marvel in 2014 it turned out to be a successful hit. Kamala Khan may be a Muslim but she s still just like any other ordinary teenage girl who lives in Jersey and faces the same problems: lives with strict parents, has that one friend who has a secret crush but is never noticed, a small group of friends, and the desire to be able to fit in with the popular kids at school. This story isn t just about how any other every day person became to become zero to hero. The true success behind Ms. Marvel is because it s something different Marvel Comics brings to the readers they don t usually see comparing to previous superheros. They didn t only bring an urban legend back .. Even before Kamala came along there were superheros that existed that are Muslim as well. The 99 were a team of superheroes that were all Muslims, which had a crossover once with the Justice League. Another is member of the X Men, Dust is her name having the ability to transform herself into a sandstorm. However Kamala is the very first Muslim superhero to have her very own comic, which makes Ms. Marvel special to the readers. When they first introduce Kamala in the beginning of the first issue she s at home, sitting in her room creating Avengers fan fiction on her computer. This shows that she doesn t only lives but also adore and admires of a world filled with evil and crime and justice always prevails at the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Humphrey Monologue The anticipation was gnawing at my stomach, the date was June 5th 1944.I feel i m going to die on this bed, waiting for the green light to invade Omaha, just as I feel myself calm down we are called outside. I hop out of my bed and start the stroll outside, while i m outside I run into Pvt. Jason Tyron, although everyone calls him Humphrey due to the fact he looks like Humphrey Bogart. I slug him in the shoulder, How s it going Humphrey. With no hesitation he slugs me back twice as hard., Scared as all hell boot. I got the codename boot because of a previous member who was called boot, and apparently I looked like him. As I was rubbing my arm from the stinging punch we hear someone shout out. Hey cut that out. at that moment we both knew without looking it was Srgt. Dillon John aka Capt. Buzzkill, You guys need to cut that out, or you ll be face down, ass up, kissing the ground. Me and Humphrey have heard his threats too many times, and that s all they are, threats. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At this moment I looked around realizing how many cadets surrounded us, It was mass chaos like i ve never seen. I m so glad to see a familiar face Boot. I spin around to see Steven Walter a.k.a Twinkie. I remember when he walked into boot camp he was over 250, that s how he got the call sign Twinkie, but luckily he was in better shape ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Climate Change Is An Important Issue That Concerns Humanity Climate change is an important issue that concerns humanity. Climate change refers to an increase in average global temperatures. Every day, the enhanced greenhouse effect continues to advance, which significantly influences Earth s long term climate. In addition, human activity is also contributing to the increase of global warming and is already leading to harmful consequences. Some people believe that global warming is not occurring and the heating of the globe, is just a part of the Earth s natural cycle. Several consequences such as, ice caps melting, show us that global warming is in fact occurring. Therefore, we should start making changes in order to reduce future damages to the Earth. The enhanced greenhouse gas effect is one of the many reasons why global warming is occurring. Heat that is being trapped by the Earth s surface is known as the natural greenhouse effect. However, throughout the last decades since the Industrial Revolution, the natural greenhouse effect has been disrupted due to greenhouse gas trapping too much heat in the Earth s atmosphere. The enhanced greenhouse gas effect is the extra heating of the Earth s atmosphere caused by increased levels of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the atmosphere. According to Cheryl Jakabs, carbon dioxide levels are now 100 parts per million higher than the beginning of the 1800s. Furthermore, this increase of greenhouse gases may lead to an increase of natural disasters. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Battle Of Vimy Ridge Panayioti Athanasopoulos Mr. Whitfield 9 4 April 4th 2016 Battle of Vimy Ridge The Battle of Vimy Ridge was one of the greatest military battles ever fought. This battle contributed to Canada s coming of age as a nation. The taking of Vimy Ridge claimed more than 200,000 lives during the first World War and will forever remain in the history as one of the worlds great military triumphs. The Canadian Military used extensive planning, new innovative weaponry and relied on the tremendous courage and sacrifice of its soldiers in order to claim victory. The Canadian Military s extensive planning of the assault on Vimy Ridge was one of the main reasons for its successful victory. Prior to the assault, the Canadian troops were intensely prepared in terms of their training. The soldiers were so well trained that if their leader was killed they would be able to follow through with the plan with great precision and execution. The battle was so thought out that there was absolutely nothing left to chance. The Canadians created maps of the entire ridge created from many previous ridge assaults (Stephens, John. Innovations. ) along with arial photos of the location. As the Canadians captured German Soldiers they would try to make out as much information of the terrain as possible (Foot, Richard. Meticulous Preparation. ) The maps would have the location of the German defences and provided them with the timetable of the checkpoints and trench outlines. The maps were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Rise Of The Samurai The samurai, the knight of feudal Japan and wielder of the world s most iconic weapon, the Katana. From the rise of the samurai caste and their use of the bow, sumo and katanas, we will explore the long and highly honoured position of the Japanese warrior. Japan was in danger, and the only heros were intelligent ,and rather scary, warriors from across the land. These noble warriors would soon earn the name, Samurai. The samurai caste stood as both a military and political power, rivaling even the Mikado (emperor). They dominated both the society and government of Japan, and created a code of honor, Bushido. The samurai, who believed in peace talks before hacking their enemies apart, took an almost immediate liking to Zen Buddhism, and inserted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. My Ancestors Research Paper For the past 4 years I ve been tracing my ancestors. My family tree has been filling up with names and information of people I never heard. I get excited every time I discover a new name, marriage, children s, and their different jobs. I can trace two generations on my mother s side as my grandmother didn t know much about her mother, however on her dad s side I went four generations. I discover an interesting fact about my great grandpa. He has registered in the census of 1910 three families under three different names. Oh yes, he uses his real name on my grandma s home, his middle name on a second family, and his nickname in the third family. Now I understand why I have all this grandmas and uncles when I was visiting with my mother her hometown. On the other hands on my dad s family, it has been difficult to find his mother s side because he lost his mother at a very young age. My dad lost communication with his dad. After his mother passed away in childbirth, my dad who was two went to live with my grandpa s cousins. They loved and treat my dad like their own child. I discovered a few months ago my dad s mother had a sister. She was in prison for a while in the 1930 s and have a child during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My family will never be in the history books; however, I ve been discovering fascinating facts. The discovery of a child, which grandma mom s side didn t know about it or they didn t want us to know. The discovery of their ages on when they ve begun working and how young they ve begun having children of their own. They did a little bit of school and starting to work when they still were children. Finally, I resolved the mystery behind my name, from whom I was named for. All my siblings have been named after a beloved family member. So, my dad pleasing his dad gave me the name of his mistress. I got stuck with the forbidden name and that s why my family on dad s side didn t like ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Factors That Newly Relegated Burnley Football Club Faces... Abstract In this report I will discuss the difficulties that newly relegated Burnley football club faces when implementing budgetary strategies. I aim to illustrate how financial planning and more specifically Zero Based budgeting can enhance a clubs management of finances and create financial stability. Equally, I will try and present how variance analysis can be used to measure the success of budgetary projections within organisations and more specifically within the sports industry. 2. Introduction The relegation of a football club has the potential to cause financial instability. Clubs such as Leeds United and Portsmouth, due to inadequate budgeting have found themselves languishing as low as league 2 having found it difficult to budget effectively and then push for promotion. However, through sustainable and appropriate budgeting clubs can gain a more accurate picture of their financial health and bridge what in (Emery and Weed s 2006) opinion is a growing divide in the way football is financed . Budgeting itself does not only encourage a more safe and responsible way of spending money, it also can encourage more cohesive and productive relationships between the many different facets which make up an organisation. However one may argue that a newly relegated football club would be best served with a zero based budget as it enables a high level of critique when dealing with budgetary requests from managers. 3. What is a budget? A budget quantifies planned ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Halloween from Its Beginning to Now Halloween From Its Beginnings to Now Halloween is celebrated almost all around the world. Though the name may differ from region to region, the original customs of halloween can be found everywhere. Day of the Dead , Kawasasqanchis , Dance of the Hooded Egunguns , and Bon Festival are just a few of the many celebrations that, if one were to look at their traditions and when the celebrations were made, would see that they derive from the origin of Halloween. The many celebrations similar to Halloween all share similar themes such as: contact with the spirit world involving the spirits of the dead, fairies, witches, and the devil and evil spirit creatures. How did Halloween become what it is today? Starting in 5th century B.C.E., the Celts celebrated a festival at the end of each October, a time in which they believed ghosts and demons would roam the earth more than other times of the year. The festival was called Samhain (meaning summer s end ). As the days became shorter (in a sense of the amount of time the sun is visible), the celtics thought that they had to reinvigorate the sun. They would do this by putting all fires out, symbolising the dying old year , then have a sacred bonfire to scare away evil spirits. (The tradition of bonfires during holidays stemming from holloween are seen today in Britain on Guy Fawkes Night, and Brazil s June Festivals. Starting in first century C.E., the Romans conquered the Celtics and adopted the spiritistic rituals of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. How Health Services Can Provide Culturally Safe Care Kildea (2006) says that maternity care based on principles of Western models of health care have not been able to improve maternal or perinatal outcomes and Molly Wardaguga, an Aboriginal health worker and respected elder, states that inappropriate maternity care is responsible for the social dysfunction and loss of culture often seen in Indigenous communities (Kildea, 2006). Until this day Indigenous women have not had their voices heard or their knowledge recognised (Kildea, 2006). In order to improve maternal and perinatal health outcomes for Indigenous Australians holistic components from the Indigenous definition of health must be incorporated into maternity care and connection to country must be respected (Kildea, 2006). Maternity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Durey and Thompson (2012) explain that the act of balancing quality care and organisation efficiency means that minimal resources are allocated to providing and improving appropriate Indigenous health care. Unfortunately, this is a factor in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women avoiding culturally unsafe care and aggravates the vicious cycle that leads to poor maternal and perinatal outcomes (Kruske, Kildea Barclay, 2006). One of the recommendations made by the Close the Gap campaign involves increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care workers (Kelly et al., 2014). It is thought that doing this will encourage more Indigenous Australians to attend health care services and also promote cultural safety therefore improving health outcomes for the Indigenous population (Kelly et al., 2014; Kildea, Kruske, Barclay Tracy, 2010). Increasing the number of trained Indigenous health care professionals will require the support of institutions such as universities, health services and organisations responsible for the distribution of scholarship funds (Kelly et al., 2014; Sherwood, 2013; Kildea, Kruske, Barclay Tracy, 2010). Specifically, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women must be encouraged and supported by universities to gain midwifery degrees ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Factors That Affect The And Bettering Ceramic Membrane... In 1899 ionic conductivity was observed in a solution of ZrO2(Y2O3) however the potential for use in oxygen separation technology has only gained attention in the last 35 years. The best oxygen separation capabilities are seen in defect free ceramic membranes and result in 100% pure oxygen. There are a number of different structures that ceramic membranes can take fluorite, perovskite, pyrochlore, brownmillerite and some others. The main two are the fluorite and perovskite type, which will be discussed in further detail later in this report. Oxygen flux is the rate the oxygen transfers though the membrane and a higher oxygen flux means a better membrane. Generally a dense ceramic membrane with a perovskite structure at temperatures greater ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How this is achieved depends on the types of oxygen separation membrane. A driving force is required for there to be any oxygen transfer though the membrane, the two potential driving forces are a electrical potential gradient or a chemical potential gradient. The pure oxygen conducting membrane uses a electrical potential gradient, for this electrodes are used to provide a pathway for the electron transfer as shown in figure Xa and the extent of oxygen transfer can be manipulated by the supply of an electric current. Where as in mixed ionic electronic conducting membranes a chemical potential gradient, no electrodes are required for this and instead a pressure differential on either side of the membrane is necessary and the membrane can be of single phase or duel phase as shown in figure Xb. Although it is ideal to have membranes free of any defects, defect free materials are very rare if not impossible to manufacture. There are two categories defects can fall into, either an electronic defect or a structural defect. The electric defects are associated with the ionization and formation of electrons to maintain electric neutrality. Structural defects are associated with the crystalline structure of the membrane and can be classed into three categories; point defects, line defects and plane defects. Defects can form externally though contact with the environment or within though the consequence of impurities. Expand if I find ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Southwest Airlines and Microeconomics Essay Southwest Airlines and Microeconomics John Divler Rasmussen College Author Note This research is being submitted on June 14, 2010, for Mr. Bergeen s Microeconomics course at Rasmen College by John Divler. Southwest Airlines and Microeconomics Southwest Airlines was created in 1967 and is headquartered in Dallas, TX. Southwest offers flights to their passengers to get them to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fare. The advantage that Southwest has in the marketplace is their commitment to their customers. The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Southwest is reducing flights to try and be more efficient on their fuel consumption. Another issue is the increase in ticket prices. Southwest Airlines has announced that they will be raising their ticket prices to offset the high cost of jet fuel. In March of 2012 Southwest raised fares by between $4 and $10 per round trip, depending on the distance (The Associated Press, 2012). In today s economy, this may decrease the demand for flying and people may look for more affordable ways to travel or not travel at all. When looking at the elasticity of demand Southwest is extremely impacted by the elasticity of demand. Items such as externalities, unemployment, inflation, and monetary, fiscal, and federal policies affect the elasticity of demand. The elasticity of demand is based solely on current market conditions, the customer s purpose for travel, and available substitutes. The airline industry is viewed has being unstable because it is based on current market conditions, and the market is always changing. If Southwest decided that they needed to increase their revenue they would have to start by raising the prices of their tickets. The need for increased revenue would need to be passed on to the consumers . When a ticket price is higher with one airline than the other, the customer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Factors Of The Aquaculture In Australia Introduction Aquaculture is a major industry world wide but is becoming fast growing in Australia (Moffatt, B. 2008). Aquaculture is defined as the business of farming aquatic animals and plants, under varying degrees of controlled conditions, both in marine and freshwater environments (Daf, 2017). Aquaculture has the potential, through harvesting and farming species, to support the growing demand for seafood (Daf, 2017). Aquaculture produces fish for food, sport, bait and ornamental, as well as crustaceans, molluscs, algae, sea vegetables and fish eggs (NOAA, 2017). Seafood demand has significantly increased over the last three decades, the demand exceeds the supply capable by domestic production and continues to grow everyday (Agriculture, 2017). Aquaculture occurs throughout Australia from the tropical north to the temperate south, the industry is largely based in regional Australia and makes a significant and positive contribution to the regional development (Agriculture, 2017). The less prawns taken from the wild and the more from aquaculture will increase number of prawns in the wild. Aquaculture will allow this to happen as it will bring the necessary levels of prawns in the wild back to normal and increase which will let the other animals that benefit from the prawns will live better. Prawns are profitable as they are sold to various countries for food as well as being sold all around Australia creating a great amount of profit. Animal Biology There are many prawn ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Robber Barons Or Captains Of Industry On February 9th, 1859, editor of the New York Times, Henry Raymond, pronounced something unusual about Cornelius Vanderbilt. Raymond disliked Vanderbilt, a steamship magnate with such an extensive convoy that he was commonly known as the Commodore, the highest position in the US Navy. In the article Your Money of Your Line, Raymond attacked Vanderbilt for stealing a substantial monthly payment from the Pacific Mail Steamship Company which was in exchange for Vanderbilt s preceding antagonism on the sea lanes to California. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, and Morgan fit into the concept of the Gilded Age because they all embody the ideas of robber barons or captains of industry. These individuals all helped to create the huge corporation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Pathophysiology Of Celiac Disease Celiac disease is a T cell mediated, autoimmune, genetic illness that targets the small intestine in which the absorption of nutrients, particularly fats, is impaired. The disease has been described as a permanent intolerance to ingested gluten that damages the small intestine, characteristically inducing crypt hyperplasia and villous atrophy, and typically resolves with removal of gluten from the diet. (AJN 34). Celiac disease appears to be more prevalent in women than in men. Genetic and immune factors are known to play a role in its development. People that have a family member with celiac disease and people that have autoimmune disorders are at higher risk to develop celiac disease. This paper outlines the pathophysiology of celiac disease, discusses signs and symptoms, the four disease types, describes testing, treatment, addresses the differences between gluten free diet and a diet containing gluten, the use of dietary supplements, and vitamin D status. Most absorption of nutrients occurs in the small intestine. The mucosa of the small intestine is arranged in microscopic folds, which in turn contain even smaller finger like projections called villi. The cells of the villi are covered with microscopic hairs, microvilli, projecting from the cell membrane. The folds, villi, and microvilli of the intestinal mucosa provide a huge surface area for nutrient absorption. Cells of the intestines are specialized to absorb different nutrients. Readily digested nutrients are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Racial Prejudice By The Film Crash Essay The term racial prejudice is defined as having a negative belief that is unfairly applied to all individuals of an ethnic group even if such individuals have different characteristics as in personality, appearance, and perspective. In society, many individuals believe that racial prejudice only focuses on one particular social group, whereas others view racial prejudice pertaining to all races. However, racial prejudice is without a doubt a phenomenon, one that isn t specific to one ethnic or social group, instead prevalent in all groups of people that affect or are affected by the institution of racism. Different associations and relationships play a vital role in how we perceive others, at times people view others through the lens of racial prejudice. Crash, a movie directed by (put director s name), shows different ethnic groups that face challenges within their lives as they clash into one another by certain situations. In addition, Crash itself also focuses on many racial prejudices that occur in society. The film Crash highlights the very notion that racial prejudice is experienced by many groups because various ethnic groups are constantly violated for having different physical appearances; mocked for having a different culture, and excluded from opportunities within society s social structure. Different ethnic groups all go through racial prejudice with one another. As one particular group goes through being physically or verbally violated, so does other social ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Organizational Structure Of Volkswagen INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE Stakeholders: Business:Investors and analysts, business partners, competitors Policymakers:Agencies and authorities, unions, associations, NGO/nonprofit organizations Media:Media organizations Academia:Scientists and experts Society:Religious institutions , residents and communities, cultural educational and daycare facilities Stakeholders of Volkswagen which can be defined as groups that has official interest in Volkswagen group s corporate decisions and implications has multifarious expectations and demands.Core stakeholders of the company are defined as customers and employees ;and form the 12 other stakeholder groups from the business and academic wolds, societies, politics and media around the core stakeholders.The company considers all the expectations, demands, possible complications that might arise from conflicts of infesters between different stakeholders and aim to achieve the higher possible growth in the value of the group and benefit all the stakeholder groups. To prohibit the ruble s that might arise Volkswagen has a strike balance between acting efficiently and satisfying the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It includes organization, values and the principle and guidelines for its business policies.The company sees corporate governance as a key condition to strengthen the relationship between stakeholders and shareholders which brings lasting corporate success.The company uses The German corporate governance code which contains recommendations and suggestions for good and responsible corporate management and supervision.The code was prepared by government commission established for the purpose of acceptance in both national and international corporate governance standards.The board of management and the supervisory board of the company base their work on the German Corporate Governance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Bipolar Disorder (BP) Bipolar disorder (BP) is a mood disorder that is considered to affect the emotional regulation of individuals who have it (Blaney, Krueger, Millon, 2015, p.234). Bipolar disorder is also believed to compromise the executive functioning, attention, planning, and regulation for the individuals who have it (Blaney, Krueger, and Millon, 2015, pp.234 235). As a consequence, BP may cause serious adverse consequences to the individuals who have it. According to Singh and Muhammad (2006), bipolar disorder is often unrecognized or misdiagnosed when patients are initially seen when seeking treatment for mood symptoms. Furthermore, unrecognized or misdiagnosis of BP may lead to ineffective treatment and increased risk of mood episodes (Consequences ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cerimele, Chwastiak, Chan, Harrison, Unützer (2013), state Historical examination and other factors can be helpful in differentiating bipolar disorder from other mood disorders (p.1649). According to Cerimele et al. (2013), a personal history of hypersomnia episodes, psychotic features, mood lability, and subsyndromal mania, among other factors occurred more often in patients with BP (p. 1649). In addition, Acikel, Son, Tutuncu (2015), have another reason for conducting a historical examination. Acikel, Son, Tutuncu (2015), suggest that BP is up to 70% heritable (p.13). This heritability infers that if one family member has BP, the possibility of another family member having it increases. Therefore, a thorough personal examination, in conjunction with a familial history assessment, may increase the probability of receiving an earlier diagnosis of BP, and conceivably increase the likelihood of earlier interventions, management, and treatment plans for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Efficacy Of Methotrexate ( Mtx ) Versus Placebo The Efficacy of Methotrexate (MTX) versus Placebo in Early Diffuse Scleroderma(1). Introduction The aim of this essay is to explore the objectives, the hypotheses, the study design, the research methods, statistical data analysis, the results and the ensuing discussion in the research paper mentioned above and try attempt analyze why, contrary to expectations, this study did not find a significant efficacy of MTX in dcSSc despite having documented efficacy in skin scores. Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic, rare, complex, multisystem, autoimmune disease of the connective tissues with diverse variants. Progressively the skin thickens and scars, with excessive accumulation of fibers, cells and collagen in the skin and visceral organs, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Further ahead (8) guidelines on metrics in disease activity indices such as STPR as a predictor of mortality and visceral involvement (9). These RCTs has probable findings on the efficacy of MTX (10)(11).Interventions which aim at pathogenesis hold a promising future(e.g. Imatinib).Therapeutic agents targeting the fibrotic and vascular pathways(4) , conversely, improving survival rates (6). Nonconformity with the CONSORT 2010 checklist Randomization curbs bias. In this study, much detail remains unclear in the description of the trial design, methods, results and the conclusion. It is problematic in the non adherence to the CONSORT statement, notwithstanding, the full trial protocol, availability and accessibility and its entry into the trial registry. Accordingly, registration precludes post hoc changes in the primary outcome whilst lessening the chances of outcome reporting bias. Surprisingly, the role of the sponsor or the funder has little attention paid given that it plays a role in generating a conflict of interest. Unsatisfactorily, a CONSORT flow diagram as a requisite in an RCT has been overlooked. This study has claims of stratified randomization, nevertheless, questions abide on the generation of the blocks, who generated the random allocation sequence, were there an allocation concealment mechanism, who enrolled the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Paleolithic Civilizations One of the most incredible achievements of Paleolithic people was their ability to migrate across the globe. Paleolithic people first originated in Eastern Africa near the present day countries of Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. The need for food and resources led to the initial migration out of Africa. The discovery of fire and warm animal skin clothing enabled people to live in colder climates which increased migration. In conclusion, the need for resources and discoveries such as fire and warm clothing, led to global migration. Agricultural societies first emerged in the Middle East, India, north Africa, and Europe. They gained popularity after present day countries like Turkey, Iraq, and Israel developed farming. The surplus of grains ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A political institution that emerged during this time was writing. Cuneiform, which was used in the Middle East, enabled civilizations to organize more complex political structures by sending and keeping records. A social institution that emerged was communication. When people became literate, they were able to communicate with more ease on paper and in person. An economic institution that emerged was taxes due to the increased literacy rate and advanced record keeping process. A religious institution that emerged was people s dedication to their religion and in turn to the creation of places of worship like ziggurats and godlike leaders. In conclusion, many political, religious, economic, and social institutions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Madagascar Cockroaches Research Paper What temperature do Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches prefer? In the wild they live on a warm island. Hissing cockroaches that are pets may still want to be in a warmer climate. As pets they are sometimes given a heat lamp. People have tested the cockroaches and have different ideas about Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches heat preference. What temperature do the roaches really want? Madagascar cockroaches are small insects. They are wingless insects and do not colonize in homes. Male hissing cockroaches have horns and females do not. They live 2 5 years in the wild. In captivity they will eat fruits, vegetables, and dogfood. They live in a colony of roaches. Hissing cockroaches hiss by exhaling air through their breathing holes. Madagascar Hissing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An experiment with hissing cockroaches that has been done is Does temperature affect the growth rate of young Madagascar hissing cockroaches? They had two sections with ten young roaches in each one. They were trying to learn if different temperatures slow or speed up the growth rate of the roaches. They concluded that temperature did affect the growth rate. The roaches in the warmer section had a higher metabolism. Temperature/ Development Experiment Another interesting experiment is observing how Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches react to pesticide. They had a box of sand that had one half sprayed with pesticide. They put four roaches in the box. The Hissing Cockroaches were walking on the side with pesticide as well as the side without pesticide. Then, they appeared dead for two days. On the third day of appearing dead the roaches were sprayed with water. After that, the roaches seemed fine. They were moving around the tank, eating, and drinking. They concluded that, The Hissing Roaches react by going into a coma like state until the pesticide begins to wear off. In this coma state the roaches remain inactive and often are on their backs. In several days it can be determined that they are alive. Pesticide ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Rate Of Children With Neural Tube Defects Below is a bar graph representation of the data in the table above. It shows how significant of a difference the women who did not take the folic acid until after conception had. Below is a pie chart showing the ratio of children with birth defects to those without birth defects out of the total population. The blue portion of the chart represents those children born with the neural tube defects, and the purple portion refers to hose born without any kind of neural tube defect. According to this chart, more than half of the babies born during this experiment were born with neural tube defects. This result was skewed because all but three of the babies born to the group that did not take folic acid until after conception were born with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Turning up positive for a neural tube defect for the purposes of my experiment meant that one s baby was born with any kind of neural tube defect; whether it had been at the spinal cord or brain end or whether it had been open or closed did not matter, those all yielded a positive result. The first group of women had been taking the folic acid since their wedding day, the second group had been taking the folic acid since they began trying to conceive, and the third and final group did not start taking the folic acid until after conception had already occurred. The results of the experiment cam out as I had expected. The group that ended up with the most amount of neural defects in their children were the women who did not start taking the folic acid until after conception had already occurred. They, by far, had more defects than any other group. I have drawn the conclusion that since all the groups took the same amount of folic acid throughout the duration of the experiment, the ones who had the most neural tube defects had them occur due to not taking the folic acid before they conceived their children and before embryogenesis began. Another important aspect of the results to note is that the two other groups, the ones who began taking the folic acid right after they were married and the ones who started taking the folic acid when they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Essay About Economic Crisis The current state of the world came to the point when going through the daily news became overwhelming. It is no longer shocking to hear of conflicts and economic crises all around the world. Over the past decade, the world suffered Syrian civil war, Iraqi civil war, Greek government debt crisis, Ukrainian crisis and many other devastating moments. [Dear Reader: Do the examples provided in the end seem redundant? Add more of them to better support the point? ] As human beings, we strive for harmony and balance in life. The chaotic world we live in today significantly impacts us in the ways we may not fully comprehend. For example, according to a researched conducted in 2017, In the USA, figures published in April 2016 showed a suicide ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since harmony and balance in life grant, the ground for mental stability current world s state stress levels are too high and need to be dealt with. One of the ways to make sure that people keep their mental health in check is to provide an opportunity to have a therapy session at least once a year. Even though nowadays people are more open and understanding towards psychologist services, a certain stigma that prevents many to seek professional help still exists. If such services were required to attend those who needed help or simple consultation would receive it regularly. On the contrary, some may argue that health and especially mental health are individual s personal concerns and they should remain the way. However, from the Golberstein s study, it is clear that not many of the adults especially older adults seek help on their own which results in tragic consequences such as high levels of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and comorbid mood and anxiety disorder (2). As it has been stated in the Bhagavad Gita, [Krishna says] Without discipline, he has no understanding or inner power, without inner power, he has no peace, and without peace where is joy? (Miller 28) In other words, one must find a way to take control of their mind in order to find harmony and live a fuller life. [Dear Reader: What do you think about this paragraph s flow? Does it work with the main idea? Some of the claims ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Examples Of Sacrifice In The Veldt People can make sacrifices in many different ways. Sometimes, sacrifices aren t intentional or bring unwanted consequences. Although each of these sacrifices are different, whether it s a sacrifice of a relationship, a character s faith, or the more literal sacrifice of a person, in each case the sacrifice gets more than it gives. The Veldt by Ray Bradbury is a book set in the future, in which your house can virtually take care of your family by itself. This ultimately made the kids in the story, Peter and Wendy, replace their parents with the nursery, making it far more important than their real parents. This caused the kids to despise their parents. When George and Lydia went into the room, they discovered a african plain with very realistic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reason for this is unspecified in the story, but it seems Old Man Warner has strong opinions as seen early in the story when he said, Nothing but trouble in that, Old Man Warner said stoutly in reply to Mrs. Adams. The fact that is has been discontinued in other villages shows that it may not be necessary anymore. The people have a strange reaction to the day of the lottery. No one seems worried or nervous until someone gets chosen. People get scared or relieved very quickly as seen when Mrs. Hutchinson , the women chosen and about to be stoned, says, It isn t fair, it isn t right, . (Mrs Hutchinson.) Although, it wasn t very necessary to sacrifice a relationship with your parents or your belief to read some book. In a sense, the lottery was an accidental sacrifice as well. Sacrifices can be made in all different kind of ways. Sometimes people sacrifice tangible things, sometimes its relationships or beliefs. Regardless of how life is, people will have to make sacrifices or will make them accidently. Sometimes, people are not sure how to deal with making these sacrifices. These short stories would be good for people that need to feel related to, or even to help people with real ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Push And Pull Factors Of Human Migration A STUDY OF MIGRATION IN MAHARASHTRA (2007 2008) If you don t have migration you wouldn t be able to fill important jobs to keep the economy going (McKinley, n.d.)1 Introduction Human Migration is defined as the movement of people from one place to another in the quest for a better life.The movement could be very well across the borders of a country or within a country. It is not a new concept and has occurred throughout the human history, the first human movement being from their origins in East Africa to their current location in the world (Xpeditions, 2005)2 Types Of Migration3 Internal Migration moving to a new place within a state, country or continent External Migration moving to a new place in a different state, country or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There may be various social, economic and political reasons due to which people might decide to migrate. Example low job opportunities, low wages, war, floods, caste or race discrimination, etc 2. Pull Factors: The factors that attract people are called pull factors. These might provide an incentive for people to leave one place and settle somewhere else. Example more jobs, better education, higher wages, etc Majority of the people migrate with the intention of a better life that was not previously available to them. That might be in the terms of better work opportunity, healthcare facilities, education facilities, etc. There are also some migration which are compulsory for an individual to undertake and they have no other option, i.e., marriage and government transfers. Objective The reports aims to study the migration pattern of individuals in Maharashtra for the year 2007 2008.The study has been divided under two heads ,i.e., rural and urban. The main focus area ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Contrast Between the Daily Mail and the Independent... The Contrast Between the Daily Mail and the Independent Newspapers need to aim at a specific corner of the market to be successful. The main reason for this is that if you have a readership consisting of a specific class or type of people eg. Middle class business men. Then advertisers who want to appeal to that specific audience will use that paper for their advert and the paper can obtain large profits from adverts and the advertisers can sell lots of products. Therefore the paper needs to know the readers status so it can tell the advertisers what kind of people they could reach by advertising with them. Whereas the Mail doesn t put adverts on the front page (as there is limited space), the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It also uses the symbol of an eagle which conveys an image of class and elegance as well as wisdom and authority as the eagle is the top of its food chain. The headlines of these two papers differ vastly as they are trying to achieve different aims. The Mail s headline of THE BLAIR MUTINY was designed to give a dramatic look to the page as it is in a huge, bold text. It is also a WOB (white on black) which is only used when it is a serious and important issue. It uses the word Mutiny which adds lots of stress to the headline as it is a powerful word that has a dramatic. The use of Blair Mutiny is clever as it mimics The Cain Mutiny which was when the crew of Cain s ship mutinied, just like now as Blair s crew , the cabinet are revolting. The Independents headline of Short faces the sack over act of treachery is much less in your face as it is printed in a much smaller print than the Mail s and also it isn t in bold. Unlike the Mail the independent haven t used WOB (white on black) which gives it a lower profile. The use of the word treachery gives it more drama and emphasis. Although it is obvious to see that this paper is not looking to attract readers by impact and dramatic looks, it is more aiming at people that will read it for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Arthur Ashe Award Persuasive Speech There is a lot of controversy over Caitlyn Jenner receiving the Arthur Ashe Award for courage. While some believe she is worthy of the award, others believe that the award should have gone to someone else. D.L. Hughlye is one person speaking out against Caitlyn winning the prestigious award. He told TMZ, July 17, 2015, that Arthur Ashe founder of the award, showed real courage. Those who receive the award should be the same. Arthur battled AIDS and lived in a time where the South and his profession were segregated. He compared that to Caitlyn putting on a dress to win the award. To D.L., the two aren t even in the same ballpark. He thought it was a targeted that the late Lauren Hill, a college basketball player who battled cancer, lost to a man wearing a dress. D.L. said that Caitlyn looked like a PE teacher, but his comments went further when he compared Caitlyn to the TV character Mrs. Doubtfire. He said she is as beautiful as Robin Williams was as Mrs. Doubtfire. playing the character played by the late Robin Williams. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He had almost 4,000 comments and many of them agree with his comment. Another person speaking out about Caitlyn is Jessica Steindorff, who was a guest at the Arthur Ashe Award ceremony. She is the driver of the Prius that Caitlyn hit with her Cadillac Escalade pulling a trailer with an all terrain vehicle on board. The accident claimed the life of Kimberly Howe. . However, Jessica cannot understand how anyone can honor a person who took a life and injured others in a car accident. She credits Caitlyn to being a positive role model, but she slams her for not taking responsibility for the accident that happened on February ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The History Of Hip Hop The history of Hip Hop as music and as a culture formed during the 1970s in the Bronx, NY, and it gain so much positive feedback that local DJs began using the music for block parties among the African American youth in the Bronx. Mixing music styles of funk, jazz, rhythm blues. Jamaican immigrants bought this foreign music style to New York and soon after became a phenomenon. Dj Kool Herc, who is generally considered the father of hip hop, was recognized for being one of the very first Hip Hop artists and a pioneer. He bought the art of scratching to New York as a way to extend rhythmic songs because most songs were very short; going for almost a minute or sometimes less. With Dj Kool Herc s innovations and with the music of Hip Hop almost ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Mass Shootings And Gun Violence In The United States After the Newtown, Connecticut elementary school mass shooting, on June 10, 2014, President Barack Obama stated: My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage. We re the only developed country on Earth where this happens....And it happens once a week. And it s a one day story....The country has to do some soul searching on this. Every day there seems to be another story in the news regarding a shooting, ranging from small to large scale. Has something within ourselves changed that s caused the increased violence? I fear that the situation is only going to get worse as time goes on. There has been an increase in mass shootings over the last decade. Perhaps the increase is partly due to the popularity of media and social media. In order to prevent the mass shootings and gun violence in general, we need to put stricter policies in place for background checks and weapons allowed for purchase and ownership. Other countries around the world, with stricter gun laws, do not have mass shootings like the United States does. Putting stricter gun laws in place to regulate what types of guns and ammunition citizens can buy is regulated by the Second Amendment and the National Firearms Act of 1934. The purchasing of semi automatic weapons and automatic weapons, manufactured prior to 1986, are legal in most states (http://www.dw.com/en/8 facts about gun control in the us/a 40816418). However, recent events point to the government needing to regulate what types of weapons are allowed to be lawfully owned in this country. In the last 10 years, five of the deadliest shootings have occurred in the U.S. Dating back to 1949, of the 30 deadliest shootings, 18 have been within the last 10 years (http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/13/health/mass shootings in america in charts and graphs trnd/index.html). The use of AR 15 rifles has become increasingly popular during mass shooting events however, semi automatic handguns are also used (http://www.politifact.come/truth o meter/article/2017/nov/08/facts mass shootings united states/). Not allowing citizens to acquire certain types of weapons ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Romani A Beautiful Country When people hear of the place Romania, not very many people know about its very existence, much less where it is located on a map. Romania is not a well known country, but it is somewhat known for its gypsies, castles, wine, and for Dracula himself. Romania is a beautiful country filled with amazing landscape such as fascinating forests, majestic mountains, and raging rivers. Romania also is a very warm culture and the people there are extremely friendly and hospitable. In order for one to know and understand much more about Romania, one would need to understand the changing culture, the people that helped change that culture, and the religion that has shaped the nation. To begin one s understanding of a country, one would have to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Romanians will go to the utmost extreme of providing extravagant food, entertainment, and ceremonies. Before the wedding, the groom will visit the house of the bride to bring her to the place where the wedding will be held. All of the many people involved in the wedding then proceed in their cars to the wedding. Typically, they will drive leisurely and will honk at pedestrians to cheer for the couple. Once the procession reaches the place of the wedding, which will usually be an Orthodox church, the priest will lead the people into the main auditorium for the ceremony. The ceremony itself, which is comprised of the priest blessing the couple, reading from the Bible, and singing, could take up to three hours. After the ceremony, the couple drinks from the same glass of wine and eat the same piece of bread to symbolize unity. After the couple is unified, they proceed to visit the numerous pictures of Jesus and the saints and kiss them. Once the entire ceremony is over, the bride and groom normally take their guests to a restaurant of some sort to have refreshments and entertainment. Some weddings go as far as buying fireworks and lighting them after midnight symbolizing the first day of being married. This time of refreshing and entertainment could last between a weekend and a whole week. The final tradition that is most prominent in Romanian culture is funerals. When someone passes away, the family will wait three days before washing and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The First Amendment Rights Our world is changing and so are our rights. The First Amendment, freedom of speech, is taking the world by storm. Whether it be at sporting events or on college campuses, our First Amendment rights must be upheld. College is meant to provide each student with knowledge; ensuring they experience viewpoints from thousands of people, and taking away our First Amendment rights is taking away our opportunity to learn and further our education. 2017 isn t the first time the First Amendment has been brought up for debate on college campuses. Kent State is one of the most violent and unconstitutional violations of First Amendment rights on a college campus. The spirited young adults protesting the war at Kent State were not rebelling, they were only sharing the knowledge they valued deeply. Students were killed and nine injured when members of the Ohio National Guard opened fire during a demonstration protesting the Vietnam War. (Rosenberg). The students protesting the Vietnam war were giving others the opportunity to see something from a different perspective; this is the goal for liberal education. These student s ideas were suppressed and limited because they were not popular ideas. The goal of getting a higher education is to expand your thoughts and experience different beliefs. Not only were lives taken this day, but opportunities to learn and change the world. The Kent State students were only trying to help others understand their antiwar convictions. Taking away these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Comparing Roosevelt s Next, And The New Nationalism I argue that when it comes to developing our capabilities, Roosevelt s argument that the main purpose for freedom is to benefit the community is the most viable because it helps maintain democratic processes, while also providing a higher quality of life for all. While Sen and Roosevelt are similar because they both believe that a society can only develop if the people are given equal opportunity to develop their capabilities, they differ when it comes to the purpose of fulfilling those capabilities. In this essay, I will outline Sen s argument as to why development should be viewed in terms of maximizing our freedoms to achieve our desired lives, in contrast to Roosevelt s argument. Then, I will advance my own argument as to why Roosevelt s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At first, Sen s argument seems appealing because we are all able to keep the fruits of our labor, and decide what kind of life we want to live. This fits in line with man s natural tendencies toward selfishness, and it seems that it would be difficult to develop one s capabilities simply for the case of the commonwealth, and not for oneself. As naturally self interested beings, we would always want to develop all of our capabilities so that we may live the lives we have reason to desire. However, only using our freedom for self interested motives leads to numerous issues. For example, one of the most important aspects of a democracy is exercising one s right to vote; however, if one is only concerned with oneself, they will vote in a way that only them, and perhaps other members of one s social class, will benefit the most. Thus, people could end up voting for a leader who plans to make them, and others like them, wealthier by keeping wealth within a small percentage of the population. Not only does this hinder development as Sen sees it, but it also has many negative implications for a society; for example, it may lead to higher levels of poverty, crime, unrest, dissatisfaction, and eventually lead to civil tension (all of which are unfreedoms). Similarly, some members of the community may have no interest in politics, or may think they do not pertain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...