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CONSTRUCTION"Experiencing, documenting and analysing the construction process."
Crystal Chia Fye Jzng
Foo Ji Sun
Ho Zi Yan
Le Jia Ling
Leong Darren
Low Wing Chun
Ng Ji Yann
Yew Wing Kee
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4 5 6
2.0 3.0
4.0 5.0
the group
the site
site and safety preliminaries work
foundation superstructure
beam and column
doors and windows
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The first site we visited is located in Bangi, Kajang. The site is
currently in groundbreaking phase.
The second site we visited is located in Sepang. The site is
currently in superstructure stage and is near to completion.
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- To ensure workers obey the safety instructions to avoid any risk
of injuries or death
- Required by law
Safety requirements achieved
by workers on site
- To protect foot from injuries
- Avoid sharp items piercing
Regulation board of safety sign
- Protect the face from sparks
when cut the materials by using
- To protect the workers
- Must be worn at all times when
on site
- To prevent direct contact to
head with sharp objects or
hazard situation
site & safety | prepared by Low Wing Chun & Le Jia Ling
page | 8
- Materials were scattered on site and not
well kept
- Might cause injury when stepped on or
tripped over
- A visitor on site was seen without any
personal protective equipment
- Exposed to high risk of injuries
- Scaffolding not netted
- Risk of falling hazard
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such as site clearing and excavation must be carried out. Site
clearing includes works such as the clearing way of trees and
stumps from the building site. Excavation includes the removal
of the earth, rocks and other ground material from site.
Some earthworks that must be carried out before construction
are grading and soil compaction. Grading is the work of ensuring
a level base, or one with specified slope depending on the type of
construction site. The earthworks created for such a purpose are
often called the sub-grade. Soil compaction is carried out in order
to increase the density and load-bearing capacity of soil. This
is a significant part of the construction process as if performed
improperly settlement of the soil could occur and result in
unnecessary maintenance.
Excavation of rocks and sand at
a residential construction site Grading conducted at a
residential construction site
Clearing of trees at a residential
construction site Soil Compaction being carried
preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
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Setting out is the establishment of the marks and lines to define the position and level of the elements for the construction works so
that works may proceed with reference to them. The settings out techniques used at the residential construction site were horizontal
control techniques where the structure is set out using permanent and non-permanent central points.
The figure above shows an
example of the setting out
of a structure in relation
to the construction site.
Primary site controls
are instruments used to
establish a second level of
control where secondary
Control points are used to
define important elements
of the scheme.
The figure above shows
the use of corner pegs and
offset pegs in setting out.
Both corner pegs and offset
pegs are used as the corner
pegs will be lost during
The figure shows the
permanent control point
used for setting out a
construction site. The
construction and protection
of control points is very
important and thus
permanent control points
must be durable and secure.
Wooden pegs are used for
making non-permanent
stations. They are also
called stakes and their use
in setting out is sometimes
referred to as staking.
preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
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Construction hoarding is a temporary fencing used to secure
a construction site and is a prerequisite for any developer. The
hoarding defines the site boundary and prevents intruders from
entering the site. Authorised personnel can enter through the
access gate which can be locked after hours. The main purpose
of construction hoarding is for public safety as it discorouges
civilians from wandering onto the site and thus reduces risk of
their injury.
Information board is placed outside of hoarding at entrance site
Access for workersAccess for vehicles
preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
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The site office is found on the construction site is a temporary
structure that is actually a portable cabin. It is durable and
functional on order to accommodate the intricate demands of
daily work on the construction site as well as reduce risks of
injury to the users.
The type of storage facilities used to store materials on the
construction site depends on the durability of the stored material, its
vulnerability to damage from weather and also its a financial value.
Materials that do not require protection from weather are merely
left in the open. This saves storage space for the more vulnerable
materials and provides easy access for the workers. Sometimes
temporary storage areas are used to store materials that required
protection from weather but will be used in a relatively short period
of the time. More expensive materials are locked in the storage
containers for protection from weather and theft.
Site office located near the construction site
Materials stored in the open
area construction site
Temporary storage area to
protect from rain
Storage containers for the better security
preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
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Drainage is a system of underground pipes used to convey
discharge from roofs, paved areas and sanitary fittings to a
suitable disposal installation. The usual method of disposal is
through the connection of the pipework to the public sewer, which
will convey discharges to a local authority sewage treatment
plant for processing.
Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC) is used as the material
for the pipes at the residential construction site. The pipes are
supplied in standard effective lengths of up to 6m diameters
ranging from 75 to 150mm. A few advantages of using the uPVC
to corrosion and breakage
The figure above shows a cross section of the residential drainage
system. Foundation encloses the drainage pipe system where
each PVC pipe is set in a bed of gravel.
The figure on the left shows a cross section of the residential
drainage system. It shows how the foundation is supported by
concrete footing.
preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
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According to the site manager, there will be a small space outside
the houses to locate the inspection chamber. In the inspection
that are connected to public sewerage pipelines to the public
sewage treatment plant. The checking and cleaning of blockages
can be done via the inspection chamber.
The residential sewer is an underground carriage system
specifically for transporting sewage from houses through pipes
to treatment or disposal. The sewage system is connected to
sewage pipeline that are directly linked to a sewage treatment
plant through a network of underground sewer pipes.
Partially constructed residential sewer system Partially constructed inspection chamber
The figure on the top shows a
manhole and cover used at the
residential construction site
The figure on the
left shows a septic
tank of a residential
sewerage system
preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
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In fact, the design of the residential site optimizes rainwater by
conducting rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting involves
the collection of water from roofs and hard standings and storing
this water for later use. The rainwater harvesting system to
be implemented at the residential construction site will allow
harvested rainwater to be dispensed from a hose to be used for
outdoor purposes.
Rainwater management is urgently suggested for ecological and
economic reasons. The project manager who led us around the
site even informed us that these days it is almost impossible
to get approval for a residential design without the inclusion of
proper rainwater management.
Partially constructed residential sewer system
The figure above shows the completed water harvesting system.
The tank will collect water from down spout and the water will be
dispensed from the hose.
preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
page | 17
4.0 FOUNDATION A foundation is the lowest load-bearing
part of a building and is constructed partly
or below the surface below ground level.
The function of a foundation is to support
the superstructure above via transmitting
the load evenly and safely.
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A foundation is the lowest load-bearing part of a building and is
constructed partly or below the surface below ground level. The
function of a foundation is to support the superstructure above
via transmitting the load evenly and safely.
A type of foundation which transfer building loads to the earth/
soil on a very shallow depth and much different when compared
to deep foundation.
• Application and study of soil and rock mechanics
(Geotechnical engineering)
• Footing is designed structurally by a Civil & Structural Engineer
• Primary concern are Settlement and Bearing Capacity
• Able to safely carry compressive tension
Deep foundations are purposed to transfer loads from a structure
to the soil and earth which are much further deeper than a
shallow foundation works. Deep Foundations are also used when
the layer of the soil cannot support the weight of the building,
hence the load of the building must has its load transferred and
bypassing this layer to a stronger soil beneath the weak layer.
Deep foundations are usually extended much beyond shallow
foundation and is commonly used on buildings that has a heavy
and concentrated load such as a high rise building.
Shallow foundation Deep foundation
foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
page | 19
Most common and simple type, used when the load of the building
is carried by columns. Each columns has its own footing. Footing
is just a square or rectangular pad of concrete on which the
column will sit on.
diagram source :
diagram source :
diagram source :
Most often used when basements are to be constructed. In a raft,
the entire basement floor slab acts as the foundation. The weight
of the building is spread evenly ove the entire footprint of the
Strip footings are commonly used in load-bearing masonry
construction, it’s basically a long strip that supports the entire
wall. Usually found in older buildings made of masonry.
foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
page | 20
Concrete piles on Bangi site Pile foundation detailing on Bangi site
Most common form of a deep foundation is a Pile Foundation. A
Pile is basically a long cylinder of a strong material that is pushed
or driven into the ground. Piles are commonly made with concrete
but in certain cases, steel and wood is also used. Concrete Piles
are precast.
foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
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A Pile Cap is a thick concrete “mat”that rests on the concrete piles
that had been driven. It provides a suitable stable foundation and
forms as a base for the building. The Pile Cap distributes the load
of the building.
Pile cap on top of six piles
diagram source : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/309622543110993548/
foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
page | 22
• Hydraulically pressing-in piles into the ground.
• Challenge construction pollution of excessive noise and
vibration on site that causes disturbance to the nearby
residential community.
• The precast piles are “injected” into the ground quietly and
• Advantages of using the HSPD is that of the reduced pollution
of noise and voice, high accuracy via the usage of static forces
ensures the pile’s stability.
Piles are injected to the soil
Pressure bulbs, or a compressed
soil area is formed around the pile.
This pressure bulb provides both
vertical and lateral strength to the
structure of the pile.
diagram source: https://www.giken.com/
Hydraulic static pile driver machine
foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
page | 23
Worker painting the measurements onto the piles
prior to press-in process.
Crane placing the pile into the position. Notice that
the measurements painted by the worker previously
is indicated via each meter.
Crane of the pile driver machine carries the pile for
Piles are placed in position and would be then
“injected” into the soil.
foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
page | 24
Pile Load Test (PLT) on site
A building’s structural soundness starts off with a strong
foundation, in which piles are commonly used. As part of
foundation’s quality assurance and control, Pile Load Test (PLT)
is necessary to ensure that the pile casted on site can take the
load of the structure.
(Weight used such as concrete blocks), or failure of pile cap on
whatever reasons such as cracked, crumble and distorted from
its original shape or deflected from its original position.
The test load shall be maintained on the pile for at least 48 hours
and settlements & data shall be recorded at intervals. The test
load would then be unloaded in four equal decrements at one-
hour intervals until the full load is removed. Data readings will
be made immediately after and before every load is applied or
The maximum test load in a Working Load Test (WLT) would be
200% of the working load of a pile. Whereas the test load in a
Failure Load Test (FLT) shall be at least but not necessarily limited
to 300% of the working load of a pile.
foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
page | 25
Earthwork excavation being done before setting out
of pile cap.
Water being pumped out before the casting of
the pile cap. Formwork is placed.
Earthwork excavation being done before setting out
of pile cap.
Completed pile cap on site.
foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
page | 26
Press In Method. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.giken.com/en/press-in_method/
Types of Deep Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://theconstructor.org/geotechni-
Understand Foundation. (n.d) Retrieved from http://www.understandconstruction.
Designing a Foundation. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.gharexpert.com/tips/arti-
Pile Testing Specification. (2001, April 20). Pile Testing Specification by G&P Geotech-
nics Sdn. Bhd, 1-25.
foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
page | 27
5.0 SUPERSTRUCTURE Superstructure is
the element of the
building that projects
above the foundation.
It is the most visible
part of the building.
It consists of beams,
columns, slabs, walls
and staricases.
page | 28
Structural system support and transmit applied loads safely
to the ground without exceeding the allowable stresses in the
Formwork is the use of support structures and moulds to create
structures out of concrete which is poured into the moulds. The
formwork here is made using wood.
A beam is a horizontal member spanning an opening and carrying
a load that may be a brick or stone wall above the opening, in
which case the beam is often called a lintel.
A column or pillar in architecture and structural engineering is
a structural element that transmits, through compression, the
weight of the structure above to other structural elements below.
beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
page | 29
A 3-sided box propped in the desired measurements. The beam
form side retains the wet concrete and is able to withstand initial
hydrostatic pressure of the wet concrete.
This consists of a vertical mold of the desired shape and
measurements, there will be bracing, stakes and sole plate to
help straighten the formwork.
beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
page | 30
To create the columns and beams,
the positions must first be identified
according to the construction
drawings and foundations.
beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
page | 31
Post foundation work. Formwork preparation for concrete
Pouring cement into formwork.
Drying of concrete and removing
Balancing of soil and creating
reinforce concrete columns.
Beam connecting 2nd floor to 3rd
floor created.
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beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
page | 32
Beam. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from https://global.britannica.com/technolo-
Structural system. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from https://global.britannica.
Rithika Ravishankar, General Secretary(Aided section) at Academy Of Architecture
- India Follow. (2015). Formwork construction in structures. Retrieved October 19,
2016, from http://www.slideshare.net/rithikarockingravishankar/formwork-construc-
Retrieved October 19, 2016, from http://theconstructor.org/building/formwork-shutter-
beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
page | 33
5.2 SLAB
TYPE OF SLAB (reference)
A floor slab is a common structural elements used in modern
buildings normally used as floor or a subfloor and it is a reinforced
concrete slab with a minimum thickness 5 – 6 cm. The floor slab
is a semi precast component that includes the lower floor slab
reinforcement that is required for structural reason.
One Way Slab
Grid Slab
Two Way Flat Slab
Hollow Core Slab
Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 3 Figure 4
Simple support by
the side edges only.
Structural topping
Reinforcing as
The force is applied
on the slab, Slab
surface become
Shape like square
Flat slab placed
directly on the
concrete columns.
One way slab is a rectangular
slab , supported by its two
opposite long edge and free
of any support along the two
opposite edges. If force is
applied on the surface, the
slab will become curvy as
shown in Figure 1.
Two way flat slab is a two
way reinforcement that
usually does not have beams
and girders, and the loads
are transferred directly to the
supporting concrete columns.
Hollow core slab is also
known as a voided slab,
typically used in the
construction of floors in multi
story apartment building.
A waffle slab is a type of slab
that have two directional
reinforcement of the slab.
Giving it the shape of
pocket on a slab. A waffle
slab gives a substances
significantly more structural
stability without using a
lot of additional materials.
Waffle slab is normally used
in industrial or commercial
slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
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Slab type used: Hollow Core Slab
The photo is taken at the construction site where the
worker is now installing the hollow core slab. Hollow Core
Slab is normally use in the construction of floors for high
rise apartment or multi storey building. Compared to other
traditional method of construction, hollow core slab are
through environment friendly manufacturing process.
1. Hollow Core Slab need to be installed followed by the
2. Worker need to make sure that all the slab joint widths
3. If the worker seek that there is a possibility of trapping
water in the cores, each core should be tapped near the
end to provide drainage.
slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
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The worker will lift the hollow core slab near the end
of the slab, this is due to lifting the slab too far away
from the end may caused breakage.
Using erection clamp with safety slings for hollow
core slab that is width 4’ , when the worker was
attaching the clamp to the slab, they need to ensure
the clamp is level.
Next, they will pull the hollow core slab sling to
the adjacent erected slab. Worker will marked the
location of slab joints on the bearing area. This will
ensure the gauging of proper joint width and not
overrun or undercover the prescribed area.
After erected the slab, the worker will pull the lifting
clamps clear of the grout key after the crane lines are
Therefore, a safe platform was form by hollow core
slab, the platform can used by worker to further
their work and a space where they can placed their
construction tools.
Finally, the last step will be pouring concrete in the
end of the slabs to integrate them with support.
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slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
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TYPE OF SLAB (sepang site)
Slab type used: Concrete Slab
as one piece. Slabs are cheaper to built than basement.
Slabs are best used on level ground and in warm climate.
They can be used where ground level is uneven. Most heat
energy is lost at the edges of slab. This loss is reduced by
using rigid insulation. In some extreme cases, heating ducts
can be built into the slab itself. This is very efficient and
provides building with an even temperature. The progress of
avoiding heat losing is shown in diagram below
Rigid Insulation
slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
page | 37
Concrete slab is built on the
lower ground floor.
View Of slabs in the whole
building. Slab is supported by
the beam and columns.
Under the concrete slab, the
brick is supporting the slab
Concrete Slab that used in this
site is a two way slab.
Concrete Slab that used in this
site is a two way slab.
The Drawing showed that the slab is located in which part of the
slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
page | 38
The worker in the picture above is excavating the site.
Excavation are made for the footings, drains , and
other floor features. These must all be deeper than
the rest of the slabs.
After the excavation is done, the corners are
relocated. Lines are restrung on batter boards and
the corners are plumbed. In the diagram below,
the footing forms for two piece slab are made like
standard footing or foundation form.
The worker have another easier way to construct the
floor slab which is using sand to spread evenly over
the form area. Install electrical pipes, sleeves for air
conditioning piping and wiring .
Then two workers will walk on the concrete slab, one
worker will placed the concrete and another worker
will pull up the wire. This is to ensure the strength of
the slab. After that , the workers will start pouring the
concrete to covered the form of the slab. They will
start pouring concrete from the corner of the form.
Finally, when the concrete is fully covered the slab,
the worker will wait for it to dry and they will start
cleaning up the site .
1 2 3
4 5
slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
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A wall is a vertical structure , usually solid ,that defines and
sometimes protects an area . Most commonly , a wall delineates
a building and supports its superstructure , separates space in
buildings into sections, or protects or delineates a space in the
open air.
- Subdivides the space in the building
- Can be structural or non-bearing
- Provide required degree of acoustical separation
- Able to withstand horizontal wind loading
- Can serve as shear walls and transfer lateral wind and seismic
forces to the ground foundation if rigid enough
- Act as protective shield against weather
- Insulation toward air,sound,damp,moisture and heat
- Able to support the weight of building or non bearing
- Concrete Wall
- Masonry wall
- Dry Wall
- Glass Wall
- Curtain Wall
5.3 WALL
wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
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- Usually load bearing
- Texture & appearance can be controlled by the use of formworks
formworks, admixtures admixtures & additives additives
- Often used in high‐rise buildings in malaysia
- Often used in government projects in Malaysia, as part of the
industralised building systems (ibs)
- Offers greater speed of construction & control of quality
- Cast in-situ reinforced concrete frame with rc infill panel walls
- Cast in-situ shear wall
- Precast concrete wall
Texture of concrete wall
wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
page | 41
Remove precast wall from delivery
Set references line and offset line
to determine the position of the
precast elements to be installed
Prepare and apply non-shrink
mortal to seal the gaps along the
bottom edge of the inner side of
the panel
Check the locations and conditions
of the lifting inserts before hoisting
Lift and rig the panels to its
designated location with the use of
wire ropes
For panels with cast in-situ joints,
install the joints rebars as required
Conduct sample measurement
to confirm on the accuracy of the
critical dimensions of precast
concrete elements and openings
Provide level pads (or shim plates)
for setting the level of the elements.
Set the level pads in the position
using non-shrink mortar
For corrugated pipe sleeve or splice
sleeve connection ,prepare and
pour non-shrink grout or proprietary
Check on the accessibility of
unloading point and storage area
Adjust the panel to the position and
secure it with diagonal props
Remove excess grout infill after
precast wall is erected
wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
page | 42
Mixture of sand and lime , or mixture of sand and cement with or
without lime. Purpose of adding lime is to increase work ability of
the mortar. Propotioning by weight is more accurate compared to
propotioning by volume.
Quality of masonry construction solely depends on good
and quality while spreading the mortar. Diagram below shows the
correct way of handling the equipment.
- Can be either load bearing or non load - bearing
- One of the oldest material, and the most common materials for
walls construction in Malaysia
- Durable, good sound insulation, fire insulation and thermal
- Offers great flexibility in form and appearance
1. Cement mortar - suitable for brickwork in exposed conditions
Cement : Sand
1 : 3
2. Lime mortar - suitable for internal brickwork
Lime : Sand
1 : 3
3. Gauged Mortar
Cement : Lime : Sand
1 : 1 : 6 -suitable for serve exposure
1 : 2 : 9 -suitable for most condition except serve exposure
1 : 3 : 12-internal wall use only
wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
page | 43
Lay out bricks in dry run and mark
indication line with chalk
Temporarily remove the bricks and
soread 3/4 inch thick of mortar bed.
Place the bricks within the
indication boundary and leave 3/8
inch thick gap in between
Bricks will be trimmed so that it
will fit in perfectly.Spread a layer
of mortar and continue the second
layer brick placement.
Use level to ensure the all the bricks
are places in line
Last brick will be pushed into
remaining space. Scrap off excess
mortars from the joint. Finished wall
is ready for plastering and painting.
1 2 3
4 5 6
wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
page | 44
Flemish Bond
rowofthepartywall toallowexpansion
Type of joints
Type of bonds
wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
page | 45
Timber frames require diagonal bracing or sher planes for lateral
noncombustible ,fire-resistive exterior walls and if the members
meet the minimum size requiment specified in the building code
Electric casing installation
Plumbing system installation
wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
page | 46
Process of covering rough surfaces with a plastic material to
obtain an even , smooth,clean and durable surface. A mixture of
lime or gypsum, sand and water, sometimes even with fiber added
will be used for coating walls and when hardened.
1. Lime plaster
- Binding agent is lime
2. Cement plaster
- Binding agent is cement
3. Mud plaster
- Applied in two coats,thickness
For first and second coats is
18Mm and 6mm respectively
4. Stucco plaster
- Decorative type of plaster
5. Plaster on lath
- Lathing might be expanded
Metalor timberi
Prepare tools ,steel trowel for
skimming, plastering hawk for
holding mortar
Scoop skimming mortar onto
plastering hawk
3 Apply plastering on wall surface,
trowel until smooth and uniform
Splash dash help
to increase friction
when applying
plaster to the wall
and increase the
After | Before
wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
page | 47
Staircase materials used on site: Concrete staircase
The staircase is a set of steps that leads from one floor of a
building to another. It affects the whole circulation of the building.
Straight stairs Half landing stairs
Anatomy of
staircase | prepared by Ho Zi Yan
page | 48
- A direction of the flight by
180 degrees
- The landing divides the
staircase into two, thereby
reducing quantity of treads in
one flight, and makes walking
more comfortable.
- Two flights of stairs that are
supplemented by a landing
- The landing divides the
staircase into two, thereby
reducing quantity of treads in
one flight, and makes walking
more comfortable.
staircase | prepared by Ho Zi Yan
page | 49
Wooden formwork is built by cutting it according to
the dimensions of steps. Stakes are braced firmly
and the diagonal braces are set firmly in the ground.
When all concrete is poured, a float is used to strike
off the concrete to create smooth surface.
After rebar, the concrete is mixed and it is poured
into the bottom step first. The process is continued
with each steps
After concrete is dried, the wooden formwork is
staircase | prepared by Ho Zi Yan
page | 50
W. (2016). DIFFERENT TYPES OF STAIRS AND THEIR USES. Retrieved October 19,
2016, from http://theconstructor.org/building/types-stairs-uses/11304/
Stair Construction. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from http://schools.ednet.ns.ca/
Truini, J. (2016). How to Build Stairs in 3 Easy Steps. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from
Stairs and stair building an introduction, the basic of stair design. (n.d.). Retrieved Oc-
tober 19, 2016, from http://www.builderbill-diy-help.com/stairs.html
C. (2008). How to Build Stairs. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from http://www.instructa-
staircase | prepared by Ho Zi Yan
page | 51
wood, steel , aluminum, glass or a combination of these materials
secured in a wall opening.’’
Metal frame with plywood hinged door :
(1000 x 2100 : Entrance , Bedrooms, Toilets)
Aluminium frame sliding door with tinted glass:
( 3200 x 2400 : Living Room)
- It is provided to give access to the inside of a room of a building.
-It serves as a connecting link between the various internal portion
of building.
- They act as a barrier to noise
formal and utility areas separate.
Door frame
(Timber, Steel, Aluminum,
Concrete and Stone)
Door shuttle
(Timber, Plywood ,Glass and
doors & windows | prepared by Crystal Chia
page | 52
Pre-fabricated aluminium door frame will be sent to
the site . It is measured accordingly to the drawings.
Pieces of plywood are used to support the frame in
The door frame is levelled and plumbed to make sure
it is standing perpendicular to the floor. After that
placement is confirmed, they will continue with the
brickwork leaving the door frame in between for the
door to be installed later.
Above the frame of the door , a lintel will be made so
that it will bear the load of the bricks above the door
to prevent it from the collapsing down.
Then, the door will be installed after plastering is
done .
Lastly, the finishing steps are installing the hardware
of the door which are knobs , hinges, locksets etc.
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doors & windows | prepared by Crystal Chia
page | 53
A window is a transparent or a translucent opening in a wall or
door that allows the passage of light and, if not closed or sealed,
air and sound. Windows are held in place by frames, which prevent
them from collapsing in.
Corner Window: It is constructed in the corner of a building and
admits lights and air from two directions.
Fixed Window : In this type, the glass pane is permanently fixed in
the opening of the wall. The shutter can’t be opened or closed. The
function is limited to allowing light and or permit vision in the room.
No rebates are provided to the frame. The shutters are fully glazed.
Pivoted Window : In this type of window, the shutter is capable of
rotating about a pivot fixed to window frame.The frame has no
rebate.The shutter can swing horizontally or vertically.
- It is provided to give access to the inside of a room of a building.
-It serves as a connecting link between the various internal portion
of building.
- They act as a barrier to noise
formal and utility areas separate.
Types of windows:
Pivoted Windows,Double-Hung Windows,Corner Windows, Fixed
Window, Casement Window, Glazed Window,Bay Window.
doors & windows | prepared by Crystal Chia
page | 54
Metal Window ( Outside , Bedroom) :
These are very popular in public buildings and can be made up of
mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, bronze etc.
Before constructing the window,
measurement and layout need to be
according to the drawings.
Next, lintel will be added at the top to
support the brick or the structure to
prevent it from collapsing down.
Next after adding the lintel to the
structure, they will start laying bricks
till the top.
Lastly, plaster the wall to give a
smooth finishes surface and then
insert the frame of the window.
doors & windows | prepared by Crystal Chia
page | 55
7.0 ROOF A roof is a covering on the uppermost part of a building.
A roof protects the building and its contents from the
effects of weather, notably rain or snow, but also heat,
wind and sunlight. Structures that require a roof range
from letterboxes to stadiums, residential houses to
highrise buildings.
page | 56
ROOF TYPE (on site)
A roof is a covering on the uppermost part of a building. A roof
protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather,
notably rain or snow, but also heat, wind and sunlight. Structures
that require a roof range from letterboxes to stadiums, residential
houses to highrise buildings.
- Insulation
	 - Heat
	 - Wind
	 - Rain
	 - Snow
- Drainage
1. Expense (initial expense and upkeep)
2. Space can be made use of
	 - rooftop garden
	 - solar panels
3. More versatile interior space
4. Accessibility
1. Less efficient drainage
2. Lack of roofing material options
There are two types of roofing used at the site in Bangi.
Type 1: Flat metal roof
Type 2: Flat reinforced concrete roof (RC Roof)
Flat metal roof
Flat rc roof
Flat metal roof plan
Flat rc roof plan
roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
page | 57
Roof trusses are installed onto the
Roof frames are installed onto the
roof trusses
Cross bracing are added to fortify
the structure
Insulation layers are installed as
the bse layer
Metal roof sheets are installed
piece by piece by overlapping them
and screwing them in
The metals sheets are seamed
together with a seamer to prevent
water from penetrating the roof.
1 2 3
4 5 6
roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
page | 58
roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
page | 59
Flat roof trusses
Flat roof framing Flat roof cross bracing
Cross bracing is used to further strenghthen the frame and
trusses mainly against wind pressure.
As a rule,where flat roofs are supported by trusses, the trusses
are placed across the building in parallel lines, with their ends
resting on or built into the side walls.
roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
page | 60
Flat Roof Construction. (2016). Chestofbooks.com. Retrieved 20 October 2016, from
(2016). Retrieved 20 October 2016, from http://www.bestmaterials.com/PDF_Files/
(2016). Nfrc.co.uk. Retrieved 20 October 2016, from http://www.nfrc.co.uk/docs/de-
roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
page | 61
Through this project, we were able to introduce
basic principles and procedures of construction
process through real-life project. We were also able
to understand the sequence and coordination of
construction at site. Furthermore, we were able to
demonstrate our understanding and knowledge of
construction, material and technology.
In the end, we have successfully produced a
complete documentation and an analysis of
construction elements. We also understood and
had an explanation of construction elements and its
We had a lot of fun going into this project and learned
a lot from the contractors that brought us along and
also gained a lot of experience.

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Building Construction 1 - Experiencing Construction

  • 1. EXPERIENCING CONSTRUCTION"Experiencing, documenting and analysing the construction process." ASSIGNMENT 1: MODERN ARCHITECTURE STUDIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (MASSA) RESEARCH UNIT BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONOURS) IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND DESIGN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 1 BLD30603 GROUP MEMBERS Crystal Chia Fye Jzng Foo Ji Sun Ho Zi Yan Le Jia Ling Leong Darren Low Wing Chun Ng Ji Yann Yew Wing Kee 0323964 0323550 0323698 0322532 0323635 0323315 0323713 0323555
  • 3. page | 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 87 1.1 1.2 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.0 8.07.0 the group the site 4 5 6 17 9 27 28 33 39 47 51 6155 site and safety preliminaries work foundation superstructure beam and column slab wall staircase doors and windows summaryroof
  • 4. page | 4 1.1 THE TEAM
  • 5. page | 5 1.2 THE SITE SITE 1 BANGI The first site we visited is located in Bangi, Kajang. The site is currently in groundbreaking phase. SITE 2 SEPANG The second site we visited is located in Sepang. The site is currently in superstructure stage and is near to completion.
  • 6. page | 6 2.0 SITE & SAFETY
  • 7. page | 7 SITE SAFETY PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT - To ensure workers obey the safety instructions to avoid any risk of injuries or death - Required by law Safety requirements achieved by workers on site SAFETY BOOTS - To protect foot from injuries - Avoid sharp items piercing through Regulation board of safety sign FACE SHIELDS - Protect the face from sparks when cut the materials by using machinery SAFETY HELMET - To protect the workers - Must be worn at all times when on site - To prevent direct contact to head with sharp objects or hazard situation site & safety | prepared by Low Wing Chun & Le Jia Ling
  • 8. page | 8 SAFETY OBSERVATION ON SITE - Materials were scattered on site and not well kept - Might cause injury when stepped on or tripped over - A visitor on site was seen without any personal protective equipment - Exposed to high risk of injuries - Scaffolding not netted - Risk of falling hazard
  • 9. page | 9 3.0 PRELIMINARIES WORK
  • 10. page | 10 SITE CLEARING & EXCAVATION EARTHWORKS Beforeconstructioncanbegin,certainsitepreparationprocedures such as site clearing and excavation must be carried out. Site clearing includes works such as the clearing way of trees and stumps from the building site. Excavation includes the removal of the earth, rocks and other ground material from site. Some earthworks that must be carried out before construction are grading and soil compaction. Grading is the work of ensuring a level base, or one with specified slope depending on the type of construction site. The earthworks created for such a purpose are often called the sub-grade. Soil compaction is carried out in order to increase the density and load-bearing capacity of soil. This is a significant part of the construction process as if performed improperly settlement of the soil could occur and result in unnecessary maintenance. Excavation of rocks and sand at a residential construction site Grading conducted at a residential construction site Clearing of trees at a residential construction site Soil Compaction being carried out preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
  • 11. page | 11 SETTING OUT Setting out is the establishment of the marks and lines to define the position and level of the elements for the construction works so that works may proceed with reference to them. The settings out techniques used at the residential construction site were horizontal control techniques where the structure is set out using permanent and non-permanent central points. The figure above shows an example of the setting out of a structure in relation to the construction site. Primary site controls are instruments used to establish a second level of control where secondary Control points are used to define important elements of the scheme. The figure above shows the use of corner pegs and offset pegs in setting out. Both corner pegs and offset pegs are used as the corner pegs will be lost during construction. The figure shows the permanent control point used for setting out a construction site. The construction and protection of control points is very important and thus permanent control points must be durable and secure. Wooden pegs are used for making non-permanent stations. They are also called stakes and their use in setting out is sometimes referred to as staking. preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
  • 12. page | 12 CONSTRUCTION HOARDINGS Construction hoarding is a temporary fencing used to secure a construction site and is a prerequisite for any developer. The hoarding defines the site boundary and prevents intruders from entering the site. Authorised personnel can enter through the access gate which can be locked after hours. The main purpose of construction hoarding is for public safety as it discorouges civilians from wandering onto the site and thus reduces risk of their injury. Information board is placed outside of hoarding at entrance site Access for workersAccess for vehicles preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
  • 13. page | 13 SITE OFFICE CONSTRUCTION STORAGE The site office is found on the construction site is a temporary structure that is actually a portable cabin. It is durable and functional on order to accommodate the intricate demands of daily work on the construction site as well as reduce risks of injury to the users. The type of storage facilities used to store materials on the construction site depends on the durability of the stored material, its vulnerability to damage from weather and also its a financial value. Materials that do not require protection from weather are merely left in the open. This saves storage space for the more vulnerable materials and provides easy access for the workers. Sometimes temporary storage areas are used to store materials that required protection from weather but will be used in a relatively short period of the time. More expensive materials are locked in the storage containers for protection from weather and theft. Site office located near the construction site Materials stored in the open area construction site Temporary storage area to protect from rain Storage containers for the better security preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
  • 14. page | 14 SERVICES DRAINAGE Drainage is a system of underground pipes used to convey discharge from roofs, paved areas and sanitary fittings to a suitable disposal installation. The usual method of disposal is through the connection of the pipework to the public sewer, which will convey discharges to a local authority sewage treatment plant for processing. Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC) is used as the material for the pipes at the residential construction site. The pipes are supplied in standard effective lengths of up to 6m diameters ranging from 75 to 150mm. A few advantages of using the uPVC areeasierjoiningandlighthandling.Also,theyarelesssusceptible to corrosion and breakage The figure above shows a cross section of the residential drainage system. Foundation encloses the drainage pipe system where each PVC pipe is set in a bed of gravel. The figure on the left shows a cross section of the residential drainage system. It shows how the foundation is supported by concrete footing. preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
  • 15. page | 15 SERVICES SEWAGE According to the site manager, there will be a small space outside the houses to locate the inspection chamber. In the inspection chamberaresewageoutletsfromtoilets,bathrooms,andkitchens that are connected to public sewerage pipelines to the public sewage treatment plant. The checking and cleaning of blockages can be done via the inspection chamber. The residential sewer is an underground carriage system specifically for transporting sewage from houses through pipes to treatment or disposal. The sewage system is connected to sewage pipeline that are directly linked to a sewage treatment plant through a network of underground sewer pipes. Partially constructed residential sewer system Partially constructed inspection chamber The figure on the top shows a manhole and cover used at the residential construction site The figure on the left shows a septic tank of a residential sewerage system preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
  • 16. page | 16 SERVICES RAINWATER MANAGEMENT In fact, the design of the residential site optimizes rainwater by conducting rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting involves the collection of water from roofs and hard standings and storing this water for later use. The rainwater harvesting system to be implemented at the residential construction site will allow harvested rainwater to be dispensed from a hose to be used for outdoor purposes. Rainwater management is urgently suggested for ecological and economic reasons. The project manager who led us around the site even informed us that these days it is almost impossible to get approval for a residential design without the inclusion of proper rainwater management. Partially constructed residential sewer system The figure above shows the completed water harvesting system. The tank will collect water from down spout and the water will be dispensed from the hose. preliminaries work | prepared by Le Jia Ling
  • 17. page | 17 4.0 FOUNDATION A foundation is the lowest load-bearing part of a building and is constructed partly or below the surface below ground level. The function of a foundation is to support the superstructure above via transmitting the load evenly and safely.
  • 18. page | 18 WHAT IS A FOUNDATION? SHALLOW FOUNDATION KEY ASPECTS OF A FOUNDATION DESIGN DEEP FOUNDATION A foundation is the lowest load-bearing part of a building and is constructed partly or below the surface below ground level. The function of a foundation is to support the superstructure above via transmitting the load evenly and safely. A type of foundation which transfer building loads to the earth/ soil on a very shallow depth and much different when compared to deep foundation. • Application and study of soil and rock mechanics (Geotechnical engineering) • Footing is designed structurally by a Civil & Structural Engineer • Primary concern are Settlement and Bearing Capacity • Able to safely carry compressive tension Deep foundations are purposed to transfer loads from a structure to the soil and earth which are much further deeper than a shallow foundation works. Deep Foundations are also used when the layer of the soil cannot support the weight of the building, hence the load of the building must has its load transferred and bypassing this layer to a stronger soil beneath the weak layer. Deep foundations are usually extended much beyond shallow foundation and is commonly used on buildings that has a heavy and concentrated load such as a high rise building. Shallow foundation Deep foundation FOUNDATION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCESS (reference) foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
  • 19. page | 19 SINGLE FOOTINGS RAFT FOOTINGS STRIP FOOTINGS Most common and simple type, used when the load of the building is carried by columns. Each columns has its own footing. Footing is just a square or rectangular pad of concrete on which the column will sit on. diagram source : http://www.abuildersengineer. com/2012/10/shallowfoundation- spread-footings.html diagram source : http://www.abuildersengineer. com/2012/12/raftfoundations- typical-examples.html diagram source : http://www.abuildersengineer.com/ 2012/10/shallow-foundationspread- footings.html Most often used when basements are to be constructed. In a raft, the entire basement floor slab acts as the foundation. The weight of the building is spread evenly ove the entire footprint of the building. Strip footings are commonly used in load-bearing masonry construction, it’s basically a long strip that supports the entire wall. Usually found in older buildings made of masonry. foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
  • 20. page | 20 Concrete piles on Bangi site Pile foundation detailing on Bangi site PILE FOUNDATION Most common form of a deep foundation is a Pile Foundation. A Pile is basically a long cylinder of a strong material that is pushed or driven into the ground. Piles are commonly made with concrete but in certain cases, steel and wood is also used. Concrete Piles are precast. foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
  • 21. page | 21 PILE CAP A Pile Cap is a thick concrete “mat”that rests on the concrete piles that had been driven. It provides a suitable stable foundation and forms as a base for the building. The Pile Cap distributes the load of the building. Pile cap on top of six piles diagram source : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/309622543110993548/ foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
  • 22. page | 22 PILE PENETRATION USING PRESS-IN METHOD • Hydraulically pressing-in piles into the ground. • Challenge construction pollution of excessive noise and vibration on site that causes disturbance to the nearby residential community. • The precast piles are “injected” into the ground quietly and steadily. • Advantages of using the HSPD is that of the reduced pollution of noise and voice, high accuracy via the usage of static forces ensures the pile’s stability. Piles are injected to the soil hydraulically. Pressure bulbs, or a compressed soil area is formed around the pile. This pressure bulb provides both vertical and lateral strength to the structure of the pile. diagram source: https://www.giken.com/ en/press-in/principle/index.html FOUNDATION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCESS (bangi site) Hydraulic static pile driver machine foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
  • 23. page | 23 Worker painting the measurements onto the piles prior to press-in process. Crane placing the pile into the position. Notice that the measurements painted by the worker previously is indicated via each meter. Crane of the pile driver machine carries the pile for preparation. Piles are placed in position and would be then “injected” into the soil. 1 3 2 4 foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
  • 24. page | 24 FOUNDATION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCESS (sepang site) Pile Load Test (PLT) on site PILE LOAD TEST (PLT) A building’s structural soundness starts off with a strong foundation, in which piles are commonly used. As part of foundation’s quality assurance and control, Pile Load Test (PLT) is necessary to ensure that the pile casted on site can take the load of the structure. APLTisdeemedfailedwhenthereisaninstabilityoftheKentledge (Weight used such as concrete blocks), or failure of pile cap on whatever reasons such as cracked, crumble and distorted from its original shape or deflected from its original position. The test load shall be maintained on the pile for at least 48 hours and settlements & data shall be recorded at intervals. The test load would then be unloaded in four equal decrements at one- hour intervals until the full load is removed. Data readings will be made immediately after and before every load is applied or removed. The maximum test load in a Working Load Test (WLT) would be 200% of the working load of a pile. Whereas the test load in a Failure Load Test (FLT) shall be at least but not necessarily limited to 300% of the working load of a pile. foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
  • 25. page | 25 Earthwork excavation being done before setting out of pile cap. Water being pumped out before the casting of the pile cap. Formwork is placed. Earthwork excavation being done before setting out of pile cap. Completed pile cap on site. 1 3 2 4 foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
  • 26. page | 26 REFERENCES Press In Method. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.giken.com/en/press-in_method/ Types of Deep Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://theconstructor.org/geotechni- cal/types-of-deep-foundation/7252/ Understand Foundation. (n.d) Retrieved from http://www.understandconstruction. com/pile-foundations.html Designing a Foundation. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.gharexpert.com/tips/arti- cles/Construction/1511/Foundation-1511-Designing-a-Foundation_0 Pile Testing Specification. (2001, April 20). Pile Testing Specification by G&P Geotech- nics Sdn. Bhd, 1-25. foundation | prepared by Leong Darren
  • 27. page | 27 5.0 SUPERSTRUCTURE Superstructure is the element of the building that projects above the foundation. It is the most visible part of the building. It consists of beams, columns, slabs, walls and staricases.
  • 28. page | 28 5.1 BEAMS AND COLUMNS STRUCTURAL SYSTEM PLYWOOD FORMWORK SIMPLE BEAM RC COLUMN (REINFORCED CONCRETES) Structural system support and transmit applied loads safely to the ground without exceeding the allowable stresses in the members. Formwork is the use of support structures and moulds to create structures out of concrete which is poured into the moulds. The formwork here is made using wood. A beam is a horizontal member spanning an opening and carrying a load that may be a brick or stone wall above the opening, in which case the beam is often called a lintel. A column or pillar in architecture and structural engineering is a structural element that transmits, through compression, the weight of the structure above to other structural elements below. beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
  • 29. page | 29 BEAM FORMWORK COLUMN FORMWORK A 3-sided box propped in the desired measurements. The beam form side retains the wet concrete and is able to withstand initial hydrostatic pressure of the wet concrete. This consists of a vertical mold of the desired shape and measurements, there will be bracing, stakes and sole plate to help straighten the formwork. beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
  • 30. page | 30 STRUCTURAL SYSTEM To create the columns and beams, the positions must first be identified according to the construction drawings and foundations. beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
  • 31. page | 31 Post foundation work. Formwork preparation for concrete pouring. Pouring cement into formwork. Drying of concrete and removing formwork. Balancing of soil and creating reinforce concrete columns. Beam connecting 2nd floor to 3rd floor created. 1 2 3 4 5 6 beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
  • 32. page | 32 REFERENCES Beam. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from https://global.britannica.com/technolo- gy/beam-architecture Structural system. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from https://global.britannica. com/technology/structural-system Rithika Ravishankar, General Secretary(Aided section) at Academy Of Architecture - India Follow. (2015). Formwork construction in structures. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from http://www.slideshare.net/rithikarockingravishankar/formwork-construc- tion-in-structures @. (2016). TYPES OF FORMWORK (SHUTTERING) FOR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from http://theconstructor.org/building/formwork-shutter- ing/types-of-formwork-shuttering/3767/ beams & columns | prepared by Low Wing Chun
  • 33. page | 33 5.2 SLAB INTRODUCTION TYPE OF SLAB (reference) A floor slab is a common structural elements used in modern buildings normally used as floor or a subfloor and it is a reinforced concrete slab with a minimum thickness 5 – 6 cm. The floor slab is a semi precast component that includes the lower floor slab reinforcement that is required for structural reason. One Way Slab Grid Slab Two Way Flat Slab Hollow Core Slab Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Simple support by the side edges only. Structural topping Reinforcing as required. The force is applied on the slab, Slab surface become cylindrical. Shape like square pocket. Flat slab placed directly on the concrete columns. One way slab is a rectangular slab , supported by its two opposite long edge and free of any support along the two opposite edges. If force is applied on the surface, the slab will become curvy as shown in Figure 1. Two way flat slab is a two way reinforcement that usually does not have beams and girders, and the loads are transferred directly to the supporting concrete columns. Hollow core slab is also known as a voided slab, typically used in the construction of floors in multi story apartment building. A waffle slab is a type of slab that have two directional reinforcement of the slab. Giving it the shape of pocket on a slab. A waffle slab gives a substances significantly more structural stability without using a lot of additional materials. Waffle slab is normally used in industrial or commercial building. slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
  • 34. page | 34 TYPE OF SLAB (bangi site) INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Slab type used: Hollow Core Slab The photo is taken at the construction site where the worker is now installing the hollow core slab. Hollow Core Slab is normally use in the construction of floors for high rise apartment or multi storey building. Compared to other traditional method of construction, hollow core slab are manufacturedusinghighlycustomatedhollowcoremachine, through environment friendly manufacturing process. 1. Hollow Core Slab need to be installed followed by the drawing. 2. Worker need to make sure that all the slab joint widths uniform. 3. If the worker seek that there is a possibility of trapping water in the cores, each core should be tapped near the end to provide drainage. slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
  • 35. page | 35 INSTALLATION PROCESS The worker will lift the hollow core slab near the end of the slab, this is due to lifting the slab too far away from the end may caused breakage. Using erection clamp with safety slings for hollow core slab that is width 4’ , when the worker was attaching the clamp to the slab, they need to ensure the clamp is level. Next, they will pull the hollow core slab sling to the adjacent erected slab. Worker will marked the location of slab joints on the bearing area. This will ensure the gauging of proper joint width and not overrun or undercover the prescribed area. After erected the slab, the worker will pull the lifting clamps clear of the grout key after the crane lines are slackened. Therefore, a safe platform was form by hollow core slab, the platform can used by worker to further their work and a space where they can placed their construction tools. Finally, the last step will be pouring concrete in the end of the slabs to integrate them with support. 1 2 3 4 5 6 slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
  • 36. page | 36 TYPE OF SLAB (sepang site) Slab type used: Concrete Slab Concreteslabcancombinefooting,foundationsandsubfloor as one piece. Slabs are cheaper to built than basement. Slabs are best used on level ground and in warm climate. They can be used where ground level is uneven. Most heat energy is lost at the edges of slab. This loss is reduced by using rigid insulation. In some extreme cases, heating ducts can be built into the slab itself. This is very efficient and provides building with an even temperature. The progress of avoiding heat losing is shown in diagram below Gravel Footing Rigid Insulation Slab Drainage slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
  • 37. page | 37 PHOTOS TAKEN ON SITE Concrete slab is built on the lower ground floor. View Of slabs in the whole building. Slab is supported by the beam and columns. Under the concrete slab, the brick is supporting the slab Concrete Slab that used in this site is a two way slab. Concrete Slab that used in this site is a two way slab. The Drawing showed that the slab is located in which part of the building. slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
  • 38. page | 38 INSTALLATION PROCESS The worker in the picture above is excavating the site. Excavation are made for the footings, drains , and other floor features. These must all be deeper than the rest of the slabs. After the excavation is done, the corners are relocated. Lines are restrung on batter boards and the corners are plumbed. In the diagram below, the footing forms for two piece slab are made like standard footing or foundation form. The worker have another easier way to construct the floor slab which is using sand to spread evenly over the form area. Install electrical pipes, sleeves for air conditioning piping and wiring . Then two workers will walk on the concrete slab, one worker will placed the concrete and another worker will pull up the wire. This is to ensure the strength of the slab. After that , the workers will start pouring the concrete to covered the form of the slab. They will start pouring concrete from the corner of the form. Finally, when the concrete is fully covered the slab, the worker will wait for it to dry and they will start cleaning up the site . 1 2 3 4 5 slab | prepared by Yew Wing Kee
  • 39. page | 39 WHAT IS A WALL? TYPES OF WALLS WALLS ARE PLACED IN A wall is a vertical structure , usually solid ,that defines and sometimes protects an area . Most commonly , a wall delineates a building and supports its superstructure , separates space in buildings into sections, or protects or delineates a space in the open air. INTERIOR (WALL/PARTITIONS) - Subdivides the space in the building - Can be structural or non-bearing - Provide required degree of acoustical separation -Accommodationofnecessaryelectricalandmechanicalservices EXTERIOR WALL - Able to withstand horizontal wind loading - Can serve as shear walls and transfer lateral wind and seismic forces to the ground foundation if rigid enough - Act as protective shield against weather - Insulation toward air,sound,damp,moisture and heat - Able to support the weight of building or non bearing - Concrete Wall - Masonry wall - Dry Wall - Glass Wall - Curtain Wall 5.3 WALL wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
  • 40. page | 40 CHARACTERISTICS 3 TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION - Usually load bearing - Texture & appearance can be controlled by the use of formworks formworks, admixtures admixtures & additives additives - Often used in high‐rise buildings in malaysia - Often used in government projects in Malaysia, as part of the industralised building systems (ibs) - Offers greater speed of construction & control of quality - Cast in-situ reinforced concrete frame with rc infill panel walls - Cast in-situ shear wall - Precast concrete wall Texture of concrete wall CONCRETE WALL wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
  • 41. page | 41 Remove precast wall from delivery truck Set references line and offset line to determine the position of the precast elements to be installed Prepare and apply non-shrink mortal to seal the gaps along the bottom edge of the inner side of the panel Check the locations and conditions of the lifting inserts before hoisting Lift and rig the panels to its designated location with the use of wire ropes For panels with cast in-situ joints, install the joints rebars as required Conduct sample measurement to confirm on the accuracy of the critical dimensions of precast concrete elements and openings Provide level pads (or shim plates) for setting the level of the elements. Set the level pads in the position using non-shrink mortar For corrugated pipe sleeve or splice sleeve connection ,prepare and pour non-shrink grout or proprietary grout Check on the accessibility of unloading point and storage area Adjust the panel to the position and secure it with diagonal props Remove excess grout infill after precast wall is erected 1 5 9 3 7 11 2 6 10 4 8 12 wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
  • 42. page | 42 MORTAR TYPICAL MORTAR MIXES (BY VOLUME) QUALITY OF MASONRY CONSTRUCTION MASONRY WALL Mixture of sand and lime , or mixture of sand and cement with or without lime. Purpose of adding lime is to increase work ability of the mortar. Propotioning by weight is more accurate compared to propotioning by volume. Quality of masonry construction solely depends on good workmanship.Usingthetrowelcorrectlycanimprovetheaccuracy and quality while spreading the mortar. Diagram below shows the correct way of handling the equipment. - Can be either load bearing or non load - bearing - One of the oldest material, and the most common materials for walls construction in Malaysia - Durable, good sound insulation, fire insulation and thermal insulation - Offers great flexibility in form and appearance 1. Cement mortar - suitable for brickwork in exposed conditions Cement : Sand 1 : 3 2. Lime mortar - suitable for internal brickwork Lime : Sand 1 : 3 3. Gauged Mortar Cement : Lime : Sand 1 : 1 : 6 -suitable for serve exposure 1 : 2 : 9 -suitable for most condition except serve exposure 1 : 3 : 12-internal wall use only wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
  • 43. page | 43 Lay out bricks in dry run and mark indication line with chalk Temporarily remove the bricks and soread 3/4 inch thick of mortar bed. Place the bricks within the indication boundary and leave 3/8 inch thick gap in between Bricks will be trimmed so that it will fit in perfectly.Spread a layer of mortar and continue the second layer brick placement. Use level to ensure the all the bricks are places in line Last brick will be pushed into remaining space. Scrap off excess mortars from the joint. Finished wall is ready for plastering and painting. 1 2 3 4 5 6 wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
  • 44. page | 44 BRICKWALL ON SITE QUALITY OF MASONRY CONSTRUCTION SIMILARITIES ExtrudedMortarJoints Flemish Bond Brickswerelaidinslantedatthetop rowofthepartywall toallowexpansion whenfireoccurs. SINGLEFLEMISHBOND -Combinationofflemishandenglish bondwhichprovideattractive apperance -Cannotbeappliedinhavingthickness lessthenone Type of joints Type of bonds wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
  • 45. page | 45 STRUCTURAL FRAMES CHASING Timber frames require diagonal bracing or sher planes for lateral stabilityandmayqualifyasheavytimberconstructionidusedwith noncombustible ,fire-resistive exterior walls and if the members meet the minimum size requiment specified in the building code Electric casing installation Plumbing system installation wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
  • 46. page | 46 PLASTERING PLASTERING PROCESS PLASTERING TECHNIQUE TYPES OF PLASTERING Process of covering rough surfaces with a plastic material to obtain an even , smooth,clean and durable surface. A mixture of lime or gypsum, sand and water, sometimes even with fiber added will be used for coating walls and when hardened. 1. Lime plaster - Binding agent is lime 2. Cement plaster - Binding agent is cement 3. Mud plaster - Applied in two coats,thickness For first and second coats is 18Mm and 6mm respectively 4. Stucco plaster - Decorative type of plaster 5. Plaster on lath - Lathing might be expanded Metalor timberi Prepare tools ,steel trowel for skimming, plastering hawk for holding mortar Scoop skimming mortar onto plastering hawk 1 2 3 Apply plastering on wall surface, trowel until smooth and uniform Splash dash help to increase friction when applying plaster to the wall and increase the bonding Smallflat-topped pyramidwithmortarat everycornerandside end(makesurethey areallsameheight). Thismethodisuseto makesurethemortar islaidperpensicularly After | Before wall | prepared by Ng Ji Yann
  • 47. page | 47 Staircase materials used on site: Concrete staircase WHAT IS A STAIRCASE? TYPES OF STAIRCASE (on site) The staircase is a set of steps that leads from one floor of a building to another. It affects the whole circulation of the building. 5.4 STAIRCASE Straight stairs Half landing stairs Anatomy of staircase staircase | prepared by Ho Zi Yan
  • 48. page | 48 STAIRCASE IN SITE HALF LANDING STAIRS - A direction of the flight by 180 degrees - The landing divides the staircase into two, thereby reducing quantity of treads in one flight, and makes walking more comfortable. STRAIGHT TWO FLIGHT STAIRS - Two flights of stairs that are supplemented by a landing - The landing divides the staircase into two, thereby reducing quantity of treads in one flight, and makes walking more comfortable. staircase | prepared by Ho Zi Yan
  • 49. page | 49 Wooden formwork is built by cutting it according to the dimensions of steps. Stakes are braced firmly and the diagonal braces are set firmly in the ground. When all concrete is poured, a float is used to strike off the concrete to create smooth surface. After rebar, the concrete is mixed and it is poured into the bottom step first. The process is continued with each steps After concrete is dried, the wooden formwork is removed. 1 3 2 4 staircase | prepared by Ho Zi Yan
  • 50. page | 50 REFERENCES W. (2016). DIFFERENT TYPES OF STAIRS AND THEIR USES. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from http://theconstructor.org/building/types-stairs-uses/11304/ Stair Construction. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from http://schools.ednet.ns.ca/ avrsb/133/ritchiek/notes/Text/grade10/stairconstruction.htm Truini, J. (2016). How to Build Stairs in 3 Easy Steps. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from http://www.popularmechanics.com/home/how-to-plans/how-to/a2145/4224738/ Stairs and stair building an introduction, the basic of stair design. (n.d.). Retrieved Oc- tober 19, 2016, from http://www.builderbill-diy-help.com/stairs.html C. (2008). How to Build Stairs. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from http://www.instructa- bles.com/id/How-to-Build-Stairs/ staircase | prepared by Ho Zi Yan
  • 51. page | 51 6.0 DOORS AND WINDOWS DOOR DOOR TYPES AND DETAILS FUNCTIONS COMPONENTS Adoormaybedefinedas“anopenablebarrierorasaframeworkof wood, steel , aluminum, glass or a combination of these materials secured in a wall opening.’’ Metal frame with plywood hinged door : (1000 x 2100 : Entrance , Bedrooms, Toilets) Aluminium frame sliding door with tinted glass: ( 3200 x 2400 : Living Room) - It is provided to give access to the inside of a room of a building. -It serves as a connecting link between the various internal portion of building. - They act as a barrier to noise -Usedtoscreenareasofabuildingforaestheticpurposes,keeping formal and utility areas separate. Door frame (Timber, Steel, Aluminum, Concrete and Stone) Door shuttle (Timber, Plywood ,Glass and Block) doors & windows | prepared by Crystal Chia
  • 52. page | 52 DOOR INSTALLATION PROCESS Pre-fabricated aluminium door frame will be sent to the site . It is measured accordingly to the drawings. Pieces of plywood are used to support the frame in place. The door frame is levelled and plumbed to make sure it is standing perpendicular to the floor. After that placement is confirmed, they will continue with the brickwork leaving the door frame in between for the door to be installed later. Above the frame of the door , a lintel will be made so that it will bear the load of the bricks above the door to prevent it from the collapsing down. Then, the door will be installed after plastering is done . Lastly, the finishing steps are installing the hardware of the door which are knobs , hinges, locksets etc. 1 2 3 4 5 doors & windows | prepared by Crystal Chia
  • 53. page | 53 WINDOWS WINDOW TYPES (SITE 2) FUNCTIONS COMPONENTS A window is a transparent or a translucent opening in a wall or door that allows the passage of light and, if not closed or sealed, air and sound. Windows are held in place by frames, which prevent them from collapsing in. Corner Window: It is constructed in the corner of a building and admits lights and air from two directions. Fixed Window : In this type, the glass pane is permanently fixed in the opening of the wall. The shutter can’t be opened or closed. The function is limited to allowing light and or permit vision in the room. No rebates are provided to the frame. The shutters are fully glazed. Pivoted Window : In this type of window, the shutter is capable of rotating about a pivot fixed to window frame.The frame has no rebate.The shutter can swing horizontally or vertically. - It is provided to give access to the inside of a room of a building. -It serves as a connecting link between the various internal portion of building. - They act as a barrier to noise -Usedtoscreenareasofabuildingforaestheticpurposes,keeping formal and utility areas separate. Types of windows: Pivoted Windows,Double-Hung Windows,Corner Windows, Fixed Window, Casement Window, Glazed Window,Bay Window. doors & windows | prepared by Crystal Chia
  • 54. page | 54 WINDOW TYPES (SITE 1) Metal Window ( Outside , Bedroom) : These are very popular in public buildings and can be made up of mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, bronze etc. WINDOW INSTALLATION PROCESS Before constructing the window, measurement and layout need to be according to the drawings. Next, lintel will be added at the top to support the brick or the structure to prevent it from collapsing down. 1 2 3 4 Next after adding the lintel to the structure, they will start laying bricks till the top. Lastly, plaster the wall to give a smooth finishes surface and then insert the frame of the window. doors & windows | prepared by Crystal Chia
  • 55. page | 55 7.0 ROOF A roof is a covering on the uppermost part of a building. A roof protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather, notably rain or snow, but also heat, wind and sunlight. Structures that require a roof range from letterboxes to stadiums, residential houses to highrise buildings.
  • 56. page | 56 WHAT IS A ROOF? GENERAL FUNCTION FLAT ROOF ADVANTAGES FLAT ROOF DISADVANTAGES ROOF TYPE (on site) A roof is a covering on the uppermost part of a building. A roof protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather, notably rain or snow, but also heat, wind and sunlight. Structures that require a roof range from letterboxes to stadiums, residential houses to highrise buildings. - Insulation - Heat - Wind - Rain - Snow - Drainage 1. Expense (initial expense and upkeep) 2. Space can be made use of - rooftop garden - solar panels 3. More versatile interior space 4. Accessibility 1. Less efficient drainage 2. Lack of roofing material options There are two types of roofing used at the site in Bangi. Type 1: Flat metal roof Type 2: Flat reinforced concrete roof (RC Roof) Flat metal roof Flat rc roof Flat metal roof plan Flat rc roof plan roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
  • 57. page | 57 Roof trusses are installed onto the walls Roof frames are installed onto the roof trusses Cross bracing are added to fortify the structure Insulation layers are installed as the bse layer Metal roof sheets are installed piece by piece by overlapping them and screwing them in The metals sheets are seamed together with a seamer to prevent water from penetrating the roof. 1 2 3 4 5 6 roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
  • 58. page | 58 SECTIONAL DIAGRAM (reference) roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
  • 59. page | 59 STRUCTURE Flat roof trusses Flat roof framing Flat roof cross bracing Cross bracing is used to further strenghthen the frame and trusses mainly against wind pressure. As a rule,where flat roofs are supported by trusses, the trusses are placed across the building in parallel lines, with their ends resting on or built into the side walls. roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
  • 60. page | 60 REFERENCES Flat Roof Construction. (2016). Chestofbooks.com. Retrieved 20 October 2016, from http://chestofbooks.com/architecture/Construction-Superintendence/Flat-Roof-Con- struction.html (2016). Retrieved 20 October 2016, from http://www.bestmaterials.com/PDF_Files/ metal-roof-fastening-details-postframe.pdf (2016). Nfrc.co.uk. Retrieved 20 October 2016, from http://www.nfrc.co.uk/docs/de- fault-source/form-protected-documents/homeowners/householders-guide-to-flat-roof- ing-2015.pdf?sfvrsn=2 roof | prepared by Foo Ji Sun
  • 61. page | 61 8.0 SUMMARY Through this project, we were able to introduce basic principles and procedures of construction process through real-life project. We were also able to understand the sequence and coordination of construction at site. Furthermore, we were able to demonstrate our understanding and knowledge of construction, material and technology. In the end, we have successfully produced a complete documentation and an analysis of construction elements. We also understood and had an explanation of construction elements and its components. We had a lot of fun going into this project and learned a lot from the contractors that brought us along and also gained a lot of experience.