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Session: BUS-S07
Experience and Best Practices from
Integrating and Implementing a Intranet Portal
at Unitrin/Kemper Insurance
© Unitrin 2011
Smarter software for a
Smarter Planet.
Daniel Jaffa | Application Architect | Unitrin
Dave Jacob | Managing Partner | Davalen
* Join the Twitter conference by following @PortletFactory and using #ibmexperience
© IBM Corporation


• Meet Kemper, A Unitrin Business
• Meet Davalen – An IBM Premier Business Partner
• Background of Business Need
• Why WebSphere Portal?
• Solution Architecture and Environment
• Project Plan
• Implementation Team
• Technical Solutions
• A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent – Scenarios
• Technical Challenges
• Next Steps
• Questions and Answers
• More Information
© IBM Corporation
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Meet Kemper Meet Kemper,
A Unitrin Business
• Kemper – A Unitrin Business
– Kemper markets and sells automobile, homeowners and other personal
lines property and casualty insurance.
– Kemper® became part of the Unitrin family through an acquisition of renewal
rights of the personal lines business of Lumbermans Mutual Casualty Company
and its affiliates. Today, Kemper is a registered trademark of Unitrin ,
Inc. Unitrin, Inc. (NYSE:UTR) is a $2 billion company.
• Presenter: Daniel Jaffa
– Application Architect with Unitrin family for six years.
– Responsible for providing architecture solutions and support for Unitrin’s
P&C lines of business over its portal architecture.
– Worked over 14 years with web based applications in several Fortune
500 companies.
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Meet Davalen – IBM Premier Business Partner
• Davalen: An IBM Premier Business Partner since 1993
– Specializing blend of system architecture, mentoring, and agile implementation
assistance for WebSphere Portal, Lotus Domino, Retail and Enterprise Search, and
Web Content Management.
– Creator of IBM Licensed WebSphere Portlet Factory Application Development
Course: WPC52.
• Presenter: Dave Jacob, Managing Partner
– Held a number of key management positions with EDS and Data General.
– Certified by IBM as an architect, consultant, and trainer in most IBM development
technologies including RAD, Domino, and Portlet Factory.
– Davalen Project Manager for Kemper
© IBM Corporation
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Background of Business Need
• Kemper sells a variety of property and casualty insurance
products through independent insurance agents.
• Agent interaction is an imperative aspect of the Kemper
business model
– check on the status of policies, renewals, and servicing additional insurance
requirements, satisfy the needs and requests of clients
• Develop a new portal based agency system (AgentInside℠)
using IBM WebSphere Portal
– Improved access to key information and data: Integrate Rating Application,
Billing Application, Claim Inquiry, Enterprise Content Management
– Improve customer service and client retention
– Reduce cost
– Ease of Use for Independent Agents
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Why WebSphere Portal?
• To Satisfy Current Needs:
– Replace aging “Custom” Portal Applications
• Major Site Agent Inside is over 10 years old
• Each new functionality is new WebSphere application
• Showing its age
– Reduce growing WebSphere “Sprawl”
– Rapid business problem to IS solution
– Kemper has moved to System Oriented Architecture
(SOA) architecture, plan on using Portal as front end
to Services
– Develop once use multiple times
– Cost controls
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
© Unitrin 2011


Solution Architecture
and Environment
• Portal is our front end to Enterprise
Service Bus (ESB).
• All communication with the Bus is via Java
Messaging Service (JMS).
• Portlet applications can be built without
use of the ESB but can not be shared with
other parts of the enterprise.
• Currently have four virtual portals
running but AgentInside will be first
Internet facing portal.
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Implementation Team
• Project Manager, Kemper
• Project Manager, Davalen
• Branding Team - Look and Feel
– Davalen
– Kemper
– Independent Agents
• Business Logic Team
– Davalen
• Services Team
– Kemper
– Davalen
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Project Plan
• Training
• High Level Architecture
• Theme work done by Davalen
• Portlet work done by Davalen
• Services work done by Kemper
– Services already existed, used LJO to connect to Services
• Integration work done by Kemper
• Debugging and Support by Kemper, Davalen
• Project handoff by Davalen
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Technical Solution
• IBM WebSphere Portal v6.1.5 running in WebSphere v7.0
on Windows 2003 Server
• Security through CA Siteminder
• IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory v7.0
– 15 Portlets
– Product Launcher Portlet (PLP) – Links to legacy systems
– Integrated Link Portlets (ILP) – Dynamic PLPs
– SunOne LDAP
– UDB Relational Database
• Rapid Application Development (RAD) for Service Layer
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent - Scenarios
• Customer Search
• Document Search
• Launching Legacy Applications
• Look and Feel
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent
Scenario 1: Customer Search
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 1: Customer Search - Before
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 1: Customer Search - Before
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 1: Customer Search - After
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 1: Customer Search - After
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 1: Customer Search - After
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent
Scenario 2: Document Search
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 2: Document Search - Before
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
© Unitrin 2011


Scenario 2: Document Search - Before
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 2: Document Search - After
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 2: Document Search - After
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent
Scenario 3: Launching Legacy
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 3: Launching Legacy Systems- Before
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 3: Launching Legacy Systems- After
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent
Scenario 4: Look and Feel
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 4: Look and Feel - Before
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 4: Look and Feel - Before
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 4: Look and Feel - After
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 4: Look and Feel - After
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 4: Look and Feel - After
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Scenario 4: Look and Feel - After
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Technical Challenges
• WebSphere Portal version 6.1.5 vs. 7.0?
– Made the decision to move to 6.1.5 due to 7.0 just being released
– Thought that issues with 7.0 would be greater than issues with
– Currently looking into moving to 7.0 before our production roll
• WebSphere Portlet Factory vs. Portal DOJO versions.
– Portlets worked inside on WebSphere Portlet Factory but failed to
work correctly deployed to our Development server
– Thought it was due to difference in Dojo between WPF and Portal
Dojo theme.
– Issue: We updated our Portal but did not update out Theme with
the correct Dojo version (Hint - always update Theme’s when
updating portal version)
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Next Steps…
• Go Live!
• Investigate Web Content Management
• Refine Search capabilities
• Expand AgentInside to encompass Consumer website
• Additional small releases
– Moving WebSphere Applications into Portal Applications
– Convenience for our Agents
– Updating our user experience more often than once every ten years
– Content, Content, Content
© Unitrin 2011
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


Questions and Answers
© IBM Corporation
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


For More Information about this Project
• At Event: Davalen, Booth #112
• Website
– www.Davalen.com
• Contact Information
– Davalen: (800) 827 – 8451, info@Davalen.com
– Unitrin: Daniel Jaffa, djaffa@unitrin.com
© IBM Corporation
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
* Join the Twitter convo by following @PortletFactory and
using #ibmexperience


We Value Your Feedback!
Please complete the session survey for this session:
• www.ibmconf.com
Session Title: Experience and Best Practices from Integrating
and Implementing a New Portal at Unitrin/Kemper Insurance
Session Code: BUS-S07
Presented By: Daniel Jaffa, Application Architect, UNITRIN
Dave Jacob, Managing Partner, Davalen
Showcase Booth #112
© IBM Corporation
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


For More Information
• IBM Customer Experience Suite, WebSphere Portal and Web Content
Manager Software and Solutions
• WebSphere Portal and IBM Web Content Manager Information Center
• WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
© IBM Corporation
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas


© IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The information contained in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the
information contained in this publication, it is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition, this information is based on IBM’s
current product plans and strategy, which are subject to change by IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or
otherwise related to, this publication or any other materials. Nothing contained in this publication is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any
warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of
IBM software.
References in this presentation to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release
dates and/or capabilities referenced in this presentation may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are
not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the
effect of, stating or implying that any activities undertaken by you will result in any specific sales, revenue growth or other results.
IBM, the IBM logo, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Notes, Domino, Quickr, Sametime, WebSphere, UC2, PartnerWorld and Lotusphere are trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Unyte is a trademark of WebDialogs, Inc., in the United States, other countries, or both.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States,
and/or other countries.
Kemper is a registered trademark of Unitrin, Inc. AgentInside is a service mark of Kemper Independence Insurance Company.
Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Intel, Intel Centrino, Celeron, Intel Xeon, Intel SpeedStep, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the
United States and other countries.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
© IBM Corporation
IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas

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Experience and Best Practices from Integrating and Implementing a Intranet Portal at Unitrin/Kemper Insurance (BUS-S07 2011)

  • 1. Session: BUS-S07 Experience and Best Practices from Integrating and Implementing a Intranet Portal at Unitrin/Kemper Insurance © Unitrin 2011 Smarter software for a Smarter Planet. Daniel Jaffa | Application Architect | Unitrin Dave Jacob | Managing Partner | Davalen * Join the Twitter conference by following @PortletFactory and using #ibmexperience © IBM Corporation
  • 2. 2 Agenda • Meet Kemper, A Unitrin Business • Meet Davalen – An IBM Premier Business Partner • Background of Business Need • Why WebSphere Portal? • Solution Architecture and Environment • Project Plan • Implementation Team • Technical Solutions • A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent – Scenarios • Technical Challenges • Next Steps • Questions and Answers • More Information © IBM Corporation IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 3. 3 Meet Kemper Meet Kemper, A Unitrin Business • Kemper – A Unitrin Business – Kemper markets and sells automobile, homeowners and other personal lines property and casualty insurance. – Kemper® became part of the Unitrin family through an acquisition of renewal rights of the personal lines business of Lumbermans Mutual Casualty Company and its affiliates. Today, Kemper is a registered trademark of Unitrin , Inc. Unitrin, Inc. (NYSE:UTR) is a $2 billion company. • Presenter: Daniel Jaffa – Application Architect with Unitrin family for six years. – Responsible for providing architecture solutions and support for Unitrin’s P&C lines of business over its portal architecture. – Worked over 14 years with web based applications in several Fortune 500 companies. © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 4. 4 Meet Davalen – IBM Premier Business Partner • Davalen: An IBM Premier Business Partner since 1993 – Specializing blend of system architecture, mentoring, and agile implementation assistance for WebSphere Portal, Lotus Domino, Retail and Enterprise Search, and Web Content Management. – Creator of IBM Licensed WebSphere Portlet Factory Application Development Course: WPC52. • Presenter: Dave Jacob, Managing Partner – Held a number of key management positions with EDS and Data General. – Certified by IBM as an architect, consultant, and trainer in most IBM development technologies including RAD, Domino, and Portlet Factory. – Davalen Project Manager for Kemper © IBM Corporation IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 5. 5 Background of Business Need • Kemper sells a variety of property and casualty insurance products through independent insurance agents. • Agent interaction is an imperative aspect of the Kemper business model – check on the status of policies, renewals, and servicing additional insurance requirements, satisfy the needs and requests of clients • Develop a new portal based agency system (AgentInside℠) using IBM WebSphere Portal – Improved access to key information and data: Integrate Rating Application, Billing Application, Claim Inquiry, Enterprise Content Management – Improve customer service and client retention – Reduce cost – Ease of Use for Independent Agents © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 6. 6 Why WebSphere Portal? • To Satisfy Current Needs: – Replace aging “Custom” Portal Applications • Major Site Agent Inside is over 10 years old • Each new functionality is new WebSphere application • Showing its age – Reduce growing WebSphere “Sprawl” – Rapid business problem to IS solution – Kemper has moved to System Oriented Architecture (SOA) architecture, plan on using Portal as front end to Services – Develop once use multiple times – Cost controls IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas © Unitrin 2011
  • 7. 7 Solution Architecture and Environment • Portal is our front end to Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). • All communication with the Bus is via Java Messaging Service (JMS). • Portlet applications can be built without use of the ESB but can not be shared with other parts of the enterprise. • Currently have four virtual portals running but AgentInside will be first Internet facing portal. © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 8. 8 Implementation Team • Project Manager, Kemper • Project Manager, Davalen • Branding Team - Look and Feel – Davalen – Kemper – Independent Agents • Business Logic Team – Davalen • Services Team – Kemper – Davalen © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 9. 9 Project Plan • Training • High Level Architecture • Theme work done by Davalen • Portlet work done by Davalen • Services work done by Kemper – Services already existed, used LJO to connect to Services • Integration work done by Kemper • Debugging and Support by Kemper, Davalen • Project handoff by Davalen © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 10. 10 Technical Solution • IBM WebSphere Portal v6.1.5 running in WebSphere v7.0 on Windows 2003 Server • Security through CA Siteminder • IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory v7.0 – 15 Portlets – Product Launcher Portlet (PLP) – Links to legacy systems – Integrated Link Portlets (ILP) – Dynamic PLPs – SunOne LDAP – UDB Relational Database • Rapid Application Development (RAD) for Service Layer © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 11. 11 A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent - Scenarios • Customer Search • Document Search • Launching Legacy Applications • Look and Feel © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 12. 12 A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent Scenario 1: Customer Search © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 13. 13 Scenario 1: Customer Search - Before IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 14. 14 Scenario 1: Customer Search - Before IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 15. 15 Scenario 1: Customer Search - After IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 16. 16 Scenario 1: Customer Search - After © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 17. 17 Scenario 1: Customer Search - After © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 18. 18 A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent Scenario 2: Document Search © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 19. 19 Scenario 2: Document Search - Before IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas © Unitrin 2011
  • 20. 20 Scenario 2: Document Search - Before © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 21. 21 Scenario 2: Document Search - After © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 22. 22 Scenario 2: Document Search - After © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 23. 23 A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent Scenario 3: Launching Legacy Systems © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 24. 24 Scenario 3: Launching Legacy Systems- Before © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 25. 25 Scenario 3: Launching Legacy Systems- After © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 26. 26 A Day in the Life of an Independent Agent Scenario 4: Look and Feel © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 27. 27 Scenario 4: Look and Feel - Before © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 28. 28 Scenario 4: Look and Feel - Before © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 29. 29 Scenario 4: Look and Feel - After © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 30. 30 Scenario 4: Look and Feel - After © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 31. 31 Scenario 4: Look and Feel - After © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 32. 32 Scenario 4: Look and Feel - After © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 33. 33 Technical Challenges • WebSphere Portal version 6.1.5 vs. 7.0? – Made the decision to move to 6.1.5 due to 7.0 just being released – Thought that issues with 7.0 would be greater than issues with 6.1.5 – Currently looking into moving to 7.0 before our production roll • WebSphere Portlet Factory vs. Portal DOJO versions. – Portlets worked inside on WebSphere Portlet Factory but failed to work correctly deployed to our Development server – Thought it was due to difference in Dojo between WPF and Portal Dojo theme. – Issue: We updated our Portal but did not update out Theme with the correct Dojo version (Hint - always update Theme’s when updating portal version) © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 34. 34 Next Steps… • Go Live! • Investigate Web Content Management • Refine Search capabilities • Expand AgentInside to encompass Consumer website • Additional small releases – Moving WebSphere Applications into Portal Applications – Convenience for our Agents – Updating our user experience more often than once every ten years – Content, Content, Content © Unitrin 2011 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 35. 35 Questions and Answers © IBM Corporation IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 36. 36 For More Information about this Project • At Event: Davalen, Booth #112 • Website – www.Davalen.com • Contact Information – Davalen: (800) 827 – 8451, info@Davalen.com – Unitrin: Daniel Jaffa, djaffa@unitrin.com © IBM Corporation IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas * Join the Twitter convo by following @PortletFactory and using #ibmexperience
  • 37. 37 We Value Your Feedback! Please complete the session survey for this session: • www.ibmconf.com Session Title: Experience and Best Practices from Integrating and Implementing a New Portal at Unitrin/Kemper Insurance Session Code: BUS-S07 Presented By: Daniel Jaffa, Application Architect, UNITRIN DJaffa@unitrin.com Dave Jacob, Managing Partner, Davalen djacob@Davalen.com Showcase Booth #112 © IBM Corporation IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 38. 38 For More Information • IBM Customer Experience Suite, WebSphere Portal and Web Content Manager Software and Solutions http://www-01.ibm.com/software/info/customerexperience/ http://www-3.ibm.com/software/genservers/portal/ • WebSphere Portal and IBM Web Content Manager Information Center http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/zones/portal/proddoc.html • WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog https://greenhouse.lotus.com/catalog/home_full.xsp?fProduct=WebSphere%20Portal © IBM Corporation IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas
  • 39. 39 © IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The information contained in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this publication, it is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition, this information is based on IBM’s current product plans and strategy, which are subject to change by IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this publication or any other materials. Nothing contained in this publication is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in this presentation to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in this presentation may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, stating or implying that any activities undertaken by you will result in any specific sales, revenue growth or other results. IBM, the IBM logo, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Notes, Domino, Quickr, Sametime, WebSphere, UC2, PartnerWorld and Lotusphere are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Unyte is a trademark of WebDialogs, Inc., in the United States, other countries, or both. Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries. Kemper is a registered trademark of Unitrin, Inc. AgentInside is a service mark of Kemper Independence Insurance Company. Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Intel, Intel Centrino, Celeron, Intel Xeon, Intel SpeedStep, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. © IBM Corporation IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference 2011 - Americas