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Business Negotiation
    Osvaldas Čiukšys



Osvaldas Čiukšys      tʃ uː ʃ iː
                           k    s
20 years of negotiating experience:

1991 – 1993 Head of Trade division in Ministries of International Economic Relations
            and Foreign Affairs: negotiations on free trade, investment protection,
            economic cooperation agreements
1993 – 2000 Head of Foreign trade division of Ogmios group and General Director of
            Ogmios Laikas Ltd.: negotiations on distributorship and long term
            commercial contracts with leading world companies (electronics,
            household appliances, Swiss watches, jewelry )
2000 – 2001 Vice-minister of Economy: negotiations on LT accession to EU,
            3 negotiation chapters: Free movement of goods, SME and Industrial policy
2002 – 2009 Deputy head of LT Mission in Poland, Ambassador of Lithuania to Latvia
            and the Czech Republic: member of various interstate negotiations teams
2009 – 2011 Expert of Ignalina NPP decommissioning, General Director and Corporate
            Affairs Director of Ignalina NPP: negotiations with main projects
            contractors, EBRD and EU Commission on NFP 2014-2020
2012 –       Private business consultant: negotiations, project management,
present      business development


We negotiate since the beginning of the Human Race

Everybody is a Negotiator:

  -   at home
  -   among friends
  -   at work
  -   with ourselves...

                                      © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Can we learn to negotiate?
Can we be trained to negotiate?


Are we born for that and know how to do it by heart?

                                          © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


During the last century Negotiations became a Science…

                                        © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Negotiations is

 • Dialogue between two or more parties, with the intent
 of coming to a mutually agreed solution, because each
 party has something the other wants

 • Communication process between two or more people in
 which they consider alternatives to arrive to mutually
 agreeable solutions or mutually satisfactory objectives

                                           © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Negotiation involves the art and science
of drawing up deals that create lasting value

                       David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius

Negotiation is the process by which people deal with
their differences
                        Harvard Business School, Roger Fisher

Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear
to negotiate
                                             John F. Kennedy

                                                        © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Characteristics of Good Negotiator

General understanding
•   open minded
•   strong personality
•   charm
•   knowledgeable
•   articulate
•   experienced
•   motivated
•   patience
•   assertiveness
•   staying detached
•   flexible
•   understand the other side
•   persuasive
•   quick

                                        © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Characteristics of Good Negotiator

Expert opinion
•   preparation and planning skills
•   knowledge of the subject matter being negotiated
•   ability to think clearly and rapidly under pressure and uncertainty
•   ability to perceive and exploit power
•   communication skills
•   listening skills
•   judgment and general intelligence
•   analytical skills
•   ability to persuade others
•   patience
•   decisiveness
•   charisma: charming personality
•   considers lots of options                                      LAW ENFORCEMENT
                                                                    NEGOTIATOR PIN
•   aware of the process and style of the other person
•   is flexible
•   thinks and talks about possible areas of agreement
                                                            etc.                                   9
                                                                   © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Commercial negotiators
(attorneys, real estate brokers,
retail sales people) emphasize:
• analytical ability
• self-esteem
• patience
                           see negotiations as a problem or case solving affair

Industrial negotiators
(engineers, project managers, IT developers) emphasize:

• knowledge of the product
• ability to investigate and consider options
• ability to accommodate interests of others

                       consider negotiations as a quest for reaching objectives
                                                             © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Types of negotiations

1. Distributive negotiation
2. Integrative negotiation

Most business negotiations combine elements of both types

                                                © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Other types of negotiations
1. Multiphase negotiation
   Implemented over time in different phases
   Example: architectural design contract

2. Multiparty negotiation
   Number of parties with different positions involved
   Example: international organizations like UN, WTO, OPEC etc.
   In Multiparty Negotiation coalitions and alliances are formed :
             - Natural coalitions
             - Single issue coalitions

                                                        © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Distributive negotiation

• Parties compete over the fixed sum or
value. The key question is who will get the
biggest part of the pie? A gain of one side
is made at the expense of the other

• The Seller’s goal is to negotiate as high
price as possible, the Buyer’s goal is to
negotiate as low price as possible. This is
known as Win-Lose or Zero-sum

• Thus, the deal is simple, no need for
creativity. Neither party is interested in
long term relations. They take and defend
their positions

                                              © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Positional bargaining (1)
                SOFT position                               HARD position
Participants are friends                     Participants are adversaries
The goal is agreement                        The goal is victory
Make concessions to cultivate the            Demand the concessions as a condition of
relationship                                 the relationship
Be soft on the people and the problem        Be hard on the people and the problem
Trust others                                 Distrust others
Change your position easily                  Dig in to your position
Make offers                                  Make threats
Disclose your bottom line                    Mislead as to your bottom line
Accept one-sided losses to reach agreement   Demand one-sided gains as the price of
Search for the single answer: the one They   Search for the single answer: the one You will
will accept                                  accept
Insist on agreement                          Insist on your position
Try to avoid a contest of will               Try to win a contest of will
Yield to pressure                            Apply pressure
                                                                       © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Positional bargaining (2)

• Hard style of bargaining dominates a soft one
• If the hard style bargainer insists on concessions while soft
  bargainer avoids confrontation, the negotiation ends in
  favor of the hard bargainer
• The negotiation will produce an agreement, although it may
  not be a wise one
• Arguing over positions endangers an ongoing relationship
  and is inefficient
• In multiparty negotiations positional bargaining is even worse

                                                   © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Integrative negotiation
• Integrative negotiations tend to occur when the deal involves many
financial and non-financial terms

• Parties cooperate to achieve maximum benefit by integrating their
interests into an agreement

• This is also known as Win-Win negotiation. Both sides try “to make
the pie bigger”

• There are many items and issues to be negotiated ant the goal of each
side is to create as much value as possible for itself and the other side

                                                           © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Distributive vs. Integrative Negotiation

Characteristics    Distributive           Integrative

  Outcome           Win-Lose               Win-Win

 Motivation       Individual gain   Joint and individual gain

   Interests        Opposite        Different but not always
Relationships      Short-term        Short and Long-term

Issues involved       Single                Multiple

Ability to make    Not flexible             Flexible
   Solution        Not creative             Creative

                                              © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


The Negotiator’s dillema:
                cooperate or compete?
                                 David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius

                       B Cooperates              B Competes

                                                A cooperates
                      Both cooperate
                                                 B competes
A Cooperates         Both have a good
                                            A has terrible outcome
                                             B has good outcome
                        A competes
                                               Both compete
                       B cooperates
A Competes                                  Both have mediacore
                    A has good outcome
                   B has terrible outcome

                                                    © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


The Answer to Negotiator’s dillema:
          respond accordingly

The tit-for-tat strategy is the solution. This process involves starting out with a
cooperative approach: responding to competitive moves with a competitive move
and responding to a cooperative move with a cooperative move

   In real world there is no purely Distributive, Integrative as well as
   Multiphase or Multiparty negotiations

   Every individual Negotiator decides upon his/her style to which
   extent he/she wants or needs to be Cooperative or Competing

                                                                © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Negotiation strategy matrix

        +               -
       You Win      You Lose

       They Win     They Win

       You Win      You Lose
       They Lose    They Lose

                                © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Primary negotiation strategies

                             Roger Fisher, William Ury “Getting to YES”
E      competing              collaborating
I                  compromising
E       avoiding            accommodating

                                                © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Choosing right strategy

                                   Compete                                      Collaborate
Concern for Substance

                                    be a winner at                              solve problems
                                    any cost                                    so both parties
                                                                                        can win

                                                       split the difference

                                   agree to any                                          build
                                   proposal                                       relationship

                                   Avoid                                      Accommodate

                                   Low                     Moderate                           High

                                                     Concern for Relationship
                                                                                   © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Negotiation styles (1)


                                   Competitor                                Collaborator
Concern for Substance

                                   wants to win at                           solves the problems
                                   any cost              Compromiser -       of the other side
                                                         Problem solver      expecting the same

                                                                             in return
                                                             comes with
                                                          alternatives and
                                                           makes the pie
                                   avoids to take                            gives concessions in
                                   responsibility                              order to maintain
                                    and make decisions                           good relations

                                   Avoider                                   Accommodator

                                   Low                      Moderate                            High

                                                     Concern for Relationship
                                                                                     © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Negotiation styles (2)

1. Competitor
  Negotiators that exhibit this style are results-
  oriented, self-confident, assertive, are focused primarily
  on the main goals, have a tendency to impose their
  views upon the other party, and in the extreme can
  become aggressive and dominating. This style is high in
  Assertiveness and low in Cooperativeness

                                               © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Negotiation styles (3)

2. Avoider
  Negotiators that use this style are passive, prefer to
  avoid conflict, make attempts to withdraw from the
  situation or pass responsibility onto another party, and
  fail to show adequate concern or make an honest
  attempt to get to a solution. This style is both low in
  Assertiveness and low in Cooperativeness

                                              © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Negotiation styles (4)

3. Collaborator
   Negotiators of this style use open and honest
   communication, focus on finding creative solutions
   that mutually satisfy both parties, are open to
   exploring new and novel solutions, and suggest many
   alternatives for consideration. This style is both high in
   Assertiveness and high in Cooperativeness

                                                 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Negotiation styles (5)

4. Accommodator
  Negotiators that exhibit this style make attempts to
  maintain relationships with the other party, smooth
  over conflicts, downplay differences, and are most
  concerned with satisfying the needs of the other party.
  This style is low in Assertiveness but high in

                                             © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Negotiation styles (6)

5. Compromiser – Problem solver
  Negotiators of this style aim to find the middle
  ground, come with different alternatives, often split the
  difference between positions, frequently engage in give
  and take trade-offs, and accept moderate satisfaction of
  both parties’ needs. This style is both moderate in
  Assertiveness and moderate in Cooperativeness

                                              © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Interaction of different style negotiators

The best outcome is expected from the same or closest style negotiators

                 Avoider   Accommodator   Collaborator   Competitor          Problem
   Avoider       good          bad           bad           bad                  bad

Accommodator      bad         good          good           bad                 good

 Collaborator     bad         good          good           bad                 good

  Competitor      bad          bad           bad           good                good

Problem solver    bad         good          good           good                good

                                                                  © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Main stages of negotiation


                   Exchange of


                    Closure and

                                  © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


“8 step” approach
                                           by John Benson
                                              Gavin Kennedy
                                              John McMillan

Theory is based on 4 crucial phases of negotiation and 4 minor
steps within the major phases:

                  A. PREPARE
                  B. ARGUE
                       C. Signal
                  D. PROPOSE
                       E. Package
                  F. BARGAIN
                       G. Close
                       H. Agree
                                                  © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


• Identify the main goal of negotiation: yours and opponents
• Make necessary economic and financial calculations
• Prepare technical and other documentation
• Design your negotiating team and
  get the mandate to negotiate
• Prepare your position and best alternative (BATNA)
• Set the agenda for negotiations
• Gather and analyze information about your opponents

                                            © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Preparation: practical aspects

• Inform your team about your goals, strategy and
   agenda. Discuss their roles in negotiation process
• Offer opponents to negotiate at your territory
• Propose to write down minutes of negotiations
• Be the first to send draft agenda
• Meet former employees, business partners or
   clients of your opponents
• Invite your opponents to meet informally:
   dinner or lunch, beer or coffee prior to negotiations
• Be the first to send them drafts of documents:
  contract, technical specification, samples etc.
• Offer your help to the other side: interpreter,
   driver, office, hotel reservation etc.
• Take time to relax and be ready to make decisions
                                               © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Do you really know your main goal?
    and the main goal of the other side?

                                           © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Ask yourself : are we ready?
          Do we really have enough information
just see what we want to see and make wrong perceptions?

                                              © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Exchange of information
         Main rule: only the necessary minimum of
          valuable information to the other side

•   Possible exchange of preliminary positions
•   Composition and authority of the teams
•   Final agenda of negotiations
•   Exchange of the draft documents
•   Practical arrangements: meeting room, refreshments etc.
•   Informal meeting with the opponents: dinner, lunch,
    coffee prior to negotiations

                                             © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Team formation (1)

Members                      Roles                                 Functions

  Chief      Leader of the team, experienced ,        Makes decisions,
negotiator    not necessarily the oldest              gives instructions

                                                      Agrees with opponents, makes a
Good guy     Everybody likes him                      good impression, creates comfort
                                                      in negotiations
             Opposite to Good Guy, it’s much easier   Stops negotiations when
 Bad guy     to reach an agreement without him        necessary, reduces value of
                                                      opponents’ proposals, points out
                                                      weaknesses of the other side
             Serious, knowledgeable, makes the life   Writes down the minutes, delays
Hard liner   of opponents difficult, his opinion is   negotiations when needed, helps
             respected by everybody                   to take proposals back, strictly
                                                      follows the agenda, observes
             Accumulates all proposals, suggests      Does not allow the others to lose
Sweeper      overarching solutions                    the track and forget the main
                                                      goals, suggests the ways out
                                                                  © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Team formation (2)

•   Small and flexible
•   Knowledgeable and well informed
•   United: team spirit
•   Resourceful and creative
•   All necessary areas well represented
•   Team members know their roles and functions

                               © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Seating (1)

window                         window


  BG     GG     Ch N      HL   Sw

  Sw     HL     Ch N      GG   BG


                                    © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Seating (2)

      window                            window


               GG      Ch N      Sw
               GG?     Ch N      Sw ?


                                            © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Seating (3)

window                               window


 GG + Sw + Ch N             BG +HL

          Ch N          ?


                                         © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Seating (4)

window                           window


         HL+BG    Ch N+GG+Swnp

  Sw     HL      Ch N     GG     BG


                                      © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Seating (5)

            window                    window

                           You                                 Separate room for
                                                               negotiating team


    You        Ch N   GG         Sw
                                      +        You
Opponents                             HL
               Ch N   BG         GG


                                                     © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Seating (6)
Informal meeting


                         Ch N   Ch N
                    Sw                 GG

                   Sw                        HL

                          HL      GG

                                                  © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Main principles of integrative negotiation
    Roger Fisher, William Ury “Getting to YES”

              • Separate the people from
                the problem
              • Focus on interests, not positions
              • Invent options for mutual gain
              • Use objective criteria

                                          © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


1. Separate the people from the problem
Separating the people from the problem means separating relationship
issues (or "people problems") from substantive issues, and dealing with
them independently. Face the problem, not the people

  1. Try to see the situation from your opponent's perspective
  2. Don't deduce your opponent's intentions from your own fears
  3. Avoid blaming your opponent for the problem
  4. Discuss each other's perceptions
  5. Seek opportunities to act inconsistently with your opponent's
  6. Give your opponent a stake in the outcome by making sure they
     participate in the negotiation process
  7. Make your proposals consistent with the principles and self-image of
     your opponent
  8. Recognize , understand and acknowledge emotions: theirs and yours
  9. Don’t react to emotional outbursts and allow to let off steam
  10. Listen actively and speak to be understood
  11. Speak about yourself, not about them
  12. Build a working relationship
                                                            © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


2. Focus on interests, not positions

 Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people
 really want and need, not what they say that they want or need

    1. Behind opposed positions lie shared and compatible
       interests, as well as conflicting ones
    2. Identify the interests: ask “Why?” and “Why not”
    3. The most powerful interests are basic human needs:
       security, economic well-being, a sense of
       belonging, recognition, control over one’s life
    4. Give your interest and reasoning first and your conclusions
       or proposals later
    5. Look forward, not back. Instead of asking to justify what
       they did yesterday, ask who should do what tomorrow?
    6. Be concrete but flexible. Think about options that meet your
       interest, use “illustrative specificity”
    7. Be hard on the problems, soft on the people. Help the other
       side to solve their problems

                                                        © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


3. Invent options for mutual gain

This means negotiators should look for new solutions to the problem that
will allow both sides to win, not just fight over the original positions
which assume that for one side to win, the other side must lose

    1. Brainstorm: invent as many options as possible to reach an
    2. Broaden your options by the expertise and changed scope
       or focus of possible agreement
    3. Look for mutual gain indentifying shared interests and
       matching differing interests
    4. Make the opposite side decision easy. Look to agreement
       from your counterpart perspective and involve him/her in
       designing the right solution. Invent first, decide later

                                                        © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


4. Use objective criteria
 Insist on objective criteria for decisions. While not always
 available, if some outside, objective criteria for fairness can be
 found, this can greatly simplify the negotiation process

   1. Find fair standards: market value, precedent, scientific
      judgment, technical requirements etc.
   2. Follow fair procedures: reciprocity, moral
      standards, reciprocity etc.
   3. Agree first on principles and be open to reason. Search
      for objective criteria together
   4. Never yield to pressure, only to principle

                                                       © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


5 main conceptual instruments

• BATNA – Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement
• Reservation price: walk away price
• ZOPA – Zone of Possible Agreement
• Value creation through trade-offs
• Negotiating power

                                         © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


BATNA: Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement

1. Invent a list of actions you might conceivably take if no
   agreement is reached
2. Improve some of the promising ideas and convert them into
   practical alternatives
3. Select one option that seems the best

   Do not mix it with a Bottom Line: negotiators try to protect themselves
   by establishing in advance the worst acceptable outcome.
   The Bottom Line inhibits imagination and creativity

                                                             Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys



• The better your BATNA, the greater your power
  It gives you additional confidence in negotiations and you can
  negotiate on the merits

• Identify and consider the other side’s BATNA
  Knowing their alternatives, you can realistically estimate what you can
  expect from negotiations

                                                        © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Reservation Price
The reservation price is the least favorable point at
which one will accept a negotiated agreement
For a seller this means the least amount (minimum) or bottom line they
would be prepared to accept, while for a buyer it would mean the most
(maximum) or bottom line that they would be prepared to pay. It is also
sometimes referred to as the “walk away” price

                                                         © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


ZOPA: Zone of Possible Agreement

 Maximum price Seller                      Minimal price Seller
     wants to get                               accepts
     FIRST OFFER                           RESERVATION PRICE
                                                                                             Zone of


                        Maximum price Buyer is                    Desirable price of
                            ready to pay                                Buyer
                         RESERVATION PRICE                          FIRST OFFER

                                                                                   © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys


Sources of power in negotiation

                                                   Expertise     Legitimate power

                            Gain, profit or loss

       position, authority                                                                            Charisma

Territorial, quantitative                                 Negotiating                                   Personal relations

                                                                                          © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys




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  • 1. Business Negotiation Osvaldas Čiukšys sadlavso@hotmail.com 1
  • 2. Osvaldas Čiukšys tʃ uː ʃ iː k s 20 years of negotiating experience: 1991 – 1993 Head of Trade division in Ministries of International Economic Relations and Foreign Affairs: negotiations on free trade, investment protection, economic cooperation agreements 1993 – 2000 Head of Foreign trade division of Ogmios group and General Director of Ogmios Laikas Ltd.: negotiations on distributorship and long term commercial contracts with leading world companies (electronics, household appliances, Swiss watches, jewelry ) 2000 – 2001 Vice-minister of Economy: negotiations on LT accession to EU, 3 negotiation chapters: Free movement of goods, SME and Industrial policy 2002 – 2009 Deputy head of LT Mission in Poland, Ambassador of Lithuania to Latvia and the Czech Republic: member of various interstate negotiations teams 2009 – 2011 Expert of Ignalina NPP decommissioning, General Director and Corporate Affairs Director of Ignalina NPP: negotiations with main projects contractors, EBRD and EU Commission on NFP 2014-2020 2012 – Private business consultant: negotiations, project management, present business development 2
  • 3. We negotiate since the beginning of the Human Race Everybody is a Negotiator: - at home - among friends - at work - with ourselves... 3 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 4. Can we learn to negotiate? Can we be trained to negotiate? or Are we born for that and know how to do it by heart? 4 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 5. During the last century Negotiations became a Science… 5 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 6. Negotiations is • Dialogue between two or more parties, with the intent of coming to a mutually agreed solution, because each party has something the other wants • Communication process between two or more people in which they consider alternatives to arrive to mutually agreeable solutions or mutually satisfactory objectives 6 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 7. Negotiation involves the art and science of drawing up deals that create lasting value David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius Negotiation is the process by which people deal with their differences Harvard Business School, Roger Fisher Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate John F. Kennedy 7 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 8. Characteristics of Good Negotiator General understanding • open minded • strong personality • charm • knowledgeable • articulate • experienced • motivated • patience • assertiveness • staying detached • flexible • understand the other side • persuasive • quick etc. 8 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 9. Characteristics of Good Negotiator Expert opinion • preparation and planning skills • knowledge of the subject matter being negotiated • ability to think clearly and rapidly under pressure and uncertainty • ability to perceive and exploit power • communication skills • listening skills • judgment and general intelligence • analytical skills • ability to persuade others • patience • decisiveness • charisma: charming personality • considers lots of options LAW ENFORCEMENT NEGOTIATOR PIN • aware of the process and style of the other person • is flexible • thinks and talks about possible areas of agreement etc. 9 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 10. Commercial negotiators (attorneys, real estate brokers, retail sales people) emphasize: • analytical ability • self-esteem • patience see negotiations as a problem or case solving affair Industrial negotiators (engineers, project managers, IT developers) emphasize: • knowledge of the product • ability to investigate and consider options • ability to accommodate interests of others consider negotiations as a quest for reaching objectives 10 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 11. Types of negotiations 1. Distributive negotiation 2. Integrative negotiation Most business negotiations combine elements of both types 11 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 12. Other types of negotiations 1. Multiphase negotiation Implemented over time in different phases Example: architectural design contract 2. Multiparty negotiation Number of parties with different positions involved Example: international organizations like UN, WTO, OPEC etc. In Multiparty Negotiation coalitions and alliances are formed : - Natural coalitions - Single issue coalitions 12 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 13. Distributive negotiation • Parties compete over the fixed sum or value. The key question is who will get the biggest part of the pie? A gain of one side is made at the expense of the other • The Seller’s goal is to negotiate as high price as possible, the Buyer’s goal is to negotiate as low price as possible. This is known as Win-Lose or Zero-sum negotiation • Thus, the deal is simple, no need for creativity. Neither party is interested in long term relations. They take and defend their positions 13 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 14. Positional bargaining (1) SOFT position HARD position Participants are friends Participants are adversaries The goal is agreement The goal is victory Make concessions to cultivate the Demand the concessions as a condition of relationship the relationship Be soft on the people and the problem Be hard on the people and the problem Trust others Distrust others Change your position easily Dig in to your position Make offers Make threats Disclose your bottom line Mislead as to your bottom line Accept one-sided losses to reach agreement Demand one-sided gains as the price of agreement Search for the single answer: the one They Search for the single answer: the one You will will accept accept Insist on agreement Insist on your position Try to avoid a contest of will Try to win a contest of will Yield to pressure Apply pressure 14 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 15. Positional bargaining (2) • Hard style of bargaining dominates a soft one • If the hard style bargainer insists on concessions while soft bargainer avoids confrontation, the negotiation ends in favor of the hard bargainer • The negotiation will produce an agreement, although it may not be a wise one • Arguing over positions endangers an ongoing relationship and is inefficient • In multiparty negotiations positional bargaining is even worse 15 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 16. Integrative negotiation • Integrative negotiations tend to occur when the deal involves many financial and non-financial terms • Parties cooperate to achieve maximum benefit by integrating their interests into an agreement • This is also known as Win-Win negotiation. Both sides try “to make the pie bigger” • There are many items and issues to be negotiated ant the goal of each side is to create as much value as possible for itself and the other side 16 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 17. Distributive vs. Integrative Negotiation Characteristics Distributive Integrative Outcome Win-Lose Win-Win Motivation Individual gain Joint and individual gain Interests Opposite Different but not always opposite Relationships Short-term Short and Long-term Issues involved Single Multiple Ability to make Not flexible Flexible trade-offs Solution Not creative Creative 17 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 18. The Negotiator’s dillema: cooperate or compete? David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius B Cooperates B Competes A cooperates Both cooperate B competes A Cooperates Both have a good A has terrible outcome outcome B has good outcome A competes Both compete B cooperates A Competes Both have mediacore A has good outcome outcome B has terrible outcome 18 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 19. The Answer to Negotiator’s dillema: respond accordingly The tit-for-tat strategy is the solution. This process involves starting out with a cooperative approach: responding to competitive moves with a competitive move and responding to a cooperative move with a cooperative move In real world there is no purely Distributive, Integrative as well as Multiphase or Multiparty negotiations Every individual Negotiator decides upon his/her style to which extent he/she wants or needs to be Cooperative or Competing 19 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 20. Negotiation strategy matrix + - You Win You Lose + They Win They Win You Win You Lose They Lose They Lose - 20 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 21. Primary negotiation strategies Roger Fisher, William Ury “Getting to YES” A S S E competing collaborating R T I compromising V E N E avoiding accommodating S S COOPERATIVENESS 21 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 22. Choosing right strategy High Compete Collaborate Concern for Substance be a winner at solve problems any cost so both parties can win Moderate Compromise split the difference agree to any build proposal relationship Avoid Accommodate Low Low Moderate High Concern for Relationship 22 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 23. Negotiation styles (1) High Competitor Collaborator Concern for Substance wants to win at solves the problems any cost Compromiser - of the other side Problem solver expecting the same Moderate in return comes with alternatives and makes the pie avoids to take gives concessions in bigger responsibility order to maintain and make decisions good relations Low Avoider Accommodator Low Moderate High Concern for Relationship 23 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 24. Negotiation styles (2) 1. Competitor Negotiators that exhibit this style are results- oriented, self-confident, assertive, are focused primarily on the main goals, have a tendency to impose their views upon the other party, and in the extreme can become aggressive and dominating. This style is high in Assertiveness and low in Cooperativeness 24 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 25. Negotiation styles (3) 2. Avoider Negotiators that use this style are passive, prefer to avoid conflict, make attempts to withdraw from the situation or pass responsibility onto another party, and fail to show adequate concern or make an honest attempt to get to a solution. This style is both low in Assertiveness and low in Cooperativeness 25 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 26. Negotiation styles (4) 3. Collaborator Negotiators of this style use open and honest communication, focus on finding creative solutions that mutually satisfy both parties, are open to exploring new and novel solutions, and suggest many alternatives for consideration. This style is both high in Assertiveness and high in Cooperativeness 26 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 27. Negotiation styles (5) 4. Accommodator Negotiators that exhibit this style make attempts to maintain relationships with the other party, smooth over conflicts, downplay differences, and are most concerned with satisfying the needs of the other party. This style is low in Assertiveness but high in Cooperativeness 27 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 28. Negotiation styles (6) 5. Compromiser – Problem solver Negotiators of this style aim to find the middle ground, come with different alternatives, often split the difference between positions, frequently engage in give and take trade-offs, and accept moderate satisfaction of both parties’ needs. This style is both moderate in Assertiveness and moderate in Cooperativeness 28 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 29. Interaction of different style negotiators The best outcome is expected from the same or closest style negotiators Avoider Accommodator Collaborator Competitor Problem solver Avoider good bad bad bad bad Accommodator bad good good bad good Collaborator bad good good bad good Competitor bad bad bad good good Problem solver bad good good good good 29 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 30. Main stages of negotiation Preparation Exchange of Information Bargaining Closure and Commitment 30 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 31. “8 step” approach by John Benson Gavin Kennedy John McMillan Theory is based on 4 crucial phases of negotiation and 4 minor steps within the major phases: A. PREPARE B. ARGUE C. Signal D. PROPOSE E. Package F. BARGAIN G. Close H. Agree 31 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 32. Preparation • Identify the main goal of negotiation: yours and opponents • Make necessary economic and financial calculations • Prepare technical and other documentation • Design your negotiating team and get the mandate to negotiate • Prepare your position and best alternative (BATNA) • Set the agenda for negotiations • Gather and analyze information about your opponents 32 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 33. Preparation: practical aspects • Inform your team about your goals, strategy and agenda. Discuss their roles in negotiation process • Offer opponents to negotiate at your territory • Propose to write down minutes of negotiations • Be the first to send draft agenda • Meet former employees, business partners or clients of your opponents • Invite your opponents to meet informally: dinner or lunch, beer or coffee prior to negotiations • Be the first to send them drafts of documents: contract, technical specification, samples etc. • Offer your help to the other side: interpreter, driver, office, hotel reservation etc. • Take time to relax and be ready to make decisions 33 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 34. Do you really know your main goal? and the main goal of the other side? 34 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 35. Ask yourself : are we ready? Do we really have enough information or just see what we want to see and make wrong perceptions? 35 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 36. Exchange of information Main rule: only the necessary minimum of valuable information to the other side • Possible exchange of preliminary positions • Composition and authority of the teams • Final agenda of negotiations • Exchange of the draft documents • Practical arrangements: meeting room, refreshments etc. • Informal meeting with the opponents: dinner, lunch, coffee prior to negotiations 36 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 37. Team formation (1) Members Roles Functions Chief Leader of the team, experienced , Makes decisions, negotiator not necessarily the oldest gives instructions Agrees with opponents, makes a Good guy Everybody likes him good impression, creates comfort in negotiations Opposite to Good Guy, it’s much easier Stops negotiations when Bad guy to reach an agreement without him necessary, reduces value of opponents’ proposals, points out weaknesses of the other side Serious, knowledgeable, makes the life Writes down the minutes, delays Hard liner of opponents difficult, his opinion is negotiations when needed, helps respected by everybody to take proposals back, strictly follows the agenda, observes Accumulates all proposals, suggests Does not allow the others to lose Sweeper overarching solutions the track and forget the main goals, suggests the ways out 37 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 38. Team formation (2) • Small and flexible • Knowledgeable and well informed • United: team spirit • Resourceful and creative • All necessary areas well represented • Team members know their roles and functions 38 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 39. Seating (1) window window You BG GG Ch N HL Sw Sw HL Ch N GG BG Opponents 39 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 40. Seating (2) window window You GG Ch N Sw BG You + HL GG? Ch N Sw ? Opponents 40 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 41. Seating (3) window window You GG + Sw + Ch N BG +HL Ch N ? Opponents 41 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 42. Seating (4) window window You HL+BG Ch N+GG+Swnp Sw HL Ch N GG BG Opponents 42 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 43. Seating (5) window window You Separate room for negotiating team + You Ch N GG Sw BG + You Opponents HL Ch N BG GG r Opponents 43 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 44. Seating (6) Informal meeting You Opponents Ch N Ch N Sw GG Sw HL BG BG HL GG 44 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 45. Main principles of integrative negotiation Roger Fisher, William Ury “Getting to YES” • Separate the people from the problem • Focus on interests, not positions • Invent options for mutual gain • Use objective criteria 45 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 46. 1. Separate the people from the problem Separating the people from the problem means separating relationship issues (or "people problems") from substantive issues, and dealing with them independently. Face the problem, not the people 1. Try to see the situation from your opponent's perspective 2. Don't deduce your opponent's intentions from your own fears 3. Avoid blaming your opponent for the problem 4. Discuss each other's perceptions 5. Seek opportunities to act inconsistently with your opponent's misperceptions 6. Give your opponent a stake in the outcome by making sure they participate in the negotiation process 7. Make your proposals consistent with the principles and self-image of your opponent 8. Recognize , understand and acknowledge emotions: theirs and yours 9. Don’t react to emotional outbursts and allow to let off steam 10. Listen actively and speak to be understood 11. Speak about yourself, not about them 12. Build a working relationship 46 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 47. 2. Focus on interests, not positions Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need, not what they say that they want or need 1. Behind opposed positions lie shared and compatible interests, as well as conflicting ones 2. Identify the interests: ask “Why?” and “Why not” 3. The most powerful interests are basic human needs: security, economic well-being, a sense of belonging, recognition, control over one’s life 4. Give your interest and reasoning first and your conclusions or proposals later 5. Look forward, not back. Instead of asking to justify what they did yesterday, ask who should do what tomorrow? 6. Be concrete but flexible. Think about options that meet your interest, use “illustrative specificity” 7. Be hard on the problems, soft on the people. Help the other side to solve their problems 47 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 48. 3. Invent options for mutual gain This means negotiators should look for new solutions to the problem that will allow both sides to win, not just fight over the original positions which assume that for one side to win, the other side must lose 1. Brainstorm: invent as many options as possible to reach an agreement 2. Broaden your options by the expertise and changed scope or focus of possible agreement 3. Look for mutual gain indentifying shared interests and matching differing interests 4. Make the opposite side decision easy. Look to agreement from your counterpart perspective and involve him/her in designing the right solution. Invent first, decide later 48 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 49. 4. Use objective criteria Insist on objective criteria for decisions. While not always available, if some outside, objective criteria for fairness can be found, this can greatly simplify the negotiation process 1. Find fair standards: market value, precedent, scientific judgment, technical requirements etc. 2. Follow fair procedures: reciprocity, moral standards, reciprocity etc. 3. Agree first on principles and be open to reason. Search for objective criteria together 4. Never yield to pressure, only to principle 49 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 50. 5 main conceptual instruments • BATNA – Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement • Reservation price: walk away price • ZOPA – Zone of Possible Agreement • Value creation through trade-offs • Negotiating power 50 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 51. BATNA: Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement 1. Invent a list of actions you might conceivably take if no agreement is reached 2. Improve some of the promising ideas and convert them into practical alternatives 3. Select one option that seems the best Do not mix it with a Bottom Line: negotiators try to protect themselves by establishing in advance the worst acceptable outcome. The Bottom Line inhibits imagination and creativity 51 Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 52. BATNA • The better your BATNA, the greater your power It gives you additional confidence in negotiations and you can negotiate on the merits • Identify and consider the other side’s BATNA Knowing their alternatives, you can realistically estimate what you can expect from negotiations 52 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 53. Reservation Price The reservation price is the least favorable point at which one will accept a negotiated agreement For a seller this means the least amount (minimum) or bottom line they would be prepared to accept, while for a buyer it would mean the most (maximum) or bottom line that they would be prepared to pay. It is also sometimes referred to as the “walk away” price 53 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 54. ZOPA: Zone of Possible Agreement Maximum price Seller Minimal price Seller wants to get accepts FIRST OFFER RESERVATION PRICE Zone of Possible Agreement Seller Buyer Maximum price Buyer is Desirable price of ready to pay Buyer RESERVATION PRICE FIRST OFFER 54 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys
  • 55. Sources of power in negotiation Expertise Legitimate power Gain, profit or loss Information Higher position, authority Charisma Territorial, quantitative Negotiating Personal relations advantage Power 55 © Business Negotiations, Osvaldas Čiukšys