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Business Paper: How To Write
Cause And Effect Essay
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Business Paper: How To Write Cause And Effect Essay Business Paper: How To Write Cause And Effect Essay
Similarities Between Dawalski And Blanche Dubois
Character is how a person acts when no one else is looking. As a person is portrayed and perceived
they are better understood when unveiling the true personality of an individual rather than their false
persona. Both Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski s performance vary and differ depending on the
situation and the person of interaction. Blanches fluctuating performance and actions can be found
countless times in the book A Street Car Named Desire. To analyze this personality aspect, Blanche
can been seen doing this with her sister Stella Dubois. Williams reveals this in the lines Now don t get
worried, your sister hasn t turned into a drunkard, she s just all shaken up and hot and tired and dirty ,
and again in What you are talking about is brutal desire just desire . The primary evidence can reveal
her fraud performance upon encountering her sister once again. Blanche attempts to portray herself as
a traditional, accepted woman. She pretends to be a woman of no fault and who only drinks on rare
occasions. Yet when the story is further read she can be seen drinking day after day. Blanche can
actually be classified as a drunk seeking to escape from reality. Blanche strives to fulfill the
performance of a conventional day to day woman, in front of her sister Stella. The proceeding
evidence is a very hypocritical statement made by Blanche. Blanche refers to just desire as merely a
physical, sexual aspect between Stanley and Stella. Blanche again exerts her best
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Database Queries, Matlab For Data Acquisition And...
Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are invented to focus and only applies to the context of its narrow
domain (eg. SQL for database queries, Matlab for data acquisition and mathematical modelling). For
research and special purpose, DSLs ensure the advantages of convenience and effectiveness over the
General Purpose Language (GPLs). There are two main approaches to DSLs:
1. Standalone DSLs with its own complier or interpreter, and it is often used in its own ecosystem. The
most common one within object oriented circles.
2. Other type is a DSLs embedded in a host GPLs. Such languages can have the look and feel of being
their own language, but they leverage the host GPL s existing ecosystem and initial semantics. This is
usually used by functional programmers.
Creating a full blown language may contain one or more DSLs, which an Embedded Domain Specific
Language (eDSL) is one of the popular implementation technique. The idea of eDSL is a domain
specific language defined in terms of a more powerful general purpose host language. The advantages
are that DSLS obtains the infrastructure of the host language and the GPLs can be used for
metaprogramming, creating manipulate programs in DSLs.
This paper will focus on the second type of approach, embedded DSLs inside a language, Haskell, a
pure functional programming language. Haskell is a good host GPL because of it s flexible
overloading, a powerful type system, and lazy semantics.
Embedded domain specific
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Interactions Between Robotics And Biology
Interactions between robotics and biology evolve two concepts. On one hand, biological ideas and
phenomena are shining creation in every technical sections in robotics including actuation,
mechanisms, control, sensing, etc. On the other hand, applying robots technology for biology is
significantly contributing to new horizons of biological systems and their styles.
Biologically inspired robots new class that exhibit much awesome robustness in execution in
unstructured environments than today s robotics. This new class of robotics will be substantially more
stable and com
pliant than current robotics, and will take advantage of new developments in fabrication technologies,
materials, actuators and sensors. Apps will include semi autonomous or autonomous tasks such as de
mining and reconnaissance for small, insect like robotics and human inference tasks at a bigger scale.
2 Focus!
We will talk about specific kinds of biomimetic robotics, CALibot and Tumbler robotics .
CALibot is the most naturally swimming robotic fish in the world. and is a biomimetic
CAlibot with actuated pectoral fins and actuated caudal fin for propulsion for turning and dynamic lift.
2D velocity fields around a free swimming freshwater
black shark fish in transverse (YZ) longitudinal and plane (XZ) are measured using digital particle pic
velocimetry (DPIV).
By transferring momentum to fluid, thrust genetrated by fishes. Thrust is created not only by its caudal
fin, also using
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Characteristics Of Culturally Relevant Teaching By...
Teachers must be aware and can identify the different levels of knowledge which goes hand to hand
with Bloom s taxonomy. According, to Center for Teaching this concept includes a maximum of six
different levels such as understanding, remember, or evaluate. However, knowledge is the basis of
these six cognitive processes allowing a teacher to categorize where the student exist and what it takes
to improve their knowledge. In chapter 3 5 the author relates to the knowledge of the teacher by
outlining the characteristics of culturally relevant teaching by providing classroom demonstrations and
teacher observations. Cultural relevant is responsive teaching is a pedagogy grounded in teachers
displaying cultural competence (Jabbar, Abdul 2013). This allows students to connect their prior
knowledge to what is presented in the classroom. In relations to the teacher it serves as a guide to help
teachers connect with their students by knowing and incorporating the student s culture into
instructional activities. This type of teacher views knowledge as something that is continuously re
created, recycles and shared. Various teachers were interviewed on how knowledge is valued in the
classroom. They viewed education and knowledge as vehicles for emancipation. These teachers
consistently found ways to bring African American customs and other viewpoints into class
discussions. The first scenario speaks on a teacher named Ms. Hilliard used learning tools that
students enjoyed
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Dtl s Power Grid Analysis
The potential impact of a breach to DTL s power grid can significantly affect not just the 5.4 million
customers, but can have cascading effects across to the other sectors. The electric grid has many
interdependencies with the other sectors that link corporate systems together, providing access to
customers, suppliers, and other entities (Zhen, 2013). The threat is goes beyond the proprietary
information and other sensitive information contained in the corporate systems, there is also the threat
to the control systems that are tied in to these networks. Besides the immediate impact to DTL s
infrastructure, the Federal government sector could be affected by a breach in two ways. The first
impact may be through unauthorized access to personnel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On December 2015, an adversary maliciously operated supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) systems that caused power outages, followed by destructive attacks that disabled SCADA
and communications systems to the field (E ISAC, 2016). This type of malicious attack is the first
reported case in the world, where there was a direct attack against systems in a nation s critical
infrastructure. This was an escalation from past malicious attacks against basic purpose computers and
servers (E ISAC,
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Aristophanes View Of Love
Our human nature was not what we always thought of it to be, in simpler times two were made as one.
We roamed the earth in unity with our other halves without the burden of trying to find them.
However, Zeus did not find this to be in his best interest because of how we behaved so he split each
being in two. As a result of this split we must now go about our lives in search of our other half. This
is the speech that Aristophanes gave in Plato s Symposium a book composed of various speeches from
many different famous Greek people. Aristophanes view of love is compelling because it describes our
very human nature to find our love, it justifies the reasoning of why there are different sexualities, and
it gives an explanation as to why our bodies are the way that they are today. The main idea of
Aristophanes speech is that humans were not the way that they are today mentally, physically or
emotionally. Each of us, then, is a matching half of a human whole, because each was sliced like a
flatfish, two out of one, and each of us is always seeking the half that matches him (p.27, 191E). What
is most compelling about this is that here Aristophanes explains the yearning that people have for love
in their lives. Due to this split many may feel as if a piece of them is missing and they may only find it
once they find that person who they were once in union with. As stated previously this is where
Aristophanes puts into perspective the notion that everyone truly has their other
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I Want To Visit To Tulane
I want to attend a relatively small private school in an urban area with a challenging curriculum and
thought provoking courses. At Tulane, I would receive the opportunities to participate in exceptional
undergraduate research and to develop personal relationships with my professors. Tulane also has my
first choice major, Molecular Biology. Tulane has superb academic flexibility, so I could easily double
major in Molecular Biology and Chemistry. I have always had Tulane on my college radar, because
my father attended Tulane. Recently, I had the opportunity to come to New Orleans and visit Tulane,
and I am very grateful that I decided to come tour. When I came to visit Tulane, I absolutely knew that
this was the university for me. While touring Tulane, I fell in love with the gorgeous campus and
friendly students. There was not a stereotypical Tulane ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During the information session, the admissions counselor mentioned the service learning courses, and
this was something that made Tulane stick out to me. I have toured a variety of other schools, but none
of those schools had opportunities like Tulane to participate in community service. Recently, I went on
Tulane s website and found a list of service learning courses and saw multiple courses that interested
me. One of the courses involved taking water samples from different areas of New Orleans to monitor
the health of the local water ecology system and reporting the results to students and officials in the
New Orleans area. The opportunities I would receive at Tulane to excel academically, socially, and
spiritually are unparalleled compared to any other college or university. Tulane is an exceptional
institution with a multitude of distinct qualities that make it the ideal university for me to attend in the
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The Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana
Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana
Have you ever felt like your prescribed medicine isn t working? Maybe the medicine is causing even
more issues than when you began? There is another answer to these problems, and a new way to ease
pain. Medical marijuana may be the holy grail to medicine. Marijuana, also known as cannabis sativa
(National Institute on Drug Abuse), is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese
medicine (Torrey). One in three Americans have used Marijuana at least once ( Negative Side Effects
of Smoking Marijuana ). The two medical active ingredients are cannabidiol also known as CBD, and
tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC. CBD has an impact on the brain without the high. THC has
pain relieving properties and gives a person that high feeling (Loria). Marijuana affects everyone
differently, but there are some pros and cons that have an effect on everyone.
There are some short term negative effects that come with abusing the substance. Side effects include
less coordination , skin rashes, dry mouth, fatigue, blurred vision , distrust, depression, suicidal
thoughts, and memory loss. Overdose on marijuana causes anxiety and panic (Tracy;Watson).
Three of the most common short term side effects are headaches, paranoia, and allergy.
The headache might be caused by the rolling papers having irritating chemicals, and residual
fertilizers that are used on the marijuana plant. The paranoia comes from smoking way too often. It
gives the user
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Similarities Between The Matrix And My Father Began As A God
Society has a shared way of thinking on many issues and this can often be confronted by different
perspectives. The Wachoswki Brother s film The Matrix and Ian Mudie s poem My Father Began As a
God both convey the idea that altering points if view can be confronting resulting in new knowledge
and consequences for individuals. These concepts are explored in The Matrix through the themes of
gender expectations being challenged resulting in more gender equality. Mudie s poem similarly
expresses this concept through the theme of respect for elders as an issues in society resulting in
personal growth within an individual. Both text successfully depict the notion that people s thinking
can be altered by changed perspectives.
Changing perspectives can be challenging and trans formative for an individual. In The Matrix gender
expectations are defied through the character Trinity. The opening scene begins with Trinity s action
packed encounter with the police and agents. Dialogue such as I think we can handle a little girl said
by the police shows the audience the mindset around women portraying them as weak. The audience
is later confronted by Trinity s abilities used to fight the police. A bird s eye view angle is used to
emphasize power as one can see Trinity surrounded by defeated police men. Trinity s androgynous
appearance, short hair and tight ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The initial view point of the persona was that his Father began as God . As the person grew they were
exposed to new things that formed a new way of thinking. The diction used in the third stanza of
foolish small old man emphasizes the persona s altered view point of his father. Repetition he shrank
and shrank is used to highlight how the respect and importance of his father diminished as he grew.
Altogether it achieves the idea that changing an individual s perspective can be
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Credit And Debit Card Processing Eco System
Credit and Debit card processing eco system are undergoing significant change recently due to the
advancements in the payment landscape. Disruptive technology in the mobile ecommerce space has
thrown new channels and players in the payment industry, making cards just as another channel to
make payment. Traditionally the card issuing is managed as a product line on its own from operations
and processing point of view. Most big players have dedicated platform, operations / IT teams to
support end to end cards processing needs, which includes receivable processing, customer service,
back office operation and GL reporting MIS. Addition of new form factors in the payment space have
made cards as one channel for fund movement to make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This can lead to shared operation / IT teams between the product lines. If we shift the focus to
customer centricity, now we can identify more overlapping area. These similarities throws following
questions to the card issuers, especially the banks, Do they need dedicated system for end end card
processing? What are the opportunities to leverage a common application stack to support both
Banking and Card processing needs? How to achieve customer centricity, efficiently? Which system
has required agility to meet current technology trends in the market? What part of the card processing
qualify for commoditization so that banks can focus on core business and products? Does the current
platform architecture is an enabler or blocker for the outsourcing or commoditization? What are the
additional overheads of having people with varying skills required to support similar business back
office processing or servicing needs? Opportunities Business Drivers A careful analysis of processing
value chain and considering customer centricity current technology trends in the market, we can
identify very good number of candidates between core banking and card processing which can share
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1984 Literary Analysis
In every country, county and city, a government is intact to resolve each community s issues. It is
formed to further perfect each society to become a utopia for its citizens, but even within the
government itself, obstacles, such as the balance of the state s power, remain. This type of dilemma is
demonstrated throughout literature; one example can be recognized in George Orwell s 1984. George
Orwell uses literary elements to express social issues of the dystopian society in 1984. Many social
issues involving social control from the government is expressed through the literary element of
symbolism. Different recurring symbols in 1984 by George Orwell include the government figure Big
Brother, Winston Smith s occupation, and Oceania s language ... Show more content on
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The country s language, Newspeak, also symbolizes a form of the social control issue. This language
is a digression from the original language Oldspeak, which is closely related to the English language.
Newspeak is a gradual regression of Oldspeak because the dictionary for Newspeak is always being
revised and shorten. Over time the citizens of Oceania gradually develop a smaller range of
vocabulary. Thoughtcrime is opposing the Party in any way or having different beliefs from the Party,
and this is a dilemma in Oceania. The only other way for the Party to eliminate thoughtcrime is to
narrow the range of thought...make thoughtcrime impossible, because there will be no words in which
to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed in one word, and make other
thoughts inexpressible (52). Therefore there will not be a word to express a certain thought or feeling
eliminating individuality and any way for the people of Oceania to know any different. Soon there will
be no expression to explicit the strong feelings such as love or even hate. This is a very strong form of
social control, but this social issue is recognized by Winston
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Argument On Fact Constructivism
I don t support fact constructivism because its fallible as its fundamental idea is that we construct facts
and their existence depends upon us meaning even facts that obtained before our existence are
dependent on us. In this essay my primary focus will be evaluating absolute fact
constructivism(chapter 3)and one significant claim as well as an argument for and against it in order to
justify why I don t support fact constructivism.
What we call absolute fact constructivism in essence is a constructivist theses which states that the
existence of facts is dependent solely on humans it also states that the creation of facts by humans
reflect our contingent needs and interests based on societies; this thesis is more or less the opposite ...
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. . 4
Boghossian refers to this claim that Goodman and Rorty are gesturing at as the Description
Dependence of Facts. Boghossian explains that Description Dependence of Facts is a thesis which
states that all facts are description dependent: there cannot be a fact of the matter as to how things are
with the world independently of our propensity to describe the world as being a certain way. Once we
adopt a particular scheme for describing the world, there then come to be facts about the world. This
thesis is a variation of the view that all facts are mind independent as only minds can describe the
world; Boghossian partly agrees with this view as he does acknowledge that some facts are indeed
mind dependent and he gives examples such as that there could be no fact such as money if we
humans didn t construct that fact; however he believes that logic cant apply to all facts such as
dinosaurs or electrons which don t rely on humans for their existence. Boghossian has trouble
identifying a solid argument for absolute fact constructivism and this is worsened by the fact that he
believes that there is a thesis which is similar to absolute fact constructivism to an extent but then
again the very same thesis supports fact objectivism which goes against absolute fact constructivism
and the result is it weakens the argument for absolute fact constructivism and makes it seem
implausible than it actually is Boghossian calls this thesis Social Relativity of Descriptions.
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Henri De Lubac Research Paper
Henri De Lubac
History of Henri De Lubac Henri Marie Joseph Sonier de Lubac, known as just Henri De Lubac, was
born in Campari on February 20th 1896 to the ancient family of Ardèche. His father was a banker and
his mother was homemaker and gave birth to six children including Henri. In 1898 him and his family
moved to the Lyon district. There, Henri was schooled by Jesuits. Henri studied law for about a year
until he was 17, which then he joined the Society of Jesus. He was eventually drafted into the French
army in 1917 after the results of the start of the Great War. In the war, he suffered a major head injury
which had lasting affects on him for the rest of his life. A couple years after, Henri returned to his
studies which lead him to teaching at a college in Mongré and many other places while he continued
his study on theological studies.
Why He Wrote on Theology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
No matter what happened in his life he was always learning and teaching and writing about theology.
In 1992 he was even made a professor at the Catholic University of Lyon. He taught there for a few
years and even wrote many books about Christ and the Catholic Church during this time. That was
until World War II, where he was forced into hiding for his support for the French Resistance. And
because of this, he ended up losing his job at the university. He still managed to learn and write about
theology and after some time of hiding away, he could eventually come out and publish more books
like he did
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Ambient Assisted Living
Introduction Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is an emerging field that had attracted global interest,
both in academia and industry, for the potential of its solutions, namely for the health and social care
sectors. AAL is defined as an approach where pervasive information technologies support elderly
people to live independently, with self confidence and security, reducing the use of resources. AAL
devices and applications can support daily living activities or contribute for the individual
participation in society, namely entertainment, social participation or communicate with family,
friends, peers and providers. AAL can also provide applications and devices to support safety and
health care, including mobile and wearable sensors to monitor physiological parameters, mobile
emergency response systems, fall detection systems or video surveillance systems. Effective AAL
solutions have the potential to be inherently dynamic and able to complement, interactively, the
human care providers, which assumes an increasing importance due to the need to optimize both
effectiveness and efficiency of the health and social care systems. However, a special attention should
be given to devices and applications that, by nature and if non critical aspects are safeguarded, have
the potential to be a source of harm in normal use or if misused and, therefore, should be considered as
medical devices. Without intending to limit the innovation freedom, the solutions being developed
should not be
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Space Race Research Paper
The space race was the event the began the interest in space exploration. It all started in 1957 during
the Cold War, when there was tension between America and the Soviet Union. There was also new
technology from the war. According to Murray (Date unknown) Many people believed the nation that
controlled the skies could win any war. (para. 5). So when the Soviet Union decided to launch the first
artificial satellite, Sputnik, into orbit America was not happy.
In counter to the Soviet Union s launch America decided to launch their own satellite. That satellite is
what pushed President Dwight Eisenhower to created the Aeronautics and Space Administration
A.K.A NASA (History.com Staff, 2010). Now that both the Soviet Union and America have
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The New York Times For Being By Mary Oliver
Acknowledged by The New York Times for being this country s best selling poet Mary Oliver was
born in Maple Heights, Ohio. Publishing her first book of poetry, No Voyage and Other Poetry, in
1963 at the age of 28 she was able to begin her lustrous career which continued as she published
several more series, one of them being the Pulitzer Prize winner, American Primitive. Critic Alicia
Ostriker numbered Oliver among America s finest poets, as visionary as Ralph Waldo Emerson. As a
youth Mary Oliver did not have the ideal childhood most kids desire for. With an abusive father and an
absent mother, Mary began to idolize different female poets like Edna St. Vincent Millay. This lead
Oliver to develop a love for poetry. As time passed, Oliver began to form a bond with nature as a
coping method to escape her father s brutality which eventually let her to forgive her parents for
stealing her childhood from her. Soon Mary was able to transform her unhealthy emotions into love
and passion for nature in her writing as she is known for her poignant observation and evocative use
of the natural world in her poems. Through the her poems, Oliver really is able to connect with the
readers with her descriptive writing . Poet Vicki Graham explains that over and over the speaker of
Oliver s poems reminds herself to look, to touch, to see, and to smell. Only by yielding to her senses
can she get close to the real [the quote is from Vicki Graham, Into the Body of Another : Mary
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Essay On Marlee Matlin
Actress Marlee Matlin has been a long time advocate for deaf rights and deaf culture. At 18 months
old an illness permanently destroyed all her hearing in the right ear and 80% of the hearing in her left,
making her legally deaf. However, Marlee did not let this impairment stop her from pursuing a
professional acting career. In 1987, she received the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in
Children of a Lesser God, becoming the youngest winner of a lead acting award and the first deaf
individual to receive the honor. Since then, she has starred in several films and television shows, the
most recent being the television series Switched at Birth which features several deaf cast members and
a storyline that endorses deaf culture. She has also written two books that, tell the world what it was
like being deaf bringing more awareness to the impairment (Bio.com). Now, Marlee Matlin serves as
the celebrity spokesperson for the National Association of the Deaf (National Association of the Deaf).
The patient s symptoms suggest a bilateral, symmetrical, severe degree of sensorineural hearing loss.
The initial sign of this hearing loss was the two ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Because the loss is severe to profound and sensorineural, the child does qualify for a cochlear implant
or hearing (behind the ear or body aid). If the parents choose the implant, surgery should happen
immediately to begin the development of speaking and listening skills (312). Another option for the
parents is to raise the child in their current condition. Both parents have a family history of deafness
and communicate using sign language. Neither parent has an implant and may have an aversion to it
and could therefore communicate with the child using sign
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12 Angry Men Bias
The play 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose takes place in 1957, where a trial about a boy stabbing his
father is charged with first degree charges, facing execution. 12 jurors, all with different personalities
and backgrounds are settled to discuss the future of the boy; declaring not guilty will release him from
his charges and vice versa. However, evidence alone wasn t the only pieces that could convince other
jurors. And though it seems mandatory that the jurors would argue and debate among each other,
biases about the boy were the main attention, focusing more so on that rather than evidence. Juror 10
becomes the best example of having biases and grudges towards the boy, as he continues throughout
the movie to get others to realize what he s trying to claim, playing a vital role and although juror 10 s
motives doesn t change, he acts as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Juror 10 at the beginning of the movie was able to convince many people, acting as one who knows a
decent amount about the subject. Though it can be inferred later that he has lost respect because other
jurors whom also have voted guilty from the start, changed their vote realizing they were forcing
themselves to agree with him. For example, juror 10 will control the room with blunt statements like
Bright? He s a common ignorant slob. He don t even speak good English (12 Angry Men). Blunt
statements carry prejudice against those who live in slums or have trouble accessing education, in
which juror 5, whom is from the slums feels offended. The stubbornness juror 10 has created a leading
refusal for the other jurors to stop and think, realizing that they re standing with a man who has a
grudge against kids in a certain environment: a stance like that would mean agreeing unlawfully and
arrogantly. Furthermore as the play progresses, the other jurors are finally fed up with juror 10 mainly
after he starts blabbering again getting mad at everyone in the room saying, I don t understand you
people. How can you believe this kid
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Should United States Make English The Official National...
Should The United States Make English The Official National Language?
How can we communicate when we cannot speak English in the United States? The United States
really needs to make English our official language. I hope someday that we will have English our
official language. .There are too many languages to learn in the United States. We have people from
all walks of life speaking different language. If we do not stand for something we will fall for
anything. We are trying to adjust to language that we cannot understand , taking care of our business
affairs through communication of phone with no one knowing how to speak English language clearly,
It has become a crucial situation . How can we communicate with someone about our business affairs
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How To Raise The Driving Age Essay
According to the article States Urged to Raise the Driving Age. approximately 5,000 teenagers die
each year in car crashes; however, not all of the 5,000 deaths are the fault of teenage drivers, other
drivers who could be adults can create accidents which lead to the death of teenagers, which proves
that anybody can create a vehicle accident. Several states have already raised the driving age from 16
to 18. Raising the driving age will only create bad drivers at 18 instead of 16. The states that have
raised the driving age believe that the number of teenage fatalities will be reduced as 16 year olds
would not be permitted to obtain a driver license until they reach the age of 18. After all, every driver
on the road was inexperienced, as well as, accident prone at one time or another. Therefore, the
driving age should not be raised as every driver must become experienced.
The age of a driver does not matter, what does matter is that the driver is mature, as well as ready to
accept the responsibility of operating a vehicle. The article Should ... Show more content on
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The article States Urged to Raise the Driving Age. states, Many parents agree. They also like not
having to chauffeur their teens to school sporting events and any number of other places. No parents
want to take their children to all of their events throughout high school. After all, most high school
students have to travel to a variety of locations for their extracurricular activities. What parent wants
to take their son, and his date, to prom? The limo business would skyrocket, as teenagers do not want
their parents driving them around. Parents will become extremely annoyed if the driving age is raised
as they would be required to take their children everywhere. If it is decided that the driving age is to
be raised parents would be unhappy; because, they would have to transport their children
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Progreso Financiero
Progreso Financiero faces two critical problems. First, it is falling significantly short of its sales
forecasts (Exhibit 4), causing concern for investors and employees of the company. Second, Progreso
has not yet identified a clear path to profitability. There are four key drivers to underperformance at
Progreso Financiero: poor sales analytics systems, improper human resource management, poor
managerial decision making and ineffective compensation incentives. The collective result of these
shortcomings is that Progreso s sales employees are highly unmotivated and ill equipped to help the
company realize its sales and profitability goals. In order to be effective, sales executives need to have
clear selling objectives and the ability ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lastly, Progreso s agreement with Sears forced it to offer its customers a form of payment (gift cards)
that limited their spending flexibility and made the offering less attractive overall. While expanding to
merchant accounts increased overall volume of sales, it did so at the expense of its sales employees.
As shown in Exhibit 1, Progreso s merchant launch in September 2007 immediately precipitated a
decline in its loan per employee ratio, well below the commission threshold level. Previously AEs
were able, on average, to reach or surpass 15 loans per month but after the merchant launch, loans per
month declined to 7 per month on average. Despite this, Progreso made no change to its commission
incentive structure to accommodate for the differences in sales velocity by channel. Progreso faces
two key challenges going forward. It must satisfy investors by proving that it can meet its aggressive
sales forecasts and it also must outline a clear path towards profitability. Currently Progresso is
spending more to acquire a customer (~$177 CPA, Exhibit 3) than it is earning in downstream value
from customers acquired (~$100 CLV, Exhibit 2). In order to improve profitability of its customers,
Progreso either needs to increase the margins per loan transaction or improve its retention
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Mean Men Case Study
CHAPTER FOUR The Mainstreaming of Mean Mean men are hardly a new phenomenon, and the
tyrannical boss has been a familiar archetype in American culture ever since the invention of the
modern industrial era workplace. In fact, in many ways organizational culture is far more touchy feely
now than it used to be much as corporeal punishment in schools is out, along with spanking your kids.
Yet powerful forces have been at work in American society that have fueled bad behavior in high
places, allowing more mean men to get to the top and stay there, even as they create misery all around
them. These forces can be roughly divided in two baskets: first, thanks to changes in the economy and
business, men can rise to leadership roles without having to pay their dues in large organizations and
having their rough edges sanded down along the way. Second, thanks to a combination of economic
and cultural changes, men feel more license to exhibit outsized personality traits, including very
negative ones, and can more easily get away with bad behavior as long as they get results. Let s dig
into the both these baskets. Free Agent Nation It s unlikely that a guy like Aaron could ever have
become a boss fifty years ago. Why? Because he wouldn t have ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Back in the age when William H. Whyte wrote his bestseller The Organization Man, the List of Ten
traits could be a serious liability for an ambitious young man in business. If you graduated from
business school in, say, 1960, the vast majority of career opportunities were in large corporations,
where you d be expected to take orders from others, follow rigid procedures, and check your
impulsivity behaviors that are difficult for entrepreneurial people. And if you couldn t learn to
subsume yourself to the group, becoming just another man in a gray flannel suit, chances are you didn
t have much of a future in
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Research Paper On Group Dynamics
Groups are the basic fundamental units of an organization. Groups accomplish more work in less time
than a number of people working individually. The interactions that take place among the members of
a group are referred to as a group dynamics.
Within an organization, a work group is usually the primary source of social identity for employees.
The nature of the group to which they belong may affect their performance at work and may influence
their relationships with people outside the organisation.
The various interactions that take place among the members of a group comprise group dynamics. The
term group dynamics was popularized by the management thinker, Kurt Lewin, in the 1930 s
There are three views regarding the nature of group dynamics. The normative view describes how a
group is to be organized and how its activities are to be carried out. This view emphasizes democratic
leadership, participation of the members, and cooperation among them. According to the second view,
group dynamics consists of a set of techniques. These techniques include role plays, brainstorming,
sensitivity training, team building, transactional analysis, Johari window and self managed teams.
Finally, the third view approaches group dynamics from the perspective of the internal nature of
groups. This view discusses how groups are formed, their structure and processes, and their
functioning. It also discussed how groups affect individual members, other groups, and the
organisation as a whole. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This process of influencing each other s behaviour pattern in a group is called group dynamics. Group
dynamics is affected by factors of individual personality, social situation and cultural traditions. Group
dynamics varies in different kinds of group
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Sweetheart Of The Song Tra Tong Character Analysis
Conrad Joyal
Final Paper: The Things They Carried
Mrs. Rossi
In the novel The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien, women are not physically present throughout
the book, but still play a significant role just as a man in Vietnam War. These women are both good
and bad for the men. Some are a source of comfort and motivation to succeed, and get home alive.
But, others cause a negative impact on the men, making them lose focus on the task at hand. Mary
Anne and Martha are two women that had a significant role in the book. Mary Anne is present in the
book and her actions affected the men. While Martha is just a memoir, she still has the same affect.
In the short story Sweetheart of the song Tra Bong the character Mary Anne flies to
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Taking a Look at Google
Executive Summary
Google is a company that has no bounds. To reach our goal of becoming a main competitor in the
United States broadband market, we must gain a larger share of the market. Since the initial launch of
Google Fiber in Kansas City, our service has expanded, from much demand, into the surrounding
communities. It is now time we bring Google Fiber to new communities and expand our territory.
Google Fiber offers broadband speeds that are up to 100 times faster than cable and dsl. Our service is
second to none, and will be the key to our future successes. To reach our goal of becoming the premier
broadband provider in the United States we will also require interdepartmental teamwork to increase
our agility through an ever changing environment. Each department will have a defined role in helping
us reach the goal of Google Fiber.
Department Tasks
➢ Marketing: Research potential new cities to release Google Fiber. Submit reports based on each
city s demographics, to aid in the selection process.
➢ Operations: Based on the information of the candidate cities, select the next three that Google Fiber
will penetrate. Once the cities have been chosen begin to assemble a business plan to best fit for each
➢ Public Relations: Once the next three cities Google Fiber will target have been selected put out
national and local press releases to begin creating buzz about our Fiberhood expanding to new
➢ Human Resource: Outline the
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Dennis Ashwell s Life In Vietnam
It was the summer of Vietnam, The Grateful Dead, and free love. Nothing made sense, and the cultural
landscape around the world was smashed into pieces. It was a world in flux, a world awash in a
tsunami of what was and what could be. In June of 1697 dissatisfaction reached a head ushering in a
new era of rambunctious youth that had enough of the status quo. Dennis Ashwell was no different
despite his background. He hailed from a penthouse in New York overlooking Central Park. He went
to good schools and got good grades. He went to cocktail parties hosted by his mother in swanky
hotels, and hobnobbed with his father at political events, fully realizing he served as a shining beacon
of how young adults should act. At 18, he was accepted and went to Harvard. ... Show more content
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He had no car, $102, and a backpack of clothes and books. He took buses until he ran out of money
somewhere between Arkansas and Texas. Then he went on route 66 and jutted out his thumb. He met
his fair share of creeps and weirdos, but the majority were friendly and his journey uneventful. His
one mistake was falling asleep in the back of a lumber pickup truck and winding up in Mendocino
Beach, 200 miles away from where he wanted to go. Lumbering back onto the highway he stuck out
his thumb once again and waited. He waited until one night a large VW bus slowed down. The bus
was large, almost like a truck, and was painted a cacophony of bright colors. Out of the bus appeared a
short man with crazy hair and battered clothing his eyes wild and his jaw clenching and unclenching.
As the man got closer Dennis could smell a heavy mix of perspiration, day old milk, and marijuana,
yet he wasn t unnerved, the man seemed alright. They shook hands, the man introduced himself as
Charlie, and Dennis agreed to ride with him and his group to San
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Remember the Titans Team Dynamics Analysis Essay
MGB 301 Video Case: Remember the Titans
Groups and teams are essential to current business objectives, so understanding how groups form and
operate is a major focus of study in Organizational Behavior. The film Remember the Titans supplies a
useful example for studying the life cycle of a group, as well as how external pressures can affect
group formation and performance, both positively and negatively. Using details from the Titans
growth and performance, we will discuss how conflicts affected the team, the effect of leadership on
the group, the advantages and disadvantages of the particular demographic circumstances on the
formation of the Titans, and how the team followed the general progression through the stages of
group ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When they first came together, there was a significant amount of vying and jockeying for power,
between the players and the coaches. The leader of the white players (Gerry) tried to assert himself to
Coach Boone early, but the coach made sure Gerry knew his place. A coach is a leader and must take
charge if a player oversteps his boundaries. The difference in the coaching styles also showed early
on, as both coaches had different objectives. Coach Boone, who was fighting to keep his job, was
almost like a drill instructor and demanding. While Coach Yoast was more lenient towards the players
and more hesitant to yell at them. This may have been due to the fact that Yoast was told that the head
coaching job was his if Boone lost a game.
At first, the racial demographic differences stalled any progress toward group formation and success.
There was a lot of uncertainty among the players and coaches about how the team would be able to
work together (Forming). Off the field, the cultural differences between the players caused
misunderstandings that lead to altercations. On the field, the members faced difficulties because of
their inability to work together (Storming). A team that isn t on the same page can lead to disastrous
results, as was the case early on in practice at the camp. After the late night run to the Gettysburg
cemetery, the team finally realised that they had to come together. As time passed, they were more
geared toward success by working towards
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Marine Corps Operations
For the science portion of my topic, I will be talking about and explaining the fundamental tools used
by the United States Marine Corps Infantry. The United States is by far one of, if not the leading
country in military technology and power. The ability to respond to situations around the world is a
huge responsibility for the Marine Corps. Utilities and equipment are an essential piece into keeping
the world s finest fighting force. A typical Marine is dressed in MCCUU (Marine Corps Combat
Utility Uniform) MARPAT, which is short for Marine Pattern. Also, heavy armor plates are issued
with vests and pouches. They are equipped with heavy duty rucksack or assault packs filled with
combat needed instruments and gear. Marines are also given an M16A4 service rifle and if an officer,
are granted a Beretta M9 handgun.633770_ts.jpg Assault Pack The military issue assault rucksack is
utilized by Marine Infantry units in the field. This specially designed pack works for long nights and
treks in most terrains. Stability and weight are fundamental when picking a pack to use and these are
specifically designed to allow the user to carry large amounts of weights for a long duration of time,
without causing damage or injury to the pack and person. The weight carried is equally ... Show more
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The M 16 takes the standard NATO 5.56 mm cartridge since 1963 until now. The squad leader s M 16
rifle is specially equipped with a 40mm, M 203 grenade launcher attached under the barrel. The leader
is the grenadier for the squad. Automatic riflemen are considered the strongest grunts that carry the
heavy firepower for support fire. They are in charge of maintaining a squad automatic weapon (SAW)
machine gun. This weapon can weigh about 22 lbs with a box of ammunition together. Hence, why the
automatic riflemen must be extremely in shape to keep up with the rest of fireteam in any scenario.
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Indian Boarding School Research Paper
Indian Boarding schools were the best way to convert people and their beliefs that potentially
disrupted the way of the manifest destiny. These schools would take young Indian children and
assimilate them to the Anglo American way of life. The highest priority of these Indian schools were
to teach the Indian youth reading and writing the Mathematics, English language, history, science, and
the arts hopefully encouraging the self directing power of thought. Religious education and training in
Christianity was taught. Political structure, institutions, and principles of a democratic society were
part of the citizenship training. All this effort was to eliminate all trace of the Indian culture.
One of the harshest critics was Gertude Bonnin (Zitkala Sa: Red Bird ), a famous Indian author and
artist who once taught at the Carlisle Indian School. According to Zitkala Sa, the boarding school
system was a miserable state of cultural dislocation, that created problems long after the children
returned home. (Yu) The passion for Native American representation began with Zitkala Sa personal
heritage and on going desire to retain the American ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The long braids worn by Indian boys were cut off. The children were made to wear standard uniforms.
The children were given new white names, including surnames, as it was felt this would help when
they inherited property. Traditional Native foods were abandoned, forcing students to acquire the food
rites of white society, including the use of knives, forks, spoons, napkins and tablecloths. In addition,
students were forbidden to speak their Native languages, even to each other. The Carlisle school
rewarded those who refrained from speaking their own language; most other boarding schools relied
on punishment to achieve this aim.
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Outline Of A Social Value Essay
Relevant Social Value
Foodies Forward believes that all families should have the right to fresh and nutritious food and be
able to cook healthy yet affordable meals. Its mission is to educate and empower families of
underserved communities in Central Texas through cooking. Foodies Forward aims to help families
develop healthy eating habits promote family closeness, and inspire them to become agents of change
by fighting food scarcity issues in their community. Cook Healthier is Foodies Forward s weekly after
school program, which teaches students healthy eating practices as well as provides a space for them
to cook healthy and affordable meals. Furthermore, students will take what they learn from the Cook
Healthier program as well as groceries from the Foodies kitchen and share and practice cooking with
their family.
Although there are many agencies in the Central Texas area that look to fight against food scarcity
such as food pantries, food centers, and community gardens, there are only few organizations that
provide free cooking classes and groceries, and focus its work on the youth and their families. For
example, the Sustainable Food Center in Austin delivers free cooking classes for those who live in
communities facing health disparities and provides groceries after class for participants to practice at
home. However, the Sustainable Food Center does not directly focus its services to youth (Sustainable
Food Center, n.d.). Urban Roots Farm is an organization, which
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Performance Management Project Assessment One
Performance management project
Submission details Candidate s Name | Ellen Palmer | Phone No. | 0438463239 | Assessor s Name | n/a
| Phone No. | n/a | Assessment Site | Manage People Performance Assignment
Onehttp://ecampus.mciinstitute.edu.au | Assessment Date/s | Completed Unit Due 28 March 2014 |
Time/s | |
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
The objective of this assessment is to enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of
performance management systems within legislative and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
5. Prepare role play notes to plan the topics you will discuss and outcomes you hope to achieve, these
will assist you to keep the role play meeting on track. Submit these with your documentation. 6.
Conduct two one on one coaching role plays (one with you as the Manager, one as your partner s
Employee). The Assessor will observe this role play and examine the documentation (the completed
Appendices plus notes) that you will submit for assessment on completion. Role playsAs the Manager,
you have set up the first one on one meeting. In addition to discussing the program you have outlined
on the Performance Management Plan (Appendix 3), you will also: a. Resolve the issue outlined in the
Employee profiles and conduct a coaching session to assist the Employee address the issue. b. Discuss
KPI results generated from their team. c. Discuss Individual reports on progress and take time to chat
with your Employee informally to get feedback on problems they are facing. You also use this meeting
to emphasise the concept of team achievement. d. Complete the Performance Development Plan
(Appendix 4) on the basis of the outcomes of the one on one session and sign in agreement. e.
Complete performance review notes to place in the Employee s file. | 7. Complete file notes from the
one on one coaching session to be placed in the Employee s file. 8. Following the role play, the
Employee participant is to complete the Coaching Session 1 Observer s
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Irony In Nadine Gordimer s Once Upon A Time
Irony Exploration/Reflection Essay I believe that the story Once upon a Time by Nadine Gordimer
shows significant irony. The main type of irony that Gordimer s uses in the story is situational irony.
Situational irony is when the story ends or has a twist that is opposite of what is expected to happen.
Some examples of these ironic elements are that the wall and wire the little boy s parents installed was
to keep him safe, and it ended up being what harmed him the most. The title of the story is also ironic
due to the title being Once upon a Time. As a reader, one would assume that the story will have a
happy ending like tradition children stories. However, the story ends tragically and kills the most
innocent character. Also the little boy is pretending that he is a prince who is brave enough to cross
through the terrible thorns to make it to the castle to kiss the sleeping beauty back to life. This is ironic
because the little boy s actions are contributing to the traditional fairy tales with happy endings, and
him pretending to be a brave prince contributes to his death. The use of irony sends the main idea of
the story to the readers in a more interesting way. When the child dies, the message being conveyed is
a slap in the face. It also makes the story more suspenseful and shocking to the reader as well as sad.
Another story that withholds significant irony is The Rocking Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence.
Situational irony is also the main type of irony in this story. One of the ironic elements is that Paul s
father and mother are struggling financially and it should be their burden to take care of the family.
Paul is young and is only expected to go to school and do well. Neither mother or father would ever
consider turning to Paul for financial help. Little do they know that Paul turns to gambling and earns
the money his family could never get even though he is a child. Paul gives this to his mother secretly
for her birthday. Paul even checks on her to see if the money would make her happy. Ironically she is
still not satisfied. This is also confirmed by the house s whispers increase saying they need money.
The gambling eventually sneaks up on Paul, and aids to his death. It is ironic that Paul s
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Analysis Of The Novel The Girl Who Was Saturday Night
STUDENT NAME: Ramnik Cheema
For the following Keys to Theme Template, record a quotation and explanation of how the statement
fulfils the characteristic of each section of the template.
Title of the Novel: The Girl Who Was Saturday Night
Author: Heather O Neill
Character s Name: Nouschka Trembley
Theme: Isolation
1. Key speech or thought expressed by the main character that relates to one of the five (5) common
Canadian themes (see previous PowerPoint).
Quote (+ page number): You interfere with all my plans (Page 39)
Explanation (4 5 sentences):
In the story The Girl Who Was Saturday Night, Nouschka decides to go to high school again after
dropping out. Nicolas, her twin brother, tells her not to go and tries to stop her. While having an
argument about this, Nouschka says you interfere with all my plans (O Neill, Page 39). Nouschka and
her brother are very attached to each other and they never do anything without each other. This quote
makes it very easy to see that Nicolas is holding her back from doing what she wants. At the moment
Nouschka has a part time in a book store and wants a higher education but Nicolas has a different
view as he doesn t care about school and makes money through committing crimes. By realizing that
both Nouschka and Nicolas have different views on things such as going back to school, Nouschka
tries to isolate herself from Nicolas and becomes more
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Un American Bill Analysis
An Un American Bill : A Congressman Denounces Immigration Quotes Congressman, Robert H.
Clancy, gave a close diction of, Un American Bill, directed to the Congressional Record and the
American people in a honest, sympathetic speech, to vote No on the Johnson Reed Bill. Clancy
informed those that the bill, is Un American, but also discriminatory actions to all races and ethnics in
America. The author was influential, using the three main parts, ethos, pathos, and logos. Clancy
supports his argument of racial discrimination in the Johnson Reed Act, by appealing to old citizens in
Detroit of Irish and German descent, families who put their children in the wars and never had them
returned to them, and to the 12% Italian descent that lost ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Descendants come from all around the globe, primarily from Europe. When you think about who is
fighting for you, and who is on your side, you think of the men and women in the uniforms, chanting
Hoorah, you don t think about ethnicity or race, you think about who is there to protect you when you
need help. In the text, it is stated that, Over 300,000 Italian speaking soldiers enlisted in the American
Army, almost 10 percent of our total fighting force. Italians formed about 4 percent of the population
of the United States and they formed 10 percent of the American military force. Their casualties were
12 percent.. (12). What the author is trying to show the audience is that, with this bill, there may or
may not be an army big enough to suffice the United States. Still after the war, the men who served
were still treated like garbage due to the fact that they were not born in America. In the speech, Clancy
is sure to announce his final feelings on the bill when he expressed, All that study convinces me that
the racial discriminations of this bill are un American, (23). Those Italians fought for the country that
they loved, the land of opportunity and the land of the free, still, after fighting for what they believed
in, they were discriminated and still not considered an American. Clancy did an excellent job on
making sure we knew that more than half of the Italian population in America fought for us to be free,
and that they were more American than most of us will ever
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Why Did King Tut Die In An Accident With A Chariot
King tut died from injures. I believe that he died in an accident with a chariot.Why because the left
side of king tut s body was badly injured,A bad broken left leg,Left side of his ribs were crushed,and
large fracture. King tut died by being hit by a chariot .I believe so, king tut had been hurt alot but these
few all fall into place.He had a badly fractured/ broken leg on the left side,crushed ribs on the left side
And a fracture in the skull. This leads me to think he got hit by a chariot on the left side while
kneeling to shoot an animal. Why because only so much force can cause that much damage. King tut
had died in an accident .I think that king tut was killed on purpose.How and why was such a young
king killed?Because after king
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General Plan Research Paper
The general plan mean is use local environments, natural resources or the history for city make a clear
plan. A city general plan is important for a city, because it can make a city be succeed. The temple s
climate is desert with mild winter and extremely hot summer, so the plan is hard to live on here, bur
the government make a general plan for Tempe. The general plan is the overarching policy document
for the city of Tempe, it holds the community vision for the future and is an expression of how the
community wants to grow and change over the next 30 years. The voters ratified the city of Tempe
general plan 2040, the total votes were 13260, and the people agree this plan is 7433. Disagree is
5826. Arizona state statutes require each city ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the design principle, one of the issue is building heights, they give the observations is pending
location, and let the building heights in urban mixed use growth, it is good solve, because if a city
have more high building, and near the building have a lot of short building, it will made the city be
disordered, but if they are building high building on one area, it can make the city be clear. Of this part
have a other part is good for the citizen, healthy community design, the Tempe community is promise
to design a health social and promoting health for all residents. It is important to be an active lifestyle,
and it connect the land use and street design, so have a good design is the Tempe to
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The Historical Context Of The Great Gatsby
A famous quote from The Great Gatsby if you ever feel like criticizing anyone remember that they
haven t had the same opportunities as you. made by the narrator s father. It makes the book have the
ability to be told from a non judgemental point of view. The historical context of the book makes the
book seem like a great american novel.The major theme of this story The Great Gatsby is desire. The
desire to become wealthy after being a janitor from his younger years. Most critics say that the book
has no ties to real life, but the similarities cannot be denied. This era allowed many to understand
more about the 1920s. Jay Gatsby kept his life private citizens didn t know that his wealth came from
bootlegging.The real events and the events
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Information, Knowledge, And The Dissemination Of...
Information, and the dissemination thereof, is based on usefulness. It is the foundation upon which we
as humans derive knowledge and understanding from to eventually communicate across platforms and
cultures. As it continues to permeate society, the formation, understanding and transmission of
information becomes heavily specified and relative to the type of information collected, who it is
useful to and how it will be used to generate widespread understanding. This is evidenced in how
people seek and use information in their modern daily lives. A widely accepted model of this process
comprises itself of the following components: data, information, knowledge, understanding and
wisdom to an extent and the synthesis of these components is foundational to understanding how
information is relative and consumed in its specificity today (Ackoff, 1989). Using differing
arguments to examine differing perspectives, I will seek to establish the place of information within
this hierarchy and how it applies to how we establish the use of information as it persists as a
standalone concept in today s society. When people determine the usefulness of data to transform it
into information and therefore understanding, it is essential to establish a mode by which this occurs.
One attempt to do this is evidenced in Russell Ackoff s (1989) article, From Data to Wisdom . As a
general argument, Ackoff (1989) seeks to qualify a model consisting of: data, information, knowledge,
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  • 2. Similarities Between Dawalski And Blanche Dubois Character is how a person acts when no one else is looking. As a person is portrayed and perceived they are better understood when unveiling the true personality of an individual rather than their false persona. Both Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski s performance vary and differ depending on the situation and the person of interaction. Blanches fluctuating performance and actions can be found countless times in the book A Street Car Named Desire. To analyze this personality aspect, Blanche can been seen doing this with her sister Stella Dubois. Williams reveals this in the lines Now don t get worried, your sister hasn t turned into a drunkard, she s just all shaken up and hot and tired and dirty , and again in What you are talking about is brutal desire just desire . The primary evidence can reveal her fraud performance upon encountering her sister once again. Blanche attempts to portray herself as a traditional, accepted woman. She pretends to be a woman of no fault and who only drinks on rare occasions. Yet when the story is further read she can be seen drinking day after day. Blanche can actually be classified as a drunk seeking to escape from reality. Blanche strives to fulfill the performance of a conventional day to day woman, in front of her sister Stella. The proceeding evidence is a very hypocritical statement made by Blanche. Blanche refers to just desire as merely a physical, sexual aspect between Stanley and Stella. Blanche again exerts her best ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Database Queries, Matlab For Data Acquisition And... Introduction: Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are invented to focus and only applies to the context of its narrow domain (eg. SQL for database queries, Matlab for data acquisition and mathematical modelling). For research and special purpose, DSLs ensure the advantages of convenience and effectiveness over the General Purpose Language (GPLs). There are two main approaches to DSLs: 1. Standalone DSLs with its own complier or interpreter, and it is often used in its own ecosystem. The most common one within object oriented circles. 2. Other type is a DSLs embedded in a host GPLs. Such languages can have the look and feel of being their own language, but they leverage the host GPL s existing ecosystem and initial semantics. This is usually used by functional programmers. Creating a full blown language may contain one or more DSLs, which an Embedded Domain Specific Language (eDSL) is one of the popular implementation technique. The idea of eDSL is a domain specific language defined in terms of a more powerful general purpose host language. The advantages are that DSLS obtains the infrastructure of the host language and the GPLs can be used for metaprogramming, creating manipulate programs in DSLs. This paper will focus on the second type of approach, embedded DSLs inside a language, Haskell, a pure functional programming language. Haskell is a good host GPL because of it s flexible overloading, a powerful type system, and lazy semantics. Embedded domain specific ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Interactions Between Robotics And Biology Interactions between robotics and biology evolve two concepts. On one hand, biological ideas and phenomena are shining creation in every technical sections in robotics including actuation, mechanisms, control, sensing, etc. On the other hand, applying robots technology for biology is significantly contributing to new horizons of biological systems and their styles. Biologically inspired robots new class that exhibit much awesome robustness in execution in unstructured environments than today s robotics. This new class of robotics will be substantially more stable and com 1 pliant than current robotics, and will take advantage of new developments in fabrication technologies, materials, actuators and sensors. Apps will include semi autonomous or autonomous tasks such as de mining and reconnaissance for small, insect like robotics and human inference tasks at a bigger scale. 2 Focus! We will talk about specific kinds of biomimetic robotics, CALibot and Tumbler robotics . CALibot Abstract CALibot is the most naturally swimming robotic fish in the world. and is a biomimetic CAlibot with actuated pectoral fins and actuated caudal fin for propulsion for turning and dynamic lift. 2D velocity fields around a free swimming freshwater 2 black shark fish in transverse (YZ) longitudinal and plane (XZ) are measured using digital particle pic velocimetry (DPIV). By transferring momentum to fluid, thrust genetrated by fishes. Thrust is created not only by its caudal fin, also using ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Characteristics Of Culturally Relevant Teaching By... Teachers must be aware and can identify the different levels of knowledge which goes hand to hand with Bloom s taxonomy. According, to Center for Teaching this concept includes a maximum of six different levels such as understanding, remember, or evaluate. However, knowledge is the basis of these six cognitive processes allowing a teacher to categorize where the student exist and what it takes to improve their knowledge. In chapter 3 5 the author relates to the knowledge of the teacher by outlining the characteristics of culturally relevant teaching by providing classroom demonstrations and teacher observations. Cultural relevant is responsive teaching is a pedagogy grounded in teachers displaying cultural competence (Jabbar, Abdul 2013). This allows students to connect their prior knowledge to what is presented in the classroom. In relations to the teacher it serves as a guide to help teachers connect with their students by knowing and incorporating the student s culture into instructional activities. This type of teacher views knowledge as something that is continuously re created, recycles and shared. Various teachers were interviewed on how knowledge is valued in the classroom. They viewed education and knowledge as vehicles for emancipation. These teachers consistently found ways to bring African American customs and other viewpoints into class discussions. The first scenario speaks on a teacher named Ms. Hilliard used learning tools that students enjoyed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Dtl s Power Grid Analysis The potential impact of a breach to DTL s power grid can significantly affect not just the 5.4 million customers, but can have cascading effects across to the other sectors. The electric grid has many interdependencies with the other sectors that link corporate systems together, providing access to customers, suppliers, and other entities (Zhen, 2013). The threat is goes beyond the proprietary information and other sensitive information contained in the corporate systems, there is also the threat to the control systems that are tied in to these networks. Besides the immediate impact to DTL s infrastructure, the Federal government sector could be affected by a breach in two ways. The first impact may be through unauthorized access to personnel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On December 2015, an adversary maliciously operated supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that caused power outages, followed by destructive attacks that disabled SCADA and communications systems to the field (E ISAC, 2016). This type of malicious attack is the first reported case in the world, where there was a direct attack against systems in a nation s critical infrastructure. This was an escalation from past malicious attacks against basic purpose computers and servers (E ISAC, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Aristophanes View Of Love Our human nature was not what we always thought of it to be, in simpler times two were made as one. We roamed the earth in unity with our other halves without the burden of trying to find them. However, Zeus did not find this to be in his best interest because of how we behaved so he split each being in two. As a result of this split we must now go about our lives in search of our other half. This is the speech that Aristophanes gave in Plato s Symposium a book composed of various speeches from many different famous Greek people. Aristophanes view of love is compelling because it describes our very human nature to find our love, it justifies the reasoning of why there are different sexualities, and it gives an explanation as to why our bodies are the way that they are today. The main idea of Aristophanes speech is that humans were not the way that they are today mentally, physically or emotionally. Each of us, then, is a matching half of a human whole, because each was sliced like a flatfish, two out of one, and each of us is always seeking the half that matches him (p.27, 191E). What is most compelling about this is that here Aristophanes explains the yearning that people have for love in their lives. Due to this split many may feel as if a piece of them is missing and they may only find it once they find that person who they were once in union with. As stated previously this is where Aristophanes puts into perspective the notion that everyone truly has their other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. I Want To Visit To Tulane I want to attend a relatively small private school in an urban area with a challenging curriculum and thought provoking courses. At Tulane, I would receive the opportunities to participate in exceptional undergraduate research and to develop personal relationships with my professors. Tulane also has my first choice major, Molecular Biology. Tulane has superb academic flexibility, so I could easily double major in Molecular Biology and Chemistry. I have always had Tulane on my college radar, because my father attended Tulane. Recently, I had the opportunity to come to New Orleans and visit Tulane, and I am very grateful that I decided to come tour. When I came to visit Tulane, I absolutely knew that this was the university for me. While touring Tulane, I fell in love with the gorgeous campus and friendly students. There was not a stereotypical Tulane ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the information session, the admissions counselor mentioned the service learning courses, and this was something that made Tulane stick out to me. I have toured a variety of other schools, but none of those schools had opportunities like Tulane to participate in community service. Recently, I went on Tulane s website and found a list of service learning courses and saw multiple courses that interested me. One of the courses involved taking water samples from different areas of New Orleans to monitor the health of the local water ecology system and reporting the results to students and officials in the New Orleans area. The opportunities I would receive at Tulane to excel academically, socially, and spiritually are unparalleled compared to any other college or university. Tulane is an exceptional institution with a multitude of distinct qualities that make it the ideal university for me to attend in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana Have you ever felt like your prescribed medicine isn t working? Maybe the medicine is causing even more issues than when you began? There is another answer to these problems, and a new way to ease pain. Medical marijuana may be the holy grail to medicine. Marijuana, also known as cannabis sativa (National Institute on Drug Abuse), is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine (Torrey). One in three Americans have used Marijuana at least once ( Negative Side Effects of Smoking Marijuana ). The two medical active ingredients are cannabidiol also known as CBD, and tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC. CBD has an impact on the brain without the high. THC has pain relieving properties and gives a person that high feeling (Loria). Marijuana affects everyone differently, but there are some pros and cons that have an effect on everyone. There are some short term negative effects that come with abusing the substance. Side effects include less coordination , skin rashes, dry mouth, fatigue, blurred vision , distrust, depression, suicidal thoughts, and memory loss. Overdose on marijuana causes anxiety and panic (Tracy;Watson). Three of the most common short term side effects are headaches, paranoia, and allergy. The headache might be caused by the rolling papers having irritating chemicals, and residual fertilizers that are used on the marijuana plant. The paranoia comes from smoking way too often. It gives the user ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Similarities Between The Matrix And My Father Began As A God Society has a shared way of thinking on many issues and this can often be confronted by different perspectives. The Wachoswki Brother s film The Matrix and Ian Mudie s poem My Father Began As a God both convey the idea that altering points if view can be confronting resulting in new knowledge and consequences for individuals. These concepts are explored in The Matrix through the themes of gender expectations being challenged resulting in more gender equality. Mudie s poem similarly expresses this concept through the theme of respect for elders as an issues in society resulting in personal growth within an individual. Both text successfully depict the notion that people s thinking can be altered by changed perspectives. Changing perspectives can be challenging and trans formative for an individual. In The Matrix gender expectations are defied through the character Trinity. The opening scene begins with Trinity s action packed encounter with the police and agents. Dialogue such as I think we can handle a little girl said by the police shows the audience the mindset around women portraying them as weak. The audience is later confronted by Trinity s abilities used to fight the police. A bird s eye view angle is used to emphasize power as one can see Trinity surrounded by defeated police men. Trinity s androgynous appearance, short hair and tight ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The initial view point of the persona was that his Father began as God . As the person grew they were exposed to new things that formed a new way of thinking. The diction used in the third stanza of foolish small old man emphasizes the persona s altered view point of his father. Repetition he shrank and shrank is used to highlight how the respect and importance of his father diminished as he grew. Altogether it achieves the idea that changing an individual s perspective can be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Credit And Debit Card Processing Eco System Credit and Debit card processing eco system are undergoing significant change recently due to the advancements in the payment landscape. Disruptive technology in the mobile ecommerce space has thrown new channels and players in the payment industry, making cards just as another channel to make payment. Traditionally the card issuing is managed as a product line on its own from operations and processing point of view. Most big players have dedicated platform, operations / IT teams to support end to end cards processing needs, which includes receivable processing, customer service, back office operation and GL reporting MIS. Addition of new form factors in the payment space have made cards as one channel for fund movement to make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This can lead to shared operation / IT teams between the product lines. If we shift the focus to customer centricity, now we can identify more overlapping area. These similarities throws following questions to the card issuers, especially the banks, Do they need dedicated system for end end card processing? What are the opportunities to leverage a common application stack to support both Banking and Card processing needs? How to achieve customer centricity, efficiently? Which system has required agility to meet current technology trends in the market? What part of the card processing qualify for commoditization so that banks can focus on core business and products? Does the current platform architecture is an enabler or blocker for the outsourcing or commoditization? What are the additional overheads of having people with varying skills required to support similar business back office processing or servicing needs? Opportunities Business Drivers A careful analysis of processing value chain and considering customer centricity current technology trends in the market, we can identify very good number of candidates between core banking and card processing which can share ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. 1984 Literary Analysis In every country, county and city, a government is intact to resolve each community s issues. It is formed to further perfect each society to become a utopia for its citizens, but even within the government itself, obstacles, such as the balance of the state s power, remain. This type of dilemma is demonstrated throughout literature; one example can be recognized in George Orwell s 1984. George Orwell uses literary elements to express social issues of the dystopian society in 1984. Many social issues involving social control from the government is expressed through the literary element of symbolism. Different recurring symbols in 1984 by George Orwell include the government figure Big Brother, Winston Smith s occupation, and Oceania s language ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The country s language, Newspeak, also symbolizes a form of the social control issue. This language is a digression from the original language Oldspeak, which is closely related to the English language. Newspeak is a gradual regression of Oldspeak because the dictionary for Newspeak is always being revised and shorten. Over time the citizens of Oceania gradually develop a smaller range of vocabulary. Thoughtcrime is opposing the Party in any way or having different beliefs from the Party, and this is a dilemma in Oceania. The only other way for the Party to eliminate thoughtcrime is to narrow the range of thought...make thoughtcrime impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed in one word, and make other thoughts inexpressible (52). Therefore there will not be a word to express a certain thought or feeling eliminating individuality and any way for the people of Oceania to know any different. Soon there will be no expression to explicit the strong feelings such as love or even hate. This is a very strong form of social control, but this social issue is recognized by Winston ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Argument On Fact Constructivism I don t support fact constructivism because its fallible as its fundamental idea is that we construct facts and their existence depends upon us meaning even facts that obtained before our existence are dependent on us. In this essay my primary focus will be evaluating absolute fact constructivism(chapter 3)and one significant claim as well as an argument for and against it in order to justify why I don t support fact constructivism. What we call absolute fact constructivism in essence is a constructivist theses which states that the existence of facts is dependent solely on humans it also states that the creation of facts by humans reflect our contingent needs and interests based on societies; this thesis is more or less the opposite ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . . 4 Boghossian refers to this claim that Goodman and Rorty are gesturing at as the Description Dependence of Facts. Boghossian explains that Description Dependence of Facts is a thesis which states that all facts are description dependent: there cannot be a fact of the matter as to how things are with the world independently of our propensity to describe the world as being a certain way. Once we adopt a particular scheme for describing the world, there then come to be facts about the world. This thesis is a variation of the view that all facts are mind independent as only minds can describe the world; Boghossian partly agrees with this view as he does acknowledge that some facts are indeed mind dependent and he gives examples such as that there could be no fact such as money if we humans didn t construct that fact; however he believes that logic cant apply to all facts such as dinosaurs or electrons which don t rely on humans for their existence. Boghossian has trouble identifying a solid argument for absolute fact constructivism and this is worsened by the fact that he believes that there is a thesis which is similar to absolute fact constructivism to an extent but then again the very same thesis supports fact objectivism which goes against absolute fact constructivism and the result is it weakens the argument for absolute fact constructivism and makes it seem implausible than it actually is Boghossian calls this thesis Social Relativity of Descriptions. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Henri De Lubac Research Paper Henri De Lubac History of Henri De Lubac Henri Marie Joseph Sonier de Lubac, known as just Henri De Lubac, was born in Campari on February 20th 1896 to the ancient family of Ardèche. His father was a banker and his mother was homemaker and gave birth to six children including Henri. In 1898 him and his family moved to the Lyon district. There, Henri was schooled by Jesuits. Henri studied law for about a year until he was 17, which then he joined the Society of Jesus. He was eventually drafted into the French army in 1917 after the results of the start of the Great War. In the war, he suffered a major head injury which had lasting affects on him for the rest of his life. A couple years after, Henri returned to his studies which lead him to teaching at a college in Mongré and many other places while he continued his study on theological studies. Why He Wrote on Theology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No matter what happened in his life he was always learning and teaching and writing about theology. In 1992 he was even made a professor at the Catholic University of Lyon. He taught there for a few years and even wrote many books about Christ and the Catholic Church during this time. That was until World War II, where he was forced into hiding for his support for the French Resistance. And because of this, he ended up losing his job at the university. He still managed to learn and write about theology and after some time of hiding away, he could eventually come out and publish more books like he did ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Ambient Assisted Living Introduction Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is an emerging field that had attracted global interest, both in academia and industry, for the potential of its solutions, namely for the health and social care sectors. AAL is defined as an approach where pervasive information technologies support elderly people to live independently, with self confidence and security, reducing the use of resources. AAL devices and applications can support daily living activities or contribute for the individual participation in society, namely entertainment, social participation or communicate with family, friends, peers and providers. AAL can also provide applications and devices to support safety and health care, including mobile and wearable sensors to monitor physiological parameters, mobile emergency response systems, fall detection systems or video surveillance systems. Effective AAL solutions have the potential to be inherently dynamic and able to complement, interactively, the human care providers, which assumes an increasing importance due to the need to optimize both effectiveness and efficiency of the health and social care systems. However, a special attention should be given to devices and applications that, by nature and if non critical aspects are safeguarded, have the potential to be a source of harm in normal use or if misused and, therefore, should be considered as medical devices. Without intending to limit the innovation freedom, the solutions being developed should not be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Space Race Research Paper The space race was the event the began the interest in space exploration. It all started in 1957 during the Cold War, when there was tension between America and the Soviet Union. There was also new technology from the war. According to Murray (Date unknown) Many people believed the nation that controlled the skies could win any war. (para. 5). So when the Soviet Union decided to launch the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, into orbit America was not happy. In counter to the Soviet Union s launch America decided to launch their own satellite. That satellite is what pushed President Dwight Eisenhower to created the Aeronautics and Space Administration A.K.A NASA (History.com Staff, 2010). Now that both the Soviet Union and America have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The New York Times For Being By Mary Oliver Acknowledged by The New York Times for being this country s best selling poet Mary Oliver was born in Maple Heights, Ohio. Publishing her first book of poetry, No Voyage and Other Poetry, in 1963 at the age of 28 she was able to begin her lustrous career which continued as she published several more series, one of them being the Pulitzer Prize winner, American Primitive. Critic Alicia Ostriker numbered Oliver among America s finest poets, as visionary as Ralph Waldo Emerson. As a youth Mary Oliver did not have the ideal childhood most kids desire for. With an abusive father and an absent mother, Mary began to idolize different female poets like Edna St. Vincent Millay. This lead Oliver to develop a love for poetry. As time passed, Oliver began to form a bond with nature as a coping method to escape her father s brutality which eventually let her to forgive her parents for stealing her childhood from her. Soon Mary was able to transform her unhealthy emotions into love and passion for nature in her writing as she is known for her poignant observation and evocative use of the natural world in her poems. Through the her poems, Oliver really is able to connect with the readers with her descriptive writing . Poet Vicki Graham explains that over and over the speaker of Oliver s poems reminds herself to look, to touch, to see, and to smell. Only by yielding to her senses can she get close to the real [the quote is from Vicki Graham, Into the Body of Another : Mary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Essay On Marlee Matlin Actress Marlee Matlin has been a long time advocate for deaf rights and deaf culture. At 18 months old an illness permanently destroyed all her hearing in the right ear and 80% of the hearing in her left, making her legally deaf. However, Marlee did not let this impairment stop her from pursuing a professional acting career. In 1987, she received the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Children of a Lesser God, becoming the youngest winner of a lead acting award and the first deaf individual to receive the honor. Since then, she has starred in several films and television shows, the most recent being the television series Switched at Birth which features several deaf cast members and a storyline that endorses deaf culture. She has also written two books that, tell the world what it was like being deaf bringing more awareness to the impairment (Bio.com). Now, Marlee Matlin serves as the celebrity spokesperson for the National Association of the Deaf (National Association of the Deaf). The patient s symptoms suggest a bilateral, symmetrical, severe degree of sensorineural hearing loss. The initial sign of this hearing loss was the two ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because the loss is severe to profound and sensorineural, the child does qualify for a cochlear implant or hearing (behind the ear or body aid). If the parents choose the implant, surgery should happen immediately to begin the development of speaking and listening skills (312). Another option for the parents is to raise the child in their current condition. Both parents have a family history of deafness and communicate using sign language. Neither parent has an implant and may have an aversion to it and could therefore communicate with the child using sign ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. 12 Angry Men Bias The play 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose takes place in 1957, where a trial about a boy stabbing his father is charged with first degree charges, facing execution. 12 jurors, all with different personalities and backgrounds are settled to discuss the future of the boy; declaring not guilty will release him from his charges and vice versa. However, evidence alone wasn t the only pieces that could convince other jurors. And though it seems mandatory that the jurors would argue and debate among each other, biases about the boy were the main attention, focusing more so on that rather than evidence. Juror 10 becomes the best example of having biases and grudges towards the boy, as he continues throughout the movie to get others to realize what he s trying to claim, playing a vital role and although juror 10 s motives doesn t change, he acts as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Juror 10 at the beginning of the movie was able to convince many people, acting as one who knows a decent amount about the subject. Though it can be inferred later that he has lost respect because other jurors whom also have voted guilty from the start, changed their vote realizing they were forcing themselves to agree with him. For example, juror 10 will control the room with blunt statements like Bright? He s a common ignorant slob. He don t even speak good English (12 Angry Men). Blunt statements carry prejudice against those who live in slums or have trouble accessing education, in which juror 5, whom is from the slums feels offended. The stubbornness juror 10 has created a leading refusal for the other jurors to stop and think, realizing that they re standing with a man who has a grudge against kids in a certain environment: a stance like that would mean agreeing unlawfully and arrogantly. Furthermore as the play progresses, the other jurors are finally fed up with juror 10 mainly after he starts blabbering again getting mad at everyone in the room saying, I don t understand you people. How can you believe this kid ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Should United States Make English The Official National... Should The United States Make English The Official National Language? How can we communicate when we cannot speak English in the United States? The United States really needs to make English our official language. I hope someday that we will have English our official language. .There are too many languages to learn in the United States. We have people from all walks of life speaking different language. If we do not stand for something we will fall for anything. We are trying to adjust to language that we cannot understand , taking care of our business affairs through communication of phone with no one knowing how to speak English language clearly, It has become a crucial situation . How can we communicate with someone about our business affairs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. How To Raise The Driving Age Essay According to the article States Urged to Raise the Driving Age. approximately 5,000 teenagers die each year in car crashes; however, not all of the 5,000 deaths are the fault of teenage drivers, other drivers who could be adults can create accidents which lead to the death of teenagers, which proves that anybody can create a vehicle accident. Several states have already raised the driving age from 16 to 18. Raising the driving age will only create bad drivers at 18 instead of 16. The states that have raised the driving age believe that the number of teenage fatalities will be reduced as 16 year olds would not be permitted to obtain a driver license until they reach the age of 18. After all, every driver on the road was inexperienced, as well as, accident prone at one time or another. Therefore, the driving age should not be raised as every driver must become experienced. The age of a driver does not matter, what does matter is that the driver is mature, as well as ready to accept the responsibility of operating a vehicle. The article Should ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The article States Urged to Raise the Driving Age. states, Many parents agree. They also like not having to chauffeur their teens to school sporting events and any number of other places. No parents want to take their children to all of their events throughout high school. After all, most high school students have to travel to a variety of locations for their extracurricular activities. What parent wants to take their son, and his date, to prom? The limo business would skyrocket, as teenagers do not want their parents driving them around. Parents will become extremely annoyed if the driving age is raised as they would be required to take their children everywhere. If it is decided that the driving age is to be raised parents would be unhappy; because, they would have to transport their children ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Progreso Financiero Progreso Financiero faces two critical problems. First, it is falling significantly short of its sales forecasts (Exhibit 4), causing concern for investors and employees of the company. Second, Progreso has not yet identified a clear path to profitability. There are four key drivers to underperformance at Progreso Financiero: poor sales analytics systems, improper human resource management, poor managerial decision making and ineffective compensation incentives. The collective result of these shortcomings is that Progreso s sales employees are highly unmotivated and ill equipped to help the company realize its sales and profitability goals. In order to be effective, sales executives need to have clear selling objectives and the ability ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lastly, Progreso s agreement with Sears forced it to offer its customers a form of payment (gift cards) that limited their spending flexibility and made the offering less attractive overall. While expanding to merchant accounts increased overall volume of sales, it did so at the expense of its sales employees. As shown in Exhibit 1, Progreso s merchant launch in September 2007 immediately precipitated a decline in its loan per employee ratio, well below the commission threshold level. Previously AEs were able, on average, to reach or surpass 15 loans per month but after the merchant launch, loans per month declined to 7 per month on average. Despite this, Progreso made no change to its commission incentive structure to accommodate for the differences in sales velocity by channel. Progreso faces two key challenges going forward. It must satisfy investors by proving that it can meet its aggressive sales forecasts and it also must outline a clear path towards profitability. Currently Progresso is spending more to acquire a customer (~$177 CPA, Exhibit 3) than it is earning in downstream value from customers acquired (~$100 CLV, Exhibit 2). In order to improve profitability of its customers, Progreso either needs to increase the margins per loan transaction or improve its retention ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Mean Men Case Study CHAPTER FOUR The Mainstreaming of Mean Mean men are hardly a new phenomenon, and the tyrannical boss has been a familiar archetype in American culture ever since the invention of the modern industrial era workplace. In fact, in many ways organizational culture is far more touchy feely now than it used to be much as corporeal punishment in schools is out, along with spanking your kids. Yet powerful forces have been at work in American society that have fueled bad behavior in high places, allowing more mean men to get to the top and stay there, even as they create misery all around them. These forces can be roughly divided in two baskets: first, thanks to changes in the economy and business, men can rise to leadership roles without having to pay their dues in large organizations and having their rough edges sanded down along the way. Second, thanks to a combination of economic and cultural changes, men feel more license to exhibit outsized personality traits, including very negative ones, and can more easily get away with bad behavior as long as they get results. Let s dig into the both these baskets. Free Agent Nation It s unlikely that a guy like Aaron could ever have become a boss fifty years ago. Why? Because he wouldn t have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back in the age when William H. Whyte wrote his bestseller The Organization Man, the List of Ten traits could be a serious liability for an ambitious young man in business. If you graduated from business school in, say, 1960, the vast majority of career opportunities were in large corporations, where you d be expected to take orders from others, follow rigid procedures, and check your impulsivity behaviors that are difficult for entrepreneurial people. And if you couldn t learn to subsume yourself to the group, becoming just another man in a gray flannel suit, chances are you didn t have much of a future in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Research Paper On Group Dynamics Groups are the basic fundamental units of an organization. Groups accomplish more work in less time than a number of people working individually. The interactions that take place among the members of a group are referred to as a group dynamics. Within an organization, a work group is usually the primary source of social identity for employees. The nature of the group to which they belong may affect their performance at work and may influence their relationships with people outside the organisation. The various interactions that take place among the members of a group comprise group dynamics. The term group dynamics was popularized by the management thinker, Kurt Lewin, in the 1930 s There are three views regarding the nature of group dynamics. The normative view describes how a group is to be organized and how its activities are to be carried out. This view emphasizes democratic leadership, participation of the members, and cooperation among them. According to the second view, group dynamics consists of a set of techniques. These techniques include role plays, brainstorming, sensitivity training, team building, transactional analysis, Johari window and self managed teams. Finally, the third view approaches group dynamics from the perspective of the internal nature of groups. This view discusses how groups are formed, their structure and processes, and their functioning. It also discussed how groups affect individual members, other groups, and the organisation as a whole. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This process of influencing each other s behaviour pattern in a group is called group dynamics. Group dynamics is affected by factors of individual personality, social situation and cultural traditions. Group dynamics varies in different kinds of group ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Sweetheart Of The Song Tra Tong Character Analysis Conrad Joyal English Final Paper: The Things They Carried Mrs. Rossi In the novel The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien, women are not physically present throughout the book, but still play a significant role just as a man in Vietnam War. These women are both good and bad for the men. Some are a source of comfort and motivation to succeed, and get home alive. But, others cause a negative impact on the men, making them lose focus on the task at hand. Mary Anne and Martha are two women that had a significant role in the book. Mary Anne is present in the book and her actions affected the men. While Martha is just a memoir, she still has the same affect. In the short story Sweetheart of the song Tra Bong the character Mary Anne flies to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Taking a Look at Google Executive Summary Google is a company that has no bounds. To reach our goal of becoming a main competitor in the United States broadband market, we must gain a larger share of the market. Since the initial launch of Google Fiber in Kansas City, our service has expanded, from much demand, into the surrounding communities. It is now time we bring Google Fiber to new communities and expand our territory. Google Fiber offers broadband speeds that are up to 100 times faster than cable and dsl. Our service is second to none, and will be the key to our future successes. To reach our goal of becoming the premier broadband provider in the United States we will also require interdepartmental teamwork to increase our agility through an ever changing environment. Each department will have a defined role in helping us reach the goal of Google Fiber. Department Tasks ➢ Marketing: Research potential new cities to release Google Fiber. Submit reports based on each city s demographics, to aid in the selection process. ➢ Operations: Based on the information of the candidate cities, select the next three that Google Fiber will penetrate. Once the cities have been chosen begin to assemble a business plan to best fit for each market. ➢ Public Relations: Once the next three cities Google Fiber will target have been selected put out national and local press releases to begin creating buzz about our Fiberhood expanding to new communities. ➢ Human Resource: Outline the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Dennis Ashwell s Life In Vietnam It was the summer of Vietnam, The Grateful Dead, and free love. Nothing made sense, and the cultural landscape around the world was smashed into pieces. It was a world in flux, a world awash in a tsunami of what was and what could be. In June of 1697 dissatisfaction reached a head ushering in a new era of rambunctious youth that had enough of the status quo. Dennis Ashwell was no different despite his background. He hailed from a penthouse in New York overlooking Central Park. He went to good schools and got good grades. He went to cocktail parties hosted by his mother in swanky hotels, and hobnobbed with his father at political events, fully realizing he served as a shining beacon of how young adults should act. At 18, he was accepted and went to Harvard. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He had no car, $102, and a backpack of clothes and books. He took buses until he ran out of money somewhere between Arkansas and Texas. Then he went on route 66 and jutted out his thumb. He met his fair share of creeps and weirdos, but the majority were friendly and his journey uneventful. His one mistake was falling asleep in the back of a lumber pickup truck and winding up in Mendocino Beach, 200 miles away from where he wanted to go. Lumbering back onto the highway he stuck out his thumb once again and waited. He waited until one night a large VW bus slowed down. The bus was large, almost like a truck, and was painted a cacophony of bright colors. Out of the bus appeared a short man with crazy hair and battered clothing his eyes wild and his jaw clenching and unclenching. As the man got closer Dennis could smell a heavy mix of perspiration, day old milk, and marijuana, yet he wasn t unnerved, the man seemed alright. They shook hands, the man introduced himself as Charlie, and Dennis agreed to ride with him and his group to San ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Remember the Titans Team Dynamics Analysis Essay MGB 301 Video Case: Remember the Titans Groups and teams are essential to current business objectives, so understanding how groups form and operate is a major focus of study in Organizational Behavior. The film Remember the Titans supplies a useful example for studying the life cycle of a group, as well as how external pressures can affect group formation and performance, both positively and negatively. Using details from the Titans growth and performance, we will discuss how conflicts affected the team, the effect of leadership on the group, the advantages and disadvantages of the particular demographic circumstances on the formation of the Titans, and how the team followed the general progression through the stages of group ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When they first came together, there was a significant amount of vying and jockeying for power, between the players and the coaches. The leader of the white players (Gerry) tried to assert himself to Coach Boone early, but the coach made sure Gerry knew his place. A coach is a leader and must take charge if a player oversteps his boundaries. The difference in the coaching styles also showed early on, as both coaches had different objectives. Coach Boone, who was fighting to keep his job, was almost like a drill instructor and demanding. While Coach Yoast was more lenient towards the players and more hesitant to yell at them. This may have been due to the fact that Yoast was told that the head coaching job was his if Boone lost a game. At first, the racial demographic differences stalled any progress toward group formation and success. There was a lot of uncertainty among the players and coaches about how the team would be able to work together (Forming). Off the field, the cultural differences between the players caused misunderstandings that lead to altercations. On the field, the members faced difficulties because of their inability to work together (Storming). A team that isn t on the same page can lead to disastrous results, as was the case early on in practice at the camp. After the late night run to the Gettysburg cemetery, the team finally realised that they had to come together. As time passed, they were more geared toward success by working towards ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Marine Corps Operations For the science portion of my topic, I will be talking about and explaining the fundamental tools used by the United States Marine Corps Infantry. The United States is by far one of, if not the leading country in military technology and power. The ability to respond to situations around the world is a huge responsibility for the Marine Corps. Utilities and equipment are an essential piece into keeping the world s finest fighting force. A typical Marine is dressed in MCCUU (Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform) MARPAT, which is short for Marine Pattern. Also, heavy armor plates are issued with vests and pouches. They are equipped with heavy duty rucksack or assault packs filled with combat needed instruments and gear. Marines are also given an M16A4 service rifle and if an officer, are granted a Beretta M9 handgun.633770_ts.jpg Assault Pack The military issue assault rucksack is utilized by Marine Infantry units in the field. This specially designed pack works for long nights and treks in most terrains. Stability and weight are fundamental when picking a pack to use and these are specifically designed to allow the user to carry large amounts of weights for a long duration of time, without causing damage or injury to the pack and person. The weight carried is equally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The M 16 takes the standard NATO 5.56 mm cartridge since 1963 until now. The squad leader s M 16 rifle is specially equipped with a 40mm, M 203 grenade launcher attached under the barrel. The leader is the grenadier for the squad. Automatic riflemen are considered the strongest grunts that carry the heavy firepower for support fire. They are in charge of maintaining a squad automatic weapon (SAW) machine gun. This weapon can weigh about 22 lbs with a box of ammunition together. Hence, why the automatic riflemen must be extremely in shape to keep up with the rest of fireteam in any scenario. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Indian Boarding School Research Paper Indian Boarding schools were the best way to convert people and their beliefs that potentially disrupted the way of the manifest destiny. These schools would take young Indian children and assimilate them to the Anglo American way of life. The highest priority of these Indian schools were to teach the Indian youth reading and writing the Mathematics, English language, history, science, and the arts hopefully encouraging the self directing power of thought. Religious education and training in Christianity was taught. Political structure, institutions, and principles of a democratic society were part of the citizenship training. All this effort was to eliminate all trace of the Indian culture. One of the harshest critics was Gertude Bonnin (Zitkala Sa: Red Bird ), a famous Indian author and artist who once taught at the Carlisle Indian School. According to Zitkala Sa, the boarding school system was a miserable state of cultural dislocation, that created problems long after the children returned home. (Yu) The passion for Native American representation began with Zitkala Sa personal heritage and on going desire to retain the American ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The long braids worn by Indian boys were cut off. The children were made to wear standard uniforms. The children were given new white names, including surnames, as it was felt this would help when they inherited property. Traditional Native foods were abandoned, forcing students to acquire the food rites of white society, including the use of knives, forks, spoons, napkins and tablecloths. In addition, students were forbidden to speak their Native languages, even to each other. The Carlisle school rewarded those who refrained from speaking their own language; most other boarding schools relied on punishment to achieve this aim. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Outline Of A Social Value Essay Relevant Social Value Foodies Forward believes that all families should have the right to fresh and nutritious food and be able to cook healthy yet affordable meals. Its mission is to educate and empower families of underserved communities in Central Texas through cooking. Foodies Forward aims to help families develop healthy eating habits promote family closeness, and inspire them to become agents of change by fighting food scarcity issues in their community. Cook Healthier is Foodies Forward s weekly after school program, which teaches students healthy eating practices as well as provides a space for them to cook healthy and affordable meals. Furthermore, students will take what they learn from the Cook Healthier program as well as groceries from the Foodies kitchen and share and practice cooking with their family. Although there are many agencies in the Central Texas area that look to fight against food scarcity such as food pantries, food centers, and community gardens, there are only few organizations that provide free cooking classes and groceries, and focus its work on the youth and their families. For example, the Sustainable Food Center in Austin delivers free cooking classes for those who live in communities facing health disparities and provides groceries after class for participants to practice at home. However, the Sustainable Food Center does not directly focus its services to youth (Sustainable Food Center, n.d.). Urban Roots Farm is an organization, which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Performance Management Project Assessment One Performance management project Submission details Candidate s Name | Ellen Palmer | Phone No. | 0438463239 | Assessor s Name | n/a | Phone No. | n/a | Assessment Site | Manage People Performance Assignment Onehttp://ecampus.mciinstitute.edu.au | Assessment Date/s | Completed Unit Due 28 March 2014 | Time/s | | The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details. Performance objective The objective of this assessment is to enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of performance management systems within legislative and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 5. Prepare role play notes to plan the topics you will discuss and outcomes you hope to achieve, these will assist you to keep the role play meeting on track. Submit these with your documentation. 6. Conduct two one on one coaching role plays (one with you as the Manager, one as your partner s Employee). The Assessor will observe this role play and examine the documentation (the completed Appendices plus notes) that you will submit for assessment on completion. Role playsAs the Manager, you have set up the first one on one meeting. In addition to discussing the program you have outlined on the Performance Management Plan (Appendix 3), you will also: a. Resolve the issue outlined in the Employee profiles and conduct a coaching session to assist the Employee address the issue. b. Discuss KPI results generated from their team. c. Discuss Individual reports on progress and take time to chat with your Employee informally to get feedback on problems they are facing. You also use this meeting to emphasise the concept of team achievement. d. Complete the Performance Development Plan (Appendix 4) on the basis of the outcomes of the one on one session and sign in agreement. e. Complete performance review notes to place in the Employee s file. | 7. Complete file notes from the one on one coaching session to be placed in the Employee s file. 8. Following the role play, the Employee participant is to complete the Coaching Session 1 Observer s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Irony In Nadine Gordimer s Once Upon A Time Irony Exploration/Reflection Essay I believe that the story Once upon a Time by Nadine Gordimer shows significant irony. The main type of irony that Gordimer s uses in the story is situational irony. Situational irony is when the story ends or has a twist that is opposite of what is expected to happen. Some examples of these ironic elements are that the wall and wire the little boy s parents installed was to keep him safe, and it ended up being what harmed him the most. The title of the story is also ironic due to the title being Once upon a Time. As a reader, one would assume that the story will have a happy ending like tradition children stories. However, the story ends tragically and kills the most innocent character. Also the little boy is pretending that he is a prince who is brave enough to cross through the terrible thorns to make it to the castle to kiss the sleeping beauty back to life. This is ironic because the little boy s actions are contributing to the traditional fairy tales with happy endings, and him pretending to be a brave prince contributes to his death. The use of irony sends the main idea of the story to the readers in a more interesting way. When the child dies, the message being conveyed is a slap in the face. It also makes the story more suspenseful and shocking to the reader as well as sad. Another story that withholds significant irony is The Rocking Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence. Situational irony is also the main type of irony in this story. One of the ironic elements is that Paul s father and mother are struggling financially and it should be their burden to take care of the family. Paul is young and is only expected to go to school and do well. Neither mother or father would ever consider turning to Paul for financial help. Little do they know that Paul turns to gambling and earns the money his family could never get even though he is a child. Paul gives this to his mother secretly for her birthday. Paul even checks on her to see if the money would make her happy. Ironically she is still not satisfied. This is also confirmed by the house s whispers increase saying they need money. The gambling eventually sneaks up on Paul, and aids to his death. It is ironic that Paul s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Analysis Of The Novel The Girl Who Was Saturday Night STUDENT NAME: Ramnik Cheema ENG3U0 F CANADIAN NOVEL ISU PART A: KEYS TO THEME AND DRAFT THESIS STATEMENTS For the following Keys to Theme Template, record a quotation and explanation of how the statement fulfils the characteristic of each section of the template. Title of the Novel: The Girl Who Was Saturday Night Author: Heather O Neill Character s Name: Nouschka Trembley Theme: Isolation 1. Key speech or thought expressed by the main character that relates to one of the five (5) common Canadian themes (see previous PowerPoint). Quote (+ page number): You interfere with all my plans (Page 39) Explanation (4 5 sentences): In the story The Girl Who Was Saturday Night, Nouschka decides to go to high school again after dropping out. Nicolas, her twin brother, tells her not to go and tries to stop her. While having an argument about this, Nouschka says you interfere with all my plans (O Neill, Page 39). Nouschka and her brother are very attached to each other and they never do anything without each other. This quote makes it very easy to see that Nicolas is holding her back from doing what she wants. At the moment Nouschka has a part time in a book store and wants a higher education but Nicolas has a different view as he doesn t care about school and makes money through committing crimes. By realizing that both Nouschka and Nicolas have different views on things such as going back to school, Nouschka tries to isolate herself from Nicolas and becomes more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Un American Bill Analysis An Un American Bill : A Congressman Denounces Immigration Quotes Congressman, Robert H. Clancy, gave a close diction of, Un American Bill, directed to the Congressional Record and the American people in a honest, sympathetic speech, to vote No on the Johnson Reed Bill. Clancy informed those that the bill, is Un American, but also discriminatory actions to all races and ethnics in America. The author was influential, using the three main parts, ethos, pathos, and logos. Clancy supports his argument of racial discrimination in the Johnson Reed Act, by appealing to old citizens in Detroit of Irish and German descent, families who put their children in the wars and never had them returned to them, and to the 12% Italian descent that lost ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Descendants come from all around the globe, primarily from Europe. When you think about who is fighting for you, and who is on your side, you think of the men and women in the uniforms, chanting Hoorah, you don t think about ethnicity or race, you think about who is there to protect you when you need help. In the text, it is stated that, Over 300,000 Italian speaking soldiers enlisted in the American Army, almost 10 percent of our total fighting force. Italians formed about 4 percent of the population of the United States and they formed 10 percent of the American military force. Their casualties were 12 percent.. (12). What the author is trying to show the audience is that, with this bill, there may or may not be an army big enough to suffice the United States. Still after the war, the men who served were still treated like garbage due to the fact that they were not born in America. In the speech, Clancy is sure to announce his final feelings on the bill when he expressed, All that study convinces me that the racial discriminations of this bill are un American, (23). Those Italians fought for the country that they loved, the land of opportunity and the land of the free, still, after fighting for what they believed in, they were discriminated and still not considered an American. Clancy did an excellent job on making sure we knew that more than half of the Italian population in America fought for us to be free, and that they were more American than most of us will ever ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Why Did King Tut Die In An Accident With A Chariot King tut died from injures. I believe that he died in an accident with a chariot.Why because the left side of king tut s body was badly injured,A bad broken left leg,Left side of his ribs were crushed,and large fracture. King tut died by being hit by a chariot .I believe so, king tut had been hurt alot but these few all fall into place.He had a badly fractured/ broken leg on the left side,crushed ribs on the left side And a fracture in the skull. This leads me to think he got hit by a chariot on the left side while kneeling to shoot an animal. Why because only so much force can cause that much damage. King tut had died in an accident .I think that king tut was killed on purpose.How and why was such a young king killed?Because after king ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. General Plan Research Paper The general plan mean is use local environments, natural resources or the history for city make a clear plan. A city general plan is important for a city, because it can make a city be succeed. The temple s climate is desert with mild winter and extremely hot summer, so the plan is hard to live on here, bur the government make a general plan for Tempe. The general plan is the overarching policy document for the city of Tempe, it holds the community vision for the future and is an expression of how the community wants to grow and change over the next 30 years. The voters ratified the city of Tempe general plan 2040, the total votes were 13260, and the people agree this plan is 7433. Disagree is 5826. Arizona state statutes require each city ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the design principle, one of the issue is building heights, they give the observations is pending location, and let the building heights in urban mixed use growth, it is good solve, because if a city have more high building, and near the building have a lot of short building, it will made the city be disordered, but if they are building high building on one area, it can make the city be clear. Of this part have a other part is good for the citizen, healthy community design, the Tempe community is promise to design a health social and promoting health for all residents. It is important to be an active lifestyle, and it connect the land use and street design, so have a good design is the Tempe to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Historical Context Of The Great Gatsby A famous quote from The Great Gatsby if you ever feel like criticizing anyone remember that they haven t had the same opportunities as you. made by the narrator s father. It makes the book have the ability to be told from a non judgemental point of view. The historical context of the book makes the book seem like a great american novel.The major theme of this story The Great Gatsby is desire. The desire to become wealthy after being a janitor from his younger years. Most critics say that the book has no ties to real life, but the similarities cannot be denied. This era allowed many to understand more about the 1920s. Jay Gatsby kept his life private citizens didn t know that his wealth came from bootlegging.The real events and the events ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Information, Knowledge, And The Dissemination Of... Information, and the dissemination thereof, is based on usefulness. It is the foundation upon which we as humans derive knowledge and understanding from to eventually communicate across platforms and cultures. As it continues to permeate society, the formation, understanding and transmission of information becomes heavily specified and relative to the type of information collected, who it is useful to and how it will be used to generate widespread understanding. This is evidenced in how people seek and use information in their modern daily lives. A widely accepted model of this process comprises itself of the following components: data, information, knowledge, understanding and wisdom to an extent and the synthesis of these components is foundational to understanding how information is relative and consumed in its specificity today (Ackoff, 1989). Using differing arguments to examine differing perspectives, I will seek to establish the place of information within this hierarchy and how it applies to how we establish the use of information as it persists as a standalone concept in today s society. When people determine the usefulness of data to transform it into information and therefore understanding, it is essential to establish a mode by which this occurs. One attempt to do this is evidenced in Russell Ackoff s (1989) article, From Data to Wisdom . As a general argument, Ackoff (1989) seeks to qualify a model consisting of: data, information, knowledge, understanding ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...