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moving sustainably
               Newsletter 1, June 2006

      Cities boosting for
      sustainable transport

      Peer review is about
      sharing problems
      and solutions
                                                                                                                     By Virpi Kaukavuori

   the traffic jam
    Cities boosting for sustainable transport
    Hopping into a private car to join the tail of
    the queue in the morning is becoming a less
    attractive option for the future as other cities
    follow the example of London and Stockholm.
    There, traffic jams is left behind by better
    organised and more sustainable transport
    systems. The idea of ‘floating’ and more
    environmental friendly traffic is entering the
    political agenda at high speed.

    - In central London, in particular, increasing the capacity of the
    transport system cannot be based upon the private car – the
    necessary road building programme would be financially and
    environmentally unacceptable, Mayor of London, Ken Living-                                            Drawings by Seppo Leinonen
    stone, declares in his Transport strategy.

    London, a city of 7,5 million people, will never be the same again
                                                                         - People think twice before they take their own car in the morn-
    after Mayor Livingstone put his words into practice - taming wild
                                                                         ing. And now we can breathe. The residents of Stockholm will
    traffic growth by collecting a congestion charge of eight Pounds
                                                                         have this system, says Ödmann, also a member of the Union of
    from drivers entering the central zone. Money seems to make a
                                                                         the Baltic Cities (UBC) Executive Board.
    big difference. According to Transport for London, the conges-
    tion charge has cut congestion by about 20-30 per cent, which
                                                                         - I would recommend road pricing to a city around the size of
    is comparable to the reduction during school holidays. London
                                                                         Stockholm, or bigger. Experiences can be learnt from us, but
    is now planning to extend the charging beyond just the central
                                                                         the systems in each city should be individual. And think what to
    areas of the capital.
                                                                         do with the money saved. In Stockholm we have put it in pub-
                                                                         lic transport, buses and metros, Ödmann adds.
    In Stockholm the trial period of the road pricing system started
    January 3rd 2006 and will last for seven months. Already in its
                                                                         “Charging is not the only means of improvement”
    first months, it has removed 100 000 vehicles from the cen-
                                                                         Elsewhere in the Baltic Sea Region, there are other encouraging
    tral area during rush hours. Three months after its introduction
                                                                         signs of UBC cities that are taking the issues of urban transport
    city officials claim that the system has not harmed businesses.
                                                                         and congestion, in particular, seriously . The Bustrip project is
    Christopher Ödmann, Stockholm City Councillor, The Green
                                                                         one of the first large-scale attempts in Europe to find and share
    Party of Sweden, agrees that following the example of London
                                                                         practical tools to solve the problems of sustainable urban
    has been a good idea.
                                                                         transport. The twelve cities in the Baltic region started working
                                                                         together in July 2005 to solve these urban transport problems.
    The referendum about the road pricing system will be held in
                                                                         The project will finish in December 2007.
    Sweden September 17th this year. A system where people have
    to open up their purses, has split the residents of Stockholm.
                                                                         - But there are means and solutions other than charging, Risto
    Ödmann believes Stockholmers will not let clean air to be spoilt
                                                                         Veivo, the head of the environmental secretariat of the UBC,
    again once they have been used to the significant improvements
                                                                         points out.
    within such a short period of time.

- Success in this project can only be based on a package of             drive private cars. It’s a high rate compared to many other Euro-
effective actions. In Bustrip, the cities are making this pack-         pean countries.
age through Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP), Veivo
explains.                                                               James McGeever has worked in Kaunas for a few years and is
                                                                        managing the projects that help to develop the transport sys-
For example Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, which have the high-         tem, with which he personally is quite happy.
est growth in Gross Domestic Product in the EU, have an oppor-
tunity to act preventively before the amount of traffic passes the       - I have chosen not to own a car, he says. I think it would be
pace of economic growth. Small cities and growing economies             unfair of me to be suggesting ideas for public transport devel-
won’t necessarily have to face the problems of urban traffic jams        opment if I never used the services. This attitude is one I try to
and emissions that many European metropolises have already              promote within the municipality, especially to the politicians who
driven themselves to.                                                   are responsible in many cases for discussing and deciding pub-
                                                                        lic transport policy.
“Kaunas redesigned the transport system”
Picture this: Confusing timetables and routes, missing customer         He would like to see the trolley bus system to be further devel-
service, vehicles as cold as a fridge and worn out with years. The      oped.
industrial centre of the former Soviet state, Kaunas in Lithuania,
had to redesign its public transport system after the collapse and      - Most western EU cities stay clear of trolley buses and tram
the closures in early 1990’s. At the same time the country started      lines believing them to be ‘messy’ for the look of a city due to
to build market economy and attract new investments.                    the presence of overhead wires. However, it is far more ‘messy’
                                                                        to have diesel fumes spewing out of the de-regulated busses
                                                                        that clutter up their city centre streets, he says.

                                                                        Meanwhile, because the explosive growth in Asia creates more
                                                                        pressure for the effective use of oil, sustainability has become
                                                                        a bigger political issue than anyone could have expected a few
                                                                        years ago.

Businesses and industries are growing fast within the city cen-
tre. Traffic on the main highway between Kaunas and Vilnius has             Beyond the traffic jam                                                 2
increased. Yet, the urban traffic is not as congested as it is in
many western European cities.                                              Contents                                                              3
Kaunas is one of the partner cities in BUSTRIP. During the past            Peer Review points out direction for sustainability 4
five years, the city has invested in energy efficient electric trol-
ley buses and promoted cycling and walking. The result is an               Gdynia kick-starts Peer Review visits                                 5
almost 50 per cent reduction in nitrogen oxide (2001-2002). This
success is one of the reasons why UBC granted Kaunas “Best                 City’s comment - Tartu                                                5
Environmental Practice Award” in 2005. Another reason is that
Kaunas has learnt about best practice through participation in             Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment                            6
European Commission’s CIVITAS programme – winning the
award for “The Best Practice of Transport” (2005).                         SUTP in Örebro                                                        6
Mindaugas Kucinovas, the chief specialist of Transport Divi-               Planning for sustainable urban transport                              7
sion in Kaunas, says that sustainable development is a rather
new idea for the people of Lithuania to understand. In spite of the        Pilot actions kick-start SUTP implementation                          8
awards, support is still needed, especially from the politicians.
                                                                           Pilot action in Göteborg                                              9
- Sometimes I feel like fighting with windmills. But I believe it will
change in the near future. Then we’ll be able to run the project           About BUSTRIP                                                     10
dedicated to sustainable development in even a larger scale,
Kucinovas says.                                                            Project Steering Group                                            11
In Kaunas, with its nearly 400 000 inhabitants, 60 per cent of             Publishing information                                            11
passengers choose public transport, and only 22,5 per cent
                                                                           Introducing project partners                                      12

Peer Review
    pointing out direction for
    - The idea of Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP) emerged       City partners use the reports to verify their pilot action that will
    from the work of the European Commissions’ expert working            be carried out and the process helps partners to accelerate
    group on Sustainable Urban Transport. Their work recognised          progress towards Sustainable Urban Transport Plans.
    the interdependence of all activities in urban areas and the
    need to integrate transport planning with all other planning to      What will the peer review achieve?
    make our cities more sustainable. All the Bustrip partner cities
    are committed to making their cities more sustainable places to      The peer review will stimulate internal and external discussion
    live work and visit. The Bustrip project is using ‘peer review’ to   about current and future progress towards sustainable urban
    help partner cities understand the contribution that their current   transport. It also provides an independent assessment of the
    activities, policies, and processes are making. Crucially the peer   progress being made towards sustainable urban transport in
    review teams are pointing the cities towards changes that may        each partner city. The Peer Review will assist in the preparation
    help in their quest to be more sustainable.                          of Sustainable Urban Transport Plans, and within the BUSTRIP
                                                                         project - to kick start this work.
    What does the peer review involve?
                                                                         The method has the benefit that it allows the representatives
    The peer review method involves certain elements. To start           from other municipalities, as the peers, to share their varied skills
    with, each partner city prepares and publishes a self assess-        and experience. The review allow for comparison and exchange
    ment report on its progress towards sustainable urban trans-         of information among municipalities
    port. A peer review team of experts from the other partner cit-
    ies carries out a ‘desk review’ of the self-assessment report and    One synergy of carrying out a review of this kind is that it raises
    agrees with each partner city on a list of stakeholders that they    sustainable urban transport issues on the political agenda. The
    will interview during their visit.                                   reviews also provide a framework for understanding how part-
                                                                         ner cities can make a greater contribution to the Lisbon Strat-
    The peer review team visits each partner city and carries out a      egy(1) and provide a reporting framework to the Aalborg +10
    review of the self-assessment report, meeting stakeholders and       Commitments(2).
    interest groups. The team presents its headline review ‘findings’
    to the municipality stakeholders at the end of the visit.            Performance assessment by peer review

    After the visit peer review team writes a report and agrees on its   The BUSTRIP peer review is a ‘performance assessment’. This
    contents with the partner city, who then publishes this review       is the ‘considered judgement’ (assessment) of experts, on the
    report. The partner city uses its self-assessment report and the     ‘progress being made’ (performance) by municipalities towards
    peer review report in designing their Sustainable Urban Trans-       a benchmark (or ‘ideal’).
    port Plan and actions.

The benchmark used in this assessment has been developed
within the BUSTRIP project. It is substantially based on the work
of the European Commissions Expert Working Group on Sus-
tainable Urban Transport(3). This assessment is carried out by
teams of peers from Baltic Sea municipalities and European insti-
tutions – ‘a peer review’.

BUSTRIP is designed to assist cities in their work on Sustain-
able Urban Transport. In particular this performance assess-
ment methodology was developed to assist cities understand
their progress towards having a successful sustainable urban
transport plan.

    The elements of a BUSTRIP Peer Review:
        Each partner makes a (self assessment) report
        A peer review team carries out a ‘desk review’ of the
                                                                          Gdynia Kick-starts
    •   A list of important stakeholders is agreed upon.
                                                                          Bustrip Peer Review
    •   The team is meeting stakeholders and interest

        The team presents its headline review ‘findings’ to the
        municipality stakeholders.
                                                                          It was an exciting experience for the City of Gdynia to host the
    •   The peer review team writes a report.                             first Bustrip Project Peer review visit. The external experts arriv-
    •   Agrees on its contents with the partner city.                     ing from various Baltic Cities examined our urban transport in
    •   The partner city publishes the peer review report.                detail and gave us valuable feedback. The team provided us with
    •   The partner city uses its self-assessment report and              a politically independent and honest view of our transport system
        the peer review report to                                         and transport related policies and strategies. We found all of the
        o design their Sustainable Urban Transport Plan                   comments very useful and will strive to include most, if not all, of
        o verify their pilot actions that will be implemented             the raised issues in our Sustainable Urban Transport Plan.
           during BUSTRIP project
        o accelerate progress towards Sustainable Urban                   However, some of the challenges will require more time and
           Transport Plan                                                 additional financial and human resources. Nonetheless, we are
                                                                          convinced the peer review will have influenced the authorities
                                                                          responsible for transport and traffic planning and provided the
                                                                          incentives to kick-start the long process of developing a sus-
For more informtation:
                                                                          tainable transport in Gdynia.
Allen Creedy, Executive Advisor
                                                                          For more information:
                                                                          Tymoteusz Pieglowski
                                                                          Bustrip Coordinator, City of Gdynia

                                                                              City’s comment
                                                                               - The Peer review showed that Tartu has
                                                                               many good values in the city transport but it
                                                                               also raised the question how the sustainable
                                                                               transport is handled in the city planning

                                                                               Mr Marek Muiste
                                                                               BUSTRIP Coordinator, City of Tartu
  http://europa.eu.int/growthandjobs/pdf/COM2005_024_en.pdf                    muiste@hot.ee

Thematic Strategy                                                    BUSTRIP in Örebro
    on the Urban                                                         In 2005 the Örebro City Council decided to develop a strat-
                                                                         egy for sustainable transport. Soon afterwards, the BUSTRIP
                                                                         project was announced. The Council applied and our partner-
    Environment                                                          ship was accepted. This is a real winner for Örebro as it gives
                                                                         us access to international experts and a methodology for strat-
                                                                         egy development.

    In the beginning of 2006, the European Commission published          Since BUSTRIP’s December 2005 launch in Örebro, we have
    a communication on Thematic Strategy in the Urban Environ-           been busy compiling the self-assessment report which was sent
    ment. The rather short 12 page document stresses the impor-          to the peer review team mid-March.
    tance of urban areas in delivering the objectives of the EU Sus-
    tainable Development Strategy.                                       One of the most rewarding parts of the work so far has been in
                                                                         bringing together officials from different areas of the city’s admin-
    Environmental problems are more concentrated in cities and           istration – in all about 25 people – to develop a common view
    the quality of life in urban areas is very dependent on the state    of the present situation.
    of the environment. The communication stresses the impor-
    tance of a high quality urban environment to achieve the goal of     Through the process of working together a number of incon-
    the Lisbon Strategy, “to make Europa a more attractive place         sistencies have been identified, for example in the Environmen-
    to work and invest” and to enhance cities potential for growth       tal Goals and the Business and Employment Policy Programme.
    and job creation.                                                    Through BUSTRIP’s methodology a number of shortcomings
                                                                         have also been highlighted, in terms of knowledge base and
    An integrated approach to environmental management at the            public involvement.
    local level is recommended as a key to successful implementa-
    tion and long lasting improvements, especially for transport.        At the end of April, the peer review team visited Örebro and will
                                                                         deliver their report before end of June. We will then be able to
    With an integrated approach based on a long-term vision of the       commence work on the development of our Sustainable Urban
    development of the city, conflicts between different policies and     Transport Plan. A working group has already been formed and
    initiatives can be avoided and better results achieved. Further,     we are now in the process of identifying other stakeholders.
    the strategy highlights the importance of stakeholder consulta-
    tion in planning.                                                    The city of Örebro will also take part in another UBC EnvCom
                                                                         lead EU project known as SUSTAINMENT, whose goal is to inte-
    Transport is considered to play a key role in the sustainable        grate the work being done on sustainable development in the
    development of cities and the Commission strongly recom-             local area. We will try to take advantage of this work in the pro-
    mends for local authorities to develop and implement sustaina-       duction of our SUTP.
    ble urban transport plans.
                                                                         Finally, we have two pilot projects due to take off soon. One will
    It also announces that the Commission will provide some techni-      look at the coordination of freight distribution in the city centre,
    cal guidance based on the recommendations of the 2004 Expert         the other at a more efficient public transport system.
    Working Group and give best practice examples.
                                                                         For more information:
    The BUSTRIP project is fully in line with the strategy suggested     Per Elvingson
    by the Commission. BUSTRIP-cities are forerunners in develop-        BUSTRIP Coordinator, City of Örebro
    ing local sustainable urban transport plans and the knowledge        Directorate for Community Planning, Örebro
    and experience gained in this project will be of great value for     per.elvingson@orebro.se
    many other European cities. BUSTRIP will provide other cities
    both with a several good examples and, even more importantly,
    a SUTP-toolbox that will help other cities to follow the suggested
    strategy for more sustainable transport.

    To download the Thematic Strategy, search for: Thematic Strat-
    egy on the Urban Environment (COM/2005/718).

    For more information:
    Michael Koucky, UBC TransCom
    Coordinator of the SUTP work package

Planning for sustainable
urban transport
The key to cities making progress towards sustainable urban          SUTPs in the BUSTRIP cities
development and sustainable economic growth is to foster
sustainable urban transport. The key to delivering sustainable       The starting point for the sustainable transport planning proc-
urban transport lies in the process of transport planning, inte-     ess is the findings from the peer-reviews. These results will guide
grating environmental, social and economic concerns and meet-        the city to necessary measures and will also identify how far
ing future needs.                                                    the city has come in its planning process. Some cities will start
                                                                     from the beginning and introduce a SUTP and others will revise,
One of the aims with the BUSTRIP project is to initiate, review      improve, and adapt an existing plan. Some cities with existing
and then implement Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP)          SUTPs will focus on updating and then implementing their plan
in the participating cities. The goal of working with a SUTP is to   through ‘pilot actions’.
systematically move towards more sustainable transport, with
the SUTP acting as the guiding document for all transport plan-      Effective cooperation between local stakeholders is central to the
ning in the city.                                                    success of BUSTRIP. Each city is establishing an ‘intersectoral
                                                                     working group’ to engage and integrate various municipal stake-
BUSTRIP is a pioneering project in the field of sustainable trans-    holders in SUT-planning, for example representatives from traf-
port planning, aimed at developing best SUTP practices in            fic and physical planning. The early establishment of this work-
Europe. During the project, successful examples of best prac-        ing group is essential to the success of the planning process. It
tices from participating cities will be exchanged between the        allows its members to contribute to the plan and the success of
partner cities.                                                      other BUSTRIP work packages.
                                                                     The expected outcomes after having introduced/revised the
SUTP and its purpose                                                 SUTPs in the cities are:

The SUTP is a tool to work with mobility and transport in a sus-     •   Improved planning structures for inter-sectoral planning of
tainable way. It addresses public and private transport, motor-          transport
ised and non-motorised transport, moving and parked vehicles,        •   Common vision on urban transport goals and planning
as well as freight transport and logistics. These transport cat-         principles
egories are dealt with in an integrated way. The SUTP should         •   Established methods for stakeholder involvement
express a shared vision on the development of sustainable trans-     •   An approved SUTP
port in the city and provide a strategy to systematically work
towards this goal.                                                   For more information:
                                                                     Jenny Siira, TransCom Coordinator

Pilot actions kick-start
    the implementation
    of Sustainable Urban
    Transport Plans
    Each BUSTRIP partner city will carry out Pilot actions as part         hands-on improvements resulting from the pilot actions will be
    of the project. These are necessary actions that must be taken         enable the cities to get support for increased investments for
    to move towards achieving targets in their Sustainable Urban           future actions and improvements.
    Transport Plans (SUTP). Carrying out the Pilot actions should
    lead to measurable improvements in the cities’ urban transport         To ensure the transnationality of the implementation, the pilot
    and mobility situation. Each city is supported in their work on        actions are grouped according to themes. During the project
    the pilot actions by the work package leader Chalmers Univer-          Chalmers will support cities in each theme group to share their
    sity of Technology.                                                    problems and find solutions. The three theme groups are: 1)
                                                                           ITS, Public Transport and Clean Vehicles, 2) Intermodal trans-
    Although each city has specific targets for their pilot actions, they   port systems and 3) Mobility management. Within each group
    have the general purpose of raising awareness and improving            there are cities with a wide range of experience of sustain-
    understanding among stakeholders. The pilot actions have been          able urban transport. The theme groups will facilitate exchange
    chosen by each city based on local needs and opportunities.            between cities that have developed their transport systems to
    All are looking for concrete results that will convince stakehold-     different extents.
    ers of the value of more sustainable forms of transport. These
                                                                           For example, the city of Sundsvall in Northern Sweden will
                                                                           develop park and ride system to close up the distances in the
                                                                           scarcely populated region. They will show models to other BSR
                                                                           cities facing similar problems. The city of Gdynia, located in the
                                                                           metropolitan North coast region of Poland, will reduce the car
                                                                           traffic in the city centre by limiting the access to the main shop-
                                                                           ping road. On this road, which has recently been rebuilt, they are
                                                                           planning to only allow trolley bus traffic. Private cars will have to
                                                                           choose alternative routes for through traffic. The city of Pärnu will
                                                                           explore ways to use the public transport system more efficiently
                                                                           through increasing passenger information that makes services
                                                                           more understandable. This will improve the cycling infrastructure
                                                                           and the feasibility of using the redundant railway as a tram route
                                                                           and establishing a public river transport system.

                                                                           For more information:
                                                                           Maria Lindholm, Chalmers University of Technology

In 2002, Göteborg opened a Mobility Centre in the Lundby city        receive individual coaching from a professional coach and 70 will
district, a former industrial area now being redeveloped into a      be involved in group-coaching. One big motivation for partici-
busy housing and business area. Lundby Mobility Centre informs       pating in the project is the health aspect, as all the participants
households and companies in the area of alternatives to the pri-     are offered a physical test, and will fill in a travel diary so they
vate car such as car sharing, car pools, cycling, travel plans,      can monitor the change during the project. The participants will
public transport etc. The goal is to raise awareness and in the      have the opportunity to try out the public transport system and
long run to reach a behavioural change towards more environ-         attend information meetings about changing behaviour and envi-
mentally friendly means of transport.                                ronmental friendly travel opportunities in Göteborg.

Within BUSTRIP, Göteborg will develop the work of Lundby             During and after the project, the participants will function as
Mobility Centre further, by working with a new method called         ambassadors for changing travel behaviour by sharing their
mobility coaching. In a few words mobility coaching is about         personal experiences, support and give ideas on alternative
making everyday car drivers change travel behaviour by provid-       travel ways.
ing them with individual support and coaching on how to make
this change.                                                         For more information:
                                                                     Gunilla Fransson
The interest for participating in the project has been impressive.   BUSTRIP Coordinator, City of Göteborg
Of the 260 people who showed interest in the project, 20 will        Email: gunilla.fransson@tk.goteborg.se

BUSTRIP – Towards
     Sustainable Urban
     BUSTRIP (Baltic Urban Sustainable Transport Implementation            - There will always be surprises for the team and the host city.
     and Planning) will provide practical solutions and tools for Euro-    Something unexpected will always emerge!
     pean cities and municipalities to deliver Sustainable Urban Trans-
     port. The 12 partner cities in the BUSTRIP project are the first in    The partner will use the findings of Peer review to prepare their
     Europe to start preparing and implementing Sustainable Urban          new SUTPs and to revise existing plans; from this they will imple-
     Transport Plans (SUTP). SUTP’s are advocated in the European          ment SUTP related pilot actions that will make tangible progress.
     Commissions’ Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment (6th          All findings, experiences, Best practices and materials produced
     Environmental Action Plan). BUSTRIP is uniquely positioned to         in the project will serve as the basis for the making of the project
     show European cities how to deliver sustainable transport whilst      main outcome, the SUTP toolbox.
     generating economic growth.

     BUSTRIP will produce a SUTP toolbox of techniques, collect-
     ing all the learning experiences and best practices from the cit-
     ies. The toolbox will assist European cities to understand SUTP
     and the opportunities available to move towards sustainable
     urban transport.

     BUSTRIP is about sharing problems and solutions
     The fundamental idea of the BUSTRIP project is learning from
     other cities. This is done by peer reviewing. Each of the partner
     cities will receive a Peer review that will assist them in under-
     standing their current progress towards Sustainable Urban

     Allen Creedy, executive advisor to the BUSTRIP project, has
     been carrying out Peer review processes in EU for 15 years.

     - It’s about sharing our problems, and sharing our solutions.
     We cannot duck from the issues. He promises that from each
     Peer review the key finding will assist the city to accelerate their
     progress towards sustainable transport.
                                                                           For more information:
     - For municipalities it’s the best way of learning - constructive     Anna Granberg
     criticism from people who are dealing with the same problems          BUSTRIP Project Coordinator
     in their own cities and finding their own solutions. Allen empha-      anna.granberg@ubc.net
     sises that Peer review is about collaboration between cities and      Sakari Saarinen
     municipalities and not about competition.                             BUSTRIP Project Officer

Project Steering Group

From left, Allen Creedy, Anna Granberg and Sakari Saarinen from UBC EnvCom, Sönke Behrends from Chalmers University of Tech-
nology and Michael Koucky and Jenny Siira from UBC TransCom during a PSG meeting in Parainen in June 2006. Top right, Maria
Lindholm from Chalmers University of Technology and bottom right, Lisa Sundell from UBC TransCom. The Project Steering Group
includes also Risto Veivo from UBC EnvCom and Magnus Blinge from Chalmers University of Technology.

    BUSTRIP Newsletter 1
    UBC Environment and Agenda 21 Secretariat
    The Old Observatory, Vartiovuori, FIN-20700 Turku, Finland
    Tel: +358 2 262 3201, Fax: +358 2 262 3425
    Project contact persons
    Anna Granberg, Project Coordinator
    Mob. +358 50 4017 816, anna.granberg@ubc.net
    Sakari Saarinen, Project Officer
    Mob. +358 44 9075 994, sakari.saarinen@ubc.net

    Editorial team
    Allen Creedy, Chief-editor (UBC), Anna Granberg (UBC), Sakari Saarinen (UBC), Risto Veivo (UBC), Sari Bowie (UBC, layout), Virpi Kaukavuori (UBC, editor)
    Drawings - Seppo Leinonen
    Front page Bremen (big photo), Göteborg (small photos), page 4 Tartu, page 5 Gdynia, page 6 Vilnius, pages 7 & 9 Göteborg, pages 10-12 BUSTRIP project.
    Newsletter template by ID BBN
    ISBN 952-99467-8-3 (nid.), 952-99467-9-1 (PDF)
    Published in June 2006
    Printed by PainoPrisma Oy.

    BUSTRIP is part-financed by European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the BSR INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme, the Finnish Ministry of
    Environment and partner cities.
    This Newsletter reflects the authors’ views. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in this publication.

    The BUSTRIP is part of the UBC Agenda 21 Programme 2004-2009 - Roadmap for Sustainable Baltic Cities.

Project city partners

                                                                                              UBC EnvCom (LP)
                                                                                              Anna Granberg
                                    Christer Tarberg
                                    Örebro                                                    Turku
                                    Per Elvingson                                             Mikko Laaksonen
                                    per.elvingson@orebro.se                                   mikko.k.laaksonen@turku.fi
                                                                                              Mari Kinttula
UBC TransCom                                                                                  mari.kinttula@kouvolaregion.fi
Lisa Sundell
Michael Koucky
Chalmers Technical University
Magnus Blinge                                                                                               Tartu
magnus.blinge@transek.se                                                                                    Marek Muiste
Maria Lindholm                                                                                              muiste@hot.ee
maria.lindholm@transek.se                                                                                   Peep Margus
Sönke Behrends                                                                                              peep.margus@raad.tartu.ee
Göteborg                                                                                                    Karri Tiigisoon
Sofia Vennersten                                                                                             karri@lv.parnu.ee
                                                                      Mara Zeltina
                                                                      Dace Liepniece

                                                     Gdynia                                              Kaunas
                                                     Tymoteusz Pieglowski                                James McGeever
                                                     tymasp@interia.pl                                   jamesm@kaunas.sav.lt
                                                                                                         Danguole Vaitkiene
                                                                                                         Aurelija Babiliute


                 Michael Glotz-Richter


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BUSTRIP Newsletter 1

  • 1. moving sustainably Newsletter 1, June 2006 Cities boosting for sustainable transport Peer review is about sharing problems and solutions www.bustrip-project.net
  • 2. Beyond By Virpi Kaukavuori the traffic jam Cities boosting for sustainable transport Hopping into a private car to join the tail of the queue in the morning is becoming a less attractive option for the future as other cities follow the example of London and Stockholm. There, traffic jams is left behind by better organised and more sustainable transport systems. The idea of ‘floating’ and more environmental friendly traffic is entering the political agenda at high speed. - In central London, in particular, increasing the capacity of the transport system cannot be based upon the private car – the necessary road building programme would be financially and environmentally unacceptable, Mayor of London, Ken Living- Drawings by Seppo Leinonen stone, declares in his Transport strategy. London, a city of 7,5 million people, will never be the same again - People think twice before they take their own car in the morn- after Mayor Livingstone put his words into practice - taming wild ing. And now we can breathe. The residents of Stockholm will traffic growth by collecting a congestion charge of eight Pounds have this system, says Ödmann, also a member of the Union of from drivers entering the central zone. Money seems to make a the Baltic Cities (UBC) Executive Board. big difference. According to Transport for London, the conges- tion charge has cut congestion by about 20-30 per cent, which - I would recommend road pricing to a city around the size of is comparable to the reduction during school holidays. London Stockholm, or bigger. Experiences can be learnt from us, but is now planning to extend the charging beyond just the central the systems in each city should be individual. And think what to areas of the capital. do with the money saved. In Stockholm we have put it in pub- lic transport, buses and metros, Ödmann adds. In Stockholm the trial period of the road pricing system started January 3rd 2006 and will last for seven months. Already in its “Charging is not the only means of improvement” first months, it has removed 100 000 vehicles from the cen- Elsewhere in the Baltic Sea Region, there are other encouraging tral area during rush hours. Three months after its introduction signs of UBC cities that are taking the issues of urban transport city officials claim that the system has not harmed businesses. and congestion, in particular, seriously . The Bustrip project is Christopher Ödmann, Stockholm City Councillor, The Green one of the first large-scale attempts in Europe to find and share Party of Sweden, agrees that following the example of London practical tools to solve the problems of sustainable urban has been a good idea. transport. The twelve cities in the Baltic region started working together in July 2005 to solve these urban transport problems. The referendum about the road pricing system will be held in The project will finish in December 2007. Sweden September 17th this year. A system where people have to open up their purses, has split the residents of Stockholm. - But there are means and solutions other than charging, Risto Ödmann believes Stockholmers will not let clean air to be spoilt Veivo, the head of the environmental secretariat of the UBC, again once they have been used to the significant improvements points out. within such a short period of time. 2
  • 3. - Success in this project can only be based on a package of drive private cars. It’s a high rate compared to many other Euro- effective actions. In Bustrip, the cities are making this pack- pean countries. age through Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP), Veivo explains. James McGeever has worked in Kaunas for a few years and is managing the projects that help to develop the transport sys- For example Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, which have the high- tem, with which he personally is quite happy. est growth in Gross Domestic Product in the EU, have an oppor- tunity to act preventively before the amount of traffic passes the - I have chosen not to own a car, he says. I think it would be pace of economic growth. Small cities and growing economies unfair of me to be suggesting ideas for public transport devel- won’t necessarily have to face the problems of urban traffic jams opment if I never used the services. This attitude is one I try to and emissions that many European metropolises have already promote within the municipality, especially to the politicians who driven themselves to. are responsible in many cases for discussing and deciding pub- lic transport policy. “Kaunas redesigned the transport system” Picture this: Confusing timetables and routes, missing customer He would like to see the trolley bus system to be further devel- service, vehicles as cold as a fridge and worn out with years. The oped. industrial centre of the former Soviet state, Kaunas in Lithuania, had to redesign its public transport system after the collapse and - Most western EU cities stay clear of trolley buses and tram the closures in early 1990’s. At the same time the country started lines believing them to be ‘messy’ for the look of a city due to to build market economy and attract new investments. the presence of overhead wires. However, it is far more ‘messy’ to have diesel fumes spewing out of the de-regulated busses that clutter up their city centre streets, he says. Meanwhile, because the explosive growth in Asia creates more pressure for the effective use of oil, sustainability has become a bigger political issue than anyone could have expected a few years ago. Contents Businesses and industries are growing fast within the city cen- tre. Traffic on the main highway between Kaunas and Vilnius has Beyond the traffic jam 2 increased. Yet, the urban traffic is not as congested as it is in many western European cities. Contents 3 Kaunas is one of the partner cities in BUSTRIP. During the past Peer Review points out direction for sustainability 4 five years, the city has invested in energy efficient electric trol- ley buses and promoted cycling and walking. The result is an Gdynia kick-starts Peer Review visits 5 almost 50 per cent reduction in nitrogen oxide (2001-2002). This success is one of the reasons why UBC granted Kaunas “Best City’s comment - Tartu 5 Environmental Practice Award” in 2005. Another reason is that Kaunas has learnt about best practice through participation in Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment 6 European Commission’s CIVITAS programme – winning the award for “The Best Practice of Transport” (2005). SUTP in Örebro 6 Mindaugas Kucinovas, the chief specialist of Transport Divi- Planning for sustainable urban transport 7 sion in Kaunas, says that sustainable development is a rather new idea for the people of Lithuania to understand. In spite of the Pilot actions kick-start SUTP implementation 8 awards, support is still needed, especially from the politicians. Pilot action in Göteborg 9 - Sometimes I feel like fighting with windmills. But I believe it will change in the near future. Then we’ll be able to run the project About BUSTRIP 10 dedicated to sustainable development in even a larger scale, Kucinovas says. Project Steering Group 11 In Kaunas, with its nearly 400 000 inhabitants, 60 per cent of Publishing information 11 passengers choose public transport, and only 22,5 per cent Introducing project partners 12 3
  • 4. Peer Review pointing out direction for sustainability - The idea of Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP) emerged City partners use the reports to verify their pilot action that will from the work of the European Commissions’ expert working be carried out and the process helps partners to accelerate group on Sustainable Urban Transport. Their work recognised progress towards Sustainable Urban Transport Plans. the interdependence of all activities in urban areas and the need to integrate transport planning with all other planning to What will the peer review achieve? make our cities more sustainable. All the Bustrip partner cities are committed to making their cities more sustainable places to The peer review will stimulate internal and external discussion live work and visit. The Bustrip project is using ‘peer review’ to about current and future progress towards sustainable urban help partner cities understand the contribution that their current transport. It also provides an independent assessment of the activities, policies, and processes are making. Crucially the peer progress being made towards sustainable urban transport in review teams are pointing the cities towards changes that may each partner city. The Peer Review will assist in the preparation help in their quest to be more sustainable. of Sustainable Urban Transport Plans, and within the BUSTRIP project - to kick start this work. What does the peer review involve? The method has the benefit that it allows the representatives The peer review method involves certain elements. To start from other municipalities, as the peers, to share their varied skills with, each partner city prepares and publishes a self assess- and experience. The review allow for comparison and exchange ment report on its progress towards sustainable urban trans- of information among municipalities port. A peer review team of experts from the other partner cit- ies carries out a ‘desk review’ of the self-assessment report and One synergy of carrying out a review of this kind is that it raises agrees with each partner city on a list of stakeholders that they sustainable urban transport issues on the political agenda. The will interview during their visit. reviews also provide a framework for understanding how part- ner cities can make a greater contribution to the Lisbon Strat- The peer review team visits each partner city and carries out a egy(1) and provide a reporting framework to the Aalborg +10 review of the self-assessment report, meeting stakeholders and Commitments(2). interest groups. The team presents its headline review ‘findings’ to the municipality stakeholders at the end of the visit. Performance assessment by peer review After the visit peer review team writes a report and agrees on its The BUSTRIP peer review is a ‘performance assessment’. This contents with the partner city, who then publishes this review is the ‘considered judgement’ (assessment) of experts, on the report. The partner city uses its self-assessment report and the ‘progress being made’ (performance) by municipalities towards peer review report in designing their Sustainable Urban Trans- a benchmark (or ‘ideal’). port Plan and actions. 4
  • 5. The benchmark used in this assessment has been developed within the BUSTRIP project. It is substantially based on the work of the European Commissions Expert Working Group on Sus- tainable Urban Transport(3). This assessment is carried out by teams of peers from Baltic Sea municipalities and European insti- tutions – ‘a peer review’. BUSTRIP is designed to assist cities in their work on Sustain- able Urban Transport. In particular this performance assess- ment methodology was developed to assist cities understand their progress towards having a successful sustainable urban transport plan. The elements of a BUSTRIP Peer Review: • • Each partner makes a (self assessment) report A peer review team carries out a ‘desk review’ of the Gdynia Kick-starts report • A list of important stakeholders is agreed upon. Bustrip Peer Review • The team is meeting stakeholders and interest • groups. The team presents its headline review ‘findings’ to the Visits! municipality stakeholders. It was an exciting experience for the City of Gdynia to host the • The peer review team writes a report. first Bustrip Project Peer review visit. The external experts arriv- • Agrees on its contents with the partner city. ing from various Baltic Cities examined our urban transport in • The partner city publishes the peer review report. detail and gave us valuable feedback. The team provided us with • The partner city uses its self-assessment report and a politically independent and honest view of our transport system the peer review report to and transport related policies and strategies. We found all of the o design their Sustainable Urban Transport Plan comments very useful and will strive to include most, if not all, of o verify their pilot actions that will be implemented the raised issues in our Sustainable Urban Transport Plan. during BUSTRIP project o accelerate progress towards Sustainable Urban However, some of the challenges will require more time and Transport Plan additional financial and human resources. Nonetheless, we are convinced the peer review will have influenced the authorities responsible for transport and traffic planning and provided the incentives to kick-start the long process of developing a sus- For more informtation: tainable transport in Gdynia. Allen Creedy, Executive Advisor allen.creedy@btclick.com For more information: Tymoteusz Pieglowski Bustrip Coordinator, City of Gdynia tymasp@interia.pl City’s comment - The Peer review showed that Tartu has many good values in the city transport but it also raised the question how the sustainable transport is handled in the city planning process. Mr Marek Muiste BUSTRIP Coordinator, City of Tartu 1 http://europa.eu.int/growthandjobs/pdf/COM2005_024_en.pdf muiste@hot.ee 2 http://www.aalborgplus10.dk/ 3 http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/urban/pdf/final_report050128.pdf 5
  • 6. Thematic Strategy BUSTRIP in Örebro on the Urban In 2005 the Örebro City Council decided to develop a strat- egy for sustainable transport. Soon afterwards, the BUSTRIP project was announced. The Council applied and our partner- Environment ship was accepted. This is a real winner for Örebro as it gives us access to international experts and a methodology for strat- egy development. In the beginning of 2006, the European Commission published Since BUSTRIP’s December 2005 launch in Örebro, we have a communication on Thematic Strategy in the Urban Environ- been busy compiling the self-assessment report which was sent ment. The rather short 12 page document stresses the impor- to the peer review team mid-March. tance of urban areas in delivering the objectives of the EU Sus- tainable Development Strategy. One of the most rewarding parts of the work so far has been in bringing together officials from different areas of the city’s admin- Environmental problems are more concentrated in cities and istration – in all about 25 people – to develop a common view the quality of life in urban areas is very dependent on the state of the present situation. of the environment. The communication stresses the impor- tance of a high quality urban environment to achieve the goal of Through the process of working together a number of incon- the Lisbon Strategy, “to make Europa a more attractive place sistencies have been identified, for example in the Environmen- to work and invest” and to enhance cities potential for growth tal Goals and the Business and Employment Policy Programme. and job creation. Through BUSTRIP’s methodology a number of shortcomings have also been highlighted, in terms of knowledge base and An integrated approach to environmental management at the public involvement. local level is recommended as a key to successful implementa- tion and long lasting improvements, especially for transport. At the end of April, the peer review team visited Örebro and will deliver their report before end of June. We will then be able to With an integrated approach based on a long-term vision of the commence work on the development of our Sustainable Urban development of the city, conflicts between different policies and Transport Plan. A working group has already been formed and initiatives can be avoided and better results achieved. Further, we are now in the process of identifying other stakeholders. the strategy highlights the importance of stakeholder consulta- tion in planning. The city of Örebro will also take part in another UBC EnvCom lead EU project known as SUSTAINMENT, whose goal is to inte- Transport is considered to play a key role in the sustainable grate the work being done on sustainable development in the development of cities and the Commission strongly recom- local area. We will try to take advantage of this work in the pro- mends for local authorities to develop and implement sustaina- duction of our SUTP. ble urban transport plans. Finally, we have two pilot projects due to take off soon. One will It also announces that the Commission will provide some techni- look at the coordination of freight distribution in the city centre, cal guidance based on the recommendations of the 2004 Expert the other at a more efficient public transport system. Working Group and give best practice examples. For more information: The BUSTRIP project is fully in line with the strategy suggested Per Elvingson by the Commission. BUSTRIP-cities are forerunners in develop- BUSTRIP Coordinator, City of Örebro ing local sustainable urban transport plans and the knowledge Directorate for Community Planning, Örebro and experience gained in this project will be of great value for per.elvingson@orebro.se many other European cities. BUSTRIP will provide other cities both with a several good examples and, even more importantly, a SUTP-toolbox that will help other cities to follow the suggested strategy for more sustainable transport. To download the Thematic Strategy, search for: Thematic Strat- egy on the Urban Environment (COM/2005/718). For more information: Michael Koucky, UBC TransCom Coordinator of the SUTP work package michael.koucky@koucky.se 6
  • 7. Planning for sustainable urban transport The key to cities making progress towards sustainable urban SUTPs in the BUSTRIP cities development and sustainable economic growth is to foster sustainable urban transport. The key to delivering sustainable The starting point for the sustainable transport planning proc- urban transport lies in the process of transport planning, inte- ess is the findings from the peer-reviews. These results will guide grating environmental, social and economic concerns and meet- the city to necessary measures and will also identify how far ing future needs. the city has come in its planning process. Some cities will start from the beginning and introduce a SUTP and others will revise, One of the aims with the BUSTRIP project is to initiate, review improve, and adapt an existing plan. Some cities with existing and then implement Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP) SUTPs will focus on updating and then implementing their plan in the participating cities. The goal of working with a SUTP is to through ‘pilot actions’. systematically move towards more sustainable transport, with the SUTP acting as the guiding document for all transport plan- Effective cooperation between local stakeholders is central to the ning in the city. success of BUSTRIP. Each city is establishing an ‘intersectoral working group’ to engage and integrate various municipal stake- BUSTRIP is a pioneering project in the field of sustainable trans- holders in SUT-planning, for example representatives from traf- port planning, aimed at developing best SUTP practices in fic and physical planning. The early establishment of this work- Europe. During the project, successful examples of best prac- ing group is essential to the success of the planning process. It tices from participating cities will be exchanged between the allows its members to contribute to the plan and the success of partner cities. other BUSTRIP work packages. The expected outcomes after having introduced/revised the SUTP and its purpose SUTPs in the cities are: The SUTP is a tool to work with mobility and transport in a sus- • Improved planning structures for inter-sectoral planning of tainable way. It addresses public and private transport, motor- transport ised and non-motorised transport, moving and parked vehicles, • Common vision on urban transport goals and planning as well as freight transport and logistics. These transport cat- principles egories are dealt with in an integrated way. The SUTP should • Established methods for stakeholder involvement express a shared vision on the development of sustainable trans- • An approved SUTP port in the city and provide a strategy to systematically work towards this goal. For more information: Jenny Siira, TransCom Coordinator jenny.siira@tk.goteborg.se 7
  • 8. Pilot actions kick-start the implementation of Sustainable Urban Transport Plans Each BUSTRIP partner city will carry out Pilot actions as part hands-on improvements resulting from the pilot actions will be of the project. These are necessary actions that must be taken enable the cities to get support for increased investments for to move towards achieving targets in their Sustainable Urban future actions and improvements. Transport Plans (SUTP). Carrying out the Pilot actions should lead to measurable improvements in the cities’ urban transport To ensure the transnationality of the implementation, the pilot and mobility situation. Each city is supported in their work on actions are grouped according to themes. During the project the pilot actions by the work package leader Chalmers Univer- Chalmers will support cities in each theme group to share their sity of Technology. problems and find solutions. The three theme groups are: 1) ITS, Public Transport and Clean Vehicles, 2) Intermodal trans- Although each city has specific targets for their pilot actions, they port systems and 3) Mobility management. Within each group have the general purpose of raising awareness and improving there are cities with a wide range of experience of sustain- understanding among stakeholders. The pilot actions have been able urban transport. The theme groups will facilitate exchange chosen by each city based on local needs and opportunities. between cities that have developed their transport systems to All are looking for concrete results that will convince stakehold- different extents. ers of the value of more sustainable forms of transport. These For example, the city of Sundsvall in Northern Sweden will develop park and ride system to close up the distances in the scarcely populated region. They will show models to other BSR cities facing similar problems. The city of Gdynia, located in the metropolitan North coast region of Poland, will reduce the car traffic in the city centre by limiting the access to the main shop- ping road. On this road, which has recently been rebuilt, they are planning to only allow trolley bus traffic. Private cars will have to choose alternative routes for through traffic. The city of Pärnu will explore ways to use the public transport system more efficiently through increasing passenger information that makes services more understandable. This will improve the cycling infrastructure and the feasibility of using the redundant railway as a tram route and establishing a public river transport system. For more information: Maria Lindholm, Chalmers University of Technology maria.lindholm@chalmers.se 8
  • 9. PILOT ACTION in GÖTEBORG - MOBILITY COACHING In 2002, Göteborg opened a Mobility Centre in the Lundby city receive individual coaching from a professional coach and 70 will district, a former industrial area now being redeveloped into a be involved in group-coaching. One big motivation for partici- busy housing and business area. Lundby Mobility Centre informs pating in the project is the health aspect, as all the participants households and companies in the area of alternatives to the pri- are offered a physical test, and will fill in a travel diary so they vate car such as car sharing, car pools, cycling, travel plans, can monitor the change during the project. The participants will public transport etc. The goal is to raise awareness and in the have the opportunity to try out the public transport system and long run to reach a behavioural change towards more environ- attend information meetings about changing behaviour and envi- mentally friendly means of transport. ronmental friendly travel opportunities in Göteborg. Within BUSTRIP, Göteborg will develop the work of Lundby During and after the project, the participants will function as Mobility Centre further, by working with a new method called ambassadors for changing travel behaviour by sharing their mobility coaching. In a few words mobility coaching is about personal experiences, support and give ideas on alternative making everyday car drivers change travel behaviour by provid- travel ways. ing them with individual support and coaching on how to make this change. For more information: Gunilla Fransson The interest for participating in the project has been impressive. BUSTRIP Coordinator, City of Göteborg Of the 260 people who showed interest in the project, 20 will Email: gunilla.fransson@tk.goteborg.se 9
  • 10. BUSTRIP – Towards Sustainable Urban Transport BUSTRIP (Baltic Urban Sustainable Transport Implementation - There will always be surprises for the team and the host city. and Planning) will provide practical solutions and tools for Euro- Something unexpected will always emerge! pean cities and municipalities to deliver Sustainable Urban Trans- port. The 12 partner cities in the BUSTRIP project are the first in The partner will use the findings of Peer review to prepare their Europe to start preparing and implementing Sustainable Urban new SUTPs and to revise existing plans; from this they will imple- Transport Plans (SUTP). SUTP’s are advocated in the European ment SUTP related pilot actions that will make tangible progress. Commissions’ Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment (6th All findings, experiences, Best practices and materials produced Environmental Action Plan). BUSTRIP is uniquely positioned to in the project will serve as the basis for the making of the project show European cities how to deliver sustainable transport whilst main outcome, the SUTP toolbox. generating economic growth. BUSTRIP will produce a SUTP toolbox of techniques, collect- ing all the learning experiences and best practices from the cit- ies. The toolbox will assist European cities to understand SUTP and the opportunities available to move towards sustainable urban transport. BUSTRIP is about sharing problems and solutions The fundamental idea of the BUSTRIP project is learning from other cities. This is done by peer reviewing. Each of the partner cities will receive a Peer review that will assist them in under- standing their current progress towards Sustainable Urban Transport. Allen Creedy, executive advisor to the BUSTRIP project, has been carrying out Peer review processes in EU for 15 years. - It’s about sharing our problems, and sharing our solutions. We cannot duck from the issues. He promises that from each Peer review the key finding will assist the city to accelerate their progress towards sustainable transport. For more information: - For municipalities it’s the best way of learning - constructive Anna Granberg criticism from people who are dealing with the same problems BUSTRIP Project Coordinator in their own cities and finding their own solutions. Allen empha- anna.granberg@ubc.net sises that Peer review is about collaboration between cities and Sakari Saarinen municipalities and not about competition. BUSTRIP Project Officer sakari.saarinen@ubc.net 10
  • 11. Project Steering Group From left, Allen Creedy, Anna Granberg and Sakari Saarinen from UBC EnvCom, Sönke Behrends from Chalmers University of Tech- nology and Michael Koucky and Jenny Siira from UBC TransCom during a PSG meeting in Parainen in June 2006. Top right, Maria Lindholm from Chalmers University of Technology and bottom right, Lisa Sundell from UBC TransCom. The Project Steering Group includes also Risto Veivo from UBC EnvCom and Magnus Blinge from Chalmers University of Technology. BUSTRIP Newsletter 1 Publisher UBC Environment and Agenda 21 Secretariat The Old Observatory, Vartiovuori, FIN-20700 Turku, Finland Tel: +358 2 262 3201, Fax: +358 2 262 3425 Project contact persons Anna Granberg, Project Coordinator Mob. +358 50 4017 816, anna.granberg@ubc.net Sakari Saarinen, Project Officer Mob. +358 44 9075 994, sakari.saarinen@ubc.net Editorial team Allen Creedy, Chief-editor (UBC), Anna Granberg (UBC), Sakari Saarinen (UBC), Risto Veivo (UBC), Sari Bowie (UBC, layout), Virpi Kaukavuori (UBC, editor) Illustrations Drawings - Seppo Leinonen Front page Bremen (big photo), Göteborg (small photos), page 4 Tartu, page 5 Gdynia, page 6 Vilnius, pages 7 & 9 Göteborg, pages 10-12 BUSTRIP project. Newsletter template by ID BBN ISBN 952-99467-8-3 (nid.), 952-99467-9-1 (PDF) Published in June 2006 Printed by PainoPrisma Oy. BUSTRIP is part-financed by European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the BSR INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme, the Finnish Ministry of Environment and partner cities. This Newsletter reflects the authors’ views. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in this publication. The BUSTRIP is part of the UBC Agenda 21 Programme 2004-2009 - Roadmap for Sustainable Baltic Cities. 11
  • 12. Project city partners UBC EnvCom (LP) Sundsvall Anna Granberg Christer Tarberg anna.granberg@ubc.net chister.tarberg@sundsvall.se Örebro Turku Per Elvingson Mikko Laaksonen per.elvingson@orebro.se mikko.k.laaksonen@turku.fi KouvolaRegion Mari Kinttula UBC TransCom mari.kinttula@kouvolaregion.fi Lisa Sundell lisa.sundell@goteborg.se Michael Koucky michael.koucky@koucky.se Chalmers Technical University Magnus Blinge Tartu magnus.blinge@transek.se Marek Muiste Maria Lindholm muiste@hot.ee maria.lindholm@transek.se Peep Margus Sönke Behrends peep.margus@raad.tartu.ee behrends@chalmers.se Pärnu Göteborg Karri Tiigisoon Sofia Vennersten karri@lv.parnu.ee Liepaja sofia.vennersten@tk.goteborg.se Mara Zeltina mara@liepaja.lv Dace Liepniece dacel@dome.liepaja.lv Gdynia Kaunas Tymoteusz Pieglowski James McGeever tymasp@interia.pl jamesm@kaunas.sav.lt Vilnius Danguole Vaitkiene danguole.vaitkiene@vilnius.lt Aurelija Babiliute aurelija.babiliute@vilnius.lt Bremen Bremen Michael Glotz-Richter bustrip@umwelt.bremen.de www.bustrip-project.net