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Buy Cause And Effect Essay Structure Ielts Advantage, Buy Cause And Effect Essay Structure Ielts Advantage,
Females are less violent than males, at least according to...
Females are less violent than males, at least according to recent research. Biologically speaking, there
are differences in levels of violence in men and women (Wright, Tibbett, Daigle, 2008). With eighty
five percent of arrestees being male, it s easy to see that males commit many more violent crimes than
females. These differences are credited to brain configuration, neurotransmitters, the limbic system,
and hormones.
There are different intellectual styles between males and females. These differences can be traced to
some particular structural differences between male and female brains that originate in early
development. The part of the brain that delivers messages between the left brain and right brain is
called the corpus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A Positron Emission Tomography study was conducted in order to compare the differing levels of
activity of the amygdala in females and males. The study showed that males typically have higher
levels of activity. The amygdala regulates emotions and is located in the lower part of the limbic
system (Beaver, 2009).
The cingulate gyrus is the part of the limbic system that is responsible for keeping emotions and
aggression under control (Wright et al., 2008). Research on the differences in this area between males
and females concluded that females are better retaining emotions internally and are better at
displaying emotional behavior than males. Females have higher levels of serotonin. Serotonin is a
neurotransmitter that helps regulate impulses and control behavior. Low levels of serotonin are
associated with antisocial behavior (Beaver, 2009). Likewise, females also usually have a higher level
of amino butyric than males. This is a neurotransmitter that regulates violence and aggression (Wright
et al., 2009). The different levels of certain neurotransmitters found in males and females provide a
great deal of explanation for the different levels of aggression, violence and criminal behavior found
between the sexes.
There are many differences in the level of hormones found in males and females. Testosterone is a
male hormone that is responsible for generating
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Donald Trump Immigration Reform Analysis
Donald Trump s Immigration Reform: The End of Rational Thought My fellow Americans, we are and
always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too. The President of the United States
of America, Barack Obama made this remark while talking about immigrants and immigration reform.
This is not a very old country, all of the founding fathers of this country were European immigrants.
They were seeking a better life in a foreign land, they gambled everything they had and came to the
colonies. Not unlike Mexican immigrants today, who are just trying to make a better life for
themselves and their children. Donald Trump has a radical three part plan that will only hurt this
country moving forward. Trump plans to build a wall along ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In the United States Constitution, it is a right guaranteed to every person born here, that they
automatically are granted citizenship. Under its text, structure and history, anyone born on American
territory, no matter their national origin, ethnicity or station in life, is a U.S. citizen (Rivkin and Yoo).
Everyone knows this is in the Constitution, and the process to change the constitution is long and
difficult. Stephen Yale Loeher states It would require a vote of two thirds of both houses of Congress
and then ratification by three fourths of the state legislatures, so politically, I think that s almost
impossible (Kaplan 1). Regardless of his plan, Donald Trump would not, if elected president, have the
power to end birthright citizenship. Donald Trump cannot be considered a serious candidate for
president, since he does not seem to understand how the constitution works. The solution to this
problem would be to stop supporting Donald Trump as a presidential candidate. If America wants to
be taken seriously as a country, we cannot elect Donald Trump president. His reforms will damage
foreign affairs, hurt our already suffering economical status, and split this country more than it already
is. However America should be optimistic that people will open their eyes to his ideas, and stop
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Essay on Living by Different Standards
Living by Different Standards
Who do these athletes think they are? Do they think they can kill, rape, rob, assault, steel, and use
drugs simply because they make millions of dollars? And do they think they can get away with these
things? Why are today s sports stars nothing more than thugs and criminals?
And no I m not talking to those over paid, drug addicted, criminally inclined athletes. I m talking to
the public ? the critics and the so called fans of college and professional sports. The people that
apparently have never done anything wrong in their entire lives. The people that throw the first stone
without guilt, like they re skipping it across some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People believe that sports have been taken over by criminals, as though college and professional teams
recruit out of the prison yards instead of the schoolyards. And the NFL, or as the clever among us
would say ? the National Felons League (how witty!), has taken the brunt of public criticism.
But there is no truth in the widely held belief that sport and crime go hand in hand. Little research and
few studies have actually been done on the prevalence of crime among athletes or the levels of crime
in sport compared to the rest of society, but the public obviously doesn t need studies to form an
opinion (Coakley, 157). When you open a daily newspaper and have to wade threw the mucky
headlines of rape and battery just to get to a box score, it s no wonder people think that all athletes are
criminals. Simply put, athletes live by different standards then everyone else. And it s unfair. They re
in the spotlight and for some reason this means they should do no wrong even though they re far from
perfect just like everyone else. But being imperfect seems to be unacceptable for an athlete.
This idea is partly the media s fault because they shine the lights on the athletes and in turn blind the
public from the truth. As Michael Irving once said, You guys write this and say this about players, and
criticize us, but half the time your information is
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Essay On Siemens Scandal
At first Siemens downplayed the affair saying that it was only a matter of a few millions Euros.
However within a month their own estimate skyrocketed up to an amount of 420 million Euros.
Furthermore Klaus Kleinfeld the then recently installed CEO, denied awareness or involvement.
Siemens first statements were exemplary of an ill suited cursory attempting to downplay a developing
scandal prematurely. This tactic appeared egoistical and lacked moral responsibility. It also damaged
stakeholders impressions of Siemens integrity and in general damaged its reputation in the public eye.
Many viewed this defensive acknowledgement as incompetent. Then however Senior Executives
made public pledges to restore the firm s battered reputation just a month later.Siemens mandated the
New York law firm Debevoise and Plimpton LLP and several ... Show more content on
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Therefore this honest diagnosis was met with internal resistance, and it was not until the following
year that the most serious revelations came to light. This resulted in the departures of the CEO and
Chairman, and the decision by the newly appointed CEO, Peter Löscher, to announce a month long
amnesty for employees to come forward, explicitly excluding, extending the scandal s reach into the
previous management Board. What was especially remarkable was the fact that not individual but
systemic elements contributed to this scandal. These include: a too aggressive growth strategy that
portrayed bribes as a tempting short cut to hitting though performance targets; minimal oversight from
HQ due to the fact that the de centralised, matrix like structure allowed divisions to effectively run
themselves above all, it is a well known fact that Siemens corporate culture at the time which seemed
openly tolerant of such
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The Pros And Cons Of Probable Cause For A Search
Hey, Professor Farris, according to the Shelby County Sheriff s Department any search or seizure
without a warrant must be justified and supported by clear, convincing and articulable facts. Officers
must be prepared to justify any and all warrantless searches. A search without a warrant has
consistently been found by the courts to be preemptively unreasonable, and therefore invalid, absent
specific and articulable facts. If an experienced officer has the reasonable suspicions can articulate to a
set of facts and circumstances that criminal activity may be afoot and make rational inferences.
(Booker, 2015) The officer must have probable cause under any circumstances that would lead a
reasonable man to believe that it is more likely than not a certain individual has committed or is
committing an absolute crime. Officers may search vehicles when there is probable cause to believe
that contraband or evidence of a crime is present in the vehicle. The vehicles need only to show
inherent mobility rather than actual mobility. The search can be made immediately or delayed as long
as probable cause existed even if the vehicle has been impounded and immobilized. An officer may
search in any place that the object of the search may reasonably be found. This includes locked
containers. Probable cause must be item specific. Probable cause for arrest is not probable cause for a
search. Probable cause for a warrantless vehicle search has to be just as sufficient as probable cause to
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Wine As AAlcoholic Beverage That Can Be Easily Evaporated...
1. Introduction
1.1 What is wine?
Wine is an alcoholic beverage that can be easily evaporated while left in room temperature. The plant
source of producing wine is grapes. Common examples of grapes that are used to produce wine are
Chardonnay, Cabernet sauvignon, Gamay and Merlot. To obtain wine, the plant sources that are grapes
that consist of sugar must be crushed and added with water to produce mesh for fermentation with the
presence of yeast. During fermentation, the yeast feeds on the sugar and results in producing carbon
dioxide and ethanol which is known as alcohol.
1.2 Types of wine
Wines can be categorized into two which are old world wine and new world wine. The countries that
produced old world wine included France, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The most famous producer of sparkling wine around the world is France and the sparkling wine is
named as champagne. Fortified wine is also known as liqueur wine. Fortified wine is light wine which
added spirit or brandy and it contains 15% to 22% alcohol content. Fortified wine is not spirit but is
alcohol. These are flavouring products which taste sweet. The well known fortified wines around the
world are sherry which is from Spain, Port from Portugal and also Vins doux naturels from France.
Aromatized wines is also known as vermouth and it is basically from light wines which added with
spirit and flavouring. For example, Cinzano, Dubonnet, Martini, Noilly Prat and Chamberry. The
alcohol content of this products is around 15% to 22%, same as fortified wines. Aromatized wines can
be serve as aperitif.
Next will be introduce about the red wine. Red wine are made from the red grapes and fermented the
grape juice which contain sugar. The grapes that using to made the red wine for examples Merlot,
Pinot Noir, Gamay and others. The alcohol that contain in red wine average are 10% to 15.5%. There
are many red wine for example Shiraz, Barbera, Pinot Noir, Tempranillo and others.
Besides, white wine are yellow or yellow gold in colour. For the white wine the white grapes are not
give the colour to the wine. White wine are made from the white grapes for examples Chardonnay,
Colombard, Chenin Blanc and others. The alcohol that contain in white wine average are 10% to
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The Texas Railroad Commission And The American Economy Essay
The Texas Railroad Commission What does one think about when they hear the words Texas Railroad
Commission? Many things may come to mind but it s really only two things and those are natural gas
and oil. Which happened to be one of Texas biggest assets year round. It is one of the largest bodies in
all of the country which gives it such a large influence on the supply and prices of oil in the country.
When the commission first came about its original purpose was to oversee the railroads. When James
Hogg lead the Populist style resentment for the railroads he won his election in 1890 and became
governor mainly based on the fact that, he had promised to have the railroads regulated. The Texas
Railroad Commission evolved from its founding in 1891 to a multi divisional regulatory commission
that oversaw not only railroads but also a number of other industries central to the modern American
economy: petroleum production, natural gas utilities, and motor carriers. (Childs, 2005) The state
simultaneously amended the constitution to allow such a body. With this being established it gave
jurisdiction over the operation of railroads, rates, wharves, terminals and express companies.
Governor Hogg s first appointments were John H. Reagan (chairman), Judge William Pinckney
McLean, and Lafayette L. Foster. In 1894 the legislature made the agency elective, the three
commissioners henceforth serving six year, overlapping terms in Austin. (Prindle, 1991) Despite the
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Application Of Agile Software Development
Abstract Notion of faster to market and changing rapidly to demands of the market has given boost to
Agile. Agile promotes iterative delivery and design as go because of which many organizations are
given a hand to agile and developers are doing architecture as they go into their iterations. Without
proper architecture we will create silos and redundant artifacts and may lead to lack of scalability,
interoperabitlity and performance. It is improve software quality and Agile enhances productivity.
This paper addresses this issue and finds out a way where we can develop a software using agile and
comply to the architecture required to the software delivery. The paper uses two enterprise architecture
frameworks Zachman and Togaf to see how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Zachman and Togaf are two prominent enterprise Architecture frameworks which are used to define
agile architecture. Zachman framework is used to derive the architecture artifacts and Togaf is used to
define architecture processes which fit the agile methodology.
A. Agile
Agile Software Development is an umbrella term for a set of methods and practices based on the
values and principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto. Solutions evolve through collaboration
between self organizing, cross functional teams utilizing the appropriate practices for their context
(Agile Alliance, 2015).
Agile Manifesto defines the importance of
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan (Agile Alliance, 2015)
Scrum, Kanban, XP are some of the methodologies used to develop the software form the Agile..
B. Enterprise Architecture
According IEEE Standards ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, an architecture is defined as system fundamental
concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in
the principles of its design and evolution (ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, 2011)
It is important to have architecture defined for an organization so that we can produce repeatable
quality products and to ensure we meet the scalability, interoperability, security and compliance
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Explaining Tennis Jargon And Terminologies
Explaining Tennis Jargon and Terminologies
Like all other sports, tennis has its own set of terminologies and jargon. For every newbie,
memorizing them can be tedious, but to be a master of the game, you need not only to know their
meanings, but also understand them. Knowing these terms will certainly help you learn the game well
and at the same time, make your coach s life easier, given that he wouldn t have to explain every term
he mentions. Remember, every minute in your tennis holiday or coaching session is precious, and they
are better spent learning how to play instead of learning what ace or love means.
In this entry, we will learn and define the different meanings of various tennis jargon and terms. Note
that we will only be looking at the most crucial definitions, AKA, the ones ... Show more content on
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A double fault, which is basically two consecutive faults, causes the server to lose a point.
Foot fault this is a service fault wherein a player steps over the baseline during a serve.
Grip this refers to the way you hold your racquet.
Game this is basically a sequence of points played with the same player. Also, it is a segment of a set,
which in turn contains six points.
Groundstrokes this refers to your basic forehand and backhand strokes.
Lob this is a type of shot wherein you stroke high and the ball lands deep into your opponent s side of
the court. This is used when opposing players are close to the net.
Let this is a type of call which requires the point to be replayed. This usually happens when a legal
serve makes contact with the net before hitting the ground.
Love this is a scoring term which means zero. If you hear someone speaking fifteen love , six love , or
forty love , this means 15 0, 6 0, and 40 0.
No man s land an area in the court wherein players are the most vulnerable. This is located between
the baseline and the service
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Company Overview of Garmin
Executive Summary In a span of 5 short years, GPS manufacturer Garmin has gone from a specialized
producer of niche equipment to a Wall Street champion in 2007. Since that time, the company has
diminished into a relative has been according to many analysts. For example, in late 2007 the Garmin
stock price reached a record high of over one hundred twenty dollars a share. However, in 2008, the
stock price fell below twenty dollars a share and today the stock rests in the mid forties after a mild
recovery from the fifty two week low. This analysis looks into the financial aspect of Garmin and
draws parallels to the overall trends in the industry. Although the company could have managed some
aspects of the business better, the fall of Garmin s financial attractiveness cannot be entirely attributed
to the company itself. Company Overview Garmin is a worldwide provider of navigation,
communication, and information devices as well as their related applications which are all associated
somehow to Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. The company offers products around the
globe through subsidiary operations however the parent organization is located in Taiwan. There are
four broad categories in which individual products within the company s product mix can be labeled;
the automotive, outdoor/fitness, marine, and aviation represent the categories of products the company
offers. Figure 1 GPS Market Share Data for 2007 (Fletch, 2008)Figure 1 GPS Market Share
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Ember Book Comparison
Compare Contrast Essay Could you imagine living in a world underground that has no light and is
losing resources very quickly by the day? Well, the City Of Ember by Jeanne Duprau will help you
imagine that. The book, City of Ember was published in May 2003. Jeanne Duprau wrote this
attention grabbing book because she wanted to put the thought in our minds to not take the simple
things like food, water, lights, and a roof over our head for granted. In this book the similarities
outnumber the differences. In both the movie and the book Lina is curious about the mayor s actions
and the government s decisions. On Lina s way to give the mayor a message she finds herself getting
lost in the building and lurking around where she isn t supposed to be and seeing questionable things
that her eyes shouldn t be seeing. Equally important to the plot of this book is that in both the book
and movie Lina and Doon switch jobs which causes them to find out some big things, but I wouldn t
wanna spoil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At the begging of the movie when Lina and Doon are exploring the pipeworks looking for clues and
hints for someway to get out of Ember, they run into a huge problem, an oversized mole that tries
eating them. Which trusts me that made for a very interesting added scene. The second difference is at
the end of the story when Lina and Doon drop a note down to the city from above it ends up going to
Doons father instead of going to Mrs.Murdo in the book. They drop the note down so the citizens of
ember will find the note and read the directions on how to get off the quickly dying city. Not to
mention that in the beginning of the movie Lina doesn t end up going up to the bell tower ( where she
isn t supposed to be) which means the leader of the city, Mayor cole doesn t get a bad start with her.
Which causes him not to assume she s the one spreading the rumors about him stealing the food and
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Wineburg, Ohio Essay
Wineburg, Ohio
Winesburg, Ohio, also known as the Book of Grotesque is a modern American classic by Sherwood
Anderson. He came to be known as the Father of Realism , as he left his mark on literature, being the
first one to portray authentic moments in American life. He tells the stories of many faces he saw in
his dreams, describing their deeply moving lives filled with secrets. The twenty one stories in the
novel are united through the setting, Winesburg, and the main character, George Willard. The novel is
character driven, and the stories have very weak plots. Winesburg is a small town, full of lonely
characters whom Anderson calls grotesques because of their inability to express themselves and
communicate with others. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During the long years of his residence, he never considers himself as a part of the community. The
only person with whom he develops a kind of friendship was George Willard. During a conversation
with him, Biddlebaum leaves saying, I can t talk no more with you, (15) because the anguish from the
tragic memory overtook him. However, he still hungered for the presence of the boy, who was the
medium through which he expressed his love of man (15). He runs away from George, but he still
wishes his company; this manifestation makes him lonelier and more isolated.
Wing Biddlebaum is gifted with a quality that cannot be seen in most of (us) the people. During the
flash back, when the story goes back to the past and looks at the days when he used to be a teacher at
Pennsylvania, Biddlbaum was one of those rare, little understood men who rule by a power so gentle
that it passes as a lovable weakness (14). These fragment reveals that he was one of the few people
who can not only perceive other people s feelings, but can also teach them how to dream. Biddlbaum s
voice and hands, the stroking of the shoulders and the touching of the hair were a part of the [his]
effort to carry a dream into the young minds. He understood his students doubts and disbelief.
Knowing that the only way to start dreaming is by forgetting all negative thoughts, he was able to get
rid of their worries and allow
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Special Right Triangle Report
To identify a Special Right Triangle. The angle measure must be known first. If the given angle
measure is 45° 45° 90° Special Right Triangle. Also if the given angle measure is a 30° or a 60°. Then
the triangle is a 30° 60 ° 90° Special Right Triangle In a 45° 45° 90° triangle. There are two legs and a
hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is opposite the 90° angle. The legs are opposite the 45° angles. Since the
two legs are of equal length. When given the length of one. The other leg always have the same
length. To find the hypotenuse when given the length of a leg. Multiply the leg length by the square
root of two. And to find the length of the legs when given the length of the hypotenuse. Divide the
length of the hypotenuse by the
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Financial Crisis Essay
Marconi (2010) believes that the role played by the institutional investors propagated the financial
crises. Institutional investors, which is both, individual or companies do enjoy the benefits of reduced
commission preferential regulations. This is due to their large and professional investments.
Institutional investors like the mutual funds, pension funds, hedge funds like Magnetar Capital, and
Life insurance companies like the AIG and investments trusts contributed to the global financial crises
of 2007 2008. This financial crisis also referred to as the great recession was triggered by liquidity
problems in the United States economy. Many large financial institutions collapsed according to
Geczy (2010). The government had to bail out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were breaches in accounting practices and general breach of business ethics. The bank directors
and the chairman are accused of having certified false financial statements and not disclosing key
financial practices in the bank. Among the undisclosed practices was the Repo 105. The Lehman had
been using it from 2001, it involved using the Repos to finance assets and treating them as sold Repos
while accounting. This according to the report was abuse of ordinary repurchase agreements, it was
done to lower the banks leverage as was asked of investment banks toward the end of 2007. The bank
at times even involved its subsidiaries. Financial leverage should have been attained by borrowing and
investing the same at higher interest rates. The auditors Ernst Young have been accused of
professional negligence for failing to disclose these practices thus misled the investors on the financial
status of the bank. Some critics cite the complex financial systems and financial investment products
to have been the trigger of the 2007 2008 financial crises. According to Laurence (2010), other factors
include: failure of effective regulations in the investment markets, inappropriate credit interests, and
self interest practices among the institutional investors. According to Hughes (2011), some critics also
argue that the institutional investors were behaving in irrational manner
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How Do Men Influence The NHL
From creating the first ever Montreal Gazette, to influencing the NHL, and making its way into the
Olympics, Canada had created a game that became one of the most popular universal sports across
North America and Europe, ice hockey. Hockey players around the world have all been said to credit
their success to Canadian Way . These Canadian men who were devoted to the game, had influenced
many others to have a love and compassion for something that was much more than just a sport.
Prior to the first ever indoor game of hockey, the sport was originally a casual game played outdoors
on grass with its roots in Ancient Greece, Persia and Egypt. Ice hockey is a team sport, which is
played on ice with a hard puck and a stick. The object is to score by getting the ... Show more content
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Ice hockey is mostly particularistic in North America. This national winter sport of Canada spread to
the United States and along with Canada, America is now apart of the Big Seven which consist of the
best seven national men s ice hockey teams. The United States has a professional men s league, the
National Hockey League (NHL). The NHL was headquartered in New York City and was known to be
consisted of the most skillful ice hockey professionals. The NHL was first organised in Montreal,
Canada with a total of four Canadian teams. After expanding and relocating, it is currently now
consisted of thirty franchises. The league became binational in 1942, which is when it expanded into
the United States, and their first team participated, the Boston Bruins. The NHL soon consisted of the
most highly skilled players from 20 different countries all around the world. The majority of the
players in the NHL consisted of Canadians but over the past four decades the number of Americans
who participated increased. In 1936, the American Hockey league, also known as the AHL was
founded. It serves as the evolution circuit for the NHL, and is based in the United States and Canada.
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To Kill A Mockingbird Research Paper
Bullies and Songsters
What bird is that singing so sweetly, so loudly, and for SO long in the middle of the night? If you re in
North America, most likely it is the Northern Mockingbird, (Mimus polyglottos). This bird, whose
Latin name means many tongued mimic, may sing the songs of up to two hundred other birds but it
also may be the bully of your backyard, chasing all the other birds away.
The Northern Mockingbird is a long tailed and somewhat short winged bird, will a dark strong but
short beak. It is light gray with black wings that have two distinctive white wing bars that appear to
flash when flying. The long tail is black with white edges. It is about 10 inches in length with a
wingspan of 13 15 inches. This bird is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The nests are built of short sticks, leaves, discarded bits of string and other found materials, and lined
with softer materials. The female lays 2 6 eggs and incubates them while the male fiercely defends the
territory from predators, anything from another bird, snake, dog, or even a person too close to their
nest. The eggs hatch in 12 13 days, and the young birds grow quickly with both parents feeding the
hungry brood. 11 13 short days pass and then the the young mockingbirds are ready leave the nest, try
their wings, and live on their
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The First Three Noble Truths
Throughout this paper, I will be discussing the first three Noble Truths. I will first explain each of the
three Noble Truths. Then I will explain how each of the three Noble Truths would be extremely
beneficial to my life. The first of the three Noble Truths concerns the diagnosis of humanity. That is to
say, all humans have a fundamental problem and that problem is suffering. This fundamental problem
is not something that one can hide from or ignore. It is something that calls for reflection coming to
terms with the brute fact that human existence is attached to suffering. Suffering is ubiquitous. That is
to say, suffering pervades all of human life. Therefore, all persons must accept suffering as a mere fact
of existence. Suffering consists of, physical, mental and emotional suffering. For example, physical
suffering would consist of having a disease, or getting into an injury such as a car accident. Mental
suffering would consist of one who experiences depression, sadness and the like from the death of a
loved one. Moreover, when one experiences frustration and anger from not getting what they want
such as a baby who is hungry and cries or a child at a store and their parents won t buy them a toy.
Emotional suffering is They have to take medicine to help their own body sustain itself. Buddha states,
This, monks is the Noble Truth of Suffering; birth is suffering; decay is suffering; illness is suffering;
death is suffering; presence of objects we hate is suffering;
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Gender Based Violence
COMPUTER #: 12016861
Gender inequality is both a cause and effect of gender based violence, yet gender based violence is in
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The international organization for migration estimates that 700 Thousand women are mostly
transported involuntary across borders each year for the sex trade. Two million girls between the ages
of 5 and 15 are introduced into the commercial sex market each year.
In situations of armed conflicts, girls are systematically the target for abuse, rape and sexual assault
which are used as a deliberate weapon of war in conflicts.
Having looked at gender based violence at a global level; the next thing is to look at it at a national
level. In Zambia, several surveys were carried out by the central statistical office (CSO) and the results
were as follows. Rape cases increased from 178 in 2007 to 254 in 2010, defilement cases recorded a
significant increase from 696 cases in 2007 to 2,419 cases in 2010, Physical violence on women stood
at 28% in 2007. 20% of males indicated having physically hurt their partners and only 12% of females
indicated having done it. In the same year, the study showed that 47% of women had experienced
domestic violence, 11% experienced violence during pregnancy, 30% of married women experienced
sexual violence and 47% experienced spousal violence. Political positions like that of the deputy
minister recorded a decrease from 2006 at 18.2% to 17.2%, in addition, in 2006, there was no female
representation in the position of a deputy permanent secretary which indicates a drop from the 6.7
female representation
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Compare And Contrast Their Eyes Were Watching God
Jada Britt
Professor Lena Ampadu
English 233001
11 May 2015 The Disappointment of Their Eyes Were Watching God This essay will explain why the
movie Their Eyes Were Watching God differed from the book itself from which it was made. In the
book version of Their Eyes Were Watching God the idea of fellowship is portrayed profusely, but the
movie has a different viewpoint. The movie over sexualized the book to make it seem more appealing
to the people, but it makes the movie seem poor of quality. One of the most important things the
movie forgets to present is the coming of age of Janie. By not representing the characters and the
scenes precisely the movie lacks being worthy of such a good book. The movie is fantastic, the acting
is magnificent, and the creator has very good parallels, but the most important problem is that the
movie doesn t illustrate the sense of community that Zora Neal Hurston represents intensely in her
book Their Eyes Were Watching God. This now becomes a problem because the book is ... Show more
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It would be an irony to say that the authors took creative freedom over the story to make it sellable.
Janie is a good looking African American with good hair and good looks. Hurston then describes Janie
in the male perspective as having Firm Buttocks like she had grape fruits in her hip pockets; the great
rope of black hair swinging to her waist and unraveling in the wind like a plume; then her pugnacious
breasts trying to bore hole in her shirt (Hurston 2). Hurston describes Janie this way to give light to
Janie, even though Janie s looks isn t what s the most important. The movie inappropriately focuses on
the sexuality of Janie. Using Halle Berry as the actress was a good choice because she s beautiful and
she s a great actor. The only problem is that they over sexualized the plot and used Halle Berry s looks
to make the movie seem more
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Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)
This paper explores Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), a disorder categorized by the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM 5) as an impulse control disorder. To
understand this disorder research was collected on predisposing factors that make an individual more
vulnerable to IED. Research was also collected on precipitating and perpetuating factors to explore
what factors trigger the disorder and subsequently prolong the symptoms. Finally, research was
collected on how the disorder is diagnosed and current treatment options for individuals diagnosed
with IED.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth
Edition (DSM 5) Intermittent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The optimal goal of treatment for patients with IED is remission, which is the resolution of symptoms
or improvement to the point where only one or two symptoms of mild intensity persist. If that goal is
unattainable a practical goal is stabilizing the safety of the patient and others as well as substantially
improving the number, intensity, and frequency of symptoms. To achieve these treatment goals studies
have shown the best treatment is a combination of medication and psychotherapy (Alpert Spillmann,
1997). The use of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) Fluoxetine has shown moderate to
large improvement in the reduction of impulsive aggressive behavior. The goal of the Fluoxetine is to
balance out the altered serotonin levels that are commonly altered in individuals with IED (Coccaro,
M.D., 2012). In addition to medication cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to reduce
impulsive aggression, anger, and hostile automatic thoughts. The therapies used include relaxation
training, cognitive restructuring, and coping skills training. The rates of full remission from IED were
29% with fluoxetine alone and 33% from cognitive behavioral therapy alone. When combined the
treatments are more effective for sustained remission because they work through different mechanisms
(Coccaro, M.D., 2012). Studies have shown that IED symptoms precede the onset of other comorbid
disorders and are persistent and follow a chronic course of at least 12 years. Intervention at an early
age is most effective before development of comorbid disorders (Coccaro, M.D.,
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The Congo War
Within the next few weeks, the Congo declined quickly. On the tenth day of independence the Force
Publique army was irate with the new governments lack of change, and rebelled, asking for
promotions, pay raises, and the removal of white officers (Dunn, 63). Belgian officers were still
commanding the higher positions in the army, and while the Congo may have gained independence,
the Belgians not only ran things economically they also maintained a total grip on the military
apparatus (Van Reybouck, 285). The Congolese soldiers were anger and frustrated, one a Belgian
officer, General Janssen, confirmed his soldier s belief that, Independence brings change to politicians
and to civilians. But for you, nothing will be changed (Zeilig, 103). ... Show more content on
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At first, the United Nations had refused to take part in the Katanga succession because it was an
internal conflict between the Congolese and the Belgians (Gibbs, 93). In actuality, the United Nations
really just wanted to stay in good with the United States. The United States has a large amount of
influence over the United Nations and even currently, the United States pays almost thirty percent of
the organizations bills (UN.org, HowMuchDoesPeacekeepingCost?). The United States at the
beginning had supported the succession of Katanga. The Central Intelligence Agency had even sent
military aid to the Katangese military. Although it did not take long for the United States to understand
that for the Congo to thrive it would need to have, Superior forces and effective external support were
crucial arbiters of political outcomes (Duignan, 124). The United States could not allow for the Soviet
Union to be that external support. United States had a fear of communist take over and believed that if
the Congo turned communist then all of Africa would turn as well. The United States had believed that
Lumumba was a secret communist, under the control of the Soviet Union, and it did not help that he
had gotten aid from the Soviet Union (Dunn, 63). So in order to keep Congo and subsequently Africa,
the United States came up with contingencies to get rid of Lumumba (Vanthemsche, 203). In
Lumumba s defense he had not been a
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Crime And Punishment In Wuthering Heights Essay
The complex and furious creation of Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights is a powerful novel that
fiercely combines many of the greatest themes in literature, such as love and its intricacies, revenge
and the its terrible effects, and the contrasts between nature and society. One of the most prevalent
themes in this celebrated work is that of crime and punishment, or sin and retribution. One character in
particular, Heathcliff, stands apart as a conduit for both of these, es pecially his sins. His past crimes,
both worldly and metaphysical, coincide with his punishments.
Heathcliff, to some, began life as a crime. His foster brother Hindley shunned him as a reject from
society while viewing Heathcliff amp;#8217;s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Partly influenced by her stay at the Linton amp;#8217;s, Cathy (Earnshaw) sees Heathcliff as lower
than herself, and that amp;#8220;It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never
know how I love him. ; This harsh rebuke according to social structure distorts Heathcliff
amp;#8217;s very temperament into a nature even more twisted than it previously had been, and upon
Cathy amp;#8217;s marriage to Edgar, Heathcliff finds a target towards which he can divert his
unyielding rage.
Sympathy should almost be expressed for Heathcliff, since he undergoes a punishment so severe and
yet so directly undeserving: spiritual torment. Due to the loss of Cathy to Edgar by a standard over
which he had no control, Heathcliff bears a weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life, being
forced to endure his life without his true companion. This terrible affliction even drives him to disturb
the resting places of the dead, wherein he makes every attempt to place himself between Cathy and
It could be supposed that Heathcliff dies a wretched soul, convicted of his crimes and having carried
out his sentences. There is a glimmer of hope in his character, however, in light of his final
temperament. In the end, the love of Catherine and Hareton amp;#8211; the reconciliation of the
families amp;#8211; serves as this flicker
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Gregor Mendel s Laws Of Inheritance
Gregor Mendel s Laws of Inheritance Gregor Mendel, also know as the Father of genetics, was a
monk who studied pea plants and discovered the laws of heredity. Heredity is the passing of traits
from one generation to another. There are three laws and they are known as; the law of dominance,
law of segregation, and the law of independent assortment.
The law of dominance states that the dominant alleles always show and the recessive alleles can be
hidden because of that. For example, if brown eyes are dominant in a family, their genotype would be
AA or Aa. In a heterozygous pair, like Aa, the dominant allele would appear in the phenotype because
dominant will always show even though there a
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American Trucking Company Case Analysis Essay
The American Trucking Company has recently been experiencing an increase in stolen loads a loaded
tractor/trailer is stolen and the load sold. Loads of merchandise are often worth thousands of dollars,
sometimes exceeding the value of the tractor/trailer. American Trucking, while wishing to recover
both the load and equipment, seeks a way to locate the tractor/trailer at all times so they can dispatch
their security team to retrieve the load before it is sold on the black market (as well as to retrieve the
truck/trailer before it is vandalized). They have engaged the services of Truck Locators, a provider of
locating services to the trucking industry.
Truck Locator s Truck Finder services is a one way messaging service that routes ... Show more
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However amounts paid that are related to the devices are nonrefundable. Payments for the devices are
due upon completion of the installation and final acceptance by the customer.
Truck Locator has hired to you to express an opinion on how to recognize the revenue from its Truck
Finder services and devices. You are to write a letter, no longer than two pages, to the CFO of Truck
Locator, John Wilton.
Case #1: Defend the position that the device and service agreements represent a single unit of
accounting. Explain the accounting treatment for recognizing revenue under this assumption.
Case #2: Defend the position that the delivery of the devices represents a separate earnings process.
Explain the accounting treatment for recognizing revenue under this assumption.
NOTE: As part of your two case research assignments, you need to search the online Accounting
Standards Codification (ASC) for authoritative support for the positions you are taking in your
solution. Your solution should contain specific references to the ASC standard numbers you are
relying upon. The ASC can be located at http://aaahq.org/ascLogin.cfm and the userID and password
are AAA51268 and LGU9z3k, respectively. They are case sensitive.
You will be graded on the following: 1. Problem identification the appropriate problem is clearly
identified and explicitly stated; 2. Proper use of grammar including subject verb agreement, verb
tense, sentence
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Apple Company
Apple Company
Zeyang Du
ELP 600
Julie Kidder
Apple Company Apple Company was created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976. Now Apple
Company became very famous company in the world. It was made a lot of machine and computers. In
recent years it s created something that was very helpful to the human. For example such as Ipad2,
Ipad3, Ipad4 that is a small hand computer. Human can use it store a lot of things and they can use it
to watch moves talk to each other, use it for GPS and so on. He also made Iphone3 to Iphone5. These
phone are famous and useful and it was perfect phone. Iphone5 series has many kinds of function. It
can help human to do anything they want. It is easy to use and convenience to everybody in ... Show
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When the first developed was Macintosh, Jobs to visit near Seattle gates office. Microsoft wrote some
applications for Apple II , including one called Multiplan spreadsheet program, jobs want to stimulate
gates and his company, for the upcoming Macintosh computer do more. Sitting in the Gates meeting
rooms, jobs for public computer made a tempting perspective, friendly interface, this show is in a
California factory automation has millions of production. He in the California suction silicon
components and cultivate complete dream factory lead to Microsoft team Macintosh computer
program code sand . They even put engineering reverse to a acronym, Steve s amazing new devices.
But in the end they twin and no successful cooperation. In 1988 when jobs announced the future
computer, caused a excited. The second year began to sales, computer finally failed. The ability of
jobs, move in media began to fail him, a series of things that companies get into trouble. Because of
the presence of relatively small software running, so then, it has been difficult to attract customers.
Jobs was fired the board of directors, in 1996 the second back to apple.
Apple Story Apple the pursuit of perfect, it also led to the growth of its ups and downs. Jobs not
willing to give up work and control anything, especially when it may affect the customer experience.
But he was faced with a problem. There is a part of the process he does not control: in a store to
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Helicopter Parenting Effect On Children
Many young parents have no idea how to raise their newborn child so they decide to shower it with
everything the child could ever need or want. The same goes for parents who have already had many
kids. They hover over their children like helicopters, this term is known as helicopter parenting.
Helicopter parenting is a method of hovering over one s child, in more or less words. It can come in
many different ways, some parents may just spoil their children, others want to befriend their own
offspring in better words. Helicopter parenting is detrimental to a child because it may shelter them,
cause kids to feel dependent on their parents all the way through adulthood, also on top of that, cause
early signs of depression and/or anxiety. Helicopter ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And true, it does, but a child should not be only friends with their parents, a parent s job is to prepare
their child for the real world, not protect them from it their entire life. In a complete turnaround from
one of the points made, some adults believe monitoring one s child may make the child grow up
content. And again as stated before, the child may actually grow up content but severely
underdeveloped for the real world. Thirdly, giving one s child what they want keeps them quiet and
peaceful. Everyone has seen that small young kid that cries when their iphone is taken away, that kid
is the result of that kind of parenting. A child like that will have no idea how to earn what they want.
Sheltering children, over the top dependancy, and worse, signs and symptoms of depression/anxiety
can all be terrible outcomes of helicopter parenting. Everyone needs to know the harm of helicopter
parenting, whether they are a parent or not. A generation of strong, capable, young adults is a better
place to rest the fate of the world. Be careful to help not harm a child, should one be expecting a child
or already a parent, try at the very least to be aware of how a child grows up. (add one more
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Narrative Essay On Lacrosse Game
Shooting 100%
I wake up grab my lacrosse stick, ball and head outside. Grab the net and started to shoot. I play of my
state lacrosse team we have our first tournament this weekend and I don t wanna be the reason that we
lose. I was originally a D pole for my city team but my coach for state thought otherwise. I could run
the field in 20 seconds flat. At least that is what my coach said. I started out the day with a couple
fakes and spin moves nothing hard just the kind of stuff you need to know when you want to start. My
sister decides to come and play me in a 1v1 (me and my sister are competitive) I accept so we go to
the plains across the street I bring the net along with us. I just school her badly 10:0 she challenged me
at my own game 1st mistake.
We head back every day I have lacrosse practice at 3:30 until 5:30 that is the best practice ever
because all we do is get in the middle and get on top both 1v1 games against your own teammate. I
used to play D pole like I said but now it is easier to use a short pole. I go through my day of 3 hours
in the morning of practice at the plains across the street and hanging with friends doing more lacrosse.
Then it becomes 3 and I have to leave for lacrosse so I grab my gear bag and longer leaving my long
pole there.
We reach the area of where I practice I m usually the first one there but everyone is ready and geared
up and warming up I was late for the first time in my life my dad is so mad. Get out there Jax you re
late I
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Example Of A Farmer Research Paper
Simplex Method more examples with standard problems COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE
Farmer problem (once again) A farmer has a 320 acre farm on which she plants two crops: corn and
soybeans. For each acre of corn planted, her expenses are $50 and for each acre of soybeans planted,
her expenses are $100. Each acre of corn requires 100 bushels of storage and yields a profit of $60;
each acre of soybeans requires 40 bushels of storage and yields a profit of $90. If the total amount of
storage space available is 19,200 bushels and the farmer has only $20,000 on hand, how many acres of
each crop should she plant in order to maximize her profit? What will her profit be if she follows this
strategy? COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How many houses of each type should he construct in order to maximize his profit? COPYRIGHT
2006 by LAVON B. PAGE Planning Subdivision x = # townhouses y = # single story z = # 2 story
COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE Planning Subdivision x = # townhouses y = # single story
z = # 2 story 1/6 x + 1/4 y + 1/2 z ! 60 40x + 50y + 60z ! 2880 25x + 30y + 40z ! 2400 Maximize: P =
15x + 18y + 20z (in thousands of $) COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE 1/6 x + 1/4 y + 1/2 z
! 60 40x + 50y + 60z ! 2880 25x + 30y + 40z ! 2400 1/6 x + 1/4 y + 1/2 z + u = 60 40x + 50y + 60z +
v = 2880 25x + 30y + 40z + w = 2400 15x 18y 20z + P = 0 COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE
x ! 1 # # 6 # # 40 # # 25 # # 15 y 1 4 50 30 18 z 1 2 60 40 20 u v w P 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 $
60 2880 2400 % 0 Find the first pivot element. COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE x ! 1 # # 6
# # 40 # # 25 # # 15 y 1 4 50 30 18 z 1 2 60 40 20 u v w P 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 $ 60 2880
2400 % 0 Here is the first pivot element. What is the first row operation? COPYRIGHT 2006 by
LAVON B. PAGE x !1 # # 6 # #2 # # 3 # # 25 # # 15 y 1 4 5 6 30 18 z 1 2 u v w P 1 0 0 0 $ 60 1 1 0
60 0 0 48 40 0 0 1 0 2400 20 0 0 0 1 0% Specify the row operations to finish this step. COPYRIGHT
2006 by LAVON B. PAGE x ! 1
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The Action For Declaratory Relief
One such instance where a declaratory judgment does not generally serve a useful purpose or
terminate controversy is where there is another action pending in a different courts involving the same
issues. Indeed, generally courts will not entertain a declaratory judgment action if there is pending, at
the time of the commencement of the action for declaratory relief, another action or proceeding
involving the same parties and in which the identical issues that are involved in the declaratory action
may be adjudicated. Waicker v. Colbert, 347 Md. 108, 113 (1997). This rule rests on the principle that,
[w]ere an action or proceeding is already pending in another forum involving the same issues, it is
manifestly unwise and unnecessary to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Denmead, 22 Md. 135, 145 (1864) (quoting Brooks, supra, 1 Md. Ch. 351). This rule survives in the
context of a declaratory judgment action out of recognition that the declaratory judgment is
distinguishable from other judgments because courts are empowered to adjudicate upon disputed legal
rights whether or not further relief is or could be claimed. Edwin M. Borchard, The Uniform
Declaratory Judgments Act, 18 Minn. L. Rev. 239 (1934). In order for declaratory judgments to retain
the procedural requisites of justiciability: two principal criteria guid[e] the policy of rendering
declaratory judgments . . . (1) when the judgement will serve a useful purpose in clarifying and
settling the legal relations in issue, and (2) when it will terminate and afford relief from the
uncertainty, insecurity, and controversy giving rise to the proceeding. It follows that when neither of
these results can be accomplished, the court should decline to render the declaration prayed.
Id. at 265. Pursuant to these principles, Maryland Courts have generally held that the practical
purposes of the declaratory judgment are ill served when a court makes a declaration while an action
involving similar issues are pending before another court.
In A. S. Abell Co. v. Sweeney, 274 Md. 715 (1975), the Court of Appeals quoted Professor Borchard
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The Rise of America’s Prison Empire Essay
When envisioning a prison, one often conceptualizes a grisly scene of hardened rapists and murderers
wandering aimlessly down the darkened halls of Alcatraz, as opposed to a pleasant facility catering to
the needs of troubled souls. Prisons have long been a source of punishment for inmates in America
and the debate continues as to whether or not an overhaul of the US prison system should occur. Such
an overhaul would readjust the focuses of prison to rehabilitation and incarceration of inmates instead
of the current focuses of punishment and incarceration. Altering the goal of the entire state and federal
prison system for the purpose of rehabilitation is an unrealistic objective, however. Rehabilitation
should not be the main purpose of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While all three are considered prison s goals, punishment is most heavily relied on and rehabilitation,
when attempted, is often halfheartedly executed to uninterested participants. According to authors
Gerald Melnick, et al. in their essay, Treatment Process in Prison Therapeutic Communities:
Motivation, Participation, and Outcome, the lack of motivation an individual prisoner experiences
regarding his success often contributes to his dropping out of an in prison rehabilitation program
(634). Such programs are therefore futile because the inmates who would benefit most from the
rehabilitation are often the most unmotivated and unwilling to participate.
If an inmate does fulfill the numerous participation requirements for completion of an in prison
program, the chances of his continuing treatment are exponentially low. Prisoners often neglect to
extend treatment through the use of after care rehabilitation programs upon release from jail (Melnick,
et al. 636). The benefits of rehabilitation are therefore lost because after care facilities are designed to
further reinforce critical values gained by prisoners during prior rehabilitation.
This means that even if a prison were to offer inmates the most innovative forms of rehabilitation, the
programs would be in vain due to the overwhelming majority of prisoners who would not willingly
partake in treatment. If a prisoner manages to acquire a job upon release, his rehabilitation may still
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Can God s Grace Be Banked Analysis
Can God s Grace Be Banked
Last month, I made a telephone call to a man I ve known for more than 20 years. For the purpose of
this article, I m going to call him Luke. I hadn t seen Luke for several months and I wanted to see
what was going on with him. Before he disappeared, I saw him at least once a week in the adoration
After Luke stopped showing up at the chapel, I asked another person who knows him what had
happened to him. The person told me that he had heard that a priest at Luke s church had said
something that was offensive to Luke. After that, Luke stopped showing up at church. He also stopped
going to the adoration chapel. In case you re curious, the priest who made the comment was not
associated with Saint Philomena Church, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Luke responded by saying that he can make an act spiritual communion in his apartment. He tried to
convince me that making an act of spiritual communion has the same effect as receiving the Eucharist.
I told him that the sixth chapter of gospel of John clearly states that Christ told his followers that we
must eat His flesh and drink His blood if we want to enter into eternal life. I reminded him that the
only place in the Bible where followers of Jesus actually walked away and left Him was after He
made that
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Descriptive Essay About My Kitchen
Laughter, sizzling, the clinking of wine glasses and the crunching of chips float down the hallway. The
smell of good food made with cumin and love. The kitchen is a place of joy and family, a place of
sharing our days and silently scarfing Mom s chicken tacos. Many of the greatest moments in my life
have been in my kitchen: cooking pork ribs with my dad and listening to his ridiculous old rock music,
opening my first college acceptance letter, learning we were moving to Munich. Many of the worst
times have been in the kitchen, too.
Uncle Dan died in Thailand.
Bampa s dementia has gotten so much worse.
The beauty of the kitchen is, the bad is overshadowed by the good. The warmth of bread in the oven
and the smell of sizzling chicken and caramelized onions on the stovetop are soothing, familiar,
calming. It s a place of happy memories and reminders of difficult times, a place of recovery and love
and growth.
Putting away dishes is one of my favorite jobs because it gives me an opportunity to reflect on the
personality of each dish. The ceramic blue and brown cups with the triangular designs and a certain
heaviness to them are from Botswana. They live in the cabinet above the coffee maker with the matte
black and orange cups that my dad brings home from work, and the white glass mugs that my mom
uses that we bought at Walmart because they re just going to get broken anyways! The big ceramic
teal bowl in the red cabinet was made in Nevada at Planet X, a hippie shop in
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Marxism In The Grapes Of Wrath
The Grapes of Wrath tells the bitter story of the Joad family as it struggles to survive and to maintain
its dignity in the middle of the Great Depression. But it is also the story of the social class of people
like the Joads, tenant farmers who have lost their land and decide to move to California in hope of
finding a better life. John Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath, in 1939, amid the Great Depression,
in response to the enduring he saw of individuals with disadvantages. He wrote regarding Oklahomans
that were incapable to continue farming since of the disastrous climate conditions. Particularly, he
wrote about the Joad family having to emigrate to California. Steinbeck composed the novel from a
Marxist point of view. Steinbeck is supporting Marxist thoughts by delineating the distinction of
individuals included in capitalism, as the owners take advantage of the helpless.
In the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, Steinbeck uses Marxist beliefs to plot the long battle
experienced by the Joad family. The Joads encounters illustrate that the Bourgeoise mishandle their
control in order to control the Proletariats, estranging and abusing their ... Show more content on
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There s a board of directors. I ll fill up the magazine of the rifle and go into the bank. The driver said,
Fellow was telling me the bank gets orders from the East. The orders were, Make the land show profit
or we ll close up. But where does it stop? Who can we shoot? I don t aim to starve to death before I
kill the man that s starving me. I don t know. Maybe there s nobody to shoot. Maybe the thing isn t
men at all. Maybe, like you said, the property s doing it. Anyway, I told you my orders. I got to figure,
the tenant said. We all got to figure. There s some way to stop this. It s not like lightning or
earthquakes. We ve got a bad thing made by men, and by God that s something we can change
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Persuasive Essay On The Joker Grandmains
One of the greatest villains of all times is the Joker, you may never know what s on his mind, but he
sure is the most scariest and more ingenious villain of all time. The Joker is a great villain he can
challenge Batman to push him beyond his limits, it seem s like the Joker is obsessed to make Batman
see what he did wrong. The Joker and Batman are like brothers Batman being the older brother and
the Joker the youngest, the Joker will never kill Batman but they are destined to fight forever. The
Joker sees the world as a cruel Joke and is willing to rule he s not like other villains they want money
but he does not he wants power, but Batman always wins represents triumph over death.
As a matter of fact the Joker being a great villain is
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General Electric And Transformation Of Company
This case study follows General Electric, and the transformation that company made over two decades
of business. General Electric was founded in 1878 by Thomas Edison, and according to the case study,
[GE] grew from its early focus on the generation, distribution, and use of electric power to become, a
hundred years later, one of the world s leading diversified industrial companies (Wozny, 2005, p.1).
General Electric grew its name in business through their work in power generation, lighting, and
household appliances. The case study also mentions that General Electric worked with aircraft
engines, medical systems, and diesel motors. GE was a company that was constantly changing and
adapting. It was in the 1950s, that the company had delegated work to hundreds of managers for
different departments of the company. In 1973 a new CEO came up the ranks of the company, Reg
Jones inherited the company and started a complete reorganization. According to the case study, Reg
Jones started by
overlaying its 10 groups, 46 divisions, and 190 departments were 43 strategic business units designed
to support the strategic planning that was so central to GE s management process. Jones raised
strategic planning to an art form, and GE again became the benchmark for hundreds of companies that
imitated its SBU based structure and its sophisticated planning processes. Soon, however, Jones was
unable to keep up with reviewing and approving the massive volumes of information generated by 43
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Food Intake 3 Days
Food Intake 3 Days
Food Intake 3 Days
During my three day food intake I discovered that I only consumed 88 grams of protein. In these three
meals I spent almost 40 dollars and I was short almost 100 grams of protein required for my weight.
Four slices of pizza, and two double cheeseburgers produced the most protein. Oatmeal, beer, and
coffee only counted for less than 10 grams. All six items consumed over the 3 day stretch accounted
for carbohydrates. The items ranged from 10g to 100g of carbs. The only item with enough lipids was
the McDonald s oatmeal. The rest of the meals were relatively low. I need to make better planning to
include more lipids into my health plan.
According to the recommendation of the DRI and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This iprofile has opened my eyes to understand the nutrients I m lacking or I am over consuming
Birt, D. F.; Pelling, J. C.; Nair, S., and Lepley, D. Diet intervention for modifying cancer risk. Prog
Clin Biol Res. 1996; 395:223 34.
Boss, P. K.; Davies, C., and Robinson, S. P. Expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes in
red and white grapes. Plant Mol Biol. 1996 Nov; 32(3):565 9.
Kootstra, A. Protection from UV B induced DNA damage by flavonoids. Plant Mol Biol. 1994 Oct;
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Legal Services Act 2007 Analysis
The Legal Services Act 2007 has changed the way in which legal services are regulated in England
and Wales by creating a new structure for legal services. The act allows lawyers and non lawyers to
form businesses together and also permits non lawyers to be involved in the management or
ownership of businesses that provide legal services, known as Alternative Business Structure (ABS).
Prior to the commencement of the Act, reserved legal activities were regulated by legal professional
bodies and there were restrictions on the type of business structure through which legal services could
be provided. The Association of Costs Lawyers, formerly known as the Association of Law Costs
Draftsmen, is the representative body for Costs Lawyers. Under
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Analysis Of John Updike s A P
John Updike is viewed by his readers as a progressive voice in his work that promotes feminist issues.
He makes these issues stand out more evidently, rather than hidden, in order for the reader to realize
how women are viewed in society. From reading Updike s A P, the story sends the message to readers
of genders working together to strive for equality. If readers do not carefully and actively read A P
they may miss key messages about the power men hold over women, not just in society but in
literature as well. Even though Updike s A P seems to be a story about a teenager finally standing up
to his boss and quitting the job he hates, the tone used reveals the hidden message on how women are
in a male oriented world. The relationship between both men are women are shown as unequals, men
on the top and women always below them, Updike makes sure to open up the reader s eyes in
realizing the way females are being treated unfairly.
The first bathing suit girl who walks into the A P and catches Sammy s immediately looks at the
chunky girl with a two piece plaid bathing suit on that showed off her sweet broad soft looking can
(Updike 157). Sammy goes in detail at pointing out this girl s body features, especially her behind,
those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit (Updike 158). If the girl
knew he was looking at her so intensely how would she feel? How would you feel if that was an
everyday occurrence, getting criticized by your body or
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The War Between Tsarists Russia And The Empire Of Japan
Prepared By: Joseph Coccia
Submitted To: Dr. Eric Ash
Course: Regional History 5333: The Soviet Union
Virtual Campus, Summer Session
Due date: May 10, 2015
The 1904 1905 war between Tsarists Russia and the Empire of Japan pitted a newly developed modern
military against and poorly funded, organized, and outdated war machine. It to become the bloodiest
war fought prior to World War I. The conflict gained universal recognition as the Russo Japanese War.
The Russians desired to expand eastward and reap the economic benefits created by the natural
resources contained within China and Korea. In addition, and most importantly they desired year
round access to a warm water port. Japan sought the respect and equal treatment from Western nations
and the removal of Russian influence in the Far East. The war was not a prolonged conflict; however,
the final outcome shocked the powerful western nations. Japan would gain acceptance by western
nations as a global power and a militaristic state. Unfortunately for Russia the conclusion of the war
set into motion a series of events that would bring about the demise of Tsarists Russia.
Russians knew very little of peace. Since the reign of the Grand Duchy of Moscow (1480 1547) until
the reign of the Russian Empire (1721 1917) Russia had been at war or engaged in military conflict on
fifty separate occasions. The leadership and the citizens within the empire lived with war and the
ravages of war for four hundred and
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Gold Standard or Floating Exchange Rate
Gold Standard Versus Floating Exchange:
Which is the Better Method?
By: Jane Doe
Eco 500
In this paper, I am going to discuss and compare exchange rates. The two types of exchange rates are
the Gold Standard and the Floating exchange rate. First, I will describe exchange rates. Second, I will
compare the two types in this dissertation. Third, and finally I will give my conjectures and beliefs on
which I consider the better system.
An exchange rate is, The price of a unit of one country s currency expressed in terms of the currency
of some other country. (Multinational Business Finance) An example of this is taking the United
States dollar alongside the British pound. I will not be using an actual rate, just a rate for ... Show
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Floating exchange rates have their benefits and downsides as well. The benefits of a floating rate are:
The currency becomes worth more when the demand increases.
If a country s economy (GDP) is on a steady track, the currency is valued at a high rate.
A country does not have to worry about its gold or other materials value since the currency value can
vary for other market related issues. This means not having to worry about keeping such large
quantities of a reserve in the central bank.
These rates change faster then a fixed rate.
Here is an example of what happens if a country is on a floating system. If demand for a currency is
low, its value will decrease, thus making imported goods more expensive and thus stimulating demand
for local goods and services. This in turn will generate more jobs, and hence an auto correction would
occur in the market. A floating exchange rate is constantly changing. (Investopedia.com) In the above
we can see that as much as it is negative to have a currency with little value, it can in turn create a
positive outcome. Employment can rise, people spend, and eventually the economy stabilizes again.
The cycle starts all over with the currency having a high value again.
The downside to floating rates follows:
If the market is on a downward shift, the currency can be as well.
The central bank does not have as much control to control the
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Amanda Argumentative Essay Ideas
Tonight will be the second episode of Bachelor in Paradise, and it is time for the relationships to start
forming. With Chad finally going home, it will leave room for everyone to start seeing the potential
for lifelong partners. TMZ shared that Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray are one of the couples who
end up together and doing great when the show is over. Josh actually proposes at the end of the show,
and it looks like this couple is one that is going to last. When you are on the show, you are not
supposed to reveal to the world that you have found someone. They are supposed to stay quiet and not
be seen out in person together, but a few of the couples aren t following the rules. Josh Murray and
Amanda Stanton have been spotted out together more than once since the show ended. One time they
were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The source said they are planning to buy a house there together. Amanda has kids and their father is
very involved, so the idea of her moving them across the country is pretty shocking. The custody
battle on this one may keep Amanda and Josh from being able to do what they want to do. Josh and
Amanda are engaged, with plans to tie the knot. There is now word on their wedding plans yet, but
fans are hopeful that they will decide to let ABC televise their big day. Grant Kemp and Lace Morris
also find love on Bachelor in Paradise this season. They have not been shy about being seen in public
either. You can t imagine that ABC is thrilled with these couples being seen out, but it makes it where
Reality Steve s spoilers aren t near as important if everyone is spoiling the show on their own. The
other couple that finds love is Carly Waddell and Evan Bass. So far, they haven t been spotted out in
public, but Carly did share a photo on Instagram that everyone knows is from Evan s kitchen. They
both already live in
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Shoplifting Essay
Shoplifting When someone steals merchandise offered for sale in a retail store it is generically called
shoplifting. To commit shoplifting one must intend to permanently deprive the merchant of the value
of the merchandise. Shoplifting most often occurs by concealing merchandise in a purse, pocket or
bag but can occur by a variety of methods. Most shoplifters are amateurs. However, there are growing
numbers of people who make their living by stealing from retail stores. Amateur shoplifter can be
highly skilled, and some steal almost every day, but don t do it to make a living. Most amateurs are ...
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Children and elderly persons sometime steal without realizing they are committing a crime. In urban
cities, it is not unusual to find a network of fences who send out teams of shoplifters into specific
retail stores to shoplift specific items, much like filling an order for a customer. The fences only pay
10 20 cents on the dollar to the thieves and sometimes pay their room, board, and provide training on
how to steal and defeat the anti theft technology. Some fences have been known to bail their workers
out of jail when caught or provide for their legal defense. This creates a kind of strange street loyalty
much like the tale of Oliver Twist.
Theft from stores, including employee and vendor theft, cost retailers many billions of dollars per
year. Independent retail studies* have estimated theft from retail stores costs the American public
33.21 billion dollars per year. Depending on the type of retail store, retail inventory shrinkage ranges
from .5% 6% of gross sales with the average falling around 1.75%. Whole retail store chains have
gone out of business due to their inability to control retail theft losses. And worse yet, the cost of these
losses are passed on to us...the consumer.
Shoplifting losses will vary by store type, but can account for about one third of the total inventory
shrinkage. It is estimated that shoplifting
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Memento Film Noir
The mental thriller and neo noir film Memento, coordinated and composed by Christopher Nolan in
2000, was roused by his sibling s short story Memento Mori. Nolan is known for his dim mental
thrillers that frequently have non straight timetables. His movies for the most part start with the
movies end scene, and close with characters settling or portraying issues or occasions exhibited in the
film yet never completely clarified. Nolan likewise has a repeating subject of supported
untrustworthiness and retaliation for the demise of a friend or family member in his movies, which
Memento is focused around. Nominated for two foundation grants for Original Screenplay and Film
Editing, this noir film low spending film takes after principle character ... Show more content on
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The cinematography of this film is imperative to story improvement, story solidarity, and building up
settings. Many key story components are uncovered through extraordinary close ups. A key
component of the story is Leonard s Polariods. Leonard is always taking Polaroids of individuals,
spots, and things to help him recollect. As he adapts new data, he composes little notes on Polaroid.
Certain Polaroids are more imperative to the story all in all particularly as a result of notes he has on
them, and when he included the note. The nearby ups with outrageous profundity of field are
frequently utilized at whatever point Leonard is taking a gander at a Polaroid, however they are
constantly utilized when he is making a note on one. One Polaroid is more essential than the rest, the
photograph of Teddy. Having close ups of Leonard adding three notes to Teddy s Polaroid at three
unique parts of the story, shows how huge that data is to the
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A Report On The Marine Corps
A month after graduating high school, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. In less than a year
after that, I found myself speeding in a Humvee on a dirt road in Habbiniyah, Iraq, just a mile of the
Euphrates River. Our mission was to assist a Marine Reconnaissance unit in securing insurgent
weapon caches. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, as I was ready to tackle my first
major op. My truck, along with another, responded to the recon unit when they radioed for help to
load a weapons cache. As we sped over to the site, an IED exploded and ripped apart the engine of the
following truck. The vehicle contained my squad leader, two marines, and our squad s only medic. As
a combat lifesaver (CLS), my secondary mission kicked in. My instincts were to assess the casualties,
triage, and treat the wounded. We were fortunate they only suffered concussions, with the gunner
having minor lacerations to the face. After dressing the wound, a MEDEVAC was secured to transport
them back to base. Within minutes of the helicopter leaving, another explosion was heard where the
cache was located. We rushed to the scene, only to see a truck engulfed in flames. When I reached the
casualty collection point, I was updated on what occurred. The truck hit a landmine as they were
backing onto the road, injuring everyone near the vehicle. Most of the passengers got out, but one was
unconscious and trapped inside. Much to my dismay, the Marine was my team leader. I fought
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Dialectical Journal For Into Thin Air
Olivia Parker
Honors English 10
5 August 2018
Into Thin Air Journal Entries
Journal #1 Ambition The theme of ambition is shown throughout the book, Into Thin Air and the film,
Into Thin Air: Death on Everest. One quote is, I accept the assignment because I was in the grip of the
Everest mystique. In truth, I wanted to climb the mountain as badly as I d ever wanted anything in my
life, (Krakauer, 88). This quote shows how ambitious Krakauer is he set his mind into climbing the
mountain and went with it. Another quote is, Fischer made a number of impressive ascents that earned
him a modicum of local renown, but celebrity in the world of the climbing community eluded him,
(Krakauer, 68). This quote shows that Fischer didn t ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ambition for everyone is different but this article went really well with the book Into Thin Air. For
example in the book the people that chose to climb the mountain almost all had the same ambition. It
ended up not working out for them and they ended up being unsuccessful. Some regretted even
climbing the mountain. One quote that goes along with the theme ambition and the article is,
Doug...spent the entire previous year agonizing over the fact that he d gotten to within three hundred
feet of the summit and had to turn around, (Krakauer, 171). This shows that with Doug s ambition on
climbing the mountain he was willing to risk his life, he was ambitious but unsuccessful. Another
quote that goes with the article and theme is, From the time we arrived at the South Col, says John
Taske... Yasuko was totally focused on the top it was almost like she was in a trance, (Krakauer, 184).
This quote shows that you shouldn t be to ambitious or at least ambitious up to the point where you re
only focusing on that one thing. Yasuko should ve stayed patient and went along with everyone
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What Is The Count Of Monte Cristo
The 928 page book, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, is about a nineteen year old boy
named Edmond Dantés, who is sent to prison for an act of treason he did not commit. While in prison
he meets an Italian priest who turned Dantés into a well educated man and figures out the story behind
Dantés demise. Dantés vowed to punish the people who had harmed him. When the priest died,
Edmond escaped in the body bag. Then he found the Treasure of Monte Cristo and he became known
as The Count of Monte Cristo. He emerged in Rome, where all the men who prosecuted him lived.
One by one, he sought revenge. One committed suicide,one went into financial ruins and one was
prosecuted for all their wrong doings. Vengeance may cause short
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Joshua 1 Research Paper
Janice Ortega
Johnathan Coker
Religion 1
8 May 2017
Joshua 1:9
The purpose of this paper is to tell you what I think is the meaning of this bible verse/passage. Most
people miss interpret Joshua 1:9 because they think it is a literal thing. That is a legit literal thing. That
even if we walk into a bar he will be there with us. Which I don t personally believe is the case.
If we check with history, most of the book of Joshua was written by Joshua himself, after the four
hundred years of the Israelites living in Egypt, and after the forty years of the Israelites living in the
When looking through five specific versions of the bible, you will find that the phrase the Lord your
God (New Living Translation, Josh. 1.9) is said in every one of the versions. When you research some
more you find out that the phrase the Lord your God (New Living Translation, Josh 1.9) is also the
opening line of the Ten Commandments. The name for God used in the opening of the Ten
Commandments is YHWH Elohim, which means god.
The introduction of the Ten Commandments sets forward the identity of God. The pattern and
language that it uses is like the language that was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (New Living
Translation, Josh. 1.9) the promise of God always being with us is also something that can be
applicable to Christians today. In one sense, the promise in this passage was specific to Joshua s role
as leader of the Israelites as he took them into the Promised Land. Joshua had a tremendous task to
fulfill after the death of Moses the responsibility of leading an entire nation into a new land. God s
words of boldness and encouragement served as an important message to strengthen Joshua as the
leader of God s people. While the promise that God would be with Joshua was specific to Joshua, the
principle extends to us today. (GotQuestions,
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  • 8. The Texas Railroad Commission And The American Economy Essay The Texas Railroad Commission What does one think about when they hear the words Texas Railroad Commission? Many things may come to mind but it s really only two things and those are natural gas and oil. Which happened to be one of Texas biggest assets year round. It is one of the largest bodies in all of the country which gives it such a large influence on the supply and prices of oil in the country. When the commission first came about its original purpose was to oversee the railroads. When James Hogg lead the Populist style resentment for the railroads he won his election in 1890 and became governor mainly based on the fact that, he had promised to have the railroads regulated. The Texas Railroad Commission evolved from its founding in 1891 to a multi divisional regulatory commission that oversaw not only railroads but also a number of other industries central to the modern American economy: petroleum production, natural gas utilities, and motor carriers. (Childs, 2005) The state simultaneously amended the constitution to allow such a body. With this being established it gave jurisdiction over the operation of railroads, rates, wharves, terminals and express companies. Governor Hogg s first appointments were John H. Reagan (chairman), Judge William Pinckney McLean, and Lafayette L. Foster. In 1894 the legislature made the agency elective, the three commissioners henceforth serving six year, overlapping terms in Austin. (Prindle, 1991) Despite the occasional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Application Of Agile Software Development Abstract Notion of faster to market and changing rapidly to demands of the market has given boost to Agile. Agile promotes iterative delivery and design as go because of which many organizations are given a hand to agile and developers are doing architecture as they go into their iterations. Without proper architecture we will create silos and redundant artifacts and may lead to lack of scalability, interoperabitlity and performance. It is improve software quality and Agile enhances productivity. This paper addresses this issue and finds out a way where we can develop a software using agile and comply to the architecture required to the software delivery. The paper uses two enterprise architecture frameworks Zachman and Togaf to see how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Zachman and Togaf are two prominent enterprise Architecture frameworks which are used to define agile architecture. Zachman framework is used to derive the architecture artifacts and Togaf is used to define architecture processes which fit the agile methodology. II. DEFINITIONS A. Agile Agile Software Development is an umbrella term for a set of methods and practices based on the values and principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto. Solutions evolve through collaboration between self organizing, cross functional teams utilizing the appropriate practices for their context (Agile Alliance, 2015). Agile Manifesto defines the importance of Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan (Agile Alliance, 2015) Scrum, Kanban, XP are some of the methodologies used to develop the software form the Agile.. B. Enterprise Architecture According IEEE Standards ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, an architecture is defined as system fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution (ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, 2011) It is important to have architecture defined for an organization so that we can produce repeatable quality products and to ensure we meet the scalability, interoperability, security and compliance factors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Explaining Tennis Jargon And Terminologies Explaining Tennis Jargon and Terminologies Like all other sports, tennis has its own set of terminologies and jargon. For every newbie, memorizing them can be tedious, but to be a master of the game, you need not only to know their meanings, but also understand them. Knowing these terms will certainly help you learn the game well and at the same time, make your coach s life easier, given that he wouldn t have to explain every term he mentions. Remember, every minute in your tennis holiday or coaching session is precious, and they are better spent learning how to play instead of learning what ace or love means. In this entry, we will learn and define the different meanings of various tennis jargon and terms. Note that we will only be looking at the most crucial definitions, AKA, the ones ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A double fault, which is basically two consecutive faults, causes the server to lose a point. Foot fault this is a service fault wherein a player steps over the baseline during a serve. Grip this refers to the way you hold your racquet. Game this is basically a sequence of points played with the same player. Also, it is a segment of a set, which in turn contains six points. Groundstrokes this refers to your basic forehand and backhand strokes. Lob this is a type of shot wherein you stroke high and the ball lands deep into your opponent s side of the court. This is used when opposing players are close to the net. Let this is a type of call which requires the point to be replayed. This usually happens when a legal serve makes contact with the net before hitting the ground. Love this is a scoring term which means zero. If you hear someone speaking fifteen love , six love , or forty love , this means 15 0, 6 0, and 40 0. No man s land an area in the court wherein players are the most vulnerable. This is located between the baseline and the service ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Company Overview of Garmin Executive Summary In a span of 5 short years, GPS manufacturer Garmin has gone from a specialized producer of niche equipment to a Wall Street champion in 2007. Since that time, the company has diminished into a relative has been according to many analysts. For example, in late 2007 the Garmin stock price reached a record high of over one hundred twenty dollars a share. However, in 2008, the stock price fell below twenty dollars a share and today the stock rests in the mid forties after a mild recovery from the fifty two week low. This analysis looks into the financial aspect of Garmin and draws parallels to the overall trends in the industry. Although the company could have managed some aspects of the business better, the fall of Garmin s financial attractiveness cannot be entirely attributed to the company itself. Company Overview Garmin is a worldwide provider of navigation, communication, and information devices as well as their related applications which are all associated somehow to Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. The company offers products around the globe through subsidiary operations however the parent organization is located in Taiwan. There are four broad categories in which individual products within the company s product mix can be labeled; the automotive, outdoor/fitness, marine, and aviation represent the categories of products the company offers. Figure 1 GPS Market Share Data for 2007 (Fletch, 2008)Figure 1 GPS Market Share ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Ember Book Comparison Compare Contrast Essay Could you imagine living in a world underground that has no light and is losing resources very quickly by the day? Well, the City Of Ember by Jeanne Duprau will help you imagine that. The book, City of Ember was published in May 2003. Jeanne Duprau wrote this attention grabbing book because she wanted to put the thought in our minds to not take the simple things like food, water, lights, and a roof over our head for granted. In this book the similarities outnumber the differences. In both the movie and the book Lina is curious about the mayor s actions and the government s decisions. On Lina s way to give the mayor a message she finds herself getting lost in the building and lurking around where she isn t supposed to be and seeing questionable things that her eyes shouldn t be seeing. Equally important to the plot of this book is that in both the book and movie Lina and Doon switch jobs which causes them to find out some big things, but I wouldn t wanna spoil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the begging of the movie when Lina and Doon are exploring the pipeworks looking for clues and hints for someway to get out of Ember, they run into a huge problem, an oversized mole that tries eating them. Which trusts me that made for a very interesting added scene. The second difference is at the end of the story when Lina and Doon drop a note down to the city from above it ends up going to Doons father instead of going to Mrs.Murdo in the book. They drop the note down so the citizens of ember will find the note and read the directions on how to get off the quickly dying city. Not to mention that in the beginning of the movie Lina doesn t end up going up to the bell tower ( where she isn t supposed to be) which means the leader of the city, Mayor cole doesn t get a bad start with her. Which causes him not to assume she s the one spreading the rumors about him stealing the food and hiding ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Wineburg, Ohio Essay Wineburg, Ohio Winesburg, Ohio, also known as the Book of Grotesque is a modern American classic by Sherwood Anderson. He came to be known as the Father of Realism , as he left his mark on literature, being the first one to portray authentic moments in American life. He tells the stories of many faces he saw in his dreams, describing their deeply moving lives filled with secrets. The twenty one stories in the novel are united through the setting, Winesburg, and the main character, George Willard. The novel is character driven, and the stories have very weak plots. Winesburg is a small town, full of lonely characters whom Anderson calls grotesques because of their inability to express themselves and communicate with others. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the long years of his residence, he never considers himself as a part of the community. The only person with whom he develops a kind of friendship was George Willard. During a conversation with him, Biddlebaum leaves saying, I can t talk no more with you, (15) because the anguish from the tragic memory overtook him. However, he still hungered for the presence of the boy, who was the medium through which he expressed his love of man (15). He runs away from George, but he still wishes his company; this manifestation makes him lonelier and more isolated. Wing Biddlebaum is gifted with a quality that cannot be seen in most of (us) the people. During the flash back, when the story goes back to the past and looks at the days when he used to be a teacher at Pennsylvania, Biddlbaum was one of those rare, little understood men who rule by a power so gentle that it passes as a lovable weakness (14). These fragment reveals that he was one of the few people who can not only perceive other people s feelings, but can also teach them how to dream. Biddlbaum s voice and hands, the stroking of the shoulders and the touching of the hair were a part of the [his] effort to carry a dream into the young minds. He understood his students doubts and disbelief. Knowing that the only way to start dreaming is by forgetting all negative thoughts, he was able to get rid of their worries and allow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Special Right Triangle Report To identify a Special Right Triangle. The angle measure must be known first. If the given angle measure is 45° 45° 90° Special Right Triangle. Also if the given angle measure is a 30° or a 60°. Then the triangle is a 30° 60 ° 90° Special Right Triangle In a 45° 45° 90° triangle. There are two legs and a hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is opposite the 90° angle. The legs are opposite the 45° angles. Since the two legs are of equal length. When given the length of one. The other leg always have the same length. To find the hypotenuse when given the length of a leg. Multiply the leg length by the square root of two. And to find the length of the legs when given the length of the hypotenuse. Divide the length of the hypotenuse by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Financial Crisis Essay Marconi (2010) believes that the role played by the institutional investors propagated the financial crises. Institutional investors, which is both, individual or companies do enjoy the benefits of reduced commission preferential regulations. This is due to their large and professional investments. Institutional investors like the mutual funds, pension funds, hedge funds like Magnetar Capital, and Life insurance companies like the AIG and investments trusts contributed to the global financial crises of 2007 2008. This financial crisis also referred to as the great recession was triggered by liquidity problems in the United States economy. Many large financial institutions collapsed according to Geczy (2010). The government had to bail out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were breaches in accounting practices and general breach of business ethics. The bank directors and the chairman are accused of having certified false financial statements and not disclosing key financial practices in the bank. Among the undisclosed practices was the Repo 105. The Lehman had been using it from 2001, it involved using the Repos to finance assets and treating them as sold Repos while accounting. This according to the report was abuse of ordinary repurchase agreements, it was done to lower the banks leverage as was asked of investment banks toward the end of 2007. The bank at times even involved its subsidiaries. Financial leverage should have been attained by borrowing and investing the same at higher interest rates. The auditors Ernst Young have been accused of professional negligence for failing to disclose these practices thus misled the investors on the financial status of the bank. Some critics cite the complex financial systems and financial investment products to have been the trigger of the 2007 2008 financial crises. According to Laurence (2010), other factors include: failure of effective regulations in the investment markets, inappropriate credit interests, and self interest practices among the institutional investors. According to Hughes (2011), some critics also argue that the institutional investors were behaving in irrational manner ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. How Do Men Influence The NHL From creating the first ever Montreal Gazette, to influencing the NHL, and making its way into the Olympics, Canada had created a game that became one of the most popular universal sports across North America and Europe, ice hockey. Hockey players around the world have all been said to credit their success to Canadian Way . These Canadian men who were devoted to the game, had influenced many others to have a love and compassion for something that was much more than just a sport. Prior to the first ever indoor game of hockey, the sport was originally a casual game played outdoors on grass with its roots in Ancient Greece, Persia and Egypt. Ice hockey is a team sport, which is played on ice with a hard puck and a stick. The object is to score by getting the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ice hockey is mostly particularistic in North America. This national winter sport of Canada spread to the United States and along with Canada, America is now apart of the Big Seven which consist of the best seven national men s ice hockey teams. The United States has a professional men s league, the National Hockey League (NHL). The NHL was headquartered in New York City and was known to be consisted of the most skillful ice hockey professionals. The NHL was first organised in Montreal, Canada with a total of four Canadian teams. After expanding and relocating, it is currently now consisted of thirty franchises. The league became binational in 1942, which is when it expanded into the United States, and their first team participated, the Boston Bruins. The NHL soon consisted of the most highly skilled players from 20 different countries all around the world. The majority of the players in the NHL consisted of Canadians but over the past four decades the number of Americans who participated increased. In 1936, the American Hockey league, also known as the AHL was founded. It serves as the evolution circuit for the NHL, and is based in the United States and Canada. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. To Kill A Mockingbird Research Paper Mockingbirds Bullies and Songsters What bird is that singing so sweetly, so loudly, and for SO long in the middle of the night? If you re in North America, most likely it is the Northern Mockingbird, (Mimus polyglottos). This bird, whose Latin name means many tongued mimic, may sing the songs of up to two hundred other birds but it also may be the bully of your backyard, chasing all the other birds away. The Northern Mockingbird is a long tailed and somewhat short winged bird, will a dark strong but short beak. It is light gray with black wings that have two distinctive white wing bars that appear to flash when flying. The long tail is black with white edges. It is about 10 inches in length with a wingspan of 13 15 inches. This bird is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The nests are built of short sticks, leaves, discarded bits of string and other found materials, and lined with softer materials. The female lays 2 6 eggs and incubates them while the male fiercely defends the territory from predators, anything from another bird, snake, dog, or even a person too close to their nest. The eggs hatch in 12 13 days, and the young birds grow quickly with both parents feeding the hungry brood. 11 13 short days pass and then the the young mockingbirds are ready leave the nest, try their wings, and live on their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The First Three Noble Truths Throughout this paper, I will be discussing the first three Noble Truths. I will first explain each of the three Noble Truths. Then I will explain how each of the three Noble Truths would be extremely beneficial to my life. The first of the three Noble Truths concerns the diagnosis of humanity. That is to say, all humans have a fundamental problem and that problem is suffering. This fundamental problem is not something that one can hide from or ignore. It is something that calls for reflection coming to terms with the brute fact that human existence is attached to suffering. Suffering is ubiquitous. That is to say, suffering pervades all of human life. Therefore, all persons must accept suffering as a mere fact of existence. Suffering consists of, physical, mental and emotional suffering. For example, physical suffering would consist of having a disease, or getting into an injury such as a car accident. Mental suffering would consist of one who experiences depression, sadness and the like from the death of a loved one. Moreover, when one experiences frustration and anger from not getting what they want such as a baby who is hungry and cries or a child at a store and their parents won t buy them a toy. Emotional suffering is They have to take medicine to help their own body sustain itself. Buddha states, This, monks is the Noble Truth of Suffering; birth is suffering; decay is suffering; illness is suffering; death is suffering; presence of objects we hate is suffering; ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Gender Based Violence UNIVERSITY OF ZAMBIA SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES NAME: ABIGAIL NAMFUKWE COMPUTER #: 12016861 COURSE CODE: DS 102 COORDINATOR: DR FRANCIS CHIGUNTA TUTOR: MR CHAMA KABUMBU TUTORIAL: TUESDAY, 10 11HRS ASSIGNMENT: ONE DUE DATE: 7TH JUNE 2013 QUESTION AS THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER IN THE MINISTRY OF WOMEN, YOU RECEIVE A REPORT THAT THE LEVEL OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE IN CHIEF MUNYUMWBE S AREA HAS GONE UP. DESCRIBE THE SEQUENTIAL PLATFORM OF ACTIONS THAT YOU CAN MAKE TO ADRESS THIS ISSUE. Gender inequality is both a cause and effect of gender based violence, yet gender based violence is in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The international organization for migration estimates that 700 Thousand women are mostly transported involuntary across borders each year for the sex trade. Two million girls between the ages of 5 and 15 are introduced into the commercial sex market each year. In situations of armed conflicts, girls are systematically the target for abuse, rape and sexual assault which are used as a deliberate weapon of war in conflicts. Having looked at gender based violence at a global level; the next thing is to look at it at a national level. In Zambia, several surveys were carried out by the central statistical office (CSO) and the results were as follows. Rape cases increased from 178 in 2007 to 254 in 2010, defilement cases recorded a significant increase from 696 cases in 2007 to 2,419 cases in 2010, Physical violence on women stood at 28% in 2007. 20% of males indicated having physically hurt their partners and only 12% of females indicated having done it. In the same year, the study showed that 47% of women had experienced domestic violence, 11% experienced violence during pregnancy, 30% of married women experienced sexual violence and 47% experienced spousal violence. Political positions like that of the deputy minister recorded a decrease from 2006 at 18.2% to 17.2%, in addition, in 2006, there was no female representation in the position of a deputy permanent secretary which indicates a drop from the 6.7 female representation
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  • 21. Compare And Contrast Their Eyes Were Watching God Jada Britt Professor Lena Ampadu English 233001 11 May 2015 The Disappointment of Their Eyes Were Watching God This essay will explain why the movie Their Eyes Were Watching God differed from the book itself from which it was made. In the book version of Their Eyes Were Watching God the idea of fellowship is portrayed profusely, but the movie has a different viewpoint. The movie over sexualized the book to make it seem more appealing to the people, but it makes the movie seem poor of quality. One of the most important things the movie forgets to present is the coming of age of Janie. By not representing the characters and the scenes precisely the movie lacks being worthy of such a good book. The movie is fantastic, the acting is magnificent, and the creator has very good parallels, but the most important problem is that the movie doesn t illustrate the sense of community that Zora Neal Hurston represents intensely in her book Their Eyes Were Watching God. This now becomes a problem because the book is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It would be an irony to say that the authors took creative freedom over the story to make it sellable. Janie is a good looking African American with good hair and good looks. Hurston then describes Janie in the male perspective as having Firm Buttocks like she had grape fruits in her hip pockets; the great rope of black hair swinging to her waist and unraveling in the wind like a plume; then her pugnacious breasts trying to bore hole in her shirt (Hurston 2). Hurston describes Janie this way to give light to Janie, even though Janie s looks isn t what s the most important. The movie inappropriately focuses on the sexuality of Janie. Using Halle Berry as the actress was a good choice because she s beautiful and she s a great actor. The only problem is that they over sexualized the plot and used Halle Berry s looks to make the movie seem more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) This paper explores Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), a disorder categorized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM 5) as an impulse control disorder. To understand this disorder research was collected on predisposing factors that make an individual more vulnerable to IED. Research was also collected on precipitating and perpetuating factors to explore what factors trigger the disorder and subsequently prolong the symptoms. Finally, research was collected on how the disorder is diagnosed and current treatment options for individuals diagnosed with IED. Intermittent Explosive Disorder In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM 5) Intermittent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The optimal goal of treatment for patients with IED is remission, which is the resolution of symptoms or improvement to the point where only one or two symptoms of mild intensity persist. If that goal is unattainable a practical goal is stabilizing the safety of the patient and others as well as substantially improving the number, intensity, and frequency of symptoms. To achieve these treatment goals studies have shown the best treatment is a combination of medication and psychotherapy (Alpert Spillmann, 1997). The use of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) Fluoxetine has shown moderate to large improvement in the reduction of impulsive aggressive behavior. The goal of the Fluoxetine is to balance out the altered serotonin levels that are commonly altered in individuals with IED (Coccaro, M.D., 2012). In addition to medication cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to reduce impulsive aggression, anger, and hostile automatic thoughts. The therapies used include relaxation training, cognitive restructuring, and coping skills training. The rates of full remission from IED were 29% with fluoxetine alone and 33% from cognitive behavioral therapy alone. When combined the treatments are more effective for sustained remission because they work through different mechanisms (Coccaro, M.D., 2012). Studies have shown that IED symptoms precede the onset of other comorbid disorders and are persistent and follow a chronic course of at least 12 years. Intervention at an early age is most effective before development of comorbid disorders (Coccaro, M.D., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Congo War Within the next few weeks, the Congo declined quickly. On the tenth day of independence the Force Publique army was irate with the new governments lack of change, and rebelled, asking for promotions, pay raises, and the removal of white officers (Dunn, 63). Belgian officers were still commanding the higher positions in the army, and while the Congo may have gained independence, the Belgians not only ran things economically they also maintained a total grip on the military apparatus (Van Reybouck, 285). The Congolese soldiers were anger and frustrated, one a Belgian officer, General Janssen, confirmed his soldier s belief that, Independence brings change to politicians and to civilians. But for you, nothing will be changed (Zeilig, 103). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At first, the United Nations had refused to take part in the Katanga succession because it was an internal conflict between the Congolese and the Belgians (Gibbs, 93). In actuality, the United Nations really just wanted to stay in good with the United States. The United States has a large amount of influence over the United Nations and even currently, the United States pays almost thirty percent of the organizations bills (UN.org, HowMuchDoesPeacekeepingCost?). The United States at the beginning had supported the succession of Katanga. The Central Intelligence Agency had even sent military aid to the Katangese military. Although it did not take long for the United States to understand that for the Congo to thrive it would need to have, Superior forces and effective external support were crucial arbiters of political outcomes (Duignan, 124). The United States could not allow for the Soviet Union to be that external support. United States had a fear of communist take over and believed that if the Congo turned communist then all of Africa would turn as well. The United States had believed that Lumumba was a secret communist, under the control of the Soviet Union, and it did not help that he had gotten aid from the Soviet Union (Dunn, 63). So in order to keep Congo and subsequently Africa, the United States came up with contingencies to get rid of Lumumba (Vanthemsche, 203). In Lumumba s defense he had not been a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Crime And Punishment In Wuthering Heights Essay The complex and furious creation of Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights is a powerful novel that fiercely combines many of the greatest themes in literature, such as love and its intricacies, revenge and the its terrible effects, and the contrasts between nature and society. One of the most prevalent themes in this celebrated work is that of crime and punishment, or sin and retribution. One character in particular, Heathcliff, stands apart as a conduit for both of these, es pecially his sins. His past crimes, both worldly and metaphysical, coincide with his punishments. Heathcliff, to some, began life as a crime. His foster brother Hindley shunned him as a reject from society while viewing Heathcliff amp;#8217;s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Partly influenced by her stay at the Linton amp;#8217;s, Cathy (Earnshaw) sees Heathcliff as lower than herself, and that amp;#8220;It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him. ; This harsh rebuke according to social structure distorts Heathcliff amp;#8217;s very temperament into a nature even more twisted than it previously had been, and upon Cathy amp;#8217;s marriage to Edgar, Heathcliff finds a target towards which he can divert his unyielding rage. Sympathy should almost be expressed for Heathcliff, since he undergoes a punishment so severe and yet so directly undeserving: spiritual torment. Due to the loss of Cathy to Edgar by a standard over which he had no control, Heathcliff bears a weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life, being forced to endure his life without his true companion. This terrible affliction even drives him to disturb the resting places of the dead, wherein he makes every attempt to place himself between Cathy and Edgar. It could be supposed that Heathcliff dies a wretched soul, convicted of his crimes and having carried out his sentences. There is a glimmer of hope in his character, however, in light of his final temperament. In the end, the love of Catherine and Hareton amp;#8211; the reconciliation of the families amp;#8211; serves as this flicker ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Gregor Mendel s Laws Of Inheritance Gregor Mendel s Laws of Inheritance Gregor Mendel, also know as the Father of genetics, was a monk who studied pea plants and discovered the laws of heredity. Heredity is the passing of traits from one generation to another. There are three laws and they are known as; the law of dominance, law of segregation, and the law of independent assortment. The law of dominance states that the dominant alleles always show and the recessive alleles can be hidden because of that. For example, if brown eyes are dominant in a family, their genotype would be AA or Aa. In a heterozygous pair, like Aa, the dominant allele would appear in the phenotype because dominant will always show even though there a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. American Trucking Company Case Analysis Essay The American Trucking Company has recently been experiencing an increase in stolen loads a loaded tractor/trailer is stolen and the load sold. Loads of merchandise are often worth thousands of dollars, sometimes exceeding the value of the tractor/trailer. American Trucking, while wishing to recover both the load and equipment, seeks a way to locate the tractor/trailer at all times so they can dispatch their security team to retrieve the load before it is sold on the black market (as well as to retrieve the truck/trailer before it is vandalized). They have engaged the services of Truck Locators, a provider of locating services to the trucking industry. Truck Locator s Truck Finder services is a one way messaging service that routes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However amounts paid that are related to the devices are nonrefundable. Payments for the devices are due upon completion of the installation and final acceptance by the customer. Truck Locator has hired to you to express an opinion on how to recognize the revenue from its Truck Finder services and devices. You are to write a letter, no longer than two pages, to the CFO of Truck Locator, John Wilton. Case #1: Defend the position that the device and service agreements represent a single unit of accounting. Explain the accounting treatment for recognizing revenue under this assumption. Case #2: Defend the position that the delivery of the devices represents a separate earnings process. Explain the accounting treatment for recognizing revenue under this assumption. NOTE: As part of your two case research assignments, you need to search the online Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) for authoritative support for the positions you are taking in your solution. Your solution should contain specific references to the ASC standard numbers you are relying upon. The ASC can be located at http://aaahq.org/ascLogin.cfm and the userID and password are AAA51268 and LGU9z3k, respectively. They are case sensitive. You will be graded on the following: 1. Problem identification the appropriate problem is clearly identified and explicitly stated; 2. Proper use of grammar including subject verb agreement, verb tense, sentence ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Apple Company Apple Company Zeyang Du ELP 600 Julie Kidder 02/13/2013 Apple Company Apple Company was created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976. Now Apple Company became very famous company in the world. It was made a lot of machine and computers. In recent years it s created something that was very helpful to the human. For example such as Ipad2, Ipad3, Ipad4 that is a small hand computer. Human can use it store a lot of things and they can use it to watch moves talk to each other, use it for GPS and so on. He also made Iphone3 to Iphone5. These phone are famous and useful and it was perfect phone. Iphone5 series has many kinds of function. It can help human to do anything they want. It is easy to use and convenience to everybody in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the first developed was Macintosh, Jobs to visit near Seattle gates office. Microsoft wrote some applications for Apple II , including one called Multiplan spreadsheet program, jobs want to stimulate gates and his company, for the upcoming Macintosh computer do more. Sitting in the Gates meeting rooms, jobs for public computer made a tempting perspective, friendly interface, this show is in a California factory automation has millions of production. He in the California suction silicon components and cultivate complete dream factory lead to Microsoft team Macintosh computer program code sand . They even put engineering reverse to a acronym, Steve s amazing new devices. But in the end they twin and no successful cooperation. In 1988 when jobs announced the future computer, caused a excited. The second year began to sales, computer finally failed. The ability of jobs, move in media began to fail him, a series of things that companies get into trouble. Because of the presence of relatively small software running, so then, it has been difficult to attract customers. Jobs was fired the board of directors, in 1996 the second back to apple. Apple Story Apple the pursuit of perfect, it also led to the growth of its ups and downs. Jobs not willing to give up work and control anything, especially when it may affect the customer experience. But he was faced with a problem. There is a part of the process he does not control: in a store to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Helicopter Parenting Effect On Children Many young parents have no idea how to raise their newborn child so they decide to shower it with everything the child could ever need or want. The same goes for parents who have already had many kids. They hover over their children like helicopters, this term is known as helicopter parenting. Helicopter parenting is a method of hovering over one s child, in more or less words. It can come in many different ways, some parents may just spoil their children, others want to befriend their own offspring in better words. Helicopter parenting is detrimental to a child because it may shelter them, cause kids to feel dependent on their parents all the way through adulthood, also on top of that, cause early signs of depression and/or anxiety. Helicopter ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And true, it does, but a child should not be only friends with their parents, a parent s job is to prepare their child for the real world, not protect them from it their entire life. In a complete turnaround from one of the points made, some adults believe monitoring one s child may make the child grow up content. And again as stated before, the child may actually grow up content but severely underdeveloped for the real world. Thirdly, giving one s child what they want keeps them quiet and peaceful. Everyone has seen that small young kid that cries when their iphone is taken away, that kid is the result of that kind of parenting. A child like that will have no idea how to earn what they want. Sheltering children, over the top dependancy, and worse, signs and symptoms of depression/anxiety can all be terrible outcomes of helicopter parenting. Everyone needs to know the harm of helicopter parenting, whether they are a parent or not. A generation of strong, capable, young adults is a better place to rest the fate of the world. Be careful to help not harm a child, should one be expecting a child or already a parent, try at the very least to be aware of how a child grows up. (add one more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Narrative Essay On Lacrosse Game Shooting 100% I wake up grab my lacrosse stick, ball and head outside. Grab the net and started to shoot. I play of my state lacrosse team we have our first tournament this weekend and I don t wanna be the reason that we lose. I was originally a D pole for my city team but my coach for state thought otherwise. I could run the field in 20 seconds flat. At least that is what my coach said. I started out the day with a couple fakes and spin moves nothing hard just the kind of stuff you need to know when you want to start. My sister decides to come and play me in a 1v1 (me and my sister are competitive) I accept so we go to the plains across the street I bring the net along with us. I just school her badly 10:0 she challenged me at my own game 1st mistake. We head back every day I have lacrosse practice at 3:30 until 5:30 that is the best practice ever because all we do is get in the middle and get on top both 1v1 games against your own teammate. I used to play D pole like I said but now it is easier to use a short pole. I go through my day of 3 hours in the morning of practice at the plains across the street and hanging with friends doing more lacrosse. Then it becomes 3 and I have to leave for lacrosse so I grab my gear bag and longer leaving my long pole there. We reach the area of where I practice I m usually the first one there but everyone is ready and geared up and warming up I was late for the first time in my life my dad is so mad. Get out there Jax you re late I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Example Of A Farmer Research Paper Simplex Method more examples with standard problems COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE Farmer problem (once again) A farmer has a 320 acre farm on which she plants two crops: corn and soybeans. For each acre of corn planted, her expenses are $50 and for each acre of soybeans planted, her expenses are $100. Each acre of corn requires 100 bushels of storage and yields a profit of $60; each acre of soybeans requires 40 bushels of storage and yields a profit of $90. If the total amount of storage space available is 19,200 bushels and the farmer has only $20,000 on hand, how many acres of each crop should she plant in order to maximize her profit? What will her profit be if she follows this strategy? COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How many houses of each type should he construct in order to maximize his profit? COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE Planning Subdivision x = # townhouses y = # single story z = # 2 story COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE Planning Subdivision x = # townhouses y = # single story z = # 2 story 1/6 x + 1/4 y + 1/2 z ! 60 40x + 50y + 60z ! 2880 25x + 30y + 40z ! 2400 Maximize: P = 15x + 18y + 20z (in thousands of $) COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE 1/6 x + 1/4 y + 1/2 z ! 60 40x + 50y + 60z ! 2880 25x + 30y + 40z ! 2400 1/6 x + 1/4 y + 1/2 z + u = 60 40x + 50y + 60z + v = 2880 25x + 30y + 40z + w = 2400 15x 18y 20z + P = 0 COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE x ! 1 # # 6 # # 40 # # 25 # # 15 y 1 4 50 30 18 z 1 2 60 40 20 u v w P 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 $ 60 2880 2400 % 0 Find the first pivot element. COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE x ! 1 # # 6 # # 40 # # 25 # # 15 y 1 4 50 30 18 z 1 2 60 40 20 u v w P 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 $ 60 2880 2400 % 0 Here is the first pivot element. What is the first row operation? COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE x !1 # # 6 # #2 # # 3 # # 25 # # 15 y 1 4 5 6 30 18 z 1 2 u v w P 1 0 0 0 $ 60 1 1 0 60 0 0 48 40 0 0 1 0 2400 20 0 0 0 1 0% Specify the row operations to finish this step. COPYRIGHT 2006 by LAVON B. PAGE x ! 1 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Action For Declaratory Relief One such instance where a declaratory judgment does not generally serve a useful purpose or terminate controversy is where there is another action pending in a different courts involving the same issues. Indeed, generally courts will not entertain a declaratory judgment action if there is pending, at the time of the commencement of the action for declaratory relief, another action or proceeding involving the same parties and in which the identical issues that are involved in the declaratory action may be adjudicated. Waicker v. Colbert, 347 Md. 108, 113 (1997). This rule rests on the principle that, [w]ere an action or proceeding is already pending in another forum involving the same issues, it is manifestly unwise and unnecessary to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Denmead, 22 Md. 135, 145 (1864) (quoting Brooks, supra, 1 Md. Ch. 351). This rule survives in the context of a declaratory judgment action out of recognition that the declaratory judgment is distinguishable from other judgments because courts are empowered to adjudicate upon disputed legal rights whether or not further relief is or could be claimed. Edwin M. Borchard, The Uniform Declaratory Judgments Act, 18 Minn. L. Rev. 239 (1934). In order for declaratory judgments to retain the procedural requisites of justiciability: two principal criteria guid[e] the policy of rendering declaratory judgments . . . (1) when the judgement will serve a useful purpose in clarifying and settling the legal relations in issue, and (2) when it will terminate and afford relief from the uncertainty, insecurity, and controversy giving rise to the proceeding. It follows that when neither of these results can be accomplished, the court should decline to render the declaration prayed. Id. at 265. Pursuant to these principles, Maryland Courts have generally held that the practical purposes of the declaratory judgment are ill served when a court makes a declaration while an action involving similar issues are pending before another court. In A. S. Abell Co. v. Sweeney, 274 Md. 715 (1975), the Court of Appeals quoted Professor Borchard in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Rise of America’s Prison Empire Essay When envisioning a prison, one often conceptualizes a grisly scene of hardened rapists and murderers wandering aimlessly down the darkened halls of Alcatraz, as opposed to a pleasant facility catering to the needs of troubled souls. Prisons have long been a source of punishment for inmates in America and the debate continues as to whether or not an overhaul of the US prison system should occur. Such an overhaul would readjust the focuses of prison to rehabilitation and incarceration of inmates instead of the current focuses of punishment and incarceration. Altering the goal of the entire state and federal prison system for the purpose of rehabilitation is an unrealistic objective, however. Rehabilitation should not be the main purpose of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While all three are considered prison s goals, punishment is most heavily relied on and rehabilitation, when attempted, is often halfheartedly executed to uninterested participants. According to authors Gerald Melnick, et al. in their essay, Treatment Process in Prison Therapeutic Communities: Motivation, Participation, and Outcome, the lack of motivation an individual prisoner experiences regarding his success often contributes to his dropping out of an in prison rehabilitation program (634). Such programs are therefore futile because the inmates who would benefit most from the rehabilitation are often the most unmotivated and unwilling to participate. If an inmate does fulfill the numerous participation requirements for completion of an in prison program, the chances of his continuing treatment are exponentially low. Prisoners often neglect to extend treatment through the use of after care rehabilitation programs upon release from jail (Melnick, et al. 636). The benefits of rehabilitation are therefore lost because after care facilities are designed to further reinforce critical values gained by prisoners during prior rehabilitation. This means that even if a prison were to offer inmates the most innovative forms of rehabilitation, the programs would be in vain due to the overwhelming majority of prisoners who would not willingly partake in treatment. If a prisoner manages to acquire a job upon release, his rehabilitation may still ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Can God s Grace Be Banked Analysis Can God s Grace Be Banked Last month, I made a telephone call to a man I ve known for more than 20 years. For the purpose of this article, I m going to call him Luke. I hadn t seen Luke for several months and I wanted to see what was going on with him. Before he disappeared, I saw him at least once a week in the adoration chapel. After Luke stopped showing up at the chapel, I asked another person who knows him what had happened to him. The person told me that he had heard that a priest at Luke s church had said something that was offensive to Luke. After that, Luke stopped showing up at church. He also stopped going to the adoration chapel. In case you re curious, the priest who made the comment was not associated with Saint Philomena Church, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Luke responded by saying that he can make an act spiritual communion in his apartment. He tried to convince me that making an act of spiritual communion has the same effect as receiving the Eucharist. I told him that the sixth chapter of gospel of John clearly states that Christ told his followers that we must eat His flesh and drink His blood if we want to enter into eternal life. I reminded him that the only place in the Bible where followers of Jesus actually walked away and left Him was after He made that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Descriptive Essay About My Kitchen Laughter, sizzling, the clinking of wine glasses and the crunching of chips float down the hallway. The smell of good food made with cumin and love. The kitchen is a place of joy and family, a place of sharing our days and silently scarfing Mom s chicken tacos. Many of the greatest moments in my life have been in my kitchen: cooking pork ribs with my dad and listening to his ridiculous old rock music, opening my first college acceptance letter, learning we were moving to Munich. Many of the worst times have been in the kitchen, too. Uncle Dan died in Thailand. Bampa s dementia has gotten so much worse. The beauty of the kitchen is, the bad is overshadowed by the good. The warmth of bread in the oven and the smell of sizzling chicken and caramelized onions on the stovetop are soothing, familiar, calming. It s a place of happy memories and reminders of difficult times, a place of recovery and love and growth. Putting away dishes is one of my favorite jobs because it gives me an opportunity to reflect on the personality of each dish. The ceramic blue and brown cups with the triangular designs and a certain heaviness to them are from Botswana. They live in the cabinet above the coffee maker with the matte black and orange cups that my dad brings home from work, and the white glass mugs that my mom uses that we bought at Walmart because they re just going to get broken anyways! The big ceramic teal bowl in the red cabinet was made in Nevada at Planet X, a hippie shop in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Marxism In The Grapes Of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath tells the bitter story of the Joad family as it struggles to survive and to maintain its dignity in the middle of the Great Depression. But it is also the story of the social class of people like the Joads, tenant farmers who have lost their land and decide to move to California in hope of finding a better life. John Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath, in 1939, amid the Great Depression, in response to the enduring he saw of individuals with disadvantages. He wrote regarding Oklahomans that were incapable to continue farming since of the disastrous climate conditions. Particularly, he wrote about the Joad family having to emigrate to California. Steinbeck composed the novel from a Marxist point of view. Steinbeck is supporting Marxist thoughts by delineating the distinction of individuals included in capitalism, as the owners take advantage of the helpless. In the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, Steinbeck uses Marxist beliefs to plot the long battle experienced by the Joad family. The Joads encounters illustrate that the Bourgeoise mishandle their control in order to control the Proletariats, estranging and abusing their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There s a board of directors. I ll fill up the magazine of the rifle and go into the bank. The driver said, Fellow was telling me the bank gets orders from the East. The orders were, Make the land show profit or we ll close up. But where does it stop? Who can we shoot? I don t aim to starve to death before I kill the man that s starving me. I don t know. Maybe there s nobody to shoot. Maybe the thing isn t men at all. Maybe, like you said, the property s doing it. Anyway, I told you my orders. I got to figure, the tenant said. We all got to figure. There s some way to stop this. It s not like lightning or earthquakes. We ve got a bad thing made by men, and by God that s something we can change (Steinbeck ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Persuasive Essay On The Joker Grandmains One of the greatest villains of all times is the Joker, you may never know what s on his mind, but he sure is the most scariest and more ingenious villain of all time. The Joker is a great villain he can challenge Batman to push him beyond his limits, it seem s like the Joker is obsessed to make Batman see what he did wrong. The Joker and Batman are like brothers Batman being the older brother and the Joker the youngest, the Joker will never kill Batman but they are destined to fight forever. The Joker sees the world as a cruel Joke and is willing to rule he s not like other villains they want money but he does not he wants power, but Batman always wins represents triumph over death. As a matter of fact the Joker being a great villain is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. General Electric And Transformation Of Company This case study follows General Electric, and the transformation that company made over two decades of business. General Electric was founded in 1878 by Thomas Edison, and according to the case study, [GE] grew from its early focus on the generation, distribution, and use of electric power to become, a hundred years later, one of the world s leading diversified industrial companies (Wozny, 2005, p.1). General Electric grew its name in business through their work in power generation, lighting, and household appliances. The case study also mentions that General Electric worked with aircraft engines, medical systems, and diesel motors. GE was a company that was constantly changing and adapting. It was in the 1950s, that the company had delegated work to hundreds of managers for different departments of the company. In 1973 a new CEO came up the ranks of the company, Reg Jones inherited the company and started a complete reorganization. According to the case study, Reg Jones started by overlaying its 10 groups, 46 divisions, and 190 departments were 43 strategic business units designed to support the strategic planning that was so central to GE s management process. Jones raised strategic planning to an art form, and GE again became the benchmark for hundreds of companies that imitated its SBU based structure and its sophisticated planning processes. Soon, however, Jones was unable to keep up with reviewing and approving the massive volumes of information generated by 43 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Food Intake 3 Days Food Intake 3 Days SCI/220 Food Intake 3 Days During my three day food intake I discovered that I only consumed 88 grams of protein. In these three meals I spent almost 40 dollars and I was short almost 100 grams of protein required for my weight. Four slices of pizza, and two double cheeseburgers produced the most protein. Oatmeal, beer, and coffee only counted for less than 10 grams. All six items consumed over the 3 day stretch accounted for carbohydrates. The items ranged from 10g to 100g of carbs. The only item with enough lipids was the McDonald s oatmeal. The rest of the meals were relatively low. I need to make better planning to include more lipids into my health plan. According to the recommendation of the DRI and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This iprofile has opened my eyes to understand the nutrients I m lacking or I am over consuming References Birt, D. F.; Pelling, J. C.; Nair, S., and Lepley, D. Diet intervention for modifying cancer risk. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1996; 395:223 34. Boss, P. K.; Davies, C., and Robinson, S. P. Expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes in red and white grapes. Plant Mol Biol. 1996 Nov; 32(3):565 9. Kootstra, A. Protection from UV B induced DNA damage by flavonoids. Plant Mol Biol. 1994 Oct; ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Legal Services Act 2007 Analysis The Legal Services Act 2007 has changed the way in which legal services are regulated in England and Wales by creating a new structure for legal services. The act allows lawyers and non lawyers to form businesses together and also permits non lawyers to be involved in the management or ownership of businesses that provide legal services, known as Alternative Business Structure (ABS). Prior to the commencement of the Act, reserved legal activities were regulated by legal professional bodies and there were restrictions on the type of business structure through which legal services could be provided. The Association of Costs Lawyers, formerly known as the Association of Law Costs Draftsmen, is the representative body for Costs Lawyers. Under ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Analysis Of John Updike s A P John Updike is viewed by his readers as a progressive voice in his work that promotes feminist issues. He makes these issues stand out more evidently, rather than hidden, in order for the reader to realize how women are viewed in society. From reading Updike s A P, the story sends the message to readers of genders working together to strive for equality. If readers do not carefully and actively read A P they may miss key messages about the power men hold over women, not just in society but in literature as well. Even though Updike s A P seems to be a story about a teenager finally standing up to his boss and quitting the job he hates, the tone used reveals the hidden message on how women are in a male oriented world. The relationship between both men are women are shown as unequals, men on the top and women always below them, Updike makes sure to open up the reader s eyes in realizing the way females are being treated unfairly. The first bathing suit girl who walks into the A P and catches Sammy s immediately looks at the chunky girl with a two piece plaid bathing suit on that showed off her sweet broad soft looking can (Updike 157). Sammy goes in detail at pointing out this girl s body features, especially her behind, those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit (Updike 158). If the girl knew he was looking at her so intensely how would she feel? How would you feel if that was an everyday occurrence, getting criticized by your body or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The War Between Tsarists Russia And The Empire Of Japan Prepared By: Joseph Coccia Submitted To: Dr. Eric Ash Course: Regional History 5333: The Soviet Union Virtual Campus, Summer Session Due date: May 10, 2015 The 1904 1905 war between Tsarists Russia and the Empire of Japan pitted a newly developed modern military against and poorly funded, organized, and outdated war machine. It to become the bloodiest war fought prior to World War I. The conflict gained universal recognition as the Russo Japanese War. The Russians desired to expand eastward and reap the economic benefits created by the natural resources contained within China and Korea. In addition, and most importantly they desired year round access to a warm water port. Japan sought the respect and equal treatment from Western nations and the removal of Russian influence in the Far East. The war was not a prolonged conflict; however, the final outcome shocked the powerful western nations. Japan would gain acceptance by western nations as a global power and a militaristic state. Unfortunately for Russia the conclusion of the war set into motion a series of events that would bring about the demise of Tsarists Russia. Russians knew very little of peace. Since the reign of the Grand Duchy of Moscow (1480 1547) until the reign of the Russian Empire (1721 1917) Russia had been at war or engaged in military conflict on fifty separate occasions. The leadership and the citizens within the empire lived with war and the ravages of war for four hundred and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Gold Standard or Floating Exchange Rate Gold Standard Versus Floating Exchange: Which is the Better Method? By: Jane Doe Eco 500 In this paper, I am going to discuss and compare exchange rates. The two types of exchange rates are the Gold Standard and the Floating exchange rate. First, I will describe exchange rates. Second, I will compare the two types in this dissertation. Third, and finally I will give my conjectures and beliefs on which I consider the better system. An exchange rate is, The price of a unit of one country s currency expressed in terms of the currency of some other country. (Multinational Business Finance) An example of this is taking the United States dollar alongside the British pound. I will not be using an actual rate, just a rate for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Floating exchange rates have their benefits and downsides as well. The benefits of a floating rate are: The currency becomes worth more when the demand increases. If a country s economy (GDP) is on a steady track, the currency is valued at a high rate. A country does not have to worry about its gold or other materials value since the currency value can vary for other market related issues. This means not having to worry about keeping such large quantities of a reserve in the central bank. These rates change faster then a fixed rate. Here is an example of what happens if a country is on a floating system. If demand for a currency is low, its value will decrease, thus making imported goods more expensive and thus stimulating demand for local goods and services. This in turn will generate more jobs, and hence an auto correction would occur in the market. A floating exchange rate is constantly changing. (Investopedia.com) In the above we can see that as much as it is negative to have a currency with little value, it can in turn create a positive outcome. Employment can rise, people spend, and eventually the economy stabilizes again. The cycle starts all over with the currency having a high value again. The downside to floating rates follows: If the market is on a downward shift, the currency can be as well. The central bank does not have as much control to control the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Amanda Argumentative Essay Ideas Tonight will be the second episode of Bachelor in Paradise, and it is time for the relationships to start forming. With Chad finally going home, it will leave room for everyone to start seeing the potential for lifelong partners. TMZ shared that Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray are one of the couples who end up together and doing great when the show is over. Josh actually proposes at the end of the show, and it looks like this couple is one that is going to last. When you are on the show, you are not supposed to reveal to the world that you have found someone. They are supposed to stay quiet and not be seen out in person together, but a few of the couples aren t following the rules. Josh Murray and Amanda Stanton have been spotted out together more than once since the show ended. One time they were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The source said they are planning to buy a house there together. Amanda has kids and their father is very involved, so the idea of her moving them across the country is pretty shocking. The custody battle on this one may keep Amanda and Josh from being able to do what they want to do. Josh and Amanda are engaged, with plans to tie the knot. There is now word on their wedding plans yet, but fans are hopeful that they will decide to let ABC televise their big day. Grant Kemp and Lace Morris also find love on Bachelor in Paradise this season. They have not been shy about being seen in public either. You can t imagine that ABC is thrilled with these couples being seen out, but it makes it where Reality Steve s spoilers aren t near as important if everyone is spoiling the show on their own. The other couple that finds love is Carly Waddell and Evan Bass. So far, they haven t been spotted out in public, but Carly did share a photo on Instagram that everyone knows is from Evan s kitchen. They both already live in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Shoplifting Essay Shoplifting When someone steals merchandise offered for sale in a retail store it is generically called shoplifting. To commit shoplifting one must intend to permanently deprive the merchant of the value of the merchandise. Shoplifting most often occurs by concealing merchandise in a purse, pocket or bag but can occur by a variety of methods. Most shoplifters are amateurs. However, there are growing numbers of people who make their living by stealing from retail stores. Amateur shoplifter can be highly skilled, and some steal almost every day, but don t do it to make a living. Most amateurs are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Children and elderly persons sometime steal without realizing they are committing a crime. In urban cities, it is not unusual to find a network of fences who send out teams of shoplifters into specific retail stores to shoplift specific items, much like filling an order for a customer. The fences only pay 10 20 cents on the dollar to the thieves and sometimes pay their room, board, and provide training on how to steal and defeat the anti theft technology. Some fences have been known to bail their workers out of jail when caught or provide for their legal defense. This creates a kind of strange street loyalty much like the tale of Oliver Twist. Theft from stores, including employee and vendor theft, cost retailers many billions of dollars per year. Independent retail studies* have estimated theft from retail stores costs the American public 33.21 billion dollars per year. Depending on the type of retail store, retail inventory shrinkage ranges from .5% 6% of gross sales with the average falling around 1.75%. Whole retail store chains have gone out of business due to their inability to control retail theft losses. And worse yet, the cost of these losses are passed on to us...the consumer. Shoplifting losses will vary by store type, but can account for about one third of the total inventory shrinkage. It is estimated that shoplifting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Memento Film Noir The mental thriller and neo noir film Memento, coordinated and composed by Christopher Nolan in 2000, was roused by his sibling s short story Memento Mori. Nolan is known for his dim mental thrillers that frequently have non straight timetables. His movies for the most part start with the movies end scene, and close with characters settling or portraying issues or occasions exhibited in the film yet never completely clarified. Nolan likewise has a repeating subject of supported untrustworthiness and retaliation for the demise of a friend or family member in his movies, which Memento is focused around. Nominated for two foundation grants for Original Screenplay and Film Editing, this noir film low spending film takes after principle character ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The cinematography of this film is imperative to story improvement, story solidarity, and building up settings. Many key story components are uncovered through extraordinary close ups. A key component of the story is Leonard s Polariods. Leonard is always taking Polaroids of individuals, spots, and things to help him recollect. As he adapts new data, he composes little notes on Polaroid. Certain Polaroids are more imperative to the story all in all particularly as a result of notes he has on them, and when he included the note. The nearby ups with outrageous profundity of field are frequently utilized at whatever point Leonard is taking a gander at a Polaroid, however they are constantly utilized when he is making a note on one. One Polaroid is more essential than the rest, the photograph of Teddy. Having close ups of Leonard adding three notes to Teddy s Polaroid at three unique parts of the story, shows how huge that data is to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. A Report On The Marine Corps A month after graduating high school, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. In less than a year after that, I found myself speeding in a Humvee on a dirt road in Habbiniyah, Iraq, just a mile of the Euphrates River. Our mission was to assist a Marine Reconnaissance unit in securing insurgent weapon caches. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, as I was ready to tackle my first major op. My truck, along with another, responded to the recon unit when they radioed for help to load a weapons cache. As we sped over to the site, an IED exploded and ripped apart the engine of the following truck. The vehicle contained my squad leader, two marines, and our squad s only medic. As a combat lifesaver (CLS), my secondary mission kicked in. My instincts were to assess the casualties, triage, and treat the wounded. We were fortunate they only suffered concussions, with the gunner having minor lacerations to the face. After dressing the wound, a MEDEVAC was secured to transport them back to base. Within minutes of the helicopter leaving, another explosion was heard where the cache was located. We rushed to the scene, only to see a truck engulfed in flames. When I reached the casualty collection point, I was updated on what occurred. The truck hit a landmine as they were backing onto the road, injuring everyone near the vehicle. Most of the passengers got out, but one was unconscious and trapped inside. Much to my dismay, the Marine was my team leader. I fought ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Dialectical Journal For Into Thin Air Olivia Parker Cuff Honors English 10 5 August 2018 Into Thin Air Journal Entries Journal #1 Ambition The theme of ambition is shown throughout the book, Into Thin Air and the film, Into Thin Air: Death on Everest. One quote is, I accept the assignment because I was in the grip of the Everest mystique. In truth, I wanted to climb the mountain as badly as I d ever wanted anything in my life, (Krakauer, 88). This quote shows how ambitious Krakauer is he set his mind into climbing the mountain and went with it. Another quote is, Fischer made a number of impressive ascents that earned him a modicum of local renown, but celebrity in the world of the climbing community eluded him, (Krakauer, 68). This quote shows that Fischer didn t ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ambition for everyone is different but this article went really well with the book Into Thin Air. For example in the book the people that chose to climb the mountain almost all had the same ambition. It ended up not working out for them and they ended up being unsuccessful. Some regretted even climbing the mountain. One quote that goes along with the theme ambition and the article is, Doug...spent the entire previous year agonizing over the fact that he d gotten to within three hundred feet of the summit and had to turn around, (Krakauer, 171). This shows that with Doug s ambition on climbing the mountain he was willing to risk his life, he was ambitious but unsuccessful. Another quote that goes with the article and theme is, From the time we arrived at the South Col, says John Taske... Yasuko was totally focused on the top it was almost like she was in a trance, (Krakauer, 184). This quote shows that you shouldn t be to ambitious or at least ambitious up to the point where you re only focusing on that one thing. Yasuko should ve stayed patient and went along with everyone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. What Is The Count Of Monte Cristo The 928 page book, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, is about a nineteen year old boy named Edmond Dantés, who is sent to prison for an act of treason he did not commit. While in prison he meets an Italian priest who turned Dantés into a well educated man and figures out the story behind Dantés demise. Dantés vowed to punish the people who had harmed him. When the priest died, Edmond escaped in the body bag. Then he found the Treasure of Monte Cristo and he became known as The Count of Monte Cristo. He emerged in Rome, where all the men who prosecuted him lived. One by one, he sought revenge. One committed suicide,one went into financial ruins and one was prosecuted for all their wrong doings. Vengeance may cause short ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Joshua 1 Research Paper Janice Ortega Johnathan Coker Religion 1 8 May 2017 Joshua 1:9 The purpose of this paper is to tell you what I think is the meaning of this bible verse/passage. Most people miss interpret Joshua 1:9 because they think it is a literal thing. That is a legit literal thing. That even if we walk into a bar he will be there with us. Which I don t personally believe is the case. If we check with history, most of the book of Joshua was written by Joshua himself, after the four hundred years of the Israelites living in Egypt, and after the forty years of the Israelites living in the desert. When looking through five specific versions of the bible, you will find that the phrase the Lord your God (New Living Translation, Josh. 1.9) is said in every one of the versions. When you research some more you find out that the phrase the Lord your God (New Living Translation, Josh 1.9) is also the opening line of the Ten Commandments. The name for God used in the opening of the Ten Commandments is YHWH Elohim, which means god. The introduction of the Ten Commandments sets forward the identity of God. The pattern and language that it uses is like the language that was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (New Living Translation, Josh. 1.9) the promise of God always being with us is also something that can be applicable to Christians today. In one sense, the promise in this passage was specific to Joshua s role as leader of the Israelites as he took them into the Promised Land. Joshua had a tremendous task to fulfill after the death of Moses the responsibility of leading an entire nation into a new land. God s words of boldness and encouragement served as an important message to strengthen Joshua as the leader of God s people. While the promise that God would be with Joshua was specific to Joshua, the principle extends to us today. (GotQuestions, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...