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Descriptive Essay On Floria
Located just between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, and home to
famous amusement parks, museums, and beaches, it s easy to see why so many
tourists get lured into visiting Florida each year. In fact, USA Today ranks the
Orange State as a year round tourist destination due to its tropical weather. This
means that for those of us who live in cooler climate cities, Floridacould be a great
way to escape those harsh winter months.
There are still, however, a lot of travelers who know very little about the 27th state.
In other words, when tourists think of Florida, they envision Daytona Beach, Miami,
Walt Disney World, and of course, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter out in
Orlando. This makes sense, because those are all beautiful places worth seeing.
However, there are still some other locations throughout Florida worth visiting that
remain under the radar.
If you re a traveler considering going somewhere different for the upcoming
holidays whether you plan on hanging out at the beach or seeing Florida s wildlife
here are some places to visit in case if you find your way down to the panhandle state.
Palm Beach: This city is home to the most beautiful resorts, and historic landmarks
the state has to offer. Palm Beach itself is lined with countless trees and provides a
large number of places to eat and shop.
When s a good time to visit this beautiful city?
Anytime s a good time to visit Palm Beach and see what all this extravagant island
has to offer.
Instinct A By Henry Carpenter Summary
In Extract A, Carpenter suggests that Henry s lack of experience in the
administrative running of a country, his rapacity and his bias against the nobles
lead to the relationship between the King and the nobility being undermined. A
convincing point that Carpenter provides is that Henry had no experience of
running a country. Having spent fourteen years in exile in Brittany, he had not
grown up amongst the nobles in the English royal courts, and therefore this not
only diminished his experience of administration but also separated him from the
English nobility. This created a great dependence upon the guidance of others, as
he had no past knowledge of how to run a country. The extract is also convincing
because it argues that Henry greatly restricted the powers of the nobility. With
previous monarchs, the nobility had a great amount of power, however, with
Henry, it was very different. Being a noble did not guarantee power or closeness to
the king, and, in fact, by the end of his reign, Henry had retreated so far from the
nobility that, essentially, their only role was to be part of the magnificance of court
life. Henry gave a voice to the middle classes new men , as they were known,
became greatly politically active, whereas the nobility had an obligation of loyalty
being forced upon them. How influential you were now depended... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Certainly a large part of the country s income was through feudal dues, whether
wardship, where the King had the right to look after an orphaned heir and their
land if the heir was not yet old enough to take over the land themselves, marriage
dues when a noble heiress was married, or relief money paid when a noble inherited
land. Another source of income was Bonds and Recognisances penalties paid by
nobles if they failed to keep a promise or do a duty. These methods provoked
resentment amongst the nobles, but also helped establish Henry s
What Were The Political And Social Changes During The...
Progressive Era Reform Essay
Through the years 1890 and 1920, many changes occurred. This time was called
the Progressive Era, and during the time period, there were new political and social
changes. New laws that the public wanted were enforced, and new opportunities
came to a rise. Many of the changes that took place affected a lot of people. During
the progressive era, many political and social changes took place.
Some political changes that took place were the recall, direct election of senators,
referendum, and the initiative just to name a few. The recall was a process by
which people may vote to remove an elected official from office. This reform helped
get rid of corrupt officials. Another political reform was the direct election of ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of the social changes were women s rights, conservation, and minority
groups fighting against discrimination. Women s rights was a big thing back then.
Women started entering higher professions and becoming doctors and lawyers.
They fought to protect women and children. They also raised money for libraries,
schools, and parks. In 1919, women got the right to vote after working hard for
several years. Conservation was really important back then and still is to this day.
Conservation means the protection of natural resources. Roosevelt loved the
outdoors and worried about the destruction of the wilderness, so he pressed for
conservation. Roosevelt also had thousands of acres of land set aside for national
parks, which is a natural area protected and managed by the federal government.
Minority groups fighting against discrimination was also a social change that
occurred in the progressive era. Some of these minority groups were Mexican
Americans, African Americans, Jewish Americans, Asian Americans, and Catholics.
The NAACP worked for equal rights for African Americans. Mexican Americans
formed mutualists, or mutual aid groups who helped each other. Catholics were
looked down upon and because of discrimination, the set up their own schools
called parochial schools, or schools sponsored by a church. Many of these minority
groups just wanted to be treated equally and not be judged. Those are some social
changes that took place in the progressive
I Am A Traditional Law School Applicant
I am not a traditional law school applicant. I am a 33 year old Hispanic mother of
three boys, aged fourteen, eleven, and ten. I am a first generation born U.S. citizen
as my mother immigrated to the United States from a war torn El Salvador in 1979
when a family friend smuggled her out of the country. They fled from atrocities
committed by the Salvadorian military led government. My father emigrated from
Argentina in the 1960 s evading social and political unrest and in search of a better
economic future. My parents divorced in 1984, leaving my then four year old
brother and my two year old self to be raised in a single parent home spearheaded
by my mother. I have never met a stronger or more hardworking woman. Having
only completed the eight grade and not speaking any English my mother cleaned
houses and would babysit for a living. Work was a part of our lives. Most of my
childhood memories are centered on accompanying my mother to work. By the
age of nine, I could comfortably translate for my mother as I could clean a house
and help care for a child. At the age of fourteen I as working as a weekend
babysitter myself. As a child witnessing my mother s struggle, it engrained within
me a deep sense of responsibility and a yearning to help. When young, the best
way I could help was by means of my brother. He was not properly diagnosed or
treated due to limited resources at the time. Yet, I took it upon myself to look after
him. I would ensure my brother ate, would be ready
The Knight Of Light By The Greenest Grass
Chapter 1: The Knight of Light
The Knight of Light
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a small kingdom that had a sky
of the bluest blue, and was surrounded by the greenest grass which was decorated by
every flower you could imagine.
Within this kingdom there was a village that was filled with happiness, and everyone
who lived there was always smiling, for they loved their little village. They loved
the blue skies, they loved the green grass that was decorated by every flower you
could imagine, and they loved their kingdom.
But what the villagers loved most was their beautiful queen. She was a wonderful and
benevolent woman who lived in an enormous pure white castle just outside of the
village. From there she would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Alas, this was not the end of the Darkness s scheme. Once it was done with the
village it swept into the queens pure white castle and into the bedchamber of the
queen herself. The Darkness then snatched her up in its giant claw and dragged her
out of the bedchamber. It dragged her out of the pure white castle, out of the village,
and took her into the very depths of Hell themselves.
After the queen was taken, the blue skies turned cloudy and grey, the pure white
castle became ugly, and discoloured, and an eternal gloom settled upon the kingdom.
From that moment on, none of the villagers could smile, for with their glowing queen
stolen from them, what reason was there to smile?
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years and
years turned into centuries, and the kingdom remained the gloomy, grey ghost of the
joy it had once celebrated. In that time the queen did not return, and any fool who
was brave enough to try and look for her never came back.
But then one day, after exactly one hundred years had passed since the Darkness
came, a stranger came to the gloomy kingdom, and he was not like the sad, smile
less villagers who lived there. No, this man was a knight! For he rode a white
stallion and he wore a shining suit of armor, made out of the purest silver which
shone like a finely cut jewel, with a
Why High School Basketball Players Should Go To College
What would you do? Spend at least one year in college and go to the NBA, or play
overseas in Europe and Asia, play with seasoned veterans, earn a paycheck then go
to the NBA? In the year 2006, the NBA and the National Basketball Players
Association (NBPA) agreed to a rule that would only allow players that were at least
one year removed from high schooland were at least 19 years of age. This rule caused
much controversy among fans, players, and league executives. I believe players
should spend at least one year in collegebefore declaring for the NBA draft.
The first reason a high school basketball prospect should go to college instead of
going overseas is because, they would have to adjust to a totally new culture. ESPN
s college basketball ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Playing well on a good college team in the tournament could increase your draft
stock tremendously. Rather than being a backup on a bad Euroleague team
scoring 5 points per game. Take Malachi Richardson for example. Malachi
Richardson, a wing for the Syracuse Orange, his team made the tournament, but
most thought they would not make it very far. Richardson was not considered a
first rounder in the 2016 draft, but after many wins and Richardson leading
Syracuse to the Final Four his draft stock skyrocketed and was seen by some to be
a potential lottery pick in the draft (lottery is within the first 14 picks). He eventually
ended up getting picked at No.22 overall by the Charlotte Hornets. Bottom line is
that, going to college can help because then NBA scouts don t have to go to a
different country.
And the third reason is, if you do not think realistically that you will be drafted, you
still have your scholarship and can stay all 4 years and study for a degree. If you are
considered a high draft prospect, then fail to live up to expectations, you can then
stay more years in college. You can stay more years and improve at basketball for
next year s draft. Or you can do both, stay all four years declare for the NBA draft,
and get your college degree. This is the best reason to go to college instead of going
overseas, because college is a privilege. Not
African Speaks Analysis
Using the assigned readings and class discussion to guide your analysis, in what
ways is the film s title, African Speaks, is a misnomer?
Throughout the film Africa Speaks, not a single African is able to voice their
opinions or concerns as the white male narrator, Paul Hoefler, leaves African natives
voiceless and speaks on their behalf. Hoefler continuously belittles and criticizes the
Massai s culture and traditions, while not realizing the harmful imprint he is leaving
behind as he slowly molds the negative stereotypes that shape the images of Africans,
such as depicting Africans as uncivilized. Cynthia Chris, author of Watching Wildlife,
analyzes how Hoefler s denigrates Africans for their different culture as he targets
them with ridicule by stating racist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even if an African had been opinionated in the film, the African would have only
elucidated the culture of the Massai tribe (Africa Speaks 1930). One would not
solely study New York and call the associated film, America Speaks. Chris
comments how Hoefler s mass generalization and cultural bias stops him from
properly shedding light authentically and honestly on the African life he witnessed
(Chris 2006, 21, 24). This is seen in the film as he makes erroneous comments, yet
never hesitates to correct himself, such as stating that giraffes are naturally dumb
animals that can t make sounds. Specifically, the same images of Africans doing
odd rituals, such as drum beating, is repeatedly seen degrading their tradition as
Hoefler takes the opportunity to describe the event as a peculiar and almost an
inhuman tradition (Africa Speaks 1930). Hoefler s bias misguides the audience to
believe that Massai individuals are vacuous, as he never gives them the opportunity
to voice their knowledge and
The Circadian Rhythms Affects Sleep
Circadian rhythm is most known for the effect on sleep and wake, but it also
affects eating, hormone secretion, urination, and much more (Kalat, 2013).
Circadian rhythms are endogenous, which means they are generated from within
the body. When broken down into its latin roots circum and dies , circadian means
about a day. This name was coined as animal circadian rhythms last about a day, or
around 24 hours (Kalat, 2013). Though rhythms are around 24 hours, each
individual differs in their exact rhythm. This can be seen in the difference between
morning people , who are alert and awake early in the day, and night owls , who
awaken at a slower pace and reach their peak alertness later in the day (Taillard,
Philip, Coste, Sagaspe, Bioulac,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Insomnia and sleep complaints are common among those who are completely blind.
When the circadian rhythm of those with no light perception, it has been found that
they have abnormal rhythms. Their rhythm pattern is most commonly found to be
free running , which means that it is not entrained to the 24 hour period, by either
following a shorter or more commonly longer rhythm (Sack Lewy, 2001). These
people lack the ability to adapt to changes in sleep patterns based on light, so as
their schedule changes their rhythm is continually of course. Some days they may
have periods of good sleep and some days they may not, depending on where their
life timeline falls against their un entrained circadian
The Financial Industry Of Barclays Bank
Introduction Banking success is all about sustained profitability through the
application of robust scientific investments and gap management strategies. It is
imperative for banks to keep a close watch on the interest rate cycle: if rates are
rising they have to ensure that their lending rates rise alongside or before the
borrowing rate and vice versa. The premier position that Barclays enjoyed in the
financial industry for over 3 centuries is a validation of the fact that it was built on
the strong principles of finance. However, the last couple of decades have seen an
erosion in its reputation due to the breaching of those very principles. Barclays Bank
is one of the biggest British multi national banks headquartered in London with a...
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Barclays of the future, according to their chief executive Antony Jenkins, will be a
focused international bank with four core businesses, namely Personal and
Corporate, Barclaycard, Africa, and Investment Bank. Each core business will be
balanced and strive to win in its field of operation. This paper will investigate
several theoretical financial principles and their applications by Barclays. Special
emphasis will be on Investment Banking and Wealth management services of the
bank. These are the divisions in Barclays that handle markets and are involved in
the trading of stocks, bonds, commodities, forex, interest rates and market indexes.
Trading in derivatives is commonly employed by Barclays to hedge risks, but we
will see that the fund managers in the last decades exposed the bank to risks by
indulging in huge speculative investments. Let us investigate a few financial
principles now. Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) CAPM is a highly
acclaimed theory of risk and return for securities in a competitive capital market.
The path breaking theory won Sharpe and Markowitz the Nobel Memorial Prize in
Economics in 1990. CAPM establishes the beta coefficient as a measure of the
systematic risk of an asset. Systematic risk is also known as market risk. This risk
cannot be eliminated nor is it controllable. Unsystematic risks include the risk that
influences a single company or a small group of companies, and it is controllable and
can be mitigated through
Direct-To-Consumer Advertising Pros And Cons
Thesis Statement
There are various controversies surrounding Direct to consumer prescription
advertisements impact on health, including its inference in the doctor patient
relationship, as well as its influence on consumers lifestyle.
Summary of Direct to Consumer Advertising
DTC Ads were introduced following social movements advocating for patients rights
to provide patients with more options, and opportunities to detect their medical issues.
Proponents of prescription advertisements contend that they improve communication
within the healthcare system, and help educate people about potential risks.
Challengers of DTC marketing claim that they weaken the authority of doctors, and
spread alarming information.
Perceptions of health
Pros ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By encouraging the use of pharmaceuticals, people will neglect other healthy, and/or
cheaper options, such as improving their lifestyle.
Doctor patient relationship
The advertisements motivate consumers to seek guidance from their medical
practitioner. The knowledge consumers gain from DTC ads can provoke helpful
conversations with their physicians.
When patients presents their symptoms in line a prescription drug, doctors often feel
pressured to prescribe their patients requested drug.
Because, an increase in the exposure of DTC pharmaceutical ads would increase the
demand for the drugs, there would be a considerable amount of unneeded
Drug marketing can lead to false diagnosis and the medication has potential to harm
to the patient.
Target demographics and health effects
Target Audience
Because, women are typically in control of household spending on healthcare, they
are targets of prescription marketing campaigns.
Prescription ads frequently focus on the elderly, because they spend more time
watching television, and have more ailments.
Analysis of the Unforgiven
Analysis of Unforgiven Brenda J. Thompson ENG 225: Introduction to Film
Nathaniel Millard October 5, 2009 Summary While the movie Unforgiven (1992)
directed and starring Clint Eastwood, as William Munny, is in the genre of a
western in the late 1800 s. It has a basic theme that we are still making movies
about today, justice and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in our
search for it. It is a story of a journey that one man has to make in order for him to
care for his children but it ends up being so much more of a journey than he
anticipates. This movie is the ultimate of good versus evil on a couple of different
levels. It is good guy versus bad guy and it is the evil within fighting the good within
and the constant... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The buildings were dark, small and gloomy on the inside and due to the fact that
the majority of the movie took place in the nighttime hours and it was stormy more
than not, the outside was just as gloomy as the inside. The lighting was minimal as
it would have been back then bringing mood with it. The foreshadowing of the
stormy weather worked in making this movie what it was, the rain seemed to let
you know when something was coming. As much as the wilderness scenery was
beautiful, I found it downplayed by the drab colors of the costumes and the non
use of color throughout the entire film. It seemed as though the only time color
was used was determined by what that particular scene was about. For instance, as
English Bob came into town the only item of color was the drab red of the
stagecoach, so we knew whoever was in that stagecoach was going to become an
important character to a scene coming up, everything else was a muted earth tone
of tan, brown, green and blue. As stated in our text a director may simply let their
settings just be a backdrop and let the action of that scene take over. (Boggs Petrie,
2008, pg. 374) This was exactly how this movie was told; it focused on the story
instead of glamorizing it with colorful costumes and scenery. We needed to see the
drabness of the subject in the muted colors of the movie. Another scene that showed
a pop of color was that of William (Eastwood) and Ned (Freeman) were having a
conversation where William was
Learning In Leading
Learning in Leading Throughout my life I have been placed in many leadership
roles from a young age and have learned from each of these experiences. From
being a chairman of my elementary school s talent show all the way until I became
my high school s chapter of Mu Alpha Theta Vice President I have had roles of
ranging responsibilities and success. The leadershiprole that I learned the most from
was the one that I view to have been the least successful. In Mrs. Quale s history
class in eighth grade I was placed in charge of a learninggroup in which we would be
self teaching through planned activities and setting our own pace for the quarter. I
was purposefully placed in a group that needed help in the class because of both their
grades and their behavior in and outside of class. I went into this role and assignment
with a bad attitude and did not place any trust in the people working with me, making
the project toxic from the beginning. As a result, I learned the detrimental effects of
leading without stewardship, failing to encourage group synergy, and... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
At the time I was very young and was not as concerned with effective leadership
and helping others as I am today. Later in life I learned to be a directive leader who
is able to inspire stewardship rather than degrading my coworkers by delegating
everything and being overcontrolling. I also learned the importance of synergy and
how the characteristics of a team, good or bad, are initiated first by the leader.
Seeing how to look forward into possible future outcomes and learning to prioritize
was a skill I developed on to become a better leader as well. Looking back on this
previous experience I realize that I have grown a great deal as a leader and have
farther to grow still. I made many errors at that time but I see now that after that
point I made conscious changes and changed to become the leader I am
Roger s Chocolate Analysis
Table of Contents 1. History, Development and Growth2 2. Vision, Mission,
Objective, Philosophy and Strategy13 3. Functional level strategies14 4. Business
level strategy.20 5. Corporate level strategy25 6. How is the effectiveness of the
company s strategies? (ROIC)26 7. What strategic problems does the company
have?33 8. What strategic issues need to be addressed?34 9. External environmental
analysis35 10. Internal environment analysis60 11. Determine the strategic factors of
the company70 12. Generating alternative strategies by using a TOWS matrix73 13.
Evaluate strategic alternatives pros and cons.74 14. Recommend strategic for
company (short, medium, and long term)81 1. Describe briefly... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
| | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News | | | Retailer of the
Year Award Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards Business Examiner | | |
Manufacturer of the Year: Runner Up Vancouver Island Business Excellence
Awards Business Examiner| 2004| | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards
Victoria News| | | Best Storefront Window Display The Best of the City Awards
Victoria News| | | Best Chocolate Maker Readers Choice The Best of the Island
Awards Times Colonist| | 2003| | Time Honored Member: 40 Plus Years Greater
Victoria Chamber of Commerce| | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards
Victoria News | 2002| | Business Excellence Award Greater Victoria Chamber of
Commerce | | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News| | |
Retailer of the Year: Runner Up Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards
Business Examiner | | 2001| | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria
News |
Persuasive Analysis Tp
Paid search is a great way to get visitors to your website NOW. No need to wait
months for the search engines to pick up your website and blog posts just pay, and
your listing shows up! When you use Google AdWords, LinkedIn ads or Facebook
ads, you re spending money on each click you generate, so you need to know how
much you re spending to acquire each visitor and each lead, as well as how much of
a profit you re making on that adspend.
You can get some very specific tips on improving the ROI of your paid marketing
from our blog.
1. Click Through Rate (CTR)
The percentage of the audience that viewed your ad and actually clicked on the link
provided, calculated by dividing total clicks by the number of impressions.
What to Look For ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Is the page relevant to the text of the ad and the original search phrase? Is the value
proposition clear? Is the offer compelling?
4. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
A measurement of how much you are spending on PPC advertising for each
conversion. Calculate your overall paid search CPA by dividing total ad spend by
your total PPC conversion rate. Or, calculate it on a per campaign basis by dividing
your average cost per click by your conversion rate for a specific ad/keyword
What to Look For
Obviously lower is better here, but, depending on what a conversion is worth to you,
this could be a substantial number.
How to Lower Your Cost Per Acquisition
Tracking your CPA can help you optimize your PPC bidding strategy. For example,
Google AdWords now offers a conversion based bidding option that lets advertisers
set their maximum ad bids according to a target CPA. If you know your historical
CPAs from previously successful PPC campaigns, you can use that figure to help bid
more efficiently on new keywords.
5. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
ROAS measures the return on your PPC advertising investment, calculated by
dividing your total ad spend by the total revenue generated from those PPC
What to Look For
Look for any positive number here. Clicks and visits are all very nice, but unless you
have an
Medical Quality Hospital Case Study
The change process that was implemented using the Kurt Lewin Change theory. The
Kurt Lewin change theory implements the three step method of unfreeze, change, and
freeze. A summary of the change theory allows the manager or change agent an idea
of what implementing change means when dealing with people. The model provides
guidance on how to go about getting people to change: a manager will implement
new processes and re assign tasks, but change will only be effective if the people
involved embrace it and help putting it into practice it. Prior to implementing the
change process at the Medical Quality Hospital had 1,000 medical errors and 100
deaths related to medical errors which cost the hospital $1.2 million dollars. The name
of the change... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The incentives are free pizza on the unit, a bonus check, gift card to fine dining
restaurants, and a 5 day cruise all expenses paid to show appreciation to the staff
for their hard work and dedication. The goal and objective for Quality Change is to
decrease the incidence of medical errors and adverse events in MQH hospital by
the end of 2017. The advantages of implementing the change process in MQH
hospital are less medical errors, more hospital income and better budgeting Higher
patient satisfaction scores, less attorney fees and lawsuits, improvements on audits
and inspections done by Joint Commission, and positive and safer work and
hospital environment. The disadvantages of not implementing the change process
in MQH hospital are Low patient satisfaction scores, less hospital visits by patients,
increase in attorney fees and more lawsuit, and decrease in hospital income and
profits. 90% class attendance on a monthly basis. The outcome and evaluation of
the change process was a decrease in the amount of medical errors, 50 medical errors
and 5 deaths occurred and in the year of
Competitive Positioning In Chin Pet Food
Royal Canin Au Yu (Shanghai) Pet Food
Launched in China in 1995, with headquarters in Shanghai. As a subsidiary of
France based Royal Canin, the company belongs to Mars Inc. Royal Canin Au Yu
specialise in premium pet food (dry food is the majority of product portfolio) with a
wide range of premium dog food, high quality products and engage in research and
development, which focus on pet health and wellbeing.
In 2013, the company expanded to Internet retailing. By 2016, Internet retailing has a
total of 50% share of company value sales.
Competitive Positioning
In 2016, the company led pet care with 13% of retail value sales and ranked first in
dog and cat food with a 25% retail value share.
Royal Canin Au Yu (Shanghai) Pet Food recorded retail value share growth of five
percentage points between 2012 and 2016 due to the growing premiumisation trend
in dog and cat food in China. Because of the consistently rising income levels and
higher awareness of pet care among local consumers. Additionally, the company
offers pet food products for various breeds, sizes and life cycles as well as therapeutic
and prescription diet options to cater to different pet needs.
In 2013 the company officially launched online store on Tmall.com allows consumer
access to its brands and products, especially in lower tier cities. With nationwide
sales network, which includes pet shops and superstores and veterinary clinics. In
addition, the company offers a real time chat service on
Comparing The Road Not Taken And The Roads Within
In the poem I crafted, The Roads Within , it extend the ideas of the original poem,
The Road Not Taken . One of the major ideas of the original poems is that we all
have a choice in the decisions and paths we take in life. In my poem I enforce that
idea in line 4, Long I waited, considering each choice . Before any one decides to live
a certain way they must consider if they would not have regrets on the life they chose
to live. The idea of not being able to go back to the point where the decision is made
is represented in both poems. In line 15, Robert Frost wrote, I doubted if I should
ever come back and in line 10 of my poem it states, I shall never go back to the
starting point . I wrote this line because people can never go back
The Pros And Cons Of Technology And Science
Inventions and Discoveries
Human lifestyle has recently changed through the inventions and discovery of new
technology and science. Technology and science are closely related hence, the
technology uses science to answer problems, while science uses technology to
come up with new discoveries. However, technology and science target different
objectives. The objective of science is to provide an answer to the critical
questions, thus help to increase knowledge while the goal of technology is to find
answers to real problems. Even though they have a different objective, they,
however, work together to facilitate each other to grow. The knowledge posed from
science led to the creation of technology like telescope while the telescope
technology led to a microscope that allows researchers to discover nature in a new era.
According to an article by Rice University, a telescope is one of the dominant
instruments of what has been referred to as the Scientific Revolution. However,
according to the article, they believe that telescope was not the invention of
scientists but the product of craftsmen. Rice University argue that glass were cheap,
hence the technology for crushing and polishing glasses had development
extensively allover (Rice University). Hence, the development led to a solution for a
condition known as presbyopia. This condition majorly faced the aging where they
were unable to read letters held at a relaxed distance from the eye (Rice University).
This led to the
Literary Devices In A Doll s House
Analysis of Henrik Ibsen s A Doll House
In A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen was created during 1800s time period. This play
helps shine a light on the gender roles of the 1800s while also creating a twist that
was uncommon for this period. During this time period, women were left home to
oversee the domestic duties, while men went to commuted to work (Hughes). Men
were seen as physically superior but morally inferior to women; which is also
portrayed within this book (Hughes). This play marks the beginning of Henrik Ibsen s
realist period, which he explored the ordinary lives of small town people (Kirszner
and Mandell 881). This modern tragedy helped make Ibsen famous internationally
because of the real life story it captured (Kirszner and Mandell 882). Henrik Ibsen
uses an array of literary devices to help keep the reader captivated from beginning to
end. Three of the most prominent literary devices used by Henrik Ibsen are
symbolism, foreshadowing, and an array of themes. These literary devices help
transform a basic play into a complex story of lies and deception.
Symbolism is used a lot within in the play and is a figure of speech that is used
when an author wants to create a certain mood or emotion in a work of literature
(What is Symbolism in Literature?). Majority of A Doll House is filled with
symbolism that creates an intense emotion for the reader. The setting of the play is
around Christmas Day and is approaching New Year s Day. This holds a lot of
Notre Dame Dbq Essay
Cell phones, social media and sleep; one look around at today s 21st century
teenagers and anyone would agree that this motto is what they seem to survive on.
Living in the fast evolving and technologically driven society makes it easy to be
oblivious to life on the other side of the blinders. The traditions, morals and values
of our ancestors were the basic foundation, making the mansions we have built up to
today possible in the first place. While the baby boomer generation may argue that
today s youth could not possibly stick to the traditions set forth one hundred and
seventy two years ago, the University of Notre Damestudents are the outliers that
defy the stereotypical views of our generation. The slogan, God, Country, Notre
Dame still applies and reigns as a standard and priority for... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Once joining the Irish family, undergraduates take part in many events to uphold
the traditions set forth by graduates from classes before. Bleacherreport.com
highlighted a prime point, there is tradition in the structures and the people that
make up this University. Father Sorin, Father Corby, Knute Rockne, Father
Hesburgh, Ara Parseghian, these are all people who have had a hand in shaping
the tradition of Notre Dame, (Doc. C). The customs established by these religious
leaders can still be seen today, especially when looking at the Fighting Irish
football team. The community and fanbase surrounding the sport is impeccable.
Similar to the New York Yankees well known name in the Major League Baseball
network, Notre Dame football is a household name nationwide that people either
tune in to either cheer on to victory or pray for to lose (Doc. C). In addition to the
liveliness and extensiveness of their fanbase, the university s football program has
produced several National Football League star players and
Essay Power and Corruption in Macbeth by William
Nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man s character, give
him power (Abraham Lincoln). Power is the ultimate force in the universe. Power
by definition is control, controlling everything would make everything go the way
that person wants it to so power is sought. Power is desired by most normal people,
people who aspire to be more than themselves, to rise above the common man and
do as they please. Power appeals to human nature. There are many different types
of power, but the main two are necessary and unnecessary power. Necessary power
is that of a natural cause for example, the lion expresses his power over prey to eat;
to survive he needs to use his power. Humans, on the other hand, do not need oil to
survive... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In William Shakespeare s play Julius Caesar, power tempts and corrupts Caesar s
closest friends to betray him and lose themselves in the process. Shakespeare was an
English playwright during the renaissance period. Shakespeare wrote several plays
throughout his lifetime in unrhymed iambic pentameter including one hundred and
seventy four sonnets and thirty seven plays. One of Shakespeare s most famous plays
is Julius Caesar, which is a true story about a roman that because of his enormous
power is murdered by his envious friends. Caesar is powerful but he does not
abuse his power, he is even offered the crown, absolute power, and denies it.
Cassius is an envious man who sees that Caesar is better than him, but he cannot
take him out himself he plays a fine Italian hand and corrupts a man of integrity to
consummate his foul plot. Brutus is a close friend of Caesar he loves him dearly,
but Brutus is conflicted because he also loves Rome. Cassius plays on Brutus s
love of Rome and convinces him Caesar is bad for Rome. Cassius illustrates how
much power Caesar has by why, man he doth bestride the narrow world like a
colossus, / and we petty men walk under his huge legs / and peep about to fine
ourselves dishonorable graves (I.2.136 139). Cassius says that Caesar is so powerful
that he
Comparing The Individual Holdings Of My 10 Stocks With
1.Comparing the individual holdings of my 10 stocks with the portfolio as a
whole, either strategy would yield me positive returns. However, diversification is
shown to be not as successful, as there are more unwanted factors. Three of my
individual holdings (FIX, UNH, and HUBG) were shown to have large standard
deviations, in both monthly and annually, which means that all three stocks have
high historical volatilities, and are much riskier when bought individually compared
to diversified portfolio. However, average monthly and annual returns of all
individual stocks, with the exception of Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. (ETH), are shown
to be higher than the average returns for the portfolio as a whole, meaning if I were
to invest individually in the stocks, I would most likely yield a much greater return.
Also, looking at the coefficient of Variance (CV), the portfolio appeared to have a
much higher CV than each individual stock, suggesting higher riskper return. Due to
these factors mentioned, I feel that the portfolio is better to be hold individually as 9
out of 10 stocks show high numbers of returns.
Note: Due to the negative return for Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. (ETH) stock, CV for
this holding is negative, thus should be ruled out as this could be a misleading
2.Tracking error (active return) is the difference between portfolio and the
benchmark (in our case, S P500). It is calculated by subtracting the average return on
benchmark (S P500) to the
Case Study Of The Limassol General Hospital
Student Name: Eirini Markou Student Number: 20140064 Course Name: Total
Quality Management Professor: Dr. Takis Stylianides
How can the Limassol General Hospital overcome the serious problems that are
currently afflicting its operation and services based on the model of a Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Awardwinner organization such as St. David s Health
Care so as to achieve a smooth and satisfactory operation and delivery of services to
their patients but also in order to resolve the workforce problems that leave their
internal customers their employees dissatisfied and exasperated, leading to the
malfunction that characterizes the services offered by the hospital.
Undeniably, the economic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Staff unable to cope with the increasing demand and workload.
Extremely long patient waiting lines.
Long waiting lists for patients to receive hospital services (examination, treatment,
surgery etc.)
Poor process design.
Lack of service efficiency.
Inefficient Management.
Long time variation for patients turn to be treated when placed on a waiting list.
Disorganized Hospital Departments faculties.Hospital understaffed in medical
personnel insufficient number of doctors and nurses relating to increasing number of
Employees go on strikes demanding better working conditions suspension of
No work / life balance.
Minimal to zero recognition for individual and team effort.
Lack of employee empowerment.
Lack of effective communication between departments and faculties.
No flexible working options.
No participation in decisions concerning the organization.
Unmotivated workforce.
Patients are at risk at the hands of exhausted doctors.Insufficient personnel to cover
for the needs of the hospital.
Suspension of services in certain
A Comparison Between 127 Hours And 127 Hours
The novel, Between a Rock and a Hard Place was written by Aron Ralston and was
published in 2004. Meanwhile the film, 127 Hours, was directed by Danny Boyle.
The film was produced in 2010 and had a budget of $18,000,000. Aron Ralston had
a big say in the making of the film and wanted it be as accurate as possible. After
Aron saw the film, he commented how it was so factually accurate it is as close to
a documentary as you can get and still be a drama. Aron even made an appearance
at the end of the film. 127 Hours was nominated for 147 awards, including six
Oscars. The protagonist of the novel was well developed in both novel and film.
James Franco was casted to play Aron in the film and he definitely enhanced the role.
Aron Ralston is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
That moment gave Aron the motivation to go through with the amputation and
ultimately save his life. The best part about Aron s character is his resilience. Aron
s physical and mental strength enabled him to escape a deadly situation. The main
setting of the novel is in Canyonlands National Park in southeastern Utah. In the
beginning of the novel, Aron goes into great detail to explain the numerous
canyons. the rolling scrub desert gradually drops away into a region of painted
rock domes, hidden cliffs, weathered and warped bluffs, tilted and tortured
canyons, and broken monoliths (Ralston 5). The Canyonlands are a desolate area,
and the only people that Aron encountered before his entrapment were Megan and
Kristi, two lost hikers that he happened to meet. After Aron became trapped in
Blue John Canyon, the film also captures the isolation when the camera zooms
away from Aron to capture a wide panoramic view of the park with no civilization
in sight. The film even captured some of the smaller details of the novel, like the
raven. There was another scene in the film where the visuals beat anything that
could have been imagined while reading the book. As Aron was trapped in the
canyon, he reminisces about a trip to the Grand Canyon. When Aron was a kid, he
experienced the sun rise above the canyon as the rock strata of the inner canyon
changed from dark umbers and black shadows to immense bands of pastel yellow,
white, green, and a hundred shades
The Mystery Of Liars By Nancy Farmer
Ever since we were young we were shunned away from telling lies and were taught
that it was wrong. Why is it that lying was immoral, but then as we grow up we
drift away from that lesson? Many can say that we are cowards who hide behind our
lies. Today there exist a white lie which states that you are telling a lieto help
someone. Why do we teach our kids that lying is bad when adults lie all the time?
In the quote Nancy Farmer compares the liars to rats who are cowards that hides
and runs around in dark places because looking at the word lying it can gives off a
vibe of a dark and lonely place. Just like rats who runs and hides in dark places,
liars are basically hiding behind the shadows and living alone in their lie. From the
quote I agree and disagree with the quote, where I agreed with the quote that liars
are basically rats who hides and run from the truth, they don t care if it s unpleasant
to others and see lying as an escape route from trouble. Where I disagree is they can
t be called cowards because they might be telling a white lie and instead of being
unpleasant, it can actually help the person that is receiving the lie.
Getting told a lie is a very unpleasant feeling for some while for others. They have a
stronger mentality and can withstand being told a lie. Personally in my opinion,
being told a lie makes one feel as if they can t trust the person anymore due to the fact
that they are hiding something. For the person receiving the lie it is much more
Essay On Dielectric Materials At C-Nanowires
Flexible nanodielectric materials with a high dielectric constant and low dielectric
loss have immense potential applications in the modern electronic and electric
industry. The use of high aspect ratio fillers is a promising route for achieving high
dielectric constant and low loss materials at a low filler volume fraction. However,
the poor filler/matrix interfacial adhesion always imposes difficulties in suppressing
the dielectric loss of the composites, thus significantly limiting the potential of high
aspect ratio fillers in enhancing the dielectric constant of polymer composites. In this
study, cable like structured Ag@C nanowires with high aspect ratio ( 600) were
prepared by a facile and environmentally friendly approach. Because... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Compared to conventional ceramic based dielectric materials, polymer composites
have many advantages such as good flexibility, easy processability, lightweight, and
low cost to meet demands for miniaturization of microelectronics that has become a
mainstream trend in microelectronic industry in recent years. Thus, flexible polymer
composites with a high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss are highly desired
and essential for practical application. In recent years, polymer composites with
dielectric constant have been prepared by two routes. The more traditional route is
introducing high dielectric constant ceramic fillers, such as BaTiO3, Pb(Zr,Ti)O3,
and CaCu3Ti4O12 into the polymer matrix. However, the high loading (usually over
50 vol%) of ceramic fillers required for enhancing dielectric constant inevitably raises
the issues of inhomogeneity and aggregation of the ceramic fillers in the polymer
matrix, deteriorating the characteristics resulting in poor mechanical properties such
as high dielectric loss. Furthermore, the dielectric enhancement is usually low.
Another route focuses on dispersing conductive fillers such as graphene, carbon
nanotubes (CNTs), conductive fibers, and metal particles into the polymer matrix to
achieve percolative systems. As the volume fraction of the conductive fillers
increases in the vicinity of the percolation threshold, where the conductive fillers
connect with each other to form a continuous conducting path, the
Electoral College Should Be Abolished Essay
Aimee Ojeda
December 1, 2017 Abolishing the Electoral College
The Electoral College system was created in the constitution by the Founding Fathers.
This system forms the beginning of the United States national elections and is
therefore, considered to be important to this country s history. It is made up of 538
members and a candidate must receive a majority of 270 electoral votes to win the
election. Electors usually get selected to one of the presidential candidates running.
When people go to the ballot on voting day and pick their favorite candidate, they are
really choosing the electors for their state and then the electors are the ones that vote
for the president. The Electoral College should be revised or abolished because it is
both undemocratic, is not beneficial to the nation, and may weaken the validity of
elections and the elected President.
To start off, the electoral college system is undemocratic because instead of
everyone being involved only a small group of people are able to make the
decisions which is the electors citizens pick when voting. This Electoral College
System has limited democracy to people because it holds an ability to alter result of
Election over popular votes and creates high voter turnouts. The Electoral College
betrays American values of majority rule: a candidate can win the election without a
majority of popular votes and some states are overrepresented so a large number of
citizens get left out. This can create a situation
How Did Akhenaten Change Egyptian Religion
Akhenaten was an Egyptian king during the New Kingdom and he tried to change the
Egyptian religion. In the readings the document titled The Great Hymn to the Aten
describes why king Akhenaten tried to change the ancient religion, and why this
ended up being very important later on. What he tried to do was change the Egyptian
religion by introducing something similar to monotheism. Though the main reason
for this significant change was, according to the readings, He ordered this change to
downgrade the influence of the rich priests of Amen Re, the local deity from Thebes
who rose to national prominence in the New Kingdom and became Re (the sun god)
(Readings, p.23). So he basically did this because of rich priests from Thebes s
growing influence... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
24). In the Hymn itself, it says, O unique god, who has no second to him! You have
created the earth according to your desire, while you were alone, With men, cattle,
and wild beasts, all that is upon earth and goes upon feet, and all that soars above
and flies with its wings (Readings, p. 25). This shows his idea of there being one
god responsible for creation that being Aten. Nearly at the end of the passage of The
Great Hymn to the Aten he reminds the readers of Aten and who he is, The earth
came into being by your hand, even as you have created them. When you arise they
live, and when you set they die (Readings, p.26). Even though he wrote this the
outcome of the type of religion he wanted did not make
Theme Of The Poem To The Virgins
Poetry has a unique way of expressing itself, uniquely touching each listener in a
personal way. The descriptive language and specific placement of each word takes
one through a cognitive journey which always stirs thoughts more than just a
simple story. The interpretation of this art form can be often misunderstood or
misconstrued but, no matter what we think, there is a purpose behind what the
author tried to convey to his audience. Poems such as To the Virgins, to Make
Much of Time by Robert Herrick and In Computers by Alan Lightman both speak
about different issues yet have one similar underlying theme. They both express
the concept of the end of times within the poem. One would see that even though
each poem is different from each other they are connected by their interpretations
of memories and ultimately the end of time used as a warning. Alan Lightman s
poem talks about talks about how data is stored inside computers while at the same
time describes different sceneries. It describes different sensory images using
simple metaphors such as, Blend of sunset over wheat fields. / Low thunder of
gazelle. (lines 2 3). The metaphors used throughout the poem really accentuates the
mental pictures the author is trying to convey in a deeper way. This is also the case
in Robert Herrick s poem where it can be seen like this, Gather ye rosebuds while ye
may, / Old Time is still a flying; (lines 1 2). This figurative language is what leaves
room for the reader to view
Robert Olen Butler is an author born in Granite City,...
Robert Olen Butler is an author born in Granite City, Illinois who won a Pulitzer
Prize. In writing this short story, Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrot ,
Robert Olen Butler writes about a character whose life revolves around his wife and
is a compulsively jealous husband. In this story, the main character was a very
jealous husband who dies because of the way he decided to deal with his wife s
cheating ways by climbing a tree and falling to his death, only to come back in life as
a parrot and still have very strong feeling for his wife. The jealousyand suspicion that
took over his human life has now taken over to his life as a parrot. The tone of the
story is frustration and jealousy at which you can tell the tone from the very... Show
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The husband seemed very helpless without her in his life When we held each other,
I had no past at all, no present but her body, no future but to lie there and not let her
go. (Butler, 1995, pg189). He was aware that his wife engaging in an affair with
another man, but he accepted it because he was more fearful of losing her, even
though he wanted to know he would never confront her with the truth. He knew he
was a fool for her because he had to remind himself how he is not stupid and how
he has to lock himself into the bathroom in order to hide his rage. His life was
similar living as a human and a bird. As a human he locked himself inside the
bathroom and as a bird he was locked inside a cage and in both situations he was
unable to express how he feels because there was something always holding him
back. The last thing he wanted was for his wife to hate him by bringing up other men
she is having affairs with. The husband s Behavior is what eventually leads to his
death in both lives, he falls from a tree in his human life and dies and when he was
a bird he had that same jealousy so when he seen his wife bring in multiple men he
could not stand to see it anymore so he tries to fly away from the house his wife and
him once shared but end up falling and dying towards the end.
As a result of the husband s
Invisible Wall Fire Monologue
Today is the last day I will let people make trouble in this town! Now being second
chairman of the board I am basically in charge. Especially in charge during a crisis
like this here one. I don t know what folks here are getting upset about. A local
plane tried to land on the highway and hit an oncoming truck!? Now Ernie had no
right taking it upon himself to call homeland security. Yes the accident was fatal,
but that s where the word accident comes in. Now I am not very sure what all the
chitter chatter about some invisible wall is, but they are full of it! I now have this
here situation under control if everyone would calm down we would be able to
handle it civilly. Of course though everybody is upset about severed limbs they are
Allen Ginsberg and American Protest Literature Essay
Allen Ginsberg (1926 1997) was an important figure in the Beat Generation
Movement that took place right before the revolutionary American 60ВЎВ¦s. Other
major beat writers (also called ВЎВ§beatnicksВЎВЁ) were: Gregory Corso, Jack
Kerouac and William Burroughs. The beat poetry was meant to be oral and very
effective in readings. It developed out of poetry readings in underground clubs.(a
beautiful image of these secret clubs can be found in the movie called ВЎВ§Dead
PoetВЎВ¦s SocietyВЎВЁ with Robin Williams playing the main character). Some
argued that it was the grandparent of rap music. The term ВЎВ§Beat ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
When Lucien Carr was convicted for murder, Ginsberg was ordered to undergo
psychiatric counseling. He was suspended from the university for a year. Before
receiving The BachelorВЎВ¦s Degree he worked as a welder in the Brooklyn Naval
yards, as a dishwasher and night porter. Ginsberg was also accused of possessing
stolen goods. He pleaded insanity and spent eight months at Columbia Psychiatric
Institute. He was experimenting with drugs, hanging out with junkies and geniuses,
brooding about his homosexuality, struggling to find his voice as a poet.
Later he campaigned for the liberation of American anti drug laws. He wrote poems
like ВЎВ§MescalineВЎВЁ, ВЎВ§Lysergic AcidВЎВЁ and ВЎВ§Laughing
In 1955 he launched ВЎВ§HowlВЎВЁ. It is one of his early works. The poem was
published by Lawrence FerlinghettyВЎВ¦s City Light Press, with a foreword by
Williams Carlos Williams:
ВЎВ§Hold back the edges of your gowns, we are going through hellВЎВЁ
The police seized the entirely printing on the grounds of obscenity.
ВЎВ§HowlВЎВЁ is a long free verse poem which exemplifies GinsbergВЎВ¦s ars
poetica of spontaneous composition:
ВЎВ§All you have to do is think of anything that comes into your head, then arrange
in lines of two, three
Sensual And Casual Relationship In The United States
A spousal relationship is defined by other words like union, marriage, wedlock,
matrimony, or others depending on factors like the country of origin and religion.
Essentially, it is the commitment of two people to one another until death, or in
today s world, with divorce. Many people forget that when you commit to another
person as you do in a marriage recognized by the government or a spiritual leader,
you are also accepting certain responsibilities. Depending on the country and the
religion, a spousal relationship can vary when it comes down to details. Generally
speaking, this type of union is voluntary, although sometimes it is set up by the family
What should happen and what often happens
When you are in a spousal relationship,
A Study By Schrader ( 2012 ) Examined Osteoarthritis And...
A study by Schrader (2012) examined osteoarthritis and entheseal remodeling at
Tombos Nubia, after the Egyptian New Kingdom colonization (1550 1069 BCE).
The author used skeletal remains from the colonial town Tombos as a way to
compare activity patterns during Egypt s colonial expansion into Nubia. Many
Egyptian researchers vary on how Egyptian colonial policies impacted Nubian
inhabitants. Some believe that the local populace was forced to meet Egyptian
tributes, which included slaves, goods, gold, and grain (Schrader, 2012:61). While
others believe that there were positive interactions between the two groups, which
included minimal tributes and the ability of Nubians to hold onto cultural values
(Schrader, 2012:62). Schrader s research focused on entheseal changes and
osteoarthritis in the skeletal remains found at Tombos, in an effort to understand how
Nubian activity levels altered. The author used entheses, as a way of measuring
musculoskeletal stress markers, and osteoarthritis to compare Tombos population
(Schrader, 2012:62). Both conditions are impacted by the sex, age, and body size of
an individual; along with environmental factors and genetic predispositions
(Schrader, 2012:62). Even though neither of these conditions allow us to understand
know exactly what an individual did while they were alive, they will offer up certain
information about the population. Such as if the individual worked as a manual
laborer or in a less physically demanding position
Observation Of A Soccer Field In Elementary School
Observation #1 For my first observation I observed my four year old nephew s
soccer practice at an elementary school which lasted about a half an hour. They
met on the empty field at the elementary school, there were about 3 other teams
practicing at the same time but everyone was spread out. The coaches set up cones
and pop up goals for the children. There were about 12 15 children there, I think
they said a few kids weren t there. There were about four coaches or helpers
working with the children. The first thing they did with the kids was a few warm
up activities, the first being some sort of running activity where the children ran
around following the coaches, next, they hopped in place being silly. Then the kids
each got a ball and began a kicking exercise were the had to go around and try to kick
the ball at the cones and knock them down. Then the kids got in a line with their
ball and followed the leader around while dribbling the ball with both feet. In the
next activity, the children got to practice kicking a stationary ball into the goal.
After that, they played a 7 min practice game. At this point, many of the children
were in the pre control level of proficiency because for most it is their first time
playing soccer and I could definitely tell. There might have been a few activities
where some children where at control level but it was very minimal. For example,
during the kicking exercise, it was very hard for the kids to control where their ball
was going.
Substance Abuse Paper
Over the years substance abuse has been on the rise with many people falling
victims. This paper concentrates on substance abuse and addictive disorders in the
African American population. When it comes to the scope of the problem regarding
the extent to which it affects the people, depression, poverty, and stress is closely
connected to alcohol abuse and appears to be the same for both men and women
(American Psychological Association, 2000). The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
reports that the risks of substance abuse, its consequences, treatment, and recovery
differ by gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and age. The chances for
substance abuse are best understood when the conditions and influences are
recognized as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Government assistance is needed to help low income women out of their current
situations. Research has found that while stress contributes to alcoholism, a positive
social support can prevent alcohol abuse from taking place (Mulia, Schmidt, Bond,
Jacobs, Korcha, 2008). African Americans represent 12 percent of the U.S.
population, and more than half are women, and about 35 percent of those women live
in poverty (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000). There are various patterns when it comes to
drinking and alcohol addiction. Trends in alcohol use among African American
women show four percent of women aging from 19 to 29 years of age consume
alcohol daily, while women ages 40 to 49 have the highest intake of alcohol
consumption for women. Even though admissions to substance abuse treatment
centers, among African Americans, have declined over the past twenty seven years,
African American women continue to make up 25 percent of the center s population.
Although, patterns for the African American culture show that low income men are
at the highest risk for alcohol abuse (SAMHSA, 2015). According to the article, Less
Drinking, yet More Problems: Understanding African American Drinking and Related
Problems Compared to European Americans, African Americans are more likely to
live in poverty, be unemployed, and lack educational skill, than other Americans.
Financial difficulty puts the African American culture at a disadvantage where their
P1 Unit 3 Marketing
Unit 3: Marketing Assignment
Task 1
Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and
sufficient customer requirements beneficially. http://www.getin2marketing.com
/discover/what is marketing
This means the ideas, the brand, how you communicate, the design, print process,
measuring effectiveness, market research and the psychology of consumer behaviour
all count as part of the bigger picture of marketing .
It is a process and not just the production of a single piece of promotional material.
Secondly, it is all about satisfying customer needs and those companies that anticipate
the needs and respond to them first and/or best will win. Thirdly, the marketing
department does not have exclusive rights ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to
establish an important presence in the market that attracts and retains devoted
customer, and distinguishes it from its competitors e.g. Nestle (14% market share),
Mars (24% market share).
Constructing strong brands and positioning brand are key marketing activities for
companies, allowing premium pricing and making extensive distribution easy to
attain. Brand positioning is trying to achieve a market niche for a brand or product
using traditional marketing placement strategies i.e. price, promotion, packaging,
distribution and competition. Brand loyalty helps make and withstand high sales and
profits. This increased value is called brand equity. For instance, McDonalds builds
its brand by constantly changing its happy meals e.g. Tom and Jerry themed happy
meal early this year.
Relationship Marketing: Emphasizes customer preservation and fulfilment, rather
than a dominant focus on sale transaction and building a relationship with the
Transactional Marketing: Emphasizes maximizing the efficiency and volume of
individual sales rather than developing a relationship with the buyer.
Cadburys (Dairy Milk)
McDonalds (Happy Meal)
Sir. Cadburys signature.
M golden arches so that McDonalds franchises standout throughout the world.
Corporate purple colour (Bright to attract the consumer s attention.
On the Happy Meal box as well as in every
Statement Of Purpose To Study Civil Engineering
The truth behind and how far I have come.
I am Kristoph. I was always fascinated on how machineries work and make our lives
easier and, also how structural complexity has engineered the world into another
dimension. That is how I was inspired to consider studying civil engineering as my
main course. I was determined that one day, I will be in the position to design the
complexity structure in my country at an extent while considering the potential how
environmental hazard. However, the idea of studying civil engineering was not
supported by my families, they had different thought that medicine is a better option in
comparison to civil engineering.
I did not accept their rulings that I must study medicine and that leads to an argument
that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I had the opportunity to follow my passion and change direction of doing
medicine, but I was afraid of letting my family other than myself down. In Uganda,
I stated my study option with my mentor and, they allowed me to apply for civil
engineering as a second option. I placed medicine as my first option, considering the
reputation and the impact of such profession will mean to my family. In fact, deep
down in my heart, I knew exactly what I wanted and, medicine was purely my family
s choice.
As you may notice, in Uganda I applied for medicine and civil engineering
altogether. This course has a distinct relationship to each other s but, no one
questioned why I applied to such different course at the same time. I kept the truth
to myself and I wanted to follow what my family wanted me to do. This was
something I was sure that I would end up picking a wrong choice, and get on a
wrong train and headed to a wrong future. The choice to study medicine was for
money and it is not what I am passionate about. If I could study medicine, I will be
living somebody s dream, that I know I do not fit
Essay I Want to Be Physician Assistant
You must love your work, and not be always looking over the edge of it...You must
have pride in your own work and in learning to do it well, George Elliot says in his
novel Middlemarch. Elliot suggests that passion is what stops the moans and
groans of going to work every day and turns work into fun. It is crucial too to learn
fully how to do the job so that the outcome of practicing it involves love, pride and
satisfaction. However, in this hard economic time, one cannot make decisions based
on pure passion and heavenly outcome; other factors such as income are essential
too. Also, one needs to consider the time, effort, dedication and service to others one
is committing oneself to. When on the brink of choosing a career, it is... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then, one must have about three years of health care experience before entering into
a program. After both prerequisites are achieved, one has to attend an accredited PA
program, a 27 month long program that includes classroom lectures and clinical
rotation. Once one has completed the program they must take the Physician Assistant
National Certifying Exam (PANCE) administered by the National Commission on
Certification of the Physician Assistant. Once one has passed the PANCE, they are
officially a certified Physician Assistant. A Physician assistant practices medicine
under the direction of a physician, and can nearly do anything regarding medicine.
What exactly are some of the thing a physician assistant does on a day to day basis?
Physician Assistants perform physical examinations and take medical histories. They
also make diagnoses, treat illnesses, and prescribe the needed medication. Like
physicians they can also perform procedures and make rounds in hospitals and
nursing homes. A PA is able to do a variety of things from counseling patients to
assisting in surgeries. Why should one become a physician assistant rather than a
physician? A physician assistants has advantages that physicians lack. One benefit
would be the time spent on academic studies. A physician assistant puts in an average
of 27 months of education in the PA program, whereas a
The Challenges Of Colonialism And Imperialism In Nigeria
Imperialism has set our country back half a century. When the British came in in
1910 and colonized our country, Nigeria, it changed everything. Our education
system was negatively affected. Our country became extremely controversial in a
religious aspect. All in all, if the British did not come and colonize our home, our
country would be at a much better place today.
If we were to receive this grant from the UN, it would be more than helpful to our
country. Education would drastically improve if we received the grant. New
schools and facilities would be built, more qualified teachers would be hired, and a
better school environment would be established for the safety of the kids. As a
country, our economy has been on a major downfall. In order to help fix this, the
grant is needed to help rebalance the economy. We must empower more entrepreneurs
and producers to create products that the our people need and desire. Finally, the last
reason we are in dire need of these money is to help end corruption. The corruption in
our country is our biggest problem. The corruption has led to significant poverty and
an exceptionally low unemployment rate. With the money we would invest into the
government to try and create more transparency with the our people. Overall, our
country is at a place where a grant would be crucial to our future development. We
believe that this grant of money will push this country to a brighter future.
Nigeria has a unique history in the terms of which
Aestheticism In The Decay Of Lying By Oscar Wilde
The literary landscape is a fertile ground for the discussion of many topics, be it
taboos or ordinary subjects, that are seen worthy of representation, drama as a
literary genre is no exception. Being a controversial character known for his
strange if not deviant style of life, Oscar Wilde offers the English literary legacy a
bunch of dramatic works that are still read and subjected to scrutiny till the present
time. His drama holds the seeds of harsh criticism to a certain portion of the society,
namely the upper class of Britain. These targets are selectively chosen to highlight the
codes that govern the social conducts within the aristocrats of the British Society. It is
easily detected from the title of the three plays that Wilde devotes... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mrs. Erlynne, an extremely controversial character who is depicted as being a
deviant woman, deviant here stands for the fact that she does not hold the same
characteristics of the Victorian virtuous female; she does not represent the chase
wife since she abandons both her husband and daughter for the sake of her lover.,
she is rather the model of the fallen woman ( Bose 86). Regardless of her past,
Wilde related the character of Mrs. Erlynne with the most chase figure in the world
generally and the British society particularly; the mother, her strong devotion to
help her daughter serves as an illustration of how a despised, mocked, abandoned,
sneered at, [...] an outcast (Wilde. 42) female can sacrifice her reputation to save
her daughter s. Other women in the play are depicted to be the sheer
representatives of the Victorian model, Lady Windermere is the example of the
obeying wife whose concern is create the perfect atmosphere for her husband and
child and to sacrifice for their sake even if he had a thousand love you must stay with
your child (ibid. 43), in this respect, one can lucidly highlight the
Single Sex School Essay
Does your child s education matter to you? I believe single sex schools are better
than co education schools. My reasons behind this opinion are single sex schooling
has less distraction in class, single sex schools have better learning results and lastly
boys and girls in a same sex environment are more likely to pursue subjects they
usually would not try.
Single sex schools have less distractions in class. I believe this because in a single
sex environment boys do not feel the need to impress girls and girls would not have
to downplay their strengths to impress boys. The first example to backup my point is
a study by the Australian Council for Educational Research where they said research
indicates that single sex schools improve ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A second example to help argue my point is when United Kingdom educator
Graham Able compared student performance in 30 single sex and co educational
schools, he found the academic advantage of single sex schooling even greater for
boys. This evidence shows that single sex is the better school option for learning and
getter better academic results, especially if your child is a boy. Single sex schooling
is the better choice when selecting your child s future school specially when you are
looking for the best possible education.
In single sex schools boys and girls excel in subjects they usually would not. Single
sex schools help children do well in subjects they usually would not be good at or
subjects they would not usually try. For example girls do better at maths and
science in all girl schools; boys do better in languages and the arts in all boy
schools. My first example to backup my point is a study by Cambridge University
in 2006 where their research showed boys improved in english and foreign
languages in single sex classes, and girls improved in maths and physics. This
proves girls and boys do better in subjects they usually would not do because they
are more comfortable in a single sex school rather than a co educational school. A
second piece of evidence to help argue my point is a United States study that found
boys at single sex
Polarity Of Alcibiades s Character
I have a better right to command, men of Athens, than another... (Thucydides p.111).
This simple excerpt from Thucydides is much more than a subtle gesture of self
acclamation, it is the thesis for the life of Alcibiades. For he truly, to his core,
believed he was special, apart from the average Athenian. Time and time again, we see
Alcibiades go to extremes to achieve the essence of this very statement. Again and
again it is evident that would stop at nothing to take control of Athens and even if
Athens refused him he would remain steadfast in attaining his maxim. This notion of
character giving rise to destiny presents itself exquisitely through Alcibiades. The
polarity in his character illustrates that the choices one makes directly impacts... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then this begs the question where is the polarity of his character, where is the
good and bad? Nevertheless, there is a particular point which is critical in
understanding the polarity of his character. By laying in front of the oxen driven
cart Alcibiades displays defiance, a willingness to break the rules no matter the
cost, and when a fixation so grand presents itself even death cannot make him do
what is right. And in this subtle and early manifestation, we see the extremes he is
willing to go to to obtain that which he is set on. Plutarch makes it clear that
Pericles nature was much more restrained, he acted less on the momentum of the
moment and moreso on logic to dictate his actions. Thus, it can be assumed
Alcibiades was rash and thrived in the moment whereas Pericles was reserved and
calculated. In short, Pericles was balanced and calculated whereas, on the far end of
the spectrum, Alcibiades was volatile! This variability in his character does
ultimately cause his demise for in a democratic city state such as Athens even the
lightest hint of deception and extremes lead to ostracism. That is to say, Athenian
democracy necessitates or rather demands a transparent, logical, and virtuous leaders.
Leaders who are level headed, such as Pericles, and Alcibiades was simply not that.
He was at times outrageous and extreme while at other instances charismatic and
Lake Park Research Paper
Diamond of Dale Mabry
Parking in the main picnic area great field stretches out, and ends at the edge of a
large lake. There is a light scattering of trees in the field but is quite open. Lake Park
is located on Dale Mabry highway in Lutz, Florida. Florida is home to 160 state parks
covering more than 700,000 acres. (Gall Antone, 2012). Lake Park is a beautiful,
family and pet friendly part of these parks, with lots of activities for the whole
family. The breeze whispering through the trees and the sun sparkling of the water of
the lakes, makes for a fun and relaxing atmosphere.
Once parked, and out of the vehicle, you can see the entirety of the main picnic area.
To the right are the bathrooms housed in a small rosy pink and deep brown ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is a full sized BMX course that has smooth, bright orange dirt paving,
reminiscent of Georgia clay. Lake Park hosts weekly practices and races for
children, teens, and adults interested in the sport. A horse arena sits next to the
BMX course, and there is even a R/C car race track that is just as smooth and well
kept as the BMX area. Lots of opportunity to get out of the house and spend quality
time with the

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  • 8. African Speaks Analysis Using the assigned readings and class discussion to guide your analysis, in what ways is the film s title, African Speaks, is a misnomer? Throughout the film Africa Speaks, not a single African is able to voice their opinions or concerns as the white male narrator, Paul Hoefler, leaves African natives voiceless and speaks on their behalf. Hoefler continuously belittles and criticizes the Massai s culture and traditions, while not realizing the harmful imprint he is leaving behind as he slowly molds the negative stereotypes that shape the images of Africans, such as depicting Africans as uncivilized. Cynthia Chris, author of Watching Wildlife, analyzes how Hoefler s denigrates Africans for their different culture as he targets them with ridicule by stating racist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even if an African had been opinionated in the film, the African would have only elucidated the culture of the Massai tribe (Africa Speaks 1930). One would not solely study New York and call the associated film, America Speaks. Chris comments how Hoefler s mass generalization and cultural bias stops him from properly shedding light authentically and honestly on the African life he witnessed (Chris 2006, 21, 24). This is seen in the film as he makes erroneous comments, yet never hesitates to correct himself, such as stating that giraffes are naturally dumb animals that can t make sounds. Specifically, the same images of Africans doing odd rituals, such as drum beating, is repeatedly seen degrading their tradition as Hoefler takes the opportunity to describe the event as a peculiar and almost an inhuman tradition (Africa Speaks 1930). Hoefler s bias misguides the audience to believe that Massai individuals are vacuous, as he never gives them the opportunity to voice their knowledge and
  • 9. The Circadian Rhythms Affects Sleep Circadian rhythm is most known for the effect on sleep and wake, but it also affects eating, hormone secretion, urination, and much more (Kalat, 2013). Circadian rhythms are endogenous, which means they are generated from within the body. When broken down into its latin roots circum and dies , circadian means about a day. This name was coined as animal circadian rhythms last about a day, or around 24 hours (Kalat, 2013). Though rhythms are around 24 hours, each individual differs in their exact rhythm. This can be seen in the difference between morning people , who are alert and awake early in the day, and night owls , who awaken at a slower pace and reach their peak alertness later in the day (Taillard, Philip, Coste, Sagaspe, Bioulac,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Insomnia and sleep complaints are common among those who are completely blind. When the circadian rhythm of those with no light perception, it has been found that they have abnormal rhythms. Their rhythm pattern is most commonly found to be free running , which means that it is not entrained to the 24 hour period, by either following a shorter or more commonly longer rhythm (Sack Lewy, 2001). These people lack the ability to adapt to changes in sleep patterns based on light, so as their schedule changes their rhythm is continually of course. Some days they may have periods of good sleep and some days they may not, depending on where their life timeline falls against their un entrained circadian
  • 10. The Financial Industry Of Barclays Bank Introduction Banking success is all about sustained profitability through the application of robust scientific investments and gap management strategies. It is imperative for banks to keep a close watch on the interest rate cycle: if rates are rising they have to ensure that their lending rates rise alongside or before the borrowing rate and vice versa. The premier position that Barclays enjoyed in the financial industry for over 3 centuries is a validation of the fact that it was built on the strong principles of finance. However, the last couple of decades have seen an erosion in its reputation due to the breaching of those very principles. Barclays Bank is one of the biggest British multi national banks headquartered in London with a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Barclays of the future, according to their chief executive Antony Jenkins, will be a focused international bank with four core businesses, namely Personal and Corporate, Barclaycard, Africa, and Investment Bank. Each core business will be balanced and strive to win in its field of operation. This paper will investigate several theoretical financial principles and their applications by Barclays. Special emphasis will be on Investment Banking and Wealth management services of the bank. These are the divisions in Barclays that handle markets and are involved in the trading of stocks, bonds, commodities, forex, interest rates and market indexes. Trading in derivatives is commonly employed by Barclays to hedge risks, but we will see that the fund managers in the last decades exposed the bank to risks by indulging in huge speculative investments. Let us investigate a few financial principles now. Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) CAPM is a highly acclaimed theory of risk and return for securities in a competitive capital market. The path breaking theory won Sharpe and Markowitz the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1990. CAPM establishes the beta coefficient as a measure of the systematic risk of an asset. Systematic risk is also known as market risk. This risk cannot be eliminated nor is it controllable. Unsystematic risks include the risk that influences a single company or a small group of companies, and it is controllable and can be mitigated through
  • 11. Direct-To-Consumer Advertising Pros And Cons Introduction Thesis Statement There are various controversies surrounding Direct to consumer prescription advertisements impact on health, including its inference in the doctor patient relationship, as well as its influence on consumers lifestyle. Summary of Direct to Consumer Advertising DTC Ads were introduced following social movements advocating for patients rights to provide patients with more options, and opportunities to detect their medical issues. Proponents of prescription advertisements contend that they improve communication within the healthcare system, and help educate people about potential risks. Challengers of DTC marketing claim that they weaken the authority of doctors, and spread alarming information. Perceptions of health Pros ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By encouraging the use of pharmaceuticals, people will neglect other healthy, and/or cheaper options, such as improving their lifestyle. Doctor patient relationship Pros The advertisements motivate consumers to seek guidance from their medical practitioner. The knowledge consumers gain from DTC ads can provoke helpful conversations with their physicians. Cons When patients presents their symptoms in line a prescription drug, doctors often feel pressured to prescribe their patients requested drug. Because, an increase in the exposure of DTC pharmaceutical ads would increase the demand for the drugs, there would be a considerable amount of unneeded prescriptions. Drug marketing can lead to false diagnosis and the medication has potential to harm to the patient. Target demographics and health effects Target Audience
  • 12. Because, women are typically in control of household spending on healthcare, they are targets of prescription marketing campaigns. Prescription ads frequently focus on the elderly, because they spend more time watching television, and have more ailments.
  • 13. Analysis of the Unforgiven Analysis of Unforgiven Brenda J. Thompson ENG 225: Introduction to Film Nathaniel Millard October 5, 2009 Summary While the movie Unforgiven (1992) directed and starring Clint Eastwood, as William Munny, is in the genre of a western in the late 1800 s. It has a basic theme that we are still making movies about today, justice and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in our search for it. It is a story of a journey that one man has to make in order for him to care for his children but it ends up being so much more of a journey than he anticipates. This movie is the ultimate of good versus evil on a couple of different levels. It is good guy versus bad guy and it is the evil within fighting the good within and the constant... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The buildings were dark, small and gloomy on the inside and due to the fact that the majority of the movie took place in the nighttime hours and it was stormy more than not, the outside was just as gloomy as the inside. The lighting was minimal as it would have been back then bringing mood with it. The foreshadowing of the stormy weather worked in making this movie what it was, the rain seemed to let you know when something was coming. As much as the wilderness scenery was beautiful, I found it downplayed by the drab colors of the costumes and the non use of color throughout the entire film. It seemed as though the only time color was used was determined by what that particular scene was about. For instance, as English Bob came into town the only item of color was the drab red of the stagecoach, so we knew whoever was in that stagecoach was going to become an important character to a scene coming up, everything else was a muted earth tone of tan, brown, green and blue. As stated in our text a director may simply let their settings just be a backdrop and let the action of that scene take over. (Boggs Petrie, 2008, pg. 374) This was exactly how this movie was told; it focused on the story instead of glamorizing it with colorful costumes and scenery. We needed to see the drabness of the subject in the muted colors of the movie. Another scene that showed a pop of color was that of William (Eastwood) and Ned (Freeman) were having a conversation where William was
  • 14. Learning In Leading Learning in Leading Throughout my life I have been placed in many leadership roles from a young age and have learned from each of these experiences. From being a chairman of my elementary school s talent show all the way until I became my high school s chapter of Mu Alpha Theta Vice President I have had roles of ranging responsibilities and success. The leadershiprole that I learned the most from was the one that I view to have been the least successful. In Mrs. Quale s history class in eighth grade I was placed in charge of a learninggroup in which we would be self teaching through planned activities and setting our own pace for the quarter. I was purposefully placed in a group that needed help in the class because of both their grades and their behavior in and outside of class. I went into this role and assignment with a bad attitude and did not place any trust in the people working with me, making the project toxic from the beginning. As a result, I learned the detrimental effects of leading without stewardship, failing to encourage group synergy, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the time I was very young and was not as concerned with effective leadership and helping others as I am today. Later in life I learned to be a directive leader who is able to inspire stewardship rather than degrading my coworkers by delegating everything and being overcontrolling. I also learned the importance of synergy and how the characteristics of a team, good or bad, are initiated first by the leader. Seeing how to look forward into possible future outcomes and learning to prioritize was a skill I developed on to become a better leader as well. Looking back on this previous experience I realize that I have grown a great deal as a leader and have farther to grow still. I made many errors at that time but I see now that after that point I made conscious changes and changed to become the leader I am
  • 15. Roger s Chocolate Analysis Table of Contents 1. History, Development and Growth2 2. Vision, Mission, Objective, Philosophy and Strategy13 3. Functional level strategies14 4. Business level strategy.20 5. Corporate level strategy25 6. How is the effectiveness of the company s strategies? (ROIC)26 7. What strategic problems does the company have?33 8. What strategic issues need to be addressed?34 9. External environmental analysis35 10. Internal environment analysis60 11. Determine the strategic factors of the company70 12. Generating alternative strategies by using a TOWS matrix73 13. Evaluate strategic alternatives pros and cons.74 14. Recommend strategic for company (short, medium, and long term)81 1. Describe briefly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... | | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News | | | Retailer of the Year Award Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards Business Examiner | | | Manufacturer of the Year: Runner Up Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards Business Examiner| 2004| | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News| | | Best Storefront Window Display The Best of the City Awards Victoria News| | | Best Chocolate Maker Readers Choice The Best of the Island Awards Times Colonist| | 2003| | Time Honored Member: 40 Plus Years Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce| | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News | 2002| | Business Excellence Award Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce | | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News| | | Retailer of the Year: Runner Up Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards Business Examiner | | 2001| | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News |
  • 16. Persuasive Analysis Tp Paid search is a great way to get visitors to your website NOW. No need to wait months for the search engines to pick up your website and blog posts just pay, and your listing shows up! When you use Google AdWords, LinkedIn ads or Facebook ads, you re spending money on each click you generate, so you need to know how much you re spending to acquire each visitor and each lead, as well as how much of a profit you re making on that adspend. You can get some very specific tips on improving the ROI of your paid marketing from our blog. 1. Click Through Rate (CTR) The percentage of the audience that viewed your ad and actually clicked on the link provided, calculated by dividing total clicks by the number of impressions. What to Look For ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Is the page relevant to the text of the ad and the original search phrase? Is the value proposition clear? Is the offer compelling? 4. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) A measurement of how much you are spending on PPC advertising for each conversion. Calculate your overall paid search CPA by dividing total ad spend by your total PPC conversion rate. Or, calculate it on a per campaign basis by dividing your average cost per click by your conversion rate for a specific ad/keyword combination. What to Look For Obviously lower is better here, but, depending on what a conversion is worth to you, this could be a substantial number. How to Lower Your Cost Per Acquisition Tracking your CPA can help you optimize your PPC bidding strategy. For example, Google AdWords now offers a conversion based bidding option that lets advertisers set their maximum ad bids according to a target CPA. If you know your historical CPAs from previously successful PPC campaigns, you can use that figure to help bid more efficiently on new keywords. 5. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) ROAS measures the return on your PPC advertising investment, calculated by dividing your total ad spend by the total revenue generated from those PPC
  • 17. conversions. What to Look For Look for any positive number here. Clicks and visits are all very nice, but unless you have an
  • 18. Medical Quality Hospital Case Study The change process that was implemented using the Kurt Lewin Change theory. The Kurt Lewin change theory implements the three step method of unfreeze, change, and freeze. A summary of the change theory allows the manager or change agent an idea of what implementing change means when dealing with people. The model provides guidance on how to go about getting people to change: a manager will implement new processes and re assign tasks, but change will only be effective if the people involved embrace it and help putting it into practice it. Prior to implementing the change process at the Medical Quality Hospital had 1,000 medical errors and 100 deaths related to medical errors which cost the hospital $1.2 million dollars. The name of the change... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The incentives are free pizza on the unit, a bonus check, gift card to fine dining restaurants, and a 5 day cruise all expenses paid to show appreciation to the staff for their hard work and dedication. The goal and objective for Quality Change is to decrease the incidence of medical errors and adverse events in MQH hospital by the end of 2017. The advantages of implementing the change process in MQH hospital are less medical errors, more hospital income and better budgeting Higher patient satisfaction scores, less attorney fees and lawsuits, improvements on audits and inspections done by Joint Commission, and positive and safer work and hospital environment. The disadvantages of not implementing the change process in MQH hospital are Low patient satisfaction scores, less hospital visits by patients, increase in attorney fees and more lawsuit, and decrease in hospital income and profits. 90% class attendance on a monthly basis. The outcome and evaluation of the change process was a decrease in the amount of medical errors, 50 medical errors and 5 deaths occurred and in the year of
  • 19. Competitive Positioning In Chin Pet Food Competitors Royal Canin Au Yu (Shanghai) Pet Food Launched in China in 1995, with headquarters in Shanghai. As a subsidiary of France based Royal Canin, the company belongs to Mars Inc. Royal Canin Au Yu specialise in premium pet food (dry food is the majority of product portfolio) with a wide range of premium dog food, high quality products and engage in research and development, which focus on pet health and wellbeing. In 2013, the company expanded to Internet retailing. By 2016, Internet retailing has a total of 50% share of company value sales. Competitive Positioning In 2016, the company led pet care with 13% of retail value sales and ranked first in dog and cat food with a 25% retail value share. Royal Canin Au Yu (Shanghai) Pet Food recorded retail value share growth of five percentage points between 2012 and 2016 due to the growing premiumisation trend in dog and cat food in China. Because of the consistently rising income levels and higher awareness of pet care among local consumers. Additionally, the company offers pet food products for various breeds, sizes and life cycles as well as therapeutic and prescription diet options to cater to different pet needs. In 2013 the company officially launched online store on Tmall.com allows consumer access to its brands and products, especially in lower tier cities. With nationwide sales network, which includes pet shops and superstores and veterinary clinics. In addition, the company offers a real time chat service on
  • 20. Comparing The Road Not Taken And The Roads Within In the poem I crafted, The Roads Within , it extend the ideas of the original poem, The Road Not Taken . One of the major ideas of the original poems is that we all have a choice in the decisions and paths we take in life. In my poem I enforce that idea in line 4, Long I waited, considering each choice . Before any one decides to live a certain way they must consider if they would not have regrets on the life they chose to live. The idea of not being able to go back to the point where the decision is made is represented in both poems. In line 15, Robert Frost wrote, I doubted if I should ever come back and in line 10 of my poem it states, I shall never go back to the starting point . I wrote this line because people can never go back
  • 21. The Pros And Cons Of Technology And Science Inventions and Discoveries Human lifestyle has recently changed through the inventions and discovery of new technology and science. Technology and science are closely related hence, the technology uses science to answer problems, while science uses technology to come up with new discoveries. However, technology and science target different objectives. The objective of science is to provide an answer to the critical questions, thus help to increase knowledge while the goal of technology is to find answers to real problems. Even though they have a different objective, they, however, work together to facilitate each other to grow. The knowledge posed from science led to the creation of technology like telescope while the telescope technology led to a microscope that allows researchers to discover nature in a new era. According to an article by Rice University, a telescope is one of the dominant instruments of what has been referred to as the Scientific Revolution. However, according to the article, they believe that telescope was not the invention of scientists but the product of craftsmen. Rice University argue that glass were cheap, hence the technology for crushing and polishing glasses had development extensively allover (Rice University). Hence, the development led to a solution for a condition known as presbyopia. This condition majorly faced the aging where they were unable to read letters held at a relaxed distance from the eye (Rice University). This led to the
  • 22. Literary Devices In A Doll s House Analysis of Henrik Ibsen s A Doll House In A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen was created during 1800s time period. This play helps shine a light on the gender roles of the 1800s while also creating a twist that was uncommon for this period. During this time period, women were left home to oversee the domestic duties, while men went to commuted to work (Hughes). Men were seen as physically superior but morally inferior to women; which is also portrayed within this book (Hughes). This play marks the beginning of Henrik Ibsen s realist period, which he explored the ordinary lives of small town people (Kirszner and Mandell 881). This modern tragedy helped make Ibsen famous internationally because of the real life story it captured (Kirszner and Mandell 882). Henrik Ibsen uses an array of literary devices to help keep the reader captivated from beginning to end. Three of the most prominent literary devices used by Henrik Ibsen are symbolism, foreshadowing, and an array of themes. These literary devices help transform a basic play into a complex story of lies and deception. Symbolism is used a lot within in the play and is a figure of speech that is used when an author wants to create a certain mood or emotion in a work of literature (What is Symbolism in Literature?). Majority of A Doll House is filled with symbolism that creates an intense emotion for the reader. The setting of the play is around Christmas Day and is approaching New Year s Day. This holds a lot of symbolism
  • 23. Notre Dame Dbq Essay Cell phones, social media and sleep; one look around at today s 21st century teenagers and anyone would agree that this motto is what they seem to survive on. Living in the fast evolving and technologically driven society makes it easy to be oblivious to life on the other side of the blinders. The traditions, morals and values of our ancestors were the basic foundation, making the mansions we have built up to today possible in the first place. While the baby boomer generation may argue that today s youth could not possibly stick to the traditions set forth one hundred and seventy two years ago, the University of Notre Damestudents are the outliers that defy the stereotypical views of our generation. The slogan, God, Country, Notre Dame still applies and reigns as a standard and priority for... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once joining the Irish family, undergraduates take part in many events to uphold the traditions set forth by graduates from classes before. Bleacherreport.com highlighted a prime point, there is tradition in the structures and the people that make up this University. Father Sorin, Father Corby, Knute Rockne, Father Hesburgh, Ara Parseghian, these are all people who have had a hand in shaping the tradition of Notre Dame, (Doc. C). The customs established by these religious leaders can still be seen today, especially when looking at the Fighting Irish football team. The community and fanbase surrounding the sport is impeccable. Similar to the New York Yankees well known name in the Major League Baseball network, Notre Dame football is a household name nationwide that people either tune in to either cheer on to victory or pray for to lose (Doc. C). In addition to the liveliness and extensiveness of their fanbase, the university s football program has produced several National Football League star players and
  • 24. Essay Power and Corruption in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man s character, give him power (Abraham Lincoln). Power is the ultimate force in the universe. Power by definition is control, controlling everything would make everything go the way that person wants it to so power is sought. Power is desired by most normal people, people who aspire to be more than themselves, to rise above the common man and do as they please. Power appeals to human nature. There are many different types of power, but the main two are necessary and unnecessary power. Necessary power is that of a natural cause for example, the lion expresses his power over prey to eat; to survive he needs to use his power. Humans, on the other hand, do not need oil to survive... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In William Shakespeare s play Julius Caesar, power tempts and corrupts Caesar s closest friends to betray him and lose themselves in the process. Shakespeare was an English playwright during the renaissance period. Shakespeare wrote several plays throughout his lifetime in unrhymed iambic pentameter including one hundred and seventy four sonnets and thirty seven plays. One of Shakespeare s most famous plays is Julius Caesar, which is a true story about a roman that because of his enormous power is murdered by his envious friends. Caesar is powerful but he does not abuse his power, he is even offered the crown, absolute power, and denies it. Cassius is an envious man who sees that Caesar is better than him, but he cannot take him out himself he plays a fine Italian hand and corrupts a man of integrity to consummate his foul plot. Brutus is a close friend of Caesar he loves him dearly, but Brutus is conflicted because he also loves Rome. Cassius plays on Brutus s love of Rome and convinces him Caesar is bad for Rome. Cassius illustrates how much power Caesar has by why, man he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, / and we petty men walk under his huge legs / and peep about to fine ourselves dishonorable graves (I.2.136 139). Cassius says that Caesar is so powerful that he
  • 25. Comparing The Individual Holdings Of My 10 Stocks With The... 1.Comparing the individual holdings of my 10 stocks with the portfolio as a whole, either strategy would yield me positive returns. However, diversification is shown to be not as successful, as there are more unwanted factors. Three of my individual holdings (FIX, UNH, and HUBG) were shown to have large standard deviations, in both monthly and annually, which means that all three stocks have high historical volatilities, and are much riskier when bought individually compared to diversified portfolio. However, average monthly and annual returns of all individual stocks, with the exception of Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. (ETH), are shown to be higher than the average returns for the portfolio as a whole, meaning if I were to invest individually in the stocks, I would most likely yield a much greater return. Also, looking at the coefficient of Variance (CV), the portfolio appeared to have a much higher CV than each individual stock, suggesting higher riskper return. Due to these factors mentioned, I feel that the portfolio is better to be hold individually as 9 out of 10 stocks show high numbers of returns. Note: Due to the negative return for Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. (ETH) stock, CV for this holding is negative, thus should be ruled out as this could be a misleading indicator. 2.Tracking error (active return) is the difference between portfolio and the benchmark (in our case, S P500). It is calculated by subtracting the average return on benchmark (S P500) to the
  • 26. Case Study Of The Limassol General Hospital Student Name: Eirini Markou Student Number: 20140064 Course Name: Total Quality Management Professor: Dr. Takis Stylianides Topic: How can the Limassol General Hospital overcome the serious problems that are currently afflicting its operation and services based on the model of a Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awardwinner organization such as St. David s Health Care so as to achieve a smooth and satisfactory operation and delivery of services to their patients but also in order to resolve the workforce problems that leave their internal customers their employees dissatisfied and exasperated, leading to the malfunction that characterizes the services offered by the hospital. Undeniably, the economic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Staff unable to cope with the increasing demand and workload. Extremely long patient waiting lines. Long waiting lists for patients to receive hospital services (examination, treatment, surgery etc.) Poor process design. Lack of service efficiency. Inefficient Management. Long time variation for patients turn to be treated when placed on a waiting list. Disorganized Hospital Departments faculties.Hospital understaffed in medical personnel insufficient number of doctors and nurses relating to increasing number of patients. Employees go on strikes demanding better working conditions suspension of operations. No work / life balance. Minimal to zero recognition for individual and team effort. Lack of employee empowerment. Lack of effective communication between departments and faculties. No flexible working options. No participation in decisions concerning the organization. Unmotivated workforce. Patients are at risk at the hands of exhausted doctors.Insufficient personnel to cover for the needs of the hospital. Suspension of services in certain
  • 27. A Comparison Between 127 Hours And 127 Hours The novel, Between a Rock and a Hard Place was written by Aron Ralston and was published in 2004. Meanwhile the film, 127 Hours, was directed by Danny Boyle. The film was produced in 2010 and had a budget of $18,000,000. Aron Ralston had a big say in the making of the film and wanted it be as accurate as possible. After Aron saw the film, he commented how it was so factually accurate it is as close to a documentary as you can get and still be a drama. Aron even made an appearance at the end of the film. 127 Hours was nominated for 147 awards, including six Oscars. The protagonist of the novel was well developed in both novel and film. James Franco was casted to play Aron in the film and he definitely enhanced the role. Aron Ralston is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That moment gave Aron the motivation to go through with the amputation and ultimately save his life. The best part about Aron s character is his resilience. Aron s physical and mental strength enabled him to escape a deadly situation. The main setting of the novel is in Canyonlands National Park in southeastern Utah. In the beginning of the novel, Aron goes into great detail to explain the numerous canyons. the rolling scrub desert gradually drops away into a region of painted rock domes, hidden cliffs, weathered and warped bluffs, tilted and tortured canyons, and broken monoliths (Ralston 5). The Canyonlands are a desolate area, and the only people that Aron encountered before his entrapment were Megan and Kristi, two lost hikers that he happened to meet. After Aron became trapped in Blue John Canyon, the film also captures the isolation when the camera zooms away from Aron to capture a wide panoramic view of the park with no civilization in sight. The film even captured some of the smaller details of the novel, like the raven. There was another scene in the film where the visuals beat anything that could have been imagined while reading the book. As Aron was trapped in the canyon, he reminisces about a trip to the Grand Canyon. When Aron was a kid, he experienced the sun rise above the canyon as the rock strata of the inner canyon changed from dark umbers and black shadows to immense bands of pastel yellow, white, green, and a hundred shades
  • 28. The Mystery Of Liars By Nancy Farmer Ever since we were young we were shunned away from telling lies and were taught that it was wrong. Why is it that lying was immoral, but then as we grow up we drift away from that lesson? Many can say that we are cowards who hide behind our lies. Today there exist a white lie which states that you are telling a lieto help someone. Why do we teach our kids that lying is bad when adults lie all the time? In the quote Nancy Farmer compares the liars to rats who are cowards that hides and runs around in dark places because looking at the word lying it can gives off a vibe of a dark and lonely place. Just like rats who runs and hides in dark places, liars are basically hiding behind the shadows and living alone in their lie. From the quote I agree and disagree with the quote, where I agreed with the quote that liars are basically rats who hides and run from the truth, they don t care if it s unpleasant to others and see lying as an escape route from trouble. Where I disagree is they can t be called cowards because they might be telling a white lie and instead of being unpleasant, it can actually help the person that is receiving the lie. Getting told a lie is a very unpleasant feeling for some while for others. They have a stronger mentality and can withstand being told a lie. Personally in my opinion, being told a lie makes one feel as if they can t trust the person anymore due to the fact that they are hiding something. For the person receiving the lie it is much more
  • 29. Essay On Dielectric Materials At C-Nanowires Flexible nanodielectric materials with a high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss have immense potential applications in the modern electronic and electric industry. The use of high aspect ratio fillers is a promising route for achieving high dielectric constant and low loss materials at a low filler volume fraction. However, the poor filler/matrix interfacial adhesion always imposes difficulties in suppressing the dielectric loss of the composites, thus significantly limiting the potential of high aspect ratio fillers in enhancing the dielectric constant of polymer composites. In this study, cable like structured Ag@C nanowires with high aspect ratio ( 600) were prepared by a facile and environmentally friendly approach. Because... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Compared to conventional ceramic based dielectric materials, polymer composites have many advantages such as good flexibility, easy processability, lightweight, and low cost to meet demands for miniaturization of microelectronics that has become a mainstream trend in microelectronic industry in recent years. Thus, flexible polymer composites with a high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss are highly desired and essential for practical application. In recent years, polymer composites with dielectric constant have been prepared by two routes. The more traditional route is introducing high dielectric constant ceramic fillers, such as BaTiO3, Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, and CaCu3Ti4O12 into the polymer matrix. However, the high loading (usually over 50 vol%) of ceramic fillers required for enhancing dielectric constant inevitably raises the issues of inhomogeneity and aggregation of the ceramic fillers in the polymer matrix, deteriorating the characteristics resulting in poor mechanical properties such as high dielectric loss. Furthermore, the dielectric enhancement is usually low. Another route focuses on dispersing conductive fillers such as graphene, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), conductive fibers, and metal particles into the polymer matrix to achieve percolative systems. As the volume fraction of the conductive fillers increases in the vicinity of the percolation threshold, where the conductive fillers connect with each other to form a continuous conducting path, the
  • 30. Electoral College Should Be Abolished Essay Aimee Ojeda December 1, 2017 Abolishing the Electoral College The Electoral College system was created in the constitution by the Founding Fathers. This system forms the beginning of the United States national elections and is therefore, considered to be important to this country s history. It is made up of 538 members and a candidate must receive a majority of 270 electoral votes to win the election. Electors usually get selected to one of the presidential candidates running. When people go to the ballot on voting day and pick their favorite candidate, they are really choosing the electors for their state and then the electors are the ones that vote for the president. The Electoral College should be revised or abolished because it is both undemocratic, is not beneficial to the nation, and may weaken the validity of elections and the elected President. To start off, the electoral college system is undemocratic because instead of everyone being involved only a small group of people are able to make the decisions which is the electors citizens pick when voting. This Electoral College System has limited democracy to people because it holds an ability to alter result of Election over popular votes and creates high voter turnouts. The Electoral College betrays American values of majority rule: a candidate can win the election without a majority of popular votes and some states are overrepresented so a large number of citizens get left out. This can create a situation
  • 31. How Did Akhenaten Change Egyptian Religion Akhenaten was an Egyptian king during the New Kingdom and he tried to change the Egyptian religion. In the readings the document titled The Great Hymn to the Aten describes why king Akhenaten tried to change the ancient religion, and why this ended up being very important later on. What he tried to do was change the Egyptian religion by introducing something similar to monotheism. Though the main reason for this significant change was, according to the readings, He ordered this change to downgrade the influence of the rich priests of Amen Re, the local deity from Thebes who rose to national prominence in the New Kingdom and became Re (the sun god) (Readings, p.23). So he basically did this because of rich priests from Thebes s growing influence... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 24). In the Hymn itself, it says, O unique god, who has no second to him! You have created the earth according to your desire, while you were alone, With men, cattle, and wild beasts, all that is upon earth and goes upon feet, and all that soars above and flies with its wings (Readings, p. 25). This shows his idea of there being one god responsible for creation that being Aten. Nearly at the end of the passage of The Great Hymn to the Aten he reminds the readers of Aten and who he is, The earth came into being by your hand, even as you have created them. When you arise they live, and when you set they die (Readings, p.26). Even though he wrote this the outcome of the type of religion he wanted did not make
  • 32. Theme Of The Poem To The Virgins Poetry has a unique way of expressing itself, uniquely touching each listener in a personal way. The descriptive language and specific placement of each word takes one through a cognitive journey which always stirs thoughts more than just a simple story. The interpretation of this art form can be often misunderstood or misconstrued but, no matter what we think, there is a purpose behind what the author tried to convey to his audience. Poems such as To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick and In Computers by Alan Lightman both speak about different issues yet have one similar underlying theme. They both express the concept of the end of times within the poem. One would see that even though each poem is different from each other they are connected by their interpretations of memories and ultimately the end of time used as a warning. Alan Lightman s poem talks about talks about how data is stored inside computers while at the same time describes different sceneries. It describes different sensory images using simple metaphors such as, Blend of sunset over wheat fields. / Low thunder of gazelle. (lines 2 3). The metaphors used throughout the poem really accentuates the mental pictures the author is trying to convey in a deeper way. This is also the case in Robert Herrick s poem where it can be seen like this, Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, / Old Time is still a flying; (lines 1 2). This figurative language is what leaves room for the reader to view
  • 33. Robert Olen Butler is an author born in Granite City,... Robert Olen Butler is an author born in Granite City, Illinois who won a Pulitzer Prize. In writing this short story, Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrot , Robert Olen Butler writes about a character whose life revolves around his wife and is a compulsively jealous husband. In this story, the main character was a very jealous husband who dies because of the way he decided to deal with his wife s cheating ways by climbing a tree and falling to his death, only to come back in life as a parrot and still have very strong feeling for his wife. The jealousyand suspicion that took over his human life has now taken over to his life as a parrot. The tone of the story is frustration and jealousy at which you can tell the tone from the very... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The husband seemed very helpless without her in his life When we held each other, I had no past at all, no present but her body, no future but to lie there and not let her go. (Butler, 1995, pg189). He was aware that his wife engaging in an affair with another man, but he accepted it because he was more fearful of losing her, even though he wanted to know he would never confront her with the truth. He knew he was a fool for her because he had to remind himself how he is not stupid and how he has to lock himself into the bathroom in order to hide his rage. His life was similar living as a human and a bird. As a human he locked himself inside the bathroom and as a bird he was locked inside a cage and in both situations he was unable to express how he feels because there was something always holding him back. The last thing he wanted was for his wife to hate him by bringing up other men she is having affairs with. The husband s Behavior is what eventually leads to his death in both lives, he falls from a tree in his human life and dies and when he was a bird he had that same jealousy so when he seen his wife bring in multiple men he could not stand to see it anymore so he tries to fly away from the house his wife and him once shared but end up falling and dying towards the end. As a result of the husband s
  • 34. Invisible Wall Fire Monologue Today is the last day I will let people make trouble in this town! Now being second chairman of the board I am basically in charge. Especially in charge during a crisis like this here one. I don t know what folks here are getting upset about. A local plane tried to land on the highway and hit an oncoming truck!? Now Ernie had no right taking it upon himself to call homeland security. Yes the accident was fatal, but that s where the word accident comes in. Now I am not very sure what all the chitter chatter about some invisible wall is, but they are full of it! I now have this here situation under control if everyone would calm down we would be able to handle it civilly. Of course though everybody is upset about severed limbs they are finding
  • 35. Allen Ginsberg and American Protest Literature Essay BUNEA VALENTIN LEONARD GROUP 3A, ENGLISH AMERICAN STUDIES ALLEN GINSBERG, ВЎВ§HOWLВЎВЁ AND THE LITERATURE OF PROTEST Allen Ginsberg (1926 1997) was an important figure in the Beat Generation Movement that took place right before the revolutionary American 60ВЎВ¦s. Other major beat writers (also called ВЎВ§beatnicksВЎВЁ) were: Gregory Corso, Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs. The beat poetry was meant to be oral and very effective in readings. It developed out of poetry readings in underground clubs.(a beautiful image of these secret clubs can be found in the movie called ВЎВ§Dead PoetВЎВ¦s SocietyВЎВЁ with Robin Williams playing the main character). Some argued that it was the grandparent of rap music. The term ВЎВ§Beat ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Lucien Carr was convicted for murder, Ginsberg was ordered to undergo psychiatric counseling. He was suspended from the university for a year. Before receiving The BachelorВЎВ¦s Degree he worked as a welder in the Brooklyn Naval yards, as a dishwasher and night porter. Ginsberg was also accused of possessing stolen goods. He pleaded insanity and spent eight months at Columbia Psychiatric Institute. He was experimenting with drugs, hanging out with junkies and geniuses, brooding about his homosexuality, struggling to find his voice as a poet. Later he campaigned for the liberation of American anti drug laws. He wrote poems like ВЎВ§MescalineВЎВЁ, ВЎВ§Lysergic AcidВЎВЁ and ВЎВ§Laughing GasВЎВЁ. In 1955 he launched ВЎВ§HowlВЎВЁ. It is one of his early works. The poem was published by Lawrence FerlinghettyВЎВ¦s City Light Press, with a foreword by Williams Carlos Williams: ВЎВ§Hold back the edges of your gowns, we are going through hellВЎВЁ The police seized the entirely printing on the grounds of obscenity. ВЎВ§HowlВЎВЁ is a long free verse poem which exemplifies GinsbergВЎВ¦s ars poetica of spontaneous composition: ВЎВ§All you have to do is think of anything that comes into your head, then arrange in lines of two, three
  • 36. Sensual And Casual Relationship In The United States A spousal relationship is defined by other words like union, marriage, wedlock, matrimony, or others depending on factors like the country of origin and religion. Essentially, it is the commitment of two people to one another until death, or in today s world, with divorce. Many people forget that when you commit to another person as you do in a marriage recognized by the government or a spiritual leader, you are also accepting certain responsibilities. Depending on the country and the religion, a spousal relationship can vary when it comes down to details. Generally speaking, this type of union is voluntary, although sometimes it is set up by the family members. What should happen and what often happens When you are in a spousal relationship,
  • 37. A Study By Schrader ( 2012 ) Examined Osteoarthritis And... A study by Schrader (2012) examined osteoarthritis and entheseal remodeling at Tombos Nubia, after the Egyptian New Kingdom colonization (1550 1069 BCE). The author used skeletal remains from the colonial town Tombos as a way to compare activity patterns during Egypt s colonial expansion into Nubia. Many Egyptian researchers vary on how Egyptian colonial policies impacted Nubian inhabitants. Some believe that the local populace was forced to meet Egyptian tributes, which included slaves, goods, gold, and grain (Schrader, 2012:61). While others believe that there were positive interactions between the two groups, which included minimal tributes and the ability of Nubians to hold onto cultural values (Schrader, 2012:62). Schrader s research focused on entheseal changes and osteoarthritis in the skeletal remains found at Tombos, in an effort to understand how Nubian activity levels altered. The author used entheses, as a way of measuring musculoskeletal stress markers, and osteoarthritis to compare Tombos population (Schrader, 2012:62). Both conditions are impacted by the sex, age, and body size of an individual; along with environmental factors and genetic predispositions (Schrader, 2012:62). Even though neither of these conditions allow us to understand know exactly what an individual did while they were alive, they will offer up certain information about the population. Such as if the individual worked as a manual laborer or in a less physically demanding position
  • 38. Observation Of A Soccer Field In Elementary School Observation #1 For my first observation I observed my four year old nephew s soccer practice at an elementary school which lasted about a half an hour. They met on the empty field at the elementary school, there were about 3 other teams practicing at the same time but everyone was spread out. The coaches set up cones and pop up goals for the children. There were about 12 15 children there, I think they said a few kids weren t there. There were about four coaches or helpers working with the children. The first thing they did with the kids was a few warm up activities, the first being some sort of running activity where the children ran around following the coaches, next, they hopped in place being silly. Then the kids each got a ball and began a kicking exercise were the had to go around and try to kick the ball at the cones and knock them down. Then the kids got in a line with their ball and followed the leader around while dribbling the ball with both feet. In the next activity, the children got to practice kicking a stationary ball into the goal. After that, they played a 7 min practice game. At this point, many of the children were in the pre control level of proficiency because for most it is their first time playing soccer and I could definitely tell. There might have been a few activities where some children where at control level but it was very minimal. For example, during the kicking exercise, it was very hard for the kids to control where their ball was going.
  • 39. Substance Abuse Paper Over the years substance abuse has been on the rise with many people falling victims. This paper concentrates on substance abuse and addictive disorders in the African American population. When it comes to the scope of the problem regarding the extent to which it affects the people, depression, poverty, and stress is closely connected to alcohol abuse and appears to be the same for both men and women (American Psychological Association, 2000). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that the risks of substance abuse, its consequences, treatment, and recovery differ by gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and age. The chances for substance abuse are best understood when the conditions and influences are recognized as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Government assistance is needed to help low income women out of their current situations. Research has found that while stress contributes to alcoholism, a positive social support can prevent alcohol abuse from taking place (Mulia, Schmidt, Bond, Jacobs, Korcha, 2008). African Americans represent 12 percent of the U.S. population, and more than half are women, and about 35 percent of those women live in poverty (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000). There are various patterns when it comes to drinking and alcohol addiction. Trends in alcohol use among African American women show four percent of women aging from 19 to 29 years of age consume alcohol daily, while women ages 40 to 49 have the highest intake of alcohol consumption for women. Even though admissions to substance abuse treatment centers, among African Americans, have declined over the past twenty seven years, African American women continue to make up 25 percent of the center s population. Although, patterns for the African American culture show that low income men are at the highest risk for alcohol abuse (SAMHSA, 2015). According to the article, Less Drinking, yet More Problems: Understanding African American Drinking and Related Problems Compared to European Americans, African Americans are more likely to live in poverty, be unemployed, and lack educational skill, than other Americans. Financial difficulty puts the African American culture at a disadvantage where their
  • 40. P1 Unit 3 Marketing Unit 3: Marketing Assignment Task 1 Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and sufficient customer requirements beneficially. http://www.getin2marketing.com /discover/what is marketing This means the ideas, the brand, how you communicate, the design, print process, measuring effectiveness, market research and the psychology of consumer behaviour all count as part of the bigger picture of marketing . It is a process and not just the production of a single piece of promotional material. Secondly, it is all about satisfying customer needs and those companies that anticipate the needs and respond to them first and/or best will win. Thirdly, the marketing department does not have exclusive rights ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish an important presence in the market that attracts and retains devoted customer, and distinguishes it from its competitors e.g. Nestle (14% market share), Mars (24% market share). Constructing strong brands and positioning brand are key marketing activities for companies, allowing premium pricing and making extensive distribution easy to attain. Brand positioning is trying to achieve a market niche for a brand or product using traditional marketing placement strategies i.e. price, promotion, packaging, distribution and competition. Brand loyalty helps make and withstand high sales and profits. This increased value is called brand equity. For instance, McDonalds builds its brand by constantly changing its happy meals e.g. Tom and Jerry themed happy meal early this year. Relationship Marketing: Emphasizes customer preservation and fulfilment, rather than a dominant focus on sale transaction and building a relationship with the customer. Transactional Marketing: Emphasizes maximizing the efficiency and volume of individual sales rather than developing a relationship with the buyer. Cadburys (Dairy Milk) McDonalds (Happy Meal) Branding Branding Sir. Cadburys signature. M golden arches so that McDonalds franchises standout throughout the world. Corporate purple colour (Bright to attract the consumer s attention. On the Happy Meal box as well as in every
  • 41. Statement Of Purpose To Study Civil Engineering The truth behind and how far I have come. I am Kristoph. I was always fascinated on how machineries work and make our lives easier and, also how structural complexity has engineered the world into another dimension. That is how I was inspired to consider studying civil engineering as my main course. I was determined that one day, I will be in the position to design the complexity structure in my country at an extent while considering the potential how environmental hazard. However, the idea of studying civil engineering was not supported by my families, they had different thought that medicine is a better option in comparison to civil engineering. I did not accept their rulings that I must study medicine and that leads to an argument that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I had the opportunity to follow my passion and change direction of doing medicine, but I was afraid of letting my family other than myself down. In Uganda, I stated my study option with my mentor and, they allowed me to apply for civil engineering as a second option. I placed medicine as my first option, considering the reputation and the impact of such profession will mean to my family. In fact, deep down in my heart, I knew exactly what I wanted and, medicine was purely my family s choice. As you may notice, in Uganda I applied for medicine and civil engineering altogether. This course has a distinct relationship to each other s but, no one questioned why I applied to such different course at the same time. I kept the truth to myself and I wanted to follow what my family wanted me to do. This was something I was sure that I would end up picking a wrong choice, and get on a wrong train and headed to a wrong future. The choice to study medicine was for money and it is not what I am passionate about. If I could study medicine, I will be living somebody s dream, that I know I do not fit
  • 42. Essay I Want to Be Physician Assistant You must love your work, and not be always looking over the edge of it...You must have pride in your own work and in learning to do it well, George Elliot says in his novel Middlemarch. Elliot suggests that passion is what stops the moans and groans of going to work every day and turns work into fun. It is crucial too to learn fully how to do the job so that the outcome of practicing it involves love, pride and satisfaction. However, in this hard economic time, one cannot make decisions based on pure passion and heavenly outcome; other factors such as income are essential too. Also, one needs to consider the time, effort, dedication and service to others one is committing oneself to. When on the brink of choosing a career, it is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then, one must have about three years of health care experience before entering into a program. After both prerequisites are achieved, one has to attend an accredited PA program, a 27 month long program that includes classroom lectures and clinical rotation. Once one has completed the program they must take the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) administered by the National Commission on Certification of the Physician Assistant. Once one has passed the PANCE, they are officially a certified Physician Assistant. A Physician assistant practices medicine under the direction of a physician, and can nearly do anything regarding medicine. What exactly are some of the thing a physician assistant does on a day to day basis? Physician Assistants perform physical examinations and take medical histories. They also make diagnoses, treat illnesses, and prescribe the needed medication. Like physicians they can also perform procedures and make rounds in hospitals and nursing homes. A PA is able to do a variety of things from counseling patients to assisting in surgeries. Why should one become a physician assistant rather than a physician? A physician assistants has advantages that physicians lack. One benefit would be the time spent on academic studies. A physician assistant puts in an average of 27 months of education in the PA program, whereas a
  • 43. The Challenges Of Colonialism And Imperialism In Nigeria Imperialism has set our country back half a century. When the British came in in 1910 and colonized our country, Nigeria, it changed everything. Our education system was negatively affected. Our country became extremely controversial in a religious aspect. All in all, if the British did not come and colonize our home, our country would be at a much better place today. If we were to receive this grant from the UN, it would be more than helpful to our country. Education would drastically improve if we received the grant. New schools and facilities would be built, more qualified teachers would be hired, and a better school environment would be established for the safety of the kids. As a country, our economy has been on a major downfall. In order to help fix this, the grant is needed to help rebalance the economy. We must empower more entrepreneurs and producers to create products that the our people need and desire. Finally, the last reason we are in dire need of these money is to help end corruption. The corruption in our country is our biggest problem. The corruption has led to significant poverty and an exceptionally low unemployment rate. With the money we would invest into the government to try and create more transparency with the our people. Overall, our country is at a place where a grant would be crucial to our future development. We believe that this grant of money will push this country to a brighter future. Nigeria has a unique history in the terms of which
  • 44. Aestheticism In The Decay Of Lying By Oscar Wilde The literary landscape is a fertile ground for the discussion of many topics, be it taboos or ordinary subjects, that are seen worthy of representation, drama as a literary genre is no exception. Being a controversial character known for his strange if not deviant style of life, Oscar Wilde offers the English literary legacy a bunch of dramatic works that are still read and subjected to scrutiny till the present time. His drama holds the seeds of harsh criticism to a certain portion of the society, namely the upper class of Britain. These targets are selectively chosen to highlight the codes that govern the social conducts within the aristocrats of the British Society. It is easily detected from the title of the three plays that Wilde devotes... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mrs. Erlynne, an extremely controversial character who is depicted as being a deviant woman, deviant here stands for the fact that she does not hold the same characteristics of the Victorian virtuous female; she does not represent the chase wife since she abandons both her husband and daughter for the sake of her lover., she is rather the model of the fallen woman ( Bose 86). Regardless of her past, Wilde related the character of Mrs. Erlynne with the most chase figure in the world generally and the British society particularly; the mother, her strong devotion to help her daughter serves as an illustration of how a despised, mocked, abandoned, sneered at, [...] an outcast (Wilde. 42) female can sacrifice her reputation to save her daughter s. Other women in the play are depicted to be the sheer representatives of the Victorian model, Lady Windermere is the example of the obeying wife whose concern is create the perfect atmosphere for her husband and child and to sacrifice for their sake even if he had a thousand love you must stay with your child (ibid. 43), in this respect, one can lucidly highlight the
  • 45. Single Sex School Essay Does your child s education matter to you? I believe single sex schools are better than co education schools. My reasons behind this opinion are single sex schooling has less distraction in class, single sex schools have better learning results and lastly boys and girls in a same sex environment are more likely to pursue subjects they usually would not try. Single sex schools have less distractions in class. I believe this because in a single sex environment boys do not feel the need to impress girls and girls would not have to downplay their strengths to impress boys. The first example to backup my point is a study by the Australian Council for Educational Research where they said research indicates that single sex schools improve ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A second example to help argue my point is when United Kingdom educator Graham Able compared student performance in 30 single sex and co educational schools, he found the academic advantage of single sex schooling even greater for boys. This evidence shows that single sex is the better school option for learning and getter better academic results, especially if your child is a boy. Single sex schooling is the better choice when selecting your child s future school specially when you are looking for the best possible education. In single sex schools boys and girls excel in subjects they usually would not. Single sex schools help children do well in subjects they usually would not be good at or subjects they would not usually try. For example girls do better at maths and science in all girl schools; boys do better in languages and the arts in all boy schools. My first example to backup my point is a study by Cambridge University in 2006 where their research showed boys improved in english and foreign languages in single sex classes, and girls improved in maths and physics. This proves girls and boys do better in subjects they usually would not do because they are more comfortable in a single sex school rather than a co educational school. A second piece of evidence to help argue my point is a United States study that found boys at single sex
  • 46. Polarity Of Alcibiades s Character I have a better right to command, men of Athens, than another... (Thucydides p.111). This simple excerpt from Thucydides is much more than a subtle gesture of self acclamation, it is the thesis for the life of Alcibiades. For he truly, to his core, believed he was special, apart from the average Athenian. Time and time again, we see Alcibiades go to extremes to achieve the essence of this very statement. Again and again it is evident that would stop at nothing to take control of Athens and even if Athens refused him he would remain steadfast in attaining his maxim. This notion of character giving rise to destiny presents itself exquisitely through Alcibiades. The polarity in his character illustrates that the choices one makes directly impacts... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then this begs the question where is the polarity of his character, where is the good and bad? Nevertheless, there is a particular point which is critical in understanding the polarity of his character. By laying in front of the oxen driven cart Alcibiades displays defiance, a willingness to break the rules no matter the cost, and when a fixation so grand presents itself even death cannot make him do what is right. And in this subtle and early manifestation, we see the extremes he is willing to go to to obtain that which he is set on. Plutarch makes it clear that Pericles nature was much more restrained, he acted less on the momentum of the moment and moreso on logic to dictate his actions. Thus, it can be assumed Alcibiades was rash and thrived in the moment whereas Pericles was reserved and calculated. In short, Pericles was balanced and calculated whereas, on the far end of the spectrum, Alcibiades was volatile! This variability in his character does ultimately cause his demise for in a democratic city state such as Athens even the lightest hint of deception and extremes lead to ostracism. That is to say, Athenian democracy necessitates or rather demands a transparent, logical, and virtuous leaders. Leaders who are level headed, such as Pericles, and Alcibiades was simply not that. He was at times outrageous and extreme while at other instances charismatic and
  • 47. Lake Park Research Paper Diamond of Dale Mabry Parking in the main picnic area great field stretches out, and ends at the edge of a large lake. There is a light scattering of trees in the field but is quite open. Lake Park is located on Dale Mabry highway in Lutz, Florida. Florida is home to 160 state parks covering more than 700,000 acres. (Gall Antone, 2012). Lake Park is a beautiful, family and pet friendly part of these parks, with lots of activities for the whole family. The breeze whispering through the trees and the sun sparkling of the water of the lakes, makes for a fun and relaxing atmosphere. Once parked, and out of the vehicle, you can see the entirety of the main picnic area. To the right are the bathrooms housed in a small rosy pink and deep brown ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is a full sized BMX course that has smooth, bright orange dirt paving, reminiscent of Georgia clay. Lake Park hosts weekly practices and races for children, teens, and adults interested in the sport. A horse arena sits next to the BMX course, and there is even a R/C car race track that is just as smooth and well kept as the BMX area. Lots of opportunity to get out of the house and spend quality time with the