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C++ Training
PL Sharma
HP Autonomy
Object Oriented Way
ā€¢ Data Encapsulation and Abstraction
ā€¢ Data Hiding
ā€¢ Inheritance
ā€¢ Polymorphism
ā€¢ Dynamic Binding
ā€¢ Message Passing
ā€¢ Classes
ā€¢ Objects
Data Encapsulation and Abstraction
ā€¢ Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features
without including the background details or explanations.
ā€¢ Classes use the concept of abstraction and are defined as a list of
abstract attributes.
ā€¢ Storing data and functions in a single unit (class) is encapsulation.
ā€¢ Data cannot be accessible to the outside world and only those
functions which are stored in the class can access it
ā€¢ Itā€™s the process of Hiding the complexities of implementation and
providing a simple Interface for easy use.
ā€¢ Its implemented using Encapsulation.
ā€¢ Functions, Structures and Classes implement Abstraction at
programmer level.
ā€¢ Itā€™s the process of wrapping up of Data and Functions inside a single
Entity (usually Classes).
ā€¢ Encapsulation helps to establish Abstraction and Data Hiding.
ā€¢ Functions, Structures and Classes implement Encapsulation at
programmer level
Data Hiding
ā€¢ Itā€™s the process of keeping the Data under such an Access mode that
its only accessible to permitted Functions.
ā€¢ Using Private, Protected specifiers, we can hide Data from access
from outside a Class.
ā€¢ Functions, Structures and Classes implement Data Hiding at
programmer level
ā€¢ Inheritance is the process by which objects can acquire the properties of objects of other class.
ā€¢ In OOP, inheritance provides reusability, like, adding additional features to an existing class
without modifying it.
ā€¢ This is achieved by deriving a new class from the existing one. The new class will have combined
features of both the classes.
ā€¢ Here the Class which gets the Inherited properties is called the Child Class and from which it
acquires the properties is called the Base or Parent Class.
ā€¢ During Inheritance the Protected and Public Data and Functions get passed on as copies from the
Parent or Base Classes to Child Classes.
ā€¢ It forms a Hierarchical Structure from Parent down to Children Classes.
ā€¢ It implements Reusability of Parent Class Data and Functions.
ā€¢ Structures and Classes can be used to implement Inheritance.
ā€¢ Types :- Single, Multilevel, Multiple, Hierarchical and Hybrid.
ā€¢ Polymorphism means the ability to take more than one form. An operation
may exhibit different behaviors in different instances.
ā€¢ The behavior depends on the data types used in the operation.
ā€¢ Polymorphism is extensively used in implementing Inheritance using same
name with either Different number of Arguments or Different Data types of
ā€¢ Types:-
ā€¢ Compile Time (the compiler recognizes the binding between the function
and its code during compile time)
ā€¢ Run Time(the compiler recognizes the binding between the function and its
code during runtime)
ā€¢ Its implemented using Virtual Functions, during Inheritance
Message Passing
ā€¢ Itā€™s the process of passing Data between Objects of same Class and also of
different Classes.
ā€¢ Its implemented using Function calling or by simply sharing data.
ā€¢ Types:- From User to Objects (done by invoking Function inside an Object)
and From Object to Object (by sharing Data of one Object with another
ā€¢ Using Friend functions (with objects as input arguments), message passing
can be done between two or more Objects of Different Classes.
ā€¢ Using member Functions (with objects as input arguments), message
passing can be done between objects of same Class.
ā€¢ A class is a collection of objects of similar type
ā€¢ Once a class is defined, any number of objects can be created which
belong to that class
ā€¢ In fact, objects are variables of the type class. Once a class has been
defined, we can create any number of objects belonging to that class
ā€¢ A Class is a Blueprint or Stencil for creating Objects.
ā€¢ A Class specifies all the Member Data and Member Functions that
would be present in the Objects created using the Class.
ā€¢ Itā€™s a User Defined Data Type also called Abstract Data Type, which
acts like a basic data type when used.
ā€¢ Objects are the basic run-time entities in an object-oriented system.
ā€¢ Programming problem is analyzed in terms of objects and nature of
communication between them
ā€¢ When a program is executed, objects interact with each other by
sending messages
ā€¢ Different objects can also interact with each other without knowing
the details of their data or code
ā€¢ An Object is an Instance of a Class. An Instance is the existence in the
computer system by acquiring a memory space.
Assets Of Class
ā€¢ Constructor
ā€¢ Copy Constructor
ā€¢ Destructor
ā€¢ Assignment Operator
ā€¢ this Pointer
ā€¢ Constructor is a special non-static member function of a class that is
used to initialize objects of its class type.
ā€¢ In the definition of a constructor of a class, member initializer list
specifies the initializers for direct and virtual base subobjects and
non-static data members.
ā€¢ Constructors have no names and cannot be called directly. They are
invoked when initialization takes place, and they are selected
according to the rules of initialization.
Constructors and member initializer lists
ā€¢ Before the compound statement that forms the function body of the
constructor begins executing, initialization of all direct bases, virtual bases,
and non-static data members is finished
ā€¢ Initializer List is used to initialize data members of a class. The list of
members to be initialized is indicated with constructor as a comma
separated list followed by a colon
ā€¢ Member initializer list is the place where non-default initialization of these
objects can be specified.
ā€¢ For members that cannot be default-initialized, such as members of
reference and const-qualified types, member initializers must be specified.
ā€¢ You specify the initialization list when you define the constructor, not when
you declare it.
Order of initialization during construction
ā€¢ The order of member initializers in the list is irrelevant
ā€¢ If the constructor is for the most-derived class, virtual base classes are
initialized in the order in which they appear in depth-first left-to-right
traversal of the base class declarations (left-to-right refers to the appearance
in base-specifier lists)
ā€¢ Then, direct base classes are initialized in left-to-right order as they appear in
this class's base-specifier list
ā€¢ Then, non-static data members are initialized in order of declaration in the
class definition.
ā€¢ Finally, the body of the constructor is executed
ā€¢ And order of destruction is the reverse of the order of construction
Example - member initializer lists
class Something
int m_nValue;
double m_dValue;
int *m_pnValue;
m_nValue = 0;
m_dValue = 0.0;
m_pnValue = 0;
ā€¢ When the classā€™s constructor is
executed, m_nValue, m_dValue, and
m_chValue are created. Then the body
of the constructor is run, where the
member data variables are assigned
ā€¢ C++ provides another way of initializing
member variables that allows us to
initialize member variables when they
are created rather than afterwards. This
is done through use of an initialization
ā€¢ The classes that we have written have
only included non-const or pointer
member variables
class Something
int m_nValue;
double m_dValue;
int *m_pnValue;
Something() :
Initialization of non-static const data
ā€¢ const data members must be initialized using Initializer List. In the following example, ā€œtā€ is a const data
member of Test class and is initialized using Initializer List
class Test {
const int t;
Test(int t):t(t) {} //Initializer list must be used
int getT() { return t; }
int main() {
Test t1(10);
return 0;
Initialization of reference members
ā€¢ Reference members must be initialized using Initializer List. In the following example, ā€œtā€ is a reference member of Test class and is
initialized using Initializer List.
class Test {
int &t;
Test(int &t):t(t) {} //Initializer list must be used
int getT() { return t; }
int main() {
int x = 20;
Test t1(x);
return 0;
Initialization of member objects do not have
default constructor
class A {
int i;
A(int );
A::A(int arg) {
i = arg;
cout << "A's Constructor called: Value of i: " << i <<
if class A had both default and parameterized
constructors, then Initializer List is not must, if we
want to initialize ā€œaā€ using default constructor, but it
is must to initialize ā€œaā€ using parameterized
// Class B contains object of A
class B {
A a;
B(int );
B::B(int x):a(x) { //Initializer list must be used
cout << "B's Constructor called";
int main() {
B obj(10);
return 0;
Constructorā€™s parameter name is same as
data member
ā€¢ If constructorā€™s parameter name is same as data member name then the data member must be initialized either using this
pointer or Initializer List
class A {
int i;
A(int );
int getI() const { return i; }
A::A(int i):i(i) { } // Either Initializer list or this pointer must be used
/* The above constructor can also be written as
A::A(int i) {
this->i = i;
ā€¢ Composition is used for objects that have a has-a relationship to each other. A
personal computer has-a CPU, a motherboard, and other components
ā€¢ are complex classes that contain other subclasses as member variables
class PersonalComputer
Motherboard m_cMotherboard;
Member initialization lists under composition
ā€¢ In the previous slides on initialization lists, We have seen that the preferred way to initialize class members is through
initializer lists rather than assignment.
ā€¢ So letā€™s write a constructor for our PersonalComputer class that uses an initialization list to initialize the member variables.
PersonalComputer::PersonalComputer(int nCPUSpeed, char *strMotherboardModel, int nRAMSize)
: m_cCPU(nCPUSpeed),
ā€¢ Now, when a PersonalComputer object is instantiated using this constructor, that PersonalComputer object will contain a
CPU object initialized with nCPUSpeed, a Motherboard object initialized with strMotherboardModel, and a RAM object
initialized with nRAMSize.
ā€¢ It is worth explicitly noting that composition implies ownership between the complex class and any subclasses. When the
complex class is created, the subclasses are created. When the complex class is destroyed, the subclasses are similarly
ā€¢ An aggregation is a specific type of composition where no ownership between the complex object and the
subobjects is implied.
ā€¢ When an aggregate is destroyed, the subobjects are not destroyed.
ā€¢ Because aggregations are just a special type of compositions, they are implemented almost identically, and
the difference between them is mostly semantic.
ā€¢ In a composition, we typically add our subclasses to the composition using either normal variables or
pointers where the allocation and deallocation process is handled by the composition class
ā€¢ In an aggregation, we also add other subclasses to our complex aggregate class as member variables.
However, these member variables are typically either references or pointers that are used to point at objects
that have been created outside the scope of the class.
ā€¢ Consequently, an aggregate class usually either takes the objects it is going to point to as constructor
parameters, or it begins empty and the subobjects are added later via access functions or operators.
ā€¢ Because these subclass objects live outside of the scope of the class, when the class is destroyed, the pointer
or reference member variable will be destroyed, but the subclass objects themselves will still exist.
Composition Vs Aggregation
ā€¢ Compositions:
ā€¢ Typically use normal member variables
ā€¢ Can use pointer values if the composition class automatically handles
ā€¢ Responsible for creation/destruction of subclasses
ā€¢ Aggregations:
ā€¢ Typically use pointer variables that point to an object that lives outside the
scope of the aggregate class
ā€¢ Can use reference values that point to an object that lives outside the scope
of the aggregate class
ā€¢ Not responsible for creating/destroying subclasses
Example - Aggregation
class Teacher
string m_strName;
Teacher(string strName) : m_strName(strName) { }
string GetName() { return m_strName; }
class Department
Teacher *m_pcTeacher; // This dept holds only one teacher
Department(Teacher *pcTeacher) : m_pcTeacher(pcTeacher) { }
int main()
// Create a teacher outside the scope of the Department
Teacher *pTeacher = new Teacher("Bob"); // create a teacher
// Create a department and use the constructor parameter to pass
// the teacher to it.
Department cDept(pTeacher);
} // cDept goes out of scope here and is destroyed
// pTeacher still exists here because cDept did not destroy it
delete pTeacher;
Container classes
ā€¢ A container class is a class designed to hold and organize multiple
instances of another class. There are many different kinds of container
ā€¢ Container classes typically implement a fairly standardized minimal set of
functionality. Most well-defined containers will include functions that:
ā€¢ Create an empty container (via a constructor)
ā€¢ Insert a new object into the container
ā€¢ Remove an object from the container
ā€¢ Report the number of objects currently in the container
ā€¢ Empty the container of all objects
ā€¢ Provide access to the stored objects.
Introduction to inheritance
ā€¢ One of the fundamental ideas behind object-oriented programming is that
code should be reusable.
ā€¢ Inheritance allows you directly reuse existing code that meets your needs
ā€¢ You only need to add new features, redefine existing features that do not
meet your needs, or hide features you do not want.
ā€¢ Any changes made to the base code automatically get propagated to the
inherited code. This means it is possible to change one piece of code (eg. to
apply a bug fix) and all derived objects will automatically be updated.
ā€¢ Inheriting from a base class means we donā€™t have to redefine the
information from the base class in our derived classes. We automatically
receive the member functions and member variables of the base class
through inheritance, and then simply add the additional functions or
member variables we want.
Example ā€“ Inheritance
Derived is really two parts: a Base part, and a Derived part.
When C++ constructs derived objects, it does so in pieces, starting with the base portion of the class.
Once that is complete, it then walks through the inheritance tree and constructs each derived portion of the
Constructors and initialization of base classes
class Base
int m_nValue;
Base(int nValue=0)
: m_nValue(nValue)
int main()
Base cBase(5); // use Base(int) constructor
return 0;
ā€¢ Hereā€™s what actually happens when cBase
is instantiated:
ā€¢ Memory for cBase is set aside
ā€¢ The appropriate Base constructor is called
ā€¢ The initialization list initializes variables
ā€¢ The body of the constructor executes
ā€¢ Control is returned to the caller
Constructors and initialization of derived classes
class Base
int m_nValue;
Base(int nValue=0) : m_nValue(nValue) { }
class Derived: public Base
double m_dValue;
Derived(double dValue=0.0) : m_dValue(dValue) { }
int main()
Derived cDerived(1.3); // use Derived(double) constructor
return 0;
ā€¢ Hereā€™s what actually happens when cDerived is
ā€¢ Memory for cDerived is set aside (enough for both the Base and
Derived portions).
ā€¢ The appropriate Derived constructor is called
ā€¢ The Base object is constructed first using the appropriate Base
ā€¢ The initialization list initializes variables
ā€¢ The body of the constructor executes
ā€¢ Control is returned to the caller
ā€¢ The only real difference between this case and the non-
inherited case is that before the Derived constructor can do
anything substantial, the Base constructor is called first.
ā€¢ The Base constructor sets up the Base portion of the
object, control is returned to the Derived constructor, and
the Derived constructor is allowed to finish up itā€™s job
Initializing base class members
ā€¢ C++ prevents classes from initializing inherited member variables in the
initialization list of a constructor.
ā€¢ In other words, the value of a variable can only be set in an initialization list
of a constructor belonging to the same class as the variable.
ā€¢ However, when the base class constructor finishes, the derived class
constructors initialization lists are then executed.
ā€¢ Each derived class would then have the opportunity to initialize that bases
classā€™s variable, potentially changing itā€™s value!
ā€¢ By restricting the initialization of variables to the constructor of the class
those variables belong to, C++ ensures that all variables are initialized only
Initializing base class members Contd.
class Base
int m_nValue;
Base(int nValue=0) : m_nValue(nValue) { }
class Derived: public Base
double m_dValue;
Derived(double dValue=0.0, int nValue=0)
: Base(nValue), // Call Base(int) constructor with nValue!
m_dValue(dValue) { }
int main()
Derived cDerived(1.3,5); // use Derived(double) constructor
return 0;
ā€¢ The base class constructor Base(int) will be used to initialize
m_nValue to 5, and the derived class constructor will be used
to initialize m_dValue to 1.3!
ā€¢ In more detail, hereā€™s what happens:
ā€¢ Memory for cDerived is allocated.
ā€¢ The Derived(double, int) constructor is called, where dValue = 1.3,
and nValue = 5
ā€¢ The compiler looks to see if weā€™ve asked for a particular Base class
constructor. We have! So it calls Base(int) with nValue = 5.
ā€¢ The base class constructor initialization list sets m_nValue to 5
ā€¢ The base class constructor body executes
ā€¢ The base class constructor returns
ā€¢ The derived class constuctor initialization list sets m_dValue to 1.3
ā€¢ The derived class constructor body executes
ā€¢ The derived class constructor returns
ā€¢ All thatā€™s happening is that the Derived constructor is calling a
specific Base constructor to initialize the Base portion of the
object. Because m_nValue lives in the Base portion of the
object, the Base constructor is the only constructor that can
initialize itā€™s value
Inheritance and access specifiers
class Base
int m_nPublic; // can be accessed by anybody
int m_nPrivate; // can only be accessed by Base member functions (but not derived classes)
int m_nProtected; // can be accessed by Base member functions, or derived classes.
class Derived: public Base
// Derived's access to Base members is not influenced by the type of inheritance used,
// so the following is always true:
m_nPublic = 1; // allowed: can access public base members from derived class
m_nPrivate = 2; // not allowed: can not access private base members from derived class
m_nProtected = 3; // allowed: can access protected base members from derived class
int main()
Base cBase;
cBase.m_nPublic = 1; // allowed: can access public members from outside class
cBase.m_nPrivate = 2; // not allowed: can not access private members from outside class
cBase.m_nProtected = 3; // not allowed: can not access protected members from outside class
ā€¢ There are three ways that members can be accessed:
ā€¢ A class can always access itā€™s own members regardless of access specifier.
ā€¢ The public accesses the members of a class based on the access specifiers of that class.
ā€¢ A derived class accesses inherited members based on the access specifiers of its
immediate parent. A derived class can always access itā€™s own members regardless of
access specifier.
ā€¢ First, the base class sets itā€™s access specifiers. The base class can always access itā€™s own
members. The access specifiers only affect whether outsiders and derived classes can access
those members.
ā€¢ Second, derived classes have access to base class members based on the access specifiers of
the immediate parent. The way a derived class accesses inherited members is not affected by
the inheritance method used!
ā€¢ Finally, derived classes can change the access type of inherited members based on the
inheritance method used. This does not affect the derived classes own members, which have
their own access specifiers. It only affects whether outsiders and classes derived from the
derived class can access those inherited members
Inheritance and access specifiers Contd.
class Pub: public Base // Inherit from Base publicly
{ };
When you inherit a base class publicly, all members keep their original access specifications. Private members stay private, protected members stay protected, and public members
stay public.
class Pri: private Base // Inherit from Base privately
{ };
With private inheritance, all members from the base class are inherited as private. This means private members stay private, and protected and public members become private
class Pro: protected Base // Inherit from Base protectedly
{ };
Protected inheritance is the last method of inheritance. It is almost never used, except in very particular cases. With protected inheritance, the public and protected members
become protected, and private members stay private
class Def: Base // Defaults to private inheritance
{ };
When a derived class inherits from a base class, the access specifiers may change depending on the method of inheritance. There are three different ways for classes to inherit from
other classes: public, private, and protected.
If you do not choose an inheritance type, C++ defaults to private inheritance (just like members default to private access if you do not specify otherwise).
Multiple inheritance
ā€¢ C++ provides the ability to do multiple inheritance. Multiple
inheritance enables a derived class to inherit members from more
than one parent
class Teacher: public Person, public Employee // Teacher publicly inherits Person and Employee
int m_nTeachesGrade;
Teacher(std::string strName, int nAge, bool bIsMale, std::string strEmployer, double dWage, int nTeachesGrade)
: Person(strName, nAge, bIsMale), Employee(strEmployer, dWage), m_nTeachesGrade(nTeachesGrade)
{ }
Problems with multiple inheritance
class USBDevice
long m_lID;
USBDevice(long lID) : m_lID(lID)
{ }
long GetID() { return m_lID; }
class NetworkDevice
long m_lID;
NetworkDevice(long lID) : m_lID(lID)
{ }
long GetID() { return m_lID; }
class WirelessAdaptor: public USBDevice, public NetworkDevice
WirelessAdaptor(long lUSBID, long lNetworkID)
: USBDevice(lUSBID), NetworkDevice(lNetworkID)
{ }
int main()
WirelessAdaptor c54G(5442, 181742);
cout << c54G.GetID(); // Which GetID() do we call? Its ambigious
return 0;
int main()
WirelessAdaptor c54G(5442, 181742);
cout << c54G.USBDevice::GetID(); // Work around to resolve ambiguity
return 0;}
Diamond Problem
class PoweredDevice
class Scanner: public PoweredDevice
class Printer: public PoweredDevice
class Copier: public Scanner, public Printer
This occurs when a class multiply inherits from two classes which each inherit
from a single base class.
This leads to a diamond shaped inheritance pattern.
Scanners and printers are both powered devices, so they derived from
However, a copy machine incorporates the functionality of both Scanners and
There are many issues that arise in this context, including whether Copier should
have one or two copies of PoweredDevice, and how to resolve certain types of
ambiguous references.
Most of these issues can be addressed through explicit scoping
Virtual base classes
ā€¢ You may want only one copy of PoweredDevice to be shared by both Scanner and
ā€¢ To share a base class, simply insert the ā€œvirtualā€ keyword in the inheritance list of
the derived class.
ā€¢ This creates what is called a virtual base class, which means there is only one
base object that is shared.
ā€¢ Now, when you create a Copier class, you will get only one copy of
PoweredDevice that will be shared by both Scanner and Printer
class Copier: public Scanner, public Printer
Copier(int nScanner, int nPrinter, int nPower)
: Scanner(nScanner, nPower), Printer(nPrinter, nPower),
{ }
The Copier constructor is responsible for creating PoweredDevice. Consequently, this
is one time when Copier is allowed to call a non-immediate-parent constructor
PoweredDevice only gets constructed once.
class PoweredDevice
class Scanner: virtual public PoweredDevice
class Printer: virtual public PoweredDevice
class Copier: public Scanner, public Printer
Copier c;
Virtual base classes Contd.
ā€¢ First, virtual base classes are created before non-virtual base classes, which ensures all
bases get created before their derived classes.
ā€¢ Second, note that the Scanner and Printer constructors still have calls to the
PoweredDevice constructor.
ā€¢ If we are creating an instance of Copier, these constructor calls are simply ignored because Copier
is responsible for creating the PoweredDevice, not Scanner or Printer.
ā€¢ However, if we were to create an instance of Scanner or Printer, the virtual keyword is ignored,
those constructor calls would be used, and normal inheritance rules apply.
ā€¢ Third, if a class inherits one or more classes that have virtual parents, the most derived
class is responsible for constructing the virtual base class.
ā€¢ In this case, Copier inherits Printer and Scanner, both of which have a PoweredDevice virtual base
ā€¢ Copier, the most derived class, is responsible for creation of PoweredDevice. Note that this is true
even in a single inheritance case:
ā€¢ if Copier was singly inherited from Printer, and Printer was virtually inherited from
PoweredDevice, Copier is still responsible for creating PoweredDevice.
Virtual Functions
class Base
int m_nValue;
Base(int nValue) : m_nValue(nValue) { }
const char* GetName() { return "Base"; }
int GetValue() { return m_nValue; }
class Derived: public Base
Derived(int nValue) : Base(nValue) { }
const char* GetName() { return "Derived"; }
int GetValueDoubled() { return m_nValue * 2; }
When we create a Derived object, it contains a Base part (which is constructed first), and a Derived part (which is
constructed second).
Remember that inheritance implies an is-a relationship between two classes. Since a Derived is-a Base, it is appropriate
that Derived contain a Base part of it
int main()
Derived cDerived(5);
Base &rBase = cDerived; // These are both legal!
Base *pBase = &cDerived;
cout << "cDerived is a " << cDerived.GetName() << " and value " << cDerived.GetValue() << endl;
cout << "rBase is a " << rBase.GetName() << " and value " << rBase.GetValue() << endl;
cout << "pBase is a " << pBase->GetName() << " and has value " << pBase->GetValue() << endl;
return 0;
This produces the result:
cDerived is a Derived and has value 5
rBase is a Base and has value 5
pBase is a Base and has value 5
It turns out that because rBase and pBase are a Base reference and pointer, they can only see members of Base (or any
classes that Base inherited). So even though Derived::GetName() is an override of Base::GetName(), the Base
pointer/reference can not see Derived::GetName(). Consequently, they call Base::GetName(), which is why rBase and
pBase report that they are a Base rather than a Derived.
Virtual Functions Contd.
class Animal
std::string m_strName;
Animal(std::string strName) : m_strName(strName) { }
std::string GetName() { return m_strName; }
const char* Speak() { return "???"; }
class Cat: public Animal
Cat(std::string strName) : Animal(strName) { }
const char* Speak() { return "Meow"; }
class Dog: public Animal
Dog(std::string strName) : Animal(strName) { }
const char* Speak() { return "Woof"; }
int main()
Cat cCat("Fred");
cout << "cCat is named " << cCat.GetName() << ", and it says " << cCat.Speak() << endl;
Dog cDog("Garbo");
cout << "cDog is named " << cDog.GetName() << ", and it says " << cDog.Speak() << endl;
Animal *pAnimal = &cCat;
cout << "pAnimal is named " << pAnimal->GetName() << ", and it says " << pAnimal->Speak() << endl;
Animal *pAnimal = &cDog;
cout << "pAnimal is named " << pAnimal->GetName() << ", and it says " << pAnimal->Speak() << endl;
return 0;
This produces the result:
cCat is named Fred, and it says Meow
cDog is named Garbo, and it says Woof
pAnimal is named Fred, and it says ???
pAnimal is named Garbo, and it says ???
We see the same issue here. Because pAnimal is an Animal pointer, it can only see the Animal class. Consequently,
pAnimal->Speak() calls Animal::Speak() rather than the Dog::Speak() or Cat::Speak() function.
Virtual functions
class Base
virtual const char* GetName() { return "Base"; }
class Derived: public Base
const char* GetName() { return "Derived"; }
int main()
Derived cDerived;
Base &rBase = &cDerived;
cout << "rBase is a " << rBase.GetName() << endl;
return 0;
This example prints the result:
rBase is a Derived
Because rBase is a pointer to the Base portion of a Derived object,
when rBase.GetName() is evaluated, it would normally resolve to
However, Base::GetName() is virtual, which tells the program to go
look and see if there are any more-derived versions of the function
Because the Base object that rBase is pointing to is actually part of
a Derived object, the program will check every inherited class
between Base and Derived and use the most-derived version of
the function that it finds. In this case, that is Derived::GetName()
A word of warning: the signature of the derived class function
must exactly match the signature of the base class virtual function
in order for the derived class function to be used.
If the derived class function has different parameter types, the
program will likely still compile fine, but the virtual function will
not resolve as intended
Virtual destructors
class Base
~Base() { cout << "Calling ~Base()" << endl; }
class Derived: public Base
int* m_pnArray;
Derived(int nLength) { m_pnArray = new int[nLength]; }
~Derived() // note: not virtual
cout << "Calling ~Derived()" << endl;
delete[] m_pnArray;
int main()
Derived *pDerived = new Derived(5);
Base *pBase = pDerived;
delete pBase;
return 0;
Output : Calling ~Base()
class Base
virtual ~Base() { cout << "Calling ~Base()" << endl; }
class Derived: public Base
int* m_pnArray;
Derived(int nLength) { m_pnArray = new int[nLength]; }
virtual ~Derived()
cout << "Calling ~Derived()" << endl;
delete[] m_pnArray;
int main()
Derived *pDerived = new Derived(5);
Base *pBase = pDerived;
delete pBase;
return 0;
Calling ~Derived()
Calling ~Base()
Because pBase is a Base pointer, when
pBase is deleted,
the program looks to see if the Base
destructor is virtual.
Itā€™s not, so it assumes it only needs to call
the Base destructor.
However, we really want the delete
function to call Derivedā€™s destructor
(which will call Baseā€™s destructor in turn).
We do this by making Baseā€™s destructor
Resolving a virtual function call takes
longer than a resolving a regular one.
Furthermore, the compiler also has to
allocate an extra pointer for each class
object that has one or more virtual
Overriding virtualization
class Base
virtual const char* GetName() { return "Base"; }
class Derived: public Base
virtual const char* GetName() { return "Derived"; }
int main()
Derived cDerived;
Base &rBase = cDerived;
// Calls Base::GetName() instead of the virtualized Derived::GetName()
cout << rBase.Base::GetName() << endl;
There may be cases where you want a Base pointer to a Derived object to call Base::GetName() instead of Derived::GetName(). To do so,
simply use the scope resolution operator
The virtual table
ā€¢ To implement virtual functions, C++ uses a special form of late binding known as
the virtual table.
ā€¢ The virtual table is a lookup table of functions used to resolve function calls in a
dynamic/late binding manner.
ā€¢ Every class that uses virtual functions (or is derived from a class that uses virtual
functions) is given itā€™s own virtual table.
ā€¢ This table is simply a static array that the compiler sets up at compile time.
ā€¢ A virtual table contains one entry for each virtual function that can be called by
objects of the class.
ā€¢ Each entry in this table is simply a function pointer that points to the most-
derived function accessible by that class.
ā€¢ The compiler adds a hidden pointer to the most base class that uses virtual
functions. Although the compiler does this automatically, which we will call
ā€¢ *__vptr is set (automatically) when a class instance is created so that it points to
the virtual table for that class
class Base
FunctionPointer *__vptr;
virtual void function1() {};
virtual void function2() {};
class D1: public Base
virtual void function1() {};
class D2: public Base
virtual void function2() {};
By using these tables, the compiler and program are able to ensure function calls
resolve to the appropriate virtual function, even if youā€™re only using a pointer or
reference to a base class
Calling a virtual function is slower than calling a non-virtual function for a couple of
reasons: First, we have to use the *__vptr to get to the appropriate virtual table.
Second, we have to index the virtual table to find the correct function to call
Pure virtual functions and abstract base classes
ā€¢ C++ allows you to create a special kind of virtual function called a pure virtual function (or abstract function) that has no body at
ā€¢ A pure virtual function simply acts as a placeholder that is meant to be redefined by derived classes
ā€¢ To create a pure virtual function, rather than define a body for the function, we simply assign the function the value 0.
class Base
const char* SayHi() { return "Hi"; } // a normal non-virtual function
virtual const char* GetName() { return "Base"; } // a normal virtual function
virtual int GetValue() = 0; // a pure virtual function
ā€¢ When we add a pure virtual function to our class, we are effectively saying, ā€œit is up to the derived classes to implement this
ā€¢ Using a pure virtual function has two main consequences: First, any class with one or more pure virtual functions becomes an
abstract base class, which means that it can not be instantiated.
ā€¢ Second, any derived class must define a body for this function, or that derived class will be considered an abstract base class as
ā€¢ A pure virtual function makes it so the base class can not be instantiated, and the derived classes are forced to define these
function before they can be instantiated

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C++ training

  • 2. Object Oriented Way ā€¢ Data Encapsulation and Abstraction ā€¢ Data Hiding ā€¢ Inheritance ā€¢ Polymorphism ā€¢ Dynamic Binding ā€¢ Message Passing ā€¢ Classes ā€¢ Objects
  • 3. Data Encapsulation and Abstraction ā€¢ Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations. ā€¢ Classes use the concept of abstraction and are defined as a list of abstract attributes. ā€¢ Storing data and functions in a single unit (class) is encapsulation. ā€¢ Data cannot be accessible to the outside world and only those functions which are stored in the class can access it
  • 4. Abstraction ā€¢ Itā€™s the process of Hiding the complexities of implementation and providing a simple Interface for easy use. ā€¢ Its implemented using Encapsulation. ā€¢ Functions, Structures and Classes implement Abstraction at programmer level.
  • 5. Encapsulation ā€¢ Itā€™s the process of wrapping up of Data and Functions inside a single Entity (usually Classes). ā€¢ Encapsulation helps to establish Abstraction and Data Hiding. ā€¢ Functions, Structures and Classes implement Encapsulation at programmer level
  • 6. Data Hiding ā€¢ Itā€™s the process of keeping the Data under such an Access mode that its only accessible to permitted Functions. ā€¢ Using Private, Protected specifiers, we can hide Data from access from outside a Class. ā€¢ Functions, Structures and Classes implement Data Hiding at programmer level
  • 7. Inheritance ā€¢ Inheritance is the process by which objects can acquire the properties of objects of other class. ā€¢ In OOP, inheritance provides reusability, like, adding additional features to an existing class without modifying it. ā€¢ This is achieved by deriving a new class from the existing one. The new class will have combined features of both the classes. ā€¢ Here the Class which gets the Inherited properties is called the Child Class and from which it acquires the properties is called the Base or Parent Class. ā€¢ During Inheritance the Protected and Public Data and Functions get passed on as copies from the Parent or Base Classes to Child Classes. ā€¢ It forms a Hierarchical Structure from Parent down to Children Classes. ā€¢ It implements Reusability of Parent Class Data and Functions. ā€¢ Structures and Classes can be used to implement Inheritance. ā€¢ Types :- Single, Multilevel, Multiple, Hierarchical and Hybrid.
  • 8. Polymorphism ā€¢ Polymorphism means the ability to take more than one form. An operation may exhibit different behaviors in different instances. ā€¢ The behavior depends on the data types used in the operation. ā€¢ Polymorphism is extensively used in implementing Inheritance using same name with either Different number of Arguments or Different Data types of Arguments. ā€¢ Types:- ā€¢ Compile Time (the compiler recognizes the binding between the function and its code during compile time) ā€¢ Run Time(the compiler recognizes the binding between the function and its code during runtime) ā€¢ Its implemented using Virtual Functions, during Inheritance
  • 9. Message Passing ā€¢ Itā€™s the process of passing Data between Objects of same Class and also of different Classes. ā€¢ Its implemented using Function calling or by simply sharing data. ā€¢ Types:- From User to Objects (done by invoking Function inside an Object) and From Object to Object (by sharing Data of one Object with another Object). ā€¢ Using Friend functions (with objects as input arguments), message passing can be done between two or more Objects of Different Classes. ā€¢ Using member Functions (with objects as input arguments), message passing can be done between objects of same Class.
  • 10. Class ā€¢ A class is a collection of objects of similar type ā€¢ Once a class is defined, any number of objects can be created which belong to that class ā€¢ In fact, objects are variables of the type class. Once a class has been defined, we can create any number of objects belonging to that class ā€¢ A Class is a Blueprint or Stencil for creating Objects. ā€¢ A Class specifies all the Member Data and Member Functions that would be present in the Objects created using the Class. ā€¢ Itā€™s a User Defined Data Type also called Abstract Data Type, which acts like a basic data type when used.
  • 11. Object ā€¢ Objects are the basic run-time entities in an object-oriented system. ā€¢ Programming problem is analyzed in terms of objects and nature of communication between them ā€¢ When a program is executed, objects interact with each other by sending messages ā€¢ Different objects can also interact with each other without knowing the details of their data or code ā€¢ An Object is an Instance of a Class. An Instance is the existence in the computer system by acquiring a memory space.
  • 12. Assets Of Class ā€¢ Constructor ā€¢ Copy Constructor ā€¢ Destructor ā€¢ Assignment Operator ā€¢ this Pointer
  • 13. Constructor ā€¢ Constructor is a special non-static member function of a class that is used to initialize objects of its class type. ā€¢ In the definition of a constructor of a class, member initializer list specifies the initializers for direct and virtual base subobjects and non-static data members. ā€¢ Constructors have no names and cannot be called directly. They are invoked when initialization takes place, and they are selected according to the rules of initialization.
  • 14. Constructors and member initializer lists ā€¢ Before the compound statement that forms the function body of the constructor begins executing, initialization of all direct bases, virtual bases, and non-static data members is finished ā€¢ Initializer List is used to initialize data members of a class. The list of members to be initialized is indicated with constructor as a comma separated list followed by a colon ā€¢ Member initializer list is the place where non-default initialization of these objects can be specified. ā€¢ For members that cannot be default-initialized, such as members of reference and const-qualified types, member initializers must be specified. ā€¢ You specify the initialization list when you define the constructor, not when you declare it.
  • 15. Order of initialization during construction ā€¢ The order of member initializers in the list is irrelevant ā€¢ If the constructor is for the most-derived class, virtual base classes are initialized in the order in which they appear in depth-first left-to-right traversal of the base class declarations (left-to-right refers to the appearance in base-specifier lists) ā€¢ Then, direct base classes are initialized in left-to-right order as they appear in this class's base-specifier list ā€¢ Then, non-static data members are initialized in order of declaration in the class definition. ā€¢ Finally, the body of the constructor is executed ā€¢ And order of destruction is the reverse of the order of construction
  • 16. Example - member initializer lists class Something { private: int m_nValue; double m_dValue; int *m_pnValue; public: Something() { m_nValue = 0; m_dValue = 0.0; m_pnValue = 0; } }; ā€¢ When the classā€™s constructor is executed, m_nValue, m_dValue, and m_chValue are created. Then the body of the constructor is run, where the member data variables are assigned values ā€¢ C++ provides another way of initializing member variables that allows us to initialize member variables when they are created rather than afterwards. This is done through use of an initialization list. ā€¢ The classes that we have written have only included non-const or pointer member variables class Something { private: int m_nValue; double m_dValue; int *m_pnValue; public: Something() : m_nValue(0), m_dValue(0.0), m_pnValue(0) { } };
  • 17. Initialization of non-static const data members ā€¢ const data members must be initialized using Initializer List. In the following example, ā€œtā€ is a const data member of Test class and is initialized using Initializer List class Test { const int t; public: Test(int t):t(t) {} //Initializer list must be used int getT() { return t; } }; int main() { Test t1(10); cout<<t1.getT(); return 0; }
  • 18. Initialization of reference members ā€¢ Reference members must be initialized using Initializer List. In the following example, ā€œtā€ is a reference member of Test class and is initialized using Initializer List. class Test { int &t; public: Test(int &t):t(t) {} //Initializer list must be used int getT() { return t; } }; int main() { int x = 20; Test t1(x); cout<<t1.getT()<<endl; return 0; }
  • 19. Initialization of member objects do not have default constructor class A { int i; public: A(int ); }; A::A(int arg) { i = arg; cout << "A's Constructor called: Value of i: " << i << endl; } if class A had both default and parameterized constructors, then Initializer List is not must, if we want to initialize ā€œaā€ using default constructor, but it is must to initialize ā€œaā€ using parameterized constructor // Class B contains object of A class B { A a; public: B(int ); }; B::B(int x):a(x) { //Initializer list must be used cout << "B's Constructor called"; } int main() { B obj(10); return 0; }
  • 20. Constructorā€™s parameter name is same as data member ā€¢ If constructorā€™s parameter name is same as data member name then the data member must be initialized either using this pointer or Initializer List class A { int i; public: A(int ); int getI() const { return i; } }; A::A(int i):i(i) { } // Either Initializer list or this pointer must be used /* The above constructor can also be written as A::A(int i) { this->i = i; } */
  • 21. Composition ā€¢ Composition is used for objects that have a has-a relationship to each other. A personal computer has-a CPU, a motherboard, and other components ā€¢ are complex classes that contain other subclasses as member variables class PersonalComputer { private: CPU m_cCPU; Motherboard m_cMotherboard; RAM m_cRAM; };
  • 22. Member initialization lists under composition ā€¢ In the previous slides on initialization lists, We have seen that the preferred way to initialize class members is through initializer lists rather than assignment. ā€¢ So letā€™s write a constructor for our PersonalComputer class that uses an initialization list to initialize the member variables. PersonalComputer::PersonalComputer(int nCPUSpeed, char *strMotherboardModel, int nRAMSize) : m_cCPU(nCPUSpeed), m_cMotherboard(strMotherboardModel), m_cRAM(nRAMSize) { } ā€¢ Now, when a PersonalComputer object is instantiated using this constructor, that PersonalComputer object will contain a CPU object initialized with nCPUSpeed, a Motherboard object initialized with strMotherboardModel, and a RAM object initialized with nRAMSize. ā€¢ It is worth explicitly noting that composition implies ownership between the complex class and any subclasses. When the complex class is created, the subclasses are created. When the complex class is destroyed, the subclasses are similarly destroyed.
  • 23. Aggregration ā€¢ An aggregation is a specific type of composition where no ownership between the complex object and the subobjects is implied. ā€¢ When an aggregate is destroyed, the subobjects are not destroyed. ā€¢ Because aggregations are just a special type of compositions, they are implemented almost identically, and the difference between them is mostly semantic. ā€¢ In a composition, we typically add our subclasses to the composition using either normal variables or pointers where the allocation and deallocation process is handled by the composition class ā€¢ In an aggregation, we also add other subclasses to our complex aggregate class as member variables. However, these member variables are typically either references or pointers that are used to point at objects that have been created outside the scope of the class. ā€¢ Consequently, an aggregate class usually either takes the objects it is going to point to as constructor parameters, or it begins empty and the subobjects are added later via access functions or operators. ā€¢ Because these subclass objects live outside of the scope of the class, when the class is destroyed, the pointer or reference member variable will be destroyed, but the subclass objects themselves will still exist.
  • 24. Composition Vs Aggregation ā€¢ Compositions: ā€¢ Typically use normal member variables ā€¢ Can use pointer values if the composition class automatically handles allocation/deallocation ā€¢ Responsible for creation/destruction of subclasses ā€¢ Aggregations: ā€¢ Typically use pointer variables that point to an object that lives outside the scope of the aggregate class ā€¢ Can use reference values that point to an object that lives outside the scope of the aggregate class ā€¢ Not responsible for creating/destroying subclasses
  • 25. Example - Aggregation class Teacher { private: string m_strName; public: Teacher(string strName) : m_strName(strName) { } string GetName() { return m_strName; } }; class Department { private: Teacher *m_pcTeacher; // This dept holds only one teacher public: Department(Teacher *pcTeacher) : m_pcTeacher(pcTeacher) { } }; int main() { // Create a teacher outside the scope of the Department Teacher *pTeacher = new Teacher("Bob"); // create a teacher { // Create a department and use the constructor parameter to pass // the teacher to it. Department cDept(pTeacher); } // cDept goes out of scope here and is destroyed // pTeacher still exists here because cDept did not destroy it delete pTeacher; }
  • 26. Container classes ā€¢ A container class is a class designed to hold and organize multiple instances of another class. There are many different kinds of container classes. ā€¢ Container classes typically implement a fairly standardized minimal set of functionality. Most well-defined containers will include functions that: ā€¢ Create an empty container (via a constructor) ā€¢ Insert a new object into the container ā€¢ Remove an object from the container ā€¢ Report the number of objects currently in the container ā€¢ Empty the container of all objects ā€¢ Provide access to the stored objects.
  • 27. Introduction to inheritance ā€¢ One of the fundamental ideas behind object-oriented programming is that code should be reusable. ā€¢ Inheritance allows you directly reuse existing code that meets your needs ā€¢ You only need to add new features, redefine existing features that do not meet your needs, or hide features you do not want. ā€¢ Any changes made to the base code automatically get propagated to the inherited code. This means it is possible to change one piece of code (eg. to apply a bug fix) and all derived objects will automatically be updated. ā€¢ Inheriting from a base class means we donā€™t have to redefine the information from the base class in our derived classes. We automatically receive the member functions and member variables of the base class through inheritance, and then simply add the additional functions or member variables we want.
  • 28. Example ā€“ Inheritance Derived is really two parts: a Base part, and a Derived part. When C++ constructs derived objects, it does so in pieces, starting with the base portion of the class. Once that is complete, it then walks through the inheritance tree and constructs each derived portion of the class
  • 29. Constructors and initialization of base classes class Base { public: int m_nValue; Base(int nValue=0) : m_nValue(nValue) { } }; int main() { Base cBase(5); // use Base(int) constructor return 0; } ā€¢ Hereā€™s what actually happens when cBase is instantiated: ā€¢ Memory for cBase is set aside ā€¢ The appropriate Base constructor is called ā€¢ The initialization list initializes variables ā€¢ The body of the constructor executes ā€¢ Control is returned to the caller
  • 30. Constructors and initialization of derived classes class Base { public: int m_nValue; Base(int nValue=0) : m_nValue(nValue) { } }; class Derived: public Base { public: double m_dValue; Derived(double dValue=0.0) : m_dValue(dValue) { } }; int main() { Derived cDerived(1.3); // use Derived(double) constructor return 0; } ā€¢ Hereā€™s what actually happens when cDerived is instantiated: ā€¢ Memory for cDerived is set aside (enough for both the Base and Derived portions). ā€¢ The appropriate Derived constructor is called ā€¢ The Base object is constructed first using the appropriate Base constructor ā€¢ The initialization list initializes variables ā€¢ The body of the constructor executes ā€¢ Control is returned to the caller ā€¢ The only real difference between this case and the non- inherited case is that before the Derived constructor can do anything substantial, the Base constructor is called first. ā€¢ The Base constructor sets up the Base portion of the object, control is returned to the Derived constructor, and the Derived constructor is allowed to finish up itā€™s job
  • 31. Initializing base class members ā€¢ C++ prevents classes from initializing inherited member variables in the initialization list of a constructor. ā€¢ In other words, the value of a variable can only be set in an initialization list of a constructor belonging to the same class as the variable. ā€¢ However, when the base class constructor finishes, the derived class constructors initialization lists are then executed. ā€¢ Each derived class would then have the opportunity to initialize that bases classā€™s variable, potentially changing itā€™s value! ā€¢ By restricting the initialization of variables to the constructor of the class those variables belong to, C++ ensures that all variables are initialized only once.
  • 32. Initializing base class members Contd. class Base { public: int m_nValue; Base(int nValue=0) : m_nValue(nValue) { } }; class Derived: public Base { public: double m_dValue; Derived(double dValue=0.0, int nValue=0) : Base(nValue), // Call Base(int) constructor with nValue! m_dValue(dValue) { } }; int main() { Derived cDerived(1.3,5); // use Derived(double) constructor return 0; } ā€¢ The base class constructor Base(int) will be used to initialize m_nValue to 5, and the derived class constructor will be used to initialize m_dValue to 1.3! ā€¢ In more detail, hereā€™s what happens: ā€¢ Memory for cDerived is allocated. ā€¢ The Derived(double, int) constructor is called, where dValue = 1.3, and nValue = 5 ā€¢ The compiler looks to see if weā€™ve asked for a particular Base class constructor. We have! So it calls Base(int) with nValue = 5. ā€¢ The base class constructor initialization list sets m_nValue to 5 ā€¢ The base class constructor body executes ā€¢ The base class constructor returns ā€¢ The derived class constuctor initialization list sets m_dValue to 1.3 ā€¢ The derived class constructor body executes ā€¢ The derived class constructor returns ā€¢ All thatā€™s happening is that the Derived constructor is calling a specific Base constructor to initialize the Base portion of the object. Because m_nValue lives in the Base portion of the object, the Base constructor is the only constructor that can initialize itā€™s value
  • 33. Inheritance and access specifiers class Base { public: int m_nPublic; // can be accessed by anybody private: int m_nPrivate; // can only be accessed by Base member functions (but not derived classes) protected: int m_nProtected; // can be accessed by Base member functions, or derived classes. }; class Derived: public Base { public: Derived() { // Derived's access to Base members is not influenced by the type of inheritance used, // so the following is always true: m_nPublic = 1; // allowed: can access public base members from derived class m_nPrivate = 2; // not allowed: can not access private base members from derived class m_nProtected = 3; // allowed: can access protected base members from derived class } }; int main() { Base cBase; cBase.m_nPublic = 1; // allowed: can access public members from outside class cBase.m_nPrivate = 2; // not allowed: can not access private members from outside class cBase.m_nProtected = 3; // not allowed: can not access protected members from outside class } ā€¢ There are three ways that members can be accessed: ā€¢ A class can always access itā€™s own members regardless of access specifier. ā€¢ The public accesses the members of a class based on the access specifiers of that class. ā€¢ A derived class accesses inherited members based on the access specifiers of its immediate parent. A derived class can always access itā€™s own members regardless of access specifier. ā€¢ First, the base class sets itā€™s access specifiers. The base class can always access itā€™s own members. The access specifiers only affect whether outsiders and derived classes can access those members. ā€¢ Second, derived classes have access to base class members based on the access specifiers of the immediate parent. The way a derived class accesses inherited members is not affected by the inheritance method used! ā€¢ Finally, derived classes can change the access type of inherited members based on the inheritance method used. This does not affect the derived classes own members, which have their own access specifiers. It only affects whether outsiders and classes derived from the derived class can access those inherited members
  • 34. Inheritance and access specifiers Contd. class Pub: public Base // Inherit from Base publicly { }; When you inherit a base class publicly, all members keep their original access specifications. Private members stay private, protected members stay protected, and public members stay public. class Pri: private Base // Inherit from Base privately { }; With private inheritance, all members from the base class are inherited as private. This means private members stay private, and protected and public members become private class Pro: protected Base // Inherit from Base protectedly { }; Protected inheritance is the last method of inheritance. It is almost never used, except in very particular cases. With protected inheritance, the public and protected members become protected, and private members stay private class Def: Base // Defaults to private inheritance { }; When a derived class inherits from a base class, the access specifiers may change depending on the method of inheritance. There are three different ways for classes to inherit from other classes: public, private, and protected. If you do not choose an inheritance type, C++ defaults to private inheritance (just like members default to private access if you do not specify otherwise).
  • 35. Multiple inheritance ā€¢ C++ provides the ability to do multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance enables a derived class to inherit members from more than one parent class Teacher: public Person, public Employee // Teacher publicly inherits Person and Employee { private: int m_nTeachesGrade; public: Teacher(std::string strName, int nAge, bool bIsMale, std::string strEmployer, double dWage, int nTeachesGrade) : Person(strName, nAge, bIsMale), Employee(strEmployer, dWage), m_nTeachesGrade(nTeachesGrade) { } };
  • 36. Problems with multiple inheritance class USBDevice { private: long m_lID; public: USBDevice(long lID) : m_lID(lID) { } long GetID() { return m_lID; } }; class NetworkDevice { private: long m_lID; public: NetworkDevice(long lID) : m_lID(lID) { } long GetID() { return m_lID; } }; class WirelessAdaptor: public USBDevice, public NetworkDevice { public: WirelessAdaptor(long lUSBID, long lNetworkID) : USBDevice(lUSBID), NetworkDevice(lNetworkID) { } }; int main() { WirelessAdaptor c54G(5442, 181742); cout << c54G.GetID(); // Which GetID() do we call? Its ambigious return 0; } int main() { WirelessAdaptor c54G(5442, 181742); cout << c54G.USBDevice::GetID(); // Work around to resolve ambiguity return 0;}
  • 37. Diamond Problem class PoweredDevice { }; class Scanner: public PoweredDevice { }; class Printer: public PoweredDevice { }; class Copier: public Scanner, public Printer { }; This occurs when a class multiply inherits from two classes which each inherit from a single base class. This leads to a diamond shaped inheritance pattern. Scanners and printers are both powered devices, so they derived from PoweredDevice. However, a copy machine incorporates the functionality of both Scanners and Printers. There are many issues that arise in this context, including whether Copier should have one or two copies of PoweredDevice, and how to resolve certain types of ambiguous references. Most of these issues can be addressed through explicit scoping
  • 38. Virtual base classes ā€¢ You may want only one copy of PoweredDevice to be shared by both Scanner and Printer. ā€¢ To share a base class, simply insert the ā€œvirtualā€ keyword in the inheritance list of the derived class. ā€¢ This creates what is called a virtual base class, which means there is only one base object that is shared. ā€¢ Now, when you create a Copier class, you will get only one copy of PoweredDevice that will be shared by both Scanner and Printer class Copier: public Scanner, public Printer { public: Copier(int nScanner, int nPrinter, int nPower) : Scanner(nScanner, nPower), Printer(nPrinter, nPower), PoweredDevice(nPower) { } }; The Copier constructor is responsible for creating PoweredDevice. Consequently, this is one time when Copier is allowed to call a non-immediate-parent constructor directly PoweredDevice only gets constructed once. class PoweredDevice {}; class Scanner: virtual public PoweredDevice {}; class Printer: virtual public PoweredDevice {}; class Copier: public Scanner, public Printer {}; Copier c;
  • 39. Virtual base classes Contd. ā€¢ First, virtual base classes are created before non-virtual base classes, which ensures all bases get created before their derived classes. ā€¢ Second, note that the Scanner and Printer constructors still have calls to the PoweredDevice constructor. ā€¢ If we are creating an instance of Copier, these constructor calls are simply ignored because Copier is responsible for creating the PoweredDevice, not Scanner or Printer. ā€¢ However, if we were to create an instance of Scanner or Printer, the virtual keyword is ignored, those constructor calls would be used, and normal inheritance rules apply. ā€¢ Third, if a class inherits one or more classes that have virtual parents, the most derived class is responsible for constructing the virtual base class. ā€¢ In this case, Copier inherits Printer and Scanner, both of which have a PoweredDevice virtual base class. ā€¢ Copier, the most derived class, is responsible for creation of PoweredDevice. Note that this is true even in a single inheritance case: ā€¢ if Copier was singly inherited from Printer, and Printer was virtually inherited from PoweredDevice, Copier is still responsible for creating PoweredDevice.
  • 40. Virtual Functions class Base { protected: int m_nValue; public: Base(int nValue) : m_nValue(nValue) { } const char* GetName() { return "Base"; } int GetValue() { return m_nValue; } }; class Derived: public Base { public: Derived(int nValue) : Base(nValue) { } const char* GetName() { return "Derived"; } int GetValueDoubled() { return m_nValue * 2; } }; When we create a Derived object, it contains a Base part (which is constructed first), and a Derived part (which is constructed second). Remember that inheritance implies an is-a relationship between two classes. Since a Derived is-a Base, it is appropriate that Derived contain a Base part of it int main() { Derived cDerived(5); Base &rBase = cDerived; // These are both legal! Base *pBase = &cDerived; cout << "cDerived is a " << cDerived.GetName() << " and value " << cDerived.GetValue() << endl; cout << "rBase is a " << rBase.GetName() << " and value " << rBase.GetValue() << endl; cout << "pBase is a " << pBase->GetName() << " and has value " << pBase->GetValue() << endl; return 0; } This produces the result: cDerived is a Derived and has value 5 rBase is a Base and has value 5 pBase is a Base and has value 5 It turns out that because rBase and pBase are a Base reference and pointer, they can only see members of Base (or any classes that Base inherited). So even though Derived::GetName() is an override of Base::GetName(), the Base pointer/reference can not see Derived::GetName(). Consequently, they call Base::GetName(), which is why rBase and pBase report that they are a Base rather than a Derived.
  • 41. Virtual Functions Contd. class Animal { protected: std::string m_strName; Animal(std::string strName) : m_strName(strName) { } public: std::string GetName() { return m_strName; } const char* Speak() { return "???"; } }; class Cat: public Animal { public: Cat(std::string strName) : Animal(strName) { } const char* Speak() { return "Meow"; } }; class Dog: public Animal { public: Dog(std::string strName) : Animal(strName) { } const char* Speak() { return "Woof"; } }; int main() { Cat cCat("Fred"); cout << "cCat is named " << cCat.GetName() << ", and it says " << cCat.Speak() << endl; Dog cDog("Garbo"); cout << "cDog is named " << cDog.GetName() << ", and it says " << cDog.Speak() << endl; Animal *pAnimal = &cCat; cout << "pAnimal is named " << pAnimal->GetName() << ", and it says " << pAnimal->Speak() << endl; Animal *pAnimal = &cDog; cout << "pAnimal is named " << pAnimal->GetName() << ", and it says " << pAnimal->Speak() << endl; return 0; } This produces the result: cCat is named Fred, and it says Meow cDog is named Garbo, and it says Woof pAnimal is named Fred, and it says ??? pAnimal is named Garbo, and it says ??? We see the same issue here. Because pAnimal is an Animal pointer, it can only see the Animal class. Consequently, pAnimal->Speak() calls Animal::Speak() rather than the Dog::Speak() or Cat::Speak() function.
  • 42. Virtual functions class Base { public: virtual const char* GetName() { return "Base"; } }; class Derived: public Base { public: const char* GetName() { return "Derived"; } }; int main() { Derived cDerived; Base &rBase = &cDerived; cout << "rBase is a " << rBase.GetName() << endl; return 0; } This example prints the result: rBase is a Derived Because rBase is a pointer to the Base portion of a Derived object, when rBase.GetName() is evaluated, it would normally resolve to Base::GetName(). However, Base::GetName() is virtual, which tells the program to go look and see if there are any more-derived versions of the function available. Because the Base object that rBase is pointing to is actually part of a Derived object, the program will check every inherited class between Base and Derived and use the most-derived version of the function that it finds. In this case, that is Derived::GetName() A word of warning: the signature of the derived class function must exactly match the signature of the base class virtual function in order for the derived class function to be used. If the derived class function has different parameter types, the program will likely still compile fine, but the virtual function will not resolve as intended
  • 43. Virtual destructors class Base { public: ~Base() { cout << "Calling ~Base()" << endl; } }; class Derived: public Base { private: int* m_pnArray; public: Derived(int nLength) { m_pnArray = new int[nLength]; } ~Derived() // note: not virtual { cout << "Calling ~Derived()" << endl; delete[] m_pnArray; } }; int main() { Derived *pDerived = new Derived(5); Base *pBase = pDerived; delete pBase; return 0; } Output : Calling ~Base() class Base { public: virtual ~Base() { cout << "Calling ~Base()" << endl; } }; class Derived: public Base { private: int* m_pnArray; public: Derived(int nLength) { m_pnArray = new int[nLength]; } virtual ~Derived() { cout << "Calling ~Derived()" << endl; delete[] m_pnArray; } }; int main() { Derived *pDerived = new Derived(5); Base *pBase = pDerived; delete pBase; return 0; } Calling ~Derived() Calling ~Base() Because pBase is a Base pointer, when pBase is deleted, the program looks to see if the Base destructor is virtual. Itā€™s not, so it assumes it only needs to call the Base destructor. However, we really want the delete function to call Derivedā€™s destructor (which will call Baseā€™s destructor in turn). We do this by making Baseā€™s destructor virtual Resolving a virtual function call takes longer than a resolving a regular one. Furthermore, the compiler also has to allocate an extra pointer for each class object that has one or more virtual functions
  • 44. Overriding virtualization class Base { public: virtual const char* GetName() { return "Base"; } }; class Derived: public Base { public virtual const char* GetName() { return "Derived"; } }; int main() { Derived cDerived; Base &rBase = cDerived; // Calls Base::GetName() instead of the virtualized Derived::GetName() cout << rBase.Base::GetName() << endl; } There may be cases where you want a Base pointer to a Derived object to call Base::GetName() instead of Derived::GetName(). To do so, simply use the scope resolution operator
  • 45. The virtual table ā€¢ To implement virtual functions, C++ uses a special form of late binding known as the virtual table. ā€¢ The virtual table is a lookup table of functions used to resolve function calls in a dynamic/late binding manner. ā€¢ Every class that uses virtual functions (or is derived from a class that uses virtual functions) is given itā€™s own virtual table. ā€¢ This table is simply a static array that the compiler sets up at compile time. ā€¢ A virtual table contains one entry for each virtual function that can be called by objects of the class. ā€¢ Each entry in this table is simply a function pointer that points to the most- derived function accessible by that class. ā€¢ The compiler adds a hidden pointer to the most base class that uses virtual functions. Although the compiler does this automatically, which we will call *__vptr. ā€¢ *__vptr is set (automatically) when a class instance is created so that it points to the virtual table for that class
  • 46. VPTR class Base { public: FunctionPointer *__vptr; virtual void function1() {}; virtual void function2() {}; }; class D1: public Base { public: virtual void function1() {}; }; class D2: public Base { public: virtual void function2() {}; }; By using these tables, the compiler and program are able to ensure function calls resolve to the appropriate virtual function, even if youā€™re only using a pointer or reference to a base class Calling a virtual function is slower than calling a non-virtual function for a couple of reasons: First, we have to use the *__vptr to get to the appropriate virtual table. Second, we have to index the virtual table to find the correct function to call
  • 47. Pure virtual functions and abstract base classes ā€¢ C++ allows you to create a special kind of virtual function called a pure virtual function (or abstract function) that has no body at all! ā€¢ A pure virtual function simply acts as a placeholder that is meant to be redefined by derived classes ā€¢ To create a pure virtual function, rather than define a body for the function, we simply assign the function the value 0. class Base { public: const char* SayHi() { return "Hi"; } // a normal non-virtual function virtual const char* GetName() { return "Base"; } // a normal virtual function virtual int GetValue() = 0; // a pure virtual function }; ā€¢ When we add a pure virtual function to our class, we are effectively saying, ā€œit is up to the derived classes to implement this functionā€. ā€¢ Using a pure virtual function has two main consequences: First, any class with one or more pure virtual functions becomes an abstract base class, which means that it can not be instantiated. ā€¢ Second, any derived class must define a body for this function, or that derived class will be considered an abstract base class as well. ā€¢ A pure virtual function makes it so the base class can not be instantiated, and the derived classes are forced to define these function before they can be instantiated