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Capability Building - Olive Green Deck.pptx


The Genesis
The Indian Army is the largest organisation in India with 14 Lakh personnel. Pan-India, its HR processes - hiring, on-
boarding, training, promotions, hi-potential identification and development & succession planning - work
seamlessly and efficiently, thereby making it the high-performing organisation that Indian society respects and
29% of American management research, thought and practice has been influenced by their Armed Forces. The
figure for India is an astonishingly low 0.8%.
We, at Olive Green Consulting, are inspired by the Armed Forces. This knowledge, in combination with our
experience of and skill-sets acquired in the corporate world across different domains and industries, serves up a
unique offering of solutions for you. It is an alternate perspective, our view of the world shaped by our
experiences and what, we believe, are the Competencies required to be Future-Ready.
There’s a whole new world of new experiences and opportunities out there. We are opening a window for you in
to this world. Happy Reading!


About Us


Our Management
Nikhil B. S Cheema Arvind Raghavan
Nikhil has 15 yrs. experience in Corporate HR
& Consulting;most notably, 7.5 yrs. In Media
with Viacom18 and 3 yrs. in Banking with
RBL Bank as Vice President: Organisation
Development, Talent Management &
Leadership Development.
With 16 yrs. of experience in Consulting
Firms, Arvind has conceptualized and
delivered over 42 Organisation Design and
Performance Management & 25 Workforce
Planning Engagements (in the Big Four
Firms), partnering with the Promoters, Board
of Directors, Independent Directors & C-
suite Executives.
Prasad Prabhakar
Prasad is an HR professional with 15 yrs.
experience in HR Strategy, Organisation
ransformation & T
alent Management. He has
lead and managed teams in Infosys
echnologies, Sasken Communications, IGate
echnologiesand T
rianz Holdings.
Anuya Kenkre
With 10+ years of experience in Talent
Management & Organization
Transformation, Anuya brings in great value
for all our clients having worked with
diverse teams across sectors and some
notable organizations like Korn Ferry, Bajaj
Auto, Infosysamong many.


 Enable Communities, Organisations, T
eams &
Individuals to access their inner potential to
maximize theirouter performance. Thereby,
become a better version tomorrow of what they
are today.
 Thereby, pushing the human race forward and
making the world a better place forour future
 This is what makes us throw off the blanket and get
out of bed every morning.
Why We Do, What We Do Our Dream
 Create Change Agents & Leaders grounded on
Liberal Thought & Values -the best of western
management thought fused with eastern
philosophy & spiritualism - for India & the World.
 Support and develop organisations and
individuals to lead happier, more meaningful and
productive lives.
 Be the Go-to agency for learning that isFUN &
EXPERIENTIAL – with a special emphasis on outdoor
learning and providing memorable experiences.


Our Beliefs
How We Partner
With Our Clients
Self is the I
nstrument of change
 The first step toward change is Awareness. The second step is
 Always Start with ‘Why’.
 Go Slow...to go faster. From chewing your food 32 times for
great digestion, driving at 50 kmph for best fuel efficiency to
picking up one thing and doing it well before moving on to
the other.
 ‘What got you here, won’t get you there.’ We will challenge the
status quo. Make you stretch your comfort zone. To take you
from ‘Good to Great’.
 Engage your Employees, who will delight your Customers,
which will increase Shareholder Value. We’ve inverted the
pyramid, gone against conventional management practice.
 We believe in God. For everything else, there must be Data.
We strive for a balance between Gut & Insight.
Bringing back the ‘Human’ in ‘Human Resources’
 Our focus is on Building Culture. By providing the right talent the
necessary conditionsto do great work.
 We focus on Individual Wellness - Physical, Mental, Emotional &
Spiritual. With all four in perfect harmony.
 Bring a ‘Method’ to the ‘Madness’. Find that Balance, that
‘Sweet Spot’ where PASSION and PROCESS merge to hit the ball
out of the park.
 Roll up our sleeves. Partner with you to achieve your dreams.
We don’t just bring our Skin in to the game, but our very Soul.
 We Listen, don’t just hear. Be non-judgmental and alternative,
without always following the Herd.
 Work in a context. Because organisationsare like human beings.
As human beings are unique, so is your organisation.


Our Core Verticals & Service Offerings
 Organisation Vision,Mission & Values
 Strategy-aligned Organisation Design
 Performance Management System
 Workforce Planning & T
 Job Design
 Change Management
 T
alent Management Strategy
 Leadership Development
 Succession Planning
 HR Strategy
 HR Analytics
 Competency Modeling
 Career Progression Model Design
 Employee Satisfaction Survey
 HR Audit
 HR CapabilityBuilding
 T
otal RewardsStrategy
 HR Outsourcing
 HR Shared ServicesSet-up &
 Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
 T
alent Landscape Studies
 Executive Search
 Contract Staffing
 Permanent Staffing
 Recruitment Process Outsourcing
 I
nternational Recruitment
 Behavioural & Soft SkillsT
 Outdoor T
 Content Creation & I
 Learning University & Leadership
 Assessment-Development Centres
 Counselling
 Coaching
 T
raining Need I
dentification & Annual
Learning Calendar
 CampusRecruitment & Development


Capability Building
People Development That Matters.


Capability Building –Industry Trends
The purpose of the L&D function in
an organisation is to build a
workforce on skills that do not exist
today and to run a business that
you don’t run today. Today you
can’t predict what you need for
the future; therefore you can’t be
prepared for it.
Organisations should work towards
the direction of creating a
dynamic ecosystem and hence
the need for a learning approach
that focuses on holistic individual
Learning in a Virtual Environment
With an increased use of virtual platforms to deliver trainings and access to any learning at the click of a
button, organisations are now moving to an ‘Anytime, Anywhere Learning’ Model
Gamification & Experiential Learning
Learning solutions are crafted by building in a lot of different elements like Role Plays, Videos,
Theatre, Case studies, Group Discussions etc. thereby making learning programs more participant-
centric with a lot of emphasis on ‘learning by doing’
Reskilling and Upskilling: Optimising the Workforce
Organisations are continuously focusing on bridging the broadening skills gap and making the
workforce ready for the future by aligning employee learning to life-long and continuous learning programs,
Shifting to an Era of Self-Directed Learning
With digital disruption happening in all the leading industries and companies opting for the digital
workforce. It is easy for the learners to choose what they learn thereby making the individual the driver of
his own learning road-map


Olive Green’s Capability Building Portfolio is a suite of highly
standard and configurable programs which are experiential in
nature – blended learning is our philosophy. We use context-
based, experiential learning for highly collaborative, customized
and business-relevant development journeys.
Our key differentiator being our pool of Pan-India multi-lingual
experienced facilitators, our end-to-end Program Management,
Efficient Governance System and Evaluation of Program
Effectiveness through Connect Sessions and Stakeholder


Capability Building Portfolio


(Behavioral /
Outbounds /
Team Building


Our Methodology
Experiment with the
learning by applying
it in a given situation
to validate the
4. Active
(Pla nning/Trying
out wha t you
have learned)
Undergo an
intense experience
b y ha ving to
‘Stretch’, get out of
the ‘Comfort
1.C onc rete
Experienc e
(Doing/Ha ving
an experience)
2. Reflective
Reflecting on
the experience)
3. Abstract
Le a rning from the
Hard c o d e the experience)
se nse -ma king in
to concepts and
a w a ys for the
Reflect on the
and try to
ma ke sense of


We are what we repeatedly do,
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
- Aristotle


Skills Development
Behavioral / Soft Skills
Our competence comes from our in-house experts who curate &
deliver quality content based on industry-specific trends and client
requirements. Experiential Learning is what we do - Role Plays,
Videos, Theatre, Case studies, Group Discussions etc. Our skills
development workshops are participant-centric with a lot of
emphasis on ‘learning by doing’ in conjunction with PPT’s.
Techno-functional Skills
Through our partnerships with leading technical & functional
training academies, we offer our clients a wide range of technical
and functional training programs, covering professionals from
across sectors viz. Healthcare, IT, Manufacturing, Media, FMCG
etc., thereby meeting the needs of the modern techno-functional
workforce, using blended learning and converting highly technical
content into an engaging learning experience.


Coaching Counseling
• Coaching is the one of the most powerful development tools we
use. Its objective is to support the individual to stay with the
awareness that has been created through different mediums and
move to the next levels of Change & Growth.
• Coaching can be done for various forms of development -
Coaching for leadership, life, career, personal effectiveness,
personal branding and wellness, amongst others, are some
examples of what we do.
• For Coaching to be effective, it will need to happen over a
minimum period of 6 months with 12 sessions – 1 session every
• Coaching can be done one-on-one or in groups. The ideal group
ratio is 1:3. It can be done either face-to-face or online. The
efficacy of both isalmost at par.
• Research data shows that almost 42.5% corporate employees suffer
from Chronic Stress while 1 in 5 people need psychological or
psychiatric counselling.
• Most organisations have therefore, incorporated Counselling as a key
focus area of their Employee Wellness Programs.
• With this growing need to foster a healthier & happier workforce, we
provide personalized programs that are backed by research, and
crafted from the years of experience in counselling that our experts
bring in. We can provide this service to you at your workplace, home,
online or any other way you prefer.
• Olive Green has an extensive network of In-house and empanelled
Counsellors to provide you the happy and healthy organisation that
you desire.
Create a
Confidence &
Foster a Happier Workforce


Virtual Learning University
Conceptualize, Design & Build a Virtual Learning University.
A University with different departments providing employees the
chance to up-skill and develop themselves in line with their career
aspirations and organisation needs.
Embed & Institutionalize Learning in to the Organisation Culture through
periodic Marketing & Communication reinforcement mechanisms.
We possess the scale to build and operate your Learning Academy on
a yearly basis. And, the ability to conduct a Training Need
Identification org-wide and deploy Trainers to deliver workshops on
behavioral training throughout the year.
Our Assessment & Development Center (ADC) caters to all your
business needs viz. Identification of High Potentials, Leadership
Hiring & Succession Planning, Training Needs Identification,
Leadership Development.
We conduct ADC’s for Trainees, Managers and Leaders, all the
way up to Senior Management.
Our in-house assessors provide Objective Assessments and a
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Physical, Mental, Emotional
and Spiritual Quotients of an individual to help the organisation
take the right talent decisionsfor itself.
Our USP is that we conduct ADC’s on the lines of the Armed
Forces i.e. tough, deep and holistic. Beyond offline and online
Centre’s, we also do ADC’s in the Outdoors. This is our specialty
and a service that our Clients find extremely effective.
Assistance Program
Self Learning Centre Of
Learning Academies
Sales, Marketing,
Operations etc.
Assessment –
Development Centers


The Campus Recruitment & Development Program
Olive Green is your preferred partner to attract, recruit and retain top talent across
Indian graduate and postgraduate colleges to position your organisation as an
‘Employer of Choice’.
With our network of Tier1, 2and 3colleges across the country, we give you access
to the talent of your choice.
We can deliver 5 types of Campus Hiring Programs – Management Trainees,
Graduate Engineer Trainees, Graduate Trainees, Creative Trainees & Bulk Camus
We can, both, hire and develop Trainees for you. From Campus Branding and Hiring
& Selection to On-boarding, Training and Confirmation, we can manage the entire
process for you end-to-end as your One Stop Shop Campus Partner
Online and Offline, we can run the program both ways, in your context and
customized to your needs.


The Managerial Effectiveness Program
• The Managerial Effectiveness Program (MEP) is not a training program, but an intervention at a
systemic level. The aim is to:
 Have a better Role Fit: Every person, aiming for a managerial role, will be assessed before
being promoted. Thereby, ensuring the right person for the right job.
 Increase Employee Engagement: Engaged employees will delight their customers, thereby,
resulting in greater organization performance and increased shareholder value.
 Culture-Building: Build the right culture - Aligned to the organization’s vision, mission and
values with Managers creating the right conditions for the right talent to come in and
perform at their best. Managers will act as Change Agents to propagate the philosophy of
‘Self as the instrument of Change’ across the organization.
Key Features of the Program include:
 Detailed Diagnosis and Customised Program Design
 Program Delivery through experiential learning workshops, wherein we build in a lot of
different elements like Role Plays, Videos, Theatre, Group Discussions etc. A lot of emphasis
is laid on learning by doing with PPTs used as minimally as possible.
 Program Support : Virtual Connects, end to end Project Management, Project Governance
and C
ss Chang
 Program Eva
sluation through feedback from participants & mana
egers post the workshops on
a 30-60-90 day basis


Our Credentials


First Time Manager Program Effectiveness Feedback
Sample Deliverables (1/3)


Outdoor Learning –A Few Glimpses of Our Pan India Programs
We have partnerships with Outbound Camps Pan India and can manage the entire program end-to-end – Travel, Stay, F&B, Facilitators, Activities, Conference Facilities, Merchandise etc.
Sample Deliverables & Snapshots (2/3)


Sample Deliverables & Snapshots (3/3)
Program Diagnostics & Workshop Delivery for First Time Manager Program for India’s leading NBFC


Highlights of Our Work In Capability Building
 Managerial Effectiveness deployed an Off-Roll to On-Roll program on Managerial and Sales Effectiveness for 400 Sales Personnel
from India’s leading NBFC, headquartered in Pune. We delivered 6, 3-day workshops month-on-month, Pan India, and have
another 800 Personnel to cover from the Sales, Collections and Operations Functions.
 Training Need Identification & Annual Training Calendar: For a leading Healthcare MNC headquartered in Bangalore, we are
managing their Annual Training Calendar consisting of 100-plus Behavioral & Soft Skills workshops for 3000 Clinical and Non-
Clinical Staff Pan India, in 11 hospitals across 7 locations.
 Outdoor & Experiential Learning: Conducted the ‘Campus to Corporate’ program for the Management and Graduate Engineer
Trainees’ of one of India’s fastest growing startups and Unicorns, over the course of FY 2020, with the objective of developing their
personal and professional skillsand equipping them to be Job-ready.
 Competency Modelling: We designed the Technical Competency Framework for the world’s largest Zinc-manufacturing firm,
based in Rajasthan, for their Contract Staff and Junior Management Cadre, for 100 plus key roles covering 13000 Staff in the
Production and Mining set-ups.
 Counselling: We implemented a Career Counselling Program for the 3rd and 4th-year students of one of India’s top Engineering
Colleges (IIT)with the objective of getting them ready for summer internships and final placements.


One Stop Shop
 We are a full-service Firm providing ‘Human’ Solutions’ to create
value for our Clients. Technology is an enabler for us to scale up
and maximise value creation for our Clients’.
 We are always the Principal Partner for a Client. Basis the client’s
need, we bring on board our Associate Partners comprising of
Psychometric Testing agencies, Training Agencies, Freelance
Consultants and Societies.
 We have a team of In-house & Empanelled Consultants,
Coaches, Instructional designers, Counsellors and Trainers across
India and with varied backgrounds – experience, skill-set,
education etc. –to cater to the customised needs of our Clients’.
 To facilitate the above objective, we also have tie-ups with
Outbound Camps, Travel Agencies, Ad agencies, Merchandisers
 Apart from Program Diagnosis, Design and Delivery we, also, do
Program Management, Marketing and Communication &
Graphic Design and Merchandise.
Associate Partners


Our Select Clients
*We service over 30 Clients, both, in India and Abroad. In India, we have a Pan India presence including in Tier 2 &3 cities. Abroad, we have a footprint
in Africa and the Middle East.
*We are empanelled with a number of Consulting Firms –including the Big Four –for Leadership Workshops, Assessment-Development Centres and
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. We are not
doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.” –Mahatma Gandhi


That's all folks!
To know more about what we do, please contact us at:
 E-mail Id’s - abiali@olivegreenconsulting.com
 Mobile Number - +
91 9820700455

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Capability Building - Olive Green Deck.pptx

  • 2. The Genesis The Indian Army is the largest organisation in India with 14 Lakh personnel. Pan-India, its HR processes - hiring, on- boarding, training, promotions, hi-potential identification and development & succession planning - work seamlessly and efficiently, thereby making it the high-performing organisation that Indian society respects and admires. 29% of American management research, thought and practice has been influenced by their Armed Forces. The figure for India is an astonishingly low 0.8%. We, at Olive Green Consulting, are inspired by the Armed Forces. This knowledge, in combination with our experience of and skill-sets acquired in the corporate world across different domains and industries, serves up a unique offering of solutions for you. It is an alternate perspective, our view of the world shaped by our experiences and what, we believe, are the Competencies required to be Future-Ready. There’s a whole new world of new experiences and opportunities out there. We are opening a window for you in to this world. Happy Reading! 2
  • 4. Our Management Nikhil B. S Cheema Arvind Raghavan Nikhil has 15 yrs. experience in Corporate HR & Consulting;most notably, 7.5 yrs. In Media with Viacom18 and 3 yrs. in Banking with RBL Bank as Vice President: Organisation Development, Talent Management & Leadership Development. With 16 yrs. of experience in Consulting Firms, Arvind has conceptualized and delivered over 42 Organisation Design and Performance Management & 25 Workforce Planning Engagements (in the Big Four Firms), partnering with the Promoters, Board of Directors, Independent Directors & C- suite Executives. Prasad Prabhakar Prasad is an HR professional with 15 yrs. experience in HR Strategy, Organisation T ransformation & T alent Management. He has lead and managed teams in Infosys T echnologies, Sasken Communications, IGate T echnologiesand T rianz Holdings. Anuya Kenkre With 10+ years of experience in Talent Management & Organization Transformation, Anuya brings in great value for all our clients having worked with diverse teams across sectors and some notable organizations like Korn Ferry, Bajaj Auto, Infosysamong many.
  • 5.  Enable Communities, Organisations, T eams & Individuals to access their inner potential to maximize theirouter performance. Thereby, become a better version tomorrow of what they are today.  Thereby, pushing the human race forward and making the world a better place forour future generations.  This is what makes us throw off the blanket and get out of bed every morning. Why We Do, What We Do Our Dream  Create Change Agents & Leaders grounded on Liberal Thought & Values -the best of western management thought fused with eastern philosophy & spiritualism - for India & the World.  Support and develop organisations and individuals to lead happier, more meaningful and productive lives.  Be the Go-to agency for learning that isFUN & EXPERIENTIAL – with a special emphasis on outdoor learning and providing memorable experiences. 5
  • 6. Our Beliefs How We Partner With Our Clients Self is the I nstrument of change  The first step toward change is Awareness. The second step is Acceptance.  Always Start with ‘Why’.  Go Slow...to go faster. From chewing your food 32 times for great digestion, driving at 50 kmph for best fuel efficiency to picking up one thing and doing it well before moving on to the other.  ‘What got you here, won’t get you there.’ We will challenge the status quo. Make you stretch your comfort zone. To take you from ‘Good to Great’.  Engage your Employees, who will delight your Customers, which will increase Shareholder Value. We’ve inverted the pyramid, gone against conventional management practice.  We believe in God. For everything else, there must be Data. We strive for a balance between Gut & Insight. Bringing back the ‘Human’ in ‘Human Resources’  Our focus is on Building Culture. By providing the right talent the necessary conditionsto do great work.  We focus on Individual Wellness - Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual. With all four in perfect harmony.  Bring a ‘Method’ to the ‘Madness’. Find that Balance, that ‘Sweet Spot’ where PASSION and PROCESS merge to hit the ball out of the park.  Roll up our sleeves. Partner with you to achieve your dreams. We don’t just bring our Skin in to the game, but our very Soul.  We Listen, don’t just hear. Be non-judgmental and alternative, without always following the Herd.  Work in a context. Because organisationsare like human beings. As human beings are unique, so is your organisation. 6
  • 7. Our Core Verticals & Service Offerings Organisation Transformation  Organisation Vision,Mission & Values  Strategy-aligned Organisation Design  Performance Management System  Workforce Planning & T ransition  Job Design  Change Management  T alent Management Strategy  Leadership Development  Succession Planning HR Transformation  HR Strategy  HR Analytics  Competency Modeling  Career Progression Model Design  Employee Satisfaction Survey  HR Audit  HR CapabilityBuilding  T otal RewardsStrategy  HR Outsourcing  HR Shared ServicesSet-up & Enhancement Talent Acquisition  Employee Value Proposition (EVP)  T alent Landscape Studies  Executive Search  Contract Staffing  Permanent Staffing  Recruitment Process Outsourcing  I nternational Recruitment Capability Building  Behavioural & Soft SkillsT raining  Outdoor T raining  Content Creation & I nstructional Design  Learning University & Leadership Academy  Assessment-Development Centres  Counselling  Coaching  T raining Need I dentification & Annual Learning Calendar  CampusRecruitment & Development 7
  • 9. Capability Building –Industry Trends 9 The purpose of the L&D function in an organisation is to build a workforce on skills that do not exist today and to run a business that you don’t run today. Today you can’t predict what you need for the future; therefore you can’t be prepared for it. Organisations should work towards the direction of creating a dynamic ecosystem and hence the need for a learning approach that focuses on holistic individual development. Learning in a Virtual Environment With an increased use of virtual platforms to deliver trainings and access to any learning at the click of a button, organisations are now moving to an ‘Anytime, Anywhere Learning’ Model Gamification & Experiential Learning Learning solutions are crafted by building in a lot of different elements like Role Plays, Videos, Theatre, Case studies, Group Discussions etc. thereby making learning programs more participant- centric with a lot of emphasis on ‘learning by doing’ Reskilling and Upskilling: Optimising the Workforce Organisations are continuously focusing on bridging the broadening skills gap and making the workforce ready for the future by aligning employee learning to life-long and continuous learning programs, Sh Shifting to an Era of Self-Directed Learning With digital disruption happening in all the leading industries and companies opting for the digital workforce. It is easy for the learners to choose what they learn thereby making the individual the driver of his own learning road-map
  • 10. Olive Green’s Capability Building Portfolio is a suite of highly standard and configurable programs which are experiential in nature – blended learning is our philosophy. We use context- based, experiential learning for highly collaborative, customized and business-relevant development journeys. Our key differentiator being our pool of Pan-India multi-lingual experienced facilitators, our end-to-end Program Management, Efficient Governance System and Evaluation of Program Effectiveness through Connect Sessions and Stakeholder feedback.
  • 12. Skills Development (Behavioral / Technical) Managerial Effectiveness Program Campus to Corporate Program Coaching Counselling Outbounds / Team Building Workshops Assessment- Development Centres Virtual Learning University Capability Building Portfolio
  • 13. Our Methodology Experiment with the learning by applying it in a given situation to validate the learning. 4. Active Experimentation (Pla nning/Trying out wha t you have learned) Undergo an intense experience b y ha ving to ‘Stretch’, get out of the ‘Comfort Zone’. 1.C onc rete Experienc e (Doing/Ha ving an experience) 2. Reflective Observation (Reviewing/ Reflecting on the experience) 3. Abstract Conceptualization (Concluding/ Le a rning from the Hard c o d e the experience) se nse -ma king in to concepts and learning/take- a w a ys for the future. Reflect on the experience and try to ma ke sense of it.
  • 14. We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. - Aristotle
  • 15. Skills Development Behavioral / Soft Skills Our competence comes from our in-house experts who curate & deliver quality content based on industry-specific trends and client requirements. Experiential Learning is what we do - Role Plays, Videos, Theatre, Case studies, Group Discussions etc. Our skills development workshops are participant-centric with a lot of emphasis on ‘learning by doing’ in conjunction with PPT’s. Techno-functional Skills Through our partnerships with leading technical & functional training academies, we offer our clients a wide range of technical and functional training programs, covering professionals from across sectors viz. Healthcare, IT, Manufacturing, Media, FMCG etc., thereby meeting the needs of the modern techno-functional workforce, using blended learning and converting highly technical content into an engaging learning experience.
  • 16. Coaching Counseling • Coaching is the one of the most powerful development tools we use. Its objective is to support the individual to stay with the awareness that has been created through different mediums and move to the next levels of Change & Growth. • Coaching can be done for various forms of development - Coaching for leadership, life, career, personal effectiveness, personal branding and wellness, amongst others, are some examples of what we do. • For Coaching to be effective, it will need to happen over a minimum period of 6 months with 12 sessions – 1 session every fortnight. • Coaching can be done one-on-one or in groups. The ideal group ratio is 1:3. It can be done either face-to-face or online. The efficacy of both isalmost at par. • Research data shows that almost 42.5% corporate employees suffer from Chronic Stress while 1 in 5 people need psychological or psychiatric counselling. • Most organisations have therefore, incorporated Counselling as a key focus area of their Employee Wellness Programs. • With this growing need to foster a healthier & happier workforce, we provide personalized programs that are backed by research, and crafted from the years of experience in counselling that our experts bring in. We can provide this service to you at your workplace, home, online or any other way you prefer. • Olive Green has an extensive network of In-house and empanelled Counsellors to provide you the happy and healthy organisation that you desire. Manage Stress Effectively Create a Healthier Workplace Boost Employee Confidence & Morale Foster a Happier Workforce
  • 17. Virtual Learning University Conceptualize, Design & Build a Virtual Learning University. A University with different departments providing employees the chance to up-skill and develop themselves in line with their career aspirations and organisation needs. Embed & Institutionalize Learning in to the Organisation Culture through periodic Marketing & Communication reinforcement mechanisms. We possess the scale to build and operate your Learning Academy on a yearly basis. And, the ability to conduct a Training Need Identification org-wide and deploy Trainers to deliver workshops on behavioral training throughout the year. Our Assessment & Development Center (ADC) caters to all your business needs viz. Identification of High Potentials, Leadership Hiring & Succession Planning, Training Needs Identification, Leadership Development. We conduct ADC’s for Trainees, Managers and Leaders, all the way up to Senior Management. Our in-house assessors provide Objective Assessments and a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Quotients of an individual to help the organisation take the right talent decisionsfor itself. Our USP is that we conduct ADC’s on the lines of the Armed Forces i.e. tough, deep and holistic. Beyond offline and online Centre’s, we also do ADC’s in the Outdoors. This is our specialty and a service that our Clients find extremely effective. Education Assistance Program Self Learning Centre Of Leadership Competency-Based Learning Learning Academies Sales, Marketing, Operations etc. Assessment – Development Centers
  • 18. Awarenes s Chang e rowt The Campus Recruitment & Development Program Olive Green is your preferred partner to attract, recruit and retain top talent across Indian graduate and postgraduate colleges to position your organisation as an ‘Employer of Choice’. With our network of Tier1, 2and 3colleges across the country, we give you access to the talent of your choice. We can deliver 5 types of Campus Hiring Programs – Management Trainees, Graduate Engineer Trainees, Graduate Trainees, Creative Trainees & Bulk Camus Hiring. We can, both, hire and develop Trainees for you. From Campus Branding and Hiring & Selection to On-boarding, Training and Confirmation, we can manage the entire process for you end-to-end as your One Stop Shop Campus Partner Online and Offline, we can run the program both ways, in your context and customized to your needs. C Effe Ta ost ctive lent Tac Hi Attrit Rat kle gh ion es Hi Moti W gro G h ghly vated, ell- omed Enhance Your Employer Brand
  • 19. The Managerial Effectiveness Program • The Managerial Effectiveness Program (MEP) is not a training program, but an intervention at a systemic level. The aim is to:  Have a better Role Fit: Every person, aiming for a managerial role, will be assessed before being promoted. Thereby, ensuring the right person for the right job.  Increase Employee Engagement: Engaged employees will delight their customers, thereby, resulting in greater organization performance and increased shareholder value.  Culture-Building: Build the right culture - Aligned to the organization’s vision, mission and values with Managers creating the right conditions for the right talent to come in and perform at their best. Managers will act as Change Agents to propagate the philosophy of ‘Self as the instrument of Change’ across the organization. Key Features of the Program include:  Detailed Diagnosis and Customised Program Design  Program Delivery through experiential learning workshops, wherein we build in a lot of different elements like Role Plays, Videos, Theatre, Group Discussions etc. A lot of emphasis is laid on learning by doing with PPTs used as minimally as possible.  Program Support : Virtual Connects, end to end Project Management, Project Governance and C o n t r o l A m we a c r h e a nn e i s m ss Chang  Program Eva sluation through feedback from participants & mana egers post the workshops on a 30-60-90 day basis
  • 21. First Time Manager Program Effectiveness Feedback 21 Sample Deliverables (1/3)
  • 22. Outdoor Learning –A Few Glimpses of Our Pan India Programs We have partnerships with Outbound Camps Pan India and can manage the entire program end-to-end – Travel, Stay, F&B, Facilitators, Activities, Conference Facilities, Merchandise etc. Sample Deliverables & Snapshots (2/3)
  • 23. 2 3 Sample Deliverables & Snapshots (3/3) Program Diagnostics & Workshop Delivery for First Time Manager Program for India’s leading NBFC
  • 24. Highlights of Our Work In Capability Building  Managerial Effectiveness deployed an Off-Roll to On-Roll program on Managerial and Sales Effectiveness for 400 Sales Personnel from India’s leading NBFC, headquartered in Pune. We delivered 6, 3-day workshops month-on-month, Pan India, and have another 800 Personnel to cover from the Sales, Collections and Operations Functions.  Training Need Identification & Annual Training Calendar: For a leading Healthcare MNC headquartered in Bangalore, we are managing their Annual Training Calendar consisting of 100-plus Behavioral & Soft Skills workshops for 3000 Clinical and Non- Clinical Staff Pan India, in 11 hospitals across 7 locations.  Outdoor & Experiential Learning: Conducted the ‘Campus to Corporate’ program for the Management and Graduate Engineer Trainees’ of one of India’s fastest growing startups and Unicorns, over the course of FY 2020, with the objective of developing their personal and professional skillsand equipping them to be Job-ready.  Competency Modelling: We designed the Technical Competency Framework for the world’s largest Zinc-manufacturing firm, based in Rajasthan, for their Contract Staff and Junior Management Cadre, for 100 plus key roles covering 13000 Staff in the Production and Mining set-ups.  Counselling: We implemented a Career Counselling Program for the 3rd and 4th-year students of one of India’s top Engineering Colleges (IIT)with the objective of getting them ready for summer internships and final placements.
  • 25. One Stop Shop  We are a full-service Firm providing ‘Human’ Solutions’ to create value for our Clients. Technology is an enabler for us to scale up and maximise value creation for our Clients’.  We are always the Principal Partner for a Client. Basis the client’s need, we bring on board our Associate Partners comprising of Psychometric Testing agencies, Training Agencies, Freelance Consultants and Societies.  We have a team of In-house & Empanelled Consultants, Coaches, Instructional designers, Counsellors and Trainers across India and with varied backgrounds – experience, skill-set, education etc. –to cater to the customised needs of our Clients’.  To facilitate the above objective, we also have tie-ups with Outbound Camps, Travel Agencies, Ad agencies, Merchandisers etc.  Apart from Program Diagnosis, Design and Delivery we, also, do Program Management, Marketing and Communication & Graphic Design and Merchandise. Associate Partners
  • 26. Our Select Clients *We service over 30 Clients, both, in India and Abroad. In India, we have a Pan India presence including in Tier 2 &3 cities. Abroad, we have a footprint in Africa and the Middle East. *We are empanelled with a number of Consulting Firms –including the Big Four –for Leadership Workshops, Assessment-Development Centres and Coaching. “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.” –Mahatma Gandhi
  • 27. That's all folks! To know more about what we do, please contact us at:  E-mail Id’s - abiali@olivegreenconsulting.com  Mobile Number - + 91 9820700455