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Less than 30%* of organisations are reporting merely satisfactory continuity plans. Your organisation
should be focusing on its internal talent pool that will ultimately make inevitable changes in leadership
easier, cheaper and more efficient.
This congress seeks to examine the Career Planning and Succession Management challenges,
focusing on talent identification, development, retention and workforce planning best practices to
help future-proof your organisation in light of the impending greatest talent shortage ever expected.
Learning Objectives
Enhance the effectiveness of your business continuity plans
Identify blind spots in your succession planning initiatives
Customise career development to lock in high potential talent
Narrow the competency gap and reduce the impact of position vacancies
Increase clarity in workforce data for your critical forecasting needs
Career Planning Toolkit for 2015: Innovative Strategies for Stronger Talent Pipelines
•	 Integrating and Accelerating Your Talent Programmes
•	 Non-Monetary Rewards and Optimisation
•	 Keeping Leadership Teams Intact
•	 Predicting Talent Pipeline Shortages
MUST ATTEND for VPs, Directors, Heads
and Managers of: +PLUS!
Rebecca Port
HR Director -
Leadership and
Featured speakers:
Aparna Kumar
Regional Human
Resource Lead,
Senior HR
Partner, SEA
and SA
Lisa Duty
Head -
Culture and
Beng Cortes
Regional Head -
Talent and
Cecile Diversy
Vice President -
Gen McKenzie
Senior Vice
President -
Human Capital
Career Planning
Succession Management
*Putting the Success in Succession – PwC 2013
Peek into the Future: Interactive Roundtable Sessions
Julie Ong
23 September 2014 | Hilton Singapore
9.45am -
Enhance Your Organisational Ability to Identify and Develop Critical Talent
A short falling of many organisations is the inability to be consistent when identifying and developing the right
people for the right roles. This session will clarify how to:
•	 Avoid arbitrarily identifying successors by implementing a formal process
•	 Manage HiPo expectations to keep them content and in your talent pool
•	 Close the competency gap and reduce the impact of a position vacancy
Aparna Kumar
Regional Human Resource Lead, APAC
Aparna Kumar, is an established HR Business Partner, with significant years of focused experience in human capital management, in
multi-cultural dynamic work environments. Currently with Monsanto, Aparna takes the lead for the Human Resource Strategy for the Asia
Pacific region while also taking the lead for HR for the Supply Chain business across all of Asia. Prior to Monsanto, she garnered extensive
experience in the Supply Chain and IT industry’s – across strategic, regional, and operational HR.
11.00am -
Increase HiPo Retention Rates Through Leadership Rotation
Real time accessibility of job openings and information make it easier for your talent and your competitors’
recruiters to find each other, leading to a potential organisational brain-drain.
In this session, you will:
•	 Discuss how to secure emotional buy-in from your HiPos through job rotations
•	 Create clear career paths yet allow talent to customise their development journey
•	 Fend off competitors who want your talent by developing a consistent method to identify and reward your
pivotal HiPos
Julie Ong
Talent Acquisition Manager
Julie Ong is the Talent Acquisition Manager at ABB Pte Ltd. ABB is a leading power and automation company, and one of the world’s
most globally and culturally diverse organisations. ABB operates in more than 100 countries and employs more than 1500 people in
Singapore. Julie joined ABB after her stint as Recruitment Team Lead at Schneider Electric. Her extensive experience covers the whole
spectrum of HR from Recruitment, Talent Management, Compensation and Benefits and Mobility during her roles as HR Director and HR
Throughout her 10 years of experience as a HR practitioner, she has persisted in her personal belief that in order to help an organisation
succeed, she must first help the individual succeed. Julie has a Post Graduate in Marketing.
AGENDA: Tuesday, 23 September 2014
8.30am -
9.00am Registration and Coffee
9.00am -
Back to Basics: Building, Implementing and Measuring an Effective Succession Management System
In this session:
•	 Clarify the strategic purpose of building an effective succession management system
•	 Learn to identify core competencies and build complimentary robust individual development plans
•	 Assess the organisation’s cultural climate and foster alignment for succession planning
•	 Explore best practices for managing talent pools and HiPos
Rebecca Port
HR Director - Learning, Leadership and Organisational Development
10.30am -
11.00am Morning Refreshments and Networking Break
Career Planning &
Succession Management CONGRESS
Career Planning &
Succession Management CONGRESS
2.15pm -
Retaining and Reintegrating the Talent Who Lost the Succession Battle
Removing HiPos from the succession plan can foster active disengagement within your workforce. This session
will explore one of the most difficult aspects of succession planning – managing the disappointment as well as
reengagement and retention of HiPos who did not get chosen.
Cecile Diversy
Vice President - HR
For more than 20 years, Cecile Diversy has supported The Danone Group’s (The Group’s) globalization efforts by creating and
implementing strategic talent management programs for its various divisions operating in Asia Pacific, Europe and the United
States. In her current role, she is tasked with transforming the HR function in 11 Asian countries while improving the regional
HR team’s ability to anticipate and meet the hiring needs for the Group’s core businesses as they expand in hyper-growth
markets such as China and Indonesia, as well as for its new ventures in other territories.
Find Potential Successors Through Succession Metrics and Analytics
This session will:
•	 Examine the drivers for introducing analytics in succession planning
•	 Discuss potential barriers and roadblocks in the utilisation of succession metrics
•	 Explore effective foundational metrics for succession management
•	 Learn how to translate workforce measures into financial data
Beng Cortes
Regional Head - Talent and Leadership Development
Fonterra Brands
Beng is a passionate HR practitioner with over 20 years senior leadership experience gained from MNCs in both local and regional
levels. Strategic HR, talent management & development, employee engagement and business partnership are her key expertise
areas while leadership succession and all agenda that promotes the management of this key HR strategic risk are pivotal
business partnering remit.
12.30pm -
1.30pm Lunch and Networking Break
3.00pm -
3.30pm Afternoon Refreshments and Networking Break
1.30pm -
Driving the Succession Management Process: Why it is Not Just HR’s Job
Current business thinking places the career planning and succession management structures solely under the
HR team. This think tank will cover:
•	 Why such an arrangement can be detrimental to the organisation
•	 Why the executive leadership team should play a bigger part in this process
•	 How to get management buy-in, to ensure the succession ladder is intact
Appandairajan Krishnakumar
Senior HR Business Partner, SEA and SA
Rajan is currently the Senior HR Business Partner for MasterCard Asia Pacific based in Singapore and is responsible for
talent management, employee engagement, performance management, leadership development, employee relations, and
organization development for International Markets covering South East Asia, South Asia & AP Regional Headquarters.
Previous roles include HR Relationship Manager, Consumer Banking and Global Mobility Specialist based in Singapore and
Global Mobility Relationship Manager based in India with Standard Chartered Bank.
3.30pm -
Interactive Roundtable Sessions
Career Planning Toolkit for 2015: Innovative Strategies for Stronger Talent Pipelines
Back by popular demand, the Interactive Roundtable Sessions are comprised of small-group, mutual-learning
discussions focused on a specific issue. Delegate groups will rotate every 20 minutes to address each topic moderated
by a subject-matter expert who will guide the debate and summarise the discussion at the end of the session.
5.00pm End of Congress
Career Planning &
Succession Management CONGRESS
Roundtable #1:
Integrating and Accelerating Your Talent
The key to successful career planning and succession
management systems is integration with overall
business strategy
•	 Is the 70:20:10 model of learning still relevant?
How do we create space for HiPos to feel free to
•	 Balancing in-house training with external
providers – Should you develop leadership
accelerator capabilities in-house?
•	 Managing the morale of the rest of the workforce
who feel left out
Table Moderator:
Rebecca Port
HR Director - Learning, Leadership and
Organisational Development
Roundtable #2:
Non-Monetary Rewards and Optimisation
The key to successful career planning and succession
management systems is integration with overall
business strategy
•	 Beyond financial incentives, what else should
you incorporate into your succession planning
process to ensure HiPo retention?
•	 Profiling your HiPos for the best role-fit and to
maximise engagement
•	 Unifying and integrating the employee lifecycle
management process with overall business
Table Moderator:
Lisa Duty
Head - Communications, Culture and
Roundtable #3:
Keeping Leadership Teams Intact
Leadership teams who have been together for
a long time enjoy enhanced performance and
•	 How to better identify silent “flight risks” in your
leadership team
•	 What can be done to avoid ‘stale’ thinking and
introduce fresh ideas into leadership teams that
have been operating together for a long time?
•	 Can strong leadership teams be used as an
effective retention tool?
Table Moderator:
Gen McKenzie
Senior Vice President - Human Capital
SilverNeedle Hospitality
Roundtable #4:
Predicting Talent Pipeline Shortages
Only 16%* of CEOs get workforce data that is robust
enough for their critical forecasting and planning
•	 How do you measure qualitative metrics like
critical thinking and business acumen?
•	 How to best track and measure ROI on succession
•	 Is making managers accountable for survey
response rates and satisfaction levels likely to
produce biased results? How do you overcome
Table Moderator:
Cecile Diversy
Vice President - HR
*Putting the Success in Succession – PwC 2013
How CPD Benefits Your Professional Development
Workforce performance - reflect on your
learnings and highlight gaps in your
•	 A handy tool for appraisals – opportunities
for greater choice, employment mobility
and earning potential
•	 Cope positively with change by timely updating your
skill set
•	 Build confidence and credibility - see your progression
by tracking your learning
•	 Achieve your career goals by focusing on your training
and development
Participating Organisations:
Brought to you by the people & ideas at:
Registration includes: Presentations, luncheons,
networking sessions, refreshments and delegate packOrder Form
Career Planning & Succession Management Congress 2014
CONFERENCE DATE: 23 September 2014
VENUE: Hilton Hotel Singapore
Email: cliff@hrmasia.com.sg
Telephone: (65) 6423 4631
Fax: (65) 6423 4632
Website: www.hrmcongress.com
Attendee Details Please photocopy this form to register more delegates
60% Cash Back on all HRM Congresses
The Productivity Innovation Credit (PIC) Scheme offers
Singapore registered companies 60% cash back on all
HRM Congresses. Or a 400% tax deduction instead,
the choice is yours.
Conference Rates
Please reserve ______________ seat(s)
* Not applicable to Service Providers / Vendors / Consultants - Please contact us for more information
Early Bird Special
For registration and payment received by 2 September
Full Conference Fee
For registration and payment received after 2 September
S$895 + GST* S$1,795 + GST*
10% off for group booking of 3 delegates and above
Email Telephone
Email Telephone
Email Telephone
Contact: Cliff Neo
Total amount payable:
Credit Card Number:
Expiry Date: /
Name On Card:
Cheque: Enclosed is our cheque for S$
payable to HRM Asia Pte Ltd., and mailed to
121 Telok Ayer Street, #02-01, Singapore 068590
Upon Invoice
Credit Card:
I authorize HRM Asia to debit my:
Methods of Payments
Main Contact
Billing Address
Billing Details
The organisers reserve the right in unforeseen circumstances to
change the content of any published particulars without liability.
Payment must be received prior to the event. All cancellations
must be received in writing 28 days prior to the event or 100%
cancellation fee applies. In the event that a registered attendee
fails to attend, 100% of the event fee remains due. Substitute
delegate(s) are welcome with 10 working days prior notice.
Terms & Conditions
Signature / Date
Data Protection
The personal information entered during your registration/order, or provided by you, will be held on a
database and may be shared. Occasionally, your details may be obtained from or shared with external
companies who wish to communicate with you offers related to your business activities. If you do
not wish your details to be used for this purpose, please contact our database department at email:
info@hrmasia.com.sg, Tel: +65 6423 4631 or Fax: +65 6423 4632
Career Planning &
Succession Management CONGRESS

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  • 1. Less than 30%* of organisations are reporting merely satisfactory continuity plans. Your organisation should be focusing on its internal talent pool that will ultimately make inevitable changes in leadership easier, cheaper and more efficient. This congress seeks to examine the Career Planning and Succession Management challenges, focusing on talent identification, development, retention and workforce planning best practices to help future-proof your organisation in light of the impending greatest talent shortage ever expected. Learning Objectives Enhance the effectiveness of your business continuity plans Identify blind spots in your succession planning initiatives Customise career development to lock in high potential talent Narrow the competency gap and reduce the impact of position vacancies Increase clarity in workforce data for your critical forecasting needs Career Planning Toolkit for 2015: Innovative Strategies for Stronger Talent Pipelines • Integrating and Accelerating Your Talent Programmes • Non-Monetary Rewards and Optimisation • Keeping Leadership Teams Intact • Predicting Talent Pipeline Shortages MUST ATTEND for VPs, Directors, Heads and Managers of: +PLUS! Rebecca Port HR Director - Learning, Leadership and Organisational Development Allergan Featured speakers: Aparna Kumar Regional Human Resource Lead, APAC Monsanto Appandairajan Krishnakumar Senior HR Business Partner, SEA and SA Mastercard Lisa Duty Head - Communications, Culture and Engagement Experian Beng Cortes Regional Head - Talent and Leadership Development Fonterra Brands Cecile Diversy Vice President - HR Danone Gen McKenzie Senior Vice President - Human Capital SliverNeedle Hospitality Save $900 Early Bird Special Only S$895 + GST* Registerbefore 2 Sep 2014 Career Planning Succession Management & Congress *Putting the Success in Succession – PwC 2013 Peek into the Future: Interactive Roundtable Sessions Julie Ong Talent Acquisition Manager ABB 23 September 2014 | Hilton Singapore
  • 2. 9.45am - 10.30am Enhance Your Organisational Ability to Identify and Develop Critical Talent A short falling of many organisations is the inability to be consistent when identifying and developing the right people for the right roles. This session will clarify how to: • Avoid arbitrarily identifying successors by implementing a formal process • Manage HiPo expectations to keep them content and in your talent pool • Close the competency gap and reduce the impact of a position vacancy Aparna Kumar Regional Human Resource Lead, APAC Monsanto Aparna Kumar, is an established HR Business Partner, with significant years of focused experience in human capital management, in multi-cultural dynamic work environments. Currently with Monsanto, Aparna takes the lead for the Human Resource Strategy for the Asia Pacific region while also taking the lead for HR for the Supply Chain business across all of Asia. Prior to Monsanto, she garnered extensive experience in the Supply Chain and IT industry’s – across strategic, regional, and operational HR. 11.00am - 11.45am Increase HiPo Retention Rates Through Leadership Rotation Real time accessibility of job openings and information make it easier for your talent and your competitors’ recruiters to find each other, leading to a potential organisational brain-drain. In this session, you will: • Discuss how to secure emotional buy-in from your HiPos through job rotations • Create clear career paths yet allow talent to customise their development journey • Fend off competitors who want your talent by developing a consistent method to identify and reward your pivotal HiPos Julie Ong Talent Acquisition Manager ABB Julie Ong is the Talent Acquisition Manager at ABB Pte Ltd. ABB is a leading power and automation company, and one of the world’s most globally and culturally diverse organisations. ABB operates in more than 100 countries and employs more than 1500 people in Singapore. Julie joined ABB after her stint as Recruitment Team Lead at Schneider Electric. Her extensive experience covers the whole spectrum of HR from Recruitment, Talent Management, Compensation and Benefits and Mobility during her roles as HR Director and HR Managerinboththehightechandeducationindustry.Juliestronglybelievesthatpeoplearethemostimportantassetinanyorganisation. Throughout her 10 years of experience as a HR practitioner, she has persisted in her personal belief that in order to help an organisation succeed, she must first help the individual succeed. Julie has a Post Graduate in Marketing. AGENDA: Tuesday, 23 September 2014 8.30am - 9.00am Registration and Coffee 9.00am - 9.45am Back to Basics: Building, Implementing and Measuring an Effective Succession Management System In this session: • Clarify the strategic purpose of building an effective succession management system • Learn to identify core competencies and build complimentary robust individual development plans • Assess the organisation’s cultural climate and foster alignment for succession planning • Explore best practices for managing talent pools and HiPos Rebecca Port HR Director - Learning, Leadership and Organisational Development Allergan 10.30am - 11.00am Morning Refreshments and Networking Break Career Planning & Succession Management CONGRESS
  • 3. Career Planning & Succession Management CONGRESS 2.15pm - 3.00pm Retaining and Reintegrating the Talent Who Lost the Succession Battle Removing HiPos from the succession plan can foster active disengagement within your workforce. This session will explore one of the most difficult aspects of succession planning – managing the disappointment as well as reengagement and retention of HiPos who did not get chosen. Cecile Diversy Vice President - HR Danone For more than 20 years, Cecile Diversy has supported The Danone Group’s (The Group’s) globalization efforts by creating and implementing strategic talent management programs for its various divisions operating in Asia Pacific, Europe and the United States. In her current role, she is tasked with transforming the HR function in 11 Asian countries while improving the regional HR team’s ability to anticipate and meet the hiring needs for the Group’s core businesses as they expand in hyper-growth markets such as China and Indonesia, as well as for its new ventures in other territories. 11.45am -12.30pm Find Potential Successors Through Succession Metrics and Analytics This session will: • Examine the drivers for introducing analytics in succession planning • Discuss potential barriers and roadblocks in the utilisation of succession metrics • Explore effective foundational metrics for succession management • Learn how to translate workforce measures into financial data Beng Cortes Regional Head - Talent and Leadership Development Fonterra Brands Beng is a passionate HR practitioner with over 20 years senior leadership experience gained from MNCs in both local and regional levels. Strategic HR, talent management & development, employee engagement and business partnership are her key expertise areas while leadership succession and all agenda that promotes the management of this key HR strategic risk are pivotal business partnering remit. 12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch and Networking Break 3.00pm - 3.30pm Afternoon Refreshments and Networking Break 1.30pm - 2.15pm Driving the Succession Management Process: Why it is Not Just HR’s Job Current business thinking places the career planning and succession management structures solely under the HR team. This think tank will cover: • Why such an arrangement can be detrimental to the organisation • Why the executive leadership team should play a bigger part in this process • How to get management buy-in, to ensure the succession ladder is intact Appandairajan Krishnakumar Senior HR Business Partner, SEA and SA Mastercard Rajan is currently the Senior HR Business Partner for MasterCard Asia Pacific based in Singapore and is responsible for talent management, employee engagement, performance management, leadership development, employee relations, and organization development for International Markets covering South East Asia, South Asia & AP Regional Headquarters. Previous roles include HR Relationship Manager, Consumer Banking and Global Mobility Specialist based in Singapore and Global Mobility Relationship Manager based in India with Standard Chartered Bank.
  • 4. 3.30pm - 5.00pm Interactive Roundtable Sessions Career Planning Toolkit for 2015: Innovative Strategies for Stronger Talent Pipelines Back by popular demand, the Interactive Roundtable Sessions are comprised of small-group, mutual-learning discussions focused on a specific issue. Delegate groups will rotate every 20 minutes to address each topic moderated by a subject-matter expert who will guide the debate and summarise the discussion at the end of the session. 5.00pm End of Congress Career Planning & Succession Management CONGRESS Roundtable #1: Integrating and Accelerating Your Talent Programmes The key to successful career planning and succession management systems is integration with overall business strategy • Is the 70:20:10 model of learning still relevant? How do we create space for HiPos to feel free to fail? • Balancing in-house training with external providers – Should you develop leadership accelerator capabilities in-house? • Managing the morale of the rest of the workforce who feel left out Table Moderator: Rebecca Port HR Director - Learning, Leadership and Organisational Development Allergan Roundtable #2: Non-Monetary Rewards and Optimisation The key to successful career planning and succession management systems is integration with overall business strategy • Beyond financial incentives, what else should you incorporate into your succession planning process to ensure HiPo retention? • Profiling your HiPos for the best role-fit and to maximise engagement • Unifying and integrating the employee lifecycle management process with overall business strategy Table Moderator: Lisa Duty Head - Communications, Culture and Engagement Experian Roundtable #3: Keeping Leadership Teams Intact Leadership teams who have been together for a long time enjoy enhanced performance and communication • How to better identify silent “flight risks” in your leadership team • What can be done to avoid ‘stale’ thinking and introduce fresh ideas into leadership teams that have been operating together for a long time? • Can strong leadership teams be used as an effective retention tool? Table Moderator: Gen McKenzie Senior Vice President - Human Capital SilverNeedle Hospitality Roundtable #4: Predicting Talent Pipeline Shortages Only 16%* of CEOs get workforce data that is robust enough for their critical forecasting and planning needs • How do you measure qualitative metrics like critical thinking and business acumen? • How to best track and measure ROI on succession activities? • Is making managers accountable for survey response rates and satisfaction levels likely to produce biased results? How do you overcome this? Table Moderator: Cecile Diversy Vice President - HR Danone *Putting the Success in Succession – PwC 2013
  • 5. How CPD Benefits Your Professional Development Workforce performance - reflect on your learnings and highlight gaps in your knowledge • A handy tool for appraisals – opportunities for greater choice, employment mobility and earning potential • Cope positively with change by timely updating your skill set • Build confidence and credibility - see your progression by tracking your learning • Achieve your career goals by focusing on your training and development Participating Organisations: Brought to you by the people & ideas at: Registration includes: Presentations, luncheons, networking sessions, refreshments and delegate packOrder Form Career Planning & Succession Management Congress 2014 CONFERENCE DATE: 23 September 2014 VENUE: Hilton Hotel Singapore Email: cliff@hrmasia.com.sg Telephone: (65) 6423 4631 Fax: (65) 6423 4632 Website: www.hrmcongress.com Attendee Details Please photocopy this form to register more delegates 60% Cash Back on all HRM Congresses The Productivity Innovation Credit (PIC) Scheme offers Singapore registered companies 60% cash back on all HRM Congresses. Or a 400% tax deduction instead, the choice is yours. Conference Rates Please reserve ______________ seat(s) * Not applicable to Service Providers / Vendors / Consultants - Please contact us for more information Early Bird Special For registration and payment received by 2 September Full Conference Fee For registration and payment received after 2 September S$895 + GST* S$1,795 + GST* 10% off for group booking of 3 delegates and above Name Position Email Telephone 1 2 Name Position Email Telephone Name Position Email Telephone Contact: Cliff Neo 3 CODE:WEB Total amount payable: Credit Card Number: Expiry Date: / Name On Card: Cheque: Enclosed is our cheque for S$ payable to HRM Asia Pte Ltd., and mailed to 121 Telok Ayer Street, #02-01, Singapore 068590 Upon Invoice Credit Card: I authorize HRM Asia to debit my: VISA MASTER CARD AMEX Methods of Payments Company Main Contact Billing Address Tel Email Billing Details The organisers reserve the right in unforeseen circumstances to change the content of any published particulars without liability. Payment must be received prior to the event. All cancellations must be received in writing 28 days prior to the event or 100% cancellation fee applies. In the event that a registered attendee fails to attend, 100% of the event fee remains due. Substitute delegate(s) are welcome with 10 working days prior notice. Terms & Conditions Signature / Date Data Protection The personal information entered during your registration/order, or provided by you, will be held on a database and may be shared. Occasionally, your details may be obtained from or shared with external companies who wish to communicate with you offers related to your business activities. If you do not wish your details to be used for this purpose, please contact our database department at email: info@hrmasia.com.sg, Tel: +65 6423 4631 or Fax: +65 6423 4632 Career Planning & Succession Management CONGRESS