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Carlsbad Desalination Project Water
CEQA Compliance

                                       San Diego County Water Authority
                                      Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
                                                      November 15, 2012
CEQA Applicability
• Involves discretionary action
• Involves a “project”
  – Activity that may cause a direct physical change or a
    reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the
    environment, and is
     • Directly undertaken by public agency; or
     • Supported by public agency contracts, grants, loans, etc.; or
     • Public agency issuance of lease, permit, or other entitlement

Regional Location

Carlsbad FEIR & Addendum
Proposed Distribution System Changes

Macario Canyon Realignment

Aqueduct Connection Point

Pipeline 3 Reline

Twin Oaks Modifications

Pipeline 4 Vent Replacement

Resources Analyzed
• Aesthetics             • Land Use/Planning
• Air Quality            • Noise/Vibration
• Biological Resources   • Transportation/Traffic
• Cultural Resources     • Public Utilities/Service
• Geology/Soils            Systems
• Hazards/Hazardous      • Cumulative Impacts
  Materials              • Growth-Inducing
• Hydrology/Water          Impacts

Analysis Conclusions
• Proposed changes:
  – do not result in substantial project changes involving new
    significant or a substantial increase in severity of
    previously identified significant effects
  – do not reflect a substantial change in the circumstances
    under which the project is undertaken that would result in
    new significant or more severe environmental effects than
    previously identified
  – do not provide new information of substantial importance
    which was not known at the time of the prior FEIR
    regarding new or substantially more severe significant
    effects, previously infeasible mitigation measures that are
    now feasible but are not adopted, or different mitigation
    measures from those analyzed in previous EIR that would
    reduce impacts but are not adopted
CEQA Compliance
• SDCWA is Responsible Agency and will use
  FEIR/Addendum prepared by Carlsbad
• Evaluation of proposed distribution system
  changes do not reach the threshold for
  preparation of a SEIR, therefore an Addendum
  to Carlsbad FEIR is appropriate document
• A Second Addendum to Carlsbad FEIR has
  been prepared

Project Related Documents
• 2003 Regional Water Facilities Master Plan PFEIR
• 2005 Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant
  – 2005 Addendum
• 2006 Precise Development Plan and Desalination
  Plant Project FEIR (Carlsbad FEIR)
  – 2009 Addendum
• 2010 Urban Water Management Plan
• 2010 Subregional NCCP/HCP FEIR/FEIS
• 2012 Carlsbad FEIR Addendum 2

Future CEQA Actions
• Consider the following in determining
  whether or how to proceed with project:
  – 2006 Carlsbad FEIR, 2009 Carlsbad Addendum,
    and 2010 Subregional NCCP/HCP FEIR/FEIS
• Consider and approve:
  – 2012 Carlsbad FEIR Second Addendum
  – Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program

Links to Documents

• http:/sdcwa.org/uwmp
   – 2010 Urban Water Management Plan

• http:/sdcwa.org/environmental-impact-reports-and-
   –   2006 Carlsbad FEIR, 2009 Addendum, & Permits
   –   2003 Regional Water Facilities Master Plan FEIR
   –   2005 Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant FEIR & Addendum
   –   2010 Subregional NCCP/HCP FEIR/FEIS
   –   2012 Carlsbad FEIR Second Addendum (future)


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Carlsbad Desalination Project Water CEQA Compliance

  • 1. Carlsbad Desalination Project Water CEQA Compliance San Diego County Water Authority Special Board of Directors’ Meeting 1 November 15, 2012 1
  • 2. CEQA Applicability • Involves discretionary action AND • Involves a “project” – Activity that may cause a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and is • Directly undertaken by public agency; or • Supported by public agency contracts, grants, loans, etc.; or • Public agency issuance of lease, permit, or other entitlement 2
  • 4. Carlsbad FEIR & Addendum
  • 10. Pipeline 4 Vent Replacement 10
  • 11. Resources Analyzed • Aesthetics • Land Use/Planning • Air Quality • Noise/Vibration • Biological Resources • Transportation/Traffic • Cultural Resources • Public Utilities/Service • Geology/Soils Systems • Hazards/Hazardous • Cumulative Impacts Materials • Growth-Inducing • Hydrology/Water Impacts Quality 11
  • 12. Analysis Conclusions • Proposed changes: – do not result in substantial project changes involving new significant or a substantial increase in severity of previously identified significant effects – do not reflect a substantial change in the circumstances under which the project is undertaken that would result in new significant or more severe environmental effects than previously identified – do not provide new information of substantial importance which was not known at the time of the prior FEIR regarding new or substantially more severe significant effects, previously infeasible mitigation measures that are now feasible but are not adopted, or different mitigation measures from those analyzed in previous EIR that would reduce impacts but are not adopted 12
  • 13. CEQA Compliance • SDCWA is Responsible Agency and will use FEIR/Addendum prepared by Carlsbad • Evaluation of proposed distribution system changes do not reach the threshold for preparation of a SEIR, therefore an Addendum to Carlsbad FEIR is appropriate document • A Second Addendum to Carlsbad FEIR has been prepared 13
  • 14. Project Related Documents • 2003 Regional Water Facilities Master Plan PFEIR • 2005 Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant FEIR – 2005 Addendum • 2006 Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Project FEIR (Carlsbad FEIR) – 2009 Addendum • 2010 Urban Water Management Plan • 2010 Subregional NCCP/HCP FEIR/FEIS • 2012 Carlsbad FEIR Addendum 2 14
  • 15. Future CEQA Actions • Consider the following in determining whether or how to proceed with project: – 2006 Carlsbad FEIR, 2009 Carlsbad Addendum, and 2010 Subregional NCCP/HCP FEIR/FEIS • Consider and approve: – 2012 Carlsbad FEIR Second Addendum – Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 15
  • 16. Links to Documents • http:/sdcwa.org/uwmp – 2010 Urban Water Management Plan • http:/sdcwa.org/environmental-impact-reports-and- mitigated-negative-declarations – 2006 Carlsbad FEIR, 2009 Addendum, & Permits – 2003 Regional Water Facilities Master Plan FEIR – 2005 Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant FEIR & Addendum – 2010 Subregional NCCP/HCP FEIR/FEIS – 2012 Carlsbad FEIR Second Addendum (future) 16