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Mukesh Kumar
• What are CSS
• What can CSS do ?
• Structure of CSS
• CSS Rules
• Types of CSS
• Types of Selector
• CSS links
• CSS border
• CSS display
• CSS pasition
• CSS combinator
What Can CSS Do?
• Text formatting
• Element sizing
• Element positioning
• Change link attributes
• Cursor manipulation
• Element marging
• Element padding
• Floating
What Are CSS?What Are CSS?
• CSS is stands for the CASCADING STYLE SHEETS.
• Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language that
is used to describe the presentation of a document written in a
markup language.
• CSS defines how HTML elements are to be displayed.
• Created by: W3C(world wide web consortium) in 1996.
CSS Page StructureCSS Page Structure
Document (HTML)
H1 Heading
Paragraph 1
Title Text
<TITLE>Title Text</TITLE>
<H1>H1 Heading</H1>
<P>Paragraph 1</P>
Cascading Style RulesCascading Style Rules
• A Style Rule is composed into two parts: a selector and a
h1 {color: red;}.
• CSS selectors are used to "find" (or select) HTML
elements based on their id, class, type, attribute, etc.
• The Declaration determines the property values of a
P {color: red;}
Types of CSSTypes of CSS
There are three types of implementations in CSS
 Inline
• Affects only the element where applied.
 Embedded (internal)
• Affects only the elements in a single file
 External
• Linked to an unlimited number of files
Inline CSSInline CSS
• An inline style may be used to apply a unique style for
a single element.
• Use it when you need to format just a single section in a
web page
• Syntax:
<h1 style="color:blue; margin-left:30px;">This is a
Embedded or internal stylesEmbedded or internal styles
•An internal style sheet may be used if one single page
has a unique style.
•Use it when you need to modify all instances of
particular element (e.g., h1) in a wb page
body {
External style sheetsExternal style sheets
•An external style sheet is a text file containing the style
definition (declaration)
•Use it when you need to control the style for an entire
web site
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css"
Types of Selectors
There are four types of selectors:-
• Element selectors
• Class Selectors
• ID Selectors
• Grouping Selectors
Element Selecter
• The element selector select the elements
based on the element name.
• Syntax:
p {
text-align: center;
color: red;
The Class Selectors :-
• Class selecter defined by . (dot).
• The class selector selects elements with a specific class
• Syntax:
.center {
text-align: center;
color: red;
The ID Selectors :-
• ID selecter defined by #
• The id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to
select a specific element.
• Syntax:
#demo {
text-align: center;
color: red;
Grouping Selectors:-
• There we select more than one element at a time and all are
seprated by comma(,).
• Syntax:
h1, h2, p
text-align: center;
color: red;
Set the space between characters:-Set the space between characters:-
• We can adjust the space between letters in the following
letter-spacing: value;
•Syntax: <p style="letter-spacing:5px;">
This text is having space between letters.
•This will produce following result: -
T h i s t e x t i s h a v i n g s p a c e b e t w e e n l
e t t e r s.
Set the space between words:-Set the space between words:-
• We can adjust the space between words in the following
manner :-
word-spacing: value;
• Syntax: <p style="word-spacing:5px;">
This text is having space between words.
• This will produce following result:-
This text is having space between words.
Set the text indent:-Set the text indent:-
• We can indent the first line of text in HTML element with
the following:-
text-indent: value;
• Possible values are:-
- length
- percentage
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that
I've been turning over in my mind ever since.
Set the text alignment:-Set the text alignment:-
• We can align text with the following:-
text-align: value;
• Possible values are:-
- left
- right
- center
- justify
Decorating the text:-Decorating the text:-
• You can decorate text with the following:-
text-decoration: value;
• Possible values are :-
- none
- underline
- overline
- line through
- blink
Set the text cases:-Set the text cases:-
• We can control the size of letters in an HTML element with
the following:-
text-transform: value;
• Possible values are
- none (Value)
- capitalize (Text Transform)
- lowercase (lowercase)
- uppercase (UPPERCASE)
Set the text shadow:-Set the text shadow:-
• Following is the example shows how to set the shadow
around a text and boxes.
• Syntax:
<p style="text-shadow:4px 4px 8px blue;">
If your browser supports the CSS text-shadow
property, this text will have a blue shadow.</p>
• This may not be supported by all the browsers.
Set the font style:-Set the font style:-
• We can set the style of text in a element with the font-style
font-style: value;
• Possible values are:-
- normal - The text is shown normally
- italic - The text is shown in italics
- oblique - The text is "leaning" (oblique is very similar
to italic, but less supported)
• Example:-
p.normal {font-style:normal;}
CSS – LinksCSS – Links
• Usually these all properties are kept in the header part of
HTML document.
• All links properties come with sequencially to be more
• Syntax:
a:link {color: #000000, Text-decoration:none}
a:visited {color: #006600;}
a:hover {color: #FFCC00;}
a:active {color: #FF00CC;}
• The border-style property specifies what kind of
border to display.
• Syntax:
p.one {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 5px;
p.two {
border-top-style: dotted;
border-right-style: solid;
border-bottom-style: dotted;
border-left-style: solid;
• The display property specifies how an element is
displayed it may be hidden or visual.
• Syntax:
h1.hidden {
visibility: hidden;
li {
display: inline;
• The CSS positioning properties allow you to
position an element.
• There are four types of positions
- Fixed Position
- Relative Position
- Absolute Position
- Overlapping
Fixed Position
• An element with a fixed position is positioned
relative to the browser window.
• Syntax:
p.pos_fixed {
position: fixed;
top: 30px;
right: 5px;
Relative Position
• A relative positioned element is positioned
relative to its normal position.
• Syntax:
h2.pos_left {
position: relative;
left: -20px;
Absolute Position
• In absolute position, element positioned
anywhere on the page.
• Syntax:
h2 {
position: absolute;
left: 100px;
top: 150px;
Overlapping Elements
• When elements are positioned outside the normal
flow, then they can overlap on other elements.
• Syntax:
img {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
z-index: -1;
• There are more than one selecters and it relate
b/w each other.
• There are four different Combinator
- Descendant selector
- Child selector
- Adjacent sibling selector
- General sibling selector
Descendant selector
• The descendant selector matches all elements that
are descendants of a specified element.
• It selects all <p> elements inside <div> elements:
• Syntax:
div p {
background-color: yellow;
• <body>
• <div>
• <p>Paragraph 1 in the div.</p>
• <p>Paragraph 2 in the div.</p>
• <span><p>Paragraph 3 in the div.</p></span>
• </div>
• <p>Paragraph 4. Not in a div.</p>
• <p>Paragraph 5. Not in a div.</p>
• </body>
Child selector
• The child selector selects all elements that are the
immediate children of a specified element.
• It selects all <p> elements that are immediate
children of a <div> element:
• Syntax:
div > p {
background-color: yellow;
• <body>
• <div>
• <p>Paragraph 1 in the div.</p>
• <p>Paragraph 2 in the div.</p>
• <span><p>Paragraph 3 in the div.</p></span> <!-- not Child but Descendant -->
• </div>
• <p>Paragraph 4. Not in a div.</p>
• <p>Paragraph 5. Not in a div.</p>
• </body>
Adjacent sibling selector
• The adjacent sibling selector selects all elements
that are the adjacent siblings of a specified
• It selects all <p> elements that are placed
immediately after <div> elements:
• Syntax:
div + p {
background-color: yellow;
• <body>
• <div>
• <p>Paragraph 1 in the div.</p>
• <p>Paragraph 2 in the div.</p>
• </div>
• <p>Paragraph 3. Not in a div.</p>
• <p>Paragraph 4. Not in a div.</p>
• </body>
General sibling selector
• The general sibling selector selects all elements
that are siblings of a specified element.
• selects all <p> elements that are siblings of <div>
• Syntax:
div ~ p {
background-color: yellow;
• <body>
• <div>
• <p>Paragraph 1 in the div.</p>
• <p>Paragraph 2 in the div.</p>
• </div>
• <p>Paragraph 3. Not in a div.</p>
• <p>Paragraph 4. Not in a div.</p>
CSS-image opacity
• property for image transparency is called opacity.
• Opacity value contain b/w 0 to 1.
• Syntax:
img {
Image hover effect
Cascading Style Sheets By Mukesh

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Cascading Style Sheets By Mukesh

  • 2. CONTENTSCONTENTS • What are CSS • What can CSS do ? • Structure of CSS • CSS Rules • Types of CSS • Types of Selector • CSS links • CSS border • CSS display • CSS pasition • CSS combinator
  • 3. What Can CSS Do? • Text formatting • Element sizing • Element positioning • Change link attributes • Cursor manipulation • Element marging • Element padding • Floating
  • 4. What Are CSS?What Are CSS? • CSS is stands for the CASCADING STYLE SHEETS. • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language that is used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language. • CSS defines how HTML elements are to be displayed. • Created by: W3C(world wide web consortium) in 1996.
  • 5. CSS Page StructureCSS Page Structure Document (HTML) Head Body H1 Heading Paragraph 1 Style Title Text <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Title Text</TITLE> <STYLE>……</STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>H1 Heading</H1> <P>Paragraph 1</P> </BODY> </HTML>
  • 6. Cascading Style RulesCascading Style Rules • A Style Rule is composed into two parts: a selector and a declaration. h1 {color: red;}. • CSS selectors are used to "find" (or select) HTML elements based on their id, class, type, attribute, etc. • The Declaration determines the property values of a selector. P {color: red;} Selector Declaration ValueProperty
  • 7. Types of CSSTypes of CSS There are three types of implementations in CSS  Inline • Affects only the element where applied.  Embedded (internal) • Affects only the elements in a single file  External • Linked to an unlimited number of files
  • 8. Inline CSSInline CSS • An inline style may be used to apply a unique style for a single element. • Use it when you need to format just a single section in a web page • Syntax: <h1 style="color:blue; margin-left:30px;">This is a heading.</h1>
  • 9. Embedded or internal stylesEmbedded or internal styles •An internal style sheet may be used if one single page has a unique style. •Use it when you need to modify all instances of particular element (e.g., h1) in a wb page •Syntax: <head> <style> body { background-color:black; } </style> </head>
  • 10. External style sheetsExternal style sheets •An external style sheet is a text file containing the style definition (declaration) •Use it when you need to control the style for an entire web site •Syntax: <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" > </head>
  • 11. Types of Selectors There are four types of selectors:- • Element selectors • Class Selectors • ID Selectors • Grouping Selectors
  • 12. Element Selecter • The element selector select the elements based on the element name. • Syntax: p { text-align: center; color: red; } 12
  • 14. The Class Selectors :- • Class selecter defined by . (dot). • The class selector selects elements with a specific class attribute. • Syntax: .center { text-align: center; color: red; }
  • 16. The ID Selectors :- • ID selecter defined by # • The id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element. • Syntax: #demo { text-align: center; color: red; }
  • 17. Grouping Selectors:- • There we select more than one element at a time and all are seprated by comma(,). • Syntax: h1, h2, p { text-align: center; color: red; } -
  • 18. Set the space between characters:-Set the space between characters:- • We can adjust the space between letters in the following manner:- letter-spacing: value; •Syntax: <p style="letter-spacing:5px;"> This text is having space between letters. </p> •This will produce following result: - T h i s t e x t i s h a v i n g s p a c e b e t w e e n l e t t e r s.
  • 19. Set the space between words:-Set the space between words:- • We can adjust the space between words in the following manner :- word-spacing: value; • Syntax: <p style="word-spacing:5px;"> This text is having space between words. </p> • This will produce following result:- This text is having space between words.
  • 20. Set the text indent:-Set the text indent:- • We can indent the first line of text in HTML element with the following:- text-indent: value; • Possible values are:- - length - percentage OUTPUT: In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.
  • 21. Set the text alignment:-Set the text alignment:- • We can align text with the following:- text-align: value; • Possible values are:- - left - right - center - justify
  • 22. Decorating the text:-Decorating the text:- • You can decorate text with the following:- text-decoration: value; • Possible values are :- - none - underline - overline - line through - blink
  • 23. Set the text cases:-Set the text cases:- • We can control the size of letters in an HTML element with the following:- text-transform: value; • Possible values are - none (Value) - capitalize (Text Transform) - lowercase (lowercase) - uppercase (UPPERCASE)
  • 24. Set the text shadow:-Set the text shadow:- • Following is the example shows how to set the shadow around a text and boxes. • Syntax: <p style="text-shadow:4px 4px 8px blue;"> If your browser supports the CSS text-shadow property, this text will have a blue shadow.</p> • This may not be supported by all the browsers.
  • 25. Set the font style:-Set the font style:- • We can set the style of text in a element with the font-style property font-style: value; • Possible values are:- - normal - The text is shown normally - italic - The text is shown in italics - oblique - The text is "leaning" (oblique is very similar to italic, but less supported) • Example:- p.normal {font-style:normal;}
  • 26. CSS – LinksCSS – Links • Usually these all properties are kept in the header part of HTML document. • All links properties come with sequencially to be more effective • Syntax: <style> a:link {color: #000000, Text-decoration:none} a:visited {color: #006600;} a:hover {color: #FFCC00;} a:active {color: #FF00CC;} </style>
  • 27. CSS-Border • The border-style property specifies what kind of border to display. • Syntax: p.one { border-style: solid; border-width: 5px; } p.two { border-top-style: dotted; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: solid; } 27
  • 28. CSS-Display • The display property specifies how an element is displayed it may be hidden or visual. • Syntax: h1.hidden { visibility: hidden; } li { display: inline; } 28
  • 29. CSS-Position • The CSS positioning properties allow you to position an element. • There are four types of positions - Fixed Position - Relative Position - Absolute Position - Overlapping 29
  • 30. Fixed Position • An element with a fixed position is positioned relative to the browser window. • Syntax: p.pos_fixed { position: fixed; top: 30px; right: 5px; } 30
  • 31. Relative Position • A relative positioned element is positioned relative to its normal position. • Syntax: h2.pos_left { position: relative; left: -20px; } 31
  • 33. Absolute Position • In absolute position, element positioned anywhere on the page. • Syntax: h2 { position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 150px; } 33
  • 35. Overlapping Elements • When elements are positioned outside the normal flow, then they can overlap on other elements. • Syntax: img { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; z-index: -1; } OUTPUT: 35
  • 36. CSS-Combinators • There are more than one selecters and it relate b/w each other. • There are four different Combinator - Descendant selector - Child selector - Adjacent sibling selector - General sibling selector 36
  • 37. Descendant selector • The descendant selector matches all elements that are descendants of a specified element. • It selects all <p> elements inside <div> elements: • Syntax: div p { background-color: yellow; } 37
  • 38. Example • <body> • <div> • <p>Paragraph 1 in the div.</p> • <p>Paragraph 2 in the div.</p> • <span><p>Paragraph 3 in the div.</p></span> • </div> • <p>Paragraph 4. Not in a div.</p> • <p>Paragraph 5. Not in a div.</p> • </body> • OUTPUT 38
  • 39. Child selector • The child selector selects all elements that are the immediate children of a specified element. • It selects all <p> elements that are immediate children of a <div> element: • Syntax: div > p { background-color: yellow; } 39
  • 40. Example • <body> • <div> • <p>Paragraph 1 in the div.</p> • <p>Paragraph 2 in the div.</p> • <span><p>Paragraph 3 in the div.</p></span> <!-- not Child but Descendant --> • </div> • <p>Paragraph 4. Not in a div.</p> • <p>Paragraph 5. Not in a div.</p> • </body> • OUTPUT 40
  • 41. Adjacent sibling selector • The adjacent sibling selector selects all elements that are the adjacent siblings of a specified element. • It selects all <p> elements that are placed immediately after <div> elements: • Syntax: div + p { background-color: yellow; } 41
  • 42. 42 Example • <body> • <div> • <p>Paragraph 1 in the div.</p> • <p>Paragraph 2 in the div.</p> • </div> • <p>Paragraph 3. Not in a div.</p> • <p>Paragraph 4. Not in a div.</p> • </body> • OUTPUT
  • 43. General sibling selector • The general sibling selector selects all elements that are siblings of a specified element. • selects all <p> elements that are siblings of <div> elements: • Syntax: div ~ p { background-color: yellow; } 43
  • 44. Example • <body> • <div> • <p>Paragraph 1 in the div.</p> • <p>Paragraph 2 in the div.</p> • </div> • <p>Paragraph 3. Not in a div.</p> • <p>Paragraph 4. Not in a div.</p> • OUTPUT 44
  • 45. CSS-image opacity • property for image transparency is called opacity. • Opacity value contain b/w 0 to 1. • Syntax: img { opacity:0.4; } 45