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Kaati Zone on Facebook

Kaati Zone Social Media Report -
        Jan to June 2011
Objectives of social media engagement
          for the Kaati Zone brand
• Build the brand’s presence on Facebook and create a recognizable
  identity for Kaati Zone’s products and services
• Engaging with customers of Kaati Zone on any issue required.
• Create a buzz about the products and get the word going around by
  creating more online conversations.
• Keep a track of all the online conversations happening and attend to any
  problems, if needed.
• Spread word of mouth - Customers need to be assured about the
  product before they try it.
• On Facebook, they hear from the people who are customers and they
  share their experiences and feedback resulting in a higher probability of
• Build a more personal relationship with the customer. Here we talk to the
  customer as a brand so their queries are solved their complaints are
  taken care of, so they would be positive about the brand. Its like taking
  feedback and accordingly improving the services. It makes the brand
  more accessible to the customer.
• Having various campaigns and driving more footfalls to the outlets
• You can communicate directly to your specific market.
• A great mode of communication - delivering information about latest
  happenings and news.
• Keep making regular posts in order to keep the customers updated and
  giving them a reminder about the brand.
• It’s a way where communication happens between business and many
  potential customers.
• Find out what your customers want - Listen to them.
• Give a chance to let your customers play an active role in the business.
  Let them give suggestions and share what they like and what they don’t.
  It might even give birth to new ideas and suggestions.
Activities Done (Introduction)
• Default landing page, the new fans will land up on this page
  which welcomes them and asks them to like us.
• A separate menu application to view the complete menu on
• Location tab to share comprehensive information about
  various Kaati Zone locations.
• Various campaigns like the Roll N Score Offer.
• Press releases about new eats and dishes.
• Regular posts about different products and updates to keep
  reminding the fans of Kaati Zone, capturing the mind space.
• Poll and questions to know customers preferences, their
  likes etc.
• Posting the Menu on the Facebook
• Giving all customers the ability to
  browse the menu on Facebook.
• As Kaati Zone does home delivery it
  gives the customers an option to see
  the menu on Facebook
• The Menu is up and live and the link to
  it posted on the wall when uploaded.
• Even now whenever there are some
  posts related to the food available,
  information about the variety etc the link
  to the menu is posted when we
  respond to queries.
Communication about new store openings

                       • Announcing the store opening at
                       • Posting the details about the store.
                       • Created a new tab and posted the

• Updates about the store moving.
• Posting the details about where its
• Posting the creative of the new store
  in Indiranagar.
Facebook Campaigns
• Roll N Score offer
   – The offer was launched during the World Cup, integrating the on
     ground Roll N Score campaign.
   – The fans had to fill in a simple form that would add 4 runs to their
   – If they wanted 4 more runs then they had to answer some world cup
     related questions, i.e Predict the teams for Semi-finals, finals, World
     Cup winner and Man of the tournament.
   – Two tabs were made for the two rounds on Facebook to score runs
     i.e Roll N Score tab and World Cup tab.
   – The Roll N Score tab was set as a default landing page.
   – The offer details were mentioned in a different note. The note link was
     mentioned below the both the offer tabs.
   – These entries were then combined at the end of the World Cup
     Tournament and the scores were added to the participants scores
     that they made by ordering the food from Kaati Zone.
Roll N Score Tab - 1
• This tab was set as a default landing
  page. It would appear whenever a
  person lands up on the page.
• For the non-fans the default landing
  page was a creative with the offer info
  and said “like us to participate. So they
  have to like to participate which would
  lead to fan increase.
• Then the fans just had to fill in a form to
  get 4 runs added to their account.
• The link to score 4 more runs was given
  below the form.
• The detailed contest info note link was
  also mentioned below.
• The entries received via the forms
  resulted more database.
World Cup Quiz Tab - 2

• The second part of the offer
  required fans to guess the winning
  teams for the QFs, Semi-Finals,
  Finals and the winner.
• The fans who had filled in their
  details in the form where
  compared to the comments
  received on the questions and
  then given 4 more runs.
• There were approx 15 comments
  received on all the questions.
• There were approx 11 people who
  had entered their details in the first
Communications - Press Releases
                • Posted various press
                  releases on a regular basis.
                • To integrate information
                  being shared in the offline
                  media with online media.
                • To communicate to people
                  by posting a third party
                • Posted the press releases
                  with a catchy sentence to
                  grab the audience’s
                  attention and make them
                  read it.
Location Tab
    • The location tab has four buttons.
    • The buttons are of the 4 cities i.e
      Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and
      Hyderabad where Kaati Zone
      outlets are.
    • The addresses of all the outlets
      are given to help customers to
      find the nearest store.
    • The header says “How about a
      quick bite?” to entice customers
      for a quick grab and it even helps
      in positioning the brand as a fast
      food joint or a quick service
      restaurant (QSR).
Online Ordering Application
• We built an amazing application to
  give fans the ability to order Kaati
  Rolls right from Facebook!
• We embedded the online ordering
  application from justeat.in to Kaati
  Zone Facebook page
• We created a tab from where the
  fan can enter the application. (
  Tab picture given on the right)
• The application image is given
• The backend process of the order
  reaching the customer is handled
  by justeat.in only
look & feel of
  the online

 Application can
 be accessed at:
Roll of the Day (ROTD) Offer
              • We promoted the on ground
                marketing campaign “Roll of the
                Day” on the page.
              • We created a separate tab for the
                ROTD creative and added
                comment box for the fans who want
                to comment on the offer.
              • For the first week of the offer we
                announced the name of everyday’s
                roll. The tone initially was
                informational and promotional in
              • After a week we started to post
                more inviting messages Eg. Have
                you have today’s roll?? Or why
                don’t you try this roll its available at a
                special Roll of the Day price!
Offer Updates
Feedback Form
• We created a tab with
  a feedback form.
• The customer can fill
  in this form and it
  goes directly to the
  marketing heads of
  Kaati Zone.
• The feedback form
  was designed and
  created considering
  the customers have
  less time.
Frequent Updates
Kaati Zone Facebook Ads
• We began the Facebook Ad campaign for
  Kaati Zone in the month of June.
• The total budget given was Rs. 10,000/- as
  this was just a trial period.
• The number of fans before ads was 566 and
  after the ads it shot up to over 1,600 in the
  month of June and will eventually reach about
  1,800 - 1,900.
The total number of people who have liked the Page
                   from January to June 2011

1800                                                       1657
1600                             The rise in number of
1400                             total number of fans is
                                 due to Kaati Zone Ads


                           533       556        566
600      446      479



        Jan      Feb      Mar      April      May          June
No. of new likes every month from January - June 2011

1200                                                       1111

1000                                  The rise in number
                                      of new fans is due
                                      to Kaati Zone Ads



200       146
                    39       61
                                       24        14
         Jan       Feb     March     April     May         June
Daily Page Views from users logged into Facebook
                    from January to June 2011

2000                                                        1909

1800                               The rise in number of
                                   Page Views is due to
                                   Kaati Zone Ads
800     695
400                                   298

       Jan       Feb       Mar       Apr       May          Jun
Daily The number of likes and comments made on
      News Feed stories posted on the Page from January to
                           June 2011


                                    The rise in number of
200                                 likes and comments is
                                    due to Kaati Zone Ads

                  47        44
50                                             31
         16                          11
        Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr       May       June
Fan’s love!!
(Posted on Kaati Zone’s wall)
Case Study – Kaati Zone on Facebook a Social Media report from Jan – June 2011!

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Case Study – Kaati Zone on Facebook a Social Media report from Jan – June 2011!

  • 1. Kaati Zone on Facebook Kaati Zone Social Media Report - Jan to June 2011
  • 2. Objectives of social media engagement for the Kaati Zone brand • Build the brand’s presence on Facebook and create a recognizable identity for Kaati Zone’s products and services • Engaging with customers of Kaati Zone on any issue required. • Create a buzz about the products and get the word going around by creating more online conversations. • Keep a track of all the online conversations happening and attend to any problems, if needed. • Spread word of mouth - Customers need to be assured about the product before they try it. • On Facebook, they hear from the people who are customers and they share their experiences and feedback resulting in a higher probability of purchase.
  • 3. • Build a more personal relationship with the customer. Here we talk to the customer as a brand so their queries are solved their complaints are taken care of, so they would be positive about the brand. Its like taking feedback and accordingly improving the services. It makes the brand more accessible to the customer. • Having various campaigns and driving more footfalls to the outlets • You can communicate directly to your specific market. • A great mode of communication - delivering information about latest happenings and news. • Keep making regular posts in order to keep the customers updated and giving them a reminder about the brand. • It’s a way where communication happens between business and many potential customers. • Find out what your customers want - Listen to them. • Give a chance to let your customers play an active role in the business. Let them give suggestions and share what they like and what they don’t. It might even give birth to new ideas and suggestions.
  • 4. Activities Done (Introduction) • Default landing page, the new fans will land up on this page which welcomes them and asks them to like us. • A separate menu application to view the complete menu on Facebook. • Location tab to share comprehensive information about various Kaati Zone locations. • Various campaigns like the Roll N Score Offer. • Press releases about new eats and dishes. • Regular posts about different products and updates to keep reminding the fans of Kaati Zone, capturing the mind space. • Poll and questions to know customers preferences, their likes etc.
  • 5. Menu • Posting the Menu on the Facebook page. • Giving all customers the ability to browse the menu on Facebook. • As Kaati Zone does home delivery it gives the customers an option to see the menu on Facebook • The Menu is up and live and the link to it posted on the wall when uploaded. • Even now whenever there are some posts related to the food available, information about the variety etc the link to the menu is posted when we respond to queries.
  • 6. Communication about new store openings • Announcing the store opening at Hyderabad. • Posting the details about the store. • Created a new tab and posted the creative. • Updates about the store moving. • Posting the details about where its opening • Posting the creative of the new store in Indiranagar.
  • 7. Facebook Campaigns • Roll N Score offer – The offer was launched during the World Cup, integrating the on ground Roll N Score campaign. – The fans had to fill in a simple form that would add 4 runs to their score. – If they wanted 4 more runs then they had to answer some world cup related questions, i.e Predict the teams for Semi-finals, finals, World Cup winner and Man of the tournament. – Two tabs were made for the two rounds on Facebook to score runs i.e Roll N Score tab and World Cup tab. – The Roll N Score tab was set as a default landing page. – The offer details were mentioned in a different note. The note link was mentioned below the both the offer tabs. – These entries were then combined at the end of the World Cup Tournament and the scores were added to the participants scores that they made by ordering the food from Kaati Zone.
  • 8. Roll N Score Tab - 1 • This tab was set as a default landing page. It would appear whenever a person lands up on the page. • For the non-fans the default landing page was a creative with the offer info and said “like us to participate. So they have to like to participate which would lead to fan increase. • Then the fans just had to fill in a form to get 4 runs added to their account. • The link to score 4 more runs was given below the form. • The detailed contest info note link was also mentioned below. • The entries received via the forms resulted more database.
  • 9. World Cup Quiz Tab - 2 • The second part of the offer required fans to guess the winning teams for the QFs, Semi-Finals, Finals and the winner. • The fans who had filled in their details in the form where compared to the comments received on the questions and then given 4 more runs. • There were approx 15 comments received on all the questions. • There were approx 11 people who had entered their details in the first tab.
  • 10. Communications - Press Releases • Posted various press releases on a regular basis. • To integrate information being shared in the offline media with online media. • To communicate to people by posting a third party reviews. • Posted the press releases with a catchy sentence to grab the audience’s attention and make them read it.
  • 11. Location Tab • The location tab has four buttons. • The buttons are of the 4 cities i.e Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and Hyderabad where Kaati Zone outlets are. • The addresses of all the outlets are given to help customers to find the nearest store. • The header says “How about a quick bite?” to entice customers for a quick grab and it even helps in positioning the brand as a fast food joint or a quick service restaurant (QSR).
  • 12. Online Ordering Application • We built an amazing application to give fans the ability to order Kaati Rolls right from Facebook! • We embedded the online ordering application from justeat.in to Kaati Zone Facebook page • We created a tab from where the fan can enter the application. ( Tab picture given on the right) • The application image is given below. • The backend process of the order reaching the customer is handled by justeat.in only
  • 13. Complete look & feel of the online ordering application Application can be accessed at: apps.facebook.com/kaatizone/
  • 14. Roll of the Day (ROTD) Offer • We promoted the on ground marketing campaign “Roll of the Day” on the page. • We created a separate tab for the ROTD creative and added comment box for the fans who want to comment on the offer. • For the first week of the offer we announced the name of everyday’s roll. The tone initially was informational and promotional in nature. • After a week we started to post more inviting messages Eg. Have you have today’s roll?? Or why don’t you try this roll its available at a special Roll of the Day price!
  • 16. Feedback Form • We created a tab with a feedback form. • The customer can fill in this form and it goes directly to the marketing heads of Kaati Zone. • The feedback form was designed and created considering the customers have less time.
  • 18. Kaati Zone Facebook Ads • We began the Facebook Ad campaign for Kaati Zone in the month of June. • The total budget given was Rs. 10,000/- as this was just a trial period. • The number of fans before ads was 566 and after the ads it shot up to over 1,600 in the month of June and will eventually reach about 1,800 - 1,900.
  • 19. The total number of people who have liked the Page from January to June 2011 1800 1657 1600 The rise in number of 1400 total number of fans is due to Kaati Zone Ads 1200 1000 800 533 556 566 600 446 479 400 200 0 Jan Feb Mar April May June
  • 20. No. of new likes every month from January - June 2011 1200 1111 1000 The rise in number of new fans is due to Kaati Zone Ads 800 600 400 200 146 39 61 24 14 0 Jan Feb March April May June
  • 21. Daily Page Views from users logged into Facebook from January to June 2011 2000 1909 1800 The rise in number of 1600 Page Views is due to Kaati Zone Ads 1400 1200 1000 800 695 639 528 600 374 400 298 200 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
  • 22. Daily The number of likes and comments made on News Feed stories posted on the Page from January to June 2011 300 266 250 The rise in number of 200 likes and comments is due to Kaati Zone Ads 150 100 47 44 50 31 16 11 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June
  • 23. Fan’s love!! (Posted on Kaati Zone’s wall)