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H Y B R I D 

contextualising (digital) change to
leap into the future(s) of our


Project title Client
on the rise and fall of civilisation

“Civilisations break down, not
because the barbarians break in.
It’s a matter of self-inflicted
damage, marked by a loss of
creative capacity.”

A. Toynbee - A Study of History


We are suffering from the crash of our old
institutions, we are also pioneering a new
civilization. That means living with high
uncertainty. It means expecting disequilibria
and upset. And it means no one has the full
and final truth about where we are going -
or even where we should go. 
Alvin Tofler


an open timeframe into the future…




“A Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the
Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring
since the middle of the last century. It is
characterized by a fusion of technologies that is
blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and
biological spheres.


Catherine van holder


3 H O R I Z O N S 

often it’s impossible or difficult to innovate into the third horizon,

without going through some incremental steps


We mustn’t be caught by surprise by our own
advancing technologies. This has happend again
and again in history. and suddenly people have
found themselves in a situation which they didn’t
foresee and doing all sorts of things that they
didn’t really want to do.
Aldous Huxley
a value based look into the future


exploring the world ahead 

through FUTURES 

“Anthropology is an
enterprise ‘energised by the
tension between speculative
inquiry into what life could be
like and a knowledge rooted
in particular experience, of
what life is like for people of
particular times and
places." (Ingold 2014:393)


“bibliotheken : ontsluiten van kennis 

- gaande van alfabetisering van geestelijken in
de Oudheid” tot de openbare bibliotheek in de
Nieuwe Tijd als een instrument in de
democratisering van de maatschappij. “
vorming van de geest.



“The story is one of the basic
tools invented by the human
mind for the purpose of
understanding. There have been
great societies that did not use
the wheel, but there have been
no societies that did not tell
Ursula Le Guin.
Joseph Campbell


stories are to become told and knowledge acquired in real life contexts 

rather than meditated through books and screens or being located on stage?
Magic Leap


Using augmented
reality’s capabilities at revealing
new story worlds, unearthing
hidden secrets and bringing
invisible culture to life to enable
us to re-encounter the
landscape through a new kind of
reality. Melding together fact
and fiction, time and space, past
and present the story takes you
back to 1790 where the past
needs your help to save the
future of sealife.
Secret Coast Immersive Storylab


A traveling live-music mashup
involving cell phones, big
screens, indie rockers and
meandering actors. Props and
characters from the movie
appeared onstage throughout
the performance. Onscreen
prompts encourage the crowd to
dial phone numbers that lead
moviegoers through a maze of
internet clues for solving random
riddles. The hooded character
joins in the dialing, shouting
rants like, “I know things about
you that no one else knows.” An
amazing 84 percent of the 100-
plus crowd dialed the onstage
phone numbers.
Lance Weiler. Head Trauma


Carne & Arena Inarritu
Carne y Arena is a
groundbreaking virtual reality
installation that allows the viewer
to go inside the story and
explore the human condition of


Catherine van holder


… we are moving into a
landscape where art and
science, design and
engineering are inseparable.
At their intersection lies the
new creative laboratory for
the future of our narrative
Alex McDowell


libraries become not only gatekeepers of knowledge 

but of a culture of commons in general?


Catherine van holder


a tale of multiple futures
The sharing economy, as a feature of urban life, could evolve in
promising or not-so-promising ways. 

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. …” 

April Rinne


Catherine van holder


products/services as a common


In Copenhagen, citizens can
access most libraries and other
facilities such as sports halls,
using their social security card,
after opening hours. Meeting
rooms in culture houses and
recess centers can be booked
online and some of those spaces
can be accessed by local
residents with the same card. In
this way, it is more than empty
words, when the libraries’ website
explains: you own the key to the
City. By trusting people in their
use of the place, the “open library”
program contributes maybe to
making people feel responsible for
this common good.  
copenhagen open library program




.. —


Perspective API


The mediator between the head 

and the hands must be the heart
Metropolis Fritz Lang


the task at hand is not to be
underestimated in
complexity, but make no
mistake, neither is it’s
importance. the future of our
civilisation depends on it.



let’s meet in the future.
Catherine Van Holder @cvanholder - catherine@pantopicon.be

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Catherine van holder

  • 1. H Y B R I D 
 F U T U R E S contextualising (digital) change to leap into the future(s) of our civilisation @cvanholder

  • 2. Project title Client on the rise and fall of civilisation
 “Civilisations break down, not because the barbarians break in. It’s a matter of self-inflicted damage, marked by a loss of creative capacity.”
 A. Toynbee - A Study of History
  • 3. We are suffering from the crash of our old institutions, we are also pioneering a new civilization. That means living with high uncertainty. It means expecting disequilibria and upset. And it means no one has the full and final truth about where we are going - or even where we should go.  // Alvin Tofler
  • 4. an open timeframe into the future… automatisering digitalisering globalisering decentralisering information 
 overload on-demand
 society prosumers neoliberalisering …
  • 5. “A Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.
  • 7. 3 H O R I Z O N S 
 M O D E L often it’s impossible or difficult to innovate into the third horizon,
 without going through some incremental steps
  • 8. We mustn’t be caught by surprise by our own advancing technologies. This has happend again and again in history. and suddenly people have found themselves in a situation which they didn’t foresee and doing all sorts of things that they didn’t really want to do. // Aldous Huxley a value based look into the future
  • 9. exploring the world ahead 
 through FUTURES 
 anthropology “Anthropology is an enterprise ‘energised by the tension between speculative inquiry into what life could be like and a knowledge rooted in particular experience, of what life is like for people of particular times and places." (Ingold 2014:393)
  • 10. “bibliotheken : ontsluiten van kennis 
 - gaande van alfabetisering van geestelijken in de Oudheid” tot de openbare bibliotheek in de Nieuwe Tijd als een instrument in de democratisering van de maatschappij. “ // // vorming van de geest. gemeenschapsvorming
  • 11. “The story is one of the basic tools invented by the human mind for the purpose of understanding. There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.” Ursula Le Guin. Joseph Campbell
  • 12. WHAT IF stories are to become told and knowledge acquired in real life contexts 
 rather than meditated through books and screens or being located on stage? Magic Leap
  • 13. Using augmented reality’s capabilities at revealing new story worlds, unearthing hidden secrets and bringing invisible culture to life to enable us to re-encounter the landscape through a new kind of reality. Melding together fact and fiction, time and space, past and present the story takes you back to 1790 where the past needs your help to save the future of sealife. Secret Coast Immersive Storylab
  • 14. A traveling live-music mashup involving cell phones, big screens, indie rockers and meandering actors. Props and characters from the movie appeared onstage throughout the performance. Onscreen prompts encourage the crowd to dial phone numbers that lead moviegoers through a maze of internet clues for solving random riddles. The hooded character joins in the dialing, shouting rants like, “I know things about you that no one else knows.” An amazing 84 percent of the 100- plus crowd dialed the onstage phone numbers. Lance Weiler. Head Trauma
  • 15. Carne & Arena Inarritu Carne y Arena is a groundbreaking virtual reality installation that allows the viewer to go inside the story and explore the human condition of immigrants
  • 17. … we are moving into a landscape where art and science, design and engineering are inseparable. At their intersection lies the new creative laboratory for the future of our narrative practices. “ Alex McDowell
  • 18. WHAT IF libraries become not only gatekeepers of knowledge 
 but of a culture of commons in general?
  • 20. a tale of multiple futures The sharing economy, as a feature of urban life, could evolve in promising or not-so-promising ways. 
 “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. …” 
 April Rinne
  • 23. In Copenhagen, citizens can access most libraries and other facilities such as sports halls, using their social security card, after opening hours. Meeting rooms in culture houses and recess centers can be booked online and some of those spaces can be accessed by local residents with the same card. In this way, it is more than empty words, when the libraries’ website explains: you own the key to the City. By trusting people in their use of the place, the “open library” program contributes maybe to making people feel responsible for this common good.   copenhagen open library program
  • 27. The mediator between the head 
 and the hands must be the heart Metropolis Fritz Lang
  • 28. the task at hand is not to be underestimated in complexity, but make no mistake, neither is it’s importance. the future of our civilisation depends on it. “
  • 29. thanks. 
 let’s meet in the future. // THE END Catherine Van Holder @cvanholder - catherine@pantopicon.be