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Vol. 01 No. 02 May 2015
In this issue
Guest Column 02
Spotlight On 04
CEMCA News 06
Case Study 13
Book Review 16
Technology Tracking 17
Research Shows 20
SMART Tips 22
Forthcoming Events 24
From Director’s Desk
e are happy
to present to
you the May
2015 issue of CEMCA
Newsletter, and thank
you for the appreciation
With best wishes
provided for the January Issue. This issue has a
guest column by Prof Ormond Simpson
examining how the distance education
institutions are moving towards online modes of
educational delivery. You can read about
Maldives National University in the ‘Spotlight
On’ section. Flicker of Farmer: Digital Green
narrates how rural communities are being
empowered and improving their livelihoods
through knowledge exchange. Under
Technology Tracking, we bring to you the Do It
Yourself tips on creating Android based Apps
through the App Inventor. Further, you will
learn about SkillsRec Model which uses the
Latent Semantic Analysis to identify learner
skills through semantically analyzing teacher
competencies and learner interests. Finally, in
the ‘Successful Media And Research
Techniques (SMART) Tips’ section you can
learn about how to maintain fluency in academic
and report writing.
With June 2015, our current Three Year Plan
(2012-15) is coming to an end. When we look
back at these three years, we feel happy in
reporting to you, our esteemed reader, that we
were able to achieve almost all our targets, even
in some cases we exceeded. The focus of our
activities is course development, capacity
building, quality assurance, development of
toolkits, and development of open and distance
learning (ODL), information and communications
technology (ICT) and open educational
resources (OER) policy. Collaborative
partnerships were created in Bangladesh, India,
Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
An Industry linked course on Sound Assistant
was launched in collaboration with NIOS. OER
based eLearning was adopted by Uttarakhand
Open University, India; Open University of Sri
Lanka, Sri Lanka; and Wawasan Open University,
Malaysia.ACommunity of Practice platform has
been put in practice for ICT integration. An
innovative Media Wiki extension for OER quality
has been developed. We are working with AIOU,
Pakistan on creating skills based courses. We
helped initiating policy level intervention at
Maldives, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Maldives
Broadcasting Commission is working on policy on
community broadcasting as a result of our
initiatives. The DIET Teacher Educators of
Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Madhya
Pradesh were benefited from ICT integrated
teacher education programmes. Initiatives were
undertaken on mobile educational app
development. This is just a glimpse of our
activities carried out to meet the planned
In our SixYear Plan (2015-21) we shall continue
helping CommonwealthAsian member countries to
improve the scope, scale and quality of teaching
and learning at all levels through the use of media
and educational technologies to extend and
improve educational systems.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue. We
welcome your comments and feedback on what
you would like to be in the future issues of the
Newsletter. We also encourage you to be a
contributor of articles, research and media tips and
news on ICT and OER happening in your region.
Guest Column...
My car is my Bond...
By Prof. Ormond Simpson
Many years ago when I was a student in the
UK, I was a member of the Bond Minicar Club.
The Bond Minicar had no connection with the
dashing fictional secret agent of that name
James Bond; it was a response to the need to
provide the cheapest possible form of transport
in a Britain that was still in post-war austerity.
It was a tiny three-wheeled two-seater car with
a 175 cc motorcycle engine based on the single
front wheel. It had a top speed of about 45 mph downhill with a
following wind. The motto of the Bond Minicar Club was - not
surprisingly - ‘Festina Lente’, Latin for ‘Hasten slowly’.
I often think of that motto when I read yet another article about
the future of distance education and the Internet. What I think
concerns me is the speed at which some distance institutions are
moving towards very largely online modes. I understand for
instance that those two giants of the Asian distance education
scene, the Indira Ghandi National Open University and the Open
University of China, are both moving in that direction.
Moving into e-teaching
Of course many other distance institutions are moving into e-
teaching (I don’t like to use the term e-learning. What distance
institutions are doing is e-teaching. E-learning is what students
are doing. It can be a mistake to confuse proposed means with
hoped-for-ends. Such a confusion is what the philosopher
Gilbert Ryle would have called a ‘category error’- befuddling two
things that are essentially different).
The concern for me about e-teaching is that it is not clear just
how effective it is as yet, nor whether it increases student
access, or even saves money. Take my old institution the UK
Open University for example. Since it started to move into e-
teaching its graduation rate has dropped from around 40% down
to about 13%. In addition it is now failing to reach the more than
20% of the UK population that does not have household
broadband internet access. Finally, it has recently started
running a financial deficit. Whilst there must be many factors
responsible for these declines, it does
suggest that ‘pure’ e-teaching or online
education has not been a huge success for
the UKOU.
One exception
Curiously there is one Asian distance
university that has not yet moved to pure
online education. It is the Korean National
Open University (KNOU). Whilst South
Korea has household internet access of
97% and a broadband speed of 82Mbps
(compared with example with the UK’s 80%
access and 29Mpbs) it nevertheless still
requires its students to experience some
compulsory face-to-face (f2f) teaching at
the beginning of its courses. As the KNOU
introductory 2014 guideline manual for
freshmen states:
“To overcome limitations in distant education and to
encourage interactions between faculty members and students
and also among students, KNOU requires its freshmen
through juniors to take face to face classes for three courses,
and seniors are required to take face to face classes for three
courses at their regional campuses (generally students are
supposed to take 6 courses a semester - author). These face
to face classes are held consecutively for two or three days in
a semester and there are tests at the end of the classes.”
The decision to retain some f2f teaching was also partly made on
the results of a student survey. In the survey KNOU students
responded that they valued the f2f sessions mostly because of
difficulties in understanding study materials on their own. They
also wanted to overcome feelings of isolation from studying
alone. Some 50% felt the current proportion of f2f sessions was
appropriate whilst another 40% wanted more of them.
Other institutions’ concerns
The KNOU approach is similar to that of a much smaller
institution, the Dublin City University Connected (DCU
Connected) in Ireland which offers students the options of all
tutorials f2f, all tutorials online or a mixture of both. Due to
concerns about socialisation, they insist new students take the
‘mixture’ option. They are greatly concerned about the future of
f2f teaching as they find that there is not the level of online
interaction in online classrooms that one gets in f2f classes and,
as mentioned previously, they are concerned about socialisation
between students. There are other distance institutions such as
German FernUniversität where teaching is
based on a blended learning concept with
written study materials, ICT and media
and f2f teaching and learning. There are
compulsory seminars and optional
tutorials or other supportive events and
lectures. The FernUniversität certainly
intends to maintain its f2f teaching
How good are the students?
In addition to my concerns about the
effectiveness of pure e-teaching I wonder
about how good students are at e-
learning. There has long been a belief in
distance education institutions that
young people brought up in the age of
the internet (the ‘Google Generation’)
have a high level of skills in using the
Web for learning. However a report
commissioned by the UK Joint
Information Systems Committee
(Rowlands et al,
2008) claims that
although young
demonstrate an
ease and
computers, ‘they
rely on the most
basic search tools and do
not possess the critical and
analytical skills to assess the information
that they find on the web’. The report
suggests that ‘research-behaviour traits
that are commonly associated with
younger users – impatience in search and
navigation, and zero tolerance for any
delay in satisfying their information needs
– are now the norm for all age-groups,
from younger pupils and undergraduates
through to professors’.
A more recent study from Spain (Garcia,
Escofet and Gros, 2013) also found that
‘although most university students have
a basic set of technological abilities, these
do not necessarily translate into
sophisticated skills in the use of other
technologies or information literacy in
general’. I do not know of any studies of
Asian students’ e-learning skills, but it
would seem to be an area that any
institution should check out before going
too far down the online education route.
In addition there is some evidence that
students prefer a blended approach rather
than pure e-learning. Miliszewska (2007)
found that students preferred a blended
model of teaching to an exclusively online
approach. Similarly Shaker and Hu (2008)
found that students offered f2f and online
teaching, were more satisfied than
students just offered online teaching.
Distance institutions ignore their student
preferences at their
‘Festina lente’
My old Bond minicar had some curious
characteristics apart from its lack of
speed. For instance it didn’t have a
reverse gear. So I’m not saying that
distance institutions should reverse their
moves into e-teaching. But I am
suggesting that institutions should not be
too seduced by technophilia (love of
Prof. Ormond is Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Distance Education, University of
London International Programmes. He was previously Visiting Professor at the Open
Polytechnic of New Zealand and Senior Lecturer at the UK Open University. He has
written several books, the latest of which is ‘Supporting Students for Success in Online
and Distance Education’ (Routledge 2012). He has also written a number of articles
and presentations which can be found on his website www.ormondsimpson.com.
technology) and educational fashion.
They should not continue to rush into e-
teaching without some very careful
research. Moves into e-teaching should
be carefully monitored and evaluated step
by step for their effects on student
retention and dropout. And in particular,
institutions should maintain other forms
of contact with their students whether by
phone or f2f or other methods.
For my old Bond minicar had two other
characteristics. One was a tendency to
catch fire at unfortunate moments. The
very last time that happened to me was
next to a police box where it had to
be finally abandoned.
The other
characteristic arose
from the fact that
the engine was
mounted entirely
on the front
wheel which
gave the
car the
ability to
through a
this sometimes
meant that the throttle cable got trapped,
with the result that the car would start
spinning faster and faster on the same
spot. Now distance institutions aren’t
going to catch fire if they move into e-
teaching. But the image of an institution
spinning around uselessly on the same
spot may not be too far-fetched to
describe an institution which doesn’t
proceed very carefully in this new internet
Spotlight On...
Maldives National University
By Mr. Ningreikhan Wungkhai and Ms. Rimi Chakravorty
The Maldives is an island nation in the
Indian Ocean. The Maldives is widely
known for its beautiful landscape, open
beaches, blue lagoons and wide-ranging
reefs and its capital, Malé, is a well-known
tourist destination, famous for the 17th -
century Hukuru Miskiy also known as
Old Friday Mosque that is made of coral
stone, along with exquisite restaurants,
crowded fish market, and shops on
Majeedhee Magu. Maldives National
University (MNU) is the first university in
this island nation. Established in the year
1998 as Maldives College of Higher
Education (MCHE) and later opened as
Maldives National University in 2011.
The emergence of Maldives National
University as what we known today has
come a long way from 1973 conjuring a
change of names. Before the
establishment of MCHE in 1998, the
institute was known as Allied Health
Services Training Centre since 1973.
During the initial period of MCHE, the
institute played a vital role in
restructuring and rationalization of every
post secondary education that is running
under the government
of the Maldives. No
doubt, MCHE is the
lone public degree-
granting institute of
the nation since it
offers various degrees
and diplomas starting
from engineering to
education, health,
science, tourism and
more. The institution
supports both long-term studies as well
as the short-term studies. MNU, in 1999
introduced a tertiary institute for open
learning to encourage distance education
and the Institute for Shari’ah and Law was
established. The first University degree
programme was introduced in 2000 that
was Bachelor ofArts in Dhivehi
The vision and mission of this university
are to promote prolific education and
become an outstanding academic
institution and one that is most sought
after in the country and the region. The
deeper meaning of the university’s
mission lies somewhere in the confidence
to create, to discover, to preserve and to
disseminate knowledge and skills, which
are quintessential to develop the essence
of culture and livelihood of the people.
The university also symbolizes and
envisages the enhancement of the social
and economic structure of the modern
society along with an ambition to keep
the nation free and Islamic forever. The
mission of the University is also
enshrined in the University Act in
The University is sagaciously
administered under the watchful eye of
the Council comprising of theAcademic
Senates having the Chancellor of the
University, Dr. Mohamed Zahir Hussain
as the Chairperson, while the position of
the Executive Head is shouldered upon
Dr. Hassan Hameed, Vice Chancellor of
the University.
Since its inception, the University has
been collaborating with many foreign
universities and organisations for
development of programmes. The Centre
for Open Learning (COL) of the Maldives
National University and UNICEF signed a
memorandum of understanding
endeavored to promote master programme
of arts in social policy in 2012. The course
was initially started in June 2013 in
collaboration with COL, Institute of Policy
Studies of Sri Lanka and Open University
of Philippines with an objective to
enhance the government and private
sectors policy makers in solving the
prevailing issues within the Maldivian
The University signed another
Memorandum of Understanding with the
Yunnan Open University (YNOU) of
Mr. Wungkhai and Ms. Chakravorty are pursuing internship at the Commonwelath
Educational Media Centre for Asia and they can be reached at
wungkhain[at]yahoo[dot]com and Chakraborty[dot]rimi92[at]gmail[dot]com
China in 2013 to established Chinese
Language Learning Centre. Under this
agreement, MNU will have access to the
Yunnan Open University Chinese
Language Teaching Platform and their
online courses whereas Yunnan Open
University will send Chinese Language
Lecturers to teach in the face-to-face
classes at the Faculty of Arts. The Vice
President, Yunnan Open University, Mr. Li
Congxi, and Vice Chancellor of The
Maldives National University, Dr. Hassan
Hameed signed the MOU in a ceremony
at the University.
The University has
recently formulated
an institutional
policy for open and
distance learning
through a two-day
seminar on ODL
held from August
Maldives National
University. The
policy of ODL was
for the first time
formulated for the
Maldives at the
presence of the Vice Chancellor at the
closing ceremony of the seminar.
Professor Uma Coomaraswamy, former
Vice Chancellor of the Open University of
Sri Lanka and Honarary Fellow of the
Commonwealth of Learning (COL),
Canada formulated the institutional policy
on ODL for the University. The objective
of the Centre for Open Learning (COL) is
to encourage the university to expand
their provision of quality and accessible
higher education across the country. Just
before the two-day seminar, the Centre
announced the establishment of outreach
centers in R. Dhuvaafaru and GN.
Fuvahmulah under the University with an
ambition to provide easy and less
expensive but
through open
and distance
learning. In the
recent past,
the Centre
and post
programmes. It
offers bachelor
of education,
bachelor of
nursing and master of arts in social policy.
Programmes concentrated only in the
campus of MNU are now conducted at
other atolls and islands under the
provision of the Centre for expanding
education in the country.
The Maldives National University’s
library for the first time organized an
outreach programme in 2014 with an aim
to develop social responsibilities within
the university staff, to organize and
transform the existing library for children
of all age groups, and to promote
readership incorporating with fun and
activities. The programme was held at
Vilimale’Kudakudhinge Hiyaa.
Recently, a research scholar of University
of Southampton, Laurens Speelman
presented at the University about his
research findings on the migration
processes in the Maldives. In his
findings, he explored the behaviour of the
migration in the Maldives during the late
1885 until 2006 based on the demographic
and social economy of the island nation.
The Maldives National University offers a
wide range of academic programmes
under the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of
Education, Faculty of Engineering
Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism
Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies, MNU
Business School, Faculty of Shari’ah and
Law, Faculty of Science, Centre for
Maritime Studies, Centre for Open
Learning, and Foundation Studies.
The Maldives National University,
hitherto, has been playing a vital role by
imparting open resource learning, modern
education in conjunction with technology
and management in different atolls and
islands of the Maldives. For further
information, please follow the link http://
Workshop on Science
for Women’s Health
and Nutrition
An orientation workshop on Science for
Women’s Health and Nutrition (SFWHN)
was organized by the National Council of
Science and Technology Communication
(NCSTC), Department of Science and
Technology, Government of India in
collaboration with Commonwealth
Educational Media Centre forAsia
(CEMCA), New Delhi onApril 30 and
May01,2015.CEMCADirector, Dr.
Ramesh Sharma in his welcome address
explained the activities of
CEMCA. Dr.Ankuran Dutta,
highlighted the agenda of the
programme and congratulated
the NCSTC and community radio
stakeholders on the completion
of 10 years of the project. Dr. R.
Shreedher, former Director,
CEMCA delivered his remarks on
the project and gave a road map
on SFWHN. He reiterated the
pivotal role rendered by
community radios in empowering
indigenous women folks at the grassroots
level. Ms. UjjawalaTircky, Scientist ‘F’of
NCSTC gave details of the project and
enumerated the activities of the NCSTC
and DST with the community radio
stations of India. She praised CEMCA for
initiating such programme as it brings the
two organisations under one pedestal
working together for the development of
community radio.As many as 13
community radio representatives across
India were present at the orientation
workshop having their action plan to
implement the project.
The orientation laid greater focus on
topics like, history and the present
scenario of CR, baseline studies and
content development, and capacity
building. Ms. D. RukminiVemraju, Ms.
Shirley Deepak, and Ms. Jayalakshmi
Chittor made presentations on the
baseline study and content development.
In the workshop representatives from
Community RadioAssociation and Media
for Community Foundation discussed
about the capacity building of the
community radio stations for the SFWHN.
Ms. Lalita and Ms. Shanta Koshti,
representatives from two community radio
stations, Hamara MSPICM, Solan and
Rudi No Radio,Ahmedabad shared their
experiences with community radio
stations and how it does run smoothly.
Workshop for Teacher Educators
of Himachal Pradesh
A three day workshop was organized by CEMCA, New Delhi in
collaboration with the Faculty of Education, Central University of
Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala where 27 teacher educators from
District Institute of Education and Training (DIETs) in Himachal
Pradesh were provided training on various web tools; free
educational software and components of basic computer literacy.
This workshop is in furtherance of CEMCA’s engagements in
Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and Madhya Pradesh towards
building a strong Communities of Practice (CoP) for ICT
integrated teacher education and intends to build and strengthen
teacher educators’ capacities to integrate ICTs into teacher-
education, focus on their professional development; and leverage
the CoP platform to create an environment of collaboration; and
to assist teacher educators to develop and use digital libraries/
OERs through critical perspectives on technology and its use in
The teacher educators were introduced to the CoP platform and
its features including access to resources, mailing groups etc.,
and the
participants were
also exposed to
the theoretical and
the application
part of the basics
of the ICT along
with orientation
and provision of
experience on
planning, instructional design, content delivery, student
assessment, trends in online education. They were also provided
with knowledge of using social media platforms, along with
preparing teaching content by using Audio/Podcasts/ Video/
This workshop was facilitated by Dr. Pankaj Khare, IGNOU, New
Delhi and Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Programme Officer,
CEMCA. A session on KOER and CoP was conducted over video
conferencing by Mr. Gurumurthy from IT for Change (ITfC),
Workshop on Educational
Mobile App Development
A workshop on ‘Educational (Android) App
Development Toolkit’was hosted by CEMCA, New
Delhi on behalf on Commonwealth of Learning (COL),
Canada in collaboration with Kulachi Hansraj Model
School (KHMS), New Delhi, from 18-20 March, 2015; that was
attended by 25 participants from 15 schools of Delhi/NCR.
Dr. IshanAbeywardena, Director, InternationalAcademic
Relations Division, Open University of Sri Lanka facilitated this
three day workshop. “Educators all across the globe are
collaboratively working for providing better education to the
students who are the future of this global world,” said Ms. Sneh
Verma, Principal, KHMS in her address and welcomed and the
participants for attending the workshop.
While expressing gratitude to Ms. Verma for accepting the proposal
for hosting the workshop, Dr. Ramesh Sharma, Director, CEMCA
also encouraged the participants to learn new ICT applications and
integrate them in their teaching. The participants created their App
Inventor account and set up their Android devices for development
and debugging. Teachers enjoyed using the basic components viz.
Text to Speech App, Accelerometer App, Speech Recogniser App,
Canvas App, Pet the Kitty, Dice Rolling, Swat Mosquito,
Storyboard etc. Teachers also learnt about packaging, distributing
and publishing an app on Google Play store.
Workshops on Open Educational
Resources for Development
Two research workshops on ‘Open Educational Resources for
Development’ were organized by CEMCA from March 2-5, 2015
and March 7-10, 2015 respectively at Machilipatnam (Andhra
Pradesh) and Bhubaneshwar (Odisha).
These workshops were organized in collaboration with Krishna
University, Machilipatnam and Centurion University of
Technology and Management, Bhubaneshwar as part of
CEMCA’s research project “Teachers’Attitudes, Motivations
and conceptions of Quality and Barriers to Open Educational
Resources in India” supported by IDRC, Canada.
Urging the teachers to adopt OERs in their teaching learning,
Prof. V. Venkaiah,Vice Chancellor, Krishna University presided
the inaugural session, followed by the speech of Chief Guest
Prof. V.S. Prasad former Director of NAAC, Bengaluru who
highlighted the opportunities and challenges of OERs. This
workshop was attended by thirty faculty members of the University.
The workshop at Centurion University of Technology and
Management, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha also became a part of the
global events since it was being conducted during the Open
Education Week 2015. Prof. Chandrabhanu Pattanayak, Director,
Institute of Knowledge Societies presided over the inaugural
function after which Prof. Mukti Kanta Mishra, President, Centurion
University of Technology and Management addressed the core
issues regarding knowledge sharing, producing thought leaders and
action leaders, and rendering service to the society which is
quantifiable, sustainable and replicable. He further opined that the
teachers should be more competent in order to make use of OER in
their teaching-learning context. Thirty-three faculty members
participated in this workshop.
Both the workshops saw Dr. Ramesh Sharma, Director, CEMCA,
explaining the objectives of these research workshops; after which
Dr. Sanjaya
Mishra, Education
Commonwealth of
Canada, provided
an overview of
the four days
programme and
the methodology
adopted for the
Community Radio Video
Challenge 2015
The Community Radio
2015 was announced by
CEMCA in association
with UNESCO and
Apeejay Institute of Mass
communication, New
Delhi for the students of
Indian media schools with
an objective to engage the
Indian youth in
This three minutes video
challenge themed
“Community Radio:
Capacity Building
Workshop on OER
and launch of
CEMCA’s eLearning
CEMCA in collaboration with OER Cell,
School of Computer Science & IT,
Uttarakhand Open University (UOU),
Haldwani (Nainital) organized a Capacity
Building ‘hands-on training’ workshop on
OER from February 18-19, 2015 that was
attended by 30 participants representing
different schools of UOU.
For professional development of the
higher education teachers in Uttarakhand,
an OER-based eLearning programme
developed by CEMCA was also formally
launched at the inaugural session of the
workshop by UOU. The main objectives
of this workshop were the promotion of
OER in designing new courses in the
University along with provision of hands-
on training to the UOU faculty members
development of OER materials.
Empowering Societies” also aims at promoting a sense of
understanding and importance of CR as an alternative media for
community’s self-expression, learning and development.
Open to students in
Indian education
institutions, the CRVC will
be judged by an eminent
jury consisting of
distinguished artists,
media professionals, and
CR practitioners who will
also review the
submissions and the best
videos will be awarded by
June 2015. For detail, visit
“We can make
available the high
quality OER based
study material to
the students at
distant places
befitting the
situation of the
state,” said Prof.
Subhash Dhuliya,
Vice Chancellor of
UOU. He further
added, “We have already reached the
unreached through EduSAT, Community
Radio and online programmes, thus
imparting education to the unreached
where no other Institution has reached as
With an intention to provide online
quality study material to not only UOU
students but other Hindi speaking
universities as well, Prof. Dhuliya stated
that most of UOU study materials are in
Hindi.Appreciating Prof. Dhuliya’s idea,
Dr. R. C. Sharma, Director, CEMCA, stated
that in the present era the ODL through
modern technologies is benefitting higher
education sector and the UOU can serve
the students of the region with greater
impact with the use of ICT. Dr. Ramesh
Sharma later took a session on the
development and designing of
instructional materials using Wiki and
Creative Common platform, followed by a
brief by Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi,
Programme Officer, CEMCAabout the two
day workshop highlighting the
significance, objectives and explaining
about the Creative Commons licenses.
World Radio Day observed in
New Delhi
The World Radio Day was observed by UNESCO, New Delhi and
CEMCA at the UN Conference Hall, New Delhi on February 13,
2015 with launch of the South Asia Network on Community
Media. Further, studies on Innovation in the Community Radio,
a CEMCA initiative and Internal Migration: A Manual for
Community Radios, a UNESCO initiative were also released.
The session opened with remarks by Mr. Shigeru Aoyagi,
Director and UNESCO Representative to Bhutan, India, Maldives
and Sri Lanka and Dr. Ramesh Sharma, Director, CEMCA,
followed by a keynote address by Mr. Jawahar Sircar, Chief
Executive Officer, Prasar Bharati, the Broadcasting Corporation
of India.
The panel discussion on ‘Community Radio and Social
Inclusion’was opened by Mr. Pete Tridish, Community Radio
Activist and Founder, Prometheus Radio Project, USA and was
moderated by Prof.Vinod Pavarala, Chairholder, UNESCO Chair
on Community Media at University of Hyderabad.
Mr. Indrajeet Grewal, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
Govt. of India; MsArchana Kapoor, Secretary General,
Community RadioAssociation; Mr N Ramakrishnan, Executive
Director, Ideosync Media Combine; Ms Marina Faetanini,
Programme Specialist (SHS), UNESCO New Delhi, and Prof.
Biswajit Das, Founding Director, Centre for Culture, Media and
Governance, Jamia Milia Islamia shared their views in the panel.
Dr.Ankuran Dutta of CEMCAand Mr.Anirban Sarma from
UNESCO coordinated this event.
CEMCA organized National
Workshop on Web Radio in Sri
CEMCA in collaboration with Sri Lanka Development
Journalists’ Forum (SDJF), Colombo and Post Graduate
Institute ofAgriculture (PGIA) at the University of Peradeniya,
Kandy organized a national level workshop on Web Radio from
February 9-11, 2015. Twenty participants attended the
workshop representing different universities and community
Professor W. A. D. P. Wanigasundera explained the objectives
and importance of such training for improving the ICT facilities
in Sri Lanka. Dr.Ankuran Dutta in his welcoming address
elucidated the community radio status in the south Asian
region and initiatives took place in Sri Lanka in 1980’s and how
web radio can supplement the crisis of voice poverty. The
workshop was inaugurated by the Director of PGIA Professor
S. Samitha. Mr. Kapil Dadheech of GramVaani gave an
overview on the workshop followed by vote of thanks from Mr.
M. C. Rasmin, the Director of SDJF. In the workshop, Mr. Kapil
Dadheech played the role of key resource person and Mr.
Malinda Kumarasinha of Open University of Sri Lanka, Mr.
Madhawa Perera of National Science Foundation, Colombo
and Dr. Dutta as the resources persons. Mr. Rasmin thanked
CEMCA, PGIA and all the participants for made the workshop
a success.
WOU launches its first Open
Online Course
The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on “OER in
eLearning” and “Action Research” launch seminar was organised
by the Wawasan Open University (WOU), Penang, Malaysia under
auspices of the WOU Seminar Forum to highlight its entirely
online courses offered from February 2015 under its Centre for
Professional Development & Continuing Education (PACE).
The launch seminar was held on January 29, 2015 at the main
campus of WOU with 35 academic staff participants and with
support from Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and its regional
centre CEMCA.
Workshops for
Teacher Educators of
Two workshops were organized by
CEMCA, New Delhi in collaboration with
IT for Change (ITfC), Bengaluru for the
teacher educators from CTE (Colleges of
Teacher Education) and District Institute
of Education and Training (DIETs) in
Karnataka, in furtherance of CEMCA’s
earlier engagements in Karnataka.
The first workshop was organised for
teacher educators of Mathematics and
Science subjects while the second
workshop was organised for teacher
educators of Social Science and
Language subjects from January 20-24,
2015 and February 3-7, 2015 respectively
at the Rural DIET, Bengaluru. IT for
Change has been serving as an
implementing partner for CEMCA to liaise
with the Department of State Educational
Research and Training (DSERT),
Karnataka and organise the training
Speaking at the inaugural session, Sri C.R.
Rangadhamappa, Senior Assistant
Director, DSERT (Department of State
Education Research and Research)
addressed the issue of revisions to the
D.Ed curriculum and the syllabus and how
the new curricula required ICT integration
Reflecting on the 50 years history of distance education, WOU
Board of Governors ChairmanTan Sri Emeritus Prof Gajaraj
Dhanarajan called for caution in the face of all the hype and
suggested some pros and cons and a checklist of claims before
deciding on MOOCs. “How difficult it has been to bring distance
education from side stream to main stream. Yet MOOCs has
become main stream overnight!” he further added.
While the pros were listed to be – free accessibility, courses
presented by excellent experts, and reaching tens of thousands of
students simultaneously; the cons included - uncertainties
around quality of assessment and credentialing, requirement of
highly developed ICT infrastructure, high costs by present
providers for enrolment leading to certification, and proprietary
platforms will add to cost. Indicating at WOU joining the MOOC
bandwagon in 2014, Prof. Dato’Dr. Ho Sinn Chye,Vice-Chancellor,
WOU in his presentation focused on the Open Educational
Resources (OER).
Prof. Mohandas Menon, WOU Deputy Vice Chancellor
(Academic-OCL) andActing Director of PACE, in his presentation
‘WOU on the MOOC way?’, said that WOU now has the capacity
to offer short courses entirely online, but that it is up to the
University whether it wants to still call its online courses MOOCs
or not. He furthered that WOU’s online courses meet certain
criteria of MOOCs like open content, free participation for guests,
affordable, local cohorts, a learning community, and badges/
credentials; while adding, “It is WOU’s own version of MOOC.”
This version provides registration with a fee for assessment and
certification, along with discussion forum, online tutorial support,
and has no real-time interaction.
“The MOOC experience could be seen as the beginning of the
online offer of WOU’s ODLprogrammes,” said Prof. Menon while
sharing the fact that WOU is currently using Moodle 2.5 platform
for its online courses. He also hopes to identify the most
appropriate platform for large numbers along with instituting
online self-registration, online fee payment, and training of more
WOU staff in online tutoring/facilitation.
In this event, Associate Pof. Dr. Goh Lay Huah, ‘School of
Education, Language and Communications’ (SELC), spoke about
the research course offered by SELC to guide educators, teachers
and teacher trainees on writing an action research proposal. 155
participants have registered until now mostly from teacher
training colleges, she said. The four-module course is from
February 9 to May 3, 2015. Prof Phalachandra Bhandigadi of
SELC talked about the ‘OER in e-Learning’ course, which will
enable participants to offer OER-based eLearning courses and
programmes that run from February 9 to May 17, 2015.
into the teaching of core subjects. Over a
period of five days, 22 DIET faculties
were given training on various web tools,
free educational software tools,
components of basic computer literacy
and were also introduced to the CoP
platform for teacher educators and its
features including access to resources,
mailing groups etc.
Consultation on Community
Radio in Sri Lanka
A national level consultation on Community Radio in Sri Lanka
was organized by Sri Lanka Development Journalists’ Forum in
collaboration with the Ministry of Mass Media and Information,
Government of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation
(SLBC) and Commonwealth Educational Media Centre forAsia
(CEMCA), New Delhi on February 07, 2015 at the SLBC, Colombo.
Mr. Karunaratne Paranavithana, the Secretary of the Ministry of
Mass Media and Information formally inaugurated the
consultation and shared his experiences of visiting community
radio stations in western countries. Mr. Karunaratne
Paranavithana, in his answer to Ms. Samanmalee queries agreed
to take immediate steps to resolve prevailing frequency issues
faced by Saru Community Radio.
Welcoming the consultation, Mr. M. C. Rasmin, Director/CEO, Sri
Lanka Development Journalists’ Forum enumerated the
importance of community radio in a country like Sri Lanka;
followed by Mr. Wijeyananda Jayaweera, former Director of
Communication, UNESCO who briefed on the characteristics of
community radio while explaining the existing situation in Sri
Lanka and other south Asian countries. He further enlightened on
the idea of civil society activism to initiate an experimental
community radio to prove the potential of the community radio
with its allies, including the Government of Sri Lanka.
Dr. Ankuran Dutta of CEMCA delivered the keynote address in the
inaugural session on “Community Radio across South Asia:
Understanding its potential in addressing voice poverty.”
First National level Consultation
on Community Media organised
in Male
A National Consultation on Community Media was organized by
CEMCA in collaboration with the Maldives Broadcasting
Commission (MBC) on February 5, 2015 in Male’, Maldives.
Inaugurating the session, Mr. Mohamed Aslam, Commissioner of
the MBC mentioned about their vision to initiate community
broadcasting in different atolls and islands in the Maldives;
followed by speech by Dr.Ankuran Dutta, Programme Officer,
CEMCA who appreciated the initiative of the commission on
community broadcasting in the country and enumerated the
objectives and methodology of the consultation.
Ms. Noora Ali, Secretary General of MBC sketched on the
broadcasting scenario in the Maldives at the consultation that
was graced by Mr.Abdullah Saju, Vice President of MBC, as the
Chief Guest. Ms. Aishath Shaaheen, Director, Planning and
Projects of MBC gave an analysis on the research findings from
the preliminary research and consultancy for community
broadcasting conducted by Dr. Murray Green on behalf of the
MBC in 2012-13, and later delivered the vote of thanks at the
session. Dr. Ankuran Dutta took two interactive sessions on ‘Why
Community Media in Maldives’ and ‘Community Radio in South
Asia- Status and Challenges’, where the participants developed a
set of recommendations in four groups and handed over to the
These sessions were chaired by Mr. Mohamed Nasih, Director
General, MBC and the participants were from different government
and non-government organisations, such as the Ministry of
Education, the Ministry of HomeAffairs, the Ministry of Islamic
Affairs, Human Rights Commission, CommunicationAuthority of
Maldives, Transparency Maldives, Dhivehi Raajjeyge Adu,
National Bureau of Classifications, United Nations Development
Programme, Dhiraagu, Maldives Red Crescent, Island
Broadcasting Company, MBC TVM, the Maldives National
University, Medlanet Pvt Ltd, Hope for Women and Maldives
Broadcasting Commission.
Strategy Framework
for eContent
Development for
Virtual Open
Schooling (VOS) of
CEMCA organised a workshop on
“Strategy framework for eContent
Development for Virtual Open Schooling
(VOS) of NIOS” on January 06-07, 2015 in
National Institute of Open School (NIOS),
Dr. Sandhya Kumar, Deputy Director
(Academic), NIOS in her welcoming
address acknowledged the participants at
the workshop and spoke on the need of
VOS in the present scenario. The objective
of the workshop and the readiness of the
Virtual Open Schooling technology
platform wherein Mr. S.K. Prasad, NIOS,
CEMCA finalizes the evaluation
strategy for Community Radio
CEMCA, New Delhi organised a workshop on “Evaluation
Strategy for the Community Radio Technology” on January 12-
13, 2015 in New Delhi. The basic objective was to develop a
question bank of multiple choice questions which would be
used to evaluate the progress / achievement of students
articulately explained two vocational
courses Rural Technology and ICT
Applications, which was launched. Dr.
KuldeepAgarwal, Director (Academic)
welcomed the guests Dr. Ramesh Sharma,
Director, CEMCAand Dr. Manas Ranjan
and addressed the congregation. Dr.
Agarwal, in his deliberation remarked that
no other ODL institution in India has
started online courses.
Dr. Sharma in his inauguralAddress give
background information on the feasibility
report on Virtual Open Schooling (VOS)
project of NIOS and other virtual schools
around the world. CEMCA Programme
Officer, Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi spoke
to the participants and laid more emphasis
on the objective of the workshop while he
elaborated the salient features of strategy
framework for eContent for VOS.
Participants developed a template during
the group activity, which was used to
prepare the subject wise strategy framed
for eContent development.
enrolled in Certificate in Community Radio Technology (CCRT)
course and broadly to test the technical knowledge of the
enthusiasts of community radio. Ten community radio and
technology experts participated in the workshop. Through a
consultation process, CEMCA finalized the evaluation strategy of
community radio technology using IVR System and mobile app.
Mr. R. Thyagarajan, Head, Finance andAdministration,
introduced the new Director of CEMCA, Dr. Ramesh Ch. Sharma,
at the beginning of the workshop. While inaugurating the
workshop, Dr. Sharma expressed his views that this activity may
be considered as a pioneering work in the evaluation process of
skill based learning. Mr.Y. K. Sharma,Adviser, BECILoutlined the
fact that how this activity can help to increase the knowledge of
the CR technicians of India. Dr.Ankuran Dutta, Programme
Officer, CEMCAdelineated the importance of the workshop. Dr.A.
D. Tewari of NCERT enumerated the techniques of developing
objective type items. Mr.Aaditeswar Seth of Gram Vaani
Community Media discussed on how IVR system can be used for
the evaluation process. Among the participants, Mr. N.
Ramakrishnan, Mr.Y. K. Sharma, Mr. Khuswinder Singh, Mr.
Pankaj Giri, Mr. Hemant Babu, Mr.Vasuki Belavadi, Ms. D.
Rukmini Vemraju offered their suggestions to develop mobile
based evaluation for the CR technology. The participants
developed about 200 questions on CR technology.
Case Study
Flicker of Farmer
Digital Green
By Dr. Anamika Ray
It can be said that seeing is believing.
Technology when combined with social
organizations can effortlessly facilitate
the diffusion of innovations. With the
help of hi-tech boom in media, by the end
of 2016, Digital Green aspires to reach one
million farmers across eleven thousand
villages in India and other parts of South
Asia along with Sub Saharan Africa
(Annual Report 2012).
Digital Green aims to empower as well as
to improve the livelihoods of rural
communities especially in farming sector
by engaging target audiences in a
process of knowledge exchange. Though
the concept of participatory
communication is not novel, participation
in a digital platform like producing
localized videos and disseminating them
through human mediation can be
considered a new paradigm for rural
development. The videos are produced
‘by the community.’The topics of these
audiovisual resources are based on the
various needs and interests ‘of the
community’. The videos are screened ‘for
the community’. Digital Green, a nonprofit
organization, has
made this possible.
This approach has
been found to be ten
times more cost
effective, per rupee
spent, than traditional
agricultural extension
With the help of local public, private, civil
society organizations and the engagement
of local communities, Digital Green has
produced over 4,000 videos in more than
28 languages, reached 4,000 villages and
over 400,000 farmers. Emphasizing on the
knowledge exchange of improved
practices and technologies pertaining to
agriculture, livelihoods, nutrition, and
health, the organization has selected nine
states (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
Karnataka, Jharkhand, Bihar,Andhra
Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha, and Madhya
Pradesh) of India and parts of Ethiopia,
Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania, and
Afghanistan in association with 20
The Background
India, like most developing countries,
depends upon agriculture for their
existence.Agricultural extension often
represents a major part of government
policies. But as technology has pervaded
certain parts of society, the digital divide
among farming communities has
expanded. Considering this context in
2008, Digital Green was started to involve
communities in development (especially
on agriculture extension) by combining
social organization and technology. The
use of participatory video for information
dissemination on various improved
practices of livelihood and agriculture by
Digital Green represents a unique
strength, where the adoption of new
process for increasing productivity has
become very easy for the farmers.
• Dearth of required knowledge on
• Asymmetric access to information in
rural communities
• Continuous land degradation
• Increasing transition to high-value
agricultural production
• Decreasing rate of public
investments in agricultural
• Trend toward liberalization of
agricultural trade
Though India has the second largest
number of extension workers, it cannot be
ignored that due to a variety of factors,
such as increasing debts, farmers are
forced to sell their land in loss and some
even take the extreme decision of suicide.
In this context, Digital Green came into
existence with the idea to support
agricultural communities through proper
training, problem solving consultancy,
direction for suitable marketing and
knowledge exchange.
Source: http://www.digitalgreen.org/analytics/overview_module
How Digital Green Works
The organization’s approach involves
three key elements: Initiation, Production,
and Diffusion.
Initiation: This is basically the stage of
background research and training. It
includes mobilization, situation analysis,
and capacity building. In this stage, the
preliminary work is to select villages and
understand the local context, identify
resource persons from the community that
can be engaged, and prepare a project
plan. Video topics are decided through
focus group discussions. Digital Green
then provides training on video
production, mediated video screening,
and feedback and data management to the
local community resource persons. They
are taught how to handle video camera,
write storyboards, edit videos, handle
pico projectors, facilitation skills, and data
capture and analysis protocols. As a part
of data management, Digital Green
introduces its management information
system, called Connect Online Connect
Offline (COCO),Analytics Dashboards,
Videos Library, and Farmer book.
Production: This phase includes content
production, storyboard writing, shooting,
and editing. Based on expert opinion,
local relevance, and community and
the content is
decided for the
final production.
The community
members serve as
the actors as they
are keen to share
their experiences
and be seen as
role models within
their communities.
The videos are
not scripted, but
rather, employ a
simple storyboard
format to ensure
the completeness and clarity of the
messages. The storyboard includes a
story line for the video, visual panels, and
key adoption points. After video
production, the community filmmaking
team uses simple video editing software,
like Windows Movie Maker, to assemble
the footage into a final video. Subject
Matter Specialist (SMS) then approve it
before distribution.
Diffusion: This stage includes activities
including video dissemination, farmer
adoption, and community usage data and
feedback recording. Videos are distributed
to community
groups, mostly
women-led self-
help groups,
using a battery-
operated pico
projector. These
screenings are
facilitated by a
member of the
community who
pauses and
rewinds videos
and engages
groups in an
discussion based
on the presented
content. There typically are 6-8 such
groups in each village which each are
comprised of 10-15 farmers that attend
one video screening every fortnight. The
videos that are screened are sequenced
based on geographic and time
sensitivities related to agricultural cycles.
At each screening, mediators record
farmer attendance, questions, and
interests and afterwards which practices
farmers actually applied on their own
farms. This data is recorded in COCO.
Digital Green also has quality assurance
protocols for gauging mediator
performance and cross-validating the
adoptions that mediators report.
Source: http://www.digitalgreen.org
• Program on Maternal and Newborn
Health in Uttar Pradesh
• Innovations in Nutrition Globally
(Spring) Project in Odisha
• Save the Children, and
International Food Policy Research
Institute (IFPRI).
• International Development
• Enterprises (IDE) to Improve
Livelihood Opportunities of
Farmers by Promoting
• Low-Cost Irrigation Technologies
and ImprovedAgricultural
• Collaborating with the Ministry of
Agriculture, OxfamAmerica, and
Sasakawa Africa Association
• To Strengthen the Government of
Ethiopia’s Extension System
• The World Cocoa Foundation to
Promote Practices Related to Cocoa
Major Partners
• Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• Google
• Deshpande Foundation
• Ford Foundation
• Ministry of Rural Development,
Government of India
Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements (2012). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from http://www.goal.ie/uploads
Digital Green Best Practice Documentation. (2011, June). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://indiagovernance.gov.in/files/Digital%20Green.pdf
Digital Green Best Practice Documentation. (2011, June). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://indiagovernance.gov.in/files/Digital%20Green.pdf
Digital Green - Annual Report 2010-11: Our Progress. (2011). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://digitalgreentrust.org/projectprogress10
Digital Green - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2015, February). Retrieved April 25, 2015, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Green
Digital Green. (2013). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from http://www.digitalgreen.org/about/
Digital Green. (2013). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://www.digitalgreen.org/connect/
Key Statistics. (2015, April). Retrieved May 14, 2015 from http://www.digitalgreen.org/analytics/overview_module
Press Releases. (2015, April). Retrieved April 25, 2015, from http://www.fertilizer.org/PressRelease
SOP. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://www.scribd.com/doc/138870439/SOP
• Ministry ofAgriculture,
Government of Ethiopia
Digital Green is reshaping agricultural
development by building a social network
of community members learning and
sharing locally relevant knowledge with
one another through technology. Digital
Green also has established relationships
with other organizations, like IRRI and
ICRISAT, to bring together research and
extension partners on a common platform.
Digital Green has extended its approach
for agricultural extension to issues related
to community mobilization, financial
literacy, health, and nutrition. The
organization received the Manthan Award
in 2012 and Rs. 3 crores as Global Impact
Award from Google in 2013. With 75 team
members, Rikin Gandhi (CEO of DG) is the
man of the noble success of the
organization. This 33 years old Indian
American boy is the anchor of Pan India
Movement, which is called Digital Green.
He was awarded IFANorman Borlaug
Award by the International Fertilizer
Industry Association in 2012.
Dr. Ray is an Assistant Professor in Mass Communication at Gauhati University,
Guwahati and she can be reached at anamikadady[at]gmail[dot]com. This article has
been reviewed by Mr. Rikin Gandhi, Chief Executive Officer of Digital Greens and he
can be reached at rikin[at]digitalgreen[dot]org. Photo Credit: Digital Green.
Increasing Access through Mobile Learning
Edited by – Mohamed Ally and Avgoustos Tsinakos; published by
Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University, Vancouver,
2014, pp.xvi, 237, ISBN 978-1-894975-64-3.
By Dr S K Pulist
Book Review
The penetration of and access to smart
phones and other hand-held mobile
devices have made the educational
institutions to take new strides in
delivering their programmes innovatively
diminishing the traditional boundaries.
Use of these mobile technological devices
in the teaching and learning processes
has given birth to a new form of learning,
i.e. mLearning. Though, it is still to be
proved as to whether this relatively new
form of learning - mLearning supports the
geographic, economic, social and cultural
conditions of developing countries more
so the Indian context. However,
supplementary and complimentary role of
this form of learning in augmenting the
learning effectiveness and access to
higher education is well received in the
developing countries.
The volume in hand, a collaborative
initiative of Commonwealth of Learning
and Athabasca University, unravels the
treasure of this new form of learning for
the rest of the world while doing justice to
its title. Arranged in three broad parts, the
book traverses through 16 different
chapters focusing on core areas of
mLearning thereby trying to give a
concrete shape to its concept. While Part-
1 focuses on design, development,
student support and other pedagogical
aspects of mLearning keeping the interest
of the learners at the core and revisiting
the different phases of educational
development with intervention of
concurrent technological improvements,
Part-II presents the implementation
Dr. Pulist works at Indira Gandhi
National Open University, New Delhi
and he can be reached at
scenario of mLearning - be it use of
different formats and technological
platforms; challenges being faced by the
educational institutions in integration of
these technologies to the pedagogical
mainframe or use of OER and
orchestration of existing material to suit
the requirements in the new environment.
Part-III takes the scope of Part-II further
and suggests the strategies to overcome
the constraints in use of mLearning in the
current scenario. It tries to provide a
glance of future prospects of use of this
new form of learning. However, the
successful implementation of mLearning
is yet to be emphatically proved in the
context of developing countries under
different cross-cultural conditions. The
book makes an attempt to peep through
the major initiatives launched by different
governments for integration of usage of
mobiles and other hand-held smart
devices to the mainstream higher
On a positive note, the book visualizes
the use of mLearning in progression
towards fulfillment of universal goal of
‘Education forAll”. However, as is widely
accepted, lot of research and
development is required to be put in to
optimally utilize the full potential of
mLearning in education.At the same time,
the respective governments especially in
the developing countries need to take a
liberal view on use of mLearning as a
viable, cost effective and user-friendly
The book deals with different
technological issues appropriately,
though social, economic and
geographical issues could have been
given more space, more so the cross-
cultural barriers and issues, since they
play a major role in making a technology
successful in regional context in the
developing countries. However, on the
whole the book attempts to provide
answers to different expected queries
from the novice in use of hand-held smart
technological devices for educational
pursuits broadly termed as ‘mLearning’
with up to date information. It is a good
source of understanding the emergence,
development and implementation of
mLearning technologies in this
information age feeding the knowledge
society. The book would provide insight
and prove to be a rich reference material
not only for the mLearning practitioners,
educationists, trainers and policy
planners, but also the system
administrators and technical support
providers who wish to establish
themselves in this comparatively new area
of mobile learning.
DIYAndroid Apps:
Empowering Masses to Brew their Own Flavor of MobileApplications
By Dr. Ishan Abeywardena
Technology Tracking
The Android operating system is
currently dominating the smart phone and
tablet market. The Free and Open Source
(FOSS) frameworks and ease of use has
made Android the most sought after OS
for use by manufacturers. With
thousands of apps available through the
Google Play store, Android provides a
feature rich experience to the user and has
an app for just about anything
The exponential growth of the smart
phone and tablet markets over the past
few years has caught the attention of
many sectors including governments,
industries and educators. As a result,
Mobile Business, Mobile Learning and
Mobile Government have become some of
the fastest growing sectors taking
information and services to a global
market through mobile devices. This has
given rise to a massive demand for
various customized apps resulting in
businesses and services investing
heavily in custom mobile applications.
Another key factor contributing to the
popularity of mobile applications is the
rich interaction between the user and the
software. Up until recently the concept of
user interfaces (UI) was used to design
the interface between the human user and
the software application. However, the
interaction with the UI was limited to
visual and occasionally auditory. Devices
such as a mouse, touchpad and a
keyboard were used to interact with the
UI. With the advent of the mobile device
and touch screens, the focus has shifted
from UI to UX which provides a richer
experience to the user. With UX design the
user is able to touch the components
displayed on screen, use gestures such as
pinch, get feedback as auditory messages
or vibrations, use speech to text to issue
voice commands and use the inbuilt camera
for visual inputs. This has revolutionized
the way apps are built. Furthermore, UX
can easily cater to impaired users making
applications more accessible.
Traditionally, Android app development is
a highly specialized field reserved only for
software engineers and programmers.
However, the massive demand for
customized apps has lead to the
democratization ofAndroid app
development through the concept of
is a concept which allows non-
programmers to build powerful application
using logical building blocks. It can best be
explained as constructing a jigsaw puzzle
using fitting virtual puzzle pieces. Each of
these puzzle pieces are blocks of code
which form complete complex programmes
when assembled logically.
One of the leading visual app
development platforms, at present, is the
App Inventor (AI2) platform developed
by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), US. The first
generation of MIT App Inventor had a
local developer environment where users
could download the programme onto their
computers to develop applications offline.
The second generation of App Inventor
or AI2 does not have a downloadable
developer environment. Harnessing the
power of the cloud, AI2 provides a
comprehensive web-based app
development platform for customized
Android app development. Anyone with a
Gmail account can quickly setup anAI2
account at http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/
. Among the benefits of the new web-
based AI2 platform, users can develop
apps any time, anywhere with various
internet enabled devices. Devices such as
tablets and phablets can easily be used to
develop apps on the go. However, a larger
screen is recommended for a richer
development experience. The currentAI2
version only supports Google Chrome
and Mozilla Fire Fox browsers.
The Designer view of AI2
TheAI2 platform
revolves around two main
concepts which are the
Designer and Blocks
Editor. The designer
provides a work space
resembling the screen of
a mobile device for
building the UX of the
application. Developers
can drag and drop
components such as
buttons, labels, text
boxes, images, date-time
pickers, and list pickers
etc. to design the UX on
screen. The following
image shows the designer
view of anAI2 project.
The Viewer area displays
the screen visible to the end user on his/
her mobile device. The Palette holds the
various components which can be used in
the design of the application. There are
several drawers in the palette which are (i)
User Interface – visual components to
design the look and feel of the
application; (ii) Layout – placeholders
which allow the components to be aligned
as required; (iii) Media – components for
audio, video and multimedia; (iv) Drawing
and Animation – components for
designing interactivity and games; (v)
Sensors – components to use various
inbuilt sensors of the mobile device such
as accelerometer and orientation sensor;
(vi) Social – components to access and
interact on social media; (vii) Storage –
components for using the persistent
storage in the device and external
databases; and (viii) Connectivity –
components to access Bluetooth and
other applications installed on the device.
The Components pane displays the
components which have been used in the
application; the Media pane shows the
external resources such as images which
have been uploaded; and the Properties
pane provides access to editable
properties for each component.
The Blocks view is used to build
the programme using visual
building blocks.
The developer can drag and drop various
individual blocks from the Blocks pane to
build compound blocks which perform
various tasks. For example the following
compound block changes the text of
Label1 to “Hello World!” when Button1 is
clicked. The logic reads when Button1 is
clicked set the text of Label1 to Hello
World!. The blocks provide a very high
level form of programming.As such, they
somewhat follow the rules of English
grammar in terms of building the logic i.e.
if you can explain a particular activity in
English, the blocks can be designed the
same way.
The Built In blocks provide a large
collection of blocks such as control
structures, logic operators, math
operators, text manipulation, list
manipulation, custom colors, variables
and procedures. Using the Blocks
available for a particular component,
coupled with the Built In blocks,
complicated apps can be developed
rapidly with minimum technical expertise.
Another cool feature of AI2 is the ability
to debug your application live. There are
three methods of live debugging which
are (i) using an Android device and WiFi
connection; (ii) using the emulator; and
(iii) using anAndroid device with USB
cable. Once live debugging is setup, the
developer can see the application taking
shape in real-time on the Android device
or the emulator. This allows the
application to be tweaked continuously
until the expected effect is achieved.
More information on live debugging can
be found at http://appinventor.mit.edu/
explore/ai2/setup.html .
Blocks view of AI2
Compound block
Finally, once you have developed the
application to your satisfaction, AI2
provides you with the feature of
downloading the .apk file to be shared
with your potential users or to be
uploaded onto Google Play. You can also
download the project file as a .aia file to
be distributed to colleagues or students
so that they can build upon your work.
Overall theAI2 platform provides a
comprehensive solution for developing
and distributing Android mobile
applications. One of the key benefits of
this approach is that anyone can develop
Android applications regardless of their
technical/programming knowledge. Since
the AI2 platform writes the necessary
code in the background based on the
blocks you create, the applications
developed are relatively error free when it
comes to programming code. However,
the developer has to build the logic of the
application using the blocks correctly. AI2
has features which assist in building
sound logic blocks.
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
through the Commonwealth Educational
Media Center forAsia (CEMCA)
organized a three day hands-on workshop
Live debugging adapted from http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/setup.html
on Educational App (Android)
Development Toolkit for Teachers and
Learners at the Kulachi Hansaraj Model
School (KHMS), Delhi, India from 18th
March 2015. This workshop was the
first Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop
organized by COL and CEMCA on
educational app development.
Furthermore, COL is in the process of
developing a toolkit which can be used to
conduct these workshops by anyone
Dr. Abeywardena is the Director, International Academic Relations Division at the
Open University of Sri Lanka, Colombo. He can be reached at
CEMCAoffers internship to graduate and post-graduate students to gain work experience in the area of CEMCA’s field ofcompetence
and enhance their academic knowledge through practical work assignments. Internships are available for 2-6 months, and should
be part of the learning and development plan of the candidate. For details visit Knowledge Management page at CEMCAWebsite.
Internship Available
SkillsRec: A Novel Semantic Analysis Driven
Learner Skills Mining and Filtering
Approach for Personal Learning
Environments based on Teacher Guidance
By Zaffar Ahmed Shaikh, Denis Gillet and Shakeel Khoja
Research Shows
SkillsRec (abbreviation of
Recommendations based on user Skills) is
a novel semantic analysis driven
recommender model for Personal Learning
Environments (PLEs) that develops user-
user recommendations based on skill
similarity. It uses LSA(Latent Semantic
Analysis) to identify learner skills
through semantically analyzing teacher
competencies and learner interests. The
model provides solution to how to
overcome the massive, exponentially
increasing, information-overload problem.
PLE is referred to as a collection of tools,
brought together under the conceptual
notion of openness, interoperability, and
learner control. In the context of e-
learning, PLE can be defined as “a
technology-mediated and easily
customizable e-learning platform that
incorporates personalization,
collaboration, learner-based inquiry, and
support constructs”. PLE has roots in
early personalized learning concepts and
contemporary SW-based environments.
Examples of PLEs include Facebook,
LinkedIn, and other SW driven learning
SkillsRec is based on PLE design and
development principles of the guided
PLEs (gPLEs) model. The gPLEs model
envisions a PLE that guides a learner
towards his/her learning pathway while
he/she interacts with it (Fig. 1). The
gPLEs model based PLE incorporates the
four main constructs of the PLE idea
through SkillsRec (Fig. 2).
SkillsRec applies LSA on teacher
competencies and learner interests data to
mine and filter learner skills (Fig. 3).
Similarities returned by LSA are based on
contextual usage meaning of words
occurring in two datasets. Later, on scale
of 0.5 threshold, SkillsRec develops user-
skill similarity cloud (Fig. 4) to generate
user-user recommendations in ranked
order (Fig. 5). This research compares
learner-skill similarity scores generated
through SkillsRec with those generated
through conventional information
retrieval (that uses Bag of Words model
with Cosine Similarity technique) and
Keyword Matching (KM) techniques
(Fig. 6). We provide top N=8 user-user
recommendations most likely to be similar
for a given active user.
In existing literature, there is no evidence
about finding learner skills through
Fig. 2: SkillsRec implementation approach
Fig. 1: The gPLEs Model
analyzing learner interests against teacher
competencies (user to user modelling).
There is also a lack of information in
literature about using learner interests-
related data to develop similarity-based
recommendations (finding solution to
information-overload problem).
Thus, we developed SkillsRec. Results, as
shown in Figure 6, depict that SkillsRec
generated user-skill similarities outperform
the conventional IR and KM technique
results. Thus, it can be concluded that
semantic analysis driven data mining and
filtering approaches have implications for
information-overload problem in particular
and for modelling user with another user
(learner and teacher) in general. Thus, it is
recommended that such techniques need
to be further explored and tested using
different datasets and context to confirm
validity of this novel approach.
mines user data to identify user
filters user skills matching with
teacher roles
generates user-user
recommendations in ranked
Fig. 3: How SkillsRec Works
The research was presented at the 29th
International Conference on Advanced
Information Networking and
Applications Workshops (WAINA 2015)
on January 20, 2015 by the authors. The
first author, who is a research scholar at
the Institute of Business Administration,
Karachi has prepared the research
findings for this section and he can be
reached at
Fig. 4: SkillsRec generated user-skill similarity cloud
Fig. 5: SkillsRec generated user-user recommendations in ranked order
Fig. 6: SkillsRec (semantic) gains over conventional IR and KM techniques
Finding Fluency in Academic and Report
By Dr Mike Lambert
1. Establish the exact focus of
your text
Make sure that you are clear about
the purpose of the section of text you
are writing. For instance, if you are
reporting on data in a research report,
decide if the text is about:
• presentation of data, with a
focus on what data was
collected, including specific
• analysis, interpretation or
discussion of data which you
previously presented, with
references and reminders back to
the earlier section
• a combination of the two,
helping readers to be clear both
about what the data says and
about your subsequent analysis
of it.
2. Be confident, but careful
Imagine that your readers are
intelligent but non-expert, and are
reading your text for the first time.
Your writing should first identify, then
build and develop particular
arguments or ideas, so the
understanding of such readers is
They must never be confused or lost
in this process. While they may feel
they have questions and even doubts
about what you write, they must
Fluency in writing is the ease with
which words, phrases, sentences
and paragraphs are progressively
connected in a piece of writing. A
text may have plenty of content, but
if its style is disjointed, then its
ideas become difficult for readers to
follow. When it is fluently written,
however, readers’appreciation is
enhanced and new, clear
understanding is securely gained.
Whether composing a course
assignment, research report or
degree dissertation, or indeed if you
are advising others who are
undertaking such tasks, finding this
fluency is therefore an important
task. Here are some ways in which
this aspect of academic and report
writing can be strengthened or
understand enough to give you the
benefit of that doubt and be prepared
to stay with you as your ideas grow
in interest, depth and complexity. ‘Be
confident, but careful’ sums up this
3. Structure each paragraph
Structure every paragraph so that
each one leads your readers a little
further along your lines of argument.
At the end of each paragraph, readers
should be taken to a new position of
awareness and comprehension from
where they were at its beginning.
4. Connect sentences and
Use words and phrases which link a
sentence to the previous sentence, or
a paragraph to the previous
paragraph. In English these include:
‘also’, in addition’ ‘therefore’,
‘subsequently’, ‘on the other hand’ -
other languages have similar
alternatives. By using such words
you are metaphorically taking your
readers by the hand and leading them
on a journey through your arguments
towards new understandings.
5. Remind the reader of what
has been presented already
Refer back to earlier paragraphs (“as
indicated earlier”) or to specific earlier
sections (“as outlined in Chapter 2”).
This will help to bind together your
text as a whole, creating a developing
narrative, rather than a presentation
of isolated ideas. It is also possible to
refer to writing later on in your text,
for example: “…, an issue to be
discussed in detail in the next
6. Explain and give examples
Always define or explain important
ideas and provide examples. Your
is normally published quarterly by
Commonwealth Educational Media Centre
for Asia (CEMCA).
CEMCA, a regional centre of the
Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
Vancouver, Canada, is an international
CEMCA’s mission is to promote the
meaningful, relevant and appropriate use of
ICTs to serve the educational and training
needs of Commonwealth member states of
Asia. For more information,
visit us at:
7/8, Sarv Priya Vihar
New Delhi - 110 016, India
please call us at:
0091 11 2653 7146
0091 11 2653 7148
0091 11 2651 6681
Our Fax No. is
0091 11 2653 7147
or visit our website:
e-mail: admin[at]cemca[dot]org[dot]in
Ramesh C. Sharma, PhD
Ankuran Dutta, PhD
Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, PhD
Sabyasachi Panja
Printed and Published by
R. Thyagarajan
For and on behalf of CEMCA
Printed at
Anil Offset & Packaging
New Delhi
You are welcome to reproduce or translate
any material in this newsletter. Please credit
us appropriately and send a copy of the
reproduced material for our information.
The views expressed in the articles are those
of the authors and not necessarily that of the
publisher. Products mentioned in the
newsletter are only for information and do
not mean endorsement by CEMCA or COL.
non-expert readers must always be
clear about what you are describing
and understand enough to move on
with you.
7. Build on what you have told
the reader already
Recognize too, in the words that you
use, when readers have just had an
explanation and therefore understand
something new. For instance, if you
have just explained a concept,
continue by using the phrase ‘this
idea’. If you have highlighted
opposing perspectives, continue
using the phrase ‘these differences in
thinking’ or ‘contradictions such as
8. Use short and long sentences
Use short sentences to make a
succinct point. Use carefully
punctuated longer sentences to
explore or extend an idea.
9. Vary vocabulary
Avoid using the same term more than
once in close proximity. Either choose
a different word of similar meaning
(the thesaurus on a computer can be
useful for this), or redesign the text so
that repetition is not needed.
Achieving this variability in
vocabulary can quite dramatically
improve the fluency of a text.
10. Find ‘cadence’
In relation to spoken language,
‘cadence’ means variation in pitch.
The notion can be applied to writing
as well. If you read your text aloud,
does its intonation help to express its
meaning? If not, try changing word
order or punctuation to improve it.
Look for cadence in individual
sentences (particularly long ones) and
in paragraphs as a whole.
Finally, here is a wider suggestion
related to the overall process of
composition. Write early in your work
(even if it is difficult), then write again,
and again. Practice will make the
process easier and you will find your
texts gradually gaining fluency. Some
writers like to leave a time gap
between working on a draft, so that
each time - like their readers - they can
approach it with a fresh and open
Dr Mike Lambert, formerly principal lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton,
England, is author of ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Your Education Research Project’,
published by SAGE. He can be reached at m.lambert@wlv.ac.uk.
Staff at CEMCA, New Delhi
Forthcoming Events
MEDIASIA2015: TheAsian
Conference on Media and Mass
Venue: TheArt Centre of Kobe, Kobe,
Themes: ‘Power’ and ‘Human Rights,
Justice, Media and Culture’, explore these
themes in an international, intercultural
and interdisciplinary setting
Organiser: IAFOR (International
Academic Forum)
For more details, visit
Contact: mediasia@iafor.org
2nd International Conference of
theAfricanVirtual University
Date:July 2 & 3, 2015
Venue: Crowne Plaza, Nairobi, Kenya
Theme: Linking Open Education &
eLearning Research to Practice
For more details, visit
EmergingTechnologies and
Authentic Learning in Higher
Vocational Education
Date: August 31-September 2, 2015
Venue: Cape Town, SouthAfrica
Hosted by: UCTETILAB in CapeTown,
For more details, visit
Victoria &AlfredWaterfront, Breakwater
Blvd, V &AWaterfront, Cape Town, 8002
X International Guide
Optimizing Higher Education for the
Professional Student:
Abalance of flexibility, quality and
cultural sensitivity
Venue: Vienna,Austria,
For more details, visit
ICDE World Conference
Growing Capacities for Sustainable
Distance e-learning Provision
Date: October14-16,2015
Venue: Suncity, SouthAfrica
For more details, visit
ACE 2015: SeventhAsian
Conference on Education
Venue: TheArt Centre of Kobe, Kobe,
The Online, Open and Flexible
Higher Education Conference
Date: October 29 - 30, 2015
Venue: The University of Hagen, Hagen,
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
For more details, visit
Theme: ‘Education, Power and
Empowerment: Transcending
Organiser: IAFOR (International
Academic Forum)
For more details, visit
Email: ace@iafor.org
Registration: http://iafor.org/ace2015-

More Related Content

CEMCA Newsletter V1 N2- May2015

  • 1. 1 Vol. 01 No. 02 May 2015 In this issue Guest Column 02 Spotlight On 04 CEMCA News 06 Case Study 13 Book Review 16 Technology Tracking 17 Research Shows 20 SMART Tips 22 Forthcoming Events 24 From Director’s Desk W e are happy to present to you the May 2015 issue of CEMCA Newsletter, and thank you for the appreciation With best wishes RameshC.Sharma provided for the January Issue. This issue has a guest column by Prof Ormond Simpson examining how the distance education institutions are moving towards online modes of educational delivery. You can read about Maldives National University in the ‘Spotlight On’ section. Flicker of Farmer: Digital Green narrates how rural communities are being empowered and improving their livelihoods through knowledge exchange. Under Technology Tracking, we bring to you the Do It Yourself tips on creating Android based Apps through the App Inventor. Further, you will learn about SkillsRec Model which uses the Latent Semantic Analysis to identify learner skills through semantically analyzing teacher competencies and learner interests. Finally, in the ‘Successful Media And Research Techniques (SMART) Tips’ section you can learn about how to maintain fluency in academic and report writing. With June 2015, our current Three Year Plan (2012-15) is coming to an end. When we look back at these three years, we feel happy in reporting to you, our esteemed reader, that we were able to achieve almost all our targets, even in some cases we exceeded. The focus of our activities is course development, capacity building, quality assurance, development of toolkits, and development of open and distance learning (ODL), information and communications technology (ICT) and open educational resources (OER) policy. Collaborative partnerships were created in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. An Industry linked course on Sound Assistant was launched in collaboration with NIOS. OER based eLearning was adopted by Uttarakhand Open University, India; Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka; and Wawasan Open University, Malaysia.ACommunity of Practice platform has been put in practice for ICT integration. An innovative Media Wiki extension for OER quality has been developed. We are working with AIOU, Pakistan on creating skills based courses. We helped initiating policy level intervention at Maldives, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Maldives Broadcasting Commission is working on policy on community broadcasting as a result of our initiatives. The DIET Teacher Educators of Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh were benefited from ICT integrated teacher education programmes. Initiatives were undertaken on mobile educational app development. This is just a glimpse of our activities carried out to meet the planned outcomes. In our SixYear Plan (2015-21) we shall continue helping CommonwealthAsian member countries to improve the scope, scale and quality of teaching and learning at all levels through the use of media and educational technologies to extend and improve educational systems. We hope you enjoy reading this issue. We welcome your comments and feedback on what you would like to be in the future issues of the Newsletter. We also encourage you to be a contributor of articles, research and media tips and news on ICT and OER happening in your region.
  • 2. 2 Guest Column... My car is my Bond... By Prof. Ormond Simpson Many years ago when I was a student in the UK, I was a member of the Bond Minicar Club. The Bond Minicar had no connection with the dashing fictional secret agent of that name James Bond; it was a response to the need to provide the cheapest possible form of transport in a Britain that was still in post-war austerity. It was a tiny three-wheeled two-seater car with a 175 cc motorcycle engine based on the single front wheel. It had a top speed of about 45 mph downhill with a following wind. The motto of the Bond Minicar Club was - not surprisingly - ‘Festina Lente’, Latin for ‘Hasten slowly’. I often think of that motto when I read yet another article about the future of distance education and the Internet. What I think concerns me is the speed at which some distance institutions are moving towards very largely online modes. I understand for instance that those two giants of the Asian distance education scene, the Indira Ghandi National Open University and the Open University of China, are both moving in that direction. Moving into e-teaching Of course many other distance institutions are moving into e- teaching (I don’t like to use the term e-learning. What distance institutions are doing is e-teaching. E-learning is what students are doing. It can be a mistake to confuse proposed means with hoped-for-ends. Such a confusion is what the philosopher Gilbert Ryle would have called a ‘category error’- befuddling two things that are essentially different). The concern for me about e-teaching is that it is not clear just how effective it is as yet, nor whether it increases student access, or even saves money. Take my old institution the UK Open University for example. Since it started to move into e- teaching its graduation rate has dropped from around 40% down to about 13%. In addition it is now failing to reach the more than 20% of the UK population that does not have household broadband internet access. Finally, it has recently started running a financial deficit. Whilst there must be many factors responsible for these declines, it does suggest that ‘pure’ e-teaching or online education has not been a huge success for the UKOU. One exception Curiously there is one Asian distance university that has not yet moved to pure online education. It is the Korean National Open University (KNOU). Whilst South Korea has household internet access of 97% and a broadband speed of 82Mbps (compared with example with the UK’s 80% access and 29Mpbs) it nevertheless still requires its students to experience some compulsory face-to-face (f2f) teaching at the beginning of its courses. As the KNOU introductory 2014 guideline manual for freshmen states: “To overcome limitations in distant education and to encourage interactions between faculty members and students and also among students, KNOU requires its freshmen through juniors to take face to face classes for three courses, and seniors are required to take face to face classes for three courses at their regional campuses (generally students are supposed to take 6 courses a semester - author). These face to face classes are held consecutively for two or three days in a semester and there are tests at the end of the classes.” The decision to retain some f2f teaching was also partly made on the results of a student survey. In the survey KNOU students responded that they valued the f2f sessions mostly because of difficulties in understanding study materials on their own. They also wanted to overcome feelings of isolation from studying alone. Some 50% felt the current proportion of f2f sessions was appropriate whilst another 40% wanted more of them. Other institutions’ concerns The KNOU approach is similar to that of a much smaller institution, the Dublin City University Connected (DCU Connected) in Ireland which offers students the options of all tutorials f2f, all tutorials online or a mixture of both. Due to concerns about socialisation, they insist new students take the ‘mixture’ option. They are greatly concerned about the future of f2f teaching as they find that there is not the level of online interaction in online classrooms that one gets in f2f classes and, as mentioned previously, they are concerned about socialisation between students. There are other distance institutions such as
  • 3. 3 German FernUniversität where teaching is based on a blended learning concept with written study materials, ICT and media and f2f teaching and learning. There are compulsory seminars and optional tutorials or other supportive events and lectures. The FernUniversität certainly intends to maintain its f2f teaching programme. How good are the students? In addition to my concerns about the effectiveness of pure e-teaching I wonder about how good students are at e- learning. There has long been a belief in distance education institutions that young people brought up in the age of the internet (the ‘Google Generation’) have a high level of skills in using the Web for learning. However a report commissioned by the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (Rowlands et al, 2008) claims that although young people demonstrate an ease and familiaritywith computers, ‘they rely on the most basic search tools and do not possess the critical and analytical skills to assess the information that they find on the web’. The report suggests that ‘research-behaviour traits that are commonly associated with younger users – impatience in search and navigation, and zero tolerance for any delay in satisfying their information needs – are now the norm for all age-groups, from younger pupils and undergraduates through to professors’. A more recent study from Spain (Garcia, Escofet and Gros, 2013) also found that ‘although most university students have a basic set of technological abilities, these do not necessarily translate into sophisticated skills in the use of other technologies or information literacy in general’. I do not know of any studies of Asian students’ e-learning skills, but it would seem to be an area that any institution should check out before going too far down the online education route. In addition there is some evidence that students prefer a blended approach rather than pure e-learning. Miliszewska (2007) found that students preferred a blended model of teaching to an exclusively online approach. Similarly Shaker and Hu (2008) found that students offered f2f and online teaching, were more satisfied than students just offered online teaching. Distance institutions ignore their student preferences at their peril. ‘Festina lente’ My old Bond minicar had some curious characteristics apart from its lack of speed. For instance it didn’t have a reverse gear. So I’m not saying that distance institutions should reverse their moves into e-teaching. But I am suggesting that institutions should not be too seduced by technophilia (love of Prof. Ormond is Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Distance Education, University of London International Programmes. He was previously Visiting Professor at the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand and Senior Lecturer at the UK Open University. He has written several books, the latest of which is ‘Supporting Students for Success in Online and Distance Education’ (Routledge 2012). He has also written a number of articles and presentations which can be found on his website www.ormondsimpson.com. technology) and educational fashion. They should not continue to rush into e- teaching without some very careful research. Moves into e-teaching should be carefully monitored and evaluated step by step for their effects on student retention and dropout. And in particular, institutions should maintain other forms of contact with their students whether by phone or f2f or other methods. For my old Bond minicar had two other characteristics. One was a tendency to catch fire at unfortunate moments. The very last time that happened to me was next to a police box where it had to be finally abandoned. The other characteristic arose from the fact that the engine was mounted entirely on the front wheel which gave the car the ability to turn through a 90o angle. Unfortunately, this sometimes meant that the throttle cable got trapped, with the result that the car would start spinning faster and faster on the same spot. Now distance institutions aren’t going to catch fire if they move into e- teaching. But the image of an institution spinning around uselessly on the same spot may not be too far-fetched to describe an institution which doesn’t proceed very carefully in this new internet world.
  • 4. 4 Spotlight On... Maldives National University By Mr. Ningreikhan Wungkhai and Ms. Rimi Chakravorty The Maldives is an island nation in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives is widely known for its beautiful landscape, open beaches, blue lagoons and wide-ranging reefs and its capital, Malé, is a well-known tourist destination, famous for the 17th - century Hukuru Miskiy also known as Old Friday Mosque that is made of coral stone, along with exquisite restaurants, crowded fish market, and shops on Majeedhee Magu. Maldives National University (MNU) is the first university in this island nation. Established in the year 1998 as Maldives College of Higher Education (MCHE) and later opened as Maldives National University in 2011. The emergence of Maldives National University as what we known today has come a long way from 1973 conjuring a change of names. Before the establishment of MCHE in 1998, the institute was known as Allied Health Services Training Centre since 1973. During the initial period of MCHE, the institute played a vital role in restructuring and rationalization of every post secondary education that is running under the government of the Maldives. No doubt, MCHE is the lone public degree- granting institute of the nation since it offers various degrees and diplomas starting from engineering to management, education, health, science, tourism and more. The institution supports both long-term studies as well as the short-term studies. MNU, in 1999 introduced a tertiary institute for open learning to encourage distance education and the Institute for Shari’ah and Law was established. The first University degree programme was introduced in 2000 that was Bachelor ofArts in Dhivehi Language. The vision and mission of this university are to promote prolific education and become an outstanding academic institution and one that is most sought after in the country and the region. The deeper meaning of the university’s mission lies somewhere in the confidence to create, to discover, to preserve and to disseminate knowledge and skills, which are quintessential to develop the essence of culture and livelihood of the people. The university also symbolizes and envisages the enhancement of the social and economic structure of the modern society along with an ambition to keep the nation free and Islamic forever. The mission of the University is also enshrined in the University Act in Dhivehi. The University is sagaciously administered under the watchful eye of the Council comprising of theAcademic Senates having the Chancellor of the University, Dr. Mohamed Zahir Hussain as the Chairperson, while the position of the Executive Head is shouldered upon Dr. Hassan Hameed, Vice Chancellor of the University. Since its inception, the University has been collaborating with many foreign universities and organisations for development of programmes. The Centre for Open Learning (COL) of the Maldives National University and UNICEF signed a memorandum of understanding endeavored to promote master programme of arts in social policy in 2012. The course was initially started in June 2013 in collaboration with COL, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka and Open University of Philippines with an objective to enhance the government and private sectors policy makers in solving the prevailing issues within the Maldivian communities. The University signed another Memorandum of Understanding with the Yunnan Open University (YNOU) of
  • 5. 5 Mr. Wungkhai and Ms. Chakravorty are pursuing internship at the Commonwelath Educational Media Centre for Asia and they can be reached at wungkhain[at]yahoo[dot]com and Chakraborty[dot]rimi92[at]gmail[dot]com respectively. China in 2013 to established Chinese Language Learning Centre. Under this agreement, MNU will have access to the Yunnan Open University Chinese Language Teaching Platform and their online courses whereas Yunnan Open University will send Chinese Language Lecturers to teach in the face-to-face classes at the Faculty of Arts. The Vice President, Yunnan Open University, Mr. Li Congxi, and Vice Chancellor of The Maldives National University, Dr. Hassan Hameed signed the MOU in a ceremony at the University. The University has recently formulated an institutional policy for open and distance learning through a two-day seminar on ODL held from August 18-19,2014at Maldives National University. The policy of ODL was for the first time formulated for the Maldives at the presence of the Vice Chancellor at the closing ceremony of the seminar. Professor Uma Coomaraswamy, former Vice Chancellor of the Open University of Sri Lanka and Honarary Fellow of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada formulated the institutional policy on ODL for the University. The objective of the Centre for Open Learning (COL) is to encourage the university to expand their provision of quality and accessible higher education across the country. Just before the two-day seminar, the Centre announced the establishment of outreach centers in R. Dhuvaafaru and GN. Fuvahmulah under the University with an ambition to provide easy and less expensive but equitable education through open and distance learning. In the recent past, the Centre announced undergraduate and post graduates degree programmes. It offers bachelor of education, bachelor of nursing and master of arts in social policy. Programmes concentrated only in the campus of MNU are now conducted at other atolls and islands under the provision of the Centre for expanding education in the country. The Maldives National University’s library for the first time organized an outreach programme in 2014 with an aim to develop social responsibilities within the university staff, to organize and transform the existing library for children of all age groups, and to promote readership incorporating with fun and activities. The programme was held at Vilimale’Kudakudhinge Hiyaa. Recently, a research scholar of University of Southampton, Laurens Speelman presented at the University about his research findings on the migration processes in the Maldives. In his findings, he explored the behaviour of the migration in the Maldives during the late 1885 until 2006 based on the demographic and social economy of the island nation. The Maldives National University offers a wide range of academic programmes under the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies, MNU Business School, Faculty of Shari’ah and Law, Faculty of Science, Centre for Maritime Studies, Centre for Open Learning, and Foundation Studies. The Maldives National University, hitherto, has been playing a vital role by imparting open resource learning, modern education in conjunction with technology and management in different atolls and islands of the Maldives. For further information, please follow the link http:// www.mnu.edu.mv
  • 6. 6 CEMCA News Orientation Workshop on Science for Women’s Health and Nutrition An orientation workshop on Science for Women’s Health and Nutrition (SFWHN) was organized by the National Council of Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India in collaboration with Commonwealth Educational Media Centre forAsia (CEMCA), New Delhi onApril 30 and May01,2015.CEMCADirector, Dr. Ramesh Sharma in his welcome address explained the activities of CEMCA. Dr.Ankuran Dutta, ProgrammeOfficer(CEMCA), highlighted the agenda of the programme and congratulated the NCSTC and community radio stakeholders on the completion of 10 years of the project. Dr. R. Shreedher, former Director, CEMCA delivered his remarks on the project and gave a road map on SFWHN. He reiterated the pivotal role rendered by community radios in empowering indigenous women folks at the grassroots level. Ms. UjjawalaTircky, Scientist ‘F’of NCSTC gave details of the project and enumerated the activities of the NCSTC and DST with the community radio stations of India. She praised CEMCA for initiating such programme as it brings the two organisations under one pedestal working together for the development of community radio.As many as 13 community radio representatives across India were present at the orientation workshop having their action plan to implement the project. The orientation laid greater focus on topics like, history and the present scenario of CR, baseline studies and content development, and capacity building. Ms. D. RukminiVemraju, Ms. Shirley Deepak, and Ms. Jayalakshmi Chittor made presentations on the baseline study and content development. In the workshop representatives from Community RadioAssociation and Media for Community Foundation discussed about the capacity building of the community radio stations for the SFWHN. Ms. Lalita and Ms. Shanta Koshti, representatives from two community radio stations, Hamara MSPICM, Solan and Rudi No Radio,Ahmedabad shared their experiences with community radio stations and how it does run smoothly. Workshop for Teacher Educators of Himachal Pradesh A three day workshop was organized by CEMCA, New Delhi in collaboration with the Faculty of Education, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala where 27 teacher educators from District Institute of Education and Training (DIETs) in Himachal Pradesh were provided training on various web tools; free educational software and components of basic computer literacy. This workshop is in furtherance of CEMCA’s engagements in Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and Madhya Pradesh towards building a strong Communities of Practice (CoP) for ICT integrated teacher education and intends to build and strengthen teacher educators’ capacities to integrate ICTs into teacher- education, focus on their professional development; and leverage the CoP platform to create an environment of collaboration; and to assist teacher educators to develop and use digital libraries/ OERs through critical perspectives on technology and its use in education. The teacher educators were introduced to the CoP platform and its features including access to resources, mailing groups etc., and the participants were also exposed to the theoretical and the application part of the basics of the ICT along with orientation and provision of hands-on experience on curriculum planning, instructional design, content delivery, student assessment, trends in online education. They were also provided with knowledge of using social media platforms, along with preparing teaching content by using Audio/Podcasts/ Video/ Vodcasts. This workshop was facilitated by Dr. Pankaj Khare, IGNOU, New Delhi and Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Programme Officer, CEMCA. A session on KOER and CoP was conducted over video conferencing by Mr. Gurumurthy from IT for Change (ITfC), Bengaluru.
  • 7. 7 Workshop on Educational Mobile App Development Toolkit A workshop on ‘Educational (Android) App Development Toolkit’was hosted by CEMCA, New Delhi on behalf on Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada in collaboration with Kulachi Hansraj Model School (KHMS), New Delhi, from 18-20 March, 2015; that was attended by 25 participants from 15 schools of Delhi/NCR. Dr. IshanAbeywardena, Director, InternationalAcademic Relations Division, Open University of Sri Lanka facilitated this three day workshop. “Educators all across the globe are collaboratively working for providing better education to the students who are the future of this global world,” said Ms. Sneh Verma, Principal, KHMS in her address and welcomed and the participants for attending the workshop. While expressing gratitude to Ms. Verma for accepting the proposal for hosting the workshop, Dr. Ramesh Sharma, Director, CEMCA also encouraged the participants to learn new ICT applications and integrate them in their teaching. The participants created their App Inventor account and set up their Android devices for development and debugging. Teachers enjoyed using the basic components viz. Text to Speech App, Accelerometer App, Speech Recogniser App, Canvas App, Pet the Kitty, Dice Rolling, Swat Mosquito, Storyboard etc. Teachers also learnt about packaging, distributing and publishing an app on Google Play store. Workshops on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) Two research workshops on ‘Open Educational Resources for Development’ were organized by CEMCA from March 2-5, 2015 and March 7-10, 2015 respectively at Machilipatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and Bhubaneshwar (Odisha). These workshops were organized in collaboration with Krishna University, Machilipatnam and Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneshwar as part of CEMCA’s research project “Teachers’Attitudes, Motivations and conceptions of Quality and Barriers to Open Educational Resources in India” supported by IDRC, Canada. Urging the teachers to adopt OERs in their teaching learning, Prof. V. Venkaiah,Vice Chancellor, Krishna University presided the inaugural session, followed by the speech of Chief Guest Prof. V.S. Prasad former Director of NAAC, Bengaluru who highlighted the opportunities and challenges of OERs. This workshop was attended by thirty faculty members of the University. The workshop at Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha also became a part of the global events since it was being conducted during the Open Education Week 2015. Prof. Chandrabhanu Pattanayak, Director, Institute of Knowledge Societies presided over the inaugural function after which Prof. Mukti Kanta Mishra, President, Centurion University of Technology and Management addressed the core issues regarding knowledge sharing, producing thought leaders and action leaders, and rendering service to the society which is quantifiable, sustainable and replicable. He further opined that the teachers should be more competent in order to make use of OER in their teaching-learning context. Thirty-three faculty members participated in this workshop. Both the workshops saw Dr. Ramesh Sharma, Director, CEMCA, explaining the objectives of these research workshops; after which Dr. Sanjaya Mishra, Education Specialist (eLearning), Commonwealth of Learning(COL), Canada, provided an overview of the four days programme and the methodology adopted for the research workshop.
  • 8. 8 Community Radio Video Challenge 2015 The Community Radio VideoChallenge(CRVC) 2015 was announced by CEMCA in association with UNESCO and Apeejay Institute of Mass communication, New Delhi for the students of Indian media schools with an objective to engage the Indian youth in CommunityRadio(CR). This three minutes video challenge themed “Community Radio: Citizens’Voices, Capacity Building Workshop on OER and launch of CEMCA’s eLearning Programme CEMCA in collaboration with OER Cell, School of Computer Science & IT, Uttarakhand Open University (UOU), Haldwani (Nainital) organized a Capacity Building ‘hands-on training’ workshop on OER from February 18-19, 2015 that was attended by 30 participants representing different schools of UOU. For professional development of the higher education teachers in Uttarakhand, an OER-based eLearning programme developed by CEMCA was also formally launched at the inaugural session of the workshop by UOU. The main objectives of this workshop were the promotion of OER in designing new courses in the University along with provision of hands- on training to the UOU faculty members development of OER materials. Empowering Societies” also aims at promoting a sense of understanding and importance of CR as an alternative media for community’s self-expression, learning and development. Open to students in Indian education institutions, the CRVC will be judged by an eminent jury consisting of distinguished artists, media professionals, and CR practitioners who will also review the submissions and the best videos will be awarded by CEMCAandUNESCOin June 2015. For detail, visit http://crvc.cemca.org.in “We can make available the high quality OER based study material to the students at distant places befitting the different geographical situation of the state,” said Prof. Subhash Dhuliya, Vice Chancellor of UOU. He further added, “We have already reached the unreached through EduSAT, Community Radio and online programmes, thus imparting education to the unreached where no other Institution has reached as yet.” With an intention to provide online quality study material to not only UOU students but other Hindi speaking universities as well, Prof. Dhuliya stated that most of UOU study materials are in Hindi.Appreciating Prof. Dhuliya’s idea, Dr. R. C. Sharma, Director, CEMCA, stated that in the present era the ODL through modern technologies is benefitting higher education sector and the UOU can serve the students of the region with greater impact with the use of ICT. Dr. Ramesh Sharma later took a session on the development and designing of instructional materials using Wiki and Creative Common platform, followed by a brief by Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Programme Officer, CEMCAabout the two day workshop highlighting the significance, objectives and explaining about the Creative Commons licenses.
  • 9. 9 World Radio Day observed in New Delhi The World Radio Day was observed by UNESCO, New Delhi and CEMCA at the UN Conference Hall, New Delhi on February 13, 2015 with launch of the South Asia Network on Community Media. Further, studies on Innovation in the Community Radio, a CEMCA initiative and Internal Migration: A Manual for Community Radios, a UNESCO initiative were also released. The session opened with remarks by Mr. Shigeru Aoyagi, Director and UNESCO Representative to Bhutan, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka and Dr. Ramesh Sharma, Director, CEMCA, followed by a keynote address by Mr. Jawahar Sircar, Chief Executive Officer, Prasar Bharati, the Broadcasting Corporation of India. The panel discussion on ‘Community Radio and Social Inclusion’was opened by Mr. Pete Tridish, Community Radio Activist and Founder, Prometheus Radio Project, USA and was moderated by Prof.Vinod Pavarala, Chairholder, UNESCO Chair on Community Media at University of Hyderabad. Mr. Indrajeet Grewal, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India; MsArchana Kapoor, Secretary General, Community RadioAssociation; Mr N Ramakrishnan, Executive Director, Ideosync Media Combine; Ms Marina Faetanini, Programme Specialist (SHS), UNESCO New Delhi, and Prof. Biswajit Das, Founding Director, Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, Jamia Milia Islamia shared their views in the panel. Dr.Ankuran Dutta of CEMCAand Mr.Anirban Sarma from UNESCO coordinated this event. CEMCA organized National Workshop on Web Radio in Sri Lanka CEMCA in collaboration with Sri Lanka Development Journalists’ Forum (SDJF), Colombo and Post Graduate Institute ofAgriculture (PGIA) at the University of Peradeniya, Kandy organized a national level workshop on Web Radio from February 9-11, 2015. Twenty participants attended the workshop representing different universities and community organisations. Professor W. A. D. P. Wanigasundera explained the objectives and importance of such training for improving the ICT facilities in Sri Lanka. Dr.Ankuran Dutta in his welcoming address elucidated the community radio status in the south Asian region and initiatives took place in Sri Lanka in 1980’s and how web radio can supplement the crisis of voice poverty. The workshop was inaugurated by the Director of PGIA Professor S. Samitha. Mr. Kapil Dadheech of GramVaani gave an overview on the workshop followed by vote of thanks from Mr. M. C. Rasmin, the Director of SDJF. In the workshop, Mr. Kapil Dadheech played the role of key resource person and Mr. Malinda Kumarasinha of Open University of Sri Lanka, Mr. Madhawa Perera of National Science Foundation, Colombo and Dr. Dutta as the resources persons. Mr. Rasmin thanked CEMCA, PGIA and all the participants for made the workshop a success. WOU launches its first Open Online Course The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on “OER in eLearning” and “Action Research” launch seminar was organised by the Wawasan Open University (WOU), Penang, Malaysia under auspices of the WOU Seminar Forum to highlight its entirely online courses offered from February 2015 under its Centre for Professional Development & Continuing Education (PACE). The launch seminar was held on January 29, 2015 at the main campus of WOU with 35 academic staff participants and with support from Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and its regional centre CEMCA.
  • 10. 10 Workshops for Teacher Educators of Karnataka Two workshops were organized by CEMCA, New Delhi in collaboration with IT for Change (ITfC), Bengaluru for the teacher educators from CTE (Colleges of Teacher Education) and District Institute of Education and Training (DIETs) in Karnataka, in furtherance of CEMCA’s earlier engagements in Karnataka. The first workshop was organised for teacher educators of Mathematics and Science subjects while the second workshop was organised for teacher educators of Social Science and Language subjects from January 20-24, 2015 and February 3-7, 2015 respectively at the Rural DIET, Bengaluru. IT for Change has been serving as an implementing partner for CEMCA to liaise with the Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT), Karnataka and organise the training programmes. Speaking at the inaugural session, Sri C.R. Rangadhamappa, Senior Assistant Director, DSERT (Department of State Education Research and Research) addressed the issue of revisions to the D.Ed curriculum and the syllabus and how the new curricula required ICT integration Reflecting on the 50 years history of distance education, WOU Board of Governors ChairmanTan Sri Emeritus Prof Gajaraj Dhanarajan called for caution in the face of all the hype and suggested some pros and cons and a checklist of claims before deciding on MOOCs. “How difficult it has been to bring distance education from side stream to main stream. Yet MOOCs has become main stream overnight!” he further added. While the pros were listed to be – free accessibility, courses presented by excellent experts, and reaching tens of thousands of students simultaneously; the cons included - uncertainties around quality of assessment and credentialing, requirement of highly developed ICT infrastructure, high costs by present providers for enrolment leading to certification, and proprietary platforms will add to cost. Indicating at WOU joining the MOOC bandwagon in 2014, Prof. Dato’Dr. Ho Sinn Chye,Vice-Chancellor, WOU in his presentation focused on the Open Educational Resources (OER). Prof. Mohandas Menon, WOU Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic-OCL) andActing Director of PACE, in his presentation ‘WOU on the MOOC way?’, said that WOU now has the capacity to offer short courses entirely online, but that it is up to the University whether it wants to still call its online courses MOOCs or not. He furthered that WOU’s online courses meet certain criteria of MOOCs like open content, free participation for guests, affordable, local cohorts, a learning community, and badges/ credentials; while adding, “It is WOU’s own version of MOOC.” This version provides registration with a fee for assessment and certification, along with discussion forum, online tutorial support, and has no real-time interaction. “The MOOC experience could be seen as the beginning of the online offer of WOU’s ODLprogrammes,” said Prof. Menon while sharing the fact that WOU is currently using Moodle 2.5 platform for its online courses. He also hopes to identify the most appropriate platform for large numbers along with instituting online self-registration, online fee payment, and training of more WOU staff in online tutoring/facilitation. In this event, Associate Pof. Dr. Goh Lay Huah, ‘School of Education, Language and Communications’ (SELC), spoke about the research course offered by SELC to guide educators, teachers and teacher trainees on writing an action research proposal. 155 participants have registered until now mostly from teacher training colleges, she said. The four-module course is from February 9 to May 3, 2015. Prof Phalachandra Bhandigadi of SELC talked about the ‘OER in e-Learning’ course, which will enable participants to offer OER-based eLearning courses and programmes that run from February 9 to May 17, 2015. into the teaching of core subjects. Over a period of five days, 22 DIET faculties were given training on various web tools, free educational software tools, components of basic computer literacy and were also introduced to the CoP platform for teacher educators and its features including access to resources, mailing groups etc.
  • 11. 11 Consultation on Community Radio in Sri Lanka A national level consultation on Community Radio in Sri Lanka was organized by Sri Lanka Development Journalists’ Forum in collaboration with the Ministry of Mass Media and Information, Government of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) and Commonwealth Educational Media Centre forAsia (CEMCA), New Delhi on February 07, 2015 at the SLBC, Colombo. Mr. Karunaratne Paranavithana, the Secretary of the Ministry of Mass Media and Information formally inaugurated the consultation and shared his experiences of visiting community radio stations in western countries. Mr. Karunaratne Paranavithana, in his answer to Ms. Samanmalee queries agreed to take immediate steps to resolve prevailing frequency issues faced by Saru Community Radio. Welcoming the consultation, Mr. M. C. Rasmin, Director/CEO, Sri Lanka Development Journalists’ Forum enumerated the importance of community radio in a country like Sri Lanka; followed by Mr. Wijeyananda Jayaweera, former Director of Communication, UNESCO who briefed on the characteristics of community radio while explaining the existing situation in Sri Lanka and other south Asian countries. He further enlightened on the idea of civil society activism to initiate an experimental community radio to prove the potential of the community radio with its allies, including the Government of Sri Lanka. Dr. Ankuran Dutta of CEMCA delivered the keynote address in the inaugural session on “Community Radio across South Asia: Understanding its potential in addressing voice poverty.” First National level Consultation on Community Media organised in Male A National Consultation on Community Media was organized by CEMCA in collaboration with the Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) on February 5, 2015 in Male’, Maldives. Inaugurating the session, Mr. Mohamed Aslam, Commissioner of the MBC mentioned about their vision to initiate community broadcasting in different atolls and islands in the Maldives; followed by speech by Dr.Ankuran Dutta, Programme Officer, CEMCA who appreciated the initiative of the commission on community broadcasting in the country and enumerated the objectives and methodology of the consultation. Ms. Noora Ali, Secretary General of MBC sketched on the broadcasting scenario in the Maldives at the consultation that was graced by Mr.Abdullah Saju, Vice President of MBC, as the Chief Guest. Ms. Aishath Shaaheen, Director, Planning and Projects of MBC gave an analysis on the research findings from the preliminary research and consultancy for community broadcasting conducted by Dr. Murray Green on behalf of the MBC in 2012-13, and later delivered the vote of thanks at the session. Dr. Ankuran Dutta took two interactive sessions on ‘Why Community Media in Maldives’ and ‘Community Radio in South Asia- Status and Challenges’, where the participants developed a set of recommendations in four groups and handed over to the commission. These sessions were chaired by Mr. Mohamed Nasih, Director General, MBC and the participants were from different government and non-government organisations, such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of HomeAffairs, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Human Rights Commission, CommunicationAuthority of Maldives, Transparency Maldives, Dhivehi Raajjeyge Adu, National Bureau of Classifications, United Nations Development Programme, Dhiraagu, Maldives Red Crescent, Island Broadcasting Company, MBC TVM, the Maldives National University, Medlanet Pvt Ltd, Hope for Women and Maldives Broadcasting Commission.
  • 12. 12 Strategy Framework for eContent Development for Virtual Open Schooling (VOS) of NIOS CEMCA organised a workshop on “Strategy framework for eContent Development for Virtual Open Schooling (VOS) of NIOS” on January 06-07, 2015 in National Institute of Open School (NIOS), Noida. Dr. Sandhya Kumar, Deputy Director (Academic), NIOS in her welcoming address acknowledged the participants at the workshop and spoke on the need of VOS in the present scenario. The objective of the workshop and the readiness of the Virtual Open Schooling technology platform wherein Mr. S.K. Prasad, NIOS, CEMCA finalizes the evaluation strategy for Community Radio Technology CEMCA, New Delhi organised a workshop on “Evaluation Strategy for the Community Radio Technology” on January 12- 13, 2015 in New Delhi. The basic objective was to develop a question bank of multiple choice questions which would be used to evaluate the progress / achievement of students articulately explained two vocational courses Rural Technology and ICT Applications, which was launched. Dr. KuldeepAgarwal, Director (Academic) welcomed the guests Dr. Ramesh Sharma, Director, CEMCAand Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi,ProgrammeOfficer,CEMCA and addressed the congregation. Dr. Agarwal, in his deliberation remarked that no other ODL institution in India has started online courses. Dr. Sharma in his inauguralAddress give background information on the feasibility report on Virtual Open Schooling (VOS) project of NIOS and other virtual schools around the world. CEMCA Programme Officer, Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi spoke to the participants and laid more emphasis on the objective of the workshop while he elaborated the salient features of strategy framework for eContent for VOS. Participants developed a template during the group activity, which was used to prepare the subject wise strategy framed for eContent development. enrolled in Certificate in Community Radio Technology (CCRT) course and broadly to test the technical knowledge of the enthusiasts of community radio. Ten community radio and technology experts participated in the workshop. Through a consultation process, CEMCA finalized the evaluation strategy of community radio technology using IVR System and mobile app. Mr. R. Thyagarajan, Head, Finance andAdministration, introduced the new Director of CEMCA, Dr. Ramesh Ch. Sharma, at the beginning of the workshop. While inaugurating the workshop, Dr. Sharma expressed his views that this activity may be considered as a pioneering work in the evaluation process of skill based learning. Mr.Y. K. Sharma,Adviser, BECILoutlined the fact that how this activity can help to increase the knowledge of the CR technicians of India. Dr.Ankuran Dutta, Programme Officer, CEMCAdelineated the importance of the workshop. Dr.A. D. Tewari of NCERT enumerated the techniques of developing objective type items. Mr.Aaditeswar Seth of Gram Vaani Community Media discussed on how IVR system can be used for the evaluation process. Among the participants, Mr. N. Ramakrishnan, Mr.Y. K. Sharma, Mr. Khuswinder Singh, Mr. Pankaj Giri, Mr. Hemant Babu, Mr.Vasuki Belavadi, Ms. D. Rukmini Vemraju offered their suggestions to develop mobile based evaluation for the CR technology. The participants developed about 200 questions on CR technology.
  • 13. 13 Case Study Flicker of Farmer Digital Green By Dr. Anamika Ray Introduction It can be said that seeing is believing. Technology when combined with social organizations can effortlessly facilitate the diffusion of innovations. With the help of hi-tech boom in media, by the end of 2016, Digital Green aspires to reach one million farmers across eleven thousand villages in India and other parts of South Asia along with Sub Saharan Africa (Annual Report 2012). Digital Green aims to empower as well as to improve the livelihoods of rural communities especially in farming sector by engaging target audiences in a process of knowledge exchange. Though the concept of participatory communication is not novel, participation in a digital platform like producing localized videos and disseminating them through human mediation can be considered a new paradigm for rural development. The videos are produced ‘by the community.’The topics of these audiovisual resources are based on the various needs and interests ‘of the community’. The videos are screened ‘for the community’. Digital Green, a nonprofit international organization, has made this possible. This approach has been found to be ten times more cost effective, per rupee spent, than traditional agricultural extension services. With the help of local public, private, civil society organizations and the engagement of local communities, Digital Green has produced over 4,000 videos in more than 28 languages, reached 4,000 villages and over 400,000 farmers. Emphasizing on the knowledge exchange of improved practices and technologies pertaining to agriculture, livelihoods, nutrition, and health, the organization has selected nine states (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Bihar,Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha, and Madhya Pradesh) of India and parts of Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Afghanistan in association with 20 partners. The Background India, like most developing countries, depends upon agriculture for their existence.Agricultural extension often represents a major part of government policies. But as technology has pervaded certain parts of society, the digital divide among farming communities has expanded. Considering this context in 2008, Digital Green was started to involve communities in development (especially on agriculture extension) by combining social organization and technology. The use of participatory video for information dissemination on various improved practices of livelihood and agriculture by Digital Green represents a unique strength, where the adoption of new process for increasing productivity has become very easy for the farmers. ReasonWhyDG • Dearth of required knowledge on farming • Asymmetric access to information in rural communities • Continuous land degradation • Increasing transition to high-value agricultural production • Decreasing rate of public investments in agricultural development • Trend toward liberalization of agricultural trade Though India has the second largest number of extension workers, it cannot be ignored that due to a variety of factors, such as increasing debts, farmers are forced to sell their land in loss and some even take the extreme decision of suicide. In this context, Digital Green came into existence with the idea to support agricultural communities through proper training, problem solving consultancy, direction for suitable marketing and knowledge exchange. Source: http://www.digitalgreen.org/analytics/overview_module
  • 14. 14 How Digital Green Works The organization’s approach involves three key elements: Initiation, Production, and Diffusion. Initiation: This is basically the stage of background research and training. It includes mobilization, situation analysis, and capacity building. In this stage, the preliminary work is to select villages and understand the local context, identify resource persons from the community that can be engaged, and prepare a project plan. Video topics are decided through focus group discussions. Digital Green then provides training on video production, mediated video screening, and feedback and data management to the local community resource persons. They are taught how to handle video camera, write storyboards, edit videos, handle pico projectors, facilitation skills, and data capture and analysis protocols. As a part of data management, Digital Green introduces its management information system, called Connect Online Connect Offline (COCO),Analytics Dashboards, Videos Library, and Farmer book. Production: This phase includes content production, storyboard writing, shooting, and editing. Based on expert opinion, local relevance, and community and scientific appropriateness, the content is decided for the final production. The community members serve as the actors as they are keen to share their experiences and be seen as role models within their communities. The videos are not scripted, but rather, employ a simple storyboard format to ensure the completeness and clarity of the messages. The storyboard includes a story line for the video, visual panels, and key adoption points. After video production, the community filmmaking team uses simple video editing software, like Windows Movie Maker, to assemble the footage into a final video. Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) then approve it before distribution. Diffusion: This stage includes activities including video dissemination, farmer adoption, and community usage data and feedback recording. Videos are distributed to community groups, mostly women-led self- help groups, using a battery- operated pico projector. These screenings are facilitated by a member of the community who pauses and rewinds videos and engages community groups in an interactive discussion based on the presented content. There typically are 6-8 such groups in each village which each are comprised of 10-15 farmers that attend one video screening every fortnight. The videos that are screened are sequenced based on geographic and time sensitivities related to agricultural cycles. At each screening, mediators record farmer attendance, questions, and interests and afterwards which practices farmers actually applied on their own farms. This data is recorded in COCO. Digital Green also has quality assurance protocols for gauging mediator performance and cross-validating the adoptions that mediators report. Source: http://www.digitalgreen.org
  • 15. 15 MajorActivities • PATH • Program on Maternal and Newborn Health in Uttar Pradesh • Innovations in Nutrition Globally (Spring) Project in Odisha • Save the Children, and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). • International Development • Enterprises (IDE) to Improve Livelihood Opportunities of Farmers by Promoting • Low-Cost Irrigation Technologies and ImprovedAgricultural Practices • Collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture, OxfamAmerica, and Sasakawa Africa Association • To Strengthen the Government of Ethiopia’s Extension System • The World Cocoa Foundation to Promote Practices Related to Cocoa Farming. Major Partners • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation • USAID • DFID • Google • Deshpande Foundation • Ford Foundation • Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India References Annual Report & Audited Financial Statements (2012). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from http://www.goal.ie/uploads GOAL_2012_Annual_Report_1.pdf#page=12&zoom=auto,-19,444 Digital Green Best Practice Documentation. (2011, June). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://indiagovernance.gov.in/files/Digital%20Green.pdf Digital Green Best Practice Documentation. (2011, June). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://indiagovernance.gov.in/files/Digital%20Green.pdf Digital Green - Annual Report 2010-11: Our Progress. (2011). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://digitalgreentrust.org/projectprogress10 Digital Green - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2015, February). Retrieved April 25, 2015, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Green Digital Green. (2013). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from http://www.digitalgreen.org/about/ Digital Green. (2013). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://www.digitalgreen.org/connect/ Key Statistics. (2015, April). Retrieved May 14, 2015 from http://www.digitalgreen.org/analytics/overview_module Press Releases. (2015, April). Retrieved April 25, 2015, from http://www.fertilizer.org/PressRelease SOP. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://www.scribd.com/doc/138870439/SOP • Ministry ofAgriculture, Government of Ethiopia Conclusion Digital Green is reshaping agricultural development by building a social network of community members learning and sharing locally relevant knowledge with one another through technology. Digital Green also has established relationships with other organizations, like IRRI and ICRISAT, to bring together research and extension partners on a common platform. Digital Green has extended its approach for agricultural extension to issues related to community mobilization, financial literacy, health, and nutrition. The organization received the Manthan Award in 2012 and Rs. 3 crores as Global Impact Award from Google in 2013. With 75 team members, Rikin Gandhi (CEO of DG) is the man of the noble success of the organization. This 33 years old Indian American boy is the anchor of Pan India Movement, which is called Digital Green. He was awarded IFANorman Borlaug Award by the International Fertilizer Industry Association in 2012. Dr. Ray is an Assistant Professor in Mass Communication at Gauhati University, Guwahati and she can be reached at anamikadady[at]gmail[dot]com. This article has been reviewed by Mr. Rikin Gandhi, Chief Executive Officer of Digital Greens and he can be reached at rikin[at]digitalgreen[dot]org. Photo Credit: Digital Green.
  • 16. 16 Increasing Access through Mobile Learning Edited by – Mohamed Ally and Avgoustos Tsinakos; published by Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University, Vancouver, 2014, pp.xvi, 237, ISBN 978-1-894975-64-3. By Dr S K Pulist Book Review The penetration of and access to smart phones and other hand-held mobile devices have made the educational institutions to take new strides in delivering their programmes innovatively diminishing the traditional boundaries. Use of these mobile technological devices in the teaching and learning processes has given birth to a new form of learning, i.e. mLearning. Though, it is still to be proved as to whether this relatively new form of learning - mLearning supports the geographic, economic, social and cultural conditions of developing countries more so the Indian context. However, supplementary and complimentary role of this form of learning in augmenting the learning effectiveness and access to higher education is well received in the developing countries. The volume in hand, a collaborative initiative of Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University, unravels the treasure of this new form of learning for the rest of the world while doing justice to its title. Arranged in three broad parts, the book traverses through 16 different chapters focusing on core areas of mLearning thereby trying to give a concrete shape to its concept. While Part- 1 focuses on design, development, student support and other pedagogical aspects of mLearning keeping the interest of the learners at the core and revisiting the different phases of educational development with intervention of concurrent technological improvements, Part-II presents the implementation Dr. Pulist works at Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi and he can be reached at skpulist[at]ignou[dot]ac[dot]in scenario of mLearning - be it use of different formats and technological platforms; challenges being faced by the educational institutions in integration of these technologies to the pedagogical mainframe or use of OER and orchestration of existing material to suit the requirements in the new environment. Part-III takes the scope of Part-II further and suggests the strategies to overcome the constraints in use of mLearning in the current scenario. It tries to provide a glance of future prospects of use of this new form of learning. However, the successful implementation of mLearning is yet to be emphatically proved in the context of developing countries under different cross-cultural conditions. The book makes an attempt to peep through the major initiatives launched by different governments for integration of usage of mobiles and other hand-held smart devices to the mainstream higher education. On a positive note, the book visualizes the use of mLearning in progression towards fulfillment of universal goal of ‘Education forAll”. However, as is widely accepted, lot of research and development is required to be put in to optimally utilize the full potential of mLearning in education.At the same time, the respective governments especially in the developing countries need to take a liberal view on use of mLearning as a viable, cost effective and user-friendly phenomenon. The book deals with different technological issues appropriately, though social, economic and geographical issues could have been given more space, more so the cross- cultural barriers and issues, since they play a major role in making a technology successful in regional context in the developing countries. However, on the whole the book attempts to provide answers to different expected queries from the novice in use of hand-held smart technological devices for educational pursuits broadly termed as ‘mLearning’ with up to date information. It is a good source of understanding the emergence, development and implementation of mLearning technologies in this information age feeding the knowledge society. The book would provide insight and prove to be a rich reference material not only for the mLearning practitioners, educationists, trainers and policy planners, but also the system administrators and technical support providers who wish to establish themselves in this comparatively new area of mobile learning.
  • 17. 17 DIYAndroid Apps: Empowering Masses to Brew their Own Flavor of MobileApplications By Dr. Ishan Abeywardena Technology Tracking The Android operating system is currently dominating the smart phone and tablet market. The Free and Open Source (FOSS) frameworks and ease of use has made Android the most sought after OS for use by manufacturers. With thousands of apps available through the Google Play store, Android provides a feature rich experience to the user and has an app for just about anything imaginable. The exponential growth of the smart phone and tablet markets over the past few years has caught the attention of many sectors including governments, industries and educators. As a result, Mobile Business, Mobile Learning and Mobile Government have become some of the fastest growing sectors taking information and services to a global market through mobile devices. This has given rise to a massive demand for various customized apps resulting in businesses and services investing heavily in custom mobile applications. Another key factor contributing to the popularity of mobile applications is the rich interaction between the user and the software. Up until recently the concept of user interfaces (UI) was used to design the interface between the human user and the software application. However, the interaction with the UI was limited to visual and occasionally auditory. Devices such as a mouse, touchpad and a keyboard were used to interact with the UI. With the advent of the mobile device and touch screens, the focus has shifted from UI to UX which provides a richer experience to the user. With UX design the user is able to touch the components displayed on screen, use gestures such as pinch, get feedback as auditory messages or vibrations, use speech to text to issue voice commands and use the inbuilt camera for visual inputs. This has revolutionized the way apps are built. Furthermore, UX can easily cater to impaired users making applications more accessible. Traditionally, Android app development is a highly specialized field reserved only for software engineers and programmers. However, the massive demand for customized apps has lead to the democratization ofAndroid app development through the concept of ‘VisualProgramming’.VisualProgramming is a concept which allows non- programmers to build powerful application using logical building blocks. It can best be explained as constructing a jigsaw puzzle using fitting virtual puzzle pieces. Each of these puzzle pieces are blocks of code which form complete complex programmes when assembled logically. One of the leading visual app development platforms, at present, is the App Inventor (AI2) platform developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US. The first generation of MIT App Inventor had a local developer environment where users could download the programme onto their computers to develop applications offline. The second generation of App Inventor or AI2 does not have a downloadable developer environment. Harnessing the power of the cloud, AI2 provides a comprehensive web-based app development platform for customized Android app development. Anyone with a Gmail account can quickly setup anAI2 account at http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/ . Among the benefits of the new web- based AI2 platform, users can develop apps any time, anywhere with various internet enabled devices. Devices such as tablets and phablets can easily be used to develop apps on the go. However, a larger screen is recommended for a richer development experience. The currentAI2 version only supports Google Chrome and Mozilla Fire Fox browsers. The Designer view of AI2
  • 18. 18 TheAI2 platform revolves around two main concepts which are the Designer and Blocks Editor. The designer provides a work space resembling the screen of a mobile device for building the UX of the application. Developers can drag and drop components such as buttons, labels, text boxes, images, date-time pickers, and list pickers etc. to design the UX on screen. The following image shows the designer view of anAI2 project. The Viewer area displays the screen visible to the end user on his/ her mobile device. The Palette holds the various components which can be used in the design of the application. There are several drawers in the palette which are (i) User Interface – visual components to design the look and feel of the application; (ii) Layout – placeholders which allow the components to be aligned as required; (iii) Media – components for audio, video and multimedia; (iv) Drawing and Animation – components for designing interactivity and games; (v) Sensors – components to use various inbuilt sensors of the mobile device such as accelerometer and orientation sensor; (vi) Social – components to access and interact on social media; (vii) Storage – components for using the persistent storage in the device and external databases; and (viii) Connectivity – components to access Bluetooth and other applications installed on the device. The Components pane displays the components which have been used in the application; the Media pane shows the external resources such as images which have been uploaded; and the Properties pane provides access to editable properties for each component. The Blocks view is used to build the programme using visual building blocks. The developer can drag and drop various individual blocks from the Blocks pane to build compound blocks which perform various tasks. For example the following compound block changes the text of Label1 to “Hello World!” when Button1 is clicked. The logic reads when Button1 is clicked set the text of Label1 to Hello World!. The blocks provide a very high level form of programming.As such, they somewhat follow the rules of English grammar in terms of building the logic i.e. if you can explain a particular activity in English, the blocks can be designed the same way. The Built In blocks provide a large collection of blocks such as control structures, logic operators, math operators, text manipulation, list manipulation, custom colors, variables and procedures. Using the Blocks available for a particular component, coupled with the Built In blocks, complicated apps can be developed rapidly with minimum technical expertise. Another cool feature of AI2 is the ability to debug your application live. There are three methods of live debugging which are (i) using an Android device and WiFi connection; (ii) using the emulator; and (iii) using anAndroid device with USB cable. Once live debugging is setup, the developer can see the application taking shape in real-time on the Android device or the emulator. This allows the application to be tweaked continuously until the expected effect is achieved. More information on live debugging can be found at http://appinventor.mit.edu/ explore/ai2/setup.html . Blocks view of AI2 Compound block
  • 19. 19 Finally, once you have developed the application to your satisfaction, AI2 provides you with the feature of downloading the .apk file to be shared with your potential users or to be uploaded onto Google Play. You can also download the project file as a .aia file to be distributed to colleagues or students so that they can build upon your work. Overall theAI2 platform provides a comprehensive solution for developing and distributing Android mobile applications. One of the key benefits of this approach is that anyone can develop Android applications regardless of their technical/programming knowledge. Since the AI2 platform writes the necessary code in the background based on the blocks you create, the applications developed are relatively error free when it comes to programming code. However, the developer has to build the logic of the application using the blocks correctly. AI2 has features which assist in building sound logic blocks. The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) through the Commonwealth Educational Media Center forAsia (CEMCA) organized a three day hands-on workshop Live debugging adapted from http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/setup.html on Educational App (Android) Development Toolkit for Teachers and Learners at the Kulachi Hansaraj Model School (KHMS), Delhi, India from 18th to 20th March 2015. This workshop was the first Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop organized by COL and CEMCA on educational app development. Furthermore, COL is in the process of developing a toolkit which can be used to conduct these workshops by anyone anywhere. Dr. Abeywardena is the Director, International Academic Relations Division at the Open University of Sri Lanka, Colombo. He can be reached at ishan[dot]abeywardena[at]gmail[dot]com CEMCAoffers internship to graduate and post-graduate students to gain work experience in the area of CEMCA’s field ofcompetence and enhance their academic knowledge through practical work assignments. Internships are available for 2-6 months, and should be part of the learning and development plan of the candidate. For details visit Knowledge Management page at CEMCAWebsite. Internship Available
  • 20. 20 SkillsRec: A Novel Semantic Analysis Driven Learner Skills Mining and Filtering Approach for Personal Learning Environments based on Teacher Guidance By Zaffar Ahmed Shaikh, Denis Gillet and Shakeel Khoja Research Shows SkillsRec (abbreviation of Recommendations based on user Skills) is a novel semantic analysis driven recommender model for Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) that develops user- user recommendations based on skill similarity. It uses LSA(Latent Semantic Analysis) to identify learner skills through semantically analyzing teacher competencies and learner interests. The model provides solution to how to overcome the massive, exponentially increasing, information-overload problem. PLE is referred to as a collection of tools, brought together under the conceptual notion of openness, interoperability, and learner control. In the context of e- learning, PLE can be defined as “a technology-mediated and easily customizable e-learning platform that incorporates personalization, collaboration, learner-based inquiry, and support constructs”. PLE has roots in early personalized learning concepts and contemporary SW-based environments. Examples of PLEs include Facebook, LinkedIn, and other SW driven learning environments. SkillsRec is based on PLE design and development principles of the guided PLEs (gPLEs) model. The gPLEs model envisions a PLE that guides a learner towards his/her learning pathway while he/she interacts with it (Fig. 1). The gPLEs model based PLE incorporates the four main constructs of the PLE idea through SkillsRec (Fig. 2). SkillsRec applies LSA on teacher competencies and learner interests data to mine and filter learner skills (Fig. 3). Similarities returned by LSA are based on contextual usage meaning of words occurring in two datasets. Later, on scale of 0.5 threshold, SkillsRec develops user- skill similarity cloud (Fig. 4) to generate user-user recommendations in ranked order (Fig. 5). This research compares learner-skill similarity scores generated through SkillsRec with those generated through conventional information retrieval (that uses Bag of Words model with Cosine Similarity technique) and Keyword Matching (KM) techniques (Fig. 6). We provide top N=8 user-user recommendations most likely to be similar for a given active user. In existing literature, there is no evidence about finding learner skills through Fig. 2: SkillsRec implementation approach Fig. 1: The gPLEs Model
  • 21. 21 analyzing learner interests against teacher competencies (user to user modelling). There is also a lack of information in literature about using learner interests- related data to develop similarity-based recommendations (finding solution to information-overload problem). Thus, we developed SkillsRec. Results, as shown in Figure 6, depict that SkillsRec generated user-skill similarities outperform the conventional IR and KM technique results. Thus, it can be concluded that semantic analysis driven data mining and filtering approaches have implications for information-overload problem in particular and for modelling user with another user (learner and teacher) in general. Thus, it is recommended that such techniques need to be further explored and tested using different datasets and context to confirm validity of this novel approach. mines user data to identify user skills filters user skills matching with teacher roles generates user-user recommendations in ranked order Fig. 3: How SkillsRec Works The research was presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA 2015) on January 20, 2015 by the authors. The first author, who is a research scholar at the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi has prepared the research findings for this section and he can be reached at zashaikh[at]iba[dot]edu[dot]pk Fig. 4: SkillsRec generated user-skill similarity cloud Fig. 5: SkillsRec generated user-user recommendations in ranked order Fig. 6: SkillsRec (semantic) gains over conventional IR and KM techniques
  • 22. 22 Finding Fluency in Academic and Report Writing By Dr Mike Lambert SMART Tips 1. Establish the exact focus of your text Make sure that you are clear about the purpose of the section of text you are writing. For instance, if you are reporting on data in a research report, decide if the text is about: • presentation of data, with a focus on what data was collected, including specific examples • analysis, interpretation or discussion of data which you previously presented, with references and reminders back to the earlier section • a combination of the two, helping readers to be clear both about what the data says and about your subsequent analysis of it. 2. Be confident, but careful Imagine that your readers are intelligent but non-expert, and are reading your text for the first time. Your writing should first identify, then build and develop particular arguments or ideas, so the understanding of such readers is increased. They must never be confused or lost in this process. While they may feel they have questions and even doubts about what you write, they must Fluency in writing is the ease with which words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs are progressively connected in a piece of writing. A text may have plenty of content, but if its style is disjointed, then its ideas become difficult for readers to follow. When it is fluently written, however, readers’appreciation is enhanced and new, clear understanding is securely gained. Whether composing a course assignment, research report or degree dissertation, or indeed if you are advising others who are undertaking such tasks, finding this fluency is therefore an important task. Here are some ways in which this aspect of academic and report writing can be strengthened or achieved. understand enough to give you the benefit of that doubt and be prepared to stay with you as your ideas grow in interest, depth and complexity. ‘Be confident, but careful’ sums up this approach. 3. Structure each paragraph Structure every paragraph so that each one leads your readers a little further along your lines of argument. At the end of each paragraph, readers should be taken to a new position of awareness and comprehension from where they were at its beginning. 4. Connect sentences and paragraphs Use words and phrases which link a sentence to the previous sentence, or a paragraph to the previous paragraph. In English these include: ‘also’, in addition’ ‘therefore’, ‘subsequently’, ‘on the other hand’ - other languages have similar alternatives. By using such words you are metaphorically taking your readers by the hand and leading them on a journey through your arguments towards new understandings. 5. Remind the reader of what has been presented already Refer back to earlier paragraphs (“as indicated earlier”) or to specific earlier sections (“as outlined in Chapter 2”). This will help to bind together your text as a whole, creating a developing narrative, rather than a presentation of isolated ideas. It is also possible to refer to writing later on in your text, for example: “…, an issue to be discussed in detail in the next section”. 6. Explain and give examples Always define or explain important ideas and provide examples. Your
  • 23. 23 is normally published quarterly by Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA). CEMCA, a regional centre of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Vancouver, Canada, is an international agency. CEMCA’s mission is to promote the meaningful, relevant and appropriate use of ICTs to serve the educational and training needs of Commonwealth member states of Asia. For more information, visit us at: 7/8, Sarv Priya Vihar New Delhi - 110 016, India please call us at: 0091 11 2653 7146 0091 11 2653 7148 0091 11 2651 6681 Our Fax No. is 0091 11 2653 7147 or visit our website: http://www.cemca.org.in e-mail: admin[at]cemca[dot]org[dot]in Editor-in-Chief Ramesh C. Sharma, PhD Editors Ankuran Dutta, PhD Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, PhD Layout Sabyasachi Panja Printed and Published by R. Thyagarajan For and on behalf of CEMCA Printed at Anil Offset & Packaging New Delhi You are welcome to reproduce or translate any material in this newsletter. Please credit us appropriately and send a copy of the reproduced material for our information. The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and not necessarily that of the publisher. Products mentioned in the newsletter are only for information and do not mean endorsement by CEMCA or COL. non-expert readers must always be clear about what you are describing and understand enough to move on with you. 7. Build on what you have told the reader already Recognize too, in the words that you use, when readers have just had an explanation and therefore understand something new. For instance, if you have just explained a concept, continue by using the phrase ‘this idea’. If you have highlighted opposing perspectives, continue using the phrase ‘these differences in thinking’ or ‘contradictions such as these’. 8. Use short and long sentences Use short sentences to make a succinct point. Use carefully punctuated longer sentences to explore or extend an idea. 9. Vary vocabulary Avoid using the same term more than once in close proximity. Either choose a different word of similar meaning (the thesaurus on a computer can be useful for this), or redesign the text so that repetition is not needed. Achieving this variability in vocabulary can quite dramatically improve the fluency of a text. 10. Find ‘cadence’ In relation to spoken language, ‘cadence’ means variation in pitch. The notion can be applied to writing as well. If you read your text aloud, does its intonation help to express its meaning? If not, try changing word order or punctuation to improve it. Look for cadence in individual sentences (particularly long ones) and in paragraphs as a whole. Finally, here is a wider suggestion related to the overall process of composition. Write early in your work (even if it is difficult), then write again, and again. Practice will make the process easier and you will find your texts gradually gaining fluency. Some writers like to leave a time gap between working on a draft, so that each time - like their readers - they can approach it with a fresh and open mind. Dr Mike Lambert, formerly principal lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton, England, is author of ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Your Education Research Project’, published by SAGE. He can be reached at m.lambert@wlv.ac.uk. Staff at CEMCA, New Delhi
  • 24. 24 Forthcoming Events MEDIASIA2015: TheAsian Conference on Media and Mass Communication Date:November12-15,2015 Venue: TheArt Centre of Kobe, Kobe, Japan Themes: ‘Power’ and ‘Human Rights, Justice, Media and Culture’, explore these themes in an international, intercultural and interdisciplinary setting Organiser: IAFOR (International Academic Forum) For more details, visit http://iafor.org/ Contact: mediasia@iafor.org 2nd International Conference of theAfricanVirtual University Date:July 2 & 3, 2015 Venue: Crowne Plaza, Nairobi, Kenya Theme: Linking Open Education & eLearning Research to Practice For more details, visit http://www.avu.org/2nd-International- Conference-of-the-AVU/2015-2nd- international-conference-of-the-african- virtual-university.html EmergingTechnologies and Authentic Learning in Higher Vocational Education Date: August 31-September 2, 2015 Venue: Cape Town, SouthAfrica Hosted by: UCTETILAB in CapeTown, SouthAfrica For more details, visit http://etinedconf2015.com/ V&AWaterfront Victoria &AlfredWaterfront, Breakwater Blvd, V &AWaterfront, Cape Town, 8002 http://etinedconf2015.com/?page_id=23 X International Guide Conference Optimizing Higher Education for the Professional Student: Abalance of flexibility, quality and cultural sensitivity Date:September16-18,2015 Venue: Vienna,Austria, For more details, visit http://www.guideassociation.org/ 10internationalconference_2015/ index.php/en/the-conference/themes 26th ICDE World Conference Growing Capacities for Sustainable Distance e-learning Provision Date: October14-16,2015 Venue: Suncity, SouthAfrica For more details, visit http://www.unisa.ac.za/ICDE2015/ ACE 2015: SeventhAsian Conference on Education Date:October21-25,2015 Venue: TheArt Centre of Kobe, Kobe, Japan The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2015 Date: October 29 - 30, 2015 Venue: The University of Hagen, Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany For more details, visit http://conference.eadtu.eu/venue Theme: ‘Education, Power and Empowerment: Transcending Boundaries’ Organiser: IAFOR (International Academic Forum) For more details, visit http://iafor.org/conferences/ace2015/ Email: ace@iafor.org Registration: http://iafor.org/ace2015- registration