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Central NJ Web Dev Meetup:
Google Analytics 4 –
Upgrade Before It’s Too Late!
August 11, 2022
● Intro
● Google Analytics – What is it?
● Google Analytics 4 vs. Universal Analytics
● GDPR & Privacy Considerations
● Implementing Google Analytics 4
● Conclusion
Stephen Pashby
● DesignHammer Account Manager
● Over a decade experience in Google
● Oversee analytics implementations
for most clients
Who are you?
● Role?
● Freelance, Agency, or In-house?
● How would you rate your comfort or experience with Google Analytics (1-5)?
What we will cover:
● Just what is Google Analytics anyway?
● What’s different between Universal Analytics (Google Analytics 3) and Google Analytics 4?
● What about privacy/GDPR and Google Analytics?
● When and How to Upgrade to Google Analytics 4?
Google Analytics: What is it?
Google Analytics Overview
● Free web analytics service offered by Google
● Implemented through adding provided JavaScript to website pages
● Was based on Urchin on Demand, a previously popular analysis service
● Original Google service was released in 2005
● Subsequent major versions were released in 2009 (Asynchronous), 2012 (Universal Analytics), and
2020 (Google Analytics 4)
● Across all versions, Google Analytics is currently used by 85.9% of websites whose traffic analytics
tool could be identified ( w3techs)
Universal Analytics (Google Analytics 3)
● Initially released in October 2012
● A refinement of the base Urchin on Demand technology (from 1998)
● Universal Analytics added support for cross-platform tracking, app and website tracking, and
custom dimensions and metrics
● Still retained the base decade old model of pageviews, hits, and browser cookie tracking of users
● Historic data largely compatible with previous versions
Google Analytics 4
● Initially released in October 2020
● An entirely new model for tracking and analysis
● New model is incompatible with Universal Analytics (or earlier models)
● No direct method for historic comparison of Google Analytics 4 data with Universal Analytics
● In March 2022, Google Announced that Universal Analytics would no longer track new data in July
● Google has only committed to support access to Universal Analytics data through December 2023
● After December 2023, it is unknown whether Universal Analytics data will be available from Google
Google Analytics Benefits
● Free platform
● Robust feature set
● In many ways, the industry standard for small/medium sized organizations
● Extensive documentation, training, and best practices available
● Robust integration with other Google products including Google Tag Manager, Google Ads, Google
Search Console, and Google Data Studio
Google Analytics Concerns
● Data privacy and ownership: If you are not the customer, you are the product!
● Compliance with GDPR
Google Analytics 4 vs. Universal
● Universal Analytics
○ Core model: Pageview (hits) + GA Cookie + third party cookies, extensible with Custom Events
○ Separate App and Website properties
○ Over 100 pre-defined reports (some deprecated)
○ 4 types of pre-defined goals
● Google Analytics 4
○ 100% event based with a more flexible event structure via Parameters
○ Ability to collect app and website data in a single properties (via multiple data streams)
○ A small number of pre-defined reports (focus on custom reports or other data analysis tools)
○ Goals are identified as specific event conversions
Core Model
● Universal Analytics
○ Pageview (hits) + GA Cookie + third party cookies
○ Session information derived from hits + GA Cookie
○ Leverages third-party cookies for Display Advertising features and demographic data
○ Extensible with Custom Events (hits with defined structure)
● Google Analytics 4
○ 100% event based
○ Larger selection of user interactions (events) track out of the box
○ Leverages first party cookies as well as machine learning (for cookieless future)
○ More flexible Event structure via Parameters
Key Metrics in Universal Analytics
● Bounce Rate – Percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after
viewing only one page.
● Pages/Session – Average number of pages a user views in a single session.
● Average Session Duration – Average amount of time spent per session – does not include Bounces
as these are recorded with 0 time spent in those sessions.
Universal Analytics key metrics operate under the assumption that more page views and longer sessions are the
main indication of positive user engagement with a website.
Key Metrics in Google Analytics 4
● Engaged Session – Count of sessions that lasted longer than 10 seconds, had a conversion event, or
had 2 or more screen or page views.
● Average Engagement Time Per Session – User engagement duration per session. In other words,
the amount of time the user is actually engaging with the page (e.g., clicking, scrolling, etc) while the
page is the primary window being viewed on the screen.
● Engagement Rate – Engagement rate is the ratio of Engaged Sessions relative to total Sessions. If
you had 1,000 total sessions and 130 of them qualified as Engaged Sessions (as defined above), the
Engagement rate would be 13%.
Google Analytics 4 key metrics operate under the assumption that specific user interactions (scroll, click, file
download, etc.) are more relevant measures of engagement than the number of pages viewed or the length of
time a user interacts with a website.
Events in Universal Analytics
Events in Universal Analytics allow tracking of user interactions (E.g., file downloads, form submissions,
etc.) beyond the default interactions tracked by Universal Analytics. Events must be configured either
directly as JavaScript, in some cases through a module/plugin, or via Google Tag Manager.
Universal Analytics Events have the following properties:
● Event Category [string]
● Event Action [string]
● Event Label [string]
● Event Value [number]
Events in Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics 4 provides a wide range of included and easily added events, including:
● file_download
● scroll
● video_start
● video_progress
Google provides Recommended Events which serve as blueprints for common events that are not
Additional Custom Events can be configured with desired Parameters.
● Universal Analytics
○ Over 100 pre-defined reports
○ Many are deprecated or no longer report relevant data
○ Most of the best known reports are tuned for reporting pageviews, bounces, etc.
○ Supports custom report creation and reporting via Google Data Studio – Most website owners do not use
● Google Analytics 4
○ Less than 20 pre-defined reports
○ Reports focus on engagement and which events are engaging users
○ Custom reporting is more visible and expected
Goals & Conversions in Universal Analytics
Conversions identify users who complete identified high value interactions with a website.
Conversions in Universal Analytics are completed Goals. Universal Analytics supports 4 types of Goals:
● Destination – A specific location (URL) loads, also supports funnel tracking
● Duration – Sessions that lasts a specific amount of time or longer
● Pages/Screens Per Session – A user views a specific number of pages or screens
● Event – Specific identified Event(s) is/are triggered
Goals & Conversions in Google Analytics 4
Conversions directly replace Goals in Universal Analytics.
Specific Events can be marked as Conversions in Google Analytics.
Google Analytics 4 does not currently provide a built-in mechanism for Destination (funnel) based
GDPR & Privacy Considerations
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The GDPR is an European Union (EU) law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic
The GDPR guarantees EU citizens protection of personal data, including name, location, IP addresses, cookie information,
and more.
The GDPR provides EU citizens several rights to their personal data including right to access, rectification, erasure,
restriction of processing, portability, and the right to object, in addition to rights related to automated decision making
The GDPR applies to any organization operating in the EU, as well as those outside of the EU that offer goods or services to
users in the EU. GDPR requirements apply not only the any website that an organization has, but also to any services the
website uses, such as Google Analytics.
Universal Analytics Privacy Protection
Personally identifiable information (PII), such as names and IP addresses are not provided to websites owners. Additionally,
tracking PII using Universal Analytics Events is a violation of Google’s Terms of Service.
However, Universal Analytics does collect IP addresses and data from third-party cookies. This information is used to
“measure the effectiveness of advertising” and improve the effectiveness of Google products. Additionally, Universal
Analytics data is stored on Google servers located in the United States.
In the first half of 2022, France, Italy, Austria, and Denmark determined that Universal Analytics does not comply with
GDPR. Websites that are subject to the GDPR should cease using Universal Analytics (consult your legal counsel). The core
concern is insufficient protections from US government spying on personal data stored on US servers. As of June 2022, no
economic sanctions have been issued against the use of Google Analytics.
Google Analytics 4 GDPR Status
Google Analytics 4 includes several improvements for privacy, including:
● GA4 initially uses IPs to decide where to store user’s data (I.e. on a US or EU based server)
● GA4 offers country level controls and customizations to allow users to minimize the collection of user-specific data
The EU and its country-level enforcement agencies have not made official decisions regarding GA4. Many commentators
believe that GA4 does not sufficiently address concerns about US government spying.
In attempt to address these concerns, the US and EU have announced a new framework for transatlantic data flow with
improved protection of data. As the formal language has not been finalized, it is too early to determine whether the new
framework will be deemed adequate by EU enforcement agencies or EU privacy NGOs.
Google Analytics Alternatives
There are alternatives to Google Analytics that are were designed to comply with GDPR requirements including:
● Matomo
● Piwki Pro
● Plausible
● Fathom
Each of these alternatives has a monthly or yearly fee based on usage, but they do not collect GDPR defined PII and their
data is housed in the EU. These alternatives have (or are expected to soon have) importers to import historic Universal Analytics
These analytics products are not as full featured as Google Analytics and will generally require greater developer
involvement for implementation and customization.
Implementing Google Analytics 4
Should you implement Google Analytics 4?
Relevant questions include:
● Are you currently using Universal Analytics?
○ You should begin moving off of UA in the near term
● Are you using other Google products (E.g., Google Tag Manager, Google Data Studio, Google Ads)?
○ Extensive use of other Google products may recommend Google Analytics 4 to out-of-the-box integrations
between Google products and Google Analytics 4
● Is your organization subject to GDPR?
○ You should move off of UA immediately, but Google Analytics 4 presents a risk until there is consensus on
GA4’s GDPR status
When should you implement GA4?
Relevant questions include:
● Does your organization regularly review a current Universal Analytics property? Does this review
include review of historic data?
○ If you require 3 months or more of historic data for review, GA4 should be implemented immediately in
parallel with UA to gather necessary historic data before UA EOL
● Do you have custom Events implemented in a current Universal Analytics property?
○ These events may need to be re-implemented in GA4, so should be configured when GA4 is setup
● Does your organization have Google Data Studio dashboards consuming Universal Analytics?
○ Dashboards will need to be modified with GA4 as a data source, so GA4 implementations should allow time
for GDS updates before UA EOL
● Are you undertaking a significant website redesign in the next 3-6 months?
○ If you plan to compare before and after analytics of your website redesign, you should implement GA4 3
months prior to the anticipated launch of the new website to establish a baseline for comparison
How should you implement GA4?
Relevant questions include:
● How is your Universal Analytics implemented?
○ Implemented directly in the theme, implemented using a plugin/module, implemented using Google Tag
○ It may be appropriate to implement in the same fashion, depending on who will maintain, frequency of
changes, and the necessary level of customization
● Who is responsible for maintaining/updating your analytics? What is their technical comfort?
○ Developers may be comfortable adding/updating JavaScript in a theme code, but if a marketing analyst or
other administrative staff is responsible a plugin/module or Google Tag Manager may be more appropriate
GA4 Implementation Steps
1. Create GA4 property
2. Configure filtering for internal traffic
3. Add appropriate GA4 tracking code to your website
4. Configure events, reports, and conversions
Creating a GA4 Property
1. From an existing Universal Analytics Property, use the GA4 Setup Assistant. You can also use the
Create Property CTA, which will default to a GA4 property.
2. Enter an appropriate property name and fill out organizational details (if desired)
3. GA4 Properties can support multiple data sources (websites, apps), so you will need to configure
an appropriate data stream for your website. The Setup Assistant should guide you through the
process, but for a website select Web, enter your website domain, and provide a display name for
the Stream.
4. You can adjust the Events that are provided automatically, but for most uses the default setup is a
good starting point.
5. Once the Stream is configured, you can access the Stream ID (G-XXXXXXX) and provided tracking
From an existing Universal Analytics Property, use the GA4 Setup Assistant. You can also use the Create
Property CTA, which will default to a GA4 property.
Enter an appropriate property name…
…and fill out organizational details (if desired)
The Setup Assistant should guide you through the process, but for a website select Web…
…enter your website domain, and provide a display name for the Stream.
Once the Stream is configured, you can access the Stream ID (G-XXXXXXX) and provided tracking codes.
Filtering for Internal Traffic
It is best practice to filter out internal traffic (traffic from an organization’s own employees). In Universal
Analytics, this was generally accomplished by creating a separate “filtered” Property that filtered out
traffic by IP address. In GA4, this is handled a bit differently:
● Rather than filtering out internal traffic (so it is never tracked in a specific property), internal traffic
can be tagged so the segment can be hidden from data analysis (but the internal traffic is still
● This can be configured at Admin > Data Streams > X Data Stream > Configure tag settings > Show
all > Define Internal Traffic
○ Provide a Rule Name for this set of IPs (E.g., corporate headquarters) and enter the appropriate IP range. You
can configure multiple IP conditions for a single rule.
● Once you have configured a filter, you can adjust its status at Admin > Data Settings > X Data
Filters > X Filter (Activate filter, Deactivate filter)
This can be configured at Admin > Data Streams > X Data Stream > Configure tag settings…
…Show all…
…Define Internal Traffic
Provide a Rule Name for this set of IPs (E.g., corporate headquarters) and enter the appropriate IP range.
You can configure multiple IP conditions for a single rule.
Once you have configured a filter, you can adjust its status at Admin > Data Settings > X Data Filters…
…X Filter (Activate filter, Deactivate filter)
Add GA4 Tracking Code to Website
There are several ways to add the GA4 tracking code to a website:
● Add GA Provided Global Site Tag as instructed to HTML or theme code
● Configure a Google Analytics module or plugin and configure with the appropriate data stream ID
● Via Google Tag Manager:
○ Add GTM container as instructed to HTML or theme code
○ Leverage a Google Tag Manager module or plugin
● Whichever approach selected, be sure to account for inclusion of GA tracking only on desired
pages/user roles
○ May be provided by module/plugin, control of which pages include GA or GTM code, or triggers in GTM
Configure Events, Reports, and Conversions
Now you are ready to configure additional Events, custom Reports, and identify Conversions
● Events will need to be implemented in JavaScript either directly in code, via Google Tag Manager,
or via an appropriate plugin/module.
● Reports can be configured in either GA4 or in an alternative analysis platform such as Google Data
● Conversion Events need to be implemented before they can be identified in GA4.
○ Once implemented, configure Conversions at Configure > Conversions > New Conversion Event
○ Enter your EXACT event name (including capitalization)
○ You can also mark Events as Conversions at Configure > Events and toggle listed Events as Conversions
Next Steps
Now you are ready to track data and measure performance using GA4.
If you have implemented GA4 in parallel with Universal Analytics, I recommend transitioning your
reporting/analysis from UA to GA4 over the following 3-6 months, depending on your reporting and
historical analysis cadence.
Once you have sufficient historic data in GA4 for your purposes, you can sunset UA, hopefully well ahead
of July 1, 2023!
● Google Analytics 4 is a significant improvement over Universal Analytics
● If you wish to use Google Analytics, you should move to Google Analytics 4 ASAP
● If you have GDPR requirements, stay tuned on negotiations between the US and the EU or select a
non-Google analytics solution
Thank you Central NJ Web
Developers Meetup!

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Central NJ Web Developers Meetup - Google Analytics 4.pdf

  • 1. Central NJ Web Dev Meetup: Google Analytics 4 – Upgrade Before It’s Too Late! August 11, 2022 1
  • 2. Overview ● Intro ● Google Analytics – What is it? ● Google Analytics 4 vs. Universal Analytics ● GDPR & Privacy Considerations ● Implementing Google Analytics 4 ● Conclusion 2
  • 4. Stephen Pashby 4 ● DesignHammer Account Manager ● Over a decade experience in Google Analytics ● Oversee analytics implementations for most clients
  • 5. Who are you? ● Role? ● Freelance, Agency, or In-house? ● How would you rate your comfort or experience with Google Analytics (1-5)? 5
  • 6. What we will cover: ● Just what is Google Analytics anyway? ● What’s different between Universal Analytics (Google Analytics 3) and Google Analytics 4? ● What about privacy/GDPR and Google Analytics? ● When and How to Upgrade to Google Analytics 4? 6
  • 8. Google Analytics Overview ● Free web analytics service offered by Google ● Implemented through adding provided JavaScript to website pages ● Was based on Urchin on Demand, a previously popular analysis service ● Original Google service was released in 2005 ● Subsequent major versions were released in 2009 (Asynchronous), 2012 (Universal Analytics), and 2020 (Google Analytics 4) ● Across all versions, Google Analytics is currently used by 85.9% of websites whose traffic analytics tool could be identified ( w3techs) 8
  • 9. Universal Analytics (Google Analytics 3) ● Initially released in October 2012 ● A refinement of the base Urchin on Demand technology (from 1998) ● Universal Analytics added support for cross-platform tracking, app and website tracking, and custom dimensions and metrics ● Still retained the base decade old model of pageviews, hits, and browser cookie tracking of users ● Historic data largely compatible with previous versions 9
  • 10. Google Analytics 4 ● Initially released in October 2020 ● An entirely new model for tracking and analysis ● New model is incompatible with Universal Analytics (or earlier models) ● No direct method for historic comparison of Google Analytics 4 data with Universal Analytics ● In March 2022, Google Announced that Universal Analytics would no longer track new data in July 2023 ● Google has only committed to support access to Universal Analytics data through December 2023 ● After December 2023, it is unknown whether Universal Analytics data will be available from Google 10
  • 11. Google Analytics Benefits ● Free platform ● Robust feature set ● In many ways, the industry standard for small/medium sized organizations ● Extensive documentation, training, and best practices available ● Robust integration with other Google products including Google Tag Manager, Google Ads, Google Search Console, and Google Data Studio 11
  • 12. Google Analytics Concerns ● Data privacy and ownership: If you are not the customer, you are the product! ● Compliance with GDPR 12
  • 13. Google Analytics 4 vs. Universal Analytics 13
  • 14. Overview ● Universal Analytics ○ Core model: Pageview (hits) + GA Cookie + third party cookies, extensible with Custom Events ○ Separate App and Website properties ○ Over 100 pre-defined reports (some deprecated) ○ 4 types of pre-defined goals ● Google Analytics 4 ○ 100% event based with a more flexible event structure via Parameters ○ Ability to collect app and website data in a single properties (via multiple data streams) ○ A small number of pre-defined reports (focus on custom reports or other data analysis tools) ○ Goals are identified as specific event conversions 14
  • 15. Core Model ● Universal Analytics ○ Pageview (hits) + GA Cookie + third party cookies ○ Session information derived from hits + GA Cookie ○ Leverages third-party cookies for Display Advertising features and demographic data ○ Extensible with Custom Events (hits with defined structure) ● Google Analytics 4 ○ 100% event based ○ Larger selection of user interactions (events) track out of the box ○ Leverages first party cookies as well as machine learning (for cookieless future) ○ More flexible Event structure via Parameters 15
  • 16. Key Metrics in Universal Analytics ● Bounce Rate – Percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. ● Pages/Session – Average number of pages a user views in a single session. ● Average Session Duration – Average amount of time spent per session – does not include Bounces as these are recorded with 0 time spent in those sessions. Universal Analytics key metrics operate under the assumption that more page views and longer sessions are the main indication of positive user engagement with a website. 16
  • 17. Key Metrics in Google Analytics 4 ● Engaged Session – Count of sessions that lasted longer than 10 seconds, had a conversion event, or had 2 or more screen or page views. ● Average Engagement Time Per Session – User engagement duration per session. In other words, the amount of time the user is actually engaging with the page (e.g., clicking, scrolling, etc) while the page is the primary window being viewed on the screen. ● Engagement Rate – Engagement rate is the ratio of Engaged Sessions relative to total Sessions. If you had 1,000 total sessions and 130 of them qualified as Engaged Sessions (as defined above), the Engagement rate would be 13%. Google Analytics 4 key metrics operate under the assumption that specific user interactions (scroll, click, file download, etc.) are more relevant measures of engagement than the number of pages viewed or the length of time a user interacts with a website. 17
  • 18. Events in Universal Analytics Events in Universal Analytics allow tracking of user interactions (E.g., file downloads, form submissions, etc.) beyond the default interactions tracked by Universal Analytics. Events must be configured either directly as JavaScript, in some cases through a module/plugin, or via Google Tag Manager. Universal Analytics Events have the following properties: ● Event Category [string] ● Event Action [string] ● Event Label [string] ● Event Value [number] 18
  • 19. Events in Google Analytics 4 Google Analytics 4 provides a wide range of included and easily added events, including: ● file_download ● scroll ● video_start ● video_progress Google provides Recommended Events which serve as blueprints for common events that are not preconfigured. Additional Custom Events can be configured with desired Parameters. 19
  • 20. Reporting ● Universal Analytics ○ Over 100 pre-defined reports ○ Many are deprecated or no longer report relevant data ○ Most of the best known reports are tuned for reporting pageviews, bounces, etc. ○ Supports custom report creation and reporting via Google Data Studio – Most website owners do not use ● Google Analytics 4 ○ Less than 20 pre-defined reports ○ Reports focus on engagement and which events are engaging users ○ Custom reporting is more visible and expected 20
  • 21. Goals & Conversions in Universal Analytics Conversions identify users who complete identified high value interactions with a website. Conversions in Universal Analytics are completed Goals. Universal Analytics supports 4 types of Goals: ● Destination – A specific location (URL) loads, also supports funnel tracking ● Duration – Sessions that lasts a specific amount of time or longer ● Pages/Screens Per Session – A user views a specific number of pages or screens ● Event – Specific identified Event(s) is/are triggered 21
  • 22. Goals & Conversions in Google Analytics 4 Conversions directly replace Goals in Universal Analytics. Specific Events can be marked as Conversions in Google Analytics. Google Analytics 4 does not currently provide a built-in mechanism for Destination (funnel) based conversions. 22
  • 23. GDPR & Privacy Considerations 23
  • 24. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The GDPR is an European Union (EU) law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area. The GDPR guarantees EU citizens protection of personal data, including name, location, IP addresses, cookie information, and more. The GDPR provides EU citizens several rights to their personal data including right to access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, portability, and the right to object, in addition to rights related to automated decision making profiling. The GDPR applies to any organization operating in the EU, as well as those outside of the EU that offer goods or services to users in the EU. GDPR requirements apply not only the any website that an organization has, but also to any services the website uses, such as Google Analytics. 24
  • 25. Universal Analytics Privacy Protection Personally identifiable information (PII), such as names and IP addresses are not provided to websites owners. Additionally, tracking PII using Universal Analytics Events is a violation of Google’s Terms of Service. However, Universal Analytics does collect IP addresses and data from third-party cookies. This information is used to “measure the effectiveness of advertising” and improve the effectiveness of Google products. Additionally, Universal Analytics data is stored on Google servers located in the United States. In the first half of 2022, France, Italy, Austria, and Denmark determined that Universal Analytics does not comply with GDPR. Websites that are subject to the GDPR should cease using Universal Analytics (consult your legal counsel). The core concern is insufficient protections from US government spying on personal data stored on US servers. As of June 2022, no economic sanctions have been issued against the use of Google Analytics. 25
  • 26. Google Analytics 4 GDPR Status Google Analytics 4 includes several improvements for privacy, including: ● GA4 initially uses IPs to decide where to store user’s data (I.e. on a US or EU based server) ● GA4 offers country level controls and customizations to allow users to minimize the collection of user-specific data The EU and its country-level enforcement agencies have not made official decisions regarding GA4. Many commentators believe that GA4 does not sufficiently address concerns about US government spying. In attempt to address these concerns, the US and EU have announced a new framework for transatlantic data flow with improved protection of data. As the formal language has not been finalized, it is too early to determine whether the new framework will be deemed adequate by EU enforcement agencies or EU privacy NGOs. 26
  • 27. Google Analytics Alternatives There are alternatives to Google Analytics that are were designed to comply with GDPR requirements including: ● Matomo ● Piwki Pro ● Plausible ● Fathom Each of these alternatives has a monthly or yearly fee based on usage, but they do not collect GDPR defined PII and their data is housed in the EU. These alternatives have (or are expected to soon have) importers to import historic Universal Analytics data. These analytics products are not as full featured as Google Analytics and will generally require greater developer involvement for implementation and customization. 27
  • 29. Should you implement Google Analytics 4? Relevant questions include: ● Are you currently using Universal Analytics? ○ You should begin moving off of UA in the near term ● Are you using other Google products (E.g., Google Tag Manager, Google Data Studio, Google Ads)? ○ Extensive use of other Google products may recommend Google Analytics 4 to out-of-the-box integrations between Google products and Google Analytics 4 ● Is your organization subject to GDPR? ○ You should move off of UA immediately, but Google Analytics 4 presents a risk until there is consensus on GA4’s GDPR status 29
  • 30. When should you implement GA4? Relevant questions include: ● Does your organization regularly review a current Universal Analytics property? Does this review include review of historic data? ○ If you require 3 months or more of historic data for review, GA4 should be implemented immediately in parallel with UA to gather necessary historic data before UA EOL ● Do you have custom Events implemented in a current Universal Analytics property? ○ These events may need to be re-implemented in GA4, so should be configured when GA4 is setup ● Does your organization have Google Data Studio dashboards consuming Universal Analytics? ○ Dashboards will need to be modified with GA4 as a data source, so GA4 implementations should allow time for GDS updates before UA EOL ● Are you undertaking a significant website redesign in the next 3-6 months? ○ If you plan to compare before and after analytics of your website redesign, you should implement GA4 3 months prior to the anticipated launch of the new website to establish a baseline for comparison 30
  • 31. How should you implement GA4? Relevant questions include: ● How is your Universal Analytics implemented? ○ Implemented directly in the theme, implemented using a plugin/module, implemented using Google Tag Manager ○ It may be appropriate to implement in the same fashion, depending on who will maintain, frequency of changes, and the necessary level of customization ● Who is responsible for maintaining/updating your analytics? What is their technical comfort? ○ Developers may be comfortable adding/updating JavaScript in a theme code, but if a marketing analyst or other administrative staff is responsible a plugin/module or Google Tag Manager may be more appropriate 31
  • 32. GA4 Implementation Steps 1. Create GA4 property 2. Configure filtering for internal traffic 3. Add appropriate GA4 tracking code to your website 4. Configure events, reports, and conversions 32
  • 33. Creating a GA4 Property 1. From an existing Universal Analytics Property, use the GA4 Setup Assistant. You can also use the Create Property CTA, which will default to a GA4 property. 2. Enter an appropriate property name and fill out organizational details (if desired) 3. GA4 Properties can support multiple data sources (websites, apps), so you will need to configure an appropriate data stream for your website. The Setup Assistant should guide you through the process, but for a website select Web, enter your website domain, and provide a display name for the Stream. 4. You can adjust the Events that are provided automatically, but for most uses the default setup is a good starting point. 5. Once the Stream is configured, you can access the Stream ID (G-XXXXXXX) and provided tracking codes. 33
  • 34. From an existing Universal Analytics Property, use the GA4 Setup Assistant. You can also use the Create Property CTA, which will default to a GA4 property.
  • 35. Enter an appropriate property name…
  • 36. …and fill out organizational details (if desired)
  • 37. The Setup Assistant should guide you through the process, but for a website select Web…
  • 38. …enter your website domain, and provide a display name for the Stream.
  • 39. Once the Stream is configured, you can access the Stream ID (G-XXXXXXX) and provided tracking codes.
  • 40. Filtering for Internal Traffic It is best practice to filter out internal traffic (traffic from an organization’s own employees). In Universal Analytics, this was generally accomplished by creating a separate “filtered” Property that filtered out traffic by IP address. In GA4, this is handled a bit differently: ● Rather than filtering out internal traffic (so it is never tracked in a specific property), internal traffic can be tagged so the segment can be hidden from data analysis (but the internal traffic is still tracked). ● This can be configured at Admin > Data Streams > X Data Stream > Configure tag settings > Show all > Define Internal Traffic ○ Provide a Rule Name for this set of IPs (E.g., corporate headquarters) and enter the appropriate IP range. You can configure multiple IP conditions for a single rule. ● Once you have configured a filter, you can adjust its status at Admin > Data Settings > X Data Filters > X Filter (Activate filter, Deactivate filter) 40
  • 41. This can be configured at Admin > Data Streams > X Data Stream > Configure tag settings…
  • 44. Provide a Rule Name for this set of IPs (E.g., corporate headquarters) and enter the appropriate IP range. You can configure multiple IP conditions for a single rule.
  • 45. Once you have configured a filter, you can adjust its status at Admin > Data Settings > X Data Filters…
  • 46. …X Filter (Activate filter, Deactivate filter)
  • 47. Add GA4 Tracking Code to Website There are several ways to add the GA4 tracking code to a website: ● Add GA Provided Global Site Tag as instructed to HTML or theme code ● Configure a Google Analytics module or plugin and configure with the appropriate data stream ID ● Via Google Tag Manager: ○ Add GTM container as instructed to HTML or theme code ○ Leverage a Google Tag Manager module or plugin ● Whichever approach selected, be sure to account for inclusion of GA tracking only on desired pages/user roles ○ May be provided by module/plugin, control of which pages include GA or GTM code, or triggers in GTM 47
  • 48. Configure Events, Reports, and Conversions Now you are ready to configure additional Events, custom Reports, and identify Conversions ● Events will need to be implemented in JavaScript either directly in code, via Google Tag Manager, or via an appropriate plugin/module. ● Reports can be configured in either GA4 or in an alternative analysis platform such as Google Data Studio. ● Conversion Events need to be implemented before they can be identified in GA4. ○ Once implemented, configure Conversions at Configure > Conversions > New Conversion Event ○ Enter your EXACT event name (including capitalization) ○ You can also mark Events as Conversions at Configure > Events and toggle listed Events as Conversions 48
  • 49. Next Steps Now you are ready to track data and measure performance using GA4. If you have implemented GA4 in parallel with Universal Analytics, I recommend transitioning your reporting/analysis from UA to GA4 over the following 3-6 months, depending on your reporting and historical analysis cadence. Once you have sufficient historic data in GA4 for your purposes, you can sunset UA, hopefully well ahead of July 1, 2023! 49
  • 51. Conclusion ● Google Analytics 4 is a significant improvement over Universal Analytics ● If you wish to use Google Analytics, you should move to Google Analytics 4 ASAP ● If you have GDPR requirements, stay tuned on negotiations between the US and the EU or select a non-Google analytics solution 51
  • 53. Thank you Central NJ Web Developers Meetup! 53