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A 4 Degrees Warmer Region:
Challenges and Opportunities in the Dry Areas
Aly Abousabaa
Director General
Science-based solutions for thriving, resilient livelihoods in the dry areas


Why Discuss a 4oC Warmer World?
• By 2100
- 40% chance of exceeding 4oC
- 10% chance of exceeding 5oC
(Sources: IEA, 2012; World Bank, 2014)
• 4oC warmer world could affect 70-80% of land
area in MENA
- rainfall could reduce as much as 60%
- population is projected to double by 2050
• Crop yields will reduce drastically
- wheat yield will reduce by 60% in Syria
- legume and maize will be most affected crops
(Source: Schilling et al., 2012)


WANA Challenges to Sustainable Development
(Source: IPCC, 2001)


• High value and climate resilient crops
• Crop improvements for yield potential and for
abiotic and biotic stresses
• Integrated livestock/rangelands/crops
production systems
• Intensification and diversification of cropping
• Protected agriculture
• Improvements in water availability and
management; grey water use
• Added value on dairy products in marginal dry
ICARDA Response to a 4 Degree-Warmer Region


Important: Non-Tropical Dryland Agrobiodiversity


Total taxa
> 100
> 130
% unique accessions 45
% landraces and native
% characterized 78
% safe duplicated 98
% stored in Svalbard 80
Number of Rhizobium
ICARDA’s Germplasm Collection in Numbers
Crop No of
Crop No of
Barley 30,201 Pisum spp. 6,121
Bread wheat 14,681 Trifolium spp. 5,883
Durum wheat 20,526 Vicia spp. 6,388
Primitive wheat 1,022 Faba bean 10,034
Aegilops spp. 4,843 Chickpea 15,195
Wild Triticum 2,079 Lentil 13,907
Wild Hordeum 2,359 Wild Cicer 547
Not mandate cereals 179 Wild Lens 605
Lathyrus spp. 4,289 Range & Pasture 7,358
Medicago annual 9,120 Others 50
Total 155,387
% acc.
Barley 2nd 18
Wheat 3rd 11
Chickpea 2nd 15
Faba bean 1st 48
Lentil 1st 51
Lathyrus 1st 36
Medicago 1st 28
Pisum 2nd 15
Trifolium 2nd 11
Vicia 1st 13
Overall 2nd 5.6
(1) Based on GENESYS information
Total accessions: 3,631,898 in 482 institutions


FIGS approach links adaptive traits, environments (and associated selection
pressures) with genebank accessions (e.g. landraces and crop wild relatives)
 ‘focuses in’ on those accessions most likely to possess trait specific
genetic variation.
0 50 100 150
Trait (disease score)Environnement FIGS subset
Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy
If a dependency exits between environmental parameters and the emergence of
an adaptive traits within an in-situ population then we can use this relationship to
predict where adaptive traits are likely to occur elsewhere.


Pre-Breeding Activities
 Dr Patokar Chetan, recruited on May 2017 to coordinate activities
of GRS project on pre-breeding
 Fully operational Fluorescent Microscopy facility established
 Barley
 329 interspecific crosses
 172 F1 hybrids and 56 BC1F1
 Wheat
 133 interspecific crosses (focusing on Ae. bicornis)
 82 F1 hybrids and 73 BC1F1
 Grasspea (4 Lathyrus species)
 19 interspecific crosses
 11 F1 hybrids
 Consultancy of Dr Masanori Inagaki and Dr Haddouri Jamal
 Ms. Sawsan Tawkaz
 Grasspea (4 Lathyrus species)
 92 interspecific crosses using
embryorescue techniques


Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP)
Principle: attract wild pollinators via habitat improvement to reduce cost of farming, promote
biodiversity, and increase crop yield (i.e., reduce the distance between nests and fields)
A scalable approach to protect pollinators worldwide
• Increases income significantly
• Protects wild pollinators without rewarding scheme (as in USA and EU)
• Focuses on cross-sector policy instruments for pollinator protection, which can be
adopted even by Low Income Countries
ICARDA is the only CG center working on pollinator protection


One Global Wheat Program
FHS, Sep
Multiple Disease
Ug 99
Sept DW
WW Heat Drought
Yield (IN+PK)
Heat Dry (IN)
Heat Humid (BD)
Drought (IN)
• Operational
• Building up
• Planned
Field-based phenotyping network


Support to Agricultural Research for Africa: More Wheat for Africa
Target: 12 countries
3 hubs and 9 partner countries
Agro-ecologies: 2 main types
• Heat prone (lowlands)
• Disease prone (highlands)
• 50 new varieties released
• 4-7t ha-1 2-3 t ha-1
• Up to 400,000 ha increase in wheat surface
• Up to 2 Mt production increase


• To facilitate mechanized farming of lentil
• Evaluated 150 elite lines for erect, tall, high first pod bearing node
• 50 elite lines amenable to machine harvest identified
For a major breakthrough in productivity, revisiting plant architecture
Machine harvestable lentil Tall type High-vigor type All pods far from the ground
Lentil- herbicide tolerance
Imazethapyr Metribuzin


Short-Duration Lentils for Rice Fallow in South Asia
• Intensification of cereal based CS by inclusion of
pulses as catch crop
• Diversification of cereal based CS by replacement
• Introduction in Rice-fallows in South Asia
• New niches such as spring planted crop
• Market opportunities


Malt-barley demonstration in Ethiopia
Barley Research Focus
• Hulled & Naked Barley
• Feed, food and malting, dual purpose
• Resistance to abiotic stresses
- Drought
- Cold/Heat
- Salinity
• Resistance to biotic stresses
- Rusts (Stripe and leaf)
- Foliar blights (NB, SB, Scald, SFNB)
- Powdery Mildew
- Aphid
Breeding trials in Marchouch, Morocco


In Northern Africa barley is commonly used for human consumption, especially in
rural and marginal areas
• Line 2Ab09-S06F084-5 identified for very high β-Glucan (15.9%)
• High Fe (54.8 ppm), Zn (37.9 ppm), and β-Glucan (>8%) varieties ‘Chifaa’ and
Assiya released in 2016 in Morocco.
Food barley for North Africa: β-Glucan and micronutrients++
Flattened barley Barley grit Barley flour


Malt is used for alcoholic and non-alcoholic products, and
it receives a premium price.
Cultivation of high-input malt barley can supply new
income to smallholder farmers
Ethiopia and India have released 8 new malt-type varieties
of ICARDA origin
Poverty reduction via malt barley
Malt-testing equipment available at ICARDA
Malt-barley demonstration in Ethiopia
Non-alcoholic malt
Alcoholic malt


Varieties Released by Partners
• Past decade: 250 varieties
• 2013: first year of move out of
Aleppo was the best one
• To date: 19 releases
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Wheat Barley Faba bean Chick-pea Lentil Grass-pea
48 2
Number of varieties released
Varieties released
by species


1. Genetic variability (biotic and abiotic stress) exists in Centers of Diversity and Genebanks
2. Beneficial traits are being identified through FIGS and field-based phenotyping
3. Trait introgression is done through pre-breeding/breeding and testing in key locations
4. ICARDA continues to collect agrobiodiversity and to refine algorithms for FIGS
5. For Climate Change (higher temperatures) new traits need to be identified- introgressed


Thank you
Tel Hadya, Aleppo

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Challenges and opportunities in a 4 degrees warmer world in dry areas

  • 1. 1 A 4 Degrees Warmer Region: Challenges and Opportunities in the Dry Areas Aly Abousabaa Director General ICARDA Science-based solutions for thriving, resilient livelihoods in the dry areas
  • 2. Why Discuss a 4oC Warmer World? • By 2100 - 40% chance of exceeding 4oC - 10% chance of exceeding 5oC (Sources: IEA, 2012; World Bank, 2014) • 4oC warmer world could affect 70-80% of land area in MENA - rainfall could reduce as much as 60% - population is projected to double by 2050 • Crop yields will reduce drastically - wheat yield will reduce by 60% in Syria - legume and maize will be most affected crops (Source: Schilling et al., 2012) 2
  • 3. 3 WANA Challenges to Sustainable Development (Source: IPCC, 2001)
  • 4. • High value and climate resilient crops • Crop improvements for yield potential and for abiotic and biotic stresses • Integrated livestock/rangelands/crops production systems • Intensification and diversification of cropping systems • Protected agriculture • Improvements in water availability and management; grey water use • Added value on dairy products in marginal dry areas ICARDA Response to a 4 Degree-Warmer Region
  • 6. Total taxa Perennial Cross-pollinated 865 > 100 > 130 % unique accessions 45 % landraces and native species 65-85 % characterized 78 % safe duplicated 98 % stored in Svalbard 80 Number of Rhizobium strains 1380 ICARDA’s Germplasm Collection in Numbers Crop No of accs. Crop No of accs. Barley 30,201 Pisum spp. 6,121 Bread wheat 14,681 Trifolium spp. 5,883 Durum wheat 20,526 Vicia spp. 6,388 Primitive wheat 1,022 Faba bean 10,034 Aegilops spp. 4,843 Chickpea 15,195 Wild Triticum 2,079 Lentil 13,907 Wild Hordeum 2,359 Wild Cicer 547 Not mandate cereals 179 Wild Lens 605 Lathyrus spp. 4,289 Range & Pasture 7,358 Medicago annual 9,120 Others 50 Total 155,387 Crop genepool Global Ranking % acc. globally Barley 2nd 18 Wheat 3rd 11 Chickpea 2nd 15 Faba bean 1st 48 Lentil 1st 51 Lathyrus 1st 36 Medicago 1st 28 Pisum 2nd 15 Trifolium 2nd 11 Vicia 1st 13 Overall 2nd 5.6 (1) Based on GENESYS information Total accessions: 3,631,898 in 482 institutions
  • 7. 7 FIGS approach links adaptive traits, environments (and associated selection pressures) with genebank accessions (e.g. landraces and crop wild relatives)  ‘focuses in’ on those accessions most likely to possess trait specific genetic variation. 0 50 100 150 0102030405060 Longitude Latitude Trait (disease score)Environnement FIGS subset www.icarda.org/ Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy If a dependency exits between environmental parameters and the emergence of an adaptive traits within an in-situ population then we can use this relationship to predict where adaptive traits are likely to occur elsewhere.
  • 8. Pre-Breeding Activities  Dr Patokar Chetan, recruited on May 2017 to coordinate activities of GRS project on pre-breeding  Fully operational Fluorescent Microscopy facility established  Barley  329 interspecific crosses  172 F1 hybrids and 56 BC1F1  Wheat  133 interspecific crosses (focusing on Ae. bicornis)  82 F1 hybrids and 73 BC1F1  Grasspea (4 Lathyrus species)  19 interspecific crosses  11 F1 hybrids  Consultancy of Dr Masanori Inagaki and Dr Haddouri Jamal Morocco…  Ms. Sawsan Tawkaz  Grasspea (4 Lathyrus species)  92 interspecific crosses using embryorescue techniques Lebanon…
  • 9. 9 Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP) Principle: attract wild pollinators via habitat improvement to reduce cost of farming, promote biodiversity, and increase crop yield (i.e., reduce the distance between nests and fields) A scalable approach to protect pollinators worldwide • Increases income significantly • Protects wild pollinators without rewarding scheme (as in USA and EU) • Focuses on cross-sector policy instruments for pollinator protection, which can be adopted even by Low Income Countries ICARDA is the only CG center working on pollinator protection
  • 10. One Global Wheat Program Yield Heat Drought YR, LR FHS, Sep YR Blast Multiple Disease Resistance Heat Drought H-Fly LR-DW Yield Ug 99 Rust Septoria Sept DW Yield WW Heat Drought Rusts Yield (IN+PK) Heat Dry (IN) Heat Humid (BD) Drought (IN) FHS Yield Heat • Operational • Building up • Planned 10 Field-based phenotyping network
  • 11. 11 Support to Agricultural Research for Africa: More Wheat for Africa Target: 12 countries 3 hubs and 9 partner countries Agro-ecologies: 2 main types • Heat prone (lowlands) • Disease prone (highlands) Impact: • 50 new varieties released • 4-7t ha-1 2-3 t ha-1 • Up to 400,000 ha increase in wheat surface • Up to 2 Mt production increase
  • 12. 12 • To facilitate mechanized farming of lentil • Evaluated 150 elite lines for erect, tall, high first pod bearing node • 50 elite lines amenable to machine harvest identified For a major breakthrough in productivity, revisiting plant architecture Machine harvestable lentil Tall type High-vigor type All pods far from the ground Lentil- herbicide tolerance Imazethapyr Metribuzin
  • 13. Short-Duration Lentils for Rice Fallow in South Asia • Intensification of cereal based CS by inclusion of pulses as catch crop • Diversification of cereal based CS by replacement • Introduction in Rice-fallows in South Asia • New niches such as spring planted crop • Market opportunities
  • 14. 14 Malt-barley demonstration in Ethiopia Barley Research Focus • Hulled & Naked Barley • Feed, food and malting, dual purpose • Resistance to abiotic stresses - Drought - Cold/Heat - Salinity • Resistance to biotic stresses - Rusts (Stripe and leaf) - Foliar blights (NB, SB, Scald, SFNB) - Powdery Mildew - Aphid Breeding trials in Marchouch, Morocco
  • 15. In Northern Africa barley is commonly used for human consumption, especially in rural and marginal areas • Line 2Ab09-S06F084-5 identified for very high β-Glucan (15.9%) • High Fe (54.8 ppm), Zn (37.9 ppm), and β-Glucan (>8%) varieties ‘Chifaa’ and Assiya released in 2016 in Morocco. Food barley for North Africa: β-Glucan and micronutrients++ Flattened barley Barley grit Barley flour 15
  • 16. Malt is used for alcoholic and non-alcoholic products, and it receives a premium price. Cultivation of high-input malt barley can supply new income to smallholder farmers Ethiopia and India have released 8 new malt-type varieties of ICARDA origin Poverty reduction via malt barley Malt-testing equipment available at ICARDA Malt-barley demonstration in Ethiopia Non-alcoholic malt Alcoholic malt 16
  • 17. Varieties Released by Partners 17 • Past decade: 250 varieties • 2013: first year of move out of Aleppo was the best one • To date: 19 releases 0 10 20 30 40 50 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Wheat Barley Faba bean Chick-pea Lentil Grass-pea 73 6025 42 48 2 Number of varieties released Varieties released by species
  • 18. 18 Conclusions 1. Genetic variability (biotic and abiotic stress) exists in Centers of Diversity and Genebanks 2. Beneficial traits are being identified through FIGS and field-based phenotyping 3. Trait introgression is done through pre-breeding/breeding and testing in key locations 4. ICARDA continues to collect agrobiodiversity and to refine algorithms for FIGS 5. For Climate Change (higher temperatures) new traits need to be identified- introgressed