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ECP – The Enterprise Change Process  for Telelogic Change


Agenda Introduction to Change 5.0 and Enterprise Change Process (ECP) ECP: a Low-risk, High ROI solution ECP Usability ECP Lifecycle and Integration to Telelogic DOORS Key Technical Enhancements Process Helper and GUI Interface & ECP Dialogs Assignment to External Users Enhanced  Duplicate Handling ECP Privileges CMM/CMMI “Ready” – Effort Progress Bar & Matrix Reports Parent Child Navigation ECP Notifications Telelogic Synergy Baseline List-boxes Summary break-down of How to Install ECP Packages Summary of ECP 1.0 vs ECP 1.1


Managing the Change Workflow Across the Organization Change is Omnipresent Bugs, enhancements… The promise of SOA Change is Critical Inherent Risk Process and quality initiatives  Governance and accountability Scalability, deployment and cost You can leverage this challenge for a Competitive Edge!


Telelogic Change: Consistently Managing Change Across Your Organization Robust repository for managing and communicating process and change Workflow and task assignment management Easy deployment and customization Built-in lifecycle editor Real time reporting and metrics Distributed team support Telelogic Synergy & Change:  Awarded “Best Change & Configuration Management solution  EIGHT consecutive years


Introducing the Telelogic Enterprise Change Process What makes Telelogic Change different from all other products? The Enterprise Change Process: An  out-of-the-box  solution  providing a  low-risk ,  high-ROI  process package for  user-friendly, consistent  change management   across organizations of  all types and sizes


Eliminate the Risk Factor  with Industry-proven Solutions "The process and toolset now available as the ECP are generic, robust and comprehensive, yet remain intuitive for the end-user and scalable to meet Change & Problem management demands of our development projects" Up to 50% decrease in throughput times Business Challenge Time to market & margins A truly global company “ 90% of integration is change control” Customer Success 900+ active users world-wide Passed CMM audits Significantly less resource use Adopted by other divisions and companies


A Winning Strategy for All Organizations "Telelogic has a  very compelling offer  with the Enterprise Change Process.  Over the next few years we will continue to see strong growth in the adoption of Enterprise Change Management solutions like Telelogic Change --particularly by organizations seeking to  respond efficiently to change  and  reduce development costs  by  ensuring   application quality through best practices , such as CMMI.  Telelogic has a winning strategy, by providing  ready-to-use solutions  that have  proven success and scalability  to coordinate change and workflow across the organization." Teresa Jones, Senior Research Analyst, Butler Group


Change Management: the Road to Innovation Enterprise Change Management is much more that controlling bug reports. ECP helps you: Improve Predictability Improve Quality Meet Compliance Objectives Control cost of Development Management of Requirements


Telelogic Change - ECP in Brief A Platform for Enterprise Change Processes Best practice guidelines for creating and using enterprise change systems An example process based on the one used by Philips Applied Technology Technical enhancements to Telelogic Change ECP grew out of an implementation at Philips Applied Technologies that was developed to satisfy these conflicting requirements: ONE solution that supports: A wide variety of processes and a collection of metrics for formal processes But is still: Straightforward to use and cost-effective to maintain


ECP: a Low-risk, High ROI solution Already successfully deployed across large distributed organizations Successfully passed audits Minimal cost of training and deployment Open Web Service integration platform  Predefined reports and metrics More cost-effective than: High-end complex solutions Stretching the usage of existing products Developing a home-grown solution Easier organizational and executive buy-in


Unique Innovative Functionality Telelogic provides key functionality CMMI and SPICE compliance Improved CCMI Level 4 with ECP1.1 Strategic QA Project scheduling Effort estimation Causal analysis Process enforcement Duplicate management


ECP: Proven Scalability Secure Web access to the central repository Hierarchy of change requests to drill down into specialities Roles, responsibilities and automatic notification to avoid bottlenecks and delays Queries and fast analysis to improve triage of priorities Corporate roll out to reap benefits


The Importance of Usability Implementing advanced functionality and meeting all types of needs… The solution must be user-friendly Field acceptance Global roll-out Cost of training


ECP: Proven Usability The ECP has been tuned on real projects for usability: Interactive auto-generated help “ You are here” process map Main transition prompt Collapsible color-coded sections A common multi-purpose process Role-based home pages “ [Telelogic’s Change and Configuration Management solution] achieves highest rating in our easy of use category , while providing very advanced functionality. This makes it an ideal choice for enterprise-wide deployment.“


The ECP Process The ECP example lifecycle follows the phases typical of a formal process  Each phase has two states A doing state, where the work is done A waiting state, ready for a decision.


ECP 1.1 Lifecycle with DOORS For Requirements Driven Development Implementation Request - IR Using the existing ECP Lifecycle, as ECP is all about one lifecycle with Parent and Children Change Requests For Managing Modifications to the Requirements Requirement Change Request – RCR Using the existing Lifecycle as part of the Existing Telelogic Change DOORS RCR Integration


ECP Lifecycle and RCR Lifecycle


Key Technical Enhancements Process Helper and GUI Interface ECP Dialogs Assignment to External Users Enhanced  Duplicate Handling ECP Privileges CMM/CMMI “Ready” – Effort Progress Bar CMM/CMMI “Ready” – Matrix Reports Parent Child Navigation ECP Notifications Telelogic Synergy Baseline List-boxes Summary break-down of How to Install ECP Packages


Process Helper and GUI Interface The process helper allows you to do the following: Display Lifecycle Pictures Dynamically generated from the CR Process XML File  Visually view the entire process and move and manipulate the state and transition pictures. Double click on a state to move into that state and see its possible combinations of states and transitions. Show Primary Transitions Only Sometimes seeing the process used in 80% of the case is only what you want to see View the required, optional, read-only, role and attribute security information for the attributes on each transition dialog screen. Display auto generated reports on each attribute, name, description and reporting.


Process Helper and GUI Interface


Process Helper and GUI Interface


Process Helper and GUI Interface


Process Helper and GUI Interface


ECP State and Transition Pictures Submitting an ECP is similar to submitting a standard CR, however a process picture exists on every state showing exactly where you are and what has been completed. In ECP 1.1 you can optionally see exactly where you are in the process as you can use the inbuilt mechanism to show a simple automatically generated HTML Table. You therefore no longer need a static picture for each state and transition dialog, so modifications to your lifecycle become easier for the process engineers.... With ECP 1.1 you can toggle either view described above on or off. In Analysis Dialog Picture (ECP 1.0):


Page and Section Navigation Buttons When using a State Dialog, often each type of user (Developer, Tester, Manager) would like to quickly and efficiently jump to the required section that has been setup in the dialog.  Note: The sections for capturing the output at each stage are mandatory: the colour coded sections on transitions which contain mandatory information are NOT collapsible, therefore they can never be accidentally missed. Sections are optionally colour-coded. Sections may be combined with the standard section collapse


Default Transition Dialogs With Telelogic Change 4.7 it is now possible to setup Default Transition Dialog options that appear at the front of the Transition list. This allows users to quickly choose the most common lifecycle path.


Metrics and Process Improvement Attributes are defined to capture critical process improvement  data for each phase To improve estimating Estimated effort Actual effort To improve project management Due date Actual date This will help your process achieve formal accreditation CMM / CMMI (Up to CMMi Level 4 in ECP1.1) SPICE


ECP Privileges The ECP process uses several privileges to control access rights CRmgr :  Super user in the ECP workflow. Can change attribute and re-assign CRs. CRowner :  Owner of a CR. The User has the same rights as a CRmgr, but must be set as the cr_owner on the CR  report_builder :  User can login with role Report Builder pt_admin :  User can login with role Admin Any privilege  :   User can login with role User NOTE (ECP 1.1) CRPRmgr – not used anymore, replaced by CRmgr  CRPRowner – not used anymore, replaced by CRowner


ECP Privileges The following privileges are used to grant access rights within the lifecycle analyser :  User can perform analysis concluder : User can perform conclusion developer : Basic access to the system evaluator : User can perform evaluation resolver : User can perform resolution submitter : User can change submitted data pt_admin : Administrative super user In many cases access control is using an attribute and a privilege (E.g. to analyse one needs to be set as analyser in the drop down user field and user has to have the privilege  analyse ) The privileges together with an attribute grant access to attributes and transitions that define a phase E.g. the analyse privilege together with the analyser attribute allow access to the transition in_analysis2analysed


Progress Bar Indicators Once the Estimated Total Hours in this example has been filled in, the Progress bar shows the following: Then as you start to populate the Total Hours used attribute, the progress bar auto- updates as appropriate. The Overused Progress bar has been displayed below, if your Actual Hours used exceeds the Estimated Total hours then the progress bar continues over to the next line and the colour changes to Red.


CMMi Level 4 - Matrix Reports ECP 1.1 Two main reporting  requirements: Six Sigma Phase Containment Effectiveness and  Phase Screening Effectiveness Weighting per Cell Matrix Report based on “STATES & SEVERITY” attributes The formula : Add up all the (( number in cell [State X] [Severity Y]) times Weighting )) and this gives a single figure for the maturity of the project.  The weighting allows us to give more importance to high severity items in [State X] for example 1 1 2


Slipping Through the Cracks Two metrics are of particular interest to track and understand quality (CMMi Level 4) in the ECP Process include:  Phase Containment Effectiveness (PCE)  is the ratio of faults captured in a phase (represents how effective the process is at preventing problems from becoming defects) Phase Screening Effectiveness (PSE)  is the ratio of prior escaped defects captured in each phase


Phase Containment Effectiveness PCE  is the ratio of faults captured in a phase For instance, if during the  analysis phase , ten faults were introduced, seven of which were caught but three were in the design specification given to the developers to code from ( resolution phase ), then this phase had 7 Errors, 3 Defects, and its PCE is 70%


Phase Screening Effectiveness PSE  is the ratio of prior escaped defects captured in each phase  If, out of the 5 defects present after unit testing, 2 were caught by  Resolution Phase Testing  and 3 were still present in the version delivered for  Evaluation Phase testing , the PSE for the Analysis phase would be 40%.


Phase Containment and  Phase Screening Examples Each Report has the Phases correctly collapsed in line with ECP  in fact it is very generic so can easily be ported and moved away from ECP) <WEB-INF>/packages/ECP_MatrixReport/wsconfig/templates/pt/include/ecp_phase_containment_report_conf.js.  <WEB-INF>/packages/ECP_MatrixReport/wsconfig/templates/pt/include/ecp_phase_screening_report_conf.js.


Weighting per Cell Report Matrix Report based on “STATES & SEVERITY” attributes The formula : Add up all the (( number in cell [State X] [Severity Y]) times Weighting )) and this gives a single figure for the maturity of the project.  The weighting allows us to give more importance to high severity items in [State X] for example <WEB-INF>/packages/ECP_MatrixReport/wsconfig/templates/pt/include/ecp_weighted_matrix_report_conf.js.


ECP Home Page


Parent / Child Quick Navigation The Telelogic ECP environment actively uses Parent and Child CRs to allow small (single level CR) or large scale Enterprise roll-out with multiple levels of CRs.


Parent / Child Quick Navigation (ECP 1.0) When having a complex web of Related CRs and Child / Parent relationships a quick navigation option is needed to allow users to quickly find and navigate to the require information. In ECP 1.0 -- Change 4.7 An extra drop down box was used on the menu-bar to facilitate quick navigation between the various levels of Parents and Child CRs  NOTE: The list was very limited, So this has now been removed in  ECP 1.1 in favour of  “Browse Queries”


Parent / Child Quick Navigation (ECP 1.1) Browsable Queries provide fully flexible navigation through families of CRS: Define the Colour Coded Relationships and Queries Choose the Relationship(s) to Browse Visually see the relationship and View or Edit CRs for Child, Grandchild, Duplicate CR, Requirement, Task etc


Parent / Child Quick Navigation (ECP 1.1) Parent Child Navigation using Browse Queries, lets you quickly click on any related CR to View or Edit the CR


Enhanced Email Subscription Dialog The Existing Telelogic Change Email Subscription dialog currently only allows Administrators to Remove users from the Subscription of a CR. With the ECP Package, this dialog has been further enhanced to allow it to be privilege-controlled rather than Admin-controlled, and it also allows you to Add and Remove users from the subscription dialog box.


ECP Notifications and Subscription Makes it easier to create, organize and review notifications. Developed from a code base actively maintained by Telelogic PS.  Benefits: Use only one script to send all notifications Template the email messages as a standalone file for easy editing and organization Have the Template be expandable by allowing plug-ins Changing email layouts and notification logic does not require any change to the lifecycle Default delivery method is to use send-mail Secondary delivery method is provided to send E-mail using Perl Sample plug-in provided


ECP Notifications Using the ECP Notifications After setting up the ECP Notifications templates emails can be configured and they do not require any further edits in the Lifecycle Editor. An example of a HTML Template email is listed below:


Telelogic Synergy Baseline List-boxes The baseline list box generation script was written so that you can easily and quickly see a baseline to select when editing a CR in Telelogic Change. The script generates a file for each attribute that you define on a CR.  After the tool populates the baseline Listbox attribute, it can be selected when editing or creating a CR in Telelogic Change.  The script is configured in a crontab on Unix, so it can update the list-box entries once a day or as often as you would like to schedule. Currently no Windows option is available. An example of how you can pick the Baseline after they have been populated is shown below:


How to Install ECP Packages Installation of the ECP Packages is very similar to installing Patches or Service packs. You can simple unpack the packages in your Telelogic Change packages directory and click on the install button for each package you wish to install. Note:  With some of the  packages (especially email), some other configuration files need to be updated as well.


Summary of Differences for ECP 1.0 vs ECP 1.1 ECP 1.0 Telelogic Change 4.7 compatibility CMMi Level 3 Metrics Old Parent Child Navigation Features Single Lifecycle ECP Process Helper ECP 1.1 Telelogic Change 5.0 compatibility (no more use of PTCLI) Requirements Management compatibility (RCR) Implementation Request capability (Using existing Lifecycle) CMMi Level 3 and  CMMi Level 4  Metrics ( Weighted + PCE + PSE ) Old Navigation Features removed in favour of Browse Queries Updated Multi Lifecycle capable ECP Process Helper CRPRmgr and CRPRowner privileges replaced.


The Telelogic Enterprise Change Process An  out-of-the-box  solution  providing a  low-risk ,  high-ROI  process package for  user-friendly, consistent  change management   across organizations of  all types and sizes Telelogic Synergy & Change:  Awarded “Best Change & Configuration Management solution  EIGHT consecutive years


Thank you for your time. Questions?


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Change Ecp

  • 1. ECP – The Enterprise Change Process for Telelogic Change
  • 2. Agenda Introduction to Change 5.0 and Enterprise Change Process (ECP) ECP: a Low-risk, High ROI solution ECP Usability ECP Lifecycle and Integration to Telelogic DOORS Key Technical Enhancements Process Helper and GUI Interface & ECP Dialogs Assignment to External Users Enhanced Duplicate Handling ECP Privileges CMM/CMMI “Ready” – Effort Progress Bar & Matrix Reports Parent Child Navigation ECP Notifications Telelogic Synergy Baseline List-boxes Summary break-down of How to Install ECP Packages Summary of ECP 1.0 vs ECP 1.1
  • 3. Managing the Change Workflow Across the Organization Change is Omnipresent Bugs, enhancements… The promise of SOA Change is Critical Inherent Risk Process and quality initiatives Governance and accountability Scalability, deployment and cost You can leverage this challenge for a Competitive Edge!
  • 4. Telelogic Change: Consistently Managing Change Across Your Organization Robust repository for managing and communicating process and change Workflow and task assignment management Easy deployment and customization Built-in lifecycle editor Real time reporting and metrics Distributed team support Telelogic Synergy & Change: Awarded “Best Change & Configuration Management solution EIGHT consecutive years
  • 5. Introducing the Telelogic Enterprise Change Process What makes Telelogic Change different from all other products? The Enterprise Change Process: An out-of-the-box solution providing a low-risk , high-ROI process package for user-friendly, consistent change management across organizations of all types and sizes
  • 6. Eliminate the Risk Factor with Industry-proven Solutions &quot;The process and toolset now available as the ECP are generic, robust and comprehensive, yet remain intuitive for the end-user and scalable to meet Change & Problem management demands of our development projects&quot; Up to 50% decrease in throughput times Business Challenge Time to market & margins A truly global company “ 90% of integration is change control” Customer Success 900+ active users world-wide Passed CMM audits Significantly less resource use Adopted by other divisions and companies
  • 7. A Winning Strategy for All Organizations &quot;Telelogic has a very compelling offer with the Enterprise Change Process. Over the next few years we will continue to see strong growth in the adoption of Enterprise Change Management solutions like Telelogic Change --particularly by organizations seeking to respond efficiently to change and reduce development costs by ensuring application quality through best practices , such as CMMI. Telelogic has a winning strategy, by providing ready-to-use solutions that have proven success and scalability to coordinate change and workflow across the organization.&quot; Teresa Jones, Senior Research Analyst, Butler Group
  • 8. Change Management: the Road to Innovation Enterprise Change Management is much more that controlling bug reports. ECP helps you: Improve Predictability Improve Quality Meet Compliance Objectives Control cost of Development Management of Requirements
  • 9. Telelogic Change - ECP in Brief A Platform for Enterprise Change Processes Best practice guidelines for creating and using enterprise change systems An example process based on the one used by Philips Applied Technology Technical enhancements to Telelogic Change ECP grew out of an implementation at Philips Applied Technologies that was developed to satisfy these conflicting requirements: ONE solution that supports: A wide variety of processes and a collection of metrics for formal processes But is still: Straightforward to use and cost-effective to maintain
  • 10. ECP: a Low-risk, High ROI solution Already successfully deployed across large distributed organizations Successfully passed audits Minimal cost of training and deployment Open Web Service integration platform Predefined reports and metrics More cost-effective than: High-end complex solutions Stretching the usage of existing products Developing a home-grown solution Easier organizational and executive buy-in
  • 11. Unique Innovative Functionality Telelogic provides key functionality CMMI and SPICE compliance Improved CCMI Level 4 with ECP1.1 Strategic QA Project scheduling Effort estimation Causal analysis Process enforcement Duplicate management
  • 12. ECP: Proven Scalability Secure Web access to the central repository Hierarchy of change requests to drill down into specialities Roles, responsibilities and automatic notification to avoid bottlenecks and delays Queries and fast analysis to improve triage of priorities Corporate roll out to reap benefits
  • 13. The Importance of Usability Implementing advanced functionality and meeting all types of needs… The solution must be user-friendly Field acceptance Global roll-out Cost of training
  • 14. ECP: Proven Usability The ECP has been tuned on real projects for usability: Interactive auto-generated help “ You are here” process map Main transition prompt Collapsible color-coded sections A common multi-purpose process Role-based home pages “ [Telelogic’s Change and Configuration Management solution] achieves highest rating in our easy of use category , while providing very advanced functionality. This makes it an ideal choice for enterprise-wide deployment.“
  • 15. The ECP Process The ECP example lifecycle follows the phases typical of a formal process Each phase has two states A doing state, where the work is done A waiting state, ready for a decision.
  • 16. ECP 1.1 Lifecycle with DOORS For Requirements Driven Development Implementation Request - IR Using the existing ECP Lifecycle, as ECP is all about one lifecycle with Parent and Children Change Requests For Managing Modifications to the Requirements Requirement Change Request – RCR Using the existing Lifecycle as part of the Existing Telelogic Change DOORS RCR Integration
  • 17. ECP Lifecycle and RCR Lifecycle
  • 18. Key Technical Enhancements Process Helper and GUI Interface ECP Dialogs Assignment to External Users Enhanced Duplicate Handling ECP Privileges CMM/CMMI “Ready” – Effort Progress Bar CMM/CMMI “Ready” – Matrix Reports Parent Child Navigation ECP Notifications Telelogic Synergy Baseline List-boxes Summary break-down of How to Install ECP Packages
  • 19. Process Helper and GUI Interface The process helper allows you to do the following: Display Lifecycle Pictures Dynamically generated from the CR Process XML File Visually view the entire process and move and manipulate the state and transition pictures. Double click on a state to move into that state and see its possible combinations of states and transitions. Show Primary Transitions Only Sometimes seeing the process used in 80% of the case is only what you want to see View the required, optional, read-only, role and attribute security information for the attributes on each transition dialog screen. Display auto generated reports on each attribute, name, description and reporting.
  • 20. Process Helper and GUI Interface
  • 21. Process Helper and GUI Interface
  • 22. Process Helper and GUI Interface
  • 23. Process Helper and GUI Interface
  • 24. ECP State and Transition Pictures Submitting an ECP is similar to submitting a standard CR, however a process picture exists on every state showing exactly where you are and what has been completed. In ECP 1.1 you can optionally see exactly where you are in the process as you can use the inbuilt mechanism to show a simple automatically generated HTML Table. You therefore no longer need a static picture for each state and transition dialog, so modifications to your lifecycle become easier for the process engineers.... With ECP 1.1 you can toggle either view described above on or off. In Analysis Dialog Picture (ECP 1.0):
  • 25. Page and Section Navigation Buttons When using a State Dialog, often each type of user (Developer, Tester, Manager) would like to quickly and efficiently jump to the required section that has been setup in the dialog. Note: The sections for capturing the output at each stage are mandatory: the colour coded sections on transitions which contain mandatory information are NOT collapsible, therefore they can never be accidentally missed. Sections are optionally colour-coded. Sections may be combined with the standard section collapse
  • 26. Default Transition Dialogs With Telelogic Change 4.7 it is now possible to setup Default Transition Dialog options that appear at the front of the Transition list. This allows users to quickly choose the most common lifecycle path.
  • 27. Metrics and Process Improvement Attributes are defined to capture critical process improvement data for each phase To improve estimating Estimated effort Actual effort To improve project management Due date Actual date This will help your process achieve formal accreditation CMM / CMMI (Up to CMMi Level 4 in ECP1.1) SPICE
  • 28. ECP Privileges The ECP process uses several privileges to control access rights CRmgr : Super user in the ECP workflow. Can change attribute and re-assign CRs. CRowner : Owner of a CR. The User has the same rights as a CRmgr, but must be set as the cr_owner on the CR report_builder : User can login with role Report Builder pt_admin : User can login with role Admin Any privilege : User can login with role User NOTE (ECP 1.1) CRPRmgr – not used anymore, replaced by CRmgr CRPRowner – not used anymore, replaced by CRowner
  • 29. ECP Privileges The following privileges are used to grant access rights within the lifecycle analyser : User can perform analysis concluder : User can perform conclusion developer : Basic access to the system evaluator : User can perform evaluation resolver : User can perform resolution submitter : User can change submitted data pt_admin : Administrative super user In many cases access control is using an attribute and a privilege (E.g. to analyse one needs to be set as analyser in the drop down user field and user has to have the privilege analyse ) The privileges together with an attribute grant access to attributes and transitions that define a phase E.g. the analyse privilege together with the analyser attribute allow access to the transition in_analysis2analysed
  • 30. Progress Bar Indicators Once the Estimated Total Hours in this example has been filled in, the Progress bar shows the following: Then as you start to populate the Total Hours used attribute, the progress bar auto- updates as appropriate. The Overused Progress bar has been displayed below, if your Actual Hours used exceeds the Estimated Total hours then the progress bar continues over to the next line and the colour changes to Red.
  • 31. CMMi Level 4 - Matrix Reports ECP 1.1 Two main reporting requirements: Six Sigma Phase Containment Effectiveness and Phase Screening Effectiveness Weighting per Cell Matrix Report based on “STATES & SEVERITY” attributes The formula : Add up all the (( number in cell [State X] [Severity Y]) times Weighting )) and this gives a single figure for the maturity of the project. The weighting allows us to give more importance to high severity items in [State X] for example 1 1 2
  • 32. Slipping Through the Cracks Two metrics are of particular interest to track and understand quality (CMMi Level 4) in the ECP Process include: Phase Containment Effectiveness (PCE) is the ratio of faults captured in a phase (represents how effective the process is at preventing problems from becoming defects) Phase Screening Effectiveness (PSE) is the ratio of prior escaped defects captured in each phase
  • 33. Phase Containment Effectiveness PCE is the ratio of faults captured in a phase For instance, if during the analysis phase , ten faults were introduced, seven of which were caught but three were in the design specification given to the developers to code from ( resolution phase ), then this phase had 7 Errors, 3 Defects, and its PCE is 70%
  • 34. Phase Screening Effectiveness PSE is the ratio of prior escaped defects captured in each phase If, out of the 5 defects present after unit testing, 2 were caught by Resolution Phase Testing and 3 were still present in the version delivered for Evaluation Phase testing , the PSE for the Analysis phase would be 40%.
  • 35. Phase Containment and Phase Screening Examples Each Report has the Phases correctly collapsed in line with ECP in fact it is very generic so can easily be ported and moved away from ECP) <WEB-INF>/packages/ECP_MatrixReport/wsconfig/templates/pt/include/ecp_phase_containment_report_conf.js. <WEB-INF>/packages/ECP_MatrixReport/wsconfig/templates/pt/include/ecp_phase_screening_report_conf.js.
  • 36. Weighting per Cell Report Matrix Report based on “STATES & SEVERITY” attributes The formula : Add up all the (( number in cell [State X] [Severity Y]) times Weighting )) and this gives a single figure for the maturity of the project. The weighting allows us to give more importance to high severity items in [State X] for example <WEB-INF>/packages/ECP_MatrixReport/wsconfig/templates/pt/include/ecp_weighted_matrix_report_conf.js.
  • 38. Parent / Child Quick Navigation The Telelogic ECP environment actively uses Parent and Child CRs to allow small (single level CR) or large scale Enterprise roll-out with multiple levels of CRs.
  • 39. Parent / Child Quick Navigation (ECP 1.0) When having a complex web of Related CRs and Child / Parent relationships a quick navigation option is needed to allow users to quickly find and navigate to the require information. In ECP 1.0 -- Change 4.7 An extra drop down box was used on the menu-bar to facilitate quick navigation between the various levels of Parents and Child CRs NOTE: The list was very limited, So this has now been removed in ECP 1.1 in favour of “Browse Queries”
  • 40. Parent / Child Quick Navigation (ECP 1.1) Browsable Queries provide fully flexible navigation through families of CRS: Define the Colour Coded Relationships and Queries Choose the Relationship(s) to Browse Visually see the relationship and View or Edit CRs for Child, Grandchild, Duplicate CR, Requirement, Task etc
  • 41. Parent / Child Quick Navigation (ECP 1.1) Parent Child Navigation using Browse Queries, lets you quickly click on any related CR to View or Edit the CR
  • 42. Enhanced Email Subscription Dialog The Existing Telelogic Change Email Subscription dialog currently only allows Administrators to Remove users from the Subscription of a CR. With the ECP Package, this dialog has been further enhanced to allow it to be privilege-controlled rather than Admin-controlled, and it also allows you to Add and Remove users from the subscription dialog box.
  • 43. ECP Notifications and Subscription Makes it easier to create, organize and review notifications. Developed from a code base actively maintained by Telelogic PS. Benefits: Use only one script to send all notifications Template the email messages as a standalone file for easy editing and organization Have the Template be expandable by allowing plug-ins Changing email layouts and notification logic does not require any change to the lifecycle Default delivery method is to use send-mail Secondary delivery method is provided to send E-mail using Perl Sample plug-in provided
  • 44. ECP Notifications Using the ECP Notifications After setting up the ECP Notifications templates emails can be configured and they do not require any further edits in the Lifecycle Editor. An example of a HTML Template email is listed below:
  • 45. Telelogic Synergy Baseline List-boxes The baseline list box generation script was written so that you can easily and quickly see a baseline to select when editing a CR in Telelogic Change. The script generates a file for each attribute that you define on a CR. After the tool populates the baseline Listbox attribute, it can be selected when editing or creating a CR in Telelogic Change. The script is configured in a crontab on Unix, so it can update the list-box entries once a day or as often as you would like to schedule. Currently no Windows option is available. An example of how you can pick the Baseline after they have been populated is shown below:
  • 46. How to Install ECP Packages Installation of the ECP Packages is very similar to installing Patches or Service packs. You can simple unpack the packages in your Telelogic Change packages directory and click on the install button for each package you wish to install. Note: With some of the packages (especially email), some other configuration files need to be updated as well.
  • 47. Summary of Differences for ECP 1.0 vs ECP 1.1 ECP 1.0 Telelogic Change 4.7 compatibility CMMi Level 3 Metrics Old Parent Child Navigation Features Single Lifecycle ECP Process Helper ECP 1.1 Telelogic Change 5.0 compatibility (no more use of PTCLI) Requirements Management compatibility (RCR) Implementation Request capability (Using existing Lifecycle) CMMi Level 3 and CMMi Level 4 Metrics ( Weighted + PCE + PSE ) Old Navigation Features removed in favour of Browse Queries Updated Multi Lifecycle capable ECP Process Helper CRPRmgr and CRPRowner privileges replaced.
  • 48. The Telelogic Enterprise Change Process An out-of-the-box solution providing a low-risk , high-ROI process package for user-friendly, consistent change management across organizations of all types and sizes Telelogic Synergy & Change: Awarded “Best Change & Configuration Management solution EIGHT consecutive years
  • 49. Thank you for your time. Questions?
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