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Imagine what happens when belief
meets purpose.
The Promise
Great things happen when belief-driven consumers
connect with purpose-driven employees.
(Hint: we can change the world.)
The Challenge
Most employees are not fully connected to their
company’s purpose.
Belief-driven consumers want to
change the world.
Social Consciousness Taking the Lead
§ 82% of people surveyed believe that brands and
corporations are responsible for doing more “good” in the
world than just making a profit.
§ 80% feel social consciousness can be a genuine part of a
company’s brand with no ulterior motive.
§ 77% prefer to purchase from socially conscious companies
rather than companies that are not socially conscious.
§ 80% feel brand purpose, or marketing and investing in
causes people care about is now a permanent part of
American culture.
Source: The Purpose Report 2020, purpose_brand, 2020
And, It’s Personal
When pressed about ”why you are passionate about an
issue”, respondents affirmed …
Source: The Purpose Report 2020, purpose_brand, 2020
I think it is my moral responsibility.
Because of my beliefs.
The cause speaks to my sense of justice.
The issue has always been important to me.
Consumers Expect Brands to Act
2017 2018 2019
Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2020
Percentage of customers who are belief-based consumers
64% 64%
Belief-Driven Consumers
Sixty four percent of your consumers
will …
§ Choose,
§ Switch,
§ Avoid, and
§ Boycott a brand based on its stand on
societal issues.
Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2020
Brand Democracy
Belief-driven consumers are focused to make a
difference in the world.
Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2020
I believe brands can be a powerful force for change.
I expect them to represent me and solve societal problems.
My wallet is my vote.
Employees yearn for greater
meaning in their work.
Nine Out of 10 Workers …
are willing to earn less
to do more meaningful
80% prefer a boss who helps find meaning in work
over a 20% pay increase.
Source: Harvard Business Review; 2018
Purpose Performs
Employees thrive in companies that clearly define and
communicate how they create value in the world.
§ 63% are motivated (versus 31% at other companies),
§ 65% are passionate about their work (versus 32%), and
§ More than 90% of purpose-driven companies deliver
growth and profits at or above industry standards.
Source: Why Are We Here?, Harvard Business Review; 2020
Highly meaningful work will generate an additional
$9,078 per worker, per year.
(Harvard Business Review, 2018)
However …
Employees are feeling disconnected.
§ Only 28% feel fully connected to their company’s
§ Only 39% can see the value they create,
§ A mere 22% think that their jobs leverage their
strengths, and
§ Only 34% think that they strongly contribute to their
company’s success.
Source: Why Are We Here?; Harvard Business Review; 2020
Lack of Passion
Source: Why Are We Here?; Harvard Business Review; 2020
More than half of those surveyed are not
even “somewhat” motivated, passionate,
or excited about their jobs.
Connecting the dots and acting.
Aligning Purpose (Inside and Out)
Belief-Driven Consumers’
Connection to the Company’s
Employees’ Connection to the
Company’s Purpose
Source: N. Robert Johnson LLC, 2020
Belief-Driven Consumers’
Connection to the Company’s
Employees’ Connection to the
Company’s Purpose
Brand Anxiety
§ Consumers love the brand but are
frustrated with consumer experience
§ Will quickly move on to another brand
§ Employees feel overwhelmed by the lack
of fulfillment in their work
§ Employees’ frustrations hurt both
consumer and employee experiences
§ Low engagement, high turnover
Source: N. Robert Johnson LLC, 2020
§ Employees’ passion for the company are
unfulfilled; doubt creeps-in
§ Hard to sustain great consumer
experiences which impacts employee
§ Risk of “losing the faith” for employees;
distinctions between purpose of work
and meaningful work are strained
Emotionally Connected
§ Customer and employee experiences
are aligned, and each share a deeper
relationship with the other
§ Customers become active brand
advocates and return shoppers
§ Employees find meaning, purpose, and
fulfillment which translates in to
increased company performance
Apathy Rules
§ Both customer and employee
experiences are transactional in nature
§ Shared experience, however, it’s shared
apathy for the company
Hierarchy of Social Purpose Branding
Compete, Claim, Practice, and Discard
First: Sort initiatives
1) Front-end investments
(actively promoted brand promise to customers, employees, candidates, and
2) Back-end investments
(company practices but not of value to consumers)
3) Excluded investments
(those that the company won’t pursue)
Source: Competing on Social Purpose; Harvard Business Review; 2020
Hierarchy of Social Purpose Branding
Compete, Claim, Practice, and Discard
Second: Prioritize by characterization
Source: Competing on Social Purpose; Harvard Business Review; 2020
Compete Front-end: Social purpose branding promise to compete
with, pick one
Claim Front-end: Branding attributes that flow between social issue
initiative, and external and employer brands
Practice Back-end: Important practices to communicate but not in a
way that distracts from promise and attributes
Discard Themes/statements that only complicate and/or muddle
front and back-end messages
Illustration of Hierarchy of Purpose Branding
Source: Competing on Social Purpose; Harvard Business Review; 2020
Place Category Narratives of Branding Communications
Front-End Compete Improving girls’ self-esteem
(central to the brand’s value proposition, marketing, and competitive
Front-End Claim Use of sustainable packaging
(communicate to consumers, employees, candidates, and stakeholders)
Back-end Practice Responsible hiring
(communicate to non-consumer stakeholders)
Excluded Discard Protection of animal rights
(not pursed by employer branding initiatives)
Does your purpose unite?
N. Robert Johnson LLC is a specialized consulting practice
focused on enabling organizations to better compete for
talent in today’s consumer-driven communications world.
Our mission is to unite people through purpose as purpose-
driven employees do great things. They work harder, deliver
more, and stay longer. Uniting people through purpose
identifies and communicates an organization’s authentic
employment story.
About Us
Authenticity is the new
We provide strategic talent-focused communications services
across employer branding, recruitment marketing, and employee
communications platforms.
Employer brand
§ Employer brand assessment
§ Employer brand strategy
§ Employer value proposition
§ Purpose development &
§ M&A/transition employer
§ Consulting assignments
Talent advertising
§ Talent messaging and creative
§ Candidate persona and
experience mapping
§ Employee life-cycle marketing
§ Engagement and retention
advertising campaigns
Employee voice
§ Internal communications audit
§ Employee value proposition
§ Employee engagement
§ Customer focus alignment
§ Change management
§ Workforce crisis communications
In today’s consumer-driven communications
world, HR needs to “sell” to attract, engage,
hire, and retain talent.
What We Do
N. Robert Johnson, APR
Managing Principal

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Changing The World: What Happens When the Belief-Driven Consumer Meets the Purpose-Driven Employee?

  • 2. Imagine what happens when belief meets purpose. n.
  • 3. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. The Promise Great things happen when belief-driven consumers connect with purpose-driven employees. (Hint: we can change the world.) The Challenge Most employees are not fully connected to their company’s purpose.
  • 4. n. Belief-driven consumers want to change the world.
  • 5. Social Consciousness Taking the Lead § 82% of people surveyed believe that brands and corporations are responsible for doing more “good” in the world than just making a profit. § 80% feel social consciousness can be a genuine part of a company’s brand with no ulterior motive. § 77% prefer to purchase from socially conscious companies rather than companies that are not socially conscious. § 80% feel brand purpose, or marketing and investing in causes people care about is now a permanent part of American culture. Source: The Purpose Report 2020, purpose_brand, 2020 n. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose.
  • 6. And, It’s Personal When pressed about ”why you are passionate about an issue”, respondents affirmed … Source: The Purpose Report 2020, purpose_brand, 2020 n. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. I think it is my moral responsibility. Because of my beliefs. The cause speaks to my sense of justice. The issue has always been important to me.
  • 7. Consumers Expect Brands to Act 2017 2018 2019 Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2020 Percentage of customers who are belief-based consumers 61% 64% 64% n. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose.
  • 8. Belief-Driven Consumers Sixty four percent of your consumers will … § Choose, § Switch, § Avoid, and § Boycott a brand based on its stand on societal issues. Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2020 n. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. belief-driven
  • 9. Brand Democracy Belief-driven consumers are focused to make a difference in the world. Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2020 I believe brands can be a powerful force for change. I expect them to represent me and solve societal problems. My wallet is my vote. n. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose.
  • 10. n. Employees yearn for greater meaning in their work.
  • 11. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. Nine Out of 10 Workers … are willing to earn less to do more meaningful work. 80% prefer a boss who helps find meaning in work over a 20% pay increase. Source: Harvard Business Review; 2018
  • 12. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. Purpose Performs Employees thrive in companies that clearly define and communicate how they create value in the world. § 63% are motivated (versus 31% at other companies), § 65% are passionate about their work (versus 32%), and § More than 90% of purpose-driven companies deliver growth and profits at or above industry standards. Source: Why Are We Here?, Harvard Business Review; 2020 Highly meaningful work will generate an additional $9,078 per worker, per year. (Harvard Business Review, 2018)
  • 13. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. However … Employees are feeling disconnected. § Only 28% feel fully connected to their company’s purpose, § Only 39% can see the value they create, § A mere 22% think that their jobs leverage their strengths, and § Only 34% think that they strongly contribute to their company’s success. Source: Why Are We Here?; Harvard Business Review; 2020
  • 14. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. Lack of Passion Source: Why Are We Here?; Harvard Business Review; 2020 More than half of those surveyed are not even “somewhat” motivated, passionate, or excited about their jobs.
  • 15. n. Connecting the dots and acting.
  • 16. Aligning Purpose (Inside and Out) n. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. LOW HIGH HIGH Belief-Driven Consumers’ Connection to the Company’s Purpose Employees’ Connection to the Company’s Purpose Source: N. Robert Johnson LLC, 2020
  • 17. n. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. LOW HIGH HIGH Belief-Driven Consumers’ Connection to the Company’s Purpose Employees’ Connection to the Company’s Purpose Brand Anxiety § Consumers love the brand but are frustrated with consumer experience § Will quickly move on to another brand § Employees feel overwhelmed by the lack of fulfillment in their work § Employees’ frustrations hurt both consumer and employee experiences § Low engagement, high turnover Source: N. Robert Johnson LLC, 2020 Stressed-Out § Employees’ passion for the company are unfulfilled; doubt creeps-in § Hard to sustain great consumer experiences which impacts employee morale § Risk of “losing the faith” for employees; distinctions between purpose of work and meaningful work are strained Emotionally Connected § Customer and employee experiences are aligned, and each share a deeper relationship with the other § Customers become active brand advocates and return shoppers § Employees find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment which translates in to increased company performance Apathy Rules § Both customer and employee experiences are transactional in nature § Shared experience, however, it’s shared apathy for the company
  • 18. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. Hierarchy of Social Purpose Branding Compete, Claim, Practice, and Discard First: Sort initiatives 1) Front-end investments (actively promoted brand promise to customers, employees, candidates, and stakeholders) 2) Back-end investments (company practices but not of value to consumers) 3) Excluded investments (those that the company won’t pursue) Source: Competing on Social Purpose; Harvard Business Review; 2020
  • 19. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. Hierarchy of Social Purpose Branding Compete, Claim, Practice, and Discard Second: Prioritize by characterization Source: Competing on Social Purpose; Harvard Business Review; 2020 Compete Front-end: Social purpose branding promise to compete with, pick one Claim Front-end: Branding attributes that flow between social issue initiative, and external and employer brands Practice Back-end: Important practices to communicate but not in a way that distracts from promise and attributes Discard Themes/statements that only complicate and/or muddle front and back-end messages
  • 20. n. Illustration of Hierarchy of Purpose Branding Dove Source: Competing on Social Purpose; Harvard Business Review; 2020 Place Category Narratives of Branding Communications Front-End Compete Improving girls’ self-esteem (central to the brand’s value proposition, marketing, and competitive positioning) Front-End Claim Use of sustainable packaging (communicate to consumers, employees, candidates, and stakeholders) Back-end Practice Responsible hiring (communicate to non-consumer stakeholders) Excluded Discard Protection of animal rights (not pursed by employer branding initiatives) n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose.
  • 22. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. N. Robert Johnson LLC is a specialized consulting practice focused on enabling organizations to better compete for talent in today’s consumer-driven communications world. Our mission is to unite people through purpose as purpose- driven employees do great things. They work harder, deliver more, and stay longer. Uniting people through purpose identifies and communicates an organization’s authentic employment story. About Us Authenticity is the new paradigm.
  • 23. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. We provide strategic talent-focused communications services across employer branding, recruitment marketing, and employee communications platforms. Employer brand § Employer brand assessment § Employer brand strategy § Employer value proposition § Purpose development & alignment § M&A/transition employer branding § Consulting assignments Talent advertising § Talent messaging and creative storytelling § Candidate persona and experience mapping § Employee life-cycle marketing campaigns § Engagement and retention advertising campaigns Employee voice § Internal communications audit § Employee value proposition § Employee engagement § Customer focus alignment § Change management communications § Workforce crisis communications In today’s consumer-driven communications world, HR needs to “sell” to attract, engage, hire, and retain talent. What We Do
  • 24. n.robertjohnsonUnitingpeoplethroughpurpose. n. N. Robert Johnson, APR Managing Principal 216.410.5258 nrjohnson@nrobertjohnsonllc.com nrobertjohnsonllc.com Contact