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Heritage of AfricaChapter 4


Patterns of Life – Section 2Family TiesExtended Families – farming and herding communities.  Eldest male heads familyLineage and Clan – creates a bond of loyalty--- Kinship ties encouraged a strong sense of community--- Several lineages make up a clan


Patterns of GovernmentRulers led a large empire, sometimes this ruler was a distant figure.Small villages: decisions are made through public discussion--- goal is to reach a consensus--- Elders make final decision


Economic OrganizationsMost Africans were farmers or herders--- subsistence farmers


WomenPlanting, weeding, harvesting, educate the young, and prepared daughters for marriage.Ashanti Tribe: women ruled!Other: women had little power.  Women were property of their man.Bride Wealth: brides family got $$$ from groom.  Cattle was the gift in herding societies--- recognizes a woman’s importance


Age Grade SystemTies of loyaltyIncludes all boys and girls born the same yearSpecial ceremonies marking growth stagesLearn the values of society1. Who was in charge of this system?2. Why did they learn the songs and sacred knowledge?3. What did they learn at the Koranic school?


African ReligionReligion helps to unite the societyTraditional Beliefs--- Most are monotheistic--- Ancestors can help or harm youDiviners and Healers--- Interpreters between people and the divine worldChristianity: Ethiopia for 1500 years, 1800’s Europeans pushed into AfricaIslam: Jihad – holy war, Usuman dan Fodounited the Fulani herders, conquered the Hausa, created the Hausa-Fulani Empire (current day)


Review QuestionsWho would use a consensus decision?What is polygamy?What crops do subsistence farmers grow?How were the women of the Ashanti tribe treated?What is bride wealth?Describe who participates in the Age-Grade System and what it is.What Empire is Usuman dan Fodio part of?


The Slave Trade – Section 3Olaudah Equiano: 11 year old slave--- Kidnapped in Nigeria--- Took the “Middle Passage”--- Wrote book describing slave treatment


SlaveryFirst Slaves were treated as part of an African Community.  Servants, not property.--- They could become members of their society.Colonies in the New World needed a large labor force.  Slaves were cheaper than Indentured Servants.


Exploring the Coast of AfricaFirst contact between Europeans and Africans was early 1400’s.Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator--- looking for gold/Sea route around Africa to India


Items Traded for SlavesEuropean Slavers relied on local African rulers to get slavesTraded Guns for slaves--- Began trading with the “locals”Brought Christian missionaries, to convert.


Trade in Human Beings1400 - Demand for slaves was limited until Columbus discovers America.1500 – “Slavery” changes1700 – Height of slave trade. 60,000 per yearMiddle Passage: trip from Africa to New WorldSlaves for guns --- Paid local Africans for their own raceSlave trade lasted 400 years – 2-3 million deaths


End of the Slave TradeAbolition--- Quakers: strong supporters--- Europeans in 1800sEffects--- Disrupted whole societies in Africa--- Economic life suffered--- Diaspora: the scattering of people--- Sierra Leone and Liberia: 1787 British set up a colony in West Africa for freed slaves


Review QuestionsWho is Olaudah Equiano?What is the Middle Passage?What was the first European country to make direct contact with the Africans?How did Europeans get their slaves?What were some of the negative affects caused by slavery --- in Africa?What happened in Sierra Leone and Liberia in 1787?


Age of European Imperialism – Section 41800’s, Europeans begin to explore AfricaDavid LivingstoneEuropean Motives: Economic – raw materials (rubber, palm oil, cotton, ivory, and rare hardwoods)Political – Nationalism “We’re #1”Religious – Spread Christianity, improve health


Scramble for ColoniesWhat helped the Europeans move into Africa?1. Maxim Gun2. Medication to prevent diseasesThe Berlin Conference: Europeans made decisions about dividing up Africa…..France, Britain competed for EgyptBelgium gets the Congo--- Exploited human and mineral resources--- Resist?  Get hands or ears cut off


Chapter 4 notes


African ResistanceMany Africans resist European Imperialism--- millions of Africans diedCongo--- population fell from 20 million to 8 millionEuropeans had superior weapons and other technology, locals did not have


Struggled for Southern AfricaMigrating people--- Zulus disrupt traditional patterns of life--- Shaka ZuluBoers: Dutch/African citizens move to South Africa--- Boers defeat the Zulus with help from the British.


Diamonds and GoldDiamonds discovered in 1867; Gold in 1884By 1902 British defeat the Boers in the Boer WarSouth Africa settled in 1910--- Only white men had the right to vote--- Boers gain control of the government


Review QuestionsWhat was David Livingstone's connection with Africa?What type of person was Leopold II?Why did the Europeans take an interest in Africa in the 1800’s?Why did African efforts to resist European imperialism fail?What happened at the Berlin Conference?What was a Political interest in gaining a foot in Africa?


What methods did Europeans use to rule their colonies? (Define)How did the Europeans economically exploit their colonies?Why did a Money Economy change life in Africa?Where were material improvements made in Colonial Africa?


Effects of European Rule – Section 5New Political SystemColonial Governments--- Direct rule: colonial power controlled the govt. at every level--- Indirect rule: leave local rulers in place, but colonial powers made decisionsTraditional African rulers no longer had power or influence


Economic SystemsEuropeans expected their colonies to be profitable.--- Exploited the natural resources of their colony (Mining and Plantations)--- Upset traditional patterns of African lifeMoney Economy--- Men left homes for long periods to work in the mines--- Land no longer part of the community--- Africans now more dependent on the Colonial Rulers


Material ImprovementsNew Communication methodsBuilt roadsRailroadsMissionaries set up hospitalsSchoolsBetter sanitationBy 1900, new African leaders were emerging.  Take pride in your African past.  Set seed for future independence movement.


Educated EliteA small group of people with high social status.Who is an ELITE member of CD EAST?Who to believe….Europeans and their traditions or African heritage…..


Review Questions1. What happens with Direct Rule?2. What is Indirect Rule?3. How did Europeans treat their colonies? Give an example.4. Name two improvements brought into Africa.5. did European rule affect African culture?6. How can European Imperialism of Africans compare to treatment during colonial America?


What methods did Europeans use to rule their colonies? (Define)Direct Rule – Colonial power controlled the govt. at every level.Indirect Rule – Leave traditional rulers in placeHowdid the Europeans economically exploit their colonies?Sent raw materials to Europe.Set up plantations to grow cash crops.Wherewere material improvements made in Colonial Africa?Transportation (Roads, Rails)Communication (Telegraph)Weakened family lifeSocial (Hospitals, Sanitation, Schools)Whydid a Money Economy change life in Africa?No more Bartering!Created differences in wealthLand was not communal anymoreMore dependent on the Imperialistic Nations

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Chapter 4 notes

  • 2. Patterns of Life – Section 2Family TiesExtended Families – farming and herding communities. Eldest male heads familyLineage and Clan – creates a bond of loyalty--- Kinship ties encouraged a strong sense of community--- Several lineages make up a clan
  • 3. Patterns of GovernmentRulers led a large empire, sometimes this ruler was a distant figure.Small villages: decisions are made through public discussion--- goal is to reach a consensus--- Elders make final decision
  • 4. Economic OrganizationsMost Africans were farmers or herders--- subsistence farmers
  • 5. WomenPlanting, weeding, harvesting, educate the young, and prepared daughters for marriage.Ashanti Tribe: women ruled!Other: women had little power. Women were property of their man.Bride Wealth: brides family got $$$ from groom. Cattle was the gift in herding societies--- recognizes a woman’s importance
  • 6. Age Grade SystemTies of loyaltyIncludes all boys and girls born the same yearSpecial ceremonies marking growth stagesLearn the values of society1. Who was in charge of this system?2. Why did they learn the songs and sacred knowledge?3. What did they learn at the Koranic school?
  • 7. African ReligionReligion helps to unite the societyTraditional Beliefs--- Most are monotheistic--- Ancestors can help or harm youDiviners and Healers--- Interpreters between people and the divine worldChristianity: Ethiopia for 1500 years, 1800’s Europeans pushed into AfricaIslam: Jihad – holy war, Usuman dan Fodounited the Fulani herders, conquered the Hausa, created the Hausa-Fulani Empire (current day)
  • 8. Review QuestionsWho would use a consensus decision?What is polygamy?What crops do subsistence farmers grow?How were the women of the Ashanti tribe treated?What is bride wealth?Describe who participates in the Age-Grade System and what it is.What Empire is Usuman dan Fodio part of?
  • 9. The Slave Trade – Section 3Olaudah Equiano: 11 year old slave--- Kidnapped in Nigeria--- Took the “Middle Passage”--- Wrote book describing slave treatment
  • 10. SlaveryFirst Slaves were treated as part of an African Community. Servants, not property.--- They could become members of their society.Colonies in the New World needed a large labor force. Slaves were cheaper than Indentured Servants.
  • 11. Exploring the Coast of AfricaFirst contact between Europeans and Africans was early 1400’s.Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator--- looking for gold/Sea route around Africa to India
  • 12. Items Traded for SlavesEuropean Slavers relied on local African rulers to get slavesTraded Guns for slaves--- Began trading with the “locals”Brought Christian missionaries, to convert.
  • 13. Trade in Human Beings1400 - Demand for slaves was limited until Columbus discovers America.1500 – “Slavery” changes1700 – Height of slave trade. 60,000 per yearMiddle Passage: trip from Africa to New WorldSlaves for guns --- Paid local Africans for their own raceSlave trade lasted 400 years – 2-3 million deaths
  • 14. End of the Slave TradeAbolition--- Quakers: strong supporters--- Europeans in 1800sEffects--- Disrupted whole societies in Africa--- Economic life suffered--- Diaspora: the scattering of people--- Sierra Leone and Liberia: 1787 British set up a colony in West Africa for freed slaves
  • 15. Review QuestionsWho is Olaudah Equiano?What is the Middle Passage?What was the first European country to make direct contact with the Africans?How did Europeans get their slaves?What were some of the negative affects caused by slavery --- in Africa?What happened in Sierra Leone and Liberia in 1787?
  • 16. Age of European Imperialism – Section 41800’s, Europeans begin to explore AfricaDavid LivingstoneEuropean Motives: Economic – raw materials (rubber, palm oil, cotton, ivory, and rare hardwoods)Political – Nationalism “We’re #1”Religious – Spread Christianity, improve health
  • 17. Scramble for ColoniesWhat helped the Europeans move into Africa?1. Maxim Gun2. Medication to prevent diseasesThe Berlin Conference: Europeans made decisions about dividing up Africa…..France, Britain competed for EgyptBelgium gets the Congo--- Exploited human and mineral resources--- Resist? Get hands or ears cut off
  • 19. African ResistanceMany Africans resist European Imperialism--- millions of Africans diedCongo--- population fell from 20 million to 8 millionEuropeans had superior weapons and other technology, locals did not have
  • 20. Struggled for Southern AfricaMigrating people--- Zulus disrupt traditional patterns of life--- Shaka ZuluBoers: Dutch/African citizens move to South Africa--- Boers defeat the Zulus with help from the British.
  • 21. Diamonds and GoldDiamonds discovered in 1867; Gold in 1884By 1902 British defeat the Boers in the Boer WarSouth Africa settled in 1910--- Only white men had the right to vote--- Boers gain control of the government
  • 22. Review QuestionsWhat was David Livingstone's connection with Africa?What type of person was Leopold II?Why did the Europeans take an interest in Africa in the 1800’s?Why did African efforts to resist European imperialism fail?What happened at the Berlin Conference?What was a Political interest in gaining a foot in Africa?
  • 23. What methods did Europeans use to rule their colonies? (Define)How did the Europeans economically exploit their colonies?Why did a Money Economy change life in Africa?Where were material improvements made in Colonial Africa?
  • 24. Effects of European Rule – Section 5New Political SystemColonial Governments--- Direct rule: colonial power controlled the govt. at every level--- Indirect rule: leave local rulers in place, but colonial powers made decisionsTraditional African rulers no longer had power or influence
  • 25. Economic SystemsEuropeans expected their colonies to be profitable.--- Exploited the natural resources of their colony (Mining and Plantations)--- Upset traditional patterns of African lifeMoney Economy--- Men left homes for long periods to work in the mines--- Land no longer part of the community--- Africans now more dependent on the Colonial Rulers
  • 26. Material ImprovementsNew Communication methodsBuilt roadsRailroadsMissionaries set up hospitalsSchoolsBetter sanitationBy 1900, new African leaders were emerging. Take pride in your African past. Set seed for future independence movement.
  • 27. Educated EliteA small group of people with high social status.Who is an ELITE member of CD EAST?Who to believe….Europeans and their traditions or African heritage…..
  • 28. Review Questions1. What happens with Direct Rule?2. What is Indirect Rule?3. How did Europeans treat their colonies? Give an example.4. Name two improvements brought into Africa.5. did European rule affect African culture?6. How can European Imperialism of Africans compare to treatment during colonial America?
  • 29. What methods did Europeans use to rule their colonies? (Define)Direct Rule – Colonial power controlled the govt. at every level.Indirect Rule – Leave traditional rulers in placeHowdid the Europeans economically exploit their colonies?Sent raw materials to Europe.Set up plantations to grow cash crops.Wherewere material improvements made in Colonial Africa?Transportation (Roads, Rails)Communication (Telegraph)Weakened family lifeSocial (Hospitals, Sanitation, Schools)Whydid a Money Economy change life in Africa?No more Bartering!Created differences in wealthLand was not communal anymoreMore dependent on the Imperialistic Nations