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Characterswitha dark pastPolice FBIor a personof authority Psychoticindividuals
Typical characters present in a psychological thriller film:
Sy fromOne Hour Photo.
are the fearedcharacterof
psychological thrillersandgive the
filmsthe edge of unpredictability
and the thrill factorthat the
audience expect.
Cole Searfromthe SixthSense.
Innocence andvulnerabilityin
characters create sympathyand
almostcausesthe audience torelate
to the character whichputsthe
audience ata vulnerable position
AmyDunne fromGone Girl
From genderstereotypeswomen
are supposedlyperceivedas
portrayedto be derangeditcreates
an extreme senseof fearforthe
audience evenmore thatif itwere a
male estrangedcharacter.
Sara GoldfarbfromRequiemfora
These type of characters are usually
somethingtheyare not.Theyare usually
not acceptingof theirmental state and
the audience isoftensympatheticto
Authorityfiguresare perceivedbythe
audience togive filmsasense of order.
Howeverdue tothe nature of the
genre itis usuallyconcludedthatthese
so-calledauthorityfiguresare usually
no helptoanyone bythemselves.
Evan fromThe ButterflyEffect.
The dark past of these charactersis
oftenthe motive fortheirpsychotic
actionsinthe present,usuallythe
moviesfocusistryingtofigure outwhat
was sobad in the pastthat has caused
the character to behave the waythey
Oftencharactershave more than one trait (onprevious page) inordertomake them
more interestingandcreate amore excitingstoryline forthe audience tofollow.Take
TeddyDanielsfromShutterIslandforexample.He beginsasanFBI officer,itisthen
revealedthathe hasa dark past and that he isobsessedwithwhathappenedwhich
explainshiscompulsive behaviour.These twoconventionsof acharacter are perfectly
normal for the audience tocomprehend.Howeverthe majorplottwistof the filmisthat
the character is actuallya psychoticindividualthat isn’tactuallyanauthorityfigure atall.
Thisconfusionof conventionsforone charactercreatesanimpulsivestoryline forthe
audience totry andcomprehendaswell asbewilderthem, whichistobe expecteddue to
the genre.

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  • 1. Convicts,criminals,stalkersorassassins Characterswitha dark pastPolice FBIor a personof authority Psychoticindividuals MenacedwomenInnocentvictims Typical characters present in a psychological thriller film: Sy fromOne Hour Photo. Stalkers,convicts,criminalsetc. are the fearedcharacterof psychological thrillersandgive the filmsthe edge of unpredictability and the thrill factorthat the audience expect. Cole Searfromthe SixthSense. Innocence andvulnerabilityin characters create sympathyand almostcausesthe audience torelate to the character whichputsthe audience ata vulnerable position waitingforsomethingbadtooccur. AmyDunne fromGone Girl From genderstereotypeswomen are supposedlyperceivedas innocentandcaring,whentheyare portrayedto be derangeditcreates an extreme senseof fearforthe audience evenmore thatif itwere a male estrangedcharacter. Sara GoldfarbfromRequiemfora Dream. These type of characters are usually obsessedwithbeingorbecoming somethingtheyare not.Theyare usually not acceptingof theirmental state and the audience isoftensympatheticto theirsituations. SomersetfromSe7en Authorityfiguresare perceivedbythe audience togive filmsasense of order. Howeverdue tothe nature of the genre itis usuallyconcludedthatthese so-calledauthorityfiguresare usually no helptoanyone bythemselves. Evan fromThe ButterflyEffect. The dark past of these charactersis oftenthe motive fortheirpsychotic actionsinthe present,usuallythe moviesfocusistryingtofigure outwhat was sobad in the pastthat has caused the character to behave the waythey do. Oftencharactershave more than one trait (onprevious page) inordertomake them more interestingandcreate amore excitingstoryline forthe audience tofollow.Take TeddyDanielsfromShutterIslandforexample.He beginsasanFBI officer,itisthen revealedthathe hasa dark past and that he isobsessedwithwhathappenedwhich explainshiscompulsive behaviour.These twoconventionsof acharacter are perfectly normal for the audience tocomprehend.Howeverthe majorplottwistof the filmisthat the character is actuallya psychoticindividualthat isn’tactuallyanauthorityfigure atall. Thisconfusionof conventionsforone charactercreatesanimpulsivestoryline forthe audience totry andcomprehendaswell asbewilderthem, whichistobe expecteddue to the genre.