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Trece Martires City College
Elvira Espejo Pasagui
By: Josefina B. Bitonio, DPA
Dagupan City


College President - Dr. Lea S. Lontoc
VP for Academic Affairs - Dr. Roman M.
VP for Student Affairs - Dr. Arnulfo F.
College of Governance of Trece Martires
City College: Dean - Paul John C.
Faculty Members
Ladies and Gentlemen
Thank you


• Chances are, you’ve heard, seen, or even used a Jim
Rohn quote -- whether you knew it or not. Rohn was an
entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker. His early
years were spent in direct sales. In 1963, Rohn
discovered he had a talent for public speaking. He went
on to present personal development seminars worldwide
for more than 40 years, until his death in 2009.
• Life coach Tony Robbins, sales expert and author Brian
Tracy, and “Chicken Soup” series creator Jack Canfield
count Rohn as a mentor. And his legacy of hard work and
extraordinary living remains an active influence on
dreamers and doers everywhere thanks to his many
motivational quoites.
Jim Rohn
Motivational speeches


There Are Three Types of People: Those Who Make
Things Happen, Those Who Watch Things Happen, and
Those Who Wonder What Happened
Nicholas Murray Butler
Look at the dictionary
About 3,980,000,000 results (0.52 seconds)


• Genes are the basic biological units that
transmit characteristics from one generation to
the next.
• Personality is not determined by any single
gene, but rather by the actions of many genes
working together.
• The largely unknown environmental
influences, known as the nonshared
environmental effects, have the largest impact
on personality. Because these differences are
nonsystematic and largely accidental or
random, we do not inherit our personality in
any fixed sense
Is Our Genetics Our Destiny?
Based on genetic
data, researchers
have concluded that
environment accounts
for approximately 50 to
70 percent of personality
Wondrium, 2019


Origin of Character
• Latin from Greek kharaktēr ‘a
stamping tool or a chisel
• A chisel is a tool used for carving
materials, striking them with the
aid of a hammer or mallet.
• Character comes from Chisel
• Chisel your character
• Stripping excess materials from
• To become a new “You”.
character is something
that you create within
yourself and must take
responsibility for


Chisel away to . . . .
• See and work your heart –
Chisel to find the beauty in
your heart
• Commit to the person you
want to be. Commit to change
• Get down to essential things.
The things that really matter.
• Repairing your life. Create
better life for yourself.


• Self care, self defense, self reservation has
its own reward.
• Refine your philosophy, redefine direction ,
re- evaluate your goals.
• Take notes of life's lessons. Make a journal
of your learnings.
• It takes a while to absorb to grow and learn.
Absorb what you can absorb.
• Hear what you must listen, see what you
must see.
• Refine your life.
• Investment in your future. At the end you will
reap rewards, respect, honor and accolades


Character is a True Service
• People of character are well-loved.
• Making a conscious decisions
resulting from a hundred of choices
you made.
• By crossing the mountains of their
• By passing the valley of pain (No
short cuts. Once you reach the
peak, enjoy the view and savor your


“Character is a quality that embodies
many important traits, such as integrity,
courage, perseverance, confidence and
wisdom. Unlike your fingerprints that
you are born with and can’t change.”
“Your personal philosophy
is the greatest determining
factor in how your life
works out.


• Learn from your personal experience (self correct)
• Listen from a variety of voices. Other peoples’
experiences (OPE).
• Learn from your observation (what you see
from successful people)
• Read books, write a journal , don’t trust your
memory (Absorb all learnings). Create your library,
and attend classes (free classes online)
• Refine your philosophy and direction. Start a process
What process to engage to deserve character


It takes a lot of efforts to grow and learn
• Develop your emotional and mental muscle
(Courageous muscle, dedication muscle, inspirational
muscle, Discipline muscle)
• Search and research for good ideas (books, library,
videos, people until you develop the skills)
• Listening to people (successful and failures. They
have been there. Their knowledge is valuable. Look
for success around us, amazing people you can
learn from, Pick up something that will make
your journey easier).
• Self motivation. Take action. Extra push. Pumped
out, charged up.
• Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines,
practiced every day,


For example. Listen to Simon
Sinek start with why? Dream Big
by Denzel Washinton, Master
She Heng Yi for 5 hindrances to
self mystery, inspitational
messages of Jim Rohn, Steve
Jobs, Brian Tracy and Tom Bilyeu
and a lot of TED speakers


Philosophy of
• Working for your inner vision goal
• Do little change and adding to it everyday
• Change how you look in the morning
(How you act, treat other, responding to
without reacting. Little every day things.
• Ability to dream can guide you and can
pull you to your destination.
• Focus your dream to become reality.
• Persevere. Grow where expectation are
high and not easy.


Learn to battle with your enemies
• They will do everything to
destroy your chances.
• Walk away from negative people
around you.
• Attitude disease (negativity-
dangerous, deadly, destroy the
goods you have started
• Human beings are emotional
creatures and emotions can build
or destroy you.
• Indifference, doubts,
• Relax but don’t relax too
long and don’t rest for too
• Weeds will grow in your
mind, don’t doubt
• Don’t doubt yourself (There’s
something better at the end
of the rainbow).
• Confidence building.


Key to
future is
• Your character will respond to what happen in your
life. Diligently nurtured within yourself.
• Intelligent people apply emotions that can uplift their
lives positively.
• Keep your mind from distractions, face challenges.
Keep your mind on your course, even with strong
winds as amazing people brave the storm.
• Motivation right inside you.
• The power of ambition is truly about endurance.
• The pull of life is the pull of the future. Pull away
from the gravity of the past mistakes. Not allow past
to pull you back.
• Continue to monitor progress or else lose sight


Support Team
• You cant be successful by yourself.
• Look for your confidence builders.
You need support team, mentors,
family, friends.
• Celebrate progress. The joy of
winning as reaping is reserve to the
• Help others solve their problems.
• Willingness to nurture with returns
• Thank your support team.


• Future are well planned decisions,
conscious decisions full of
anticipation not apprehensions.
• Well defined goals is like a magnet,
it pull you through all the difficulties
of life.
• Goal setting create the life that you
want. It pulls you to your dream.
• Develop skills that are valuable –
time management, being proactive,
Dreams can become


• Become an ABOVE average person with
eagerness, excitement and intensity
• Do not spend major time on minor things.
• Learn to work harder in yourself than in your job.
• Do not wish an easier Job, wish you are better to
do things.
• Do not wish for less problem, wish for more skills.
• Do not wish for less challenges, wish for more
wisdom (as wisdom is wealth)
• Value makes the difference in result.
time but
we can


The Mind is like a Garden
Fill your mind with + thoughts - otherwise if it’s empty -
weeds will grow deliberately even without encouragement.
The Mind is like a garden - According to Bryan Tracy,
one must plant something +, cultivate it tend carefully,
until it blooms and eventually they will have flowers. How
to do it?
Firstly, to Have a Mental diet – nourish your mind with
+ ideas, messages, information, surround yourself with +
people, those with constructive thoughts, and that will help
in your personal transformation
Secondly Exert effort to nourish the mind so that
negatives thoughts will not grow. Feed mental protein like,
reading books that are inspirational or motivational –
Books that are uplifting


• Nurture it with positive thoughts, if you are busy,
pests and poisonous weeds will take it. All good
thoughts will be attacked by your enemies, so,
prevent the intruders.
• All gardens will be invaded, so you must defend
your values.
• If we relax, the bugs and weeds of negativity will
move into the garden and take away everything of
• Learning, if you use it, increases.
• Take responsibility of what happened to you. You
cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or
the wind, but you can change yourself. That is
something you have charge of.”
Mind is
like a


• Doors of opportunities are for those
who continue to knock.
• Good ideas are reserve to
• Continue to search for future ideas.
• Find idea – go to library, until your
skills are changed. Don’t give up,
books by books, seminar by
seminars. Don t miss the chance to
• Continuous education
• Keep knocking.
Door of


The biggest room in the universe is the
room for improvement. Admit your
mistakes and self correct. All
improvement begins in your mental
picture. Open yourself to be changed by
ideas and information you choose to
Always feeding your mind, read books
eBook as they contain the secret of .the
universe. Tom Bilyeu said great writers
write their insights. Stream ideas to get
in to your brain, acquire skills and
competence and utilize these skills.
Room for


• Do not watch the clock ticking
• Life is not the passing of time. Do
something with it.
• Life is brief, Do not waste it.
Without a sense of urgency, desire
loses its value
• Elton John sung for Princess Diana
- Her life is like a candle in the
Life is brief


• Life isn’t always smooth sailing so that if
something goes wrong, make adjustment in
your goals. Setbacks teaches us lessons,
we must self correct and carry on.
• We must all suffer one of two things: the
pain of discipline or the pain of regret or
• Success is a personal achievement, but
what matter most is to be significant person
by contributing something to mankind. A
small act of kindness can make the
Pain of
or the Pain
of Regret


Key Takeaways
• They say, we are shaped or molded by
the kind of parents. the school attended
or the place we grow shaped our
• The ability to dream, and project the kind
of life can guide you.
• Inner ideals followed with consistent
courage and practice – step by step,
piece by piece.
• Study and training make you learn,
• Stimulate to react. This is a valuable
practice. It makes you alive, awake.
Ready to process whatever comes your


• Don’t take the goodness of the Lord for granted
• Thank God for the good and the bad. Full of praises as
we are not forsaken.
• To be thankful, and the importance to be grateful even
during extreme situation.
• Avoid becoming murmurers and complainers. A simple
act of complaining has snowball effects and it can lead
to lying, pride, envy, lust. Complaining or disputing is a
deadly, a cancer spread to mankind.
• Never allow yourself to be blinded to the point with
enough negativity.
• The Lord has done so much for us and we should able
to look back and give Him praise.
The Lesson of


In closing
• We are not in the business of self-interest
but of public service; we are co servants,
co-workers, and change-makers. To give
the glow of goodness and to provide
service with a purpose. We are striving to
do more - striving to do excellence for the
good of our workplace, community or
society. “Service to others should be
sincere and a heartfelt one; only then
can we claim that the service rendered
is fruitful and meaningful.


Character Development

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Character Development

  • 1. CharacterDevelopment Trece Martires City College Elvira Espejo Pasagui By: Josefina B. Bitonio, DPA LNU – IGPS Dagupan City
  • 2. College President - Dr. Lea S. Lontoc VP for Academic Affairs - Dr. Roman M. Salazar VP for Student Affairs - Dr. Arnulfo F. Perez College of Governance of Trece Martires City College: Dean - Paul John C. Madrigal Faculty Members Students Ladies and Gentlemen Thank you
  • 3. Reference • Chances are, you’ve heard, seen, or even used a Jim Rohn quote -- whether you knew it or not. Rohn was an entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker. His early years were spent in direct sales. In 1963, Rohn discovered he had a talent for public speaking. He went on to present personal development seminars worldwide for more than 40 years, until his death in 2009. • Life coach Tony Robbins, sales expert and author Brian Tracy, and “Chicken Soup” series creator Jack Canfield count Rohn as a mentor. And his legacy of hard work and extraordinary living remains an active influence on dreamers and doers everywhere thanks to his many motivational quoites. Jim Rohn Motivational speeches
  • 4. There Are Three Types of People: Those Who Make Things Happen, Those Who Watch Things Happen, and Those Who Wonder What Happened Nicholas Murray Butler Look at the dictionary About 3,980,000,000 results (0.52 seconds)
  • 5. • Genes are the basic biological units that transmit characteristics from one generation to the next. • Personality is not determined by any single gene, but rather by the actions of many genes working together. • The largely unknown environmental influences, known as the nonshared environmental effects, have the largest impact on personality. Because these differences are nonsystematic and largely accidental or random, we do not inherit our personality in any fixed sense Is Our Genetics Our Destiny? Based on genetic data, researchers have concluded that environment accounts for approximately 50 to 70 percent of personality Wondrium, 2019
  • 6. Origin of Character • Latin from Greek kharaktēr ‘a stamping tool or a chisel • A chisel is a tool used for carving materials, striking them with the aid of a hammer or mallet. • Character comes from Chisel • Chisel your character • Stripping excess materials from objects • To become a new “You”. character is something that you create within yourself and must take responsibility for changing.”
  • 7. Chisel away to . . . . • See and work your heart – Chisel to find the beauty in your heart • Commit to the person you want to be. Commit to change • Get down to essential things. The things that really matter. • Repairing your life. Create better life for yourself.
  • 8. • Self care, self defense, self reservation has its own reward. • Refine your philosophy, redefine direction , re- evaluate your goals. • Take notes of life's lessons. Make a journal of your learnings. • It takes a while to absorb to grow and learn. Absorb what you can absorb. • Hear what you must listen, see what you must see. • Refine your life. • Investment in your future. At the end you will reap rewards, respect, honor and accolades Character Building
  • 9. Character is a True Service • People of character are well-loved. • Making a conscious decisions resulting from a hundred of choices you made. • By crossing the mountains of their • By passing the valley of pain (No short cuts. Once you reach the peak, enjoy the view and savor your success).
  • 10. “Character is a quality that embodies many important traits, such as integrity, courage, perseverance, confidence and wisdom. Unlike your fingerprints that you are born with and can’t change.” “Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out.
  • 11. • Learn from your personal experience (self correct) • Listen from a variety of voices. Other peoples’ experiences (OPE). • Learn from your observation (what you see from successful people) • Read books, write a journal , don’t trust your memory (Absorb all learnings). Create your library, and attend classes (free classes online) • Refine your philosophy and direction. Start a process What process to engage to deserve character development?
  • 12. It takes a lot of efforts to grow and learn • Develop your emotional and mental muscle (Courageous muscle, dedication muscle, inspirational muscle, Discipline muscle) • Search and research for good ideas (books, library, videos, people until you develop the skills) • Listening to people (successful and failures. They have been there. Their knowledge is valuable. Look for success around us, amazing people you can learn from, Pick up something that will make your journey easier). • Self motivation. Take action. Extra push. Pumped out, charged up. • Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day,
  • 13. For example. Listen to Simon Sinek start with why? Dream Big by Denzel Washinton, Master She Heng Yi for 5 hindrances to self mystery, inspitational messages of Jim Rohn, Steve Jobs, Brian Tracy and Tom Bilyeu and a lot of TED speakers
  • 14. Philosophy of Success • Working for your inner vision goal • Do little change and adding to it everyday • Change how you look in the morning (How you act, treat other, responding to without reacting. Little every day things. • Ability to dream can guide you and can pull you to your destination. • Focus your dream to become reality. • Persevere. Grow where expectation are high and not easy.
  • 15. Learn to battle with your enemies • They will do everything to destroy your chances. • Walk away from negative people around you. • Attitude disease (negativity- dangerous, deadly, destroy the goods you have started • Human beings are emotional creatures and emotions can build or destroy you. Internal External • Indifference, doubts, indecisions • Relax but don’t relax too long and don’t rest for too long. • Weeds will grow in your mind, don’t doubt possibilities. • Don’t doubt yourself (There’s something better at the end of the rainbow). • Confidence building.
  • 16. Key to better future is YOU • Your character will respond to what happen in your life. Diligently nurtured within yourself. • Intelligent people apply emotions that can uplift their lives positively. • Keep your mind from distractions, face challenges. Keep your mind on your course, even with strong winds as amazing people brave the storm. • Motivation right inside you. • The power of ambition is truly about endurance. • The pull of life is the pull of the future. Pull away from the gravity of the past mistakes. Not allow past to pull you back. • Continue to monitor progress or else lose sight
  • 17. Support Team • You cant be successful by yourself. • Look for your confidence builders. You need support team, mentors, family, friends. • Celebrate progress. The joy of winning as reaping is reserve to the planters. • Help others solve their problems. • Willingness to nurture with returns • Thank your support team.
  • 18. • Future are well planned decisions, conscious decisions full of anticipation not apprehensions. • Well defined goals is like a magnet, it pull you through all the difficulties of life. • Goal setting create the life that you want. It pulls you to your dream. • Develop skills that are valuable – time management, being proactive, Dreams can become magnet
  • 19. • Become an ABOVE average person with eagerness, excitement and intensity • Do not spend major time on minor things. • Learn to work harder in yourself than in your job. • Do not wish an easier Job, wish you are better to do things. • Do not wish for less problem, wish for more skills. • Do not wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom (as wisdom is wealth) • Value makes the difference in result. We can’t create more time but we can create VALUE
  • 20. The Mind is like a Garden Fill your mind with + thoughts - otherwise if it’s empty - weeds will grow deliberately even without encouragement. The Mind is like a garden - According to Bryan Tracy, one must plant something +, cultivate it tend carefully, until it blooms and eventually they will have flowers. How to do it? Firstly, to Have a Mental diet – nourish your mind with + ideas, messages, information, surround yourself with + people, those with constructive thoughts, and that will help in your personal transformation Secondly Exert effort to nourish the mind so that negatives thoughts will not grow. Feed mental protein like, reading books that are inspirational or motivational – Books that are uplifting
  • 21. • Nurture it with positive thoughts, if you are busy, pests and poisonous weeds will take it. All good thoughts will be attacked by your enemies, so, prevent the intruders. • All gardens will be invaded, so you must defend your values. • If we relax, the bugs and weeds of negativity will move into the garden and take away everything of value.” • Learning, if you use it, increases. • Take responsibility of what happened to you. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.” Mind is like a Garden
  • 22. • Doors of opportunities are for those who continue to knock. • Good ideas are reserve to searchers. • Continue to search for future ideas. • Find idea – go to library, until your skills are changed. Don’t give up, books by books, seminar by seminars. Don t miss the chance to grow • Continuous education • Keep knocking. Door of Opportunities
  • 23. The biggest room in the universe is the room for improvement. Admit your mistakes and self correct. All improvement begins in your mental picture. Open yourself to be changed by ideas and information you choose to believe. Always feeding your mind, read books eBook as they contain the secret of .the universe. Tom Bilyeu said great writers write their insights. Stream ideas to get in to your brain, acquire skills and competence and utilize these skills. Room for improvement
  • 24. • Do not watch the clock ticking away. • Life is not the passing of time. Do something with it. • Life is brief, Do not waste it. Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value • Elton John sung for Princess Diana - Her life is like a candle in the wind. Life is brief
  • 25. • Life isn’t always smooth sailing so that if something goes wrong, make adjustment in your goals. Setbacks teaches us lessons, we must self correct and carry on. • We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.” • Success is a personal achievement, but what matter most is to be significant person by contributing something to mankind. A small act of kindness can make the difference. Pain of discipline or the Pain of Regret
  • 26. Key Takeaways • They say, we are shaped or molded by the kind of parents. the school attended or the place we grow shaped our personalities. • The ability to dream, and project the kind of life can guide you. • Inner ideals followed with consistent courage and practice – step by step, piece by piece. • Study and training make you learn, • Stimulate to react. This is a valuable practice. It makes you alive, awake. Ready to process whatever comes your way.
  • 27. • Don’t take the goodness of the Lord for granted • Thank God for the good and the bad. Full of praises as we are not forsaken. • To be thankful, and the importance to be grateful even during extreme situation. • Avoid becoming murmurers and complainers. A simple act of complaining has snowball effects and it can lead to lying, pride, envy, lust. Complaining or disputing is a deadly, a cancer spread to mankind. • Never allow yourself to be blinded to the point with enough negativity. • The Lord has done so much for us and we should able to look back and give Him praise. The Lesson of Gratitude
  • 28. In closing • We are not in the business of self-interest but of public service; we are co servants, co-workers, and change-makers. To give the glow of goodness and to provide service with a purpose. We are striving to do more - striving to do excellence for the good of our workplace, community or society. “Service to others should be sincere and a heartfelt one; only then can we claim that the service rendered is fruitful and meaningful.