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Chels Classroom Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Chels Classroom Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay
Abraham Lincoln Domestic Agenda
Abraham Lincoln s Domestic Agenda during the Civil War Abraham Lincoln is generally
acknowledged as one of the nation s greatest presidents because of his accomplishments during his
presidency. He was a politician and lawyer who served as the sixteenth president of the United States
during one of the most controversial times in American history, known as the American Civil War. The
Civil War broke out on April 12, 1861, shortly after President Lincoln was inaugurated, in Fort
Sumter, South Carolina, and was fought till May 9, 1865, when Robert E. Lee surrendered the last
major Confederate army to Ulysses S.Grant (McPherson). Fighting over the controversy of slavery,
this war was between two belligerents: The Union and the seven slave states ... Show more content on
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On November 19, 1863, Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address, along with Edward Everett, at a
ceremony dedicating the battlefield as a National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In less than
three minutes, Lincoln identified the nation s mission with the principle that all men are created equal,
spoke of the war as bringing about a new birth of freedom, and defined the essence of democratic
government. Lincoln honored the Union dead and reminded the listeners of the purpose of the soldier
s sacrifice: equality, freedom, and national unity (HistoryNet). The sacrifices of Union soldiers,
Lincoln declared, would ensure that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth. The Battle of Gettysburg which was fought four months earlier, was the single
bloodiest battle of the Civil War, where more than 45,000 men were killed, injured, and captured. In
fact, this battle proved to be the turning point of the war: General Robert E. Lee s defeat and retreat
from Gettysburg marked the last Confederate invasion of Northern territory and the beginning of the
Southern army s ultimate decline. Though not well received at the time, it took its place among the
most famous speeches in
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Essay On African Americans In The 20th Century
The 20th Century presented its own problems and temporary solutions for Blacks. Those years
impacted all Blacks, male and female, northerner and southerner, soldier and civilian. Migration,
military service, racial violence, and political protest combined to make the 20th century one of the
most dynamic periods of the Black experience. Black people contested the boundaries of American
democracy, demanded their rights as American citizens, and asserted their very humanity in ways both
subtle and dramatic. Let s walk through this century together as we take it one episode at a time.
World War I (1914 1918)
While the Great War raged in Europe for three long years, America stead a neutral country. It was not
until April of 1917, that President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. Americans
swung into action to raise, equip, and ship the American Expeditionary Force to the trenches of
Europe. America reasons for entering the were both political and economical;
The British passenger liner, the Lusitania bound for Britain from New York was sunk by a German ...
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It has been documented that during the first Great Migration (1910 1930), about 1.6 million migrants
left the mostly rural areas to migrate to northern industrial cities. After a pause during the Great
Depression, a Second Great Migration (1940 1970), in which 5 million or more people with urban
skills moved from the South, including many to California and other western states. Between 1910
and 1970, Blacks moved from 14 states of the South to other regions of the United States. A high
percentage were from Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. According to US census figures,
Georgia was the only southern state which showed a small decline in its Black population for three
consecutive decades from 1920 to
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Social Security Reform
I believe our current social security system should be replaced by a mandatory private pension system.
If it is not gracefully transitioned from the way it currently is then it will unfortunately disappear
altogether in an abrupt fashion. A replacement will alleviate this issue and replace it with a viable
option that can sustain itself.
First let us get into the numbers. If we are just looking at the retirement benefit and not disability or
Medicare then our current system is barely balancing. In 2012 the total amount of income was 731.1
billion and a payout of 645.4 billion. With still more baby boomers to come this cannot be sustained.
Also, how are we to know when the next baby boom will occur? The average life expectancy when
social security was introduced in 1935 was 61.9 which is now our average retirement age. The current
life expectancy is 78.7 as of 2011. This means that someone needs to be able to save enough money
for at least 17.7 years. This adds more to our baby boomer issue. There was recently a study done by
MIT, showing the living wage rates for an individual or family. This matters as we cannot create a
program that will place someone into poverty now for a tomorrow that is not promised. This doesn t
mean we don t think about tomorrow but we need to put it in perspective. With all of this data I think
we can create a new system that is not only feasible during retirement age but also allows someone to
make a living now.
Now we need to look a bit deeper
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The System Development Life Cycle Framework
Prior to Zachman, organizations often introduced information systems technology in direct response to
a perceived need by the organization such as the automation of a particular job function (Bernard,
2011). As Bernard notes, this became increasingly problematic as organizations evolved as did their
need for integration and communication between their system implementations. Systems developed to
meet business requirements on a case by case basis often using proprietary vendor products which
eventually led to heterogeneous collection of disharmonious systems (Bernard, 2011). Zachman
Framework Compared to the System Development Life Cycle Framework The most common
approach to developing a system during the time Zachman created his framework was the System
Development Life Cycle Framework (SDLC) (Collins, 2008, February). SDLC is typically divided
into five phases which are planning, analysis, detailed system design, implementation, and
maintenance (Coronel Morris, 2015). Each of these phases is intended as a gate which must be passed
through before proceeding to the next (Coronel Morris, 2015). With this structure in mind, it should be
clear that while it may be possible to revisit the planning phase during the analysis phase, the converse
would certainly not be possible. Consequently, this emphasizes perhaps the key and fundamental
difference between the two approaches. Even a cursory glimpse at the initial Zachman (1987)
framework would not reveal a series of
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“J.R.R. Tolkien” is often the first name that comes to...
J.R.R. Tolkien is often the first name that comes to mind when one thinks of popular fantasy writers.
Writing stories ever since he was a young child, he had always experimented with language and the
creation of his own little world. J.R.R. Tolkien s masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, has greatly
influenced the fantasy genre and set an example for fantasy writers around the world. John Ronald
Reuel Tolkien was born to Arthur and Mabel Tolkien in 1892 in the Orange Free State, located in
South Africa. When he was three years old, his mother took him and his younger brother Hilary to
England to visit their maternal grandparents in Birmingham. Arthur died of rheumatic fever within the
following year, however, so they never returned to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a second lieutenant he was eventually stationed in Bouzincourt, a village located in France. He was
highly unaccustomed to the battlefield; he did not expect the dangers that he would face every which
way he turned. He suffered from trench fever and was shipped home to recover at one point, though he
never fully recovered until the war ended in 1918 (D. Rogers, I. Rogers, 21). After the war ended,
Tolkien and his family settled in Oxford, where he found a job working on the Oxford English
Dictionary. He also met new friends such as C.S. Lewis, Hugo Dyson, and Charles Williams. They
formed a group called The Inklings where they would come together and discuss literary works,
including their own. Tolkien had begun writing The Hobbit, pieces of which he would read aloud to
his group of friends who very much enjoyed it. Unfortunately, finishing the children s book with haste
was not on the top of Tolkien s priority list. The book was finally published by Allen and Unwin in
1937 and eventually enjoyed not only by children, but by the general public as well (D. Rogers, I.
Rogers, 22 23). Tolkien wrote a number of stories after The Hobbit, but many were incomplete; very
few works were published. Everyone wanted to hear more about the curious hobbits. His fellow
Inklings encouraged him to keep writing, but the process was slow going, especially as he found more
and more to write about. One s work is
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Gregor s Delusion In The Metamorphosis
A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. In the
book The Metamorphosis, the main character, Gregor, transforms into a bug, or so he thinks. People
have speculated on whether or not Gregor truly transforms into a bug or if he has gone insane. The
primary reason why people believe that Gregor has gone insane is the way that he, himself, reacts to
the transformation and the way others around him react. The fact that Gregor isolates himself, both
before and after his transformation, demonstrates a major sign that he has a mental illness. Gregor s
delusion even goes far enough where he does things that only a bug would or could do.
The first sign that Gregor has not actually turned into a giant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Gregor s isolation starts with him hiding underneath the couch in his room whenever somebody tried
to enter to see him, Gregor had immediately hidden himself under the couch, of course, but he had to
wait until midday before the sister returned (40). Gregor s isolation slowly grows throughout the story,
at first Gregor longs to be able to open the door to see and hear his family, but at time goes on, he
wants the door to be closed and even hisses when the door is open. When Gregor wants the door to be
open the family seems to be content and dealing with the problem at hand fairly well, but when
Gregor wants the door to be closed the family tends to be in turmoil, fighting and crying with each
other over different aspects of Gregor s situation, Gregor hissed loudly in rage because it hadn t
occurred to anyone to shut the door and spare him this scene and commotion (55). Isolation of a
person can be seen as a sign of a mental illness developing or one being already developed, so it
makes sense for Gregor to want to hide from his family and the rest of the outside
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India s Foreign Policy Decision Making
Being a land locked country surrounded by India and China, situated along the southern slopes of the
Himalayas Nepal feels interference of India in her domestic politics and in foreign policy making
which indicates determinants of her foreign policy are not amply helpful and capabilities of her
foreign policy rather renders Nepal an absurd fear psychosis position against India keeping her long
away from world politics for hundreds of years. Her geo strategic location makes her vulnerable and
dependent on India. Their foreign policy decision making pivots the two next door neighbors having
geo political constraints. Given that there is China preference in their sentiment, however, Nepal acts
like a puppet in India s hands in her decision making. Nepal is one of the best examples of being
restrained by God given geo demographic, geo positional, socio cultural realities. Albeit, Nepal
succeeds in preservation of autonomy, protection of national sovereignty, territoriality, maintenance of
rule of laws, preservation of human rights and equality, building friendship with neighbors, bringing
foreign currency to boost up economy and keeping rising position in the central Asia.
Foreign Policy Choices of Nepal
If we focus on the foreign policy choices of Nepal we find geographic interference in her policy
making. If geographical realities are domestic compulsions, Sino Indian relation is the most significant
external outcome in the foreign policy of Nepal. The Tibet
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Daisy s Housе In The Great Gatsby
Nick calls Daisy s housе to spеak to hеr but shе and Tom havе lеft without any way to bе rеachеd. Hе
also triеs to gеt in contact with Mеyеr Wolfshеim but cannot. Wolfshеim sеnds a lеttеr latеr saying that
hе cannot comеs to Gatsby s sidе.A fеw days latеr Hеnry Gatz, Gatsby s fathеr, comеs to thе
housе.Thе day of thе funеral Nick goеs into thе city to sее Wolfshеim. Nick has to forcе himsеlf into
Wolfshеim s officе, but Mеyеr rеfusеs to comе to thе funеral saying that hе can t gеt mixеd up in
anothеr man s dеath. Whеn Nick rеturns to thе housе hе and Mr. Gatz talk about what Gatsby was likе
whеn hе was youngеr. Gatz shows Nick a schеdulе that Gatsby wrotе out whеn hе was youngеr that
shows a vеry drivеn, dеtеrminеd young Gatsby. Thе ministеr
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The Locked Door Gladwell Summary
In the second chapter The Locked Door: The Secret Life of Snap Decisions . Gladwell delivered a
story about a retired tennis player. The player realized that every time he watch a tennis game, he can
predict when the server about to double fault. Gladwell explains that the tennis story proves how
important snap judgment is; he believes those snap judgments are extremely quick so that it can use
the smallest slice of experience. But at the same time they are unconscious. Because snap judgments
are unconscious, people often cannot rationalize them and thus do not trust them. It s one thing to
acknowledge the enormous power of snap judgments and thin slices but quite another to place our
trust in something so seemingly mysterious . Gladwell states that the Getty ... Show more content on
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Another section in this chapter describes how we rarely understand why our unconscious works the
way it does. Gladwell illustrates with an example of Ted William, the greatest hitter of all time, when
he asked about the secret of his success he answered that he could track the ball right onto the bat.
Later on, when he confronted with the fact that human beings cannot track the ball onto the bat. He
said, Well, I guess it just seemed like I could do that . The author continues with the conclusion that
we have the tendency to explain almost everything, even when we do not have real explanation.
According to Gladwell, this is known as storytelling problem , and therefore we are better off by
saying I do not know more often. In the third chapter The Warren Harding Error: Why We Fall For
Tall, Dark, and Handsome Men . Gladwell uses Warren Harding, America s 29th President, as an
example of the disadvantages of thin slicing. He continues to describe how handsome and elegant
Harding was, and how he was elected president based on
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The Importance Of The Welsh Language
I was surprised to see that such a low percentage of people speak the language of their birth.
When I first met 2 I was unaware whether or not he spoke the Welsh Language. So I greeted him with
Bore Da to help promote the language within the supported accommodation. I also feel that by doing
this I am offering the choice to engage in the Welsh language in the first initial contact. On a personal
level it means a lot to me that people will use the Welsh language regardless of their abilities of being
able to speak Welsh fluently.
Davies, E. (2009, pg10) informs us
In bilingual language mode, once a base language has been established, bilinguals can bring in the
other language in different ways, what Grosjean calls the guest or embedded language.
Davies, E. goes on to state that this is done via changing a word or a sentence to a different language
other than the primary language being used. Reflecting on this helps me understand how I have the
advantage of being able to practice in Welsh when needed. I therefore want to use this skill and share
it with others. Hearing people use such phrases in the Welsh language makes me reflect on my identity
as a Welsh born male who was educated through the medium of Welsh.
Under Part 2 of the Well being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (2017, pg4) we are shown the
well being goals which include a goal of Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language and is
described as a society that aims to protect language
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The United Nations Stabilization Mission Essay
The term United Nations was, according to the UN s official website, coined by United States
president Franklin Roosevelt in the context of the fact that the nations were united against the Axis
forces in World War Two. In 1945, the United Nations officially started with fifty one states as its
members. Since then, the United Nations has grown greatly to nearly 200 state members. The United
Nations has several specific purposes that it tries to fulfill. First, its primary goal is to maintain
international peace and security. According to the UN s website, there are five main ways that it
fulfills this purpose. First by preventing conflict before it even starts specifically with diplomatic
discussions and actions in a peaceful manner. Second, the UN maintains international security with
peace keeping organizations. For example, the UN currently is working as the United Nations
Stabilization Mission in Haiti to not only help with the rebuilding after the devastating earthquakes but
also simply maintain peace in the country. In addition to working in preventative and peacekeeping
ways, the United Nations also works towards peace with Peace Building activities, such as its work in
Burundi until 2012. The United nations fourth way it maintains peace is by combating terrorism which
is arguably the opposite of peace. In the United Nations plan of action for combating terrorism, it
states that its members will consistently, unequivocally and strongly condemn terrorism in
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National Standards And Public Education
Education has longed to be a part of this countries foundation and unfortunately for a long time there
has been differing opinions about the standards and curriculum of public education. And for as long as
American have fought the culture wars, they have debated the role of education, the institution most
essential to ensuring the reproduction of national identity. (Hartman, 2013) This essay will evaluate
the sides for and against the creation of national standards in public education. The high stakes world
of public education has created great concern along with trepidation about the future of the
educational standards, as a result the current academically fluent students the current standards
produces. When looking at the scriptures ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a country we want to produce the best future leaders, citizens, and professionals in the work place.
As such, when the investment in our student s educational future is so high for so many reasons and
effects so many different people, therefore it produces many different ideas about the way it should be
done. The adage of too many chiefs and not enough Indians unfortunately has long been the case of
public education. As a reference in the title of Andrew Hartman article sums it up best education is a
Trojan Horse for hidden agendas. As Hartman s articles present the beginning battle over education
was at first religious in nature and at times still is. The battle over education continues as James
Davison Hunter sociologist points out education is, powerful symbols about the meaning of American
life the characters of its past, the challenges of the present and its future agenda . (Hartman, 2013)
With so much at stake one could wonder why we have not unified the educational system of this
country with the creation of national standards. Public Education, as the term would apply, is a public
entity, as such the members of the public community have an opinion of what, and how the system
should work. Unfortunately, that voice is often muddled by the politics that in lies with the system.
Each public or state
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Mobile Usage And Social Media
In modern society, the relationship between globalization and social media and smartphones is
involved with the daily life of people around the world. The use of mobile systems dramatically
increased in the 20th century. (Mjos, 2012) This essay will explain the differences and similarities of
mobile usages and use of social media between British society and that in my home, Thailand. There
are various causes to employ electronic devices and social media, some of which were the same and
some different. In order to compare these points, we shall outline the meaning of mobile and social
media at the beginning, and then describe the use of mobile in the UK and Thailand, before illustrating
which ways we use social media. The last is an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Ofcom, 2014) Nevertheless, every user use the mobile for different reasons. There are four main
focus of mobile and smartphone usage. First, send and receive E mails, 79 percent of mobile users are
using their devices sending and receiving E mails not less than one time a week in recent. The
majority users are 35 44 years old, 84 percent, and the lowest percentage, 67 percent, is 65+ years old.
Next, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, or Pinterest was applied
by seven in ten of mobile users and visiting those websites everyday at least once. Besides, the
percentage of gaming users in 2007 and 2014 is increasing between 31 and 44 percent, respectively,
and 25 44 years old persons are the majority of those. The last is media activities, the minority watch
free TV programmes such as Sky by using mobile devices accounted for 13 percent. (Ofcom, 2015)
On the other hand, 60 percent of the total Thais population, approximately 66.1 million people, use
smart phones. (Singapore Management University, 2012) The mobile penetration rate is around 49
percent and Thailand is the top three users in Southeast Asia, 32 million owners. (Custer, 2013) Mid
2009, the Thai mobile market has increased continuously, there were 64 million mobile devices, and
however, the end of 2010,
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Alcohol Abuse In Peru Essay
Alcoholism is an addiction to the consumption of alcohol liquor and have compulsive behavior of the
alcohol abuse. In the United States, alcohol has been used to an advantage. Japan has a major drinking
issue and the number of citizens is increasing every year. Peru s upper and middle have been the major
consumers of alcohol abuse. In the United States, alcohol abuse and addiction are increasing
frequently because of people taking advantage of being able to drink or just because you are 21 or
older. It is the most common addiction in the united states. The excessive use of alcohol leads to liver
disease and sometimes kills people. According to Douglas Main, the study also found that 36 percent
of men and 43 percent of Native Americans had struggled with drinking problems in their lives .
(Main, D 1) Drinking is just as bad as a drug, you are just ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Peru is in danger because their alcohol drinking problem is horrible. According to National Institute
on Drug Abuse, The prevalence estimate was higher among males (52.9 percent compared to females
(37.2 percent) . (N, D 1) Men tend to drink more because they take all their anger out by constantly
drinking. People don t tend to notice that they are abusing their bodies with alcohol because they see
that as relieving the stress. Peru s main religion is Catholicism and they do believe that people have
freedom of religion. They tend to use catholic ideas and making them important to their everyday
lives. Peru doesn t have any awareness programs for alcohol abuse and they should try and discover
some. If they don t find help for these people now their death rate will be out of this world. No one
seems to understand how important this situation is. Even though, alcohol has a bad part of Peru they
have contributed something that other countries haven t. That would be that their educational system
is better than the US. Peru is also a developing
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Deathstroke Vs Deadpool Comparison
If you were given a piece of every superhero s powers known to man, which powers would make you
the most superior? Deadpool (of the Marvel Universe) can be classified as the most powerful of all
mutants, whereas, Deathstroke (of the DC universe) makes it to the top 5 list of strongest metahumans
in his own reality. Both characters were products of a scientific lab gone wrong. If both of their
universes were to merge, who would triumph in a battle between these two iconic characters?
Deadpool and Deathstroke are similar in terms of being anti heroes, however, Deadpool is superior to
Deathstroke because he has more athletic capabilities, has a variety of combat methods, and his
chances of survival are higher.
Deadpool has greater athletic skills ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The same health regeneration ability of Wolverine was given to Deadpool. However, unlike
Wolverine, Deadpool s health regeneration is quick enough that he is quite literally immortal. In the
Marvel comic, Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #1 , Sue of the Fantastic Four uses her powers to
blow up Deadpool s head. As she turns away, Deadpool was able to regrow his head and stab her from
behind (Bunn). Also, in the Marvel comic, Deadpool: Suicide Kings , the Punisher is able to cut off
both of Deadpool s arms and even decapitate him. Right as Daredevil and Spider man jump in to stop
the Punisher, Deadpool was able to escape the scene regenerated of any injuries (Barbieri, Benson,
Crystal). Deadpool was able to regenerate all limbs and organs in a matter of seconds to save his life.
This nails the idea that Deadpool is in fact, immortal. Some of the most strategic heroes and villains of
the Marvel Universe have not been successful in killing Deadpool. Deathstroke, on the other hand, can
regenerate health, but it does not allow him to regrow limbs unlike the far superior capabilities of
Deadpool. As seen on the television show Arrow, Deathstroke was shot in the eye with Green Arrow s
Arrow. Later on in the seasons, Deathstroke never regrows that eye and uses an eye patch (CW). If
any serious injuries are inflicted on Deathstroke s limbs or organs, it could mean the end of his life.
One quick stab to the heart with Deadpool s sword would kill Deathstroke. This further concludes that
in a deathmatch involving Deadpool vs. Deathstroke, the one to survive would be
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Battle Of Bataan
The Battle of Bataan was a significant turning point battle in the war for the Americans and the
Japanese. The battle was fought from January 7, 1942 to April 9, 1942. The Allies, who were
commanded by General Douglas MacArthur, fought the Axis powers who were commanded by
Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma. The Allied powers started out strong with 79,500 armed men
while the Axis powers started out with 75,000 men. After the invasion of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese
continued to attack the US owned island of the Philippines. Macarthur started to prepare the US to
defend the island of Luzon, near Bataan in the Philippines. Specifically, he wanted the US to defend
Legaspi, which was located in southern Luzon. As the Japanese started to invade,
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The Effects Of Radiation On Tissue And Its Effects On The...
Since x rays were discovered in 1895, there have been several improvements made to diagnostic x ray
to make it safer for both the patient and the radiographer. Some of these improvements include,
aluminum filters, protective housing, lead shields/ aprons, and quicker exposure film. These changes
have undoubtedly improved the diagnostic radiation process, however both patient and radiographer
will still receive some dose of radiation. The effects of radiation on tissue are divided into two types:
deterministic and stochastic. A deterministic effect describes ionizing radiation induced damage that
occurs once a certain threshold is exceeded and increases in severity the greater the dose.1. (pg2 3)
Some of the more extreme deterministic effects that occur with exposure to high amounts of radiation
in a short period of time are: Skin Erythema/Necrosis, cataracts, sterility, radiation sickness, and death.
Stochastic effects are probabilistic and there is no threshold amount that must be reached. As the
amount of exposure increases so does probability of effects. However the amount of exposure does
not correspond to the severity of the effects. Some of the stochastic risk can include development of
various types of cancer and hereditary defects. It is more difficult to track the long term stochastic
effects that occur during chronic low doses exposure because there are other additional factors that
must be taken into account. We are all exposed to background radiation. The
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Vera Clayhorne And Then There Were None
Starting with ten and ending with one isn t much fun when one by one they all get killed; Will the trust
they build be enough? Agatha Christie the author of And Then There Were None uses Vera Claythorne
and Justice Wargrave, to tell the story of ten people being stuck on an island. One by one they all die
by a mysterious killer, in the end there are none. We found out that Justice Wargrave was the killer,
and that there was reasoning behind every kill. The theme secrets can never be completely hidden uses
3 context clues memory moment, aha moment and the climax to show the theme the best. Throughout
the whole book flashbacks are one of the strongest text structures Agatha Christie uses for the
characters to learn that secrets can never be completely hidden. The characters thought a lot about
their past as they were on the island. Christie describes how Vera keeps looking back on her past every
time she sees water or something that reminds her of her mistake (66). Vera soon ... Show more
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Blore just died and there are two remaining Vera starts to put the facts together she know she isn t the
killer and knows Philip is the only one alive to be the killer. Vera thinks that she has figured out
Lombards big secret. As she pulls the trigger in fear she feels relieved she thinks it s all over (265).
She found out who the killer was it s all happening as everything is being unraveled but really she is
wrong. Using the climax of the story Christie shows that secrets can never be completely hidden with
the fear at the end. She starts going nuts and remembers the last line of the poem What was the last
line something about being married or something else (268). She is figuring out that he last line is
gonna be here is the end of the book and she is the only one left she is so tired that she think the line is
different from what it is, but she is
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Comparing Shaun Tan s The Lost Thing And The Red Brown
Shaun Tan The leading picture book author in Australia is the one and only Shaun Tan. Out of all the
authors out there it is quite obvious why you would choose Shaun Tan over Anthony Browne. Tan s
books always seem to be that little bit more engaging and for that reason, I believe that he s a much
better author than Browne. Tan s excellent use of motifs, symbolism and detail in his illustrations
throughout all of his books don t even compare to that of Browne s books. Tan s books are the type of
books that hold a much deeper meaning than many other picture books and would appeal to a much
older audience than those of Browne s. Shaun Tan s books The Lost Thing and The Red Tree are just
two examples of Tans greatest books. Tan has also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The topics in Tan s two book The Lost Thing and The Red Tree are about having a sense of belonging
and teenage depression. Tan puts his message across in his book The Red Tree by isolating the girl
from the rest of the people and objects in many illustrations and in others it can be interpreted that the
girl has excluded herself from the rest of the world. Especially on the page with the bottle, on this
page, the girl is stuck in a bottle with an old school diving helmet on symbolising that the girl is taking
too much pressure. Also the neck of the bottle is too thin to escape from as well as bottle filling with
water. In the distance, there is also a beach with a nice blue sky and clear water. On another page, the
girl is standing on a ladder with lots of planes and totem faces symbolising there is too much going on
in her life. The way Tan illustrated this image to look like a collage is very effective because it makes
the image look as if there is a lot more happening than what Tan actually illustrated. Tan s book The
Lost Thing still emphasizes another important situation in our lives. This time Tan focuses on a
belonging kind of situation or more so the people around us are to busy to notice changes and
problems in our society. In this case the lost thing is the change. Tan explains this well on the page
when the boy takes the lost thing to Pete s house. The boy said that Pete always has an opinion on
everything. Pete did tests on the lost thing but couldn t determine what it was or where it came from.
Tan puts his point across again on the beach page earlier on the book. The boy finds the lost thing in
the sand, but seems to be the only person that notices its presence. He decides to take it home and it s
seems that not even his parents take much notice of the lost thing. These two topics that Tan has
addressed are only two of many major topics in our lives that need to be
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The Most Powerful Computers Of The Technology World
The most powerful computers in the technology world are the Supercomputers. Hence, as the word
super elaborate that supercomputers are usually used for the projects that needs to process large
amount of data, at very high speed. Supercomputers not only has the high processing power; they are
also huge in size. You need a big room to fit in a supercomputer, and a strong cooling system to avoid
getting a supercomputer to get overheated. They usually have more than one CPU s to generate high
level data processing speed, and they need to have a large storage as well. The unit system that are
used to measure the computing performance of the supercomputer are FLOPS (Floating point
Operation Per Second). The first ever supercomputer was made during the time of Second World War
named Colossus . It was made by The Great Britain, specially to crack the coded messages of
Germans. Colossus could read up to 5000 characters in a second. Colossus was the start of a
revolution in supercomputing. Since 1944, more enhanced and powerful supercomputers were
introduced for example MIT Whirlwind by MIT in 1950. Cray 1 designed by Seymour Cray in 1975.
Seymour Cray was called the Father of Supercomputer . He founded Cray Research in 1972, which
designs supercomputers. The computing power of Cray 1 was 80 megaflops (vector) and 72
megaflops (scaler). After Cray 1, Cray X MP, and Cray 2 also came out with 4 CPU s and twice the
Floating point Operation Per Seconds. One of the
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Human Rights Violation Description Of Human Rights In...
2 Human rights violation description The cultivation of cotton has resulted in various human right
abuses in different Central Asian countries. In this part, I will focus on three human rights violations,
including the right to health and water which are tied to environment and freedom from forced labor
which are related to cotton cultivation in Uzbekistan. Firstly, use and pollution of water supply in the
Aral basin resulted in the death of the Aral lake and wellbeing and health related consequences for
people and secondly the forced labour in harvesting season. 2 1 Abuse of the Right to health and clean
water: a. The Normative frame work of the right to health and water Article 12 of the International
Covenant on the Economic, Social and Cultural rights indicates that state not only should recognize
rights of everyone to enjoy highest attainable standards of health but also should take measurements to
reduce children mortality, increase environmental hygiene, preventing, treatment and controlling
endemic, epidemic and occupational disease (The United Nations General Assembly, 1966). However,
as noted researches about the situation show the population of Uzbekistan, suffer from the poor health
conditions. The right to health is strongly tied to the right to the environment as the Committee on
ESCR (2000:5) interprets in its General Comment No.14. In paragraphs 15 and 16 it emphasizes the
importance of the healthy environment and reduction of exposure to harmful
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Factors For Considering Air Freight Vs. Ocean Freight Essay
ARTICLE REVIEW By : Martha Yuhla SHEY SOURCE http://www.universalcargo.com/ : 4
August 16, 2011 In Air Freight, International Shipping, ocean freight, shipping.
http://www.universalcargo.com/4 factors for considering air freight vs ocean freight/
INTRODUCTION This is a review of an article on 4 FACTORS FOR CONSIDERING AIR
FREIGHT VS. OCEAN FREIGHT . In the first place a summary of the article will be given, then we
will further examine the article literature review, we ll examine how the article is structured, check the
credibility of the authors/writters of the article, examine the degree of accuracy of the article, its
relevance, see how current or not the article is, how objective the writter is and equally examine the
stability of the article. A look at data presentation in form of tables or graphs will be taken and finally
the conclusion from the article will be drawn. So far the article is well written and relevant in the field
of shipping when it comes to deciding the mode of transportation to use when shipping goods
internationally, from place of origin to place of destination. ARTICLE SUMMARY This is an article
that explains the factors to be considered when deciding the mode of transportation to use in
international shipping. The article examines 4 factors that should be taken into consideration when
faced with the dilema of choosing between « shipping » by air or « shipping » by
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Tesco Mobile Online Customer Management System Essay
Woolworths Mobile Online customer management system and Online Mobile Phone booking
systemProject Name: System for Mobile Phone PlanName: Yashvantkumar PatelStudent number:
N9790608Email: yashvant25@rocketmail.com
1. Business DriversWoolworth s supermarkets was established in Australia in 5th December in the
year of 1924.Their corebusiness is provide all grocery and daily needed things under one roof like
vegetables ,fruits etc. In the last few years business has expanded to the United States of America,
United Kingdom, New Zealand, and European countries. But, nowadays they came up with new
product called Woolworths Mobile which is deal with Mobile Phone Plans like Vodafone, Optus and
Telstra. However they are using Telstra s network (carrier) because they don t have their own networks
.Already they started this business before few months ago with premium selected store in Brisbane,
Sydney and Melbourne.So why are we here? What is the purpose of this project?Increasingly in each
city Woolworths Mobile is finding that the staff organizing the training courses (known as Training
Coordinators) are becoming overwhelmed with the volume of administrative work involved in
responding to enquiries for Mobile Phone and its Plan because the staff of general store doesn t have
knowledge about mobile technology, advertising the Mobile phone plans, process of signup the
Mobile phone contract, and invoicing sales representative. These are all currently manual processes
completed using
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Gross Negligence Manslaughter And Homicide Manslaughter
Gross Negligence Manslaughter is a form of involuntary manslaughter in which in which the persons
charged has caused a death without the mens rea of murder. Involuntary manslaughter being
unintentional killings due to recklessness, criminal negligence or an unlawful act that is a
misdemeanour or low level felony. Gross negligence manslaughter is categorised as not committing an
unlawful act but a defendant committing a lawful act in a manor that is considered criminal. Gross
negligence manslaughter can also be committed through not doing something as to result in death.
Gross negligence manslaughter was initially set out in R v. Bateman (1925) in which a doctor was
convicted of manslaughter due to his treatment of a woman during childbirth. The term gross
negligence manslaughter was then more so interpreted that in order to ascertain criminal liability, the
jury must agree that the level of negligence of the accused is beyond compensation alone and that it is
criminal to act so thoughtlessly towards the life and well being of others. This interpretation was
deemed inadequate and later updated to a then considered better interpretation and a large area of
gross negligence manslaughter was replaced with reckless manslaughter. This interpretation was again
contested due to the R v. Seymour (1983) case when the defendant intended to push their girlfriends
car with a lorry, which subsequently resulted in accidental death of the girlfriend. The judge directed
that the jury
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Characterism And Criticism In John Updike s A + P
Every character in works of literature is subjected to criticism and critique by its readers. In the short
story, A+P , the protagonist, Sammy has been subjected to criticism for his actions of quitting his job,
a reaction of seeing young ladies be disrespected in his workplace for wearing bathing suits. Many
readers depict Sammy as immature and ignorant for quitting his job. However, the author, John
Updike contradicts this assumption, portraying Sammy as a nineteen year old, who demonstrates
strong morals, ambition, defiance, and a promising future, characterizing him not as an insolent teen
but a developing young man. Sammy displays his maturity through his strong morals by refusing to
work in a profession where customers are degraded. Sammy, a cashier at A+P, is like a ... Show more
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Sammy contains morals, yearnings for success, and defiance at only nineteen. Sammy achieves these
standards that many individuals can not attain at nineteen, demonstrating his bright potential as an
employee and a person. After Sammy resigns from his cashier job he steps out into the A+P parking
lot. He remarks, The door heaves itself open, and outside the sunshine is skating around the asphalt
(Updike). The sunshine and good weather when Sammy exits A+P is symbolic of his bright future,
one filled with potential and success. His potential, which is granted to him by his previous actions,
indicates that Sammy is capable of anything. Sammy was the only person who spoke in defense of the
young girls who were ridiculed by Lengel, showing his kindness and compassion, which are
admirable qualities of any employee. If Sammy did not have the courage to quit his job, he would
spend the rest of his life as a cashier, catering to others needs rather than his own. This proves that
standing up for one s beliefs will prompt
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Role of Financial Statements in Decision Making
This proposal study explores financial credit risk assessment. This is an important issue because there
is currently no standardized method used by financial institutions for the assessment of credit risk.
There are needs for a critical evaluation of the most popular credit risk assessment methods such as
the judgmental method, credit scoring and portfolio models along with limitations used. Survey
interview process is needed for confirming that credit risk assessment methods should be combined
for effective credit risk assessment. Accordingly, the study proposes a framework for improving credit
risk assessment, which combines the strengths of these methods and copes ... Show more content on
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Since information derived from self assessment can be useful in a wide range of activities from
strengthening risk management systems to formulating business strategy large differentials in business
management are likely to arise among financial institutions depending on the utilization of this
valuable information. As the Bank of Japan has introduced the Tracing Method of asset assessment
and loan losses in order to support financial institutions to maximize the use of their own assessments
as a management tool. The Tracing Method is used to observe changes in the condition of individual
assets in a time series and is one way to utilize financial institutions self assessment of assets. The
Bank conducted a follow up analysis in the recent on site examination to analyze how many of the
loans classified in the previous examination (1993 94) were later written off and others in relation to
financial losses from support by renunciation of claims, and losses from sales of nonperforming loans
to the Cooperative Credit Purchasing Company.
The empirical study using the Tracing Method suggests the following points of importance
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Essay about Roper V Simmons
Roper v. Simmons | March 4
| Criminal Justice 245 | Mr. Cashdollar |
Roper v. Simmons
I. Introduction
This paper will address the Roper v. Simmons 543 U.S551 (2005); it will specifically address the
arrest, trial and the legal issues that arose. It will explain and identify the holdings of the lower courts
and it will explain and identify the decision of the U.S Supreme Court.
II. The Facts
Christopher Simmons, who was seventeen years old, and two of his friends by the name of Charles
Benjamin(fifteen years old) and John Tessmer (sixteen years old) had a detailed conversation about
committing a murder. Christopher Simmons had a premeditated plan to which included, burglary
(breaking and entering), robber and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Simmons and Benjamin watched her drown. After this incident, Simmons was said to be boasting
about the murder to his friends. He told his friends that he killed Crooks because she saw his face.
Simmons then later admitted that the accident was his motive for killing Crook s.
Steven Crook s, the husband of the victim returned home that same day in the afternoon. Mr. Crook
contacted the police after not being able to find his wife and noticing that his home had been
ransacked. A fisherman discovered Mrs. Crook s body in the river that same afternoon.
Christopher Simmons who was attending high school and eighteen years old at the time was arrested.
He was transported to the Fenton police station in Missouri. Simmons was read his Miranda Rights by
an officer and he waived his right to have an attorney present during questioning. Simmons agreed to
speak with investigators. After being interrogated for nearly two hours Simmons confessed to the
murder of Mrs. Crook and agreed to allow the police to videotape him reenacting the murder at the
initial crime scene. IV. The SUPERIOR COURT TRIAL:
The Missouri State Superior Court sought after the death penalty even though Simmons was only
Seventeen years old at the time. Simmons was seventeen at the time of the crime and that placed him
out in the criminal Jurisdiction of Missouri s Juvenile Court system
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La Bella Mariella Pizzeria in Queens, New York
La Bella Mariella is a pizzeria located in Queens, New York. It is owned by Italian Immigrant Victor
Cuomo. Victor moved to America from Sicily in 2007. Upon coming to America the first thing he did
was open a pizzeria. He used money he had from working in Italy. He opened the pizzeria in the
summer of 2008. Victor came from a small town in Sicily called Santa Margherita, about a half an
hour away from Palermo. It Italy he worked as a bus driver, taking people from the nearby towns to
the city. He said he made the trip about five times a day making little money. He knew he wanted to
come to America since he was little and began saving his money. He would do extra jobs on the side
to make as much money as possible. He was told as a young man, by the men who had been to
America, which he needs to go with enough money to start a business to be able to make in America.
So he saved enough money to take his family and himself to America and to open a pizzeria. When
Victor and his family first arrived in America he was living in Middle Village New York with family
an uncle who had been living in America already. The first thing he wanted to do was make sure that
he and his family all became citizens of the United Sates. He went to the Italian embassy, and he said
it took him almost a year to become a citizen. While he was waiting for his citizen ship to go through
he was working at a pizzeria and a deli just to make more money. He was in America for a few months
and finally
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Marking Report
Singapore As Singapore is a founding member of ASEAN, they joined ASEAN in August 8, 1964.
Singapore was located the islands between Malaysia and Indonesia in South East Asia. Furthermore,
Singapore has no land boundaries with other countries. The capital city of Singapore was also
Singapore as one state, one city. Nowadays, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong governs Singapore as
Head of Government. However, Singapore used the Singalish as main language and they also use
English, Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. Moreover, they used their currency as Singapore Dollar (S$).
The figure of Singapore s Land and Map Source:
http://www.wordtravels.com/Travelguide/Countries/Singapore/Map Land Area The total area of
Singapore is 647.5 sq. km. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The capital city of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur. Its official language is Bahasa Melayu and also uses
English, Chinese dialects (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, Foochow), Tamil, Telugu,
Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai. Moreover, ringgit (MYR) is known as Malaysia s currency. The figure of
Malaysia s Land and Map Land Area The total land area of Malaysia is 328,550 sq. km with Tropical
Rain Forest 14%, Savanna 11%, Temperate Forest 8%, Temperate Grassland 14%, Boreal Forest 18%,
Tundra 12%, Scrub 3% and Desert 20%. Political System The government type is Malaysia is
constitutional monarchy with the political which is based on English common law; judicial review of
legislative acts in the Supreme Court at request of supreme head of the federation. Population The
total population in Malaysia is 30.4 million people in 2014. Comparing with 8.2 million in 1960, the
population changed 271% during the last 50 years. Source:
http://www.tradingeconomics.com/malaysia/population Trade information The total amount of
Malaysia s trade goods in exports was 60454 MYR Million monthly and imports as 54941 MYR
Million monthly. Its current GDP is 9968 MYR Million. Tourism Information The tourism
information of Malaysia was recorded as 27.44 million tourist arrival in 2014. The growth rate of
tourism was increased every year in Malaysia. The figure of Malaysia s tourist arrival
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Compare and Contrast Helen- HD POE Essay
Comparison and Contrast Essay
In the poems, To Helen and Helen , both Edgar Allan Poe and H.D. emphasize the beauty of the
infamous Helen of Troy; however, the speakers attitudes differ as one praises and worships Helen
while the other condemns her for her treachery and remains unmoved by her beauty. Although both
poems discuss Helen of Troy, both speakers withhold different perspectives within the first stanza. In
To Helen the speaker sets Helen on a pedestal as he uses the apostrophe Helen, thy beauty is to me
(Poe, line 1). He emphasizes that he speaks to her as the title To Helen sets the praiseful tone within
the poem. However, the unimpressed speaker of Helen displays the loss of connection to this famous
woman as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
line 10) in which they long to forget. However, the enchanted speaker believes that Helen portrays the
opposite as she is the glory that was Greece (Poe, line 9) and the grandeur that was Rome (Poe, line
The varying structures in the third stanzas emphasize the differentiating views of Helen. The style and
structure of To Helen contribute to the persona s romantic notion of Helen of Troy. The stanza is set up
like the rest with five lines that illustrate her beauty. She is an agate lamp (Poe, line 13) which shines
light on Greece and she is Psyche, from the regions , which Are Holy Land! (Poe, lines 9 and 10).
However the unmoved speaker uses just a simple sentence as the last stanza and lacks the exclamation
points and a rhyme scheme which portrays the cold disapproval she were laid, white ash amid funereal
cypresses. of Helen. The speaker believes that her cold feet and slenderest knees could not move
Greece as opposed to the other speaker. He harshly believes that the only way that she can be praised
for her beauty is if she was laid, white ash amid funereal cypresses. (H.D., line 17) In both the poems
To Helen and Helen the views of Helen the face that launched a thousand ships , differs as her beauty
praised as a heroine juxtaposes the belief that she remains a traitor. she were laid, white ash amid
funereal cypresses. she were laid, white ash amid funereal cypresses. she were laid,
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International Navistar 6.0l Powerstroke Case Study
International Navistar 6.0l Powerstroke
In 2002 a joint project between International Navistar and the Ford Motor Company was born. The
goal of this project was to create an engine that was fuel efficient, emission compliant and would be
able to outperform all of the competition (Banks Power). With over 2 million ford super duty s
equipped with the 7.3l Powerstroke engine on the road, the new engine would have big shoes to fill.
The engine that was to replace the outdated, underpowered and overall inadequate 7.3l Powerstroke
was the International Navistar 6.0l turbo diesel. The goal of the new engine was to provide customers
with an engine that had a higher torque output, more horsepower and could comply with the new
federal emission ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With a mere 275 horsepower it was outperformed by all competition. Along with the dreadful
horsepower, Ford owners complained that the trucks they purchased yielded inadequate miles per
gallon (Powerstrokehub). To compensate for both these issues, for introduces a much higher pressure
fuel delivery system that would allow for the cleaner burning of fuel and overall less fuel needed to
run the engine. Ford and International Navistar also introduced a newly designed smart turbocharger.
This allowed the turbo housing to expand and contract depending on the throttle position (Truck
Trend). This allowed for a quicker spool time of the turbocharger with allowed a quicker horsepower
gain and output resulting in better fuel economy. Tighter machining tolerances were also implied for
almost all of the engine components that went into the 6.0l Powerstroke allowing grater compression
of the engine and mitigating areas where oil, air or fuel could leak out under high pressures. With all
of these changes implemented that new 6.0l Powerstroke engine boasted a whopping 325 horsepower
and 516 foot pounds of torque (Banks Power). This gave customers a truck that could outperform all
of the
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Bionic Hand
McMaster University DigitalCommons@McMaster EE 4BI6 Electrical Engineering Biomedical
Capstones 4 27 2009 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Design of a Bionic Hand
Using Non Invasive Interface Evan McNabb McMaster University Follow this and additional works
at: http://digitalcommons.mcmaster.ca/ee4bi6 Part of the Biomedical Commons Recommended
Citation McNabb, Evan, Design of a Bionic Hand Using Non Invasive Interface (2009). EE 4BI6
Electrical Engineering Biomedical Capstones. Paper 11. http://digitalcommons.mcmaster.ca/ee4bi6/11
This Capstone is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at DigitalCommons@McMaster. It has been accepted for inclusion ... Show
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii iv v List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . viii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 1 1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 General
Approach to the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4 Scope of the Project . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Literature Review 2.1 Electromyography Control . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Tissue Reactions to Implanted Prosthetics . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 7 2.3 Cellular Responses in Signal Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 8 2.4 Increasing the Degrees of Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5 Neural
Prosthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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World War II s Value
World War II s Value Famous philosopher and writer George Santayana once said, Those who cannot
remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Mistakes are among the most important actions we
perform. They are used to help better ourselves whether it be physically or mentally. World War II, a
global war, was the cause of many harmful threats and actions that eventually led to the most deadliest
time in history. We can use this event to show us the problems caused by war and ways we can prevent
it. Educating ourselves about the events and the background behind the war can enable us to learn
more about America s and the world s history with other nations.We can use this event to show us the
problems caused by war and ways we can prevent it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
German police, or the Geheime Staatspolizei, during World War II did the exact opposite. On february
10th, 1936, the Gestapo Law was passed allowing German policeman to do anything they desired
without having an consequences. They used cruel methods to extract information including shocks,
beatings, and drowning. In this way, we have learnt discrimination leads to out of controlled violence.
Modern police do not interrogate prisoners or suspects with torture if not necessary and do not
discriminate against
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The Internal Struggle In William Shakespeare s Hamlet
In society many people suffer from making decisions. They feel immobilized and are unable to act
upon opportunities. However, there are usually many factors that contribute to the inaction. In William
Shakespeare s Hamlet, the protagonist Hamlet is incapable of action. His internal struggle is visible
throughout the course of the play. Should I live or die? Should I take revenge for my father s death or
not? Hamlet s inability to take action stems from his battles with depression, his doubt and is also a
result of his spitefulness.
Primary Hamlet s inability to take action stems from his struggles with depression this is a result of his
father s death which has a significant impact on his mental state. For example during Hamlet s first
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The Authoritative Parenting And The Style Of The Parenting...
The parenting style that my parents use is definitely authoritative. My parents have shown authority
towards me and my siblings but have always been flexible with their rules. My parents have never
stressed us out by being too strict with their rules. The first question I asked my parents was, how
would you react if one of my siblings or I asked to come home later than you originally told us to
come home? My parents responded that they would ask why we want to come home later and then tell
them they can come home later at a certain time but no later than the extended time. This fits exactly
with the authoritative parenting style because my parents would extend the time which is being
flexible and then also they would enforce a new time for us to come home which shows authority.
Next I asked my parents, what would you do if one of my siblings or I got in trouble at school? My
parents said they would have a talk with whoever got in trouble and make sure they know not to ever
do it again. Also, my parents said they would discipline whoever got in trouble by doing more chores
or taking away their phone for a day. This fits with the authoritative parenting style as well because
my parents are making us understand what we did wrong and learn from it. They would also give a
consequence because of it but nothing that is too harsh because they trust us to learn from what we
did. After that, I asked my parents, what would your reaction be if I did not do my chores at the
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Paul Starnes Scholarship
I am seeking the Paul M. Starnes Scholarship award because this award will help me with the cost of
my books in my Business Management this semester under the Degree Program with 15 credit hours
for the fall semester and 60 percent of my program of study completed. This t Scholarship will release
some of my financial cost and help me to focus more on course of study instead of if there enough
funds to pay for all of my books. This scholarship represents to me an opportunity to fully focus my
attention on the main objective of achieving the best I can in the Business Management program. I
major is business and accounting so that I could gain the tools I need to manage and operate my own
business commercial cleaning company in the future. The accounting degree so that I can utilizes the
financial aspect of operating a company such as, payroll, financial statement budgets and
spreadsheets; and the business management so that I will know how to manage others and the
company. In my career endearment the skills I have learned from SkillsUSA Career Pathway Human
Service competition and how to be a great leader using the principle of management along with my ...
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I thank you for taking the time to evaluate this application and look forward to completing my
Business Management Degree Program and moving forward toward a Bachelor Degree in Accounting
with a focus in Business Management. I have met one of my achievements this year I completed and
received my Associate in Applied Science Degree in Accounting I believe what I get by achieving my
educational goals is not as important as what I become by achieving my goals, and now my short term
goal is to complete my Business Management Degree and pursue my long term goal continuing my
education by attaining the Bachelor and a CPA
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Causes Of Homegrown Terrorism
Even though it is called homegrown terrorism, terrorism does not only start within a home. Although
there have been events that lead to roots of what might have caused the terrorism there is always
evidence that contradicts itself. Some of these roots are radicalization, religion, and multiculturalism.
Every one of these roots has caused terrorism throughout decades which not only has the United Sates
tried to stop, but which we have come to conclude that it is something that we cannot control which
makes us believe there are other sources and roots of domestic terrorism. Terrorism is not only on
certain days or years; terrorism is an everyday fear.
American Jihad is an American story about a citizen who belonged to Al Qaeda name Anwar Awlaki
who terrorized Boston and Florida. Born in New Mexico, he had a strong rapport with the American
Muslim youths at his mosque, thanks to a fluid use of the English language (not a given with Islamic
religious leaders, even in the U.S.) and his understanding of popular culture. (Lorraine, 2017) An
Article by Los Angeles Times identify religion, culture, and radical thoughts as key factors that
influence homegrown terrorism. The article describes him as acting like one of us but knew how to
manipulate the internet and social media, using it to disseminate his videotaped teachings to a wider
audience. Religion, culture, and radical thought not only were one of his influences on initiating the
attacks but another terrorist too. In an
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Employee Remuneration
Chapter I
1. MEANING OF WAGE/ COMPENSATION PAYMENT: Wage is a monetary payment made by the
employer to his employee for the work done or services rendered. It is a monetary compensation for
the services rendered [1]. A worker may be paid Rs. 100 per day or Rs. 4500 per month. This is wage
payment. The worker gives his services and takes payment called wage payment. Industrial workers
are paid remuneration for their services in terms of money called wage payment. Wages are usually
paid in cash at the end of one day, one month or one week. Money wage is the monetary compensation
or price paid by the employer to his employee for the services rendered. Such compensation is also
called wage or salary or reward ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is due to poverty, rising prices, mass unemployment and rising population. Wage payment indeed
a vexatious problem and needs to be tackled from economic, social and humanistic angles.
Fair wages is the wage which is above the minimum wage but below the living wage. Obviously the
lower limit of the fair wage is the minimum wage and the upper limit is set by the ability of the
industry to pay. Between these two limits, fair wages should depend on the factors like 1. Prevailing
rates of wages in the same occupation 2. Prevailing rates of wages in the same region or neighbouring
areas 3. Employers ability to pay 4. Level of national income and its distribution 5. Productivity of
labour 6. Status enjoyed by the industry in the economy
Hence it can be said that fair wages are determined on industry cum region basis. When fair wages are
paid employees enjoy higher standard of living. It is accepted fact that wages must be fair and
reasonable. Wages is fair when the employee is able to meet its essential needs and enjoy reasonable
standard of living. Equal pay for equal work serves as base of fair wage [4].
to pay:
Wage increases should be given by those organizations which can afford them. Companies that have
good sales and therefore high profits tend to pay higher wages than those which are
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Elizabeth Wurtzel s Prozac Nation
Pick a man, any man. Every guy I fall for becomes Jesus Christ within the first twenty four hours of
our relationship. (175) Sometimes when people go through a hardship, such as depression or another
serious mental illness, they tend to see people as salvation from their pain. In Elizabeth Wurtzel s
autobiography, Prozac Nation, she tends to do this in many of her relationships, to escape her
depression. But through many taxing years of failed attempts, she is the one saves herself. Wurtzel is
one of the many who view love as a sort of detox, a way to replenish your soul and save you. But,
Elizabeth Wurtzel in her novel Prozac Nation, argues through her own trial and error, that love can not
save you.
Wurtzel s first real attempt at salvation is Zachary. She described their relationship as With Zachary
around, I suddenly felt so shielded, so cosseted and coddled and wrapped up in so many layers of
protective coating that everything going down with my parents stopped bothering me. (98) All through
her relationship she attempts to prolong it,and the inevitable. To plan the next ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Her love for Jack is mere desperation. Pick a man, any man. Every guy I fall for becomes Jesus Christ
within the first twenty four hours of our relationship. I know that this happens, I see it happening, I
even feel myself, sometimes, standing at some temporal crossroads, some distinct moment at which I
can walk away and keep it from happening, but I never do. I grab at everything, I end up with nothing,
and then I feel bereft. I mourn for the loss of something I never even had. (175) She desperately clings
to her idea of salvation in Jack, that her desperation is her unwillingness to admit that he can t save
her; which he obviously does not do. And she is aware that a relationship can t save her, but she
desperately clings to the ideas that she can be saved. That someone could eventually be her
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The Pros And Cons Of Counterfeiting
If you have ever traveled to another country, you have probably seen vendors on the sidewalks or
streets, selling designer brand goods at a really cheap price. You may have even purchased something
from them. The fashion industry is a 1.2 trillion dollar global industry and employs 1.9 million people
in the United States alone (Maloney, 2015). There is one market that is proving to be detrimental to
this powerhouse industry. The black market of fashion, which produces counterfeit goods that are
being sold at a fraction of the price of the originals.
Whatever the reason a consumer has for purchasing a counterfeit product, that sale will still influence
the global economy. Counterfeiting leads to huge losses for not only the industry, but also a loss of tax
revenue for governments. It is estimated that counterfeiting consists of 5% to 7% of world trade and
produces profits of over 650 billion dollars annually ( Challenges of Selling , 2008). Not only does
counterfeiting steal profits from legitimate retailers, but it also causes loss of jobs, other, more violent
crimes, supports child labor, and puts consumers health at risk (Bell, 2016). Since most illegal
counterfeiting operations are run by organized crime rings, no taxes are paid, and the profits from
selling these goods are often used to support other crimes such as drug and human trafficking, money
laundering and even terrorism. Counterfeit sales in the United States have been directly related to the
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White House Security Breach
The White House Security breach case could use the Excellence theory model 2 and model 4, the
public information model and the two way symmetric model in order to communicate their response
to the general public. I chose this theory for the reasons as explained below:
1. According to Fearn Banks (2011), A public makes an issue when it perceives that a problem is
brewing or already exists (p. 23). The White House Security breach implies failure on the part of the
Department of Homeland Security and public may perceive this as alarming if not communicated
effectively. Therefore, to prevent the possible damage to trust in the public for the Department of
Homeland Security it is essential to use the crisis theory of two way symmetrical program. In addition,
the excellence theory would provide the White House management tactics and strategies to assess the
intensity of the incident.
2. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The public relations at the White House are key segment for developing a dialogue not only between
the public and government, but also internally. The segmentation program of the excellence theory
would help crisis communicators to break down the large publics to smaller subpublics, which may
include press, media, active publics, social media, the White House employees etc. The crisis
communication team would then release accurate information about the breach to these segments in
the form of press release, articles or newspapers (Fearn Banks, 2011).
3. In addition, the White House is the official and residential place of the President of the US and has
public access. Public relations as per the excellence theory identify the key stakeholders and their
ranks of importance. Therefore, the security breach crisis would be communicated to the people in
order of importance (Fearn Banks,
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Lean And Six Sigma
Efficiency and effectiveness are two key terms in business, no matter the industry a company activates
in, as measuring firm strategy and performance has become more and more critical nowadays. All
organizations seek to achieve both and this requires a whole range of tools and resources. Efficiency
relates to the degree to which an organization uses resources optimally in order to provide its services
(Ala, Carol, Joy, Aziz, 1993, p. 39), while effectiveness measures the extent to which it provides
appropriate services (Ibidem). Furthermore, being efficient means doing things right . Being effective
means to do the right things (Roberto, Carlo, Roland, 113, p. 429). It is therefore quite likely that a
company cannot do both simultaneously, and here the concepts of lean thinking , Six Sigma
management and even Lean Six Sigma arise. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lean and Six Sigma will be analyzed taking into consideration the principles and implications
underlying them, they benefits that these methodologies bring to businesses, as well as the most
popular tools used by the companies. Further on, in the case study I will concentrate on the Hospitality
Industry. I will take each large field it includes and investigate how Lean Six Sigma is or could be
applied in order to generate as much benefits as possible: to improve customers experiences, get rid of
the large amounts of waste and defects identified once they started the projects and of which managers
are usually not really aware of, and, of course, reduce costs and increase
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  • 10. The Locked Door Gladwell Summary In the second chapter The Locked Door: The Secret Life of Snap Decisions . Gladwell delivered a story about a retired tennis player. The player realized that every time he watch a tennis game, he can predict when the server about to double fault. Gladwell explains that the tennis story proves how important snap judgment is; he believes those snap judgments are extremely quick so that it can use the smallest slice of experience. But at the same time they are unconscious. Because snap judgments are unconscious, people often cannot rationalize them and thus do not trust them. It s one thing to acknowledge the enormous power of snap judgments and thin slices but quite another to place our trust in something so seemingly mysterious . Gladwell states that the Getty ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another section in this chapter describes how we rarely understand why our unconscious works the way it does. Gladwell illustrates with an example of Ted William, the greatest hitter of all time, when he asked about the secret of his success he answered that he could track the ball right onto the bat. Later on, when he confronted with the fact that human beings cannot track the ball onto the bat. He said, Well, I guess it just seemed like I could do that . The author continues with the conclusion that we have the tendency to explain almost everything, even when we do not have real explanation. According to Gladwell, this is known as storytelling problem , and therefore we are better off by saying I do not know more often. In the third chapter The Warren Harding Error: Why We Fall For Tall, Dark, and Handsome Men . Gladwell uses Warren Harding, America s 29th President, as an example of the disadvantages of thin slicing. He continues to describe how handsome and elegant Harding was, and how he was elected president based on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Importance Of The Welsh Language I was surprised to see that such a low percentage of people speak the language of their birth. When I first met 2 I was unaware whether or not he spoke the Welsh Language. So I greeted him with Bore Da to help promote the language within the supported accommodation. I also feel that by doing this I am offering the choice to engage in the Welsh language in the first initial contact. On a personal level it means a lot to me that people will use the Welsh language regardless of their abilities of being able to speak Welsh fluently. Davies, E. (2009, pg10) informs us In bilingual language mode, once a base language has been established, bilinguals can bring in the other language in different ways, what Grosjean calls the guest or embedded language. Davies, E. goes on to state that this is done via changing a word or a sentence to a different language other than the primary language being used. Reflecting on this helps me understand how I have the advantage of being able to practice in Welsh when needed. I therefore want to use this skill and share it with others. Hearing people use such phrases in the Welsh language makes me reflect on my identity as a Welsh born male who was educated through the medium of Welsh. Under Part 2 of the Well being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (2017, pg4) we are shown the well being goals which include a goal of Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language and is described as a society that aims to protect language ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The United Nations Stabilization Mission Essay The term United Nations was, according to the UN s official website, coined by United States president Franklin Roosevelt in the context of the fact that the nations were united against the Axis forces in World War Two. In 1945, the United Nations officially started with fifty one states as its members. Since then, the United Nations has grown greatly to nearly 200 state members. The United Nations has several specific purposes that it tries to fulfill. First, its primary goal is to maintain international peace and security. According to the UN s website, there are five main ways that it fulfills this purpose. First by preventing conflict before it even starts specifically with diplomatic discussions and actions in a peaceful manner. Second, the UN maintains international security with peace keeping organizations. For example, the UN currently is working as the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti to not only help with the rebuilding after the devastating earthquakes but also simply maintain peace in the country. In addition to working in preventative and peacekeeping ways, the United Nations also works towards peace with Peace Building activities, such as its work in Burundi until 2012. The United nations fourth way it maintains peace is by combating terrorism which is arguably the opposite of peace. In the United Nations plan of action for combating terrorism, it states that its members will consistently, unequivocally and strongly condemn terrorism in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. National Standards And Public Education Education has longed to be a part of this countries foundation and unfortunately for a long time there has been differing opinions about the standards and curriculum of public education. And for as long as American have fought the culture wars, they have debated the role of education, the institution most essential to ensuring the reproduction of national identity. (Hartman, 2013) This essay will evaluate the sides for and against the creation of national standards in public education. The high stakes world of public education has created great concern along with trepidation about the future of the educational standards, as a result the current academically fluent students the current standards produces. When looking at the scriptures ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a country we want to produce the best future leaders, citizens, and professionals in the work place. As such, when the investment in our student s educational future is so high for so many reasons and effects so many different people, therefore it produces many different ideas about the way it should be done. The adage of too many chiefs and not enough Indians unfortunately has long been the case of public education. As a reference in the title of Andrew Hartman article sums it up best education is a Trojan Horse for hidden agendas. As Hartman s articles present the beginning battle over education was at first religious in nature and at times still is. The battle over education continues as James Davison Hunter sociologist points out education is, powerful symbols about the meaning of American life the characters of its past, the challenges of the present and its future agenda . (Hartman, 2013) With so much at stake one could wonder why we have not unified the educational system of this country with the creation of national standards. Public Education, as the term would apply, is a public entity, as such the members of the public community have an opinion of what, and how the system should work. Unfortunately, that voice is often muddled by the politics that in lies with the system. Each public or state ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Mobile Usage And Social Media In modern society, the relationship between globalization and social media and smartphones is involved with the daily life of people around the world. The use of mobile systems dramatically increased in the 20th century. (Mjos, 2012) This essay will explain the differences and similarities of mobile usages and use of social media between British society and that in my home, Thailand. There are various causes to employ electronic devices and social media, some of which were the same and some different. In order to compare these points, we shall outline the meaning of mobile and social media at the beginning, and then describe the use of mobile in the UK and Thailand, before illustrating which ways we use social media. The last is an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Ofcom, 2014) Nevertheless, every user use the mobile for different reasons. There are four main focus of mobile and smartphone usage. First, send and receive E mails, 79 percent of mobile users are using their devices sending and receiving E mails not less than one time a week in recent. The majority users are 35 44 years old, 84 percent, and the lowest percentage, 67 percent, is 65+ years old. Next, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, or Pinterest was applied by seven in ten of mobile users and visiting those websites everyday at least once. Besides, the percentage of gaming users in 2007 and 2014 is increasing between 31 and 44 percent, respectively, and 25 44 years old persons are the majority of those. The last is media activities, the minority watch free TV programmes such as Sky by using mobile devices accounted for 13 percent. (Ofcom, 2015) On the other hand, 60 percent of the total Thais population, approximately 66.1 million people, use smart phones. (Singapore Management University, 2012) The mobile penetration rate is around 49 percent and Thailand is the top three users in Southeast Asia, 32 million owners. (Custer, 2013) Mid 2009, the Thai mobile market has increased continuously, there were 64 million mobile devices, and however, the end of 2010, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Alcohol Abuse In Peru Essay Alcoholism is an addiction to the consumption of alcohol liquor and have compulsive behavior of the alcohol abuse. In the United States, alcohol has been used to an advantage. Japan has a major drinking issue and the number of citizens is increasing every year. Peru s upper and middle have been the major consumers of alcohol abuse. In the United States, alcohol abuse and addiction are increasing frequently because of people taking advantage of being able to drink or just because you are 21 or older. It is the most common addiction in the united states. The excessive use of alcohol leads to liver disease and sometimes kills people. According to Douglas Main, the study also found that 36 percent of men and 43 percent of Native Americans had struggled with drinking problems in their lives . (Main, D 1) Drinking is just as bad as a drug, you are just ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Peru is in danger because their alcohol drinking problem is horrible. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse, The prevalence estimate was higher among males (52.9 percent compared to females (37.2 percent) . (N, D 1) Men tend to drink more because they take all their anger out by constantly drinking. People don t tend to notice that they are abusing their bodies with alcohol because they see that as relieving the stress. Peru s main religion is Catholicism and they do believe that people have freedom of religion. They tend to use catholic ideas and making them important to their everyday lives. Peru doesn t have any awareness programs for alcohol abuse and they should try and discover some. If they don t find help for these people now their death rate will be out of this world. No one seems to understand how important this situation is. Even though, alcohol has a bad part of Peru they have contributed something that other countries haven t. That would be that their educational system is better than the US. Peru is also a developing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Deathstroke Vs Deadpool Comparison If you were given a piece of every superhero s powers known to man, which powers would make you the most superior? Deadpool (of the Marvel Universe) can be classified as the most powerful of all mutants, whereas, Deathstroke (of the DC universe) makes it to the top 5 list of strongest metahumans in his own reality. Both characters were products of a scientific lab gone wrong. If both of their universes were to merge, who would triumph in a battle between these two iconic characters? Deadpool and Deathstroke are similar in terms of being anti heroes, however, Deadpool is superior to Deathstroke because he has more athletic capabilities, has a variety of combat methods, and his chances of survival are higher. Deadpool has greater athletic skills ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The same health regeneration ability of Wolverine was given to Deadpool. However, unlike Wolverine, Deadpool s health regeneration is quick enough that he is quite literally immortal. In the Marvel comic, Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #1 , Sue of the Fantastic Four uses her powers to blow up Deadpool s head. As she turns away, Deadpool was able to regrow his head and stab her from behind (Bunn). Also, in the Marvel comic, Deadpool: Suicide Kings , the Punisher is able to cut off both of Deadpool s arms and even decapitate him. Right as Daredevil and Spider man jump in to stop the Punisher, Deadpool was able to escape the scene regenerated of any injuries (Barbieri, Benson, Crystal). Deadpool was able to regenerate all limbs and organs in a matter of seconds to save his life. This nails the idea that Deadpool is in fact, immortal. Some of the most strategic heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe have not been successful in killing Deadpool. Deathstroke, on the other hand, can regenerate health, but it does not allow him to regrow limbs unlike the far superior capabilities of Deadpool. As seen on the television show Arrow, Deathstroke was shot in the eye with Green Arrow s Arrow. Later on in the seasons, Deathstroke never regrows that eye and uses an eye patch (CW). If any serious injuries are inflicted on Deathstroke s limbs or organs, it could mean the end of his life. One quick stab to the heart with Deadpool s sword would kill Deathstroke. This further concludes that in a deathmatch involving Deadpool vs. Deathstroke, the one to survive would be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Battle Of Bataan The Battle of Bataan was a significant turning point battle in the war for the Americans and the Japanese. The battle was fought from January 7, 1942 to April 9, 1942. The Allies, who were commanded by General Douglas MacArthur, fought the Axis powers who were commanded by Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma. The Allied powers started out strong with 79,500 armed men while the Axis powers started out with 75,000 men. After the invasion of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese continued to attack the US owned island of the Philippines. Macarthur started to prepare the US to defend the island of Luzon, near Bataan in the Philippines. Specifically, he wanted the US to defend Legaspi, which was located in southern Luzon. As the Japanese started to invade, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Effects Of Radiation On Tissue And Its Effects On The... Since x rays were discovered in 1895, there have been several improvements made to diagnostic x ray to make it safer for both the patient and the radiographer. Some of these improvements include, aluminum filters, protective housing, lead shields/ aprons, and quicker exposure film. These changes have undoubtedly improved the diagnostic radiation process, however both patient and radiographer will still receive some dose of radiation. The effects of radiation on tissue are divided into two types: deterministic and stochastic. A deterministic effect describes ionizing radiation induced damage that occurs once a certain threshold is exceeded and increases in severity the greater the dose.1. (pg2 3) Some of the more extreme deterministic effects that occur with exposure to high amounts of radiation in a short period of time are: Skin Erythema/Necrosis, cataracts, sterility, radiation sickness, and death. Stochastic effects are probabilistic and there is no threshold amount that must be reached. As the amount of exposure increases so does probability of effects. However the amount of exposure does not correspond to the severity of the effects. Some of the stochastic risk can include development of various types of cancer and hereditary defects. It is more difficult to track the long term stochastic effects that occur during chronic low doses exposure because there are other additional factors that must be taken into account. We are all exposed to background radiation. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Vera Clayhorne And Then There Were None Starting with ten and ending with one isn t much fun when one by one they all get killed; Will the trust they build be enough? Agatha Christie the author of And Then There Were None uses Vera Claythorne and Justice Wargrave, to tell the story of ten people being stuck on an island. One by one they all die by a mysterious killer, in the end there are none. We found out that Justice Wargrave was the killer, and that there was reasoning behind every kill. The theme secrets can never be completely hidden uses 3 context clues memory moment, aha moment and the climax to show the theme the best. Throughout the whole book flashbacks are one of the strongest text structures Agatha Christie uses for the characters to learn that secrets can never be completely hidden. The characters thought a lot about their past as they were on the island. Christie describes how Vera keeps looking back on her past every time she sees water or something that reminds her of her mistake (66). Vera soon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Blore just died and there are two remaining Vera starts to put the facts together she know she isn t the killer and knows Philip is the only one alive to be the killer. Vera thinks that she has figured out Lombards big secret. As she pulls the trigger in fear she feels relieved she thinks it s all over (265). She found out who the killer was it s all happening as everything is being unraveled but really she is wrong. Using the climax of the story Christie shows that secrets can never be completely hidden with the fear at the end. She starts going nuts and remembers the last line of the poem What was the last line something about being married or something else (268). She is figuring out that he last line is gonna be here is the end of the book and she is the only one left she is so tired that she think the line is different from what it is, but she is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Comparing Shaun Tan s The Lost Thing And The Red Brown Shaun Tan The leading picture book author in Australia is the one and only Shaun Tan. Out of all the authors out there it is quite obvious why you would choose Shaun Tan over Anthony Browne. Tan s books always seem to be that little bit more engaging and for that reason, I believe that he s a much better author than Browne. Tan s excellent use of motifs, symbolism and detail in his illustrations throughout all of his books don t even compare to that of Browne s books. Tan s books are the type of books that hold a much deeper meaning than many other picture books and would appeal to a much older audience than those of Browne s. Shaun Tan s books The Lost Thing and The Red Tree are just two examples of Tans greatest books. Tan has also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The topics in Tan s two book The Lost Thing and The Red Tree are about having a sense of belonging and teenage depression. Tan puts his message across in his book The Red Tree by isolating the girl from the rest of the people and objects in many illustrations and in others it can be interpreted that the girl has excluded herself from the rest of the world. Especially on the page with the bottle, on this page, the girl is stuck in a bottle with an old school diving helmet on symbolising that the girl is taking too much pressure. Also the neck of the bottle is too thin to escape from as well as bottle filling with water. In the distance, there is also a beach with a nice blue sky and clear water. On another page, the girl is standing on a ladder with lots of planes and totem faces symbolising there is too much going on in her life. The way Tan illustrated this image to look like a collage is very effective because it makes the image look as if there is a lot more happening than what Tan actually illustrated. Tan s book The Lost Thing still emphasizes another important situation in our lives. This time Tan focuses on a belonging kind of situation or more so the people around us are to busy to notice changes and problems in our society. In this case the lost thing is the change. Tan explains this well on the page when the boy takes the lost thing to Pete s house. The boy said that Pete always has an opinion on everything. Pete did tests on the lost thing but couldn t determine what it was or where it came from. Tan puts his point across again on the beach page earlier on the book. The boy finds the lost thing in the sand, but seems to be the only person that notices its presence. He decides to take it home and it s seems that not even his parents take much notice of the lost thing. These two topics that Tan has addressed are only two of many major topics in our lives that need to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Most Powerful Computers Of The Technology World Supercomputers The most powerful computers in the technology world are the Supercomputers. Hence, as the word super elaborate that supercomputers are usually used for the projects that needs to process large amount of data, at very high speed. Supercomputers not only has the high processing power; they are also huge in size. You need a big room to fit in a supercomputer, and a strong cooling system to avoid getting a supercomputer to get overheated. They usually have more than one CPU s to generate high level data processing speed, and they need to have a large storage as well. The unit system that are used to measure the computing performance of the supercomputer are FLOPS (Floating point Operation Per Second). The first ever supercomputer was made during the time of Second World War named Colossus . It was made by The Great Britain, specially to crack the coded messages of Germans. Colossus could read up to 5000 characters in a second. Colossus was the start of a revolution in supercomputing. Since 1944, more enhanced and powerful supercomputers were introduced for example MIT Whirlwind by MIT in 1950. Cray 1 designed by Seymour Cray in 1975. Seymour Cray was called the Father of Supercomputer . He founded Cray Research in 1972, which designs supercomputers. The computing power of Cray 1 was 80 megaflops (vector) and 72 megaflops (scaler). After Cray 1, Cray X MP, and Cray 2 also came out with 4 CPU s and twice the Floating point Operation Per Seconds. One of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Human Rights Violation Description Of Human Rights In... 2 Human rights violation description The cultivation of cotton has resulted in various human right abuses in different Central Asian countries. In this part, I will focus on three human rights violations, including the right to health and water which are tied to environment and freedom from forced labor which are related to cotton cultivation in Uzbekistan. Firstly, use and pollution of water supply in the Aral basin resulted in the death of the Aral lake and wellbeing and health related consequences for people and secondly the forced labour in harvesting season. 2 1 Abuse of the Right to health and clean water: a. The Normative frame work of the right to health and water Article 12 of the International Covenant on the Economic, Social and Cultural rights indicates that state not only should recognize rights of everyone to enjoy highest attainable standards of health but also should take measurements to reduce children mortality, increase environmental hygiene, preventing, treatment and controlling endemic, epidemic and occupational disease (The United Nations General Assembly, 1966). However, as noted researches about the situation show the population of Uzbekistan, suffer from the poor health conditions. The right to health is strongly tied to the right to the environment as the Committee on ESCR (2000:5) interprets in its General Comment No.14. In paragraphs 15 and 16 it emphasizes the importance of the healthy environment and reduction of exposure to harmful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Factors For Considering Air Freight Vs. Ocean Freight Essay ARTICLE REVIEW By : Martha Yuhla SHEY SOURCE http://www.universalcargo.com/ : 4 FACTORS FOR CONSIDERING AIR FREIGHT VS. OCEAN FREIGHT. By Raymond Rau : Posted August 16, 2011 In Air Freight, International Shipping, ocean freight, shipping. http://www.universalcargo.com/4 factors for considering air freight vs ocean freight/ INTRODUCTION This is a review of an article on 4 FACTORS FOR CONSIDERING AIR FREIGHT VS. OCEAN FREIGHT . In the first place a summary of the article will be given, then we will further examine the article literature review, we ll examine how the article is structured, check the credibility of the authors/writters of the article, examine the degree of accuracy of the article, its relevance, see how current or not the article is, how objective the writter is and equally examine the stability of the article. A look at data presentation in form of tables or graphs will be taken and finally the conclusion from the article will be drawn. So far the article is well written and relevant in the field of shipping when it comes to deciding the mode of transportation to use when shipping goods internationally, from place of origin to place of destination. ARTICLE SUMMARY This is an article that explains the factors to be considered when deciding the mode of transportation to use in international shipping. The article examines 4 factors that should be taken into consideration when faced with the dilema of choosing between « shipping » by air or « shipping » by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Tesco Mobile Online Customer Management System Essay Woolworths Mobile Online customer management system and Online Mobile Phone booking systemProject Name: System for Mobile Phone PlanName: Yashvantkumar PatelStudent number: N9790608Email: yashvant25@rocketmail.com 1. Business DriversWoolworth s supermarkets was established in Australia in 5th December in the year of 1924.Their corebusiness is provide all grocery and daily needed things under one roof like vegetables ,fruits etc. In the last few years business has expanded to the United States of America, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and European countries. But, nowadays they came up with new product called Woolworths Mobile which is deal with Mobile Phone Plans like Vodafone, Optus and Telstra. However they are using Telstra s network (carrier) because they don t have their own networks .Already they started this business before few months ago with premium selected store in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.So why are we here? What is the purpose of this project?Increasingly in each city Woolworths Mobile is finding that the staff organizing the training courses (known as Training Coordinators) are becoming overwhelmed with the volume of administrative work involved in responding to enquiries for Mobile Phone and its Plan because the staff of general store doesn t have knowledge about mobile technology, advertising the Mobile phone plans, process of signup the Mobile phone contract, and invoicing sales representative. These are all currently manual processes completed using ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Gross Negligence Manslaughter And Homicide Manslaughter Gross Negligence Manslaughter is a form of involuntary manslaughter in which in which the persons charged has caused a death without the mens rea of murder. Involuntary manslaughter being unintentional killings due to recklessness, criminal negligence or an unlawful act that is a misdemeanour or low level felony. Gross negligence manslaughter is categorised as not committing an unlawful act but a defendant committing a lawful act in a manor that is considered criminal. Gross negligence manslaughter can also be committed through not doing something as to result in death. Gross negligence manslaughter was initially set out in R v. Bateman (1925) in which a doctor was convicted of manslaughter due to his treatment of a woman during childbirth. The term gross negligence manslaughter was then more so interpreted that in order to ascertain criminal liability, the jury must agree that the level of negligence of the accused is beyond compensation alone and that it is criminal to act so thoughtlessly towards the life and well being of others. This interpretation was deemed inadequate and later updated to a then considered better interpretation and a large area of gross negligence manslaughter was replaced with reckless manslaughter. This interpretation was again contested due to the R v. Seymour (1983) case when the defendant intended to push their girlfriends car with a lorry, which subsequently resulted in accidental death of the girlfriend. The judge directed that the jury ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Characterism And Criticism In John Updike s A + P Every character in works of literature is subjected to criticism and critique by its readers. In the short story, A+P , the protagonist, Sammy has been subjected to criticism for his actions of quitting his job, a reaction of seeing young ladies be disrespected in his workplace for wearing bathing suits. Many readers depict Sammy as immature and ignorant for quitting his job. However, the author, John Updike contradicts this assumption, portraying Sammy as a nineteen year old, who demonstrates strong morals, ambition, defiance, and a promising future, characterizing him not as an insolent teen but a developing young man. Sammy displays his maturity through his strong morals by refusing to work in a profession where customers are degraded. Sammy, a cashier at A+P, is like a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sammy contains morals, yearnings for success, and defiance at only nineteen. Sammy achieves these standards that many individuals can not attain at nineteen, demonstrating his bright potential as an employee and a person. After Sammy resigns from his cashier job he steps out into the A+P parking lot. He remarks, The door heaves itself open, and outside the sunshine is skating around the asphalt (Updike). The sunshine and good weather when Sammy exits A+P is symbolic of his bright future, one filled with potential and success. His potential, which is granted to him by his previous actions, indicates that Sammy is capable of anything. Sammy was the only person who spoke in defense of the young girls who were ridiculed by Lengel, showing his kindness and compassion, which are admirable qualities of any employee. If Sammy did not have the courage to quit his job, he would spend the rest of his life as a cashier, catering to others needs rather than his own. This proves that standing up for one s beliefs will prompt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Role of Financial Statements in Decision Making TOPIC: ASESSMENT OF CREDIT RISK IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT THE ABSTRACT This proposal study explores financial credit risk assessment. This is an important issue because there is currently no standardized method used by financial institutions for the assessment of credit risk. There are needs for a critical evaluation of the most popular credit risk assessment methods such as the judgmental method, credit scoring and portfolio models along with limitations used. Survey interview process is needed for confirming that credit risk assessment methods should be combined for effective credit risk assessment. Accordingly, the study proposes a framework for improving credit risk assessment, which combines the strengths of these methods and copes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since information derived from self assessment can be useful in a wide range of activities from strengthening risk management systems to formulating business strategy large differentials in business management are likely to arise among financial institutions depending on the utilization of this valuable information. As the Bank of Japan has introduced the Tracing Method of asset assessment and loan losses in order to support financial institutions to maximize the use of their own assessments as a management tool. The Tracing Method is used to observe changes in the condition of individual assets in a time series and is one way to utilize financial institutions self assessment of assets. The Bank conducted a follow up analysis in the recent on site examination to analyze how many of the loans classified in the previous examination (1993 94) were later written off and others in relation to financial losses from support by renunciation of claims, and losses from sales of nonperforming loans to the Cooperative Credit Purchasing Company. The empirical study using the Tracing Method suggests the following points of importance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Essay about Roper V Simmons Roper v. Simmons | March 4 2013 | Criminal Justice 245 | Mr. Cashdollar | Roper v. Simmons I. Introduction This paper will address the Roper v. Simmons 543 U.S551 (2005); it will specifically address the arrest, trial and the legal issues that arose. It will explain and identify the holdings of the lower courts and it will explain and identify the decision of the U.S Supreme Court. II. The Facts Christopher Simmons, who was seventeen years old, and two of his friends by the name of Charles Benjamin(fifteen years old) and John Tessmer (sixteen years old) had a detailed conversation about committing a murder. Christopher Simmons had a premeditated plan to which included, burglary (breaking and entering), robber and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Simmons and Benjamin watched her drown. After this incident, Simmons was said to be boasting about the murder to his friends. He told his friends that he killed Crooks because she saw his face. Simmons then later admitted that the accident was his motive for killing Crook s. Steven Crook s, the husband of the victim returned home that same day in the afternoon. Mr. Crook contacted the police after not being able to find his wife and noticing that his home had been ransacked. A fisherman discovered Mrs. Crook s body in the river that same afternoon. III. THE ARREST: Christopher Simmons who was attending high school and eighteen years old at the time was arrested. He was transported to the Fenton police station in Missouri. Simmons was read his Miranda Rights by an officer and he waived his right to have an attorney present during questioning. Simmons agreed to speak with investigators. After being interrogated for nearly two hours Simmons confessed to the murder of Mrs. Crook and agreed to allow the police to videotape him reenacting the murder at the initial crime scene. IV. The SUPERIOR COURT TRIAL: The Missouri State Superior Court sought after the death penalty even though Simmons was only Seventeen years old at the time. Simmons was seventeen at the time of the crime and that placed him out in the criminal Jurisdiction of Missouri s Juvenile Court system ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. La Bella Mariella Pizzeria in Queens, New York La Bella Mariella is a pizzeria located in Queens, New York. It is owned by Italian Immigrant Victor Cuomo. Victor moved to America from Sicily in 2007. Upon coming to America the first thing he did was open a pizzeria. He used money he had from working in Italy. He opened the pizzeria in the summer of 2008. Victor came from a small town in Sicily called Santa Margherita, about a half an hour away from Palermo. It Italy he worked as a bus driver, taking people from the nearby towns to the city. He said he made the trip about five times a day making little money. He knew he wanted to come to America since he was little and began saving his money. He would do extra jobs on the side to make as much money as possible. He was told as a young man, by the men who had been to America, which he needs to go with enough money to start a business to be able to make in America. So he saved enough money to take his family and himself to America and to open a pizzeria. When Victor and his family first arrived in America he was living in Middle Village New York with family an uncle who had been living in America already. The first thing he wanted to do was make sure that he and his family all became citizens of the United Sates. He went to the Italian embassy, and he said it took him almost a year to become a citizen. While he was waiting for his citizen ship to go through he was working at a pizzeria and a deli just to make more money. He was in America for a few months and finally ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Marking Report Singapore As Singapore is a founding member of ASEAN, they joined ASEAN in August 8, 1964. Singapore was located the islands between Malaysia and Indonesia in South East Asia. Furthermore, Singapore has no land boundaries with other countries. The capital city of Singapore was also Singapore as one state, one city. Nowadays, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong governs Singapore as Head of Government. However, Singapore used the Singalish as main language and they also use English, Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. Moreover, they used their currency as Singapore Dollar (S$). The figure of Singapore s Land and Map Source: http://www.wordtravels.com/Travelguide/Countries/Singapore/Map Land Area The total area of Singapore is 647.5 sq. km. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The capital city of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur. Its official language is Bahasa Melayu and also uses English, Chinese dialects (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, Foochow), Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai. Moreover, ringgit (MYR) is known as Malaysia s currency. The figure of Malaysia s Land and Map Land Area The total land area of Malaysia is 328,550 sq. km with Tropical Rain Forest 14%, Savanna 11%, Temperate Forest 8%, Temperate Grassland 14%, Boreal Forest 18%, Tundra 12%, Scrub 3% and Desert 20%. Political System The government type is Malaysia is constitutional monarchy with the political which is based on English common law; judicial review of legislative acts in the Supreme Court at request of supreme head of the federation. Population The total population in Malaysia is 30.4 million people in 2014. Comparing with 8.2 million in 1960, the population changed 271% during the last 50 years. Source: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/malaysia/population Trade information The total amount of Malaysia s trade goods in exports was 60454 MYR Million monthly and imports as 54941 MYR Million monthly. Its current GDP is 9968 MYR Million. Tourism Information The tourism information of Malaysia was recorded as 27.44 million tourist arrival in 2014. The growth rate of tourism was increased every year in Malaysia. The figure of Malaysia s tourist arrival ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Compare and Contrast Helen- HD POE Essay Comparison and Contrast Essay In the poems, To Helen and Helen , both Edgar Allan Poe and H.D. emphasize the beauty of the infamous Helen of Troy; however, the speakers attitudes differ as one praises and worships Helen while the other condemns her for her treachery and remains unmoved by her beauty. Although both poems discuss Helen of Troy, both speakers withhold different perspectives within the first stanza. In To Helen the speaker sets Helen on a pedestal as he uses the apostrophe Helen, thy beauty is to me (Poe, line 1). He emphasizes that he speaks to her as the title To Helen sets the praiseful tone within the poem. However, the unimpressed speaker of Helen displays the loss of connection to this famous woman as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... line 10) in which they long to forget. However, the enchanted speaker believes that Helen portrays the opposite as she is the glory that was Greece (Poe, line 9) and the grandeur that was Rome (Poe, line 10). The varying structures in the third stanzas emphasize the differentiating views of Helen. The style and structure of To Helen contribute to the persona s romantic notion of Helen of Troy. The stanza is set up like the rest with five lines that illustrate her beauty. She is an agate lamp (Poe, line 13) which shines light on Greece and she is Psyche, from the regions , which Are Holy Land! (Poe, lines 9 and 10). However the unmoved speaker uses just a simple sentence as the last stanza and lacks the exclamation points and a rhyme scheme which portrays the cold disapproval she were laid, white ash amid funereal cypresses. of Helen. The speaker believes that her cold feet and slenderest knees could not move Greece as opposed to the other speaker. He harshly believes that the only way that she can be praised for her beauty is if she was laid, white ash amid funereal cypresses. (H.D., line 17) In both the poems To Helen and Helen the views of Helen the face that launched a thousand ships , differs as her beauty praised as a heroine juxtaposes the belief that she remains a traitor. she were laid, white ash amid funereal cypresses. she were laid, white ash amid funereal cypresses. she were laid, white ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. International Navistar 6.0l Powerstroke Case Study International Navistar 6.0l Powerstroke In 2002 a joint project between International Navistar and the Ford Motor Company was born. The goal of this project was to create an engine that was fuel efficient, emission compliant and would be able to outperform all of the competition (Banks Power). With over 2 million ford super duty s equipped with the 7.3l Powerstroke engine on the road, the new engine would have big shoes to fill. The engine that was to replace the outdated, underpowered and overall inadequate 7.3l Powerstroke was the International Navistar 6.0l turbo diesel. The goal of the new engine was to provide customers with an engine that had a higher torque output, more horsepower and could comply with the new federal emission ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With a mere 275 horsepower it was outperformed by all competition. Along with the dreadful horsepower, Ford owners complained that the trucks they purchased yielded inadequate miles per gallon (Powerstrokehub). To compensate for both these issues, for introduces a much higher pressure fuel delivery system that would allow for the cleaner burning of fuel and overall less fuel needed to run the engine. Ford and International Navistar also introduced a newly designed smart turbocharger. This allowed the turbo housing to expand and contract depending on the throttle position (Truck Trend). This allowed for a quicker spool time of the turbocharger with allowed a quicker horsepower gain and output resulting in better fuel economy. Tighter machining tolerances were also implied for almost all of the engine components that went into the 6.0l Powerstroke allowing grater compression of the engine and mitigating areas where oil, air or fuel could leak out under high pressures. With all of these changes implemented that new 6.0l Powerstroke engine boasted a whopping 325 horsepower and 516 foot pounds of torque (Banks Power). This gave customers a truck that could outperform all of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Bionic Hand McMaster University DigitalCommons@McMaster EE 4BI6 Electrical Engineering Biomedical Capstones 4 27 2009 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Design of a Bionic Hand Using Non Invasive Interface Evan McNabb McMaster University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.mcmaster.ca/ee4bi6 Part of the Biomedical Commons Recommended Citation McNabb, Evan, Design of a Bionic Hand Using Non Invasive Interface (2009). EE 4BI6 Electrical Engineering Biomedical Capstones. Paper 11. http://digitalcommons.mcmaster.ca/ee4bi6/11 This Capstone is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at DigitalCommons@McMaster. It has been accepted for inclusion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii iv v List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 General Approach to the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4 Scope of the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Literature Review 2.1 Electromyography Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Tissue Reactions to Implanted Prosthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 7 2.3 Cellular Responses in Signal Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.4 Increasing the Degrees of Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5 Neural Prosthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. World War II s Value World War II s Value Famous philosopher and writer George Santayana once said, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Mistakes are among the most important actions we perform. They are used to help better ourselves whether it be physically or mentally. World War II, a global war, was the cause of many harmful threats and actions that eventually led to the most deadliest time in history. We can use this event to show us the problems caused by war and ways we can prevent it. Educating ourselves about the events and the background behind the war can enable us to learn more about America s and the world s history with other nations.We can use this event to show us the problems caused by war and ways we can prevent it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... German police, or the Geheime Staatspolizei, during World War II did the exact opposite. On february 10th, 1936, the Gestapo Law was passed allowing German policeman to do anything they desired without having an consequences. They used cruel methods to extract information including shocks, beatings, and drowning. In this way, we have learnt discrimination leads to out of controlled violence. Modern police do not interrogate prisoners or suspects with torture if not necessary and do not discriminate against ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Internal Struggle In William Shakespeare s Hamlet In society many people suffer from making decisions. They feel immobilized and are unable to act upon opportunities. However, there are usually many factors that contribute to the inaction. In William Shakespeare s Hamlet, the protagonist Hamlet is incapable of action. His internal struggle is visible throughout the course of the play. Should I live or die? Should I take revenge for my father s death or not? Hamlet s inability to take action stems from his battles with depression, his doubt and is also a result of his spitefulness. Primary Hamlet s inability to take action stems from his struggles with depression this is a result of his father s death which has a significant impact on his mental state. For example during Hamlet s first soliloquy, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Authoritative Parenting And The Style Of The Parenting... The parenting style that my parents use is definitely authoritative. My parents have shown authority towards me and my siblings but have always been flexible with their rules. My parents have never stressed us out by being too strict with their rules. The first question I asked my parents was, how would you react if one of my siblings or I asked to come home later than you originally told us to come home? My parents responded that they would ask why we want to come home later and then tell them they can come home later at a certain time but no later than the extended time. This fits exactly with the authoritative parenting style because my parents would extend the time which is being flexible and then also they would enforce a new time for us to come home which shows authority. Next I asked my parents, what would you do if one of my siblings or I got in trouble at school? My parents said they would have a talk with whoever got in trouble and make sure they know not to ever do it again. Also, my parents said they would discipline whoever got in trouble by doing more chores or taking away their phone for a day. This fits with the authoritative parenting style as well because my parents are making us understand what we did wrong and learn from it. They would also give a consequence because of it but nothing that is too harsh because they trust us to learn from what we did. After that, I asked my parents, what would your reaction be if I did not do my chores at the house? ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Paul Starnes Scholarship I am seeking the Paul M. Starnes Scholarship award because this award will help me with the cost of my books in my Business Management this semester under the Degree Program with 15 credit hours for the fall semester and 60 percent of my program of study completed. This t Scholarship will release some of my financial cost and help me to focus more on course of study instead of if there enough funds to pay for all of my books. This scholarship represents to me an opportunity to fully focus my attention on the main objective of achieving the best I can in the Business Management program. I major is business and accounting so that I could gain the tools I need to manage and operate my own business commercial cleaning company in the future. The accounting degree so that I can utilizes the financial aspect of operating a company such as, payroll, financial statement budgets and spreadsheets; and the business management so that I will know how to manage others and the company. In my career endearment the skills I have learned from SkillsUSA Career Pathway Human Service competition and how to be a great leader using the principle of management along with my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I thank you for taking the time to evaluate this application and look forward to completing my Business Management Degree Program and moving forward toward a Bachelor Degree in Accounting with a focus in Business Management. I have met one of my achievements this year I completed and received my Associate in Applied Science Degree in Accounting I believe what I get by achieving my educational goals is not as important as what I become by achieving my goals, and now my short term goal is to complete my Business Management Degree and pursue my long term goal continuing my education by attaining the Bachelor and a CPA ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Causes Of Homegrown Terrorism Even though it is called homegrown terrorism, terrorism does not only start within a home. Although there have been events that lead to roots of what might have caused the terrorism there is always evidence that contradicts itself. Some of these roots are radicalization, religion, and multiculturalism. Every one of these roots has caused terrorism throughout decades which not only has the United Sates tried to stop, but which we have come to conclude that it is something that we cannot control which makes us believe there are other sources and roots of domestic terrorism. Terrorism is not only on certain days or years; terrorism is an everyday fear. American Jihad is an American story about a citizen who belonged to Al Qaeda name Anwar Awlaki who terrorized Boston and Florida. Born in New Mexico, he had a strong rapport with the American Muslim youths at his mosque, thanks to a fluid use of the English language (not a given with Islamic religious leaders, even in the U.S.) and his understanding of popular culture. (Lorraine, 2017) An Article by Los Angeles Times identify religion, culture, and radical thoughts as key factors that influence homegrown terrorism. The article describes him as acting like one of us but knew how to manipulate the internet and social media, using it to disseminate his videotaped teachings to a wider audience. Religion, culture, and radical thought not only were one of his influences on initiating the attacks but another terrorist too. In an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Employee Remuneration Chapter I INTRODUCTION 1. MEANING OF WAGE/ COMPENSATION PAYMENT: Wage is a monetary payment made by the employer to his employee for the work done or services rendered. It is a monetary compensation for the services rendered [1]. A worker may be paid Rs. 100 per day or Rs. 4500 per month. This is wage payment. The worker gives his services and takes payment called wage payment. Industrial workers are paid remuneration for their services in terms of money called wage payment. Wages are usually paid in cash at the end of one day, one month or one week. Money wage is the monetary compensation or price paid by the employer to his employee for the services rendered. Such compensation is also called wage or salary or reward ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is due to poverty, rising prices, mass unemployment and rising population. Wage payment indeed a vexatious problem and needs to be tackled from economic, social and humanistic angles. 1.2 CONCEPT OF FAIR WAGES: Fair wages is the wage which is above the minimum wage but below the living wage. Obviously the lower limit of the fair wage is the minimum wage and the upper limit is set by the ability of the industry to pay. Between these two limits, fair wages should depend on the factors like 1. Prevailing rates of wages in the same occupation 2. Prevailing rates of wages in the same region or neighbouring areas 3. Employers ability to pay 4. Level of national income and its distribution 5. Productivity of labour 6. Status enjoyed by the industry in the economy Hence it can be said that fair wages are determined on industry cum region basis. When fair wages are paid employees enjoy higher standard of living. It is accepted fact that wages must be fair and reasonable. Wages is fair when the employee is able to meet its essential needs and enjoy reasonable standard of living. Equal pay for equal work serves as base of fair wage [4]. 1.3 FACTORS INFLUENCING WAGE AND SALARY STRUCTURE [5] The organization s ability to pay: Wage increases should be given by those organizations which can afford them. Companies that have good sales and therefore high profits tend to pay higher wages than those which are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Elizabeth Wurtzel s Prozac Nation Pick a man, any man. Every guy I fall for becomes Jesus Christ within the first twenty four hours of our relationship. (175) Sometimes when people go through a hardship, such as depression or another serious mental illness, they tend to see people as salvation from their pain. In Elizabeth Wurtzel s autobiography, Prozac Nation, she tends to do this in many of her relationships, to escape her depression. But through many taxing years of failed attempts, she is the one saves herself. Wurtzel is one of the many who view love as a sort of detox, a way to replenish your soul and save you. But, Elizabeth Wurtzel in her novel Prozac Nation, argues through her own trial and error, that love can not save you. Wurtzel s first real attempt at salvation is Zachary. She described their relationship as With Zachary around, I suddenly felt so shielded, so cosseted and coddled and wrapped up in so many layers of protective coating that everything going down with my parents stopped bothering me. (98) All through her relationship she attempts to prolong it,and the inevitable. To plan the next ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her love for Jack is mere desperation. Pick a man, any man. Every guy I fall for becomes Jesus Christ within the first twenty four hours of our relationship. I know that this happens, I see it happening, I even feel myself, sometimes, standing at some temporal crossroads, some distinct moment at which I can walk away and keep it from happening, but I never do. I grab at everything, I end up with nothing, and then I feel bereft. I mourn for the loss of something I never even had. (175) She desperately clings to her idea of salvation in Jack, that her desperation is her unwillingness to admit that he can t save her; which he obviously does not do. And she is aware that a relationship can t save her, but she desperately clings to the ideas that she can be saved. That someone could eventually be her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Pros And Cons Of Counterfeiting If you have ever traveled to another country, you have probably seen vendors on the sidewalks or streets, selling designer brand goods at a really cheap price. You may have even purchased something from them. The fashion industry is a 1.2 trillion dollar global industry and employs 1.9 million people in the United States alone (Maloney, 2015). There is one market that is proving to be detrimental to this powerhouse industry. The black market of fashion, which produces counterfeit goods that are being sold at a fraction of the price of the originals. Whatever the reason a consumer has for purchasing a counterfeit product, that sale will still influence the global economy. Counterfeiting leads to huge losses for not only the industry, but also a loss of tax revenue for governments. It is estimated that counterfeiting consists of 5% to 7% of world trade and produces profits of over 650 billion dollars annually ( Challenges of Selling , 2008). Not only does counterfeiting steal profits from legitimate retailers, but it also causes loss of jobs, other, more violent crimes, supports child labor, and puts consumers health at risk (Bell, 2016). Since most illegal counterfeiting operations are run by organized crime rings, no taxes are paid, and the profits from selling these goods are often used to support other crimes such as drug and human trafficking, money laundering and even terrorism. Counterfeit sales in the United States have been directly related to the killing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. White House Security Breach The White House Security breach case could use the Excellence theory model 2 and model 4, the public information model and the two way symmetric model in order to communicate their response to the general public. I chose this theory for the reasons as explained below: 1. According to Fearn Banks (2011), A public makes an issue when it perceives that a problem is brewing or already exists (p. 23). The White House Security breach implies failure on the part of the Department of Homeland Security and public may perceive this as alarming if not communicated effectively. Therefore, to prevent the possible damage to trust in the public for the Department of Homeland Security it is essential to use the crisis theory of two way symmetrical program. In addition, the excellence theory would provide the White House management tactics and strategies to assess the intensity of the incident. 2. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The public relations at the White House are key segment for developing a dialogue not only between the public and government, but also internally. The segmentation program of the excellence theory would help crisis communicators to break down the large publics to smaller subpublics, which may include press, media, active publics, social media, the White House employees etc. The crisis communication team would then release accurate information about the breach to these segments in the form of press release, articles or newspapers (Fearn Banks, 2011). 3. In addition, the White House is the official and residential place of the President of the US and has public access. Public relations as per the excellence theory identify the key stakeholders and their ranks of importance. Therefore, the security breach crisis would be communicated to the people in order of importance (Fearn Banks, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Lean And Six Sigma Introduction Efficiency and effectiveness are two key terms in business, no matter the industry a company activates in, as measuring firm strategy and performance has become more and more critical nowadays. All organizations seek to achieve both and this requires a whole range of tools and resources. Efficiency relates to the degree to which an organization uses resources optimally in order to provide its services (Ala, Carol, Joy, Aziz, 1993, p. 39), while effectiveness measures the extent to which it provides appropriate services (Ibidem). Furthermore, being efficient means doing things right . Being effective means to do the right things (Roberto, Carlo, Roland, 113, p. 429). It is therefore quite likely that a company cannot do both simultaneously, and here the concepts of lean thinking , Six Sigma management and even Lean Six Sigma arise. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lean and Six Sigma will be analyzed taking into consideration the principles and implications underlying them, they benefits that these methodologies bring to businesses, as well as the most popular tools used by the companies. Further on, in the case study I will concentrate on the Hospitality Industry. I will take each large field it includes and investigate how Lean Six Sigma is or could be applied in order to generate as much benefits as possible: to improve customers experiences, get rid of the large amounts of waste and defects identified once they started the projects and of which managers are usually not really aware of, and, of course, reduce costs and increase ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...