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Guess Paper- 2013
Class 12th
TIME: 3Hrs.
 All questions are compulsory.
 Use log table of necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed.
1. How do metallic and ionic substances differ in conductivity of electricity?
2. What is the coagulation process?
3. What is meant by the term pyrometallurgy?
4. Give the IUPAC name of the following compound. (en)2 co NH
co (en)2 (No3)3
5. Why carboxylic acid with even c-atom has high melting point then odd.
6. Why is red phosphorus less reactive than white phosphorus?
7. Arrange the following compound in an increasing order of basic strength in their aqueous
solution. NH3 , CH3 NH2 , (CH3 )2 NH, (CH3 )3 N
8. What is the primary structural feature necessary for a molecule to make it useful in a
condensation polymerization reaction?
9. What type of cell is a lead storage battery? Write the anode and the cathode reaction and the
overall cell reaction of lead storage battery.
10. Explain why the rote of reaction becomes double with rise in every 10C temperature.
11. Describe the underlying principle of each of the following metal refining methods:-
(a) Zone refining (b) Van-Arkel method.
12. Explain the following facts giving appropriate reason in each case:-
(a) NF3 is an exothermic compound whereas NCl3 are not equivalent.
(b) All the bonds in SF4 are not equivalent.
13. Complete the following chemical reaction :-
(a) Cr2O7
+ I -
+ H+
(b) Mno4
+ No2
14. Explain the following behavior:-
(a) Alcohols are more soluble in water than the hydrocarbon of comparable masses
(b) Ortho – nitro phenol is more acidic than ortho – methoxy phenol.
15. What is meant by (a) peptide linkage (b) non-reducing sugar
16. Name the two fat soluble vitamins, their sources and the diseases caused due to their deficiency
in diet.
17. How will you prepare the following:-
Buna-s and Nylon-6
18. Complete the following reactions:-
(a) CH3 CH2 CH=CH2 + HBr
(b) CH3
+ HI
19. Silver crystallizes in face-centre unit cells. Each side of the unit cell has a length of 409 pm.What
are the radius of an atom of silver (assuming that each face atom is touching the four corner
20. A copper-silver cell is set up. The copper ion concentration in it is 0.10m.The concentration of
silver is not known. The cell potential measured is 0.422v.determine the concentration of silver
in the cell. Given E Ag/Ag+
= -80v and E Cu2+
21. Nitrogen pentaoxide decomposes according to equation 2N2O5 4N2O2
This first order reaction was allowed to proceed at 40c and the data given below:-
[ N2 O5 ] m Time
0.400 0.00
0.289 20.0
0.209 40.0
0.151 60.0
0.109 80.0
(a) Calculate the rate constant. Include with your answer.
(b) What will be the concentration of N2 O5 after 100 minutes?
(c) Calculate the initial rate reaction.
22. What factors are responsible for the stability of complex entities?
23. Write a note on Hardy Schulze rule and Gold number.
24. Explain the following observations:-
(a) The boiling point of ethanol is higher than that of methoxy methine
(b) Phenol is more acidic than ethanol.
(c) a and p nitro phenol are more acidic than phenol
25. How will you account for the following:-
(a) Many of the transition elements and their compounds are good-catalysts
(b) The metallic radii of the third (5cl) series of transition element are virtually the same as
those of the second series.
(c) There is a greater range of oxidation states among the actinoids than among lanthanoids.
26. Describe the following substance with one example each:-
(a) Non-ionic detergents
(b) Disinfectants
(c) Tranqulizers
27. Complete the following reaction equations:-
(a) C6H5-N2Cl + C6H5 - N2 OH
PH 9-10
(c) C6H5 CH + M2O H+
(d) 2C2 H5 Br + Ag2O
28. (a) Define the term (i) Mole fraction (2) Van’t Hoff factor
(b) 100 mg of a protein is dissolved in enough of water to make 10ml of a solution. If
This solution has an osmotic pressure of 13.3 mm Hg.What is the molar mass of
Protein [ R= 0.0821 L atm mol-1
and 760mm Hg=latm
(a) What is meant by (i) colligative properties (ii) Molality of solution
(b) Derive an expression for degree of dissocation for weak electrolyte
29. (a) Draw the structure of the following:-
(i) H2 S2 O7 (ii) Mclo3
(b) Explain the following observation:-
(i) In MNO3 the N-O bond length is shorter than N-OH band length.
(ii) ICl is more reactive than I2
(a) Draw the structure of H2 S2 O8 and MClO4
(b) How would you account the following:-(i) NH3 is a stronger base than PH3
(ii) F2 is a stronger oxidizing agent than Cl2
(iii) clo4
is stronger acid than clo-
30. (a) Write chemical equation to illustrate the following name reacting:-
(i) Cannizzaro’s reaction (ii) Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction
(b) Give chemical test to distinguish between following pairs:-
(i) Propanal and prop none
(ii) Acetophenone and Benzophenone
(iii) Phenol and Benzoic acid
(a) How will you convert the following conservation:-
(i) Ethanol to 3-hydroxybuanal
(ii) Benzaldehyde to Benzopphenone
(b) An organic compound A has the molecular formula C8H16O2.It get hydrolyzed with dilute
sulphuric acid and gives a carboxylic acid B and alcohol C. Oxidation of ‘c’ chromic with
chromic acid also produced ‘B’. ’c’ on dehydration reaction gives but – I -ene .Write the
equations for the reaction involved.

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Chem guess paper

  • 1. Guess Paper- 2013 Subject: CHEMISTRY Class 12th TIME: 3Hrs.  All questions are compulsory.  Use log table of necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed. Section-A 1. How do metallic and ionic substances differ in conductivity of electricity? 2. What is the coagulation process? 3. What is meant by the term pyrometallurgy? 4. Give the IUPAC name of the following compound. (en)2 co NH co (en)2 (No3)3 OH 5. Why carboxylic acid with even c-atom has high melting point then odd. 6. Why is red phosphorus less reactive than white phosphorus? 7. Arrange the following compound in an increasing order of basic strength in their aqueous solution. NH3 , CH3 NH2 , (CH3 )2 NH, (CH3 )3 N 8. What is the primary structural feature necessary for a molecule to make it useful in a condensation polymerization reaction? Section-B 9. What type of cell is a lead storage battery? Write the anode and the cathode reaction and the overall cell reaction of lead storage battery. 10. Explain why the rote of reaction becomes double with rise in every 10C temperature. 11. Describe the underlying principle of each of the following metal refining methods:- (a) Zone refining (b) Van-Arkel method. 12. Explain the following facts giving appropriate reason in each case:- (a) NF3 is an exothermic compound whereas NCl3 are not equivalent. (b) All the bonds in SF4 are not equivalent. 13. Complete the following chemical reaction :- (a) Cr2O7 2- + I - + H+ (b) Mno4 - + No2 - H+ 14. Explain the following behavior:- (a) Alcohols are more soluble in water than the hydrocarbon of comparable masses (b) Ortho – nitro phenol is more acidic than ortho – methoxy phenol. 15. What is meant by (a) peptide linkage (b) non-reducing sugar 16. Name the two fat soluble vitamins, their sources and the diseases caused due to their deficiency in diet.
  • 2. 17. How will you prepare the following:- Buna-s and Nylon-6 18. Complete the following reactions:- (a) CH3 CH2 CH=CH2 + HBr (b) CH3 + HI Section-C 19. Silver crystallizes in face-centre unit cells. Each side of the unit cell has a length of 409 pm.What are the radius of an atom of silver (assuming that each face atom is touching the four corner atoms.). 20. A copper-silver cell is set up. The copper ion concentration in it is 0.10m.The concentration of silver is not known. The cell potential measured is 0.422v.determine the concentration of silver in the cell. Given E Ag/Ag+ = -80v and E Cu2+ /Cu=0.34v 21. Nitrogen pentaoxide decomposes according to equation 2N2O5 4N2O2 This first order reaction was allowed to proceed at 40c and the data given below:- [ N2 O5 ] m Time 0.400 0.00 0.289 20.0 0.209 40.0 0.151 60.0 0.109 80.0 (a) Calculate the rate constant. Include with your answer. (b) What will be the concentration of N2 O5 after 100 minutes? (c) Calculate the initial rate reaction. 22. What factors are responsible for the stability of complex entities? 23. Write a note on Hardy Schulze rule and Gold number. 24. Explain the following observations:- (a) The boiling point of ethanol is higher than that of methoxy methine (b) Phenol is more acidic than ethanol. (c) a and p nitro phenol are more acidic than phenol 25. How will you account for the following:- (a) Many of the transition elements and their compounds are good-catalysts (b) The metallic radii of the third (5cl) series of transition element are virtually the same as those of the second series. (c) There is a greater range of oxidation states among the actinoids than among lanthanoids. 26. Describe the following substance with one example each:- (a) Non-ionic detergents (b) Disinfectants (c) Tranqulizers 27. Complete the following reaction equations:- (a) C6H5-N2Cl + C6H5 - N2 OH PH 9-10
  • 3. (c) C6H5 CH + M2O H+ ,Hg2+ (d) 2C2 H5 Br + Ag2O 28. (a) Define the term (i) Mole fraction (2) Van’t Hoff factor (b) 100 mg of a protein is dissolved in enough of water to make 10ml of a solution. If This solution has an osmotic pressure of 13.3 mm Hg.What is the molar mass of Protein [ R= 0.0821 L atm mol-1 K-1 and 760mm Hg=latm Or (a) What is meant by (i) colligative properties (ii) Molality of solution (b) Derive an expression for degree of dissocation for weak electrolyte 29. (a) Draw the structure of the following:- (i) H2 S2 O7 (ii) Mclo3 (b) Explain the following observation:- (i) In MNO3 the N-O bond length is shorter than N-OH band length. (ii) ICl is more reactive than I2 Or (a) Draw the structure of H2 S2 O8 and MClO4 (b) How would you account the following:-(i) NH3 is a stronger base than PH3 (ii) F2 is a stronger oxidizing agent than Cl2 (iii) clo4 - is stronger acid than clo- 30. (a) Write chemical equation to illustrate the following name reacting:- (i) Cannizzaro’s reaction (ii) Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction (b) Give chemical test to distinguish between following pairs:- (i) Propanal and prop none (ii) Acetophenone and Benzophenone (iii) Phenol and Benzoic acid Or (a) How will you convert the following conservation:- (i) Ethanol to 3-hydroxybuanal (ii) Benzaldehyde to Benzopphenone (b) An organic compound A has the molecular formula C8H16O2.It get hydrolyzed with dilute sulphuric acid and gives a carboxylic acid B and alcohol C. Oxidation of ‘c’ chromic with chromic acid also produced ‘B’. ’c’ on dehydration reaction gives but – I -ene .Write the equations for the reaction involved.